Live to Be Well

The Value of Education

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LTBW

Program Code: LTBW190046S

00:35 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin,
00:38 and welcome to Live To Be Well.
00:41 What is live to be well?
00:42 Mind, body and soul.
00:44 But without God, we will be nothing.
00:47 I am so happy today
00:48 to be talking about the value of education.
00:51 I am so thankful
00:53 that my parents sacrificed for my siblings and I
00:57 to be educated, to be able to grow
00:59 and to be here today
01:01 on the 3ABN Dare to Dream Network.
01:03 I want to welcome my special guest and friend,
01:07 Mr. Michael Terrell.
01:08 Hi, Mike. Hey.
01:09 How you doing? I'm fine.
01:11 And thank you so much
01:12 for allowing me to be part of this.
01:13 Oh, God is good.
01:15 You know, we used to call you,
01:16 Arthur and I had a little name for you,
01:18 The Golden Boy.
01:19 Oh, wow.
01:21 Oh, this man has an amazing voice.
01:22 God has blessed you.
01:23 But today we're here to talk about the value of education.
01:26 Let's talk about your journey, and why you became an educator?
01:31 It seems like a long time ago,
01:34 but I was on path to go into the trades.
01:40 And I had an uncle that told me,
01:42 you know, don't do that.
01:43 Go to school and teach it.
01:45 But I want to be a doctor.
01:46 You know, I was, I was a little conflictual.
01:49 But I went off to Andrews University.
01:53 And because I was having trouble,
01:55 some of the local schools going to a classes and things,
01:58 scheduling.
02:00 So went to Andrews, and I was started,
02:02 I got a job working
02:04 at the Berrien County Juvenile Center.
02:07 And I thought to myself working with these young men.
02:10 What if I could really catch them at school,
02:13 if I could work with them there,
02:15 it's cemented the desire within my heart.
02:18 What my uncle said really made sense to me,
02:20 because I was battling with psychology, education.
02:24 And I've always been good in the sciences.
02:26 Yes.
02:27 And it settled me, helped me to focus
02:29 just on education.
02:30 And Dr. Benjamin Reeves called me one day.
02:33 Yes.
02:34 He said because everybody was always telling me,
02:35 Mike, you're running from the Lord.
02:37 You're supposed to be a preacher.
02:38 I was, when I was at Adelphian Academy,
02:41 I was a preacher of 17 different organizations
02:43 on campus.
02:45 What? Seventeen.
02:47 Everybody was, Mike, you're a good speaker
02:49 and you love the Lord.
02:51 You should be a preacher.
02:53 Dr. Benjamin Reeves grabbed me one day.
02:55 Because I was set on talking with Wintley Phipps.
02:57 Yes.
02:58 And people say, man, you can sing
03:00 and you can preach.
03:01 You know, you could be, maybe be another Wintley Phipps.
03:02 Oh, he grabbed me to come to my office.
03:04 He did. He sat me down.
03:06 He said one of the most remarkable experiences
03:09 he'd ever had
03:10 is when he was, he had to leave the ministry
03:14 to finish his PhD in Chicago.
03:16 Yes.
03:17 And he taught elementary school.
03:19 And he told me that was the most remarkable experience
03:23 he had ever had in terms of witnessing,
03:25 working with these little children.
03:26 He said, "Mike, you don't have to serve the Lord.
03:28 You don't have to be a pastor."
03:30 "Okay.
03:31 There's a mission field out there
03:32 in the school system
03:34 that you can be a part of."
03:35 He said focus on that.
03:36 I said thank and so ever since, ever since,
03:40 and between that and working with the young boys
03:42 at the Berrien County Juvenile Center,
03:44 and developing relationships with them,
03:47 and seeing their struggles.
03:48 Yes.
03:49 And I could relate to a lot of them.
03:51 What's funny, when I got there,
03:52 they gave me an assignment to work with a group of boys
03:55 who are the children of alcoholics.
03:58 I am the adult child of an alcoholic.
04:00 It's that right.
04:01 My father was a...
04:03 was what we call a functional alcoholic,
04:04 went to work, good provider,
04:06 kept us in home, had his own business,
04:08 worked in Chrysler's during the day,
04:10 went to barber school in evening,
04:12 bought an old gutted outbuilding
04:14 on 12th street in Detroit
04:15 and turned it into a barber shop
04:17 with his own little hands.
04:18 The wiring, the plumbing, the painting,
04:20 you name it, he did it.
04:22 We were proud of daddy. But daddy was an alcoholic.
04:24 Wow. You know.
04:26 So here, I'm assigned to these children.
04:28 These young boys. Yes.
04:30 I learned as much about myself as,
04:34 they helped me as much as I helped them.
04:35 Yes.
04:36 It really made me want to get into education.
04:39 Yes.
04:40 So... And that's where it started.
04:41 That's where it really started.
04:43 Let me go back and just let you know,
04:45 Andrews University
04:47 is one of our Seventh-day Adventist higher education,
04:50 undergraduate studies and also higher ed
04:53 is located in Berrien Springs, Michigan.
04:56 Adelphian Academy,
04:57 where Mike and I both attended is,
04:59 well, it's closed now
05:01 was a boarding school,
05:03 and we will come home once a month.
05:04 Yeah.
05:05 And we lived in the campus
05:07 and it prepared you for college.
05:09 And that was located in Holly, Michigan.
05:11 Holly, Michigan.
05:12 And so, these are the two schools
05:14 where Mike was at, one of the two schools
05:16 where he was educated.
05:18 So what happened after Andrews University?
05:21 Well, you know, I went to Western Michigan,
05:25 and I graduated from there
05:26 because the tuition at Andrews was just
05:28 become a bit of a deterrent.
05:31 And I finished at Western.
05:33 And after I graduated,
05:34 I got really good reviews
05:37 and letters of recommendation from my teachers.
05:39 Yes.
05:40 You know, in terms of my ability to teach,
05:41 and I was actually offered a teaching job in Kalamazoo,
05:45 at Loy Norrix High School.
05:47 I did my student teaching there.
05:48 Okay.
05:49 And when I finished, they offered me a job,
05:51 offered me a job.
05:52 Praise the lord. Yes.
05:54 But I came home, came home to Detroit.
05:56 Came back. Came back.
05:58 And because this is home.
05:59 Came back to give back. Came back to give back.
06:01 And my mission field was going to be the public schools.
06:06 And my focus was high school,
06:08 even though I'm certified to teach K through 12.
06:11 Yes.
06:12 I thought my niche is high school.
06:13 Yes.
06:15 And I wound up in infamous Cooley High School.
06:17 Cooley High School.
06:18 Rough, rough, rough.
06:21 Rough, you didn't even drive down the street
06:23 if you didn't have to.
06:25 I can remember while I was there.
06:27 One of the security guards had to shoot a student
06:30 because she was trying to run him over with a car.
06:33 You know, I had kids come at me to attack.
06:35 It was funny when they gave me my assignment.
06:40 I walked into a classroom was like watching a movie.
06:43 Kids were standing on top of desks,
06:44 throwing books, spit balls, laying on the floor.
06:48 You know, you name it.
06:50 Dennis, so here's your room.
06:51 These are your students.
06:52 Walked out, closed the door.
06:54 That was it. That was it.
06:55 Go for it, man.
06:57 And I picked up a paddle.
07:00 And I banged on the desk, just to get attention.
07:02 Yes.
07:03 I said, I'm here to teach you something.
07:04 If you want to learn, sit down.
07:06 Give me five minutes to prove to you
07:07 I've got something I can teach you.
07:10 Architecture class.
07:13 My focus was designed.
07:14 Is that right?
07:16 All right.
07:17 And they said, I said,
07:18 "Yeah, man, we'll give you a minute.
07:20 We'll give you a minute."
07:21 Like they're in charge. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
07:23 They were at the time. At the time.
07:25 And I went to the board, and I said, now listen to me,
07:27 I began to talk, put some things on the board.
07:28 They said,
07:30 "Hey, wow, that's interesting."
07:31 You know, hey, you sit down,
07:33 let's give the dude some more time.
07:35 They said, "Keep talking man."
07:37 Kept talking.
07:39 Within that same week,
07:41 my department head came running in my classroom.
07:43 He said,
07:45 "I was concerned because it's so quiet in here.
07:46 I thought something was wrong, because it's quiet."
07:48 It's quiet.
07:50 And he said, I thought you maybe
07:51 you were tied up in the corner.
07:53 But he says, you're really doing a good job here.
07:55 And the kids started to praise me
07:58 because of what I was doing.
08:00 And he said,
08:01 "This dude cares about us.
08:02 He's teaching us to be something."
08:04 Something.
08:05 Then it took off from me
08:06 then I was and I was a sub at the time.
08:08 They offered me a contract.
08:09 And I wound up in Mumford High School.
08:10 Mumford, another one.
08:14 Doctor Robert Onu was the principal at that time.
08:16 I remember Dr. Onu, yes.
08:19 But you know, I was impressed
08:20 when I got to Mumford for my interview.
08:22 When the bell rang,
08:24 the students were rushing to get to class.
08:27 You know, I went by the violins room,
08:31 you know, the music teacher was there with the choir.
08:34 And then they showed me my classroom.
08:35 Here again, they took me up to a room,
08:37 it looked like a warehouse.
08:38 They said, "Here's your room."
08:39 Oh, my goodness.
08:41 Desks had to be assembled.
08:42 The room needed to be painted.
08:43 It was a mess.
08:45 I said, "How am I going to teach architecture in here?"
08:46 He said,
08:48 "You know, you figure out something.
08:49 You're smart guy."
08:50 Oh, my.
08:52 So that was it? That was it.
08:53 So every day I assembled desks,
08:55 I stole paint
08:57 from another department in school,
08:58 I painted my classroom.
08:59 And the kids saw me open this ladder
09:01 during my lunch break.
09:02 And after school, they said, "Hey, why are you doing?"
09:04 I said, "This is for you.
09:05 This is for you.
09:07 This classroom's got to be special for you."
09:09 Some of them would come and help me.
09:10 And they will come and help you.
09:12 And I got that room painted.
09:13 And next thing you know, we're moving along.
09:16 And I got the inspiration from Dr. Harry Robinson III
09:21 from Harvard University.
09:23 I was gone to DC to visit some family.
09:26 And I want, I never been to Harvard.
09:29 And since I taught architecture,
09:30 I asked could I go to the school of architecture.
09:32 And I told him what I was trying to do
09:34 in Detroit.
09:35 And he said,
09:37 "You know, know what you're talking about is college level.
09:38 That's not high school stuff."
09:40 He said, "Let me help you."
09:41 And he started gave me some textbooks.
09:43 We interviewed for while, talked for a while.
09:45 He would have his graduate students at Harvard
09:47 send me information.
09:48 Oh, that's a blessing.
09:50 Because I had an Afrocentric approach
09:51 to the teaching of architecture.
09:53 Yes, yes.
09:54 Then in '97, I got the idea, the Lord gave me the idea.
09:58 Take these kids to Africa.
10:00 And I started raising funds.
10:02 I got a lot of support from different people,
10:05 all different walks of life.
10:07 And we actually were able to go over our spring break.
10:09 We were two and a half weeks.
10:11 We flew into Madrid, Spain.
10:14 We took a cruise ship
10:15 after we towards the lower Spain.
10:17 Yes, yes.
10:19 Southern Spain, cruise ship over to Morocco.
10:22 We met at the docks from a professor
10:24 from the University of Tangier.
10:26 And he took us through all of the Morocco
10:28 and study different things, was fascinating,
10:30 then we ended up in Portugal.
10:34 Because a lot of the sub-Saharians
10:36 from the University of Timbuktu.
10:38 You know, Timbuktu was the size of Michigan State University
10:42 back in the day, way back in the day.
10:44 And during the crusades
10:47 when the knights from the round,
10:49 you know, shouldn't say roundtable,
10:50 but the Catholics decided
10:52 they were going to convert the Africans,
10:54 okay, to Catholicism,
10:56 and Timbuktu had a university.
11:01 Military science was part of the...
11:03 And they came, they fought in the crusades.
11:05 Okay, turn the tide of the war.
11:08 And all this stuff was presented to the kids.
11:11 Yes, yes, yes.
11:12 From perspective of you have much to be to be proud of.
11:15 Your heritage is great. Yes.
11:17 And it was just a fascinating experience.
11:19 And we came back, we were rock stars all of us.
11:22 You know, the kids loved it the attention they got.
11:24 But the tears I saw in their eyes
11:27 while we were in Africa,
11:29 and they learned about their heritage
11:32 from people who were there,
11:33 people who look like them.
11:34 And people who didn't look like them.
11:36 Yes.
11:37 They were acknowledging what happened there.
11:39 It was a wonderful experience.
11:40 That's a blessing.
11:41 You know, and it just reinforced
11:43 what I felt like, yes, the Lord put me here.
11:46 This is what I need to do.
11:47 This is my mission field.
11:48 Going back to that conversation with Dr. Reeves.
11:51 And just seeing God work.
11:54 You are a Seventh-day Adventist,
11:56 born and raised?
11:57 Yes.
11:59 How did your faith come into play
12:03 and engage with the students?
12:05 Because you saw so much in the school system
12:09 and it wasn't comfortable.
12:10 No.
12:12 And how were you able to hold on to your faith
12:15 in all of that,
12:16 because we deal with stress, anxiety,
12:20 you see the depression,
12:21 children coming to school hungry,
12:23 holes in their shoes,
12:25 wearing the same clothes for four days.
12:28 Maybe you have an odor,
12:30 you know, don't have toothpaste and toothbrush.
12:33 So how did you allow your faith
12:36 to be an example for the Lord?
12:38 And how did you maintain your peace?
12:42 First thing,
12:44 I would run to work off my stress.
12:47 In the evenings, when I get off, I would jog.
12:50 You would jog. Help me keep my stress down.
12:52 All right.
12:53 Because if everything else is falling apart around me,
12:55 I have to keep myself together.
12:57 Yes. I'm in control.
12:59 And I realize that
13:00 I am a point of focus for the students.
13:02 Yes.
13:03 Another thing that I did,
13:04 my mother, bless her heart,
13:06 Christian woman helped me to believe in myself
13:11 when I didn't believe in myself.
13:12 Yes.
13:14 I am the adult child of an alcoholic.
13:16 Yes.
13:17 My father was a good man.
13:18 But he was an alcoholic. Yes.
13:20 It affected me as a child. Yes.
13:22 Especially when it came to the point
13:23 we were no longer a middle class family.
13:26 We were struggling to keep our homes and our home.
13:30 And my mother had to go back to work full-time
13:32 because for a while my mother didn't have to work.
13:34 She had degree in nursing
13:35 from Pacific Union College you know.
13:38 I know Pacific Union College.
13:39 Yeah, UC, she was a graduate from way back
13:41 when mama had to become the breadwinner.
13:44 Daddy lost his barber shop.
13:46 My father had a barber shop.
13:48 And things were very difficult.
13:50 I was that child that sometimes came to school
13:53 with clothes that weren't quite what you would want them to be.
13:58 I can remember a girl walked up to me one day,
14:00 I had a hole in my pants
14:01 and she stuck her finger and started to laugh.
14:04 You talk about embarrassing,
14:05 and I ironed those pants
14:06 and washed them and ironed them out
14:08 and pressed off, so nobody see that little hole
14:09 when you know.
14:11 She saw...
14:12 She saw the hole, walked up and stuck a finger in it.
14:14 So I was one of those kids,
14:15 you know, sure, had a bath and all that kind of stuff.
14:18 We got go to school.
14:19 You know, I didn't stink,
14:21 but I was the least of these in some situations.
14:25 But my mother taught me to believe in myself.
14:30 She told me every day what potential I had,
14:34 and how the Lord was going to use me
14:36 to do special things one day.
14:38 As a matter of fact,
14:39 they wanted to keep me back in eighth grade.
14:41 Yes.
14:42 So I should repeat eighth grade.
14:43 My mother said no.
14:45 My child is not repeating eighth grade.
14:46 And she sent me off to Adelphian Academy
14:49 and she convinced the principal there that give my...
14:54 Grades don't look so good because emotionally, I was...
14:57 Been through a lot. Been through a lot.
14:59 You know, I'm a child that,
15:01 I hate to say this, violence in my home.
15:04 I had to get between my mother and my dad.
15:08 Violence, you know, it affected me.
15:11 She took me up and said,
15:13 "Give him a chance. Watch what he'll do."
15:15 End of my first freshman year
15:17 I was voted the most valuable person
15:19 in the freshman class.
15:21 They gave me a check.
15:22 She said, "Watch what he'll do."
15:24 Yes. And it just took off.
15:26 Yes. It would just took off.
15:28 When I got to Andrews, I was very busy.
15:30 Yes. Active in different things.
15:31 Very involved. Very involved.
15:34 The Lord helped me to see the gifts I had.
15:36 Yes.
15:37 I had two teachers, actually more than two.
15:39 One told me, Mike, of all my freshman composition.
15:42 He said of all the students
15:44 I remember his name to this day.
15:46 But he told me
15:47 at the end of the semester of all the students I've had,
15:50 in the things that they've written,
15:51 your work should be published.
15:53 You should be a writer.
15:54 Had a sociology teacher
15:56 come to me after he caught me in the hallway, told me,
15:59 "I expect to see you doing great things.
16:02 You just, there's something about you young man."
16:04 Yes.
16:05 And I got these from
16:07 people that would come after, come to me and pray with me.
16:09 Yes.
16:10 I had a teacher at Andrews.
16:14 Because I was working 40 hours a week
16:15 and taking 12 hours.
16:17 My Goodness, full load.
16:18 Full load.
16:19 I worked 40 hours a week, afternoons or midnights.
16:21 Yes.
16:23 And when I was working midnight shift,
16:26 one of the teachers,
16:27 he was in my first hour class at Andrews.
16:29 He knew that I worked midnights.
16:31 Yes.
16:33 And if I...
16:34 One day, I didn't show up for class,
16:35 he excused himself from the classroom,
16:37 went into his office and called my apartment
16:39 to wake me up.
16:40 He said, "I knew you were asleep.
16:42 I know you'd fall asleep.
16:43 Because you always here in class."
16:44 He said, "I wanted to help you."
16:46 Yes. Called me in my apartment.
16:47 Yes.
16:49 So I could get to class. Oh, my.
16:50 You know, people like that, that cared about me.
16:53 They saw something in me
16:55 that made them want to reach out to me.
16:57 So I in turn I realize that
16:59 and I need to reach out to these kids.
17:01 Yes. So confidence.
17:03 I realized as a teacher,
17:04 every day,
17:06 I had to build confidence in these kids.
17:07 I had helped them to believe in themselves
17:09 when they did not.
17:10 Could you talk about, I know state and church.
17:14 Could you, did they ever asked you,
17:16 you know, Mr. Terrell,
17:17 where does your faith come from?
17:19 Why are you so nice?
17:21 Why are you so giving? Did they ask you?
17:22 You know how they started.
17:24 We have a lunch.
17:25 I was having lunch.
17:27 And some of the kids came to my classroom
17:29 to get extra help
17:31 with their drawings and whatnot.
17:33 And they saw me eating the strange looking food
17:35 that they thought.
17:37 And he said, "Mr. Terrell, what is that?"
17:39 I said, "Well, it's, this is veggie burger, man.
17:41 It's a veggie burger."
17:44 I said, "I'm a vegetarian."
17:45 And he said, "You're what?"
17:47 He said, "Well, you look too healthy to be,
17:48 you know, don't you eat lettuce and carrots all day.
17:50 You can't look healthy when you're eating that."
17:52 I said, "No".
17:53 I said,
17:54 "I'm a Seventh-day Adventist. I'm a Christian."
17:58 And they said really, they said,
18:00 "You know we knew something was different about you."
18:03 And they got so they would ask me,
18:05 because I couldn't bring it up.
18:07 They would ask me to pray for them.
18:08 Right.
18:10 They will come to my room... Yes.
18:11 And asked me to pray for them.
18:14 One day, I organized
18:16 a lot of field trips for my kids.
18:17 Yes.
18:18 And we were on our way someplace.
18:20 I told kids, you know, usually when I travel,
18:22 I pray before I hit the road.
18:23 Yes. But I can't do that for you.
18:25 They said, "Yes you can."
18:26 Set up, we're on the bus now.
18:28 We're on the school bus. Yes.
18:30 We will, Mr. Terrell pray for us.
18:32 Anybody who got a problem with that?
18:33 No, we don't think so. Pray Mr. Terrell.
18:37 We prayed and head out for UFM,
18:40 or large techo, UD, whatever.
18:44 And so it was the thing where they came to me
18:47 for not only just for academics,
18:50 but for support.
18:51 I had one young lady.
18:52 The bell had rung,
18:54 I'm still, this was at South Hill High School.
18:56 Yes.
18:57 She handed me an envelope.
18:59 And she said, read this, Mr. Terrell,
19:01 when you get a chance.
19:02 And she left my classroom.
19:04 I was curious. I opened it up right away.
19:05 Yes.
19:07 It was a suicide letter.
19:10 She was telling me what,
19:12 why she was going to kill herself
19:14 and how and what
19:15 and she appreciated me
19:18 time I spent with her.
19:19 But she was just, she couldn't handle life.
19:23 I dropped that and ran out in the hallway
19:25 trying to where did she go?
19:27 Where she is in?
19:28 I ran down to her council found out
19:29 where next class where she wasn't there.
19:31 And we just, you know, put up the APB you might say
19:36 and we did find her.
19:37 We were able to intervene.
19:39 But kids would come to me with things like that.
19:41 Yes.
19:42 Children, young ladies
19:43 who are pregnant and couldn't tell their parents,
19:46 they will come to my classroom with girls.
19:47 Yes.
19:49 Fellows who have been abused would come to me.
19:52 Yes.
19:53 I thought this is a mission field.
19:55 This is a place.
19:57 And for them to want to come and pray with me.
20:00 Yes.
20:01 That was your pulpit, you know.
20:04 So I heard you mentioned South Hill High,
20:05 so you transitioned Cooley, Mumford...
20:08 From Colley, Mumford to South Hill High.
20:11 There was a little space in between Mumford
20:15 and South Hill High.
20:16 My mother and sister were braving, you know.
20:19 And I moved my mother in with me,
20:22 and then I moved my sister in with me.
20:23 Wow.
20:24 And I was caring for, mean had a bedroom set up,
20:27 hospital beds and whatnot in my home
20:30 and I was having a hard time teaching.
20:34 So ever having to leave school Mumford and run home
20:38 or something's going on.
20:39 And so I took a leave of absence.
20:42 And during that leave of absence,
20:47 there was some confusion downtown
20:49 and they let me go as a teacher,
20:51 it's someone from school center building
20:53 let me go as a teacher.
20:54 And so I got my builder's license
20:57 and I started contracting,
20:58 while I took care of my mom and my sister.
21:00 Wow.
21:01 And one day, I was up on a ladder stringing lights
21:04 in a commercial building.
21:05 My cell phone goes off.
21:07 And was my old teacher from Mumford,
21:09 who's now with South Hall Public Schools.
21:11 She said,
21:12 "We really need someone with your skill set.
21:14 Would you please come over here?"
21:16 I said, "Well, I'm contracting,
21:17 I've got documents, I've got these builders,
21:21 projects I have to complete, I just can't leave."
21:23 She, "Just come over and talk."
21:25 And I went over there, to make a long story short,
21:27 they made me an offer I couldn't refuse.
21:28 All right. The principal got me.
21:30 Well got an interview with the principal,
21:31 he walked left his desk,
21:33 walked through the door stood and she said,
21:34 "You're not leaving here
21:36 till you sign a contract to teach here."
21:37 Praise the Lord.
21:39 We need you and they made me an offer
21:40 I could not refuse.
21:42 And is that when you retired from?
21:43 I retired from South Hill Public Schools.
21:45 Let me ask you,
21:46 we see what's going on in our society today,
21:49 the value of education.
21:51 This education also transitions into the church.
21:55 How are you using your skills now that you're retired?
21:59 Do you use them in the church as a Sabbath School teacher?
22:03 Are you an elder?
22:04 Do you speak for services when the pastors are away?
22:08 You know, how are you taking those skills now
22:11 in maintaining the value of education
22:13 within your church.
22:16 And let me say this because we tend to just go
22:19 and be benchwarmers
22:20 because I've worked.
22:22 I've paid my dues. I'm retired.
22:24 I'm just going to get me a good sermon and go home.
22:27 But some of us and a lot of us still work
22:31 because someone has to keep the church going.
22:34 So tell me about that?
22:36 I've been an elder since I was about 21.
22:40 And very active in my church
22:42 community fellowship SDA Church,
22:44 Lathrup Village, Michigan.
22:45 Okay, don't tell me, da-da.
22:47 Yeah, it's City Temple here.
22:48 All right.
22:50 Wait, and you grew up at City Temple?
22:51 That's the first church, I remember as a little boy.
22:53 So you were baptized at City Temple.
22:55 Home, that was home.
22:56 You know who baptized you? Elder Flack.
22:58 No, no, Elder Flack,
23:00 actually what when we left City Temple, left City Temple,
23:04 and I got baptized in Inkster.
23:07 Elder Rothecker Smith.
23:10 He baptized me out in Inskter.
23:14 Community good people there.
23:15 They're wonderful people.
23:17 But he was a member of City Temple.
23:19 For many, many years. Many years.
23:21 That is still home. That's still home.
23:23 It's still home.
23:24 But very active.
23:26 There's some things my,
23:29 I learned some things
23:32 while I was a South Hill High School,
23:34 the Lord blessed me
23:35 to establish a partnership with NASA.
23:39 Space Administration.
23:41 They work with my date with NASA,
23:43 South Hill High became
23:45 the first high school in the country.
23:46 And I'm bringing this around
23:48 to have a partnership with NASA.
23:50 First high school with the flagship
23:52 for this program.
23:53 And I learned things by working with the government,
23:57 how they did things and what was available.
23:58 It opened my mind to many things.
24:02 I've been able to take that
24:03 and transfer that into my church.
24:06 Right now,
24:08 a couple of times a year
24:09 we work with the women's
24:12 South Oakland shelter for women.
24:14 Yes.
24:15 Which is right around the corner from our church.
24:16 Yes.
24:18 We take food baskets over there.
24:19 Oh, nice.
24:21 We are, as we speak
24:22 installing security cameras in our building.
24:24 So these women can come sleep at our church on occasion.
24:28 But we have to have security cameras.
24:29 Oh, yes.
24:30 We had to up the security to do that.
24:32 Because some of the ladies, bless their hearts
24:34 you know, they need help.
24:35 So we have to be able to secure things better.
24:36 But these types of things we're trying to do.
24:40 We're looking at setting up because we had it,
24:43 I'm trying to reinstate tutoring program
24:45 after school children program.
24:46 I was going to ask do you have the GED tutoring program?
24:48 We want to get that started again at our church.
24:52 Right now we have the daycare
24:56 that is running our church by Sister Gabriel and Rosita.
25:01 Yes.
25:02 So there are things
25:04 we're looking to establish in our church
25:07 to make it a 24/7 church.
25:09 Really, open 24 hours a day?
25:10 We want, well I shouldn't say 24 hours a day,
25:13 but seven days a week.
25:14 Seven days a week.
25:16 There's something going on at that church to benefit.
25:18 We've put close to $30,000 into our kitchen,
25:22 tried to commercialize this kitchen to get license.
25:24 You have beautiful fellowship hall.
25:25 Because we want to reach out to veterans,
25:28 which we want to be able to serve veterans
25:31 in our community
25:32 to come there eat and have meetings there.
25:34 This is a focus.
25:36 I've been able to get letters of support
25:39 from our state representative
25:41 from our state, United States,
25:44 I shouldn't say United States,
25:45 but our state senators,
25:47 senators to get businesses in the community
25:50 to contribute financially to help us to do these things.
25:54 And we're working with the City Hall
25:57 in Latham village.
25:58 Yes.
25:59 Also partnering with us on different things.
26:01 So I'm trying to use all this information
26:04 and put it into the church.
26:06 As I saw how you can,
26:08 so many resources around us
26:10 that we don't tap into the way we should,
26:12 to help further the Word of God.
26:14 And we need to do that. We need to do that.
26:15 We need to value our education, we need to value our teachers,
26:20 we need to look at that.
26:21 We have a short time left.
26:23 What would you say to someone
26:24 who's thinking about pursuing education as their career?
26:29 Lean on the Lord.
26:30 Let the Lord guide and direct you.
26:31 Okay, believe in yourself.
26:34 Have the passion,
26:35 the same passion that you have to do other things,
26:38 whether it's be riding your bike
26:39 or mountain climbing,
26:41 you have to take that into the classroom.
26:42 Help the kids to believe in themselves.
26:43 If you can do that,
26:45 they'll open up to you
26:46 and you can teach them anything.
26:48 Just help them to believe in themselves.
26:50 You love the Lord. Yes.
26:52 Why you love the Lord?
26:53 Because He loves me.
26:55 He shown me the path that I should walk in.
26:57 Yes.
26:58 He's given me two beautiful children
27:00 that I love so much.
27:02 He's helped me to come from, I was down here.
27:05 And He's put me here.
27:06 Yes, He put me here.
27:08 He put you there. Okay.
27:09 So how can I not love Him?
27:10 How can you not love Him? Okay.
27:12 You know, give my regards to your beautiful wife,
27:15 and your children.
27:17 And I'm just so happy you were able to come.
27:18 It's a privilege.
27:20 I want you to know that
27:21 we value you on the Dare to Dream Network.
27:25 We value education,
27:27 we value the type of programming
27:29 that we can bring to you
27:30 and people like Mike Terrell, educator
27:34 and still educating his congregation.
27:37 We have to maintain relationships.
27:39 And this is something that we've had for years,
27:42 and we have that bond.
27:44 Have a bond with Jesus,
27:46 and God will allow you to value yourself and others.
27:49 I'm Dr. Kim, Live To Be Well.
27:52 God bless.


Revised 2021-08-20