Today Family Worship

Worship In Spirit & Truth

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW210002S

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:08 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:08 Hello, friends, and welcome to 3ABN Family Worship,
01:12 where we worship the Lord in spirit and in truth.
01:16 And that's actually what we're gonna be talking about tonight
01:18 during our study time together.
01:19 Our title is worship and then the subtitle,
01:23 of course, in spirit and truth.
01:25 We're gonna be looking at, you know, what is worship?
01:27 What's the importance of worship?
01:28 And there's a lot of things you can say about worship.
01:31 You know, there's so many different avenues
01:32 and subheadings and things you can take it
01:34 into a certain direction,
01:36 but tonight we're just gonna focus
01:37 in on what does the Bible say?
01:38 How did Jesus describe
01:40 what it means to properly worship?
01:42 And so, again, we just wanna thank you for joining us
01:44 because we know you could be anywhere else
01:46 doing anything else, but you are joining us here
01:48 on this Sabbath evening,
01:50 and praise the Lord for the Sabbath, right?
01:52 Amen to that.
01:53 I love this time where we can be around the table,
01:55 just like family 'cause that's what we are, right?
01:57 We're family literally, you know,
01:58 literally to a certain extent, but you guys also at home
02:04 watching all over the world, you are our family
02:05 and we praise the Lord for your love,
02:07 your prayers and support of this ministry as the gospel
02:11 through 3ABN is going all around the world right now.
02:13 And so praise God for that.
02:16 Well, I'm gonna go ahead and take the time
02:17 to introduce our guests.
02:20 It gets kind of weird for me to say that because usually
02:22 I'm on the guest side of things,
02:24 and Greg and Jill are usually
02:27 the ones hosting, but without further ado.
02:29 We just all family
02:30 We are, Brother Ryan. Yeah, we are all family.
02:32 So, Brother Greg Morikone, for those who may be watching
02:35 for the first time, you are the President of 3ABN,
02:39 and we're so grateful to have you here
02:40 joining us today.
02:41 It's a blessing, you know, and I like Family Worship time.
02:43 I mean, this is great, you know, spend the time,
02:44 you know, it's usually been a busy week.
02:46 And so to spend this time, like you said,
02:48 together as family, and then of course
02:50 with you at home and it's a blessing.
02:51 So thank you for the invitation.
02:52 Amen. And great topic too.
02:54 I know. I love it.
02:55 It's gonna be good. Thank you.
02:56 We'll hope we'll get everything in one in one hour, right?
02:58 That's true.
02:59 And, of course, Miss Jill Morikone,
03:01 Vice President, COO and we are so blessed to have you as well.
03:06 And I know you've got some lists for us
03:07 because I told you to make one,
03:09 and I know you've got a lot to share with us.
03:10 I was kind of relaxing thinking,
03:12 okay, well, Ryan's, you know, he's hosting.
03:14 So we're just kicking back
03:15 and get to enjoy the Word of God.
03:17 He said, "No, I know you're gonna have a list."
03:18 So I thought I better kick in gear.
03:20 Praise the Lord. Amen.
03:22 And across the table, we've got little brother Dakota Day,
03:27 and we're only about four and a half years apart.
03:28 I say little brother because he is my little brother,
03:30 but it's always a blessing to have you,
03:32 Amazing Facts evangelist,
03:34 you travel full-time on the road.
03:36 Literally like you live in an RV
03:38 and your home is where you park it.
03:40 That's right. Yeah.
03:42 We travel full time with the administrative
03:43 of Amazing Facts and we do public evangelistic campaigns
03:46 all over the world.
03:47 And it's just always a blessing and privilege to be here
03:49 with our 3ABN family,
03:51 just to do awesome Bible study together.
03:53 So, yeah, thank you guys for having us.
03:55 Praise the Lord. It's good to have you.
03:56 That has been nice you know, because I know COVID
03:57 kind of caused a little bit of a challenge
03:59 with all the travel and things a little bit.
04:01 So to have you and your wife, you know, close by,
04:03 I'm sure it's been nice to you.
04:04 Oh, man. You and Stephanie to have...
04:06 It's been a blessing, you know, about many years
04:08 I was on the road with Amazing Facts.
04:10 And we didn't get to see family as much as you'd like.
04:12 And so it's kind of been a blessing during these times.
04:14 It's good. It has.
04:15 It's blessing having you guys here too.
04:16 Well, thank you guys for having us.
04:18 It really is truly a blessing to come here
04:19 and get to visit my bigger bro
04:22 and just get to see all of you guys and worship here
04:24 at the Thompsonville Church.
04:25 Amen. Absolutely.
04:27 Praise the Lord.
04:28 Well, we're here to talk about literally
04:30 on 3ABN Family Worship.
04:32 We're gonna talk about worship
04:34 because worship is extremely important to God
04:37 and it should be extremely important
04:39 to us as Christians.
04:40 But before we dive deep into this topic,
04:42 I'm gonna ask Miss Jill,
04:43 if you would have a prayer for us.
04:44 Sure.
04:46 Holy Father, we come before You in the name of Jesus.
04:47 We're grateful for Your gifts, the gift of Sabbath,
04:50 the gift of salvation by grace through faith,
04:54 the gift of Your Spirit that gives us
04:56 insight into Your Word.
04:58 And right now we just ask for that.
05:00 We ask for the anointing of Your Holy Spirit.
05:02 We pray that You would open our minds and hearts
05:05 to receive the truth in Your Word.
05:09 And that, Lord, we wouldn't just study and go away,
05:12 but we would be study.
05:14 We would study and be changed. Amen.
05:16 Because of what You are going to do in our hearts and lives.
05:21 We give you this time, we give You ourselves
05:23 and we thank You in Jesus' name.
05:26 Amen. Amen.
05:27 Thank you so much.
05:30 Oxford's online dictionary.
05:32 I just wanna go right there.
05:34 Let's define what worship is
05:36 from kind of a secular perspective.
05:38 That's always interesting to know
05:39 because we know the Bible is very clear
05:41 on what worship is and we're gonna talk a lot about that,
05:44 but I found this to be very interesting,
05:45 very quick, very simple, very easy.
05:47 Oxford online dictionary says that
05:49 "Worship is the feeling or expression
05:53 of reverends and adoration for a deity."
05:57 That's the general kind of secular definition.
05:59 And I think that there's a lot of accuracy
06:02 in that definition to them for the most part.
06:04 But I want to start just kind of,
06:05 let's start with the Brother Greg
06:06 and Sister Jill here.
06:08 What is your concept of worship?
06:11 What is worship to you?
06:13 Yeah, that's great. That's a great question.
06:14 You know what first comes to mind?
06:16 Well, three things, one would be family worship
06:18 as in at home.
06:20 When I think of worship,
06:21 I'm thinking, okay, family worship.
06:23 I grew up, I was blessed to have a family
06:24 that had family worship.
06:25 I also think of worship as in going to church.
06:28 You know, my parents very much took us to church.
06:30 So I think of like a worship center, a sanctuary,
06:33 but then I also think of worship as a one-on-one.
06:36 My parents were very strong with that.
06:37 Like, okay, son, make sure
06:38 you have your own time of worship.
06:40 So that's when I think of worship.
06:41 When you ask that question,
06:43 that's what comes to mind, those three.
06:44 That's awesome. Praise the Lord.
06:45 That's important. And worshiping the Lord.
06:47 That's right.
06:48 'Cause you know what I talk about.
06:49 Okay, there are other things that you can worship, you know,
06:51 money, you know, sports figures or other things,
06:53 but remember to keep, you know, God number one.
06:55 Absolutely wonderful. Jill?
06:57 I think of Romans 12, when I think of worship,
06:59 that's where my mind goes.
07:01 So if we could go Romans 12. Yeah, absolutely.
07:03 Romans 12:1.
07:05 Yeah, that's beautiful. I love this.
07:08 "I beseech you therefore brethren...
07:11 by the mercies of God
07:12 that you present your bodies a living sacrifice or in Greek,
07:16 it could be offering.
07:17 So wait a minute, we're supposed to sacrifice.
07:19 We're supposed to be an offering, a living offering,
07:22 holy, that word means set apart, adios, set apart.
07:27 Holy acceptable to God,
07:29 which is your reasonable service
07:31 or which you could translate,
07:33 which is your spiritual act of worship.
07:37 So when I think of worship, I think of surrender.
07:42 It's about me coming before God with the offering
07:46 of myself and saying, "God, all I have,
07:50 everything I have, everything I am is Yours.
07:54 And I'm not holding on to some other idol
07:57 that maybe wants to come between me and God
07:58 or I'm not holding on to something else.
08:00 God, I am yours.
08:02 Make me holy.
08:04 God, as I give myself to You,
08:07 would You work Your character in my life?
08:10 That's worship to me. Wow.
08:12 Is that surrender to God.
08:15 A quote, I just yesterday found this is sometimes
08:19 you have to lay your dream down to pick up God's best.
08:22 Wow.
08:24 And to me, that's worship. Yes.
08:25 You lay down what you think you want,
08:27 what you think your life is all about.
08:29 This spiritual act of worship,
08:31 giving it to God and picking up what's His best.
08:34 Wow. That is so awesome.
08:36 What He has for us is incredible.
08:39 So that's, to me worship is allowing God
08:43 is that surrender and allowing Him to come in.
08:46 That is beautiful.
08:47 As you were saying that, I thought to myself,
08:49 that picture of Christ in Gethsemane came to my mind,
08:52 you know, nevertheless, not My will, but Your be done.
08:56 What an awesome scene of worship there, right?
08:58 That's awesome.
09:00 Dakota, what's your concept, your idea?
09:03 What is worship to you?
09:04 So worship to me when I first initially saw
09:07 the question for this study, what is worship?
09:10 My first initial thought went to, you know,
09:13 to be completely in awe and in adoration of God.
09:16 And it's funny because the adoration
09:17 is the same word that they used
09:19 in the dictionary there that you looked up.
09:21 But what's interesting though, too, is, you know,
09:23 when I was looking into the Old Testament
09:25 and New Testament terms of worship,
09:28 I found something very beautiful
09:29 that I could relate to every single day.
09:32 And the Old Testament definition
09:34 or Old Testament word for worship is shachah,
09:37 which is very interesting word.
09:39 It's a Hebrew,
09:41 but it means to prostrate oneself
09:43 or to put your nose to the ground.
09:45 That's good.
09:46 And so literally like it's a like complete awe
09:49 and realizing like, if we were before
09:51 the presence of God right now, how would we act?
09:52 Yeah. Right.
09:54 We would just be like, boom, you know?
09:56 And then the New Testament where it came to mind
09:58 and this one was a really one that I could relate to.
10:01 And when I said being in adoration of God
10:04 is the New Testament word is proskuneo.
10:06 And that means very interesting.
10:08 Listen to this, to kiss like a dog
10:11 licking his master's hand.
10:13 Wow.
10:14 Now I have a golden retriever.
10:15 All right?
10:17 And I love my golden retriever.
10:18 Her name is honey, but I call her honey bun.
10:20 Okay.
10:21 And every single morning of my life.
10:25 And I'm sure many of the viewer's here
10:26 can probably relate.
10:28 Every single morning, if you have a pet,
10:29 dog especially.
10:31 She comes to me and wants to wake me up
10:34 by the bedside of our RV,
10:36 you know, where our bed is in our RV.
10:38 She wants to come
10:39 and she'll want to link my hands.
10:42 And even if I raise her from the chair,
10:44 she just wants to lick my hands.
10:45 She wants to be there.
10:47 And I love that, to kiss
10:49 like a dog licking his master's hands.
10:51 And that means to reverence and adore.
10:54 And I just, when I saw that, I thought, you know,
10:55 that's what true worship is too.
10:57 Amen. That is awesome.
10:59 That's an awesome illustration,
11:01 you know... taking consideration a dog,
11:06 you know, they're very loyal to their masters.
11:08 You know, animal pets can be very loyal to their masters
11:11 and we could learn a lot from the way,
11:14 especially because I've seen the attentiveness
11:18 and the obedience and the humbleness
11:20 that his dog shows to him
11:23 as he has trained her very well.
11:24 And, you know, they love her and care for her
11:26 and take care of her.
11:28 And it's just amazing.
11:29 And sometimes when I see that scene,
11:31 I'm just like, wow, that's how we should be
11:33 with the Lord, yet even more, right?
11:35 Because God is our master.
11:36 Right. Absolutely.
11:38 I have to read this 'cause I found an article
11:41 from 2012 Christianity Today.
11:45 And I just wanna read these words
11:47 'cause I thought it was worded so well
11:49 just to kind of encapsulates
11:51 what it is that we're discussing today
11:53 as to what worship is.
11:54 And then in a few minutes,
11:55 we're gonna get into what Jesus said about worship,
11:58 which is, you know, it's kind of a, it's a dual thing.
12:01 We have to worship Him in spirit and truth.
12:04 And we're gonna get into that in just a moment.
12:05 But I want to read this from a 2012 article
12:09 in Christianity Today.
12:10 And this is what they say.
12:12 "Worship is not the slow song that the choir sings.
12:17 Worship is not the amount you place
12:19 in the offering basket.
12:21 Worship is not volunteering in children's church.
12:25 Yes, these may be acts or expressions of worship,
12:30 but they do not define what true worship really is.
12:34 There are numerous definitions of the word worship
12:37 yet one in particular encapsulates
12:40 the priority we should give to worship
12:42 as a spiritual discipline."
12:44 And in the article, they go to that definition.
12:48 And it's a beautiful definition,
12:49 which you probably won't find in any dictionary today
12:52 'cause this actually comes from Webster's dictionary,
12:54 the 1828 edition.
12:57 And this is the definition of worship
12:59 in Webster's dictionary 1828,
13:02 "Worship is to honor with extravagant love
13:06 and extreme submission.
13:08 And sometimes we don't like that word extreme
13:10 because it sounds just a little extreme, right?
13:12 It does.
13:13 But yet, you know,
13:15 when it comes to your love for God,
13:16 does it sometimes appear to some, to others as extreme.
13:19 It can, depending on how devoted you are to Him,
13:22 but the article goes on
13:24 and this is what really caught my attention.
13:26 It go on to say, "True worship in other words
13:29 is defined by the priority
13:31 we place on who God is in our lives
13:35 and where God is on our list of priorities.
13:38 And then I highlighted this next line
13:40 because it really just identifies it very clearly.
13:43 True worship is a matter of the heart expressed
13:47 through a lifestyle of holiness.
13:50 It's an attitude of the heart.
13:51 I remember taking a class, you know,
13:54 in seminary program at Andrews, worship, word and music.
13:56 And we talked about how worship is the attitude of the heart.
14:01 It's almost an, a lifestyle, it's a state of being.
14:05 It's not necessarily what you do.
14:06 Those are expressions.
14:08 Those actions are expressions of it.
14:10 But this goes on to say,
14:11 "Thus, if your lifestyle does not express
14:13 the beauty of holiness through an extravagant
14:16 and exaggerated love for God,
14:19 and you do not live in extreme
14:21 or excessive submission to God,"
14:23 again, that kind of sounds a little extreme,
14:25 but they, their word,
14:26 their usage of words here I think are accurate.
14:28 "Then I invite you, they say, to make worship
14:31 a non-negotiable priority in your life."
14:35 That was really, really...
14:37 I thought it really caught my attention.
14:38 And so what is worship?
14:41 Dakota, I wanna go to 1 Chronicles 16.
14:44 Okay.
14:45 And we're just gonna kind of start here
14:46 because a lot of people, when they think of worship,
14:48 they think of, you know, their mind automatically goes
14:51 to like a church scene perhaps maybe.
14:53 You're in church and you're participating
14:55 in a worship service, right?
14:57 We call that our worship experience
14:59 or the divine worship hour.
15:01 And so a lot of people in their mind,
15:03 they have the concept of worship
15:05 as things that they do.
15:07 And as we have clearly said, more than once
15:09 that worship can be expressed.
15:11 Those are expressions or actions
15:13 and the correct term in many cases,
15:15 as far as what's going on in the worship service,
15:17 with the liturgy, you know,
15:19 you do this at this time is an expression of this,
15:22 your worship and your homage to God.
15:23 And you do this at this time.
15:24 And it kinda seems like our worship services
15:27 are organized in that way.
15:28 This is the time for the offering.
15:30 And this is the time to sing the opening hymn, the children.
15:33 People get upset if you change the order.
15:34 Right.
15:35 You know, like, well, no,
15:37 the offering needs to come this time.
15:38 No, the children's stories here.
15:40 So, yeah, absolutely. Right.
15:41 And then there's others who absolutely despise
15:43 the way we, our worship services are organized.
15:46 And, but again, I think this 1 Chronicle 16:23-31
15:51 kind of encapsulates what many people's ideas
15:54 are as far as how you express
15:56 or declare that worship unto God.
15:58 So, Dakota, why don't you read 1 Chronicles 16:23-31?
16:02 All right.
16:04 It says, "Sing unto the Lord, all the earth,
16:06 shew forth from day to day his salvation.
16:09 Declare his glory among the heathen,
16:11 his marvelous works among all nations.
16:14 For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised:
16:17 he also is to be feared above all gods.
16:20 For all the gods of the people are idols:
16:22 but the Lord made the heavens.
16:24 Glory and honor are in his presence,
16:26 strength and gladness are in his place.
16:29 Give unto the Lord, ye kindreds of the people,
16:31 give unto the Lord glory and strength.
16:34 Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name:
16:37 bring an offering, and come before him:
16:40 worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.
16:43 Fear before him, all the earth: the world also shall be stable,
16:48 that it may not be moved.
16:51 Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice:
16:54 and let men say among the nations,
16:57 the Lord reigneth."
16:59 Amen. Beautiful.
17:00 It's kind of a beautiful poetic expression of worship, right?
17:06 Tremble before Him.
17:08 I kind of, you know,
17:09 those words kind of don't fit our idea
17:12 right of standing in the presence of the Lord.
17:14 But I don't think that this is necessarily talking about
17:16 trembling in the sense of,
17:18 you know, shaking in your jeans and then, you know,
17:20 running the opposite way from the Lord riding
17:22 as in fear or, but this is talking about more of a,
17:25 an homage of respect and awe,
17:27 a reverential awe for the Lord.
17:29 This is talking about a response of true worship.
17:33 And so, as I was reading through this,
17:37 it took me to the Book of Revelation.
17:39 And I know that you had prepared something, Jill,
17:41 I think, from the Book of Revelation here,
17:43 but I would like to go to Revelation 4
17:45 and, Brother Greg,
17:46 I'm going to let you read Revelation chapter 4.
17:49 This is that beautiful throne room scene,
17:51 where we see worship taking place,
17:54 the actions, the expressions of worship taking place
17:57 right there in the presence of God.
17:59 This is, of course, within the context
18:01 of the 24 elders and the living creatures.
18:03 Revelation 4:10-11.
18:06 Go ahead and read that for us. Yes.
18:07 Revelation 4:10-11 says,
18:09 " The twenty-four elders fall down before Him
18:12 who sits on the throne and worship Him
18:14 who lives forever and ever,
18:17 and cast their crowns before the throne, saying:
18:21 'You are worthy, O Lord,
18:22 to receive glory and honor and power,
18:26 for You created all things, and by Your will they exist
18:30 and were created.' "
18:32 Amen.
18:33 Yeah. That's powerful, isn't it?
18:34 I love that, right?
18:36 Because not only does this give us kind of an image,
18:39 a mental picture of these heavenly beings,
18:42 just kind of prostrate in front of the Lord,
18:45 casting their crowns before God,
18:46 giving their awe in this kind of proskuneo,
18:50 you know, nose to the floor,
18:51 you know, kind of humble situation,
18:54 but it also answers an important question here.
18:56 And, Jill, I'm gonna let you kind of take us
18:59 into your Revelation study here on worship.
19:03 But it also, I believe, really identifies
19:06 why God is worthy of worship.
19:09 You know, from a secular minded perspective,
19:12 someone who may not be very religious,
19:14 someone who may even be, you know, atheist or agnostic,
19:16 they may look, you know, at the concept of worshiping
19:19 this one Christian God, and say,
19:21 "Isn't there many gods in the world?"
19:22 Right?
19:24 What makes this God worthy of worship?
19:25 What makes Him stand out?
19:27 And I love the fact that in this verse here,
19:30 it says that you are worthy Lord
19:31 to receive glory and honor and power.
19:33 Why?
19:34 For You created all things and by Your will they exist
19:39 and were created.
19:40 We serve a mighty God.
19:41 We worship the creator of all things.
19:43 That's powerful too because He created,
19:45 but then also this word exists, right?
19:47 Yes. Staining,
19:48 Right. That's huge.
19:50 Lots of people cannot create living things,
19:51 but to keep it going.
19:53 I mean, that's powerful.
19:54 Amen. It really is.
19:56 Yeah. Amen.
19:57 To me, it's just amazing.
19:58 I love what you said, Ryan, because why do we worship?
20:00 Yeah. We have to know who we worship.
20:02 That's right. Right?
20:04 Because if you don't understand God,
20:06 we recently studied Isaiah
20:08 for Sabbath School Panel is Isaiah.
20:10 And it reminds me of when we got to Isaiah 40,
20:12 I was just, I was undone.
20:14 Who is this guy that we worship this God,
20:18 our God is omnipotent.
20:20 Our God is eternal.
20:22 Our God is the creator.
20:23 That's why we worship.
20:25 And when I read here in Revelation 45,
20:28 that's what I see.
20:29 The reasons why we worship.
20:31 So I wanna look at just a couple of verses.
20:33 Sure.
20:34 If we pick up in verse 8, the middle of verse 8,
20:37 these were the four living creatures crying out,
20:39 we're in Revelation 4:8.
20:42 What did they cry out?
20:43 "Holy Holy, Holy." Why do we worship?
20:46 Because our God is Holy. Right.
20:50 "Lord, God almighty, who was and is and is to come."
20:54 Why do we worship?
20:56 Our God is internal. That's right.
20:58 He always existed
21:00 from eternity past to the future.
21:02 Our God is eternal.
21:03 Then jumping down to what Greg just read in verse 11,
21:06 "You are worthy, oh Lord,
21:07 to receive glory and honor and power,
21:09 for You created all things."
21:12 Our God is not just holy, we worship because He's holy.
21:15 We worship because He is eternal.
21:17 We worship because He is our creator.
21:21 For You created all things,
21:22 and by Your will they exist and were created.
21:25 We worship because He is our sustainer.
21:28 Right.
21:29 Then we get to Revelation 5.
21:31 And Jesus, the lion of the tribe of Judah,
21:34 the lamb slain shows up, right?
21:36 Peter references this in Acts Chapter 2.
21:39 Remember that Pentecostal sermon
21:41 and saying after Jesus resurrected.
21:43 He ascended to the right hand of the Father.
21:45 That's right.
21:46 And so we see Jesus is worthy to open the scroll,
21:51 but then the living creatures and the elders fall down
21:56 and worship Jesus.
21:57 And this is in verse 9, they sing a new song,
22:00 we're in Revelation 5:9,
22:02 "You are worthy to take the scroll
22:03 and open its seals, for you were slain."
22:06 Why do we worship?
22:08 Because He's not just holy, He's not just eternal.
22:10 He's not just our creator.
22:12 He's not just our sustainer. He is our redeemer.
22:15 Wow. Amen.
22:17 And have redeemed us.
22:18 You were slain and have redeemed us
22:20 to God by Your blood.
22:22 Amen.
22:23 Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation,
22:28 salvation is for everyone, not just one group.
22:31 Salvation is for everyone.
22:33 Have made us kings and priests to our God,
22:35 and we shall reign on the earth.
22:37 He's made us kings and priests.
22:39 So we worship God.
22:42 I love Him because of who He is.
22:44 That's right.
22:45 That's what worship is about, recognizing God.
22:48 Praise the Lord. Yeah.
22:49 You know, Brother Ryan, I wanna go back to,
22:51 I was just thinking about why we worship
22:52 and going back to what you're talking about
22:54 those definitions and thank you for putting them
22:56 in here in the notes here.
22:57 Going back to the Webster's one.
22:59 Worship is to honor with extravagant love.
23:04 So I think we worship,
23:05 we don't, I don't think I know we worship
23:06 because we love God.
23:08 That's how we should worship, right, because we love God.
23:09 You had here too.
23:11 This one from the Christianity Today.
23:12 I like that with extravagant or exaggerated love for God.
23:16 So I think of Mark 12:13, it says,
23:22 "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,
23:26 with all thy soul, with all thy mind.
23:28 Right.
23:29 You know, Dakota, I'm going back to your dog.
23:31 You know, your dog is not a human being,
23:32 but I believe your dog is licking you because
23:34 for one thing, you know,
23:35 you feed her and stuff like that.
23:37 But I also believe, however dog can love somebody.
23:39 There's some type of connection that's there.
23:41 Absolutely, yeah.
23:42 You know, so I think about us with God.
23:43 Why do I worship God?
23:45 Why I even want to worship God, I can be afraid of God,
23:48 but that's not very fun.
23:49 Yeah. Right.
23:50 But if I love God, that's huge.
23:52 Absolutely, yeah.
23:53 You know, I love my wife while I love my wife,
23:55 there's a relationship that's there.
23:57 So I think for me, the reason for worshiping God,
23:59 because I love God.
24:01 He created me.
24:02 He sustains me. That's the motivation.
24:04 It's the motivation. Thank you.
24:06 That's the key word. Praise the Lord.
24:07 I love what you said there because we love God.
24:12 We express our worship to Him
24:14 and it's based on that extravagant love.
24:16 That's right.
24:17 It's great that you read here, yeah But it's powerful.
24:19 We love Him because He first loved us.
24:20 Yes, exactly what I was thinking of.
24:22 That's right.
24:23 God doesn't expect us to just worship Him.
24:25 You know, like, you know, you don't know Me, worship Me.
24:27 He extends Himself first.
24:29 He gives us a reason.
24:30 That's beautiful. Why we want to worship Him.
24:32 And I think of my dog, you know, like
24:33 the Bible says in Genesis that God gave us,
24:36 you know, Adam and Eve and humanity dominion
24:39 over the beast of the earth, right?
24:41 And so when you think about it that way,
24:42 like we have dominion over all the beasts of the earth,
24:44 but what's amazing though is like to think about
24:47 the beast of the earth and the animals of the earth
24:49 will not show us love and affection
24:51 if we do not first show them love and affection.
24:53 Yeah.
24:54 You see some people who have animals,
24:56 you go to like the humane society
24:57 or something like that, where they do,
25:00 you know they have pets that have been abused
25:02 and all these different things, animal shelters and stuff.
25:06 And you see these dogs that will like,
25:07 when you walk up to the cage,
25:09 they'll walk to the back of the cage.
25:10 They don't wanna be around humans,
25:12 because of the way they've been treated.
25:14 But my dog is not that way, like she runs to humans
25:17 because of how we've treated her.
25:19 She just thinks humans are the grandest thing
25:21 that's ever happened in the world.
25:23 And she wants to show her love and affection
25:25 to each human she comes to.
25:27 And if you guys have pets, you know
25:28 what I'm talking about?
25:30 I mean, it's such a beautiful thing.
25:31 It is.
25:32 But I think it really,
25:34 it kind of really encapsulates the idea of,
25:35 of why we should love God.
25:37 It's because when we see what He's done for us,
25:39 as you mentioned, Jill, He redeemed us.
25:42 When we see the love of...
25:44 that it was displayed on Calvary,
25:45 it gives us an awe.
25:47 It's just like, wow.
25:48 And we like a dog, we just wanna come to Jesus
25:51 and we just wanna wag our tails,
25:52 you know, and just...
25:54 We just wanna be happy.
25:56 And we want to like my dog, honey, she lives to please me.
26:01 She really does, like, she lives to please me.
26:04 Everything that she does and her entire life's
26:06 existence is to just, she's always staring at me.
26:10 If I get up to go to the kitchen or whatever,
26:11 it doesn't matter.
26:13 She's always there and she's just willing.
26:15 And you know, I think of the scripture
26:16 where Jesus was speaking to the woman,
26:19 who come to Him and He was,
26:21 she was asking for a healing, right?
26:22 And he says what?
26:24 I should not throw what is holding on to the dogs.
26:27 Right. Yeah.
26:28 But then what does she say?
26:29 She says, even the dogs eat the crumbs,
26:32 which fall from their master's table.
26:35 She compared herself to a dog.
26:37 Right?
26:38 In a sense, or he compared her to, so to speak,
26:41 or she compares herself to a dog.
26:43 I almost got that backwards, but basically in a sense that
26:46 that she's saying, yeah, but
26:47 I'm willing to take anything from your table.
26:50 I'm willing to come to you
26:52 and just soak up everything you have.
26:54 And I think that if we would be like that with God,
26:56 we would understand what true worship really is.
26:58 Absolutely. That's good.
26:59 I like John 3:16 too. Yeah.
27:01 Yes, Ryan, for God so loved the world.
27:03 Yeah. Amen
27:04 That's powerful. It is, man.
27:06 He gave us the most precious gift.
27:07 Yeah.
27:08 Praise the Lord. Yeah.
27:10 So it was great. I love this topic.
27:11 It goes to so many directions. Absolutely.
27:12 Yeah, you could, we could dissect this for
27:14 two or three more family worships
27:16 if we wanted to, but you know, it's just powerful.
27:18 And I have to make mention, I can't help,
27:20 but my musical mind
27:21 picks this up there in Revelation 5,
27:23 where you took us earlier.
27:25 You know, you can sense and this was almost
27:28 come across as comedic here
27:29 or facetious, but that's not the point.
27:32 I just, it's amazing.
27:33 You can see, you can almost sense
27:35 God's worthiness of worship.
27:38 And the fact that these brothers,
27:40 they sing a new song the Bible says.
27:42 They freestyled a brand new song
27:44 that nobody else had ever seen before.
27:46 That's how much love and how much connectivity
27:50 that these brothers had,
27:52 you know, to the Lord in the sense that
27:53 on the spot, they were able,
27:55 but I'm sure, the leading and guiding power
27:57 of the Holy Spirit to sing a new song,
27:59 to bring worship and honor to Christ.
28:01 And that's powerful.
28:02 Then there should be a kind
28:04 of a reflection of our life as well,
28:06 that our life should be a reflection
28:08 of being able to always come up with a new, fresh way
28:12 to worship the Lord.
28:13 And we're going to get into in just a moment of,
28:16 you know, how not to worship, right?
28:18 You know, because we're not gonna spend
28:19 a lot of time on that, but you know,
28:21 there's, we're gonna talk about how to worship,
28:22 you know, from a biblical perspective,
28:24 but how not to worship.
28:25 Before we transition to that, is there anything that
28:27 you guys want to say on this, on this part?
28:29 So I'm going to kick this to Dakota right now.
28:31 Dakota, we're about to go into answering
28:33 the question that's on our outline here
28:35 which is, how does the Bible instruct us
28:37 to worship the Lord?
28:39 We're gonna be looking at what Jesus said
28:40 and how to worship the Lord.
28:41 But you, you brought this to me as we were preparing for this.
28:44 And you said you know what?
28:45 Someone may have the question of,
28:47 you know, how do we make sure
28:49 how we worship the Lord correctly?
28:52 There's gotta be ways, perspectives, mindset,
28:56 concepts of worship that is not appropriate,
28:59 or that, you know, ways that we should not worship.
29:02 Kind of take us down a little bit of that
29:03 just for a period?
29:05 We as human beings, we're born into this world
29:07 with a very sinful and self-centered nature,
29:10 and we tend to make worship sometimes,
29:13 let's just say it this way, let's be frank.
29:14 A lot of times we tend to make worship about ourselves.
29:17 Yeah.
29:18 And I'm not talking about necessarily just,
29:20 you know, day-to-day activities per se.
29:22 I'm even talking about some people
29:24 who mean well, but yet worship even in God's house,
29:27 even in church sometimes turns into a worship
29:31 that is self-centered about
29:33 what I do rather than what,
29:36 yes, performance, rather than what about God, right?
29:39 Worship should be not about us, but about God.
29:42 And I was thinking about that, a wrong ways to worship
29:44 and just centering on that.
29:46 So true worship is about who?
29:48 God. It's about God.
29:50 It's about the true God, right?
29:51 So, the first instance
29:54 that I was thinking about in Scripture,
29:55 where we see like two ideas of worship being introduced
29:59 is in Genesis 4, between Cain and Abel.
30:01 Right?
30:02 You mentioned offering earlier, Jill,
30:04 when you were quoting Romans 12.
30:06 And we see these
30:07 two dichotomous ideas of worship
30:09 first presented at Genesis 4, Cain and Abel.
30:11 You know, the story, Cain brings
30:13 an offering unto God,
30:15 but his offering consisted of fruits and vegetables.
30:19 How did he get that?
30:20 His own work. His own work, right?
30:21 It was his own work, you know?
30:23 And I think many of you guys
30:24 would be able to relate to this.
30:25 Maybe you've been to a potluck and the church member walks in
30:27 and they're so excited about their tomatoes.
30:30 Ooh, look at my tomatoes.
30:32 I have the most beautiful tomatoes,
30:34 you know, in all of the area, right?
30:36 And if you guys have seen this too,
30:38 and sometimes we can become proud about that.
30:39 Look at what I did.
30:41 You know, I got the soil right and I measured it.
30:43 And so it all becomes about us.
30:45 And so Cain's offering was more centered on him
30:48 and it was his worship to God, but it was all about him.
30:50 Right.
30:52 The idea of him presenting, it was like, okay, now
30:54 what do you think about that, God?
30:55 You know, look at what I'd done, you know?
30:58 And Abel just brings what God done.
31:02 Yeah. Right.
31:03 The lamb. Right.
31:04 And he makes it all about God.
31:06 And so obviously Abel's offering was accepted.
31:08 Cain's offering was rejected.
31:10 Now some people come to church and they have this idea.
31:13 They wanna go to church.
31:14 And me and Ryan, you and I've talked about this,
31:16 you've even preached about this many times, I've heard it.
31:17 And I love the sermons that you did years ago on this,
31:20 where people come to church with their hand held out.
31:23 You know, and they're like, what can I get today
31:26 from this service?
31:28 And maybe you've been in church before
31:29 and you've walked away from a service
31:30 or a sermon perhaps,
31:32 and you go, well, I didn't get much out of that.
31:35 Well, that's not the purpose. That's not the point per se.
31:38 The point is what did God get out of it?
31:40 Did God get loved?
31:42 Did God get adored?
31:43 Did God get praised?
31:46 And so sometimes we tend to make it all about us.
31:49 And the other thing I wanted to share on this was,
31:51 it was really beautiful, altars.
31:54 That's good. So what are altars for?
31:57 For a sacrifice. They are for sacrifice, right?
31:59 Altars are for sacrifice, and they are for worship.
32:02 Altars is all about what?
32:05 What's the purpose?
32:07 Like, what's the main purpose of the altar?
32:08 Surrender.
32:10 It's all about the sacrifice that's on the altar.
32:11 Okay. Now I get you.
32:13 Right. Okay.
32:14 So the altar is for a sacrifice, right?
32:16 You make an altar in the Old Testament
32:17 for a sacrifice.
32:18 So it's all about the all caps, the Sacrifice.
32:22 Sacrifice, right.
32:24 And sometimes there is that,
32:26 I guess you can say that tendency again,
32:28 self-centeredness and our sinful nature
32:30 to make it all about us.
32:31 And as I was reading in Exodus,
32:33 I was reminded of God's command concerning the altars.
32:36 This is beautiful because in Exodus 20 it's right after
32:39 the Ten Commandments.
32:40 Yeah. Right.
32:42 You see, God's command concerning altars.
32:44 And He says this in Exodus 20:24- 26,
32:48 he says, "An altar of earth thou shalt make unto me,
32:52 and shalt sacrifice thereon thy burnt offerings,
32:54 and thy peace offerings, thy sheep,
32:56 and thine oxen: in all places
32:58 where I record my name I will come unto thee."
33:00 So notice what God's saying now what He will do?
33:02 I will come unto thee. Right.
33:03 "I will bless thee
33:05 and if thou will make me an altar of stone,
33:08 thou shalt not build it of hewn stone."
33:11 And then he says this,
33:13 "For if you lift your tool upon it,
33:15 you have polluted it."
33:17 And then he says,
33:18 "Neither shalt thou go up by steps unto mine altar,
33:21 that thy nakedness be not discovered there upon."
33:24 And so we see here is God saying, listen,
33:27 if you make Me an altar,
33:28 you better not lift a tool upon that altar.
33:31 Because if you lift a tool, tool meaning work.
33:33 If you add to the altar,
33:35 then the sacrifice will not be the focus on the, on your part.
33:40 It'll be, look at this great altar that I have built.
33:44 Right?
33:45 And God's saying, "Listen, it's not about what you do.
33:47 The altar's about the sacrifice there upon."
33:49 Right. Yeah.
33:51 And so, and he says, don't,
33:52 you don't make steps up to that altar either,
33:54 because you don't get closer to God based on what you do.
33:57 Right.
33:58 That's beautiful. Right?
33:59 The altar is supposed to be made of earth.
34:01 And so I thought that was really meaningful
34:02 in relation to worship that we're not to do what
34:06 we think we can add to what God has done,
34:08 or even think that we can, in any way.
34:12 I guess you can say, that we can not only add,
34:16 but I guess that we can make worship
34:18 about ourselves in a kind of a slide way,
34:20 taking the attention off of God.
34:22 And sometimes that happens
34:23 that people don't even realize it.
34:24 Yeah, absolutely.
34:26 I can relate to the concept of going,
34:27 you know, as he brought up,
34:29 you know, and I've spoken on this a few times.
34:30 My idea for many years was going to church was,
34:33 I go to church to get something from it.
34:35 And that's not to say that we don't,
34:37 there's not an aspect that we go,
34:39 you know, to receive a blessing, right?
34:41 God wants to bestow a blessing upon us
34:43 in those worship atmospheres.
34:46 But we certainly have to have the right mindset
34:47 to approach the Lord, to appear before the Lord, not in,
34:51 Lord, what can I receive from You, but rather, Lord,
34:53 what can I give to You today?
34:55 Myself, my worship, my offering my tithe, my time,
34:59 my love, my worship, you know, all those are important
35:02 as we approach the Lord in worship.
35:04 And so, yeah go ahead.
35:05 I was just gonna say, that's really powerful
35:07 what you shared, Dakota.
35:08 I liked that because we think, okay,
35:10 I'm not in the world, I'm not doing all those things.
35:13 I'm a Christian.
35:15 I'm supposed to be following God.
35:18 And yet in my quest to follow God,
35:21 it can still be all about me.
35:22 That's just deep what you shared,
35:24 you know, to come back to that purpose.
35:27 Yeah. That's good.
35:28 And it's so subtle, we don't even recognize.
35:29 I mean, I've done that for years
35:31 and in my previous years and I used to make it
35:33 all about me and not even realize
35:35 I was making it all about me.
35:36 And then you, sometimes you wake up one day
35:37 and you don't even,
35:39 you feel like you're far from God.
35:40 You know what I mean?
35:42 And maybe some of you guys can relate.
35:43 I know that we used to be my experiences.
35:45 And now when I look to God and His love,
35:47 and I look to the sacrifice, like you said.
35:50 That's beautiful. It's good.
35:52 It's totally revolutionizes your idea of it.
35:54 Yeah. Great illustration.
35:57 So let's go to John 4.
35:59 Brother Greg, I'm gonna ask you to read this for us.
36:01 This is kind of the foundation.
36:02 This is kind of where this whole conversation
36:05 has been leading to because we're talking about worship
36:08 and so we talked.
36:09 Dakota brought out beautifully of things
36:11 that we must consider
36:12 and how not to approach worship.
36:14 But rather now we're gonna ask the question of
36:16 how does the Bible instruct us to worship the Lord?
36:19 And, of course, these are the words of Christ
36:22 and what better person to receive this instruction
36:24 from than from the Son of God Himself.
36:26 And so Brother Greg, this is, of course,
36:28 is within the context of the conversation
36:30 that Jesus is having with a woman at the well.
36:32 And so, you know, she brings to his attention,
36:34 you know what?
36:36 You know, Jerusalem, there's worship in Jerusalem
36:38 there at the temple.
36:40 And, you know, we don't really worship here
36:42 in Samaria because, because true worship
36:44 is of the Jews and all this stuff.
36:46 And they're having this conversation about
36:47 how there's so much emphasis
36:49 on worshiping God on that mountain,
36:51 on that temple, because that's where true worship is.
36:53 But then Jesus kind of flips the script and He brings us
36:57 to John 4:23-24.
36:59 Read that for us. Yes.
37:00 And it says, "But the hour is coming,
37:02 and now is, when the true worshipers
37:05 will worship the Father in spirit and truth;
37:09 for the Father is seeking such to worship Him."
37:13 Verse 24 says, "God is Spirit,
37:15 and those who worship Him
37:17 must worship in spirit and truth."
37:20 Absolutely.
37:21 This is Beautiful.
37:23 For a long time I wondered why he said,
37:25 God is Spirit and those who worship Him.
37:28 If you read the context of this story,
37:30 she's putting emphasis
37:32 as everyone did during that time.
37:33 And as many people still do today,
37:35 where's God found?
37:36 He's found at the church,
37:38 you know, He's found in the building,
37:39 He's found in the temple right at the synagogue,
37:41 but wherever it is you worship.
37:43 Many people's idea is that worship can only be done
37:46 within four walls of a building,
37:48 some type of holy site of some kind,
37:50 but Jesus completely revolutionizes this concept.
37:53 He says, look, we got to get out of this idea
37:55 that somehow God is combined to a box or confined to a box.
38:00 You know, He's not just in one little place.
38:02 God is Spirit, right?
38:03 And those who worship Him must worship Him
38:05 in spirit and in truth.
38:07 So the question I have to ask
38:09 question of the hour, spirit, truth.
38:13 Let's focus on in the time we have here.
38:16 What does it mean to worship the Lord in spirit and truth?
38:20 Because many people have this idea of what it means
38:23 to worship God, worship God in spirit.
38:25 And, of course, many people have their own idea
38:27 of what it means to worship the Lord in truth.
38:29 But let's talk about what does it mean
38:31 to worship God in spirit?
38:34 Just kind of off the cuff here.
38:36 When you think of worshiping the Lord in spirit,
38:38 what comes to your mind?
38:41 Well, I think the word spirit also has a translation
38:45 in the original Greek to the word life.
38:48 And so when you're worshiping God in spirit,
38:50 you worship God with your life.
38:52 And I mentioned earlier, I think it was in Christianity
38:54 Today that the quote that you read about
38:56 how it's a lifestyle.
38:58 I liked that too, that is really good.
38:59 It's a lifestyle.
39:01 Yeah, that stuck out to me because too oftentimes
39:02 we think of worship or church as like an event
39:07 where we go and we participate in this event
39:09 and then we go home and we go back to watching,
39:12 you know, our programs
39:13 that we shouldn't watch or whatever.
39:15 And so, yeah, I think that it's a lifestyle.
39:17 Absolutely.
39:18 I like how you brought that about,
39:20 because you know,
39:22 we do not, as we clearly have studied here
39:24 many times on 3ABN.
39:26 And if you're new to this, study it out,
39:28 continue to watch 3ABN
39:30 'cause we do programs all the time on,
39:32 you know, what is, what about the concept of death
39:35 and, you know, a person, you know, do we have a spirit?
39:37 You know, are we a soul or do we have a spirit?
39:40 Is it some kind of, you know, inner substance,
39:42 you know, ghost like, you know, apparition
39:44 or whatever that's in us.
39:45 Many people have this kind of twisted idea
39:48 that there's this spiritual ghost within us.
39:50 But yet in scripture,
39:51 the Bible says that when God created, man,
39:53 He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life
39:56 and man became a living soul.
39:58 So that's what you were highlighting here
40:00 is the fact that there's kind of a...
40:01 I see this in kind of a double application
40:03 and we can unpack this here in a moment.
40:06 When we worship the Lord in spirit,
40:07 I think it's kind of a double application
40:09 in the sense that we must worship Him
40:10 as Dakota brought out with all of our life,
40:13 with all of our very living being,
40:15 with all of our spirit, that spirit of life
40:18 that God has given us.
40:19 We should be an open book of worship unto the Lord.
40:24 On the other side, I believe that there is an application
40:27 clearly here that we should be led by the spirit,
40:31 the Holy Spirit of the Lord.
40:33 And, of course, my mind immediately goes
40:35 to that conversation that Jesus had with Nicodemus.
40:38 Go ahead.
40:40 Yeah, I was just going there. Yeah, go ahead.
40:41 I was thinking that and Jesus conversation
40:44 with Nicodemus, comparing it to the wind, the breath.
40:46 Yes.
40:48 And, you know, worship can degenerate.
40:53 I don't even like to use that word,
40:54 but it can degenerate into only rules,
40:59 only formalism, only the truth.
41:03 And we hit people over the head with them.
41:06 If we don't have the life giving spirit,
41:10 the breath of God is it were in our hearts
41:13 and in our lives, everything else means nothing.
41:15 Absolutely.
41:17 You know, so to experience that with being born again
41:21 and having the spirit, having the Holy Spirit.
41:24 If we don't have that, you know,
41:26 I remember I was 19 and I had grown up in a home.
41:31 This is no criticism.
41:32 I have the best parents in the world,
41:35 but they did not know Jesus.
41:37 That's just the honest fact.
41:39 And religion was all about
41:42 what you did and what you couldn't do
41:44 and that's what my experience was.
41:46 And I remember being 19 in church.
41:49 So this was in church
41:50 and the organ playing my life of scarlet,
41:54 my sin and woe covered with his life whiter than snow.
41:58 And I remember thinking,
41:59 you mean, it's not all what I have to do.
42:02 You mean, I, my salvation is not dependent on me
42:06 doing this and doing that.
42:08 It's leaning on the blood of Jesus
42:10 and the spirit working in me to equip and empower me
42:16 'cause clearly we are to walk in obedience,
42:19 but that's because of the spirit.
42:21 That's right. Amen.
42:22 So to me that whole sense of worship is...
42:25 that joy in His presence,
42:29 walking in that combined with the truth.
42:32 Praise the Lord.
42:34 You know, I found this quote here
42:37 and we're gonna get to John 3.
42:38 Actually, this is based upon the conversation
42:41 that Jesus had with Nicodemus in John Chapter 3.
42:44 And as Jill brought up beautifully,
42:46 you know, he reverences the wind.
42:48 And, of course, this conversation
42:49 is one of my favorites.
42:50 One of my favorite, probably my,
42:52 one of my favorite chapters in all the Bible.
42:53 In fact, Mrs. White says in her writings
42:56 that salvation is probably made no clearer
42:59 in any other part of scripture
43:01 than right there in John Chapter 3
43:03 in that conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus.
43:05 And, of course, you can imagine,
43:07 you know, Nicodemus this Pharisee,
43:08 he's got all this head knowledge,
43:10 he's got the Scripture tucked away in his mind.
43:11 I mean, this guy was, was a scholar of the highest,
43:14 and he's coming to Jesus again
43:16 with this kind of mentality of, you know,
43:18 I think I got it figured out, but I just wanna know
43:20 who you are and what you're doing here
43:22 and what your purpose is?
43:23 And Jesus just drops a bomb on him and says,
43:25 yeah, look man, you can't enter the kingdom of God
43:28 unless you're born again.
43:30 And, of course, this brother's mind as probably
43:32 many people would go to,
43:34 his goes immediately to the flesh, to the carnal,
43:37 to the physical, to the literal.
43:39 And he immediately went, well, wait a second.
43:40 I got to go get back in my mother's womb and be reborn.
43:44 That's impossible.
43:45 And Jesus is like, no, now, wait a second.
43:47 You're talking about literal things,
43:49 the fleshly things, I'm talking about spiritual things.
43:53 And so, this beautiful conversation
43:55 when Jesus says, you know,
43:56 consider the wind, you know, you don't see it.
43:58 You know, you may hear it.
44:00 You may feel it, but you don't know
44:02 where it's coming and where it's going.
44:03 So also is the work of the Holy Spirit
44:06 when it comes and blows through your heart, right?
44:08 It just makes a beautiful transformation
44:10 in your life.
44:11 And so I found this quote from Homeward Bound,
44:14 page 88, based on the concept of Jesus
44:17 presenting this being born again
44:19 from a spiritual perspective.
44:21 Again, we're talking about worshiping the Lord in spirit.
44:24 So keep that in mind when I read this quote here,
44:26 Homeward Bound, page 88, beautiful.
44:29 Speaking of Nicodemus and Jesus conversation
44:32 in John 3, she says,
44:33 "Here is declared the same truth that Jesus
44:36 had revealed to Nicodemus when He said,
44:38 'Except a man be born from above,
44:40 he cannot see the kingdom of God.'
44:43 Not by seeking a holy mountain or a sacred temple
44:47 are people brought into communion with heaven.
44:50 Religion is not to be confined to external forms
44:53 and ceremonies.
44:55 The religion that comes from God is the only religion
44:58 that will lead to God.
45:00 In order to serve Him aright,
45:02 we must be born of the divine Spirit.
45:06 This will purify the heart and renew the mind, giving,
45:10 " so this Romans 12, "
45:11 renew the mind giving us a new capacity
45:15 for knowing and loving God.
45:17 It will give us a willing obedience,"
45:20 I think of Honey,
45:23 "It will give us a willing obedience
45:25 to all His requirements.
45:28 This is true worship.
45:31 It is the fruit of the working of the Holy Spirit.
45:35 By the Spirit every sincere prayer is indited,
45:40 and such prayer is acceptable to God.
45:42 Wherever a soul reaches out after God,
45:45 there the Spirit's working is manifest,
45:48 and God will reveal Himself to that soul.
45:51 For such worshipers He is seeking.
45:54 He waits to receive them, and to make them His sons
45:58 and daughters worshiping him in spirit."
46:02 Brother, Greg, you got something to add to that?
46:03 You know, I was just going back to this
46:04 'cause this is powerful to me.
46:06 I highlighted it, you know, this, it's a great quote,
46:08 but it says, "Wherever a soul reaches out after God,
46:11 that's worship to God."
46:13 I love that. Absolutely.
46:15 That is powerful.
46:16 You know, because someone right now may be saying,
46:17 okay, I'm just a wreck.
46:19 I'm a mess.
46:20 This worship thing
46:22 I'm not understanding all this stuff.
46:23 Okay, just reach out to God. You know what you've just done?
46:24 You just worshiped God.
46:26 Love that, the simplicity.
46:27 You know, it's just,
46:28 that's powerful and that's beautiful,
46:30 because when you think of God, it's like, whoa,
46:31 that can get kind of complicated.
46:32 I don't know, God, I don't even know
46:34 how to get this relationship going.
46:35 Well, just reach out to Him.
46:37 And then it says right here, it's just beautiful.
46:38 It says, you can reach out, there's a spirit of working.
46:39 Okay.
46:41 And then it says for such worshipers He,
46:43 God is seeking for.
46:44 Wow. That's right.
46:46 So what we have to do is reach out to Him
46:47 'cause then you start to wonder, okay, lifestyle,
46:48 you talked about lifestyle.
46:50 Okay. Well, man, what does that mean?
46:51 Just reach out to God throughout the day.
46:53 You know, God, hey, you know, I'm just...
46:54 dealing with little struggle, little discouraged right now,
46:56 reach out to God.
46:57 And to him, that's like, wow, that's the relationship,
47:00 then that's that love, right?
47:01 I got that love.
47:02 And it's just, wow, what a great cycle circle.
47:04 That's so true.
47:05 And, you know, you guys mentioned earlier
47:07 and Jill you mentioned in your testimony
47:09 when you said when you was 19,
47:10 about how, you know, you wanna do right
47:14 and you want to live right.
47:15 But it seems like all these rules and stuff
47:17 were in the way.
47:18 And I think that's one of the biggest problems
47:20 when it comes to worship that a lot of people do allow
47:21 to get in the way and they don't really know
47:23 how to get around it is that they're seeking for the fruit
47:25 of the spirit without first seeking for the spirit.
47:28 That's right. Well, that's right.
47:30 We can't worship God in spirit,
47:33 if we don't first have the spirit.
47:35 That's good.
47:37 And so like, we oftentimes seek for the fruit first,
47:40 before we seek for the spirit,
47:41 but it's called the fruit of the spirit.
47:43 If you have the spirit, then you'll have the fruit.
47:45 Well, we get it backwards and we wanna have the fruit
47:46 before having the spirit.
47:48 And we think we get the fruit,
47:49 and then God will give us the spirit.
47:51 That's not how it works.
47:52 I love that.
47:53 It makes me think of Romans 8:1.
47:55 And Romans 7 is that whole conflict between...
47:58 That's good. Okay.
48:00 I wanna do this and I wanna do right,
48:01 but yet I ended up doing this over here.
48:04 And yet the things I don't want to do,
48:06 those are the things I end up doing.
48:08 And Roman 7 ends with.
48:10 So then, "Oh, wretched man who shall deliver me
48:13 from this body of death."
48:15 Almost at the end of Romans 7.
48:16 And then Romans 8:1 says,
48:18 "There is therefore now no condemnation
48:20 to those who are in Christ Jesus."
48:22 If you stop there, you think, okay, wait a minute.
48:24 But it doesn't end there. It continues.
48:26 It says, "There is no condemnation
48:29 to those who are in Christ Jesus,
48:30 who do not walk according to the flesh,
48:32 but according to the spirit,
48:35 for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus
48:37 has made me free from the law of sin and death.
48:40 That's inviting the spirit first,
48:42 then the fruit come.
48:44 That's right. Says the spirit first.
48:46 Amen. That is beautiful, wonderful.
48:48 I love this.
48:50 You know, we being led by the spirit
48:52 when we worship the Lord in spirit.
48:54 It's simply saying, God, Jesus is simply saying
48:56 to the woman at the well there, that you know,
48:58 you have to open yourself up completely to the leading
49:00 and guiding power of God's Spirit.
49:03 And I just kind of compiled a really quick list here
49:06 of the attributes, the powerful working
49:08 of the Holy Spirit in your life from a biblical perspective.
49:11 And this comes from John Chapter 14
49:13 and also John Chapter 16.
49:15 So if you go and read those chapters,
49:16 you can find these texts and these points there.
49:19 But Jesus makes it very clear that the Holy Spirit
49:21 will come to teach you all things.
49:23 According to John 14:26,
49:25 he will bring all things to your memory, right?
49:28 He wants to remind you of all of His holiness
49:31 and His beautiful loving character
49:33 at all times, John 14: 26.
49:35 Also, he will reprove the world of sin.
49:38 This is a spiritual thing, right?
49:40 John 16:8.
49:41 And, of course, he will guide you into,
49:43 and this sets us up for our next point
49:45 with the remaining time
49:46 we have left that pray for that clock,
49:48 it's ticking away right now.
49:49 He says, "He will guide you into all truth."
49:52 Yes. Read John 16:13.
49:54 So notice the relationship.
49:57 He says, "You need to worship Him in spirit."
50:00 Wait a second.
50:01 But you also have to worship Him in truth,
50:03 but yet they're all so connected
50:05 because Jesus refers to in John 16:13.
50:09 He says, "However, when he, the spirit of truth has come,
50:13 he will guide you into all truth."
50:16 So let's kind of go into that before about,
50:18 I don't know we have about six or so minutes left here.
50:21 Worship Him in spirit.
50:23 That means I give Him my whole living life
50:26 to be led by the Spirit of God.
50:28 I want my whole life to be a reflection of that,
50:31 of the character of Jesus as expressed
50:33 and worked through me by the Holy Spirit.
50:35 But in order for us to be led by the spirit,
50:37 and if we're truly led by the spirit,
50:39 we will be led into all truth.
50:41 That's where Jesus says, "You must worship Him in truth.
50:44 So what does it mean to worship Him in truth?
50:47 And I think as Seventh-day Adventists,
50:49 we're kind of champions of this one, right?
50:50 We're proud of this one.
50:52 We love the truth and we love to share the truth.
50:56 And so what, what do you guys think of
50:58 when you think of worshiping Him in truth?
51:02 All right.
51:03 I guess I'll start and I go real first.
51:05 So, you know, when I think of this,
51:07 I think of, when we worship the Lord in truth,
51:10 we have to stick, make sure that we're worshiping Him
51:12 according to His Word, John 17:17,
51:15 Jesus prayer to the Father, sanctify them,
51:18 that is make them holy through thy truth.
51:20 Thy word is truth.
51:22 And so we have to worship God according to His Word.
51:25 And you know, this was the problem
51:27 with the Pharisees and all of the people of the day
51:29 that followed Jesus around all the time.
51:31 Mark 7:6-7, it says,
51:33 "He answered and said unto them,
51:35 Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites,
51:37 as it is written, the people honoreth me
51:39 with their lips, but their heart,"
51:41 there it is, "is far from me.
51:44 Howbeit in vain do they worship me."
51:46 Hold on a second.
51:49 You mean to tell me we can spend our life
51:52 or worship God in spirit.
51:55 But if we don't worship Him in truth,
51:57 it's considered vain worship.
51:58 Wow. That's really deep.
52:00 And this is what Jesus was communicating.
52:02 He says, howbeit in vain do they worship me teaching
52:06 for doctrines, the commandments of men?
52:08 And I think that's what separates true worship
52:10 from false worship is that
52:11 if we're following just mere traditions of men,
52:14 commandments of men
52:15 and not the truth of God's Word,
52:17 then our worship, although
52:19 we may be sincere about worshiping God with our life,
52:22 like Nadab and Abihu and many others
52:24 who were sincere about building that fire,
52:26 that worship is rejected by God.
52:28 And I think we need to be very careful
52:30 that we worship God in spirit and in truth through His Word.
52:33 Amen.
52:34 That's a good point,
52:36 worshiping God in spirit and truth.
52:37 You guys wanna add something to that,
52:39 worshiping Him in truth?
52:40 I'm just thinking about the truth aspect.
52:42 You know, that's like the doctrine.
52:43 Sure. Absolutely.
52:45 I like how, you know,
52:46 you're focusing on this family worship,
52:47 but combining the two together.
52:49 I mean, that is key. I mean, that's key.
52:51 'Cause you know, we can say just like in Nicodemus,
52:53 you know, we, hey, we got the truth.
52:55 We know we've got all this head knowledge
52:56 and everything, but to combine,
52:58 you know, the two together, because truth is powerful.
53:00 I mean, we all want to know the truth
53:01 that is in God's Word,
53:03 but to combine it with the spirit and truth,
53:05 making true worship and that's powerful
53:06 what you're reading about in vain, right?
53:08 I mean, my word that's, that's serious.
53:10 Absolutely serious.
53:12 So to combine the two together, it's fantastic.
53:14 Yeah. Amen.
53:15 It's beautiful. It is beautiful.
53:17 I think of this is scripture you had,
53:18 but I love the scripture.
53:19 This is 2 Timothy 4.
53:21 So Paul's writing to his son in the faith, right?
53:23 And this is, of course, right before he died.
53:26 And what does he say in 2 Timothy 4,
53:28 "I charge you therefore before God
53:30 and the Lord Jesus Christ,
53:31 who would judge the living and the dead
53:33 at his appearing in his kingdom."
53:34 So this would be Paul.
53:36 You can say his last will in Testament
53:38 right at the end of his life.
53:40 And he wants to express to his son,
53:43 Timothy saying, preach the word.
53:45 Verse 2, "Be ready or instant" King James says,
53:49 "in season and out of season, convince, rebuke,
53:52 exhort with all long suffering and teaching,
53:54 for the time will come
53:55 when they will not endure sound doctrine,
53:59 but according to their own desires,
54:00 because they have itching ears,
54:02 they will heap up for themselves teachers,
54:05 and they will turn their ears away from the truth
54:08 and be turned aside to fables."
54:10 I think just as it is vitally important
54:14 that we invite the spirit into our worship,
54:17 into our hearts, into our presentation of truth,
54:20 it is just as important,
54:22 that we do not substitute manmade traditions,
54:27 manmade commandments, manmade philosophies
54:31 for the truth and the Word of God.
54:34 That's right. We can soft pedal the truth.
54:37 We can try to water it down.
54:40 We can try to say, I'm afraid to share this.
54:42 And so I'm going this direction,
54:44 but it is vitally important that we are authentic
54:49 in what we present,
54:50 that everything in the Word of God,
54:52 all scripture is given by inspiration of God.
54:55 Amen.
54:56 And is profitable for doctrine, correction,
54:58 instruction and righteousness.
54:59 Why?
55:01 That the man of God may be perfect,
55:02 thoroughly equipped for every good work.
55:04 So what an important message and mission
55:08 to present the truth, but always in love.
55:10 Oh, that's wonderful.
55:12 You know, going through this,
55:13 we have like a couple of minutes left here
55:14 in our study together.
55:16 I just feel that at this time, you know,
55:17 there may be someone watching at home right now
55:19 that says, you know what?
55:20 I want to worship God not in vain,
55:23 but in spirit and in truth.
55:25 You know what? Jesus can give you the power.
55:27 He can give you the guidance,
55:28 the leadership that you need to worship Him genuinely
55:32 and spirit and in truth.
55:33 So, Brother Greg, why don't we have a...
55:34 We have about two minutes here.
55:36 Why don't you take about a minute and a half or so
55:37 and just offer up a prayer for all of us here,
55:39 for those at home watching that need to have that true,
55:43 genuine worshipful experience?
55:46 Father in heaven, what a blessing
55:47 it is to open Your Word.
55:49 And, Father, we truly want to worship You...
55:53 in spirit and in truth.
55:55 It's easy sometimes when we say, hey,
55:57 we've got truth and we're examples for you.
56:00 We're supposed to be, and we're beating people
56:02 over the head with truth and doctrine.
56:04 But, Father, we want to be able to have Your love in our hearts
56:09 to be able to share that with other people,
56:10 because You have loved us first
56:13 and You sent Your Son Jesus to die for us.
56:16 So as we're worshiping You,
56:18 we can reach out to You and say, "Jesus,
56:21 I need you right now."
56:22 So I just pray right now that if someone is, is struggling,
56:27 trying to figure out which direction to go,
56:29 not understanding even maybe how to worship You.
56:32 All that they have to do is just say, Jesus,
56:35 I invite You into my heart right now.
56:37 And that's the start of the worship.
56:38 And, Father, that You will lead us into all truth.
56:42 So, Father, thank You for this topic today.
56:44 Thank you that we can worship You.
56:45 Thank You for being the Almighty God,
56:47 the creator, the sustainer of each one of us.
56:50 And, Father, thank You that we have this opportunity
56:52 of opening Your Word today, in Jesus' name we pray.
56:56 Amen. Praise the Lord.
56:58 We are truly living in interesting times.
57:00 Times we need to make sure that our vessels are full of oil.
57:03 The oil of the spirit, worshiping Him in spirit,
57:07 worshiping Him in truth.
57:08 It's a package deal.
57:10 And in these last days, we need to make sure
57:12 that we are balanced,
57:13 that we are being led by the spirit of truth
57:16 and that we have the truth within us,
57:17 so that we can be prepared
57:19 for the times that are coming ahead.
57:20 And so that we can see each other
57:22 in the kingdom of heaven and be with our savior.
57:24 We're so thankful that you've been
57:26 able to join us during this hour.
57:27 It went by quick, but you know what?
57:28 We're gonna continue to worship the Lord together.
57:31 God bless you all.
57:32 Have a wonderful day.
57:33 And until next time, God bless.


Revised 2021-02-18