Today Family Worship

From Darkness to Light

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW210010S

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:08 Mending broken people
00:13 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:08 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today Family Worship.
01:12 I'm Jason Bradley.
01:14 I'd like to take a moment to wish you a happy Sabbath.
01:17 So thankful that you are tuning in as you do
01:20 each and every Friday night.
01:22 And as I always recommend,
01:23 you should get a pen and a piece of paper,
01:26 because we're going to go through
01:28 quite a few verses.
01:29 Tonight we're going to be focused on
01:32 going from darkness to light.
01:35 Have you ever been in a dark place in your life?
01:37 Have you ever been without Christ?
01:40 Have you been in an area
01:43 where you just didn't want to walk
01:46 with the Lord?
01:47 Well, tonight, we're going to talk about
01:49 some of our dark moments.
01:51 We're gonna look at the Word of God
01:53 and we're gonna go from darkness to light.
01:56 And we're gonna show you how you can do the same.
01:59 With me this evening
02:01 we've got my pastor, Pastor John Lomacang,
02:04 pastor of the Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church.
02:07 Uncle Lomi for short.
02:09 Okay.
02:10 Good to see you, nephew.
02:11 That's right. Great to have you here.
02:13 We say that affectionately.
02:15 Not necessarily blood,
02:17 but we are covered by the blood of the Lamb.
02:19 That's right. That's right.
02:21 And we have Angela Lomacang, your lovely wife.
02:25 My aunt, Ang.
02:26 Yes. Hello, Jay.
02:28 Now you're the associate producer,
02:30 editor and radio host for 3ABN Radio.
02:33 Yes. Yes.
02:35 You wear quite a few hats.
02:36 I'm very busy at work.
02:38 Yes.
02:39 Which is good. Yes.
02:41 And we've got our D2D video editor Ricky Carter.
02:44 Ricky, it's great to have you here as well.
02:46 It's good to be here. Happy Sabbath.
02:47 Happy Sabbath, Brother. Happy Sabbath.
02:50 So why don't we start with a word of prayer
02:52 before we dive into this subject.
02:54 Will you pray for us? Sure.
02:56 Loving Father in heaven,
02:58 we thank You for the privilege and opportunity.
03:00 Whenever You give us
03:02 the privilege of opening Your Word,
03:03 we ask Your Holy Spirit to guide us.
03:06 Lord, move us out of the way and have Your way tonight.
03:09 As we communicate from Your written Word,
03:12 we pray that people will have an experience
03:15 with the living Word.
03:16 And truly when this program is done,
03:18 they will understand what it means
03:20 to go from darkness into this marvelous light.
03:23 In Jesus' name we pray.
03:25 Amen. Amen.
03:28 If you wanna go to 1 Peter 2:9,
03:32 we'll look at that 1 Peter 2:9.
03:35 And it says, "But you are a chosen generation,
03:39 a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
03:42 His own special people
03:44 that you may proclaim the praises of Him
03:47 who called you out of darkness
03:49 into His marvelous light."
03:53 Powerful verse.
03:54 Very much so.
03:55 You know, have you guys ever been,
03:57 at a point in your life,
03:59 have you ever been in darkness?
04:01 Hmm.
04:03 How much time you have?
04:05 I believe that in order,
04:08 I can't say you have to be in darkness,
04:10 but we are all born in darkness.
04:12 I mean, that's our default place,
04:15 but that's just the condition before we are even aware of it.
04:19 But then as we grow up,
04:21 I'm aware of, you know, family traits.
04:24 It's sometimes called a hereditary tendencies
04:27 that instead of us rejecting them,
04:30 we cultivate them
04:31 and it leads us into a dark place
04:33 and not knowing my mom or dad.
04:36 I'm sure that some of the things
04:37 that I participated in as a young man
04:40 or some of the cultivated tendencies
04:41 that were, you know, took me to a dark place.
04:44 And even throughout life,
04:47 sometimes in the journey of the Christian
04:49 which is our journey,
04:52 marriage journey, pastoral journey.
04:54 There are times that darkness comes upon us.
04:57 And as that's why
04:59 I love that the patriarch David said,
05:01 "A righteous man falls seven times,
05:03 but he get back up again."
05:04 So yeah, we know what it's like.
05:06 I mean, I know what it's like
05:07 to have to be in that dark place
05:10 and pray for the Lord
05:11 to allow His light to shine again,
05:13 to lead me out of it.
05:14 Yeah, definitely. Amen.
05:16 What about you, Angie?
05:17 I have been in a dark place too in my life.
05:19 And I know growing up in New York City,
05:23 such a challenging place for teenagers
05:25 who grow up in that city.
05:28 And for me,
05:29 it was before you, honey,
05:34 I had my days where I'm like, what on earth am I doing?
05:37 And I just praise the Lord
05:39 for pulling me out of the darkness
05:41 into this marvelous light, where would I be without Jesus?
05:45 And so I'm very grateful.
05:47 All of us have an experience.
05:49 For sure. Amen.
05:51 I think about a challenging experience
05:55 that I went through.
05:57 In my first marriage, it ended in a divorce.
06:00 It was very painful
06:03 and that was a very dark period in my life.
06:07 But praise the Lord.
06:08 He was right there next to me
06:12 and He was the light to lead me
06:16 out of that dark time period of my life.
06:19 And I'm very thankful for that.
06:21 Amen.
06:23 So how did you feel when you were
06:26 in that dark period in your life,
06:29 did you feel an emptiness?
06:31 Did you feel like there was a void that you couldn't fill?
06:35 What did you feel?
06:37 Well, darkness is kind of like being blindfolded.
06:40 I mean, you're feeling your way around,
06:41 you know, there's a way,
06:43 but you just don't know which one it is.
06:45 And that's why you know the Bible
06:47 says that Jesus is the light of the world,
06:50 sometimes our theology,
06:52 when it clashes with our condition,
06:54 we realize that theology is not all you need.
06:57 We need Christology with Christ
07:00 'cause you could,
07:02 there are those who are watching the program.
07:04 You might even know the Bible texts.
07:06 You might even understand exactly how to quote them,
07:09 but sometimes darkness is so overwhelming
07:11 that it brings in this feeling of despair,
07:15 brings this feeling that why try again?
07:17 And so, yeah, darkness is a...
07:20 It's a terrible thing.
07:22 But praise the Lord, I heard somebody once say,
07:25 even the smallest candle could be seen
07:29 in a dark dense forest.
07:32 So yeah, that's the light of God's glory.
07:34 That's how beautiful it is over the darkness.
07:36 And here I am to talk about it.
07:38 Amen. Amen. It's true.
07:40 Yeah, you know, I was going through
07:43 many dark periods in my life
07:45 for about 14 years, you know,
07:47 being raised in the church and everything like that.
07:49 Mother raised me up in the church
07:51 and then I wandered off and did my own thing.
07:53 And it just led down a path that was,
07:55 it was basically leading to destruction.
07:58 And during that time period,
08:00 like I had things and you know,
08:04 stuff, but it didn't fill the void.
08:07 There was still an emptiness, but you know, the Bible says,
08:10 "Train up a child in the way he should go on,
08:12 when he grows old, they won't depart from it."
08:15 Well, you know, I held on to that
08:18 and the teachings that my mom instilled in me
08:21 from the Word of God and devotions
08:23 and all of that stuff.
08:24 And later on down the line,
08:26 you know, God had been pulling at my heart
08:28 and my mom had been praying and you know,
08:32 coming back to the Lord was just absolutely amazing
08:35 and a tremendous blessing.
08:37 And we'll probably... It is such a peace now.
08:39 Yes, it really is.
08:42 It's, you can't even really describe it.
08:45 You know, that type of peace, it's the peace,
08:48 which passeth all understanding.
08:49 So yes, and we'll transition into what it's like
08:53 on the other side of things
08:55 a little bit more and a little bit,
08:57 but let's examine our condition
09:00 because you know, when you're looking at,
09:03 it could be a 12 step program.
09:06 It could be whatever the case may be
09:08 in order for you to fix a problem
09:11 or be able to get a problem fixed,
09:13 you have to be aware that there is a problem.
09:16 You have to acknowledge that there is a problem
09:18 and that you need help.
09:19 And so we're gonna look
09:21 at our condition the human condition.
09:25 And Aunt Angie, if you would take Isaiah 64:6?
09:31 Yes. Oh, this is all of us.
09:36 I have this highlighted in pink.
09:39 "But we are all like an uncleaned thing,
09:43 and all our righteousness are like" what?
09:46 "Filthy rags."
09:48 We all fade as a leaf and our iniquities
09:52 like the wind have taken us away."
09:55 Wow!
09:56 All of us, nobody wants to be told they're unclean.
09:59 Nobody wants to hear, "Oh, you're dirty.
10:01 Oh, you've done something so bad."
10:03 And nobody wants to be told that,
10:06 but this is who we are until Christ cleans us up,
10:10 until we submit to Him.
10:12 You know, a lot of times
10:13 we read verse 6 of Isaiah 64,
10:17 but this is that famous passage where a songwriter, I believe.
10:22 God's inspiration in verse 8
10:24 because he talks about our hopeless condition.
10:26 I wanna add verse 7 and 8.
10:27 It says, "And there is no one who calls on your name."
10:30 And when we're in that dark times,
10:32 sometimes we don't even call on the Lord,
10:34 "Who stirs up to take hold of you,
10:38 for you have hidden your face from us
10:41 and have consumed us because of our iniquities."
10:44 I love verse 8, "But now, O Lord, You are our Father.
10:49 We are the clay and You are the potter."
10:52 So mold me and make me,
10:54 and that's a beautiful passage
10:56 and all we are
10:58 and all we are the works of Your hand.
11:03 And we are not to do the work of the potter
11:05 it says in my little blue box.
11:07 That's right. He is the potter.
11:08 That's right. Right.
11:10 We don't do the potter's work.
11:11 So sometimes when you are at that place
11:13 where our lives are just kind of,
11:17 I'll use the word leaking, we can't hold God's glory.
11:22 And the potter continues His work continues molding us.
11:26 And we look back on, I mean,
11:28 Angie talked about this being in New York,
11:30 growing up in the city,
11:31 getting involved in gambling,
11:33 pool, hustling, partying,
11:34 living a dark life even struggling
11:38 to get out of that dark life
11:40 and a number of other things,
11:42 which were, may not said,
11:44 the Lord, I find that He didn't leave me.
11:49 But He was there somewhat like
11:54 when the president travels, you know,
11:56 he has a medical team with him if anything happens,
12:01 an emergency packet, God is our emergency packet.
12:06 And I look back on and now I think,
12:07 man, there's no way I could have made it
12:09 if the Lord wasn't right there to bring us out of it.
12:11 Yes. Amen.
12:12 Yeah.
12:14 If the devil had his way, we'd all die in our sins.
12:17 He would try and take us out.
12:19 You know, it's interesting though,
12:21 as you think about the potter and the clay.
12:24 It's interesting how human beings like
12:27 we try and take on the position of the potter
12:31 and fix our own problems and mold our own thing.
12:35 And that's being in darkness is trying to fill that void,
12:40 trying to, you know, satisfy some temporary moment.
12:46 Maybe it's as you think it's gonna bring you happiness
12:48 or something along those lines.
12:50 But if we would just allow God to mold us in the way that
12:54 He wants to, we would be so much better off.
12:59 Pastor, will you take us to Romans 8:6-7?
13:04 It's my book. He loved Romans.
13:06 What do you call Romans?
13:08 Roman, Paul is the deep writer.
13:11 And he even mentioned that
13:12 there are some times things that are hard to be understood
13:15 that people wrestle to their own destruction.
13:17 And I've seen it happen,
13:19 like understanding the law of God
13:22 versus the ceremonial law.
13:23 And sometimes Paul is talking about them
13:25 in the very same verse.
13:27 People get them all mixed up
13:28 and want to get rid of the Sabbath.
13:30 But here he makes a point about our condition.
13:33 Verse 6 and 7 of Romans 8.
13:35 He says, "For to be carnally minded is death.
13:39 But to be spiritually minded is life
13:43 and peace because,"
13:45 verse 7, "the carnal mind is enmity against God,
13:49 for it is not subject to the law of God,
13:52 nor indeed can be."
13:54 My wife gets this phone call periodically
13:56 from a lady that's always trying to convince us...
13:58 She call me here at work.
14:00 Always trying to convince us
14:02 that something's wrong with the law.
14:04 Got to get rid of the God's law.
14:05 And I asked her a question one day,
14:07 I said, "Honor your father and your mother is,
14:10 do we not want to do that?"
14:12 She would not answer me.
14:14 And I thought,
14:15 that's the condition of the mind.
14:16 When the mind is against God's law,
14:18 it just doesn't want to be subject to it.
14:20 And it can't be, and that's a dark place.
14:22 So you don't have to be like a dark, dark sinner,
14:25 and I mean, drugs, sex, violence, crime,
14:28 you know, killing folk.
14:29 Sometimes you could be
14:31 a person naming the name of Christ,
14:33 just refusing to be subject to the law of God,
14:37 which in fact the commandments is His light.
14:40 So it kind of goes deeper than just the sinful life,
14:44 straight out sinful life.
14:45 That's an excellent point.
14:47 Are you, Ricky, you were gonna say something?
14:48 When we are talking about this condition that we're in
14:51 and the word there in verse 7,
14:54 that talks about how the carnal mind
14:57 is enmity against God.
15:03 I don't know if we really
15:04 grasp the meaning of that word, enmity.
15:09 There's an illustration that I think about.
15:12 There was a rock concert and at the rock concert,
15:17 the singer had a cup passed around
15:21 to those who were
15:22 in the front rows of the concert.
15:25 And the singer had...
15:27 Those who were in the front row,
15:29 they spit in the cup and that cup
15:32 just kept passing around till it's filled up.
15:36 Then that cup was given to the singer
15:40 and the singer drank it.
15:42 No. What?
15:44 Now, what you just felt
15:47 is enmity, a disgust.
15:53 So when it says that
15:56 the carnal mind is enmity against God,
16:01 that carnal mind has that kind of disgust towards God.
16:05 The NIV says,
16:08 the mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God.
16:14 So this shows us even more
16:17 how bad our condition is,
16:22 but we need a Savior and praise God,
16:24 we've got a Savior that can bring us out of that.
16:26 Amen. Yeah.
16:27 I know what the word enmity means,
16:29 but then, I'll never forget it that illustration.
16:32 I'm sure that somebody listening to this program
16:34 probably said, "Oh, I know what he means now."
16:37 Yeah.
16:38 That's really a disgusting thing.
16:39 It's a disgusting attitude toward God's law or hostile.
16:43 Wow.
16:45 Don't want to be hostile towards God.
16:46 Yeah you really painted the picture for sure.
16:49 Yeah.
16:50 Man, Ricky, let's go to 1 John 1:8.
16:54 Yes.
16:55 1 John 1:8.
17:01 Says here in
17:03 1 John 1:8,
17:08 "If we say that we have no sin,
17:12 we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us."
17:17 Mercy.
17:19 Truth is not in us.
17:22 Who are we deceiving? Yeah.
17:23 I don't think anything else can be said about that.
17:25 It's just, it's plain. Yeah.
17:27 It is plain, you know, there was a study
17:30 and I forgot what the statistics were,
17:32 but it was talking about
17:34 how like people's estimation of themselves.
17:37 And there was a certain percentage
17:38 that they had just this grandiose like
17:43 type picture of themselves.
17:44 And then there were
17:46 other people who were just like,
17:47 just way down on themselves and all of that.
17:52 But you know, when you look at,
17:54 like maybe some Christians or some people in the world
17:58 who think like, oh, well I don't,
18:01 I'm infallible, like I don't do anything wrong.
18:03 Or they have that view of themselves like that.
18:06 Just read this verse.
18:08 Tell us a story about the lady in Sacramento years ago?
18:13 Oh, yeah.
18:14 Actually was a lawyer.
18:16 We had a series of meetings, Pastor Doug Batchelor
18:19 and I had a series of meetings
18:21 and he made an appeal
18:23 for people to give their lives to the Lord.
18:26 But a lady at the door,
18:27 she shook our hands as she was leaving.
18:30 And we had seen her night after night.
18:33 We said, "Have you thought
18:35 about giving your life to the Lord?"
18:37 She says, "Well, I haven't sinned.
18:39 I mean, I don't know
18:41 why should I give my life to the Lord?
18:42 I haven't done anything wrong.
18:44 I have not.
18:45 I don't even remember ever sinning."
18:48 And I thought, evidently either
18:51 we didn't make it clear enough or,
18:53 and the odd thing was she was a lawyer.
18:57 And there's some people
18:59 that think you have to do something.
19:01 That's why this passage say,
19:03 if we say we have no sin, notice what it,
19:06 what it didn't say,
19:07 "If we say that we did not sin."
19:10 But if we say, "We have no sin."
19:12 There's the difference, condition,
19:13 and I'm glad you put this here for condition
19:14 because we are by nature sinful.
19:17 And that's what it's saying.
19:18 If you say that you're not that way, you know,
19:21 you're the only one deceived by that
19:23 because the Bible is diagnosing our condition.
19:27 So we don't have to really be like some chain mesh criminal
19:33 or some, you know,
19:35 the kind of things that people think about
19:36 when they think about a criminal.
19:37 Absolutely.
19:39 You don't have to be a criminal,
19:40 but your nature is hostile to God.
19:43 That's why one doctor said
19:45 that's the reason why babies are born as infants.
19:49 Doctor, actually was a doctor.
19:52 Anyway he was the writer of a book called
19:55 "Expository Preaching."
19:57 And he said, "One of the reasons
19:59 why babies are born as infants is
20:00 because their natures are so unregenerated
20:02 so sinful that if they were 150 pounds,
20:06 if they were born 150 pounds
20:08 they would beat up their mom."
20:10 They would, he said,
20:12 "They would be the worst murderers,
20:14 rapists, criminals that'll ever walk the earth."
20:18 So the Lord allows, I mean, obviously we know
20:21 for size reasons,
20:23 but the nature is so unregenerated,
20:26 that's why you have that phrase, terrible what?
20:28 Two terrible. Oh, yeah, terrible twos.
20:31 That's a transition, they're walking now
20:33 and nothing is out of reach.
20:35 Everything is could be broken.
20:39 They could cut themselves, terrible twos.
20:41 That's when they didn't. No, no, just every word is no.
20:45 Well, I want it. No, see.
20:47 So, but that's that nature, is a terrible thing.
20:51 And that's why training up a child is important.
20:56 That's why God has... Praise the Lord.
20:58 That's why you are where you are today
20:59 because your mother did the job when you were young.
21:01 Yeah. Praise God. Yeah.
21:03 I would not want 150 pound, two-year-old and terrible twos.
21:08 That'd be pretty rough.
21:10 That's an excellent illustration
21:11 that you brought out.
21:13 And I love the fact that you talked about,
21:14 you know, with sin and the nature or human nature.
21:20 You know, a lot of times people think also,
21:23 and I guess outside of the spiritual sense,
21:27 but in the physical,
21:28 just every day law of government
21:32 that people that go to prison,
21:33 they think while they must've done
21:35 something really horrible,
21:38 or, but that's not always the case.
21:40 Somebody could have been texting
21:41 and driving and hit a pedestrian
21:43 and guess where they're going?
21:45 That's right, negligence, oversight.
21:46 They're gonna be in prison.
21:48 So, you know, this is the same thing
21:50 with transgressing God's law.
21:52 Like if you break God's law
21:55 and you don't repent for your sin
21:58 and turn away and ask Him to,
21:59 you know, help you, like you could be in trouble.
22:05 You could be in trouble.
22:07 You could be in trouble.
22:08 You will be in trouble.
22:10 Yeah, that's right.
22:12 And so many people don't realize that.
22:13 That's why I'm glad you're
22:15 bringing out this program
22:16 from darkness to light because some people believe
22:19 that education is a substitute status in life,
22:23 material possessions is a substitute,
22:25 upstanding citizen, well-known, highlife.
22:29 I have it all. I'm very successful.
22:31 Some people think that that is a substitute
22:34 and therefore God's gonna give them a pass
22:36 because they have it like that.
22:38 But that's not the case.
22:40 It's like when your sister, she's working in the jails,
22:43 I remember her in New York.
22:44 And she says, the Hasidic Jews were the ones that
22:48 so many arrests,
22:49 but they look so holier than thou
22:51 with their black and the curls.
22:53 But she said, you'd be shocked how many religious,
22:55 and we don't want to pigeonhole
22:58 that particular segment of society.
23:00 But the point that Angie's making is
23:02 because you could even look very religious,
23:05 but the heart is unregenerated.
23:07 That's why it's really important
23:08 not to take the name of the Lord in vain.
23:11 And the way you could do that is name the name of the Lord
23:14 but live a life opposite to that.
23:16 And the last thing you said is you could look religious.
23:18 You could look religious.
23:19 And that's the point that she's making.
23:20 But your heart is not.
23:22 What would you say about religious complacency
23:27 or someone that's complacent in their spirituality?
23:33 I like the way I learned so much
23:35 from Elder C.D Brooks
23:37 and people that watching may not know who that is.
23:40 I would say, I wish you had,
23:41 but yeah, he's a now deceased pastor,
23:44 a very giant,
23:45 when you think about a preacher
23:47 and a man of the word, and he and his wife were
23:49 such examples to my wife and me,
23:51 but he once said it this way, spiritual complacency,
23:54 he says, some people are just too lazy to be saved.
24:01 They just don't want to do anything.
24:03 And he said, all you have to do
24:04 to be lost is do nothing because you're already lost.
24:07 All you gotta do is stay lost is do nothing.
24:10 And there's some people that just absolutely do nothing.
24:14 I even challenged my sister.
24:15 I said, okay.
24:17 Because she left the church at 16 years old
24:19 and she's retired now.
24:21 And I said, come on sis.
24:23 You know, we talked straight.
24:24 I think, let me encourage some of you.
24:26 If you have a family member that you want to be saved,
24:28 just talk to them the way you would to a person
24:31 that you want to be saved.
24:32 So I said, come on. I do it with love all the time.
24:35 I says, sis you know I love you,
24:37 but what, when Jesus comes and I go to heaven
24:41 and you're not there, and mama's there,
24:44 you know, lady who raised us.
24:46 I said, what am I gonna tell her
24:47 if you're not there?
24:49 And I said, now you got to be there.
24:51 She said, I am.
24:52 But I said, let's think of it this way.
24:54 Okay.
24:55 You say you lived to be 85,
24:57 but God wants to give you eternity.
25:00 Why would you trade eternity for just 85 years?
25:04 It doesn't even make any sense, but some people are just like,
25:08 and I think on the other side of that,
25:09 it's not just laziness, but the habit is so ingrained.
25:15 You know, like one lady said
25:17 there used to be a time when children born with,
25:20 you know, left-handed, they would think in the 1700s
25:22 that they were possessed by an evil spirit.
25:25 So they would tie their hands to force them
25:27 to write with the right hand,
25:29 because it was thought in the Puritan era
25:33 that person's possessed.
25:35 And that's how life is sometime sin binds you
25:38 and forces you to go its own way
25:41 until the Lord comes and frees you.
25:42 And I think it's a mindset.
25:44 That's why it's a hard thing for some people to break loose.
25:46 Yeah.
25:48 And, you know, the longer that you're in darkness, you know,
25:51 let's say physical,
25:53 let's take the physical darkness
25:54 for a second.
25:55 The longer that you're in darkness,
25:57 your eyes get adjusted and get used to the darkness.
25:58 And so you're navigating through the darkness,
26:02 but you're in,
26:04 you should just flip the switch on,
26:06 you should flip the light on.
26:07 You used to be a DJ, tell them.
26:09 You know what I mean by that. Oh, yeah.
26:11 You know what it's like to be in the club.
26:12 I do.
26:13 Tell me what you mean by flip the switch on.
26:15 You get surprised when the lights come on.
26:17 In a party?
26:19 In a party, you know, and even like, you know,
26:21 'cause back in the days when I wasn't with the Lord,
26:25 I used to do club promotions.
26:27 And so I'd have to go get some money on, you know,
26:29 when the, during daytime
26:31 and there were no lights on,
26:32 there were none of that.
26:34 And it looked, it was a horrible
26:36 and the lights really transformed everything
26:40 and made everything look a certain way.
26:44 But yeah, it's yeah.
26:45 Because you know, club walls are painted.
26:47 Black back in the day, the walls was painted black,
26:51 the speakers are black.
26:53 And then they had, they just fixed it up
26:55 with red lights and purple lights.
26:56 And you know they're kinda orions,
26:58 but you know, it's darkness.
27:00 It is.
27:01 But some people when that light comes on,
27:02 they say, party's over.
27:04 People don't look the way they do in the dark.
27:05 No, they don't.
27:07 You're dancing with somebody who you think is cute.
27:09 It's like uh?
27:11 I remember Pastor Raymond Saunders years ago he said,
27:13 because they smell good, watch it!
27:17 Because they look like a man. Watch it.
27:20 Because in those dark places,
27:21 you don't know what you getting.
27:24 I don't want to lighten the moment here a little bit,
27:26 but yes too darkness messes your eyesight.
27:28 It does. It really does.
27:30 You come outside you're blinded.
27:32 You're blinded by the light. It does.
27:34 You know, I want to look at Romans 3:23,
27:39 because I believe that this answers the question.
27:42 How many people have sinned?
27:44 You know, people think, well, you know,
27:46 maybe I don't have any sin.
27:48 You know, like the lady was saying the lawyer,
27:50 she didn't sin.
27:53 But Romans 3:23 says,
27:55 "For all have sinned
27:58 and fall short of the glory of God."
28:00 So how many people have sinned?
28:02 All. Everybody.
28:03 That's right. Everybody has sinned.
28:06 How many people are in need of a savior?
28:08 All of us. Everybody.
28:10 That's right. We all need Jesus.
28:13 And there's wages, isn't it? Oh, yeah.
28:15 It comes at an expense. Romans 6:23.
28:18 The wages of sin is what?
28:21 Death. But what's the gift.
28:23 The gift of God is what?
28:24 Eternal life.
28:25 In who? Christ Jesus, our Lord.
28:28 Amen.
28:29 It's a gift.
28:31 But there's wages. Go ahead, Honey.
28:32 We talked about this text not too long ago.
28:34 And the Lord gave me new eyes for this verse
28:37 because you know, for the wages of sin is death.
28:40 That's what we deserve.
28:42 However, I love the way that Jesus says,
28:44 but I have a gift for you, see.
28:47 So you may think there's no hope for me,
28:50 but the Lord says, but I have a gift for you.
28:53 So don't feel so bound in your despair
28:57 because if death is hanging over your head
28:59 and the Lord taps on your incarceration,
29:02 whatever that thing is, He says,
29:04 but I have a gift for you.
29:06 And He pays for the gift.
29:08 So we can't buy ourselves out,
29:10 but He wants to give it to us as a gift.
29:11 And I don't think there's any sensible reason
29:13 to ignore it.
29:14 Yeah.
29:16 And why would you turn down that gift?
29:17 Right. What?
29:19 Why would you return that? Open your hand and receive it.
29:21 That's right.
29:22 You know, with all of this opposition
29:25 that you're facing in the human nature,
29:29 all of this opposition and attacks,
29:31 who are we wrestling with?
29:33 Well, let's look at that.
29:34 Ephesians 6:12, the Bible says,
29:38 "For we do not wrestle
29:41 against flesh and blood,
29:45 but against principalities, against powers."
29:49 That's why sometimes
29:50 people can break that power
29:52 against the rulers of the darkness of this age.
29:55 That's why the world is so dark against spiritual hosts
29:58 of wickedness in the heavenly places.
30:03 Wow.
30:05 The King James says
30:06 spiritual wickedness in high places.
30:07 And when it talks about that,
30:09 if you put that word in the King James Version,
30:11 high places, boy, it just jumps out at you.
30:13 We were in Myanmar
30:15 and in Thailand not too many years ago.
30:18 And in Myanmar all the mountains,
30:21 there were golden temples at the tops of the mountains.
30:25 And there were grooved with hundreds,
30:27 sometimes thousands of idols lined up
30:30 so symmetrically perfect.
30:32 And this verse came out to us because in the Old Testament,
30:35 anytime the people were led into rebellion,
30:38 they put shrines in the high places
30:42 and it took them away.
30:44 And it took them down that path where they were not,
30:47 they were no longer fighting against flesh and blood.
30:49 They were now bowing at the wrong altar.
30:51 So, yeah.
30:53 We're not fighting against what we could see.
30:55 Yeah.
30:56 And in this text, you can see that Satan,
31:01 he's just a sore loser
31:04 because instead of, so he's already lost.
31:09 And instead of leaving the playing field
31:14 or the battlefield and just going off by himself
31:18 or whatever, he goes off and tries to,
31:22 while he's going off to inflict more damage.
31:26 Damage to God by destroying
31:31 or causing God's prize possession
31:35 to fall into sin.
31:36 Okay.
31:37 And he knows that
31:39 if he can get God's prize possession
31:40 to fall into sin humans, us,
31:43 then if we fall into sin
31:46 and keep on going in that direction,
31:49 he knows that we'll be lost.
31:51 We'll be destroyed just like he is.
31:53 And so that's what he trying to do.
31:54 He's trying to get back at God somehow and take us out.
31:59 And he's just a sore loser.
32:02 Kamakazi, as someone said, Satan,
32:06 he'll get you to do something bad.
32:08 Get you to sin, then he'll tell on you.
32:10 Yes.
32:12 And he will, he'll get you to do bad.
32:14 Then he'll say, see what you did.
32:16 He'll tell on you.
32:17 That sounds like a lot of criminals
32:19 that tear into.
32:20 It really does. It's true.
32:21 Yeah.
32:23 There's no camaraderie in crime.
32:24 Oh, no.
32:26 Like the phrase he turned state's evidence.
32:28 That's right.
32:30 And then anyway, but that's the point.
32:32 No honor among thieves. No honor among thieves.
32:34 That's right. Yeah.
32:37 Horrible.
32:38 So now as we're transitioning into the light,
32:41 what do we need to do?
32:44 Ricky, Psalm 34:8- 9?
32:48 I like this verse Psalms 34:8-9,
32:51 "Oh taste and see
32:55 that the Lord is God.
32:58 Blessed is the man who trusts in Him.
33:03 Oh, fear the Lord, you, His saints.
33:07 There is no wants to those who fear Him."
33:12 I love this, taste and see.
33:16 I love to eat. Me too.
33:19 I think you and I are brothers like cousins as one in God,
33:23 love to eat.
33:25 And I love this picture here because God is,
33:29 He's trying to woo us.
33:33 And He says, look, just try it.
33:35 Just taste it.
33:37 And you're gonna see it's going to be,
33:38 oh, so good, so sweet.
33:42 And this is the spiritual food
33:45 that he's trying to get us to have, to take.
33:49 And when we eat it,
33:51 and then we want to see that it's good.
33:53 And there's a blessing that comes in it.
33:56 He says there,
33:57 blessed is the man who trusts in Him.
34:01 And then we are to fear the Lord.
34:03 And some people may think of it as being scared of Him.
34:09 But this is more,
34:11 I see this more of being in awe of Him,
34:16 you know, just what He's done and worshiping Him
34:21 'cause He's due this, you know,
34:25 for all that He's done for us
34:26 we should just be worshiping Him
34:28 and at His feet
34:29 and just putting our all in Him.
34:32 Amen.
34:34 Well said.
34:35 So I see taste and see, trust in Him,
34:39 fear the Lord,
34:41 those three things.
34:43 I love food probably just as much as you do,
34:46 like you stated like love food.
34:49 So I love this illustration as well.
34:52 You know, I've been into prisons
34:53 with Lemuel Vega and he's used the illustration.
34:57 He's taken a piece of fruit and an apple or something.
35:00 And he's told inmates.
35:03 He said, "How do you, what is this?"
35:05 And they'd say like, "Oh, it's an apple."
35:07 How do you know it's an apple?
35:08 It looks like an Apple.
35:10 And then he'll have a volunteer come up
35:12 and he'll say, smell this.
35:14 And it smells like an apple,
35:16 but then he'll say,
35:18 "Well, how do you know it's really an apple.
35:20 So what do you have to do?
35:22 You have to bite into it.
35:23 You have to taste it.
35:24 You gotta, you have to grab hold of that."
35:27 And the Word of God is the same way.
35:30 I like Hebrews 11:6,
35:34 which says, "But without faith, it is impossible to please him.
35:39 For he who comes to God must believe that He is.
35:44 And that He is a rewarder
35:46 of those who diligently seek Him.
35:50 So we must believe,
35:52 we have to have faith
35:54 and we have to diligently seek Him.
35:56 What does it mean to you guys
35:59 when you diligently seek something?
36:04 You lost anything?
36:07 We ended up getting
36:10 those trackers that you put on your key.
36:13 Oh, the Tile do. The Tile.
36:15 Yes.
36:16 'Cause sometimes it just doesn't make sense.
36:19 It's where we thought it was supposed to be,
36:22 but we just didn't see it.
36:23 Like I asked him so yeah,
36:26 we've all lost stuff, but I liked what it says here.
36:31 Gotta diligently look for it.
36:33 And sometimes you can get cynical.
36:35 You know, when you start opening the fridge,
36:36 looking for your car keys, you know,
36:39 it's time to just take a break or lifting up stuff
36:42 that's smaller than your car keys looking under it.
36:45 But we do those things,
36:47 but that's the whole point diligently seeking Him.
36:50 What it's illustrating is don't stop looking for Him.
36:54 Don't stop.
36:55 And it's not that God is playing hide and seek.
36:57 But what in essence is being said
36:59 by the writer of Hebrews is make it a priority,
37:03 make it the top of your list.
37:06 We read a devotional by Oswald Chambers,
37:09 and he says, make being pleasing to God,
37:14 the number one priority in your life.
37:17 And if you're pleasing to God,
37:20 you don't have to worry about pleasing anybody else.
37:22 Because pleasing to God, as Paul says, you know,
37:26 be diligent to be pleasing to God.
37:29 And that's what this is saying.
37:30 Seek Him with everything you have,
37:31 the way you think, the way you live,
37:33 your actions, your entertainment, everything.
37:37 Well, we've played basketball together.
37:39 You know, when you play basketball,
37:41 have you ever heard that expression like,
37:43 oh, that team has heart, like that part.
37:45 No matter what, if they're behind,
37:47 if they're down and out, if, whatever the case may be,
37:51 they're gonna keep running.
37:52 They're gonna keep plugging away.
37:54 They're gonna keep trying, you know,
37:56 getting back up and trying to score
37:58 and all of that stuff, because they have heart.
38:01 We have to seek God with our whole heart.
38:02 I like that.
38:04 And yeah, I think that's crucial.
38:07 Now if we have sinned, what must we do?
38:12 Okay. 1 John 1:9.
38:14 Let's look at that.
38:16 It says if, and I like that word,
38:17 it's powerful.
38:19 "If we confess our sins,
38:21 He is faithful and just to forgive us,
38:23 our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
38:28 You know, when you compare that
38:29 to the one we read earlier in 1 John 1:8
38:31 and just the verse right before that,
38:34 you know, it says we say we have no sin.
38:36 See the verse 8 is talking about your condition.
38:39 Verse 9 is talking about your fruit.
38:42 Okay. That's the difference.
38:43 Verse 8 is saying, verse 9 is saying,
38:45 you need to confess because if verse 8 is true,
38:48 which is true.
38:49 Your tree is gonna produce some bad fruit.
38:51 But if you confess it, don't worry about it.
38:53 That's what, it's the good news about it.
38:55 It's not just saying you're sinful,
38:56 but just confess it,
38:58 and He is faithful and He's just to forgive.
39:01 Well, why would somebody who's just forgive you
39:04 when just means issuing a penalty.
39:07 You stand before the judge, you don't say I'm guilty,
39:10 but I want justice.
39:12 He says, you're crazy.
39:14 You're guilty and you want justice.
39:17 You better ask for mercy.
39:18 But notice what He's saying,
39:20 that's why I wanna go to this text
39:21 because we don't often see that He is faithful and just.
39:25 So wait a minute, He's faithful and just,
39:27 which means he should not forgive you.
39:32 'Cause if you commit a crime, you don't say your honor,
39:34 please forgive me.
39:36 He says, wait, you broke the statute.
39:38 Here's the only thing that you deserve.
39:40 But He is faithful and just.
39:42 What that means is He is the justifier.
39:46 He is just, and the justifier.
39:48 So that means He's taking it on Himself.
39:51 That's what that means.
39:53 He's not getting rid of it.
39:54 He's taking it on Himself.
39:56 Paul says, the Lord God made him
39:59 who knew no sin to become sin for us.
40:01 He's saying, Jason, thank you for confessing it.
40:04 I got it. I'll take your penalty.
40:06 So that passage is more powerful
40:07 than we often give it credibility to be.
40:10 Absolutely. Yeah.
40:11 Absolutely. Okay.
40:16 Now this one, I love this text.
40:19 I don't know if you've ever played,
40:21 follow the leader.
40:22 When I was little, we blindfold you
40:25 and someone's a leader and we'd follow them.
40:29 And this text reminds me of that.
40:33 Where is it?
40:35 First, no, John 8:12.
40:38 I love this.
40:39 "Then Jesus spoke to them again,
40:41 saying, 'I am the light of the world.
40:44 He who follows
40:46 Me shall not walk in darkness,
40:49 but have the light of life.'"
40:51 You will have the light of life when you follow Him.
40:54 He's not gonna lead us off the cliff.
40:56 He's gonna lead us to eternal life.
40:59 So that's, there's a difference,
41:01 Satan is going to lead us off the cliff to death,
41:05 eternal death.
41:07 And the Lord is gonna,
41:08 He wants to give us eternal life.
41:09 And the choice is ours, isn't it?
41:11 That's right. Yeah.
41:12 Follow the leader.
41:16 And He's gonna lead you in the right place.
41:17 Yes, He will. Yes.
41:21 Ricky, you wanna take us away with Psalm 119:11?
41:24 Yes. Psalms 119:11.
41:28 One of my favorite scripture songs.
41:32 Thy word have I hid in my heart
41:36 that I might not sin against you.
41:40 And it just repeat that over and over,
41:42 but that's found in Psalms 119:11.
41:45 So when you find yourself
41:53 being tempted
41:55 or you have a challenging problem
42:00 in your life
42:02 when you memorize God's Word,
42:07 then, and you recall it, that can,
42:11 and you claim it that can help you
42:15 with whatever challenge you face
42:16 with overcoming the temptation.
42:19 Whatever kind of problem, because there's power,
42:23 so much power in God's Word.
42:25 Remember in God's Word, when He spoke,
42:29 He created things.
42:31 So whatever challenge you could be facing,
42:34 just claim God's promise,
42:37 call it to memory, memorize it first.
42:39 And then you can use that in overcoming that temptation,
42:44 helping you with that challenge,
42:45 whatever problem you may face.
42:47 We gotta put it there first,
42:49 you know, want to bring it to your mind.
42:50 Amen.
42:52 And, you know, that verse,
42:53 I just thought about it and hide it in the heart.
42:56 Exactly.
42:58 That's where it came from. So, yeah.
42:59 So tell us about those scripture songs?
43:02 Oh, yeah. Yeah.
43:04 I've got a scripture song site,
43:07 my YouTube channel.
43:08 It's called "Hide it in your heart."
43:11 And it's just a place
43:13 where you can find catchy tunes
43:19 going with scripture, could have found that
43:21 with music for me when I was trying
43:23 to memorize scripture,
43:24 just reading it over and over again.
43:26 Maybe you've had this problem.
43:28 You just doesn't want to stick in your head,
43:30 but if you're putting a tune to it,
43:33 man, it just causes it to stick.
43:36 So I hope you can just check it out,
43:38 is the website.
43:40 Oh, little shameless plug there.
43:42 Huh?
43:44 Well, we also air them on Dare to Dream.
43:45 So it's, yeah, so they're neat.
43:47 And they're really good. They are.
43:49 Praise God.
43:50 We found out about it and it's just really you
43:51 and I did little seminar on evangelism.
43:54 It's just phenomenal.
43:55 I was just blown away by the creativity
43:57 that God has blessed you with, but...
43:59 Praise God.
44:00 But I like what you're saying, hiding it.
44:01 And when I'm looking at, Jason,
44:03 if I could go back real quickly,
44:04 before we go to the next verse.
44:06 Absolutely. You're looking at the steps.
44:07 We're looking at the steps that we need to do.
44:08 One is first taste and see, then diligently seek Him,
44:12 then confess our sins and follow Him.
44:14 Then hide His word in your heart,
44:16 which leads us to the next one.
44:20 If you love Me, keep My commandments.
44:23 And that's found in John 14:15.
44:27 If you love Me, keep My commandments.
44:30 So you're married and Ricky, you're married.
44:34 Do you guys wake up every day?
44:37 And you're like, okay, well I kept this one.
44:40 I kept this wedding vow.
44:42 I kept this one.
44:44 You know, do you do that every day
44:46 or it's out of that love for your spouse.
44:49 You just automatically want to do
44:52 those things that you agreed to?
44:54 I'm gonna agree
44:55 with the second part out of love.
44:58 I took that, one day I sat down
45:00 as I was eating a meal and I said,
45:02 "Honey, do you realize how long
45:04 you've been cooking for me?"
45:05 Going on 38 years,
45:07 you realize how many meals it is and you know...
45:09 Yeah.
45:11 You're blessed, I mean she can cook.
45:15 And she said,
45:16 now you're getting a little belly.
45:17 I said, "I got to get rid of it".
45:19 She said, "No, I love it."
45:20 And I said this is,
45:21 and she said you shouldn't tell the whole world
45:24 I have a belly, but it's a little belly.
45:27 It's a belly that is a good belly.
45:29 It's a good belly. I'll help you out.
45:31 We can divvy up your portions to my plate.
45:34 And you know it's a joy for me to feed him.
45:37 I look forward to cooking.
45:39 I don't say, oh, here I go again.
45:41 I gotta go home and cook. No.
45:44 You know it's a part of taste and seeing, isn't it?
45:47 Taste and see my husband's happy.
45:49 He enjoys the food.
45:51 And the same goes on our side for me.
45:53 I just love to show her that I love her.
45:57 And so there's nothing I said, sometimes I say, Honey...
45:59 We love on each other.
46:01 What do you like, what would you like?
46:03 And she'd tell me sometimes.
46:04 And I say, all right.
46:06 And I'll shock her with that.
46:07 But sometimes
46:09 just doesn't have to say anything
46:10 because I know how she's thinking.
46:11 And sometimes she has to stop me
46:13 because sometimes I buy something new
46:15 and I buy her something new.
46:17 And she say, "You don't always have to do that."
46:19 I said, "Honey, let's enjoy something new together."
46:22 I love that.
46:25 She keeps telling me, I need to do a seminar for men
46:27 that are married on how to be nice.
46:30 I keep telling him, do a seminar for men
46:33 and how to treat a woman because he's so good at it.
46:36 And I'm not saying it because it's television, okay?
46:39 I'm saying it
46:40 because I've lived it with this man.
46:43 It is pure, it's true.
46:44 And I'm like run and get me my slippers
46:47 while I'm in the kitchen, Honey,
46:49 these are decent little things that I appreciate.
46:52 But I want to go to Philippians 4:13.
46:56 I absolutely love that text.
46:59 I can do some things through Christ.
47:01 No.
47:03 I don't know what translation you're reading.
47:06 Let's say together.
47:07 I can do all things through Christ
47:10 who strengthens me.
47:12 Amen. Is that a promise?
47:14 Wonderful promise.
47:15 What? Wonderful promise.
47:17 It is.
47:18 And if you look back at
47:19 what we just covered in this section alone
47:23 taste and see, trust in Him, fear the Lord.
47:27 We must believe,
47:29 diligently seek Him,
47:30 first off if you taste and see,
47:32 you're gonna want to diligently seek Him.
47:34 Confess our sins.
47:37 Follow Him, hide His word in our heart.
47:40 Keep His commandments.
47:43 This last verse here.
47:45 I can do all things through Christ
47:47 who strengthens me.
47:48 We're not even doing the heavy lifting.
47:50 So all of those things listed under
47:52 what do we need to do?
47:54 Like Christ has given us
47:56 the strength to do it in the first place.
47:57 Cast your cares on Him.
47:59 Oh, yeah. Yes.
48:01 He'll carry the burden, the load from us.
48:03 Yeah. You don't have to carry it?
48:05 Honey, where are you going? Yeah.
48:06 Well, Philippians, you know,
48:07 it says right there, we often read this passage.
48:10 But Philippians 2:13.
48:15 We like to read verse 12 and verse 13.
48:17 It says, "For it is God who works in you both to will
48:22 and to do of His good pleasure."
48:26 So yeah, like you brought that out.
48:27 God is the one doing it. We're letting Him in.
48:31 And so, that's that power that you talk about.
48:33 He's the one doing the lifting.
48:35 And a lot of people need to know that
48:36 because to come out of darkness,
48:38 a lot of people say, well, what do I do?
48:39 What do I need to do next? And I encourage people.
48:42 Don't try to clean up before God cleans you up, he said.
48:47 And that's what the devil wants.
48:50 You know, he wants you to think,
48:52 oh, you're not good enough to go to church yet.
48:54 You're not perfect enough to go to church yet.
48:57 Like, do you wait until
48:58 you're healthy to go to the hospital?
49:00 No. Like, no.
49:02 You gotta go.
49:03 If you're sick, you need to be in church.
49:06 Hospital for sick is right? That's right.
49:09 So, yeah.
49:10 That's, you know,
49:11 that's one of the traps of the enemy.
49:13 It is.
49:14 They do that. That's yours.
49:15 That's why I like
49:17 where you put this in the section,
49:18 what has God done for us?
49:20 Come on now. This is beautiful.
49:21 This is a passage that we've read so many times
49:22 that we've run past it like almost something we ignore.
49:25 It starts with your name. That's right.
49:27 John 3:16,
49:30 "For God the greatest lover
49:34 so loved the greatest act,
49:38 the world, the greatest people in need
49:43 that He gave the greatest gift,
49:47 His only begotten Son that whosoever,
49:52 that means anybody, believes in Him,
49:56 the simplicity of it,
49:58 should not perish, but have everlasting life.
50:01 The greatest gift avoiding the most severe punishment,
50:05 receiving the greatest gift instead.
50:07 And so John 3:16 is far greater than
50:09 we often think about it.
50:11 But I'm always amazed.
50:13 How did this verse,
50:14 I guess God will tell us in heaven
50:16 become the most known verse of all time.
50:19 It's like the song Amazing Grace, John 3:16.
50:22 That's true. It's the most amazing...
50:25 It's powerful, that's why.
50:26 Yes. Very true.
50:28 And I love how you just kind of broke
50:29 that down as you were reading it.
50:32 Will you also read John 3:17 as well?
50:35 Because a lot of people think, oh, well, you know,
50:37 he's here to condemn me or, yeah.
50:39 Sure.
50:40 It says, "For God did not send His Son
50:42 into the world to condemn the world,
50:45 but that the world through Him might be saved."
50:47 That's right.
50:48 That's important, because a lot of times people
50:50 think that, oh, I just feel so condemned.
50:53 He didn't condemn us, He condemned sin.
50:55 That's right. He didn't come to condemn you.
50:57 He came to condemn sin.
50:59 He said He didn't send His Son to condemn
51:01 because we are condemned already.
51:03 Oh, it's like saying to somebody in jail,
51:04 you know you in jail?
51:08 Oh, yeah.
51:09 Did you come to tell me I'm in jail
51:11 or tell me I could get out?
51:12 That's right. And you know what?
51:14 Jesus is the greatest bondsmen...
51:18 Come on now.
51:19 I've ever known. I like that.
51:21 He paid the bond
51:23 and He didn't ask for us to pay Him back.
51:24 Amen.
51:25 I think we'll be seeing that on the sermon soon.
51:27 Okay. I do too.
51:29 That's right.
51:30 You ever noticed near the jails,
51:31 there always this bond offices.
51:34 Absolutely. That's prime time real estate.
51:40 Right next to the hospitals there's a funeral parlor.
51:42 That's true. Kinda sad, but...
51:44 It's true though. Very true.
51:46 You know, Jason, another good texts for about,
51:49 oh, what has God done for us
51:51 is Romans 5:6-8,
51:56 which says, "For when we were
51:59 still without strength, in due time Christ died
52:05 for the ungodly.
52:07 For scarcely,
52:09 for a righteous man will one die,
52:12 yet perhaps for a good man,
52:14 someone would even dare to die".
52:17 Here it is.
52:18 "But God demonstrates His own love toward us
52:24 in that while we were still sinners
52:27 Christ died for us."
52:31 I think about a story
52:32 that I read recently of a young lady
52:36 who was, in 2000 in the trade
52:41 when the towers fell down, she was there in that,
52:44 she was on the 64th floor coming down
52:48 when the tower started to come down.
52:52 And she had, she was blessed
52:57 'cause she was one of the four
53:00 that were alive that came out of that rubble.
53:04 She was, somehow
53:06 she miraculously was in a pocket,
53:08 air pocket.
53:10 Her leg was of course trapped.
53:13 Her head was trapped and she couldn't get out.
53:18 But before this time period, she had been searching,
53:22 searching for God and coming.
53:24 She had started to come, go to church.
53:26 She had made her way back to God.
53:28 So while she's here in this rubble,
53:30 she starts praying.
53:32 She's praying and asking God to help her get out.
53:35 She passes out for a little bit and comes back, wakes back up,
53:40 starts praying some more.
53:43 So later on, I don't know how many hours later it was.
53:46 She hears the searchers.
53:50 They're coming to get her.
53:51 And she starts yelling to them.
53:55 Here I am, here I am, save me.
53:57 Come and get me here.
53:58 So they heard her
54:00 and they started shining a light in there.
54:03 Hey, can you see the light?
54:04 She couldn't see anything.
54:05 So she grabbed some concrete.
54:07 She starts banging on the debris
54:09 that was around her.
54:10 And that was able to,
54:12 that helped them to find her.
54:16 She reaches her hand through the cracks
54:20 and somebody grabs her hand.
54:22 And so then she's taken out of that rubble after that.
54:28 Well, what that reminds me of is how,
54:31 in a similar situation,
54:34 we are trapped in sin
54:38 and we can't get out.
54:40 But we reach our hand out, and the Lord can save us.
54:46 Through the death of His son, Christ Son, God's Son,
54:50 He has used that to save us
54:52 and pull us out of this desperate situation
54:55 that we're in.
54:56 Beautiful, well said.
54:58 Out of darkness into this marvelous light.
55:01 That's right, we've all experienced that.
55:02 That's the truth.
55:04 And let's talk about what happens
55:05 when you enter into that marvelous light.
55:07 2 Corinthians 5:17.
55:10 It says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
55:13 he is a new creation.
55:15 Old things have passed away, behold,
55:18 all things have become new.
55:21 So if you're tired of being an old creation
55:24 and you wanna become new,
55:26 give your heart to the Lord.
55:27 Amen. Yes.
55:29 And, Honey, Ephesians 2:8-9?
55:33 Oh, I have that.
55:34 Okay. Oh, I love this one.
55:37 "For by grace you have been
55:39 saved through faith and not of yourself.
55:44 It is a" what?
55:46 "Gift of God.
55:47 Not of works lest," what?
55:49 "Anyone should boast."
55:51 And I'm just gonna pile right on to the next one.
55:53 Go ahead, Honey. The greatest gift.
55:55 But then here's something that people need to know.
55:57 God is gonna finish what He started.
55:59 Philippians 1:6, "Being confident
56:01 of this very thing
56:03 that He who has begun a good work
56:05 in you will complete it
56:07 until the day of Jesus Christ."
56:10 He's not done with us yet, but He's gonna complete it.
56:13 Be encouraged by that. Be encouraged.
56:15 Yes.
56:16 There's so many more scriptures
56:19 that we have to cover,
56:20 but we're almost running out of time.
56:23 Romans 12, you know,
56:27 it's literally entitled
56:30 and in a portion of it behave like a Christian.
56:34 Behave like a Christian.
56:36 I mean, if you go and look at that,
56:38 being a Christian is not for the faint.
56:41 Faint of heart. That's right. That's right. Yeah.
56:44 You gotta be pretty tough, you know, but you can do what?
56:47 All things through who?
56:49 Through Christ who strengthens us.
56:50 That's right.
56:52 And so He does the heavy lifting
56:54 and all of that.
56:55 But if you want to learn about how to behave like a Christian,
57:00 go to Romans Chapter 12.
57:04 I wanna thank you all
57:06 for the insight that you've provided tonight.
57:09 And really just how you've broken it down
57:11 and praise God that
57:12 He's led us out of darkness
57:14 into His marvelous light.
57:16 And what a wonderful place it is to be here.
57:21 I wanna thank you for joining us.
57:23 If you have not given Christ a chance,
57:27 we invite you to do so right now,
57:30 don't put it off until tomorrow.
57:32 Until next time, God bless you.


Revised 2021-04-23