Today Family Worship


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW210024S

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:08 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Family Worship.
01:11 My name is Ben Lingle.
01:12 And we're so glad you're joining us tonight
01:14 for this very special edition.
01:15 That's what I'm gonna call it of 3ABN Family Worship.
01:18 We have the family here tonight,
01:20 and it's going to be a Young Adults edition of this.
01:23 But we want to thank you for joining us every week
01:25 to welcome in the Sabbath
01:26 with us here in Southern Illinois.
01:28 And even though it may not be the Sabbath
01:29 where you're watching, we're just glad
01:31 you're joining us in welcoming the Sabbath.
01:33 We're just so excited tonight,
01:34 because we have a very interesting topic.
01:36 It's going to be something that affects young and old.
01:38 So you're gonna want to stay around for this topic tonight.
01:41 But first before we dive deep into the topic
01:44 and really get into it.
01:45 I want to introduce our family here on the set.
01:48 I'm so excited to have all of you here tonight.
01:50 And I'm gonna start at the far end of the table here.
01:53 I call this guy my brother but many people call him CJ.
01:56 This is CJ.
01:58 So, CJ, why don't you introduce yourself to our audience?
02:00 All right, well, hi, everybody.
02:02 My name is CJ.
02:03 I work here at 3ABN as a camera operator.
02:06 I also help with the 3ABN Sabbath School Panel podcast
02:10 along with Faith Life podcasts.
02:11 So, if have you ever heard of any of those,
02:13 I help with that as well as running teleprompter.
02:16 So if you watch any of our news breaks with Jason
02:19 or Jill or Greg or anybody like that.
02:21 I'm running the teleprompter to make sure
02:23 that they sound clean and well read.
02:26 So, thank you for having me here.
02:28 Yeah, you're a great asset to the team here at 3ABN.
02:30 And I know you do a lot of stuff.
02:31 We all wear many hats here at 3ABN but really,
02:34 you're a great asset to the team.
02:35 So thank you for being here tonight to discuss this,
02:37 this great topic we're gonna talk about in just a moment.
02:40 To my far right, is sometimes
02:43 I call her my little sister.
02:45 We're not related technically,
02:46 but anyway, this is Tiara Walker.
02:48 And, Tiara, you also work at 3ABN
02:50 but you're just a great asset to the team,
02:52 and why don't you introduce yourself to our audience?
02:53 Okay, hello, I'm Tiara Walker as he said.
02:57 I work here in the control room primarily doing video graphics.
03:01 So I put up the supers, I roll the intro.
03:03 And there's a whole list that VG does,
03:06 but I am so excited to be here.
03:07 Listen, we have an awesome topic.
03:10 And we have some great people here.
03:11 And I'm just, I'm blessed to be here.
03:13 Amen.
03:14 That's great. That's great.
03:16 And then, of course,
03:17 I'm really excited about this guest.
03:18 Now listen, I'm happy all of you are here.
03:21 But I'm really excited that Rachel Arner,
03:23 my friend Rachel Arner could join us today.
03:25 She came all the way from Berrien Springs, Michigan.
03:27 That's right. Yeah.
03:28 Wow. So, Rachel, thank you for being here.
03:30 And why don't you introduce yourself to our audience?
03:31 Hi. Thank you for having me.
03:33 I'm so excited to see all of you again.
03:35 My name is Rachel Arner.
03:37 I did come all the way from Michigan.
03:39 I'm a student at the seminary at Andrews University,
03:43 studying the Masters of Divinity.
03:46 A couple other things,
03:48 I'm the host of the Preacher Girl podcast.
03:50 So that's really a great ministry that I'm thankful for.
03:55 And I'm also a phone chaplain at AIM.
03:58 So I take calls for 3ABN a lot actually, Oh, wow.
04:02 That's awesome.
04:03 Yeah.
04:04 So you kind of indirectly help 3ABN in some ways.
04:08 Yeah. That's awesome. That's awesome.
04:09 Well, guys, once again, I'm just glad you're all here.
04:11 And I'm really excited about our topic tonight,
04:14 which is about witnessing.
04:16 Now witnessing is something
04:18 that's so important to all of us as Christians.
04:20 And so, I really want you to stay along for this tonight
04:23 because it's really gonna be valuable,
04:24 I think for you.
04:26 But before we get too deep into this,
04:28 I think we need to invite the Holy Spirit to be here
04:30 to help us kind of, you know, carry this conversation.
04:32 So, Rachel, I'm gonna ask you if you'll pray for us.
04:34 Sure. All right, let's bow our heads.
04:37 Dear Heavenly Father God, thank You so much
04:39 for the opportunity to come here
04:42 and open the Word together.
04:43 Lord, I just pray that You will fill us
04:46 all with Your Holy Spirit,
04:47 Lord, so that as we talk and have this conversation,
04:51 and open the Bible that
04:53 You will speak through us, Lord.
04:55 Thank You so much for the Sabbath
04:57 and the opportunity to rest in Your presence as well.
05:01 So please be with us now.
05:02 In Jesus' name I pray.
05:03 Amen.
05:05 Amen. Amen.
05:06 All right, as we said, tonight's topic is witnessing.
05:09 And, you know, this is something
05:11 that affects all of us as Christians.
05:12 It's something that we all need to know how to do.
05:15 And there's various ways we can witness, right?
05:17 So we want to kind of talk about, initially,
05:21 I kind of want to start this conversation
05:22 open in the fact of
05:24 why is witnessing important to us as Christians.
05:27 So what do you guys think?
05:28 CJ, what do you think about that?
05:30 Why is witnessing important to Christians?
05:33 Well, it's a big drive.
05:35 It's one of the last things that Christ gave to us
05:37 as a command as a...
05:40 I wouldn't say an order,
05:41 but what we typically call a commission.
05:44 Yeah.
05:45 So towards the end of Matthew, you see
05:48 Christ telling His disciples to go into all the world.
05:51 And that's right after the resurrection,
05:53 you go into Acts 1, you see him telling them
05:55 that they're gonna go into Jerusalem
05:56 and into Samaria and to all the world.
05:59 So it's, it's important because it's telling people
06:04 of the life changing power of Christ,
06:06 telling him, telling them that there's a savior out there
06:10 who defy death.
06:11 And He's here to give you that opportunity
06:14 to not die eternally.
06:17 Yeah, that's good.
06:19 It's something that we hope as we witness,
06:21 and as Christ comes into people's hearts,
06:24 it's something that continues to change those people, right?
06:26 Because we know, we've experienced it ourselves,
06:28 being whether we were witness
06:30 to or maybe we were raised in the faith or something,
06:32 we know how important it is to have Christ in our lives.
06:35 So I think that was a beautiful summary of why it's important.
06:38 What do you guys think is?
06:39 Why do you think witnessing is important?
06:40 You know, I think that witnessing is important,
06:42 because you know,
06:44 if you're a Christian, you're filled,
06:45 you're full of Christ, and you want to go out
06:47 and you want to share that love.
06:48 Yeah.
06:49 But you have to realize that we're called to witness
06:51 so that others will find Christ, yes.
06:54 But we're called to witness
06:55 because it also helps us as Christians.
06:57 Wow.
06:58 It strengthened us.
06:59 And it makes us confident in our faith.
07:01 When you go out and you tell somebody,
07:03 "Hey, you don't, you won't believe who I was,
07:06 before Christ came in and found me."
07:08 You know what I mean?
07:09 And you just, you build this confidence,
07:12 and you just, you grow in your love.
07:15 And it's so important that Christians get out
07:18 and get out of their comfort zone
07:20 and just fully rely on God because He is a consuming fire.
07:24 And we want to shake those dry bones,
07:26 we want to rattle them
07:27 and we want to tell people what God has done in our lives.
07:30 Amen.
07:31 Yeah, our testimony is so important.
07:33 And there's a song I really love, I actually sang
07:36 a couple Sabbath's ago and it's called Mercy.
07:38 And one of the lyrics is, "If you knew me then,
07:40 you believe me now.
07:42 He turned my whole life upside down."
07:44 Isn't that powerful?
07:46 Yeah.
07:47 I just love, love that lyric. And it's really true.
07:49 It's something that's powerful.
07:50 Rachel, do you have any thoughts on why
07:51 witnessing is important.
07:53 Yeah, absolutely.
07:54 Well, like everything you guys have said,
07:55 it's so important that we don't keep the gospel
07:58 and the hope and the love of Jesus
07:59 that we have to ourselves.
08:02 And a lot of it comes down to just our daily life,
08:05 you know, going out to the grocery store,
08:07 having conversations with people.
08:09 Now it's a little bit more difficult, right?
08:11 We don't have as many opportunities to meet,
08:14 you know, strangers, meet new people,
08:16 things like that.
08:17 And I think that's why it's so important
08:19 to remember who Jesus was.
08:21 I mean, His character, He was full of love.
08:24 So as long as we invite Jesus into our heart
08:26 every single day,
08:28 you know, that's the best thing we can do.
08:29 Yeah.
08:31 Absolutely.
08:32 Now, has everybody here I'm assuming,
08:34 which is not always a bad thing.
08:35 But I'm assuming all of us
08:37 have been Christians all our lives.
08:38 Yes. Yeah.
08:39 So I'm kind of curious, kind of as we continue to dive
08:42 into this topic, have any of you had any
08:44 successful witnessing opportunities?
08:46 Or maybe just in general,
08:47 have you had some opportunities to witness?
08:50 Yeah. Yeah.
08:51 Absolutely.
08:53 What's, what, CJ, what do you have?
08:54 What have you done?
08:56 Well, most, most of what I have
08:58 the opportunity to do is online.
09:01 So I'm a moderator
09:03 on a chat service called Discord.
09:06 If any of you know about Discord.
09:09 It's typically for gamers, but a lot of our,
09:13 you know, young people have taken over Discord
09:16 and use it as a way to kind of grow and fellowship.
09:21 So one of the examples and I think this is kind of,
09:25 this is kind of like a general
09:26 because there's a lot of people are in there,
09:28 kind of talking to people of different backgrounds
09:31 and different religions.
09:32 So in one of the groups I'm in, there's a Muslim there,
09:34 so I could talk to him about stuff, he doesn't,
09:36 still doesn't agree.
09:38 And there is even a guy in there who is...
09:43 I wouldn't, I don't know exactly if he identifies
09:45 as modalist, which is a way they view God.
09:49 But I got to talk to him.
09:51 I remember when I was a child I got to talk to,
09:53 I was talking to a lady that was cutting my hair.
09:55 She just asked me about myself.
09:56 I'm asking what I believe.
09:58 Yeah, and I even remember an opportunity
10:01 came up a few years ago during the eclipse
10:04 that we had down here in Southern Illinois.
10:06 They had a in one of our bigger cities, Carbondale.
10:11 They had, they had this whole eclipse celebration
10:14 and they had Ozzy Osbourne
10:16 and all these things happening there.
10:18 But they had an opportunity for people from our church
10:23 and in the surrounding area to go out and to share books
10:27 because around that time Hacksaw Ridge was coming out.
10:30 And Hacksaw Ridge was a really good witnessing opportunity
10:33 because people were seeing that.
10:34 Which is the story about Desmond Doss.
10:35 Yeah.
10:37 Who was it, was it World War II? Yes.
10:38 Okay. Yeah.
10:40 Yes. Conscientious objector, right?
10:41 Yeah. Yeah.
10:42 So a lot of people were seeing this, this is Mel,
10:45 for a guy's named Mel Brooks
10:46 or however you say his name, but the director.
10:50 He directed Passion to Christ and stuff.
10:52 But he made a story about Desmond Doss
10:55 being an Adventist in a sense, but being this Christian
10:58 who was in World War II,
11:00 but he wasn't gonna kill anybody.
11:01 He was gonna help people.
11:03 And his story is well known,
11:05 even among Christians and atheists.
11:07 But it gave us an opportunity because not only were we able
11:09 to pass out the book about his life,
11:11 the new publishing from Remnant,
11:14 but also got to share GLOW tracks,
11:16 we got to just interact with some people is really cool.
11:21 That's really cool.
11:23 I know I've had some opportunities where,
11:25 you know, sometimes our greatest witness
11:27 is just like you said, Rachel, kind of how we live our lives.
11:30 And I remember there was one time I just,
11:35 it's amazing how just treating people with kindness
11:38 and love and respect, makes people question,
11:42 you know, you in a good way, like,
11:45 "Huh! I want to be like that."
11:47 What's so different about them?
11:48 Yeah. What's different about them?
11:50 How, they seem different.
11:51 Something's different about them.
11:52 And I remember one time, and this is not about me,
11:55 this is about Jesus.
11:56 And, but I remember one time, I had a friend.
11:59 We had, I've been hanging out with him,
12:00 just trying to encourage him and help him all that.
12:02 And he said, he, you know, he was obviously
12:05 aware of Christianity and all that.
12:06 But I remember him sending me a message on Facebook,
12:08 and he said, something along the lines of,
12:13 "If I had to say, who in my life
12:17 helped lead me to Christ, you're one of those people."
12:19 And I didn't always explicitly talk about Christ.
12:22 You know, not all our conversation was about God
12:24 or Jesus or whatever.
12:25 But it was amazing to see how even just
12:27 a little bit of kindness and love was able to change
12:31 that person's life around.
12:32 And I think that's just
12:34 something really special, you know?
12:35 That's amazing.
12:36 Absolutely, yeah,
12:38 if I could just share too, you reminded me.
12:39 Yeah, absolutely.
12:41 So there are a few different times that,
12:42 you know, I've had the opportunity
12:43 to share Jesus with others, which is awesome, right?
12:46 One time, in particular, though,
12:48 kind of related to yours Ben, a good friend of mine,
12:51 we went to school together, knew each other.
12:54 And, you know, how time, you know, draws people apart,
12:57 you don't see people as much.
12:59 He ended up coming back to the same university
13:02 where I was studying.
13:04 And what ended up happening was,
13:06 we started talking again.
13:08 And he had also grown up in the church.
13:10 I've grown up in the church as well.
13:12 And he shared with me how he totally just walked away
13:15 from everything, he said, "I can't do this anymore.
13:17 I'm done.
13:18 I've been hurt all these different things."
13:20 And he said, Rachel, you know,
13:22 "I've just questioned God so many times.
13:25 And I just don't know
13:26 if I even believe in God anymore."
13:28 And that was one of many conversations
13:30 we started having.
13:32 And then a couple years later, again, we,
13:35 you know, end up talking, and he shared with me how,
13:39 during those ups and downs, he remembered certain things.
13:43 And I know we're gonna talk about,
13:44 you know, innovative ways to witness later on.
13:47 But he shared with me how they were things
13:49 that I had shared online, like Bible passages,
13:52 or just whatever it may have been.
13:54 And he said, "Rachel, I don't think you realize
13:57 those little things of, you know, sharing online,
13:59 or whatever it was, that helped me and now
14:03 I can strongly tell you, that because of you
14:06 and other people," and like you said,
14:07 not about us, right?
14:09 It's about God.
14:10 But he said, "Because of what you were willing to do,
14:12 being willing to share the love of Jesus.
14:15 I realized, no, I need to have Jesus in my life."
14:17 Wow.
14:19 And he says, "Now I'm, I'm all in.
14:20 I'm all in." I'm all in.
14:22 And it's just amazing, right?
14:24 Yeah, it gives me chills, because you just never know,
14:27 like, from day to day, like what you choose to do,
14:29 like portray Jesus, like how that's going to positively
14:33 impact and influence someone
14:35 who you would least expect, so, yeah.
14:37 That's what Jesus needs.
14:39 He needs this all in, right? Yeah.
14:40 He needs you all in at home, right?
14:42 You don't want any distractions.
14:44 You want to be all in for Jesus and witness for Him.
14:46 So that's, Rachel, that's amazing.
14:48 I think what's really interesting about
14:49 that is what you were sharing about posting stuff
14:51 on social media and all that.
14:53 You weren't directly speaking to him.
14:55 Right, right.
14:56 But what's interesting is you, as he was reading that stuff,
14:59 and taking that in, the Holy Spirit
15:00 was impressing on his heart.
15:01 Yeah.
15:03 And that's really something special.
15:04 Absolutely, yeah. I love that.
15:05 Tiara, do you have any, any witnessing?
15:07 You know, I do I have a story. It's amazing.
15:09 God knows exactly what you need right when you need it.
15:14 A little back story on me when I was about 10 or 11,
15:17 a little school that I was going to started a drama team.
15:20 Okay.
15:21 And I was all in. I was all in.
15:23 I was ready.
15:24 So, sorry, what's a drama team?
15:25 For those who may not know, what's a drama team?
15:27 So, yeah.
15:28 So we were a Christian drama team.
15:30 So we would go to different churches
15:31 and different camps and minister through skit.
15:34 So things you know, acting and all these things.
15:37 We would do funny, and we would do serious.
15:39 But this one time I was 10, or 11.
15:42 This is one of the first really powerful things
15:44 I noticed about witnessing.
15:47 I was 10 or 11.
15:48 And we were at this women's seminar.
15:50 There was a church
15:52 where all the women were coming together
15:53 on a day, and we were just celebrating God,
15:56 and, you know, praising Him for everything.
15:58 And they asked us to do a skit.
16:00 And we did this skit called "Giants."
16:02 And it's about a girl who is thinking
16:05 she wants to start a Bible study,
16:07 but she's not really sure if that's exactly
16:09 what God wants her to do.
16:11 And it was kind of a funny skit.
16:12 Then there's three giants behind her.
16:14 You know, there's, there's low self esteem,
16:16 there's doubt, there's fear, all these things.
16:19 And they're throwing it at her
16:20 and they're trying to chain her down.
16:22 But at the end of it,
16:23 she opens the Bible and realizes
16:26 who she is through Christ.
16:28 And now we did this skit, and it was really funny.
16:30 And we had a great time.
16:31 And afterwards, you know, we were going and shaking hands
16:34 and saying hi to everybody.
16:36 And one woman comes up to us.
16:39 And she just was completely serious.
16:41 And she says, "You have no idea."
16:45 She says, "The last two months,
16:47 I have been going back and forth with myself
16:50 if I should start a Bible study for my family."
16:53 She says, "Everything that
16:54 you guys just said in this skit,
16:56 the fear, the self doubt, all of these things,"
16:59 she says, "Is exactly what I have been struggling with.
17:02 And I've been in turmoil with for two months."
17:05 She says, in five, six minutes of our skit,
17:09 she says it was exactly what I needed to hear.
17:11 She came to that conference asking God for a sign.
17:15 And I mean, it wasn't a sign.
17:16 She said it was almost like a slap in the face.
17:19 Like a, "Hey, maybe you should."
17:21 And that was, I remember hearing that.
17:23 And I was like, wow, you know, I was just up there
17:25 with some of my friends doing this funny thing
17:28 making everybody laugh.
17:29 And I didn't even realize how powerful it is.
17:32 When God calls you to go, go because it,
17:36 that was just a beautiful story.
17:37 Wow. Amen.
17:38 Man. That's, that's amazing.
17:40 And like you said, Tiara, earlier,
17:42 that probably encouraged you.
17:43 Yeah.
17:45 Because sometimes when we're, when we're doing things
17:46 for God, we don't always see
17:48 the fruit of our labors, so to speak, right?
17:50 Right.
17:51 You know, like, Rachel, like, you're talking
17:53 about your friend reading that and he comes back and wow,
17:54 you know, you finally saw it.
17:56 But, you know, it's amazing to see once we see it
17:58 that does strengthen our faith, because we know
18:00 that the Holy Spirit is moving among people,
18:03 and changing hearts for the kingdom.
18:04 So that's really something special.
18:05 Thank you guys for sharing.
18:07 So I kind of want to see what the Bible says
18:11 about witnessing.
18:12 We've kind of talked about our personal experiences,
18:14 which I love.
18:15 That's kind of our testimonies and all that.
18:16 But let's see what the Bible says about witnessing.
18:19 And I think there's some really hallmark points in Scripture
18:23 that will give us a little bit of encouragement.
18:25 You know, one of the things that as young people
18:28 I think we're up against is being nervous
18:31 to witness to our friends.
18:33 Yeah. Right?
18:34 You know, we live in a culture now that is very, I would say,
18:39 hesitant to accept God, or believe in Christianity.
18:44 And, you know, in some ways, Christianity has got a bad rep.
18:47 There's been some, unfortunately,
18:49 some bad situations.
18:50 Now, we don't blame the whole body
18:52 for that obviously.
18:53 There are certain instances things happen,
18:55 people make decisions.
18:56 But the reality is, our generation in particular,
19:01 is becoming as I see it,
19:03 and statistics are showing this as well,
19:04 becoming more distant and distant from God,
19:07 religion, whatever you want to call it,
19:09 relationship, whatever you want to call it.
19:11 And so something we have to worry about is being nervous
19:15 to witness to a generation like that.
19:17 So there's a scripture in Jeremiah.
19:19 It's Jeremiah 1:7-8. Tiara, do you have that?
19:22 I do. I do have that.
19:23 Hopefully, this will give us some encouragement.
19:25 I think this is something really interesting.
19:28 That I think is really relevant to even our generation today.
19:30 So why don't you go ahead and read?
19:31 Yeah, for sure.
19:33 Jeremiah 1:7-8, says, I have the NLT version.
19:35 It says this, "The Lord replied,
19:37 don't say I'm too young.
19:39 For you must go wherever I send you and say
19:41 whatever I tell you,
19:43 and don't be afraid of the people
19:44 for I will be with you.
19:46 I will protect you.
19:47 I the Lord has spoken."
19:49 Wow.
19:50 That's powerful.
19:52 It is powerful.
19:53 That's something we can remember
19:54 as young Christians is that even when we're afraid,
19:58 when we have those insecurities
19:59 about witnessing sharing Christ or whatever,
20:02 because sometimes it can be a little bit uncomfortable.
20:06 I remember one time, this is kind of funny.
20:10 This was said to me, don't be offended by this.
20:11 It's just funny.
20:13 My friend was joking.
20:14 But anyway, we were,
20:15 I was talking to a friend about God,
20:18 somehow we got on the conversation of God.
20:19 Usually when we're talking sometimes it goes there.
20:21 He's not a practicing Christian.
20:24 He's, I guess I would call him more agnostic.
20:26 But anyway, we were talking about God and I said something
20:29 along the lines of, you know, this is crazy, or something.
20:33 I think I was referring to crazy in a good way,
20:36 like amazing, like, this is crazy.
20:37 You know, my friend goes, my friend goes,
20:40 "I think you're all kind of crazy."
20:42 I just laugh or whatever.
20:45 But you know, for me, I just kind of,
20:47 you know, brushes off my shoulders.
20:48 We laughed about it, whatever.
20:49 But for some people, that's a legitimate fear.
20:51 Yeah.
20:52 And in this verse right here, it's talking
20:54 about don't be afraid, because God's with us.
20:56 Yeah. I believe God goes before us, right?
20:59 And God, ultimately, God's the one
21:01 that has to soften the heart of that person
21:02 to receive the message.
21:04 Right.
21:05 You know, it's something that's very important, I think.
21:06 Yeah, absolutely.
21:08 What do you guys think about that?
21:09 You know, I heard a...
21:11 When it comes to the topic of fear,
21:12 I relate to that a lot.
21:13 I've always struggled with fear and anxiety of things.
21:16 That's, that's been my life, you know.
21:18 And I heard a pastor say this one time,
21:21 and it totally blew my, it was crazy,
21:24 you know, crazy in that good way.
21:25 It was crazy.
21:27 I'm gonna, I'm gonna say this to you in the camera.
21:29 He said this to me.
21:31 And I was just like, "Wow, that's so true."
21:34 He said this, he said, "God is going to put you
21:37 in situations that challenge you,
21:40 to put your belief more in Him than your fear."
21:42 Wow.
21:44 Sometimes it makes me think of Peter stepping out of the boat.
21:46 You know what I mean?
21:48 It was terrifying.
21:49 God called him, He said,
21:51 "Come here, step out of the boat,
21:52 step out of your comfort for a second.
21:54 And come here.
21:55 Let me show you what I can do."
21:57 You know, Peter, he stepped out.
21:58 And that was a great witness for the disciples watching him
22:00 like, "Whoa, see what Jesus can do."
22:02 But he started walking on the water,
22:04 and he started going forward.
22:06 And that was so amazing.
22:07 But he started seeing the waves,
22:09 you know, he started, he started feeling that fear,
22:12 that anxiety, you know, I relate to that a lot,
22:15 that's happened to me a lot in my life.
22:17 But who was there?
22:18 Who was there that saved him?
22:20 Jesus said in the Scripture verse,
22:22 "I, I will deliver you, I will protect you."
22:25 So even if you start going under,
22:27 He's gonna be there to reach you out.
22:29 And I don't know about you guys,
22:31 but I would rather be in a storm with Jesus
22:33 than anywhere else without.
22:35 Okay.
22:36 If that's where He is, that's where I am too,
22:37 even if it's scary, I'm there if He's there.
22:40 All right. Preach. Preach.
22:42 Amen. Tiara, that was so good.
22:44 That point the pastor said, man, that's powerful.
22:47 I love that, I love that.
22:48 You know, something else we're up against as Christians
22:51 is not only being afraid to share the gospel,
22:54 but in some ways being ashamed of the gospel.
22:57 Yeah, you know, because we are in an increasingly,
23:01 I'll say, anti-Christian culture,
23:04 people tend to think you ridiculous for sharing
23:08 what they may believe is a myth or a fairy tale or whatever.
23:12 And sometimes that can make us feel like,
23:13 "Oh, are we wrong?
23:15 Or, you know, are we sharing kind of, is it a fairy tale?
23:18 Is it a myth?" And that can make us doubt too.
23:19 Yeah.
23:21 But there's an interesting verse here.
23:22 Interesting passage, rather.
23:24 In 2 Timothy 1:8-12.
23:26 And, Rachel, do you have that?
23:28 Yeah, I have it here.
23:29 Let's read that. All right.
23:31 2 Timothy 1:8-12.
23:34 It says, "So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord
23:39 or of me his prisoner.
23:40 Rather join with me in suffering for the gospel,
23:44 by the power of God, he has saved us
23:47 and called us to a holy life,
23:49 not because of anything we have done,
23:51 but because of His own purpose and grace.
23:55 This grace was given us in Christ Jesus
23:57 before the beginning of time, but it has now been revealed
24:01 through the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus,
24:04 who has destroyed death and has brought life
24:07 and immortality to light through the gospel."
24:11 Wow. Wow.
24:12 That's awesome. Yeah.
24:14 What do you guys think about that?
24:16 Wow.
24:17 Well, I know you're saying a lot of people sometimes
24:20 can be, I guess, turned off by certain things.
24:24 But at the same time,
24:26 you know, we can think of a lot of
24:27 what's going on right now.
24:28 And there are also a lot of people
24:30 who are searching and looking for something,
24:33 a lot of people who are not familiar with the gospel.
24:36 And so that's what I love about this passage
24:38 is that it does give us courage and strength to not only,
24:42 not be ashamed, but to be confident
24:45 in who Jesus is and what He's done for us.
24:47 And when we remember that too, if we're confident like,
24:50 okay, like, I don't need to be ashamed,
24:52 I don't need to be worried
24:53 about what other people will think of me.
24:55 Those are all real things, of course, but remembering
24:58 that the Word of God is true and God is always
25:01 going to be faithful to us.
25:03 And we can depend on the Word
25:04 and so we don't have to be ashamed.
25:05 Yeah. Wow.
25:07 That's, good. I love that. I love it.
25:08 CJ, it seems like you have
25:09 a little bit of a thought there.
25:11 I think you had a thought.
25:12 Yeah, I was gonna, I was gonna say,
25:14 I think one of the things that also makes people
25:16 ashamed of the gospel is the fact
25:17 that it's not popular.
25:20 Yep, that's true.
25:22 And if you're, if you're the only Christian, let's say
25:24 that you're in a public school or something,
25:27 if you're the only Christian in there
25:28 and you're trying to make friends and your friends
25:30 and the people, they're just not interested.
25:32 It's hard to be.
25:33 And I think the problem is as, as young people,
25:36 we are a community oriented species we are,
25:41 we want friends.
25:42 And I think some of us are afraid of not having
25:47 any friends, having no one to call you
25:50 and find out if you're okay, or someone to talk to you
25:53 if you know if you need advice or something.
25:57 And I know that, you know, we do have Jesus,
25:59 we can call on Him,
26:01 but it's still nice to have friends.
26:03 But one thing I noticed, because it was also,
26:07 I noticed in verse 12, here, where Paul says,
26:11 and I have the King James here says,
26:13 "For the which cause I also suffer these things.
26:16 Nevertheless, I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have
26:20 believed in and persuaded that He is able to keep
26:23 that which I have committed unto Him against the day."
26:26 So basically, Paul is saying here, I'm not afraid,
26:29 I'm not ashamed of the gospel,
26:30 because I know the one who gave it to me.
26:33 I know the one I...
26:35 Because whenever we look at the word believed,
26:38 in the Greek it is pisteuo, it means to trust.
26:41 So this is not, this is not because if you go into James,
26:44 it says the devils believed and trembled.
26:48 This is not a belief like you like oh,
26:50 yeah, I believe God exists.
26:52 You know, some people believe God exists.
26:54 And yet they don't trust Him.
26:55 That's the point, trust.
26:57 Just like the song says, trust and obey.
26:59 That's how you show God
27:01 that you actually believe in Him,
27:02 that you step out in faith, like you're saying,
27:04 Peter stepped out of the boat.
27:06 That's how we know that he believed in God.
27:07 Right. That's amazing.
27:09 You know, I really love,
27:11 what I love about this passage is,
27:13 it's not just Paul saying to Timothy,
27:16 you know, it starts with,
27:18 you know, don't be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord.
27:21 But it's not only that, but he also reminds Timothy.
27:24 Let me remind you what he's done, he saved you.
27:27 He's called you for holy calling.
27:29 It's not according to our works,
27:31 but it's according to His purpose and His grace,
27:33 which is given through us,
27:34 given to us through Jesus.
27:36 And I think that's something that we can hold on to,
27:38 a promise that we can hold on to.
27:40 That's amazing that when we are feeling
27:42 kind of uncomfortable with sharing the gospel,
27:44 maybe even ashamed, as the scripture says,
27:47 we can remember though,
27:49 remember what Jesus did for you.
27:51 Yeah.
27:52 You know, you're calling yourself a Christian, right?
27:54 You want to be able to share this, don't be ashamed.
27:57 And in fact, this should be something
27:58 you're so excited about.
27:59 You can't help but not share, right?
28:01 Yeah.
28:02 Absolutely. Absolutely.
28:04 So that's, that's what I love about that.
28:05 That passage in particular is that not only is it saying,
28:06 don't be ashamed,
28:08 but it's reminding us as Christians,
28:09 why we shouldn't be ashamed, and why we should continue
28:12 to take the gospel to the world.
28:13 And you know, it's kind of play off of that.
28:16 When we think of where Christ found us,
28:19 and where He's has us now and where He's taking us.
28:21 It's absolutely amazing.
28:23 You know, I know somebody who actually,
28:27 they have a great testimony,
28:29 an absolute great testimony of where Christ found them
28:32 and where they're now are and where they're going.
28:35 And I think of, you know, being ashamed.
28:37 And it is common that some Christians,
28:40 especially new Christians are kind of a fearful
28:42 or maybe a little bit ashamed.
28:44 You know, they still have those old friend groups
28:46 that they hang out with.
28:47 They're a little ashamed to talk about the gospel.
28:49 But there are some people out there
28:51 and that might be you at home,
28:52 you're not ashamed to talk about the Bible,
28:55 but you are ashamed to talk about your past
28:57 and where you were when Christ found you.
28:59 That's a good point.
29:00 And that is something that is so important
29:02 to witnessing.
29:03 You know, you don't have to know the Bible
29:04 from cover to cover and to be able to quote it,
29:07 but God has given you a story.
29:10 And that story is your testimony.
29:12 Hey, you won't believe the person that I was,
29:15 you wouldn't believe I hurt so many people in my life,
29:18 but Christ found me.
29:20 You know, He's that consuming fire
29:21 that cleanse me,
29:23 and now I am something totally different.
29:24 So don't be ashamed of sharing your testimony
29:27 of where you were and where God is taking you.
29:30 Amen.
29:31 This sounds like Paul, right? Yeah.
29:34 Paul, he was killing Christians.
29:36 Yeah.
29:38 And then he had a personal experience with Jesus.
29:40 Right.
29:41 And he was brought out of that lifestyle
29:43 and he became a powerful witness
29:44 for the cause of Christ.
29:46 Right.
29:47 Just something incredibly,
29:49 I think Paul is one of the most,
29:50 you know, there's a lot of great,
29:51 great Bible character.
29:53 Right.
29:54 But when I get to heaven, I think Paul's gonna be the one
29:55 I want to meet the most.
29:57 Find him first in the crowd. Yeah. All right, where's Paul?
29:58 Where's Paul?
30:01 Anyway, yeah, I think that's amazing.
30:03 That's good points, guys.
30:04 Very good points.
30:06 So another thing that hopefully by the time
30:09 we can kind of get over or learn to cope with that,
30:14 being afraid or being ashamed of the gospel,
30:16 there is something we call the Great Commission, right?
30:19 And we find that in Matthew 28.
30:21 Let's go to Matthew 28.
30:23 It's a very simple passage,
30:24 but it was one of the last things
30:26 that Jesus said to His disciples,
30:28 before He ascended to heaven.
30:29 And, CJ, do you have Matthew 28:18-20?
30:33 Yep.
30:34 I have it here in the King James.
30:36 And it says, "And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying,
30:39 All power is given unto Me in heaven on earth.
30:43 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them
30:46 in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
30:49 and of the Holy Ghost,
30:50 teaching them to observe all things
30:52 whatsoever I have commanded you.
30:54 And lo, I am with you always,
30:56 even until the end of the world."
31:02 You know, what I love about this is,
31:06 it doesn't say, pastors go and teach all the nations.
31:11 Yeah It says, "Go ye," Preacher Ben.
31:14 What does that mean?
31:16 That means anybody here, I think, Danny, Danny Shelton,
31:18 our founder, he says, "Are you a Ye?
31:20 If you're a Ye, then you're supposed to go take the gospel
31:22 to the world," right?
31:23 So that's really something that we got to keep in mind here
31:26 is that sometimes, we kind of put the load
31:30 if you will of work on our pastors or lay teachers,
31:33 or maybe the Sabbath school teachers or whatever,
31:35 but we are all meant to take the gospel
31:38 into the whole world.
31:39 Right. Absolutely.
31:41 You know, and that's something
31:42 that's really powerful, in my opinion.
31:43 Yep.
31:45 You guys have any thoughts on that?
31:46 Yeah, if I could just share it? Absolutely.
31:48 So one thing that has always stood out to me
31:49 about this passage has been,
31:50 you know, it's like, "Go baptized, just go do it."
31:53 Which, yes, absolutely.
31:54 But when we think about practically, like,
31:57 from day to day, it's like, how are we going to do that?
32:00 Where do we go? What does that look like?
32:02 Yeah.
32:03 And so, what's beautiful is that we all have unique lives.
32:08 And God, there's this thing
32:09 called Divine Appointments, right?
32:11 Where you never know who God is going to put you
32:14 in contact with.
32:15 You just never know.
32:17 And so that's why it's so important
32:18 to always be open
32:20 to the Holy Spirit leading and guiding in our own lives.
32:23 And so maybe we won't be someone
32:25 who will go far, far away, baptize people
32:29 or anything like that.
32:31 But maybe it'll be more on a practical level
32:33 of being open to the Holy Spirit leading us.
32:36 And then being willing to, excuse me,
32:38 being willing to share Jesus through kindness,
32:42 through the character of Jesus, the fruits of the Spirit.
32:45 And so it's a great passage, but I just like to point out
32:49 that it doesn't have to be hard,
32:50 you know, it doesn't have to be difficult.
32:52 Sharing the gospel with people can be quite easy.
32:55 And a lot of it comes down, you know, a smile on your face.
32:58 Hey, how are you doing?
33:00 So it can be very practical.
33:01 Yeah. Yeah.
33:02 Kind of like what Ben, you were saying
33:04 more towards the beginning, how people will notice
33:07 that and you know, that everyday kindness,
33:09 that everyday something and ask
33:11 what's different about this person?
33:13 And maybe that'll spark a conversation with somebody,
33:15 you know, like, hey,
33:17 why are you so happy all the time?
33:18 Well, you don't understand,
33:20 I found something great, you know?
33:21 That's awesome.
33:23 Yeah.
33:24 I think it goes back to the idea
33:27 of finding something.
33:28 So Jesus talks about...
33:32 Oh, I'm trying to remember what it is,
33:33 but the point I'm trying to make is like, let's say
33:37 that you are in love with somebody.
33:40 And the thing about it is sometimes people
33:43 who are truly in love,
33:45 they don't tend to shut up about it.
33:48 And if I can say that, but they tend to,
33:51 like want to just say like, "Oh, did you hear
33:54 I'm in love with so and so, it's amazing."
33:57 And that's kind of what,
33:58 I think that's what Jesus is wanting to get,
34:00 get us to is that we're so in love with Jesus,
34:04 that we want to tell everybody about,
34:06 but we also tell them that, "Hey,
34:08 you also can love Jesus too.
34:09 And Jesus loves you and He wants to give you,
34:12 He wants to give you an inheritance."
34:13 That's what Jesus said in John 14,
34:16 "I go to prepare a place for you."
34:19 That's something some people on this planet won't even have.
34:22 You know, there...
34:23 I remember one of my friends talking about going to Chicago
34:27 and talking to this homeless man.
34:29 And this guy had nothing in terms
34:32 of earthly goods.
34:35 But he had something more.
34:38 I remember that my friend's wife him gave money,
34:42 but my friend also gave him books.
34:43 And he was like, you see this.
34:45 This has earthly value talking about the money,
34:48 but he talks about the books, says
34:50 this, this has eternal value.
34:52 This is something that's going to last.
34:54 This can burn up.
34:56 This, I can store it in my heart
34:58 and it can get me closer and closer to Christ.
35:01 And that's the point is that Jesus is trying
35:03 to get us closer to Him,
35:04 so that we may be able to also know the joy of knowing Him.
35:08 Hmm.
35:09 Wow, good point.
35:10 I want to go back really quickly
35:12 to what you said about someone being in love
35:14 and just constantly talking about it all the time.
35:16 You know, when you're in those situations,
35:19 and well this person just stopped talking about that,
35:22 we get it, they love Him, they love Him, right?
35:24 A lot of times we feel that way,
35:25 because we don't love that person.
35:28 So we're not experiencing that, right?
35:30 So, in other words, we don't know
35:33 how to connect with that person,
35:34 because we don't love that person
35:35 the same way the other person does.
35:37 Yeah.
35:38 You know, but once people find Jesus,
35:42 and of course, we have to share that,
35:44 like we were talking about this whole program,
35:45 we've got to share that and show that.
35:47 But once people find Jesus, then what's amazing is
35:51 and we're gonna learn a little bit here
35:52 about Pentecost, which is a powerful story.
35:55 But what's amazing is
35:57 there's a fire that started in people.
35:59 You know, when we talk about wildfires, right?
36:02 Typically, it may start with like
36:04 a little patch in the forest.
36:05 And then what happens?
36:06 It just goes and it goes and it goes
36:08 and it can get out of control, right?
36:10 That's what Jesus wants for His church.
36:13 Yeah.
36:14 He wants us to be like a wildfire
36:17 there that is constantly just burning and sharing Him, right?
36:21 That's what He wants. He wants us to be a wildfire.
36:23 Right. Yes, absolutely.
36:25 So, okay.
36:27 This is kind of on the same note,
36:29 but let's go to Acts Chapter 8.
36:32 And this passage in particular is talking about,
36:35 "When the Spirit calls, we should go."
36:38 And that's not always an easy thing to do.
36:41 Because sometimes we don't really know
36:43 if it's the Spirit calling us,
36:45 or if it's just us thinking the Spirit is calling us.
36:48 And, of course, the way to know
36:49 that is we need to test any type of thoughts
36:50 we think maybe the Holy Spirit with Scripture.
36:53 But this passage in particular,
36:56 I'm going to read it in Acts 8:26-38.
37:01 And it says this, it says,
37:02 "And the angel of the Lord spake unto Philip, saying,
37:05 Arise, and go toward the south unto the way
37:07 that goes down from Jerusalem unto Gaza,
37:10 which is desert.
37:11 And he arose and went: and, behold, a man of Ethiopia,
37:14 an eunuch of great authority under Candace queen
37:16 of the Ethiopians, who had the charge of all her treasure,
37:20 and had come to Jerusalem for to worship.
37:22 Was returning, and sitting in his chariot
37:24 read Esaias the prophet.
37:27 Then the Spirit said unto Philip, Go near,
37:30 and join thyself to this chariot.
37:31 And Philip ran thither to him,
37:34 and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said,
37:37 Understandest thou what thou readest?"
37:40 Woo! King James, I' tell you.
37:41 "And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me?
37:45 And he desired Philip that
37:46 he would come up and sit with him.
37:48 The place of the scripture which he read was this,
37:50 He was led as a sheep to the slaughter,
37:52 and like a lamb dumb before his shearer,
37:54 so opened he not his mouth:
37:56 In his humiliation his judgment was taken away:
37:59 and who shall declare his generation?
38:01 For his life is taken from the earth.
38:03 And the eunuch answered Philip, and said,
38:04 I pray thee, of whom speaketh the prophet this?
38:07 Of himself, or of some other man?
38:09 Then Philip opened his mouth,
38:10 and began at the same scripture,
38:12 and preached unto him Jesus.
38:14 And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water:
38:16 and the eunuch said, See, here is water;
38:19 what doth hinder me to be baptized?
38:21 And Philip said, If thou believe,
38:23 if you believe with all your heart,
38:26 you may be baptized.
38:27 And he answered and said, I believe
38:29 that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
38:31 And he commanded the chariot to stand still:
38:33 and they went down both into the water,
38:35 both Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him."
38:38 Wow. It's amazing.
38:40 I can relate to this.
38:42 Not that I found a eunuch and I went and witness
38:45 and he got baptized.
38:46 But in a chariot, but I can relate to this
38:50 because there have been situations
38:51 where I felt the Holy Spirit impressed my heart to go,
38:53 maybe pray with someone, or something like that.
38:55 I remember one time,
38:57 it was actually 3ABN camp meeting.
38:58 We were here.
39:00 And there was a young man here, who actually attended
39:02 the academy I went to when I was in high school.
39:04 Now he didn't attend when I was there.
39:06 But he had attended.
39:08 Anyway, I knew of him
39:09 because I had been at the academy
39:10 a few times since I graduated.
39:12 And this young man was just sitting there.
39:15 And I'm sitting in the audio booth
39:16 because I do audio here at 3ABN.
39:18 And we're, I think the program was just wrapping up,
39:21 I think it was like the last 30 seconds.
39:23 And he's getting ready to walk out
39:25 and go back to his hotel or wherever he was going.
39:27 And I just felt a strong impression
39:29 of the Holy Spirit said,
39:30 you need to go pray with that young man.
39:32 I said, "Oh, goodness."
39:33 Now imagine going back to being afraid or whatever.
39:36 Imagine, at camp meeting we have sometimes
39:39 between 800 to 1000 people here.
39:41 So there's a lot of people around.
39:43 You don't want to be in people's way.
39:44 And all that type of stuff.
39:46 You don't want people to be staring at you
39:47 while you're praying or whatever.
39:49 And so I was nervous.
39:51 But what's really amazing is, I pulled him over and I said,
39:56 "Hey, I want to pray with you
39:57 and I didn't know what to pray about.
39:58 It just God told me.
40:00 And I feel like the Holy Spirit had impressed in my heart
40:02 what to pray about.
40:03 But it was something really amazing
40:05 because I remember that young man, I could,
40:07 we got done praying and the look in his face,
40:09 he looked like he was about to cry.
40:11 And I said, "Hey," I gave him pat on the back.
40:13 I said, "You're gonna be okay.
40:15 I said, "I don't know why I'm praying for you,
40:17 but the Holy Spirit told me to do so."
40:19 So when the Spirit calls, go.
40:21 And this is a really interesting, interesting story.
40:24 Do you guys have anything on that note?
40:26 Can I just say, I love verse 30,
40:28 where it says Philip ran up,
40:30 like he wasn't just like, taking his time, like,
40:33 he was like, I'm going like, verse 29,
40:35 "The Spirit told Philip,"
40:37 like you're talking about the Spirit.
40:38 Yes.
40:39 "The Spirit told Phillip, go to that chariot,
40:41 and stay near it."
40:43 So before everything happened before a baptism took place,
40:47 before they saw the water, what happened?
40:50 The Spirit moved, and then Phillip,
40:53 he was obedient, he listened.
40:55 And he said, Yes, like, I'm gonna obey,
40:57 I'm gonna go do that.
40:58 And so it really, really starts with our personal relationship
41:03 with God, and our walk with God and asking the Holy Spirit
41:07 to fill us and actually listening to the Holy Spirit.
41:11 Because how exciting is the fact
41:13 that all of this even happened, someone was saved,
41:16 they now have a relationship with Jesus.
41:18 Because Philip was first willing to listen to the Spirit
41:22 and go run like he ran.
41:24 He's like, "I'm going yeah," so.
41:26 Exactly. Exactly.
41:28 Yeah, obeying.
41:30 That's a good point, Rachael.
41:31 Obeying is something that because the Spirit
41:34 can impress on us all, all He wants to.
41:36 But if we don't actually take that and do something with it,
41:40 then it's not, nothing's gonna happen, you know?
41:43 And so that's something that we also have to keep in mind
41:45 is that as we are being impressed by the Holy Spirit,
41:48 we have to obey that, that impression from Him,
41:51 because if we don't, we may be missing out
41:53 on a great opportunity to witness.
41:55 Right.
41:56 You know, and so that's just something very, very good,
41:58 I think, guys that was a good, good point.
42:00 And I love that story in Scripture.
42:03 Now, I want to kind of change directions here,
42:06 because we've been talking about
42:08 some scriptural references to witnessing
42:11 and how to kind of overcome
42:12 some of our fears and insecurities,
42:15 and just kind of some general stuff
42:16 about witnessing.
42:17 But now I want to take it a step further.
42:20 There's something that I believe everyone has
42:24 and something that I believe that God gives everyone
42:27 which is gifts.
42:28 Now, gifts are manifested in different ways, right?
42:31 Some people have the gift of speaking,
42:32 others have the gift of music, maybe of cooking,
42:35 maybe of, I don't know, sharing, acting, Tiara.
42:38 Yeah.
42:39 There's all kinds of different gifts in Scripture.
42:42 And I want to talk about kind of one of the first instances
42:46 of gifts in Scripture.
42:48 It was kind of like a huge,
42:49 one of the biggest witnessing events
42:52 that we find in Scripture was the Day of Pentecost.
42:55 And this is found in Acts Chapter 2,
42:58 and, CJ, maybe you can start reading where it starts.
43:03 What verse does it start at here?
43:06 I think it starts, well, okay, let's just start at the first
43:09 because it talks about the apostles
43:11 being filled with the Holy Spirit.
43:12 So let's just start with verse 1.
43:13 Okay.
43:15 "And when the Day of Pentecost was fully come,
43:17 they were all with one accord, in one place.
43:20 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven
43:23 as of a rushing mighty wind,
43:25 and it filled all the house where they were sitting,
43:28 and there appeared upon them cloven tongues like as a fire,
43:32 and it sat upon each of them.
43:35 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost,
43:37 and began to speak other tongues or languages.
43:41 And the Spirit gave them utterance.
43:44 And there were dwelling at Jerusalem, devout men,
43:47 or Jews, devout men, of all nations under heaven."
43:52 You want me to keep reading?
43:53 Yeah, why don't you keep going just a little bit more.
43:55 Okay.
43:56 "Now when this was noised abroad,
43:59 the multitude came together, and were confounded,
44:04 because that every man heard them
44:06 speak in his own language.
44:09 And they were all amazed and marveled,
44:11 saying one to another, Behold,
44:13 are not all these which speak Galileans?
44:18 And how hear we every man in our own tongue,
44:22 wherein we were born?
44:24 Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites,
44:27 and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judaea,
44:29 and Cappadocia, in Pontus, in Asia, Phrygia,
44:34 and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya
44:37 about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes,
44:43 yeah, Cretes and Arabians,
44:47 we do hear them speak in our own tongues
44:51 the wonderful works of God.
44:53 And they were all amazed, and were in doubt,
44:56 saying one to another, what meaneth this?
44:59 Others mocking said, these men are full of new wine."
45:03 So we see right here that in Jerusalem,
45:07 there was people from
45:09 all over the world there, right?
45:10 Very interesting out of everywhere in the world,
45:12 people congregated in Jerusalem, right?
45:15 Right.
45:17 And we see that the Holy Spirit fell upon the people there,
45:21 the disciples and the apostles and the believers in Jesus.
45:24 And they spoke in the languages of the people that were there.
45:30 Now, what's interesting about this,
45:33 is that as they were speaking, people were probably like,
45:38 "Wait a minute," they're like, "What's going on here?
45:40 Is this a joke?" it's like come on.
45:43 Because they're looking at these men and women
45:45 speaking this language, and they're going,
45:47 these people are from here.
45:48 Yeah.
45:50 And the way it's worded here in Scripture,
45:51 it seems like it was very uncommon to speak
45:54 outside of your native tongue.
45:56 Right?
45:57 So this was very incredible in that moment
46:00 for those people.
46:02 And what's interesting is that,
46:05 you know, these people who received the message,
46:09 were able to fully receive the message
46:10 because Christ was able to give or the Holy Spirit,
46:14 I guess would be rather the proper term,
46:17 gave these people the ability to speak in other tongues.
46:21 What's amazing is God use this gift
46:24 that He gave people because God, God, I mean,
46:26 He created humans, right?
46:28 all the languages, He created everything.
46:30 So if He's gonna do it, He can do it,
46:32 nothing's gonna get in His way.
46:33 Doesn't matter if you're from Jerusalem
46:35 or Southern Illinois,
46:36 nothing's gonna get in God's way.
46:38 So, what's amazing is that these people received it
46:42 because of the gift of speaking in tongues
46:44 or as CJ said speaking in other languages.
46:47 And I think, you know, as Christians today,
46:49 God still gives us gifts, right?
46:52 There's still various ways we use our gifts to witness.
46:55 I'll kind of share my own experience, if you will.
46:58 I've been a musician since about 12,
47:02 I guess you could say.
47:03 I started playing guitar.
47:04 And it's been just such a joy and a blessing.
47:06 But I do believe that the gift of music is something
47:10 that God gave me and I'm trying to work within that purpose.
47:13 I believe it's a purpose God has given me
47:15 to share the gospel through that modem.
47:18 But anyway, I've had some experiences
47:21 before with the gift of music, where I was doing,
47:25 I was teaching actually, a group of students some music.
47:28 And we were doing a band song, like, you know, you have horns,
47:32 and you have woodwinds and all that.
47:34 And we were all, you know, practicing
47:37 and getting ready or whatever.
47:38 And I walked off the stage for a moment
47:40 because I needed to get some water
47:42 or something like that.
47:44 And one of the parents came up to me,
47:45 and this was a big guy.
47:47 And I'm not a big guy. I'm like 5'8.
47:49 I'm skinny. I'm not a big guy at all.
47:51 But anyway, this guy, he's probably six foot.
47:53 He comes up to me, and he's a big guy.
47:55 He just gives me the biggest bear hug you've ever seen.
47:58 You know, I'm just standing.
47:59 I'm like, "Uh, what do I do?"
48:01 You know, I'm a little nervous, you know, because I've never
48:04 had someone come up and do that to me before.
48:06 And, you know, he lets go me.
48:08 He has tears running down his face,
48:10 just totally just drew his face was drenched in.
48:13 He said, "You know, you don't realize
48:18 what you're doing for my children."
48:19 He said, and he said, "Thank you so much
48:22 for putting so much into them.
48:24 And being a witness to them,
48:26 and allowing them to do this music
48:27 and whatever and to glorify God in that manner."
48:30 And that was kind of one of the first experiences
48:32 I had of witnessing the power of gifts in witnessing.
48:36 Yeah.
48:37 It's just something, something incredible.
48:39 What do you guys have?
48:40 What's some of the gifts God has given you?
48:41 And how do you use those to share Christ?
48:44 Yeah, well, you know, as I mentioned earlier,
48:46 I was in a drama team.
48:47 And that's where I learned the gift of,
48:50 you know, getting up on stage and acting
48:52 and all these things.
48:53 And I had shared recently, or previously the story
48:57 of the woman who wanted to start the Bible study,
48:59 and that was something that was so powerful.
49:01 And I thank God all the time
49:03 because He has opened so many doors.
49:05 You know, we just a few weeks ago,
49:07 went to a prison with,
49:10 y'all maybe at home has seen Christmas Behind Bars
49:12 with Lemuel Vega, that, it's beautiful ministry
49:15 if you guys haven't heard of it, you should look it up.
49:16 Wonderful guy.
49:18 And we went to a prison.
49:19 And he had asked my cousin Jewlee and I to do a skit
49:21 and to talk to the women.
49:23 And you know, we were terrified.
49:25 This was a walk out of the boat type of moment.
49:28 And we were terrified. We've never been in a prison.
49:30 We didn't know what to expect.
49:32 But the Holy Spirit came in like he did in Pentecost,
49:35 and it was you could feel it.
49:37 You could feel it.
49:38 We could, you know, and everybody there.
49:40 And we went and we witnessed to all the women
49:44 and all the men, we went through every cellblock
49:46 and you know, it was a full day.
49:47 Ben, you were there. It was exhausting, All day.
49:51 But I mean, I thank God for the gift that He's given
49:54 because He has opened so many doors
49:56 and you know, hearing that woman's testimony,
49:58 and that was just one of many.
49:59 I was in the drama team for eight years,
50:01 you know, and just recently the prison what He has done.
50:05 I mean, if He gives you a gift, it's meant for something,
50:08 He's gonna use it,
50:09 and you're going to have stories
50:11 for the rest of your life.
50:12 I will always remember that prison experience.
50:14 And it's beautiful. I thank Him for it.
50:17 Yeah. Praise the Lord.
50:18 There was something interesting too.
50:20 You talked about the women,
50:21 but we also ministered to the men there as well.
50:23 So we did both.
50:24 And you know, what's amazing to me,
50:25 because these men,
50:28 you know, they had tattoos all over their bodies.
50:31 They looked like real tough, big guys.
50:32 Bigger than I am.
50:34 And I was watching them.
50:35 I was watching the men because as Tiara and Jewlee
50:37 were ministering through their skit.
50:39 I was watching the men and there were some men
50:41 who were just totally just, they lost it.
50:44 Just tears running down their face.
50:46 And you know, what was also amazing too,
50:48 was the opportunity we had to give Bibles to them.
50:50 Yes!
50:52 I have never seen someone so happy
50:54 to receive a Bible in their life.
50:56 And it wasn't just like a paperback Bible.
50:57 I mean, it was like this.
50:59 It was like a nice leatherback Bible.
51:00 Yeah.
51:01 And these men and women were so thankful
51:03 and so we don't always realize the impact
51:07 that we have by doing something as simple as the skit
51:10 or giving someone leatherback Bible book,
51:11 really that can be a huge
51:14 turning point in that person's life
51:16 if we follow the calling of God there.
51:19 Rachael, what opportunities have you had?
51:20 Yeah, absolutely.
51:21 So I know we're talking about gifts and everything like that.
51:24 And I do just want to share it to those who are listening.
51:27 I know sometimes you're in a place where you don't know
51:30 what your gifts are.
51:32 And so if that's you, I just want to encourage you to
51:35 go to God in prayer and start asking Him
51:38 what it is that your gifts are that He has given you.
51:42 And so that's one thing that we can do,
51:44 because for the longest time, or at least growing up,
51:47 you know, I was trying to figure out,
51:48 what are my gifts?
51:49 What are my God given gifts?
51:52 And you mentioned purpose, I've found my purpose in Jesus,
51:56 and also, in sharing the Bible with people,
52:00 whether that's through my podcast,
52:03 or through preaching,
52:05 or through conversations with people.
52:07 And so whatever, wherever you are in life,
52:11 I know we're all in different places, you know,
52:15 asking God,
52:16 what is it that you've given me that I can share?
52:19 And sometimes, you know, not all of us are going to
52:22 teach or preach or all these different things,
52:25 which are great.
52:26 Sometimes it comes down to different characteristics.
52:29 Are you an encourager?
52:31 Are you an empathizer?
52:32 Are you someone who can be there for someone?
52:36 You know, can you comfort a friend?
52:38 You know, can you be there?
52:40 And so using our gifts to lift up
52:43 others is very beautiful,
52:45 and something we should take hold of sometime.
52:47 Yeah. It is.
52:48 Yeah. Thank you.
52:49 Thank you for encouraging our friends at home
52:51 because some people don't know what their gifts are,
52:54 you know, but like Rachael said,
52:55 if you pray and ask God, He will reveal that to you.
52:58 And so anyways, CJ, did you have any experiences
53:01 with some of the gifts you have?
53:03 Well, I would actually say that I relate very well to,
53:09 you know, the question of what are my gifts.
53:13 Because I would say I'm still in the search
53:17 for what actually is my gift.
53:19 Okay.
53:21 I could say, things with podcasting.
53:24 Or maybe the speaking though,
53:25 I don't really have opportunities to do preaching,
53:28 because I just haven't been given them.
53:31 But I think that's a, that's the frustrating part
53:36 about the walk is not knowing what you're supposed to do.
53:39 Because you know, you come into the,
53:41 you come into the relationship with God,
53:43 and God tells you to do something,
53:44 and you're not sure what He wants you to do.
53:46 And so I would say that, definitely pray about it.
53:50 And don't be discouraged, because as someone
53:52 who deals with a lot of discouragement
53:55 on a daily basis, it's not fun.
53:57 So don't allow the discouragement
54:00 of not knowing what your gift is to keep you down,
54:04 because you could end up in a really dark place.
54:05 And especially if you struggle,
54:08 if you need a friend to talk to definitely call 3ABN.
54:11 They have a lot of people,
54:13 and you might even get to talk to Rachael.
54:14 Yeah.
54:16 That's right.
54:17 Our pastoral department is always ready to talk to you
54:20 and pray with you and encourage you.
54:22 So yes, please call us if you have any of those doubts
54:24 or concerns.
54:26 So as we're almost done here,
54:28 we only got about three minutes left.
54:29 But I kind of want to hit one more point,
54:31 which is witnessing in our modern world.
54:34 We talked a little bit about this
54:35 in the middle of the program,
54:37 talking about how our culture changed a lot.
54:39 And you know, I remember being raised,
54:41 I was raised Adventist,
54:43 I think all of us were here, or some of us.
54:45 But anyway, what's amazing is when we were young,
54:49 CJ, you talked about going out and passing books
54:52 and going sometimes we would go door to door and all of that.
54:55 We're not saying
54:57 there's anything wrong with that,
54:58 we think that's still a good way to witness
55:00 and to evangelize and take the gospel out there.
55:03 But you know, as the world is becoming more
55:05 technologically advanced, it's getting harder and harder
55:08 to not only get people to read books,
55:10 but also to get them to even accept them
55:13 into their homes, right?
55:14 Yeah.
55:15 And so, what are some innovative ways
55:18 we can use maybe social media
55:20 or stuff like that to witness for Christ?
55:23 You know, I feel like especially nowadays,
55:26 our generation, our attention span is so small.
55:28 Oh, man.
55:30 I mean, it's like what like,
55:31 Tiktok is like six seconds things.
55:33 And then we're like, all right,
55:34 you're scrolling through all of them.
55:35 And I think, you know, bite sized pieces
55:38 of Scripture does a lot.
55:40 You know, you have a social media account,
55:42 or you have any of that use that for the glory of God.
55:45 Come on!
55:46 I mean, that's like the hub of everybody,
55:48 that's like what people are on now.
55:50 And if you can just give a bite size,
55:52 maybe just a two minute video of you saying
55:55 something or even just a scripture verse,
55:57 "Hey, man, this happened to me today
55:58 and this is what encouraged me."
56:00 I mean, that is a huge way of witnessing
56:02 and it's bite size so a lot of people will watch it
56:05 or a lot of people will see it.
56:07 That's right.
56:08 Rachael, really quickly, I want to hit your podcasts.
56:09 Okay.
56:11 That's an amazing witness, go ahead.
56:12 Yeah, so, just about my podcast?
56:14 Yeah, just say about it. Okay.
56:15 So this is the very short version.
56:18 I have people come on the podcast
56:19 who share their relationship and their walk with God.
56:23 And it's a huge encouragement to people and praying
56:27 in the beginning and the end of the podcast,
56:29 because it's all about encouraging people
56:31 in their walk with God.
56:32 Excellent.
56:33 I've listened to it. It's an amazing podcast.
56:35 Thank you.
56:36 I love it. I love it. Thank you.
56:38 So, and yeah, maybe one day I can be on it, I don't know.
56:41 Maybe we could all be on it,
56:42 having a discussion with witnessing.
56:44 That would be great.
56:45 Yes. But anyway, yeah, so that is.
56:47 Those are some great ways, guys.
56:48 And really, I've really enjoy talking with you all today.
56:50 Yeah.
56:51 I think this evening,
56:53 we had a really great discussion
56:54 about witnessing and how, you know, Jesus can use us
56:57 whether it's our gifts or social media
56:59 or whatever it may be in order to continue to witness for Him
57:02 and Jesus wants you to witness for Him.
57:05 Witness for Him.
57:06 Remember, He wants you all in, right?
57:08 All in. All in.
57:10 So remember to be all in for Jesus.
57:12 And if you're discouraged or afraid,
57:14 remember, you can always claim these promises
57:16 that we referred to in Scripture.
57:18 So we're just so thankful that you joined us tonight,
57:21 and we're all at a time right now.
57:22 But remember that Jesus needs a generation of young people
57:26 to take the gospel into all the world.
57:27 Until we see you next time,
57:28 remember to keep moving forward in Jesus.


Revised 2021-08-05