Today Family Worship

Relevant Christianity

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW200029S

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my word
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today Family Worship
01:13 and happy Sabbath.
01:15 I'm so excited that you could join us
01:17 for these wonderful Sabbath hours
01:18 as we prepare to study the Word of God.
01:21 I want to introduce the panelists
01:24 that I have with me.
01:26 Before we go to the topic, we have John Dinzey.
01:29 Pastor John Dinzey, it's great to have you here.
01:32 Oh, it's a blessing to be here.
01:33 And it's a wonderful topic, important for these days.
01:36 And I really am looking forward to it.
01:38 I would say it's relevant.
01:40 Relevant.
01:42 We have Brother JD Quinn.
01:44 It's great to be here.
01:46 It's good to be here to speak on this particular topic
01:49 that Johnny just mentioned.
01:50 Yes.
01:51 Yes, sir.
01:53 And we have Dee Hilderbrand.
01:55 It's a joy to be here
01:56 with all these wonderful scholars.
01:58 We'll see how it goes.
02:00 And I am excited about the topic also.
02:02 Yes, yes.
02:03 So without further ado.
02:05 It applies to our lives.
02:06 That's right.
02:07 Relevant Christianity.
02:09 That's what we'll be discussing.
02:10 But before we jump into the Word of God,
02:13 Brother Dinzey,
02:14 if you would have a prayer for us.
02:16 Sure. Let's go to the Lord in prayer.
02:18 Our loving Heavenly Father, we want to thank You, Lord,
02:21 because You are wonderful.
02:24 We praise Your name
02:27 because of Your wonderful care for us.
02:29 We know that while we roam on this earth,
02:33 not everything will be great,
02:34 not everything will be wonderful.
02:35 There will be trials and problems and difficulties.
02:39 But we thank You that Jesus has told us be of good cheer,
02:42 I have overcome the world.
02:44 And so we pray that as we share together,
02:48 Your Holy Spirit will give us the words to speak,
02:51 and things that You will bring to our remembrance that,
02:55 You know, Your children need to hear.
02:57 We pray for Your blessing upon us
02:59 and upon all those that are joining us
03:01 wherever they may be.
03:03 We ask You Heavenly Father in Jesus' name.
03:05 Amen.
03:06 Amen.
03:07 Amen.
03:09 So I just want to go around the table here.
03:12 And when I introduced the topic,
03:14 relevant Christianity,
03:16 what came to mind, starting with you?
03:19 Well, in today's society, things are changing at,
03:24 you can say a fast pace.
03:26 And every new generation apparently
03:29 looks at the old generation, and thinking they're outdated,
03:32 they're no longer and things they say,
03:35 the way they do things.
03:37 Oh, we don't do things that way anymore.
03:39 But Christianity really is different in the sense
03:44 that it's supposed to be relevant all the time.
03:47 So I think the topic is well chosen
03:51 and the Lord has,
03:52 has been involved in the selection of it.
03:54 Because really, as Christians,
03:57 we need to be able to be relevant,
04:00 to be able to communicate with society at large.
04:04 Praise the Lord.
04:05 So that the message goes throughout the hands of time.
04:09 That's right. That's right.
04:10 I remember.
04:12 I remember a story that a pastor told once
04:13 where he was,
04:16 he was invited to participate in a television program
04:19 and he went out and he got his best tie.
04:22 And so, when they were getting ready for the program,
04:26 they kept looking at his tie,
04:28 and wondering if anyone should say anything about this.
04:31 And just before the program started, they said,
04:34 "Hey, Pastor, we want to give you
04:36 a tie for today's time."
04:38 You know, apparently the tie was really outdated
04:41 and it would have been an embarrassment to him,
04:43 so they helped them out.
04:45 So wonderful.
04:46 We need help, every one of us needs help.
04:48 Yes, yes.
04:49 Indeed. Amen.
04:50 Amen. And Brother JD?
04:52 Well, I was thinking about just the daily application
04:54 of who we are in Christ today.
04:58 Has this changed?
05:00 No.
05:01 Maybe some, maybe some colloquialisms
05:05 have changed over the year.
05:07 But the words of Christ have not changed.
05:11 And so our responsibility as a Christian,
05:15 or at least I try to do this myself
05:17 to be effective in my daily communication
05:21 with whomever comes my way.
05:24 Amen.
05:26 You know, to me, I immediately went to the fact
05:29 that if I'm not making a difference,
05:33 then I'm not really a follower,
05:35 I need to be making a difference
05:37 in somebody else's life.
05:39 That's how I'm a real Christian,
05:42 I'm making a difference.
05:44 And not only in your family's life
05:46 and your work life,
05:48 in all aspects of your life,
05:49 if you're not making a difference for Christ,
05:53 then you're invisible as a worker for Christ.
05:57 Amen.
06:01 How did you end up in the church?
06:03 Let's talk about that a little bit.
06:07 Dee, how'd you end up in the church?
06:08 Well, you know,
06:10 I was raised in a Christian home.
06:15 But it felt like it was in, it was in name only.
06:21 And so, I was presented with a vision of God to me
06:27 that I think as a child,
06:29 I realized I'm lost because, to me,
06:34 the picture of God was, I love you,
06:37 but I'm going to burn you forever.
06:38 So He became, to me, that's like a monster
06:43 I don't understand it.
06:44 So I drifted away from the church.
06:46 I didn't want to be a Christian,
06:48 because I looked at Christians,
06:52 because I hadn't been told,
06:53 hadn't been shown how to look to Jesus
06:55 instead of people.
06:57 And my husband had been raised as Adventist
07:01 but he left the church for other reasons.
07:03 It was quite legalistic back then.
07:06 But God got a hold of us, the Holy Spirit,
07:08 and we felt like we needed to go back to church.
07:11 And it was like, well,
07:13 what church are we going to go to,
07:14 and my husband says,
07:15 "Oh, we'll just visit different churches
07:17 and see which one we like."
07:18 Knowing full well that he was going
07:19 to be an Adventist.
07:21 But we went to different churches and visited.
07:23 And pretty soon we were visiting
07:25 this Adventist church that had Bible studies.
07:28 And we went to Bible studies, and all of a sudden,
07:30 I was like, oh, this is what the Bible says,
07:33 Jesus does love me, there is a hell,
07:36 but I it's not meant for me.
07:39 And He's not going to torture people for eternity.
07:42 And there is this loving God and He believes in freedom
07:46 and Christianity is real.
07:48 He became, He became real in my life.
07:52 So that's, God led me down this path.
07:56 And He kept me safe all that time,
07:58 because He knew at the end, He was going to get me back.
08:01 'Cause He's a loving God.
08:02 That's right. Yes, yes He is.
08:05 So when I was looking at the topic,
08:06 like relevant Christianity, and I was,
08:08 I was thinking about this topic and praying on it.
08:11 What came to my mind about this was relevant.
08:16 First off, when you say relevant, irrelevant,
08:20 it's kind of implied, right?
08:22 So relevant Christianity would be one
08:24 that is practical Christianity,
08:27 one that is not just the mere profession
08:30 of being a Christian.
08:32 So you know, you have maybe some people,
08:33 they say, you know, I'm a Christian,
08:36 but then they're at the bar, like,
08:37 every night or even one night or even, you know,
08:40 whatever the case may be, so it's,
08:43 they're Christian in name only.
08:45 Whereas, you know, relevant Christianity is,
08:48 and when I was thinking about this outline,
08:51 is being a Christian, living out your faith
08:56 and reflecting the character of Christ to others.
09:00 So, that's kind of along the lines
09:02 of where we're going.
09:04 So when, when I heard you saying that, you know,
09:06 when you were growing up,
09:07 you didn't have that that real experience.
09:11 In name only.
09:13 Yeah, yeah.
09:14 In name only.
09:15 What about for you, JD?
09:17 I was raised in a Christian home.
09:19 In fact, I was raised a Seventh-day Adventist.
09:22 My mother was a Methodist.
09:23 My father came from the Adventist background.
09:26 Whenever...
09:28 I don't think that they went to church
09:30 before I was born.
09:32 Whenever I was born, they decided we want to raise
09:34 our child as a Christian.
09:36 So I don't know if they flipped a coin,
09:38 or who won but anyway we started going
09:40 to Adventist Church as a youth.
09:42 And I was very fortunate,
09:44 I got to go through our schools,
09:45 I say our schools,
09:46 Seventh-day Adventist school system.
09:48 Regretfully I say I probably slept
09:50 through the whole thing.
09:52 And I love sports.
09:53 And so I was playing, mainly playing sports.
09:55 And as time went by one thing
10:02 that I noticed,
10:03 not one day went by in my life
10:06 that I wasn't praying to the Lord.
10:09 Always I understood some basics.
10:13 I don't know how important they were.
10:15 The good news is, is that he never gave up on me.
10:19 And then the way He manifested it,
10:22 I met my wife, Shelley, she let me know.
10:25 Hello, my name is Shelley.
10:27 And if you don't go to church, I'm not interested.
10:32 I made a minor decision then.
10:34 Okay, she's blond, blue eyed, I made a minor decision.
10:38 She looked pretty, I'll go to church with you.
10:41 Knowing that probably down deep in my heart
10:44 that's what I've always wanted to go to church
10:47 to get back into the court system.
10:50 She came out of a Sunday system.
10:52 Okay. Okay?
10:54 And there was one day
10:55 when we were making a major decision
10:58 of kind of a business decision,
11:01 she brought up
11:04 that she was no longer passionate about
11:07 what we were working on.
11:09 And this shows you how God never gives up on you.
11:13 If there's a little bitty tiny tear there,
11:16 He's going to slip in as the enemy can slip in.
11:19 Okay.
11:20 And I says, well, Shelley,
11:22 what are you gonna do about the Sabbath?
11:24 We never mentioned the Sabbath.
11:27 Well, that was done away with,
11:29 that was done away with years and years ago.
11:32 And I just said, umm, she ran upstairs to her office.
11:37 And now I want to exaggerate here,
11:38 but not much.
11:39 For seven days, she studied the Sabbath out.
11:43 She came down those stairs, and she says, wow,
11:47 I am wrong about the Sabbath.
11:52 That was probably one of the ah-aha moments
11:55 in my life because I didn't know.
12:00 I slept through it.
12:02 And that was our walk.
12:05 She joined the church, I joined a little bit later.
12:10 The good news is please, please, please hear this.
12:14 He never, never, never gave up on me.
12:18 And I was very fortunate that time was on my side.
12:24 It's important that you hear that because I didn't know
12:28 I was racing against time, but I could see the years
12:31 go by and my heart was missing something.
12:35 So thank You, Lord, that I had the time on my side,
12:38 I met the right person at the right time in my life
12:42 and other things opened up that this is by far
12:47 the happiest days in my life.
12:49 Because all the dots are dotted,
12:52 all the I's are dotted, all the T's are crossed.
12:55 Amen.
12:57 Praise the Lord. Thank you, Jesus.
12:58 Pastor Dinzey?
13:01 Well, I was born into a Christian home.
13:07 However, when I was about one year old,
13:10 my mother and father separated.
13:13 And sometime afterwards, she stopped going to church.
13:18 But she would always take me to church,
13:22 she would go up to the door,
13:24 and said, I'll see you later, son.
13:26 So she took me every Saturday, every Sabbath to church.
13:31 And so it was, I was brought up in the church per se.
13:36 Of course, the time comes
13:38 when you begin to ask questions.
13:41 So I decided to, I said, you know,
13:43 why do we go to church on Saturday?
13:46 Why do we eat this way and not that?
13:49 Why do we eat this and not that?
13:50 Because the Seventh-day Adventist Church believes that.
13:53 For example, that we should not eat
13:55 what the Bible calls, it used the term unclean meats.
14:00 So why don't we eat pork,
14:01 and shrimp and these other animals,
14:05 and though.
14:06 And so, I had some questions.
14:09 For some reason, I thought,
14:11 I'm just going to get information on my own.
14:15 And if I have a question, then I'll ask the pastor,
14:17 I asked one of the elders, I asked somebody
14:19 that I have confidence in.
14:21 So I went to the local Seventh-day Adventist
14:23 bookstore, and I began to look for Bible studies.
14:26 Let's see which one should I get?
14:28 And I bought one or two different series
14:30 of Bible study guides.
14:33 And I just opened the guide and began
14:36 and went subject by subject
14:39 looking and studying.
14:43 And the Lord blessed.
14:45 My questions were answered as I went through
14:48 the study guides and reading the Bible.
14:50 My questions were answered, I understood.
14:53 But I have to say looking back there it seems to be for me
14:58 a conscious understanding that God does exist.
15:04 So when people said, God is here with us.
15:08 I'm over here like wondering, "Okay, now, where is He?
15:11 Where could He be if He's here?
15:13 Oh, maybe He's over there."
15:15 You know, because we can't see Him,
15:16 but maybe He's here somewhere.
15:19 But I, so I know He's here.
15:22 And so that's the way I looked at God that He was real,
15:26 that He would talk to you if you need to talk to Him,
15:28 and that He was there for you.
15:31 And it's been, many things have happened in my life
15:36 that I know, God is real.
15:38 Amen. Amen.
15:39 Amen. Amen.
15:40 I love the fact that you said that you asked questions.
15:43 You know, because I think that a lot of times
15:46 people go through life, and they're like,
15:48 well, I'm this faith, because my mom was this,
15:51 or I'm this because my grandma was this or,
15:54 you know, and people don't ask questions,
15:56 but tend to keep things out of tradition.
15:59 So that asking questions is crucial.
16:02 I know for me, in my life, I was, well,
16:05 when my mom was pregnant with me,
16:07 she got re-baptized by Pastor Murray actually.
16:10 And so she was coming back to the church.
16:14 And I remember growing up, and she would read devotions,
16:17 she would have devotions morning and night,
16:20 and she would read these devotionals to me,
16:22 and had me in church and all of these things.
16:26 And, but then I remember coming to the age of 14,
16:29 deciding that, you know, I just kind of wanted to go off
16:32 and do my own thing, because I felt like,
16:34 the word didn't apply to me,
16:36 or the message didn't apply to me.
16:38 And I couldn't have been, like further from the truth,
16:41 because it's applicable to everybody.
16:44 But I strayed and I strayed for about 14 years.
16:49 And I just remember, like, towards the end of that,
16:53 and I've shared my testimony in other places,
16:55 but I remember towards the end of that,
16:58 just realizing, you know, they say hindsight is 2020
17:02 just looking back at my life and seeing God's hand,
17:05 on my life, even through the horrible decisions
17:07 that I've made in my life,
17:09 I've seen how He's protected me,
17:11 in different situations, I've seen how He didn't allow
17:14 the enemy to take me out in my sins as he tried to,
17:19 and he would have loved to have done.
17:22 I've seen God's hand of protection
17:24 throughout my whole life.
17:26 And I also saw the fact that, you know,
17:29 God wants to use anybody who's willing to be used,
17:34 you know, I think about Paul, Paul, when he was Saul,
17:38 he was persecuting Christians and all kinds of stuff
17:41 like he was, he was going,
17:45 he was pretty, pretty bad on the,
17:47 you know, on the wrong side.
17:49 And he went on to do amazing things for God.
17:53 You know, and before we go further,
17:56 I want us to take a look at Ephesians 2:8-9
18:00 because we're gonna be talking about a lot of action items
18:03 if you will.
18:05 But we want people not to get confused.
18:07 This is not a save by works type of thing.
18:11 So we want to look at Ephesians 2:8, 9,
18:16 does anybody have that?
18:18 Okay, you want to read it for us?
18:20 "For by grace,
18:22 you have been saved through faith,
18:24 and not of yourselves.
18:26 It is a gift of God not of works,
18:29 lest anyone should boast."
18:32 And this gets quoted to me a lot by other family members
18:35 about I'm saved by grace.
18:37 Yes, you are.
18:39 But what does that mean?
18:41 If you're saved by grace, what does that mean?
18:43 Does that mean you just sit in the pew?
18:46 No.
18:47 So to me,
18:49 it is a gift of God by His grace,
18:52 but even God's grace,
18:55 God's grace.
18:59 God put action behind His grace,
19:01 He put commitment behind His grace.
19:05 So that's it.
19:07 I'm His example, I mean, He's my example
19:10 of what I need to do.
19:12 Yes, grace, praise God for His grace.
19:15 And I'm not saved by works.
19:16 Amen.
19:18 Amen.
19:19 That's true.
19:20 What were you gonna say, JD?
19:22 Well, I just think that, I think all of the stories
19:23 that you heard here all four stories you could see
19:26 the grace of God at work.
19:27 You know, because I think that, especially three of us,
19:33 I'm excluding you, because I'm not sure.
19:36 But I know the three of us, boy, you know,
19:38 we went some stupid stuff.
19:41 As you look back at that...
19:42 Oh, dangerous.
19:44 Saying able to say, 2020 and thank you,
19:47 thank you 1000 times to Jesus.
19:49 Amen. Amen.
19:50 I had people praying for me all the time that I was lost,
19:53 and we probably, we all did.
19:55 That's right.
19:56 And yet that those prayers were action.
20:01 They were doing something practical
20:04 because prayer is practical, prayer does work.
20:07 It is action.
20:08 Yes, it is.
20:10 And, you know, there's also the, like,
20:14 when I look at my life,
20:16 my mom was the one that was praying.
20:18 But then my dad also poured out love,
20:20 and my mom poured out love.
20:22 But I really saw the Christian principles
20:24 in my mom's life.
20:26 And I saw her living that.
20:28 And for me, that made,
20:29 that made a huge, huge difference.
20:31 Amen. Amen.
20:32 You have to make a commitment.
20:35 When being a real Christian, and having love,
20:41 there has to be commitment behind the love.
20:44 Love is not real without commitment
20:46 to my point of view,
20:47 God loved me so much, He made a commitment
20:50 of sacrificing His own son.
20:53 Now what kind of commitment is that?
20:55 Even in our secular world, marriage,
21:00 we have marriage and when we get married,
21:04 we still give vows.
21:06 And you fall in love first,
21:08 you don't walk up to a total stranger
21:10 and go get married and give these vows,
21:11 you fall in love first.
21:13 And once you fall in love, you want to be married.
21:16 And when you want to be married,
21:17 you say to them, for better or worse,
21:20 in sickness or in health.
21:22 But the problem with a lot of marriages,
21:25 they say the words,
21:27 but there is no commitment behind it.
21:29 There is no action behind it.
21:31 It's an emotion only.
21:34 And to me, love is an emotion.
21:37 But to make it real, to make it impact somebody
21:43 to be what it should be,
21:46 it has to have commitment and action behind it.
21:49 Yes, it's also a principle.
21:51 It's a principle and it's a decision.
21:54 And it's so much more than just an emotion and emotion,
21:58 love where it is just an emotion is an empty love,
22:02 that you cannot stand on, you cannot depend on.
22:05 So our marriages would be in better shape
22:07 if we had commitment, but our Christianity,
22:11 our Christianity, accepting God's grace,
22:14 and His love has got to have commitment
22:16 behind it and action.
22:18 And with commitment and action has to come sacrifice too,
22:22 it's part of it.
22:23 One thing I'd like to throw out there real quick, Johnny,
22:26 is that it's kind of like a seed.
22:29 You know, good seed was sown in my life.
22:33 I don't know what kind of ground
22:34 it fell on for a while.
22:36 But I do know that there was a mighty wind
22:38 that kept blowing this seed until it finally
22:42 fell on fertile ground
22:44 and when it fell on fertile ground
22:47 the root system started taking hold.
22:50 And then you just pray that the fruit
22:53 that you start producing is sweet.
22:55 You hope and you pray that the fruit
22:57 that that is produced is everlasting
23:00 in someone's life.
23:02 And, but here again, He's the one,
23:07 that's with the capital H,
23:08 He is the one that never gives up.
23:12 Because that wind then have to blow that seed,
23:15 He could have just left it right there in that old barren,
23:18 unfertile place.
23:20 Yes. Yes.
23:21 You know, I believe that God in some way or another,
23:26 He works in each person's life.
23:30 To, you know,
23:31 we use the illustration of the seed,
23:33 plants the seed, waters the seed
23:36 to draw us to Him.
23:39 Every person has this,
23:40 the person has a choice to decide
23:43 what am I going to do with what I just heard,
23:45 what I just saw, that is an obvious evidence.
23:51 Something that moves you towards doing good,
23:55 moves you towards knowing God,
23:57 you will hear things from people,
24:00 you will see things in nature,
24:01 you will see even a thought may come into your mind
24:05 to do something good, to do good instead of evil.
24:09 And each person is molded and shaped by these things
24:15 whether they will be more inclined to follow the Lord
24:19 or to choose the other way because everyone has a choice.
24:23 And that's the wonderful thing about God.
24:25 Every person can be saved.
24:27 Amen.
24:29 And the verse says,
24:30 for God so loved the world and this love,
24:34 for God so loved the world, somehow that love is like a way
24:38 that just goes over everyone.
24:41 Doesn't the wind blow on everyone?
24:42 You're going to ask anybody in the world.
24:44 Have you ever felt the wind blow?
24:46 Well, yes, I have.
24:47 In the same way, somebody has felt
24:50 the wind of God's love in one way or another,
24:53 some kind deed that someone did.
24:55 That makes them wonder about doing.
24:57 I remember a person that, oh, you're a Christian.
25:01 Yes.
25:02 And we work together.
25:03 He says, well, I'm sorry, I just, I don't believe in God.
25:07 I said, my, okay, maybe someday we can talk about this.
25:11 And so we would talk and his name is Jim,
25:15 I still remember his name.
25:17 Anyway, one day, he comes and he says, you know,
25:23 I had a girlfriend once, and she was a good person.
25:26 And she said, "Hey, Jim,
25:28 you're gonna have to decide it's me or the drugs?"
25:32 And he says, "Well, if that's the choice I have,
25:35 I'll take my drugs."
25:36 So off he went, and he walked with a little bit
25:39 of a staggering type of walk.
25:43 And the drugs affected him.
25:44 But anyway, one day, one weekend,
25:46 he comes after it was a Monday,
25:48 he comes from whatever happened to him that weekend,
25:52 now I am curious, what happened?
25:56 He said, hey, he came directly to me.
25:59 "Hey, I just want you to know that something happened to me
26:05 this weekend that makes me wonder,
26:09 maybe God does exist."
26:11 He didn't say much after that, he said,
26:13 "I just wonder, I just wanted to let you know that."
26:16 And I said, "Thank you, thank you for letting me know."
26:18 So I mean, I see this evidence,
26:21 God has been working in people's hearts
26:23 and minds in different ways.
26:25 And people have to make choices.
26:28 But he came to you because he saw the Christianity
26:34 and knew that was real.
26:36 So he wanted to share that with you.
26:38 Yes, he did.
26:39 So God uses, the Holy Spirit does entice everyone.
26:45 But once you are a lover of the Lord,
26:48 once you become His disciple, He wants to use you to plant
26:52 those seeds to let the Holy Spirit
26:55 use you to plant more seeds and to draw more unto Him.
26:58 So you become like James 1:21-27 says,
27:04 you're not just a hearer,
27:06 we have to hear the Word first.
27:07 We have to have the spirit blow over the top of us,
27:11 be filled with His love first.
27:13 But once we do that, He wants us to become doers.
27:17 You got, one of you got that?
27:19 We're gonna go there in just a second.
27:21 But, you know, they say a picture
27:22 is worth 1000 words.
27:24 Well, imagine in Christian
27:25 who reflects the character of Christ.
27:27 Oh, yes.
27:28 And not just speaking it, but doing it.
27:32 And so now segueing into that verse
27:34 that you're talking about or those verses rather,
27:37 James 1:21-27.
27:40 Would anybody like to read that?
27:42 Well, I can read that first, I mean, that first five words,
27:45 boy, it's powerful.
27:46 "Therefore lay aside all filthiness
27:48 and overflow of wickedness,
27:51 and receive with meekness the implanted word
27:54 which is able to save your soul."
27:56 My goodness.
27:57 Just looking at that in a different way today,
28:00 thank you, Jesus.
28:01 "But be doers of the word and not hearers only,
28:03 deceiving yourself.
28:05 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer,
28:08 he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror.
28:12 For he observes himself, then goes away
28:15 and immediately forgets what kind of a man he was.
28:18 But he who looks into the perfect
28:20 law of liberty, and continues in it,
28:23 and is not a forgetful hearer."
28:25 I think that's speaking to most of us.
28:27 "But a doer of the word,
28:29 this one will be blessed in what he does.
28:33 And if anyone among you thinks that he's religious,
28:35 and does not bridle his tongue, but deceives his own heart,
28:39 this one's religion is useless."
28:42 Relevant Christianity.
28:43 Amen.
28:44 "Pure and undefiled religion
28:46 before God and the Father is this:
28:51 to visit orphans and widows in their time of trouble,
28:56 and to keep oneself unspotted from the world."
28:58 Amen.
29:00 Wow, wow, wow.
29:01 Thank you, Jesus.
29:03 There's a lot in that.
29:04 A lot in that.
29:06 He put the saving of yourself first.
29:08 And to save your own soul, He put you,
29:12 you have to put yourself in a relationship
29:15 with God first.
29:17 And once you're in that relationship,
29:19 once you're saved by grace, once you have the love in you,
29:22 then you need to do something with that,
29:24 you cannot just go to church one day a week
29:27 and sit in the pew.
29:28 And you can't give what you don't have.
29:30 That's right.
29:31 So you have to develop that relationship.
29:32 Absolutely.
29:34 You know, it's very interesting the way
29:35 you're expressing yourself because it makes you think
29:40 that there's some resisting going on.
29:43 I was thinking of, I'll look it up.
29:47 Maybe somebody can look it up for me, 2 Corinthians 5:14.
29:52 In the King James it says,
29:54 "The love of God constraineth me."
30:00 2 Corinthians, what?
30:01 Chapter 5 verse 14.
30:03 I think you'll have it as...
30:04 "For the love of Christ compels us
30:07 because we judge thus that if one died for all,
30:11 then all died."
30:13 Okay, so the New King James uses the word
30:15 compels us, compel,
30:18 I don't think communicates the exact beauty
30:22 of what the love of God really does in us.
30:27 Because when you say compels us,
30:29 it means you have no choice.
30:32 You see, you're compelled, you must do it.
30:34 But you can't help yourself.
30:36 I think of it the other way, you can't help yourself.
30:38 So it's that the love of God moves us forward,
30:42 we still have a choice.
30:43 We still have a choice,
30:45 the love of God moves us forward,
30:46 moves us in the direction
30:48 to share Christ to do something.
30:50 And we have to choose.
30:52 So when something happens that you see a need,
30:56 in your mind is that love of Christ,
30:58 I got to do something.
31:00 I want to do something, you know.
31:02 And so, there's that other verse that says,
31:05 "Let your light so shine before men
31:09 that they may see your good works
31:10 and glorify your heavenly Father."
31:12 That means stop resisting.
31:15 Stop resisting.
31:16 That's right.
31:18 Let that light, let the light shine.
31:19 So I think, unfortunately, we do a lot of resisting,
31:23 because wonderful thoughts come to our mind,
31:25 I should go and talk to the neighbor,
31:28 I should go and take something to the neighbor.
31:30 I should go and mow the neighbor's lawn.
31:32 But some things I know,
31:35 he'll probably not be happy about that or I'm tired.
31:38 I mean, we do some resisting.
31:41 And so I want to put before,
31:45 those that are listening to consider
31:48 that these wonderful things, these ideas,
31:50 these thoughts about doing something good...
31:52 Are from God.
31:54 Is a message from God to do something.
31:56 Amen. So it's not us.
31:58 No. It's from God.
31:59 He may have planted a seed and hope,
32:01 there's an open window in that person.
32:03 And if you go right then in there to do something,
32:06 God will open an opportunity for you to share,
32:09 because we're so afraid that we'll make somebody angry
32:14 or they'll, well, I don't know,
32:16 offend them that we're afraid to share.
32:18 But we don't consider that God may have opened
32:20 that window and planted that seed and the Holy Spirit
32:23 is prepared the way first, we just have to walk it.
32:25 That's right.
32:26 You know, I've been,
32:29 I've been using this word a lot lately.
32:31 And I love to be involved in a divine appointment.
32:36 Because a lot of times selfishly,
32:39 I don't want, I'm tired.
32:42 Today, it's been a long day.
32:44 I'm just not up to it.
32:45 But an appointment has been set up divinely.
32:49 We have no idea that the person over here
32:51 that we're talking about may be pleading,
32:55 may be begging for a visit.
32:58 And it just so happens
32:59 that you were at the right place
33:01 at the right time to see this divinely fulfilled,
33:05 if you would take that step.
33:07 But so many of us are tired,
33:11 overworked, too much going on.
33:15 And it's so easy to talk ourselves out of it.
33:17 Oh, Jason lives down the street,
33:19 he'll take care of this, you know,
33:21 and then that time comes and that time goes.
33:25 Now, I don't know,
33:27 I think that there's an accountability
33:29 in here someplace, help me if I'm wrong,
33:32 because you just, you just was given a test.
33:37 And you might have come up with a D minus.
33:39 Okay.
33:41 And so we need to pay more attention to the opportunities
33:44 as they come along instead of just being.
33:48 We need to be willing to use our talents too.
33:50 See God, we need to use the talents
33:52 God gives us not want somebody else's.
33:57 God gave me a talent of helping,
34:00 I can't sing, I can't preach,
34:02 I can't write, I can't do a lot of things.
34:05 But, boy, can I work and I can organize.
34:08 So He gave me a talent, I need to use it for Him.
34:13 And a joy comes from that.
34:17 So when I quit wishing I could sing
34:21 and couldn't and started focusing on the talent
34:24 God did give me.
34:26 Sometimes at church,
34:27 I'd complain grumble, grumble, grumble.
34:29 Somebody didn't do this
34:31 and somebody didn't do that and they should have.
34:32 And I have to do it for him.
34:34 And I finally said to myself, well,
34:36 God put you here for a time such as this,
34:38 so you'd be here to do that.
34:40 So quit grumbling about it, and just do the work
34:43 that He put on you.
34:45 And, you know, that relieves me from a lot of things.
34:48 It relieves me from resenting anybody
34:50 for not doing what I thought they were supposed to be doing.
34:53 And it gave me a joy.
34:55 So a lot of times how we look at
34:58 what God has given us makes a difference.
35:01 And when you, when you're willing to commit
35:06 your action of doing what God has given to your hand
35:10 to do with the talent that He gave you,
35:13 it does fill you with joy,
35:14 but it also fills you with a peace.
35:17 And it gives you, I don't know, it gives you a lot of things.
35:20 And sometimes it's sacrifice because...
35:26 And one of your things here, it says, 1 John 3:18.
35:30 Yep.
35:32 I hope I didn't jump.
35:33 No, that's all right.
35:34 I'm all right, I had just turned there too.
35:36 You're right on time, Dee.
35:37 Can you? Oh, okay.
35:38 Absolutely.
35:40 So 1 John 3:18 says,
35:42 "My little children let us not love in word or in tongue,
35:46 but in deed and in truth."
35:48 That's right.
35:49 So I have been, I was in foster homes.
35:55 And so I never did get to take
35:57 in a foster child and raise them like,
35:59 I thought I might do get into that.
36:01 But there is a shelter in a local town.
36:05 And they have teenagers there.
36:06 And these are foster kids, and also kinds of,
36:10 all kinds of issues.
36:11 So I, after I went part time, I started volunteering there.
36:17 Well, this is a difficult thing to do.
36:19 And not everyone can do it.
36:22 But I can't go, I wouldn't be good at hospice.
36:25 I wouldn't be.
36:26 There's other things that I wouldn't be good at,
36:29 but I can do this because I can take it.
36:31 These kids are angry, and they're very hurt
36:35 and they're very damaged.
36:36 And you can't go in there.
36:38 If I went in there and said, "Can I pray for you?
36:40 Can I tell you about Jesus?"
36:42 They'd probably spit in my face and say bad words.
36:45 But I can and it's a sacrifice to go there
36:49 because I'm putting up with stuff
36:52 that is not a normal part of my life.
36:56 So it is a sacrifice of time and it is a sacrifice
36:59 of what I really want to do.
37:02 But if I can make a difference in one person's life,
37:07 if I get even,
37:09 and you would get an occasional opportunity,
37:12 they would bring something up that you could talk about or,
37:15 and that's practical Christianity,
37:18 that's trying to make a difference
37:21 in someone else's life.
37:24 And you're addressing, you're meeting the needs,
37:26 you're getting to know them, you're building that,
37:28 it's Christ method, getting to know them, you know,
37:30 finding out what their needs are,
37:32 meeting those needs.
37:33 And then, you know, leading them to Christ.
37:36 We have a...
37:37 I'm sorry to interrupt you. Oh, no.
37:38 I have to just praise the Lord for the things
37:41 I've seen in Sister Dee.
37:44 Just recently, it's been a while
37:46 that I have the opportunity to do that,
37:47 we were helping somebody move.
37:49 And she...
37:51 Whenever there's a move taking place, Dee is there.
37:55 And she has, let's do this, let's do this.
37:58 Can you help, you know,
37:59 and she's involved, she carries.
38:02 I mean, what a blessing.
38:04 And I, and just before everything was over,
38:06 I said, "Now who drove the truck?"
38:09 "I drove the truck," she said.
38:11 I've been doing it for 20 years.
38:15 So there are three, five ladies that, wow,
38:19 when there's moving to be done,
38:21 I say, they put the men to shame.
38:24 And so, I praise the Lord for people
38:27 that see an opportunity for ministry
38:29 and do something because they are helping
38:32 someone but at the same time,
38:34 they are blessed helping as well.
38:36 And it's a great witness.
38:38 Dee turns into the general, she turns into a general.
38:41 Okay, we need to do this, this, this.
38:44 And she's really, she's really good at it.
38:47 It's interesting, because sometimes
38:48 she'll hesitate to see
38:50 if anybody wants to take the lead and if they don't,
38:53 she'd go, okay, let's do it this way.
38:56 It's great.
38:58 Someone said this was actually a compliment.
39:00 But somebody said something to somebody about
39:02 "Oh, Dee is helping us pack up."
39:04 And they said, oh, that must be like having a...
39:08 What's the guy in the army that...
39:09 General?
39:10 Not a general but it's the guy, the guy that trains the...
39:14 Oh, the drill sergeant.
39:16 They said, "There must be like having a drill sergeant
39:19 in your house."
39:20 But you know, God has softened.
39:23 I actually, I'll say, oh, I'm sorry,
39:24 I did that and I've tried to soften,
39:28 organized but He's grown me in this too.
39:32 So He will grow your talents.
39:34 Amen.
39:36 You know, I don't know why I want to share this,
39:38 but I'm going to share anyway.
39:41 I'm sorry, I thought you're gonna jump in.
39:43 No, I...
39:44 Something recently happened to me
39:46 that I saw myself giving something away
39:49 that I never thought
39:51 I would have to give away or even,
39:52 you know, anyway,
39:54 we were in this produce store in Chicago.
39:57 And we were putting our things and usually when you are there,
40:01 there are a couple of individuals,
40:03 guys that are just looking for an opportunity
40:05 to make some money.
40:07 So they'll say, "Hey, you need help with that."
40:09 And sometimes I say yes, sometimes I say no.
40:12 And this time I said,
40:13 "Oh, no, that's okay, I think I've got it."
40:15 I think it was almost done.
40:16 And so one of the two guys that was doing that,
40:19 for some reason, I picked up something
40:21 and I saw him and he's trying to,
40:23 he's squeezing his stomach to try to pull his belt,
40:28 you know, tighter and I looked at him for a while.
40:33 And then I looked, it's almost like the Lord said,
40:34 "Take a look at that guy, he's struggling."
40:37 And he was, you know,
40:39 and he's trying to put his belt on,
40:43 you know, better, but I looked and I said,
40:46 "Are you having trouble putting that on?
40:48 Do you not have any?"
40:50 "Yeah, I'm having trouble."
40:52 And I took here, you can take my belt.
40:55 So I never thought I would give anybody a belt.
40:57 Wow.
40:58 And so at that time, of course,
40:59 you have to ask yourself as it's coming out,
41:01 I say, I think my pants will stay on.
41:06 Because I'm going to be without one.
41:08 So I took it off, and I was fine.
41:11 And so, let me know if it works for you.
41:13 He put it on and oh, it works great.
41:15 Thank you very much.
41:17 He was very grateful. Oh, praise the Lord.
41:18 And after I was done, I was like, wow,
41:20 I never thought that would make,
41:21 you know, yeah, a belt.
41:23 Yeah.
41:25 And so, somehow,
41:26 I know God was involved in that process,
41:28 He was very grateful.
41:29 Because really, that belt, when he took it off,
41:31 I saw there was really no more place
41:34 where he can make another hole to put his belt on.
41:38 I mean, he was struggling for a little while
41:40 trying to squeeze his stomach a little skinnier
41:42 to put that belt on.
41:44 But you never know what kind of need you will see.
41:46 But that's practical for Christianity,
41:48 because you paid attention.
41:50 You could have just glanced away or not
41:52 really looked at the person.
41:55 And so that's practical Christianity
41:57 when you're paying attention to your circumstances
42:00 and needs around you.
42:02 Yes.
42:04 There are. Not just at home.
42:05 There are needs all over.
42:06 And we think some,
42:08 most of the time is something like this.
42:11 But there are other things
42:12 that the Lord brings before us to do.
42:15 And sometimes it's just a phone call.
42:17 Sometimes it's just, you see somebody that's by themselves
42:21 and not just to go over to talk to the person.
42:24 And listening.
42:25 Yeah, and listening, listening.
42:27 I went over to, I went to,
42:29 normally my routine Sunday afternoons,
42:31 go fill up with gas.
42:33 And so I went to the service station,
42:36 and I was pulled up,
42:38 stepped outside the car, getting ready to take the,
42:42 you know, take it off the handle.
42:45 And I noticed that this van was just coming up
42:48 and he was not in any lane.
42:51 Now that's kind of interesting.
42:52 And then he pulled around as I'm getting ready to attempt
42:56 to take out the faucet.
42:59 The gas.
43:01 Yeah.
43:02 Whatever.
43:03 Thank you, Lord, for good means humility.
43:07 Anyway, they pulled right up in front of me
43:10 on the opposite side.
43:12 And the gentleman hesitantly rode,
43:15 he's wandered out.
43:17 And there was something tender about his looks.
43:21 And it seemed like he was stepping outside
43:23 his comfort zone.
43:25 And he says, "Do you live close?"
43:27 And I thought, well, "I live close, yeah."
43:30 And I thought he's gonna ask me for directions.
43:32 And he says, "My wife and I are hungry."
43:38 And then he rolled down the back window,
43:40 she was a nursing mother in the back there.
43:44 And I didn't have too much money on me.
43:48 But I just pulled out my money and I say, "Here, take this."
43:51 And he took off his ring.
43:53 He says, "Here, take my ring."
43:55 I said, "I can't take your ring."
43:57 I said, "This is a gift."
44:00 And so then he didn't know what to do.
44:03 I mean, bless his little heart.
44:06 And then I heard his wife as they were pulling off,
44:10 "God answered our prayers, honey."
44:11 Wow.
44:13 Praise the Lord.
44:14 And so I'm sitting there, you know,
44:16 and you're trying to connect the dots here.
44:20 I mean, there's so much stuff going on was I just taken,
44:24 you know, I was this and, boy,
44:27 when she said that that was just kind of like
44:28 the icing on the cake, you know.
44:30 Yeah. Praise the Lord.
44:31 Yes.
44:33 You know, God answers prayers, honey.
44:34 Man, that's, that's incredible.
44:35 So you never know when you're going to be used
44:37 or who's going to use you, you know,
44:39 you just step out and just be who God made you to be.
44:44 Absolutely.
44:45 Let's look at 1 John 4:16,
44:49 as we're talking about practical godliness
44:51 and practical Christianity.
44:53 1 John 4:16.
44:56 And it says, "And we have known and believed
44:59 the love that God has for us.
45:01 God is love and he who abides and love abides in God,
45:05 and God in him."
45:07 Then I want to look at Acts of the Apostles, page 560.
45:11 And it says, "True sanctification
45:12 comes through the working out of the principle of love,
45:17 the life of him in whose heart Christ abides
45:21 will reveal practical godliness.
45:24 The character will be purified,
45:26 elevated, ennobled and glorified.
45:29 Pure doctrine will blend with works of righteousness,
45:33 heavenly precepts will mingle with holy practices."
45:37 That's powerful, because I mean it's...
45:40 Essentially it's not just be a hearer of the word,
45:43 but you need to be a doer as well
45:46 as you're seeing love being displayed.
45:50 And love is a powerful motivator.
45:52 I don't know about you guys, but I'm sure that you,
45:56 I'm sure you've done some interesting things for love.
45:59 Maybe you've driven across the country,
46:01 maybe you've driven seven hours.
46:03 I've gotten in the car and gone seven and a half,
46:06 eight hours, whatever the case may be.
46:09 There's long distance stuff and all of that.
46:12 You do some interesting things for love.
46:15 Now, this was in the past,
46:17 but you do some interesting things.
46:19 Heavens will dare if you do it today.
46:21 Maybe five hours of driving, that's it.
46:26 Dee, you look like you're gonna say something.
46:28 No, I just, you're absolutely right.
46:30 That is the love that really has power behind it
46:34 because you're willing to sacrifice
46:36 or step out for that.
46:38 Yes.
46:39 And like I said before God,
46:43 God put real commitment behind His love.
46:47 And that's what He wants us to do.
46:50 Practical godliness.
46:52 The one I get caught in sometimes is Romans.
46:57 Yes.
46:58 Other when I, I, my good intentions.
47:01 Yes.
47:03 I really, really want to be a real Christian.
47:06 I don't want someone, I remember sometime,
47:09 one time when I moved from an apartment.
47:12 And I was having a conversation with the man
47:14 that lived next door to me as I was moving out.
47:17 And some, I said something, he goes,
47:19 "Oh, I didn't know you were a Christian."
47:20 And I'm like, "Oh, my heavens,
47:23 I've lived here for 8, 9, 10 months.
47:27 And this man didn't know I was a Christian,
47:29 how could he not know?"
47:30 And I had to think about how did he not know
47:35 because my actions were not unchristian like.
47:39 I wasn't having wild parties or anything.
47:41 But here's a neighbor that did not know
47:44 I was a Christian.
47:45 That was heartbreaking.
47:47 That was many, many years ago.
47:48 Thank goodness.
47:49 Yes. Yes.
47:51 But that's heartbreaking.
47:52 I'm glad that you brought up Romans,
47:53 you wanted to say something?
47:55 You know, I have to say this.
47:56 I know I may have shared this in another family worship.
48:01 But the Lord is teaching us day by day.
48:06 And one of the lessons He taught me that there's,
48:10 there's a reason why you do good things,
48:12 and do good things for the sake of doing good things
48:16 to bring honor and glory to the Lord.
48:18 I remember when I was very young,
48:19 I was still in high school then.
48:22 There was a...
48:24 I was sitting in the bus in Chicago, you know,
48:28 and somewhere near the end,
48:30 not at the end somewhere near the end.
48:32 And somebody comes in, into the bus
48:36 and put in something I think or just,
48:41 I can't remember if he put something in
48:42 because I wasn't paying attention at that moment.
48:45 What I do remember is lifting up my eyes,
48:46 as I heard him say, does anyone have 45 cents,
48:52 whatever it was, 35 cents, 45 cents.
48:55 And he looked at everybody in the bus.
49:00 And so when he said that I did this,
49:03 looking up to the sky,
49:04 you know, how you look up to the sky to figure out,
49:06 to try to figure something out.
49:08 And I asked him, I said, "Do I have 45 cents?"
49:10 And I had not even began to look, but he's,
49:14 once he saw me he started walking towards me.
49:19 And so as he was talking, I put my hand in my pocket.
49:22 And sure enough, I had it.
49:24 I didn't have much money then.
49:26 Not even today I would say.
49:28 But anyway, he walked straight toward me
49:32 and I gave him the money.
49:35 He turned around and went and paid for the...
49:39 The toll. The toll of the bus.
49:42 Well, yeah, whatever he had to pay to get in.
49:45 And he sat down.
49:46 And so after he sat down, I'm like,
49:49 why he didn't even thank me.
49:52 And so there the Lord began to teach me the lesson,
49:56 like, did you do it to get a thank you.
49:59 So thank you really make it worth your while.
50:02 No.
50:03 And does the thank you really mean
50:05 that you'll do it again?
50:06 If somebody thanks you or you won't do it again
50:08 if this one person decides not to give you a thank you.
50:11 So that, before the bus trip was over and I got home,
50:15 I, it was fixed in my mind
50:17 you don't have to get a thank you.
50:18 Yeah.
50:20 That was like a loving rebuke right there.
50:21 Yeah, the Lord, it was a loving rebuke.
50:23 He said, you don't have to get a thank you.
50:25 Just the fact that you help someone
50:27 is a blessing to do so.
50:29 I mean, and I don't know, you know, the Bible says,
50:32 there's some, you know, it says,
50:34 be careful to entertain strangers,
50:35 because some have entertained angels unawares.
50:38 I don't know, maybe that was an angel.
50:41 He didn't give me a reason not to think he was an angel
50:44 except that he didn't say thank you.
50:46 But anyway, it was a good lesson for me.
50:50 And since then, if they say thank you,
50:53 wonderful, if they don't, that's wonderful too,
50:55 I'm okay with that.
50:56 The fact is to do something to help somebody
50:59 and make somebody's day a little better.
51:01 I want to go to Matthew Chapter 25.
51:03 And then if we have time, we'll go back to Romans.
51:07 But Matthew Chapter 25,
51:09 because what you're saying is you know about
51:12 how you could possibly be entertaining angels,
51:14 I want to read this.
51:17 Let's start in verse 31 and then we'll go down.
51:21 "So when the Son of Man comes in His glory,
51:24 and all the holy angels with Him,
51:27 then He will sit on the throne of His glory.
51:29 All the nations will be gathered before Him,
51:32 and He will separate them one from another,
51:34 as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats.
51:37 And He will set the sheep on His right hand,
51:40 but the goats on the left.
51:42 Then the King will say to those on His right hand,
51:44 'Come, you blessed of My Father,
51:46 inherit the kingdom prepared for you
51:48 from the foundation of the world:
51:50 for I was hungry and you gave Me food,
51:53 I was thirsty and you gave Me drink,
51:55 I was a stranger and you took Me in,
51:58 I was naked and you clothed Me, I was sick and you visited Me,
52:02 I was in prison and you came to Me.'
52:05 Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, 'Lord,
52:07 when did we see You hungry and feed You,
52:09 or thirsty and give You drink?
52:12 When did we see You a stranger and take You in,
52:14 or naked and clothe You?
52:16 Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?'
52:19 And the King will answer and say to them,
52:22 'Assuredly, I say to you,
52:24 inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these
52:27 My brethren, you did it to Me.' "
52:29 That's powerful.
52:31 But I don't want to stop there.
52:32 Because this, you know, as we go on,
52:34 we get to see the other side of things.
52:37 You know, here, when they fed somebody,
52:40 they were doing it to Christ, when they clothed somebody,
52:42 they were doing it to Christ,
52:43 when they gave them something to drink,
52:45 they were doing it to Christ.
52:48 Picking up in verse 41,
52:49 "Then He will also say to those on the left hand,
52:52 'Depart from Me, you cursed,
52:55 into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil
52:59 and his angels: for I was hungry
53:01 and you gave Me no food,
53:03 I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink,
53:06 I was a stranger and you did not take Me in,
53:09 naked and you did not clothe Me,
53:12 sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.'
53:15 Then they also will answer Him, saying, 'Lord,
53:18 when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger
53:21 or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You?'
53:25 Then He will answer them, saying, 'Assuredly,
53:27 I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it
53:30 to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.'
53:35 And these will go away into everlasting punishment,
53:37 but the righteous into eternal life.' "
53:40 Amen.
53:41 That's why when you have those people
53:45 that you maybe give money to,
53:47 or you do this for, and you wonder if it's a scam
53:49 or not, you know, that's not my responsibility.
53:54 It's no, no, it's not our responsibility.
53:56 Ours is to give when the Lord prompts you to,
53:59 when the Holy Spirit prompts you to,
54:01 yours is just simply to give without a thank you.
54:04 I think most of us,
54:06 I'm uncomfortable with people thanking me
54:10 because I'm doing it for the Lord.
54:14 Whatever I'm doing,
54:16 I'm, because God gave me the love to do it.
54:19 When we do good deeds,
54:21 it's God's love that is helping us
54:23 do that from the relationship we have with Him.
54:26 Yeah, yeah.
54:27 Which is important,
54:29 because that really speaks to motives.
54:30 You know, what are you doing?
54:32 Or are you only helping people who can help you?
54:34 Or are you helping people who can return the favor?
54:38 Or are you helping those that are less fortunate
54:42 who might not reciprocate that but you're, you know,
54:45 so it really speaks to the motive.
54:48 And love is an excellent motivating,
54:51 motivating factor.
54:53 If I have a moment, I can read this here,
54:55 Christ Object Lessons, page 331.
54:57 Nice.
54:59 "Many whom God has qualified to do excellent work
55:03 accomplish very little, because they attempt little.
55:08 Thousands pass through life as if they had no definite
55:13 object for which to live, no standard to reach.
55:16 Such will obtain a reward proportionate to their works.
55:20 Remember that you will never reach
55:22 a higher standard than you yourself set.
55:26 Press with determination in the right direction,
55:28 and circumstances will be your helpers,
55:31 not your hindrances."
55:32 Amen. Very nice.
55:34 Amen. Amen.
55:35 And our standard should be Christ standard
55:38 and to be like Jesus because ultimately,
55:42 He is the ultimate standard.
55:44 He is the ultimate standard.
55:46 So, you know, relevant Christianity,
55:48 practical Christianity not being a Christian
55:52 by just professing your faith, but living it out, you know.
55:56 Love with action.
55:57 Yes, love with, I love that, love with action.
56:00 That's very, very important.
56:02 And be doers.
56:03 Be doers.
56:05 Commitment, that commitment.
56:07 And all of that comes from the Lord.
56:09 You know, we don't believe you're saved by works
56:11 but that relationship that you have with Christ,
56:14 that love that you have for Christ
56:16 and that love that He instills in you,
56:18 motivates you or compels you to want to do something
56:24 for others because ultimately, you're doing it for Christ.
56:27 Amen. Yes.
56:28 Amen. Any final thoughts?
56:30 I have one, short one.
56:32 And that is God will give you an opportunity
56:37 to do something,
56:40 and is coming before you very soon.
56:42 Amen, amen.
56:43 JD?
56:45 Well, I'm just very, very thankful that God
56:47 never stopped chasing me down.
56:48 And, you know,
56:50 you just pray that please allow me to be fruitful,
56:53 and that I will hear that voice.
56:55 Yes, yes.
56:56 I'm just grateful God keeps working on me
56:58 because I fall short.
57:00 And that's what breaks my heart is when I let Him down
57:03 and He keeps growing me and forgiving me
57:05 and loving me with real love and practical love.
57:08 Amen.
57:10 When you fall short,
57:11 you get back up and God forgives.
57:14 He wants to spend eternity with each and every one of us.
57:17 Amen.
57:18 And there's nothing good that we do in our own strength.
57:22 You know, we can do all things through Christ
57:24 who strengthens us.
57:25 And that's important to remember.
57:27 Very important to remember.
57:29 Well, we've reached
57:30 the end of another family worship.
57:32 Until next time, God bless.


Revised 2020-10-26