Today Family Worship

God's Love

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW210005S

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:08 Mending broken people
00:13 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:08 Hello and welcome
01:10 to another 3ABN Today Family Worship.
01:13 I'm Jason Bradley.
01:14 And I'm so glad
01:15 that you decided to tune in tonight
01:17 as you do each and every Friday night.
01:19 And if you don't already have a pen and a piece of paper,
01:23 I suggest that you grab one
01:25 because we're going to cover quite a few scriptures.
01:28 We're going to be looking at God's love for mankind,
01:32 and how we can demonstrate our love toward God.
01:36 And here with me to discuss this wonderful topic,
01:39 we'll start with our 3ABN president
01:41 and my office neighbor, Greg Morikone.
01:44 It's great to have you.
01:46 Great being your neighbor,
01:47 our office is kind of adjacent to each other.
01:49 So yeah, happy Sabbath to you, Jason.
01:50 Happy Sabbath to you as well.
01:51 Thank you for the invitation to be here.
01:53 It's a blessing to spend time with family
01:54 and open the Word of God.
01:55 Amen. Amen.
01:57 Amen.
01:58 And then we transition over
02:00 to who we call the Sons of Thunder.
02:02 Oh, I don't know about that.
02:03 We've got Ryan Day,
02:05 who is a part of our 3ABN pastoral team.
02:08 It's always great to have you on.
02:10 It's a blessing to be here.
02:11 And I'm really, really loving this subject.
02:13 And I know that God's going to shed
02:14 a lot of light through us and to us and to all of you.
02:17 So praise the Lord. Amen.
02:19 And then we've got Dakota Day.
02:22 Amazing Facts,
02:23 a full time Amazing Facts ministry evangelist.
02:27 Yeah, thank you guys for the invitation.
02:28 It's a blessing to always be here
02:29 and share God's Word
02:31 and be able to just to dive into scripture.
02:32 Haven't been a part of a program yet
02:34 that I haven't thoroughly enjoyed.
02:36 So thank you guys so much. Yes.
02:37 We thoroughly enjoyed having you,
02:39 so it's great to have you here.
02:42 I want to hear
02:44 how you've experienced God's love in your own life.
02:46 I want to, you know, that's the go there as well.
02:49 And then we've got a bunch of scriptures.
02:50 But before we dive into all of that,
02:53 I'd like for us to have a word of prayer.
02:55 And, Greg, would you pray for us?
02:56 Sure. Yeah, absolutely.
02:58 Father in heaven,
02:59 Lord, it's a blessing to open Your Word.
03:03 And, Lord, we just invite Your Holy Spirit
03:05 to be with us this evening.
03:06 And with those that are joining with us,
03:09 as part of our families, we open Your Word,
03:11 thank You for the Sabbath.
03:13 We thank You, Father, for Your love for us.
03:15 We thank You for sending Your Son to die for us
03:17 that we have the gift of salvation.
03:21 And, Lord, as we talk about this subject of love,
03:24 there's many people,
03:25 maybe listening and watching right now
03:27 that don't feel any love from anybody.
03:30 And, Father, at the end of this program,
03:32 may they be encouraged that You love them.
03:35 We thank You. And in Jesus' name we pray.
03:37 Amen. Amen.
03:39 Amen.
03:41 So, how have you seen God's love
03:45 displayed in your life?
03:46 Let's start with you, Dakota.
03:48 Oh, man, so many ways.
03:51 I mean, just with miracles in general happening,
03:53 you know, things that I never thought
03:54 it would ever happen.
03:56 I remember, specifically growing up,
03:58 being in a home where
04:00 the Lord was a big part of our home.
04:02 But I never knew God personally,
04:04 until I saw really God working through my brother
04:07 and changing my brother.
04:08 And when, you know,
04:10 by beholding you become changed.
04:11 And I never really knew that there was a God,
04:14 I never really believed fully
04:16 that there was a God with all of my heart
04:17 until I saw my brother become changed
04:19 and become more like Jesus.
04:21 And when I saw his love for me start to change,
04:24 that's what really helped me to realize,
04:26 like, wow, I'm experiencing the love of God
04:27 because Ryan, growing up Ryan used to be kind of mean to me.
04:32 You know, we're brothers, we've fight.
04:33 Are you nodding your head, Ryan?
04:36 It's sadly a truth.
04:37 I was the bully at times.
04:38 But he wasn't bad all the time.
04:40 We had our moments where we got along,
04:41 but, you know,
04:43 starting to invite me out to places
04:44 and hang out with me and invite me,
04:46 hey, let's go play ball together
04:47 and stuff like that.
04:49 And then when, like, I would beat him,
04:50 sometimes at different things.
04:52 He would respond with a great attitude
04:53 and things like that.
04:55 So there was lots of different things
04:56 that I've experienced a love of God,
04:58 but I'd say like, for me, the pivotal point in my life
05:00 was seeing God's love change someone else.
05:04 And then that then becoming a part of my life
05:08 where I'm experiencing the love of God
05:09 through someone else.
05:11 So, yeah.
05:12 Yeah, that, you just touched on something that's huge,
05:14 because, you know, when you basically like
05:17 when someone loves God,
05:18 their relationship with other people changes.
05:21 That's right. You experienced that.
05:23 I mean, that's like that genuine conversion
05:25 experience and all that.
05:27 What about you, Ryan?
05:28 Oh, man, where do you start?
05:30 It's like, there's a list in my mind,
05:32 you know, but I'm gonna,
05:34 I'm gonna say one that I think that
05:35 many people probably don't think about
05:37 or don't give enough credit to.
05:38 But, you know, I don't know
05:40 that I'm necessarily categorized as a good man.
05:42 But the Bible says and very much communicates
05:45 in a roundabout way,
05:46 that behind every man, there's a good woman, right?
05:49 And praise the Lord,
05:50 I would not be where I am today
05:52 if God had not gifted me
05:53 and brought my wife Stephanie into my life.
05:55 Just seeing the love of God worked through her,
05:58 and to see that love of God through her bestowed upon me
06:02 has been life changing.
06:03 In ministry, it can be difficult,
06:05 I know, Greg, all of us here who have wives,
06:09 you know, it can be difficult in ministry,
06:11 it can be a challenge, you know, sometimes.
06:13 You would think that it wouldn't be,
06:15 but, you know, the demand upon your life,
06:17 the time in ministry
06:18 and the different aspects of ministry
06:20 can be demanding,
06:22 it can be challenging at times,
06:23 and it really helps to have a good woman there,
06:25 a good helpmeet, someone who's encouraging,
06:27 someone who makes it worth
06:30 getting up and going
06:32 and continuing on through the day
06:33 and through your ministry.
06:34 And that's, you know,
06:36 that kind of gives me an opportunity to segue
06:37 into the blessings and the love of God
06:39 that God has bestowed upon me and showed me through ministry,
06:42 through how he has transformed other lives
06:44 that I've been able to be a part of,
06:46 and been able to, you know, participate in
06:50 and helping bring others to Christ
06:51 and to see God take people who were one way
06:55 and then completely transform them
06:56 through the power of the gospel.
06:58 And so those are just a few ways
06:59 that throughout my life
07:01 the love of God has been evident in my life
07:04 and working through my life.
07:05 And then also being able to be in a position
07:07 where I can view,
07:09 I can experience the love of God
07:11 and the transforming power of God
07:12 in other people's lives as well.
07:14 Absolutely. Well said.
07:16 What about you, Greg?
07:17 Well, like Ryan was saying,
07:19 I mean, the list and where do you start, right?
07:20 So I mean, God just been so good.
07:22 You know, when you think about ways,
07:23 you know, when you look back on your life,
07:24 when you're looking ahead,
07:26 you don't know what's ahead of you.
07:27 You have goals and things in mind.
07:29 But if I look back on my life, I'm like,
07:30 "Wow, thank you, God, for taking care of me."
07:33 You can see instances
07:34 where you know, we could have been killed
07:36 or major injured.
07:38 I think about situations where a decision was made.
07:41 And it's like, well, I'm not sure
07:42 which one I should take,
07:44 but then you pray and God,
07:45 okay, I feel You're leading me this way.
07:46 Looking back, it's like, oh, wow, God,
07:48 I saw Your hand involved all the way through.
07:50 So I think just as care for me,
07:52 because when I think about the universe,
07:54 and all the people that are in the universe,
07:55 and how big we think the world is,
07:57 but it's actually very small
07:59 in comparison to the whole universe.
08:01 And then to think that He would die for me.
08:05 Yeah. That's powerful.
08:06 I think about God's love for me.
08:08 I think that to me is an overwhelming thought.
08:09 So just to think that He has offered me,
08:12 Greg Morikone the gift of salvation,
08:14 that He even cares about me that even knows my name.
08:17 And He knows how many hairs I have on my head
08:18 and all those type of details, why would He even care?
08:21 Because He loves me.
08:22 And I think that's it's a phenomenal thing.
08:24 Amen. Amen.
08:26 Well said, you know, as I just look at my life
08:29 and reflect upon my life,
08:30 as you were just stating,
08:32 I mean, that seeing how God has loved me
08:36 throughout all my crazy mistakes,
08:39 issues and errors, and all of that stuff.
08:42 And even in spite of that, like He's loved me,
08:44 He didn't love me any less at that point.
08:48 He poured out that love for me,
08:50 and continued to listen to my mother's prayers for me
08:54 and drew me closer to Him.
08:56 So as you guys are saying,
08:58 behind every good man is a good woman.
09:00 Well, I guess for me, it's my mom in a different way
09:03 'cause she was praying for me to come back to the Lord.
09:06 Praise the God for praying mom.
09:07 Yeah.
09:08 So that was a huge thing for me
09:10 and just seeing how He spared my life
09:12 in times where I should have been dead
09:14 and could have been dead.
09:16 Being misdiagnosed with my appendix rupturing
09:19 inside of me and all of that and had I died then,
09:23 I would have been in trouble
09:24 because I didn't know the Lord then,
09:26 I wasn't serving Him.
09:27 So, yeah, God's love is incredible
09:30 even when we're in the wilderness.
09:32 That's right.
09:34 His love that He's pouring out on us
09:36 is absolutely amazing.
09:38 So I'm looking forward
09:39 to diving into these scriptures.
09:40 Amen.
09:42 So, Ryan, you've got our first scripture,
09:43 Isaiah 54:10.
09:45 Man, I love this text.
09:46 Isaiah 54:10 says,
09:49 "For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed,
09:53 but My kindness shall not depart from you,
09:57 nor shall My covenant of peace be removed,
10:00 ' says the Lord, who has mercy on you.'"
10:03 This is beautiful.
10:05 I love it because it's almost, it's just so poetic, right?
10:07 But at the same time, it's not poetry.
10:10 I mean, this is the real word of the Lord
10:12 coming from the Lord's mouth.
10:13 He's basically saying to us, you know what?
10:15 See that mountain over there,
10:16 see, all of this stuff, you know what?
10:18 All of those things can pass away
10:20 this world and everything before you,
10:21 everything tangible that you can see and feel,
10:24 hear, touch, smell, all of that can pass away,
10:26 but My love, My kindness, My compassion
10:29 will never ever pass away.
10:31 And so I love the fact that
10:33 we serve a God whom we can trust
10:35 and we can know based on His promise,
10:37 based on His character,
10:39 that we can trust and know
10:40 that He's never gonna love us
10:42 the way that we love each other.
10:43 Okay?
10:45 In a human sense, in a carnal sense, He's God.
10:48 And I heard someone once say,
10:49 and it's always stuck with me that sin is the,
10:52 is basically the results of a misunderstanding
10:57 and a misrepresentation of God's character.
11:00 So if you think about that, that's exactly what sin is
11:03 when we fully comprehend and understand
11:05 that God is an as a forever loving,
11:07 compassionate kind God
11:09 and He says, I want to bestow My kindness
11:11 upon you at all times.
11:12 I love that, oftentimes we don't think of,
11:14 I mean, we know kindness
11:16 is one of the fruits of the Spirit, right?
11:17 But we don't often say when we talk about God,
11:18 we don't often say, oh, God's so kind,
11:20 you know, but yet He is.
11:22 He is kind. Right?
11:23 I love those words there.
11:24 But My kindness shall not depart from you.
11:27 And so it's just awesome to know
11:29 that no matter where I'm at in life,
11:32 no matter what I'm going through,
11:33 no matter what situation I'm involved in,
11:36 God is always merciful. He's always kind.
11:39 He's always there
11:40 to share and to bestow that love upon you
11:42 that you don't deserve.
11:43 It's powerful. Amen.
11:45 Man, that's great.
11:46 That's great scripture, isn't it?
11:47 Yeah, yeah. It is fantastic.
11:49 Absolutely.
11:50 You know, what jumps out at me,
11:52 is the covenant of peace.
11:55 You know, with all of the things
11:57 that are going on in this world
11:59 with all of the things that we're experiencing,
12:01 to be able to have that peace in the midst of the storm,
12:05 that to me is just incredible.
12:07 And God gives us this peace that passes all understanding.
12:11 Amen. Amen.
12:13 Praise the Lord. Dakota?
12:14 Yeah.
12:16 So, you know, there's a lot
12:18 that can be said about the love of God.
12:19 I know one of the things that I first think of
12:22 when I hear about the love of God,
12:23 you know, I think of the sacrifice
12:25 that was made from Jesus
12:27 and that while we were yet still sinners,
12:29 and we're going to get to that text,
12:30 you know, God died for us.
12:33 And, you know, I think of you know,
12:34 there's lots of things that that I can come to,
12:37 but I think one of the greatest things
12:38 that I come to was the scripture where it says
12:41 no greater love have this
12:42 than a man lay down his life for his friends.
12:45 And in relation to that,
12:47 we see what happened in the Garden of Eden
12:49 with Adam and Eve from the very beginning.
12:51 Mankind totally lost,
12:53 separated from God because of sin.
12:55 We see Jesus steps in there.
12:57 And He serves as the Savior immediately.
13:00 As soon as there was sin, there was a Savior.
13:02 And I love how Jesus dealt with that.
13:05 How, just like a parent, right?
13:07 When you see your child come to you,
13:10 and they've messed up really bad.
13:12 You're not there to try to condemn them.
13:14 You're there to try to teach them
13:16 and save them from that position,
13:18 from that disobedient position,
13:19 disobedient mind that they've been in,
13:21 and to see how Jesus did that for us is so powerful,
13:23 I think of, you know,
13:25 when Jesus was in the Garden of Eden, for instance,
13:27 when He came walking in the Garden of Eden,
13:29 you know, sin was them taking from the tree,
13:32 them taking sin from the tree,
13:34 so to speak, and disobeying God.
13:35 And when they did that,
13:37 the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:21
13:39 that Jesus became sin for us, right?
13:42 So He became sin for us.
13:43 So sin was taking from this tree,
13:47 Jesus reverses the curse now, and He says, Listen,
13:49 "I'm going to become sin for you.
13:52 And then I'm going to put sin back on the tree."
13:55 Right?
13:56 So when you see the love that Jesus has for us
13:58 is so amazing.
13:59 It's like, wow, why would He do that?
14:02 Like, what have I done?
14:03 We used to sing a song at church, Ryan, called?
14:06 What? How did it go?
14:08 Is who am I.
14:09 Who am I, remember that song? I do.
14:11 Who am I that the King should bleed and die for?
14:14 Who am I that He should say not my will but thine, Lord.
14:18 I just like wow, it's amazing.
14:20 It is an incredible thought. Oh, it absolutely is.
14:23 Yeah.
14:24 Take us to Psalm 8:15.
14:27 I'm just, I'm still marinating on what you all about,
14:30 what you just said, I'm just taking it all in.
14:32 Just sharing them as they come to me, Brother.
14:34 I think about Psalm 86 actually, verse 15, it says,
14:37 "But You, O Lord, are a God full of compassion,
14:40 and gracious, longsuffering
14:42 and abundant in mercy and truth."
14:44 Amen.
14:46 What a great scripture.
14:47 Absolutely. Praise the Lord.
14:48 There is a thought that I want to share with you
14:53 and it is from the Mount of Blessing, page 22.
14:58 And it says this,
15:00 "God does not ask if we are worthy of His love
15:03 but He pours upon us the riches of His love
15:06 to make us worthy.
15:08 He is not vindictive,
15:10 He seeks not to punish, but to redeem.
15:12 Even the severity
15:14 which He manifests through his providences
15:16 is manifested for the salvation of the wayward.
15:20 It is true that God will by no means
15:22 clear the guilty,
15:24 but He would take away the guilt."
15:26 Wow. God is amazing.
15:28 Amen.
15:29 God is amazing.
15:32 Greg, you've got 1 John 2:1?
15:35 Yeah, 1 John 3:1, you know, I just want to say, Jason,
15:38 I appreciate this topic on God's love.
15:41 Because you think I know,
15:42 we know there are a lot of people
15:44 that are watching that don't feel
15:46 any love from anybody.
15:47 They feel hopeless.
15:50 And I know that before COVID,
15:51 you did a lot of work in the prisons.
15:52 Yes.
15:54 And there's a lot of people that no one loves me.
15:55 I'm in here, I've done wrong.
15:57 And there's no hope, no one loves me whatsoever.
16:00 But then there's people outside of prison
16:01 that are right now probably watching, viewing,
16:03 and they're hopeless.
16:05 So thank you for this topic.
16:06 Because really, we're talking about God's love.
16:08 But man, that's incredible for someone,
16:10 their mother, their father, they felt no love from them.
16:12 There is massive abuse in their household.
16:14 And they're the only one
16:15 they feel alone that no one cares for them.
16:17 So it's a fantastic topic,
16:20 because they feel that God the Creator,
16:21 the one who formed you loves you.
16:24 That's phenomenal,
16:25 so it's, to me it's encouraging,
16:27 very encouraging.
16:28 So thank you for this.
16:30 It's an encouraging family worship.
16:31 1 John 3:1 says,
16:32 "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us,
16:38 that we should be called the children of God!
16:41 Therefore the world does not know us,
16:42 because it did not know Him."
16:46 First word, behold.
16:48 That's right.
16:49 I don't even know how you can behold that, right?
16:51 Because I don't even understand the fullness of God.
16:53 It is a mystery. Yeah.
16:54 I'm thinking about trying to behold the sun, sunshine,
16:56 I can't behold the sun.
16:57 If I look with the naked eye at the sunshine,
16:59 I'd go blind is what they say.
17:01 I've never tried it.
17:02 And I've been told never to try it.
17:04 I think about trying to behold God, behold His love.
17:07 I mean, it's just incredible.
17:08 We know He loves us. That's right.
17:09 Yeah, but to behold the love of God.
17:12 And then it says,
17:14 "The Father has bestowed on us
17:15 that we should be called the children of God."
17:17 I have here the children of God,
17:19 that is powerful.
17:21 I was blessed with wonderful Christian parents,
17:23 but there's a lot of people
17:25 that their family situation is all messed up.
17:27 It's terrible situation.
17:29 So to be called children, that's awesome, of God.
17:34 I know.
17:35 growing up, it was always such a great thing for me.
17:38 And again, I had great parents,
17:40 and I'm so blessed with that.
17:41 But when I'd be out to say somewhere,
17:43 and my dad would say,
17:44 Oh, hey, that's my son over there.
17:46 Yeah.
17:48 Man, you know, that makes you feel so good,
17:49 like, oh, wow.
17:50 My dad's like, oh, you know, that's,
17:52 I don't know who he is.
17:53 It's like, no, hey, that's my son over there.
17:55 And like, or, you know, hey, this is my children,
17:56 my sister and I.
17:58 Yeah, yeah.
17:59 It's awesome. Yeah.
18:01 That's an earthly parent. That's true.
18:02 But to think of God in heaven
18:03 saying, hey, you're My children and I love you.
18:06 Yeah. Wow.
18:07 That's an incredible thought. Amen.
18:09 You were gonna comment on that or no...
18:11 No, no.
18:12 I was just basking in everything you were saying.
18:13 Oh, yeah. Okay.
18:15 Yeah, to be called the children of God.
18:16 It's just, it's phenomenal. I love the scripture.
18:18 It's very encouraging to me, 1 John. 3:1.
18:21 Yes, absolutely.
18:23 I mean, you know, you look at some things,
18:25 especially in the realm of spirituality
18:28 and just God.
18:30 And some things just aren't quantifiable like,
18:34 like you said,
18:35 how can you quantify God's love?
18:37 Like there's, yeah, there's no words
18:41 in the English language, or any language
18:43 that can really fully convey
18:46 the splendor of God and His love
18:50 like it's, it's, He's incredible.
18:52 So we've got Deuteronomy 7:9,
18:58 "Therefore know that the Lord your God,
19:02 He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy
19:06 for a thousand generations with those who love Him,
19:11 and keep His commandments."
19:13 And then I want us to go
19:15 to 1 Corinthians 1:9.
19:21 1 Corinthians 1:9, and it says,
19:24 "God is faithful,
19:27 by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son,
19:31 Jesus Christ, our Lord."
19:34 Then we have John 15:4-5.
19:41 And it's interesting because, you know,
19:44 as we're going to get to that point,
19:46 possibly later on,
19:48 in this program, we'll get there.
19:52 But where we kind of look
19:53 at how we demonstrate our love toward God.
19:57 But in here in John 15:4-5,
20:04 we've got, it says,
20:05 "Abide in Me, and I in you.
20:07 As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself,
20:09 unless it abides in the vine,
20:11 neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
20:14 I am the vine, you are the branches.
20:17 He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit,
20:20 for without Me you can do nothing."
20:23 So when we think about loving God,
20:25 and all of that,
20:26 like we can't even love God,
20:29 without Him instilling that in us,
20:31 and you know we are to abide in Him.
20:34 And then in verse 9 and 10,
20:36 "As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you,
20:40 abide in My love."
20:42 He wants us to abide in His love.
20:44 "If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love,
20:47 just as I have kept My Father's commandments
20:49 and abide in His love."
20:51 And that kind of goes into our other area
20:54 that's kind of jumping ahead a little bit.
20:57 But yes, I think that's so incredible
21:01 like, you know, when we love something
21:04 we seek after it, we go after it,
21:06 we pursue it, you know.
21:08 You guys are married, right?
21:11 Well, it's something worked out for you.
21:15 Did you?
21:16 Did you pursue your wife?
21:18 Like how did...
21:19 Let's talk about that for a second?
21:21 Absolutely. Yeah, I'd be happy to.
21:26 No, that's great. Absolutely.
21:27 Yeah, you do. I mean, I did pursue my wife.
21:29 Yeah, we communicated
21:31 and that relationship
21:32 was started out as a friendship.
21:34 Then after a while,
21:35 when I moved here as an intern,
21:37 you know, she was somewhere else
21:38 doing her internship.
21:39 And then after we graduated,
21:41 you know, I was here working,
21:42 I'm like, boy, you know what?
21:43 This friendship with my, well, she was a friend,
21:46 I was gonna say, my wife, she wasn't my wife then.
21:48 You know, I want to go to the next level.
21:49 So then the friendship moved to courting or dating
21:51 and then into marriage.
21:53 So yeah, I did pursue relationship with her.
21:55 And it got deeper and deeper.
21:56 Yeah. And that love grew.
21:58 How did you build that relationship?
22:00 Uh-ah. Communication.
22:02 We actually did actually handwritten letters
22:03 back in the day, Jason.
22:05 Wow.
22:06 We've been married that many years.
22:08 But we still had snail mail then.
22:10 I had a little email account too,
22:12 I didn't even have a cell phone then at that point.
22:14 But we did a lot of communicating
22:15 through letters, of course, and cards.
22:17 And I knew things that she liked.
22:19 And so, you know, I get little gifts
22:20 and send her presents.
22:22 And yeah, yeah, we grew that,
22:23 but communication was the key.
22:24 Did it take time?
22:26 It did take time. Oh, yeah. It didn't happen overnight.
22:28 Yeah, 'cause we were great friends in college
22:29 for about four years.
22:31 And then, of course, afterwards for a year or so
22:32 and then got married.
22:34 But yeah, just grew over time.
22:35 Absolutely. Communication, though.
22:37 And you know, the thing is, too,
22:38 is not just one way communication.
22:40 Yeah.
22:42 So I didn't, she didn't just write me all that letters.
22:43 I would write her back. It was back and forth.
22:45 That's right. Yeah.
22:47 That's great comparison, Jason.
22:48 To dialogue among all of that. Thank you.
22:50 That's right.
22:51 I love that, Ryan. You're right.
22:54 And this way is where our relationship
22:55 with God has worked, right?
22:57 It's got to be a dialogue, not necessarily a monologue.
22:59 Amen.
23:00 You know, God wants to speak to us.
23:01 He wants to bestow that love upon us.
23:03 And that's a communicable effort
23:06 in the sense that we have to be able to receive
23:07 as much as we give,
23:09 you know, speaking of that...
23:10 I like that.
23:12 Yeah, me and my wife,
23:13 you know, we were high school sweethearts,
23:14 she was a freshman, I was a junior in high school.
23:17 And, you know, it's interesting,
23:20 because when you have that,
23:23 when you first comprehend
23:26 that someone is interested in you,
23:27 that feels great.
23:29 It does feel great. It feels great.
23:30 And the Bible is flooded with text
23:33 that communicates to us that God is interested in us,
23:36 that He's constantly pursuing us trying to woo us.
23:39 And that's the thing, you know,
23:40 when you first get that first love with your,
23:43 with your, the person that you're trying to,
23:45 you know, be with or create a relationship with.
23:47 You won't, you can't,
23:48 you can't not be enough around them, right?
23:51 You've to spend as much time around them as possible.
23:53 And so I remember, you know, growing up
23:55 and a lot of people would probably call it puppy love,
23:57 you know, is that, you know, it's not anything,
24:00 but yet, you know,
24:01 I grew up in a home
24:03 where my parents taught me
24:04 like, you don't just,
24:06 you don't just play the game, right?
24:07 You don't play the world game of relationships
24:08 where you get together and you break up the next week
24:10 and get together with somebody,
24:11 and break up with them next week.
24:13 My parents bestowed within me
24:14 that if you know, if you're going to have
24:16 a relationship with someone,
24:17 you're going to do it right,
24:18 you're going to treat this girl with respect,
24:20 you're going to pursue it in the right way.
24:21 So that, so the longevity of the relationship exists
24:25 that there's a long lastingness there.
24:26 And the same thing
24:28 that was bestowed upon us in marriage,
24:29 my parents before my mom passed
24:31 was together for 37 years.
24:32 They were actually together longer than that
24:35 they were married for 37 years.
24:36 Wow.
24:38 So in my home, it was, you do everything you can
24:40 to protect and establish
24:42 and continue that relationship on.
24:44 And so, you know, same thing with me and my wife, Stephanie
24:47 is we have always,
24:48 you know, through the ups and the downs and all that,
24:50 you know, as Greg said, communication is key.
24:53 If you're not in open communication
24:55 with that person,
24:56 if you're not willing to take the time to iron out,
25:00 to talk through, to converse, and to have that dialogue,
25:04 that special dialogue,
25:06 that special time that you spend together.
25:07 That's key.
25:09 And the same thing goes with our relationship with God.
25:11 God loves us. That's clear.
25:12 But He also wants us to understand that love.
25:15 And we're gonna get into a text in just a moment,
25:17 I think you might be reading them,
25:18 I'm not sure.
25:19 Where it talks about, you know, God is love.
25:21 And I don't know who's reading that.
25:23 I think it's maybe actually I think you are reading it.
25:25 Yeah, 1 John Chapter 4, where we get in a second.
25:27 So I'll save my comment on this point.
25:29 But the fact that God it's very clear
25:31 that God loves us,
25:33 He's done everything He can to show that love.
25:36 But, you know, there's another scripture
25:37 that says that we love Him
25:39 because He first loved us, right?
25:40 And so we have to understand that it's a,
25:43 it's a kind of a two way street,
25:45 in which you have to pretty much
25:47 be able to be willing to give just as much as you receive.
25:50 And it goes both ways.
25:51 Absolutely. It's powerful. I love that.
25:53 And so you have to initiate that love?
25:55 Yeah. And you want to spend as much time.
25:57 And I remember, I drove my parents crazy.
25:59 Hey, I'm gonna go over to Stephanie, isn't it?
26:02 It came to the point where they're like,
26:03 look, you've been spending too much time with this girl.
26:06 You're about to drive her parents crazy.
26:07 And what are you thinking about?
26:09 You know, you gotta stay home for the weekend.
26:10 And I'm sure her parents did the same thing.
26:12 But yet, that's the thing
26:13 about the beautiful thing about God's love,
26:15 and the relationship you have with God,
26:17 God's not putting you on,
26:18 you know, He's not putting you on the spot
26:21 or He's not pressing the pause button
26:22 and saying, look, whoo,
26:23 you've been spending way too much time
26:25 with me lately.
26:26 You gotta slow this thing down.
26:28 Give me some time to breathe up in here.
26:29 That's not what God's saying, right?
26:30 God, His line of communication,
26:33 His time you want to spend with Him.
26:34 It's open 24/7.
26:36 And He says, the more time you spend with Me,
26:38 the more you're open with Me,
26:39 the more you communicate with Me,
26:41 the more I'm going to be able to replicate
26:43 this loving character in your life.
26:45 Beautiful. That is beautiful.
26:47 You can never wear out your love with God.
26:50 Yes, yes.
26:51 Now, Dakota, how did you woo your wife?
26:55 Well, we were also high school sweethearts.
26:57 Ann and I were and I'll never forget,
26:59 you know, when we first,
27:01 when I first went to the high school,
27:02 I moved to her high school, my junior year.
27:04 And I was kind of the new guy.
27:06 And all the girls were interested
27:07 in the new guy,
27:08 because this was a small school,
27:10 only had like 20 kids in my graduating class,
27:11 so very small school.
27:13 But everybody knew who the new guy was.
27:14 But all the girls had talked to me except my wife
27:17 at the time.
27:18 Again she wasn't my wife then, we were still in high school.
27:20 But I was just like, who is this girl?
27:23 Why is she not talking to me?
27:24 You know, everybody else would come up to me
27:25 and would talk to me.
27:27 And so I was interested
27:28 in having a relationship with her.
27:30 But I didn't know who she was,
27:31 I didn't know anything about her.
27:33 And I found out she had a boyfriend.
27:34 So that's why she wasn't talking to me
27:36 because she was loyal.
27:37 But I was like, I liked that quality.
27:38 I like that.
27:40 I like that characteristic, she's loyal.
27:41 And she's not just talking
27:43 to flirt with all these other guys.
27:44 And all these other girls would have boyfriends,
27:45 but they'd be flirting with other guys too at school.
27:48 And I'm like, I don't wanna do that.
27:50 Now I guess Ryan said
27:51 our parents raised us differently.
27:52 And so, I just remember being respectful.
27:55 And always, you know, trying to do my best to,
27:57 you know, show the love of God when I could.
28:00 And she saw that.
28:01 And then one day
28:02 when her boyfriend her broke up,
28:04 she messaged me on Facebook, and she's like,
28:07 "Hey, I'm sorry that I never, you know, talk to you."
28:09 And she's like,
28:11 "I would like to get to know you a little bit more."
28:12 And I remember like jumping up and doing like this dance.
28:15 Like, I started like dancing.
28:16 I was like, oh, man,
28:18 this girl like wants to have something to do with me.
28:19 Uh-huh.
28:21 And so we started talking and I'll never forget,
28:23 you know, you while I fell in love with her looks
28:26 like I looked at her and I thought,
28:27 you know, this is a beautiful girl.
28:29 I could not give her my heart and my affections.
28:31 Right?
28:33 And so, you know, the Bible says in John 3:16,
28:36 "For God so loved the world,
28:38 that He gave His only begotten Son
28:39 that whosoever believeth in Him
28:41 should not perish but have everlasting life."
28:43 But that word believeth is what a lot of people misunderstand,
28:45 that word believeth means to trust in God.
28:48 We see, that's the thing.
28:49 That's why I couldn't get my affections to Anna
28:51 at the time
28:52 was because I didn't know her well enough.
28:54 There was not a relationship established for me
28:56 to give her my affection.
28:57 So the thing is, listen,
28:59 you can't trust someone you do not know.
29:02 So I had to get to know her. I had to spend time with her.
29:05 I had to create a relationship.
29:06 And I remember is that
29:08 the more time I spent with her,
29:09 the more I fell in love with her.
29:11 And it's still the same today.
29:12 Same situation, the more time I spend with her,
29:14 the more I fall in love with her.
29:15 And I'll never forget,
29:16 going to like
29:18 she would write me notes in the class, right?
29:20 And I would write her notes in class.
29:21 And I never, I couldn't,
29:23 I just, I couldn't help
29:24 but to read the note even in class.
29:26 Now, where these the handwritten notes?
29:28 Yeah, these are the handwritten notes.
29:30 Okay, yeah.
29:31 We still have all the notes too,
29:33 all the notes that we ever wrote each other.
29:34 We kept up with every one of them.
29:36 And I'll never forget.
29:38 I would go, she would write me a note
29:40 and I would be so excited to read it,
29:41 because it was like
29:43 her love letter to me, you know.
29:44 I'd be so excited to read it.
29:45 I would go to the boys' restroom.
29:47 You know, if you get caught reading in the class,
29:49 you know, the teacher make you read
29:50 in front of everybody.
29:51 And so that would be embarrassing.
29:54 So we would, we would go,
29:56 I would go to the boys' restroom, right?
29:58 And I put the note in my pocket and I would say sit there,
30:00 and I will just endure the smell
30:02 and all the stinks of the boys' restroom.
30:04 And I would sit there and just read the note
30:05 and hold on to every word, you know, that she wrote me.
30:08 Because you fall in love with someone,
30:10 the more time you spend with them.
30:11 It's the same way with Jesus.
30:12 Jesus has already loved us immeasurably, right?
30:17 We can't even measure God's love for us.
30:19 But the question is do we love Him?
30:22 And how we fall in love with Him
30:23 and spending time with Him?
30:24 Absolutely. So yeah.
30:26 Amen. Amen.
30:27 Excellent illustrations.
30:28 Were you going to pick up?
30:30 Well, I was, there's some interesting points brought up
30:31 and I think it's, it's something good
30:32 and important for people to remember
30:34 that you're talking about the ups and the downs, right?
30:35 The save relationship, but the love doesn't change.
30:38 Amen.
30:39 You know, so when we go back,
30:41 I'm thinking of the 1 John 3, behold what manner of love,
30:43 you know, talking about being the children of God,
30:45 it's not like you're only my children
30:46 if you're only good or do certain things.
30:49 We're God's children,
30:50 you know, so like, we're talking about to say
30:52 someone that feels like they've done so much wrong.
30:53 Yeah.
30:55 There's no way God could love me.
30:56 You know what? You're still God's child.
30:58 He wants to do better
30:59 and you know, learn and then grow.
31:00 Yeah. But still, that's powerful.
31:02 Because, okay, just to say the ups and downs relationship
31:03 doesn't mean okay,
31:05 yeah, we're done, there's no love there.
31:06 No, it's just the ups and downs,
31:07 but we're still, you know, like,
31:09 husband and wife, we're still a couple.
31:10 Absolutely.
31:11 You know, as we're talking about all this,
31:13 you know, kind of making the analogy
31:14 of our own relationships with our spouses,
31:16 in connection,
31:18 you know, in correlation with our relationship with God.
31:20 When you're in that special relationship,
31:22 you can't, you can't give them enough
31:25 as far as you can't...
31:26 I love giving gifts to my wife,
31:29 I love, you know,
31:30 one of the ways that I show that love
31:31 is not just by spending time but on occasion,
31:34 I will go out and I will,
31:36 you know, buy a special gift for her
31:37 and bring it to her and give it to her
31:39 when she's not expecting it.
31:40 And those are the little moments
31:41 that says it that you're now showing,
31:43 you're showing that love.
31:45 Well, God, you know, He's the best gift giver,
31:48 you can't outgive God, right?
31:49 There's not a best better gift giver in the world.
31:52 But God bestowed the greatest gift of all,
31:54 by giving what most of us would never be able to get,
31:58 and that's His own Son.
31:59 Notice, 1 John 4:9-10.
32:02 It says here,
32:03 "In this the love of God was manifested toward us,
32:06 that God has sent
32:07 His only begotten Son into the world."
32:09 So this is going along
32:10 with what Dakota referenced John 316,
32:12 that famous chapter, for God so loved, right?
32:14 That He gave His only Son.
32:16 But notice it goes on to say,
32:17 His only begotten Son into the world
32:19 that we might live through Him.
32:20 Verse 10, this is 1 John 4:10,
32:23 "In this is love, not that we loved God,
32:27 but that He loved us and sent His Son
32:30 to be the propitiation for our sins."
32:32 So not only is God giving His perfect, sinless Son,
32:37 but yet He's saying, I'm giving them to you
32:39 so that you might be saved,
32:41 so that you might have an opportunity
32:43 and a redemption from sin,
32:45 to be able to have eternal life.
32:47 That's the greatest gift
32:48 that you can bestow upon anyone.
32:49 And I have to say, you know,
32:51 a lot of people kind of play off the idea that,
32:53 well, you know, the Father knew
32:55 He was going to resurrect Jesus,
32:56 you know, it wasn't going to be,
32:58 but yet, in Christ, human state,
33:00 when all the sin of the world
33:01 had been brought upon Him at that moment,
33:03 Jesus made, still made the conscious decision to say,
33:05 "Not My will, but Yours Father be done."
33:08 At that moment, when the sin of the world
33:10 was bearing upon Him,
33:11 He lost that connection with His Father,
33:14 that connection was severed,
33:16 and the full wrath of God was poured out upon Him,
33:18 to the point that
33:19 now He's hanging up on that tree,
33:21 but fully believing that
33:22 this was an eternal death.
33:23 You wanna talk about a love,
33:25 a love beyond that anyone could possibly...
33:27 In my mind, I'm sitting here thinking about it.
33:29 And I can't begin to even fathom that love.
33:32 The love was so deep and so strong,
33:34 that Christ was willing to put upon,
33:36 He was willing to lay down and say,
33:37 there's a chance, there's a possibility
33:40 that I'll forever be severed
33:41 and disconnected from My Father.
33:44 Wow!
33:45 But He was willing to do that for us.
33:46 He was willing to do that for us.
33:48 What great gift, right? Yeah, that's incredible.
33:49 You said something that's really powerful, too,
33:51 that really goes along with everything we're studying
33:53 is that you talked about how, you know,
33:55 people think they're not good enough.
33:56 You know, and sometimes they feel like,
33:58 I'm not good enough for God's love.
33:59 Yeah, a lot of people.
34:01 You know, the devil would love us to believe
34:02 that we're greater of a sinner than Jesus is a savior.
34:03 Right.
34:05 He really would love us to believe that.
34:06 And one of the things that,
34:07 one of the things I've noticed in my own relationship to God,
34:10 in my own walk is that,
34:12 you know, when you sin and you commit sin,
34:14 just like Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden,
34:16 the devil wants you to think the way you feel about yourself
34:19 is the way God feels about you.
34:21 Right? That's really good.
34:22 Yeah, it really is, what he wants you to think
34:23 and so that you don't run to God,
34:25 but you hide from God just like Adam and Eve did,
34:27 you know, you hide from Him, you don't want to,
34:28 you know, run to Him.
34:30 And, you know, this made me think about
34:32 what all of this in lines that made me think about quote,
34:35 that I heard it years ago,
34:36 I don't even know who said this quote.
34:37 But it says that there's nothing you can do
34:39 to cause God to love you more.
34:42 And there's nothing you can do to cause God to love you less.
34:44 Yes.
34:46 God's love for you never changes.
34:47 Amen. Right?
34:48 And I think that's so profound.
34:50 And this scripture is where I thought of,
34:51 Ryan, you were talking about what you're saying,
34:53 is that in Matthew 13:44-46,
34:56 it's the parable of the hidden treasure,
34:59 and the pearl of great price.
35:01 And listen to what it says here, it says,
35:02 "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like
35:04 unto treasure hid in a field,
35:06 the which when a man hath found,
35:07 he hideth, and for joy thereof go and sells all that he hath,
35:10 and buyeth that field.
35:11 And again, the kingdom of heaven
35:13 is like unto a merchant man,
35:14 seeking goodly pearls:
35:16 Who, when he had found one pearl of great price,
35:17 went and sold all that he had, and bought it."
35:20 Now, a lot of the times we read passages like this,
35:22 we tend to kind of internalize them
35:23 and we make them about ourself.
35:25 But God's love, it's not about us.
35:29 It's about Him, right?
35:30 It's His love that we're talking about.
35:32 So let's, when we read this text,
35:33 like it's so powerful,
35:35 because notice that the man
35:37 who finds the treasure in the field
35:39 and the pearl of great price,
35:41 the man who finds it he sells all that he have
35:44 that he might obtain it.
35:45 Yes.
35:47 Do we really give up
35:48 all that we have that we might...
35:50 Can you buy Jesus?
35:52 You're dropping some spirits...
35:53 No, can you buy the treasure in the field?
35:56 Right, or can you buy it? Can you buy Jesus so to speak?
35:58 Can you buy the salvation?
36:00 You can't buy it and so,
36:01 you can't buy Jesus and you can't buy salvation.
36:03 So I would like to submit
36:05 that while there is a obviously a connection
36:08 and I believe this is a dual application for
36:11 we, yes, have to give up, you know,
36:12 things that are precious to us to have heaven.
36:15 I think that we need to focus on
36:17 not what we give up but what God gave up.
36:19 Yeah. That's right.
36:20 And so when we read this,
36:22 "The kingdom of heaven is likened
36:23 to a treasure hidden field,
36:25 the which when a man, right, have found, he hideth,
36:28 and for the joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath,
36:30 and buyeth that field."
36:32 And the same thing with a pearl,
36:33 he finds that pearl of great price,
36:34 and for the joy thereof he sells all that he has
36:36 and he buys that field.
36:37 In other words, notice it's a treasure hid in a field.
36:40 Matthew 13 is the passage this is in.
36:43 The field symbolizes the world.
36:46 So he finds a treasure in the world.
36:48 Yes.
36:49 Right? Yeah.
36:51 And he gives away all that he has.
36:52 So this is talking about Jesus' sacrifice,
36:54 you know, in heaven.
36:55 He gave up all that He had, all His, you know, omniscience,
36:59 His omnipresence, His omnipotence,
37:02 He gave up all of His attributes
37:03 that the Son of God might become the Son of Man,
37:05 and literally make the greatest sacrifice of all.
37:09 And when we think about it that way,
37:10 it's like, well, and it's a goodly pearl.
37:12 Right? It is.
37:13 It's a pearl of great price, right?
37:16 There's no greater price than Jesus.
37:18 No, that's right. It's beautiful.
37:19 Amen. That's deep.
37:20 The love of God.
37:22 That is really deep.
37:23 Yeah, like, you know, and I think another thing is
37:26 don't necessarily think about just what we're giving up.
37:30 But what are we gaining? That's right.
37:32 What are we gaining by accepting Christ?
37:35 Okay, so I got to put these cigarettes down, right?
37:38 So basically, I'm trying not to get cancer now.
37:41 So you know, I'm caring for my health.
37:43 Oh, so I got to put this bottle of alcohol down.
37:46 Oh, so my liver is going to be healthy.
37:49 You know, so I'm getting healthy liver.
37:52 You know, all of these different things.
37:54 Like God is not a God
37:56 that wants to take away a bunch of things from us.
38:00 He came to give us life
38:02 and give it to them more abundantly.
38:04 That's right. And so that's, that is huge.
38:07 I love that point.
38:08 I can't imagine,
38:09 I know this illustration may be silly,
38:11 but I can't imagine,
38:12 you know, salvation,
38:14 eternal life is similar to this.
38:16 It's like God's saying,
38:17 "Give me your dollar, and I'll give you a million."
38:22 You know, I know it maybe a silly illustration,
38:24 but certainly if you think about it.
38:26 I like that. Yeah.
38:27 And yet, but yeah, we white-knuckle
38:28 and hold on to that to that dollar.
38:30 And we're just like, you know,
38:31 we don't want to give up that one dollar
38:33 when God is saying, like, look up, but I have a million.
38:34 I've so much more than I want to give you.
38:36 You know, of course, we know that, you know,
38:38 God's gift is eternal. Right?
38:40 You can't just equate it to a million dollars.
38:41 That's a great illustration.
38:43 But nonetheless, I think I loved what you said there.
38:45 We have, we look up, you know, just consider the fact
38:48 that what we're giving up
38:49 in connection what we're gaining.
38:51 What we're gaining is so much far
38:53 beyond what the human mind can comprehend
38:55 in connection with what we're sacrificing
38:57 in these moments
38:59 for this one little blink of a life
39:00 that we're going to be living
39:01 in connection to eternal eternity.
39:05 Yeah. Okay.
39:06 They say that the average man lives,
39:07 what, 70, 75 years, something like that.
39:10 I don't know what it is now, maybe 75 for the average man.
39:12 Okay, what's 75 years to eternity?
39:16 Oh, it's nothing.
39:18 It's like I can imagine when we get into heaven,
39:21 and we're there all because of the love of God,
39:23 we're talking about the love of God,
39:24 that you can look back
39:26 on this little blink of a memory that you had
39:30 your 75 or 80 years here on this planet,
39:33 or whatever it may be.
39:34 And you could probably say to yourself in
39:36 when I'm considering the eternal time,
39:39 that I have to just be
39:41 in the very loving presence of God,
39:43 I would go through that a thousand more times
39:46 if it meant, you know,
39:47 having these moments with the Lord
39:49 and so, but all of that,
39:51 I say all of that within the context,
39:52 that it's all about God's love.
39:54 If it wasn't for God's love,
39:55 we wouldn't even be having the conversation.
39:57 But it's all, the epicenter of this whole conversation
40:00 of eternity and sacrifice
40:03 is God's love makes the difference.
40:05 It's kind of the common denominator
40:07 for the whole conversation.
40:09 Yeah. Absolutely.
40:10 And that's the motivating factor
40:12 is why He does what He does is out of His love.
40:15 You know, I heard somebody say this,
40:16 this came from a police officer.
40:18 He said,
40:19 "We don't treat, you know, these people as professionals,
40:25 because they're professional,
40:27 we treat them professional
40:28 because professionally because we're professionals."
40:33 And so when you think about that,
40:36 it's really deep,
40:37 like how do we treat people as Christians?
40:39 Yeah.
40:41 You know, what is our response as you pointed out earlier,
40:43 like you really saw the love of Christ,
40:46 when you saw how the love of Christ
40:48 changed your brother.
40:49 That's right. Yeah.
40:50 And that spoke to you.
40:52 And he treated you,
40:53 maybe you treated him bad when you were younger, right?
40:56 But he didn't.
40:58 But he didn't respond in once he got Christ.
41:02 He didn't respond, you know,
41:03 in a way that was contrary, you know.
41:06 So I think that's, that's huge.
41:09 Like, once we have that relationship with Christ,
41:11 and we're Christians,
41:13 we need to treat people the way that Christ loves us,
41:18 treats us, speaks to us, deals with us.
41:21 We need to treat them in that manner.
41:23 Amen.
41:25 One of the things I was thinking about too
41:26 with the love of God, you know,
41:27 I was, I really just learned this recently,
41:29 not too long ago.
41:30 And I thought this was so cool.
41:31 I was like, man, this is the coolest thing ever.
41:33 And it's in 1 Timothy 2:14.
41:34 This is a powerful scripture
41:36 that if I was to summarize the gospel,
41:38 I would really summarize it in this one scripture,
41:41 and it's the most bizarre scripture.
41:43 If you read it, when you read it,
41:44 and we're gonna read it in just a bit
41:45 wait would you guys to turn there.
41:47 What was it again?
41:48 It's 1 Timothy 2:14,
41:50 and notice what it says here? says,
41:52 "And Adam was not deceived,
41:54 but the woman being deceived, was in the transgression."
41:58 And you might be thinking,
41:59 well, how is that the gospel, Dakota?
42:01 Like, why do you get good news out of that?
42:03 It's that we have to understand
42:05 the types and antitypes of Scripture, right?
42:08 What Christ represents
42:09 and who He represents in the scripture.
42:11 And the Bible says here that 1 Timothy 2:14,
42:13 that Adam was not deceived.
42:15 Well, if Adam was not deceived.
42:18 It says, but the woman being deceived.
42:19 In other words, Eve was deceived
42:20 in eating the fruit.
42:22 If Adam was not deceived in eating the fruit,
42:24 and what does that therefore tell us?
42:25 He partook of the fruit willingly.
42:28 Right?
42:30 And so, the Bible says in Romans 514,
42:31 that Jesus is the second Adam.
42:33 Yeah.
42:34 So then it begs the question,
42:36 why did Adam partake of the fruit willingly?
42:39 It's because of the love that he had for his bride.
42:41 Yes.
42:43 So like his love for Eve,
42:44 check this out, his love for Eve
42:47 far exceeded his own existence.
42:49 Wow.
42:50 He said,
42:51 "If I can't have her, I don't want to live myself.
42:55 And so he ate.
42:56 And so Jesus, likewise,
42:58 He saw His bride Adam and Eve in the garden,
43:00 foolishly making decisions.
43:01 And He said, you know what Father.
43:03 Jesus said,
43:04 "If I can't have My bride,
43:06 then I don't even want to live."
43:08 Right?
43:09 And it's so beautiful to think about it that way
43:11 that God was willing to give up His very own life to redeem us,
43:15 so that we can be redeemed from that fallen position,
43:19 and have life again, it's really powerful.
43:21 That is powerful. Amen.
43:23 You know, Jason, I was thinking about your thought about,
43:25 you know, far as how much love God's given to us.
43:28 And then it's sad to see the world
43:30 because we've all been extended this love,
43:32 but then you talk about loving each other,
43:34 that you're referring to.
43:36 And, I know, unfortunately,
43:38 I haven't loved everyone like I should.
43:40 How God has loved me,
43:41 I'm surely not extending that to other people.
43:43 Judgmental, I'll say, you know what?
43:45 I got a little issue about this.
43:46 Well, okay.
43:48 So God may, could say,
43:49 well, I have a little issue with you to Greg.
43:51 But He still loves me, right?
43:52 But I'm not extending that love to other people,
43:54 I could...
43:56 Yeah, unfortunately,
43:57 I haven't always been Christ-like.
43:59 Yeah, and that's a daily struggle.
44:00 It is a daily struggle.
44:02 And so, you know, when you think about
44:03 all the strife and the chaos in the world,
44:05 there's definitely not love being extended
44:07 as Christ extends His love.
44:09 So it's really, it's sad.
44:10 It really is a sad state that we're in for sure.
44:14 Amen.
44:15 Ryan, you've got Ephesians?
44:17 Ephesians, yes.
44:19 So we are going to Ephesians 3:17-19.
44:23 And the Bible says,
44:24 "That Christ may dwell in your hearts
44:26 through faith,
44:28 that you, being rooted and grounded in love,"
44:30 I love that,
44:32 "may be able to comprehend with all the saints
44:35 what is the width, the length, the depth and height,
44:39 to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge, "
44:42 I love that,
44:43 "that you may be filled with all the fullness of God."
44:47 Man, what a mouthful.
44:49 There's a lot there in those two or three verses.
44:52 You know, this kind of actually goes back
44:53 to what we were talking about earlier, Greg,
44:55 when you were talking about the beholding aspect.
44:56 Oh, yeah.
44:58 Behold what manner of love
44:59 the Father has bestowed upon us.
45:01 Is that even possible?
45:02 Not for me.
45:03 Is it really possible to fully comprehend
45:05 the width, the length, the depth,
45:06 the height of God's love, right?
45:07 I can't.
45:09 I'm an analytical thinker. I like to think deep.
45:11 And sometimes I'll just daydream
45:12 and go into pondering about things.
45:14 And I've often thought about this very simple
45:16 but to me profound.
45:19 I think the fact that God created other beings,
45:25 in and of them in and of that whole situation
45:28 and of itself,
45:29 to me says something about God's love.
45:32 Because you know, there, I mean, God has always been,
45:36 but there had to have been a time
45:38 when there was no one else.
45:39 We don't know how long that was.
45:41 We don't know when that,
45:42 but God made the conscious decision,
45:44 go with me on, this is powerful.
45:45 God made the conscious decision to say
45:47 I'm going to create others.
45:50 In this case, we would have been the angels,
45:52 the people from the unfallen worlds,
45:55 however long that may have been.
45:56 But nonetheless,
45:58 at the very moment that He decided
45:59 He was going to create those other beings,
46:02 He immediately subjected Himself
46:04 to certain conditions
46:05 that was irreversible in the sense that
46:08 if He was going to be who He is,
46:10 God is love.
46:11 In fact, Brother, can we read that text real quick?
46:13 I've been trying to gravitate to this.
46:15 So 1 John Chapter 4.
46:16 Oh, yeah, go for it. Yeah.
46:18 Well, it was your text.
46:19 Go ahead and read it 1 John 4:7-8,
46:20 read those texts there, and then I'll make a point.
46:22 Sure. Yeah.
46:23 "Beloved, let us love one another,
46:25 for love is of God,
46:27 and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God."
46:29 Verse 8 says,
46:31 "He who does not love does not know God,
46:33 for God is love."
46:35 Okay. God is love.
46:36 Not that God is just mere loving,
46:37 but He is love that is, that's His character,
46:42 that's His nature, that's who He is, right?
46:44 So the moment that God created these beings,
46:48 for Him to be love, for true God enough to exist,
46:52 He immediately created them,
46:54 where He placed Himself in a situation
46:57 where He's limited,
46:58 He's limited to a certain extent.
46:59 This is powerful,
47:01 because at the moment He created them,
47:03 He created them with the freedom,
47:05 and I think it's a...
47:06 I heard a minister bring this out one time that
47:08 I think it was CS Lewis,
47:10 who said and one of the greatest mysteries of all
47:12 is that God...
47:14 And you can help me out if I'm misquoting this.
47:16 CS Lewis basically said that
47:17 one of the greatest mysteries of all
47:19 then that a loving perfect God
47:21 would create the created, His creation
47:26 with the full ability to reject the Creator.
47:30 Yeah. That's profound.
47:31 That is profound. Wow!
47:33 That God would, you know,
47:35 He's omniscient, He knows everything,
47:37 before He even thought...
47:39 I mean, at the moment the thought came to His mind,
47:40 I'm gonna create some angels, I'm gonna create these people.
47:44 But at that very moment,
47:46 the moment He does that, He's now
47:48 He is subjecting Himself
47:49 to fully at all times be on display,
47:52 because He's created them with the freedom
47:55 and the ability to choose
47:56 to either accept Him or reject Him.
47:57 Wow.
47:59 In other words, at the moment that one, just one of them.
48:01 In this case, Lucifer was the first who rejected Him,
48:04 now it launches us,
48:06 it launches God and us into this never,
48:09 it seems like never ending battle of sin,
48:11 this great controversy battle of sin.
48:13 God knew all of that,
48:14 but was willing to take the risk,
48:17 because of what?
48:18 What was the foundation?
48:20 Because of love. Because of love.
48:21 He went into this full thing saying,
48:23 you know what?
48:24 Even if it does happen,
48:25 even if one of them does reject Me,
48:28 and now the whole universe
48:29 is going to be looking at Me and saying,
48:31 "Okay, how is He going to respond to this?"
48:33 You know, we look at all of the results of sin,
48:34 and it's horrible,
48:36 I think of how horrible sin,
48:37 but really, it's all about
48:39 a misrepresentation of God's character.
48:40 God is now put on the stands before all of the universe,
48:44 because this one angel, fallen angel,
48:47 Lucifer now launches us into this thing called sin,
48:50 where God is now being put on the stands in the world,
48:53 the universe is looking and saying,
48:55 "Is He who He says He is? Is He really a God of love?"
48:58 Because think about it,
48:59 God immediately when that would have happened,
49:01 God could have said,
49:02 with a snap of a finger with the word,
49:04 and He could have just completely
49:05 wiped the slate clean and go
49:07 every creation just started over,
49:09 because He wouldn't want to continue on.
49:10 But He's subjected Himself to that.
49:12 To me, that's love. God is love.
49:14 It requires freedom.
49:15 And that freedom involves risk, risk of what?
49:18 Risk of losing those people that you love so much.
49:21 That's godly love,
49:22 that's powerful when you really just,
49:24 and there's so much more
49:25 you can think of and talk about,
49:27 but that goes deep, that rabbit hole goes deep
49:28 to bestow, to really behold the love of God,
49:32 the width, the depth, the height, the...
49:37 You know, it's like mind-blowing, right?
49:38 How do you really comprehend the love of God?
49:40 It's a mystery. It's powerful though.
49:42 Amen. Amen.
49:44 You know, as we've been talking about the love of God,
49:46 and how God loves us,
49:48 and just how huge
49:50 and magnificent His love for us is.
49:53 What can we do
49:55 to demonstrate our love toward God?
49:58 I'm just gonna throw that one out there.
50:00 And anybody who wants to jump in there
50:03 can answer that.
50:04 Now go back to the text that Ryan was talking about
50:06 that I just read is 1 John 4:7, says,
50:09 "Beloved, let us love one another."
50:13 So I think that kind of answers that,
50:14 you know, Jason, for us to demonstrate that
50:16 we need to love others.
50:18 And that's unfortunately we don't see.
50:20 We can look at everyone and say,
50:21 "Man, people don't love each other."
50:22 You know what, it can start with us.
50:24 Okay, then all right, I can look out there and say,
50:25 "Man, people aren't loving each other." Right?
50:26 You know, why don't you, Greg, just start yourself then."
50:28 That's right. So it starts with us.
50:30 It starts with you, you know, to love others,
50:32 that be encouraging others, you know, people need,
50:35 whatever you see, that's loving others.
50:37 And I think that's a demonstration of God's love.
50:39 That's an excellent point.
50:40 So it starts with us? Should.
50:41 Yes. Yeah, absolutely.
50:43 It's always easy to blame someone else
50:44 but, man, I need to look at myself.
50:45 Absolutely.
50:47 3ABN wouldn't be started
50:48 if we just said why don't they have this
50:50 and then don't do anything.
50:51 That's a good point. Yeah.
50:52 So that's great.
50:55 What about you, Dakota,
50:56 you look like you had spinning up there?
50:58 John 14:15.
50:59 Man, that's, that's where the,
51:01 I think how we demonstrate our love to God.
51:02 The Bible says, if you love Me, Jesus Himself said this,
51:05 If you love Me, keep My commandments.
51:07 And so, we don't keep
51:09 God's commandments for salvation,
51:11 but we keep God's commandments because we're in love with Him.
51:13 Right?
51:14 I mean, that's the thing,
51:16 I think a lot of people get confused
51:17 when they start talking about obedience
51:18 versus legalism and all of these other things,
51:20 is that we understand that,
51:22 you know, like, for I'll give an example,
51:23 perfect example.
51:25 We talked about relationships, right?
51:26 Our wives and our, the people we've fallen in love with even.
51:30 And I remember that, you know,
51:33 when we first...
51:34 When Ann and I first got married,
51:35 she would ask me, you know,
51:37 it really late times in the night
51:39 when I would be so exhausted and so tired,
51:41 she would say, you know,
51:42 Dakota, will you please rub my back?
51:44 It's hurting, you know,
51:45 and I'm like, yeah, I'll rub for you.
51:48 You know, I'm, I'm kind of tired,
51:50 you know, but I'll rub it for you know, and I do it.
51:51 And it's kind of like a, yeah, I'll do it,
51:54 but I really don't want to right now.
51:55 You know what I mean?
51:56 I'm just being honest, I'm vulnerable.
51:58 Sometimes that happens.
51:59 I'm sure many people in the program can relate.
52:01 But nevertheless, I noticed as I spent more time with Anna,
52:06 even in our marriage,
52:08 and she'll tell you this is true,
52:10 I'm not lying here.
52:11 It's gonna sound like a lie, but it's not.
52:13 Now on her, on my own,
52:16 after falling in love with her more and more and more,
52:18 I've gotten to where I'll come to her and say,
52:20 you know, Ann, I'm going to rub your back
52:22 tonight for you.
52:23 Because I know you've been, you know, struggling
52:24 and had not having good night's rest.
52:26 I'm going to do that for you.
52:27 And now it's like, she doesn't even have to ask me
52:29 because I want to do it for her.
52:30 And it's when you fall in love with someone.
52:32 That's how it is when God says, listen,
52:34 this is what I'm like,
52:36 this is what I want you to be like,
52:38 it's just like, oh, well, God, I love you.
52:39 So, of course, I'm going to do that.
52:41 You know, it's not something you feel like you have to do
52:43 in order to have salvation.
52:44 And it's very important
52:46 we understand the difference between the two.
52:48 I really like that.
52:50 You become proactive instead of reactive.
52:52 That's right. That's right.
52:53 Amen. That's good.
52:55 That is good.
52:56 You know, I think about Galatians 2:20,
53:00 "I have been crucified with Christ,
53:02 it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me,
53:06 and the life which I now live in the flesh
53:08 I live by faith in the Son of God,
53:11 who loved me and gave Himself for me."
53:13 So when we love God, we live for Him.
53:16 That's right. Amen. That's right.
53:18 It's really Him, He's doing the heavy lifting.
53:20 Amen. That's right.
53:21 You know, He does the heavy lifting for us, so.
53:23 His burden is light, right? Yeah, absolutely, absolutely.
53:27 So, yeah.
53:28 You know, on the same note, Luke 10:27,
53:32 really kind of ties it all together.
53:33 It's kind of a summation, it says,
53:35 "So he answered and said,
53:36 ' You shall love the Lord your God
53:38 with all your heart,
53:39 with all your soul, with all your strength,
53:40 and with all your mind, '
53:42 and 'your neighbor as yourself.'"
53:43 And I love that
53:45 we're bringing up this fact
53:46 that in order to have the love of God,
53:48 we can't just be a recipient of God's love,
53:50 and think that we're in full relationship with Him
53:52 that somehow that just makes everything right.
53:55 In other words, many of us were so focused
53:57 on the vertical.
53:58 We've got this vertical thing going on
54:00 which is just me and God, me and God, me and the Lord,
54:02 just me in my relationship with Jesus,
54:04 which is fantastic, right?
54:05 It all starts there.
54:06 And we got to have a love for God
54:08 because again, we love Him because He first loved us.
54:11 But in receiving
54:12 and being a recipient of the love of God,
54:14 that vertical relationship, if that's right,
54:17 then now there's going to be a horizontal recipient
54:21 and reciprocation of that love,
54:23 in which now we give the love to our brethren
54:27 as God has given to us.
54:28 And so I love that text,
54:30 because it kind of ties everything together.
54:31 It's me, God and my brother, right?
54:33 Just as when God created Adam and Eve,
54:36 you know, He created him in His image, right?
54:38 And, you know, we know that
54:39 the Godhead consists of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
54:41 Notice, it's not just two, it's three,
54:43 because two kind of,
54:45 you kind of can get a selfish love,
54:46 I think of I think of a husband and wife love,
54:48 you know this, you guys don't have children,
54:50 me and Stephanie don't have children.
54:52 Sometimes that love can kind of be a little selfish in nature.
54:55 This is like, just me and Stephanie.
54:58 But yet, you know, when God did give that command
55:00 to go make another,
55:02 that that was the completion of the family of God, right?
55:04 And that's the same thing with.
55:06 And I'm not, certainly not saying that it has to be
55:08 that way if you do or don't have kids.
55:09 I'm saying just in general,
55:10 God wants us to have that all inclusive love,
55:14 where it's not just about ourselves and God,
55:16 it's about God's love to us.
55:18 And when we receive that now
55:20 we're giving out to everyone around us,
55:22 because that's who God is,
55:24 He has given to the whole world
55:25 and we should also give it as well.
55:27 Yeah, I love that.
55:29 You know, and I really want to bring out to this point.
55:32 In Revelation 3:19, it says,
55:35 "As many as I love, this is Jesus speaking,
55:38 as many as I love, I rebuke and chaste.
55:40 Therefore be zealous and repent."
55:42 You know, I think we're living in a day and age
55:44 and where people believe that
55:47 if you love them,
55:49 then you gotta you have to condone their bad behavior.
55:51 If you love them,
55:52 then you have to become their enabler.
55:54 And that is not the case because God loves Us.
55:58 And he doesn't want to see us hurt ourselves,
56:00 you know, you're not going to let
56:02 your little toddler go over there
56:04 and touch the hot stove,
56:05 you're going to say, don't, you know, don't touch that,
56:07 don't do that.
56:09 You're going to try and protect them
56:10 from that danger.
56:11 And so God tries to protect us from danger, and He loves us.
56:15 And so when we love people,
56:17 and we see them walking down
56:19 and heading down the wrong path,
56:21 we have a duty to say something.
56:22 Now, it needs to be done and motivated by love.
56:27 Yes, yes.
56:28 Love is the motivating factor.
56:30 That's right. Amen.
56:31 Praise the Lord. Time is flying.
56:33 I know it, man. Yeah, yeah.
56:34 Now, you quoted Revelation 3:19,
56:36 "As many as I love I rebuke and chasten.
56:38 Therefore be zealous and" what?
56:40 "Repent." Yes.
56:41 Romans 2:4 it tell us,
56:43 what our study is about God's love.
56:45 The goodness of God leads us to repentance.
56:48 We cannot change
56:49 unless we look and behold God's goodness.
56:52 It's only then that we can become like Him.
56:55 Amen. Yeah, that's huge.
56:56 Thank you guys so much
56:58 for your wonderful contributions.
57:01 You've all dropped some serious spiritual nuggets,
57:05 serious spiritual nuggets.
57:06 Glory to God. Praise the Lord.
57:08 We've seen just how much God loves
57:11 each and every one of us.
57:13 And hopefully you've seen it tonight as well
57:15 on how much God loves you
57:17 and even if it were just you on this earth,
57:21 Jesus would have come down
57:22 and He would have died for your sins.
57:25 No matter what you've done, repent, repent.
57:28 God wants you to come to Him.
57:31 He loves you. We love you.
57:33 God bless you.


Revised 2021-03-22