Today Family Worship

Restorative Grace

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW200016S

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:08 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:35 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello, friends, welcome to 3ABN Today.
01:11 It's Friday night's family worship.
01:14 And guess what?
01:15 I have my better half
01:17 which makes me the fortunate half.
01:18 Good to have you with me, honey.
01:20 I'm so excited to be here.
01:21 Happy Sabbath, everyone. That's right.
01:23 It's going to be a wonderful program,
01:25 isn't it, honey?
01:26 That's right.
01:27 You know actually this program came into fruition
01:31 based on my wife's recommendation.
01:32 We'd like to read a lot together
01:34 in our own personal devotion together in the morning,
01:37 in the evening,
01:38 about three different things we do,
01:40 reading the Bible reading this book,
01:41 another book, and actually four,
01:43 and depending on the day,
01:45 we sometimes go through all of them
01:46 like on Sundays,
01:48 other days different ones, but this topic,
01:50 the topic is restorative grace.
01:54 Now I know you've heard about grace before,
01:56 but restorative grace,
01:59 and we're going to talk about that,
02:01 we're going to first introduce our guest today.
02:03 And then my wife is going to kind of give
02:05 a little excerpt from the book she's reading
02:07 that kind of explains in a chorus way
02:11 what restorative grace is.
02:13 Now everybody knows
02:14 that grace is the means by which we are saved,
02:18 by grace through faith in Christ alone.
02:20 We know that, but today,
02:22 we're going to take grace from the justification level
02:24 to the sanctification level, a step further.
02:26 Yeah.
02:27 And it really transformed my vision
02:30 of what grace really is.
02:32 Yeah, mine too.
02:33 And it's expanded it, as you said.
02:35 I'm just excited to see how God offers grace to you,
02:40 to us, everyone here have experienced God's grace,
02:44 and we want to share what we have learned with you.
02:47 Okay.
02:48 Well, honey, I'll let you start to your left
02:50 and I'll go to my right.
02:52 Who do we have on our panel today?
02:53 We have here James Rafferty.
02:54 Good to be here. Excited to have you here.
02:57 This is first time
02:58 being part of our familyworship.
03:00 Amen.
03:01 Yes. So where are you lately?
03:03 I'm at home in Oregon with my wife,
03:05 who's doing her master's
03:07 in registered dietitian nutrition
03:09 finishing up
03:11 and we are pastoring there part-time
03:13 and just doing ministry
03:15 and just really feel blessed
03:17 to spend a little bit more time with the family
03:19 and be settled down a little bit, yeah...
03:20 And you've grown children?
03:22 Grown children, my sons...
03:24 One of our son is in,
03:25 one of them's in California, Loma Linda area.
03:28 And he's in a medical field,
03:29 and then our daughter's still at home.
03:32 She's 22, and she is officially a photographer.
03:36 Nice. She has a website.
03:38 She loves photography,
03:39 and she's been doing that quite a bit
03:42 and been a blessing.
03:43 She must be good. Yeah, she's pretty good.
03:45 Yeah. Okay.
03:46 You know, in photography,
03:48 I would say she's in sharper focus...
03:50 Oh! Ooh!
03:51 Like the ministry of 3ABN.
03:53 And to my right is, no stranger,
03:54 Pastor John Dinzey.
03:56 Good to have you here, my brother.
03:57 It's a blessing to be here Pastor John, Angela.
03:59 It's a blessing to be here.
04:01 And family worship is such a wonderful program
04:04 that unites us with the extended family
04:06 beyond the cameras.
04:07 That's right. That's right.
04:09 And tonight's topic
04:10 is going to be one that I believe,
04:12 I would encourage right now if you could do that,
04:14 hit record
04:15 because I know we're going to talk
04:16 about things under God's guidance
04:18 that may be a part of our script,
04:19 that may be just simply guiding us
04:22 by the Holy Spirit.
04:23 But before we go any further, honey,
04:24 would you have a prayer for us?
04:26 Sure. Let's bow our heads.
04:27 Our gracious Heavenly Father,
04:30 we are so privileged and honored
04:33 to come to You tonight.
04:35 To give You praise, honor, and glory,
04:37 for You alone are worthy.
04:39 Thank You for this opportunity
04:41 as we as Your people that can get together
04:45 and gather around this table and many people are at home,
04:49 around their couches in their living rooms,
04:52 gathering around worshiping with us.
04:54 We pray and ask for Your Holy Spirit
04:56 to come and fill us,
04:58 empty us of self and fill us with Your sweet spirit.
05:03 And, Lord, we will be careful to give You the praise,
05:06 the honor, and the glory for You are worthy,
05:09 in Jesus name, amen.
05:11 Amen. Thank you, honey.
05:13 Thank you.
05:14 Now if you have been married for any length of time
05:17 as we have, how many years now, honey?
05:19 Thirty-seven. You're whispering.
05:21 Oh, okay. How many?
05:23 'Cause I can't believe it's been that long, 37,
05:26 I told you, I said, don't tell people
05:28 how long we've been married anymore,
05:29 it makes us seem old.
05:31 We got married at 10 years old,
05:32 only marriage in the world at 10 years old.
05:35 Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.
05:37 But we've enjoyed
05:38 and if you have been around one person any length of time
05:41 with family members or friends or people
05:43 you're very well acquainted with,
05:44 you know that you have needed grace
05:46 and they have needed grace.
05:48 Yes, yes.
05:49 And, you know, in 1 Corinthians 15:22,
05:51 the Bible says, verse 22,
05:53 "As in Adam all die,
05:55 even so in Christ all shall be made alive."
05:58 And everyone born into the world,
06:00 all have sinned and fallen short
06:02 of the glory of God.
06:03 We are all sinners by nature, our birth.
06:07 How do you get from being broken
06:10 to being whole,
06:11 and in some cases,
06:13 people have been broken
06:14 after they were in the process of being whole,
06:17 and they have to be restored.
06:19 So we're going to talk about that tonight.
06:21 And I'm so glad that we have a panel here.
06:23 But, honey, just read an excerpt
06:24 from this book
06:26 that the Lord has blessed you with.
06:27 Sure.
06:28 And I think it's really important
06:30 to just lay the foundation
06:31 on what restorative grace is all about.
06:32 Okay, just a short paragraph, just about restorative grace,
06:34 as you mentioned.
06:36 "And this kind of grace comes to a broken world person
06:40 who comes to insight
06:42 and acknowledges misbehavior in attitude or deed.
06:47 Restorative Grace is God's action
06:50 to forgive the misbehavior
06:53 and to draw the broken world person
06:56 back toward wholeness and usefulness again."
07:00 Wow.
07:02 So brokenness,
07:04 and I think that we talked about this prior to the set.
07:07 And one of our panelists will use that example
07:10 that we used about a house,
07:12 how many people have seen broken down houses.
07:15 And Pastor Rafferty,
07:16 you know, when we talked about that
07:18 before the program you thought,
07:19 "Wow, what an example that really brings into view."
07:22 One of our favorite programs is the house hunt.
07:24 Yeah, HGTV House Hunters
07:27 and how they fix and restore these houses.
07:30 And it looks so awful when you look at it.
07:33 It's like, "How could they get something out of this?
07:36 And what, voila when they're done, we're like,
07:38 "Ah, we want to clean up our house.
07:40 when we done."
07:42 We want to tear down this living room and, you know,
07:45 just restore everything.
07:47 And what amazes us as people look at that,
07:49 and they say, you know, they look at this house
07:51 they buy for like $5,000 it's just a, it's a mess.
07:55 But they say it has bones, we could work with it.
07:57 It has good bones
07:59 and they walk into and on the inside is a mess,
08:02 just, you know, rotten things on the outside
08:06 and then 55 minutes later,
08:09 when they unveil the house, we say, "Wow."
08:11 Almost like that show, Move That Bus!
08:13 and try to look at it was like,"What?"
08:16 And so with that with that example,
08:19 that's how the Lord sees us.
08:21 We come, the Lord sees us like a house
08:25 that the devil just says, "Tear it down."
08:28 And the Lord says, "No,
08:30 I could fix it up on the inside and on the outside."
08:34 And that's what our program is about today.
08:35 And I know if you're watching and you're maybe in the process
08:37 of feeling broken,
08:39 and you might be saying, "Well,
08:41 how can that make a difference for me?"
08:42 Stay with us,
08:43 we're going to walk through first
08:45 the definitions of grace
08:46 and then we're going to go ahead and build
08:47 on restorative grace.
08:49 And so I'm going to just start with a...
08:50 Pastor Rafferty,
08:52 let's start with one of those very, very famous passages,
08:55 Ephesians 2:8, 9
08:59 and then we'll spend a little time on that
09:01 because, Pastor Dinzey, you know, that's the...
09:03 When people say what is grace?
09:05 It's like what is sin? The transgression of the law.
09:08 You know, what is faith?
09:09 The substance of things hoped for.
09:11 We have those...
09:12 Those are scriptures,
09:13 but the cliche response
09:15 must begin with this one and then we're going to begin
09:16 to build on that.
09:17 God is great.
09:19 All right, Ephesians 2:8, 9.
09:22 It says, "For by grace you are saved through faith,
09:25 and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God,
09:28 not of works, lest any man should boast."
09:31 Okay, so give us some example,
09:33 amplify that for us this kind of grace.
09:36 I really loved
09:37 what you were saying about the house
09:39 because I was actually helping my friend work on this house.
09:41 He purchased this house.
09:43 He and I have been working together
09:45 for a while in ministry.
09:47 He was in a Rice grad.
09:48 That's a school we were doing,
09:50 and he ended up becoming an intern.
09:53 So we...
09:54 I mentored him for a couple of years,
09:55 but he's a contractor by trade,
09:57 and he helped actually redo
09:59 my father-in-law's house in California.
10:01 We went down there for a few trips
10:03 and redid that house and opened it up.
10:05 It was one of those here's one room,
10:06 here's another room here's the kitchen
10:08 and we just he just opened it up
10:09 and put these beams across and just, oh,
10:11 it was so beautiful.
10:12 And that house had bones.
10:14 The house he's working on now
10:15 almost...
10:17 Sometimes I get the idea that he regrets it a little bit
10:20 because we went,
10:21 and I helped him again demo it
10:23 and get all of the...
10:25 You know, it didn't have Sheetrock,
10:26 it was old enough.
10:27 It was, I think, in 1924.
10:29 So really old house with the rope windows,
10:32 you know, the weight rope windows
10:33 and the old plaster instead of the Sheetrock,
10:38 which is really hard to get off with the netting
10:40 and all the boards.
10:41 And as we demoed that thing, you know,
10:43 he found a lot of things inside,
10:44 and I think that's how it is with us
10:46 and God, you know, God has purchased...
10:48 You know, He purchased the house.
10:50 That's right.
10:51 And you start demoing the house,
10:53 you start finding things,
10:54 and I think we start seeing things
10:56 sometimes in our characters and our natures, you know,
10:58 they're really difficult,
10:59 but he thought
11:00 he was going to be done by now,
11:02 like the end of June, he was going to be done.
11:03 And, you know, he's hoping to be done
11:04 by the end of the year because it just takes time.
11:07 Sometimes it takes time to work through the floor
11:10 and the walls and get them straightened out
11:12 and try to get a straight corner somewhere
11:14 where everything's kind of square,
11:16 and he said, "You know,
11:17 it would have been faster for me to start from scratch."
11:20 And God could have done that,
11:21 you know, He could have wiped us out
11:23 and He could have just started all over again.
11:25 No one would have known but Him.
11:28 Wow, wow.
11:29 And He couldn't do that,
11:31 you know, because that would have been
11:32 a denial of who he is.
11:33 So he purchased us, I love that, He purchased us.
11:36 I love the first verse.
11:37 I mean, not the first verse,
11:38 but the first mention of grace in Ephesians 2:5,
11:42 "When we were dead in sins,
11:44 he quickened us together with Christ,
11:45 by grace, you're saved."
11:47 So this house is dead.
11:48 I mean, it is dead like it is a 1924 dead house.
11:52 And John is just, you know, God,
11:55 His name is John DioAnn, and he's got the tools,
11:59 God has given him the wisdom and the ability to do this.
12:01 And I think when we look at that illustration,
12:03 we see God and He's got the tools
12:05 and He's got the wisdom and He's got the grace
12:08 to do for us
12:09 what John is doing with that house
12:10 and deal with all the surprises.
12:12 Wow.
12:13 You know, honey, sometimes people look dead,
12:14 like, there's no hope.
12:16 And I like that illustration.
12:17 It just looks like just get rid of it.
12:20 But the Lord looks at it and says, "Wow, no,
12:22 I don't see him the way you see him."
12:26 Okay.
12:27 It's like my plant, remember years ago,
12:29 I had a little old...
12:31 Stem.
12:33 A stem, you know,
12:34 you're into replanting pineapples
12:36 and things like that.
12:38 He says, Caribbean people, we love our little...
12:41 Anyway, I had a little stem of a plant.
12:43 Irritating stem.
12:45 And it just had a little root.
12:47 And you were in the kitchen
12:49 and you went in there and said,
12:50 "Oh, man, throw this out."
12:52 I said, "Don't throw it out!"
12:53 She said, "Don't throw out my plant."
12:55 My plant.
12:56 And I looked at this thing,
12:58 it looked like a green stem that lost its way
13:02 trying to find the rest of the plant.
13:04 And I thought, "Honey..."
13:05 It was a white plastic cup with a little bit of water
13:08 and it was just hanging over the edge like,
13:09 "I'm tired. I just want to die.
13:11 Please let me die, don't keep me awake."
13:13 And I said "Honey,
13:14 what are you going to do with this?"
13:15 I took care of that plant.
13:17 I watered it.
13:18 Next thing you know, roots started coming in.
13:20 It looked real lame, but it was so pretty.
13:23 Little leafy looking thing
13:25 and it was just limp and the next thing you know,
13:27 it started perking up, and I put it in the sunshine,
13:30 and it started looking nice.
13:32 And another little leaf started growing
13:34 and another one, another one.
13:36 And next thing you know,
13:37 I put it in a pot, potted plant.
13:40 I put it in dirt and in the pot and mix.
13:43 What happened?
13:44 About six months later...
13:45 It was beautiful. She gave it away.
13:47 I gave it away as a gift to someone that got married,
13:49 and it was absolutely gorgeous.
13:52 The one you wanted to throw out.
13:55 And she said, "See,
13:57 what you see and what I saw are not the same."
13:59 Exactly, it's not the same.
14:01 That's right.
14:02 I would like to add something to restoring the house idea
14:06 because, you know, as you were talking,
14:07 it made me think of what God does inside,
14:11 you know, the people watching, passing by,
14:13 they don't know what's going on inside the house.
14:16 All the work that's been done to restore the walls,
14:19 tear down things.
14:20 And when the house is done, it's just beautiful.
14:24 You know, in Israel,
14:26 they told us about the buildings,
14:28 they want to maintain this old look.
14:31 And there's this one architect
14:33 that went to the government says,
14:35 "I need to build something, and I can't get in
14:37 and do the things I need to do."
14:39 And he says, "No, you need to maintain that."
14:40 So he somehow convinced them
14:43 that he could put everything back the way it was.
14:47 And he put numbers and things
14:50 on each and every piece of stone or brick.
14:54 And so then he took everything down and rebuilt,
14:58 built something beautiful inside,
15:00 and then put everything back outside.
15:02 So God does the work inside of us
15:05 that people don't know,
15:06 but it's reflected on the outside,
15:08 you know, your demeanor changes,
15:10 you know, the same angry, you know, jealous
15:12 or whatever it was that you had,
15:14 and this work inside that God does,
15:18 us in cooperation with him,
15:20 and we praise the Lord
15:22 because it says that,
15:23 "He who has begun a good work in us
15:26 will complete it."
15:28 And so we need to cooperate with Him
15:29 so that that can happen.
15:32 I'm glad you mentioned that
15:33 because that's what we're talking about here.
15:36 There's a work it starts on the inside first
15:38 because what starts on the inside
15:39 is eventually going to manifest itself on the outside.
15:43 Woman at first is pregnant internally
15:45 before it starts showing up externally.
15:47 And if Christ is being born in you,
15:49 the process that's happening inside
15:51 will eventually manifest itself outside.
15:53 But I want to also point out now,
15:55 and sometimes people might be listening
15:57 to the program and say,
15:58 "Well, I don't think that they are worthy of grace.
16:00 I mean, what they have done
16:01 is just not really worthy of grace."
16:03 I think what we need to do now
16:05 is remind if that is a mindset
16:08 that's existing maybe in the mind of a person
16:09 who's watching the program,
16:11 we have to square it away
16:13 and help you understand
16:14 that what we're talking about
16:16 is what you have already received.
16:18 Let's look at the second text.
16:20 Titus 2, honey, verse 11, 12.
16:22 Read that for us.
16:24 This lets you know that...
16:26 Well, I'll let the text speak for itself.
16:29 Titus 2:8, 9, right?
16:32 No versus 11 and 12, no. Titus 2: 11, 12.
16:36 "For the grace of God that brings salvation
16:39 has appeared to all men,
16:41 teaching us that denying ungodliness
16:44 and worldly lusts,
16:47 we should live soberly, righteously,
16:49 and godly in the present age."
16:51 Okay, now what did that text say about grace?
16:54 Let me throw it to my panelists here.
16:55 What did you hear in that verse
16:57 about the grace of God that brings salvation?
16:59 What else does it bring?
17:01 What else does it bring with it?
17:03 Oh, tremendous blessings.
17:05 Okay.
17:07 But what else did he say it brought with it?
17:08 Live soberly...
17:10 Teaching. Okay.
17:11 Teaching us how to live in this world in a godly way,
17:14 in a way that is opposite of worldly lusts.
17:20 It's a way that's sober, that's righteous,
17:25 and it's now.
17:26 So and this comes to every man.
17:28 I really believe this verse is applicable to every person.
17:31 I believe that there are even people
17:33 who don't realize
17:34 that they're being influenced by grace.
17:36 Sometimes we think of people that aren't religious.
17:39 "Oh, that's a good person.
17:41 They're not religious, but they're a good person."
17:42 Well, they're a good person because grace,
17:44 the grace of God envelops the air we breathe,
17:47 and the influence of the Spirit of God
17:49 works upon every human being.
17:50 And I think whenever someone does
17:52 something good,
17:53 it's because the grace of God is influencing them.
17:55 I believe that's what this verse is saying.
17:57 But sometimes I think what we do is we stop,
18:00 you know, with our goodness, if you will.
18:04 And we think, "Well, yeah, I'm a good person.
18:06 So I don't really need God, I don't really need religion."
18:08 But I think what this verse is saying
18:10 is the grace of God that comes to you,
18:12 that leads you to do that good thing
18:14 is wanting to continue
18:16 and to actually influence and impact you,
18:19 and lead you to live a more godly life
18:21 and a more sober life
18:23 and to live more righteously in this present world.
18:26 Don't just stop with that good deed
18:28 of helping that person
18:30 or doing this or doing that and think,
18:31 "Oh, I'm a good person,"
18:32 you know, allow the grace of God
18:34 to continue to mold you and to influence you
18:36 and impact your life.
18:38 Right.
18:39 And then now the passage pointed out
18:42 that every one of us has received grace.
18:44 Yes.
18:45 Have you received grace, honey?
18:47 Oh, absolutely. Yes.
18:49 Okay, we all agree
18:50 we have all received grace, but...
18:52 And we need to extend grace. Right.
18:54 And we're going to go there in just a minute, extending,
18:56 and this is powerful,
18:58 but it says the grace that God gives you,
19:00 it's not just says, "Okay, I forgive you."
19:02 But it says, "I want to teach you now
19:04 how to take that grace,"
19:06 as Paul says, I think it's in Romans 60 says,
19:09 "Do we continue in sin that grace may abound?"
19:12 And the answer of that is...
19:14 God forbid. God forbid, certainly not.
19:17 So don't just say, "God saved me."
19:19 He doesn't just want to save us or buy the house,
19:22 as a great example we're going to continue with,
19:24 He doesn't just want to buy the house,
19:26 but He wants to restore it.
19:27 And in our lives, restoration means teaching us.
19:31 That's the teaching process that's continual.
19:33 And we've been talking about that.
19:37 You know, that book you have
19:39 talks about some great examples.
19:40 The one that I really appreciate
19:42 was the young lady who bought her mom,
19:45 you know...
19:46 Look for that.
19:48 I want you to share that in a minute.
19:49 But while you're looking for that,
19:50 Pastor Dinzey.
19:52 Yes.
19:53 You know, this 2 Timothy...
19:54 I mean, Titus 2:11, 12,
19:57 it talks about the way things are in the world as well
20:01 because it's saying denying ungodliness.
20:03 Is that in the world? Yes.
20:04 Worldly lust, is that in the world?
20:06 Yes.
20:07 And it says that we should live soberly,
20:08 righteously and godly in the present age.
20:12 In other words,
20:13 God is calling us to live differently
20:14 than what the world is living.
20:17 You know, one of the things that happens to people,
20:19 I remember one time when...
20:21 Actually first time I went to Cuba,
20:24 there was a...
20:26 We were all there in a group and somebody said,
20:29 "Well, everybody steals in Cuba."
20:32 And I said, "Oh, really?"
20:34 And he was shocked.
20:36 "Well, it's tough living here, you know?"
20:39 And so I ran into other people that said,
20:43 "God takes care of us."
20:45 Now are these people stealing? No.
20:47 They saw that God supplies our needs.
20:50 But this person
20:52 apparently had come to the realization that,
20:54 "Okay, in order for me to survive,
20:56 I have to steal."
20:57 But that was not the case with the other people
20:58 that they saw God supplying their needs.
21:01 And so when we are in the world,
21:05 there's a danger
21:07 that we can become like the world.
21:10 And so wherever we are,
21:12 we are to let our light, so shine
21:14 that they may see our good works
21:15 and glorify God,
21:18 our Heavenly Father,
21:19 from whom comes all these good works
21:21 and things that we do.
21:23 So yes, the grace of God makes this happen.
21:28 It's a power that God gives us
21:32 and it's a marvelous thing that can take place,
21:35 God transforming a person that...
21:38 "Wait a minute,
21:40 weren't you that person that was,
21:41 you know, wicked, and evil or drunk?"
21:44 But God transforms people, and He's still doing that.
21:47 And this teaching part is transformed
21:49 by the renewing of your mind.
21:51 He's teaching you mentally
21:53 that you don't have to be that same person anymore.
21:55 That's why what I like about the Bible, you've seen...
21:59 Okay, go ahead, honey.
22:00 You can finish your thought. That's why...
22:02 I see you percolating it.
22:04 That's what I like in the Bible,
22:05 when the Lord changes people,
22:07 you find He also gives them a status
22:09 where the anonymity now exists.
22:12 Saul, Paul now, okay?
22:15 And we're going to all have a new name in the kingdom.
22:17 What's on your mind?
22:20 So much. Okay.
22:22 I was talking about...
22:23 I was thinking
22:24 if someone in the church falls and make a terrible fall,
22:27 a moral fall
22:29 that the Lord could restore that person.
22:31 We may not see them as...
22:34 We do not see them as God sees them,
22:37 but God restores that person, gives them a new life,
22:40 a new heart,
22:42 and we can't look at them the same.
22:44 We have to go by scripture.
22:46 You know, the Lord changes the person.
22:49 They are not the old person, they've become new,
22:52 all things are new,
22:53 so you don't have to be someone
22:54 that's out there and come back in the church.
22:56 Sometimes it's in the church that, you know,
22:59 you fall from grace, and the Lord restores you.
23:02 You look at that life
23:04 and you see how that person is today.
23:06 That's right. It's beautiful.
23:08 I love that illustration that you brought up earlier
23:10 in relation to what you just said, Angela,
23:12 about Barnabas and Paul or Saul because Saul,
23:18 you know,
23:19 as bad as he was persecuting the church,
23:21 for some reason God saw him as,
23:26 you know, honest to some degree,
23:28 you know?
23:29 When He came to Saul, God said,
23:32 "Why are you persecuting Me, Saul?"
23:35 And Saul said, "Well, who are you, Lord?"
23:37 That's right.
23:38 It was kind of like, he really...
23:40 And I remember reading about this experience of Paul,
23:45 some commentary on it was like
23:46 he really was convinced that he was doing right.
23:49 But his conscience struggled with,
23:52 you know, what happened with Stephen,
23:54 but his religious leaders and people that influenced him
23:57 will tell him, "No, no, no, no,
23:59 that was right, and you're doing right,
24:00 and this is good," and he was struggling.
24:02 And so Paul under the grace of God changes.
24:07 And then he...
24:08 You explained that scenario.
24:10 I'd never heard it before. Yeah.
24:11 You explained it, you know, his relationship with...
24:14 Barnabas. With Barnabas.
24:15 And the church was really hesitant
24:17 to accept Paul.
24:19 That's the point you just made.
24:20 You know, when you have a...
24:21 When you're a mean person
24:23 or when you take a fall or something happens
24:24 as bad in your life,
24:25 church people can be reluctant to accept you.
24:28 And so that's what this experience
24:29 was with Paul or with Saul.
24:31 Right.
24:32 The church wasn't wanting to have
24:33 anything to do with him.
24:35 They're like, "No, no, we heard about this guy."
24:37 Yeah. But Paul was...
24:38 I mean, Barnabas, the son of consolation,
24:41 extended him the right hand of fellowship.
24:43 Amen.
24:44 And so Paul comes in, and then what happens?
24:46 I want you to read it because right here,
24:47 I think you have it right in front of you, hon,
24:49 that all the...
24:50 Oh, okay.
24:52 Go ahead. You know it.
24:53 Well, the story of Barnabas,
24:54 the church at Jerusalem had a very difficult time
24:56 even thinking about Saul and thought,
24:59 "My parents, my cousin, my aunt, my neighbors,
25:03 this is the guy that killed them."
25:04 Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I mean, really.
25:06 So if I get this correctly,
25:08 let's put this in a contemporary setting.
25:10 And the guy just walks in, they just,
25:11 he's guilty of so many Christians dying.
25:13 And he said, "He is going to be a part of our new ministry.
25:17 We're going to train him to be an outreach coordinator."
25:19 They said, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
25:23 Are you talking about him?
25:25 I know exactly who he is.
25:27 We've been on the run for four years because of him."
25:31 And read that part about that.
25:33 That's important there.
25:34 So they could really take off on him now
25:37 and really pay him back.
25:39 That's why we need to read that part there
25:40 because what grace is.
25:42 That red part there.
25:44 "The opposite of grace might be retribution,
25:47 repayment in kind or punishment,
25:51 or the demand for reparations.
25:54 It wouldn't have been surprising
25:57 if to some if Ananias had refused to go to Saul
26:02 and had instead sent a note saying..."
26:04 Look at the note. You got to read this.
26:06 This note is the...
26:07 This is the note that he could have sent us up.
26:09 I love it.
26:10 "We hear you may have a change of heart about Christians.
26:12 If that's true,
26:13 get back to me in a couple of years.
26:14 If there has been no further hostile action
26:16 on your part between now and then,
26:18 we might meet in a neutral location.
26:20 In the meantime,
26:22 you might wish to think about repayment
26:23 for all the damages you've caused
26:25 because if there is nothing done,
26:27 we're going to sue your socks off.
26:30 Our church attorneys name is..."
26:32 They think about how they can deal with Saul.
26:34 Yeah, yeah.
26:35 But Barnabas comes in and goes on the line for Saul
26:39 and then we know the rest of the story.
26:41 Saul recognizes as you realize...
26:44 God, the Lord said,
26:46 "He is going to be useful in the ministry."
26:49 And Barnabas says,
26:50 "He is going to be useful in the Lord's work."
26:51 And we know we adore him today by saying
26:57 what a writer,
26:59 but look at who he was before, and he was restored.
27:04 When a person is restored,
27:06 that individual is useful in the hand of God.
27:09 By the grace of God restored him...
27:10 By the grace of God, exactly.
27:11 You know, I've been wondering if I should share this story
27:14 that I recently read in the ASI magazine
27:18 because it's a story, like Paul's story.
27:21 And I keep hearing you talking about Paul,
27:23 I say we got to share this thing
27:24 because this is a remarkable...
27:29 Something that happened today, let's say in today's time.
27:34 This story is being told by this Muslim man,
27:37 and I'm telling you the way it was written.
27:39 This Muslim man was, you know, this...
27:41 He was part of the Jihad
27:42 and he literally killed some Christians.
27:47 And he shot one Christian man that in his dying words,
27:51 he said, "Lord, forgive them
27:53 for they know not what they do."
27:56 And he died, this man shot him.
27:59 And so he grabbed the Bible,
28:02 the man that shot him grabbed the Bible
28:03 and he says, "Who does he think he is,
28:05 you know, saying that?"
28:07 And later he's at home with the Bible.
28:10 And at night,
28:12 God talks to him and says
28:16 that He is calling him
28:19 because He wants to use him for a special work.
28:22 And he goes, "Well, who are you?"
28:23 And He says, "I am Jesus Christ."
28:27 And he recognized the mess.
28:29 "Oh, you are Jesus Christ."
28:31 And the story is beautiful.
28:33 I hesitated to tell it because that the whole story
28:35 is not in there yet.
28:36 But this man, he says, "Who could believe,
28:40 "he says in the end, "that 18 months later,
28:42 I would be giving my life to Christ in baptism."
28:46 Wow!
28:47 So it's a remarkable story...
28:49 Yes.
28:50 That this man now
28:52 is a Seventh-day Adventist Christian.
28:55 And from what the story tells in the ASI magazine
28:59 that the Lord is going to use him
29:01 to do great things.
29:03 It's the same thing for him, you know?
29:06 He may not be recognized as Paul was or Saul was,
29:10 but this man now can reach people
29:14 from his old way of life, unlike anyone else.
29:18 Right. That's right.
29:19 Because you and I can come knocking at the door
29:21 of the people who used to be like,
29:23 and we will not be accepted,
29:26 but he knows their language, he knows their way of life,
29:28 he knows how to talk to them, to reach them for Christ.
29:31 Amen. Beautiful.
29:33 So today, God is doing miracles in the same way.
29:35 That's right.
29:36 And that's a powerful story.
29:38 And that's why when Jesus came,
29:40 you know, John introduced Jesus
29:42 as if we ask ourselves the question,
29:45 "Is there enough grace for us?"
29:46 The Bible introduced Jesus in John 1:14
29:49 as full of grace and truth.
29:53 So if somebody is full of grace and truth,
29:56 is there enough grace to turn your life
29:59 into a life of truth?
30:01 Yes, there is. Absolutely.
30:02 So, pastor, I want to go to Genesis 6:8
30:05 because I want to start talking
30:07 about how grace starts manifesting itself.
30:09 When grace is being extended from your life, my life,
30:13 or anybody's life to a person
30:15 who's coming from a broken world experience,
30:17 where do they start seeing this grace?
30:20 Look at Genesis 6:8.
30:23 I love the context of this
30:24 because God is just regretting,
30:26 like my friend has a couple times regretted
30:28 building that house,
30:32 but He says, "Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord."
30:34 Wow.
30:36 And there's something about this whole project
30:38 that my friend's been involved and this is so biblical,
30:41 right now it's just clicking with me.
30:43 And that is that, you know, there are people coming by,
30:46 walking by in the neighborhood or whatever,
30:48 I was there for quite a few weeks
30:49 just helping him,
30:50 you know, in certain parts of the project,
30:52 and here we did the stairs in the front entry
30:54 and it was so cool.
30:55 Put a wall, and it was really nice.
30:57 And people will come by, one guy said,
30:59 "Man, I remember this house before.
31:01 It looks so nice right now."
31:02 And, of course,
31:03 they're not seeing the inside yet
31:05 and the outside doesn't look much changed
31:06 except for this, you know, front entryway.
31:09 But they're just kind of encouraging,
31:10 encouraging, encouraging.
31:12 And when we're very discouraged,
31:13 God is very discouraged here.
31:15 He's looking on the world and He's like,
31:17 "Man, look at that wall,
31:18 look at that floor, look at that roof.
31:21 It's one problem after...
31:22 "But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
31:25 There was something there that gave him hope,
31:28 there was something there he could hold onto, you know,
31:30 there's something there that John is holding onto
31:32 in this house.
31:33 He's going, "Yes, there is potential here.
31:35 I see potential here."
31:37 Exactly. Yeah.
31:38 So we talked about this, honey.
31:40 So we're in this story, in this verse,
31:43 is the Bible telling you
31:47 that people can see grace in you.
31:48 Where can they see it? Say it, honey.
31:50 In your eyes. In your eyes.
31:52 He can.
31:53 How do you look at people
31:54 that you know are transgressors?
31:56 How do you look at people that you know
31:57 have done something
31:59 that the church members are talking about?
32:00 How do you look at them?
32:02 If they look at your eyes,
32:03 can they see grace or do they see...
32:05 "Uh-huh. I know what you did."
32:07 The human face has thousands of expressions.
32:10 And we just... Without saying a word.
32:11 Oh, we were talking about this week in my verse.
32:13 Yes.
32:14 Non-verbal communication is...
32:15 Is powerful.
32:17 More powerful than verbal communication.
32:18 Yes, just a look.
32:20 I'll use an example.
32:22 I really hate you.
32:23 I really hate you.
32:24 Would you believe that?
32:26 No. No. If I just say, "I love you.
32:28 I just want you to know, I really love you."
32:32 My face is not lining up with what I'm saying.
32:34 And our face...
32:36 What is beautiful about this
32:37 in the midst of a hopeless situation,
32:40 James,
32:42 Noah found something in God's eyes.
32:45 He looked in his eyes and told,
32:47 "Wow, I'm looking at his eyes.
32:48 There's grace there."
32:50 In this broken world that's about to be decimated,
32:52 Noah looked and he found grace in God's eye.
32:55 The first act of restoration to a person is broken
32:58 is how do they see grace in your eyes
33:00 or do they even see it?
33:02 When they look across the room in the church at you,
33:05 when you're walking down the hall
33:06 in the place you work,
33:08 and you know their stuff, and they see your eyes.
33:11 What do they see?
33:13 That's the first thing about grace.
33:14 Marriages, when you look at each other,
33:17 what do you see?
33:18 You know, and being married 37 years,
33:20 believe me, we've had many moments
33:21 where we needed each other's grace.
33:23 Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I believe you.
33:25 Okay, okay.
33:28 Thirty-one years, I get it. All of us are married.
33:29 Thirty-one, thirty-seven...
33:31 Twenty-six. Twenty-six.
33:32 If you've been married 10 years or 7 years or 2 weeks,
33:36 you know...
33:37 One year. One year.
33:39 Grace is necessary.
33:40 Yeah. Yes.
33:42 Okay, let me throw it to one of you guys.
33:43 When you look at the situation with Noah, I mean,
33:47 it almost makes you,
33:50 "Ah, man, I want to meet Noah"
33:52 because Noah found grace in His sight.
33:55 And just like Noah then, there are Noahs today.
34:00 They may not have that name,
34:02 but they find grace in God's sight.
34:05 And I believe,
34:06 I really believe that the greater population
34:10 is blessed by these faithful people.
34:13 They find grace in God's sight.
34:15 You know, you could be on a plane
34:17 and because you're on that plane,
34:18 everybody else is safe.
34:20 Wow!
34:21 It could be, you know, walking down the street,
34:23 but God's grace is upon you,
34:26 the holy angels are protecting you.
34:27 Amen. That's right.
34:29 And God is still transforming lives.
34:33 And He doesn't give up easily, and I praise God for that.
34:36 Amen. Right.
34:38 So you can look at God on any given day
34:39 and still see grace in His eyes.
34:40 Isn't that wonderful, hon? Yeah, and that's Old Testament.
34:42 That's right.
34:43 Many people say
34:45 that grace is not in the Old Testament.
34:47 No. Yes, it is.
34:48 He's gracious, and merciful, and long suffering.
34:49 All the time.
34:51 Yes.
34:52 And one of the place... Yes, go ahead.
34:53 I was going to say one of the things too
34:55 is that, you know,
34:56 when we look at Noah,
34:57 we're not looking at a perfect man.
34:59 When you look at his history after the flood, you know,
35:00 and his sons in their family, you see humanity, you see us.
35:04 That's right.
35:05 So just for our viewers to know, you know,
35:07 not for them to give up and think,
35:08 "Well, Noah was you know, exceptional and, you know,
35:11 grace is unmerited favor."
35:12 That's how it is.
35:14 When it comes to us, because it's unmerited favor,
35:16 it influences us as a power in our lives.
35:20 As soon as we give some kind of merit to grace,
35:23 we diminish its power and its influence in our lives.
35:25 And so as soon as we say, "Oh, Noah,
35:27 the reason is he was special, he had this or he had that, "
35:31 then all of a sudden Noah's in a category
35:32 that's different from the rest of us.
35:34 But what Noah was trying to do was communicate the grace
35:37 that he saw in God's eyes
35:38 to the rest of the Antediluvian World
35:40 for 120 years.
35:41 That's grace.
35:43 Not just for Noah, that's grace for everybody.
35:44 That's right.
35:46 Hundred and twenty years is a lot of grace
35:47 that God has given through the ridicule
35:49 and through the criticism and all the things
35:51 they were saying against Noah.
35:52 He was just spreading that grace out,
35:53 spreading that...
35:55 The grace he saw like you, I think, we're implying.
35:56 The grace that God has towards us in His eyes,
35:59 He wants us to now to have it toward other people.
36:01 And Noah had that grace.
36:02 He was allowing that grace
36:06 to flow out through him from God
36:09 to the Antediluvian World for 120 years.
36:10 That's right.
36:12 So they saw it in His eyes,
36:13 but that's in another place, so...
36:14 I never thought about that until you were saying that
36:16 because Noah found grace in God's sight,
36:20 how many years passed?
36:23 Hundred and twenty years. Long time.
36:25 I mean, he could have next week said,
36:27 "Okay, I'm done with being..."
36:29 I'm done with this.
36:30 No, he continued following the Lord.
36:32 Yeah.
36:34 And that is a marvelous thing
36:37 because it was in his heart to do the well of the Lord,
36:40 to serve the Lord.
36:42 I mean, I'm sure Satan knew
36:45 that Noah found grace in God's sight
36:47 and sent him on this special mission.
36:49 He knows. He said, "What's he doing?
36:50 What?
36:51 He's building this large, massive thing
36:53 that's not just for his family, you know?"
36:55 But this is a marvelous thing
36:57 that Satan apparently tried to derail Noah,
37:01 but Noah had his sight set on the Lord,
37:04 120 years Noah remained faithful.
37:08 Like you said,
37:10 he may have had those things inside,
37:12 but God continued to work in him
37:13 and that's what we need to, allow the Lord
37:15 to continue to work in us.
37:17 That's right.
37:18 I want to also...
37:19 Now we talked about the non-verbal communication.
37:21 Grace he found in God's eyes.
37:23 But now grace is also another place
37:25 that people are looking for grace.
37:26 Look at point number six.
37:28 We have a little outline.
37:29 This just kind of gets to the point very quickly.
37:31 Proverbs 22:11.
37:33 Read that.
37:35 Just on the outline there.
37:37 Pastor Rafferty, read that for us.
37:38 "He who loves purity of heart
37:41 and has grace on his lips, the king will be his friend."
37:45 Wow.
37:46 So the nonverbal is in the eyes,
37:50 but the verbal is where?
37:52 On the lips.
37:54 How do you sound when you meet people
37:57 that you know they're junk?
37:59 How do you sound?
38:01 "You doing okay?
38:04 You and I know you shouldn't be...
38:06 I understand how you feel, I mean,
38:08 look what you did."
38:09 When grace is on our lips.
38:12 That's why the Lord says,
38:13 "Your sins and your inequities, I will remember no more."
38:17 And He throws it into the depths of the sea
38:20 and puts out a No Fishing sign as so many people have said.
38:24 So grace is not only verbal...
38:27 I mean, not only non-verbal in the eyes but also verbal.
38:30 Daniel Chapter 9. Okay.
38:33 We have sent,
38:34 we have not listened to the prophets,
38:37 we have forsaken the covenant.
38:38 Yes.
38:39 Daniel had a we attitude.
38:41 You know, we're all sinners.
38:42 We all have this problem.
38:43 And sometimes, I think, when we forget that,
38:46 God allows us to stumble a little bit to remind us
38:49 that we're not better than anyone else.
38:51 And so I think the grace on the lips,
38:53 when we come to another human being
38:54 who's fallen and perhaps we're not in that,
38:56 you know, on that same level with them,
38:59 we need to remember that actually we are.
39:01 The ground is level at the foot of the cross.
39:03 Yes.
39:04 And so grace can come forth, you know,
39:06 there by the grace of God, go I.
39:08 And so we are gracious to others
39:10 because we know that
39:11 that person is another human being
39:13 that we would be that person,
39:16 given the circumstances, situation,
39:17 given some of the decisions we've made or could make,
39:20 and so then we become more gracious in the way
39:22 that we communicate.
39:24 I don't think it excludes being straight with people
39:25 and being honest with people.
39:27 Right.
39:28 I think it actually allows us to be honest with people.
39:30 Because the right motive is there.
39:32 Yes, the right motive is there.
39:33 The right attitude and the right spirit is there.
39:34 Yes.
39:36 When the right motive is behind it,
39:39 the words will be seasoned with grace
39:41 and it will come out of the lips that way.
39:42 Yes.
39:43 Instead of condemnatory, and the people will understand,
39:47 "Hey, you're trying to actually help me."
39:49 And you know...
39:50 I know there are some people that say,
39:52 "I had some constructive criticism
39:53 for you."
39:55 Oh, yes. Like a wrecking ball, maybe.
39:58 And when you hear the constructive criticism,
40:01 it sounds like destroying instead of constructive.
40:04 And so we really need to let God be in our hearts
40:07 so that the words that come out of our mouth
40:09 will be seasoned with grace.
40:12 Words of my mouth.
40:14 It's a process, you know,
40:18 some people are very quick to speak.
40:21 And before the brain is engaged,
40:25 the lips are in motion.
40:26 Okay.
40:28 And unfortunately,
40:29 we say things that we wish we could have never said,
40:33 and so that's why the Bible gives us
40:37 the very wise words,
40:39 be slow to speak, we have to hear.
40:41 Yeah, yeah.
40:43 Twice as many ears as we have lips.
40:45 James. Twice as many, what?
40:48 We have two ears and one set of lips.
40:50 I was just going to comment John
40:52 and just clarify the verse you mentioned.
40:54 You didn't quote it? No, I didn't quote it.
40:55 But you just said seasoned with grace.
40:57 And I was going to read this verse in Colossians 4:6.
41:00 It's one of my favorites.
41:01 "Let your speech be always with grace
41:03 seasoned with salt."
41:04 Amen.
41:06 Seasoning is the lighter end of what we put on our words,
41:08 the seasoning.
41:10 You know that the main entree is what we're going to eat.
41:11 I like that.
41:13 And season is what we sprinkle on.
41:14 And I think sometimes as Christians,
41:16 and I'll say this as an Adventist,
41:19 even as Adventist,
41:21 our main entree a lot of times is salt
41:23 and our seasoning is grace.
41:25 Whoa! That's right.
41:27 We've got it backwards, you know what I mean?
41:28 That's right.
41:30 And so the Bible says, let your speech be with grace.
41:33 Let the main entree be with grace.
41:34 Now I love potatoes. I'm Irish on my mother's side.
41:37 I love potatoes.
41:38 My wife loves beans, I love potatoes.
41:41 We have this thing in our house.
41:43 I think John can relate to that.
41:44 Oh, yes.
41:45 And yet, I can't eat potatoes without salt.
41:49 I got to have a little bit of salt on there.
41:50 You know, that's the seasoning.
41:52 And I think, in a world that is bland with inequity,
41:54 I mean, it's just like, inequity is everywhere.
41:57 Sometimes we forget the salt.
41:59 We can't forget the salt.
42:00 You know, we can't just have grace and no salt.
42:02 But then I think we kind of tend
42:04 to maybe go to the other extreme.
42:07 And, you know, everyone's talking about grace,
42:09 you know, and so we want to dump
42:10 a bunch of salt on it.
42:11 Oh, have you ever like, every once in a while,
42:14 my wife or I will over-season.
42:16 Like, "Honey, I'm sorry, it's too saltier."
42:18 My wife, "I'm sorry, honey, I put too much salt in there."
42:20 Oh, just...
42:22 I know that happens.
42:23 That happens. Yeah.
42:24 And that's where we are, I think,
42:26 sometimes in our Christian walk,
42:27 you know, where we...
42:29 That balance.
42:30 And, of course, I think God is saying
42:31 "Hey, main entree grace, but don't forget this,
42:33 don't forget the salt.
42:35 Season it correctly. I like that.
42:36 What are you thinking, honey? Beautiful.
42:38 I was thinking of David.
42:39 Many people are quick to point out David sinned,
42:42 but he was gracious to Saul, wasn't he?
42:45 Remember Saul, hon?
42:47 What happened with Saul?
42:48 He could've killed Saul,
42:50 but he was very gracious to Saul.
42:53 And that's the point I'm bringing
42:55 how gracious he was to Saul,
42:58 in spite of everybody says,
43:01 "Oh, look at David, look what he did."
43:03 Forget about what he did.
43:05 Lord restored him. You're going to say something.
43:07 You know, it's interesting you say that.
43:10 Because it was not just one time
43:12 that he had the opportunity to kill Saul.
43:14 That's right.
43:15 And sometimes the temptations that come our way,
43:21 Satan has already tempted us with those things,
43:24 and then somehow repeats it through somebody else
43:27 because, you know, the followers with David.
43:31 They would go, "David, David, David, there he is.
43:34 This is your chance."
43:35 This is an answer to prayer.
43:37 This is an answer to prayer.
43:38 And they could even use these Christian...
43:41 Providential.
43:42 Yeah, providential opportunity. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
43:44 And so we really have to be careful
43:46 because when it's in our heart to serve the Lord,
43:51 the devil is going to try to use
43:52 different things, different people,
43:54 and people that we even love to lead us into thinking,
44:01 "Maybe I should do this, you know, kill Saul."
44:03 Yeah, yeah.
44:04 But that's not what God wants us to do.
44:06 God has ways
44:08 to get what He wants accomplished
44:11 that if we do it according to His will,
44:13 better results, better results.
44:15 Imagine if he had killed Saul.
44:17 Wow, wow!
44:18 Saul threw the javelin at him, didn't he?
44:21 You know, we laugh about that every now and then
44:23 because when he summoned Saul,
44:25 when he was feeling all grievous and all downcast,
44:28 Saul summoned David...
44:29 Yes. Saul summoned David.
44:30 To play the harp.
44:32 And while he's playing the harp,
44:33 he throws a javelin at him, he try to pin him to the wall.
44:35 Yeah.
44:36 And said, "Boy, look, see, if I show up again..."
44:38 And he showed up again.
44:39 He continued to respond.
44:41 And now I said, what happened?
44:42 The javelin, the angel moved that javelin other way.
44:45 Redirected it so it wouldn't stab.
44:46 Redirected it.
44:47 Yeah, so it wouldn't have killed him.
44:49 What I want to do now is
44:50 I want to dive into some of the areas
44:51 where grace is now
44:53 how restorative grace really affects us.
44:56 Let's go to section number seven.
44:57 Did you want to share something before, honey?
44:58 No, nothing. Nothing. Okay.
45:00 Look at section number seven.
45:01 And they're very quick points I want to just rifle through.
45:04 The first one is in section seven.
45:07 Job...
45:09 Let's look at there. Here it is.
45:10 Section seven, Job 33:26,
45:14 Pastor Dinzey, you read that one for us.
45:16 This is showing all the areas of restoration.
45:18 "He shall pray to God, and He will delight in him,
45:22 He shall see His face with joy,
45:24 For He restores to man His righteousness."
45:27 Okay, so one of the first steps of restorative grace
45:30 is what is he restoring.
45:32 Righteousness. Righteousness.
45:34 His righteousness.
45:35 Thank you.
45:36 Say it again. His righteousness.
45:38 Yes, that makes all the difference.
45:39 Yeah, why is our righteous is not sufficient?
45:41 Come on, we know. Filthy rags.
45:42 Filthy.
45:43 Mostly, I think...
45:45 I mean, not mostly, but a main reason
45:46 is the motives behind are which we can't read many times.
45:48 What's motivating us?
45:50 And God's righteousness
45:51 was always motivated by selfless,
45:53 other-centered love.
45:54 Always. Completely pure.
45:56 Amen.
45:57 So the first thing He's restoring
45:59 His righteousness.
46:00 Ours would never do.
46:02 Even I like...
46:04 You know, we need another hour on this topic,
46:06 we can't get it tonight.
46:07 But when you talk about the salt,
46:10 we just came into the sermon, you know, seasoned.
46:14 It's a beautiful aspect of it.
46:16 So the first thing that God restores to us
46:18 is His righteousness, not our own.
46:22 But then there's something else
46:24 because when a person is broken,
46:25 something else they lose.
46:26 Let's look at Psalms 51:12 which is on point 7A,
46:31 "Restore to me the joy of Your salvation
46:34 and uphold me with Your generous Spirit."
46:36 Have you ever seen people
46:37 that have lost the joy of salvation?
46:39 I have.
46:40 I've lost the joy of salvation, so I know how that feels.
46:43 You know,
46:44 it's a completely different experience
46:46 when you are just in love with Jesus
46:47 and you've got that first love experience.
46:49 But when you're just doing it out of duty
46:51 and you feel like it's a formal ceremony
46:54 and you've just lost that inner joy...
46:55 I know what you mean. Yeah.
46:57 I think all of us go through that,
46:59 you know, from time to time, and it's overwhelming.
47:03 And David went through that in a huge way
47:05 because this comes right after his sin with Bathsheba
47:08 that you had mentioned earlier.
47:10 And so he's recognizing,
47:12 I think, that how far he had fallen
47:15 because, you know, it wasn't just the sin.
47:16 It was what led to it and then the aftereffects,
47:18 and self-righteousness, and cover up, and all that,
47:21 and he knew the only thing that could actually restore him
47:24 was the joy of salvation.
47:25 Right. And so he pleaded for that.
47:27 And like you said, a lot of people,
47:29 they want to sin like David,
47:31 but they don't want to repent like David.
47:33 Oh! Wow, wow!
47:35 That is... Woo-hoo, woo-hoo!
47:36 That is impacting.
47:38 Yes...
47:39 The only the way that repentance can come...
47:40 I was driving down the freeway again here
47:42 and it said, "Trust, Jesus repent."
47:45 Oh, yeah.
47:46 And the sign that I would love
47:48 to put up on a billboard one day
47:49 is based on Romans 2:4
47:52 because the word repent means to turn around
47:54 180 degrees.
47:55 And Romans 2:4 says, you know,
47:57 the goodness of God leads us to repentance.
47:59 So I'd like to put a billboard up that says,
48:01 "Let God's love turn you around."
48:03 Let God's love turn you around.
48:04 Let God's love turn you around. Wow.
48:06 Goodness of God,
48:07 the love of God turns you around
48:09 because when you're called to do something
48:11 in order to repent, trust Jesus repent.
48:14 It's not going to happen. Right, exactly.
48:15 God's the one that works it in our lives,
48:17 and David knows this.
48:19 He's the king and he's in this position,
48:21 but he's just been completely unmasked, unveiled,
48:25 and he's just barren.
48:26 He has nothing, nothing. Wow!
48:28 And he says, "Lord restore to me.
48:29 The joy of your salvation, I have nothing."
48:32 That's right.
48:33 And we're going through the book of Psalms now.
48:35 We have seen instance after instance
48:37 where David is downcast, he is disheartened,
48:40 he's lamenting, he feels,
48:42 "Lord, my enemies have surrounded me unjustly,
48:44 they are accusing me wrongly.
48:46 Father, don't just stand there, do nothing,
48:49 do something."
48:50 And when you read the book of Psalms,
48:52 it's 150 chapters,
48:53 but I tell you by chapter 86 or 87
48:56 where we are, we're saying, "Wow, I've really...
48:58 Now I'm getting to know David."
49:00 Yeah.
49:01 And in the interest of time, I want to hit the next one.
49:03 So first He restores his righteousness,
49:05 then He restores the joy.
49:07 But look at Psalm 23:3.
49:09 Honey, read that one.
49:10 This is special to me. Okay.
49:12 Before I read it, several years back, I was...
49:15 We were having...
49:16 I was having just a terrible...
49:19 Funky time. Terrible...
49:20 Yeah, in my life. And I had a dream.
49:24 And I woke up in the morning, and I started singing,
49:28 He Restoreth My Soul.
49:31 And there was like angels were singing that song.
49:34 And it was like a choir in my dream,
49:37 "He restoreth My Soul, "
49:38 just over and over,
49:40 and I woke up, He restoreth my soul.
49:43 And it was just...
49:44 Ooh!
49:45 When I think of it, it brings tears to my eyes.
49:47 But how the Lord restoreth my soul,
49:49 then we went to the store Hobby Lobby,
49:51 we found that beautiful placard.
49:55 It was a painting.
49:56 And it says, "He restores my soul."
49:59 So I want to share that with you right now
50:01 if I could get through my tears.
50:03 Where is it? Psalms 23:3.
50:04 Okay.
50:06 "He restores my soul,
50:08 He leads me in the path of righteousness
50:10 for His name's sake."
50:11 Amen. Wow!
50:12 And I feel like my soul has been restored.
50:15 Praise God. Amen.
50:17 And, you know, we talked about that.
50:18 So we have in our kitchen
50:19 a reflection of our journey, you know?
50:21 Oh, yeah.
50:22 And right there on this large piece of wood,
50:25 small piece of wood, etched in metal,
50:27 "He restores my soul."
50:29 And you know what, I want to say to you
50:30 if you're watching the program, as we're winding down,
50:32 we have a few more points.
50:33 The Lord wants to restore your soul
50:35 including His righteousness and the joy of His salvation.
50:39 Because we know we're saved, but sometimes as pastors,
50:42 we can get ready.
50:44 You know, we're locked into that whole thing of,
50:45 "We just can't handle, we just can't make it,
50:48 we just can't deal with life and what's coming to us."
50:51 So we're at that place where, you know,
50:53 it's difficult to deal with life.
50:55 And we say, "Lord, restore us completely."
50:58 and He does it.
50:59 One more, another one.
51:01 Now, Pastor Dinzey, Jeremiah 27:22.
51:05 Jeremiah 27:22.
51:07 "'They shall be carried to Babylon,
51:09 and there they shall be
51:10 until the day that I visit them, '
51:12 says the Lord.
51:13 'Then I will bring them up
51:15 and restore them to this place.'"
51:17 Oh.
51:18 That's another powerful one.
51:20 You may have lost your place, but when Lord visits you,
51:24 He'll restore you to that place.
51:26 Beautiful. James.
51:27 John, I just...
51:29 You know, you said we know we're saved.
51:30 You mentioned that we know we're saved.
51:31 And you've said that a couple of times in it,
51:33 just led me to the verse here in 2 Corinthians 1:10
51:37 because I think a lot of times,
51:38 we misunderstand what salvation is.
51:40 That's right.
51:41 I'm sure you're familiar with this verse,
51:43 you know, as pastors,
51:44 it's something that's really hit home
51:45 with me many times.
51:47 2 Corinthians 1:10
51:50 is describing what salvation looks like.
51:52 Yes.
51:53 And Paul's speaking here and he's talking about the Lord
51:56 that raised up, you know, Jesus from the dead
51:58 and he says, "who delivered us from so great a death, "
52:02 that's past,
52:03 "Does deliver," that's present,
52:06 "in whom we trust that He will yet deliver us, "
52:09 that's future.
52:10 That's right.
52:11 Salvation is past, present, and future.
52:14 That's right.
52:15 Sometimes we think of salvation is a one-time act.
52:17 No, it's not a one-time act. That's just part of it.
52:19 It's a three-part thing.
52:21 And that's why when we talk about salvation,
52:22 we talk about justification, we talk about sanctification,
52:25 but we also have to remember glorification.
52:27 That's just as vital a part of salvation.
52:30 And those three parts are promised to us here.
52:32 So salvation, we know we're saved,
52:34 and we know we're being saved, and we know we will be saved.
52:37 Oh, you remember that, honey?
52:38 He just always say exact words. All right.
52:40 Yes, say from the penalty of sin,
52:43 from the power of sin, from the presence of sin.
52:45 And we are saved, we are being saved,
52:47 and we will be saved.
52:48 Right. That's a powerful thing.
52:50 And the whole thing that includes that package
52:52 is restoration.
52:55 It has not the house.
52:56 And it's not once saved, always saved either.
52:58 No.
52:59 The house that has not yet been revealed,
53:01 but you shall be.
53:02 Yes.
53:04 Okay, but when He's done, we're going to be like Him.
53:06 Wow, wow.
53:07 He restores us to the place that we once occupied,
53:10 not because we deserve it but because of His grace.
53:13 Amen. Wow.
53:14 And one more. Okay.
53:15 Lamentations...
53:17 Pastor Dinzey, Lamentations 5:21.
53:19 "Turn us back to You, O Lord, and we will be restored.
53:24 Renew our days as of old."
53:26 Wow!
53:28 How many people watching this program
53:30 want to say, "Lord, take me back.
53:34 Take me back to the place I once received You.
53:37 Take me back."?
53:39 You know, you talked about that first love.
53:42 Hit that for a minute or so here.
53:43 That first love, what's it like?
53:45 It's amazing
53:46 because when you come to Jesus...
53:48 When I first came to Jesus, I had nothing to offer Him.
53:50 You know, I wasn't a Sunday keeper,
53:52 or Sabbath keeper,
53:54 or tithe payer, or Sabbath School lesson guy,
53:56 or a Bible scholar, or anything.
53:58 I have nothing to offer Him.
54:00 And so when I came to Jesus,
54:01 the only thing I could give him was my load of sin and guilt.
54:03 And I gave that to Him,
54:05 and He made it clear that He forgave me
54:07 and accepted me.
54:09 Whoo!
54:10 The greatest enemy of our love for Christ
54:13 are our works for Christ.
54:15 And when you start piling up those works
54:18 like the Pharisees did,
54:19 our relationship to Christ can change.
54:21 "Oh, I'm so glad
54:23 I'm not like that person over there.
54:24 You know, I pay tithe a lot.
54:25 I pay tax and I fast twice a week,"
54:28 and then the publican goes up, he says...
54:30 I'm vegan. Yeah, yeah.
54:32 My soymilk drink...
54:33 My rice milk, I actually don't like soymilk.
54:35 And the publican says,
54:37 "Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner."
54:39 And He goes down to His house
54:41 justify more than the other and that is our first love.
54:44 Our first love is based upon unmerited favor.
54:48 And that unmerited favor continues
54:50 through the whole course like with David.
54:52 It continues through the whole course
54:53 to restore, to glorify.
54:55 It does everything.
54:56 And then later the Lord restored David
54:58 so completely that later on
54:59 when He is born, the angel said,
55:02 "You will find Him in the city of David."
55:05 God identified, Jesus identifies with a man
55:08 that just didn't have the right
55:09 to be identified in the city of David.
55:11 That's beautiful. Powerful.
55:13 Two more things,
55:15 we're going to just fly into this.
55:16 Pastor Dinzey, Galatians 6:1 and point number eight.
55:18 The question is what do we have to be able to do...
55:20 What do we do to help aid in the process of restoration,
55:24 restorative grace?
55:26 "Brethren, if a man is overtaken
55:28 in any trespass,
55:30 you who are spiritual
55:31 restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness,
55:35 considering yourself lest you also be tempted."
55:38 Wow. So a spirit of arrogance?
55:40 No.
55:42 Didn't even mention in the book,
55:43 don't even condescend.
55:44 No.
55:46 Don't even make that person feel like a second class
55:47 and you are the one that really is not as bad
55:48 as he or she is.
55:50 It's... I forgot the term.
55:52 Yeah, that's the same thing.
55:54 Yeah, don't condescend to them.
55:56 So we have to be spiritual, we have to be gentle.
56:01 And we have to say but for the grace of God.
56:03 Yeah, so go I. Unmerited favor.
56:06 You know, when I first became a Christian Adventist,
56:09 I thought that's not grace.
56:11 You know, that's cheap grace.
56:12 And I remember
56:14 and I'm just going to bring this up
56:15 reading that in Ellen White's writings,
56:17 and then I went through the Great Controversy
56:19 and I got to the end,
56:20 you know, the very end when Jesus comes,
56:23 there's in Great Controversy 541,
56:25 I want to bring this up
56:26 because sometimes people criticize Ellen White,
56:28 you know, very recklessly.
56:30 Jesus comes, and all of our faces,
56:32 the faces of the righteous gathered paleness
56:34 and everyone asked the question,
56:36 who's going to be able to stand?
56:37 And there's a moment of awful silence, all right?
56:40 And then on that page, page 541 I think it is.
56:43 She says...
56:44 641 she says,
56:46 "Then the word of the voice of Jesus is heard,"
56:48 And you know what it says,
56:49 "My grace is sufficient for you."
56:52 Wow. Amen.
56:53 That's how it ends. That's how it ends.
56:55 We don't want this program to end.
56:57 The God's grace is sufficient.
56:58 And lastly, Mark 8:25. Okay.
57:00 When the Lord put His hands out and restored the man's eyes,
57:04 the Bible says,
57:05 "And he was restored and saw everyone clearly.
57:08 " The last thing the Lord wants to do for us
57:10 in the process of restorative grace
57:13 is help us to see everyone the way that Jesus sees.
57:16 Amen.
57:17 Honey, thank you for recommending this.
57:18 We're just getting started on this.
57:20 Wish we had more time. That's right.
57:22 And, friends, we pray that God will restore you
57:25 that as He restores you,
57:27 you will be in aid with Him to help restore others.
57:31 May God bless you and have a Sabbath...
57:32 Happy Sabbath.
57:34 Happy Sabbath until we see you again.


Revised 2020-07-06