Today Family Worship

Line of Defense

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW210003S

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:08 Mending broken people
00:13 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my word
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:41 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:52 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello, friends. Happy Sabbath.
01:11 And welcome to Family Worship.
01:13 I'm so happy to be here with you tonight,
01:16 especially Sabbath, don't you love Sabbath, honey?
01:18 That's right, honey.
01:19 It says to the body slow down, relax.
01:21 Yes.
01:23 And while you're doing the slowing down and relaxing,
01:25 get your Bibles to join us.
01:27 We're talking about building up your defenses.
01:30 Now we talk about immunity right now.
01:32 That's a big word.
01:34 Herd immunity is an amazing phrase,
01:36 right now we're dealing with diseases of every kind,
01:39 not just the pandemic but so many others,
01:41 but immunity.
01:43 And it takes a while for the body
01:44 to build up immunity.
01:45 It sure does.
01:47 And well, we're gonna be talking
01:48 about a line of...
01:51 Line of defense. Defense.
01:52 Yeah, your immunity to sin, your immunity to trials,
01:56 your immunity to difficult things.
01:58 But let's go ahead and introduce our family.
02:00 Why don't you do that for us, honey,
02:01 'cause we are not by ourselves.
02:03 Oh, I'd be happy to.
02:05 Right here, we have Jan and Donald from,
02:10 well, they go to our church also
02:12 and we're all in the way.
02:14 So happy to have you here.
02:15 You work in the Publishing Department
02:17 and you're in pastoral.
02:19 Yeah it's been a blessing. Yeah.
02:21 We've just been thankful 3ABN accepted us
02:23 and brought us in and loved us.
02:25 And it's just been an amazing journey.
02:27 We've been so thankful.
02:28 And you also personal ministries leader
02:29 at our church.
02:31 Aren't they a wonderful couple, honey?
02:32 Oh. Very inspiring.
02:34 Thank you. God has been good to us.
02:35 He's very patient. Yes, yes.
02:38 And I don't know if to call him our nephew now
02:40 because he always calls me Uncle Lomey.
02:42 Oh, we just love our sweetie over here.
02:44 Jason Bradley, welcome to Family Worship.
02:48 You're not a stranger to Family Worship.
02:50 No, it's great to be here.
02:52 Looking forward to diving into the topic.
02:54 And yes, you are Uncle Lomey and Auntie Angela.
02:56 Amen. Always will be.
02:58 That's right. That's right.
02:59 Just love our J.
03:01 That's right. That's right.
03:02 And for those of you that are joining us
03:04 from your living room or wherever you may be,
03:06 whether with your family or by yourself,
03:09 we always like to begin with prayer.
03:10 So, honey, would you lead us into prayer tonight?
03:12 Let's bow our heads.
03:14 Our precious Heavenly Father,
03:16 we come to You in the name of Jesus,
03:18 giving You all praise, honor, and glory
03:20 for You are worthy.
03:22 We thank You for this opportunity
03:23 to uplift Your name
03:25 through this wonderful family worship.
03:28 It's a privilege and honor to represent You here on earth.
03:32 And we ask for Your presence to be here
03:34 through your Holy spirit, to lead and guide us
03:36 as we study this vital topic,
03:39 as we are truly in the last days.
03:43 We thank You.
03:44 We praise You, and we honor You always in Jesus' name.
03:48 Amen. Amen.
03:50 Thank you, honey.
03:52 I've heard that voice many nights praying for me
03:55 and many mornings praying for me,
03:56 and every Sabbath morning, my wife prays for me.
04:00 It's become not a tradition alone
04:02 but something that I look forward to.
04:03 So thank you, honey. Well, we pray for each other.
04:06 For being able to hear that voice.
04:08 And if you're a husband, you have a praying wife,
04:10 you're a blessed man.
04:11 Oh, yes.
04:12 And we praise the Lord for that.
04:14 And by the way, Donald is also part
04:15 of our prayer ministries.
04:17 You're part of the prayer ministries team
04:18 for our church.
04:19 Prayer makes a difference.
04:21 Once again, revisiting this topic,
04:23 we're talking about how to build up your defenses.
04:28 I kind of...
04:29 I don't even plan on using that as an analogy,
04:31 but we could all contribute to that.
04:33 I've heard before that,
04:35 and this is something that may be sensitive
04:37 to some people,
04:38 if you're in this category right now,
04:40 this is not intended to make you feel uncomfortable,
04:42 but I've heard that sometimes when people take chemotherapy,
04:46 it wipes away all their defense mechanisms
04:50 that the body has built up through the years,
04:52 like whatever the cold may have been
04:54 or the virus may have been,
04:56 the body builds up this map of immunities
04:59 throughout the years
05:01 so that if that cold virus comes again,
05:04 "Oh, I had that 15 years ago.
05:05 It doesn't bother me anymore."
05:07 And so I'm looking at that and thinking,
05:10 that's what happens in the Christian life.
05:13 Building up our defenses doesn't happen overnight.
05:15 Right.
05:16 It happens through years of preparation,
05:19 being exposed to things that are not good for us,
05:21 being exposed to things that could tell us...
05:24 Well, remember that don't do that the same time,
05:27 the same way again.
05:30 Curtis Akins and Paula Akins,
05:33 I just interviewed them on radio.
05:35 And he said something about building up your immunity,
05:38 your immune system.
05:39 It's like putting a key with gum at the end of the key.
05:44 And that protects you.
05:46 In other words, that gum, it protects your immune system
05:50 and that's sort of a line of defense
05:53 in your immune system.
05:54 I thought that was an interesting way
05:55 of looking at it.
05:57 And my wife has also been saying to me,
05:58 if you get more rest, you have better immunity.
06:02 Oh, yeah.
06:03 Always telling you how important rest is
06:06 'cause you need at least seven hours of sleep
06:08 at night.
06:10 Yes. Thank you. Yeah.
06:11 Thank you.
06:14 Easier said than done.
06:15 Let you wife now to go to sleep.
06:18 And let your mind rest.
06:19 Don't let your mind go over and over and over.
06:22 Turn off the phone. Turn it off. Yes.
06:24 An hour before bed. Yes, turn off your...
06:26 Device. Devices, and all that.
06:28 It's a good advice, but sometimes
06:29 how do you take your own advice.
06:31 And, Jason, you're the single guy
06:32 amongst us.
06:34 Who's given you advice? God.
06:37 Good answer. God's given me advice.
06:40 The Word of God, you know, the interesting thing about,
06:43 you know, the immune system and building up your immunity
06:46 is you can also weaken your immune system too
06:49 by what you're putting into your body.
06:50 So you're eating a lot of sugar,
06:52 if you're eating a lot of junk,
06:53 if you're taking things in
06:55 that aren't going to strengthen that immune system,
06:57 it's naturally, it's gonna weaken
06:59 that immune system.
07:00 And the same is true with our spiritual lives.
07:02 If we're taking in,
07:04 you know, a bunch of movies and television shows
07:07 that we're not supposed to be watching
07:08 and things of that nature
07:10 and listening to the wrong types of music
07:11 and all of that,
07:13 we're weakening our spiritual immunity,
07:15 whereas if we focus on the Word of God
07:18 and we take in and apply those principles to our lives,
07:21 then our immune systems,
07:23 our spiritual immune systems
07:24 will be strengthened beyond belief.
07:26 Wow, well said.
07:27 Something that you touched on made me think
07:29 about another part of we can lose
07:31 our immunity is fear.
07:33 Fear, really, especially in the world
07:34 we're in right now, fear...
07:36 I just had a conversation with a lady earlier
07:39 and I'm on the phone with her,
07:40 and she was telling me that she's been in fear
07:43 because she doesn't know how to pray.
07:44 She didn't have time to pray.
07:45 Her family is just so busy and she said,
07:47 "I just, I feel like I'm getting away from the Lord.
07:49 I want a prayer of rededication."
07:50 So she really wanted to rededicate her life
07:52 and spending that quality time, had to assure,
07:54 find those promises that God has for you,
07:57 as you can use as a weapon against the enemy
07:59 when he comes in like a flood against you.
08:01 So immunity is God's Word is immunity for us.
08:02 The Word of God.
08:04 I was gonna mention too to what Jason said
08:06 that when I've noticed that when I get too much fluff,
08:12 as far as like the videos that are really no substance,
08:16 you know, and just, you know,
08:18 like maybe Home Improvement shows,
08:19 it's not that it's like bad, bad, but stuff
08:21 that it's not enhancing my walk with the Lord.
08:26 I just, I feel kind of just like, blah,
08:28 just like you're talking about with food,
08:30 just like my brain is just like, it's just...
08:33 Jelly. It's not enhanced.
08:34 Yeah.
08:36 So, you know, that also happens,
08:38 you know, in the brain
08:40 when you don't take in enough spiritual meat
08:42 and your brain just kind of, it's just there,
08:45 there's no growth.
08:47 You need spiritual vitamin.
08:48 I just wanna say for a moment,
08:49 you've been preaching up a stone.
08:52 Your sermons have really been...
08:54 They're very timely.
08:56 Very timely. That is so true, Jason.
08:58 Because I wanna be to some degree,
09:00 as we look at the story
09:02 that we're gonna begin with today,
09:03 we are in a time of in a law.
09:05 Although there've been a lot of conflicts in America,
09:07 a lot of conflicts around the world,
09:09 for whatever reason, the reasons vary.
09:12 But for the people of God,
09:15 those things to me are distractions
09:17 from really what's coming.
09:19 Just kind of like having a backyard brawl
09:23 or beach fight when there's a tsunami coming.
09:26 Stop fighting, there's a tsunami coming.
09:28 And the devil has been so artful
09:30 and distracting the people of God
09:32 and I've been really concerned
09:34 about what I've been seeing in Christianity.
09:35 Primarily this is what motivated
09:37 this family worship.
09:38 Christianity has been presented to the world
09:41 an awful picture of Jesus,
09:42 an awful picture of what it means
09:44 to be a Christian.
09:45 You know, the anger, the hostility, the profanity,
09:47 that's just been rolling out of the mouths of people,
09:49 it's been happening here in America.
09:51 I'm not so much mindful of what's happening
09:54 all over the world,
09:55 but we've been a melting pot
09:58 of just so many different kinds of emotions here in America.
10:00 And because a lot of the church of what happens in America
10:03 influences the church around the world
10:05 and people around the world, we sneeze, they catch a cold.
10:08 It's important for us now to say,
10:10 what kind of Christian do I wanna be?
10:12 How do I wanna to build up my defenses
10:16 so that when the real test comes,
10:18 we could be ready for it. Amen.
10:19 So let's dive into, if you have your Bibles,
10:21 go to 2 Chronicles Chapter 14,
10:24 we're gonna take not that the entire life,
10:26 but we're gonna walk
10:28 through some questions and answers.
10:30 We're gonna consider this young man
10:31 by the name of Asa.
10:33 And I like to, years ago
10:36 in the book Evangelism Ellen White talks about
10:38 learning the method of teaching questions
10:40 and Jesus always asked questions.
10:42 So if you ask a question,
10:44 it kind of opens the door for the answer that is to come.
10:47 So let's kind of in a methodical way
10:50 and we're gonna interweave a lot of our own experiences
10:52 in this program.
10:53 Well, let's start with 2 Chronicles Chapter 14.
10:57 And, honey, would you begin with verse 1?
10:58 And then we're gonna...
11:00 I'll lead the question to you.
11:01 What experience
11:03 does God allow his children to enjoy?
11:05 And then go ahead.
11:07 "So Abijah rested with his fathers
11:09 and they buried him in the City of David.
11:11 Then Asa his son reigned in his place.
11:15 In his days, the land was quiet for 10 years."
11:20 What would you answer to that?
11:21 What does God allow his children to enjoy?
11:23 Peace. Rest.
11:26 Peace and rest.
11:27 That's a long time, 10 years of peace.
11:30 Yes.
11:31 And when you think about that,
11:32 I mean, he didn't get a text saying,
11:34 "It's gonna be peaceful for 10 years."
11:36 So what do you learn out of that?
11:38 Wow.
11:39 You know, what I was thinking about was really interesting.
11:41 Well, we're going to get into a little bit later,
11:42 but this idea of, you know, we come to a moment of peace.
11:45 What do we usually do?
11:47 We become complacent.
11:48 Relax, let our guards down.
11:49 Let her guard down, become complacent.
11:51 But as we see the story unfold,
11:53 we're going to see something a little different.
11:54 But yeah, that idea, those years of peace,
11:56 as you're saying,
11:58 we should be fortifying ourselves
11:59 and getting ourselves ready
12:00 because something's on the horizon.
12:02 Well, I think too Asa,
12:04 he didn't know how long that piece would last.
12:07 So he needed to have trust in God
12:10 because no matter what,
12:11 that's gonna get you through, whether it's peaceful or not,
12:14 but he didn't know how long it would last, so...
12:17 That's true.
12:18 Even though it was a good 10 years,
12:19 that's a good...
12:21 It's a long time.
12:22 Imagine peace in America or in this world for 10 years.
12:25 It's like, what we call, the blank before the...
12:27 Storm. Calm before the storm.
12:31 J, go to the second one and kind of lead into that
12:33 with the question
12:34 'cause I want to kind of set the foundation with that.
12:36 Well, I have a couple of points.
12:37 I'd like to comment on the first one if it's okay.
12:39 Okay. Great.
12:40 So when I think about what experience
12:42 does God allow his children to enjoy,
12:44 I think of Philippians 4:7,
12:46 "And the peace of God,
12:48 which surpasses all understanding
12:50 will guard your hearts and minds
12:51 through Christ Jesus."
12:52 In John chapter 10:10,
12:54 "The thief does not come except to steal
12:57 and to kill and to destroy.
12:59 I have come that they may have life
13:01 and that they may have it more abundantly."
13:03 And Psalm Chapter 16:11,
13:05 "You will show me the path of life,
13:07 in Your presence is fullness of joy,
13:10 at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore."
13:12 So it really just kind of shows the contrast.
13:16 You know, when you accept Christ,
13:18 you know these things, you have peace,
13:20 you have joy, you have the fullness of joy,
13:23 and at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
13:27 So like that's what comes from God,
13:30 which is incredible.
13:31 I'm glad you brought that up because a lot of times we say
13:35 Christians go through a lot of persecution,
13:37 but the Bible does say the way of the transgressor is hard.
13:41 You wanna have peace.
13:43 That's relevant to your experience,
13:45 give your life to Christ.
13:46 And you could have peace in turmoil too in this world
13:49 where so much stress
13:50 and all this heartache is going on.
13:53 You still could have peace.
13:54 That passes all understanding, like you just said.
13:55 Yes. Yes.
13:57 And that's true peace
13:58 'cause the world offers
14:00 that fleeting feeling, you know?
14:02 Manufactured peace.
14:03 Manufactured peace. Propped up.
14:05 Yeah.
14:06 When you have to aim your guns at me
14:07 and I aim my guns at you to have peace,
14:09 that's not real peace.
14:11 That's a fierce thing, right? That's not peace.
14:15 Like there, Dora Magrath.
14:17 That's right. So number two.
14:19 All right.
14:20 In Asa's time of peace,
14:21 what did he do to prepare for future defenses?
14:24 We're gonna look at 2 Chronicles Chapter 14:2, 3.
14:29 "Asa did what was good and right
14:32 in the eyes of the Lord his God.
14:34 For he removed the altars of the foreign gods
14:37 in the high places
14:38 and broke down the sacred pillars
14:41 and cut down the wooden images."
14:43 So what would you say he did?
14:44 Actually, I had a question to that
14:46 and I asked Janelle this morning.
14:47 Actually last night, we're studying this.
14:49 So as Asa did that, which was good and right,
14:51 so how did Asa know what was good and right?
14:54 That's a question.
14:55 How did he know?
14:57 Asa, if you follow his life,
14:59 you go through a chronicle literally of kings.
15:04 And Asa having...
15:05 His dad was Abijah,
15:06 Abijah didn't do what was all right.
15:10 But so he saw his father's errors, I believe,
15:15 he saw the things that his father did.
15:17 That was right,
15:18 because there was some victories
15:20 in the days of Abijah, but it didn't go all the way.
15:23 And Asa probably said,
15:27 "I'm not gonna do like my dad did."
15:29 How many of you ever saw something and said,
15:31 "I'm not gonna follow his example"?
15:32 Yeah.
15:34 You used to say I learn from other people's mistake.
15:36 And sometimes from my own, sadly enough.
15:38 Yeah.
15:39 But I think Asa looked at his father
15:42 because his father had some victories,
15:44 but then he had some vices in his own life.
15:48 And Asa said,
15:49 "Whoa, I know what the people think
15:50 of my dad,
15:52 but they don't know this part of my dad.
15:53 I better do."
15:55 And this is the point
15:56 when you do what is right in the sight of the Lord,
15:58 that's most important because not everybody sees you,
16:01 but he did what was right in God's sight.
16:03 That means for his private life was also...
16:05 And he was paying attention to his dad's character.
16:08 Right.
16:09 And I think that's a good trait too
16:11 to pay attention to those things
16:14 that you don't want to have in your own life.
16:18 I think of sports,
16:20 you know, like, you know, basketball.
16:22 So after a game,
16:24 you know, where you have that,
16:26 you know, you're in between games.
16:28 There's no... You don't get complacent.
16:30 Now it's training time.
16:31 You're watching game tapes.
16:33 You're studying your adversaries' weaknesses.
16:36 You're talking and strategizing and all of that stuff.
16:39 And you're practicing harder
16:42 than the game might actually be.
16:44 But you're taking everything in
16:45 and you're trying to build those tools during that time.
16:49 So I think about sports, you know, you just can't relax.
16:53 You're right.
16:55 You got to keep fortifying the mind.
16:57 I have to piggyback off what you just said.
16:59 I've been doing some different workouts.
17:01 And one of these series of workouts I was watching,
17:04 they talk about time under tension
17:06 and how there's certain exercises
17:08 you can do, you don't let your muscle completely relax.
17:12 You just, you keep it engaged,
17:13 but not totally relaxed but still engaged.
17:16 And they call it time under tension.
17:18 And it kind of goes along with what you're saying.
17:19 It's engaging that muscle so that it's,
17:22 you know, ready for the next move.
17:25 I think something I see here too
17:26 that we're talking about how Asa knew
17:28 not to do what his dad did, but how did he know?
17:31 And I can always think that it had to come
17:32 from the Holy Spirit.
17:34 I mean the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin.
17:36 So it had to been the Holy Spirit to say,
17:37 "Hey, Asa, this is not the way you want to be walking.
17:39 You need to walk contrary
17:41 to what your dad is doing," so...
17:42 Amen. That's right.
17:43 Don't redundantly make the same mistake.
17:46 But if you look at that verse, kind of get some feedback.
17:48 What he doing in these verses when you look at that, honey,
17:51 what was he doing?
17:52 Well, he tore down the altars, the foreign...
17:55 These altars of high worship broke down these images.
17:59 He was getting rid of these.
18:00 So if you put that in your life today,
18:02 what's he doing?
18:04 Clearing out the junk. Kick out the junk in my life.
18:08 Clean it, Lord. Amen.
18:10 He said, "Okay, that's gotta go."
18:12 That's gotta go. That's gotta go.
18:13 That's gotta go.
18:15 That, I'm not watching that anymore.
18:16 He starts reforming his own life.
18:18 We've done that too. We've done that.
18:20 We've done the cleansing, haven't we?
18:22 And I think that's why you preach in the way
18:24 you have been.
18:26 We've had a cleaning in our personal life.
18:29 We've been looking at things in our life
18:31 that should not be there.
18:32 We're not looking at this when that works,
18:34 we're not reading.
18:36 Nope. We're done with that.
18:37 Even the commercials on TV, it's kind of scares me.
18:40 It's like, Nope, nope, nope.
18:42 Turn the channel. Right.
18:43 Because we'd been doing an internal cleansing too.
18:46 And it gives you the gumption to be more intentional
18:49 in saying, "This is what God wants us to do."
18:51 Yes. And I think the...
18:53 Sorry. Okay.
18:54 I think that in the Bible, at least in my mind,
18:57 when I see the word idol,
18:58 I always replace it with the word
19:00 that I'm familiar with addiction.
19:02 And I think that they're interchangeable
19:04 because, you know, idols, sometimes it's in the Bible,
19:08 we see where it talks about physical idols,
19:11 but it might not be just a physical idol,
19:13 like a figure of,
19:15 you know, things that you might first think of.
19:18 But more, it's so much more broader
19:21 than just praying to a statue or what's in front of you.
19:26 It's so much more broader than that,
19:28 but you know what you're saying?
19:29 It makes me think of addictions and strongholds.
19:32 That's right.
19:33 The thing that gets all your attention,
19:35 that so easily besets you.
19:37 Yeah.
19:38 I was thinking something interesting too.
19:39 I find in here, and this is what
19:41 I was challenging all yesterday night.
19:42 It's like essentially,
19:44 when Solomon rose to power as a king,
19:45 his first thing was pray for wisdom
19:47 because he didn't know how to lead the people.
19:48 But you see where he went, totally down the wrong path.
19:51 And you see this gentleman Asa,
19:53 you don't see him actually pray for wisdom.
19:55 But he got wisdom
19:57 and obviously the Holy Spirit's working on him
19:58 and you see what he did,
20:00 obviously his decisions protected the nation.
20:03 Whereas Solomon started destroying a nation,
20:06 started tearing the nation down.
20:09 And we're gonna go to the next one now,
20:10 which I like Donald to go to
20:11 because not only did he do this in his own life
20:15 but look at the reach...
20:17 Right, right.
20:18 Of what he did with his own life.
20:20 And this is why, Jason, I've been just kind of saying,
20:22 Lord, lead me to lead my people.
20:24 Yes.
20:25 And I've been influenced by what I've been reading
20:26 in the Bible.
20:28 Look at the third one
20:29 and lead into it with the question
20:30 just so we can impact that.
20:32 What did Asa lead his people
20:33 to do while they experienced peace?
20:35 And 2 Chronicles, 14:4-5, tells us,
20:39 "He commanded Judah to seek the Lord God
20:41 of their fathers
20:42 and to observe the law and the commandment.
20:45 He also removed the high places
20:46 that incense altars from all the cities of Judah
20:49 and the kingdom was quiet under him."
20:51 Wow, notice once again, peace, 10 years.
20:54 And then when they started doing it,
20:57 it was not only personal peace but what else was it?
21:00 It was like national... It was national peace.
21:03 It's interesting because it's like,
21:04 you start a title life.
21:05 Right.
21:07 It's a chain reaction starts a spark.
21:08 Once you start making change your life,
21:10 like you're saying, Jason, you've been...
21:11 Pastor's been on fire, but now it's infecting you.
21:14 It's affecting your viewers. It's infectious.
21:20 So he caught on to the rest of the nation.
21:23 One of my favorite preachers Pastor Henry Wright years ago,
21:26 he says, you can't get anybody ready for the fire
21:29 that's coming
21:31 unless there's fire down in your soul.
21:32 Right.
21:33 You know, it's like trying to start a fire
21:35 in the fireplace with a wet match.
21:38 Not gonna work. Not gonna work.
21:39 Not gonna work.
21:41 So if you were to summarize this,
21:43 what else did you see Asa doing?
21:44 In the verse 4 and 5.
21:47 "I was seeking the Lord." Yes.
21:49 And, and you know, that's like Matthew 6:33,
21:53 "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness
21:56 and all these things shall be added unto you."
21:58 And who is he telling to do that?
22:00 His people. Yeah.
22:01 Everybody.
22:03 Guys, the Lord has changed my life.
22:05 He wants to change yours too,
22:07 but here's what you have to do.
22:08 I have one to add to that too.
22:10 A scripture that came to my mind
22:11 was Isaiah 55:6,
22:14 "Seek the Lord while He may be found,
22:16 call upon Him while He is near."
22:18 Yes, Amen.
22:20 "And let the wicked man forsake his ways,
22:23 and the unrighteous man his thoughts."
22:26 So the next verse after that, so you gotta get something out.
22:30 And so we're looking at this in America now.
22:33 And let's not even just keep referring to America,
22:35 in your own home and your own family.
22:36 Right. Right.
22:37 Because the whole world could fall apart around you.
22:40 There's a big word in there.
22:41 I just saw the word observe.
22:43 It was sticking out to my mind to observe,
22:45 you know,
22:47 how are we gonna observe something
22:48 if it's not being shown us an example?
22:50 You can't observe something that's not been shown to you.
22:52 So observe the law and the command.
22:54 I think that's really powerful.
22:55 Kind of where we see this world heading right now,
22:57 what are they really observing?
22:58 I mean, like you were talking about the movies, the music,
23:01 you're watching all these things
23:02 and what you put in is what you're gonna get out.
23:04 So if you observe something that's godly,
23:06 then like you were saying, you cut all that stuff out.
23:09 Like you guys are cutting all that stuff out.
23:10 Then all of a sudden,
23:11 you have a love for as long as commandment,
23:13 you're gonna do that and people are going to fall
23:15 who are listening to Jesus.
23:17 GIGO.
23:18 That's it, what does that mean?
23:20 GIGIO.
23:21 Garbage in, garbage out, right?
23:22 That's right.
23:24 And one of the things that came to my mind
23:25 when Janelle talked about idols,
23:26 sometimes we don't always idolize things.
23:29 Sometimes we could idolize people.
23:31 Oh, yeah.
23:32 When a person,
23:33 when anything becomes your idol,
23:35 God ceases to be your God.
23:37 That's very important.
23:38 Don't idolize anybody,
23:41 no matter how influential they may be,
23:44 only focus on the Lord.
23:45 "Look to Me and be saved."
23:46 Isaiah 45:22.
23:48 Let's go to the next one. Now, Janelle, number four.
23:52 When Asa was affecting change among his people,
23:55 what did they enjoy?
23:57 And that answer comes from 2 Chronicles, 14:6
24:02 "And he fortified cities in Judah,
24:04 for the land had rest.
24:06 He had no war in those years
24:08 because the Lord had given him rest."
24:11 That's right. He built those cities.
24:13 Notice what we've seen so far.
24:15 Quiet, quiet, rest.
24:17 Peace. Peace.
24:20 What do we need?
24:21 Peace and quiet.
24:23 But you notice you also see action, action, action.
24:28 He's always doing something,
24:30 working towards the cause of Christ.
24:32 I like that word fortified, that word fortified,
24:35 you think about this, it's a hedge, it's protection.
24:39 And it made me think of Nehemiah 1:3,
24:41 you know, Nehemiah is a cup bearer
24:43 and he's crying and he's just trying to figure
24:44 what's going on.
24:46 And this servant came in. I think it was a Nehemiah 1:3.
24:49 I won't go into all of it.
24:50 The servant relays in the message
24:51 that the gates are burned down and the walls are torn down.
24:54 In disrepair.
24:55 In disrepair, so you know,
24:57 anybody, it was a free for all.
24:58 Anybody could come into Jerusalem
25:00 and into the city.
25:01 So we see this word fortify.
25:02 It's like, you're fencing in.
25:04 You're guarding yourself from something
25:05 that's trying to influence or come in
25:07 and try to take over.
25:09 So this word fortify really stuck out to me.
25:11 It's important that we fortify ourselves.
25:13 And the only way we do it through God's Word.
25:15 If you were building something and you said,
25:18 I just fortified my garage or just fortified my house...
25:22 Or your body with vitamins.
25:24 Yeah. That's true.
25:26 My wife's have been doing that.
25:28 She said, "Come on, take your vitamins."
25:29 Take your vitamins, take it.
25:30 Here's your vitamin D, here's your vitamin.
25:33 You're 50 plus.
25:35 Can you relate?
25:37 Okay.
25:38 And it works.
25:40 It does really make a difference.
25:41 Fortify that body. Fortify.
25:43 And what are you building up?
25:44 My defenses.
25:49 Because we're living in a society nowadays
25:51 where if somebody around you sneezes,
25:53 what do you think?
25:56 Right away, we think like, "Are you okay?"
25:58 Yeah. Stay away from me.
26:01 Okay. Let's see what else. Honey, you're next.
26:02 Number five, let's see what happens.
26:04 As Asa and Judah did what God commanded,
26:08 what was on the horizon?
26:09 2 Chronicles 14:9 says,
26:12 "Then Zerah the Ethiopian came out against them
26:16 with an army of a million men
26:21 and 300 chariots.
26:24 And he came to Mareshah."
26:27 Yeah, Mareshah.
26:29 That's a lot of people.
26:31 So watch this. A million.
26:32 A million.
26:34 I'm enjoying peace, I'm enjoying rest.
26:36 And on the horizon, a million.
26:40 Help me, Lord.
26:41 All the forces of darkness are saying,
26:44 "Hmm, I'm gonna upset that applecart.
26:47 You think that family is gonna be a good family.
26:50 I'm gonna find a way to break their peace
26:52 and tear down their marriage, to tear down their children,
26:55 to tear down their relationship,
26:56 and the Lord...
26:58 and the devil doesn't send three.
27:01 What does he send? A million.
27:04 That's a lot.
27:06 That's some serious...
27:08 And not only 300 chariots.
27:11 Interesting.
27:12 We're talking about this idea of fortified.
27:13 So now they're fortified and how the test
27:15 has to come how fortified are they?
27:18 Are they ready for the test?
27:20 We'll see.
27:22 We'll see. Interesting.
27:23 What kind of doing Round Robin here?
27:25 So we'll go back to J. Okay.
27:27 Let's find out what happened.
27:30 Number six, what did Asa do
27:32 when Judah was confronted by their enemies?
27:36 2 Chronicles Chapter 14:11.
27:39 "And Asa cried out to the Lord his God
27:42 and said, 'Lord, it is nothing for You to help
27:45 whether with many
27:47 or with those who have no power.
27:50 Help us, O Lord our God, for we rest on You.
27:54 And in Your name, we go against this multitude.
27:57 O Lord, You are our God.
27:59 Do not let man prevail against You."
28:03 That was...
28:05 At the end, don't let them prevail against You.
28:08 Like Your name's on the line, so yeah.
28:11 Don't you like that? I love that.
28:12 I love that.
28:14 Because what do you see Asa not doing?
28:17 He's not backing down either.
28:19 He's not backing down. Okay.
28:20 What else is he not doing? He's not having a pity party.
28:23 Not having a pity party.
28:24 No fear. No fear.
28:26 What else? His trust in God.
28:28 Yeah. And he's calling on God.
28:30 Yeah. So is it about him?
28:32 No. No.
28:33 He's saying, "Lord, we can't deal with this.
28:36 This is Your deal."
28:38 I have a couple of scriptures. Okay, observations.
28:40 I had to add to this one. It's just so good.
28:42 Deuteronomy 20:1. Okay.
28:45 And then 1 Samuel, 17:47.
28:48 Deuteronomy 20:1, and let's see.
28:53 This is from New King James. I got it.
28:54 "When you go out to battle against your enemies
28:57 and see horses and chariots
28:58 and people more numerous than you,
29:00 do not be afraid of them,
29:02 for the Lord your God is with you,
29:04 who brought you up from the land of Egypt."
29:07 Excellent. Excellent.
29:08 I'm putting that right now.
29:10 I'm adding that scripture.
29:12 I'm gonna work on this sermon next.
29:14 In 1 Samuel 17: 47.
29:18 What was that?
29:19 1 Samuel 17:47. 1 Samuel 17.
29:24 47. Yes.
29:26 "Then all this assembly shall know
29:28 that the Lord does not say with sword and spear
29:31 for the battle is the Lord's
29:32 and he will give you into our hands."
29:35 I believe that was David talking there.
29:36 Yes.
29:38 And the confidence that God gave him
29:40 that he just like
29:41 what we were just talking about,
29:43 he was confident in the Lord and he had no fear.
29:46 I mean, think about little David,
29:50 I think he was like big giant.
29:52 Yeah.
29:53 Going up against Goliath, that's huge.
29:56 What's even more bigger to me
29:58 is that Goliath was wearing armor.
29:59 Yeah. That's a 9 foot giant.
30:01 I mean, does he really need armor?
30:04 Yeah.
30:05 I think about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
30:08 When they had to answer to King Nebuchadnezzar,
30:10 they were faced with the fiery furnace there.
30:13 And they were basically saying,
30:15 you know, whether or not our God delivers us,
30:18 we're not gonna bow down to you.
30:19 We serve the one true God.
30:21 So I see that here it's like no matter what's going on,
30:26 Asa is following the Lord,
30:28 you know, against 1 million people or not.
30:33 He's following God. Yeah.
30:35 This is in my little blue box at the very end.
30:38 It says the prayer of Asa
30:40 is one that every Christian believer
30:43 may fittingly offer
30:45 'cause we fight in a warfare.
30:46 It's not against flesh and blood, right?
30:48 Politics, powers.
30:50 And it says, "In this life's conflict,
30:51 we must meet evil agencies
30:54 that have a raid themselves against the right.
30:57 Our hope is not man but in the living God.
31:01 With full assurance of faith, we may expect that He, Jesus,
31:05 will unite his omnipotent
31:08 with the efforts of human instrumentalities
31:11 for the glory of His name
31:13 clad with the armor of His righteousness,
31:16 we may gain the victory over every foul."
31:18 Amen.
31:19 That speaks to me
31:20 because I was talking to this lady on the phone.
31:22 She was just really struggling
31:24 and God puts like scriptures in your mind.
31:26 You'll remember things.
31:27 And so I gave her Psalm 34:6-10.
31:30 Okay.
31:32 It says, yeah, it says in verse 6,
31:33 "This poor man cries."
31:35 So obviously he's in prayer and the Lord heard him
31:36 and saved him out of all his troubles.
31:39 And verse 7 says, "The angel of the Lord
31:41 encampeth around about them
31:42 that fear him and delivered them."
31:44 And verse 8 tells us,
31:45 "Oh, taste and see the Lord is good,
31:47 blessed is a man that trust in Him."
31:49 And verse 9 says, "Oh, fear the Lord,
31:50 ye His saints, for there is no want to them
31:52 that fear Him."
31:54 You know, that's just really powerful
31:55 that God would send angels to encamp around us.
31:58 And I kind of think of Elisha with a servant
32:01 and there's thousands of this big army
32:03 and like, "Oh my, how are we gonna tackle?
32:05 We're just two people."
32:07 And then it just says,
32:08 You know, open the eyes of my servant
32:09 that he may see chariots of fire."
32:12 Like, okay, we're good.
32:17 Psalm 34 because you just...
32:19 That's beautiful the way he said,
32:21 because Elijah said, "Lord, open his eyes."
32:23 Say that again. Okay, we're good.
32:26 I love that. No worries. We're good.
32:28 In my scientific mind,
32:30 I'm just kind of sometimes animated.
32:31 I'm thinking he saw chariots of fire
32:33 and I'm thinking
32:35 these are God's angels just to hear...
32:38 The fire just crackling around these guys.
32:41 And then he looks down to these humans
32:43 that could just be, what do you call, the kindling.
32:48 We got this, we got this.
32:50 They surrounded them chariots of fire.
32:53 And he probably went...
32:54 Once again.
32:56 Oh, no problem.
32:57 We got his.
32:59 What a boost of encouragement. What a boost of encouragement.
33:02 So what are we saying then?
33:03 Sometimes the unseen forces of God
33:07 in battle array on behalf of the Lord's people.
33:12 Psalm 34:19, look at that one.
33:15 Donald, you went to Psalm 34 and that, okay.
33:17 He's going to 19.
33:19 Look at verse 17 to 18, sorry.
33:21 Psalm 34:17-18
33:23 because Asa cried out to the Lord.
33:24 Right.
33:26 Psalm 34: 17-18.
33:27 "The righteous cry and the Lord heareth
33:29 and deliver them out of all their troubles."
33:31 Just like we saw in verse 6, same thing.
33:33 Verse 18.
33:34 "The Lord is nigh unto them that are a broken heart
33:36 and save us such as be of a contrite spirit."
33:39 And there's a little blue box here.
33:40 I guess you might want me to read that.
33:42 Okay, go for it.
33:43 "Real sorrow for sin is the result
33:45 of the working of the Holy Spirit.
33:46 The spirit reveals the ingratitude of the heart
33:49 that has slighted and grieved the savior.
33:52 And it brings us in contrition to the foot of the cross,
33:55 by every sin, Jesus is wounded afresh
33:57 and as we look upon him whom we have purist,
33:59 we mourn for the sins
34:01 that have brought anguish upon Him,
34:03 such morning will lead to the renunciation of sin."
34:06 This out a Desire of Ages, Page 300.
34:09 So when we see, Asa cried out
34:11 and when the righteous cry out,
34:12 the Lord hears and delivers them out.
34:15 And how much of their troubles?
34:16 All. Praise the Lord.
34:18 All of their troubles.
34:19 So let's see how this story wound up.
34:21 Whose number seven now?
34:23 J just read?
34:24 I did. Okay.
34:25 Donald, go to number seven.
34:27 Okay.
34:28 Number seven says here,
34:30 how did God respond
34:31 in behalf of Judah and Asa?
34:33 We find in 2 Chronicles 14:12.
34:35 "So the Lord..."
34:37 He just kind of meandered,
34:38 held his breath and do anything.
34:39 It says, "The Lord struck the Ethiopians
34:41 before Asa and Judah and the Ethiopians fled."
34:46 Wow, the Ethiopians, what?
34:48 They're gone. How many of them were there?
34:50 One million. One million.
34:53 It's amazing when you look at that.
34:55 So what are we saying here?
34:56 What are we telling those who are listening
34:57 and watching this program?
34:59 Who does the battle belong to?
35:00 The Lord. God's got it.
35:04 Kind of retract on a story about Elisha and his servant.
35:06 It's interesting
35:07 because Elisha's servant was blind
35:11 and couldn't see, but he opened his eyes to see.
35:12 But then what happened with the army?
35:14 He blinded the army and he led the army
35:17 into their enemy camp.
35:18 That's why he showed this.
35:20 And, you know, the thing that I liked about that,
35:23 instead of just punishing them at that point...
35:25 Bread and water. You bring about that, Good.
35:28 Continue in that application.
35:29 What else did he do for the Syrian army?
35:31 So yeah, he said, I guess, was the king then said,
35:33 "Give them their nourishment,
35:35 give them food and bread and water
35:36 and send them on their way."
35:37 So he fed them.
35:39 He took care of him, just let them go.
35:40 And that shows the mercy of God.
35:41 I mean, it's just amazing to me.
35:43 Yeah.
35:44 This also makes me think of stories
35:46 about the Waldensians that we read about
35:47 how God would use the elements
35:51 for the Waldensians
35:52 because they were defenseless people
35:55 as far as physical weapons
35:57 and, you know, one of the stories we read,
36:00 there's actually a fog that came over the army
36:03 that was coming after them.
36:04 And a lot of the soldiers fell off the cliffs.
36:07 And so, you know, just some of those,
36:09 but how God can use the elements
36:13 to defend his people.
36:14 Nature.
36:16 So if somebody is going through difficulty
36:18 in their lives and they don't know what to do,
36:20 what do we tell?
36:21 What are we saying to them?
36:23 Go to the Lord,
36:24 trust in the Lord with all your heart.
36:26 Lean not on your own understanding.
36:28 Okay.
36:29 But what else are we saying to them?
36:31 Because we laid some groundwork,
36:33 what else are we saying?
36:34 If we looked at these questions we covered.
36:36 We're saying to them,
36:38 is there anything in your life that needs to be cleared out?
36:45 Is there some changes that you have to make
36:47 in your family
36:49 to be able to know that God can send you peace?
36:51 Because the peace that...
36:52 The Lord gave them rest.
36:55 The kingdom was quiet under them.
36:57 The Lord had given them rest, notice where it's coming from.
37:00 And what's that passage when a man's ways...
37:03 Pleases the Lord,
37:04 even your enemies will be at peace with you.
37:07 That's right and that's a promise.
37:08 Wiseman Solomon said,
37:10 "When a man's ways pleases the Lord,
37:12 He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him."
37:16 His enemies ran, didn't they?
37:18 Yeah. They took off.
37:21 We're not waiting around.
37:22 They already know there's some trouble coming.
37:24 It's interesting.
37:26 I talked to a young lady a few days ago on prayer line,
37:29 she was telling me how she was kind of dabbled
37:31 with Christianity,
37:32 she doesn't really know it very well.
37:33 But anyway, she got involved in the occult
37:36 and she didn't realize that what she was doing.
37:37 She was getting involved. She was Christian.
37:38 She was always Christian.
37:40 She thought, you know, the burn sage, it's Christian.
37:42 And then something
37:43 she got into the spiritual realm
37:44 and she saw demons and demonic stuff.
37:46 And so she wasn't sure
37:47 whether she was free from that or not.
37:50 But it was just the fact that she didn't realize,
37:52 like, I know God winks at our ignorance.
37:54 He knows, you know, that, you know, we don't,
37:56 maybe we fall into something we don't totally understand.
37:58 And so God pulls us out.
37:59 Like we see, you know, the time and time again,
38:01 these armies and things that come against God's people,
38:04 but God delivers them.
38:05 So this young lady was getting into stuff
38:06 that she had no clue,
38:08 but God took his arm and pulled her out.
38:10 And realizing that she had stuff in her life,
38:12 she had to declutter in a sense to get rid of.
38:14 And she was asking a question,
38:16 "Is God going to save me and my children?
38:17 Can He really protect us?
38:19 I mean, I feel like I made a covenant
38:21 with these demons
38:22 and I need to know that God,
38:25 I can have a covenant with Him."
38:26 Yeah.
38:27 You could relinquish those things,
38:29 ask for the Lord to come into your life
38:31 because two spirits can occupy the same body.
38:34 That's right.
38:36 One would leave and the other one would stay.
38:38 But we look at these situations that they were in.
38:40 And let's go, I think Janelle maybe is the next one.
38:43 Number eight. Yeah.
38:44 With trials and difficulties around us,
38:47 what comfort do we have?
38:50 And for that one, we have Psalm 34:19,
38:55 "Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
38:57 but the Lord delivers him out of them all."
39:02 Wow. Wow.
39:04 How many does he deliver? All.
39:07 But notice it also says
39:08 many are the afflictions of the righteous.
39:09 So that doesn't mean
39:11 that just because you become a Christian
39:12 that you're not going to be faced with trials,
39:14 you're not gonna be...
39:16 You know, the enemy is gonna come against you,
39:17 just like he did with Jesus.
39:19 Like he tried to tempt Jesus, but what did Jesus say?
39:23 It is written. That's right.
39:24 Even beauty in that though is like
39:26 when you're a Christian
39:27 and you know about the battle that's going on
39:29 behind the scenes,
39:31 then you understand I think a little better
39:34 why those things are happening because like sometimes,
39:36 you know, if you're not walking with God
39:38 and you have trials, you're just,
39:39 "Oh, life is over.
39:41 And you know, like, why is this happening?"
39:43 But not that we might not still wonder that,
39:45 but at least we understand
39:46 that there's a battle for our soul.
39:48 That's right.
39:49 And, you know, when we understand
39:50 the great controversy between good and evil
39:52 and we know that the enemy is trying to take us down,
39:56 but God has given us promises that we can memorize
40:00 in those times of trial that will comfort us.
40:04 And He stands with us on the trial.
40:06 You look at that fiery furnace example.
40:09 They threw three in, there was four in there,
40:12 looking like the Son of Man.
40:14 That's awesome.
40:15 One of the things I know and have discovered is
40:18 people that are not informed about what God does,
40:21 don't know who to turn to, say look for this out.
40:25 And if you're not reading God's Word
40:27 and studying God's Word,
40:29 you're not familiar with these examples
40:31 of how God fights our battles for us.
40:33 He's our line of defense. Say it again.
40:35 He's our line of defense, isn't He?
40:37 That's right.
40:38 If you notice all this, the Lord struck the Egyptians,
40:41 the Judah didn't strike the Egyptians.
40:43 The Lord did it.
40:45 Asa said, "Lord, don't let them do this to You.
40:49 Your name is on the line."
40:50 As you pointed out, Jason. Oh, yeah.
40:52 And when we recognize when these difficulties
40:54 come your way,
40:55 put it in the Lord's hands.
40:56 Say, Lord, I'm your servant, but I can't fight this battle.
41:00 I can't go against what's taking place.
41:02 Say it again. It's bigger than me.
41:04 It's bigger than me. The battle is bigger than me.
41:06 You fight it, Lord.
41:08 You promised in Your Word, right?
41:09 That's right.
41:11 Even though, what do you say?
41:12 How tall was Goliath? 9 feet.
41:14 And he had on a helmet.
41:16 Really? I think... Yeah.
41:17 Why would you come out with a helmet?
41:20 Against little David.
41:21 You have a spear and the tip of the spear
41:23 is 20 pounds.
41:24 You're 9 feet. Do you need all that armor?
41:27 Yeah.
41:29 But what does that saying to us?
41:31 What does that saying to us?
41:33 When the devil comes at us,
41:34 he wants us to look all imposing.
41:35 Yeah. I'm gonna crush you.
41:38 Say it again, honey?
41:40 Lift up a standard against him, right?
41:42 That's right.
41:43 The Lord... Like a flood.
41:44 The Lord is bigger. Right.
41:46 Like we talked about the Syrian army,
41:48 they were imposing.
41:50 They came to arrest Elijah
41:52 and to take them out
41:53 because they were tired of him revealing all the secrets
41:56 of their military movements.
41:57 And Elijah said,
41:59 "I'm having breakfast, just open his eyes."
42:02 And he saw the chariots.
42:03 Lord parted the sea
42:04 for the children of Israel, didn't he?
42:06 Yeah, look at that.
42:07 Water against them, the people coming after them.
42:09 "Where are we gonna go? Look at the water.
42:11 What are we gonna do?
42:13 Oh, the Egyptians are coming after us."
42:16 Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.
42:19 That's right.
42:20 But how would we know these stories?
42:22 We got to read them. Yeah.
42:23 How would we know? You got to read it.
42:25 You gotta read it.
42:27 And I'm discovering that people
42:28 that are uninformed
42:30 are people that are fearful because if you're thinking,
42:33 "Oh, who's gonna do this for me?"
42:35 I'm so scared.
42:37 Somebody asked on September 11th,
42:39 "Where was God?"
42:41 I said it was the same place He was on September 10th.
42:44 But if you don't seek Him while He may be found,
42:47 seek Him in times of peace.
42:49 You don't know where He is in times of war.
42:50 Let's look at the next example.
42:52 Honey, number 10. Okay.
42:54 In tracing the victories of Israel and Judah,
42:56 what did they use in battle?
42:59 This is interesting.
43:00 Joshua 11:12.
43:02 "So all the cities of those kings
43:04 and all their kings,
43:06 Joshua took and struck with the edge of the sword.
43:10 He utterly destroyed them
43:12 as Moses the servant of the Lord had commanded."
43:15 Okay. What did he use?
43:18 The Word of God. Sounded like sword.
43:21 What did he use? The Word of God.
43:24 Okay, everybody, what did he use?
43:28 The Word of God.
43:29 He used the Word of God. Amen.
43:33 So what challenge would you give
43:35 to those listening to this Family Worship?
43:38 What's the most important thing that we,
43:40 as Christians should be doing?
43:42 Study the Word of God.
43:43 You can't use it if you don't have it.
43:46 Right. Okay.
43:47 Psalm 46:10 says, "Be still and know that I'm God."
43:49 And we now spend intentional time,
43:51 like this lady is talking to,
43:53 "I didn't have time to pray.
43:54 I don't have time to pray."
43:56 She just feels so surrounded and overwhelmed.
43:57 I said, you're gonna have to find,
43:59 something like five minutes, ten minutes, whatever it takes.
44:02 You need to spend that quality time
44:03 with the Lord.
44:04 You need that." So important.
44:06 I often say to people, if you don't have time to pray,
44:09 you need to cut something out of your life.
44:11 If you don't have time to spend with the Lord,
44:13 find out where your time is going.
44:15 What I like about these new devices,
44:17 I think Apple has been one of the ones leading
44:19 in doing this,
44:20 that production gauge.
44:23 They could tell what you're spending time on.
44:24 Oh yeah.
44:25 I looked at that the other day and I was so excited to see
44:29 that my production,
44:31 my production graph was higher than anything else.
44:33 Wow!
44:34 It was saying, you spend a lot of time
44:36 using production tools,
44:38 like your Bible app and your word processor
44:41 and my concordance.
44:43 And otherwise I'm looking at that and say,
44:45 "Wow, he's using that way more
44:48 than anything else on his iPad."
44:50 That's good to know.
44:51 So if you spend a lot of time playing games,
44:54 it will show it, right?
44:55 Right. Accountability.
44:57 Now let's think about the sneaky part of that.
44:59 Yeah.
45:00 Lord is saying, "Okay, write that down."
45:03 True.
45:04 It's been 15 hours on Instagram.
45:07 The ultimate... Facebook.
45:09 Screen time. Yeah.
45:10 Say it again.
45:12 The ultimate screen time,
45:13 what you're talking about the book of...
45:14 In the recording. In the recording.
45:16 Everything we do.
45:17 And even thoughts, even beyond that.
45:21 So how long were you on Internet today, on Facebook?
45:24 Well, I know...
45:25 It should have been in the word of God.
45:27 And where, how far was your Bible?
45:29 It's like right by my bed.
45:31 And did you open it?
45:34 No.
45:35 That's why when the Lord came to the man
45:36 who was in there without a wedding garment?
45:39 How did you come in here without a wedding garment?
45:41 What did he say? Nothing.
45:44 The Bible says he answered him not a word
45:46 because the day is coming, friends,
45:47 and we will have no excuses.
45:50 So let's look at what we need to do
45:51 because they use the sword.
45:53 What did they use, honey?
45:54 The sword, the Word of God right here.
45:56 Now, you know, we've committed ourselves to do that,
45:57 but do we ever get distracted?
45:59 Absolutely. Yeah, we do get distracted.
46:01 Yeah, things distract us, but we get back.
46:03 We have to refocus when we're distracted.
46:06 At times when we're so busy,
46:08 we're so busy doing for others.
46:10 Sometimes we forget about ourselves
46:12 and either one of us will pull our coattails
46:15 and say, "Honey,
46:16 you know, we need to get back into the Word of God."
46:20 This has happened.
46:21 It does happen. Yes.
46:23 Be more intentional.
46:24 Well, the enemy knows our weaknesses too.
46:26 He'll find those little weaknesses, you know?
46:27 "Oh, that sounds good.
46:29 I'm helping people,
46:30 but I'm doing a good thing here.
46:31 I'm helping more people."
46:33 No, you need to spend intentional time with Lord.
46:36 You need intentional time. You need to.
46:38 I like that because my wife
46:39 had just whispered something years ago
46:41 at the general conference, they had me sing that song.
46:43 "I Miss My Time with You, Those Moments Together.
46:46 I Need to be with You Each Day."
46:47 And it hurts Me when you say you're too busy,
46:50 busy trying to serve me,
46:52 but how can you serve me if your spirit's empty?
46:55 And the Lord is saying, there's a longing in my heart
46:58 wanting more than just a part of you.
47:00 It's true. It's true.
47:02 I miss my time with you.
47:03 And that is so true because here at 3ABN,
47:07 I mean, if you are at 3ABN watch,
47:08 you know you seen us in various programs
47:11 either Dare To Dream or the Parent Network
47:14 or doing cooking programs or some kind of thing,
47:17 a radio, that's right.
47:19 You know that we are people that wake up every day
47:21 and we've got a schedule.
47:24 And the thing we have to do more than anything else
47:27 is make sure that we are not substituting...
47:30 Feeding all this and we're starving.
47:31 Say it again, honey.
47:33 You could be so busy feeding others,
47:36 but we are starving.
47:38 It's kind of like the cook that died of starvation.
47:41 Oh, man. Remember that one?
47:44 Who's feeding everyone, I told that story.
47:48 They were frustrated
47:49 because they couldn't feed themselves,
47:50 the spoons are too long, but they decided,
47:53 wait a minute, if I feed you, you could feed me.
47:55 If I feed you, you could feed me.
47:56 With the long spoons, right.
47:57 The long spoons. That's a great illustration.
48:00 But you notice Joshua
48:01 as well as one of the battle armaments,
48:04 which we just talked about, is a sword.
48:06 And I'll go to number 11
48:08 because I've kind of been on the train here.
48:10 According to the Bible, what is the sword?
48:14 Is that a redundant statement?
48:17 According to the Bible, what is the sword?
48:19 Ephesians 6:17.
48:21 "Now we know the whole armor is important,
48:24 but take the helmet of salvation
48:26 and the sword of the spirit,
48:29 which is the Word of God."
48:31 I have looked that word up sword in the Old Testament.
48:35 Now I want you guys to look at that word
48:37 and tell me what two words you see
48:39 in the word sword.
48:42 Word.
48:44 Okay. And the other one.
48:46 And sword, right? Isn't that amazing?
48:49 The Lord just adds an S to his word
48:52 and it becomes a sword.
48:54 What about helmet?
48:55 Okay. Helmet...
48:57 It's the brain, your mind.
48:59 Say it again. It because it's your mind.
49:00 That's right, guard your mind.
49:03 The avenues of your soul.
49:05 Yes, yes. Right.
49:06 You have to, and your conscience.
49:08 Let's talk to our young people for a minute.
49:09 All right.
49:11 Janelle, what are some...
49:12 You and my wife made some changes in your life
49:13 not too long ago.
49:15 What were those things?
49:16 Facebook, unanimously.
49:18 I just found myself on there way too much.
49:22 And it's something that could be used
49:24 for a great use for ministry and to reach out to people.
49:29 But the enemy is so clever
49:31 because you could start out with good intentions for,
49:35 you know, before you know it, you're way down a rabbit hole.
49:38 And like, how did I get here and how much time did I spend?
49:41 And so the Lord really woke me up
49:44 and we would go places,
49:45 like at that time we were driving to our
49:48 or house that we were trying to sell.
49:49 And it was like three hours away.
49:51 So on that drive, I was constantly on my phone,
49:54 Facebook, and he's over there falling asleep with the wheel.
49:56 I need someone to talk. I need interaction.
49:59 And so, you know, like he wasn't...
50:02 And he was gently,
50:03 you know, letting me know
50:04 that I was spending too much time on there,
50:06 but it's just, it's something
50:07 that can really overtake our minds.
50:10 And so then what happened
50:12 was the Lord really convicted me.
50:13 And so then I created this really crazy password.
50:17 And then I put it in a place,
50:18 it's really hard to get to that is,
50:20 it takes too much effort to even be worth it.
50:23 And so I did a fast off of Facebook
50:25 for like a year and a half to two years.
50:27 And so now I'm gradually going back on,
50:30 but I limit myself.
50:32 And limit myself.
50:34 And if I find myself like,
50:36 you know, starting to scroll away too much
50:38 and look at things that don't mean anything,
50:41 then that's when I know that I need to get off
50:44 because if I go on there to check messages,
50:47 respond or whatever, and then get back off,
50:49 I don't need to be on there doing crazy, you know...
50:53 Reading all the posts. Oh, pictures.
50:55 Yes. Where this person went to?
50:57 This person went there. Oh.
50:58 Yeah.
51:00 So, you know, praise the Lord
51:01 for His convicting power of the Holy Spirit.
51:03 And, you know, He works through other people
51:06 to get our attention too.
51:07 That's right. And so thankful for that.
51:09 What about you, honey?
51:11 Oh, I was addicted to Facebook.
51:14 It was taking my time like you said, day and night.
51:18 Oh, who's doing what, what they're doing,
51:20 what they're saying now.
51:21 People putting their garbage on Facebook.
51:22 And I'd get mad and like and it would just anger me.
51:25 What are they saying? And how could they say this?
51:27 And I'm like...
51:29 And you'd say, "Honey, don't answer them."
51:31 And I'm like, "Oh," Oh,
51:32 her family member is saying this.
51:34 "How could she say that?" Like emotional.
51:35 Yeah. And it was so much.
51:37 And so I said I am done with Facebook
51:41 and I told you, Janelle, too.
51:42 Yeah.
51:44 We could relate on a lot of stuff.
51:45 It helped. Me too. Yeah.
51:47 And then yesterday I got something on my phone,
51:50 it says, "You need to come back to Facebook."
51:53 Facebook sent me this thing. It said you need to come back.
51:56 It says, "Just click this and you can come back."
51:59 And then Angie said, "I'm not ready."
52:01 I'm not ready. Yeah.
52:04 It's like that old man that comes out of the grave.
52:07 You're not going anywhere.
52:10 And, you know, I know people that are very serious
52:13 about their social media
52:14 that they use it as their ministry.
52:15 Right.
52:17 And I know there's one couple that we are familiar with,
52:19 that they are as a family, they have six kids.
52:22 And because they use YouTube so much,
52:25 they take a YouTube break every two weeks
52:28 and then they spend time with their family
52:29 and then they get back.
52:31 You know, they have this built into their schedule
52:33 because they're on there's so much
52:34 that they know that they need that.
52:37 And I think that that's smart and wise to use it and have,
52:41 you know, you control it.
52:42 It doesn't control you, the social media.
52:44 And I think that's important.
52:46 I think that's crucial
52:48 because if you don't use it for,
52:51 you know, to spread the gospel,
52:52 then all that's out there is garbage.
52:55 So, you know, somebody has to take that light
52:57 to the world.
52:58 So people need to be on there spreading the gospel.
53:00 Exactly. I was doing that.
53:03 I was putting a lot of quotes and things,
53:05 messages and your sermons and things like that.
53:07 I was doing that,
53:09 but I was also getting involved.
53:10 Yes, that's the hard part.
53:13 A friend of mine called me yesterday.
53:14 And she said, "Ang, I don't see you
53:16 on Facebook anymore.
53:18 I followed you all the time on Facebook.
53:20 I lived through Facebook.
53:21 I live my life through your life on Facebook."
53:24 Oh, wow.
53:27 Guard alert.
53:29 I live vicariously through you.
53:31 When you guys were so much in the public light,
53:33 sometimes maybe people are being a little nosier
53:35 than they should be.
53:37 Exactly. Just saying.
53:40 I can do all things through Christ
53:42 who strengthens me.
53:44 Don't worry about people vicariously living through you.
53:46 We're saying live through Christ.
53:48 That's why, talking about the sword,
53:50 Hebrews 4:12,
53:51 "For the Word of God is living and powerful
53:55 and sharper than any two-edged sword
53:57 piercing even to the division of soul and spirit
54:00 and of joints and marrow, "
54:02 and as a discerner of the thoughts and intents
54:04 of the heart.
54:05 If you read the Bible,
54:07 it'll tell you what you're thinking
54:09 and whether or not you need to abandon that thought.
54:12 The Bible smacks us...
54:14 That's why I know the Bible wasn't written by men.
54:17 Right.
54:18 It was not their thought, it was God's thought.
54:21 The Holy Spirit moved on them to be the pen men,
54:24 but it was not their birth child.
54:26 Because it kind of cuts you, like it literally cut you.
54:28 Like you're saying with Facebook,
54:30 "Wait, I'm going on the wrong path
54:31 or something."
54:32 Now we can move back in the past
54:34 when we used to go out and drink
54:35 and party and all stuff.
54:36 I used to go to parties that where we were invited
54:38 at people's homes and stuff like,
54:39 "Man, I just felt so agitated.
54:41 Like I don't wanna be here."
54:42 I just, I was really angry.
54:43 I didn't really understand why at the time
54:45 the Holy Spirit's like,
54:46 "You're not supposed to be here.
54:47 You need to go."
54:49 And I'm like, boom, I'm just frustrated and angry,
54:50 like get me out of here.
54:51 But I just realized now that the Holy Spirit
54:53 is working on you and respond to that call.
54:55 You need to. Amen.
54:56 I want to throw this to J.
54:57 Under number 12, read 1 Peter 4:12, 13.
55:00 And this is why we have to be ready
55:04 for what's coming.
55:07 "Beloved, do not think it's strange
55:09 concerning the fiery trial,
55:11 which is to try you
55:13 as though some strange thing happened to you,
55:16 but rejoice, to the extent
55:17 that you partake of Christ's sufferings
55:20 that when his glory is revealed,
55:21 you may also be glad with exceeding joy."
55:25 So, are we gonna have difficulty?
55:27 Yes.
55:28 There's an interesting scripture
55:30 links to this Romans 5:3-5
55:33 is really, oh, man, that's really rich.
55:35 It says... Yeah, Romans 5:3-5.
55:40 There's like a ladder here and it's for us.
55:42 And I often share this on a prayer line with people.
55:45 It says, "Not only so,
55:46 but we glory and tribulations
55:48 who wants to go through a trial."
55:49 I mean, we glory in them.
55:50 Okay. Bring them on. No. And people don't usually say.
55:53 "Knowing that tribulation work patience."
55:54 And that word patience in the Greek
55:56 actually means character.
55:58 So it's working our character,
56:00 character of patience experience
56:01 and experience hope,
56:03 so, you know, to me,
56:04 when I tell people it's like that experience
56:06 as you have a stronger bond
56:07 and a more deeper trust in what Christ will do
56:10 and then that hope that you'll have
56:11 that hope of eternal life.
56:12 That's right.
56:14 And when we think about it,
56:15 here's the number one reason why we need to be awake.
56:17 Honey, read 1 Peter 5:8, 9.
56:19 Okay. This is a good one.
56:22 We should all be this. Be what?
56:24 Sober. And what else?
56:25 Be vigilant.
56:26 Because who?
56:28 Your adversary.
56:29 Who is he? The devil?
56:30 What is he doing?
56:32 Walks about like a roaring lion.
56:33 What else is he doing?
56:35 Seeking on who to devour.
56:36 And what should we do? Resist him.
56:37 How? Step fast in the faith.
56:39 What do we know?
56:41 Knowing that the same sufferings
56:42 are experienced by your brothers in world.
56:46 Wow. They're experiencing it too.
56:47 That's right.
56:48 You're in pastoral department and you hear it.
56:50 You're in the Dream Media, you hear it, you work in radio,
56:52 you hear it.
56:54 Janelle, you work on that magazine all the time.
56:56 You were putting articles to help these people
56:58 struggling, they hear it.
56:59 Yes.
57:01 And we're saying to you,
57:02 those of you that have joined us
57:03 for Family Worship,
57:05 thank you for walking us
57:06 through this experience of life,
57:07 but you're gonna have difficulty.
57:09 You're gonna have trials,
57:10 but if you don't take the peaceful time
57:12 that you have now to build up your line of defense,
57:16 when the difficulty come,
57:17 you won't be able to do like Asa and say,
57:18 "Father, this is yours."
57:20 So here at 3ABn worship,
57:21 Jason, Donald, Janelle, my wife and I,
57:24 we wanna to bid you a happy what?
57:26 Sabbath. Sabbath.
57:28 Thank you for joining us.
57:29 We look forward to seeing you the next time.
57:33 Amen.


Revised 2021-03-04