Today Family Worship


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW200026S

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:08 Mending broken people
00:13 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello, friends. Welcome to Friday Night Family Worship.
01:12 Good to have you with me, Honey.
01:13 I am so happy to be here and happy Sabbath everyone.
01:16 That's right.
01:18 Glad you could join us tonight.
01:19 Thank you for joining us for a very exciting program,
01:22 actually, we were thinking about Family Worship,
01:24 and my wife comes up with some great ideas.
01:28 And she suggested the topic on self,
01:31 not talking about self
01:32 but the greatest battle any one of us will face
01:35 is the battle with self.
01:38 And so, looking at the scriptures.
01:40 Well, I'll tell you,
01:41 do you really need to have a lot of information on that,
01:43 that's true about all of us.
01:45 So we're going to talk about
01:46 what the Bible says about self.
01:48 How to approach this battle with self
01:51 because you know, Honey,
01:53 the greatest battle we do have is
01:54 when we wake up in the morning,
01:55 we are there waiting for each other.
01:57 And it's that generation is the iGeneration,
02:00 the iPhone, iPad, FaceTime, it's all about me.
02:04 What about me?
02:05 So this program is going to be very good to talk about,
02:09 like you have said, self,
02:10 what can we do about me when we are in the way?
02:13 And self is a small package, isn't it?
02:15 That's true,
02:16 the smallest package is a person
02:17 wrapped up in him or herself.
02:20 But we have our family with us today.
02:22 Pastor John Dinzey, head of 3ABN Latino.
02:25 Good to have you here, my Brother.
02:26 It's a wonderful blessing to be here.
02:28 And we're looking forward to seeing
02:30 how God is going to bring this together to be a blessing.
02:33 That's right.
02:34 And Donald Owen,
02:36 Donald is often
02:37 on the other side of the camera,
02:39 giving us direction.
02:41 But good to have you here, Donald.
02:42 Thank you. I appreciate.
02:44 Yes, this is a tough subject self,
02:46 very difficult to talk about,
02:48 and how to, you know,
02:49 get rid of self and get it out of the way,
02:51 so looking forward to it.
02:52 Yeah, just tongue in cheek,
02:54 I was asking someone else to be on the program.
02:55 And they say,
02:56 I don't want to spend time talking about myself.
02:59 I thought that was kind of cute.
03:01 But it's going to be a very interesting program.
03:02 So get your Bibles, that's really all you need.
03:05 And if your family is together,
03:07 or even if you're by yourself, unfortunately,
03:09 in this COVID-19 environment, many of us are by ourselves.
03:14 But I know the Lord has a blessing in store for you.
03:17 And on that note,
03:18 we always like to take the time
03:20 rather than singing, most of our programs,
03:22 we don't sing.
03:24 But we'd like to take the time in the Word.
03:26 So we'd like to apologize
03:27 if you're looking forward to us singing,
03:29 we're not going to sing tonight.
03:30 But we're going to spend the time in God's Word.
03:32 But, Honey, would you begin with prayer for us?
03:33 Yes. Let's bow our heads.
03:35 Our gracious Heavenly Father,
03:36 it's always a privilege and honor
03:38 to come before Your presence.
03:40 And, Lord, we thank You for the blessed Sabbath evening
03:43 that is upon us.
03:44 We thank You for those
03:46 that are watching and listening to this program.
03:49 I pray that they'll receive a blessing,
03:51 even be a blessing to someone else
03:53 that they'll learn something
03:55 that will help not just themselves,
03:57 but will help others.
03:59 And we give You our hearts tonight,
04:02 everything about this program we give to You.
04:05 And we are always careful to give You the praise,
04:08 the honor and the glory, for You are worthy,
04:11 in Jesus' name, amen.
04:13 Amen. Amen.
04:17 Recently, my wife used an illustration,
04:20 we saw this illustration actually together,
04:22 and you use it about
04:24 all the people gathered around with it.
04:25 Why don't you talk about that kind of,
04:27 yeah, it's very interesting.
04:28 Okay.
04:29 There's an old Chinese proverb.
04:32 And they had this old man says what?
04:36 I want to go to,
04:37 he said, "He was getting ready to die."
04:39 That's right.
04:40 And he says,
04:42 "I want to see what hell is like."
04:44 And so he went to somebody said,
04:47 "Come, I'll show you, "
04:48 and he went to this big home.
04:50 And everybody had,
04:52 there's a big layout of food just everywhere,
04:55 table was long, but the people were so thin.
04:59 They were skinny.
05:00 And the food was there,
05:02 they were just looking at the food saying,
05:05 "We just can't eat."
05:06 And they had like a long,
05:08 like a six-foot chopstick, long chopstick,
05:14 long little fork things chopsticks
05:16 and they couldn't eat.
05:18 Everybody is like,
05:19 the tried to bring get the food,
05:21 pick up the food and it was too far
05:23 and they couldn't get it to their mouth
05:25 and so they looking at the food and couldn't eat.
05:29 So he says, "Okay, come."
05:30 He said, "This is discouraging."
05:31 He says, "Come, let me show you.
05:33 Let me take you what heaven would be like."
05:36 He went to this other place and saw this huge room.
05:39 Remember, this is just a Chinese thing.
05:41 And the room was filled with food,
05:44 delicious, smell so good.
05:46 The people there one nice and plump.
05:49 And they were just healthy looking, feeling good.
05:52 And everybody's smiling and laughing and talking.
05:55 Not like the old other place where everybody so emaciated.
05:58 So the food was good.
06:00 And you know what?
06:02 They all had that long, what is it, chopsticks?
06:05 Chopstick.
06:06 Long six-foot chopsticks.
06:09 And he looked,
06:11 everybody would take their food,
06:14 and they fed the next person.
06:16 They took the food
06:18 and they fed, they all fed each other.
06:21 And what do we get out of that, Honey?
06:23 They didn't focus on themselves.
06:27 They focused on the other person.
06:29 And we're going to talk about that tonight.
06:31 But I'm going to give our guests
06:33 a chance to just talk about some of the things
06:35 when you think of that word self.
06:37 It's a little word, it's one of the smallest words,
06:41 but with the greatest impact.
06:43 I'm going to start with Pastor Dinzey
06:44 because, you know, all of our lives,
06:46 if there's anything we're conscious of is self.
06:51 It is true, you know,
06:52 you consider that you were in a group of people,
06:56 and they took a picture of everybody.
06:59 And when the picture is brought out,
07:01 most people, the first thing they do
07:02 is look for themselves, you know,
07:05 they want to see
07:06 how did I turn out on that picture.
07:08 And, so then you start looking around,
07:10 "Oh, look at so and so."
07:11 But first you said
07:13 you look to see if you were okay.
07:15 So there's a degree of this self-centeredness
07:19 in just about everyone.
07:20 And so, so you say, before you are born again,
07:25 there, you're really not concerned about others.
07:28 For the most part, you are self-centered.
07:33 Is when you become a Christian
07:34 is that you begin to consider others,
07:37 you know, because the Bible brings out
07:40 that you are to love your neighbor as yourself.
07:44 And so that begins a journey for the individual
07:47 to put self aside
07:49 and consider others instead of yourself.
07:52 Good point. Interesting.
07:53 That's very good.
07:55 I can't, we cannot get away from that picture,
07:57 so to speak because that's true.
08:00 When you look, when you take a group picture,
08:01 who do you look for first?
08:03 Want to make sure you look good,
08:04 your hair's fine, your smile's all right.
08:06 I have a family member they have...
08:08 Long as they look good in the picture.
08:11 And the other person in my family looked terrible,
08:15 but they didn't care as long as they look good.
08:18 So they have,
08:19 like they post a family picture on their dressing table
08:22 is they look good,
08:23 but everybody else is like, just ancillary.
08:26 They're just there. Donald?
08:29 I was thinking when you said that about self
08:30 and what came my mind
08:31 is a lot of people often say this phrase,
08:33 you know, I'm a good person, I do good things.
08:35 But when you get down to the core of it,
08:37 like you're mentioning about before your, you know,
08:39 putting that watery grave in a baptism,
08:41 you know, emerging,
08:42 you give your heart to the Lord.
08:43 Everything you do is really it's self-centered.
08:45 It's all about you,
08:46 you don't, you think you're doing good things
08:48 but really, it's always there's a selfish motive behind it.
08:51 So I think that when we come to Christ,
08:53 and we see what Christ did in His methods,
08:56 and how He reached people,
08:58 we see His selflessness
09:00 and how He was able to get down even to the lowest of low
09:03 and to reach those people where we're kind of,
09:06 I don't know, like Jonah,
09:07 I don't think I want to go to Nineveh,
09:09 I'm not going there.
09:10 So it's like,
09:12 do we really get out and help those around us.
09:14 Do we get in?
09:15 Just there's some scriptures
09:17 that kind of my mind is Isaiah 58:6-8 talks about
09:20 how we're "To lose the bands of wickedness,
09:22 undo the heavy burdens,
09:23 let the oppressed go free, break every enslaving,"
09:25 well, amplify, "puts every enslaving yoke."
09:28 And verse 7 says,
09:29 "To deal your food to the hungry,"
09:31 you know, help those
09:32 who are naked give them clothes,
09:34 people in your family if they're, you know, out,
09:36 to help them, bring them into the house.
09:37 And that to me speaks a lot about being selfless.
09:40 Yes. That's right.
09:42 Yeah.
09:43 Jesus was selfless, wasn't He? That's right.
09:45 It's all about others,
09:46 what I can do
09:48 to relieve their pain or their suffering.
09:50 It's always about others. It's never about Him.
09:53 Where did He come from? Heaven.
09:55 He had everything.
09:57 He gave Himself... That's another statement, yes.
09:58 Everything.
09:59 He walking on streets of gold and look,
10:01 angels are worshipping You and you gave Yourself
10:05 as a sacrifice?
10:07 That is just beautiful.
10:09 I just praise my Lord every day.
10:12 I mean, think about the roadblock,
10:13 the thing that's in,
10:14 the thing that really makes it hard
10:16 to put a self aside is the condition of the heart.
10:18 Let's look at Jeremiah 17:9.
10:20 It's not in our outline,
10:23 but this is what makes it difficult
10:25 to put self aside.
10:28 Why do we often focus on what's important to us?
10:32 Jeremiah17:9.
10:35 Honey, read that for us. Interesting.
10:37 That famous passage is highlighted in my Bible.
10:40 "The heart is deceitful above all things
10:44 and desperately wicked: who can know it?"
10:48 I got to read, these have the blue box.
10:50 I think all of us have today.
10:52 We all got blue boxes. Go ahead.
10:54 No, you read it. Yeah, Donald.
10:56 It says, "The heart is desperately wicked:
10:58 who can know it?
10:59 No man can of Himself understand his errors."
11:02 Whoa, man.
11:03 "The heart is deceitful
11:05 above all things and desperately wicked:
11:06 who can know it?
11:08 The lips may express a poverty of soul
11:10 that the heart does not acknowledge.
11:13 While speaking to God of poverty of spirit,
11:16 the heart may be swelling
11:17 with the conceit of its own superior humility
11:20 and exalted righteousness."
11:21 That's a strong sentence there.
11:23 Now is that under your verse 9?
11:24 17:9?
11:25 Mm-hmm, yes.
11:29 Will we continue reading here?
11:30 Okay. Yes.
11:31 Says, "In one way,
11:35 only can a true knowledge of self be obtained,
11:37 we must behold Christ.
11:39 It is ignorance of Him
11:41 that makes men so uplifted in their own righteousness.
11:44 When we contemplate His purity and excellence,
11:46 we shall see our own weakness and poverty
11:48 and defects as they really are.
11:50 We shall see ourselves
11:51 lost and hopeless cladding garments
11:54 of self-righteousness, like every other sinner.
11:57 We shall see that if we were ever saved,
11:59 it will not be enough, yeah,
12:01 it will not be through our own goodness,
12:03 but through God's infinite grace."
12:04 There's more.
12:05 But I think you're talking about the paragraph
12:07 above in Chris Object Lessons.
12:09 I just expounded on it little more little bit.
12:11 Yeah, I think that what it said there,
12:13 we shall see ourselves lost and hopeless
12:14 cladding garments of self-righteousness
12:17 like every other sinner.
12:19 Sure, it actually was two quotes
12:21 from Jeremiah 17:9.
12:22 Pastor Dinzey, you read the next one there,
12:24 the blue box,
12:25 right under the verse itself there.
12:28 It says,
12:30 "No man can of himself understand his errors.
12:33 In one way
12:35 only can a true knowledge of self be obtained.
12:37 We must behold Christ.
12:40 When we contemplate his purity and excellence,
12:43 we shall see
12:45 our own weaknesses and poverty
12:47 and defects as they really are.
12:49 We shall see ourselves lost and hopeless.
12:52 We shall see that if we are ever saved,
12:55 it will not be through our own goodness,
12:58 but through God's infinite grace."
13:01 So in essence,
13:03 the Bible is analyzing us
13:05 saying that none of us is good.
13:07 And as you pointed that out, a lot of times you meet people,
13:10 they even say, "Well, I have some great neighbors, "
13:12 and we know what they mean.
13:14 But in the analogy of heaven,
13:17 we're all bankrupt in some respects or another.
13:21 So what I'd like to do,
13:22 we're going to walk through tonight,
13:23 some passages in Scripture.
13:25 Let's start with Galatians 5:20,
13:27 Galatians 5:20.
13:29 And we're going to look
13:30 at what the Apostle Paul described
13:33 as one of the challenges we face.
13:35 Now he outlined,
13:36 this is where you find the works of the flesh.
13:40 Then on the other side,
13:41 you find the fruit of the Spirit.
13:43 Galatians 5:20.
13:46 Okay, let me have Pastor Dinzey do that one.
13:49 Galatians 5:20,
13:51 "Idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions,
13:55 jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions,
13:59 dissensions, heresies."
14:01 Okay, in that,
14:02 the reason I chose verse 20,
14:04 because it really goes from 19 all the way to 21.
14:06 Right.
14:08 But because it talks about the works of the flesh,
14:10 and that one there, notice selfish ambition.
14:13 What does that mean?
14:15 What does selfish ambition mean?
14:16 Let's talk about that for a moment.
14:18 Selfish ambition.
14:19 There's ambition
14:21 and then there's selfish ambition.
14:22 Yes. Okay.
14:23 Because, you know,
14:25 you may have a family
14:26 that they,
14:28 well, we really need a car
14:29 and we really need a home
14:30 and they work towards that goal.
14:32 But then,
14:33 you know, you have some somebody in the home
14:37 says, well, I want to get myself this,
14:40 you know,
14:41 and when there are other needs in the home,
14:44 and unfortunately,
14:45 I'm going to give you an example
14:47 that becomes a problem for families.
14:51 Because sometimes the habit comes into a person's life
14:54 and they forget others,
14:56 because they want to nurse that habit.
14:58 They want to partake of that habit,
14:59 for example person that becomes an alcoholic
15:03 or a drug addict,
15:05 they will take of money that is needed for food,
15:10 clothing, to pay for school, to pay for rent,
15:14 and they need to,
15:15 they feel like they need to get that liquor, that drug,
15:19 and you know,
15:20 we've have received calls
15:22 that they said, I feel ashamed,
15:23 "I even took money from my mother.
15:25 And she desperately needed this for medicine
15:28 or for something else."
15:29 So these habits that are detrimental
15:34 and hurtful really makes a person,
15:38 they're self-centered even.
15:40 I mean, self becomes
15:41 the dominating part of their lives.
15:45 One of the stories
15:46 you just shared kind of reminded me.
15:47 I just met a gentleman few weeks ago,
15:49 we were camping out
15:50 and now this gentleman told us a story about his life
15:53 and how he worked really hard and diligent.
15:54 That's another thing we can do, become workaholics.
15:57 And what happens is we,
15:59 our family misses us
16:00 because we're so busy working in.
16:01 That's another thing with self-centeredness.
16:03 I've got to make, I've got to do,
16:05 I've got to provide.
16:06 And you're so wrapped up and taking,
16:08 he said, I work seven days a week,
16:09 20 hours a day.
16:11 I built this company up
16:12 and now he's got quite a bit of money.
16:14 He wants his kid to take over.
16:15 But the fact that the kids now don't have a dad
16:17 because he's always busy working.
16:19 So, I think that's, you know, that says a lot.
16:22 It's kind of a self-centeredness,
16:23 even though it looks good on the surface.
16:25 Where's dad?
16:26 He's not here, you know, can't play ball,
16:28 whatever you do, I don't know,
16:29 go out and ride bikes together, go hiking, but he's not here.
16:32 And he'll say, "I'm providing for the family."
16:34 Right, yes. Yeah.
16:36 You know, Angie and I talked about this.
16:39 She said, that's some of the dangers
16:40 that could even happen in the ministry.
16:43 Remember that illustration you're talking about?
16:44 Which one?
16:46 How pastors sometimes could be off saving the world
16:48 and their families don't even know who they are.
16:50 Yes. We're talking about that.
16:52 They just and Sister White talks about that too,
16:55 how they could do for others,
16:57 yet their own house is falling apart.
17:00 Children don't know their parents,
17:03 or the fathers who are ministers
17:05 because they're so busy saving souls
17:09 and forget about the most important is Noah
17:13 and his family, right?
17:14 The Ark, you want your family in the kingdom.
17:17 Charles Fitch to that back.
17:18 And I think he did in 1800s.
17:20 He had a wife and two kids.
17:22 He kept baptizing these people over and over
17:23 and over and over.
17:24 So he thought Christ is coming.
17:26 And he ended up getting pneumonia and he died.
17:28 So now they have no father.
17:30 And I thought, well, you know, it seems good on the surface.
17:33 But now where's dad? He's no longer here.
17:36 He went into rest. So that's dangerous.
17:39 So even in the ministry,
17:40 for those of you that are may be involved
17:42 in pastoral ministry or any kind of ministry,
17:44 it's also important imperative to remember family,
17:48 the Lord first, family next.
17:50 Okay, Honey.
17:52 Talk about that, you said
17:53 the conference asked you that question once, so share.
17:56 When I was in California, beginning ministry, wow.
17:59 And in the 1980s,
18:01 the ministerial director called me in his office
18:03 and he said,
18:04 he said, I've asked a lot of pastors this question,
18:06 I'm going to ask you the same question.
18:08 One to five, outline your ministry,
18:11 priority all the way to the least important.
18:12 And I said,
18:14 "Well, the Lord's first, my wife is next,
18:17 the church is after that,"
18:18 then I listed two other things.
18:20 He said, "Wait, pause, pause.
18:22 The church comes after your wife?"
18:25 I said, "Yes." He said, he tested me.
18:27 He says, "I'm glad to hear that.
18:30 Because in the interviews I've done,
18:32 the wife is third, fourth, some fifth,
18:35 and the only one
18:36 that should be before your wife is the Lord."
18:39 He said,
18:40 and we've had families that are in crucial situations,
18:42 because, you know, they say,
18:44 "Well, my church needs me.
18:45 " Well, I've told the church wherever I pastored,
18:47 I said, "When my wife is ill,
18:49 I'm going to be by her side."
18:50 And Pastor Dinzey, this is a perfect illustration,
18:52 because I've had you preach for me that Sabbath,
18:55 when I called on you, my wife was ill.
18:58 And I said, you know,
18:59 I made this declaration to my wife
19:02 in the presence of the Lord.
19:03 And I said, "The two shall be one,
19:05 I needed to be there for her."
19:07 And I called on you and not that you took my place,
19:09 but you did an excellent job,
19:11 because God hasn't called you to take my place.
19:13 But, boy, that was a powerful message that day.
19:15 And we sat home,
19:16 in the bed together while I was nursing her
19:19 and we had the iPad there watching you preach,
19:21 and praise the Lord for that.
19:23 So we have to keep those priorities
19:24 because you could be out ministering to the world.
19:27 And I know,
19:28 we talked about this
19:30 because we were going through familiar people
19:31 that we knew and thought,
19:33 well, are they, where's the family,
19:34 where's the wife,
19:36 where's the mother and the child is,
19:37 but the family is all over the place
19:40 and it's all ministry.
19:41 But we've heard pastors,
19:43 the children grew up and some of them say,
19:44 "I hate the church.
19:46 I don't like the church,
19:48 because my dad gave all of his time to the church."
19:50 So this is not the focal point of the program, but it came up.
19:54 And I think while ministry is important,
19:56 don't allow ministry to eclipse the relationship
20:00 that the Lord is calling you as a leader,
20:02 to exemplify the family first, Christ to always top,
20:06 but your family next.
20:08 That's very important, you know,
20:09 you're highlighting something very, very important
20:12 because that has happened.
20:15 Often we, again,
20:16 pastoral ministries, we get calls,
20:18 so we have received calls from wives.
20:21 And we, you know, even children that...
20:24 Pastors' wives would call.
20:25 Oh, yes.
20:27 And so, there, there needs to be a balance.
20:29 The only way we can have this balance
20:32 is by every day,
20:34 Jesus said, you know, Jesus has the answers.
20:38 So when He says, "If any man will come after Me,
20:41 let him take up his cross daily and follow Me."
20:43 It's in following Jesus, keeping our eyes on Him,
20:46 that things balance out.
20:48 And there's a balance,
20:51 and because He is going to remind you
20:55 to take care of your family.
20:58 And so this, this is what's going to help us
21:00 to maintain that close walk with the Lord
21:03 and the Lord will remind you.
21:05 And if you're not listening to that little voice,
21:08 the Lord will send you messages in some other way,
21:10 and they start getting louder and louder.
21:13 And when you start hearing
21:14 the wife and the children complain,
21:15 that's when they're getting louder and louder.
21:17 But the Lord sends you messages in different ways.
21:19 You know, because I mean,
21:21 you even have the scriptures tell us
21:22 that Jesus said to the Jews,
21:25 you know, I sent you prophets, they rose up early.
21:28 And I mean, it's there, it's in the Bible,
21:32 the examples of how God works is in the Bible.
21:35 I've seen that with you work, work, work, work,
21:38 work with people.
21:39 And I say, Honey, you got to slow down.
21:41 Haven't I said that? We do.
21:42 So we would say,
21:43 that's why we take time for our anniversary,
21:47 we got our birthdays,
21:48 we, you know, would skirt in a time say
21:51 we've been working really hard.
21:52 Let's take a vacation together.
21:54 And these are the things
21:55 that nurture what God has given to us.
21:57 And then when we are recharged,
21:59 we come back and we work hard on the other side,
22:02 work hard, play hard,
22:03 but don't forget,
22:05 keep the main thing, the main thing.
22:07 I was gonna mention a story
22:08 that happened me just a couple weeks ago,
22:10 my parents were here and they dig out little puppy.
22:13 And it gets up at all hours and I have to go out,
22:15 would be wafting on all stuff.
22:16 And I hear this thing whimpering and I'm like,
22:18 "Please don't tell me you have to go to the bathroom.
22:19 It's two in the morning.
22:21 I don't feel like getting up."
22:22 I hear this voice say,
22:23 "Just take the dog out
22:25 because my mom and dad were just driving
22:26 all these different places.
22:27 And they're tired out, my mom, you know, up in age,
22:29 and we won't go real in her age,
22:31 but just the fact that they're tired
22:32 and he's like, why don't you take care
22:33 of the pet for them.
22:35 So I went out there two in the morning
22:36 and she finds a little pig here.
22:38 And I'm like, please don't play,
22:39 let's just get this done.
22:40 Finish your business. So I can go back to bed.
22:42 But just that, that's whole self is,
22:43 it's like, I don't want to get up
22:45 and do this two in the morning...
22:46 Deny yourself.
22:47 Yeah, that's tough.
22:49 You know, it's a cup.
22:50 Let's go to Luke 22:42.
22:52 And look at the example that Jesus left us,
22:54 because self is a cup.
22:56 And the reason I refer to it that way
22:58 is because when self is in your cup,
23:00 and you keep drinking it, what happens?
23:02 You have more self, right?
23:05 If you pour your cup full of self every day,
23:08 and you keep on drinking it, right?
23:12 But the Lord is saying,
23:13 "No, I'm going to give you a different cup."
23:15 But if you say no, I want my cup instead.
23:18 Then you'll never get the victory over self.
23:20 Look at how Jesus illustrated this point.
23:22 Who just read last?
23:25 Okay, Pastor Dinzey, so Honey, read that one.
23:27 Luke 22:42.
23:29 It says here,
23:31 "Saying, 'Father, if it is Your will,
23:34 take this cup away from Me, nevertheless not My will,
23:40 but Yours be done.
23:43 " So what does that say about self?
23:45 You put self away.
23:46 I think it's submission.
23:48 Being submissive,
23:50 being willing to be obedient and submissive as well,
23:51 I'm kind of hearing you,
23:52 even though Christ didn't know
23:54 what was going to happen at that point.
23:56 I don't know how much He could see
23:57 or what He's given.
23:59 But just the fact He knew
24:00 the stake of what was going to happen ahead
24:01 that He knew how difficult the journey would be and like,
24:04 do I really want to lay this down,
24:06 but I have to have My Father strength
24:08 to get me through this right now.
24:09 So I've got to lay this down, because all of me says no,
24:11 I don't want to do this.
24:13 But I know I have to.
24:14 So I think that's a powerful thought.
24:16 That's right.
24:17 Laying self aside, Pastor Dinzey?
24:18 I would like to read from Philippians Chapter 2,
24:20 because I see here
24:22 a great example of selflessness.
24:26 And in Philippians Chapter 2, I begin reading in verse 5.
24:30 And it says, Jesus, it says,
24:32 "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,
24:37 who being in the form of God,
24:39 did not consider it robbery to be equal with God,
24:43 but made himself of no reputation,
24:46 taking the form of a bondservant
24:50 and coming in the likeness of men.
24:52 And being found in fashion or in appearance as a man,
24:56 He humbled Himself and became obedient
24:59 to the point of death,
25:00 even the death of the cross."
25:04 So this is a great example for us as far as being humble.
25:07 I mean, you think of Jesus,
25:10 the object of worship and praise in heaven
25:13 to come here as a helpless babe
25:16 and, you know, I remember reading it,
25:18 I think it was the book Desire of Ages
25:20 that where should we look
25:23 for the king of the universe to be born?
25:25 Is he in a castle?
25:27 Is he had, is He by a royal, you know,
25:31 with gold and surrounded?
25:33 No, in a humble, little manger.
25:36 He's like wow, you know.
25:38 I know the King of kings in a manger.
25:42 His accommodations.
25:43 Think about that.
25:44 How many times and we've had, this fits right now,
25:48 we've had those situations
25:49 where we have not had the best of accommodations.
25:53 And people have been upset for us.
25:54 But we said, "It's okay. It's okay.
25:56 We're fine. We're comfortable."
25:58 Right, remember that? Yeah.
26:00 Many times, right?
26:02 And then, when you don't and you know,
26:03 when you don't argue about that,
26:04 and I've learned this lesson, we've learned together,
26:07 when you don't argue about the circumstances
26:09 that the Lord allows to come to you,
26:11 He'll reward you later on.
26:14 Because on the flip side of that,
26:15 sometimes he said,
26:16 you know, we've gone places,
26:18 we've turned the key to our room,
26:19 and we open the room and we've looked to see
26:21 where the room began and where it ended.
26:24 And this massive room and we say, what did...
26:27 How do we get this room? Yeah.
26:30 Because prior to that, we had like this,
26:33 okay, you come in first.
26:35 I'll bring a suitcase next and you come in next.
26:38 And people say,
26:39 I am so upset
26:40 with the kind of room they gave you.
26:42 But it's okay, we could sleep, it's fine.
26:43 Because we're saying,
26:45 what did Jesus have to deal with?
26:46 So sometimes you have to put self aside and say,
26:49 if this is the Lord's will, but, Angie, read verse 3,
26:52 because when you said Philippians 2,
26:53 look at verse 3
26:55 that led right up to it, verse 3.
26:56 "Let nothing be done
26:58 through selfish ambition or conceit,
27:02 but in lowliness of mind,
27:04 let each esteem others better than himself."
27:07 Amen.
27:09 Okay, and when you say Philippians 2,
27:10 I thought I know exactly where he's going.
27:13 But that's the roll up to verse 5.
27:16 How difficult is that?
27:17 Let's get realistic in this iGeneration.
27:20 How difficult is that?
27:22 Those of you watching the program
27:24 have you, have you been challenged with?
27:26 Okay, right now,
27:28 I just want everyone to go home,
27:29 I want to go to bed, just I'm just gonna leave.
27:33 And they're in a very critical conversation.
27:36 You go like, would you guys just go home?
27:40 But we're dealing with a very serious life issue.
27:43 But it says here, what should we do?
27:45 Let's break this down.
27:46 First of all, put selfish ambition aside.
27:48 What kind of attitude should we have?
27:51 What kind of mind?
27:52 What do you think it means lowliness of mind?
27:54 Humble. Humble. Yeah, humble.
27:56 Humble is a great word.
27:58 Yeah, I think putting others before yourself.
27:59 I mean, within reason, obviously,
28:01 you don't want to put yourself in jeopardy.
28:02 But I think putting others,
28:04 their needs before, we like that.
28:05 We talked about the Good Samaritan in here.
28:07 I think that's kind of where it goes.
28:09 You know, like the Levite and the high priest,
28:10 they walk alongside and leave the man alone.
28:12 But this, you know, this man sees,
28:14 this Samaritan sees this man lying there and he goes,
28:16 goes to and actually goes to him
28:18 and takes care of him.
28:20 I think that, that to me kind of says lowliness.
28:21 When we put other people above ourselves it's...
28:24 Yeah. Yes.
28:25 Okay, and what else can we get out of that?
28:31 Lowliness of mind. That means humility.
28:36 I have experienced
28:37 this as a person in public life.
28:41 In pastoral ministry,
28:43 singing, teaching, preaching.
28:48 I remember growing up in the ministry, thinking,
28:54 how did that person get to be the speaker?
28:58 I learned as a young man, this is not now.
29:00 No.
29:01 But now,
29:03 when the devil tries
29:04 to put that thought back in my mind,
29:06 I'd verbalize and say, who are you talking to?
29:10 I was talking to myself.
29:12 And we have now come to the realization
29:15 in our own walk of life
29:16 is we are campaign managers for Jesus.
29:22 He's not our campaign manager.
29:24 He's not campaigning for us. We don't ask.
29:26 But say it again?
29:28 Well, we say we don't ask,
29:29 I want to be this position, that position.
29:30 I want to go here or there. We never do that.
29:33 We get the phone call, we're like, "Ah, what?
29:36 Well, he want us to go where, Africa?
29:37 What?"
29:39 And, but we don't call up and say,
29:40 "Oh, I want to go to Africa.
29:42 I want to go to Kenya." We don't say that, do we?
29:44 And we don't ask it,
29:46 could I be the speaker for that?
29:47 Could I be the person for that?
29:48 Never. Oh, boy.
29:50 And I've seen that in young novices,
29:52 sometimes people that are not yet emptied of self.
29:55 And then I can see that sometimes they get jealous
29:57 because somebody else is doing it.
29:58 And I said, "Brother,
30:00 if the Lord want you to do that,
30:01 He'll have you do that."
30:03 Because if you're where the God doesn't want you
30:05 to be is a dangerous place.
30:07 And I know as pastor,
30:09 you know, you've been in this ministry,
30:10 what, 30 years?
30:11 Thirty years. Wow.
30:14 Do you have any examples,
30:15 and I don't want to put people's names out there,
30:16 but you,
30:18 we talked about this whole thing
30:19 of putting self aside.
30:20 You know, I remember Dan Gerard,
30:23 in one of the programs we had here,
30:26 I'm sure some of our viewers remember him.
30:28 And he told this story one day
30:31 that he was asked to preach.
30:34 And so he was up there,
30:38 and he was like, he got prepared.
30:39 And he, he said, he walked up there with great confidence
30:43 and when, you know, he tried to preach,
30:45 things were not coming out as he, you know, envisioned.
30:50 And when it was all over,
30:52 you know, he was asked them by the door
30:54 and greet the people out.
30:55 And he was like,
30:56 I don't really want to stand by the door.
30:58 And so people were passing by shaking his hand.
31:01 And this elderly lady came by, and she said, "Young man,
31:07 if you would have walked up to the pulpit
31:10 the way you came down,
31:12 you would have been able to walk down
31:13 the way you went up to the pulpit."
31:17 That's powerful. Yeah.
31:18 Okay.
31:19 So, there's a lesson for us, you know,
31:21 we should not think ourselves more highly than,
31:24 you know, you're talking about lowliness of mind.
31:27 I mean, the speaker has to realize
31:29 that God is the one that deserves all glory.
31:34 And when we come to the realization
31:37 that we are vessels and instruments in His hands,
31:40 and or, you know,
31:43 there may be some sentinels, I'm sorry,
31:48 but you know, the devil uses people, it's true,
31:50 some sentinels of the devil come by
31:52 that they don't know that God,
31:54 the devil is using them.
31:56 And God did all this wonderful work through you.
32:00 And somebody will come and say something to you,
32:03 and you begin to feel like, oh, wait a minute.
32:06 I guess I did.
32:09 You know, it's God, God working through us,
32:12 is what really is able to change lives.
32:15 If I be lifted up,
32:16 the Bible says,
32:18 I'll draw all men to Me.
32:19 When you're speaking
32:20 you made me think of John the Baptist.
32:22 You know, what a powerful thing to think that.
32:24 First of all, you know, God,
32:25 Jesus asked him to baptize Him and he was like...
32:27 Oh, yeah.
32:28 Why are you asking me to baptize you?
32:30 You're supposed to be, should be baptizing me?
32:31 That's a good example.
32:33 And then he's honored,
32:34 you know, basically he's,
32:35 you know, His disciples like,
32:37 "Well, look,
32:38 this Jesus is baptizing more guys than you,
32:40 what's going on here?"
32:41 And he's like, "Well, I'm supposed to decrease,
32:43 he's supposed to increase something again.
32:45 Wow, it's like,
32:46 that's kind of humility that takes, you know.
32:49 John the Baptist is a great example
32:51 of God working through a person
32:52 and realizing to God be the glory,
32:55 Not worthy to unloose his sandals.
32:56 Right, he said,
32:58 not even worthy to unloose your sandals.
33:01 So I'm glad you brought that up,
33:02 because it was John the Baptist who said,
33:04 I must decrease, He must increase.
33:07 And when we read that story, a lot of times people think
33:10 how insensitive on the part of Christ,
33:13 not to go visit him while he was in prison.
33:17 But John the Baptist understood the role
33:18 that he was supposed to play.
33:20 So the Lord wasn't being insensitive.
33:22 John the Baptist knew,
33:23 hey, we met
33:25 when I was three months older than him.
33:28 Remember that?
33:30 He was in Elizabeth stomach
33:31 and Jesus is in the stomach of Mary.
33:34 And we said hello then,
33:36 and I kind of knew from that moment on,
33:39 second place, first place.
33:41 And he was willing to decrease
33:43 and pretty much died a life in exile.
33:47 But he will one day sit on the throne
33:48 with his cousin.
33:50 Right. Yeah.
33:53 Look at Mary Magdalene.
33:54 Was it Mary that took her hair to wash Jesus' feet?
33:58 Another example of humility.
34:00 Yeah, with the most expensive perfume.
34:03 Jonathan with David.
34:04 I mean, he's supposed to be the king.
34:06 No, David, you're the king.
34:08 So that will be tough if you're, you know,
34:09 the son who is supposed to be the king to step back.
34:11 All right.
34:13 But there's a principle that comes with it.
34:14 There's a principle that I want to point out.
34:16 Let's go to the Book of Luke.
34:20 You alluded to this, Donald,
34:23 we're going to look at a brief story,
34:24 Luke 10:30-36,
34:28 because it leads into and as you're going there,
34:32 I want to have Angie read John 13:34,
34:36 but we're going to,
34:38 don't lose that part of Luke's
34:39 because we're going to come back there.
34:40 But I'll have her read John 13:34
34:42 because there's a principle
34:44 that goes along with self being put aside,
34:48 and the principle is going to be highlighted
34:51 in what Angie is going to read.
34:53 And then since Donald suggested it or alluded to it,
34:57 I'm going to have him read that story
34:58 in a summarization of illustrating
35:01 what Angie is going to read.
35:02 John 13:34.
35:03 This is how self gets put aside.
35:06 "A new commandment I give you, that you love one another,
35:11 as I have loved you,
35:14 that you also love one another."
35:17 Love, that's the key.
35:19 When I hear people say,
35:20 are you going to preach another sermon on love?
35:22 You know what I say to them?
35:24 That blows me away.
35:25 Could you preach on anything else?
35:27 Now I do prophecy and other things.
35:29 But when we minimize the love that is required of us to,
35:34 is there anything else to talk about?
35:36 This is not the love that we've all attain to yet
35:39 because this kind of love requires the death of self.
35:43 And so in the story that you're going to share with us,
35:45 read those six verses,
35:46 because this is loving your neighbor as yourself.
35:50 This comes out looks like the New King James Version.
35:52 Let's see, then Jesus, verse 30,
35:53 "Then Jesus answered and said:
35:55 'A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho,
35:58 and fell among thieves,
36:00 who stripped him of his clothing,
36:01 wounded him,
36:03 " he must have wounded, "and departed,
36:05 leaving him half dead."
36:06 Wow, half dead.
36:08 31, "Now by chance
36:10 a certain priest came down that road.
36:11 And when he saw him, he passed by on the other side, "
36:14 disgusted, I'm not sure.
36:16 32, "Likewise a Levite, when he arrived at the place,
36:19 came and looked, and passed by on the other side."
36:22 33, "But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, I like this,
36:25 came where he was.
36:26 And when he saw him, he had compassion."
36:29 Next verse,
36:30 "So he went to him and bandaged his wounds,
36:33 pouring on oil and wine,
36:35 and he set him on his own animal,
36:36 brought him to an inn, and took care of him.
36:40 On the next day, when he departed,
36:42 he took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper,
36:45 and said to him, 'Take care of him,
36:47 and whatever more you spend, when I come again,
36:49 I will repay you.
36:51 ' So which of these three
36:53 do you think was neighbor to him
36:55 who fell among the thieves?'
36:58 " And we call that story, the what?
37:00 Good Samaritan.
37:01 The Good Samaritan. Wow.
37:02 So which one of these,
37:04 Pastor Dinzey, was the,
37:05 is this a redundancy but what do you see here?
37:10 I see here a person that,
37:13 you know, put self aside
37:15 for whatever his agenda was, for that day,
37:17 you know, Jesus doesn't say, well,
37:18 he was on his way to do such and such,
37:20 he stopped what he was doing,
37:22 took care of this wounded person
37:24 and bandaged him,
37:26 took him to a place
37:28 and not only just dropped him off there,
37:30 but he said, whatever you spend on him,
37:33 let me know, and I'll pay for it.
37:35 So there, he went beyond,
37:37 you know, it says, beyond the call of duty.
37:40 It's a wonderful illustration
37:44 of what we are to be through God's grace.
37:47 And he put self aside, he really did.
37:50 Now, it's interesting, because it mentions Samaritan.
37:55 And so the others that have passed by
37:59 did not help this man that we're supposed to,
38:03 but this person
38:05 that was considered even despised
38:08 by the person that helped him,
38:10 he was the one that stopped to help.
38:11 That's right.
38:13 There's a very amazing quote that goes along with this,
38:14 I'm gonna have Angie read that.
38:16 And this parable of Good Samaritan
38:17 starts off with the lawyer that says,
38:19 Teacher,
38:20 what should I do to inherit eternal life?
38:24 That's how this whole Good Samaritan starts with,
38:27 you know.
38:28 Yeah, try the stump him with.
38:30 And what did he, the God said?
38:31 He loved the Lord your God with all your heart,
38:35 all your soul, all your strength,
38:37 all your mind and then what else you love?
38:39 Love your neighbor as yourself, as yourself.
38:44 I did a sermon recently, I may have you do this.
38:45 No, no, go ahead.
38:47 I did a sermon recently that it was the shortest title
38:49 on our bulletin board at church
38:51 because people were embarrassed with my sermon title.
38:54 My sermon title was "Strangle Yourself."
38:58 And they said,
39:00 "Pastor, are you sure
39:01 you want to put that on the bulletin board
39:02 because it looks like strangle yourself,
39:05 because it knows strangle yourself.
39:08 And I found a picture.
39:09 I should have had it on this program.
39:11 I found a picture of a lady
39:15 who was battling self and she was strangling
39:18 the reflection of herself in the lake.
39:21 She was strangling herself, strangle yourself.
39:25 That's the battle we wake up with every day,
39:27 we have to strangle self
39:28 because if we don't begin
39:30 to dedicate ourselves to Christ in the morning,
39:32 self gets in the way.
39:34 You ever done something stupid, something dumb,
39:36 and you say, I just want to strangle myself.
39:39 What was I thinking?
39:41 You know, what was I thinking?
39:43 That was stupid, that was dumb.
39:45 And that reminded me of the lady strangling herself
39:48 in the reflection.
39:49 I showed that in beginning of the sermon in the church
39:51 and that was a shortest title
39:53 because as soon as the sermon was over,
39:55 Kevin took the title off the bulletin board
39:58 because he said,
39:59 "Pastor, do you think people can understand what you meant?"
40:02 That's before it was digital.
40:03 Before it was digital, that's right,
40:05 but this was really interesting
40:06 but this quotation fits beautifully
40:08 because this illustration is what God is calling,
40:11 what Jesus is calling us to do.
40:12 In Christ's Object Lessons, page 384 says,
40:15 "Gospel religion is Christ in the life,
40:19 a living, active principle.
40:22 It is the grace of Christ revealed in character,
40:26 and wrought out in good works.
40:28 The principles of the gospel cannot be disconnected
40:32 from any department of practical life. "
40:36 Maybe reading the right one?
40:38 The right one. Okay.
40:40 "Every line of Christian experience
40:43 and labor
40:44 is to be a representation of the life of Christ
40:47 and this is where it ends, love is the basis of godliness.
40:52 Whatever the profession,
40:55 no man has pure love to God
40:58 unless He has unselfish love to his brother,
41:02 for his brother.
41:04 For his brother.
41:05 Makes me think of 1 John 4:7,
41:08 I'll try to make it to almost 7-12,
41:10 I just love this.
41:12 1 John 4:7-12? Yep.
41:13 All right.
41:15 It says in there,
41:16 "Beloved, let us love one another,
41:19 for love is of God,
41:21 and everyone that loveth is born of God
41:23 and knoweth God.
41:24 He that loveth not knoweth not God, for God is love.
41:30 In this was manifested the love of God toward us
41:32 because the God sent His only begotten Son
41:35 into the world,
41:37 that we might live through Him.
41:38 Herein his love, not that we loved God,
41:40 but that He loved us and sent His Son
41:43 to be the propitiation for our sins.
41:45 Beloved, if God so loved us,
41:47 we ought also to love one another.
41:50 No man has seen God at any time.
41:51 If we love one another, God dwells in us,
41:54 and His love is perfected in us."
41:56 That's right.
41:58 So if we love,
41:59 if we say we love God, who we can't see,
42:04 we should be able to love those that we see.
42:07 So that's the measurement of it.
42:09 If we don't love those that we can see,
42:11 how can we love the one that we don't see?
42:13 Pastor John?
42:15 You know,
42:16 God is trying to help us understand that how,
42:19 what heaven is like, what heaven is like,
42:22 and I'm going to share
42:23 something that I believe is good news.
42:25 Do you mind if I do that?
42:26 Of course, sure, we need some good news.
42:28 And so, I want to start by saying,
42:30 you know, you out there that are listening.
42:35 You're going to want to be in heaven
42:37 after you read this verse.
42:38 After we read it,
42:40 you're going to want to be in heaven
42:41 because I know that people are listening.
42:44 You know, you've been mistreated.
42:46 People have talked bad about you,
42:47 looked at you bad the wrong way.
42:49 Taking your things
42:51 and this verse is going to help you
42:53 understand that you will want to be in heaven, so.
42:57 Okay.
42:58 This is in Matthew.
42:59 Looking forward to it.
43:01 In Matthew Chapter 22
43:03 and we'll begin reading at verse 36.
43:07 "Teacher,
43:08 which is the great commandment in the law?"
43:13 Jesus said to him,
43:15 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
43:18 and with all your soul,
43:19 and with all your mind.'"
43:21 This is the first and great commandment.
43:24 This is the basis for the happiness in heaven,
43:27 you're going to be happy. Now listen to the second one.
43:29 And the second is like it, Jesus said,
43:32 "You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
43:35 And these two commandments
43:36 hang all the law and the prophets."
43:39 So this is what heaven is like.
43:41 So if you want to be treated well,
43:44 get ready and go to heaven,
43:46 follow Jesus with all your heart
43:47 because people there are going to love you,
43:52 like they love themselves.
43:53 I mean, you're going to be so happy.
43:57 Excuse me, you need help with that?
43:59 Can you imagine?
44:00 I'll help you with that.
44:02 I mean, people are going to be, you know, trying to say,
44:05 "No, no, let me do it for you."
44:07 Or you need your grass cut, no, let me do it for you.
44:11 And so, it's a beautiful picture.
44:13 Oh, but really
44:15 a place where everyone loves one another,
44:19 this verse needs consideration and thought and study
44:22 because it's going to tell you because here on this earth,
44:26 we haven't fully found this,
44:28 you know, loving your neighbor as yourself.
44:30 Now, when you go to church, you'll see some, some,
44:36 some of this, you know,
44:37 I mean, people come to the Thompsonville Church,
44:39 they say, "This is a loving church.
44:41 You got wonderful people here." And yes, we do.
44:45 And like I said,
44:47 God is trying to prepare us
44:49 for what heaven is going to be like
44:51 and church should be like this,
44:54 a foretaste of heaven.
44:57 Thank you. That's right.
44:58 That's very true.
45:00 We shouldn't wait to get to heaven
45:01 to illustrate these things.
45:03 It's almost like waiting till the baseball season
45:05 to pick up the bat for the first time,
45:08 you'll be cold, you'll be out of practice,
45:10 you won't even be ready for that.
45:11 So that's why...
45:13 I like what you said. That was beautiful.
45:14 Yeah, because so many people,
45:15 they've gone through abuse in this world,
45:18 spiritual, physical, mental,
45:20 all this abuse they've gone through.
45:23 And it's so good to know that
45:24 there's someplace prepared for us
45:26 forever for eternity, love, joy, peace, all of that,
45:31 like you said, hey, you need help,?
45:32 What?
45:33 You know,
45:35 help building my mansion in the new earth,
45:36 whatever.
45:38 And this is a place that we have to consider.
45:40 I mean, we didn't mean to go into this topic,
45:42 but it's all, it's beautiful, you know, to, go ahead.
45:46 Has that happened to you? I'm sorry.
45:47 You go ahead first. Yes. No, I'm done. Go ahead.
45:49 Has it ever happened to you,
45:51 you go somewhere and you find out somebody
45:53 did something for you and you're like,
45:56 you did this for me and you're like overwhelmed.
45:59 And this is what heaven is going to be like
46:01 over and over and over...
46:02 Continuously. Continuously.
46:04 So it's just going to be,
46:06 you know, the Bible says that in the presence of the Lord,
46:09 there's fullness of joy.
46:13 And at His right hand...
46:14 What do you mean fullness of joy?
46:16 Yeah, fullness of joy,
46:18 fullness of joy means there's no time to be sad,
46:22 because you have all the joy
46:23 that you could possibly contain.
46:26 So, this is what heaven is going to be like.
46:29 And so I want to encourage people, you know,
46:32 you know, over and over the Bible tells us,
46:37 Jesus is trying to tell us,
46:38 let this, well, how does it go?
46:43 Let your light...
46:44 Shine.
46:46 So shine before men
46:47 that they may see your good works
46:49 and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
46:51 So we need to stop resisting this light from shining.
46:54 Amen.
46:56 We need to be like our dad.
46:57 Somebody needs to say you're just like your dad.
47:01 See the light of mine Spitting image.
47:03 Spitting image.
47:04 And by the way, how does this happen?
47:06 Look at Romans 5:8.
47:08 There's a couple of elements I want to bring in,
47:10 how this is possible,
47:12 how this could happen in your life.
47:14 And this is an illustration of that.
47:17 Who didn't read yet?
47:18 Okay, Donald, Romans 5:8. Sure.
47:21 "But God commendeth His own love toward us,
47:25 in that while we were still sinners,
47:27 Christ died for us.
47:29 " What's another word for commendeth?
47:32 Demonstrating. Demonstrating.
47:33 Yeah, yeah, it's good word, demonstrating.
47:34 Now when did he do that?
47:36 When did he demonstrate that love?
47:39 While we were yet sinners.
47:40 Okay, say it again.
47:42 While we were yet sinners.
47:43 So did he wait till you got your act together?
47:46 Nope.
47:47 No, a lot of times
47:48 we look at people and we say,
47:50 why would I do anything for him?
47:51 Look at this, look at that person.
47:53 Why would I even want to help him.
47:55 And we have found that the greatest joys,
47:57 we've been experiencing this in our own life.
48:00 We have this family practice.
48:02 And this is by no means glorifying us.
48:04 But it's something that our parents instilled in us
48:07 growing up in a West Indian home.
48:09 When we go to visit people, our mom,
48:14 I learned this growing up in that culture.
48:17 They said, "When you go to visit family,
48:18 never go empty handed."
48:19 Bring something.
48:21 You know this to be true, right?
48:22 Even a card, you mail a card
48:24 or mail a card to my mom or something.
48:27 You never mail an empty card.
48:29 You always put something in it.
48:31 That's how we were raised. That's how we were raised.
48:32 And the older people always give.
48:35 And it tickles us
48:36 when we recently took some time off
48:38 and went together on vacation
48:40 to go visit family in the Virgin Islands.
48:42 We had a whole suitcase
48:44 of thank the Lord that the Lord worked out
48:47 that we could go first class.
48:48 And we had...
48:50 Without paying Without paying anything extra.
48:52 And we right away we said,
48:55 the Lord knew we needed this
48:56 because we would have to pay extra for that suitcase.
48:58 And so then we, when we,
48:59 when they showed us the day before that,
49:01 you were clear for first class, you know, we upgraded,
49:04 we fill that thing
49:05 we said we're going to need most of it.
49:07 Seventy pounds.
49:08 We'll need most of these over there anyway.
49:09 So took things for my family and food
49:12 and so many other things and it just tickles.
49:15 You know, if you try this,
49:17 if you try to be nice to someone,
49:19 you'll understand what joy means.
49:21 It tickles you. Say it again.
49:23 It's more blessed to give than to receive.
49:25 It tickles.
49:27 Yeah, I feel so good to give.
49:29 That's right, happy peaceful.
49:30 Yeah, even though we're in a different topic,
49:32 but all it is, it's about selfless.
49:34 And even though we celebrated my birthday there,
49:36 it was so good to hear my older brother say,
49:38 "I've the best youngest, younger brother."
49:39 He did.
49:41 Because it just tickles me
49:42 knowing that he lives in the Virgin Islands.
49:43 And right now COVID-19 environment
49:46 and this is the environment
49:47 that this really is practical to start getting out of self.
49:50 You might be next to a neighbor that's older or lonely.
49:54 They don't have to even be advanced in age.
49:55 You might say, I'm going to the store.
49:57 Is there something you want, because my aunt and uncle,
50:00 they don't go to the store.
50:01 They haven't been out in the community since March.
50:04 But they're saying,
50:05 we, you know, we are advanced in years.
50:07 We don't want to get sick.
50:09 So you might say, you know what?
50:11 I don't really want to spend
50:13 20 more minutes in the grocery store
50:15 but let me see what my neighbor wants.
50:18 This is the opportunity
50:19 for this to be allowed in your life.
50:21 That's grace.
50:22 So many disasters going on, too.
50:24 I know Joe, he was just telling us
50:25 recently his daughter and husband,
50:28 they went to Iowa
50:29 where they had that massive Derecho,
50:31 I guess it's called...
50:33 The heavy winds.
50:34 One hundred twenty mile an hour winds.
50:36 So now they're going out there with chainsaws
50:37 and cutting trees down
50:38 and this guy was busy preparing the chainsaw.
50:40 So the next morning early,
50:41 like midnight, or one in the morning,
50:43 getting the chain sharpen and oil.
50:44 They ran out of oil
50:45 and this guy provided light for them.
50:47 We found he's doing this.
50:48 He said, "What are you guys doing this for?
50:49 What is this?"
50:51 So we're trying to help the neighborhood down.
50:52 He said, well, let me help you.
50:53 So he brought his chainsaws on,
50:55 he got all his bar oil and start,
50:56 you know, helping the guy out.
50:58 So it's like contagious, I think we begin to,
51:00 you know, put self aside,
51:01 I think there's something that happens
51:03 that creates a spark in people, they want that,
51:05 it's like something just gives them that joy
51:07 and they want to be a part of that.
51:09 It's kind of interesting,
51:10 You know, you remind me of a story
51:11 that is very, very powerful.
51:13 And there was this,
51:16 this house that was being built from the ground up.
51:20 And one of the neighbors noticed, boy, there's a lot,
51:23 there are a lot of people working there.
51:25 And it was hot, you know,
51:26 and it was people were sweating.
51:28 But they were out there working.
51:29 And they were singing and they were happy.
51:31 And so the neighbor comes over and he says,
51:34 "Who's in charge here?"
51:36 "That guy over there."
51:37 "Okay, hey, how much you paying these people?"
51:41 "We're not paying them anything.""What?"
51:43 He says,
51:44 "But they're all working so happy.
51:47 How can it?
51:48 How can it be that you're not paying them?"
51:50 "Oh, no, we're not paying them anything.
51:51 As a matter of fact, they paid to be here."
51:53 Because these were people that you know,
51:55 they live somewhere else
51:56 and they come to help build a home.
51:58 He says they pay to be here
52:02 and you're not paying them anything.
52:03 That's right.
52:05 And he goes, wow, that's amazing.
52:07 And you know,
52:08 when you come to find out people are doing this
52:10 because they want to show the love of God
52:12 to someone else.
52:14 You know,
52:16 you have the Seventh-day Adventist Church
52:17 has many ministries
52:19 and some of the ministries do this.
52:20 I mean, you...
52:21 Maranatha. Maranatha does this.
52:23 People pay to go...
52:24 People pay to go to these places.
52:25 And help people for free.
52:27 Yes, I remember one time being with a ministry, boy,
52:31 I'm trying to remember the ministry,
52:33 may come to mind in a moment.
52:34 But we were in Guatemala, helping people for some reason,
52:40 I'm confusing the name of the ministry.
52:42 But anyway, we were in Guatemala,
52:43 it was Thanksgiving Day.
52:45 There were nurses, doctors, dentists, and all this.
52:47 And Idalia and I were there with Simon Keller,
52:50 we were all had the opportunity to do this.
52:51 And I started looking at this and I go,
52:55 you know, these people could be home,
52:57 doctors and nurses and dentists.
53:00 They could be home with a big spread of food,
53:04 you know, because this is what they do in America.
53:06 And they have paid to be that
53:09 they had taken vacation to be there.
53:11 And they were serving other people.
53:13 And they were happy to do it.
53:15 How do I know?
53:16 Because they had done it the year before,
53:18 the year before and the year before.
53:19 You see so, this is what God does in us.
53:23 He changes us
53:24 from being self-centered to being considered of others.
53:27 Okay.
53:28 Now, I want you to read Galatians 2:20, Honey,
53:30 it's right here to save the time.
53:31 Amen, that was beautiful.
53:33 That is the illustration
53:34 of what we're going to read right now.
53:35 Oh, marvelous. How does this happen?
53:37 Read Galatians 2:20. This is how it happens.
53:39 It doesn't happen based on
53:41 just your gumption to do something.
53:43 This is how it happens naturally.
53:46 Okay, Galatians 2:20.
53:47 "I have been crucified with Christ."
53:49 Who has been crucified? Me, self.
53:52 Another way to spell self is I, one letter, okay.
53:57 "It is no longer I who live,
54:01 but Christ lives in me.
54:05 And the life which I now live in the flesh,
54:09 I live by faith in the Son of God,
54:12 who loved me
54:13 and gave himself for me."
54:15 That's selfless, isn't it?
54:17 Who's working out His will in us?
54:20 Christ. Jesus.
54:22 That's right.
54:23 For it is God who works in you both
54:25 to will and to do of His good pleasure.
54:27 The remedy for selfish for selflessness,
54:31 if you want to replace selfishness to selflessness,
54:35 you got to let Christ come in.
54:36 Because we could attend
54:38 somebody talked about his behavioral modification.
54:41 For some time, people can be nice.
54:43 Everybody has the capacity
54:45 to be nice under special circumstances,
54:48 you know, tree fell down.
54:50 Everybody's going to come out with their chainsaws,
54:52 but when there are not emergencies,
54:56 when the crowd is not around,
54:57 to give you accolades that you just did this,
55:00 when you're not going to get a community ribbon,
55:03 that's when the Lord is saying, hey, that's gonna count.
55:05 Pastor Dinzey, let me have a quote before we end.
55:07 Yeah, my wife, I asked my wife,
55:08 "What's the name of the ministry?"
55:09 Broken Chains for Humanity, we went with them to Guatemala.
55:12 They did a wonderful work.
55:13 And there are many ministries like this.
55:16 And so get involved, do something for other people,
55:19 you want to be happy, do something for other people
55:21 and you'll see that your joy will increase.
55:24 Yes.
55:25 There's a quotation from the Southern Watchman,
55:27 and then I'm going to have you read Matthew 7:12.
55:30 Because that's the ultimate,
55:32 ultimate measure
55:33 of how the power of selflessness is born.
55:38 The Southern Watchman, August 1, 1905,
55:42 "There is no limit to the usefulness
55:47 of one who putting self aside
55:52 makes room for the working of the Holy Spirit
55:55 upon his heart,
55:56 and lives a life,
55:58 holy consecrated to God.
56:01 " You want to live a limitless life,
56:03 that's the way to do it.
56:04 Put self aside,
56:06 and the Spirit of God will work in you
56:07 in a powerful, powerful way.
56:09 And then this principle will begin
56:12 to be activated in your life.
56:14 Matthew 7:12, Honey?
56:16 Okay, 7:12, says,
56:21 "Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you,
56:24 do also to them, for this is the law and the prophets."
56:28 That's right.
56:29 The only way you could do that,
56:31 if Christ is activated in your life.
56:33 Twenty seconds each as we're winding up.
56:35 Pastor Dinzey, I'll start with you.
56:37 You mentioned that the greatest battle was self.
56:41 That's the greatest battle.
56:42 So surrender your will to the Lord,
56:46 give yourself, Lord, take me and mold me,
56:48 according to Your likeness and good things will happen.
56:50 That's right. I like that.
56:52 Donald? I think Jesus said it best.
56:53 He said, "I'm always about My Father's business."
56:55 He didn't come to be served, but He came to serve.
56:59 So I think that's the beauty of this,
57:00 He comes as a servant.
57:02 That's right.
57:03 And Desire of Ages, pages 440, I end with this,
57:05 "Angels are ever present, where they are most needed.
57:09 But those who have the hardest battle
57:12 with self to fight,
57:14 and whose surroundings are the most discouraging,
57:17 and in this ministry,
57:18 Christ's true followers will cooperate."
57:22 Our prayer for you
57:23 is that the Lord will live in your life
57:25 as you open the door.
57:26 We say Happy Sabbath. Can we all say that?
57:28 Happy Sabbath. Happy Sabbath.
57:30 May the Lord bless you
57:31 until we see you again
57:33 and you can in Christ live a selfless life.
57:36 Amen. Amen.


Revised 2020-10-06