Today Family Worship

Family Blessings

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW210023S

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:10 Hello, friends and welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:12 It's Friday night and it's time for...
01:14 Family worship.
01:15 Yes.
01:17 And thank you for taking the time to join us.
01:18 I'm John Lomacang
01:19 and my co-pilot with me is my wife.
01:21 What is your name honey?
01:23 I think you know who I am, Angela Lomacang.
01:26 I'm glad to be here also.
01:27 What are we talking about tonight?
01:29 Blessings.
01:30 What kind of blessings?
01:32 Family blessings.
01:33 Family blessing,
01:34 And family worship, family blessings.
01:37 This is a great time to talk about blessings.
01:39 I know that those of you that are watching
01:41 have been blessed periodically,
01:43 but I would say more than they can even imagine
01:46 because God's blessings
01:48 are not always realized by humanity.
01:50 Have we been blessed?
01:51 Tremendously.
01:52 That's right. And we're gonna share some of those.
01:54 Yes. All the blessings.
01:56 Not all. There's so many, we can't.
01:58 There's no way.
01:59 You remember the song, count your blessings.
02:01 Name them one by one.
02:03 And it will surprise you What the Lord has done.
02:05 That's right.
02:06 So, you wanna stay right here
02:07 as we talk about this topic tonight,
02:09 gather your family together.
02:10 If you're by yourself,
02:12 you are part of the family of God.
02:13 So you also can participate.
02:15 You may wanna have your Bibles.
02:16 You may wanna hit the record button
02:17 to share this with somebody else,
02:19 but, honey, why don't you introduce
02:20 who's with us tonight?
02:21 Well, we have Dee Hildebrand.
02:24 I'm happy to be here.
02:25 God has blessed me immensely.
02:27 Yes, but a wonderful topic.
02:30 Isn't it? About blessings. Yeah.
02:32 Have you been blessed, Dee?
02:33 Oh, daily.
02:34 And so, I try to remember
02:36 to count those blessings every day
02:39 and think about what God is doing for me,
02:41 'cause Satan is very busy too.
02:43 So, I wanna focus on what God is doing,
02:45 not what Satan's doing.
02:46 That's right. Amen.
02:48 We also have guest family here,
02:52 Pastor Steve and Tamara Conway from Detroit.
02:56 Yes. Yes.
02:57 Welcome.
02:58 Thank you. Thank you so much.
03:00 It's good to be here. Yeah.
03:01 And what is your ministry?
03:03 Tell us a little about yourselves?
03:04 Well, we have four children.
03:09 That's our first ministry.
03:10 Four children.
03:12 And speaking of family blessing,
03:14 the Lord has blessed us richly with four wonderful children.
03:19 And we do marriage and family ministries
03:23 along with the pastoral ministry.
03:25 Oh, oh.
03:26 And you do some other stuff too.
03:27 I do, you know, women's outreach
03:29 and things of that nature
03:30 and different classes and things.
03:33 So, yeah.
03:34 And you're pastor in the church.
03:36 Yes. Yeah.
03:37 And the name of your church?
03:38 It's the Detroit Northwest Seventh-day Adventist Church
03:41 In the city of Detroit.
03:43 Yes.
03:44 Detroit.
03:45 What did they call the city was at Motown.
03:47 Motown, yeah.
03:48 Right.
03:49 A lot of historical musicians have come from there.
03:53 And there is a lot of present day musicians
03:55 who still hail from the city of Detroit.
03:57 Yeah.
03:59 It's a challenging city.
04:00 Yeah. Oh, yeah.
04:01 Now, are you close to the Canadian border?
04:03 Yes, we are.
04:05 The Ambassador Bridge is right there.
04:07 And then there's a tunnel
04:08 that you can access Canada by as well.
04:11 Yeah. Wow.
04:12 But you're originally from Ohio?
04:14 Yes. Both of you?
04:15 Yes. Both of us.
04:17 Born and raised. Cleveland, Ohio.
04:18 Okay.
04:19 And I learned a little secret about you pastor.
04:21 You and Jill went to Hartland together.
04:24 Yes, we did.
04:25 Jill Morikone.
04:27 Yes.
04:28 That's right.
04:29 Great memories.
04:31 Yeah, I know.
04:32 Well, we're really glad to have you here with us, both of you.
04:34 And you look like
04:35 a on-time couple, four children.
04:37 I'm glad you mentioned that
04:39 because your family is your first line of ministry.
04:41 I've always said the most successful evangelists
04:43 in the Bible is Noah.
04:45 Because when the flood came, family was on board.
04:48 And we're gonna talk about tonight,
04:49 how to make sure that your family gets on board
04:54 and you could save the entire world.
04:56 But if your family is not with it
04:59 that could be a sad thing.
05:00 But we're gonna talk about tonight,
05:01 some family blessings,
05:03 but we usually have prayer,
05:04 but I'm gonna ask you tonight,
05:06 Pastor Steve, pray for us before we go into the word.
05:08 Yes. All right.
05:09 Let's pray together.
05:10 Father God, we thank You for this wonderful Sabbath.
05:14 An opportunity to take our minds off
05:16 of all of the stresses and worries of this week
05:20 and of our lives, Lord,
05:22 and to focus on just how good you have been to us.
05:26 As we discuss this topic of blessings,
05:28 we ask that You would indeed bless us
05:31 with Your presence, Lord,
05:32 and enlighten us in Jesus' name.
05:35 Amen.
05:36 Amen. Amen.
05:37 Doesn't he have a pastor's voice?
05:39 He does like a preacher's voice.
05:43 And she's the preacher's wife.
05:44 That's what you do.
05:46 Well. There you go.
05:48 And then we have Dee as our referee.
05:52 Dee is always exciting to have one too.
05:55 She's kind of one of our regulars
05:56 because we know that Dee has never
05:58 at a loss for a thought.
05:59 And we thank you for sharing.
06:01 Hopefully, it's not a loss for God's thought.
06:03 I hope it's not.
06:05 Well, let's start with something interesting
06:06 because a lot of times people talk about blessings.
06:09 I wanna separate blessings from things
06:11 that happen incidentally.
06:12 What makes a blessing a blessing?
06:15 Hmm.
06:16 How do you separate a blessing
06:17 from something that happens incidentally?
06:20 Well, a blessing comes from God always.
06:24 And you could be blessed in so many ways.
06:27 We don't believe in luck, do we?
06:29 No.
06:30 You know, I don't know what you mean by incidental.
06:34 I don't think of life being incidental.
06:38 I look at all the things that happen
06:41 either God's hand is in it.
06:44 And it's a blessing because He's looking after me
06:46 or Satan's attacking with the bad stuff.
06:49 I do credit everything bad to Satan
06:52 and everything good to God, whether it's...
06:56 He blesses in such little ways, He's so involved in our lives.
07:00 So even the blessing of something wearing longer
07:05 or being able to be used longer.
07:07 I've never forgotten.
07:09 I had, when I was the church treasurer,
07:11 the first computer they gave me was some old thing
07:14 that 3ABN couldn't use anymore.
07:17 They didn't even know it was gonna work.
07:19 And it, a couple of times I had trouble with it
07:20 and I started praying
07:22 and I would not turn that computer on
07:25 without praying first.
07:26 And when they actually got me a new one,
07:28 somebody said, I don't know how this thing was working.
07:31 It was God. It was God.
07:33 So to me, that's a blessing
07:34 that makes a difference in your life,
07:36 made a difference to the church.
07:37 It just, it was one of those little things
07:39 that he cared about.
07:41 That's right. He blessed it.
07:42 That's right.
07:44 It's interesting, I would probably agree
07:45 when you talked about the word incident, right?
07:47 Incidental.
07:49 My mind automatically went to the thought
07:51 that all things work together
07:53 for the good of them that loved the Lord,
07:54 to them that are called according to His purpose.
07:56 So anything God has the ability
07:59 to make even the worst of circumstances, right?
08:02 Turn into blessings, which is such an amazing thing.
08:05 'Cause I know I've been a recipient of that
08:06 as well in my life.
08:07 That's right. Yeah.
08:09 That applies even to little things.
08:10 Yeah. Pastor?
08:12 Yeah.
08:13 Now, just as she mentioned that my mind jumped to Joseph,
08:16 you know what he said in the Book of Genesis,
08:18 you meant it for evil.
08:20 Since that, Dee, you mentioned how,
08:22 you know, the enemy is at work and God is at work.
08:26 So when I think about blessings, God's ability,
08:29 what comes across my mind is God's ability to take things
08:34 that are small things that are big and even things
08:39 that are intentionally meant to harm us
08:42 and turn them around for our good.
08:45 And so I think intentionality is on God's part
08:49 when it comes to blessing.
08:51 Absolutely.
08:52 So nothing happens incidentally,
08:53 when it comes to the Christian,
08:55 that's why Angie said,
08:56 my wife Angela said, we don't talk about luck.
08:59 So, many times when we hear people say luck.
09:01 People say that to us.
09:02 Oh, good luck.
09:04 Even on our sermon, good luck.
09:06 We've heard that.
09:07 It's like luck? It's God.
09:09 So we always stop them we know...
09:11 We always stop them, it's not luck.
09:12 That there's no grace when people say,
09:14 good luck on your sermon.
09:15 I said, "No, this is not a roll of the dice,
09:17 it's God's plan."
09:18 You did something. Oh, good luck.
09:19 You're about to do, good luck. No.
09:21 I don't use that word anymore.
09:23 I don't say, oh, I was lucky. I don't neither.
09:25 I do not use that word anymore.
09:27 I was blessed. Yes.
09:28 Amen. Yeah.
09:30 Because you go back to the Bible,
09:31 you find that in creating the world,
09:33 and I know that our audience knows this.
09:35 When God created the world, He blessed two major things.
09:40 And one of them we know is a Sabbath
09:43 or what's the other one?
09:44 Marriage. That's right.
09:46 Praise God.
09:47 And it wasn't incidental. Oh, no.
09:50 I know Adam knows that.
09:52 Oh, yeah.
09:53 He was very happy, very happy with that.
09:56 Well, yeah. That's right.
09:58 Matter of fact, let's look at Genesis 5:2,
09:59 and look at that how Genesis 5:2,
10:03 we could look at that.
10:04 And, honey, I'll begin with you
10:06 since you right on my right hand.
10:08 Here we go.
10:10 Genesis 5:2,
10:11 "He, that's God, created them
10:13 male and female
10:16 and blessed them
10:17 and called them mankind
10:20 in the day they were created."
10:24 So, fitting into,
10:27 we do family seminars and marriage seminars,
10:29 and that's so much a part of ministry.
10:31 It's hard to be a pastor,
10:33 not having to deal with that issue.
10:34 It's good to be a certified counselor
10:36 in that area.
10:37 But we know that the Sabbath and the family
10:41 are two perpetual blessings,
10:44 but Satan determines
10:45 to make the Sabbath and the family
10:47 a perpetual curse.
10:48 How have you seen that happen?
10:50 Yeah.
10:52 Go ahead.
10:53 No, you know with the world that we live in today,
10:56 which has been a problem since forever, right?
10:58 He knows which we're talking about the enemy
11:00 that the family is such a powerful influence,
11:03 not just in the home.
11:05 Now one of the things that I
11:07 really am a firm believer about is that a society,
11:10 a church, a community, yay, the world is only as strong
11:14 as the families that are in it.
11:16 And so it makes all the sense in the world
11:19 that he would attack the family unit
11:21 in so many ways.
11:22 And he knows that the power
11:24 of having a strong family influence,
11:27 which starts with the mother and the father,
11:29 you know, and I think that that is truly a real statement.
11:33 And so it makes all the sense in the world to me
11:36 that that's where he wants to start.
11:37 Yeah.
11:39 And I think you talked about the Sabbath and marriage,
11:42 and when I think of the Sabbath,
11:45 at least Adam and Eve, Garden of Eden.
11:49 I'm thinking about God's desire
11:51 to spend time with His children, right?
11:55 And that concept is something that should have
11:59 rolled down through the ages.
12:01 Obviously, as we mentioned,
12:02 the enemy has attacked both of those.
12:05 And especially we see it now
12:07 with the, you know, just the breakup of the family
12:12 and a Sabbath provides such a wonderful opportunity
12:15 for families to refocus and to come together,
12:20 especially with the presence of God
12:21 on the Sabbath.
12:23 I mean, this is for us,
12:24 it has been such a refresher for our children.
12:27 It's just an enormous reset.
12:30 There's excitement, you know, on Friday evenings like this,
12:34 when the family comes together,
12:36 because my children know that they have my attention.
12:40 Not they have my attention during the week
12:43 as long as they're doing what they're supposed to do,
12:44 but, no, they have my attention during the week.
12:47 But on the Sabbath, they have my attention,
12:51 like at no other time, right?
12:53 My wife has my attention like at no other time.
12:57 So nothing on Friday evening is gonna come in
13:00 and is gonna distract or take away from that.
13:03 And so, I like to think what would have happened?
13:06 What would humanity be like?
13:08 What would the family be like
13:10 if all families had honored
13:13 what God had established in the Sabbath?
13:15 I like to think that the world would be a lot different
13:17 than it is right now.
13:19 Oh, yeah. It definitely will.
13:20 And one of the, you know, you could talk about this.
13:24 It was Sabbath worship that was instrumental
13:27 in our relationship.
13:29 Yeah.
13:30 When we dated, I used to invite you over for Sabbath worship
13:33 on Friday night
13:35 when he was not in the Lord.
13:38 And I say, come over for Sabbath,
13:40 come to my house for family worship.
13:42 We used to call it family worship
13:44 every Friday night.
13:45 And here, my little sweetheart would come over.
13:48 And my mom would say
13:51 with her strong Jamaican accent,
13:53 John, would you read the scripture?
13:56 And he would go the-the-that the Lord said be-be-behold.
14:00 I said, he can't read.
14:03 He was so nervous to read.
14:06 Yeah.
14:08 He was clubbing all the time and not asking him to read.
14:11 And before you know it, every Sabbath, every Friday,
14:14 come on, you gotta come over to my house for worship.
14:17 And my mother, again, John, will you read the scripture
14:21 and here he comes and this time,
14:25 and God said, behold,
14:27 I was like, wow,
14:28 because we started studying together, haven't we?
14:32 That's right.
14:33 That was the foundation of our relationship
14:35 because she had five Jamaican brothers,
14:38 has the brothers on steroids.
14:40 Have mercy, Lord.
14:41 You know, they watched her.
14:43 She's the youngest of all.
14:45 You're the baby, oh.
14:46 And so it's like, you're not coming to date
14:47 my 16 year old sister,
14:49 you're not coming for dating.
14:50 You can come for family worship,
14:52 but not for dating.
14:54 But eventually
14:56 I gave family worship on Friday night that led to...
15:00 It was a turn.
15:01 It was a wonderful turn
15:03 to see how God has worked in your life.
15:05 And I praise Him because it was, and you were willing,
15:08 you have to be willing and you were willing.
15:10 And you had a strong family.
15:12 Yes.
15:14 Because I know John's background a little bit.
15:16 He had a foot in each world for quite a while.
15:18 Absolutely.
15:20 But because your family was strong in the Lord,
15:24 and his attraction to you was strong,
15:27 which I think is God.
15:28 I think God puts that in your heart.
15:30 And so they hung on to you on this one foot
15:34 until they could get that other foot out
15:36 where it belonged to with the other.
15:38 It was that strong family unit that allowed that to happen.
15:44 Yeah.
15:46 I think that's what we're talking about blessings.
15:48 And that's obviously, you know, it's a blessing,
15:51 but I think it's a tremendous testimony.
15:55 I believe to what God's intention is
15:58 for all of humanity to experience, right?
16:01 There's something that, it was, of course your wife
16:05 that was drawing you,
16:06 but really, it was God,
16:08 it was God in her and in that setting.
16:11 'Cause I mean, you got to think the contrast,
16:13 the club, family worship.
16:15 It's a huge contrast, right?
16:16 Yeah.
16:18 But something kept bringing you back.
16:20 And ultimately we know behind the scenes,
16:22 it was God that was drawing you.
16:23 And I think that's God's intent to draw human beings.
16:27 We've loved opening our home up.
16:30 In fact, we started,
16:32 our first home was in a boys' dorm.
16:34 Our door was literally,
16:36 and our home was literally open.
16:38 And so that's been a part of what we've done.
16:41 And one of the things that God has taught us over the years is
16:46 that, that witness and that testimony
16:48 of what it's like to come into a family setting,
16:51 a family atmosphere is it has a profound impact
16:55 on people's lives.
16:56 It does.
16:57 And it lasts for their lifetime.
16:59 Oh, yes.
17:00 The impact that happens to a young child.
17:03 If they see that family unit of how it's supposed to be
17:09 something that they see the way it's supposed to be,
17:12 as opposed to maybe what their home is.
17:16 But if you only see an un-Christian home,
17:20 it's really hard to know what your Christian home
17:23 should look like.
17:25 And that's why it's very important
17:27 for older families
17:28 that are strong in the Lord
17:30 to mentor younger families to help them move.
17:34 Because you were talking about how things are today.
17:37 Our families are so splintered.
17:39 I mean even Christian homes, Adventist homes.
17:40 Yeah, it's true.
17:42 Even Christian.
17:43 Like you said on Sabbath,
17:45 the family knows they're together.
17:47 They have you, you can reset.
17:49 They have mom, they have dad.
17:51 And if that anchors them for the week,
17:54 because they're out there doing all these other things.
17:57 So think of these families
17:58 who never reset, never re-anchor,
18:02 never have a chance to talk to mom or to talk to dad
18:06 or to have any kind of relationship.
18:08 That's why the families are so broken
18:10 is because there is no relationship
18:13 within the family,
18:15 because we don't create a time.
18:18 God created a time.
18:19 Remember that saying,
18:21 a family that prays together stays together.
18:22 Yeah.
18:24 And it's a lot of things nowadays the families
18:25 need to do because sometimes families pray together.
18:27 But kids in this digital society,
18:30 they're glad to be by themselves
18:31 because they got their phone, their devices.
18:33 And I wanna say to those families
18:35 who have children
18:36 that are maybe incarcerated by their devices
18:39 to let them out of jail.
18:40 And like, we saw a Christian movie not too,
18:42 maybe a couple of years ago.
18:44 And family went on vacation up in the mountains.
18:45 And as soon as they walked into the lodge, the kids said,
18:48 "What's the password to the internet."
18:50 There is no internet.
18:51 He said, "What are we going to do?"
18:54 Well, he said,
18:56 "Maybe we should start by talking to each other."
18:57 Yes.
18:58 Have dinner, families don't eat together anymore.
19:01 They don't have a relationship.
19:03 They don't have a relationship.
19:04 But we have to understand God's positioning
19:05 because God positions the Christian family
19:07 to be a recipient of blessings.
19:09 Look at Proverbs 10:6.
19:11 And any one of you. Dee.
19:13 Dee, go and read that Proverbs 10:6.
19:14 Proverbs 10:6 says...
19:16 Because God positions us to have blessings,
19:17 it's just we have to understand that
19:19 and this passage is a contrast
19:21 between those who are guided by God
19:23 and those who are not guided by God.
19:25 Proverbs 10:6.
19:27 So, Proverbs 10:6.
19:29 Yeah. It's got to be somewhere.
19:31 Yeah, I see that right here.
19:33 "Blessings are on the head of the righteous.
19:38 The violence covers the mouth of the wicked.
19:40 Blessings are on the head of the righteous,
19:43 but violence covers the mouth of the wicked."
19:46 The contrast of our society today.
19:49 That's the contrast. It's not a gray area.
19:51 There's no third category in this.
19:53 So the Lord is not saying to the righteous family
19:57 while I hope things work out for you.
19:59 No way.
20:00 And he said, wait a minute. Say that again.
20:02 Good luck.
20:03 The righteous family doesn't deal with luck
20:07 because God has made provision for the righteous family
20:10 to benefit from everything that He has created.
20:13 And so when we become a part of a family,
20:17 just imagine, say, what does your dad own?
20:20 Like the kid, what does your dad own?
20:21 Go outside.
20:23 Everything you see outside, my dad owns.
20:24 So, I was there looking around and said,
20:26 oh, no, I don't mean that.
20:27 Look up everything our dad owns.
20:30 And so that's the beautiful thing about
20:32 that God has positioned us to be in blessings,
20:35 like look at Ephesians 1:3 and maybe I'll have Tammy,
20:39 Tamara, read that for us,
20:40 Ephesians 1:3, the positioning God,
20:43 this interpersonal relationship that we have with God comes
20:46 because He's not hoping things work out for us.
20:49 He's setting us up to be people that are blessed.
20:52 Yes. Amen.
20:53 It says in Ephesians 1:3,
20:55 "Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
20:58 who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing
21:02 in the heavenly places in Christ."
21:05 How many spiritual blessings?
21:06 Every.
21:08 Every.
21:09 Now, how many investors could say,
21:13 every investment you make is gonna work.
21:18 I don't know many who would do that?
21:19 Nobody.
21:21 No.
21:23 What are you thinking, Pastor Steve?
21:24 No, no. That's a serious thing.
21:27 Every spiritual blessing?
21:29 Every.
21:30 Wow.
21:32 I guess the reason why I'm thinking about that is,
21:35 the Bible says that we have all spiritual,
21:38 every spiritual blessing.
21:40 And yet, I guess if I were to ask people,
21:44 if they actually were experiencing
21:47 every spiritual blessing,
21:51 maybe we would get a little bit of a different response.
21:53 Yeah.
21:54 So you mentioned earlier, I think that every,
22:00 every blessing we're not always aware of,
22:03 maybe it was you or your wife that mentioned that.
22:06 We received blessings
22:07 and we're not necessarily aware of them.
22:09 And I think this is one of those things,
22:12 God has provided rich blessings
22:14 that cover every spiritual area in our lives.
22:18 And yet here we are
22:21 not living in those, not walking in those.
22:24 And it reminds me of something.
22:26 My wife and I were talking about in terms of,
22:30 you know, in Genesis 6-9,
22:33 when the earth was flooded and God came down
22:36 and He said to Noah in Genesis Chapter 9,
22:40 that He was gonna set a rainbow in the clouds.
22:42 And it would be a reminder
22:44 that he was never going to destroy the earth
22:45 by flood again.
22:47 Now, that's a blessing
22:48 that every member of the human family
22:52 has access to.
22:53 That's right. Right?
22:54 But we are not aware of it.
22:57 We're not thankful for it.
22:59 We're not mindful of it.
23:02 And so I don't think that we get,
23:04 of course, we're not swept away by raging waves,
23:07 but we don't get from it
23:09 what God intended for us to have from it,
23:12 because we're just missing it.
23:15 You know, I think that the thoughts
23:18 and the intent of a person are so strong, right?
23:21 We live in a world where mental health
23:22 is a really big issue, right?
23:24 It is a huge,
23:26 and it's always been a huge issue,
23:27 but I think that as calamities and things,
23:29 pandemics happen,
23:30 it's coming to the forefront.
23:32 And my mind can't help
23:33 but to go back as we're talking about that
23:35 to the previous verse that we just read
23:37 when it talked about
23:38 the blessings of the head of the righteous, right,
23:40 are in the head of the righteous,
23:42 but the violence covers the mouth.
23:43 The Bible talks about the mind
23:45 and how much of a part it plays in our blessings.
23:49 You know, as a man thinks in his heart so is he, right?
23:54 And out of the abundance of the heart,
23:56 which we all know is the mind, the mouth speaks.
23:59 And so it makes all the sense in the world,
24:00 as we're talking about
24:02 blessed be the God of the Father,
24:04 our Lord Jesus Christ,
24:05 who has blessed us in everything.
24:07 But it's hard for us to understand or see that
24:10 when we still haven't dealt with the lingering of the pain
24:14 and the hurt and the evil that resides in our hearts,
24:16 you know, and how, no matter what,
24:20 unless we surrender those to God,
24:22 those things can't be turned around into blessings.
24:25 They will come out as curses, right?
24:27 The things that we say to people,
24:28 the things that we think, you know.
24:30 So I think it's so important to know that we all,
24:34 it is true when it says that every spiritual blessing,
24:36 I can see how,
24:37 when you're connected to Christ,
24:38 He can take those evil thoughts.
24:40 He can take the pain
24:41 and He can literally turn them around
24:44 to where you wanna speak evil, curses,
24:47 and you can't even do it
24:49 because Jesus won't allow you to, right?
24:50 'Cause nothing, none of that resides in His character.
24:53 It can be very difficult when we're in pain,
24:58 because we all walk through the valleys.
25:00 Absolutely. That's right.
25:02 And Satan is attacking us.
25:03 So, if you are focused on the circumstances,
25:06 if you are focused on the pain,
25:09 when my husband had cancer
25:11 and we were going through that and ultimately his death,
25:15 we were not always focused on that.
25:19 And because we did lift up our eyes
25:21 and we did turn to the Lord in that,
25:24 not that it was,
25:25 it didn't still didn't make it easier,
25:27 don't misunderstand me.
25:28 The pain was still there,
25:30 but we were able to recognize certain blessings.
25:35 And we were able to ask for His help and His guidance
25:39 and His strength and so many things.
25:41 And we saw those prayers answered in certain ways.
25:45 Now some people might say, well, your husband passed away.
25:47 What?
25:49 But there was blessings within that whole journey.
25:53 And the journey was different
25:58 than it would have been
25:59 if we had not focused on some of God's blessings.
26:05 When you look up and say, Lord, let me see the blessings
26:09 while I'm down here
26:11 in the valley of death maybe.
26:15 Look up and try to recognize some of those blessings.
26:19 Amen.
26:21 And what are you thinking, honey?
26:22 Just last night we spoke to someone from India.
26:26 Yeah. We...
26:27 We did a video.
26:28 Did a video call with somebody.
26:30 They kept saying, I gotta talk to you.
26:31 I have to talk to you, this woman.
26:34 And she was in the valley,
26:35 her whole life was falling apart.
26:37 Family turned against her, husband turned against her,
26:38 her child turned against her, society turned against her.
26:42 She's still in the COVID environment.
26:44 She's Adventist, they were all Catholic.
26:46 They're all Catholic, being pressured on all sides.
26:49 And I said to her,
26:51 she was just hysterical primarily.
26:53 Oh, she was crying. She was...
26:55 And I've learned in situations like that.
26:56 Sometimes you have to let people vent
26:58 before you just stopped them.
26:59 You know, we don't try to stop an avalanche,
27:01 let it come down and just deal with the results of it.
27:04 And so, I had to let her vent and she's crying.
27:05 Oh, hysterical.
27:07 And after when all that,
27:09 I said part of the problem is
27:12 you're looking at the left hand,
27:14 but God said, I will uphold you with my righteous right arm.
27:17 I said, let's look at the left hand.
27:18 And I began to find the points.
27:20 And after a long time, it was, she still went back,
27:23 she's, she had gone back to that focal point.
27:26 I said, see, the problem is what you're focusing on,
27:28 what you're focusing on.
27:30 I kept calling to her and she finally caught it.
27:33 And then she went from this hysterical person.
27:36 Her whole countenance changed.
27:37 Amen.
27:39 She was 'cause before she would just,
27:40 oh, then you can...
27:42 I started repeating promises to her of God's Word.
27:44 A smile came on her face.
27:46 Powerful promises in the Bible.
27:49 And she started saying,
27:50 "Yes, yes.
27:53 That's who God is.
27:54 That's who God is."
27:56 I said, "God sometimes has to heat them."
27:58 Now check this out.
28:00 Sometimes God has to heat the furnace seven times harder
28:03 before we testify, how we will trust Him.
28:05 Amen.
28:06 They didn't testify about that trust in God
28:08 until the furnace was heated seven times hotter.
28:10 We know what you could do,
28:12 but you can't do what God won't allow you to do.
28:14 And so I said to her, it's your focus.
28:16 Are you looking at Nebuchadnezzar?
28:18 Are you looking at everybody that's kneeling down?
28:20 Or are you looking at the furnace
28:21 or has your relationship with God been established
28:24 before this moment?
28:25 So God is revealed in difficult moments,
28:27 but I think that this next text,
28:29 I want you to read,
28:30 Pastor Steve, is in Genesis 32:26.
28:33 Had I just have you read it or was it Tamara?
28:34 Tamara just read.
28:35 Okay, Genesis 32:26.
28:37 I wanna emphasize something that some of us do.
28:39 You see, I believe that the Lord
28:42 does not prevent blessings,
28:45 but He doesn't stop temptations.
28:47 He doesn't halt the trials.
28:51 He doesn't prevent the blessings,
28:52 but there is something that each one of us does
28:55 that sometimes could,
28:58 you know, it's like leaving the airport
29:00 and the plane just arrived.
29:02 And we say, I waited too long.
29:03 Plane just arrived.
29:05 You left too quickly.
29:06 This text is gonna bring something out
29:08 as to why some people don't receive that blessings.
29:11 Not that God doesn't wanna give them,
29:12 but look at the text,
29:13 Genesis 32:26.
29:15 And He said, let me go for the day breaks.
29:18 And He said, I will not let thee go,
29:22 except thou bless me."
29:24 Who is speaking here?
29:25 I love it. I love it.
29:26 Who is speaking? Jacob. Yes.
29:28 So, what do we see here?
29:29 Some people let go too quickly.
29:33 Yes.
29:34 The blessing has been delivered FedEx.
29:36 That's the lie, but God sent through raven.
29:38 That's the first FedEx package delivered.
29:40 God sent a raven, but the raven had to fly.
29:43 Everything is a time factor.
29:44 Sometimes you gotta wait on the Lord.
29:46 He says that, wait on the Lord
29:48 and He will renew your strength.
29:51 So you get it.
29:52 He said, wait, I say on the Lord.
29:55 Some people don't hold on long enough.
29:58 They don't endure the difficulty
29:59 like this lady last night, by the time we were done,
30:03 we saw a completely different person.
30:05 And you gave her scriptures.
30:07 You emailed a ton of scriptures
30:09 after it's over an hour speaking with her.
30:11 You sent her,
30:12 I'm gonna send you God's promises, you said.
30:15 And I spoke to her today on that, she says,
30:17 thank you so much for that.
30:19 I wanna tell you about my sermon title
30:21 on the heels of that, but I just give a hint.
30:23 Go ahead.
30:24 You know, it was so powerful that my sermon coming up
30:27 and I'm gonna say it when because of the timing,
30:29 but I'm working on a sermon
30:30 called Declaration of Independence.
30:32 And we know what that means just in a historical sense.
30:35 But just from this phone call.
30:38 Just from that phone call, it's amazing how God works.
30:41 Declaration of Independence, declaring myself independent
30:43 of all the attacks at the end.
30:45 I'm declaring my independence from all your attacks,
30:47 'cause I'm dependent on the Lord.
30:49 I no longer have to rely on you for God to bless me.
30:52 I'm declaring my independence of the trials.
30:54 My independence from worrying.
30:56 My independence from doubting God.
30:58 I'm declaring my independence.
31:00 And when you look at the passages
31:02 that this is built on,
31:03 it's gonna say, I'm glad I read the Bible
31:06 'cause a lot of people don't know the blessings
31:08 because they don't read about the blessings.
31:10 And how are you gonna recall a blessing
31:12 that you don't even know about?
31:15 How are you going to cash a check
31:16 that you never received?
31:17 Come on, now.
31:19 Go on, give an appeal.
31:20 God is saying... Give me an appeal.
31:21 Come on, now.
31:23 So God is saying,
31:24 I'm sending you a check that won't bounce.
31:27 It's called a blessing,
31:28 but you gotta get up and cash it.
31:30 And so many people are saying, I'm not getting up.
31:32 I just want you to fix me in this situation.
31:34 Well, there are things that God won't do.
31:37 There are things that God won't do
31:39 that He relies on us to do.
31:40 You know, as you were talking
31:42 about the experience that you had
31:43 with this precious sister in India,
31:46 it drew my mind to verses 9 through 12
31:50 in Genesis Chapter 32.
31:52 And it actually parallels
31:55 what you guys were talking about in verse 9.
31:58 "Jacob said, O God of my father Abraham,
32:00 and God of my father Isaac,
32:02 the Lord which said unto me,
32:07 return unto thy country,
32:08 and to thy kindred,
32:09 and I will deal well with thee."
32:11 I'll skip down to verse 12,
32:13 "And thou said, I will surely do thee good,
32:18 and make thy seed as the sand of the sea."
32:20 And you were sharing how you,
32:22 you gave scriptural promises
32:25 reminded of the things that God said,
32:28 and it was able to help her
32:29 to come out of the challenge that she was in.
32:32 And I think the secret to,
32:34 I will not let you go until you bless me,
32:37 is remembering who it is you have hold of,
32:40 and the things He said,
32:41 because Jacob is holding on
32:43 and he's saying, wait a minute,
32:45 I wouldn't even be here
32:46 unless you said that I should be here.
32:48 And by the way, not only did you tell me to come here,
32:51 but you said that you would do me good.
32:53 In other words, you said you would bless me.
32:55 Oh, God loves it.
32:56 God really loves it.
32:58 I want what you said that I was gonna get.
32:59 I want what you have for me.
33:01 And I refuse to let go until you give it to me, right?
33:04 So it's a powerful situate.
33:06 You mentioned forgetting about the things
33:10 that God has said that He would do.
33:12 We cannot afford to forget
33:15 what God has promised
33:16 because it's, as we remind God
33:19 of what He's promised to do for us,
33:21 that He comes through in supernatural ways for us.
33:24 That's right. He does.
33:26 'Cause these are spiritual blessings,
33:28 not physical blessings necessarily,
33:31 but spiritual blessings.
33:33 And that's how we survive.
33:35 It's the peace within the storm.
33:37 We always let, the storm is always around us,
33:40 but the blessing comes.
33:42 We cheat ourselves out of the blessing of peace
33:44 because we let go of Him, we don't hang on.
33:48 There's a fact that you cannot deny it
33:50 because it takes my mind back to when I was a kid,
33:52 I used to watch WWF with my brothers.
33:53 I'm the youngest too.
33:55 Okay. World Wrestling Federation.
33:57 And they used to body slam you.
33:58 And they used to body slam me.
33:59 Bless their hearts, they've been delivered.
34:01 But you know, nonetheless, I remember thinking to myself,
34:05 it is in the wrestling that your character is built.
34:08 It is in the wrestling that your muscle is developed.
34:11 And that is why it's a necessity for our lives.
34:15 I know that when I'm not wrestling,
34:16 I can get comfortable
34:17 and I'm gonna just be honest,
34:19 but it is in the wrestling that I am running to God,
34:22 I need His help.
34:23 Lord tag team, take him.
34:25 I can't handle this.
34:26 He goes like, I got you.
34:28 All right. You know?
34:29 So the wrestling is a necessity for the building
34:30 of our character.
34:32 It's where the physical and the spiritual
34:33 are exactly the same.
34:34 Yeah.
34:36 I guarantee you, if you stop exercising for two weeks,
34:38 you just, you lose everything
34:40 that you gained over the past two years.
34:42 It's amazing.
34:43 So the spiritual actually,
34:46 I think the spiritual reflects the spiritual.
34:48 Amen. Amen.
34:50 Yeah.
34:51 And so, and the other thing I wanna point out,
34:53 which as you're listening to the program tonight,
34:55 I also wanna talk about the duration
34:56 of God's blessings
34:57 because God is eternal.
34:59 Yes, forever.
35:01 What about the duration of His blessings?
35:03 We think about God, but we don't think
35:05 about the duration of His blessings.
35:07 Can I put it another way?
35:08 God's blessings don't have an expiration.
35:10 Amen.
35:11 But we don't think about that.
35:13 We think, okay, now how long is this show gonna last?
35:17 Everything man does has a beginning and an end,
35:20 but the Lord says I am the alpha and the omega.
35:24 I am the beginning and the end.
35:27 And He sits in eternity.
35:29 And His existing is from the going forth,
35:32 these from everlasting.
35:34 So God's blessings are the same way.
35:36 You're talking about 1 Chronicles?
35:38 Yeah. Okay.
35:40 Angie, I'm gonna have Angie read that
35:41 because look at the duration of God's blessings,
35:43 and we're gonna come to you next, Dee.
35:45 1 Chronicle 17:27.
35:47 "Now you have been pleased
35:49 to bless the house of your servant,
35:51 that it may continue before you forever,
35:54 for you have blessed it, O Lord,
35:58 and it shall be blessed," how long?
36:00 "Forever."
36:02 This is huge
36:03 because the house that is built on God,
36:07 that blessing is generational,
36:10 because curse is a generational.
36:11 Absolutely.
36:12 Yes, yes. Curses of law.
36:14 The sins of the father, to the children,
36:16 the third and fourth generation of those who hate me.
36:19 I want your family members to understand
36:20 that you are in the position to bless your children
36:23 generationally.
36:25 If you establish the blessing, it goes on generationally.
36:28 How many times... Now, you could do this.
36:30 How many of us look back and say,
36:31 you know, if it weren't for grandma to hang on
36:34 and you know that, if it wasn't for your mother's sister
36:37 to come to America first, okay,
36:41 your mother wouldn't come to America.
36:44 Oh, no. You get it, see it?
36:45 Yeah. Okay.
36:47 After my father died in England, my...
36:50 But before he died,
36:51 'cause the prejudice was so high in America,
36:53 he said, I will not step foot in America.
36:56 Over my dead body,
36:58 I will not allow my children to come to America.
37:02 And we were gonna stay in, I was born in England.
37:04 We were going to stay in England.
37:06 I would have been in England.
37:07 I would have married an Englishman probably.
37:13 But, you know, unfortunately my father died.
37:18 My mother was left with eight children.
37:20 All eight of us.
37:22 What are we gonna do?
37:23 My mother's sister came to England.
37:26 She was in America, in New York at the time
37:28 in Brooklyn and came to Brooklyn.
37:31 And we came little at a time.
37:33 We couldn't so many of us.
37:35 So, we came to Brooklyn
37:37 and we went to Bethel Church in Brooklyn.
37:39 Who went to Bethel Church? You did.
37:41 As a little boy.
37:43 We grew up there together,
37:44 didn't even know each other for years.
37:46 It's such a big church.
37:47 Yeah, it had like 1,200 members.
37:48 And see how the Lord works, the blessings.
37:50 I mean... And you know what?
37:52 I look at that and say, okay.
37:53 My mom and dad abandoned me as a baby at three months old.
37:56 Her dad died when she was three years old.
37:58 And the Lord says, I don't see anybody in America
38:01 that I want to marry this man.
38:03 I don't see anybody in America that I want to be his wife.
38:07 I'm gonna bring his wife over from England.
38:09 And so, her father is sad as it is,
38:14 it's on the heels of his demise,
38:17 that a blessing came out of it.
38:19 But he died in the Lord.
38:20 He died in the Lord,
38:21 but he said, I'd never come to America.
38:23 But God said, I got to get her to America somehow.
38:26 I need to lay to rest in my promises
38:28 and God didn't kill him.
38:29 I'm making that clear,
38:30 but God allowed him to be laid to rest
38:32 so that my life could be where it is today.
38:34 Our lives.
38:35 Our lives to be with, thank you, honey.
38:36 Our lives to be where it is today.
38:38 What I'm communicating here is generational.
38:41 Curses are generational and blessings are generational.
38:44 How are curses generational?
38:46 I can...
38:48 So, when you're a little kid growing up,
38:49 you only see what's happening there.
38:51 But when you get older, all of a sudden, if you start,
38:53 I've talked to my cousins and stuff
38:55 and we can look back and say,
38:57 oh, this happened to grandpa.
39:02 And then this happened to his father back here.
39:06 I can go back three or four generations
39:08 and see pain.
39:10 However, my cousins and I all kind of said,
39:16 this is where it stops.
39:18 We want a change.
39:20 We want a change.
39:21 It stops here.
39:23 So, we can start a blessed generation.
39:26 You can start a blessed generation.
39:29 You can look, I look, you know, we all say,
39:31 I'm never gonna be like my mother.
39:32 I'm not going to be like my father
39:33 when we see the things that we don't like in them.
39:35 Right.
39:36 And I always said,
39:39 oh, I'm not gonna be like my mother,
39:40 but I don't know, a few years ago,
39:42 I was like, oh my goodness.
39:46 That's where I learned that was at my mother's knee.
39:51 And you need to change that.
39:52 You can't change something until you recognize
39:55 that you need to change it and what it is,
39:58 but you can change your family for generations
40:02 by letting God change you,
40:05 change your family right now here and today.
40:08 So, you can take the curses off of the past
40:10 and put blessings on the future.
40:12 Your choice was God.
40:14 I like that.
40:15 That's right. You have to decide.
40:16 I mean, we train animals, we train dogs, we train birds,
40:18 we train people, you know, children to be right,
40:21 train the child the way they should go.
40:23 But so many people leave their behavior to happenstance.
40:26 I was saying to my wife, and I know we talk about this,
40:28 and this has been part of my permeating preaching lately.
40:31 If you don't train yourself to be righteous,
40:32 you won't be righteous.
40:34 Righteousness doesn't happen.
40:36 And a tree doesn't grow and produce fruit
40:38 in a vineyard, less it's trained.
40:40 That vineyard is like that because somebody
40:41 set it that way.
40:43 Yeah.
40:44 And if we leave our lives to allow thorns and thistles
40:46 to choke the Word of God in us,
40:48 we'll never be able to be trained.
40:50 And so we have to train ourselves.
40:52 But what I wanna point out now is something has to happen
40:56 for that blessing to go to your offspring.
41:00 So, Tamara, I'm going to come to you next.
41:02 Isaiah 44:3.
41:03 Actually, I'm happy to read this.
41:05 Isaiah 44, something has to happen to you
41:08 for the blessing to go down to your offspring.
41:10 And it says this, it says if you are willing...
41:12 Well, no, no, Isaiah 44:3.
41:14 I'm sorry. Yes.
41:15 I'm sorry,
41:16 "I will pour water on him who is thirsty
41:18 and floods on the dry ground.
41:19 And I will pour my Spirit on your descendants
41:22 and my blessings on your offspring."
41:25 Okay. So now, what happened?
41:27 Listen, first of all, I am a testament to the fact
41:30 that this is true.
41:32 And I appreciate I'm a person
41:33 who enjoys talking to people, right?
41:36 But I am also a person who loves transparency.
41:39 And I know that there are people
41:40 who will be watching this,
41:41 who sometimes look at the people on the panel,
41:43 they have heard our stories.
41:44 But sometimes they feel abstract.
41:46 And I'm gonna tell you that everybody here
41:47 understands exactly
41:49 what it means to go through some rough times
41:51 and to look at life and say,
41:53 it's impossible that God can bring anything good
41:55 out of that.
41:57 My father was probably a fourth or fifth generation alcoholic,
42:00 right?
42:01 And for all intents and purposes,
42:04 I should be one.
42:05 And the family that we, you know, that I was born into
42:09 was a dysfunctional family, you know?
42:11 And I remember my father telling me,
42:13 I remember my father telling me
42:15 that what drove him to get help.
42:16 Remember you talked about making a decision.
42:18 What drove him to get help was him thinking
42:20 about his only child, his daughter,
42:23 and what was going to happen.
42:25 And he said, he knew the Lord told him
42:27 you need to get help.
42:28 And the reason why I felt like
42:30 I wanted to share that was because
42:32 I have the genetic makeup to be an addict.
42:35 I know that it's there,
42:37 but because of the one decision
42:38 and my father didn't make this decision
42:40 when he was perfect,
42:41 let's be clear.
42:43 He made the decision in a moment of desperateness
42:45 and pain and anxiety
42:47 and suffering from an addiction.
42:49 And he made one step.
42:50 And when he made one step, by the grace of God,
42:53 his employer made the next step.
42:54 I'm gonna pay for you to go and get alcohol,
42:57 you know, to get treatment.
42:59 And when he made that decision,
43:00 he moved forward.
43:02 And as a result of him doing that,
43:03 he had an opportunity
43:05 to show me something different, right?
43:06 And so for years,
43:08 we had this generational curse in our family,
43:10 but all it takes is one person to make the decision,
43:12 to jump off the train of dysfunction.
43:15 And here I am married and having children
43:18 and having family worship and doing all these things
43:20 that I was never raised to do.
43:22 Wow.
43:23 But what happened?
43:24 When I was a Sabbath school teacher
43:26 with the young kids,
43:27 my life was very much happenstance.
43:29 It just, wherever the wind blew me, you know.
43:33 So I would say to my kids, you need to,
43:35 and parents say to your children,
43:38 think, and when they're 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
43:41 I was with the teenagers.
43:42 I would say to them,
43:44 who do you wanna be when you grow up?
43:47 How do you wanna act?
43:49 How do you wanna be known?
43:50 What do you want out of your life?
43:53 Think about it now.
43:54 And if you say,
43:56 I want to do this and this and this,
43:58 and you want to be good.
43:59 If you're not practicing it right now,
44:01 if you're not thinking about it in a deliberate way,
44:05 you're not going to, it's not gonna happen.
44:09 Like I used to have girlfriends say, oh, in high school,
44:12 when I get married, I'm gonna marry somebody rich,
44:15 but they're dating a bamp.
44:16 Come on now.
44:17 Y'all gonna listen to this.
44:22 You're gonna marry somebody that you're dating.
44:24 So don't date anybody
44:26 that you wouldn't wanna end up married to.
44:28 So you'd better look at them careful
44:30 before you start dating.
44:33 You can't decide you wanna have a family and a home
44:37 and you're not developing yourself
44:39 to be a mother or father or a wife or a husband.
44:44 Think about when you're young.
44:45 Okay. I want you to look at that...
44:47 To you too, with the smoking that was in your family.
44:50 My mother did two to three pack of cigarettes a day.
44:52 My dad was...
44:53 Your grandmother too.
44:55 My grandmother...
44:56 She shown your mother how to...
44:58 My father was a night stalker.
44:59 He was a jazz musician.
45:00 He would play at night, slept during the daytime.
45:02 He drank and when I met him, he said,
45:04 you can smoke marijuana,
45:06 but don't mess with the heavy stuff.
45:07 I never did that.
45:08 I mean, I tried the cigarette once
45:10 and almost choked to death.
45:11 I figured I don't have a chimney,
45:13 that's not made for me,
45:14 but I wanna show you something
45:15 because what happened to your dad?
45:17 I wanna bring this out.
45:18 You thought of it as desperation.
45:19 I wanna change your focus.
45:21 It wasn't desperation.
45:22 Look at that text one more time and tell me what it was.
45:25 Isaiah 44:3.
45:27 "For I will pour out water on him
45:28 who is thirsty.
45:30 He was thirsty.
45:32 He thirsted for freedom.
45:33 Yes.
45:34 Amen. Amen.
45:36 Can you do a seminar on thirsty?
45:37 Come on now.
45:39 I am suggesting to people today
45:42 that they are so used to being drought.
45:47 They don't even know what it's like
45:48 to get that thirst quenched.
45:51 And the Lord, if you look at God,
45:53 God is an oasis God.
45:56 He'll bring a spring up out of nowhere,
45:58 but you have to get thirsty.
46:00 And for those people that are comfortable
46:02 with the humdrum life, for those Christians
46:04 that are comfortable with a humdrum existence,
46:07 barely come to church,
46:08 don't want to study their Sabbath school lesson.
46:10 Don't wanna be participating in any type of church activity,
46:13 they're dry.
46:14 And they wonder, why am I just not enjoying church?
46:17 Why can't the sermon end quick enough for me?
46:20 'Cause they're not thirsty.
46:21 And this is saying, but look what happened.
46:22 Look at the reciprocal of it.
46:24 Look at it again. Read it for us one more time.
46:25 Yes.
46:27 "For I will pour water upon him who is thirsty
46:29 and floods on the dry ground.
46:31 And I will pour my spirit on your descendants."
46:35 Yes.
46:37 And what about that?
46:38 But not only that, my blessings on your offspring
46:42 so, it's generational,
46:44 but if a family member gets thirsty, it breaks.
46:49 So you got, I got thirsty.
46:51 We're a ministry.
46:53 Your dad was thirsty.
46:54 Honey, we're a ministry 'cause we got thirsty.
46:55 Amen.
46:57 Sitting at my desk in an accounting office,
46:58 my wife working at the front desk.
46:59 She said, why are you, what's wrong with you?
47:01 I said, this is not, this is,
47:03 this cannot be all that there is to life.
47:06 I wanna be in the ministry.
47:07 We got thirsty and refused to stop praying
47:09 until God poured water on our dry ground.
47:13 And I'm suggesting there's one more thing though.
47:15 There's another thing
47:16 I'm gonna go to, this is powerful.
47:18 So those of you that are watching,
47:19 I got to ask you, are you thirsty?
47:20 Are you just satisfied
47:22 with the dry Christian existence?
47:24 So much of Christianity today
47:26 can happen without the Holy Spirit in their lives.
47:28 Yes, it's so true.
47:30 No Holy Spirit. 'Cause they're dry.
47:32 But, Pastor, now go to Genesis 12:3.
47:34 Now, let's look at the reciprocal part
47:35 of blessings
47:37 because if somebody,
47:38 if you get thirsty,
47:39 God is gonna start blessing your family
47:41 and then bless your family's family.
47:43 But look at the reciprocal part of this,
47:45 then all of a sudden, the doors open up
47:47 and it continues
47:48 from one generation to the next.
47:50 Look at the blessing, Genesis 12:3.
47:53 "And I will bless them that bless thee
47:55 and curse them that curse at thee.
47:58 And in thee shall families of the earth be blessed."
48:01 Now, I want you to get this.
48:03 We know this, the Lord is talking to Jacob,
48:07 but He didn't record this just for Jacob.
48:10 Abraham.
48:11 I'm sorry. He didn't record this just for Abraham.
48:13 Okay.
48:15 Because Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, his sons,
48:20 the seed came through them,
48:21 the line of the tribe of Judah, Christ.
48:23 But I believe, and this is my approach to this text.
48:27 I believe that this is true about all of us,
48:31 because I know that there are people,
48:33 remember, honey, when somebody called us
48:34 and said they want to bless us.
48:36 And you said, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
48:37 What did they say?
48:38 Don't rob me of my blessing.
48:41 We were just...
48:43 Okay.
48:44 You know in ministry.
48:46 Can you identify with it?
48:47 Oh, I'm gonna identify with people wanting to bless.
48:49 And my wife's saying no.
48:50 Yeah, I can identify with it.
48:52 Why is it that way, right?
48:54 Yeah. It's amazing.
48:55 But I agree with you wholeheartedly that,
48:58 you know, obviously the Bible says and my kids,
49:02 my youngest children
49:04 are not yet convinced of the truth of this passage.
49:07 They're getting it.
49:08 It is more blessed to give than to receive.
49:11 I remember we first read that to them
49:12 and they were like,
49:15 I don't know about that
49:16 and they just looked at us with suspicion
49:19 and they still are wrestling,
49:20 whether, the youngest ones anyway.
49:21 But I love this passage of scripture in Genesis 12
49:25 because I think it just,
49:27 it resonates with God's desire to bless.
49:32 He says, look, I'm so eager to bless
49:35 that when you're in relationship with Me,
49:37 I'm going to bless you.
49:39 But the people who bless you, I'm gonna bless them too.
49:43 Yes.
49:44 Like that's how eager God is to bless us.
49:47 In fact, my wife and I were talking about this passage
49:50 and it plays itself out in the scriptures
49:52 because, and it shows you anyway so much stuff.
49:56 But it, when again, I keep going back to Joseph,
50:00 but when Joseph was in Potiphar's house.
50:03 Oh, yes.
50:04 Potiphar and his household were blessed
50:07 because Joseph was there.
50:09 Joseph went, didn't his brother went to prison,
50:12 and the prison was blessed 'cause he was there.
50:15 And then, of course, ultimately
50:17 he goes and interprets Pharaoh's dreams.
50:19 And he's the prime minister.
50:21 And the whole nation is blessed because of him.
50:25 And the crazy thing is later on,
50:27 Egypt takes a little bit of a different stance
50:29 in the Book of Exodus,
50:31 towards the people of God.
50:32 And guess what happens?
50:34 They lose the blessing. That's right.
50:36 And so, I'm thinking to myself, like,
50:40 man, my neighbors, God can bless my neighbors,
50:44 you know, who bless me and God can bless,
50:48 you know, my physician who blesses me
50:50 and God can bless my mechanic who blesses me.
50:54 And it's just pregnant
50:56 with this idea of God's eagerness
50:58 to bless the entirety of the human race.
51:01 Amen. That's beautiful.
51:03 And it's like the Jews of old,
51:04 God chose them to be a blessing to mankind, but...
51:09 Were they forfeited it?
51:10 Oh, man.
51:11 Yeah.
51:13 It dropped off.
51:14 It dropped off.
51:16 In this reciprocal what were you gonna say, hun?
51:17 No that was it.
51:18 God chose them to be blessed.
51:20 When your children experience
51:21 that when they bless someone else,
51:23 that they themselves are blessed
51:26 at a different time or place or a different way.
51:28 Then all of a sudden you see this cycle of God's blessings
51:34 flowing in and out of not only your lives,
51:37 but everybody else's lives that you touch.
51:39 It's funny.
51:41 We make it a point every year to have a basket
51:42 in our home, right?
51:44 And at the end of the year,
51:45 we have papers that we put in throughout the year
51:47 about how God has blessed.
51:49 And then at the end of the year,
51:50 we take it out and we read it to the kids.
51:52 And it's so important because
51:53 I want them to know now that the God
51:55 that we are teaching them about, right?
51:57 That they one day will have to choose
51:58 on their own to follow.
52:00 They will remember the blessings.
52:01 And they will count their blessings.
52:02 Yes, and name them one by one.
52:04 I love that.
52:05 How you write that in because,
52:07 we should establish Ebenezers in our lives
52:12 because it's so easy
52:13 if something happened so beautiful.
52:14 We have Ebenezer, that little plastic bag.
52:16 Oh, man. I tell you, tell them about that real quick?
52:18 How could I say it?
52:19 Okay.
52:21 You tell it.
52:22 Intersections in our lives
52:24 where we could have walked away from ministry.
52:26 Back in 1995,
52:28 we found ourselves in Yosemite Valley,
52:31 praying in a $29 cabin.
52:34 And all we had, we didn't have a toothbrush,
52:35 didn't have a brush,
52:36 didn't have a change of clothes.
52:38 We just got on our knees and prayed.
52:39 And all we had to eat
52:41 was some crackers inside of a silver bag.
52:47 You know, the line where it's clink, clink.
52:51 We kept that bag.
52:52 Have it to this day, my Ebenezer.
52:55 Because it was at that moment when all we had was that bag.
52:59 God opened that bag and turned everything
53:02 that was gonna be a curse in our lives, into a blessing.
53:05 Every time we touch that bag or see that bag,
53:07 it takes us back to our Ebenezer,
53:11 but God, now, I'm giving you the latter part of this.
53:13 When God is blessing us,
53:16 God is not just a guy who likes to give blessings.
53:20 There's something else we got to do.
53:21 Okay.
53:23 Now let's go to Psalm 34:1.
53:25 That's Dee.
53:26 Dee, Psalm 34:1.
53:28 That's on number 11.
53:29 Look at Psalm 34:1.
53:30 This is something that God also requires of us.
53:34 Okay. Read it for us.
53:35 Psalms 34:1,
53:39 "I will bless the Lord at all times.
53:42 His praise shall continually be in my mouth."
53:46 Amen. Amen.
53:48 Not only that He did gel for our blessing,
53:50 but why do you think God doesn't want to be blessed?
53:53 How do we do that?
53:55 We praise Him with our voice.
53:58 We praise Him with our hearts.
54:00 We remind people of the goodness of God
54:03 because I've discovered something.
54:04 And I'm learning this really in a progressive way.
54:08 It's not just the rebuking of sin
54:11 that turns a person's heart.
54:13 But what is it that leads a person to repentance.
54:17 Come on, Pastor. The goodness of God.
54:20 If you can tell people,
54:21 that's what we did last night to that lady.
54:24 We say, ma'am I know where you are.
54:26 We know who you are, we've been there.
54:28 And the people could identify,
54:30 like Dee said, we live in the valley.
54:32 If you say to people, I know
54:33 what it's like to be in the valley.
54:34 You're not the only one that has somebody
54:36 that you lost.
54:37 You're not the only one that's family turned against.
54:38 And we want to say to you that are watching us.
54:40 This topic is important because God wants to bless the family.
54:45 God wants to bless the husband and wife that's watching,
54:47 the children that are watching,
54:49 the aunt that may be the new mother
54:51 or the uncle that may be the father
54:53 because the parents are no longer there.
54:55 Or maybe the adoptive parent,
54:57 because the kids don't know where they came from.
55:00 But God can begin the blessing with you.
55:01 Let's start winding this up and start sharing.
55:04 What's on your heart, pastor, about the blessings of God?
55:07 Yeah.
55:08 I was, as you read from Psalm 34,
55:11 I went to the 103rd psalm.
55:13 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me,
55:17 bless His holy name!
55:19 Bless the Lord, O my soul,
55:21 and forget not all His benefits:
55:24 He forgives your iniquities.
55:26 He heals all your diseases.
55:28 He redeems your life from destruction."
55:31 And He, I like the Revised Standard Version.
55:34 "He surrounds you with His steadfast love."
55:39 And that's one of the reasons I'm excited that this,
55:43 I was literally sitting up humming this,
55:45 the steadfast love
55:49 of the Lord
55:51 never cease.
55:55 When we consider the steadfast love of the Lord,
55:59 His unlimited mercy,
56:00 I'm gonna take one of your examples.
56:03 You know, normally you have the little print
56:06 and it says best if used by.
56:08 Yeah.
56:10 There is no best if used by
56:12 when it comes to the steadfast love
56:13 and the mercies of God,
56:15 the blessings of God.
56:16 They're best if use whenever you need them.
56:19 That's right.
56:20 And you should have used them 10 years ago, but you didn't.
56:22 But they're still good today.
56:24 Amen.
56:25 Wow.
56:26 Well, I tell you, and so,
56:28 honey, as we wind up in this last minute here,
56:30 we're just telling you about
56:31 God wants to bless you, one.
56:34 God wants you to bless your children.
56:37 It can be a blessing to society and to the world.
56:40 Thirdly, God wants you to bless Him.
56:43 Let the blessing of God be reciprocal in your life.
56:46 I know that each one of us, we could take more hours.
56:49 We didn't have much time.
56:51 if we did a sermon series on just our blessings, honey,
56:54 how amazing it would be.
56:55 And then God blesses us sometimes
56:57 when we don't know He's blessing us.
56:59 Fifteen seconds, somebody? Dee?
57:02 I just praise the Lord
57:03 for He has filled my life with blessings
57:06 that I didn't expect or even deserve.
57:08 And I certainly didn't deserve them.
57:10 Amen.
57:11 Psalm 104 is my favorite chapter.
57:14 And it just says,
57:15 "Bless the Lord, O my soul!
57:17 O Lord my God, You are very great:
57:20 You are clothed with honor and majesty."
57:23 And we wanna say it together.
57:25 Happy Sabbath.
57:27 Thank you for joining us and until we see you again,
57:29 may the Lord richly bless you.
57:31 Happy Sabbath.


Revised 2021-08-02