Live to Be Well

Thriving Through The Pain

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: LTBW

Program Code: LTBW190032S

00:01 The following program features real clients
00:03 discussing sensitive issues.
00:05 The views and opinions expressed in this program
00:07 don't necessarily reflect that of 3ABN's
00:10 Dare to Dream Network.
00:11 Viewer discretion is advised.
00:48 Hi, I'm Dr. Kim Logan-Nowlin,
00:51 and welcome to Live To Be Well.
00:54 What is Live To Be Well?
00:55 Mind, body and soul, feeling complete, first of all,
00:59 in Jesus Christ,
01:01 understanding your path with God
01:03 and having the faith to see it through.
01:06 Well, I'm excited about today's guest,
01:09 Dr. Charlotte Winston.
01:10 Welcome to Live To Be Well. Thank you.
01:12 Thank you for inviting me. Oh, you're very welcome.
01:15 I want to just get right into your testimony.
01:18 So share with our viewers, your testimony?
01:21 Well, always to start, God is good.
01:24 Yes, He is.
01:25 And so my story has many segments,
01:28 many chapters, starting off young.
01:30 I'm living with my parents
01:32 who divorced when I was a young girl.
01:35 I was an angry girl. I wasn't bad.
01:37 I didn't get into a lot of trouble,
01:39 but I was very angry.
01:41 And later on,
01:42 I went to live with my grandmother
01:44 and my grandmother showed me love.
01:46 She showed me love.
01:47 She taught me how to love. Amen.
01:50 And so from that point, you know,
01:52 years later I got married.
01:54 Yes.
01:55 Had children. Yes.
01:56 How many children? I have three children.
01:58 Yes. Yes.
01:59 And my story pretty much started to change
02:02 and began at that point.
02:05 I see.
02:06 Now, during that time, after marriage years later,
02:10 you moved to Japan?
02:12 Yes.
02:14 You were living in San Diego, California
02:16 then came back to Michigan?
02:18 Yes.
02:19 And your husband was in the military?
02:20 Yes.
02:22 And then after that you ended up
02:24 divorcing your husband?
02:25 Yes.
02:26 Can you tell us a little bit about that?
02:28 Well, as you stated, I married young,
02:30 straight out of high school, one year out of high school.
02:33 Really?
02:34 And my husband at that time, he was in the Navy.
02:37 He went to the Navy.
02:39 I had my first child here, my first son,
02:42 he was born here
02:43 before my husband went into the military.
02:46 My second child, after I went over to Japan to live with him,
02:50 I had my second son, my middle child.
02:53 And then when we moved to San Diego,
02:56 I had my daughter.
02:58 And so, I was married for 30 plus years.
03:01 Is that right? Yes.
03:03 So although I was young in the marriage,
03:05 you know, I was very mature for my age.
03:08 So I made sure that things were taken care of.
03:11 And it was at that point,
03:13 I started to create my identity
03:15 through my husband and my children.
03:18 I see. So.
03:20 So a lot of times what happens,
03:21 we get lost being the caregiver of someone else
03:26 and you don't have to be sick
03:28 or have someone sickly in your home to be so devoted.
03:31 And I'm not saying we shouldn't be
03:33 devoted as wives and mothers,
03:36 but we cannot lose who we are.
03:38 So how did this whole process did you find your way
03:43 to becoming Dr. Charlotte?
03:45 Well, you know,
03:47 the plan of God, because as I stated before,
03:50 my identity was created through being a mom and a wife, right.
03:55 Yes.
03:56 And so even something as simple as going to the store
03:59 to buy something for myself,
04:01 turned out to be me coming home with everything
04:04 that they needed, all of my needs
04:06 were disregarded
04:08 and not because I was made to,
04:09 but that's because of who I was, you know.
04:12 And that's because of the type of love
04:14 that my grandmother showed me.
04:15 So I learned to be that person through, a giver, right.
04:20 And I found it very hard to receive even still today.
04:23 I found it hard.
04:25 I find it sometimes hard to receive or ask, right?
04:28 So, at some point in time, you know,
04:31 I always knew that I wanted to go back to school.
04:34 Didn't know how I was going to do it.
04:36 Didn't know when I was going to do it,
04:38 but I knew that I wanted to do it
04:40 because I wanted to be in a position
04:43 so as my kids grew older,
04:46 I would be able to accommodate their needs.
04:48 I understand.
04:49 So, I tried going back, well,
04:52 I went to school straight out of high school
04:54 that didn't work,
04:56 came home from high school with child.
04:59 And then I, later, after I got married,
05:01 when we were stationed in San Diego,
05:04 I went to college, community college there,
05:07 didn't finish.
05:08 And then at some point after we returned to Detroit,
05:12 there was a program offered through the city of Detroit
05:15 that provided an opportunity
05:17 to go to Wayne State for two years at no cost.
05:21 Well, I had to take a test
05:23 to be admitted into the program.
05:25 And I took the test.
05:27 I passed the test and congratulations,
05:30 you're admitted into this program for two years.
05:33 But at that time, my self-esteem was so low.
05:36 I'm like, they must have made a mistake.
05:39 Wow. Yeah.
05:40 They must have made a mistake, I'm like.
05:42 You didn't believe it.
05:43 I didn't believe it
05:45 nor that I think that I was worthy of it.
05:48 So I started the program
05:51 and after being in the program for about a month,
05:54 because the first month,
05:56 the first semester I was a non-matriculated student.
05:59 So they were kind of prepping us
06:01 for college level matriculation.
06:04 So, I saw all of these young students around me,
06:08 although there were older women in the program
06:10 because that's what the program was about.
06:13 And I said, you know what? I am not going to do this.
06:17 So I remember Mrs. Wolf,
06:20 she was the person
06:24 who came and told me, no, quitting is not an option.
06:28 Is not an option.
06:29 So there's always somebody on your path,
06:32 God places on your path.
06:33 A vessel, yes. Oh, yes, yes.
06:36 So, I, she called me on the phone and she said,
06:40 "Charlotte, where are you?"
06:41 And I'm like, "Well, I'm at home."
06:44 "And what are you doing?
06:45 Why weren't you in class today?"
06:47 Well, I don't think this is for me.
06:50 She said, "I'll see you tomorrow."
06:52 So it wasn't an option. Miss Wolf wasn't playing.
06:54 Miss Wolf wasn't playing.
06:56 I like that. I love that.
06:58 So I went to class and, you know,
07:01 in the back of my mind, I told myself that I couldn't,
07:04 but God kept telling me, oh, yes, you can.
07:06 Yes, you can.
07:08 And I had to think of people like my grandmother,
07:10 I always saw my grandmother worked physically hard.
07:13 Did you?
07:15 Physically hard whether she caught the bus,
07:17 whether she got a ride,
07:18 she got up every single morning,
07:22 Monday through Friday to...
07:24 She was a cook to go to work.
07:27 And she did what she was supposed to.
07:29 And she did what she was supposed to do.
07:31 And she took care of me.
07:32 She didn't have to take care of me,
07:34 but she allowed me to come into her household
07:38 and she raised me as her own.
07:40 And I knew that I owed that much to her.
07:43 Yes, yes, so. That is amazing.
07:46 So, all right.
07:47 So you finished the two year program?
07:48 Yes. And then what happened?
07:50 I finished the two year program
07:52 and then I was reading the campus paper
07:54 and I saw this another program
07:57 that would pay for the final two years
07:59 of your undergraduate education.
08:01 And so it was a research based program and I'm like,
08:04 "Okay, I've always wanted to do research,"
08:06 not fully understanding what research was about, right?
08:10 And not fully understanding or knowing
08:12 how I could possibly become a part of that.
08:16 So, I saw that ad in the paper.
08:20 And as I was applying,
08:21 I was working for a program at Wayne State.
08:24 And I was telling one of my co-workers
08:26 about the program.
08:27 She told me, she said, well, my mom knows doctor,
08:31 the doctor that was the director of this program.
08:33 And his program is really hard to get into.
08:36 Well, that was an immediate deterrent, right.
08:39 And I told myself, no, but God said,
08:42 oh, yes, you will.
08:43 I'm just telling you.
08:45 So I submitted that application.
08:47 He interviewed us and hey, I got.
08:51 You were accepted? I was accepted.
08:52 So another free ride...
08:54 Another free ride.
08:56 To Wayne State University... Wayne State University.
08:57 And that completed your undergrad degree?
08:59 That completed my undergraduate degree.
09:01 So after that, I went out into the workforce,
09:04 you know, thinking I was going to be this millionaire,
09:07 but that wasn't the case.
09:08 I always knew that I wanted to be in a position
09:10 of service before, right?
09:12 But I just, so I found myself doing case management
09:15 for nonprofit and then later on for the state of Michigan
09:20 and then I just wasn't fulfilled.
09:23 So I wanted to go back.
09:24 So, I called the director of the undergraduate program
09:27 because I knew that
09:28 he was directing the graduate program.
09:30 And so he said, well, Charlotte,
09:32 you have to find a program
09:34 that terminates at the PhD level
09:36 with the terminal degree.
09:38 And I'm like, okay.
09:40 So it took me about a year and a half,
09:42 two years to figure out because my undergrad,
09:44 I got a bachelor's of science in psychology
09:47 because I thought about nursing.
09:49 I thought about a lot of different things,
09:50 but I enjoyed science.
09:53 And so I had to figure out what I wanted to do.
09:56 And then when I told him
09:58 that I was interested in the sociology program,
10:01 he said, "Okay."
10:02 He said, well,
10:04 I went to his office and I told him, I said, "Hey,
10:06 I want to finish, you know,
10:07 I want to earn my doctorate degree."
10:10 And so he told me that he would fund me
10:12 and that he did, he kept his word.
10:15 And so as I was working for the state of Michigan,
10:18 I applied and I finished some pre-recs.
10:21 And then after I finished those pre-recs,
10:24 I went full time because his program,
10:25 you couldn't work and go to school.
10:27 Could not.
10:28 So I was excited and I told people,
10:30 "Hey, I'm no longer going to be employed
10:32 with the state of Michigan."
10:33 And a lot of people thought I was foolish.
10:35 A lot of people thought I was foolish
10:37 for making that decision.
10:38 Because there was no money?
10:40 I mean, there was a stipend,
10:42 but there with a stipend that was, you know, so.
10:44 Yes.
10:45 So they felt, and then a lot of times people feel like
10:47 you're leaving them behind, you're following,
10:50 you're stepping out there,
10:51 this vision that God has given me,
10:53 I'm going to see it through.
10:54 So then what happened?
10:56 And then, now years later,
10:58 so I finished up my master's degree.
11:01 And what was your master's in? Sociology. Sociology.
11:04 And then seven years later, after that,
11:06 I finished up my PhD
11:08 as I was working
11:10 at the graduate school for Wayne State.
11:13 And I was teaching, right,
11:14 a lot of things that I wasn't supposed to be doing
11:17 as far as teaching.
11:18 They want you to finish,
11:20 but I had to do what I had to do.
11:21 I had a family. You had a family.
11:23 So I, you know, made, God made a way.
11:25 God made a way. You know, again, God made a way.
11:27 If it had not been for the Lord on my side, where would I be?
11:31 Yes, so it was all His doing,
11:33 all His timing because it was nothing
11:36 that I had ever planned for myself.
11:39 Look at this.
11:40 So your self-esteem level,
11:41 did it begin to increase as you were going further
11:45 and further in your educational endeavors?
11:47 It did. People were shocked.
11:49 Were people surprised?
11:51 Did they think you were going to give up?
11:53 I think a lot of people hoped that I gave up.
11:58 Whether they, and they probably thought
11:59 that I would, you know,
12:01 I was the first person in my family
12:03 and the first person in my husband's family
12:06 to go that far.
12:07 Is that right?
12:08 But I definitely was the first person
12:10 in my family to earn a bachelor's degree,
12:12 a master's degree and a PhD.
12:14 Congratulations. Well, thank you.
12:16 That's a very amazing legacy.
12:20 You know, let me talk about women today that,
12:23 you know, being a university professor,
12:26 and again, I salute you.
12:28 I'm so proud of you and praise God.
12:30 What is the block for especially African-American
12:34 women to move forward?
12:36 You know, I know they have maybe family,
12:39 children responsibility, but they, and as we move into,
12:44 we're talking about domestic violence.
12:46 We're talking about breast cancer.
12:48 We're talking about...
12:49 There's so many things that's attacking us as women,
12:52 not to say, men are not under attack,
12:55 but I'm taking it from perspective
12:56 of me being a woman.
12:57 What can you do?
13:00 And as a university professor,
13:01 when you see a young lady walk into your classroom
13:03 and automatically, you know,
13:05 something is wrong and her mind
13:08 is not there and then one minute she's A student,
13:10 all your assignments are being done
13:12 and then she's missing assignments.
13:14 What do you do?
13:16 You know, I always, well, every semester,
13:20 every class I go into the session in prayer.
13:25 I always put God first. Praise God.
13:28 I mean, that is the lesson that I learned from my grandmother
13:30 to put God first and be humble.
13:34 She pounded that into me. Got to be humble.
13:36 You know, when, you got to be humble. Must.
13:39 Even when I didn't understand what that meant as a child,
13:42 even as a teenager,
13:43 I didn't understand what that meant
13:45 when she would come home from work tired
13:47 and she would be doing something for the community.
13:50 And I'm like, mom,
13:51 I thought you said you were tired.
13:53 Right.
13:54 Be humble. Humble.
13:55 So, and you know, and sometime, her, another saying of hers,
13:58 sometimes you got to do what you don't want to do.
14:01 So, yeah.
14:03 So when I see young girls,
14:06 young ladies come into the classroom,
14:08 I try to be that source of encouragement.
14:10 I know that to whom much is given much is required.
14:15 That's right. Right?
14:16 And just the same way that
14:18 God placed those people on my path,
14:21 I have to be one of those persons
14:22 that's on their path.
14:24 That's right. I like that.
14:25 So I try to speak encouragement.
14:27 I try to speak growth.
14:28 I try to speak power into them.
14:31 And sometimes even without trying,
14:33 just being, having a caring nature.
14:35 Right and that smile, look at your beautiful smile.
14:37 And it works out.
14:38 Driving through the pain because God allowed you
14:40 to reach this level of success to give back.
14:43 I believe the highest level of self-esteem
14:46 is when you can take your hand
14:48 and reach back and pull someone else ahead of you.
14:52 My mother taught me that,
14:54 always pull people ahead of you.
14:57 Stay humble.
14:59 How can I get you to your next place?
15:01 How can I get you to that next station in life?
15:04 Don't worry about me. Let me help you.
15:06 But I need to be here.
15:07 Because a lot of people have the mentality, well,
15:09 you know, I got mine, you know, it's all about me now.
15:13 I had to work hard. I have to struggle hard.
15:15 You got to do the same.
15:17 Nobody wants to help people,
15:19 you know, anymore.
15:20 Nobody wants to be that,
15:22 the helping hand as Christ is to us.
15:25 I remember a situation,
15:27 teaching at Wayne State University.
15:29 And I would talk to my students,
15:31 you know, teaching statistics.
15:33 And, I told my students, they said,
15:36 what can we do Dr. Nowlin?
15:37 I said, pray.
15:39 So this young man
15:41 who did not have any respect for spirituality or anything,
15:45 he said, he gabbed in class.
15:48 "If you don't change my grade,
15:50 I'm going upstairs
15:51 and I'm going to tell the dean of students
15:54 or the department head that you talk about God in a class
15:58 you're not supposed to mix state and God."
16:01 So I said, "Okay,
16:03 let's go because you're not going to intimidate me."
16:05 Do you know what my other students did?
16:08 He was in one elevator. I was in another.
16:10 And when that elevator door opened,
16:12 the rest of my class was in it.
16:14 And they said, we will testify that we asked you about God,
16:18 you never brought God up,
16:20 but you would always answer,
16:21 you better pray.
16:23 You better pray before you take this test.
16:25 Did you pray? Did you pray over your work?
16:27 You know, they'll say Dr. Logan,
16:29 what did you do?
16:30 I said, I always prayed.
16:31 And then the Bible says, 2 Timothy 2:16,
16:35 "Study to show thy self approved,
16:38 a workman that need not be ashamed,
16:40 rightly dividing the word of truth."
16:42 I remember learning that scripture
16:43 as a little girl because my mother was like,
16:45 how did you get this D?
16:47 She did, did you study?
16:48 My mother went and got the Word of God.
16:50 And she said, "Let me show you a scripture."
16:52 I have never forgotten,
16:53 study to show thy self approved.
16:54 She said memorize it,
16:56 so that you do not have to be embarrassed
16:58 by not being prepared.
17:00 And so in that, when the door is open
17:04 and the department had walked out,
17:06 he said, can I help you?
17:08 And the young man said no,
17:11 and he got a D in my class and God continued to prevail.
17:16 I think it's important that we recognize how to,
17:20 we can get attached to our students.
17:22 Have you ever got attached?
17:23 You got so concerned about a student
17:25 that you didn't cross any boundaries,
17:28 but that student was special to you?
17:31 Yes, definitely.
17:33 I have students today that are so special to me.
17:37 You know, when I can see me in them, especially.
17:41 Yes, they are special to me.
17:43 And so I do whatever, you know, I do whatever,
17:45 I tell my students that my goal is to be fair, right?
17:48 Got to be fair.
17:50 And my success is them being successful
17:53 however they define success, right?
17:56 So once you reach that status of success,
17:58 however you define it,
18:00 that makes me a successful professor.
18:02 Yes. So, yes. And empowers them.
18:04 Yes.
18:06 And you know,
18:07 I remember another story, a student,
18:09 she brought her mother to class.
18:11 It was a speech one-on-one class.
18:12 And she threw her daughter's paper on my desk.
18:15 And I was doing speeches that day.
18:17 How dare you fail my daughter? And I looked at it.
18:20 I said, "I want you to do one thing.
18:22 I want you to sit in the audience
18:24 and listen to your daughter's speech."
18:26 I said, I called her next.
18:28 And she was fumbling.
18:30 And I said, "did you prepare,
18:35 did you study?"
18:36 Her mother popped her in the head and said,
18:39 how dare you have me miss work
18:41 and you have not even prepared a speech.
18:44 I sat there like, whoa, God fights your battles.
18:46 Yes, He will all the time.
18:48 And I said, she has an opportunity
18:49 to get this grade up.
18:51 It's too late for her to get an A,
18:53 but she can get a passing grade,
18:55 but she's going to have to put the work in.
18:57 And do you know that young lady,
18:59 she passed my class with a B.
19:01 She called me recently.
19:03 She said, "Dr. Logan, you were so hard on me."
19:05 Now she's about to present a...
19:08 She came up with this invention and she's about to present it.
19:12 She said, "Dr. Logan, can you walk me
19:14 through some things real quickly?"
19:15 And she says, "Yes,
19:17 I'm that one who just hated your class."
19:20 But I would start class and say like,
19:22 "You can love me now or hate me later.
19:24 Hate me now, love me later. So let's do this."
19:29 And so my students went through trials and tribulation,
19:33 but they are now having their master's,
19:35 their doctorate, they have, you know,
19:37 come into a higher education
19:40 and learning based on that example.
19:43 Let's talk about thriving.
19:46 You know, what do you do for you,
19:48 your personal time to thrive?
19:51 Well, you know, I just like to relax.
19:53 I love to travel. You like to travel.
19:55 I have a nephew who's in the Navy.
19:57 So wherever he goes, wherever he's stationed,
20:00 I make it a plan to go visit him.
20:02 Nice.
20:04 I love to, you know, interact with my students,
20:07 you know, some of my students, they come from abroad,
20:10 some of my students are from out of state.
20:12 So if they're on a sports team, you know,
20:14 they don't have their parents here.
20:15 Sure. I tell them, let me know when you're playing.
20:18 All right. And I'm there to support you.
20:19 That's nice.
20:20 And your students appreciate that.
20:22 Of course.
20:23 Because you say, okay, I'm going to be there.
20:24 And they don't really think you're going to show up.
20:26 They're in shock.
20:27 And then when you show up,
20:29 they're so happy to see you there.
20:32 It's a matter of that support.
20:35 Yes.
20:36 And a lot of children and even us,
20:37 looking for that support.
20:39 Yes.
20:40 Was your husband surprised
20:41 or your former husband surprised
20:43 you earning all your degrees?
20:44 Possibly.
20:45 I would say in a sec,
20:48 he's probably surprised that I endured everything
20:51 that I endured in getting there.
20:53 You know, so I would say he was probably surprised.
20:57 Because you beyond all of that, you went through
20:59 and what an example you are for your own children
21:02 and recognizing that your faith in God,
21:06 walking with God.
21:08 You said Psalms 23, "The Lord is my shepherd,
21:11 I shall not want."
21:13 Get everything you need. I have everything I need.
21:16 Loving God, being a part of God
21:18 and have Him being a part of you, you know?
21:21 Why is it that people think that, you know, this,
21:25 God didn't do this.
21:27 There's no God.
21:28 Or why would God allow such catastrophes?
21:31 Why should God didn't get that A for me.
21:34 God didn't get me in school.
21:35 God didn't, you know,
21:37 and how foolish because that's where they are.
21:40 And I don't try to reason with people.
21:42 I just try to live a good example.
21:44 And I say, oh, taste and see.
21:46 Did you say, oh, taste and see how good God is.
21:50 My mother had a word. She had this word.
21:52 If you said something to her, she would say,
21:55 certainly I said, but mom,
21:57 certainly, But mama certainly count.
22:01 So I have a word and mine is live to be well.
22:05 You know, three, live to be well, four.
22:07 And so when someone say something to me,
22:09 I say live to be well, because I'm not going
22:11 to argue with you.
22:13 I'm not going to fight with you.
22:14 I'm not going to allow you to disrespect me
22:16 and cause me any stress or anguish.
22:19 There's enough stress in this world that we live
22:21 with that to be able to be inside of our household.
22:25 That's why individuals who are dating and young ladies
22:29 who have their eyes set on completing their education
22:33 don't get detoured.
22:35 Can we talk about that for the last few minutes?
22:37 Sure. Go ahead.
22:39 So I would say, like I said,
22:42 I always have to reference God, because this was all His plan.
22:47 I knew what I wanted. I wanted to be a mom.
22:50 I wanted to be a wife. I wanted to be a good mom.
22:54 I wanted to be a good wife, but God has something greater
22:57 in store for me.
22:58 Something that I never could imagine or even dream of.
23:01 You never even thought of it.
23:03 I never even thought of it.
23:04 Like I said, at some point I did say,
23:06 okay, well, yeah, I want to go back to college.
23:08 Yes, I want to do research, but I didn't even know
23:11 what research was, right.
23:13 And I definitely didn't think
23:15 about becoming a doctor via PhD,
23:18 you know, in high school, you know,
23:19 you dream about being a nurse,
23:21 a police officer or a teacher, right?
23:24 And then some kind of way I kind of, you know, said,
23:26 okay, well maybe I'll dream to become a doctor,
23:29 deliver some babies, right?
23:31 And so, you know, it was just God's grace
23:35 and mercy on my life, you know.
23:38 When I decided that I wanted to go to college,
23:42 I was working here at one of, a store, right?
23:45 We came back home
23:46 after the military time was over.
23:49 I was working and, I was working one of those jobs
23:52 where you get off at midnight
23:54 and you had to be back at 7 o'clock in the morning.
23:55 Oh, mercy.
23:57 And I'm like, I have three children at home.
23:58 This is not going to work.
24:00 And then I was getting paid minimal wage, right?
24:02 So it started to dawn on me.
24:04 And that's, at that point, I just started looking
24:06 in the newspaper because you would look in the newspaper.
24:08 And then I saw the opportunity through the city of Detroit
24:11 and then the opportunity availed itself
24:13 for the final two years.
24:15 And then I went out and I had made,
24:17 you know, created those networks.
24:18 So I was able to go back to those networks
24:21 and then it just kept going and going.
24:22 And even in graduate school, it was like, okay,
24:24 this is not for me.
24:27 But God said, no, you cannot going to quit now.
24:30 I will never give you more than you can bear.
24:33 All right.
24:34 So I just kept going and kept going.
24:35 And I mean, even through the adversities in my marriage,
24:38 it seems like every time I went a step higher,
24:41 you know, every time I made an accomplishment,
24:44 you know, my marriage, you know, I had more issues.
24:48 So I had to work through those things.
24:51 And at the end of the day, you know how some people say,
24:54 well, I was a fool for enduring all of that,
24:57 you know, abuse,
24:59 whether it be psychological,
25:00 whether it be physical, whether it be emotional.
25:03 And at the end of the day, I said,
25:04 you know what, God, I refuse to say,
25:06 I'm a fool because I know you don't create fools.
25:08 Come on now. Right?
25:10 I know You kept me shielded.
25:13 He kept me shielded.
25:14 He kept me focused.
25:16 You know how you put those blinders on horses
25:18 when they're going, you know, traveling, right,
25:21 you don't want, you want them to pay attention
25:22 to what's ahead of them.
25:24 And that's the way He kept me shielded.
25:27 And even with all that I went through,
25:30 I always pray to God.
25:31 God, if it ever comes,
25:34 if there ever comes a time
25:36 where it's time for this marriage
25:37 to come to an end,
25:39 please allow me to be able to say that
25:41 I've done everything I could.
25:45 And I was able to say that, I was able to say,
25:48 I was able to, you know,
25:51 do what I had to do in peace,
25:53 you know, and happiness and peace is priceless.
25:56 Oh, you can't put a price on that peace,
25:59 I want to say to all those who are thinking about,
26:02 it's too late for me to go back to school,
26:04 too late for me to visualize owning my own business,
26:07 starting a business is never too late.
26:10 There is never too late.
26:11 Give me a couple of words that could empower us.
26:14 We have about a minute and 54 seconds.
26:16 Give me some words. Let's do some tag words here.
26:18 Okay. All right.
26:20 Affable. I'm a very affable person.
26:23 I'm likable, all right?
26:24 I'm loquacious,
26:26 which everybody knows I'm very talkative.
26:27 Okay? All right.
26:29 But I'm empowered today by what you've done here
26:32 on Live To Be Well.
26:34 So what words describes you?
26:36 I am real. I am true. Real. True.
26:39 I am hardworking.
26:41 You know, I'm genuine.
26:43 And I just believe in honesty
26:47 and I always put God first.
26:50 God first.
26:52 Every day, every morning my eyes open, I thank God.
26:55 And every night before I go to bed, I thank God.
26:58 And I talk to Him throughout the day.
27:00 I know I do.
27:01 Throughout the day, And you know,
27:03 in counseling where I met you here,
27:05 what it was the first thing we did,
27:06 I asked you to do what?
27:08 Pray.
27:09 Would it be all right to pray? And we'll close with prayer.
27:12 I'm excited because today on Live To Be Well,
27:15 you too can thrive through the pain,
27:18 just like Dr. Charlotte Winston.
27:20 You don't have to give up on your goals, your aspiration,
27:24 because there is a God
27:25 that sits up high and looks down low.
27:27 There is a God who is able to see you through.
27:30 There's a God who wants you to live to be well
27:34 and accomplish everything
27:35 because He did not come to destroy,
27:38 but He came to give life.
27:40 And today on Live To Be Well,
27:42 we want to say you have an opportunity
27:45 to turn things around
27:47 and make something happen.
27:49 Dr. Charlotte, thank you so much
27:51 for being here today on Live To Be Well,
27:53 I'm excited.
27:54 I'm thriving every day and I want to thank you.
27:57 Continue to thrive.
27:58 Amen? Amen.
27:59 And we want you to continue to thrive,
28:02 and we want you to continue to live to be well.
28:05 Live to be well.
28:07 I'm Dr. Kim, God bless.


Revised 2021-07-23