Praise Him Ten Days of Prayer

Day 6 - God’S Solution to Our Struggle

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PHTDP

Program Code: PHTDP200016S

00:14 Welcome to Day 6 of 10 Days of Prayer.
00:17 Donald Owen and I are here to remind you to pause to pray.
00:21 And we want to ask you a question.
00:24 You want to know the two step plan
00:25 to go from being a fleshly carnal Christian
00:29 to being a spiritual Christian?
00:31 Well, here in the year 2021,
00:33 it's no different than it's ever been.
00:35 Daily ask for and received by faith,
00:38 the outpouring of the Holy Spirit,
00:40 and daily surrender everything you have and are to God,
00:44 then we let Him do the rest.
00:46 Sounds easy or not?
00:48 It isn't complicated though.
00:50 It simply requires you to daily place yourself
00:52 where the Holy Spirit can reach you.
00:55 Christ Himself needed a daily fresh baptism
00:57 of the Holy Spirit while He was on earth.
01:00 So how much more should we have this power?
01:03 In 2 Corinthians 4:16 and Ephesians 3:16,
01:07 Paul writes about the inward man
01:09 being renewed day by day,
01:11 and he prays that God's people would be strengthened
01:14 with might through His Spirit in the inner man.
01:17 Our inward person needs daily care.
01:20 And while that daily surrender
01:21 sounds somewhat simple, it isn't easy.
01:25 You know why? Because it demands sacrifice.
01:29 Jesus told His disciples,
01:31 "If anyone desires to come after Me,
01:33 let him deny himself and take up his cross daily,
01:37 and follow Me."
01:39 To deny self means giving Jesus control
01:41 over our lives each and every day.
01:44 The Apostle Paul said, "I die daily," right?
01:48 Dying daily means surrender, and surrender seems impossible.
01:52 But think about it.
01:53 We eat every day to stay physically alive,
01:56 likewise, we need daily spiritual food or we will die.
02:00 Mark it in your daily calendar on your to-do list
02:03 just like your any other task until it becomes a habit.
02:06 Commit today to share part of your day with God.
02:11 Remember that, "Seek first the kingdom of God
02:13 and His righteousness and all these things
02:15 shall be added to you."
02:16 Yeah, so...
02:32 I need Thee every hour Most gracious Lord
02:40 No tender voice like Thine
02:45 Can peace afford
02:49 I need Thee, oh, I need Thee
02:57 Every hour, I need Thee
03:03 Oh, bless me now, my Savior
03:08 I come to Thee
03:15 I need Thee every hour
03:20 Stay Thou nearby
03:25 Temptations lose their power
03:29 When You art nigh
03:35 I need Thee, oh,
03:39 I need Thee Every hour,
03:45 I need Thee
03:49 Oh, bless me now, my Savior
03:54 I come
03:57 To Thee
04:05 Donald, will you pray for us?
04:07 Sure.
04:08 Heavenly Father,
04:11 how thankful we are that we can come to You,
04:13 it said in Hebrews 4, I believe in verse 16,
04:17 it talks about, we can come boldly
04:18 into the throne of grace.
04:21 Asking His petitions and why?
04:24 Because Jesus what You have done for us,
04:28 so marvelous, so miraculous.
04:31 So thank You so much for what You've done,
04:34 that we can die to self.
04:37 We've been given life for a reason.
04:40 And that reason is to glorify and honor our Father in heaven.
04:43 And we get to see that through Your Son
04:45 when we read Your Word.
04:47 We thank You, Lord, we ask that all we do and say,
04:50 as Tim said this year,
04:52 or we may mark this on our list,
04:55 but not just do it as a list but do it
04:57 out of a heart of gratitude and thanks,
05:00 because, Lord, one day we get to see You face to face
05:03 and we won't have to worry about lists.
05:06 We can Thank You, Lord,
05:07 that You are a great mighty God,
05:09 and that You will deliver what You promise.
05:11 Help us, Lord, to surrender ourselves
05:12 that we will one day see You face to face.
05:15 We ask this in Jesus' name.
05:17 Amen.
05:20 Father, I ask that...
05:24 You will truly grant me the mind of Christ.
05:29 What a privilege to come to You in prayer
05:31 and to align my desires with Your desires.
05:39 Father, I pray for our viewers right now.
05:42 I ask God that You just...
05:45 give them a hunger to be spiritual Christians...
05:50 striving to...
05:54 surrender everything they have.
05:58 So that nothing stands between...
06:02 You and them, me and You, nothing.
06:06 Lord, I know that sounds unrealistic
06:09 in this world where we have to fight the flesh,
06:13 and we have to live in the flesh.
06:15 But we don't have to...
06:18 We can overcome, You give us the power.
06:21 Thank You for your Holy Spirit that gives us that power.
06:23 And so we bring our needs to You because you care.
06:27 We thank You that You have a heart and that we serve
06:30 a high priest that is definitely concerned
06:36 with all of our needs.
06:38 So thank You.
06:41 And we bring our requests to You.
06:46 Heavenly Father, I'm forced to think about
06:49 Paul and his writings.
06:52 He said, "The things that I don't want to do I do,
06:55 and the things I do want to do, I don't."
06:57 And he cried out, "Oh, wretched man that I am
06:59 who is able to save me
07:01 from this body is going to death."
07:04 And he said, "Praise be to God, the Lord Jesus Christ."
07:06 And I'm reminded of that following verse, Romans 8:1,
07:10 "Therefore there is now no condemnation
07:13 for those who are in Christ Jesus,
07:14 walked down according to the flesh,
07:16 but after the spirit."
07:18 So, Lord, we desire to walk after You
07:20 and think of the disciples.
07:23 He said, "Are you going to leave me too?"
07:24 He said, "Where else will we go,
07:26 we've got nowhere to go."
07:28 Lord, we need to cling to You, cling to Your every word,
07:32 cling to who You are, and who You want us to be.
07:35 And, Lord, we can be overcomers in your strength.
07:38 We thank You that You have overcome
07:40 and now we can have that opportunity to overcome
07:43 by looking and listening,
07:45 and reading, and relying on You.
07:47 Thank You.
07:51 We have a list of requests that range from babies
07:57 that are born prematurely,
08:01 babies who are born with birth defects...
08:06 and for the health of the mother.
08:11 God, we thank You for life.
08:14 We thank You that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
08:18 And that sometimes it's difficult to see,
08:21 when there are birth defects and abnormalities
08:25 and issues in pregnancies.
08:28 God it's amazing to watch how You can turn things around.
08:37 And it's amazing how You can use even...
08:40 our handicaps and...
08:43 issues that seem...
08:49 not right, not normal.
08:55 To draw us close to You...
08:58 Father, I pray for parents
09:01 who are dealing with issues with babies,
09:09 who have abnormalities and birth defects.
09:12 Lord Jesus, I ask that You will touch the parents
09:15 and that You will give them wisdom, give them love.
09:19 Lord, we all need You.
09:21 We all need love.
09:24 And we all need Your healing touch.
09:28 Heavenly Father, I'm thinking about those,
09:30 we are talking about the struggle,
09:32 those who might be in a corner...
09:35 putting a needle to their arm or smoking things
09:39 that fry their lungs or their mind,
09:41 or those who might be tipping a bottle right now
09:43 that feel hopeless
09:46 like there's nothing good in this world to live for,
09:49 and the struggles that we face
09:51 on a daily moment to moment basis
09:53 and I'm forced to think about that wonderful serenity prayer.
09:57 God grant me the serenity
09:58 to accept the things I cannot change.
10:00 Courage to change the things
10:01 I can and wisdom to know the difference.
10:03 Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time,
10:07 accepting hardships as a pathway to peace,
10:10 taking as Jesus did this sinful world as it is,
10:13 not as I would have it.
10:15 Trusting that You will make all things right
10:18 if I surrender to Your will,
10:20 so that I may be reasonably happy in this life
10:22 and supremely happy with You forever and next.
10:25 Thank You, Lord, that we can surrender
10:27 all to You and You'll heal us.
10:28 Sweet.
10:32 Father, for those who are...
10:35 facing the devastating disease of ALS.
10:40 God, how debilitating.
10:44 This caller writes in or calls in,
10:50 and said that they losing the use of their arms
10:53 and their hand, and other faculties.
10:55 Oh, God!
10:58 I just so mad at disease.
11:03 Lord, I know it hurts Your heart.
11:06 I know You are able to heal.
11:10 I know You're able to have Your way.
11:12 So, Father, I just ask in Jesus name
11:14 that You would grant healing...
11:17 for the various debilitating diseases.
11:19 God, I pray, muscle diseases and mental diseases
11:22 and heart issues.
11:26 Oh, Lord, our bodies are just being ravaged by disease.
11:32 God, I ask in Jesus' name, grant us wisdom
11:37 to take care of ourselves to the best of our ability...
11:43 and to trust in You for healing.
11:45 Lord, have Your way.
11:48 Do Your work...
11:52 in Jesus' name.
11:53 Amen.
11:54 Heavenly Father,
11:56 this writer is talking about
11:59 struggling with anxiety and fear.
12:01 Your Word in 1 John 4:18 tells us,
12:03 "Perfect love casts out fear, for fear of torment."
12:05 So we're asking, Lord, to remove that fear.
12:08 And we can be encouraged when we look to You,
12:12 that You will strengthen us,
12:14 that the enemy will have nothing on us.
12:15 We thank You, Lord, for what You're going to do
12:17 and how You accomplish that which we cannot.
12:19 I pray in Jesus' name.
12:21 Amen.
12:24 I love the words that Jesus said,
12:27 "In this world you will have tribulation,
12:30 but be of good cheer.
12:32 I have overcome the world."
12:36 You see tribulation never worries God
12:39 'cause He knows how it all ends.
12:42 And He also knows that He'll never lose control.
12:44 All right. He's got you.
12:47 Christ is coming back.
12:49 Acts 1:11, the angel said,
12:51 "This same Jesus who was taken up
12:53 from you into heaven
12:55 will so come in like manner as You saw Him go into heaven."
12:59 Jesus Himself said, I will come again
13:02 and receive you to Myself."
13:03 That's my hope.
13:05 That's what we can hold on to...
13:08 in the midst of an evil world.
13:13 Don't forget the effective fervent prayer
13:15 of a righteous man avails much.
13:18 Don't stop praying.
13:20 Don't stop relying on the spirit of the living God.
13:24 Pray that He will fall afresh on you that He will melt you,
13:27 mold you, fill you, and use you.
13:31 That's my prayer for you.
13:33 Thank you for spending these days with us.
13:35 Continue to pray, continue to seek the Lord.
13:39 He loves you.
13:41 Nothing's impossible for Him.
13:42 That's right.
13:44 God bless you.


Revised 2021-02-18