Today Family Worship


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW200033S

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:08 Hello, friends, welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:11 Honey, what time is it?
01:13 It's Sabbath, it's Friday night Family Worship time.
01:15 That's right.
01:17 Thank you for turning to this channel to invite us
01:19 into your home and hearts.
01:21 Amen.
01:22 We have an amazingly exciting topic tonight.
01:24 What's the topic on, Honey?
01:25 Well, we know that in this world today
01:28 there's such division not just in the world but in families.
01:32 And the topic is reconciliation.
01:35 Reconciliation. It's important, isn't it?
01:37 Every time we began 3ABN, you hear Danny say
01:41 we want to spend our lives mending broken people.
01:44 Not just forgiving broken people
01:46 but mending them, and this program
01:49 is about reconciliation,
01:50 how those individuals get mended.
01:53 So we're going to challenge you
01:55 and we're going to give you the Word of God.
01:57 But before we do any of that,
01:58 I want to just thank you for your prayers
02:00 and financial support of 3ABN
02:01 as we continue going and growing,
02:03 getting ready for the coming of the Lord.
02:05 Honey, why don't you introduce our guests tonight?
02:08 Okay, over here we have
02:09 Ricky Carter from Dare to Dream.
02:11 What do you do at Dare to Dream, Ricky?
02:13 I'm Dare to Dream's video editor.
02:15 So I do little video editing
02:16 and also I do a lot of animation graphics.
02:18 Wow.
02:19 And your background, I love this.
02:23 My mom is Cuban. She's Cuban.
02:25 And my father's from Jamaica. I love that.
02:28 So I've got a Caribbean mixture there.
02:30 Yes, you do. And you were born in America?
02:32 Oh, here in the States, yes. Yeah.
02:33 See I love that because I like the mixture.
02:35 That's called the fusion.
02:39 I love the mixture.
02:40 I got the great taste in food though.
02:41 Oh, yeah.
02:43 On that note, that's totally confusion.
02:45 Good to have you here, Ricky. Yes.
02:47 And over here we have Ron and Donna Baerg.
02:51 Now, am I saying your last name correctly?
02:53 Yes. Is that good enough?
02:54 Very good. Very good.
02:56 Someone told me the other day how incorrect, it's a Baerg.
03:00 And welcome. You're from Arizona.
03:04 But Donna is from,
03:05 originally from Illinois, right?
03:09 Yes.
03:10 And we're glad to have you both here today.
03:12 Thank you. Welcome.
03:13 We're excited about this topic
03:15 and you have a wealth of knowledge also,
03:18 all three of you have a wealth of knowledge
03:20 the Lord has blessed you with to share tonight.
03:22 That's right.
03:23 You know, I think what we need to do tonight
03:25 before we go into the program,
03:26 I think it's appropriate that
03:27 since we're going to be walking through God's Word,
03:29 why don't we begin with prayer?
03:31 And, Ricky, I'll ask you to begin
03:32 with prayer tonight, if it's okay?
03:33 Glad to.
03:35 Heavenly Father, we are so thankful that
03:37 You set aside the Sabbath hours
03:39 where we can recommit ourselves to You
03:43 or we can spend time in Your Word
03:45 and getting to know You more.
03:48 Father, during this time,
03:49 we ask that You would help us to know You more.
03:53 Help us to draw closer to You
03:55 as we see the day approaching
03:56 where You're going to be here very soon.
03:59 We want to hear You say
04:00 well done good and faithful servant.
04:03 Father, help us to remain faithful
04:05 and give us a special measure
04:06 of Your Holy Spirit to understand
04:09 Your Word as we seek, we seek to know You more.
04:13 We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.
04:15 Amen. Thank you, Ricky.
04:18 This topic is not new to some of you.
04:21 But the Lord delivered it to me in a new way.
04:24 He did.
04:26 I had a conversation with a gentleman
04:27 on the phone a few weeks ago
04:29 that reignited this word in my mind, reconciliation.
04:34 And I thought about it.
04:35 Wow, you know, is the ultimate measure
04:38 of our Christian walk forgiveness.
04:41 And we often say to people,
04:42 you know, if we confess our sins,
04:44 this is true that God is faithful
04:45 and just to forgive us
04:47 and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
04:49 And I thought, wow,
04:50 if I'm forgiven, that's all I need.
04:53 But the Lord brought to me that
04:55 there's something greater and more powerful
04:58 than forgiveness
04:59 and that's what we're going to talk about today,
05:01 because there are Christians
05:03 and we can all chime in on this if we like.
05:06 There are Christians that worship the Lord,
05:09 they go to church from week to week.
05:12 But some go down aisle number one,
05:15 others go down aisle number two,
05:17 they don't wave at each other, they don't talk.
05:19 And then this is I added to that,
05:21 I'm not going to speak to you again
05:22 until we get to heaven
05:24 and then we'll be on the right page.
05:25 Well, we want to go ahead and dispel that false ideology
05:28 and say, "The Lord didn't come to say to us,
05:31 "We'll talk when we get to heaven."
05:32 He came to reconcile us to the Father here,
05:35 so that we can be fit to go to heaven.
05:37 And you know,
05:39 there are families that don't talk to each other.
05:41 And they'll say, "Well, I forgave him years ago,"
05:43 but they don't call, they don't talk, they don't...
05:45 The only time they see,
05:47 as one person said, is at a funeral.
05:50 They just become minimally civil.
05:53 But they don't have any connection
05:55 with reconciliation.
05:56 So we're going to talk about that today.
05:58 What it means to not only forgive someone,
06:01 but to bring that to the point of reconciliation.
06:04 All right, any comments on that before we dive into it?
06:07 Well, what you were saying their pastor about, you know,
06:10 they wouldn't speak to each other
06:11 until they got to heaven.
06:14 There's probably a good chance
06:16 they don't have to worry about that
06:17 because they probably won't be there
06:19 if they have that attitude,
06:21 if they keep that attitude in their heart.
06:24 Yeah. That's very true.
06:25 That's very true.
06:27 The spirit behind it
06:28 is what's going to prevent them from being in the kingdom.
06:29 Amen. Yes.
06:31 Right. Yeah.
06:32 Anything else, Honey?
06:33 No, I'm just looking forward
06:35 to diving into this topic so let's go.
06:36 Okay.
06:37 So I introduced this in a sermon not too long ago,
06:40 I said, "The Lord has revealed in His Word
06:43 something more powerful than forgiveness.
06:45 So what we're going to do is we're going to walk
06:47 through the process of forgiveness
06:49 and we're going to use some examples in Scripture
06:50 and find out how can we get
06:52 from a broken relationship to an obvious sin,
06:55 to the forgiveness of sin
06:57 because of the atonement of Christ,
06:59 to the point of reconciliation.
07:01 We're going to talk about that.
07:02 So let's start with a very, very important question,
07:05 how must we or what must we do
07:07 to receive forgiveness from God?
07:09 We're going to go to that very common passage.
07:11 1 John 1:9, I'll have Ricky read that for us.
07:14 What does that say?
07:15 What do we have to do
07:17 to receive forgiveness from God?
07:19 It says in 1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sins,
07:23 He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
07:28 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
07:30 Okay. What does that mean to you?
07:32 I need to confess, I need to come to God first.
07:36 And if I can, it says it's plain right there.
07:40 If I confess my sins to God, He's faithful.
07:44 And He will forgive me and I need that forgiveness.
07:47 Okay.
07:48 It should be specific with God or should we just be general?
07:52 Lord, I've sinned, I'm sorry. What do you think?
07:55 I think we should be specific.
07:58 You know, what you've done and, Lord,
08:00 I'm sorry for what I've done. I offended someone.
08:03 And then, of course, we'll get to the next step
08:04 as we go on, right?
08:06 That's right.
08:07 Because when you look in the Bible,
08:08 those who came to God
08:10 in true repentance were clear about what they did.
08:13 You know, David said, "My sin is ever before me."
08:16 But he said, "Create in me a clean heart
08:17 and renew a right spirit within me."
08:19 So I believe it's right.
08:21 It's important to go ahead and be specific about
08:23 what we're confessing about.
08:24 Because if you say things like,
08:26 well, if I've done anything wrong to you, forgive me.
08:28 Yes, I've heard that.
08:29 This is like saying,
08:31 we'll go to the airport and pick any plane,
08:32 I'll see you in New York.
08:35 I heard once that, if you say if,
08:39 I have said anything to you that you didn't like,
08:42 or if I've done something to you,
08:44 would you put that if in
08:45 there your question, did I really?
08:48 Yes. That is.
08:49 You know, so just say it, to say I have done wrong.
08:53 I have hurt you. I'm sorry.
08:56 Yeah. Not the if.
08:58 That's right. I like that.
09:00 Because the if is just a presupposition at all,
09:02 since you feel that way.
09:04 Yeah.
09:06 If this works, since you feel I've done something,
09:09 I'm sorry, whatever it is.
09:10 That's negative.
09:12 But I don't really admit for what it is.
09:13 Very negative, very negative. Anything, Ron?
09:17 Well, we know that
09:20 Christ forgave all of our sins at the cross,
09:25 every sin from Adam
09:27 until He comes till the close of probation.
09:31 But we have to go
09:34 and ask for that forgiveness ourself,
09:37 we have to accept that.
09:40 It's, I could give a little example,
09:43 if I got...
09:44 Sure.
09:46 I got a lot of miles
09:48 from having been in the trucking business.
09:51 If I got a speeding ticket and I went before the judge
09:56 and he said, "Well, your fine's $140."
10:02 And Donna walks in the back and she says,
10:07 "I've got a, I've paid that $140.
10:10 I don't have anything against me.
10:14 Apply this to him," and I say,
10:16 "No, I don't accept that."
10:22 That's the same as if I don't accept my sin
10:28 and recognize it and confess it myself.
10:33 And I accept Christ's forgiveness,
10:36 I can accept His forgiveness in my place.
10:40 Right.
10:42 And so it's not just,
10:43 it's not just the forgiveness aspect,
10:46 but the receiving of it, right?
10:49 You know, when we come to the, when we come to Christ,
10:51 we have to receive the gift He's extending,
10:54 because forgiveness is of no value
10:55 if you don't receive it.
10:57 If I don't accept that, then it falls back on me.
11:01 So I'm going to have to pay the penalty,
11:03 that death penalty,
11:05 that what the wages of sin is what?
11:09 Death. Death.
11:10 So I don't want to have to pay that.
11:13 I say, "Oh, I accept that."
11:16 You know, well, that's the way I accept Christ,
11:20 dying on the cross for my sins.
11:23 That's right.
11:25 That imputed in and imparted righteousness.
11:27 We can't do anything of ourselves
11:28 to pay the penalty.
11:31 He does, He pays that price.
11:33 But there's something else He does and I want to,
11:35 so we're going to be chiseling away
11:36 at this whole thought of forgiveness
11:38 because forgiveness sometimes,
11:40 as I've looked at it and as I've relooked at it,
11:43 it's amazing that here I am 33 years of ministry,
11:46 and a new light, a light is coming on clearer
11:49 than it has ever been before.
11:50 That shows the growth, the spiritual growth.
11:53 A light is coming on and saying,
11:55 "You've always preached that people need to be forgiven
11:57 and you need to ask for your sins to be forgiven."
11:59 But the Lord says, "Wait a minute,
12:01 I don't just forgive your sins, I do something else."
12:03 Let's go to the second one.
12:04 Because the Bible describes who God is.
12:07 Honey, read that for us, Psalm 103:3.
12:10 The Bible describes who God is
12:12 and what He does other than just forgive.
12:15 "Who forgives all your iniquities,
12:18 Who heals all your diseases."
12:21 Okay, what's another word for disease?
12:24 Sin? Sin, right?
12:26 Sin.
12:27 So notice what it says, Who heals all your diseases.
12:33 Now, we know that many people die
12:36 from diseases, right?
12:39 So let's give a broader understanding
12:40 to these diseases.
12:42 And so if we use the word sins,
12:45 people die from diseases every day,
12:47 people die from diseases.
12:49 But if you remember the story of the paralytic
12:52 when his friends brought him on the bed to Christ,
12:54 remember that, Ron?
12:56 Right. You want to recall that for us?
12:58 Are you talking about where they laid him down?
13:00 Yes. Yes.
13:02 When they laid him down, Christ says, "I forgive you."
13:07 And the Pharisees, "What?"
13:10 And Christ says,
13:12 "Is it easier to forgive a man or healing?"
13:18 Christ had the power granted to Him
13:20 from the Father to do either one.
13:24 But they weren't recognizing that.
13:27 And I would rather be forgiven of my iniquities
13:31 or my sins by that disease
13:35 than an infirmity in my body.
13:38 I know. But he got both.
13:42 He got both. He got both.
13:45 What a blessing. What a blessing.
13:46 Unlike the rich young ruler. Right. Oh, yeah.
13:50 That's, you know what He wanted everything.
13:53 And what did the Lord say?
13:54 He said, "You have to give up everything
13:56 so that you can receive the benefits of your relation."
13:59 How did he go away? Sad.
14:01 Sad, sorrowful.
14:04 Anything you want to add to that, Ricky?
14:05 I was going to say in the illustration
14:08 we're talking about disease has a way of eating at you.
14:14 Think about cancer
14:16 and thinking about the paralytic.
14:22 Not only did he have that disease
14:24 that was eating at him physically,
14:26 but he had that sin as well that was eating at him.
14:30 And I can imagine the joy that filled his heart is,
14:35 I can just see his expression on his face
14:37 just come to a big smile when Jesus said,
14:41 "You know, I forgive you."
14:43 So he was not only just healed
14:45 from the sickness of the disease,
14:48 that was eating at him,
14:49 but also from the sin that have been eating at him
14:52 over the years or whatever the time period was.
14:55 They're just dump.
14:57 He was made whole, and he just felt
15:01 I'm sure had a joy at his heart,
15:02 I'm sure it was expressed on his face.
15:04 Wow, anything on that, Honey?
15:05 Oh, the guilt was probably overwhelming.
15:08 You know, when you live with guilt
15:09 and all that you've done and you meet Jesus,
15:12 and then He's forgiving you.
15:15 Oh, the burden
15:16 that must have been lifted from him.
15:18 That's right.
15:20 And that's why I've often said is not necessarily
15:22 what a person's eating, but what's eating him.
15:26 As Seventh-day Adventist Christians,
15:27 we focus a lot on what we eat,
15:29 but we focus very little on what's eating us.
15:32 And that's what we're talking about. Ron?
15:33 Well, you know, back then, the Jewish nation,
15:39 especially the Pharisees and the ruler,
15:42 they looked at a person if they had,
15:46 if they were blind, or if they had some...
15:48 Leprosy. Yeah.
15:50 Especially like leprosy. Boy, he was sinful.
15:54 God was punishing him for a sin,
15:57 in their eyes didn't make any difference.
16:00 Okay, like the one did he sin,
16:04 or was that his parents?
16:08 Because there was a point
16:10 where he said unto the third and fourth generation.
16:15 So they took that literally, boy,
16:18 if your kids were born with some impediment,
16:23 boy, you must, your parents must have been very sinful.
16:27 Right. They must be sinful.
16:29 And, you know, there's some cultures
16:30 that look at that in a retributive way that,
16:33 you know, you're born blind
16:34 because your parents were wicked,
16:35 or have all these things
16:37 that they connect to the maladies
16:38 that go from generation to generation.
16:40 But Jesus came to break that.
16:42 And so we're going to now transition
16:44 into what he came to break because remember,
16:46 he says, heals all your diseases
16:48 in the healing aspect
16:50 as we just pointed out, is not only physical healing,
16:53 but you could recall there are people that may die
16:55 from the illness like my mom.
16:59 She died from cancer,
17:01 even though she stopped smoking,
17:03 gave her life to the Lord, got baptized,
17:05 the results of the nicotine
17:09 all that eventually claimed her life,
17:12 but she died forgiven. Amen.
17:14 Because, you know,
17:15 she had abandoned me at three months old
17:17 and I forgave her and then she questioned
17:20 whether God can forgive her
17:21 and I assured her that He can forgive her.
17:23 So she died in the disease, but not in the sin.
17:27 Amen.
17:29 That's what you're saying is more powerful to die
17:31 and be resurrected, than to die
17:34 and not have any hope of resurrection.
17:36 So let's look at the relationship aspect of it.
17:38 Go to James 5:16,
17:39 I'm going to have Donna read this one.
17:41 What must we do to receive forgiveness
17:44 from one another?
17:45 Because we just talked about
17:47 what we do to receive forgiveness from God,
17:49 and He not only can, we confess and we ask for forgiveness,
17:53 and I'll add this to the point.
17:54 We don't just confess,
17:56 but we should also forsake that sin.
17:58 Right, don't just confess it and continue in it.
18:00 Turn away from it. Turn away from it.
18:03 So let's go to James 5:16. Donna, look at that.
18:07 Okay, James 5:16, New King James Version,
18:11 "Confess your trespasses to one another,
18:15 pray for one another, that you may be healed.
18:18 The effective, fervent prayer
18:21 of a righteous man avails much."
18:24 Wow.
18:25 So know this, confess your trespasses to...
18:30 I don't want to be insensitive to the person
18:32 who didn't do anything wrong.
18:33 Who do you confess it to? Each other.
18:36 You don't gossip. Say it again, Honey.
18:38 You don't gossip about it. Right.
18:40 If I've sinned, I've hurt you, what do I do?
18:44 I come to you, "Honey.
18:46 I've done so and so, I am so sorry."
18:49 Remember you said there's a difference between
18:51 an apology and being sorry.
18:53 Right.
18:55 Apologies, that's, thank you for bringing that up.
18:57 I've often in the scheme of teaching,
19:00 in relationship counseling,
19:02 I say begin by saying I apologize.
19:06 Later on the godly sorrow will come
19:09 because sorrow to be sorrowful
19:11 is something that God has to awaken in you.
19:14 And sometimes it hits you one day
19:15 and you think I did that?
19:19 And then you go to the person and say,
19:20 "I am so sorry for what I've done."
19:24 But initially, sometimes you say to kids,
19:26 "Now I apologize, you apologize.
19:28 I apologize. I apologize."
19:30 And like four weeks later, mommy what, she was wrong.
19:34 I don't know, I can't believe I did that to Johnny.
19:37 That's what the sorrow comes in.
19:39 So apologies is legal, sorrow is godly.
19:43 Yeah. Ron.
19:47 One point there is that you notice it says
19:51 and pray for one another that you may be healed,
19:57 as you were talking about earlier, you know,
20:00 you are healed when you pray for one another
20:04 and you pray and you have also,
20:07 you not only have sinned against Him, you've sinned,
20:11 because he is a child of God, you've sinned against God too.
20:16 So God will heal you.
20:18 And the fervent prayer
20:19 of a righteous man availeth much,
20:22 not just one thing.
20:24 Much. Who knows how much it avails?
20:26 It just does good. Yes.
20:29 That's what the Bible talks about.
20:30 When you forgive someone,
20:32 it covers a multitude of sins.
20:37 It goes a long way
20:38 when you have the right attitude behind.
20:40 But pray for one another. I like it.
20:42 Yeah, I've done someone wrong, I pray,
20:45 and I've done that
20:46 I've prayed for them till the Lord will heal
20:48 and it says what?
20:50 That you may be healed, so I will be healed.
20:53 So that's beautiful because we all want and need healing.
20:57 And it's even good to pray with one another.
21:00 You see, and I just, I prayed for you yesterday.
21:02 You did.
21:04 When people asked me, pray for me,
21:05 I like to do it right then and there because
21:07 sometimes I forget later on, that's the human aspects.
21:10 Or we write it down and say,
21:11 I want to put you on my prayer list
21:13 but I've discovered, it's so much more personal
21:15 when you stop by there and pray with that person.
21:17 They say thank you, it really means a different,
21:19 and Ellen White says, "When we pray for people,
21:22 we should let them know
21:23 so that they can respond in accordance to the prayer."
21:27 Ron?
21:32 A while back, I put that into practice
21:35 someone that I was talking to on the phone.
21:40 They called and they told me that
21:44 they were suffering from something.
21:46 And I said, "Well, I'm going to pray for you."
21:49 And I thought, you know, usually say, well,
21:53 you say that, and maybe you put them
21:55 on your prayer list.
21:56 I said, "I'm going to pray for you."
21:57 And I prayed for him right there.
21:59 There you go.
22:00 And he says, "I can't believe that."
22:04 I said, "Well," I said, "It makes me feel better too."
22:09 I got a blessing out of it
22:14 probably more than that person did.
22:16 Yes, yes.
22:17 The other day we were in Walmart
22:20 and we met a couple people,
22:22 man that recognize you from 3ABN
22:24 and he talked to you
22:26 and having issues with his family or self.
22:30 And he said, "Would you pray for me?"
22:31 And what did you do?
22:33 We paused right there at Walmart in freezer section.
22:34 Right there on Walmart in freezer section.
22:37 We said, why don't we pray right now?
22:39 I mean, people,
22:40 let's not be ashamed of the Lord.
22:43 Let your light so shine.
22:45 And we stopped and prayed right there.
22:47 And he was praying while we were praying.
22:49 Thank you, Father. Thank you, Jesus.
22:50 And it was so beautiful. We never met the guy.
22:52 We don't know him. I wrote his name down.
22:54 Remind me, Honey, I have to send him something.
22:56 But that's what happens when you do that,
22:58 it makes a difference.
23:00 And it starts to mend that relationship.
23:01 And sometimes the Lord responds right away.
23:03 Like I remember, Comely Detroit, remember,
23:07 when the father was alive.
23:08 Yeah, Shell Detroit.
23:10 He was so, his day was going horribly
23:12 and she called us all way down here.
23:14 She lived in Michigan and said, "Could you pray for my dad?
23:17 We just cannot get him to quiet down."
23:19 And I said, "Hun, let's pray right now."
23:21 Yes, you sure did.
23:22 And it was about maybe a month later she could.
23:24 She said, "I have got so busy, I meant to call you back."
23:26 She said, "Do you know that
23:28 right after we ended that prayer,
23:30 when you prayed for my dad,
23:32 he immediately quieted down."
23:34 She said, "I just want you to know,
23:36 I had never saw that before."
23:38 And... Praise the Lord.
23:39 We give God the glory, but He works through us
23:42 in spite of us in all the glory,
23:44 because He's the one that does the quieting down.
23:46 We just extend the petition and God is the one that works
23:49 through that petition.
23:51 But there's another thing
23:52 that I want to also point out the motive.
23:54 We have to have motives, and the motive sometimes
23:57 is a big part of the act that's going to follow.
23:59 Let's go to James 2:13.
24:03 Did I have you do that? Okay. Ricky, James.
24:05 The question is, why does the Bible...
24:07 Did we do Proverbs 28? Okay, right.
24:10 Proverbs 28.
24:11 Read that for us, Honey. This is important.
24:12 I illustrated this, but I didn't read it today.
24:14 Okay, from Proverbs 28:13.
24:17 "He who covers his sins will not prosper,
24:21 but whoever confesses and forsakes them
24:25 will have mercy."
24:26 That's right.
24:28 I just illustrated that
24:29 but I'm glad you brought that out.
24:31 Because we say don't just ask for forgiveness,
24:32 get rid of that thing.
24:34 Put it down, put the dog back on the leash.
24:37 You know, it's not having to bite you every day
24:39 and say why is he biting everybody?
24:41 Get rid of that sin
24:42 and the Lord can take it from you,
24:44 we want to just say that.
24:45 Anything you could do.
24:46 So why does the Bible motivate us
24:48 to show mercy, James 2:13.
24:50 James 2:13 says, "For judgment
24:53 is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy.
24:58 Mercy triumphs over judgment."
25:01 Have mercy. Wow.
25:03 Say it again, Honey. Have mercy.
25:05 Wow, wow, wow.
25:07 What does that say, Ricky? Yeah.
25:09 Wow. I know I need some mercy.
25:16 I need some help with this one
25:18 because the fact that it's saying judgment
25:21 is without mercy to the one
25:25 who has shown no mercy.
25:28 If I'm not showing mercy, judgment going to be little,
25:32 more heavier on me,
25:33 is that kind of what the text is saying?
25:34 This is what it's saying.
25:36 If you don't want to show mercy to somebody,
25:37 God is going to say, "Wait a minute,
25:40 whatever man sows, that shall he also reap.
25:44 With the measure that you need,
25:46 it will be measured back to you again.
25:48 Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
25:50 You don't want to show mercy?
25:52 Well, that's I guess
25:53 that's how you want me to treat you.
25:54 I'm not going to show you mercy either.
25:56 So it's a reciprocating value.
25:58 It's not just saying do it because you think
26:00 you are in a position to say, "Well, you know,
26:02 I'm going to extend mercy to you."
26:04 Don't do it from a throne to a peasant mentality.
26:08 He's not on any throne, right, Donna?
26:11 One of my favorite sayings
26:12 is follow after peace and pursue it,
26:16 that means chase it down if you have to.
26:19 Pursue, chase, I tell myself that.
26:22 Follow after peace,
26:23 doesn't matter what they've done,
26:25 or doesn't matter what they're saying.
26:26 Just be at peace, and chase it down.
26:29 That's right.
26:31 Chase it down, grab it by its ankles
26:32 and you don't want to.
26:34 You're not getting away from me.
26:35 You're not getting away from me.
26:36 And you know, the Bible does say peace to peace
26:38 with all men, pursue it.
26:40 Where is it? There it is, go get it.
26:41 You know, we got to go. And a lot of us don't do that.
26:44 Psalm 119:165, great peace have they...
26:48 Which love thy law. Nothing.
26:49 Nothing shall offend. Wow, that's deep.
26:53 Yeah, that's the Bible. It's good.
26:55 If you have peace, nothing's going to offend you.
26:56 But a lot of people get offended
26:58 when somebody does something wrong.
26:59 How dare they, but it ended with this phrase.
27:01 Mercy triumphs over judgment.
27:06 Amen. Amen.
27:08 Okay, now let's just apply this to all of us.
27:10 And I think you set the stage.
27:12 If you call the court as a defendant,
27:16 what are you going to ask for, mercy or justice?
27:19 I think about it. Mercy.
27:22 I'm gonna ask for mercy anytime over judgment.
27:27 Right. Absolutely.
27:28 Now, if you know you didn't do it,
27:30 you asked for justice.
27:32 I demand justice. I'm wrongly accused.
27:35 But if you know you did it, what are you going to ask for?
27:38 I'm going to ask for mercy.
27:40 What do they say, throw yourself on the...
27:42 Mercy of the court.
27:45 Yes, God is a merciful God,
27:47 but we have to throw ourselves on the mercy of God.
27:49 When we do that and we receive mercy.
27:52 It reminds me of a story.
27:53 And I'm not going to take a lot of time
27:55 because we have a lot more to cover.
27:56 But it reminds me of the gentleman
27:58 that was in debtor's prison, his debt was forgiven.
28:00 He like owed equivalently millions
28:02 of millions of dollars, he couldn't pay the debt.
28:06 They let him out.
28:07 But on the way home, he saw a guy that owed him $20
28:10 and he said, "Where's my money?"
28:13 And the judge heard about it,
28:15 and they got him and put them back in prison.
28:18 In other words, God has forgiven you so much,
28:21 who are you to require more than God requires of us.
28:26 That's what this topic is really all about.
28:28 God could judge us and condemn us in a heartbeat.
28:31 But he said, John 3:17, "For God sent not a Son
28:35 into the world to condemn the world,
28:37 but the world through Him might be saved."
28:40 So let's dive into the deeper part now.
28:41 Oh, Ron. Just one short point, Pastor.
28:46 This here, the mercy triumphs over judgment,
28:49 but also the one who shows, has shown no mercy.
28:54 This is the same principle
28:56 that God asked us to do with forgiveness.
28:59 This follows through,
29:01 this is one of the underlying principles
29:04 I believe that God has,
29:06 that He will show us mercy as we show mercy.
29:11 He forgives sins as we forgive.
29:15 It's not that He doesn't want to, He can't.
29:20 If we haven't got that
29:21 forgiving attribute in our heart,
29:27 how can we even expect Him to extend that to us
29:33 if we're not willing to extend it?
29:35 And so it follows, that's one of the great...
29:40 Attributes. Attributes of God.
29:42 Thank you.
29:44 Well, didn't he say to forgive us our sins
29:45 as we forgive.
29:47 Forgive us our debts as we forgive.
29:50 Amen. See, it's a reciprocating.
29:52 I think if we really locked that down,
29:55 we could begin to see,
29:56 you cannot not forgive somebody.
29:58 Yeah, right. Right, Donna?
30:00 Right.
30:01 You don't have the right to say,
30:02 I will not forgive you.
30:04 Oh, did I just hear you say you're not going to forgive me?
30:06 I'll write that down. John is not going to forgive.
30:08 So until he does,
30:09 there'll be no forgiveness extended to you.
30:11 That's reciprocating. That's scary.
30:14 What do you do when someone says,
30:18 well, like you said, I am not going to forgive you.
30:22 And you've tried to reconcile?
30:25 What do you do?
30:26 Well, that's, that's a,
30:28 it's not an easy pill to swallow
30:29 but here's what you do.
30:31 You do what Jesus did.
30:33 When Jesus before He passed away on the cross,
30:36 before He died, He said, "Father, forgive them,
30:38 for they know not what they do."
30:40 Forgiveness is more than
30:41 just the act of freeing the other person,
30:43 it's the most powerful act of freeing yourself.
30:46 You say I understand how you feel but you know what?
30:50 When you do your part in seeking that forgiveness,
30:54 the Lord is going to bring to that person's table,
30:57 a plate of food that they won't be able to eat,
30:59 and you know what's going to be on that plate?
31:01 All of their sins.
31:03 That's why the Lord wrote in the sand,
31:05 the woman that was accused
31:07 and brought before the Lord to be stoned.
31:09 It's so beautiful,
31:11 He started writing on the ground
31:12 and He started looking, "Where are your accusers?
31:14 Are any of them here?" "No, Lord."
31:18 He did not condone the sin of adultery.
31:21 He said to her do what? Go and what?
31:24 "Sin no more." "Do not do this again."
31:26 But He said first, He said, "I do not condemn you."
31:31 Right. What did He come to condemn?
31:35 Sin, not the sinner. Not the person.
31:36 Right.
31:38 And we often condemned sinners...
31:39 You wrote a song about that, did you?
31:41 Oh, I got to record it, though.
31:42 It's called "Nor do I condemn thee."
31:44 Yeah, a beautiful song. I was...
31:47 Yes, Donna. I remember, I went to church.
31:52 And I asked the Lord, you know, "Forgive me,
31:54 I have nothing to give You but my black heart.
31:57 I have nothing."
31:59 And I asked for full forgiveness.
32:01 You know, what did, what do you ask for?
32:03 All forgiveness.
32:05 And I remember the next morning when I was, I woke up.
32:10 And I hadn't even gotten out of bed yet.
32:12 And it was like, what's different?
32:14 What's different today?
32:16 Ah, I get to talk to God today, all day if I want to.
32:20 It's like it was a new concept. I was right with God.
32:24 And there was just the neatest moment.
32:26 Amen. It's beautiful.
32:29 I want to dive down to number seven now
32:30 because we'll come back to number six in a moment
32:33 when we want before
32:34 we wind up the problem if we can.
32:36 But this is where it really gets
32:38 to the rubber meets the road.
32:40 This is where the rubber meets the road.
32:41 Because there's somebody watching this program
32:43 that probably said, you know,
32:45 I will never forget what A, B, and C
32:48 or what this family member, what that person did to me.
32:51 I will never forget it.
32:53 I will never,
32:54 I'm going to take it to my grave.
32:56 I... Well, will they forgive?
32:59 Watch this? Will they forgive?
33:02 Now let's see what the Bible requires.
33:05 Okay, let's see. Okay.
33:06 Matthew 5:23-24.
33:09 Honey, now I think it's your turn now.
33:11 Oh, me? Okay. Ricky just read before.
33:13 "Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar,
33:16 and there remember that
33:17 your brother has something against you,
33:20 leave your gift there before the altar,
33:22 and go your way.
33:25 First be reconciled to your brother,
33:29 and then come and offer your gift."
33:32 Wow. Wow, Ricky?
33:34 Pastor John, listen, when you, when I,
33:37 when you sent this to me,
33:39 and I was looking at this text...
33:40 Yes.
33:42 For most of my life,
33:43 I've always thought of this text as something that,
33:49 let's say I'm at the altar,
33:50 something that I did against my brother,
33:53 that I need to go and ask for forgiveness.
33:58 But when I read this again, what I'm seeing here,
34:03 it's something that I'm seeing that,
34:06 hey, they wronged me and the onus is on me
34:10 to go to them to ask for reconciliation.
34:13 I don't know why I never saw that before.
34:16 Um, but that was powerful because that takes a lot to,
34:21 I mean, the person wronged me.
34:22 Right. Right.
34:24 The way that I naturally want to ask, act as like,
34:27 I'm waiting for this guy to, you know,
34:29 come in and make it right.
34:31 But that's not what God is saying here.
34:33 It's on me to go to him and to her
34:38 and to reconcile and then I've got to also do it
34:42 in a way that's Christlike,
34:44 you know, being kind and tender.
34:50 That is also a way that I'm not naturally like that.
34:55 Exactly. We're not wired that way.
34:56 No, but man, praise God.
34:59 He can, He can work in me to give me that
35:02 tender spirit to be able to do that.
35:05 And it says to bring in everlasting righteousness
35:09 on both parts.
35:10 That's right.
35:12 To make reconciliation for iniquity,
35:13 bringing everlasting righteousness
35:15 in Daniel 9:24.
35:16 But notice, this is the thing
35:17 that really caught me and you know, you're right.
35:19 Even Angie talked to me.
35:20 She told me, she says, I call her Angie.
35:22 But you say Angela.
35:25 When we read that passage, I remember quoting it that way,
35:29 I said, "The Lord puts the responsibility
35:32 of the reconciliation on the innocent person."
35:35 She said, "Go to the one that has wronged you.
35:38 Go to the one that has done something to you
35:41 and seek reconciliation."
35:42 And as Ricky said,
35:44 "In the spirit of humility restore such a one."
35:47 And then Paul says, "Less you also be tempted."
35:50 He said, "Consider yourself."
35:51 So watch out because one day the script may flip
35:55 and you'll be on the other side
35:56 and what would you want people to do to you?
35:58 Because this wounded sheep that the Bible
36:00 uses in an illustration, the sheep that strayed away.
36:04 The Lord didn't say, "Where's that sheep?
36:06 I'm waiting for him to come back.
36:07 I'm waiting for him to come back.
36:09 What did the Lord do?
36:11 He went out and put them to His breast
36:13 and brought them back and rejoiced.
36:15 Ron? Just as if you...
36:18 Well, I had two points real quick.
36:20 First is, just as the prodigal son
36:23 in the same chapter in the same parable,
36:28 write down the verses there.
36:32 The father ran after the son when he saw him coming.
36:37 One of my favorite ones.
36:39 But as Rick was pointing out there,
36:44 the reconciliation it's not just going and asking,
36:49 saying I forgive you, you know,
36:51 that's mean glorifying yourself.
36:57 You're going for reconciliation be,
37:00 first be reconciled to your brother.
37:02 Go there as you play in a humble way.
37:05 Yes. That's right.
37:08 Mend those broken places.
37:10 Start applying the glue and it'll dry in time.
37:14 You know, that's the beautiful thing about it.
37:15 Anything else?
37:17 But look at Galatians 6:1, Donna, read that for us,
37:19 Galatians 6:1 on the point number seven.
37:21 "Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass,
37:25 you who are spiritual restore
37:28 such a one in a spirit of gentleness,
37:30 considering yourself lest you
37:35 also be tempted," like you were saying.
37:37 That's right. Lest you also be tempted.
37:39 And this is something I want to have...
37:41 Honey, would you read that
37:43 for us that quote in Ellen White
37:44 there in Desire of Ages, page 440, paragraph two.
37:46 This is a powerful statement. Yes.
37:49 "In the spirit of meekness consider in thyself,
37:52 let's also be tempted."
37:56 In Galatians 6:1 we just read,
37:59 "To go to the erring one and tell him his fault
38:04 between thee and him alone."
38:06 Between who? Just the two people.
38:08 Okay.
38:09 Do not put him to shame
38:12 by exposing his faults to others.
38:15 Nor bring dishonor upon Christ
38:19 by making public the sin
38:21 or error of one who bears his name.
38:27 Often, the truth must be plainly spoken to the erring.
38:33 He must be led to see his error that he may reform.
38:38 But you are not to judge nor condemn.
38:43 Make no attempt at self-justification.
38:48 Let all your effort be for his or her recovery.
38:54 In treating the wounds of the soul,
38:56 there is need of the most delicate touch,
39:00 the finest sensibility.
39:03 Only the love that flows
39:06 from the suffering one of Calvary can avail here."
39:11 And it ends here, "With pity and tenderness,
39:15 let brother deal with brother,
39:19 knowing that if you succeed,"
39:22 I love this, "you will save a soul
39:24 from death and hide a multitude of sins."
39:30 James 5:20.
39:32 That's powerful. Yes!
39:34 That's powerful because in this Facebook world...
39:37 Oh, people put everything on Facebook,
39:39 they pull all their junk,
39:40 they tell what the people have done,
39:42 but what does it say?
39:44 Do not do that. But what did it do to God?
39:46 It puts Christ to an open shame.
39:50 It bear, it injures the name of Christ when...
39:53 You Facebook junkies,
39:54 let me talk to these Facebook junkies right now,
39:56 I got to be just very frank about it.
39:58 Hold on, Ron.
40:00 I'll be back to normalcy in a moment here.
40:02 But you Facebook junkies that like to put your business
40:04 in other people's business on Facebook,
40:06 you ought to get before God and repent.
40:09 Because God, if God put your junk on Facebook,
40:11 you wouldn't,
40:12 you would not be able to recover
40:14 from the things you have done.
40:16 If you, if God did to you what you've done to others,
40:20 by putting all their business on Facebook,
40:23 naming details and shaming individuals in a public forum,
40:28 because as I heard this years ago,
40:31 and this is a minor illustration
40:33 as compared to the real injury that follows,
40:35 because I've heard, you know,
40:37 husbands or wives a lot will have an argument.
40:39 And I've said to people many years ago,
40:41 if you and your husband have an argument,
40:42 settle that argument
40:44 or go to a counselor or a pastor,
40:45 somebody that's not going to put it out in public.
40:47 But when you go from a church member
40:49 to church member to church member
40:50 to church member and dog each other,
40:52 tear down your husband or your wife,
40:54 long after you're healed, other people can't get over it.
40:58 Every time they see, Ricky,
40:59 isn't he the one that hit it what?
41:02 And not that you did that. No.
41:03 But that's what people do.
41:05 They link that behavior to them and they never forget it,
41:07 and Ellen White said,
41:08 "God has not," I'm paraphrasing,
41:10 she says, I think is in book My Character Personality.
41:13 She says, "God has not designed
41:16 that others may bear the burden of your sin.
41:20 Do not put your sin upon anyone else.
41:22 They cannot atone for it and they cannot handle it."
41:25 And long after the matter is resolved,
41:27 they'll never forget it.
41:29 But here it says... Go ahead, Honey.
41:30 Now one thing about us.
41:32 We don't tell other people what we're going through.
41:36 We're struggling husband and wife.
41:38 We don't do that. We rather fight than switch.
41:42 Remember that.
41:43 In 37 years of marriage,
41:45 you better believe, we disagree.
41:46 But we don't come to church like she's in another car,
41:49 she'll be here in a minute. I'll drive her today.
41:53 I'm not going to let her be in my car until she is.
41:55 And there are husbands and wives,
41:57 they don't talk for weeks. I've had people say that.
41:59 Where's your wife? We're not on talking terms.
42:01 Where's your husband? I locked him out of the house.
42:05 I'll wait till I feel it's right for him
42:07 to come back in.
42:08 This is dishonoring to God.
42:10 If God locked us out of the house
42:12 till we were right, Lord, have mercy.
42:15 We'll be cold. So let's look what God...
42:17 Ron. Ron. Ron.
42:19 He looks like he's going to say something.
42:20 Yeah, Ron is on fire right now.
42:22 Well, one day I was counseled long time ago
42:28 that never, it doesn't make any difference
42:32 if your wife has done something wrong,
42:34 and somebody says you never side with them.
42:40 You know, somebody says something, boy,
42:43 you know, I love your wife, but she does this.
42:47 You never side with them.
42:49 You always even if that is a fault of hers,
42:54 you take up for her.
42:57 You always hold your mate up even if you've had like you say
43:03 if you had a fight at home, you don't bring that out.
43:08 But if somebody says something, you never,
43:12 ever talk bad about your mate, not even in a joking way.
43:17 Amen. That's right. You know what?
43:19 There's a lady that we have a good friend of ours.
43:20 Annie Johnson.
43:22 Annie, I hope you're listening.
43:24 She says to me, years ago, she's in California.
43:28 And she says, "Angela, one thing I know about you,
43:32 you never say anything bad about your husband."
43:36 And it's true. I don't do that.
43:38 I don't do that publicly.
43:40 Well, behind the closed doors, we'll talk,
43:43 we'll discuss right whatever issues going on,
43:47 we'll discuss it with each other.
43:48 We'll discuss it with each other.
43:50 That's right. But I don't do that publicly.
43:52 Yeah, don't tear your spouse
43:53 that you could be ever so frustrated.
43:55 Don't drop your spouse's garbage
43:57 in other people's ears.
43:59 Because long after you got the thing resolved,
44:00 they look at them in a negative way.
44:02 But look at what we should do.
44:04 Let's go to Romans 5:8-11.
44:06 I think is it Ron's turn, Yeah,
44:09 Romans 5:8-11 on the point number eight.
44:12 In what condition were we when God extended
44:16 reconciliation to us?
44:18 Romans 5:8-11, look at this.
44:20 I love this. I love this.
44:22 This is Paul and I are going to have a long talk
44:27 when we get to heaven.
44:29 But this is one thing that I love that he said,
44:35 New King James Version.
44:37 "But God demonstrates His own love toward us
44:41 in that while we were still sinners,
44:44 Christ died for us.
44:46 Much more than having now been justified by His blood,
44:52 we shall be saved from wrath through Him.
44:55 For if when we were enemies we were reconciled..."
44:57 Oh, wow, wait. Pause a moment.
44:58 I got to say, if while we were what?
45:01 Enemies. Still enemies.
45:03 Enemies, keep going.
45:05 "We were reconciled to God to the death of His son,
45:10 much more having been reconciled,
45:13 we shall be saved by His life."
45:16 Okay, keep going.
45:18 "And not only that, but we also rejoice in God
45:22 through our Lord Jesus Christ,
45:25 through whom we have now received the reconciliation."
45:30 Amen. Isn't that beautiful?
45:32 Isn't that beautiful,
45:34 the checkbook of salvation balance that.
45:36 Isn't that hopeful? Amen. Praise God.
45:39 I mean, it's hopeful because you know,
45:41 none of you watching this program
45:43 could even stand up and say, now I deserve to be saved.
45:48 Sit down.
45:49 None of us could stand up and say I deserve to be saved.
45:52 And even if you're not a Christian,
45:53 I want to give you this word of encouragement.
45:56 Don't think that Christians have an advantage
46:00 other than they just accepted the pardoning grace of Christ.
46:05 So all you've got to do
46:07 to come into reconciliation with God
46:09 and have the joy is accept that gift of reconciliation.
46:12 He said, "I want to forgive you.
46:14 I have atoned for you to be forgiven.
46:16 But now let me close the gap between you and My Father."
46:19 And that's the person of Christ.
46:21 Amen to that? Amen.
46:22 We often don't see that.
46:24 So this is something,
46:25 we were enemies when that happened.
46:27 But now as children, we accept it,
46:29 and we're no longer enemies.
46:30 Ron? Did you call that checkbook?
46:34 That checking account could never be overdrawn.
46:38 Never be overdrawn. Amen!
46:42 I really do. Never. Praise God.
46:44 That's why I pause that if you and I are redeemed
46:45 with things like silver and gold
46:47 with the precious blood, you know, all of our need,
46:50 according to his riches and glory.
46:51 Amen. That's powerful.
46:53 Blood is priceless. Priceless.
46:55 Priceless.
46:57 Now, I want to get to this next one
46:58 because it's going up
46:59 to the next level in the ladder,
47:01 the next rung on the ladder.
47:03 In what way does the Bible
47:04 reveal the importance of reconciliation?
47:07 Is it Ricky now?
47:08 Yeah. Okay, Ricky.
47:10 2 Corinthians 5:17-19 is where we're headed right now.
47:13 In the New King James Version, it says.
47:15 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
47:18 he is a new creation,
47:21 old things have passed away, behold,
47:23 all things have become new."
47:25 Okay. Pause right there.
47:26 Pause it there. Now we got to grab this.
47:28 This is such a powerful passage.
47:29 You got to break it down.
47:30 It's like a really good cheesecake,
47:34 I'm using a loose illustration.
47:35 A vegan tofu cheese. Exactly.
47:38 It's like a cheesecake that you absolutely love.
47:40 And you take the first bite and I've seen this people go...
47:43 Melt in your mouth. What's wrong?
47:50 It is saying if anyone is in Christ
47:52 he's a new creation. How does that happen?
47:56 Old things.
47:57 What things? Old.
47:59 Anything behind you is old, right?
48:01 What has happened to them, Ron?
48:03 They have passed away.
48:05 Another word for passed away, they're dead.
48:08 How many things that come, how many things are new?
48:10 All.
48:11 So all the stuff you did is gone
48:15 because you are in Christ.
48:19 And you are a new creation, to God be the glory.
48:21 Now, Ricky, take it hold on to your seats,
48:24 because verse 18-20
48:26 is going to light up that furnace.
48:29 "Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us
48:33 to Himself through Jesus Christ,
48:37 and has given us the ministry of reconciliation."
48:41 So what I've done for you, now you go do,
48:44 this is your ministry.
48:46 Keep going.
48:47 "That is, that God was in Christ
48:51 reconciling the world to Himself,
48:55 not imputing their trespasses to them,
48:59 and has committed to us the word of reconciliation."
49:04 Okay. Notice what he did.
49:05 God through Christ reconciled the world to Himself.
49:11 But then it says not imputing their trespasses to them.
49:13 What does that mean?
49:15 That means that
49:16 He's not holding their trespasses.
49:19 He's not keeping them
49:21 over here in a bank against them.
49:23 Just in case he needs it. Bring it up.
49:26 Remember what you did?
49:28 Remember what you did, you know that's irritating.
49:31 Yes, it is.
49:33 Donna, good to see but I never forgot
49:34 what you did seven years ago.
49:37 The Lord doesn't do that. What does He do?
49:40 He throws into the depths of the sea, He forgets it,
49:44 He remembers it no more,
49:46 and the Bible says somebody once said that
49:48 he puts out a no fishing sign.
49:51 And as far as the east is from the west so far has as,
49:55 so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
49:57 So here's the point.
49:59 When you think about what God has done for you,
50:01 don't do opposite to somebody else.
50:03 But now Ricky is going to take it
50:04 to the next level in verse 20.
50:05 Okay.
50:07 "Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ,
50:11 as though God were pleading through us:
50:15 we implore you on Christ's behalf,
50:18 be reconciled to God."
50:21 Isn't that powerful?
50:22 So watch this, you're new creation in Christ
50:25 because Jesus atoned and got rid of all your junk.
50:30 You are new creation.
50:31 Everything in front of you is brand new,
50:33 what have happened to that ulcer?
50:34 It was gone, I just throw it out,
50:36 the garbage truck left,
50:37 it's going to dump it into the ocean,
50:38 have no fishing sign.
50:40 Nobody has gone there ever since I put that sign there.
50:42 Praise God for that.
50:43 But now here's what I want you to do.
50:44 I just reconciled to you.
50:46 Now I want you to do the same to other people.
50:49 But I don't want you to do it in an arrogant way.
50:51 I want you to implore them on Christ's behalf.
50:54 I've said when I do appeals, friends,
50:57 I said I don't mind begging for Jesus.
51:01 When I do an appeal, people say why you took so long?
51:03 Oh no, I'm not taking long. It's not a sermon process.
51:06 I'm saying to you, be reconciled to God,
51:08 give your life to Christ.
51:10 That's why this quotation from Desire of Ages,
51:12 I'm going to read the first paragraph.
51:14 And then we're going to wind up on the second one.
51:15 Look at this.
51:17 Desire of Ages, page 440, paragraph one.
51:21 "We then that are strong
51:22 ought to bear the infirmities of the weak
51:24 and not to please ourselves.
51:27 No soul who believes in Christ, though His faith may be weak,
51:31 and steps wavering as those of a little child
51:34 is to be lightly esteemed,
51:37 by all that has given us advantage over another.
51:41 Be it education, refinement, nobility of character,
51:45 Christian training, religious experience,
51:47 we are in debt to those less favored,
51:52 and so far as it lies in our power,
51:54 we are to do what, minister on to them.
51:58 If we are strong,
51:59 we are to stay up the hands of the weak.
52:02 Angels of glory that do
52:04 always behold the face of the Father in heaven,
52:07 joy in ministering to His little ones,
52:11 trembling souls,
52:12 who have many objectionable traits of character."
52:16 Don't wait till they all got everything in line.
52:18 Don't wait to say, "Well, when you get it all together,
52:19 I'll help you out."
52:20 No. God's got to do that.
52:22 But it goes on to say, "Trembling souls
52:25 who have many objectionable traits of character
52:28 are their special charge.
52:30 Angels are ever present, where they are most needed.
52:35 For those who have the hardest battle
52:37 with self to fight,
52:40 and whose surroundings are the most discouraging.
52:43 And this in this ministry,
52:46 Christ's true followers will cooperate."
52:48 But look at how it ends.
52:49 And you have another quotation about you had early,
52:51 I want you to not forget that.
52:53 Wants you to get that in the end here.
52:54 Listen to this part, friends.
52:57 "If one of these little ones shall be overcome
52:59 and committed wrong against you,
53:01 then it is your work to seek His restoration.
53:05 Do not wait for him to make the first effort
53:08 for reconciliation."
53:10 How think he said Jesus, if a man have 100 sheep,
53:14 and one of them be gone astray?
53:17 Doth he not leave the 99 and go into the mountains
53:21 and seek that which was that which has gone astray
53:24 and if so be that he find it, verily I say unto you,
53:29 he rejoices more of that sheep
53:33 then of the 99 which went not astray,
53:37 even so it is not the will of your father,
53:41 which is in heaven,
53:43 that one of these little ones should perish."
53:45 So we are saying the ministry of reconciliation,
53:47 God did all that for you.
53:49 Don't wait for people to come to you.
53:50 You go to them.
53:52 Don't wait for people to have all the,
53:53 everything right.
53:55 You don't have everything right, right?
53:56 And this one more quote,
53:58 and then we'll have some closing thoughts.
53:59 Listen to this, Honey. Where's this from?
54:01 Christ Object Lessons, page 144.
54:03 Paragraph two.
54:04 "One of Christ's last commands to His disciples
54:08 was love one another, as I have loved you."
54:11 John 13:34, "Do we obey this command
54:15 or are we indulgent and sharp
54:18 on Christlike character of traits?
54:21 If we have in any way grieved or wounded others,
54:26 it is our duty to confess our fault
54:29 and seek for reconciliation.
54:33 This is an essential preparation
54:36 that we may come before God in faith and ask,
54:39 to ask His blessings."
54:41 Wow. It's a precursor to blessings.
54:42 Yeah.
54:44 Let me give you guys an opportunity
54:45 to comment here before we close.
54:46 Yes. We'll start with you, Ron.
54:49 You know, one thing
54:50 I got out of this is reconciliation
54:55 is if someone has done something
54:58 against you, you say, well, I've forgiven them.
55:02 I've deeply, I forgave them.
55:05 And it's so sad that we can't get along.
55:10 No, this is saying that you need to go to them,
55:14 and not brag about your forgiveness of them.
55:18 But go to them and say, "Listen,
55:20 this is come between us.
55:23 Let's pray about this. Let's get this out of the way.
55:28 Let's get back to that friendship that we had.
55:32 Let's get back to serving the Lord together."
55:36 That's right. Together.
55:38 Donna?
55:39 Well, it seems with everything that we have looked at,
55:43 I believe that it's more.
55:47 God helped me keep the negativity out of myself,
55:50 out of my heart because if I don't,
55:53 then it'll just keep getting blacker and blacker.
55:57 And I know, I always talk about the 10 virgins,
55:59 why did the five not get to go in,
56:03 something wrong in the heart, it was something wrong.
56:06 Right. Ricky?
56:08 I got an example I'll close within.
56:10 In the Civil War, there was a lot of death, lot a carnage.
56:14 The Jefferson Davis of the Confederacy, he died.
56:18 Of course, after later on,
56:19 and Ulysses Grant of the Union, he died.
56:23 But what's interesting is that there are two spouses,
56:27 Verina Davis and Julia Grant, the two of them, the wives,
56:33 they actually settled near each other.
56:37 And it said that they became the closest of friends.
56:40 Wow.
56:41 There had to be some kind of reconciliation
56:44 there between those two parties.
56:46 And I thought that was a great example for us
56:48 to remember of how this can come together
56:52 this reconciliation that we all need.
56:54 That's right, they were on the opposite sides
56:56 in the war, the Confederate war.
56:57 Honey?
56:59 Being reconciled, I don't want it to be fake.
57:01 I want it to be real.
57:03 To be reconciled with my brother, my sister,
57:06 I'm reconciled with my Lord.
57:08 That's right.
57:10 And, friends, what we talked about today
57:11 cannot happen except that Christ abides in you.
57:16 So our prayer for you is that you sit down
57:18 and just start inventorying your life.
57:20 Are you at peace with your family?
57:22 Are you at peace
57:23 with your brothers and sisters in church?
57:25 Are you at peace if there's something between
57:27 you and anybody else?
57:28 We pray that you can be reconciled to God
57:30 so that God can reconcile you to others.
57:33 May God do that until we see you again.
57:36 Happy Sabbath. Happy Sabbath.


Revised 2020-11-23