Live to Be Well

Integrity and Ethics In Business

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LTBW

Program Code: LTBW190042S

00:13 ♪ ♪
00:49 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlan and welcome to Live To Be Well.
00:53 What is Live To Be Well? Mind, body and soul but the most
00:58 important aspect, without God we cannot live to be well. Today I
01:04 am blessed to have on the program Mr. Robert Pearson MBA
01:09 Welcome to Live To Be Well. How are you Robert?
01:11 I'm well and yourself?
01:13 I'm well. I like that I'm well. You're well, I'm well.
01:16 Let's talk about integrity and ethics in business. Well first
01:21 of all what is an MBA?
01:22 It's a master's in business administration. It is a masters
01:26 degree typically provided by accredited universities and
01:30 colleges when people have demonstrated the ability and
01:34 knowledge and discipline in business and
01:38 business administration,
01:39 how to manage complex organizations, how to give with
01:43 business management, finance, logistics, accounting, things of
01:48 that nature.
01:49 Wow! You know speaking about one of my business classes I did not
01:53 like it. But it was helpful as I look back over it now, what
01:57 I'm doing now in business. Why is integrity so important in the
02:02 way we view business and who we are as business owners?
02:06 Integrity.
02:07 Well integrity's very important in business as well as in all
02:10 aspects of life. I feel that you're only as good as your word
02:13 of course. And that's really as far as the business owner's
02:17 concerned that's your credit, you know, how good your word is.
02:20 If you say you're going to do something you know on time and
02:23 on price, you have to be a person of high integrity or your
02:26 business has to be a business of integrity and deliver. If you
02:29 don't well that's going to affect your business negatively.
02:34 And that goes from small business owners all the way to
02:37 corporate organizations, you know, global conglomerates.
02:40 It comes down to the individual person's moral integrity, doing
02:46 what's right. Myself personally as a Christian, you know you want
02:50 to do things justly and with balance in accordance with the
02:53 word. Ah, you know, God doesn't like unjust measures. So you
02:57 don't want to deal with people unjustly, slightly. You don't
03:02 to gouge people from a biblical standpoint or a legal standpoint
03:07 because they will come back around on you. We all reap what
03:10 we sow. [Yes] So with that being said, you know, you treat people
03:14 well. They will return to you and they will treat you well
03:16 in return.
03:18 Was there any doubt or when did you realize that this was the
03:20 area that God was calling you to? Was it in college, high
03:24 school or when you were trying to declare a major? What was it
03:27 now that happened?
03:29 Um, for the most part, I've always wanted to be a business
03:32 person. I just like the idea of it. You know, maybe even
03:37 watching old movies and seeing people in suits and like you
03:40 know doing stuff and counting money. That just interests me.
03:44 You know, I don't want to be a doctor or a lawyer, et cetera,
03:47 but I just gravitated towards business. I went right to
03:50 business school. I graduated from Wayne State University
03:53 getting my BA in finance and also going back again to get my
03:57 MBA as well. So I just took all business classes I really
04:02 enjoyed facets of business administration, management, ah
04:07 accounting, finance. I enjoyed the analytical part of it, you
04:12 know, forecasting, budgeting. I just... I enjoyed it.
04:17 You know I'm looking at you like you know really! You talk the
04:21 financier. I went in my first accounting class. I only took
04:25 one, you know, I said one, and barely passed it because I just
04:30 wasn't interested in it. But I said let me take it and see if
04:33 that's something I want to do. I knew I wanted to go into
04:36 business. I didn't know how God was directing me. And then
04:40 finally I said, That's why we have other people like you and
04:42 other people to do things like that. So when you were growing
04:46 up other children outside, because you have height, did you
04:50 play basketball? Did you take time to get involved with that
04:53 in sports?
04:55 Oh no, I wasn't a great basketball player but I did play
04:58 football and I ran track in high school. Then after high school
05:02 just intramural stuff in college I enjoy sports, I enjoy watching
05:07 football as an adult now.
05:08 Robert, tell me, how important is finance and having
05:12 integrity to it?
05:14 It's very important especially in the field of finance because
05:18 you typically dealing with other people's money so you have to be
05:21 a good steward of their money. So you have to build trust. You
05:25 have to be a trustworthy person. You have to be a credit worthy
05:27 person. Um so integrity is very, very huge dealing with all
05:33 aspects of business but particularly in finance.
05:35 Come on. Your workplace, let's discuss it. No matter what your
05:40 occupation is you should be using integrity on the job.
05:44 If you work eight hours you should be paid for eight hours.
05:49 Don't sign in for 12 hours. Integrity let's talk about that.
05:53 Yeah, definitely you know you should only be paid what you're,
05:56 you know, for the time you put in and compensated for it.
05:59 That's just being fair. You know as an employer you know you
06:03 shouldn't look to hurt your employees because that's gonna
06:06 affect your business long term. Also vice versa. From an
06:11 employee's standpoint, it works both ways. You don't want to
06:14 steal from your company per se or steal time. You know, it's
06:18 one thing if you have a family emergency, et cetera, and get
06:21 permission to leave but you know taking two-hour lunches is not a
06:25 good thing either. Also, affect your...
06:26 That's integrity right there.
06:28 Yeah, that's integrity because I can't trust you to do what you
06:31 say you are gonna do.
06:32 So integrity, attitude, trust all work together. [Um hm]
06:36 People today in our society, we don't see those components in
06:42 the workplace. Why?
06:45 Um unfortunately it's just a cultural society issue.
06:50 Um my opinion, we tend to champion people with negative
06:55 character traits so we laud people who have you know
07:02 cheated their way to the top per se. And that becomes part of
07:07 the collective conscience in my opinion of how people kind of
07:11 look at things. Oh you know my favorite character did whatever
07:13 it took to get to where he or she's at so I'm gonna kind of do
07:17 that my way. So for example people who might be in a trusted
07:22 position in the organization or in the business over someone
07:25 else's assets they might skim from the top. You know creating
07:30 fake invoices or doing things that are not above board and
07:35 figure that they might be entitled to or I'm not getting
07:39 enough money or whatever for their personal reasons are it
07:41 compels them to do wrong and that's really prevalent in our
07:46 society today. And it's unfortunate. But the good thing
07:50 is just as many bad people there are good people.
07:53 There are good people. Let's talk about going back to
07:55 wellness, stress. I remember reading about a story about
07:59 a gentleman who had embezzlement embezzled millions of dollars
08:04 from many, many, many people. It impacted his whole family
08:08 where even his son committed suicide because he couldn't face
08:14 the economic community for what his father had done. So when I
08:21 think about going back to middle school, elementary school, high
08:26 school someone looking on your paper and saying You got the
08:29 answer, you got the answer? We don't think about that. Right
08:32 there, that's where it begins, that cheating off the top. I've
08:37 studied all week and you come in and want to cheat off my paper
08:41 and that's right there, integrity [Mm-hm] honesty.
08:46 self-worth and it begins that young and it continues all the
08:51 way through life developing those behavioral traits that now
08:56 you come into my office and you say Dr. Logan I've been arrested
09:01 Arrested for what? Ah embezzlement. Um I stole
09:06 materials that didn't belong to me and they are saying that
09:11 part of my probation is psychological counseling to
09:14 understand why this behavior happened. We're dealing with a
09:18 lot of stress. Can you imagine I'm looking over my shoulder FBI
09:23 police. All right. One day I'll tell a story, true story. I'm in
09:28 my office, Robert, and I'm seeing a client. There's a knock
09:33 at the door and I didn't hear the knock, but my administrator
09:37 rarely, she rarely interrupts my therapy session unless it's
09:40 emergency. She knocked on the door and she said
09:43 (mouths) police. I said, huh? She said police (out loud).
09:47 And right there my mind did not go anywhere, what'd I do, I
09:52 been doing something wrong. I told my patient could you excuse
09:56 me a minute. I went out, spoke to the two police officers. They
10:00 told me what they were there to do. They came to my office to
10:03 arrest somebody who they knew would be here but the person's
10:09 appointment wasn't for an hour later. But the fact of the
10:14 matter was I didn't get uncomfortable because I knew I
10:19 had not done anything wrong with you know my patient or sharing
10:23 information or come on in my office and read my files. No!
10:27 But they told me why they were there. I knew in advance because
10:32 the other party told me they were going to send the police
10:34 here. But they were hoping to arrest the person but that
10:38 person had to deal with that, turn themselves in because of
10:44 integrity. So it all goes back from a young child. You know, is
10:50 there anything wrong with hard work?
10:52 There's nothing wrong with it. I mean, even in the book of
10:56 Proverbs you know the diligent maketh rich, the diligent hand
11:01 maketh rich. So it's seed time and harvest. So those are
11:05 principles in the Bible and that's also translated to the
11:07 rest of the world. You're getting what you put in.
11:10 So if you put in negative things you get out negative things.
11:13 So it's unfortunate that people feel that way but you know no
11:20 good can come out of it because you know what you're question
11:23 regarding wellness. I think the Bible says the wages of sin is
11:27 death. So when you're doing fraudulent things, untrustworthy
11:31 things it will take a toll on you. Yeah your bank account
11:34 might go up but your health is going to go down. I heard
11:38 similar stories you know people getting hundreds of thousands,
11:41 millions of dollars but soon they catch cancer or maybe their
11:45 child dies an untimely death. Those things, you know, it all
11:52 comes around.
11:54 The Bible also says what does it profit a man to gain the whole
12:00 world (reciting together) and loose your own soul. We are in a
12:04 place where we're chasing that dollar, but yet our hearts are
12:08 not fixed on Christ and if we are faithful to God he's
12:12 faithful to us. And therefore my mind says I should not be on
12:18 stress I want to have good wellness in my life total
12:20 balance and I don't want to reap negativity because that's what I
12:25 put out. I don't want to have to look over my shoulder because
12:28 I've been stealing and I've been skimming off the top and hurting
12:32 people. Because God sees every thing and he knows and he
12:37 already knows what we're going to do and what we're not going
12:38 to do. And so we have to change the way we think, Robert, to
12:42 healthiness, have good wellness to reduce stress and anxiety.
12:47 People jumping off of buildings because of... Remember the stock
12:54 market crash, many, many, many years ago and people literally
12:58 jumped out of windows because they lost everything. But I
13:02 believe if we have confidence in our Savior, our Lord and
13:07 Savior Jesus Christ, and we stand by the principles of the
13:10 word of God and we listen to what the Holy Spirit speaks to
13:14 us and when those temptations come they just go right past us.
13:18 Because God says Trust in me. Seek my way. He said, Seek ye
13:24 first the kingdom of God. All right, you know I don't get up
13:29 in the morning and say, Oh let's see what the stock market is
13:32 saying today. I hit my knees or I stand or I'm praising God to
13:38 guide me throughout that day. I'm in my Word trying to
13:41 understand what do you have for me to say to Robert today.
13:44 What can I say to encourage someone today? So when we talk
13:48 about integrity and ethics what's the difference?
13:51 Okay I have integrity but I don't have ethics. I have ethics
13:54 but I don't have integrity. Who cares? What's the difference
13:57 Sure. You ethics is your belief system, if your good beliefs you
14:02 know or moral beliefs or immoral beliefs. Your integrity is your
14:06 trustworthiness and your credibility. So they
14:09 particularly go hand in hand with one another. You know, is
14:12 your belief system good? Your trustworthiness will be high.
14:17 You just said credibility too. I think about... you know I was
14:21 talking to my program director Jason Bradley of Dare to Dream
14:25 and he was saying to me that when people look at social media
14:29 it could cost you your job. Can you talk about that because
14:33 it's your integrity?
14:35 Sure. Exactly. Particularly in large organizations they do
14:38 investigate people with social media because during the
14:42 interview process you're presenting yourself one way but
14:44 they want to know how you truly are to the rest of the world.
14:47 So you know most large organizations do have people
14:51 investigate people's social media to see what's really going
14:55 on. Particularly if you're going to be in charge of something
14:59 very important. If you're going to be a steward over someone's
15:04 large assets, they want to know what kind of person you really
15:07 are, what kind of integrity do you truly have, what kind of
15:10 ethics do you have. So they will look at your social media.
15:13 So and that could or would cost you opportunities.
15:16 Yes I think about how people find me, you know, and I'm very
15:21 grateful, I'm humbled by the reviews people write and the
15:25 first thing people say they look at the accounts of my character
15:31 based on the reviews that people have written. And you
15:33 know what I say, I say praise the Lord and I thank the Lord
15:36 for my wonderful clients and patients. I love them, they love
15:40 me and I don't believe that... And they have it set up where
15:45 you cannot do that. You know of course you could create an email
15:49 but you don't create 50 emails and write and some do but I did
15:54 not do that. So all the reviews that's on the internet about me
15:59 other people wrote and I'm very grateful. Sometimes I go back
16:02 and I read them and integrity counts and character and also
16:08 being honest of who you are. Honesty. Why is it important
16:14 that we are honest people?
16:15 Well to be honest well as believers, we should be honest.
16:20 And all people should be honest. You want to deal with honest,
16:25 trustworthy people. So it's very important to be honest in all
16:30 aspects because it transcends all aspects of life. So you know
16:34 if you're dishonest you can't be dishonest in business and then
16:38 expect your children to be honest with you. So they will
16:41 just pick up on what you're doing and they'll incorporate
16:44 that in their own personal lives. So it's all relevant.
16:48 And it cycles because think about when children tell little
16:53 stories and sometimes people say oh that's so cute. No, that is
16:56 not cute. I remember my mom, she was standing right there
17:00 but I did not see her. She was on the outside glass of my
17:04 grandmother's home. And I saw my mom's purse and I looked, but I
17:09 never looked out past the couch and I went in her purse and I
17:14 took a quarter, a quarter. My mother came in and she saw me.
17:18 She said, Did you go in my purse? And I said, No ma'am.
17:23 Lie number one. Did you take anything out of my purse?
17:26 No ma'am. Lie number two. Number three, did you take money
17:32 out of my purse? Mm-mm. My! I couldn't sit for three days.
17:37 She said, You cannot lie. Now all right. People who are
17:44 sinners saved by grace. People lie, they fabricate the truth.
17:47 They embellish the truth but only God can help us stop that
17:54 negative behavior because lying and being dishonest can cost you
18:00 your life also. It can put you in a place... That's why today
18:04 our prison system is overcrowded for various reasons but it
18:09 started with negative behavior. That should have been stopped
18:14 long before they got into their teenage years and older.
18:19 But someone ignored it or well it's okay. Should we just say
18:24 it's okay or should we say to our children, This is wrong.
18:29 Yeah, you should say to your children yes this is wrong
18:33 because it starts at an early age. Children tend to develop
18:37 their personalities around age five. So like you mentioned,
18:40 these little white lies, you know, a lot of people laugh it
18:43 off and it's cute, but what happens is they get positive
18:45 reinforcement from that so they'll continue to do it on a
18:48 grander scale as they go through life. I had a very similar
18:51 scenario with my own children. My oldest, I asked her to do
18:56 something and I followed up with her, Did you do it? And of
19:00 course she said yes, but when I went back to check on it, it
19:02 hadn't been done. And I asked her, Why did you tell me a lie?
19:07 And you know she couldn't give me a true response but she kind
19:12 of just blushed. I said, you know, lying is wrong and it's
19:16 not good and given our belief system, you know, we say Jesus
19:20 isn't like that you know on the young person's scale. So I want
19:25 to give them good ethics and good belief system so I tell
19:29 them lying is wrong. I had to start early and give them
19:33 negative reinforcement when they do that versus positive
19:36 reinforcement because it just will become a part of them.
19:39 So then after you matriculate in life and you become an adult
19:45 you're getting away with lying and cheating for so long. Here I
19:48 am in the business sense and I'm dealing with whatever scenario
19:51 and I'm going to lie and cheat [Right] to get over.
19:54 No one ever stopped me and therefore the behavior just
19:57 continued to build like those building blocks and then it
20:00 comes in like a domino effect.
20:02 Right and it affects your integrity.
20:03 And your integrity... And then once you've been arrested and
20:07 dealing with finances and other areas, you can't work in that
20:12 field anymore.
20:13 No because now you're untrustworthy.
20:14 Right. If you have a felony, you've been an attorney, you
20:18 cannot practice law.
20:19 You'll be disbarred.
20:20 You're disbarred. That's your integrity. So...
20:23 Same thing in the medical profession as well.
20:24 Medical profession as well. I could lose my license for doing
20:29 something that is not ethical or it's the integrity behind it.
20:34 I remember we were being... You know Arthur. And they came
20:40 in to meet with me, the Internal Revenue Service and an insurance
20:45 company was helping us set up things. I'd just gone
20:47 through a fire
20:48 and they were meeting with my administrator, Ms. Anderson and I
20:51 and walking through things. And I said, Well this lady said that
20:57 I did not do the work. So I got a letter from an insurance
21:03 company. So the insurance company called and said,
21:05 Dr. Logan, you have no record of any problems with your integrity
21:10 I said but she was in the therapy session. I was talking
21:14 to her son, he could not... well he had difficulty speaking so
21:18 she would answer the questions. So I billed her for the hour,
21:24 billed him because they both were in the session. She said,
21:27 How dare you bill me? That's fraud. So when the insurance
21:30 company called they said, Dr. Logan, send back the money and
21:36 we close this out. We know she was in the session, she knew she
21:40 was in the session but she said it was for my son. But how could
21:44 he answer the questions if you didn't answer, he couldn't speak
21:47 well. And so I sent it back. A month later she said, I'm going
21:52 to find someone else to service my son. And I said you have that
21:56 right. And I didn't say anything I said thank you for the
22:01 opportunity to serve you. A month later she called and said
22:05 I need your help. My son will not respond to anyone but you.
22:10 And I had to say I'm sorry, I have no openings until about
22:15 another six months. I was backed up. So she said I want to
22:21 apologize how I treated you and I want to send you back the
22:25 money that you sent back. I said No, no, no, no, no, we're good.
22:29 And I'll let you know if I can ever see your son. Sweet young
22:32 man. So I knew that I had not done anything. So the other
22:39 company said what they do, they go after people who bill
22:44 millions and millions of dollars and they're not seeing these
22:49 patients. Their integrity is not in place. So I think I owed
22:53 86 cents and I was like thank you Jesus. But the man said
22:58 Write me a check for 86 cents. So that was ethics and integrity
23:03 You know you are a private practice, small business, but
23:08 they are big people out here who are stealing and it's impacting
23:13 the church, it's impacting hospitals, businesses and then
23:18 our taxes go up. Then things go up for us because they got to
23:23 make this money up somehow, some way. Am I correct?
23:26 Correct. No, it's the people with low integrity and people
23:30 who steal and do these fraudulent activities.
23:33 Unfortunately the good people pay for it and that's in all
23:37 aspects from insurance to health services to even consumer
23:41 products and services. Because when someone steals from the
23:45 store the store, or the company that runs the store are going to
23:49 pass that loss on to the consumer. They're going to raise
23:51 the price up on each consumer item. You know, we all pay for
23:56 someone else's misdeeds and that person is going to pay a
24:00 different way. But, yeah, it all comes around full circle how we
24:07 treat others in business and how we treat others in our personal
24:11 lives. It all comes around full circle. That example you just
24:15 mentioned. The woman offered you an apology and unfortunately she
24:20 was at a loss because of her misguided ways.
24:24 And I truly did not have an opening for six months. But I
24:28 would not have lied. Because that's the whole point, you know
24:31 I'm going to... See because her son was in so much need. But the
24:40 other part of it was that really stressed me. I was hurt by it
24:45 my reputation. It only takes one person to ruin your
24:50 reputation. [Damage your high integrity.]
24:51 Yes I have high integrity but I was under a lot of stress and
24:54 they came through that door to meet with me and all I had to do
24:59 and I said, Fine I'll just send it back. Even if a person wrote
25:03 one review about me. And I tried to explain to them. So the
25:08 person asked me to lie when I went to court. I said, I can't
25:11 do that, that's perjury and I'm not going to go to jail for you.
25:16 So the person said, Well fine, I'm going to write this review
25:19 about you and no one's going to do business with you.
25:22 But greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world.
25:25 I am, that I am has sent you all right. So my god said you do
25:30 what is right and I will cover you in every aspect. And that's
25:34 the key, we have to have a connection to the Lord. We have
25:39 to implement prayer in the studying of the word of God so
25:43 that we will not make those kind of mistakes. And I never stole
25:48 another quarter from my mom. You know. Now when my husband
25:51 was alive he would put all his change on the dresser, all right
25:55 and he never counted it, and his dollars from golf. So I would
25:59 tell my little girl. Come here, come here. I said, Let's get all
26:03 daddy's coins. So he would get up the next morning, Hey
26:05 what happened to all my change? I said, I put it up to protect
26:09 you, all right. And do you know, we had jars here, here, here
26:14 and it was a blessing. Listen you have been amazing. I really
26:19 appreciate what I've learned today about integrity and also
26:24 ethics. Last 20 seconds, tell us what we need to do to be
26:28 better people.
26:30 Well, keep God first in your life. Treat others as you want
26:33 to be treated Always think about the greater scheme of things
26:38 and how it will affect you when you're presented with a negative
26:42 situation. Pray. Surround yourself with people of
26:49 good integrity.
26:50 I think that's so important Robert. I know you and you know
26:55 me. See it has to work both ways because I may want to be your
26:58 friend but you may say well Dr. Kim you're not someone I
27:01 want in my circles. Be very mindful who you associate with
27:05 because "guilty by association." You could be attached to a crime
27:10 because you were in that car. Your integrity... The Bible says
27:14 your reputation is far above rubies and gold. I want to thank
27:18 you so much for being with us today on Live To Be Well. And
27:21 remember without having God there is no aspect of
27:27 understanding what Live To Be Well is all about because he
27:30 he brings us all together. Have integrity, have ethics, have you
27:36 know the aspect of how you treat others. You reap
27:41 what you sow. Ask, don't take something that doesn't belong to
27:45 you. And remember, that God is willing, am I right Robert? to
27:49 bless you abundantly. I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlan.
27:53 Ethics and integrity. With God you're on the right track.
27:57 Live To Be Well.
27:59 ♪ ♪


Revised 2021-09-14