Ultimate Prescription

Valves of the Heart

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UP

Program Code: UP190127B

00:01 Welcome back to the Ultimate Prescription.
00:02 I'm your host Nick Evenson
00:04 here with Dr. James Marcum, practicing Cardiologist
00:06 with the Chattanooga Heart Institute.
00:07 And today, we're talking about heart valves.
00:10 And, Dr. Marcum, in the last segment,
00:11 we talked a bit about trans aortic valve replacement.
00:14 Yeah. And why you might want that.
00:16 What are some of the risks involved?
00:18 Yeah, there's always risk and there's risk
00:21 of having the surgery itself,
00:23 which mainly includes bleeding,
00:25 there's a small risk of dying from any procedure.
00:28 There's a small risk of stroke and that,
00:30 but we also talk about the benefits of not doing it.
00:34 Usually the valve gets old fairly quickly,
00:36 and then you not only lose quality of life
00:39 but you die from this.
00:42 Now some people say,
00:43 "No, I don't want anything done."
00:45 It's ready, it's my time
00:46 and they choose not to have it done
00:48 and that's fine.
00:49 I know that, you know,
00:51 it's hard to make these decisions.
00:52 I know that you have a grandmother
00:54 that watches these programs on.
00:55 I do have grandma if you're watching, "Hello."
00:57 Okay. If you're watching.
00:58 Okay, but when people get older things do wear out.
01:01 And that's why it's important to have a detailed discussion
01:04 about what's available, the risk and benefits
01:07 and some people say," No, this is not for me.
01:09 I don't wanna take the risk of that.
01:11 I don't wanna have that. I'm ready.
01:13 I'm ready to meet Jesus." And that's okay.
01:16 But technology has improved, it's become a lot safer.
01:20 And some people opt to have these procedures,
01:22 whether they be a new valve.
01:24 Now valve disease is a very complex,
01:27 we can't talk about everything.
01:28 Right.
01:30 But the things I want people to know about
01:31 is if you're short of breath
01:33 or having a symptom, see your doctor.
01:35 And one of the things that causes symptoms
01:37 might be the valve is getting older,
01:39 and we have lots of options
01:41 for valves that are wearing out.
01:43 Now sometimes, you know, we talked about my patient
01:46 has had the symptom for a long time.
01:49 We call that chronic disease.
01:52 Now some people have emergencies.
01:54 The valve just, you know, has a problem right away.
01:57 We call that emergent valve problem.
02:00 And if the valve happens, you know,
02:02 something happens wrong emergently
02:04 something has to be done right away.
02:05 So what would cause that?
02:07 A trauma to the valve, you know,
02:09 an infection to the valve,
02:11 a trauma where something was ripped in the heart
02:14 having a heart attack
02:15 where the blood supply to the valve wasn't good.
02:18 And the valve was affected by that
02:19 caused a lot of leaking something tear.
02:22 So the valve where its scaffolding
02:24 was becomes disrupted,
02:26 those are medical emergency route,
02:28 so that we have to do something right away
02:30 from that that's called an emergency.
02:32 And then sometimes we have a slower symptom
02:34 that develops over time.
02:36 That's a chronic situation.
02:38 So my patient was more of a chronic
02:40 that gradually got worse, but lots of different options
02:43 on the valves on both the mitral and the aortic.
02:46 Sometimes the third valve that we sometimes work on
02:49 is called the tricuspid valve.
02:53 That's the one between the low pressure chamber
02:55 the right ventricle, sometimes we have to do stuff
02:58 with that valve as well.
02:59 So lots of different options on different valves.
03:02 All right, now let's see if I've got this straight.
03:04 We were just talking about the trans aortic valve...
03:06 Yeah.
03:07 Which is controlling the blood flow
03:09 between the left atrium and ventricle?
03:11 In the left ventricle in the body.
03:13 In the body. Okay.
03:15 So it pumps out that valve to the entire body.
03:17 That's the one that let, you know,
03:18 the heart pumps goes out the aorta to entire body.
03:21 That's the aortic valve.
03:22 Okay, now let's talk about the mitral valve,
03:24 the other one in there.
03:25 Yeah. Okay.
03:26 Where's that controlling blood flow to?
03:28 The mitral valve control, you know, the lungs,
03:30 fill up the blood with oxygen,
03:32 and it circulates through the lungs
03:34 and it comes back to the left atrium,
03:36 and then from the left atrium it moves to the left ventricle,
03:39 and the left ventricle then pumps it out to the body.
03:42 Okay. So this is that valve.
03:44 So when there's a problem with the mitral valve,
03:46 what kind of options are there?
03:47 Well, you know, first of all, how would we find out that
03:50 we had a problem, again, shortness of breath,
03:52 sometimes the heart, the flow can back up
03:56 and the heart can start fibrillating,
03:57 that might be a clue.
03:59 Sometimes people can get fatigued and tired,
04:01 but the one I see most is shortness of breath
04:04 when I do things.
04:05 And that's a clue that
04:06 the mitral valve might be involved.
04:08 So what would I do?
04:10 I would get my stethoscope out and I would listen
04:12 and there's things that they teach us in medical school
04:15 and residency where we can tell characteristics
04:17 of which valve is malfunctioning.
04:19 Okay.
04:20 So I would listen to that valve and say,
04:21 "Wow, that valve sounds like
04:23 it's got a holosystolic murmur."
04:25 That's the way they describe it.
04:27 And I said, "Well, I need more information."
04:29 So I would do a test,
04:30 an echocardiogram where we can look at the valve.
04:33 We can look at it from just putting
04:34 some ultrasound on it.
04:36 Sometimes we can swallow a probe and look behind that.
04:40 That's called a transesophageal echocardiogram.
04:43 Sometimes we can get clues about the valves
04:45 through angiography and looking at that.
04:48 We now have MRIs and, you know,
04:51 different types of scans that can look at
04:53 how the valve is opening and closing.
04:55 And once we found out that it was leaking,
04:57 then we try to figure out
04:59 why it's leaking, you know, is it an infection?
05:02 Is it from a lack of blood supply?
05:04 Is it because it's just wearing out?
05:06 Is it something congenital?
05:08 So once we figured out the cause,
05:10 then we could figure out
05:11 what would be the options for treatment.
05:13 Sometimes the valve leaks a little bit,
05:15 and we just keep an eye on it.
05:16 Sure, yeah.
05:18 Okay, but sometimes it leaks a lot.
05:19 And if we don't do something about it,
05:21 it's gonna cause further problems
05:23 down the road.
05:24 So sometimes we choose to treat it right away.
05:27 One of the new develops in cardiology now, you know,
05:30 for years we could, sometimes a surgeon
05:32 can open you up and repair the valve.
05:35 Sometimes you can replace either a metal valve in
05:38 or put a bioprosthetic valve,
05:40 that's been sort of the gold standard,
05:42 but over the last two years, for leaky heart valves
05:45 and for certain valve conditions,
05:47 we have a procedure that we don't cut anyone open.
05:50 It's called a mitral valve clip.
05:53 And this is brand new technology.
05:55 All right, well, let's take a look at that.
05:56 And you can describe what's going on here for us?
05:58 Yeah.
06:00 Well, here is a heart, and that's the mitral valve,
06:02 and see that blue,
06:03 that's the valve leaking a whole lot.
06:05 So the blood instead of going forward
06:08 and out the aorta, which is to your right,
06:10 it's going backwards and it's leaking.
06:12 And that is what causes someone to be short of breath.
06:14 Well, we have this procedure,
06:17 where we actually clip the two valves together.
06:20 And there's an example of clicking it.
06:22 So now we have two orifices, and it will cause a lot less
06:26 of this regurgitation leaking.
06:28 So see how much before and now after
06:31 we notice a lot less leakage backwards,
06:33 and that's a sort of a non-invasive way
06:36 we can use to help the blood
06:38 from the mitral valve from leaking backward.
06:40 Do all patients candidate for this?
06:42 No, not all, only specific patients
06:45 would benefit from this,
06:46 but that's what all the testing can do
06:48 to look at these valves.
06:50 So we can do a lot of different things
06:53 to help the valves.
06:54 Yeah, so I imagine the mitral clip,
06:55 maybe has less risk than actually opening up.
06:59 Yeah, yeah.
07:00 Less risk of infection, quicker recoveries.
07:02 What are some of the other benefit?
07:03 Well, the benefits, main benefits
07:04 is you don't have to have open-heart surgery.
07:06 Yeah. But it's not for everybody.
07:09 And again, there are risks from this.
07:10 And really, you know,
07:11 there's always a risk of bleeding,
07:13 there's still a risk of infection,
07:14 there's still a small risk of stroke and damage,
07:17 but this is for a new technology
07:19 for a special class of patients that have a leaky heart valve.
07:23 And that valve is called mitral regurgitation.
07:25 But the big point today I want for our listeners
07:27 is to know that if you're short of breath,
07:30 see your doctor.
07:31 There are lots of things that we can do,
07:33 lots of different things we can offer.
07:35 Modern medicine has its place in helping these valves out.
07:38 So are there medications that are associated
07:40 with these procedures that patients might have
07:43 to take for a shorter time or a prolonged time after?
07:45 No, it's according to their underlying
07:47 whether the heart's strong,
07:48 whether it's weak, whether the fluids backing up,
07:51 you know, sometimes the fluids backing up they need diuretics.
07:54 Sometimes they need
07:55 different types of blood thinners.
07:56 Sometimes their blood pressure's high.
07:58 They need medicines to strengthen the heart.
08:00 So yes, there are some medications
08:02 that's used to help sort of slow down the aging process
08:06 to help the heart not work as hard
08:08 to help blood clots not developing,
08:10 blood doesn't move as well.
08:12 So yeah, there's medications
08:13 but each individual is so unique, Nick,
08:16 there's not a sort of a standard mix,
08:18 but we look at the patient, see what medicines
08:20 we can do to help the quality of life the best.
08:23 So we talked a little bit about modern medicine,
08:26 how it benefits,
08:27 valves that are that don't open well,
08:29 valves that leak,
08:30 but there's other heart conditions as well.
08:32 That's right. That's right.
08:34 And during this series of programs,
08:35 if you keep watching the Ultimate Prescription,
08:37 we'll share more of those with you.
08:38 But I wanna move on to our biblical prescription
08:41 for the day.
08:42 We've got a great app that shares these with folks,
08:45 but I want you to go ahead
08:46 and give us one right now if you would.
08:48 Yeah.
08:49 On the biblical prescription for today is Daniel 1:20.
08:53 "And in all matters of wisdom," they were talking about Daniel
08:56 and his friends, "and understanding that
08:58 the king enquired of them,
09:00 he found them ten times better than
09:03 all the magicians and astrologers
09:04 that were in all his realm."
09:06 That's very interesting.
09:08 And if you think about Daniel,
09:10 here is a gentleman that's moved from his country,
09:13 away from his mom and dad,
09:15 living in a foreign culture, everything's different.
09:17 Everything's different. And yet he says, no...
09:21 This story talks about, you know,
09:22 when he ask them to bring him pulse and water.
09:27 Yeah. Basically, a healthy diet.
09:29 But it was more than a healthy diet.
09:31 It was about worship as well
09:33 'cause he was gonna stay true
09:34 to the things he was taught as a child.
09:36 Remember that text, "In all things acknowledge Him,
09:39 and He will direct the paths."
09:40 So they're acknowledging God
09:41 to remembering the way they were raised.
09:44 That's why I brought up kids, you know, we all have kids,
09:46 we all wanna teach them these ways.
09:47 So when they grow up, they're not gonna forget him.
09:50 So he even in a foreign country,
09:52 he stuck with what he was taught
09:54 by mom and dad.
09:55 He stuck with his beliefs, a healthy diet,
09:58 in worship and in a short period of time
10:00 he was how much?
10:02 Ten times better than
10:04 all the magicians and astrologers.
10:06 God blessed Daniel for his worship,
10:08 for his staying close
10:10 to biblical prescriptions in nutrition.
10:12 He was blessed with a better body.
10:14 God made him a special person. He was in charge of everything.
10:19 Yeah, I think, when we think about the story of Daniel,
10:21 it's easy to just think about the nutrition.
10:23 Well, plants are better for you,
10:24 obviously, but 10 times better, that's more than...
10:27 Oh, yeah.
10:28 Just nutrition that's definitely worshiping God
10:30 working in his life to do something supernatural.
10:33 Yeah. Yeah. And he did.
10:34 And this is a very powerful study
10:35 that we talked about how worship and staying true
10:38 to God's Word in all aspects of life,
10:41 you know, and how it's a blessing
10:43 and, you know, some sometimes God blesses us
10:45 more than others.
10:46 But Daniel was the second in command of two kingdoms,
10:51 you know, of the world at that time.
10:53 And he was a smart guy, and he also worshiped
10:57 remember later on in the study, no matter what,
10:59 he was gonna worship and sometimes at great peril,
11:02 he stuck with that plan of worship, you know,
11:05 and that made a big difference in his life.
11:07 God blessed him as he followed God's plan for his life.
11:11 So I think that's good.
11:13 Very interesting and how biblical prescriptions
11:16 are something that we can depend on
11:18 throughout life.
11:20 You know, I'm very curious,
11:21 we talked about valves, you know,
11:23 and things are gonna change in valves.
11:24 If God doesn't take us home,
11:26 what's gonna be 10 or 20 years from now?
11:28 We didn't have mitral clips.
11:30 We didn't have trans aortic valve replacements
11:32 just 10 years ago.
11:34 Technology is growing faster now than ever before.
11:37 Yeah.
11:38 Not only medical technology, but now we're learning
11:40 even about lifestyle technology.
11:42 We're finding out
11:43 how our gut influences our health,
11:45 how our brain, our stress, our rest patterns,
11:48 everything that comes into our brain affects us.
11:51 That's right. That's right.
11:52 Well, Dr. Marcum, thanks for sharing
11:54 that biblical prescription.
11:55 And, viewers, if you would like to learn more
11:56 and employ more biblical prescriptions in your life,
11:59 go to HeartWiseMinistries.org.
12:01 You can leave a prayer request there,
12:03 you can find lots of health information,
12:06 articles, videos, radio podcasts.
12:08 But also you can find our Biblical Prescriptions
12:10 for Life app there.
12:11 And it's a free download on iOS or Android,
12:14 and it will share 10-minute worship
12:17 with you every day,
12:19 a worship routine that you can do
12:20 to better employ these biblical principles
12:23 and these prescriptions in your life.
12:25 Dr. Marcum, thank you very much
12:26 for sharing with us on today's program.
12:28 And we look forward to more at another time.
12:31 Viewers, Dr. Marcum will close the program
12:32 with prayer in just a moment.
12:38 As we end our program today,
12:40 I'd like to invite you to join me in prayer.
12:44 Father God, we wanna thank You for the technology
12:47 that You have to give to us to help us
12:50 to feel better and serve You better and,
12:52 but more than that, Father, we want to continue
12:54 to worship with You and help us have the power
12:57 to make the changes in our lives.
12:59 And to continue to spread the gospel
13:01 wherever we might go by serving
13:03 and loving others is our prayer.
13:05 Amen.
13:07 If you might have more questions
13:08 about valvular heart disease,
13:10 I want to encourage you to go to our website,
13:12 that's HeartWiseMinistries.org.


Revised 2020-02-15