Live to Be Well

The Commitment of Motherhood

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LTBW

Program Code: LTBW190035S

00:01 The following program features real clients
00:03 discussing sensitive issues.
00:05 The views and opinions expressed in this program
00:07 don't necessarily reflect
00:09 that of 3ABN's Dare to Dream Network.
00:11 Viewer discretion is advised.
00:49 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin, and welcome to Live To Be Well.
00:54 What is live to be well?
00:56 It's about mind, body and soul, but a full commitment
01:00 to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
01:03 Commitment of motherhood.
01:05 What is a true commitment?
01:08 Well, we're committed to God.
01:09 Of course, that is my desire, commitment to our careers,
01:13 commitment to our health and diet.
01:15 But what about parenting?
01:17 What about being committed as a mother?
01:20 I want to welcome our special guest today.
01:23 Mrs. Ericka Taylor.
01:24 God bless you.
01:25 Welcome, sweetheart.
01:27 Oh, thank you. I'm happy to be here.
01:28 Well, I'm happy to have you now.
01:30 We're just Kim and Ericka, 'cause we grew up together
01:33 at the Burns Seventh-day Adventist Church
01:36 with your grandmother Sister Clady Harris.
01:38 This one it was on Burns, the old Burns Avenue.
01:41 That's right.
01:43 And then we moved over to Cadillac, and Warren.
01:46 But my mother's sister Davemore and Luke,
01:48 they were best friends.
01:49 So who is Ericka Taylor?
01:52 And the commitment of motherhood?
01:54 You have two children?
01:56 Two children.
01:57 An Amazing husband? Yes.
01:58 And you all just celebrated your anniversary.
02:01 And so God is good.
02:03 All the time. All the time.
02:04 So let's talk about the commitment of motherhood?
02:07 What does that mean to you?
02:08 Commitment means that taking care of the gifts
02:12 God has given me.
02:13 My children are gifts from God.
02:16 And He entrusted me with these two souls.
02:19 Yeah.
02:20 And it is my commitment to rear them,
02:22 to guide them and to show them Jesus.
02:25 Yes. Let me ask you this.
02:27 When you say commitment,
02:28 when you talk about the treasures,
02:30 and you know, being a good steward.
02:34 It's our responsibility
02:35 to be a good steward of these children.
02:37 Yes.
02:38 Why is it that, you know,
02:40 when we think about stewardship,
02:41 we think about finances.
02:43 But isn't that a part of motherhood
02:44 being a good steward?
02:45 Yes.
02:47 And we're going to have to answer to God for that.
02:48 Absolutely. All right.
02:49 So what was it like
02:51 when you gave birth to your first child, Jaylen,
02:54 what was it like?
02:56 When I found out I was pregnant with,
02:57 I got on my knees,
02:58 gave her back to the Lord and ask the Lord to bless
03:02 and anoint her life and guide her steps.
03:05 Where does Jordan get this voice from?
03:08 She has a beautiful voice.
03:10 Do you sing?
03:11 No.
03:14 Probably her grandparents and her dad?
03:18 Yes, yes.
03:19 Her Uncle Cory.
03:20 Yes. That's right.
03:22 He's talented. Very talented.
03:23 Yes.
03:25 Let's talk about the character building.
03:27 A lot of times parents put emphasis on the outward
03:31 more so the inward building.
03:33 And I'm not saying anything's wrong with
03:35 having nice clothes and things.
03:36 But sometimes it needs question,
03:39 it needed the question.
03:40 What are we building on?
03:42 And we should be building on the solid rock
03:44 of Jesus Christ.
03:45 So why was that so important for you to build
03:48 your children's character in Christ Jesus?
03:50 Well, because that's who you are,
03:53 your character.
03:55 And that's what you'll take with you, your character.
03:57 And my commitment to my children
04:00 was to be an example of treating people
04:03 the way you want to be treated.
04:05 Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
04:08 If you can help someone, help them.
04:11 I just believe that your character is who you are.
04:15 And it's important to me that they are good people.
04:17 Yes.
04:19 Did you talk to your children about,
04:21 you know, fighting and bullying?
04:23 And if someone approached Jordan and touched her?
04:26 Do you have those serious conversations with them?
04:29 Yes, I do.
04:30 As far as bullying, we talk,
04:35 we talk and that we communicate,
04:38 and I always want to keep
04:39 those lines of communication open.
04:41 Yes.
04:43 As far as bullying, I've told Jordan
04:45 if someone has an issue with you,
04:47 where you know something's not right.
04:49 Don't be afraid to go to that person and say,
04:52 hey, have I done anything?
04:53 You know, I need to talk to you.
04:55 Yes.
04:56 I just noticed this,
04:57 you know, have I done anything to offend you.
04:59 Let's talk about it.
05:00 And I said, that takes courage to do that.
05:02 Yes, it does.
05:04 It doesn't mean you're weak, it means you're strong.
05:06 Did you teach your children to pray?
05:08 Oh, absolutely.
05:10 I taught them to pray to have devotion
05:12 to start their day with God to end their day with God,
05:16 but prayer is essential.
05:19 Remember, as mommies, put your hands together,
05:21 it's prayer time, close your eyes, bow your head.
05:25 And when I opened like, okay, and then I remember,
05:29 Erin was like,
05:30 well, how do you know my eyes are open
05:32 if your eyes are closed, okay?
05:33 Because I said, I'm watching you.
05:35 All right.
05:36 And in that commitment to Christ.
05:38 Now, when Jordan was learning her music,
05:43 I mean, just like any young person,
05:45 there's different types of style of music.
05:48 But when you first heard her sing,
05:50 you know, what did that do for you
05:53 to hear her sing in church?
05:56 It brought tears to my eyes.
05:57 Did you cry?
05:59 I did.
06:00 I did, but she would pray as a little girl.
06:03 She would pray with this power.
06:06 And she still has that power today.
06:07 And I'm thinking, this little baby.
06:09 Where is she getting this from?
06:10 You know, because I'm quiet.
06:12 You know, I'm little reserved.
06:14 And I'm thinking, wow, Lord.
06:15 Okay, so I just said, "Have your Way, Lord."
06:18 Yes.
06:20 Have your way.
06:21 It takes me back to Samuel,
06:22 when his mother talked to the Lord and said,
06:26 you give me this child, I will give him back to you.
06:30 And Samuel was taken to Eli.
06:32 And Eli, you know, raised him.
06:35 But that night, we heard the voice of God,
06:37 Samuel, Samuel, he went to Eli.
06:40 And Eli said, you know, I didn't call you.
06:43 He went a second time, Eli, did you call me?
06:45 No.
06:47 He said, "You hear this a third time, just say yes, Lord.
06:50 And so we want to be obedient as Samuels's mother was,
06:55 and she made a promise.
06:56 What are the promises that you have made
06:59 to your children to be there for them?
07:02 I promise my children that I will be there for them,
07:06 because God is there for me.
07:08 And I say whatever it is, I can do,
07:12 you know, and my sacrifice from work,
07:14 running the business, and being there for them.
07:17 Nothing is more important.
07:19 No one is more important to me than them.
07:22 And I just told them that in the scripture
07:24 that God has given me is,
07:27 and all thy children shall be taught of the Lord
07:29 and great shall be the peace of that children.
07:33 And so, I don't want them to be weary, to be worried.
07:36 I want them to have peace.
07:38 And it is my commitment that they have a stable foundation,
07:42 a solid foundation.
07:43 A solid foundation where someone cannot just come in
07:46 and whisper in their ear,
07:48 the enemy and get them to go off the path.
07:51 I know the other day we were talking
07:53 and you really ministered to me about your son Jaylen.
07:57 This past April, I was visiting Oakwood University
08:02 in Huntsville, Alabama.
08:04 And I was looking for a hanger.
08:07 And I couldn't find a particular hanger
08:09 I was looking for.
08:10 So I said let me check Erin's closet down there
08:13 where we have a home there.
08:14 And I couldn't open the door.
08:17 I pushed, employees.
08:19 And I called for Micah, my oldest daughter.
08:22 And as I pushed it open,
08:24 and I said writhing and I said, Erin.
08:27 She was in there crying having a meltdown
08:31 with a blanket overhead.
08:33 She was supposed to be taking a fine with that moment.
08:35 And she looked at me and she said,
08:37 I told you, I can't do this.
08:40 She wouldn't right from losing her father,
08:43 a junior and boarding school right into high school,
08:47 12th grade at Oakwood Academy,
08:49 right into Oakwood University.
08:51 And my daughter said, "Mommy give her a year off."
08:54 But oh no, Dr. Kim, no freshman year, sophomore year,
08:59 junior year, senior year or grad school.
09:01 We're on track, we're not coming off track.
09:04 We are educated people in our family.
09:06 We don't stop going to school.
09:08 That mentality that and what would people say
09:11 or think not you Dr. Kim,
09:14 your daughter has taken a year of school.
09:16 You know, people can be cruel.
09:19 And so Micah said,
09:20 "Mommy, do you hear yourself?
09:23 It's not about you, Mommy, it's about Erin."
09:27 And I said, Erin, I got down on my knees.
09:29 I said, "Erin, I'm here."
09:31 And she said, "It's too late.
09:33 You didn't listen to me. You didn't listen to me."
09:36 My daughter was this close to suicide.
09:38 Yes.
09:39 Jesus.
09:41 And so, I said, "What do I need to do?"
09:43 She says, "I want to finish my exams."
09:47 She went from a 4.0 to 2.5.
09:52 She had two classes.
09:54 And she had her grades in and two incompletes.
09:58 And I said, I talked with the teachers who said,
10:01 don't worry about it,
10:02 and come to find out the classes won't transfer
10:05 to our new school next year.
10:06 Okay.
10:08 And I said, you know, I hear you, forgive me.
10:12 And we shouldn't be ashamed
10:14 to ask our children to forgive us.
10:15 And you mentioned to me that Jaylen didn't go
10:19 right into college after high school.
10:21 He and Erin graduated from eighth grade together.
10:23 You gave him a gap year.
10:26 And you minister to me, let's talk about that?
10:28 Okay.
10:29 Well, Jaylen and Jordan are my son, my daughter,
10:34 Jaylen's my son, Jordan's my daughter.
10:36 And they are two different children.
10:37 My grandmother used to say, she had nine children.
10:41 Each child's needs are different.
10:44 Yes.
10:45 And that's something that I remembered.
10:48 Jordan, she will breeze right through,
10:51 you know, her schoolwork.
10:54 She loves school, she loves, she's outgoing.
10:56 Yes.
10:57 Jaylen, his character,
10:59 he's more quiet.
11:04 He likes to have time to himself.
11:07 He's an introvert.
11:08 He's an introvert.
11:10 So I had to look at the two, my children
11:12 and how their needs are different.
11:14 Yes.
11:16 So Jaylen acts for a break.
11:20 And I say, why not?
11:23 If that's where he needs, why not?
11:26 That's powerful.
11:27 And so that's what we did.
11:29 We took a break.
11:30 And now he's, this is his, this semester,
11:32 he entered college for the first time.
11:35 And he loves it.
11:36 He loves it.
11:37 He needed that time to regroup,
11:40 you know, and to get himself together.
11:42 And I'm proud of him.
11:44 I am.
11:45 Jaylen, although he's quiet, he is a leader in his own way.
11:49 Yes, yes.
11:50 I know, Jaylen, such a sweet young man, very kind.
11:54 And, you know, I get on my knees after talking with you.
11:56 And I said, I'm so ashamed of myself,
11:58 because I was more worried about my image than Erin.
12:03 And what people would say and sure enough, people said,
12:06 you know, Erin is not going back to Oakwood.
12:08 Erin is not going back to school,
12:10 and I let Erin speak.
12:11 And Erin said, I'm taking a gap year, you know.
12:14 And now I'm at a point I think gap years are good.
12:17 And you're right.
12:19 Some children can go right through.
12:21 I was able to go right through.
12:22 My brother, Kurt, he waited till after he get out
12:26 of the military, because he wasn't ready for that.
12:29 You know, my sister Renee, right through,
12:32 you know, but looking at the fact that I know
12:35 what is healthy for my children now.
12:38 And you know what Micah said?
12:39 Oh, Mom, yeah, one who finished gotta be happy.
12:41 All right.
12:42 And then Erin said, I'm going to finish,
12:44 but I need a year off.
12:46 So I think after that, let's talk about
12:49 how you balance your commitment to motherhood,
12:53 marriage, and having your own business?
12:55 All right, and what type of business do you have?
12:58 Okay, I am a licensed cosmetologist.
13:01 And I also have my license to, to sisterlocks.
13:05 Okay, now what is sisterlocks?
13:07 Natural Hair, its micro size locks.
13:11 Are you to intricate?
13:13 I use a tool. You use a tool.
13:14 And there's a locking pattern.
13:16 Oh, I see.
13:17 So for different textures of hair,
13:18 there are different locking patterns.
13:20 You think I could do that look good on me?
13:22 Absolutely.
13:23 Really? Yes.
13:25 We should try that one time, you know?
13:26 Sure.
13:27 I guess my program director Jason Bradley for going ahead.
13:29 All right.
13:30 You know where to find it. Yes.
13:31 So how did you get involved with all of that?
13:35 Well, I love the beauty industry.
13:38 I've always loved doing hair.
13:41 And what happened was, I was in beauty school.
13:43 Okay.
13:44 And I love to, the relationships,
13:47 you know, with women and men.
13:48 Okay.
13:49 But women will come in.
13:51 And it was important to me that they love feeling good,
13:56 not only on the inside,
13:58 and looking good on the outside,
13:59 but I want them to feel good on the inside.
14:01 Yes.
14:02 I remember a client, she came in and she wore a wig.
14:05 She took her wig off and she has so much damage to her hair.
14:08 And she says, "Oh, I need I need a power relaxer."
14:11 And I said,
14:13 "Well, you know what? Let's try something different."
14:15 And she said, "Oh, no, no, no."
14:16 And I said, "Well, the relaxer will further damage your hair.
14:19 Let's just try something different."
14:21 And she said,
14:23 "Oh, no, I have to have this perm.
14:24 And so I went to my instructor and I said,
14:26 "I cannot put a chemical on this lady's hair,"
14:29 because it will further damage her hair.
14:31 Yeah.
14:32 I was sent home for that.
14:35 And I prayed and asked God to show me something
14:39 where women can grow their natural hair
14:43 and overcome the stigma
14:47 of not being able to have long hair.
14:49 I said, if you show me what a technique or skill
14:52 where I can do that.
14:53 For women, I will do it
14:55 and God showed me that with sisterlocks.
14:57 And how long have you been doing this?
14:58 Fifteen years.
15:00 What Ericka?
15:01 Fifteen years.
15:02 What a blessing.
15:04 Yes.
15:05 I'm grateful.
15:06 I know you are grateful.
15:08 So looking at the fact that you do this,
15:10 you're able to balance,
15:12 you know, because picking the children up.
15:14 Now, Jaylen, you take him to school,
15:17 you pick him up, he drives?
15:19 All of that.
15:20 All of it.
15:21 Picking them up.
15:23 Jaylen's driving, Jordan's driving.
15:27 My husband helps tremendously.
15:29 Yes.
15:30 I couldn't do it without him.
15:32 Yes, yes.
15:33 So we work together.
15:34 Working together there.
15:37 Who did the children gravitate to
15:39 as far as to both of you when it comes to,
15:42 you know, 'cause sometimes children want to play odds
15:44 against the parents, you know?
15:45 Well, Dad, Mom said, and Mom didn't say anything.
15:49 Or, well, go ask your mother and see what she says,
15:51 you know, who tends to do that?
15:56 I would have to say, Jordan.
15:58 Jordan does that.
16:01 She will definitely, you know.
16:03 And that's for manipulation, you know, but again,
16:07 we want our children to be happy and blessed.
16:09 How do you see God, you know, just developing your life,
16:14 you know, 'cause I know, being a wife, being a mother,
16:18 and I see the children with you, the care of the children.
16:22 What is the most important thing for you
16:25 to make sure that they accomplish?
16:28 The most important thing to me is being there for them,
16:34 listening to them, because they do have a voice.
16:38 They do have feelings.
16:42 And it's just important to me that,
16:44 you know, we're always giving instruction,
16:48 but it's also important to me and I pray for wisdom
16:52 as a parent, you know, to listen to them
16:58 and not to provoke them.
16:59 That's in the Bible.
17:00 That's in the Bible, provoke not, Ephesians Chapter 5,
17:02 "Provoke your children not to do wrong."
17:04 Yes.
17:06 "And children provoke not to your parents."
17:07 You know, I used to give that to Erin every morning.
17:10 Don't provoke me, child.
17:12 So who did the disciplining, you know?
17:15 Did you believe in spanking or more so,
17:17 you know, just the communication?
17:19 Well, I believe in spankings.
17:21 Yes. That is I do.
17:23 Well, the Bible say, you spare the rod, you spoil the child.
17:26 So you know, we spanked, I spanked,
17:29 you know, I used to tap those legs, get those hands.
17:32 And when we were growing up,
17:34 remember that switch bush right in front of the church.
17:37 Parents were stopped by and break off a switch
17:40 before they went into the church.
17:42 Every parent had a switch.
17:44 And we know, all I remember is to do hold up that switch.
17:47 And we didn't look.
17:48 Oh, remember the look.
17:50 That look, you didn't have to even say anything.
17:52 No.
17:53 Get look, have you lost your mind?
17:55 You better sit back, you know, and no chewing gum in church.
17:59 No eating in church, no talking in church.
18:03 And you had your Bible.
18:04 You better sing those hymns.
18:06 All right?
18:08 And you go to the restroom before you leave home.
18:10 Girl, listen, we, my mother would say to us,
18:14 you think you want to use the restroom
18:15 before you leave home?
18:17 Now when you get to church.
18:18 All right, go to Sabbath school.
18:21 And then you have a five minutes...
18:23 A break. Right.
18:24 Sabbath School to 11 o'clock hour.
18:27 But during church service, you wouldn't even move.
18:30 We couldn't.
18:31 Couldn't, you and those ushers,
18:33 remember those ushers at the door?
18:34 Oh, yes. See that was motherhood.
18:36 Though and my mother was a head usher.
18:37 Yes, I remember.
18:39 They have all that power.
18:40 One seat, one seat, but you know, leaving out this door.
18:42 And we have gotten to the point even I see young people walking
18:47 during the benediction, during the altar prayer.
18:50 It all goes back to home training.
18:52 How important has home training been with your children?
18:56 Oh, very important.
18:58 We have devotion.
19:00 When they were younger, we would, I will read them a song.
19:05 Yes.
19:07 Bible, a story. Yes.
19:09 It's just important that you take time
19:12 with your children teaching them God's principles,
19:16 His statutes or His laws, because it's guidance.
19:20 It's a guide on how to live.
19:22 And the principles of that we,
19:25 you know, I believe in the eight principles of health,
19:27 and I understand that we need rest, we need sunshine.
19:32 We need to have a good diet.
19:34 We need exercise.
19:35 We need to study the Word of God.
19:37 We need to be in His presence.
19:39 You know, have you ever gone into your children's room
19:44 3 o'clock in the morning and just pray?
19:47 I do it now.
19:49 You still do it?
19:50 I still do it.
19:51 I open their door. Yes.
19:53 And I just stand over them and I pray.
19:55 Yes, yes.
19:56 I did it all with Micah.
19:58 Arthur used to say, "What are you doing?"
20:01 I said, "You need to get up."
20:02 And he said, I think he said, "The mother needs to do that."
20:06 And he would do with me a few times out of the month.
20:10 He said, "It was just the most beautiful thing
20:12 to pray by the bedside of your children, and the covering."
20:16 And I used to take my anointing or the anointing,
20:19 the Bible says, the anointing breaks the yoke.
20:22 So I will take my oil, we know it's
20:24 no power in the oil, it's the faith.
20:27 And I anointed the head posts all way around
20:30 my children's room then.
20:32 And Lord, I sprinkle on their gym shoes.
20:35 Yes, I did.
20:36 And the oil when we, we anoint, we anointed them,
20:40 and we bless them, and we gave them back to the Lord.
20:43 You know, do you remember your baby blessing?
20:45 I do. You do?
20:47 I do too. I do.
20:48 It was so special.
20:49 It was very precious to lift the babies
20:51 and give them to the Lord.
20:53 This is something we do
20:55 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
20:56 and about five months, for about four months into,
21:01 we give them back to the Lord with a beautiful service,
21:05 where the pastor prays over the child.
21:07 And the pastor lifts the child.
21:09 Now remember roots, the movie roots.
21:11 And lift that child over the pastor takes the child
21:15 because that child does not belong to us.
21:17 That child is given back to the Lord in service for God.
21:21 Amen.
21:23 What do you think are some of the challenges
21:24 we face today as mothers?
21:27 Just being too busy.
21:29 Working.
21:31 Busy?
21:32 Yes, working, technology, the phones...
21:37 A cell phone.
21:39 Cell phone,
21:40 I try to monitor and it's just so much going on.
21:45 That's a challenge for me.
21:47 And most of my friends, parents,
21:50 that's the one thing we have in common
21:53 with as a challenge for our children is the phone.
21:56 Yeah.
21:58 And that's a real challenge.
21:59 Because they spend a lot of time on their phones.
22:01 And they're not always doing their homework?
22:03 And you don't know what they're doing, right?
22:04 Absolutely.
22:06 I remember, Erin knocked me off on one of the social medias.
22:09 She said, "Mommy, your energy is just not good."
22:12 And I said if I can't be on your,
22:14 following you, you can't be on.
22:17 And I follow Micah on all her social medias.
22:21 I follow Jordan, Jordan follows me.
22:24 I was just looking at some of the pictures
22:28 we took yesterday with your daughter.
22:30 And I was like so blessed.
22:33 Jordan said to me just yesterday,
22:36 you know, I want to join your sign language choir.
22:39 Now she's in school.
22:41 She's very busy.
22:42 How do you say to your child?
22:45 All right, you have this on your plate,
22:46 you got this on your plate?
22:48 This?
22:49 Do you ever say no, you can't do that
22:51 because you're doing too much right now?
22:54 No, we'll find a way.
22:57 Yes. We'll find a way.
22:59 School, his or her academia it's very important.
23:01 Yes.
23:03 But her spiritual walk is important to me too.
23:06 So we just have to find balance.
23:08 And it takes a village.
23:10 It takes a village.
23:11 You know, I'm not doing every everything.
23:13 You know, I have helped you, have...
23:15 Yes.
23:16 Definitely so season to my child's life.
23:19 I support her and our family.
23:21 There's so many.
23:23 So no, I don't tell her now.
23:25 All right. I can appreciate that.
23:27 I remember that when you first came to church.
23:32 Tell us how you became a Seventh-day Adventist?
23:35 My grandmother Sister Clady Harris.
23:38 And actually it was my Uncle Jerome.
23:40 He was taking Bible studies with a friend.
23:43 And my grandmother. He was just different.
23:45 And he was coming home and he was talking about Jesus.
23:47 And she says, well, you know, I want to go,
23:50 I want to know what's going on because he was so excited.
23:53 She was actually attended a Baptist Church.
23:55 Yes.
23:56 And the pastor spoke about the Sabbath.
23:58 And it was the first day church.
24:00 And so she says, Well, it looks like to me
24:02 the Sabbath is on a Saturday,
24:05 and it's the seventh day of the week.
24:06 So she went and looked at the calendar on the wall.
24:08 She says, okay, and so she asked God
24:11 if He would show her a church
24:13 where they worship on Sabbath, she will go.
24:15 She just want to know the truth.
24:17 She want to know the truth.
24:18 And what happened was when as my uncle was taking Bible
24:21 studies, the Bible workers were Adventists,
24:25 but they never said anything.
24:27 They never said anything.
24:28 So when my grandmother went and started having a study,
24:30 she asked them, you know, just after probably
24:33 two or three studies, "Well, what church do you belong to?"
24:36 And they said, "Burns Seventh-day Adventist Church."
24:39 That was the center church, I think at the time.
24:41 Yes, the center church.
24:42 And the movie it was.
24:44 Yeah, old one, Grass It Out.
24:45 Yeah, on Grass it.
24:47 And so that's how and we switched from Baptist Church,
24:49 I might have been four.
24:50 Four years old, and you became a Seventh-day Adventist.
24:54 Any regrets?
24:55 None. None.
24:56 You believe that the Seventh-day Adventist
24:58 message is the remnant message.
24:59 Yes.
25:01 And you believe that Saturday is a Sabbath Day.
25:03 You know, when we repeat,
25:04 remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy,
25:07 six days shall thy labor and do all thy work.
25:09 But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord
25:13 thy God, in it thou shall not do any work,
25:16 you know, and I used to get articles.
25:17 He's like to polish his shoes on the Sabbath.
25:20 He said, this is not work.
25:22 This is to do good on the Sabbath,
25:23 my shoe need to shine.
25:25 And I said, you can shine your shoes on Wednesday, all right,
25:28 so being a witness, and I think that's how my husband
25:32 became a Seventh-day Adventist, being a witness
25:35 and you have introduced your children.
25:37 They were born and raised
25:38 and they're being raised in this message,
25:40 my children and Arthur accepting this message.
25:44 And your grandmother will not have an empty crown.
25:48 Your star is on your name, is on her crown.
25:51 And Jordan and Jaylen is on your crown.
25:55 You know, and I thank God.
25:56 We have about a minute and a half to go.
25:58 Okay.
26:00 What words of wisdom can you share with me as a mother
26:02 because truly you have poured into me,
26:04 regarding Erin's gap year?
26:07 Well, is to listen to our children.
26:13 I always ask God to let me see my children as You see me.
26:18 Yes.
26:20 And as You see them, let me look through Your eyes
26:22 if I can, you know, to hear their heart.
26:27 And that's my greatest... That's my conviction,
26:31 because they are souls, precious souls.
26:34 And I want to do good.
26:35 You know, God trusted me with them.
26:38 And I just want to be there.
26:39 I tell them no matter what, you can always come home.
26:42 Come on now.
26:44 You don't think anything is too bad or you can't come?
26:48 Come home. Come home.
26:50 See and I think that's so important.
26:52 Ericka, I want to thank you for being with us
26:54 today on Live To Be Well.
26:56 You were amazing.
26:57 You look beautiful.
26:59 Thank you.
27:00 And I'm so happy that you are my sister in Christ,
27:02 that we have grown up together
27:04 in the Seventh-day Adventist message.
27:05 And that I love you, you love me
27:07 and we love each other and our family.
27:09 Oh, I love you, Kim.
27:10 God bless you, Ericka. Thank you.
27:11 Let me say this to all of us, including myself.
27:16 It takes a commitment to serving God.
27:18 It takes a commitment to share your gifts and talents
27:21 that God has given us,
27:23 is a commitment is a relationship.
27:26 It is an opportunity for us to be
27:29 a witness to everyone we meet.
27:31 I encourage you as mothers, as fathers,
27:33 as parents, to study the Word of God
27:36 to be able to impact and empower you
27:39 and your children, your family.
27:40 Pray for me, pray for Ericka as we go forth.
27:44 I'm Dr. Kim, live to be well.
27:46 God bless.


Revised 2021-08-30