Live to Be Well

Educated to Educate Others

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LTBW

Program Code: LTBW190033S

00:01 The following program features real clients
00:03 discussing sensitive issues.
00:05 The views and opinions expressed in this program
00:07 don't necessarily reflect
00:09 that of 3ABN's Dare to Dream Network.
00:11 Viewer discretion is advised.
00:49 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin, and welcome to Live To Be Well.
00:54 What is live to be well?
00:56 Mind, body, and soul,
00:58 but making sure
01:00 that God is ahead of all of our lives.
01:02 Today, I want to welcome Miss Malissa Martin.
01:05 Welcome to Live To Be Well.
01:06 Happy to be here. Happy to be here.
01:08 Thank you so much.
01:09 We want to talk about today, educated to educate others.
01:14 Let's talk about what you do for a profession?
01:17 Currently I am an English teacher.
01:19 I teach 10th, 11th, and 12th grade English
01:22 at E-Core High School.
01:23 And I also teach public speaking and English
01:26 at Wayne County Community College.
01:28 That's a full plate for such a young woman.
01:30 It is.
01:31 Now, I've known you since you were just one,
01:34 that was 35 years ago.
01:36 Thirty five years ago. That's amazing.
01:38 That makes me 40 then, right?
01:40 Wait, now we got our mess.
01:42 You gotta act pretty, we gotta carry some ones.
01:44 We're missing it. We're missing it.
01:46 Missing the cupboard, I'm missing it.
01:47 But I see you.
01:49 I've seen you grow in the church
01:51 being Seventh-day Adventist,
01:53 your father, third generation.
01:55 You are third generation, your mother,
01:57 you're two second generation.
01:58 You attended Peterson-Warren Academy,
02:01 which is our Seventh-day Adventist school
02:03 in Inkster, Michigan.
02:05 And where your mother was the former principal.
02:07 Yes, she was my teacher too.
02:09 What was that like?
02:10 You know what?
02:11 It was, I liked it.
02:13 I don't know if my sister and my brother did.
02:16 I enjoy my mom being there.
02:17 My mom's it all involved in English.
02:19 Oh, yes, she is.
02:21 So, for me having a parent at the school,
02:26 I liked it.
02:27 My mom, your mom was there.
02:29 Did you call her mom?
02:30 Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
02:31 There wasn't my mom at school.
02:33 It was Miss Martin.
02:34 Miss. Martin.
02:36 And then the deal my parents had was,
02:37 our dad had to come to all our parent-teacher conference,
02:40 you know, even one time
02:41 they had a parent-teacher conference
02:43 with the two of them,
02:45 for her when she was teaching my sixth grade.
02:47 So she had to talk to your father.
02:49 They had a full blown conversation
02:52 about what if she could just at home, you know?
02:54 And I've been working with her.
02:56 So that was, that was a good deal.
02:57 But I enjoyed having my mom at school.
02:58 That's a blessing. I enjoyed it.
03:00 Do you feel that she was very instrumental
03:02 in guiding you to become an English teacher?
03:06 From the teacher aspect,
03:08 all of my teachers did that.
03:10 But at home it was different.
03:12 I was always a reader, so she fed my reading.
03:15 So my mom would pop up with, I got you three new books
03:18 and I read in three new books and I got you two new books.
03:20 So she was more hands on at home
03:24 Because she couldn't single me out at school.
03:26 But she was, she was definitely helpful at school,
03:28 but at home it was more individualized.
03:31 You have two siblings,
03:32 an older sister and a younger brother.
03:34 You're the middle child.
03:36 I'm the middle child. I'm the middle child.
03:37 The favorite. The favorite.
03:40 So let's talk about what's going on now
03:43 in the school system where you're teaching
03:46 and how it has evolved
03:48 from you being a 10th, 11th grader.
03:50 Right.
03:52 Can you give us some type of comparison?
03:54 What's now what you see now
03:56 being on the other side as the educator?
03:57 Okay.
03:59 Well I went to a private school for Seventh-day Adventist.
04:02 And I currently teach at a public school.
04:04 So I think first off that's the biggest difference
04:07 because in the morning, growing up
04:08 from elementary to high school,
04:10 you know, it's,
04:11 first we're going to have prayer together.
04:12 We might, the teacher might have a lesson
04:14 that she wants to read from we to us.
04:17 My school doesn't start like that.
04:18 I don't have prayer with my students.
04:21 I do pray over my classroom
04:23 before the students come in,
04:25 to make my room a safe haven.
04:27 And then I pray for the students as well.
04:29 So I think that's honestly the biggest difference.
04:32 The second biggest difference would have to be the world.
04:35 I mean, kids have their cell phones,
04:38 24 hours a day.
04:39 When I was a kid,
04:40 we only had pagers by the time I left high school.
04:44 Cell phones are really just now starting to become popular
04:47 outside of work or business people.
04:50 Yes.
04:52 So, that would be the biggest thing,
04:53 their cell phones.
04:54 And then the third would be,
04:56 if I had to list the top three home life,
04:59 because I like, I still see my teachers.
05:01 I still see my 5th grade teacher,
05:03 my 8th grade teacher, my 12th grade.
05:05 I still see my teachers weekly at church, you know?
05:09 Some of these kids, they don't some, not all,
05:12 they don't have a connection with their teachers.
05:15 Some of them don't know their parents.
05:17 Some of them don't live with their parents.
05:19 Some of their parents are incarcerated.
05:21 They don't know each other.
05:22 They didn't grow up together
05:23 like my parents grew up together,
05:25 like I grow with my friends,
05:26 my nephews grow up with the friends I had,
05:28 so they don't have that
05:29 generational expectation development.
05:33 So, how do you allow your spirituality
05:37 from not being able to pray in the classroom?
05:39 You pray over them, you pray over your classroom,
05:41 but is there anything
05:43 that you can implement in the classroom
05:46 as far as, the type of papers they write?
05:50 Can you take that type of perspective
05:51 or there's no spirituality,
05:54 you can't cross that line?
05:56 Well, there is a line.
05:58 Yeah, So let's say that there is a line,
05:59 I can't walk in class and say,
06:01 okay, everybody put down your heads,
06:03 we're going to read a devotion today.
06:04 I can't, I can't do that.
06:06 But when the time does arise
06:09 for me to speak about my faith or their faith,
06:12 or if they have questions,
06:14 those are the times
06:15 when I usually kind of make a beeline
06:17 to open up the conversation so we can talk about it.
06:20 So directly and indirectly.
06:23 It's funny, you asked me that.
06:24 So E-Core has tons of activities
06:26 for the kids to do.
06:27 They have a football team, basketball team, track team.
06:31 They even have a football girls team
06:33 called the Powerpuff girls.
06:35 So, they have activities through the week
06:37 for kids to play in games and other things like that.
06:40 They asked or required teachers to go to six events.
06:44 So sometimes the kids will ask me to come to one of the events
06:47 and I usually try to go throughout the week,
06:49 because I can't go on Friday and Saturday night.
06:52 So the kids will ask me to come to a game
06:54 on Friday or a Saturday,
06:55 and I have to tell them,
06:57 you know, I can't come to a game on Friday night.
06:59 It's my Sabbath.
07:00 Then I have to explain what a Sabbath is.
07:01 So that's another opportunity
07:03 for me to share my faith with the student.
07:06 That's a blessing.
07:08 Let's talk about your faith in God?
07:10 You know, why are you,
07:12 you know, you're our communication
07:14 director of our church.
07:15 And I have to say, she's a phenomenal,
07:17 we just had a lot of different events at our church.
07:21 And Malissa was over all these events.
07:24 It's a team, takes a team.
07:26 It takes a team, you know, am I on that team myself?
07:28 You're on my team. Oh, I'm already.
07:32 I've been so busy with Live To Be Well.
07:34 I'm going to make a meeting. That's okay.
07:37 So where and why,
07:39 why are you so still involved in your church home?
07:43 It is a personal decision.
07:46 I have fully decided
07:48 and made up in my mind
07:50 that there are certain things
07:52 that I need to do to feed my faith.
07:54 And if I don't do those things,
07:55 I'll start falling by the wayside.
07:58 And honestly, at the end of the day,
08:01 Jesus is the only thing, the only person
08:03 that I can rely on completely for everything at any time.
08:07 And I don't want to let go of that.
08:09 I won't let go of that.
08:11 So, you know, was there ever a time growing up
08:14 that you said to yourself, you know,
08:17 is this Jesus or God really real?
08:19 You know, did you ever question that?
08:21 No.
08:23 I don't know why. You never questioned.
08:24 What about you as a student at Oakwood University,
08:27 you earned your undergrad degree
08:28 at Oakwood.
08:30 Everybody doing their own thing, everybody.
08:31 You know, what about even an Oakwood School?
08:35 Now at school that's a whole different...
08:39 Can we be transparent?
08:40 We, a little bit. A little bit.
08:42 A little bit.
08:44 I think, well, as a middle child.
08:46 Right?
08:48 So I have someone in front of me,
08:49 someone behind me.
08:51 I didn't really have, I was always Wanita's daughter,
08:56 Camille sister, or Alex sister.
08:58 I was never just Malissa.
09:01 That's the reason why I went to Oakwood
09:03 to find out, to just become Malissa
09:06 and not have to rely on,
09:08 you know, you know my sister, you know my brother
09:10 or I think, you know my mom
09:11 stand on my own two feet,
09:13 you know, for my own self.
09:15 'Cause your sister went to Andrews
09:17 and your brother went to Andrews.
09:18 Because I went to Oakwood.
09:20 Nobody wanted to go to the same,
09:21 be at the same school
09:23 when the other person was there,
09:24 but everybody visited everyone.
09:27 But Oakwood was a,
09:29 honestly, when I first got down there being transparent,
09:32 I didn't go to church.
09:34 You didn't go to church? I did not go to church.
09:35 I thought it was mandated. You had to go to church.
09:38 You had to go to worship in the morning.
09:39 When you lived on campus,
09:41 there was a certain amount of worships
09:42 that you had to attend
09:43 for the week to get a weekend pass.
09:46 But I didn't,
09:47 I, they didn't check you at church,
09:49 but I didn't go to church only because I mean,
09:52 this is someone who's been going to church
09:53 18 years straight
09:54 and not just church, going up through the years,
09:57 I was a hostess for the welcome committee.
09:59 I also sang in the church choir.
10:02 I also was an usher for a little bit.
10:04 I dabbled in Pathfinders, found out it wasn't for me,
10:07 dabbled right back out.
10:08 Come on now.
10:10 I support the Pathfinders.
10:11 You didn't get to Oshkosh? No, I didn't make it.
10:13 You didn't make it? I didn't make.
10:14 It's never too late though.
10:16 It's too late. It's too late.
10:18 I'll set my support,
10:19 but I'm not a Pathfinder, but I did.
10:21 I stopped going to church just because honestly,
10:25 I didn't want to.
10:26 Didn't want to go to church? I didn't want to.
10:28 And then I kinda,
10:30 that's when I started having a personal conversation
10:33 about my faith with God,
10:34 because then I asked myself
10:36 because of course I felt some kind of way.
10:37 I'm used to going to church every week.
10:39 And once I didn't go, once I didn't go, I said,
10:42 you know, why aren't we going to church?
10:44 And then I asked myself,
10:45 well, is the only place
10:47 that I'm going to see Jesus on Sabbath is at church
10:49 or can I stay here and rest and still engage with him
10:52 and read my lesson
10:53 or read a chapter from the Bible.
10:55 Can I still do that?
10:56 So that was my first experience
10:59 with just veering off a little bit with spirituality,
11:02 but also allowing myself to be an adult
11:06 and asking myself,
11:07 where am I going with my faith?
11:09 What does God mean to me?
11:11 How do I embrace that?
11:12 How do I do that on a daily basis?
11:14 When your parents asked you where you going to church,
11:15 what did you say?
11:17 I go to worship to the... the worship in the morning.
11:21 During the week? During the week.
11:23 But that's almost like bribing a student.
11:25 If you go to worship so many times a week,
11:27 you get a weekend pass.
11:28 It is bribing a student.
11:30 You know, and if I don't go to worship,
11:32 I don't get a weekend pass.
11:33 It is bribing a student.
11:34 You know, or encouraging a student to go to worship,
11:38 to get the weekend pass,
11:39 you know, it's how you look at it.
11:41 There are several ways to you to look at it.
11:43 I think one growing up in my household,
11:46 my dad had devotion with us every morning.
11:48 He left before us,
11:50 but my dad would wake everyone up.
11:51 Everyone?
11:52 You can stay in your pajamas or whatever you want to do,
11:54 but we're having worship together as a family.
11:57 So them having worship wasn't a new thing for me.
12:00 So it wasn't a big deal.
12:01 But then some of my classmates,
12:03 they didn't have worship in the morning
12:05 with their families.
12:06 So waking up in the morning,
12:07 having worship was a new experience.
12:10 And, of course, it went both ways.
12:12 Some enjoyed it
12:13 and it became a new thing for them.
12:15 And they started having worship on their own every day,
12:17 rather they went to the worship service or not.
12:19 And then you have for others, it was a turnoff.
12:21 So I understand the purpose of it.
12:23 We do need to worship because it's college,
12:26 we can't start every class with,
12:28 all right, let's read a devotion.
12:29 Let's hear someone's testimony.
12:31 Let's get it.
12:32 You can't do that with every class,
12:34 but we still have to get it.
12:35 It is an Adventist School.
12:36 Did you have a prayer in every class at Oakwood?
12:39 It started, do you remember having prayer in the class?
12:41 I don't remember having prayer in every class,
12:42 but I remember having prayer in class.
12:44 Yes, I do too.
12:45 I remember having prayer.
12:47 I don't remember having prayer in every class,
12:48 but I do remember having prayer
12:50 and also, of course, worshiping in the dorm.
12:53 I was in Carter hall. Right, me too.
12:54 Yes, okay. And Wayne came after me.
12:57 So I'm dating myself, all right.
12:58 Okay.
13:00 But I have to say... You still look good.
13:02 Dating or not, you still look good.
13:03 I praise the Lord. You still look good.
13:05 I appreciate you.
13:06 Your father is my Sabbath school teacher.
13:08 Yes.
13:09 The best teacher ever,
13:11 really gives me a desire to study my lesson.
13:14 I sit on the second row where he teaches, you know,
13:17 if I'm sitting back too far
13:18 I'm gonna miss something, all right.
13:20 So I see that product of education,
13:24 the Christian walk,
13:26 because your mother is busy
13:27 and I'm Sabbath school superintendent.
13:30 I am one of the superintendent
13:31 and I have never been superintendent in my life
13:34 and she called me and says,
13:35 "Kim, I would like for you
13:36 to be superintendent the first Sabbath."
13:38 I said, "Not for, not through,
13:40 at the beginning of every month."
13:42 And then I asked her the other day, Malissa.
13:43 I said, "my term is over in December."
13:46 She said, "Oh no, this is a two year term."
13:49 She could get people to do things.
13:50 I'm telling you
13:52 that would never do anything in the church.
13:54 She has an amazing ministry.
13:57 So here is your mother
13:59 is superintendent of Sabbath, school.
14:00 Father's my Sabbath school teacher.
14:02 Your mother's choir director.
14:04 Your father sings in the choir.
14:06 Your father used to be the head deacon forever,
14:09 forever and forever.
14:10 Elder Dan. Elder Dan.
14:12 Oh, Dan Kendrick.
14:14 So now the torch has been passed
14:16 on to us to carry on.
14:18 And, but seeing those skills in you
14:22 and people were really excited at the program that we gave
14:26 and see so much energy in you, excitement, laughter.
14:31 People, is there anything wrong with us
14:33 having a good time in church?
14:35 No, but I don't think people,
14:39 people don't use the words good time in church
14:41 in the same sentence.
14:43 Like it's like, it's inappropriate.
14:44 We're supposed to have a good time in church.
14:45 Well, what is praise?
14:47 Praise?
14:49 He said, praise Me, praise Him.
14:50 He's worthy to be praised.
14:53 You know, the blessings go up, the praises go up,
14:55 the blessings come down.
14:56 So I believe in having a good time,
14:58 I believe that you should leave people
15:01 feeling better than they came.
15:03 Church is a hospital for healing.
15:06 All right.
15:07 So how do you find me time?
15:08 What do you do? Do you bowl, roller skate?
15:10 You know, do you snow ski?
15:13 I don't do any of those things.
15:15 Never been snow skiing, Malissa?
15:17 No, never, I'm afraid of heights.
15:18 So I'm not even getting on your shoulders.
15:22 I'm afraid of heights.
15:23 Things I do enjoy doing.
15:25 So I do freelance writing.
15:26 I actually do freelance writing for the Lake Union, Herald
15:29 and a couple of newspapers and magazines here in Michigan.
15:33 I also, my new favorite thing is trying different recipes.
15:36 You're cooking, Malissa?
15:37 I know.
15:39 So, explain for your viewers.
15:41 I didn't have to cook growing up.
15:42 My mom cooked.
15:44 She was, my mom did cook.
15:45 My dad was a very good cook.
15:47 He would cook his Caribbean food for us.
15:48 And then my sister
15:50 who's the second Martha Steward used to cook.
15:52 So growing up,
15:53 I didn't really have to learn to cook
15:55 until I got to
15:58 maybe my sophomore year in high school,
16:00 my sister had left.
16:02 So it was just my brother and I at home.
16:03 And I'll never forget this. He walked in my room.
16:05 He said,
16:07 so what are you cooking for dinner?
16:09 And it hit me like, okay, everybody's gone.
16:12 Now the torch is on to me.
16:14 I still didn't learn there.
16:15 But now I'm trying to.
16:16 He was serious. He wasn't going to eat.
16:18 He was serious.
16:19 And my cousin, Brian Stanford actually lived in the basement.
16:21 So I later found out that Brian sent Alex to pick on me,
16:27 they had to pick who was going to ask me.
16:28 So after that I cooked a little,
16:29 but then I went to college and you know.
16:31 Yes 'cause Alex was there by himself.
16:33 By himself. All right.
16:35 So in that, you know, did you learn how to cook?
16:38 Learned how to cook. All right.
16:40 And let's talk about transition.
16:42 Okay.
16:44 Coming back home and from college,
16:46 after being away for four years
16:48 and coming on for the summer vacation.
16:49 Right.
16:50 You know, was it difficult to,
16:52 you know, be back at home with all this,
16:53 I'm educated, I'm ready to educate others,
16:57 you know, was that a difficult transition?
17:01 Not from my point of view.
17:03 I think anytime students leave,
17:06 especially when you go away from college.
17:07 I think it's a little bit different
17:09 when you stay here
17:10 because you can see
17:11 your parents more, your friends more,
17:13 you know, I went to Alabama,
17:14 so that's over 10 hours away.
17:16 You know, that's not,
17:18 I'm going to come over after work.
17:20 So I think it was easier for me.
17:22 I think it was more difficult for my parents
17:25 because I was already living as an adult.
17:27 Every day, you know, I had my own routine.
17:29 This is what I'm doing. This is what I'm not doing.
17:31 And, you know, when I left my parents' house,
17:33 it was okay, you're going to do,
17:35 and now I came back is, no, I'm gonna do.
17:40 So, I think it was for them to kind of take a step back
17:45 and observe how I have grown so far
17:48 and recognize the ways
17:50 that I'm trying to grow
17:51 to counter help me with that as well.
17:53 So I think that was the most, the most difficult transition.
17:58 You always enjoy reading, studying,
18:00 getting your work done.
18:01 You know, college was not difficult for you?
18:04 No, it was good.
18:05 I like learning though.
18:07 Learning your masters.
18:09 And what is your master's in?
18:10 It's in journalism from Wayne State University.
18:12 And now you just received your certification.
18:16 Yes, So I am in the process of completing my certification
18:20 at Schoolcraft College, in Livonia.
18:21 Yes. And that certification will allow you to do what?
18:24 Teach anywhere in Michigan.
18:26 I'm a certified.
18:27 K through 12?
18:28 I'm secondary.
18:30 So mine is 8th through 12th grade.
18:31 Secondary now is considered an 8th grade?
18:33 Eighth grade I know.
18:34 Eighth is junior high. I know.
18:36 You know, it's like, we look forward
18:38 to making that transition.
18:39 I'm in the ninth grade,
18:41 but now it's 8th through 12th?
18:42 Eighth through 12.
18:44 And you know, now they're trying to make it
18:46 just a little bit of a smoother transition
18:48 because you know, in 8th grade
18:50 you mean you have little kids, little, little kids
18:52 to get K through 8th.
18:53 So they're trying to now move some of,
18:56 not at my school, but just in general,
18:58 I had the 8th graders come to the high school
19:00 a little bit early.
19:01 So they would still be in the building
19:03 maybe in a different wing
19:05 so that it's not so new to them
19:06 because that could be completely overwhelming.
19:09 Yes, that's traumatizing.
19:10 Very traumatizing. It can be.
19:12 New teachers, new schedule, new personality.
19:17 And then if you have to be busting or transport,
19:20 because a lot of schools have closed in Inkster,
19:24 and they may have to come to the E-Core school.
19:27 Your favorite Bible scripture?
19:30 "For I know the plans I have for you,
19:31 saith the Lord."
19:32 That's my, that's my go-to.
19:34 Jeremiah 29:11.
19:36 Every time, every time,
19:37 That's amazing,
19:39 that your end will be of good and not evil.
19:42 He knows your plans.
19:44 He knows your plans.
19:46 I've been talking about my scriptures
19:49 throughout my entire life
19:51 and everywhere I go.
19:53 And even in my counseling practice,
19:56 that trusting God, having faith,
19:59 but verse 6 says,
20:00 "But without faith, it is impossible to please Him.
20:04 And he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him."
20:07 Hebrew 11:6.
20:09 How important is your faith in your life?
20:11 My faith is very important.
20:13 My faith is one of the things
20:15 I'm actually working on right now
20:17 because I have faith,
20:19 but I don't let that faith take place.
20:22 Like I say, okay, God, I'll let you take care of it.
20:25 And then I'm moving on to see how I can fix it.
20:27 If I said, I'm going to have faith,
20:28 that means I'm not going to...
20:30 Take your hands off of it. I'm not going to try to fix it.
20:31 I'm not even gonna think about how trying to fix it.
20:35 So that's, that's the thing that I've been,
20:37 I've been working on to increase my faith
20:39 because I do have faith,
20:41 but I want my faith to be stronger.
20:43 I know people who have, I mean, big, big time, faith.
20:47 I want that. I want that big time faith.
20:48 You want to experience that? But I'm not there yet.
20:50 So I have to do my, my crawling up there.
20:53 Yes, take those steps. Take those steps.
20:55 Yeah. Definitely.
20:56 It is important that in today's society that
21:00 we have peer pressure, you still have peer pressure?
21:03 Social media, the music,
21:06 things trying, the enemy is trying
21:08 to pull us away from the church.
21:10 And so I really applaud you
21:12 for being our communication director.
21:15 I applaud you for being a young woman of God,
21:18 your relationship.
21:20 You're just a six,
21:21 you know, again no one can get in that group.
21:23 It's no. Nothing.
21:25 No. Nothing can get in.
21:26 Never.
21:27 You know, I'm on a prayer line every morning.
21:29 And I got to come up with a name
21:31 and you know, your mother is on that prayer line.
21:34 I know she's on that prayer line.
21:36 Yes.
21:37 And we're up every morning, 6:30 AM.
21:40 That prayer line is moving mountains.
21:41 Did you guys know that? Oh yes.
21:43 I know you passed. We prayed so hard for you.
21:46 I know you did.
21:48 And you passed that test. I passed that test.
21:50 Seventy percent of the people
21:52 that take that test the first time, fail it.
21:55 And you passed it? And I passed it.
21:56 Prayer changes things.
21:58 And even when your mom was gone to Oshkosh,
22:01 she was on the line and there were hour behind us.
22:04 Oh, wow.
22:05 And she says, I'm here, I'm here.
22:07 So what happened was
22:08 when I, you know, went through losing Uncle Arthur,
22:11 I called them and asked them,
22:14 you know, come over and pray with me.
22:16 And they did.
22:17 Then when I got the breast cancer,
22:19 pastor Duncombe said,
22:21 you need to get a prayer group together.
22:22 I said, I have a prayer group,
22:24 but we're not active right now.
22:25 'Cause you know, as you go through things,
22:27 you kinda, you know, it's done.
22:29 I'm good now.
22:31 But when I had the breast cancer,
22:34 I called your mother
22:35 and four other women,
22:37 you know, three other women and myself
22:39 and they said, yes, and the best time was 6:30 AM.
22:42 I said, was that PM or AM?
22:45 AM.
22:47 And we are faithfully.
22:48 But even when this was dealt with my breast cancer,
22:52 we made a decision to stay on the prayer line
22:55 to keep praying for you, Regina, Micah, Aaron,
23:00 I cried so many nights about Aaron
23:03 and your mom would call me, it's going to be all right.
23:06 You know, or when your mom was going through something,
23:08 I would call, it's going to be all right, you know?
23:12 Your cousin, you just lost a cousin in Canada,
23:16 you know, how old was your cousin?
23:19 He, my uncle.
23:20 Okay.
23:22 My uncle, he is the oldest so in his 70s.
23:26 That's your mother, that's your father's brother.
23:27 My father's brother.
23:29 But then you have a cousin, a young lady in Canada
23:30 that passed too?
23:32 Yes, That was my cousin,
23:33 my father's other brother, his daughter.
23:35 His daughter.
23:36 So you, and then your aunt passed away.
23:38 You had a lot of death in your family,
23:42 but God is still good.
23:44 And He's still with you.
23:46 I think about too, that your laughter,
23:50 your laughter brings healing to the soul.
23:53 We could be at the kitchen table
23:55 and you just laugh,
23:56 you know, where do you get that laugh from?
23:58 Who does it come from? Me.
24:00 That's your laughter.
24:02 I don't, I want to wake up and have a good day.
24:05 And the only way that I can ensure that is
24:08 making sure I do what needs to be done for me
24:11 to make sure that I have a good day.
24:12 And that goes back to the teaching aspect too,
24:15 in college or in high school, your students feed off that.
24:19 If I'm having a bad day,
24:20 whereas a class having a bad day
24:22 and nobody can learn at what happened that day.
24:25 And also I learned to, even if I'm not in a good mood
24:28 and I laugh, it'll put me in a good mood.
24:30 And I'm always happier
24:33 when I'm in a good mood
24:34 and I can, and it brings me joy to bring other people happy.
24:37 So if I can make you laugh.
24:38 Now I'm really laughing.
24:39 Now we can laugh together?
24:41 You do that, I'm telling you, listen to me, viewers,
24:43 there is no one
24:45 who can make you just go from a low area in your life
24:50 to a high level.
24:51 And when I was even going through my own trauma
24:55 in my own life,
24:56 but if I saw Malissa,
24:58 I knew, and do you know, this was my first time
25:01 coming to your home for one of the holidays.
25:03 Right.
25:04 And I said, I'm just going to stop by
25:06 and say thank you for the invite.
25:08 I think I stayed three hours and I sat right next to you.
25:12 And we had a blast
25:14 and Micah said, mommy, I'm so glad you went
25:16 because I couldn't come before
25:18 because it was too hard
25:20 too 'cause we will always be there together.
25:22 And the memories,
25:23 and then everybody is coupled off
25:25 or everybody's family.
25:27 I'm the only one here.
25:28 I have my cousin, Karen,
25:30 but I'm, I've gone from having a huge family in the church,
25:35 you know, to just me now.
25:37 But my church family is my family
25:40 and you know, and they put their arms around me.
25:43 So I praise God for you, your family,
25:47 who you are and where you are,
25:49 you know, just a six, you all pray together?
25:53 Yes.
25:55 Actually we pray together, we fast together.
25:57 When your daughter Micah had breast cancer,
25:59 we decided to fast every Wednesday.
26:02 I think that was a...
26:03 I think that was the day she had chemo
26:04 where she couldn't.
26:06 So we decided to fast with her, every Wednesday we would fast.
26:10 But we also,
26:11 well, Ashley would be our...
26:13 She were to live there.
26:15 So everybody has names.
26:18 We're supposed to have names.
26:19 Or names of the Bible?
26:20 No, just names like
26:22 what your job is with the group.
26:23 So Ashley's like our spiritual leader.
26:25 Okay.
26:26 So she would be the one.
26:28 And I could say we can't go to the others,
26:29 but you know, if I'm dealing with something spiritually
26:32 or if I'm reading the Sabbath school question
26:34 and I want to talk about it with someone,
26:37 obviously besides my parents in the Sabbath School class,
26:39 then I would talk to Ashley.
26:41 So we're very, we're very connected
26:43 on every level.
26:46 On every level of the relationship.
26:49 I mean, even the bad parts,
26:51 the stuff you do, the things you don't need,
26:52 you don't want to hear, you're still going to hear it.
26:55 Now you may not hear it from the other five of us,
26:57 but we all took a vote
26:58 that this is going to be the one person
27:00 that's going to tell you the things
27:01 that you need to hear.
27:03 I can really appreciate it
27:04 because friendship,
27:05 your friendship, your relationship
27:07 is long lasting
27:09 in the relationships that I have.
27:11 We have a minute and four seconds.
27:13 Give me some words of encouragement
27:16 to say to families,
27:18 don't give up on your children?
27:20 Everybody has a journey.
27:22 Everybody has a journey.
27:23 Your journey may be different from mine.
27:25 If we were mother and daughter,
27:26 I don't have to say have the same journey
27:27 as you as you're my mother.
27:29 So respect everybody's individual journey.
27:31 I would be, that would be the first thing.
27:32 That would be the first thing.
27:33 Second thing I would say, pray, always pray,
27:35 never stop praying.
27:36 You never know what signals people,
27:38 I mean that Jesus is giving to people
27:40 and how they're interpreting those things, those signals.
27:43 And then the third thing I would say is
27:45 you're still here because Jesus wants you here.
27:47 If He didn't want you here, you will be six feet under.
27:49 Yes. The end.
27:51 The end. You're something else.
27:53 Well, I'm going to say, the end.
27:55 I want to thank you, Malissa, for coming today.
27:58 Continue to educate the uneducated
28:01 and making sure that you continue to thrive
28:04 for greatness in your life.
28:05 I thank God for the opportunity to be here.
28:07 Continue to live to be well.
28:09 I'm Dr. Kim, God bless.


Revised 2021-08-30