Praise Him Ten Days of Prayer

Day 1 - Jesus' Most Precious Gift

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: PHTDP

Program Code: PHTDP200011S

00:16 Hi, welcome to Day 1 of 10 Days of Prayer.
00:19 My friend JD and I are here
00:21 to remind you in the business of your day,
00:24 to take time to pause to pray.
00:26 The disciples pleaded with Jesus to teach them
00:29 how to pray.
00:31 They saw how Jesus connected daily
00:33 with His heavenly Father,
00:34 and they longed for the same power
00:36 in their own lives.
00:37 In Luke 11, Jesus taught them the Lord's Prayer,
00:40 along with the parable of a friend coming at midnight,
00:43 and then need to continually request the Holy Spirit.
00:47 In the parable,
00:48 a man has nothing to feed a visitor
00:50 who arrives late in the evening,
00:52 and the man hurries to his neighbor
00:54 and asks for bread to feed the visitor
00:56 explaining I have nothing.
00:58 He continues asking until at last
01:01 he receives bread to share with his guest.
01:04 We can relate with this because we have nothing.
01:08 We come to Jesus in order to have something
01:11 to share with others.
01:13 Throughout Luke 11,
01:14 Jesus emphasizes that we should ask
01:16 for the Holy Spirit in our lives.
01:18 Jesus says, "Ask and it will be given to you,
01:21 seek and you will find,
01:22 knock and it will be open to you.
01:24 For everyone who asks, receives,
01:27 and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks,
01:30 it will be opened.
01:32 If a son asks for a bread from any father among you,
01:35 will he give him a stone?
01:37 If you then being sinful by nature,
01:39 know how to give good gifts to your children,
01:42 how much more will your heavenly Father
01:44 give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?"
01:48 Ask, seek, knock.
01:51 Jesus shows that we must take action
01:54 in order to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
01:58 Recently, I was facing a decision with an issue
02:02 in which I needed some divine clarity.
02:05 After discussing this with a friend,
02:08 he told me to make a daily request in my prayer,
02:11 Spirit of truth lead me into all truth.
02:16 And every morning, I earnestly prayed this prayer.
02:19 And within three weeks,
02:21 I had the clarity and the peace of mind.
02:25 And the piece in my spirit
02:26 that only comes from the living God.
02:29 I can't say that the answer will come that fast for you,
02:33 or it may come faster.
02:35 But greater than the answer is the nearness of God
02:38 that I felt during my time of seeking the Holy Spirit.
02:42 To the point that I decided to keep praying
02:45 and continuing to ask, seek and knock.
02:49 And that's the kind of relationship I want for you.
02:58 See ye first The kingdom of God
03:06 And His righteousness
03:14 And all these things
03:17 Shall be added unto you
03:22 Hallelu, Hallelujah!
03:29 Ask, and it shall be given unto you
03:36 Seek, and ye shall find
03:44 Knock, and the door Will be opened unto you
03:51 Hallelu
03:55 Hallelujah!
04:02 James 4:2-3 tells us,
04:06 "You don't have because you don't ask.
04:09 You ask and you do not receive because you ask amiss."
04:15 Let's pray.
04:18 Heavenly Father, we love You.
04:21 And we thank You for the Holy Spirit
04:23 for the promise that You've given us of the Holy Spirit.
04:26 And, Lord, I ask that You would forgive me
04:28 when I think I can do it on my own.
04:31 It's so silly of me to even consider
04:38 that I would know anything.
04:42 Lord, You are omnipotent.
04:46 You are all knowing all, all loving all,
04:49 You are all present.
04:52 So I'm going to trust You
04:55 and I will daily seek Your Holy Spirit.
05:00 The Spirit of truth to guide me,
05:04 to give me knowledge,
05:06 to put me in the path where I should go.
05:12 To interrupt me
05:14 when I get too busy doing my own thing.
05:28 JD, do you wanna pray?
05:29 Amen.
05:31 Father as we come together today in the name of Jesus,
05:33 Father, thank You for this tender moment.
05:36 Thank You, Lord, that this is a time about You.
05:38 We praise Your name above all names, Lord.
05:41 And, Father, we just asked, Lord,
05:43 that You take our hand
05:45 and follow that we just together, walk.
05:49 Father, that You will talk to us
05:51 that You impress upon our hearts, Lord,
05:54 the things that we need to know.
05:55 We thank You for the Holy Spirit.
05:57 We thank You, Lord, for that preciousness,
06:00 Father, that tenderness that He has,
06:03 that He will impress upon our hearts and our minds,
06:06 the directions that we seek for.
06:08 We love You, we thank You, thank You for this moment,
06:11 Lord, this reminder, that this is about You.
06:14 Life is about You, Lord, and our journey through it.
06:18 We ask this in the name of Jesus, amen.
06:24 We have so many requests that have come in and JD works
06:28 in pastoral here at 3ABN and you receive a lot of,
06:35 you talk to a lot of people have lot of needs.
06:38 And we've taken some of those and may these prayer requests
06:44 kind of spur you to pray.
06:48 And maybe you'll think of people
06:50 in your own life that you need to pray for.
06:53 So let's do it. Let's pray.
06:56 I wanna pray for world leaders.
06:59 That, Father God,
07:01 that You would touch the leaders of this world
07:03 who we believe You have put into place.
07:06 Father, we don't always agree with the style of leadership
07:11 or the decisions.
07:13 But, Father, we know Your ways again,
07:15 they're higher than our ways.
07:17 So I just pray that You will give our leaders
07:21 justice and fairness.
07:23 And that they would lead with wisdom, peace.
07:27 God, we pray for our religious freedoms,
07:32 the right to pray and the liberty
07:34 to share Jesus with others.
07:37 And, Father, there are those people out there
07:39 that are fighting acute issues.
07:43 We've lost three of our good friends
07:45 just lately, dear Father, to that enemy of cancer.
07:49 Father, we're missing those people.
07:52 But, Father, the good news is that someday,
07:56 we're looking forward to that blessed hope,
07:58 dear Father, when we shall see each other again.
08:01 But, Father, there's others that have pacemakers,
08:04 they perhaps are in a comma.
08:07 Father, maybe they're having bone marrow transplants.
08:10 Father, it may be
08:12 that they have just a sniffly nose.
08:15 But whatever the issue may be, Lord, we call upon Your name,
08:20 the name above all names,
08:22 and ask Lord for You to intercede in our behalf.
08:27 And, Father, I pray for those who are elderly.
08:32 Lord, we know that there is a cutting off point
08:37 where we must return
08:42 to the earth.
08:45 Father, I pray Lord, that in our older age,
08:48 and for those who are watching who are elderly, I pray, O God,
08:52 that You will continue to give them purpose,
08:54 remind them that they until they draw their last breath
08:57 they can be used of You.
08:59 Father, I pray that You give them strength,
09:01 purpose, courage, and hope.
09:07 Maybe they find someone to speak their wisdom into.
09:12 And, Father, we lift up
09:15 those that are contemplating marriage,
09:18 those that are married,
09:20 we thank You for the gift of love, Lord,
09:22 Father, this that wonderful feeling
09:26 to have a mate, to have someone that we can share with.
09:31 Father, we just ask, Lord that, that we in our weakness, Lord,
09:36 give you permission to be in charge,
09:38 that You become the center of all communication,
09:42 and our relationships
09:43 with those that You've given us.
09:46 Those that we participated
09:47 in choosing for ourselves, Lord.
09:49 And, Father, I do ask, Lord, that there are many
09:53 that are looking for that special mate, Lord.
09:56 And, Father, we just ask, Lord,
09:58 that they will just slow down and listen to Your voice.
10:02 And that, Father, you know in the end from the beginning
10:05 will assist them in choosing the right person
10:08 that they can share with
10:09 the rest of their life on this earth.
10:14 Father, we know that there are people
10:15 who are overwhelmed by life,
10:18 just they're under the circumstances,
10:22 that's what they are.
10:24 And, Father, I ask that You would remind us that we...
10:28 Your burden is light.
10:30 And so, we shouldn't be under our circumstances.
10:34 Lord, I pray that You will help us
10:36 to surrender our lives to You
10:38 so that Your ways are what we pursue.
10:45 But, Lord, I know that life gets frustrating,
10:47 life gets hard, and I just ask God
10:49 that You would be our deliverer.
10:54 And, Father, we have certainly talked
10:55 to lots of people during this pandemic
10:59 that are going through financial issues right now.
11:02 Maybe they've lost their job, maybe they're on furlough,
11:06 whatever the issue may be, Lord.
11:08 We know that the demands of this world
11:10 continues to go forward.
11:12 We know that this nasty disease continues to go forward, Lord.
11:16 So we're lifting all this up to You.
11:18 And, Father, once again,
11:20 we're just turning it over to You,
11:21 Lord, and say Jesus, Jesus help us.
11:25 Father, we know nothing escapes You.
11:28 Father, thank You that You have ears to hear.
11:30 Thank You, Lord, that You care.
11:32 And thank You, Lord,
11:34 that You participate in our lives
11:35 and You open up those doors that need to be open.
11:38 We thank You, Lord.
11:42 As a believer...
11:46 my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
11:52 And if you are a believer, watching today,
11:57 the spirit dwells in you.
12:02 Father, I thank You that You are leading and guiding me,
12:06 guiding Your children by the Holy Spirit,
12:09 illuminating our minds.
12:12 Help us to yield to the Holy Spirit.
12:16 Help us to walk in the steps that are ordered by the spirit.
12:21 Help us to commit and fully trust Your way,
12:26 Your guidance and expect You...
12:31 to move in our lives.
12:36 The Spirit of the Living God
12:43 Fall fresh on me
12:51 The Spirit of the Living God
12:59 Fall fresh on me
13:06 I wanna encourage you to come back
13:08 tomorrow, and the next day.
13:10 For the next nine days we're going to be meeting
13:16 like this and praying for needs.
13:19 Stop in your busyness.
13:22 Take time to listen to the Lord.
13:25 Listen to His Holy Spirit.
13:27 Let Him melt you and mold you.
13:32 Make you what He wants you to be.
13:35 We can't do it on our own.
13:36 Now more than ever, we need the Holy Spirit.
13:40 JD, thank you so much
13:42 for being my friend and for your prayers.
13:44 Thank you. God bless you.
13:45 Come back again.


Revised 2021-01-22