Praise Him Ten Days of Prayer

Day 8 - Obedience Through Jesus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PHTDP

Program Code: PHTDP200018S

00:13 Hi, and welcome back to Day 8 of Ten Days of Prayer,
00:18 Donald Owen and myself,
00:19 we're here, glad that you're here.
00:21 And we're here to remind you to pause to pray.
00:25 Just because we're so close to the end,
00:28 don't give up yet because we're...
00:29 This is good stuff today.
00:31 Looking at John Chapter 2,
00:33 we find Jesus performing His first miracle
00:36 during a wedding where the wine has gone dry.
00:39 His mother tells the servants,
00:40 "Whatever He says to you do it."
00:43 By saying this, Mary actually built up an expectation
00:46 in the servants toward Jesus.
00:48 Then when He asked them to fill the water jars,
00:51 they did exactly as He asked.
00:53 And Jesus said, "Draw some out now
00:55 and take it to the master of the feast."
00:58 Once again, they followed His request
01:00 and they soon realized they had just witnessed,
01:03 in fact, assisted in a miracle.
01:07 Though the servants did nothing to turn the water into wine,
01:10 and they're involved in the miracle,
01:12 maybe just a minute part of the story.
01:16 It's no secret that God uses willing people.
01:19 It's imperative that you and I obey
01:21 when the Holy Spirit invites us to pray,
01:24 or to minister to someone.
01:26 Many of the miracles that are recorded in the gospels
01:29 involved human cooperation.
01:32 The feeding of the 5,000 required someone
01:35 to pass out the bread and collect the leftovers.
01:38 The raising of Lazarus required someone to roll away the stone.
01:43 Have you ever considered that
01:44 when we pray for someone's need,
01:47 we are assisting God in performing a miracle,
01:50 an answer to prayer, and Mary's words,
01:54 "Whatever He says to you do it."
01:57 They're so significant.
01:59 It's like Mary was telling the servants watch this.
02:03 The servants became insiders
02:05 to the source of this special wine.
02:08 When we pray for one another, faith tells us, watch this.
02:13 And we become accomplices to God working in the world.
02:18 When the answer comes, our faith is strengthened,
02:21 and we desire to intercede all the more.
02:24 That's why it's so, so, so important
02:27 to be obedient to the Holy Spirit's call to pray.
02:31 When we pray, or when we don't,
02:34 we are literally letting God know
02:37 whether or not we're willing to cooperate with Him.
02:41 Oh, God gives us obedient hearts to intercede,
02:46 to be a part of Your divine plan, oh God.
02:51 I love the hymn that says perhaps today
02:55 there are loving words,
02:57 which Jesus would have me speak.
03:00 There may be now in the paths of sin,
03:02 someone wanderer whom I should seek.
03:06 O Savior, if thou will be my guide,
03:08 though dark and rugged the way,
03:10 my voice shall echo the message sweet.
03:15 I'll say what you want me to say.
03:18 You know it.
03:20 I'll go where you want me to go,
03:26 Dear Lord Over mountain
03:30 Or plain or sea
03:35 I'll say what you want me to say,
03:40 Dear Lord
03:42 I'll be what you want me
03:48 To be
03:54 Donald, will you pray for us?
03:55 Sure.
03:57 Heavenly Father, who are we, Lord?
04:00 That was Isaiah. I'm a man of unclean lips.
04:04 Moses said, "I can't speak to these people."
04:08 He said, "Who gave you those lips?"
04:10 Lord, You gave us those lips.
04:12 You gave us the mind and the heart.
04:14 Lord, I thank You that we,
04:15 You can use broken marred vessels
04:18 that says divinity needs humanity to reach humanity.
04:23 And again in 2 Corinthians 5:19,
04:26 you call us to be ministers of reconciliation and verse 20,
04:29 to be ambassadors for Christ.
04:32 That's what You've called us to be.
04:34 Thank You, Lord, that we can be used by You to win some soul,
04:39 some broken, hurting human being
04:43 that they can one day, I don't know how it works,
04:45 Lord, but maybe he'll come to us in heaven
04:47 says because of you that I'm here.
04:50 Lord, we just thank You that
04:51 we have that opportunity and privilege.
04:54 And it says, lady Ellen White wrote once,
04:57 "By your fervent prayers of faith,
04:59 you can move the arm that moves the world."
05:03 We thank You, Lord, we ask this in Jesus' name.
05:06 Amen.
05:08 Wow.
05:10 Exodus 15:11,
05:12 "Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods?
05:16 Who is like You,
05:17 glorious in holiness, fearful in praises,
05:21 doing wonders?
05:25 God, how great You are.
05:27 Thank You for being so wonderful and for using us
05:32 to accomplish Your will on earth.
05:35 In 1 Chronicles 29:11, "Yours O Lord is the greatness,
05:40 and the power, and the glory.
05:44 The victory and the majesty,
05:47 for all that is in heaven and earth is yours."
05:54 God, I am in awe of Your greatness.
05:57 And in awe that You choose to use us.
06:02 Just so You can show us
06:04 how things work in Your kingdom.
06:06 I love that.
06:08 God, You are so amazing and You involve us
06:11 so that we can see Your hand.
06:15 So, Father, may we be willing...
06:20 and excited to be used of You.
06:25 In Jesus' name.
06:28 Heavenly Father, you know,
06:30 where would we be without Jesus?
06:34 What an extraordinary gift.
06:36 But You've called us to do in Matthew 28:19, to go
06:41 you therefore into all the world and make disciples.
06:44 That was a command that You've given us as though
06:47 when Tim was talking about this,
06:49 train this water into wine.
06:51 It was a command.
06:53 Lord, You command us to reach the souls around us.
06:55 You know, Cain and Abel.
06:58 Of course, we know like what Cain did, but he said,
07:01 am I my brother's keeper?
07:02 Yes, Lord, we are our brother's keeper.
07:05 We just ask that You'll anoint us,
07:08 strengthen us, help us in these uncertain times,
07:13 to go out into the byways and highways and call all
07:16 who are ready to come to this feast,
07:18 where they may join us.
07:21 And then one day, Lord, we will be
07:22 with You face to face
07:23 and we'll hear those wonderful words,
07:25 "Well done, oh, good and faithful servant."
07:27 We thank You for
07:28 this opportunity that lies ahead.
07:30 We pray this in Jesus' name.
07:32 Amen.
07:36 Lord, while there are some things that we can do,
07:41 to be a part of You moving in lives.
07:44 We know that when it comes to changing hearts,
07:48 God that's up to You.
07:56 Father, I pray for those
07:57 who have turned their back on You,
08:00 who once knew You.
08:04 I don't know the circumstances why they turned away.
08:09 God, I know I'm susceptible, I guess,
08:11 I could say that I am prone to wander,
08:16 I've said it before on here in just the past few days.
08:20 Because it's so true that I'm moody and sometimes
08:24 I just don't want to follow You because I'm stubborn.
08:29 God, I ask in Jesus' name that You would forgive me.
08:32 And for those who are watching
08:34 who are dealing with family members,
08:38 who have turned against You, oh God,
08:42 I ask that you would touch their hearts,
08:45 turn their hearts back to You, oh, God, Holy Spirit.
08:50 Wherever they are
08:52 and they're running away from You,
08:56 but, Lord, wrap Your arms around them.
08:59 Let them know that You love them
09:01 and that You want them to come back to You.
09:04 And I pray also for those who need deliverance.
09:08 Lord, we've prayed so much for...
09:11 deliverance and alcohol...
09:16 drugs.
09:18 God, they're just an evil that
09:21 we can't seem to get away from.
09:25 Lord, I pray that You would remind these people
09:30 that You died,
09:32 that they could be set free from this.
09:35 You've given us the victory.
09:36 Now we just need to claim that victory.
09:39 And we need to resist temptation.
09:42 I know that it sounds
09:44 that sounds easier than it's actually done.
09:48 So I ask God that You would be the strength,
09:50 Holy Spirit...
09:52 rise up within these addicts.
09:58 Overcome our addictions in Jesus' name.
10:02 Amen.
10:04 Your word, Heavenly Father, in 1 John 1:9 says,
10:07 "If we confess," there's cooperation,
10:11 "confess our sins that You are faithful and just
10:13 to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us
10:16 from not just little or some but...
10:18 cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
10:20 I'm thinking, Lord, as Tim
10:22 was praying for those in addictions,
10:24 I'm thinking about what about those who...
10:27 do one thing, say one thing, act one thing,
10:29 but their hearts are far from You, Lord,
10:32 who really haven't surrendered everything to You.
10:34 Outwardly, they appear great.
10:37 As You said to the Pharisees,
10:38 "You're nothing but a bunch of whitewashed tombs
10:40 full of dead men's bones."
10:42 And we can't pretend to be walking with Christ
10:46 if we don't really want You on the throne of our heart.
10:48 So I'm asking, Lord, we'll cooperate and confess,
10:51 as Tim had just openly confessed.
10:53 I too agree, you know, there's times when I,
10:57 I turn my back on You, Lord, I make decisions that are...
11:00 I know the Holy Spirit's prompt me, "Don't go that way."
11:02 But I still want to, and that's the fleshly part.
11:05 So I ask, Lord, You take that fleshly nature away and...
11:08 help us to totally be surrendered
11:11 that we can be children of God.
11:14 Hebrews 12 tells us that You just
11:15 discipline those You love.
11:17 And if You didn't, then we'd be illegitimate children
11:19 and not sons and daughters of God.
11:21 So, Lord, even though disciplining doesn't feel good,
11:24 we need it.
11:26 Thank You, Lord. We ask this in Jesus' name.
11:28 Amen.
11:32 Lord, I lift up pastors all around the world.
11:38 Lord, I pray that You would give them an encouragement.
11:43 And, Lord, I pray that they will see...
11:46 an amazing, miraculous way that You meet their needs.
11:53 Many are struggling financially.
11:56 There are churches that have been closed.
12:02 Lord, I pray in Jesus' name that You would lift up.
12:10 Lift up the discouraged pastor...
12:13 encourage the discouraged members.
12:19 Lord...
12:21 we are a victorious church.
12:23 Help us to act like it.
12:27 And, Father, I pray that You will...
12:30 provide for churches that need pastors.
12:36 And, Lord, send revival, send workers,
12:41 send a harvest in Jesus' name.
12:46 Heavenly Father, we want to lift up world leaders.
12:49 Not an easy thing.
12:51 They have the shoes to fill, but we have a heavenly King,
12:56 that we can live by Your example.
12:59 We ask, Lord, You'll touch these leaders
13:01 and give them the wisdom to do their jobs mightily.
13:04 But do it to glorify and honor You not for themselves.
13:07 There's things going in dark corners right now.
13:09 And we know, Lord, that Your time is coming soon,
13:12 but help those who have an ear to hear,
13:15 to do the things that You're calling them to do
13:17 and that they will stand up for Your people.
13:19 We thank You and ask this in Jesus' name.
13:22 Amen.
13:24 I encourage you just to as the old song says,
13:28 trust and obey,
13:30 for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus,
13:33 but to trust Him.
13:36 When He says go, go, what He says do, you do it.
13:41 Join us for one more day or for how many ever days.


Revised 2021-02-18