Today Family Worship

Hope Bubbling Over

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW200041S

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:08 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Family Worship.
01:12 It's Sabbath.
01:13 It's Sabbath.
01:15 This is Shelley Quinn.
01:16 I'm JD Quinn, this is absolutely great
01:18 to be able to spend this time together.
01:21 We have some wonderful friends of ours.
01:23 We got our precious Dee over here.
01:25 And I have our precious Brian over here.
01:28 And then here's my precious wife.
01:30 There you go. Amen.
01:32 We have all of our wonderful viewers,
01:35 those who are listening to us on the radio as well.
01:37 We are so glad that you are joining us.
01:42 And tonight, we hope,
01:46 hope to bring you hope.
01:49 Let me explain something.
01:51 Tonight we will, our topic is hope bubbling over.
01:55 But it's interesting.
01:57 When you say hope in English, there's uncertainty,
02:01 we hope to, will we bring you hope?
02:04 We don't know. We hope to.
02:07 Amen. That's English.
02:09 But in the Greek, there is absolutely.
02:14 The Bible, the language of the New Testament,
02:17 there is no uncertainty in the word hope.
02:22 When you say hope in the Greek,
02:25 it meant eager expectation of something that is certain,
02:31 just not yet realized.
02:34 So tonight we will talk about biblical hope.
02:40 Amen.
02:41 Honey, you want to have a prayer?
02:42 Most certainly.
02:44 Father, as we come together this Sabbath,
02:45 we just want to thank you, Lord,
02:47 for the time that You give each one of us look.
02:49 We know that we're living in trying times.
02:51 But, Father, we're dedicating this time to You.
02:54 And we're just asking through the aid of the Holy Spirit
02:56 that You will impress our minds, our hearts.
02:58 And then what we have to share
03:00 Lord will touch people's hearts.
03:02 We love You, we thank You in the name of Jesus, amen.
03:04 Amen. Amen.
03:08 Would you all agree that we have just been through
03:12 one of the most difficult years of our lives?
03:17 Ryan, how did this past year affect you?
03:22 In many ways...
03:24 but I think the most notable thing about 2020 for me
03:27 is it drew me closer to the Lord.
03:31 You know, considering
03:32 that this year will go down in history as one of the most
03:37 the notorious years in human history
03:39 being that the pandemic had set in
03:40 and it just launched our side society in chaos.
03:47 People sadly losing lives,
03:48 you know, people getting sick and all those things.
03:50 And so, I think for me and many other people,
03:53 I think what it made us do, it made us go back
03:55 to the drawing board and do some self inventory.
03:58 And to do some soul searching
04:01 and what it did, it put me on my knees many times,
04:03 because you have to during tough times like that,
04:06 you're completely dependent on the Lord.
04:07 And so for me, it drew me closer
04:09 into a more in depth relationship with my Savior.
04:12 Looking forward to the hope
04:14 that I have in knowing that He's going to come back
04:16 and He's going to do away with all the sickness,
04:18 and all the pain,
04:19 and all the sorrow, and the death,
04:21 and all that we're having to deal with
04:22 in this lifetime now.
04:24 Well, you know, how fortunate we are to know the Lord,
04:26 but I want to read something to you at home from Psalm 42.
04:30 You know this psalm very well.
04:33 "Oh, as deer pants for the water,
04:35 so my soul pants for you."
04:38 But let me ask you a question.
04:40 Have you ever felt like God has forsaken you?
04:43 You know, in the midst of all the drama
04:46 that we've been through.
04:47 Have you ever felt like you're just so overwhelmed?
04:51 Actually the psalmist is feeling this way as well.
04:53 He's talking to himself.
04:55 Listen to Psalm 42:3, he says,
04:58 "My tears have been my food day and night.
05:04 While they continually say to me, 'Where is your God?"
05:08 ' And then verse 6, he says, "Oh my God,
05:11 my soul is cast down within me."
05:15 He is a depressed dude.
05:17 He's having a tough time of some sort.
05:21 But then he comes to verse 9.
05:24 And he says, "I will say to God,
05:27 my Rock, why have You forgotten me?"
05:32 So we see that he's working through some emotions here.
05:37 And we know he is a believer,
05:38 because if you back up a little bit
05:40 in the midst of this, he says, it's like,
05:45 he's talking to himself, and it's down.
05:47 And then all of a sudden, he says, "Oh,
05:49 but the Lord will command his loving kindness
05:52 in the daytime, in the night, his song shall be with me."
05:57 And then he gets back down.
05:58 So he's kind of on this emotional roller coaster.
06:02 And I know a lot of people
06:04 who've been on that roller coaster this year.
06:06 But listen, how he concludes in verse 11, JD, Psalm 42-11.
06:12 Forty two eleven,
06:14 And here he's starting off by asking that question again.
06:16 Why are you downcast, oh, my soul?
06:19 And why are you disquieted within me, hope and God,
06:24 for I shall pray yet for I shall yet praise Him,
06:28 the help of my countenance, and my God.
06:31 So it's kind of like, here's the wake-up call.
06:35 And I, you know, my year started off
06:40 four months before COVID hit, I had two major surgeries,
06:44 and everything was going insane in my life, because I couldn't.
06:48 And there were times that, to be honest,
06:51 you did need to feeling down
06:53 when you're in really serious pain.
06:55 And there were times that it was like,
06:58 these words were coming out of my mouth.
07:00 It's kind of like, wake-up, Shelley,
07:03 why are you feeling downcast?
07:06 I can hope in the Lord.
07:08 And so why do you feel at this point?
07:13 What brought him out of his depression?
07:19 How did he have that wake-up call?
07:22 Don't you think it's just that
07:25 he recognizes that God is his Savior?
07:29 And if God is your Savior...
07:33 Well, I know I know one thing, and it says in a few psalms,
07:38 a few chapters before in Psalms 31:24.
07:42 And I can only imagine that he perhaps
07:44 might be saying something like this,
07:46 "Be of good courage, and he,
07:49 God shall strengthen your heart,
07:51 all of you who hope in the Lord."
07:53 Amen.
07:54 No, that is absolute.
07:56 That will turn you around.
07:58 If you have this relationship with Lord,
08:00 we should call out to Him.
08:02 See that's why it's so important
08:03 that we feed ourselves
08:05 because human beings do have ups and downs,
08:09 things happen to us.
08:10 We get blindsided and things go on,
08:13 and if we're not,
08:14 if we do not have the word fed into us,
08:17 so that we can pull it out, then you just stay down there.
08:23 But what was happening here is what he knows
08:26 what he has learned, what is this relationship
08:29 you're talking about?
08:31 It keeps bubbling up.
08:33 So when you get down, if you have that hope in you,
08:39 you will choose to let it bubble up.
08:42 And you have to keep reminding yourselves.
08:45 I am a daughter of God.
08:49 This last year is like my trust,
08:53 my trust and living moment by moment,
08:56 I did not try to think about
08:59 what am I going to be doing in a month or next week even
09:04 is like I'm living in the here and now.
09:07 And I've got to continually
09:09 trust on the Lord and lean on to him because I was,
09:13 I'm not a person who will live in fear.
09:17 So love, God's love cast out the fear,
09:21 it doesn't have to cast out common sense.
09:24 I'm still going to do what I need to do,
09:28 what the Lord gave me common sense to do,
09:30 so I did everything this last year
09:32 that I thought I was supposed to do.
09:33 But I didn't walk around in fear.
09:35 I didn't lock myself up.
09:37 But I trusted.
09:40 I leaned into my trust in him on a moment by moment basis.
09:44 But have you ever been at a place
09:47 where you can honestly say you were hopeless,
09:50 when you were not even hoping in the Lord?
09:52 Have you ever anybody ever been?
09:53 I know the black hole.
09:55 So what was your black hole experience?
09:59 I just...
10:01 When you're in depression or suicidal,
10:05 in me, there was just this black hole.
10:07 And if I fell into it, I would never be able to get out of it.
10:10 Okay.
10:11 So I had to do whatever I had to do not to fall into it.
10:15 But this was before I had the Lord.
10:19 I may have seen the black hole after I surrendered,
10:24 but I never thought I would fall into it
10:26 because I am a very positive type person.
10:31 So if I get depressed, or I see things that
10:36 that are not going right, I'm going to...
10:41 I'm going to decide that I'm going to trust in the Lord,
10:45 that this will get better.
10:48 The one thing you can count on in life
10:50 that things are going to change.
10:52 And even this is what I've held on to during this time,
10:57 things will change now.
10:59 So you had hope?
11:00 Unfortunately,
11:01 I think things are going to change for the worse,
11:04 but my hope,
11:06 my hope is built on the rock of Jesus Christ.
11:09 So I don't, it doesn't matter
11:12 what's going to happen in the future,
11:15 God will walk me through it,
11:17 no matter how bad it gets.
11:19 I'm going to hang on to Him even if it's by a thread.
11:22 I'm going to hang on to Him
11:23 because I have the certainty of that hope
11:29 that not as human hope,
11:30 that as God's hope that there is another side.
11:36 Ryan, have you ever been hopeless?
11:39 I have, I think many times in a sense.
11:41 First of all, we have to understood that,
11:43 you know, the feeling
11:44 or the reality of hopelessness...
11:50 is not necessarily just an unbeliever thing.
11:54 It's true.
11:56 I mean, we're reading right now a psalm by someone
11:59 who was full of the Holy Spirit when they wrote the song.
12:01 Yes.
12:02 But yet they're expressing their feelings of emotions.
12:05 While God doesn't want us to be led by our emotions,
12:07 make decisions by our emotions.
12:09 God is a God of emotion, He created emotion.
12:12 And so, these psalmists here is pouring out their heart
12:15 as to how they're feeling
12:17 this kind of roller coaster effect.
12:18 I have felt that in times, even in ministry.
12:22 In fact, not without going into too much detail,
12:24 I have felt that sense of hopelessness,
12:27 lack of hope, not knowing what the future holds,
12:30 because it looked like every door in front of me
12:33 seemed to be slowly shutting in ministry,
12:35 when I'm sitting there going, Lord,
12:38 either you called me or you didn't call me.
12:39 But, Lord, there's so much evidence
12:41 that You called me to do this.
12:42 But yet, it seems like the door that I thought that
12:45 You were opening, now it's shutting.
12:47 And it seemed like there was nothing there.
12:50 But speaking of the hope that we have in Jesus,
12:53 another great synonym or a word for hope
12:55 is what she used, trust.
12:57 Amen.
12:58 You're trusting, you put your trust in the Lord
12:59 even without really knowing.
13:02 You know, you can't see two feet in front of you,
13:04 Lord, I don't know what's beyond this.
13:06 I don't know what the future holds.
13:08 But, Lord, I trust in You
13:09 because You're the only one I can trust.
13:11 I can't trust myself.
13:12 I can't trust anyone around me.
13:14 I don't know what my future holds.
13:15 I don't know what the next moment
13:16 or tomorrow holds.
13:18 But, Lord, right now, I'm walking through the...
13:20 It seems like I'm walking through the valley
13:22 of the shadow of death.
13:23 And what have you said,
13:25 "Fear no evil, because I'm with you.
13:27 I'm your shepherd.
13:28 And I will lead you through this."
13:29 But it doesn't mean that in those moments,
13:31 we cannot, you know, be subject
13:34 to those emotional feelings of fear of hopelessness.
13:38 Or it feels like the walls are closing in on us,
13:40 where it feels like there is no hope.
13:43 But yet the Lord is quick to show up and to remind us,
13:46 you know what, I'm here.
13:48 Go ahead.
13:49 Well, I was just going to go back
13:50 to something that David said,
13:52 you know, do you want to go say some verse?
13:54 Yeah, let me just say one thing before
13:55 you get into that scripture
13:57 is that my moment of hopelessness came
14:00 when I had had 24/7 vertigo
14:06 for eight months.
14:08 I was nauseated all the time, couldn't walk.
14:11 I was so drunk with it.
14:13 There never,
14:14 there was no position I could get in,
14:16 it never let up.
14:19 I just lost everything in my world.
14:22 And I couldn't read, my pupils were very constricted.
14:26 I couldn't read the Bible.
14:27 I couldn't watch TV.
14:29 I mean, and in the midst of this,
14:31 I'm trying to take care
14:33 of my mother-in-law and father-in-law
14:34 in a farmhouse,
14:36 and I remember getting in bed one night,
14:38 and I actually wrote about this in exalting his work,
14:41 but I got in bed, and I said,
14:45 "Now I know why you did it, Mama."
14:47 Because my mother had attempted suicide several times.
14:53 I wasn't at the point of thinking of killing myself.
14:58 But the point I had reached
15:00 was an emotional understanding of why people do it.
15:07 And the reason why people consider suicide
15:13 is because they've lost all hope.
15:16 You can get someone and this has happened
15:18 so many times that be standing on the bridge ready to go over.
15:23 And if they can intervene, intercept that act,
15:29 they'll say that within 24 hours,
15:31 that thought of suicide is gone because they've gotten somebody
15:34 to come in and talk to them, their hope is restored.
15:37 So when someone considers suicide
15:41 or even attempt suicide, it's because they're hopeless.
15:46 But now, Honey,
15:47 why, when, the Psalm that you read while ago
15:52 about God strengthens our heart.
15:55 Why?
15:57 How does God strengthen our heart?
15:59 Well, I love and following this.
16:03 Let me say this first, boy,
16:04 every time you throw something out, boy,
16:06 here comes a thought, here comes a thought.
16:09 And you said something while ago,
16:11 Ryan, that was just...
16:14 I think it's real life.
16:16 It got foggy.
16:18 I think a lot of people have fog
16:21 that they can't see beyond,
16:23 so there's where that they may misstep or something.
16:28 And this is where...
16:31 I've experienced this myself.
16:34 Lord, increase my faith, increase my wisdom,
16:36 increase my humility, increase, just increase,
16:39 Lord, I need help, my courage.
16:43 And the Lord impresses upon me, whenever you say,
16:47 increase my wisdom, it's kind of like...
16:51 I can't quite see far enough to be able to make a decision.
16:55 And whenever you catch yourself in a situation like that,
16:59 my suggestion, Lord, increase my wisdom
17:01 and that fog seems like it goes away.
17:04 Now, how come that fall goes away?
17:06 Has nothing to do with us.
17:09 That's an enemy just sneak it in there,
17:11 you know, throw you curveball.
17:12 Here it tells us in Psalms 38.
17:15 Behold, remember now...
17:17 Psalm 38 or...
17:18 Sorry, 33.
17:20 Psalm 33:18.
17:21 Yes. Okay.
17:23 It's foggy.
17:24 That's right.
17:25 "Behold, the Lord's eyes are upon those who fear Him."
17:29 So in other words, wait a minute here.
17:31 I'm not alone.
17:33 Behold, the Lord's eye is upon those who fear Him."
17:36 In other words, the Amplified, "Who bear,
17:39 worship Him with all,
17:41 who wait on Him, who hope in His mercy,
17:46 which is trust, which is expectation,
17:49 which is confidence
17:51 in His mercy and loving kindness."
17:54 So God is there at all times,
17:57 keeping close watch over His babies.
18:00 That's right.
18:02 And so...
18:03 Go ahead.
18:05 But if you lose sight of that. Yes.
18:07 See, hopelessness comes from when you are in so much pain,
18:11 you can't see beyond the pain,
18:13 either physical, emotional, or mentally.
18:16 When you see nothing ever changing,
18:18 you had been in vertigo for so long,
18:20 you didn't think it was ever going to end.
18:22 You couldn't even imagine not having it anymore.
18:25 Oh, I've been to every doctor in the world and NASA doctors.
18:28 Yeah.
18:29 And they wanted to clip my ears and make me deaf, I mean...
18:32 So you're in a situation
18:34 where you see no hope of change.
18:36 Yeah.
18:37 You can't continue on the way you are.
18:40 And you feel alone
18:42 because you no longer feel the presence of the Lord.
18:46 Yes.
18:47 And this is what puts you in this hopelessness.
18:50 That's where the word comes in,
18:52 where you have to just step out and say, "Father,
18:56 I claim your promise that you are here with me,
18:59 even if I can't feel you, you are here."
19:02 And that's when you start.
19:05 When you start pulling the word out,
19:07 when you can block out this hopelessness
19:11 where you are and say, wait a minute,
19:13 God, the Word says, you're next to me,
19:15 you are here with me.
19:17 Father, I praise Your name, please give me wisdom,
19:20 help me part the fog.
19:22 You have to make a decision.
19:24 Right.
19:25 You're in this place that is untenable.
19:28 It cannot continue this way.
19:30 You can't survive this way any longer.
19:32 So then you make a decision to end it one way or another.
19:38 You either end it,
19:40 you end it by just surrendering and letting go,
19:43 or you surrender to the Lord and reach out a hand to Him
19:47 and sometimes you're so hopeless,
19:49 you can't reach out a hand,
19:50 you just lay there and go, help.
19:52 And you know, this is the point like you said,
19:54 you can be a Christian and meek.
19:56 I was a Christian, but I reached that point
19:59 and you know what the Lord said to me,
20:00 I mean, that night scared me so badly.
20:03 The next morning I got up.
20:05 And if you can't read the Bible, it's pretty bad.
20:08 But you know what the Lord said to me when I cried out to Him.
20:12 He said...
20:13 "My Word is life to you, choose life."
20:18 God directed me to get into His Word.
20:21 And as the psalmist says in Psalm 130:5,
20:26 he said, "I wait for the Lord,
20:28 my soul does wait in His Word do I hope."
20:34 Here I am, where I can't read no concordance.
20:39 And I'm trying to look up scriptures,
20:41 God instructed, look up scriptures on healing.
20:44 And I'm like this.
20:45 I mean, this was bad.
20:48 But it is about putting your trust in the Word of God.
20:54 Why can we trust the Word of God?
20:56 You know, I want to interject something here.
20:58 This is why it's so critical.
20:59 We don't know, we can't look at someone and say,
21:03 "Oh, they're in that hopeless place."
21:05 That's why it's so critical of what we say to other people.
21:09 We cannot know that someone is drowning.
21:13 And we can either feed words in them
21:15 that push them deeper under
21:17 or we can feed words in them that
21:19 might give them a lifeline that they can grab on to.
21:22 So it's very critical how we treat or act
21:25 and say to other people,
21:28 when we don't know what their situation is.
21:32 Ryan's got a thought.
21:33 No, just everything that she said earlier
21:35 that she just said that you just said
21:38 and what we're talking about here,
21:40 I think it's important not to forget
21:41 that there's been no one to fall deeper
21:43 into that hopeless state than Christ.
21:45 Amen. Oh, that's good, yes.
21:48 Perfect example,
21:50 here He in the Garden of Gethsemane,
21:52 and the sin of the world is bearing upon Him.
21:56 But yet He still seems to be in that right mind to go,
21:59 Father, you know, if it's possible...
22:02 you can see that, that trust there,
22:04 He's still trusting in His Father, even though
22:06 the sin of the world is pressing upon Him,
22:08 He can feel this change overcoming Him.
22:12 But yet, in less than 12 hours later,
22:15 He's hanging on a cross.
22:17 And you read Psalm 22.
22:18 And tell me if that's the same person
22:20 that you were reading about just a few hours before that.
22:23 Well, He's hanging on the cross.
22:24 And He's saying, you know, God...
22:26 It's even recorded in the gospels,
22:28 you know, God, My Father, My Father,
22:29 why have You forsaken Me? I am a worm, and no man.
22:32 Wait a second, hold on.
22:33 That's, that's a hopeless state.
22:35 At that moment hanging on the cross,
22:36 even the humanity of Christ
22:39 fell into a hopeless state,
22:41 because the sin of the world had brought Him,
22:43 His surroundings, as He's describing in Psalm 22,
22:46 that my enemies are about me there.
22:49 And he goes into this very detailed description
22:51 of what they're doing to Him.
22:53 But yet, and it's almost as if Christ is experiencing
22:56 and without saying this in a disrespectful way,
22:58 but it's almost somewhat true.
23:00 It's almost as if He's experiencing
23:02 a sense of spiritual bipolar,
23:04 where in one moment He's Lord,
23:06 He's like this, the next moment,
23:08 He's like, oh, you know,
23:09 that's exactly what day that goes through.
23:10 That's what we go through, right?
23:12 And so it gives you hope
23:15 to look at the master of the universe
23:17 and see in His humanity,
23:20 He experienced this.
23:21 So it's fair to say He was depressed.
23:23 Absolutely.
23:24 And so, oh, please, Lord...
23:26 But yet where was He brought back to?
23:27 Yeah, but hang on one second. Let me make this point.
23:30 There's somebody who's watching
23:31 because somebody doesn't know this.
23:34 Please understand depression is not a sin.
23:38 Our Savior was depressed by circumstances.
23:42 But He held on to the love of God,
23:46 and to the Word of God.
23:49 JD, you had something to say?
23:51 I was pointing toward Ryan, because I thought he is...
23:54 About the bless verse. Yes.
23:56 No, no, I'm just saying what you brought out there
23:59 is even through the anxiety that Christ is experiencing,
24:02 even through depression.
24:04 Let me tell you something.
24:05 You have an experience,
24:06 and I'm not playing this down at all.
24:08 We have real problems to deal with in this life.
24:10 And there's people watching home
24:12 that may be dealing with anxiety,
24:13 may be dealing with depression,
24:14 may be dealing with mental illness,
24:16 or whatever other kind of illness you're dealing with,
24:18 and that each situation is real.
24:20 But we have to stop and realize
24:22 there's no one that has dealt with that
24:23 more on a stronger level than Christ Himself.
24:26 And even through all of that, through all of that depression,
24:30 through all of that anxiety, through all of that,
24:32 that hopelessness that he was experiencing.
24:35 Still at the end of the day hanging on a cross
24:38 about to give up His last breath.
24:40 He calls back out to His Father,
24:42 Father forgive them for they know not what they do.
24:46 It's powerful,
24:48 His hope was still in the end in His Father's, it's powerful.
24:51 Amen.
24:52 Amen.
24:53 I want to just, JD,
24:56 why don't you read...
24:59 the Psalm or Numbers 23:19.
25:02 I love this scripture, Numbers 23:19.
25:07 "God is not a man, that He should lie,
25:10 nor a son of man that he should change his mind.
25:15 Does he speak and then not act?
25:17 Does he promise and not fulfill?
25:19 Go ahead and read 1 Kings 8:56 because that's a great.
25:23 Amen.
25:25 "Blessed be the Lord according to all that He promised.
25:28 Not one word has failed of all of His good promise,
25:32 which He promised."
25:33 All right.
25:35 So this goes back, I had a thought I want to add
25:39 to Dee's point while ago.
25:41 It is the Word, we can trust in the Word of God.
25:47 God is not a man that He can lie.
25:50 God doesn't promise and then change His mind.
25:53 He says, "I am the Lord, I change not."
25:55 Jesus Christ was the same yesterday, today and forever.
26:00 The Word of God is powerful and active.
26:04 It's sharper than any two-edged sword.
26:07 But don't use the Word of God
26:11 in a flippant manner, let me say this.
26:15 When...
26:17 sometimes when you are, or someone you love, say,
26:21 let's say someone you love a friend or family member
26:24 is at their worst,
26:26 they're down, they're depressed.
26:28 And you...
26:31 just flip off a scripture and say this to him.
26:33 Like, for example, I was preaching in England.
26:39 And I got to Romans 8:28,
26:42 "That all things work together for good
26:44 for those who love the Lord
26:45 and are called according to His purpose."
26:48 And I made a comment.
26:49 You remember, I made a comment.
26:52 What would you do...
26:55 if you've just lost your husband and your children
26:59 and somebody comes up in church and says,
27:02 don't worry, Honey,
27:03 all things work together for good
27:05 for those who love the Lord.
27:07 When you want to hit him, I want to suck him.
27:11 But I said you can't, you can't separate
27:15 Romans 8:28 from Romans 8:29,
27:18 because he explains
27:20 what this good is that He's going to work out.
27:23 It's not that the situation was good.
27:25 But he says, for those he before new,
27:28 he predestined to be transformed
27:33 into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ.
27:35 He's gonna, so no matter what happens,
27:37 he can make us a little bit more like Jesus.
27:40 But my point is, there are some people
27:43 who are so Pollyanna positive thinking,
27:48 don't say anything negative.
27:51 It's like if you tell a true report, they go,
27:53 "Oh, don't think like that.
27:55 Don't say that, you know," and they throw out a scripture.
27:58 And you know what that is?
28:00 I call it positivity, toxicity.
28:04 You hurt people,
28:07 when they are wounded and hurting,
28:09 and you just shoot off scripture like an arrow.
28:14 Yeah, that's a good point.
28:15 It's not you've got to...
28:17 come to somebody that's feeling hopeless.
28:19 Sympathize with them.
28:20 You have to sympathize.
28:22 You have to listen,
28:24 then it's okay after that to say,
28:28 you know, I'm so sorry for what you're going through.
28:30 One thing that gives me great hope for you
28:34 is what the Lord says in wherever it is.
28:38 Proverbs 3:5-6,
28:39 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart."
28:41 But we can't just shoot it off.
28:45 And I bet happened a lot
28:47 when I went through my surgeries,
28:51 that people would say, how are you feeling?
28:53 And if I wrote, told him how I was, Oh,
28:55 don't talk like that, you know, and you feel...
29:00 invalidated.
29:01 Does that make sense?
29:03 Right. Okay.
29:04 Why can we put our trust,
29:06 I mean, yes, this is God's Word.
29:09 But why can't we put our trust in God's Word?
29:16 Because if you've have a relationship with Him,
29:19 He has proved Himself over and over in the better times.
29:24 I hang on to remembering my history with the Lord,
29:30 my past with the Lord.
29:31 So when I get into a situation
29:35 where I may be down or depressed,
29:38 or I'm not sure how something's going to work out,
29:40 I have to think the verse how He's led us,
29:44 I look at how He's led in the past.
29:48 He's not going to lead you
29:50 to the edge of the Promised Land,
29:52 and then dump you off a cliff.
29:54 Even if you can't see,
29:56 even if you're standing on a cliff...
30:00 if you step off, not jump off, but if you step off,
30:05 the Lord is going to carry you across whatever it is.
30:08 It may not be a pleasant experience.
30:12 We sometimes don't always know why we're going through
30:15 what we're going through.
30:16 We don't know if it's Satan, or if God's allowing it,
30:19 if He's trying to teach us something,
30:21 if somebody else is going to benefit from it.
30:23 We don't know the why so many times.
30:26 And I actually don't try to ask the Lord,
30:29 why, I'm gonna ask Him why later,
30:32 when He can answer me and I'll understand the answer.
30:35 Even if He explained it to me right now,
30:37 I may not understand it or get it.
30:38 It's like what?
30:40 So I try not to ask why.
30:42 I try to ask more like,
30:44 how, what am I supposed to be doing?
30:47 And if you reach out to Him,
30:49 and you say, just help me through this.
30:54 I hope, I know there's another side there.
30:57 But I depend on what He did for me in the past.
31:00 So like I said before,
31:03 you depend on the Lord on how He's led in the past.
31:05 You know, He's gonna get you through this
31:07 because He did it before.
31:09 Amen.
31:10 And that really segues into
31:11 what Paul was saying in 2 Corinthians,
31:14 for no matter how many promises God have made,
31:17 they are what?
31:19 Yes. They're always yes in Christ.
31:21 And so we need to remember that.
31:22 All right.
31:24 So when you say 2 Corinthians 1:20.
31:27 What that makes me feel
31:30 is that or what the point that we need to make
31:34 is that all of these beautiful promises,
31:38 Old Testament,
31:40 the New Testament, salvation, sanctification, peace, love,
31:44 joy, forgiveness,
31:46 all of these beautiful promises are trustworthy.
31:51 But they only belong to us how?
31:54 2 Corinthians 1:20, if we are...
31:57 Yes.
31:59 What? In Christ.
32:00 In Christ.
32:02 Even if we're in Christ so,
32:04 it's also when do the promises become fulfilled?
32:08 Oh, and I mean, that's part of hope is that it's...
32:11 We know that they're going to get.
32:13 You ask, how can we trust this?
32:15 How can we know we can trust in this?
32:16 Yeah.
32:18 God has the perfect track record.
32:19 There's no one else that has a more perfect
32:20 track record than Him.
32:22 He's the only person that didn't have to prove Himself,
32:25 but yet He did.
32:26 And so, we see right out in Genesis 3,
32:29 the devil's trying to convince even humanity
32:31 that God is untrustworthy,
32:32 He's restrictive, He can't be trusted.
32:34 He's in it for Himself.
32:35 But the cross disproved that.
32:37 His track record with Israel through that disprove that.
32:40 Since the cross He has disproved that lie.
32:44 And so when I read what you just read earlier,
32:47 we just read it from 1 Kings, and also Numbers 23,
32:50 God cannot lie.
32:52 That's a God I can trust. That's someone worthy of trust.
32:54 Every word and no word has failed.
32:56 Absolutely.
32:57 1 John 4 tells us that God is love.
33:01 In 1 Corinthians 13 reminds us that love never fails.
33:05 And so, God cannot lie.
33:08 He never fails.
33:09 He is perfect. He is trustworthy.
33:11 That's why I can trust in His Word.
33:12 And if we are in Christ,
33:14 all of God's promises are fulfilled
33:19 because of what Christ did for us.
33:21 So, Ryan, speak to someone who needs hope,
33:26 because maybe they've lost a loved one,
33:30 or hope because they're not certain of their salvation.
33:35 Sure. Or someone out there.
33:38 You may be watching this and saying,
33:39 "Well, I'm not in Christ.
33:42 How do I?
33:44 How can I find hope in God, if I'm not in Christ?
33:49 Speak to some of those situations.
33:50 You know, hopelessness.
33:52 You know, we're talking about
33:53 hope in contrast to hopelessness.
33:54 Hopelessness comes from the enemy.
33:56 The spirit of the enemy is the one who wants to plant
33:58 that seed of doubt in your mind.
34:00 And, you know, just to illustrate it really quickly
34:02 before I give these texts here.
34:04 You know, when my mom died last year,
34:06 I had thousands of people praying for her.
34:10 Thousands of God's remnant people praying for her.
34:14 You could not convince me before she officially passed
34:18 that God was not hearing those prayers
34:20 which I know He was.
34:21 And you couldn't convince me at that moment
34:23 that He wasn't going to pull her through
34:25 because I had 100% complete hope
34:28 that God was hearing these
34:29 thousands of wonderful prayers going up,
34:32 you know, save Mrs. Day, save Mrs. Day,
34:34 Lord, bless her through.
34:35 And here I am on my knees in the hospital,
34:39 in the chapel and in the waiting rooms,
34:41 you know, God save my mom.
34:42 And there's just surge of hope,
34:44 like, yeah, He's gonna hear these prayers.
34:45 He's gonna pull it through.
34:47 And then she didn't and here comes the enemy.
34:50 Amen.
34:52 Let me pause before you go to the next one
34:53 'cause here's a point.
34:54 I love that you brought this up.
34:58 We can have hope in what God has promised.
35:03 God never promised us perfect health.
35:06 He never promised us healing.
35:08 And I want to give you a scripture
35:09 because a lot of people say,
35:11 yeah, God wants us to be perfectly healed and healthy.
35:15 Of course, he loved for us to be but listen to this.
35:18 You know that Paul in Acts, he talks about, Paul had...
35:24 The Lord used him off and to heal,
35:26 even with a hankie.
35:28 Paul touched the handkerchief.
35:30 They take it out to the villages
35:32 and people would be healed.
35:36 You know, some people say, "Oh, that's the gift of healing."
35:39 Yes, it's not a permanent thing, obviously.
35:41 Because listen to 2 Timothy, this is Chapter 4 and verse 20.
35:47 This St. Paul...
35:49 whose hankies were
35:50 so powerfully anointed for healing.
35:53 He's writing to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:20.
35:57 He says, "Erastus stayed in Corinth,
36:01 but Trophimus I have left in Miletus sick."
36:08 So don't you know that Paul,
36:10 just, I'm sure that Paul was praying for Trophimus.
36:14 I'm sure that many others were praying for Trophimus
36:18 and sometimes our expectation,
36:22 you were expecting something God didn't told us?
36:24 Did you get mad at God?
36:26 You know, not really mad, it was more or less,
36:29 I fell into that really quickly, short moment.
36:33 But the devil swoops in and he can easily say...
36:40 you know, who is God that
36:41 He didn't hear all those prayers.
36:43 I thought He heard, I thought
36:44 He listens to His people's prayers.
36:46 That's the God you serve.
36:47 Don't you serve Him,
36:49 and you have all these ministers
36:50 and people within the remnant church,
36:52 praying for your mother, God, and ignored those prayers.
36:54 And then it can, it can easily slip you,
36:57 if you will feast on that too long.
37:00 It can slip you into a state
37:01 where not only do you begin to challenge God's plan,
37:05 but you begin to challenge His goodness.
37:07 And when you begin to challenge who He is as the good God
37:10 that He is, it can turn into something else
37:12 where you completely begin to distrust in who He is
37:14 and His Word.
37:16 I praise the Lord.
37:17 I'm not gonna say I didn't allow that to happen.
37:18 But praise God, He didn't let go of me.
37:20 And He helped bring me through that.
37:22 There may be someone right now that has dealt with that.
37:25 You said, you know what? I've asked.
37:26 And that's one of the questions I've gotten in pastoral.
37:29 You know, I've lost a loved one.
37:30 Why God didn't save my mom, who, you know, we're praying
37:34 for healing and praying
37:35 for healing and God's not healing us?
37:37 Why not?
37:38 Why is He not hearing our prayers?
37:39 But at the end of the day, my friends,
37:41 there is hope in loss.
37:42 We have hope in Christ Jesus.
37:44 And as Shelley brought out beautifully, just in,
37:47 you know, God didn't necessarily promise us
37:49 that He would just save us the way
37:51 we would want to be saved.
37:52 God knows things that we don't,
37:54 you know, I know, one day, I'm going to get to heaven,
37:56 and God's gonna explain to me,
37:58 here's why I had to take your mom.
37:59 And it's going to make perfect sense instead of me,
38:02 you know, falling into this state of depression
38:04 and in this state of distrust
38:06 and just shaking the fist at God
38:08 because He took my loving mom, whom I love very much.
38:11 I know, when I get to heaven, He's gonna say,
38:12 let me peel back the curtain and show you
38:14 what you couldn't see
38:16 that was going on behind the scenes.
38:17 And let me show you the future of what would have happened
38:19 if I would have allowed her to be healed.
38:21 See, we don't know God sees things.
38:24 He didn't take her,
38:25 He just did intervene to heal her.
38:26 That's right.
38:28 Absolutely, absolutely,
38:29 so, you know, we have hope in Scripture,
38:31 we've been talking about how we can trust
38:32 in the Word of God.
38:33 I think of Titus Chapter 2:11-14.
38:37 I'm gonna read all of these verses,
38:38 but I love how it brings us to that blessed hope
38:41 that we have when Christ goes back,
38:43 He's going to make all things new.
38:45 It' says, "For the grace of God that brings salvation
38:47 has appeared to all men."
38:49 Verse 13, says,
38:50 "Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing
38:53 of our God and Savior Jesus Christ
38:55 who gave Himself for us,
38:56 that He might redeem us from every lawless deed
38:58 and purify for Himself
39:00 His own special people's zealous for good works."
39:02 We have the whole knowing that in times of loss,
39:05 we can look forward to Christ who is that blessed hope.
39:08 He is coming is that blessed hope,
39:10 and then tie that with John 11:25-26.
39:13 You got to read it.
39:14 Jesus says to one of, some of the most powerful words
39:17 pertaining to death.
39:19 Jesus said to her, speaking of Martha,
39:21 He says, "I am the resurrection and the life,
39:24 he who believes in Me, though he may die,
39:27 he shall live and whoever lives
39:28 and believes in Me shall never die."
39:31 And He asked, "Do you believe this?
39:33 Do you believe this?" Do we believe this?
39:35 And there is hope in the Word of God
39:37 that we can look forward to a time
39:39 when Jesus is going to make all things new.
39:41 And that goes for just about every...
39:43 I could spend more time,
39:44 I don't want to take up all the time.
39:45 But people who are,
39:47 you know, they may be oppressed
39:48 in some type of injustice
39:50 or something that they're going through in life.
39:53 You know, there are beautiful promises in the Word of God.
39:55 I'm thinking of Romans 12:19,
39:57 "Beloved, never avenge yourself,
39:59 but leave it to the wrath of God,
40:01 for it is written vengeance is mine."
40:03 You may be going through something right now,
40:04 where someone has done you wrong,
40:06 you're being oppressed,
40:07 you're being some injustice has been done against you,
40:10 and you're looking and going,
40:11 I feel hopeless, it feels like every,
40:13 all of my enemies,
40:14 like David spent more than half of his life
40:16 with his enemies, just, you know, at his throat.
40:19 But yet God says, hang on, I'm gonna get you through this,
40:23 there is light at the end of the tunnel,
40:25 and don't take vengeance for yourself,
40:27 because vengeance is mine.
40:28 I'm going to repay those who have done you wrong
40:31 and who have not repented for their evil deeds.
40:34 You know, two things that you said
40:36 that I want to come in on.
40:38 Sure.
40:39 First of all, you obviously
40:43 had faith to believe for healing.
40:47 See, I just want to say...
40:50 when a loved one is not healed,
40:53 it isn't because of your lack of faith.
40:55 No.
40:56 That's, that's not the way.
40:58 You know, some people...
41:00 Now, I'm going to try to explain this.
41:01 You tell me if I'm doing it well.
41:04 Some people have faith in faith.
41:09 It's like, oh, if we can just have enough faith,
41:12 if you can just have enough faith,
41:14 it's kind of like God's got to do what He promised.
41:17 And if it doesn't happen, they say,
41:19 "Oh, you didn't have enough faith."
41:20 You didn't have the faith and trust enough.
41:21 I've got a friend who has horrific disease,
41:26 and it's multiple sclerosis.
41:28 And people will say to her, you don't have enough faith.
41:31 That's why you're not healed.
41:33 And it's like, what?
41:35 But then, I want to show you something here
41:37 because you were reading in John 11, about Martha.
41:41 You know, what's beautiful about this?
41:44 Here's Martha, and when he says,
41:46 "I'm the resurrection and the life,"
41:47 and she says, "Oh, Yes, Lord,
41:49 I know you are to show total faith in Jesus.
41:54 But then Jesus says,
41:56 oh, you know her brother has been
41:59 in the grave four days.
42:01 And now Jesus says, "Well, roll back the stone."
42:04 Here's a woman that's got
42:05 complete faith in Christ as Messiah.
42:08 When He says, "Roll back the stone."
42:09 What does she say?
42:11 Oh, Lord, he's stinking by now.
42:13 I mean, she didn't have faith for a miracle,
42:18 yet a miracle still happened.
42:21 See, you said it.
42:23 God knows the end from the beginning.
42:27 Sometimes He, I mean,
42:29 always He knows when it's best to intervene.
42:32 He says, "Precious in the sight of the Lord
42:36 is the death of His saints."
42:39 Isaiah 57:1 says,
42:41 "That God...
42:44 lets some of the righteous go to sleep."
42:46 And people wonder why and they don't realize
42:49 He's taking them from evil.
42:51 So we have to trust if,
42:56 if we're putting our hope in God,
42:59 it's the eager expectation of what He has promised to do
43:05 when He's promised to do it.
43:07 I lost David.
43:09 We had been praying for healing.
43:12 And the thing is, we didn't get the healing we were praying for
43:17 because we were praying for healing to save his life.
43:21 But maybe we did get that healing,
43:23 because I know that David went to sleep safe in the Lord.
43:28 But I also saw other miracles of healing,
43:32 that was not the healing of the cancer.
43:36 But there was other healings going on.
43:39 And I don't know.
43:40 You mean like spiritual healing?
43:42 Spiritual healing, even physical healing.
43:43 Okay.
43:45 There was a couple of times where in our ignorance,
43:48 we prayed for healing and didn't know that
43:51 it was just side effects that you had to put up
43:53 with and God miraculously, I had just a split second,
43:58 I watched the Lord heal David from something instantaneous.
44:03 And it was because later we found out that
44:06 was just a normal side effect
44:07 that you had to go through for two or three days.
44:09 Well, David didn't go through it at all.
44:11 So we saw, we saw healing...
44:15 through our prayers, and we saw spiritual healing.
44:20 But we didn't get the healing I wanted and I'm like you,
44:24 it never occurred to me that I was going to lose David
44:27 till about a week or two before I lost him.
44:30 But God had a plan for my life.
44:33 And I chose to, to embrace whatever plan He had
44:39 and to accept His wisdom and decision
44:44 of what was going on in my life,
44:46 even if it caused me pain.
44:49 And once you lose someone, that pain is always there.
44:53 It doesn't heal,
44:55 the loss is with you till the end of time.
44:59 But God's power is stronger, God's hope is stronger.
45:05 And He heals me from that.
45:08 You know, there's real quickly here,
45:10 I want to mention this.
45:12 There, the Bible is flooded with examples of people
45:15 whom God used in a mighty way who fell into hopeless states.
45:19 Oh, yeah.
45:20 I mean, we could sit here and write a book on, I mean,
45:23 chronology of the book.
45:25 You know, I'm thinking of Daniel.
45:28 What did Daniel deserve to be in the lions' den?
45:30 What did he do to deserve to be to be treated
45:33 with the injustice that he treated?
45:35 You could imagine that as he, the humanity part of him,
45:39 there was probably a temptation there to go.
45:42 Lord, I've served you, and I pray three days to you.
45:45 It's not stuff that I just feel like I have to do,
45:47 I do it because I want to, I serve you, Lord,
45:49 and I stand for you.
45:50 But yet this is where you've brought me,
45:52 I'm sure that that temptation was there.
45:54 But yet the story tells the truth in the sense
45:56 that he never gave hope on Lord,
45:58 that in a hopeless situation,
46:00 he never lost hope for the Lord.
46:02 I'm thinking of Joseph.
46:04 Joseph spent years in prison for what?
46:09 Oppressed by his own family
46:11 and done wrongly by his own family
46:13 and the people around them.
46:14 And, of course, I can use all, you know, John the Baptist.
46:16 Could you imagine the hope
46:19 that John the Baptist is sitting in that prison cell.
46:22 Christ has already declared him
46:23 the greatest of all the prophets.
46:25 This brother is full of the Holy Spirit,
46:28 He sends his men to confirm just to confirm
46:30 that this is the real Christ, and they go,
46:32 you know, hey, John sends this message.
46:34 Are you the real guy?
46:35 Go back and tell him that I'm doing this,
46:37 this, this and this, that I'm the real guy, he goes back.
46:39 You can imagine all those days after he heard that, yes.
46:42 You know, him looking toward that cell door any moment
46:44 Jesus is gonna show up.
46:46 Jesus is gonna show up for His brethren,
46:47 and He's gonna, He's gonna
46:49 bring him out of this hopeless situation.
46:50 He had hope.
46:52 I have to believe that he had hope
46:53 that Jesus was going to show up.
46:54 But what did he get? He got silence.
46:58 But yet all the way he still ended up losing his life.
47:01 So there's moments where we find,
47:03 we find many examples of people in the Bible
47:04 who fell into horrendous hopeless situation,
47:08 Jesus being the greatest of all.
47:10 But yet these are brothers and sisters
47:12 who, even in those hopeless situations,
47:16 what seemed to be impossible situations,
47:19 still found themselves looking into their God and saying,
47:23 "Not my will, but Yours be done."
47:24 Amen.
47:26 Why is hope?
47:28 And let's remind ourselves, the definition of hope.
47:33 In the Greek hope is eager anticipation
47:38 of something that is certain,
47:41 but it's just not yet been realized.
47:45 Why is hope so important?
47:49 Hebrews 6:19 gives us the answer.
47:54 "This hope we have as an anchor for us."
47:59 So, Honey, what does an anchor do?
48:01 It stabilizes.
48:03 It stabilizes.
48:04 It holds you steady in the midst of the storm.
48:09 It keeps you from drifting.
48:11 And this is what he says,
48:13 this hope we have as an anchor
48:17 for our soul both sure and steadfast.
48:23 So when you're in the times of trouble and turmoil,
48:27 and you know, we've touched a lot on death and sickness.
48:31 We haven't talked about people who are at home,
48:35 you get a lot of phone calls like this.
48:38 People who don't know
48:40 where their next meal is coming from.
48:42 They've lost their job.
48:43 They don't know where to find a job
48:45 in the midst of all of this.
48:47 A single mom with children or a father with children,
48:51 family that's not knowing
48:52 how, not being able to take care of them.
48:54 Yeah.
48:55 What does that do to you?
48:57 What I found is that,
48:58 first of all, they want to be heard.
49:01 They're aching,
49:02 and they don't have a whole lot of people to share with
49:05 and so they in their own minds
49:09 they've rehearsed what they've got to say,
49:12 but they haven't had time to really articulate it.
49:16 That's right. That's where we fit in.
49:18 You being in pastoral department.
49:19 Pastoral department, tell me what's going on.
49:22 And then they rehearse this 1000 times.
49:26 But they haven't really heard it come from their mouth.
49:29 And so here, we're there for them to share with.
49:33 And it keeps going back to this.
49:35 I mean, this is about as simple as you're going to get.
49:39 But God's hope as we've gone through here is yes, yes, yes.
49:45 But Proverbs 3:5-6.
49:48 You know, Proverbs 3:5-6,
49:53 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
49:56 lean not on your own understanding...
50:01 but in all your ways, acknowledge Him."
50:06 And then be prepared because then He's going to direct you.
50:10 That's right.
50:11 Now there's pure faith
50:12 right there if you're paying attention.
50:14 Absolutely.
50:15 So as the people call in, their hearts are breaking.
50:18 Every one of our...
50:20 I challenge everybody, there's so many hurting people,
50:22 especially today.
50:24 Number one, just listen.
50:28 Just listen to what they have to say.
50:30 It's very important.
50:32 None of us have any idea.
50:34 The difference is just listening
50:35 can make in someone's life.
50:37 That's right.
50:38 You know, we just read
50:40 where it says hope is the anchor for the soul.
50:41 Some people place their hope in something other than Christ.
50:45 They have hope, but they put it in something other than Christ.
50:48 You know, my...
50:49 That results in disaster.
50:50 My brother and I go fishing.
50:52 You know, when it's a little warmer,
50:53 we would deal with fishing, and we were in the boat
50:55 this past summer, and we threw out our anchor.
50:58 What's that anchor supposed to do?
51:00 Oh, just steady.
51:03 Well, we're just casting away, casting away,
51:05 few minutes goes by and we look over and we see
51:07 we've done drifted, I don't know, several,
51:10 several dozens and dozens of feet away
51:12 from where we threw the anchor.
51:14 The anchor didn't hold.
51:15 There was an anchor there, it was a bad anchor.
51:19 Place your and probably that too.
51:23 Place your hope in Jesus Christ,
51:25 He is the true anchor.
51:27 The hope that we have in Christ is the true anchor.
51:30 And I love Romans 8:24-25,
51:33 "For we were saved in this hope,
51:37 but hope that is seen is not hope,
51:40 for why does one still hope for what he sees.
51:43 But if we hope for what we do not see,
51:46 we eagerly wait for it with perseverance."
51:49 It leads us to truly trust in that which we cannot see.
51:53 Christ said too, I think it was, was it Thomas?
51:55 I think it was Thomas or Philip,
51:57 might have been Thomas,
51:58 when Thomas, you know, wanted to touch Him.
51:59 And He said, you know what?
52:01 "Hey, no, there's gonna come a time if you believe in Me
52:03 because you've seen Me, but blessed are those
52:05 who come to who have not seen Me."
52:07 There's gonna come a time.
52:08 We're living in that time.
52:09 I have not visually seen Jesus Christ with my own eyes.
52:13 But I believe and I trust and I hope,
52:16 because I've experienced them.
52:18 I know He's there.
52:20 And I've seen the track record.
52:21 I've experienced the track record
52:23 of what He's done in my life.
52:24 And there's no other. You know what?
52:26 What you just said, you, something just hit me.
52:30 Someone at home...
52:32 is listening to us right now and you don't know the Lord.
52:37 And you believe maybe what we're saying.
52:41 But you're saying, I don't know if it's for me?
52:45 How can God forgive me?
52:46 You know, put your hope in 1 John 1:9.
52:50 1 John 1:9 says, "If you confess your sins,
52:54 God is faithful and just
52:57 not only to forgive you of all your sins,
53:01 but to have cleansed you of all unrighteousness."
53:04 You can go to the Lord and even,
53:07 let's say that you're saying I'm not sure
53:10 that what they're saying is true.
53:13 But I wish it were.
53:15 If you've got that desire in you,
53:17 and you're not sure, then tonight,
53:20 when you're laying there in bed,
53:22 or you wake up what do you tell people to do?
53:24 Just Lord, if you're for real,
53:26 just manifest Yourself to me some way or the other.
53:29 Pray for the Holy Spirit.
53:31 Say, Lord just touch me by Your Holy Spirit.
53:33 Because, and maybe you've been going to church all your life.
53:40 Maybe you're there every time the door opens,
53:43 but you have no assurance of salvation.
53:47 Read 1 John 5:10-12 and it says,
53:52 "This is the testimony,
53:54 those who are in Christ have eternal life."
53:58 That's right. Period, the end.
54:00 If you are in Christ, if you are abiding in Christ,
54:05 you have to abide in His Word, to abide in Him,
54:09 but if you're looking to Jesus
54:11 and if He is the source of your hope,
54:14 if He is the one you're trusting.
54:17 And by the way, you know that word trust,
54:20 it's in the Greek, it's real, I mean,
54:23 or in the Hebrew, it's to rely on.
54:26 It's like you're using leaning on a crutch,
54:30 when you're trusting in the Lord.
54:31 This is God's whole plan of salvation,
54:36 is that we would be totally,
54:39 completely dependent upon Him.
54:44 That was His plan of salvation in the Old Testament,
54:47 and in the new.
54:48 And Philippians 2:12 says or 2:13 say,
54:52 "That God will work in us
54:56 to will and to do His good pleasure."
55:00 It doesn't mean that we don't have a part in it.
55:04 But the power comes from God.
55:07 All right.
55:09 I just want you to have hope and eternal salvation.
55:13 That's right.
55:14 To have hope and salvation to call out to God and say,
55:18 oh, Lord, save me a sinner, forgive my sins.
55:22 Put your hope in God.
55:24 And if you don't have, you don't know
55:29 how you're going to feed your kids.
55:31 You just call out to God and say, "I need your help.
55:35 And I trust you'll help me."
55:36 And guess what? He does.
55:38 That's right. Well.
55:39 He has ears to hear.
55:41 I think people don't realize that.
55:42 They're hard to respond.
55:43 Yes. Amen.
55:46 I want to read one final scripture.
55:50 It is probably one of my favorite scriptures.
55:54 Whenever I send Christmas cards out,
55:57 which I haven't since we moved up here, was too busy.
56:01 But this was always my go to scripture.
56:04 And it's one that I text my friends
56:07 their Christmas greeting nowadays.
56:10 I'm gonna read it to you from the Amplified.
56:13 I love this scripture.
56:14 Which scripture is that? Romans...
56:16 Oh, okay.
56:18 She's anticipated what is it?
56:21 Eager anticipation, Romans.
56:23 Let me find out if it's Romans.
56:24 Romans 15:13.
56:29 And here's how it reads,
56:32 "May the God of your hope...
56:37 Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Nissi,
56:40 Jehovah Shalom, Jehovah God,
56:43 may this Jehovah Rapha, may this God of your hope,
56:48 " those are some of the names of God in the Old Testament, "
56:52 so fill you...
56:55 with all joy and peace in believing,
57:00 may he just pour into you through
57:02 the experience of your faith and believing in Him.
57:05 So fill you with all joy and peace in believing
57:10 that by the power of the Holy Spirit,
57:14 you may abound and be overflowing,
57:19 bubbling over with hope.
57:22 God is our source
57:26 of eternal hope, of eternal life,
57:30 of eternal salvation."
57:32 Let Him be the object of your faith.
57:35 God bless.


Revised 2021-02-05