Urban Report

Silenced In Quarantine

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR200014S

00:01 What could be worse than being quarantined
00:03 during the COVID-19 pandemic?
00:05 How about being quarantined with an abuser?
00:08 Stay tuned to find out what to do
00:10 if that's your reality
00:12 or the experience of a loved one.
00:14 My name is Yvonne Shelton,
00:16 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:41 Hello, and welcome to Urban Report.
00:43 My guest today is Lizzie Harrison,
00:46 Founder and Director of Harrison's Referral Service,
00:49 and a champion for victims of domestic violence.
00:52 Welcome to Urban Report.
00:55 I'm hugging you. It's a COVID hug.
00:56 Oh, thank you. So blessing to be home.
00:59 Oh, yeah, it's so great to have you here.
01:02 You know, you're not a stranger to 3ABN or to Dare to Dream,
01:05 we've had you on before
01:07 because what you bring is so significant.
01:10 And there's so many people dealing with the subject
01:14 that we're going to talk about today.
01:15 Yes, yes.
01:16 And that's domestic violence. Yes.
01:18 Before we get into that, Lizzie,
01:20 and for those who may just have tuned in
01:23 for the first time, and they might not know
01:25 who you are, or what your experience is?
01:27 Just share a little bit of your journey with us
01:29 if you would, so that people will get to know you?
01:32 Well, my name is Lizzie Harrison,
01:35 Founder of Emmanuel Food Pantry
01:37 and Harrison's Referral Services in St. Louis.
01:41 I was a victim of domestic violence
01:43 about 15 years ago.
01:45 And I decided to turn my pain
01:47 into power by helping others
01:49 through domestic violence,
01:51 those who are displaced due to domestic violence,
01:54 women and their children.
01:56 That's beautiful.
01:57 And what do you say, you know,
02:00 there are people who aren't familiar
02:02 with the whole cycle of domestic violence and abuse.
02:07 What do you say to people who say to you,
02:10 why don't they just leave?
02:11 Why don't they just...
02:13 Why don't they just leave and get away from there?
02:16 What do you say to people who say that?
02:17 Well, actually, that's the number one question
02:20 that people always ask.
02:22 And I remember when someone asked me,
02:24 you know, "Why don't you just leave?"
02:26 You know, it's not that easy especially when your abuser
02:31 is the sole breadwinner of the home.
02:33 When, you know,
02:35 you're totally dependent upon your abuser,
02:40 or your spouse,
02:41 or whoever your significant other,
02:43 and you have children.
02:45 You know, it's kind of hard to see yourself
02:48 raising the children on your own,
02:49 how you're going to, you know,
02:51 take care of everything financially,
02:52 that's the first thing that goes through your mind.
02:54 And that usually makes you stay awhile.
02:56 Yeah.
02:58 And I think also and tell me
02:59 if I'm right or wrong about this.
03:01 The abuse doesn't necessarily happen every day.
03:05 So you keep thinking, well,
03:07 maybe it won't happen again, or maybe
03:10 they'll just be some long period
03:12 before it happens again,
03:14 or maybe since he said he was so sorry,
03:17 he won't do it again.
03:18 And so, you give it one more chance.
03:20 And then you give it one more chance,
03:22 and then you give it one more chance.
03:24 And before you know it,
03:25 you've been in there for way longer
03:27 than you probably should have.
03:29 Years, sometimes years.
03:30 And, you know, sad to say that
03:32 the abuse does happen every day.
03:34 It might not be physical,
03:36 but the emotional, psychological,
03:39 spiritual, economic abuse, you know,
03:44 but it does happen every day.
03:45 The abuser trains you on a cycle.
03:48 It's almost like you're on a wheel,
03:50 and you get immune to it.
03:52 And one thing I found out even in my situation is that
03:56 when you become codependent,
03:59 an independent person can become codependent.
04:02 Explain that, unpack that a little bit?
04:04 What that mean is that, you know,
04:05 if you're used to being an independent person,
04:08 outgoing, you have a lot going for yourself, you know,
04:11 education, even if you're not, you know, educated,
04:14 forced to college and things in that area,
04:15 but just have a lot going for yourself,
04:17 and used to being out with other people
04:20 and making your own, you know, life happen.
04:22 You know what I mean?
04:24 So, and then you get involved with an abuser.
04:28 The next thing, you know, you're not yourself anymore.
04:32 You know, I call domestic violence
04:34 another form of identity theft.
04:36 The abuser takes your identity away from you,
04:38 so you can be codependent on them.
04:41 You know, they'll tell you,
04:42 "Oh, you don't have to work anymore.
04:43 I'll pay all the bills. I'll take care of everything."
04:45 But that is another means of control, economic abuse.
04:48 So that way, if you ever tried to leave the abuser,
04:50 you will second guess it
04:52 because you're not financially stable.
04:55 That's very interesting.
04:56 It's another form of identity theft.
04:59 So you kind of get absorbed into their world versus
05:04 you having your own life like you did before.
05:08 And then having theirs, now you get absorbed
05:10 into their agenda and what they want for you
05:14 versus you just being able to do
05:16 what you want as an independent person.
05:18 Yes.
05:19 And, you know, what I've also learned too,
05:23 is that there's another form of abuse
05:25 called narcissistic personality disorder,
05:28 which is NPD, which is actually has a lot to do
05:31 with domestic violence.
05:32 It's more of a spiritual, demonic type abuse.
05:38 It really makes you feel that you really need this person,
05:41 this person really loves you.
05:43 And you would do anything for them
05:45 not knowing that the whole time, you know,
05:47 that they're using you, they're controlling you,
05:51 they will separate you from your family,
05:53 they don't want you to be independent,
05:55 because if you get strong
05:56 and you're around other strong people,
05:58 then you will come to realize the situation
06:00 that you're in, and then you'll be drawn away
06:03 from the abuser.
06:04 So that's why they like to isolate you,
06:06 they don't want you working, family, friends, no one.
06:08 They want you to feel like they are your world.
06:11 Wow!
06:13 So that's that, again that identity theft.
06:15 Yes. That's very interesting.
06:18 So if, let's say, I used to have a friend
06:21 who was in an abusive relationship,
06:23 and I saw what was going on,
06:25 and I even took a class to see if I could help her to leave.
06:31 What would you say are some of the signs?
06:33 If you have a friend
06:35 and you kind of think maybe
06:36 they're in an abusive relationship,
06:38 but you're not sure.
06:40 What are some of the signs
06:41 that they're in an abusive relationship?
06:44 Well, first, if it's physical,
06:47 you'll notice if they wear a makeup and they're not,
06:49 you know, they don't usually wear a makeup, sunglasses.
06:53 A lot of times, if you have a good relationship
06:55 with a friend,
06:56 and they can't give you eye contact,
06:59 they always make an excuses, canceling plans.
07:01 You know, you have your girlfriend days out,
07:03 you go do things together,
07:05 they just don't sound like themselves
07:07 and feel like themselves,
07:09 you can kind of have that connection
07:11 with them to know that
07:13 something's really, really wrong.
07:14 Now, some of them are really good at hiding it.
07:16 Really good at hiding it.
07:18 And I can say before,
07:19 I was really good at hiding it too,
07:21 as well, because of the shame
07:22 and embarrassment for people to know that.
07:26 You know, if you've married someone
07:27 that's an abuser,
07:28 if they don't physically abuse you,
07:30 they mentally, emotionally, and verbally abuse you.
07:34 And so sometimes, you know,
07:36 we don't want to expose the abuser,
07:39 because it's a reflection of us.
07:41 That's good. That's good.
07:42 I think that people need to know that
07:44 there are signs and
07:46 if you see someone that's in that,
07:49 somebody close to you
07:50 that's in that kind of relationship.
07:52 You need to say something, encourage them.
07:55 What should the onlooker do?
07:58 How can you help somebody
07:59 who's in an abusive relationship?
08:01 Well, with Harrison's Referral Services
08:03 and my coaching and support groups,
08:06 I encourage people to be very careful,
08:09 you know, with asking questions
08:11 and helping because you have to understand
08:14 that they're in abusive relationship
08:16 and they can lose their life.
08:18 And you can lose your life too, as well.
08:21 So the best thing to do to approach them,
08:23 you know, to say,
08:24 "Hey, is there anything going on,
08:25 you know, that, you know, I love you, I'm here for you.
08:27 If you feel like
08:29 you want to talk about anything.
08:30 I just feel that
08:31 something's not going on with you,
08:33 went well with you.
08:34 And if you like to talk, I'm here for you."
08:36 That's the best thing to go with first.
08:38 Usually, they just want someone to listen to them.
08:41 They don't want to hear, I told you so.
08:43 Right.
08:44 Because they already know that
08:45 they're in a bad relationship or bad situation.
08:48 And you just want someone to be there to listen.
08:51 And you can't force them to leave.
08:54 It's going to have to be something
08:56 that they actually really want to do.
08:58 And sometimes, you know, they can leave, you know,
09:00 when they shouldn't
09:02 and sometimes a lot of victims are not too,
09:05 you know, I would say lucky with leaving.
09:07 Should you ever call the police about it?
09:09 Well, I would say if you hear,
09:11 you know, noises or hear things that you know
09:13 that's not right to call the police.
09:15 Like if he is a neighbor.
09:16 Is a neighbor, you never know what's going on.
09:19 I wouldn't feel right, you know,
09:20 knowing I hear something next door
09:22 or right next to me and not call the police.
09:24 But just be very, very careful.
09:27 You don't go out and knock on the door
09:29 and then say, "Hey, you know, what are you doing?
09:31 I'm gonna call the police," because the person
09:33 can have a gun or whatever,
09:34 and they can kill the victim and also kill you as well,
09:38 especially when you're dealing with people
09:40 with multiple personalities.
09:43 NPD covert and overt narcissist,
09:47 you know, you have to be very careful
09:49 because you're dealing
09:50 with the psyche of another individual.
09:53 So you don't want to put your life at stake,
09:55 so it's just best to just call the police.
09:57 Right. That's good.
09:58 That's good.
09:59 We are living in this
10:01 whole COVID-19 pandemic time.
10:06 How has that impacted victims of domestic abuse?
10:11 How is that?
10:12 How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the victims?
10:17 Quarantined in silence with an abuser
10:20 is no one was expecting, you know, this pandemic.
10:25 And I just felt so sorry for the victims
10:29 because I know that now since,
10:31 you know, a lot of places are shut down.
10:36 Things are closing up early.
10:38 With the pandemic,
10:39 you really can't get out and do what you usually do.
10:41 People are losing their jobs, finances.
10:45 A lot of abusers now are drinking alcohol
10:48 more heavily, they're doing drugs,
10:50 they don't have an outlet.
10:52 And so what happens?
10:54 They use the victims as their punching bag.
10:58 They abuse the children, they abuse.
11:00 And I want to be clear that
11:01 an abuser can not only be a male,
11:04 but can also be a female.
11:05 So there is no certain status here,
11:08 it could be either or.
11:09 But in this instance, the most majority of the cases
11:12 that I've had, and the majority of cases
11:13 I deal with are males that are abusers.
11:18 And so a lot of them are quarantined
11:19 with their abusers and they don't have a voice,
11:22 they don't know what to do, they don't have an outlet.
11:25 And with the COVID-19 going on, a lot of the shelters
11:29 with all the protocols and different things
11:31 that are going on with the pandemic,
11:33 they're very cautious about letting people
11:34 into the shelters now.
11:36 The victims don't really have more outlets,
11:39 don't have enough outlets to go to now.
11:41 And so, they're stuck where they are.
11:43 And they feel that, well, I can't get out
11:45 and get a job if there's no jobs.
11:47 If my spouse is not working
11:49 or my significant other is not working,
11:52 how can I be able to...
11:53 How can I go out to be able to regain my independence,
11:57 you know, into society
11:59 and be a single mother to raise my children?
12:01 And so they stay,
12:03 even though it might cost them their lives.
12:06 You know, I hadn't thought about that,
12:08 you know, when you think about
12:10 the inconveniences of the pandemic
12:12 and you're stuck in wherever you are,
12:15 and you shouldn't go here and there, whatever.
12:17 I had not thought about the impact on the victims
12:23 of domestic violence.
12:24 Think about it, you are trapped in that
12:27 closed environment with them.
12:29 And if they're abusing alcohol or any kind of substance,
12:33 that exacerbates the situation so that they're worse.
12:37 They are acting out worse,
12:40 because now they're under the influence
12:42 of some substance.
12:44 And then so, and you're stuck there.
12:47 You cannot, you know, if you're not working,
12:49 if they've laid you off, or whatever,
12:51 if your jobs laid you off, you are stuck there.
12:53 Yeah.
12:54 So have you been getting,
12:56 at Harrison's Referral Services,
12:58 have you been getting a lot of cases of women or men
13:03 who have been victimized by this pandemic?
13:07 Oh, yes, very much so.
13:08 Actually, before I even came, I had a couple of phone calls.
13:12 Before I got here,
13:13 I have a lot of calls throughout today.
13:16 The majority are women in church,
13:19 and the Christian churches is a lot that is going on.
13:24 I think, now during the pandemic,
13:27 a lot of leaders in the churches
13:31 of all denominations are being exposed now
13:36 to being an abuser.
13:39 And also too,
13:40 you have to understand that, you know,
13:41 there's nothing else to do at home besides, you know,
13:44 you can go right and you can do so much at home,
13:46 you can only do so much.
13:47 Wi-Fi, a lot of the abusers
13:49 are abusing pornography.
13:54 Pornography is on the rise. Incest is on the rise.
14:00 A lot of things are taking place in the home
14:02 that we are not even aware of.
14:04 Our minds cannot even fathom of the things
14:06 that a lot of the victims are going through.
14:09 I've had a phone call yesterday
14:12 where a sister called and she was just crying out
14:14 and she's just, she's broken.
14:16 She's just done
14:17 and she just can't take it anymore.
14:19 And, you know,
14:20 you really can't tell them what to do.
14:23 You can only give them ideas
14:25 and safety tips on how to move forward.
14:27 But they have to make that decision for themselves.
14:30 But I hope and pray that they make the right decision
14:33 because there's so many women and children,
14:35 including men have lost their lives.
14:37 There's so much violence going on.
14:39 Look at all the cases on the news about
14:41 so many more domestic violence cases,
14:44 and not to the point where it's just physical abuse
14:47 and the emotional, psychological,
14:49 they are actually killing the mothers there.
14:53 Some of them are being pregnant,
14:55 they're killing them in front of their children.
14:57 So I have had a lot of different cases,
15:00 a lot of things that I have been exposed to.
15:04 Sometimes I just play all of that back in my head.
15:06 And some days, I just have to go and regroup.
15:09 Take me a few days to get my energy back
15:11 and my strength back because I know of all the cases
15:15 that are happening and what's going on.
15:16 And so, I just want to continue to be a voice
15:19 for the victims of domestic violence.
15:23 I want to be able to let people understand that
15:25 domestic violence is not a program.
15:28 Domestic violence awareness
15:29 is not something you do once a year
15:31 or you talk about every now and then.
15:33 People lives are at stake, children's lives are at stake.
15:36 And now since school is starting back now,
15:38 and there's homeschooling, guess what's happening?
15:41 The kids are at home, they're being more exposed
15:43 to the abuse than where they were
15:45 when they were going into the classrooms.
15:47 So true, because now they're,
15:49 you know, they're around it all day.
15:50 If the parents aren't employed somewhere,
15:53 now they're seeing it all day long.
15:56 So what strategies do you offer people
15:59 who are quarantined?
16:01 What do you tell them that they can do during this time?
16:06 Because, I mean, I don't even know.
16:09 It's like, it's a trap. It is.
16:11 They must feel so trapped.
16:13 So what do you tell them?
16:15 Well, I would say, you know,
16:16 if you know you are going through domestic violence
16:18 or you a victim of abuse of any kind, of any kind,
16:22 that you can try to reach out into any programs
16:26 or Google phone numbers
16:28 or resources or call the hotline.
16:30 Yeah, seek with the hotlines,
16:32 or you can call Harrison's Referral Services.
16:34 Excuse me, that is the first step.
16:37 And we need to put your website up on the screen too,
16:40 so that people can know
16:42 how to reach you because this is important,
16:46 programs like yours are important.
16:48 I didn't mean to interrupt you. Go ahead.
16:49 No, it's okay.
16:51 And now you think about what about the children.
16:52 So if the mother or the man,
16:55 whoever's going through the abuse,
16:57 and they don't have strength to hold themselves together,
17:00 then you have the children.
17:02 They're being abused too as well.
17:04 And so what about the children and then, you know,
17:06 there's is no income, they're short of food at home.
17:11 People unthreaded, their utilities being cut off
17:13 and shut off and things like that.
17:15 And it's just that I just feel like
17:18 they are in a war zone, they're in a war path.
17:22 And that they don't know how to reach out,
17:24 they don't know who to talk to, they don't know who to trust.
17:28 They can't go to family and friends,
17:30 because the abuse has isolated them
17:32 from their families and friends.
17:33 And if they do talk to the family and friends,
17:35 the first thing we usually get is,
17:37 I told you so.
17:39 And as a victim of domestic violence,
17:41 you don't want to hear I told you
17:43 so because all those things
17:44 are playing in your mind already,
17:47 the regret, the shame, the guilt of saying,
17:51 "How did I get myself into the situation?
17:53 How did I allow the red flags?
17:57 You know, how can I look over the red flags?
17:59 And now look at the situation that I'm in now."
18:00 Yes, yes.
18:02 And you brought some pictures with you,
18:03 want to put up in just a second...
18:04 Yes, we brought a couple of pictures.
18:06 That you can kind of walk us through,
18:08 you know, explain what they are.
18:09 Yes, I would love to. So, what's this?
18:11 Well, actually, some of our ladies got together
18:15 and we had some new refugee families
18:17 that had came in to America
18:19 from different parts of the country.
18:21 And so we may give bags for...
18:22 You mean from other countries? From other countries.
18:24 Yes, I have women of all different types
18:26 of nationalities are part of the ministry,
18:28 so we may give bags for them for the children, yes.
18:30 Nice.
18:32 Oh, this one here is we were having
18:34 a women's support group.
18:36 And we had Christmas in July.
18:39 And I like to give gifts to the ladies you know,
18:42 throughout the year we get out and do,
18:43 you know, workshops we do.
18:45 We go out and give prayer to people
18:47 and we go out
18:49 and do all type of community work.
18:50 So I always like to try to give them
18:52 some little gifts to join, yes.
18:55 Well, with the Emmanuel Food Pantry,
18:56 we have a food truck as well.
18:58 And so, we feed hundreds of families a week.
19:01 And so when the food truck come,
19:02 the ladies get out and we unload the trucks
19:04 and we feed all the families in the community.
19:07 Wow! That's wonderful.
19:10 That is our new location
19:12 that we have in North St. Louis.
19:15 We all got together and we rehab,
19:16 we were rehabbing the place.
19:18 We did all the work ourselves. Wow!
19:19 Yes. And we rehab the place.
19:22 It was beautiful. That's incredible.
19:23 Yes.
19:24 So with the food pantry,
19:26 where do you get the food
19:28 from that you're feeding the community?
19:30 Well, we get some of our food
19:31 from the St. Louis area food bank,
19:33 Operation Food Search, private donors, volunteers,
19:38 church members and friends,
19:39 and people in the community like to donate to it as well.
19:42 So what do you use? What do you give them?
19:44 Like what kinds of foods are you giving them?
19:46 Anything you can imagine. Wow.
19:48 Everything that you go to the grocery store and get,
19:50 you're going to find it on our food truck.
19:52 Oh, wow.
19:53 And that's not a maybe and not a if.
19:55 So you can just give them, there's no cost for it.
19:59 They just receive this free.
20:00 Everything is free and open to the public
20:03 due to the COVID-19.
20:04 Now we just have the drive up service
20:06 where they drive their cars up,
20:07 we open up the trunk of their cars
20:09 and we load them up.
20:11 Each family gets at least over $500 or $600
20:13 worth of food a week.
20:15 A week?
20:16 A week, maybe more,
20:18 maybe more than that per car load.
20:20 And the good thing about our services is that,
20:23 you know, you can come to the line
20:25 as many times as you like until everything is gone.
20:30 And so some families have to go home and unload,
20:32 and then they'll come back.
20:34 We also have food for the refugee community.
20:39 North St. Louis as well as South St. Louis.
20:41 You have a lot of refugees in that area?
20:43 Yes, in South St. Louis, from all different countries.
20:46 So sometimes I just take a food truck
20:48 just to their community, just for them.
20:51 And a lot of them don't have cars and transportation.
20:53 So I send the food trucks to their community.
20:55 Now what made you start that?
20:57 Well, I was a victim of domestic violence in 2001.
21:01 And I decided to turn my pain into power.
21:05 And when I was going through abuse,
21:06 I had to go to food pantries to feed my children.
21:10 I was working but it wasn't enough.
21:12 And I remember
21:14 when I walked into one food pantry,
21:15 the lady said, "Well, you know,
21:17 we usually, you know, give you a bag of food."
21:18 But she says, "I don't know
21:20 what it is, there's something about you."
21:21 And this is like 15-16 years ago.
21:24 She said, "I'm gonna let you walk in
21:25 and pick out whatever you want.
21:27 You pick out whatever you want to eat."
21:30 And when I walked in there,
21:31 and I saw the whole wall full of food
21:32 and tears was coming, rolling down my eyes
21:34 as I was packing the food,
21:36 and I didn't want to get too much,
21:37 even though I needed more.
21:38 She goes, you know, get whatever you want.
21:40 And when I looked at those walls,
21:42 I said a prayer in my mind,
21:43 I said, "God, if You get me on my feet,"
21:47 and hoo, I want to get emotional
21:49 with, I said, "God, if You get me on my feet,
21:52 I want to be able to give back,
21:54 and I want to be able to do the same thing for others."
21:56 And so for the last 23 years,
22:00 I've been feeding hundreds of families,
22:03 hundreds of families.
22:04 And this past Friday, we,
22:06 Monday we fed about 200 families.
22:08 So with, all week,
22:10 I can say almost 500 families a week.
22:13 Wow!
22:14 God has expanded my ministry.
22:16 Yes. Look at God.
22:18 Yes, so beautiful.
22:20 Look at God and look at how gracious He's been to you.
22:24 He got you out of that that situation
22:26 and gave you a ministry that lets you help others
22:30 who were in your situation.
22:32 And that's what, you know,
22:33 that's why we are to comfort others
22:36 with the comfort
22:37 with which we've been comforted.
22:39 I love that verse,
22:40 because that's what you're doing.
22:43 You've been comforted in a certain way.
22:45 And now you're using that to comfort others.
22:49 And that is beautiful.
22:50 Once you've been through abuse you know how it is to hurt,
22:53 you know, the pain and you don't reflect that pain
22:57 on to anyone else.
22:58 You don't abuse others because you know how it feels.
23:02 And so, it...
23:03 That's if you are well person. Yes.
23:05 And it helps, you know, with empathy,
23:07 you have empathy,
23:09 you have more compassion, you have more love.
23:12 And I will say this, I have had a lot of struggles,
23:16 you know, with this ministry.
23:17 And what I mean by that is the enemy
23:18 has not been happy at all with what I've been doing.
23:21 And so, the enemy has been trying to attack me
23:24 on a personal level, you know,
23:26 with, you know, smear campaigns
23:30 and all different type of horrible things
23:32 to try to make me out to be something that
23:34 I'm not because of who I serve.
23:38 And honestly I'm excited about, it keeps me motivated.
23:42 Yeah.
23:44 If I keep it coming, it motivates me,
23:46 keep me on my toes, keep me on my knees in prayer,
23:50 reminds me that I'm not in control of anything.
23:53 It reminds me that how much more
23:55 I need Jesus every day,
23:57 and it just keeps me in power.
23:59 So anywhere that
24:00 I can be a voice to those who are hurting,
24:03 and to continue to keep my strength up
24:05 and continue to be the woman that God has called me to be,
24:08 the mother He has called me to be,
24:10 the warrior He has called me to be.
24:12 I was built not to break. Come on.
24:16 I love that, I was built not to break.
24:18 I love it.
24:20 So what are the needs now that you have?
24:22 And trying to do this work,
24:24 what does Harrison's Referral Service need
24:27 or what does Emmanuel Food Pantry need?
24:29 What do you need?
24:30 Well, I will be honest, we always need financial help.
24:34 But we are really in need of...
24:36 I would like to have a 12 or 15 passenger van
24:40 where that when we do have victims of domestic violence
24:43 that don't have transportation
24:45 to get to the shelters that we are able to transport them.
24:51 Right now we have to try to pay for taxi cabs
24:54 and things like that to pick them up.
24:56 They have to meet them at certain locations
24:57 and places of safety to take them there,
24:59 but we want to be able to do that too as well.
25:02 We would love for anyone
25:04 to have a vehicle that they want to donate,
25:06 the finances for us to be
25:08 able to purchase another vehicle,
25:09 or just financial help any way possible.
25:13 Clothing, toiletries, personal items,
25:16 anything that they can donate,
25:18 but most of all, we really need the prayers.
25:19 But we really do need a vehicle.
25:21 We can take two vehicles, one,
25:23 but we will take whatever we can get to be
25:25 able to continue to help.
25:27 So people can reach you on the website, which is...
25:31 HarrisonsReferralServices.com,
25:34 or they can reach me
25:35 on my email at Lizzieharrison@sbcglobal.net
25:40 Say that again.
25:41 Lizzieharrison@sbcglobal.net
25:45 or they can reach me at 314-482-2594.
25:51 Great.
25:52 So they are all these ways to reach you,
25:55 all these ways to support what you're doing.
25:59 What you're doing is so, so important.
26:02 Do you have a quick closing thought
26:04 for our viewers?
26:05 Well, I would just say that
26:06 if you know you're experiencing domestic violence
26:08 or you feel that you're going through
26:10 or you know someone is going through abuse,
26:12 please understand that your help is needed.
26:16 If you hear something, call the police,
26:18 but never involve yourself
26:20 in the middle of the confrontation.
26:22 You want to stay as anonymous as possible.
26:24 But if you cannot stay anonymous, that's okay.
26:27 Be prayerful, ask God to show you the safest
26:31 and healthiest way to escape.
26:33 And to give you the resources that you need,
26:35 call the hotline for domestic violence.
26:38 You can also call Harrison's Referral Services.
26:40 Or as I said before, Google other resources,
26:43 or just reach out to family and friends,
26:45 especially your church family.
26:46 One thing I do want to say before we close is that,
26:49 I would like to be able to educate pastors
26:52 and church leaders on how to deal
26:54 with domestic violence in their churches
26:56 through men's ministries, women's ministries,
26:59 or just reach out to your church
27:01 and find out what resources they can,
27:03 you know, they can help
27:04 with to get you to that safe location.
27:05 That's great.
27:07 So you're available to come to different people's churches
27:09 to explain domestic violence, to explain what to do,
27:14 to share with them strategies of how to handle it?
27:16 Because we want the church to know that, you know,
27:20 a lot of the victims in your churches
27:22 are members of the church.
27:25 And you're gonna have to know
27:26 how to deal with domestic violence.
27:28 You're gonna need to know at least the protocol
27:30 to get them to their next level.
27:32 And so, you know, if I can get out
27:34 and do workshops, seminars,
27:37 I do speaking engagements and everything as well, so.
27:39 That's tremendous.
27:40 Well, thank you so much for being with us.
27:42 We so appreciate you.
27:44 Love you dearly
27:45 and we support what you're doing.
27:47 May God continue to bless you, and thank you for joining us.
27:51 Join us next time because you know what?
27:53 It just wouldn't be,
27:55 couldn't be the same without you.


Revised 2020-10-26