Today Family Worship


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW200010S

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:08 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my word
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello, and welcome to another
01:10 3ABN Today Family Worship.
01:12 We're glad that you have joined us
01:13 this evening.
01:14 Happy Sabbath to you.
01:16 It seems like every week is a busy week,
01:18 it always has its distractions and good distractions can be
01:21 but did you know just busy in life
01:23 and what takes place on a day to day basis.
01:25 But what a blessing,
01:27 Jill and I always look forward to the Sabbath day
01:29 when we can spend time with our Lord,
01:30 our Creator God,
01:32 but it's a blessing too to spend time with you.
01:34 You are part of our family.
01:36 We're here on the set
01:38 a little bit different setting than we're normally are.
01:39 We're usually around
01:41 kind of like a dining room table,
01:43 but we're around our 3ABN, we call it our island.
01:44 We're practicing social distancing.
01:46 Yes.
01:47 Maybe Greg and I aren't because we're married
01:49 and we live together, but with the rest of the group.
01:51 I'm glad we live together. Me too.
01:53 And married.
01:55 But we're practicing social distancing.
01:56 That's why my hair is up too
01:58 because I can't go get a cut right now.
01:59 Yeah. That's true. No, that's a good point.
02:01 But we're, of course, alive and well
02:03 and we're just so thankful to the Lord
02:05 for His mercies every day.
02:07 We know that this time has been a difficult time
02:09 for many of you.
02:10 I've actually had family member myself
02:12 who has contracted the COVID-19 disease
02:16 and praise the Lord,
02:18 they made it through but some scary times,
02:19 I'm sure, you know someone, maybe very close to you,
02:22 maybe you yourself,
02:24 or someone that you know, has been through this.
02:26 It's been an interesting times that we're living in.
02:28 And our topic today is on endurance and patience.
02:33 You know, a lot of times when we go through trials
02:35 and difficulties in our life, it's easy to say,
02:38 God, where are you?
02:40 I don't know if I can hang on any longer.
02:43 But God asks us to endure to the end.
02:46 And I'm so thankful, sweetie,
02:47 that this earth is not our home.
02:49 Absolutely.
02:50 But that we're just passing through this earth,
02:53 but as we pass through this earth,
02:55 we want to be witnesses for Jesus Christ.
02:58 So even though this COVID-19 pandemic
03:01 is going on around us, there are still ways,
03:03 I've heard lots of people using social media
03:06 to minister and to witness,
03:08 to offer words of encouragement,
03:09 picking up the telephone,
03:11 I have my cell phone right here,
03:12 calling someone, emailing someone.
03:14 So, you know, we still have opportunities
03:15 even in times like this that are a trial.
03:17 We do, absolutely.
03:18 In the Lord, in the midst of trials
03:20 that we can endure in the midst of that,
03:23 and I love that because we never do it alone.
03:25 That's right. He is always by our side.
03:27 Amen.
03:29 And we can do it looking unto Jesus,
03:30 the author and finisher of our faith.
03:32 So we're going to be opening up the Word of God
03:34 and sharing with you,
03:35 our 3ABN family
03:36 and our 3ABN family here on the set.
03:39 We have Jason Bradley. Good to have you here, Jay.
03:41 Great to be here.
03:43 I feel like the middleman right now.
03:45 You are the middleman.
03:47 And in the middle. That's right.
03:49 You're the dividing line
03:50 between the salmon and the blue.
03:51 That's right. That's right.
03:53 I'm the mediator. Okay.
03:55 By salmon, you're talking the color, salmon.
03:57 The color, salmon. Thank you very much.
03:59 We have Pastor John Lomacang and Angela.
04:02 We're so glad you both could join us today.
04:04 Thanks for having us. Good to be here.
04:06 Great topic.
04:07 I think we're going to enjoy encouraging people
04:09 with this climate as you said, Greg about it.
04:12 It'd be great.
04:13 Amen. Amen.
04:15 Absolutely. Yeah, for sure.
04:16 And, of course, Pastor, you are the pastor
04:17 of our local Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church.
04:19 I want to talk about that briefly before we get started
04:21 in our family worship.
04:22 Of course, Angie, you work at 3ABN Radio.
04:24 That's right. We call you Angie, but Angela.
04:26 Yeah, Angie is fine. Okay, that's fine.
04:28 And 3ABN Radio
04:30 and I know that radio
04:31 is still of course just like TVs and broadcasts
04:34 and even during this pandemic radio is just as strong.
04:36 It's still going on.
04:37 I have a lot of work to do in radio.
04:40 Yeah.
04:41 So, I enjoy being at radio, enjoy the atmosphere,
04:45 the climate we're in at radio, not the climate of the world.
04:49 The climate of radio, we're a family,
04:52 at 3ABN family as we all are.
04:55 And it's been an interesting time, Jason,
04:56 you know, because, you know,
04:57 a lot of people have been working
04:59 from home from 3ABN,
05:00 those that are able to are working from home.
05:01 So a lot of the employees of 3ABN
05:03 have been working from home.
05:04 You've been home editing. I've been editing.
05:06 I have lots of work to do.
05:07 And praise the Lord for technology that we have.
05:08 Yeah. Yeah.
05:10 Even last night, 10:30 I'm still, I was at,
05:12 I go and come in, I was editing my stuff.
05:14 So yeah, I have plenty of work to do.
05:17 Job security.
05:19 Exactly. That's true.
05:20 I told her that, I said,
05:22 how many do you have left to do?
05:23 Yeah. You have job security.
05:25 Which is truly a blessing
05:26 when you think about all the people
05:28 who have filed for unemployment and lost their jobs
05:30 and all of that stuff that we are able to still get
05:33 the gospel out and still come to work
05:35 and work from home.
05:37 Yeah. Yeah.
05:38 You know, I think what's a precious thing, Jason,
05:40 is you know, on a daily basis,
05:42 we here at 3ABN receive letters from you.
05:45 You're still supporting the ministry of 3ABN.
05:48 We're able to broadcast like we are tonight,
05:50 family worship,
05:51 Friday night spending this time with you and with God.
05:54 That's thanks to you.
05:55 So, you know, it just encourages me
05:56 that people still have not lost the vision.
05:59 I know the times are tough, but people are still donating,
06:02 sacrificing like you do.
06:04 Thank you for that.
06:06 I just want to say thank you, I know we mentioned it,
06:08 it may seem very regular like we say thank you
06:10 for your prayers and financial support,
06:12 but we really mean it.
06:13 Thank you so much for that.
06:15 Pastor,
06:16 you're the Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church
06:17 pastor here
06:19 and I know that, of course,
06:20 that the church broadcasts live your sermon every Sabbath.
06:23 Without an audience. Without an audience.
06:26 Pastor, tell us what that's like.
06:27 I mean, that's interesting because tonight's Friday night
06:29 so tomorrow, you know, it'd be another message.
06:31 Well, that's an act of endurance.
06:33 Yeah. He is so busy.
06:35 You know, what has happened here
06:36 and it's part of being here at 3ABN
06:39 because we are behind the camera
06:41 most of the time, if not all the time,
06:44 except when we go visit churches
06:45 and be with our people.
06:47 But what drives me is the message.
06:49 Yes. That's right.
06:50 You know, when you think about the responsibility
06:53 connected to the message, you know, that they are,
06:55 you know, we know that you're watching
06:56 or you may be listening by radio,
06:59 but pretty much at our church.
07:02 If you go to TV,,
07:06 that's,
07:09 click on live broadcast,
07:10 you'll be able,
07:12 every Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock Central Time,
07:15 you can tune in for the sermon
07:16 and also at that very same page,
07:19 you can get all the prior sermons.
07:21 It has a tab called past sermons
07:23 and then also Bible studies.
07:25 So we've enjoyed it.
07:27 It's been a driving force,
07:28 this COVID environment
07:30 has allowed us to connect on a different level
07:33 and really our viewership has increased exponentially.
07:36 Oh, absolutely. Yes.
07:38 It's gone way up.
07:39 Jill and I were looking at your message here
07:41 just a couple of weeks ago and we're just watching,
07:43 you know, that those are viewing live
07:45 and praise the Lord for Mike Babb.
07:47 Yes. Mike is my right had guy.
07:50 He is a total blessing. To make that happen.
07:51 Yeah.
07:53 He's been right there in the trenches with me
07:54 and I appreciate him so much.
07:55 And then as church members too,
07:57 you know, we get emails from Pastor John saying,
07:59 you know, encourage you to stay in the Word of God,
08:02 encourage you, here's a scripture,
08:04 here's a thought from Sister White for today.
08:06 I mean, what a blessing
08:08 because we need that
08:09 since we can't fellowship together.
08:11 But yet we need to remain connected during this time
08:14 so we can endure.
08:15 So thank you for what you do.
08:16 Thank you for the way you put it in there,
08:18 because endurance is something that is most appropriate
08:20 when you don't have the support of each other.
08:23 You know, you think of an Olympian
08:24 and I know we didn't have prayer yet,
08:26 but this fits right here.
08:27 You think of an Olympian,
08:28 he has to endure in his own private training
08:31 when no one else is around to prepare for the great event
08:34 and we're preparing for a great event.
08:36 But how we train while we're by ourselves
08:39 while we're sequestered prepares us
08:41 for that great event ahead of us,
08:42 which is, you know, the trials of the world
08:43 that are coming upon us.
08:45 Yeah.
08:46 I think there's something precious about fellowship.
08:47 Oh. Well, you know.
08:49 I missed that. Yeah, sure.
08:50 I do.
08:52 So there's a sense of fellowship
08:53 because we're connecting,
08:54 you know, with you as the pastor
08:56 and all the members and others are joining in
08:57 but still, it's not the same as coming to church
08:58 and giving you, you know, handshake or a hug.
09:01 And potlucks. Yeah.
09:02 Fellowship food, right?
09:04 Got to get the fist there or air bump.
09:06 Air bump.
09:08 I know one day Tim and I were doing a...
09:10 We did a sermon on the set here at 3ABN and afterwards,
09:14 you know, we just kind of impulsively just,
09:17 great job and Tim said, wow, that feels great.
09:20 Let's go wash our hands.
09:23 Yeah, that human. We miss that touch.
09:24 Yes.
09:26 Really miss, but thank you for those of you
09:27 who continue to tune in.
09:29 We greatly appreciate it,
09:30 share it with other people
09:32 so that they can also be blessed.
09:33 Yeah.
09:34 So we're going to get ready to go to prayer.
09:36 But I just want to again mention this
09:37 since this is Friday night.
09:38 So tomorrow, you can watch Sabbath School Panel
09:40 in the morning to get all the church.
09:41 Then you can watch our 3ABN Worship Hour,
09:43 that's from 10 to 11, Central Time,
09:46 and then switch like pastor said,
09:48 and go to and click on live broadcast.
09:54 And that's the Thompsonville Church.
09:55 That's right.
09:57 So you can also go to YouTube and just type in
09:58 Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church
10:00 and you see the live broadcast link.
10:01 Amen. Amen.
10:02 Pastor, let's open in prayer, do you mind to do that for us?
10:04 Sure.
10:05 Loving Father in heaven,
10:06 we are in an environment that is teaching us
10:08 what endurance is all about.
10:09 And so we pray that as we open Your Word
10:11 and as You open our hearts
10:13 and pour into us Your Holy Spirit,
10:15 that those who are watching and listening to this program
10:17 could find endurance in their quietude,
10:20 in their silence, in their homes,
10:22 and even those who are enduring with this disease,
10:26 bring them through it, Lord,
10:27 and strengthen the hearts of families
10:29 who are being challenged tremendously.
10:32 We know that somebody watching this broadcast
10:34 has lost someone
10:36 and our hearts are saddened
10:37 to even know that one has been claimed.
10:39 But Father, give them hope to endure beyond the trial.
10:42 Know that one day
10:43 there's a greater reunion coming in.
10:45 And so speak to us that you may speak through us.
10:48 In Jesus' name we pray, amen. Amen.
10:51 Our topic tonight is endurance.
10:53 I want to encourage you to our opening scriptures
10:54 Hebrews Chapter 10.
10:56 So if you want to open up your Bibles
10:58 and you can share with us Hebrews Chapter 10.
11:01 You know, tonight we're going to look at
11:03 what does endurance produce in us as Christians.
11:06 So as we go through this process,
11:08 and as we endure,
11:10 what is it working in our own characters
11:13 and in our own walk with Jesus?
11:15 How are we to endure as we go through this process?
11:19 How are we to endure?
11:20 And even how do we build endurance?
11:21 So we're just going to look at endurance
11:23 for many different facets.
11:25 But first, let's look at Hebrews 10.
11:27 We'll do verses 35 through 37.
11:31 Angie, do you have that?
11:32 I do, 35 through 37,
11:36 "Therefore do not cast away your confidence,
11:41 which has great reward.
11:44 For you have need of endurance,
11:47 so that after you have done the will of God,
11:49 you may receive the promise: 'For yet a little while,
11:53 and He who is coming will come and will not tarry.
11:58 Now the just shall live by faith,
12:00 but if anyone draws back,
12:02 My soul has no pleasure in him."
12:06 So in this passage,
12:07 what do you see
12:08 that the endurance is accomplishing?
12:10 It says you have need of endurance.
12:11 Why are we to endure or what will happen to us
12:15 if we do endure?
12:18 We will receive the promise.
12:20 Thank you. Promise.
12:21 And what's the promise? What's the promise?
12:23 Eternal life. That's right.
12:24 Eternal life.
12:26 And it's by faith. It's interesting, actually.
12:28 It says in verse 36, it says,
12:30 I like the version that you have there, Angie,
12:33 verse 36, don't mind if you read that again,
12:35 and it mentions about the will of God.
12:36 "For you have need of endurance,
12:39 so that after you have done the will of God,
12:42 you may receive the promise."
12:44 That's right.
12:46 Yeah. So it's the will of God.
12:47 It's the will of God. Yeah.
12:48 And it is, you know, the will of God.
12:50 If you think,
12:51 I go back to the illustration of the runner.
12:53 Yeah, and that's a great illustration.
12:54 They have that line and they say, well,
12:56 I know I've been working
12:58 and if I could just hang in there
13:00 as I've heard a coach once said, okay,
13:02 at this point in the race, you feel the burn.
13:05 You want to quit, you want to give up,
13:06 your lungs feel tired, you're aching,
13:09 but if you just hold on,
13:11 now, now you're around the last turn,
13:13 you see the finish line there,
13:14 put everything you have from your toes
13:16 to the top of your head, your arms, pick them up,
13:18 I know they're heavy, just keep going.
13:20 And you can see that runner just about to just cave in.
13:23 But they hear the voice of the coach
13:24 and this is what we train for.
13:26 This is what we've been working for that finish line is there.
13:29 I promise you, you will win if you just keep going,
13:33 receiving the promise.
13:34 And so, the Lord says to us, if you just keep going,
13:36 you know through all the things that you know,
13:39 resist your progress,
13:41 the promise is right ahead of you.
13:42 I can testify some of that.
13:46 I'm at home and I exercise, I have an elliptical,
13:51 keeps my arms going and I'm going uphill.
13:54 And it has a have a little trainer with it
13:56 and it says keep going, keep going
13:59 and I'm, climbs up and 10 is the highest, right?
14:03 Goes up and down.
14:04 And then it goes up to 10.
14:06 I am just like, Angie, you can do it, you can do it.
14:09 I'm going like this.
14:10 And I'm like, and it says keep going,
14:13 it talks to me, keep going, keep going.
14:15 And I keep going, I keep going, and I'm drenched.
14:18 But then I said, Lord, help me, I'm going to make it.
14:21 And at the end of my time, I'm like,
14:23 thank You, Jesus, I made it.
14:26 And that's how it is, I am drenched.
14:28 And I said, "Honey, you okay?"
14:30 She said, "I almost collapsed."
14:31 I said, "Well, why didn't you stop?"
14:33 She said, "But the machine told me keep going."
14:35 I said, "Well, who's in-charge here,
14:37 you or the machine?
14:38 He that endured to the end.
14:39 The machine said don't stop. Yes.
14:42 She said, I thought you're gonna come down
14:44 and said find me on the floor.
14:46 I did. I kept calling for over an hour.
14:47 I said, "Forget the machine, just stop."
14:49 It was supposed to stop at an hour,
14:50 but it kept going.
14:51 I'm like something's wrong. You did it for an hour?
14:53 Yeah, I was like something's wrong
14:54 with this machine.
14:56 No.
14:57 But she did do that.
15:00 I endured to the end.
15:02 Yeah, you know, what's interesting, though
15:03 is that you would not have been able to do that
15:05 the first day you got on the elliptical.
15:07 So required
15:08 in some type of a training, right?
15:10 It did.
15:11 It was 20 minutes, then 30 minutes,
15:13 then 40 then an hour.
15:15 I mean, what a powerful,
15:16 you know, illustration right there
15:17 because that is a great illustration
15:19 for as you know,
15:20 you got to the with the level 10 is that
15:21 the I don't have a elliptic, so that's the top.
15:23 Yeah, that's the top. Good for you, congratulations.
15:24 Climbing it and climbing it. Until you get to 10.
15:26 And then it stays at 10 for a long time.
15:28 And I'm just...
15:29 And you were staying there at that level.
15:30 Yes.
15:32 And you see this track and it shows you
15:33 where you are on the track,
15:35 it shows you the finish line is to keep going.
15:36 And you see, you see yourself and you see that finish line
15:37 you think I can't stop now.
15:39 I'm almost there. And then you know what...
15:40 It's like a spiritual journey. There's a spiritual...
15:42 See, if you don't have someone talking to you,
15:46 if you don't have someone encouraging you,
15:47 if you can't see the finish line ahead
15:51 and you can't realize, okay,
15:53 this is where I'm going and this is,
15:55 you know, if the machine didn't say keep going,
15:56 you're almost there.
15:58 Yes. Where would we be without that?
16:00 You know, it reminds me of Hebrews 12.
16:02 Okay. Can we look it?
16:04 Yes, go there. Hebrews 12:1, 2.
16:05 "Looking unto Jesus." I love this scripture.
16:07 You always say that. I like that. That's right.
16:10 Let's turn there, Hebrews Chapter 12,
16:12 just another chapter over.
16:14 The two verses, we just referenced,
16:17 that one there with Hebrews 10.
16:20 It says, you have need of endurance,
16:22 that word endurance in the Greek hypomone,
16:27 I'm not pronouncing it right.
16:28 But it comes from two Greek, two words,
16:31 one is under
16:32 and the other one is to remain or endure.
16:36 So literally it means to remain under.
16:40 Yes.
16:42 To have patient endurance.
16:44 So, no matter what the trial is,
16:46 no matter what we are going through
16:48 in the midst to remain under
16:50 because the finish line is coming
16:53 as we talked about that.
16:54 I love that. That's right. Amen.
16:56 You know, Jason, I'm thinking about you.
16:57 You know, you built a house this past year.
16:59 Yes.
17:00 You know, and so that requires some type of endurance too
17:02 because, you know, once you build the foundation,
17:04 it doesn't just go up in one day, 24 hours.
17:07 That's true. It's a process.
17:08 It is, it is.
17:09 And progress is a process, you know.
17:12 I was just, I was blown away, it took a lot of patience.
17:16 Especially since I didn't know what I was doing.
17:19 But pop knew what he was doing.
17:22 So I was following his instructions.
17:24 And so, as he was given those instructions,
17:26 I was implementing those and putting that into practice.
17:30 That's right.
17:31 And then out of that came the house, the reward.
17:35 It requires endurance, though, you know,
17:36 there's some evenings when you're after work here,
17:39 you're going there and working, painting or doing something,
17:41 you know, until the wee hours of the morning.
17:42 Absolutely.
17:43 You know, that's not the most comfortable fun,
17:45 enjoyable stuff.
17:46 No, it's not.
17:48 No, but you're looking ahead for that reward,
17:49 that finish line.
17:50 That's right. That's right.
17:52 And it's so worth it in the end.
17:53 Yeah. So worth it in the end.
17:54 Now you're able to relax.
17:56 Well, I wouldn't go to that part,
17:58 there's still stuff to do, yeah.
17:59 Yeah, patience and all that.
18:01 Yes, there is still stuff to do.
18:03 I looked up the definition of endurance.
18:05 Oh, good.
18:06 And it said the fact or power of enduring
18:09 an unpleasant or difficult process
18:11 or situation without giving way.
18:14 And so, I mean,
18:16 I think that really speaks to the Christian life
18:18 because we come in contact
18:20 with some very uncomfortable situations
18:22 or some resistance
18:24 or anytime you're trying to do the right thing,
18:27 somebody is trying to convince you to do the wrong thing
18:29 or different circumstances,
18:31 you know, present themselves like COVID-19
18:34 or maybe death in the family or sickness
18:39 or whatever the case may be,
18:41 you know, you're trying to spread the gospel
18:42 and then something comes trying to hinder that.
18:45 So, endurance is definitely required.
18:48 Good. Wow.
18:49 I know you were looking at Hebrews.
18:51 Yeah, that's a great passage. Yeah, he got it.
18:52 Sure.
18:54 It says, verse 1 and 2, it says, "Therefore we also,
18:57 since we are surrounded
19:00 by so greater cloud of witnesses,
19:02 let us lay aside every weight
19:05 and to sin which so easily ensnares us,
19:09 and let us run with endurance,
19:11 the race that is set before us."
19:12 Do I know.
19:14 And here's what, here's where we keep our focus.
19:15 Yes.
19:17 "Looking unto Jesus,
19:18 the author and finisher of our faith,
19:20 who for the joy that was set before him,
19:23 endured the cross, despising the shame,
19:26 and here's the reward,
19:28 and has sat down at the right hand
19:30 of the throne of God."
19:31 So He kept His eyes focused.
19:33 In other words, they're saying do what He did,
19:35 for the joy that was set before Him,
19:37 that same joy is now set before you.
19:39 He endured the cross, now you endure the cross.
19:43 The heavens watched His endurance,
19:47 they're watching you to a great cloud of witnesses.
19:50 And that's, that's very true sometimes
19:52 because we're in situations where people,
19:56 my wife, Angie and I have this saying that
19:58 we can't misbehave anywhere.
20:00 That's right.
20:02 Because we could be in the strangest places,
20:04 at a gas station in California
20:07 or in the airport in Germany or...
20:08 Yesterday at Walmart with your mask.
20:10 I had on my mask yesterday at Walmart,
20:12 just the guy that I still don't know
20:14 who he is
20:15 because his mask look, you still on, you still guys,
20:18 guys still going out there at 3ABN.
20:20 Good to see you. I still don't know who he is.
20:22 Wow.
20:23 You know, I said, yeah, he said,
20:25 I figured because this is television,
20:26 I said, yes, in a central service.
20:27 That's right.
20:29 But we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses.
20:32 And so, the Lord is saying to us
20:34 endure what you face,
20:35 endure, endure a righteous life.
20:37 Yes.
20:38 You know, endure doing the right thing.
20:40 As the other text says, be not weary in doing well,
20:43 be not weary in doing well,
20:45 for in due time you will reap if you do not faint.
20:48 That's another passage of endurance.
20:50 So I'm saying man, do I,
20:52 do you have to be this way all the time?
20:54 Because somebody once said the Christian life is great.
20:57 But the one thing about is you can't turn it off.
20:59 That's right. No, you can't.
21:00 If you turn it off, it's not a Christian life,
21:03 it's just a blip on your radar
21:05 and we need to live a Christian life.
21:06 So it requires endurance. Absolutely.
21:09 You know, it's interesting to me in that verse
21:10 that joy is connected with endurance.
21:12 Oh, yeah.
21:13 I know. Isn't that interesting?
21:14 Because you would think so when I think of endurance,
21:16 the last thing I think of is joy.
21:18 Me too.
21:19 You think of trying to reach the finish line,
21:21 like you were on the elliptical or you think of a trial
21:24 or difficulty or even sadness or loss, but yet joy,
21:30 the joy that was set before Jesus.
21:34 Now it enabled Him to make it through the cross.
21:37 Yes. Why?
21:39 Because He saw you and I,
21:42 He saw the victory on the other side.
21:45 So, what do you think could be the joy
21:47 that we have as Christians now,
21:48 as we endure
21:50 whatever trial we're going through,
21:52 what is our joy or how do we even find that.
21:55 What if someone's saying tonight, I came to find joy,
21:58 but how do we look for that, to find that to help us endure?
22:02 I think we look, you know,
22:03 we look to Jesus where God was motivated
22:06 and is motivated by love.
22:08 Everything He did was motivated by love.
22:10 Like you just said He had us on His mind
22:13 when He was dying on the cross.
22:14 I mean, He went through a painful
22:16 and agonizing death.
22:18 For us, even for the very people
22:20 that put Him on the cross, He died for them as well.
22:24 So, I think that when we focus,
22:25 especially
22:27 on the closing scenes of Christ life,
22:29 I mean, that type of love to me that,
22:33 that brings joy to me
22:35 knowing that somebody loved me that much
22:38 that they would endure all of that.
22:41 And so that's, that's helpful for me.
22:42 That's good, Jason.
22:43 I was trying to hold the scripture off to the end,
22:45 but it fits right here.
22:47 It's in Hebrews 12 also, look at verse 11.
22:49 Because endurance require, it has a present challenge,
22:53 but a future reward.
22:55 And so, you think of the athlete,
22:57 you think of the person
22:58 that's going through trial right now.
22:59 Whatever that trial maybe, whether it's COVID related,
23:01 or whether it's just, I'm just tired of being alone.
23:03 We have people in our church who said,
23:05 I'm just tired of being alone, I just want to do something,
23:07 I want to get out, I want to go to the store,
23:09 I want to just touch.
23:11 You know, I just want to be involved.
23:13 But this we're chastening here is not only,
23:17 it's another word,
23:18 a better word in the Olympic sense
23:20 is discipline.
23:21 It's a discipline.
23:22 So I'm going to substitute, I'll say,
23:24 you know, it's a discipline,
23:26 it says now no chastening or discipline
23:30 seems to be joyful, get it for the present.
23:35 While you're on that ellipticals,
23:37 this is not what I'm just like, oh, it's hurting.
23:40 No joy.
23:41 You know, when you're in a hospital
23:43 thinking, I saw where a guy
23:44 was on a respirator for 32 days.
23:47 Oh, wow. He's a young man.
23:48 He was in his early 30s.
23:49 But after 32 days, he endured and he made it out.
23:53 And he said my heroes
23:55 are all those people that work with me
23:56 for 32 days to return me to my family.
24:00 And we have a friend, American Airlines pilot Nedley.
24:03 No, not pilot.
24:05 Not pilot, but flight attendant, sorry.
24:07 And she's enduring. She says, "Keep me in prayer.
24:09 I'm still on my respirator.
24:10 I got to go get my medication today."
24:12 On oxygen. On oxygen.
24:13 And so, it says, if you think about it,
24:15 no chastening seems to be joyful
24:17 for the present, but painful, nevertheless...
24:22 Nevertheless, thank God for nevertheless.
24:25 The two words nevertheless and the next word afterward,
24:28 it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness.
24:31 And here's the key,
24:33 to those who have been trained by it.
24:36 Yeah. Training.
24:41 Certain...
24:42 Remember, I don't know if you're all old enough
24:44 but years ago, there was a show,
24:48 came weekly Karate Kid and Mr. Miyagi.
24:51 Wax on, wax off.
24:53 And he was teaching this young kid
24:55 who just had no training whatsoever,
24:57 he would just totally lose nothing in life
24:58 really had any definition.
25:01 And he was training him
25:02 and it was terrible he was going through hardship,
25:05 he said again, do it again,
25:06 do it again, do it again, do it again,
25:09 to thinking you're gonna kill me,
25:10 he said, do it again.
25:11 I don't want to hear you complain.
25:13 If you complain, leave, do it again.
25:15 The training, the training
25:16 for those who have been trained by it,
25:18 and you know what?
25:20 Pain trains us. Oh, yeah.
25:22 Trials train us.
25:24 But if we lose the focus of what's coming after this,
25:29 we could fall apart, we could give in.
25:32 If you forget that there's a finish line.
25:34 If you forget that even the worst storm,
25:37 tornadoes, hurricanes has an endurance point.
25:40 It started as an ending.
25:42 So everything has a beginning and ending,
25:43 that's what I think that being said
25:45 by the writer of Hebrews,
25:46 it's going to end but you got to hold on,
25:49 he who endures to the end, you got to hold on.
25:52 Yes. Yeah.
25:53 Amen. Trials aren't easy.
25:55 I was just, you made me think of a verse
25:56 and I was just trying to find the reference,
25:58 Psalms 119, I think it is, hopefully, let's look there.
26:03 It made me think of that
26:04 when you talked about the training of it.
26:06 Psalms 119.
26:08 The interesting thing with that training too,
26:10 is that, you know,
26:11 he didn't recognize
26:13 what he was being taught at the moment,
26:14 he was getting frustrated at the lessons,
26:17 that, you know, Mr. Miyagi was giving him
26:19 because he wanted to learn one thing,
26:22 but he was preparing him for what was to come.
26:25 And he couldn't see it, he couldn't see it.
26:29 And how many times do we go through things
26:31 where we don't see the lessons that are being taught
26:33 that's preparing us for what lies ahead.
26:36 It's like a parent raising a child.
26:37 Yes.
26:38 The parent's been there,
26:40 they're trying to tell their children don't go there,
26:41 I've been there before.
26:42 Yeah.
26:44 You know, and that's how I see that is.
26:45 I think training too is,
26:47 you're training yourself for an automatic response.
26:49 Yes.
26:50 Because I'm also thinking of Satan coming in.
26:51 Yes.
26:53 You know, you want your automatic response
26:54 to be one that's obviously in line
26:55 with what God wants.
26:57 I remember my dad and like these parking lots,
26:58 when it was snow, he'd had me work on the skids,
27:00 you know, how to get out of a skid in snow and ice,
27:03 and I'll be like seriously daddy.
27:05 He's like, yeah, let's do it again.
27:06 I'm like all right around and around and around.
27:07 And sure enough
27:09 one time I was actually in a snowy situation
27:11 and we got into a skid in a backwards skid,
27:13 we were going up a hill, lost traction,
27:16 start going backwards down the hill,
27:17 and we're gonna go off a cliff,
27:19 but it becomes automatic response
27:21 on how to get yourself out of skid,
27:23 there was no guardrail, either, by the way.
27:25 So yeah, so anyway, you know,
27:27 it's just interesting to know that training
27:29 it's supposed to, yeah, this is, sorry,
27:30 when I was actually my dad had been training me
27:32 and it was when I was a kid.
27:33 Yeah, before we were married.
27:34 Boy, you're old enough to have a license.
27:36 I was, yeah, that's right. Okay.
27:38 That's good.
27:40 You know, so you know, you want your training
27:41 to actually make it
27:42 so that you're an automatic response
27:44 to the situation that's taking place.
27:45 So yes, training gives us endurance,
27:47 but it also is part of an automatic response.
27:50 Muscle memory. Yeah, your muscle memory.
27:51 Yeah. Yeah, I'm riding with you.
27:53 Are you?
27:55 You are safe with him. Yeah.
27:56 You know, you can do all the training you can
27:58 but really, everything that we do comes from God.
27:59 You know, He's the one that provides the strength,
28:01 you know, and everything for us to build react and yeah,
28:04 so praise the Lord for your safety too.
28:06 But you think about it as a Christian
28:07 and the Christian walk what is our automatic response?
28:09 Like when a trial comes when something hits,
28:12 we should look first, okay, Jesus,
28:14 my attention looking unto Him, get in His Word.
28:18 Yes. Praise.
28:19 And that is foreign sometimes in the midst of a trial,
28:22 we don't want to praise, we don't want to give thanks.
28:25 We say it's the last thing we want to do,
28:27 but yet in the midst of that, if we choose praise,
28:31 it changes us.
28:32 That's right.
28:34 And it's how God works in the midst of difficulty
28:37 to transform my character,
28:39 and make me just a little bit more like Jesus.
28:42 Pastor John, I'm sorry,
28:43 you were going to say something.
28:45 Did you? Did you find that text?
28:46 I did. Oh, yes?
28:48 I was waiting for that one. Okay.
28:49 We got distracted. Psalm 119:67.
28:51 Okay. Sixty seven.
28:53 Before I was afflicted, I went astray.
28:56 But now I keep Your word. Wow.
28:59 That reminder of what happens to us
29:02 in the midst of that enduring process
29:04 in the midst of that,
29:06 that we come back to God and keep His word.
29:09 That's the text. That is good.
29:11 Wow. That's it. That's it.
29:13 That's when you print on a T shirt itself.
29:17 Because so many of us
29:19 have to learn through affliction.
29:20 Yeah. Why did you do that?
29:21 The Lord said, why did you do?
29:23 First of all, you afflicted yourself.
29:25 Did you realize I told you not to.
29:27 You went astray and now you see
29:28 what I was trying to say all along,
29:29 and you say, I got it.
29:31 Now, tell me whatever you want me to tell.
29:33 Tell me whatever you want me to do
29:34 and I'll do it.
29:36 Lesson learned. Because it says now.
29:37 I love that. But now I keep Your word.
29:40 I'll do what you tell me to do.
29:42 And it's true because, I know, I thank the Lord
29:46 that He gave us a lot of nice scriptures here.
29:48 But another one that comes to my mind
29:49 it says when you think about,
29:51 do not despise the chastening of the Father.
29:54 That's right.
29:55 See, so He deals with all, those who He loves,
29:58 He chastens.
30:00 And the word chasten there means He trains,
30:02 doesn't mean whip, it means He trains,
30:04 He means your disciplines, means He says, come on guy,
30:08 you know better.
30:09 And that's why this passage is a beautiful one.
30:11 We're, by the way, we're in the Book of Psalms.
30:13 Now up to Psalm 68 or 69, whatever.
30:15 Oh, that's great.
30:16 We're reading it through together.
30:18 And, you know, 67. Sixty eight.
30:20 Sixty eight.
30:22 So we're gonna get to this one.
30:23 And when we get to this one,
30:24 this is gonna be a definite orange highlight.
30:26 Orange highlight means very important.
30:28 Yeah.
30:29 Because sometimes we don't keep God's word
30:30 until after we got the bump and the bruise.
30:32 Yeah. It's like, you're okay.
30:34 Yeah, mom told me not to do it.
30:36 Yeah.
30:38 Eye swollen and shut.
30:39 Swollen.
30:41 I like that point that you're bringing out,
30:43 you know, as many as He loves, He rebukes and chastens.
30:45 Yeah.
30:46 You know, I think that society has come to a place
30:49 where love is seen as condoning the behavior
30:53 and accepting the behavior and embracing
30:55 and becoming an enabler
30:58 and that's, that's not what love is.
31:00 No.
31:01 No, you don't let somebody
31:02 just if they want to keep walking
31:04 in the wrong direction,
31:05 you don't just have them walk in the wrong direction
31:07 without saying something.
31:09 They're headed towards the cliff.
31:10 And you're just like, well, I love you,
31:12 I love you keep taking those steps.
31:14 Woohoo, yeah, you're gonna make it,
31:16 you're gonna go off the cliff.
31:17 You know, you don't, you don't just love somebody
31:20 to their demise.
31:21 You share the truth with them.
31:24 That's true love.
31:26 And you know, you can't wait for them to be open to it.
31:28 You can't say to them, well, now they're ready for it.
31:31 If you see somebody heading toward the cliff,
31:33 you're gonna wait till they like you to tell them
31:34 you headed toward the cliff.
31:36 Oh, no. Yeah.
31:37 You are heading toward the cliff.
31:38 Yeah, even if it's a stranger, you can be like,
31:40 hey, there's a drop off right ahead.
31:42 Yeah.
31:43 And the method in which you present the truth.
31:46 Thank you. Really, really matter.
31:48 And that's crucial,
31:50 the method in which you present it,
31:51 present it in a way of love.
31:52 I agree. Always.
31:54 Wow. Look at Proverbs 1:30.
31:56 This is important for us
31:57 because I'm looking at some words here,
32:01 despise Proverbs 1:30, you have that, Jill?
32:05 I do. Look at that.
32:06 It may be verse 29, may lead into it.
32:08 I don't know if it does, but just...
32:10 "Because they hated knowledge and did not choose
32:13 the fear of the Lord,
32:14 they would have none of my counsel
32:17 and despise my every rebuke."
32:20 Wow.
32:21 So that is... That's heavy.
32:22 Isn't that heavy?
32:24 God is saying I've been trying with you,
32:25 I've been, I've been working with you,
32:28 but what you wouldn't listen to what I'm saying.
32:30 And that came to me when you showed us
32:32 that passage in 119: 67 of Psalm.
32:35 So we can't despise the Lord's rebuke and say,
32:38 this is just not what I want to do,
32:39 because we are not seeing the finish line
32:43 where He already is.
32:44 Excuse me.
32:46 He's already at the finish line.
32:47 He's getting ready to welcome us
32:49 to put us on the podium.
32:50 And you know what, no matter how hard the race is,
32:53 it just feels so good to stand on the podium.
32:56 And that's what He wants us to do.
32:57 That's right.
32:59 He says, that's why Paul says, I fought a good fight.
33:02 I finished my course, I kept the faith, therefore,
33:06 there's a crown of righteousness
33:09 laid up for me.
33:10 And not for me only,
33:12 for all those who endure, I'm putting that.
33:13 Oh, yeah.
33:15 I just love it to hear, but all those who endure,
33:16 there's a crown waiting for you.
33:18 So, endure the difficulty of this life
33:20 or the situation you're in right now.
33:22 Because afterwards you're going to see
33:23 if I didn't hold on, I couldn't be here now.
33:27 Maya Angelou once told Oprah Winfrey,
33:29 Oprah Winfrey said, "Maya,
33:30 what do you do when trials come your way?
33:32 Because I know you had."
33:33 She said, "I've had many of." She said, "What do you do?"
33:36 She says, "I've come to discover that
33:38 whatever on the other,
33:39 whatsoever on the other side of the trial
33:41 is better than what I have now.
33:44 Because the Lord wouldn't let it come
33:45 if what was on the other side
33:47 is not better than what I have right now.
33:48 So I endure it."
33:50 You always learn a lesson in trials too.
33:53 Absolutely.
33:54 Think about what Joseph said to his brothers in Genesis 50.
33:56 Oh, yes. What Satan intended for evil.
34:00 He said, God turned for good.
34:03 And that's sometimes the trials we bring on ourselves.
34:06 Because I think I brought a few on myself.
34:08 Sometimes the trials is just a result
34:11 of the world of sin we live in.
34:13 Like the man in John 9, the disciples said,
34:15 who said this man or his parents.
34:17 Yeah.
34:18 And Jesus said, neither, is that God can be glorified.
34:21 That's right.
34:22 And so sometimes the trial
34:23 really has nothing to do with you
34:25 and everything to do with someone else's salvation
34:28 looking at you through that.
34:30 But in the midst of it, no matter what the trial is.
34:33 Say that again, that's powerful.
34:35 Sometimes it has nothing to do with you
34:36 but people looking at you...
34:38 People looking at you,
34:39 and it has to do with their salvation
34:41 because can they see Jesus in the midst
34:43 of how you endure under that trial?
34:48 So sometimes, yes,
34:49 I think every time we go through a trial,
34:51 we need to evaluate, right?
34:52 The Word of God says, examine your own hearts, we say, God,
34:55 what do you want me to learn in the midst of this,
34:57 but it's not always something that we brought on ourselves.
35:00 Sometimes it's something else,
35:01 you know, but in the midst of that,
35:04 what does God want us to learn?
35:06 And how can we grow?
35:07 And how can we glorify Him through that enduring process?
35:13 You know, that reminds me of Job.
35:14 You have something, Pastor. Oh, no, no, no.
35:15 Okay. Yeah.
35:17 But I think of Job, you know, to, you know,
35:19 he went through a tremendous trial
35:21 and here he is a righteous man.
35:23 I know. Isn't that amazing?
35:25 But what he went through
35:26 in that enduring process for him
35:29 when he lost so much his possessions, his children,
35:32 which is his family, and his friends around him
35:35 are not that supportive.
35:36 And then, of course, yeah, just everything that happened.
35:40 His wife, yeah.
35:41 I mean, that's really close, you know, to him.
35:42 And you know, what Job went through,
35:44 and I know
35:45 that's one of our scriptures here.
35:46 That's in James 5.
35:48 But do you want to go to Romans first
35:49 or do you want to?
35:50 Oh, yeah. Makes no difference.
35:52 Okay.
35:53 But what does endurance produce in us as Christians,
35:55 Romans 5, I think that's a great text.
35:56 Romans 5, yeah.
35:57 That's a great text. I love Romans 5.
35:59 Yeah.
36:00 And hopefully we get to the story of Job.
36:01 Yeah.
36:03 Jay, you have that? Yes.
36:05 Romans 5 we're looking at, is it 1 through 5?
36:08 Yeah, let's start with one. Okay.
36:11 "Therefore, having been justified by faith,
36:14 we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
36:18 through whom also we have access by faith
36:21 into this grace in which we stand and rejoice
36:24 in hope of the glory of God.
36:26 And not only that,
36:27 but we also glory in tribulations,
36:30 knowing that tribulation produces perseverance,
36:33 and perseverance character, and character hope.
36:37 Now hope does not disappoint,
36:39 because the love of God
36:40 has been poured out in our hearts
36:43 by the Holy Spirit who was given to us."
36:45 You know...
36:47 What a powerful passage.
36:48 Some Christians say, oh, well, if I'm a Christian,
36:51 why am I going through this trial?
36:53 But to me, verse 1 says,
36:55 having been justified by faith
36:57 so that means these people are already have chosen Jesus.
36:59 That's right.
37:01 Right, they're already justified.
37:03 They're already in the Christian walk,
37:05 and here comes sanctification.
37:07 That's right. That whole process.
37:10 You know, you, that's a good point
37:11 because people think that when you get on the team
37:13 and I've been locking in this Olympic mode today
37:16 for whatever reason,
37:17 but the moment you enter the team,
37:19 the trainer says, or the coach says,
37:22 now we're just about to start this season.
37:24 And I heard a coach once said, I don't want a good player.
37:27 I want a player that I could train.
37:29 Michael Jordan.
37:30 You know, Michael Jordan, one of his coaches said,
37:32 what I liked about Michael Jordan,
37:34 he allowed me to train him.
37:36 Some people are good, but they never progress,
37:39 because they're not trainable.
37:40 Some Christians feel good.
37:43 But I remember one guy said to me,
37:45 the enemy of good is the enemy of best.
37:51 See, you might have a good walk with Christ,
37:54 but it could be better
37:55 or it could be the best walk with Christ.
37:56 Yeah.
37:58 So, the question I asked people is enigma question.
38:00 When is,
38:02 when is a good decision a bad decision
38:03 and a bad decision a good decision?
38:05 They said, "What?"
38:07 How could a good decision be a bad decision
38:08 and a bad decision can be a good decision?
38:10 Well, that's...
38:11 A good decision make a bad decision,
38:13 because a good decision is two steps away
38:15 from a best decision.
38:17 A bad decision is a good decision
38:20 because it's two steps away from the worst decision.
38:25 Wow.
38:26 And I must give Dr. Pseudopandit
38:28 credit for that.
38:29 Man, I admire greatly.
38:31 So, you made a bad decision,
38:32 but it's two steps away from the worst decision.
38:36 So it's a good decision.
38:38 I like that. That is good.
38:39 You may have made a good decision.
38:41 I'm going to watch this on 3ABN's YouTube channel
38:42 to rewind that one.
38:43 Okay.
38:45 So maybe a good decision,
38:46 but it's two steps away from the best decision.
38:47 So I don't want to be a good Christian.
38:50 I want to be the best that the Father can make me.
38:53 I don't want to make,
38:54 I don't want to make the worst choice.
38:56 So I have gotten away by making a bad choice.
38:59 And God has been good.
39:01 I persevere through a bad choice,
39:02 but the worst choice could have taken my life.
39:04 Yeah.
39:05 And sometimes the lesser evil,
39:07 God allows to prevent the greater evil.
39:10 And then you think about it,
39:12 when is the true character of a man tested?
39:14 You know, in adversity, it's like customer service too,
39:18 you know, you look at customer service,
39:20 you see,
39:23 company at its best in response to a messed up situation,
39:27 you have this angry customer,
39:29 what are you going to do to resolve it?
39:30 How are you going to handle yourself?
39:32 You know, in that moment,
39:34 are you going to get mad with them?
39:35 Are you going to get upset with them?
39:36 Are you going to write them off as a customer
39:38 as they've probably written you off as a company?
39:41 Or are you going to respond in a very loving look,
39:44 I'm sorry, are you going to own it?
39:46 Are you going to own your mistake?
39:47 They already know you messed up.
39:48 And that's just like God,
39:50 He already knows that we messed up.
39:51 So, are we going to own our mistakes?
39:53 Are we going to take them to God?
39:55 How are we going to respond in the eyes of trials
39:59 and stuff like that.
40:00 Yeah, I think, Angie,
40:02 if you see there in verse 3 of chapter, of Romans 5:3.
40:06 You want to read that?
40:08 And not only that,
40:09 but we also glory in tribulation.
40:11 Glory in tribulations.
40:14 No. It's like how do you glory.
40:16 No. Help me through.
40:17 I'm not there yet. You say just like that.
40:22 I'm sorry, I'm not there yet.
40:23 And then it says knowing that...
40:25 Tribulation produces perseverance.
40:28 It's different steps, isn't it?
40:30 Perseverance.
40:31 How do you...
40:33 So, these hard times, glory, am I right?
40:36 And it's like be it's producing something in us.
40:39 But it does. Yeah.
40:40 And that's God doing that work in us.
40:42 Yes.
40:43 Me and my elliptical stretching myself, doing.
40:47 It's painful. It's painful.
40:49 And you're sore sometimes at least I'm after I exercise
40:50 and push yourself, yeah.
40:52 Yes, yes.
40:53 But I feel so much better during throughout the day.
40:56 You have to endure but how do you find joy
41:00 or glory in tribulations.
41:03 Like James 1, you know...
41:05 Yes. Back to the four.
41:07 You got that one, Jill?
41:09 That's interesting, James 1:2-4.
41:11 This is the one, honey, that's I'm not there yet.
41:13 The one.
41:14 She told me this last night, she said,
41:15 "Look, I'm not there yet." James 1:2-4.
41:19 "My brethren count it all, joy.
41:25 I'm just going to stop there.
41:26 My brethren, count it all, joy."
41:28 Joy.
41:30 I know. Count it, joy.
41:32 And that word in Greek means pure, unmixed joy.
41:35 So this isn't some sort of joy like, okay,
41:38 it's modified or it's a temporary joy
41:40 or, no, counted all joy.
41:43 When you fall into various trials,
41:46 knowing that the testing
41:48 of your faith produces patience.
41:52 Wow. It's doing a work in us.
41:53 It is.
41:55 But let patience have its perfect work,
41:57 that you may be perfect and complete or entire,
42:00 lacking nothing.
42:04 You got to focus on that end result.
42:06 Yeah, that's what you told me last night.
42:08 Got to focus on the end result.
42:09 And this is, nobody sends out
42:11 a postcard when a trial comes, okay?
42:12 That's right.
42:14 Let's be candid about, nobody texts us smiley face.
42:15 Hey, you know, right now I'm in emergency.
42:18 You don't send a text, no I just had a car accident.
42:21 Could you, you know,
42:22 we're gonna have a party this weekend
42:23 to celebrate my car accident.
42:25 You don't, that's not a human response.
42:27 But the Lord is saying to us,
42:29 how many times have you been here?
42:30 How many times have you gone through a trial?
42:32 Do you remember the other side of it?
42:34 Yes, Lord.
42:35 He said, if you remember
42:37 that we have been here before.
42:40 What has happened as a result
42:41 of going through this difficulty?
42:43 Are you stronger now? Yes.
42:45 So don't think about the trial.
42:46 Think about the muscle,
42:48 the sin that you're going to develop.
42:49 Think about the weight.
42:51 You know, some people like to lift weights,
42:54 I have weights,
42:55 but they don't work just laying on the floor.
42:59 Sometimes I wish they did.
43:02 I have a perfectly great gym in our basement.
43:04 Yeah.
43:05 But it's not working without me on it.
43:07 And Angie, often said to me,
43:10 come on, get on the elliptical with me.
43:11 I said, no, that's okay.
43:14 You walk with me though. Yeah, I walk with her.
43:16 You know... That's good.
43:17 I need to just...
43:19 Get on that elliptical.
43:20 I couldn't get out of this situation.
43:21 The trial, no.
43:23 But there's a joy that comes with it,
43:25 not in where you are, the present.
43:28 But in what you know is going to come after that,
43:30 like breaking into a mountain that's filled with coal
43:33 and you find a diamond.
43:35 Like, wow, now I'm glad I broke into the mountain.
43:39 So that's what life is like. Yes.
43:40 But we don't, you know, honestly,
43:43 James is not saying throw a party when trials come.
43:45 Not at all.
43:46 He's saying think about what's going to happen
43:48 on the other side of it.
43:49 I think to me, joy is not happiness, right?
43:52 Because happiness is dependent on circumstance.
43:54 That's right. Joy is what comes in Jesus.
43:58 Joy is pull in silence,
44:00 singing
44:01 in the middle of the night in prison
44:03 now that's not happiness,
44:04 but it's choosing to praise because when we praise God,
44:09 He shows up.
44:11 And He delivers us
44:12 and He redeems us and He changes us.
44:15 What a difference praise makes. Yeah, it does.
44:18 Amen. What?
44:19 You know, Jill just something, when we praise, God shows up.
44:22 Yes. You know what?
44:24 I think can I modify that a little bit
44:25 in all due respect.
44:27 When we praise, we recognize He never left.
44:30 Good. Thank you. It's good.
44:32 He's always there.
44:33 He's always been there.
44:35 When we praise, we realize, He never left.
44:37 Yeah. Right.
44:39 I'll never leave you nor forsake you
44:40 but you can't see me.
44:42 You know, having eyes, He said that to the Pharisees,
44:44 because you say you have no sin
44:46 and it remains I can't do anything for you.
44:48 So when we praise Him, we recognize He never left us.
44:51 And that's the thing about,
44:53 He wants to train our eyes to see in the trial.
44:56 I took a camera to the school once,
44:58 school here and I took pictures
44:59 and then I put on the screen and said,
45:01 now identify this stuff.
45:02 And the kids are saying, where's that.
45:04 And they couldn't identify, I said, you know,
45:06 that's the corner in the kitchen.
45:08 I took a picture behind the stove,
45:09 the big industrial stove in the corner of the kitchen,
45:11 they said,
45:13 why would you take a picture of that?
45:14 I said, well look at the next picture.
45:15 This is a little tiny flower in front of the school
45:17 coming through a rock they say, wow.
45:19 I say, now here's the thing.
45:21 Is there something wrong with my camera?
45:22 No, it's what I focus on.
45:24 And we focus on the wrong thing sometimes,
45:26 the Lord is saying,
45:28 I want you to focus on something.
45:29 I didn't, I didn't leave, I'm here.
45:31 But in the trials,
45:32 you're looking in the wrong direction.
45:34 We can take a camera
45:35 and take the most awful pictures.
45:37 Or we can take a camera and capture
45:39 the most beautiful sunset.
45:40 It's what we're focusing on
45:42 that lets us know God never left.
45:44 Yeah. Yeah. Amen.
45:46 Should we skip down to,
45:47 we're looking at what does endurance
45:48 produce in us as Christians,
45:50 but then we can go down to how we're enduring,
45:52 enduring, which we're talking about already,
45:54 but I do like the story of Job.
45:55 Yes. Okay.
45:57 That's course the story of Job is in Job,
45:59 but I like the passage that you have here,
46:01 that's James 5, referring it to Job.
46:04 James Chapter 5.
46:07 Jason, do you have that? I do.
46:09 James 5:11. Verse 11.
46:11 "Indeed we count them blessed who endure.
46:14 You have heard of the perseverance of Job
46:16 and seen the end intended by the Lord,
46:19 that the Lord is very compassionate
46:21 and merciful."
46:22 Oh, yes, He is.
46:25 Very compassionate.
46:26 He went through a huge struggle.
46:28 Huge. Yeah.
46:29 Yeah.
46:31 Yeah. He lost everything.
46:32 Honey, you're gonna say something about that passage?
46:33 I know you are.
46:35 Last night, I did, that's why.
46:38 What did you find in that passage, Angie,
46:40 because it is a powerful passage?
46:41 Yeah, it is.
46:43 Because I said last night I said,
46:45 "Honey, Lord is full of compassion."
46:49 But he says, "He's very compassionate."
46:51 That's right
46:52 That's huge,
46:54 not just compassionate and merciful.
46:55 He's very, He's acquainted with our weaknesses.
46:59 He knows, He lived the human life.
47:02 He knows what we've gone through.
47:04 And so, I love that compassionate.
47:07 Yeah, compassionate.
47:08 Very compassionate and merciful.
47:10 And that's what we ought to exemplify that.
47:14 I know does anybody ever get on your,
47:17 almost last nerve?
47:20 You go like...
47:23 And you question your response.
47:24 How am I, in our response could either mean
47:27 they forget about the Jesus in us,
47:30 or the Jesus in us becomes more obvious.
47:33 So that's what's going on here.
47:35 Because Job, you know,
47:37 the story we read through the Job
47:39 and we got so many highlights in story of Job.
47:40 Yeah, it's powerful story.
47:42 But sometimes people don't understand,
47:43 like his friends
47:45 didn't understand what he was going through.
47:46 No.
47:47 But here's the thing
47:49 that really caught my attention here.
47:50 This is perseverance of Job and seeing the end,
47:55 the next word intended.
47:57 Yeah. What does God intend?
47:59 Why does God allow, He intends something to happen.
48:02 And that's a powerful word.
48:04 I never preached a sermon called intentional.
48:06 Yeah. That's a good sermon title.
48:07 But everything was restored to him,
48:09 he had double, double honor.
48:11 But this is intentional. But I see what...
48:13 It's not intentional. Oh, yeah.
48:14 It wasn't. It wasn't incidental.
48:17 No, it was not. No, that is true.
48:18 For I know, the plans I have for you, says the Lord.
48:21 Plans to prosper you
48:22 and not to harm you to give you a future and hope.
48:24 And that is just God's plan for each one of us.
48:28 You know, I just want to encourage you
48:30 tonight right now,
48:31 you might be going through something
48:33 and you're enduring,
48:34 you're going through a trial or a hardship
48:37 or loss of a loved one, I can't even fathom that.
48:41 And yet in the midst of that,
48:44 the Lord Jesus is right by your side.
48:48 And He says, I have loved you with an everlasting love.
48:52 And I want you to fix your eyes on me
48:56 because when we look at Jesus,
48:57 He enables us to endure through.
49:02 So just know that your 3ABN family here
49:04 that we are praying for you in the midst of your battle
49:09 that the Lord would see you through
49:10 and make you victorious.
49:12 Amen. Amen.
49:14 You know, we saw a new story
49:15 that was so touching of a young family.
49:17 Last night, yeah.
49:18 The father was 32 years old, he contracted COVID and...
49:23 Mother has two children.
49:25 They have two children. Small children.
49:27 Small children. A baby and a son about three.
49:30 Yeah, and he loves his children.
49:32 They showed all the pictures of him with his children.
49:34 And to get to the story shortly.
49:36 He lost the battle with COVID-19.
49:40 But in the hospital
49:41 when he was going through his final moments,
49:43 he was able to write on his phone
49:47 a message for his wife
49:50 that she said normally
49:51 I don't look at my husband's phone.
49:53 We don't have any reason to suspect him.
49:56 But he left it so that he knew...
49:59 She would find out. I would find it.
50:00 He left a lengthy note.
50:02 And it was heart wrenching, I mean, the news cast,
50:05 I kept seeing her swallow.
50:07 Yeah. Bowed her head, swallowing.
50:10 Very emotional. Yeah.
50:11 It brought tears to her eyes, it kind of,
50:12 we leaned on each other
50:14 and just tears will come out of her eyes.
50:15 I just hugged him as a wife losing her husband.
50:18 And he had two children.
50:20 And then so the news program said, well,
50:22 we started a GoFundMe for you.
50:24 And $777,000 came in right now.
50:28 And she said, well, I'm gonna stay at home, mom.
50:30 She said, what will you do with the money?
50:32 She said, you know, what? Yeah.
50:34 Should I give back every penny to have my husband back.
50:37 Wow. Every penny.
50:40 Almost. She said, I don't need it.
50:41 I will be glad to give back every penny
50:44 just to have him back.
50:45 But you know, those are those moments
50:47 where you don't excuse us
50:48 for getting a little bit emotional.
50:49 But, you know, when you love your spouse the way I do.
50:52 Of course.
50:53 And the way my wife loves me, you think, what would I get,
50:57 you know, what would I give
50:59 to make it through a difficult moment.
51:00 I'd give everything. Everything.
51:02 When you think about Job, he lost everything.
51:04 He lost his children, he lost his livestock,
51:07 he lost his possessions.
51:08 And...
51:10 He had his God. Say it again.
51:12 He had his God.
51:15 Most important.
51:16 And so, through it all,
51:18 there are some of you that are watching this program.
51:20 We want you to know here, just like Job, you didn't lose,
51:23 you may have lost everything, but you didn't lose God.
51:26 Never will.
51:28 He never left you, He never, He never left your side.
51:30 And so, you have to endure because what it says here,
51:33 perseverance of Job
51:35 and seeing the intended end of the Lord,
51:39 the end intended by the Lord.
51:41 He saw, well, I know,
51:42 I understand why I'm going through this now.
51:44 And we're not saying that God intends
51:46 for you to lose a spouse.
51:47 No, of course not.
51:48 That's an unfortunate thing that happens in this life.
51:50 Everybody dies at some point.
51:52 But you have to know, don't forget the last part,
51:55 the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.
51:57 And He will be with you through this difficult time.
51:59 You know, I like this, pastor, in my version here it says,
52:02 "And the Lord is very pitiful." Oh, beautiful.
52:04 In other words, He's very compassionate.
52:05 Yes. Merciful.
52:07 So, you know, His heart goes out
52:09 into the suffering
52:10 but I think then that's the promise
52:11 that we've been referring to.
52:13 Yeah.
52:14 That's why He endured on the cross.
52:16 Because He knew this wasn't it.
52:17 You know, there's something better,
52:18 He's saving us from this world of sin.
52:20 Yes, it's not the end of the story.
52:21 No, it's not, exactly, say that again.
52:23 It's not the end of the story. It's right.
52:25 We have, as the Bible says, what we have a better,
52:29 a better land.
52:30 So, this is not it to those who loved the Lord.
52:34 So let's endure. Endure.
52:36 Amen. All right.
52:38 Let's end in some prayers. Pastor, do we start with you?
52:40 We'll go around the circle. Sure.
52:41 Thank you.
52:43 Loving Father in heaven,
52:44 thank You for Your patience with us,
52:46 Your merciful grace to us.
52:48 There's somebody watching right now
52:50 is in a place where they don't know
52:52 whether to hold on to let go.
52:54 Father, take their hand and hold on for them.
52:58 Put Your arms around them
53:00 that they won't fall out of the ride
53:01 that they're riding in right now.
53:03 The turns are tough, the dips are difficult
53:05 and they just can't see the end of it.
53:07 Hold them in the cradle of Your arms
53:10 that they won't let go.
53:11 And when they can't pray, Father,
53:13 just take the meditations of their hearts.
53:16 Has sufficient and bring them through it,
53:19 I ask in Your precious name.
53:22 Amen.
53:23 And, Father, we come to You again in prayer.
53:27 We are so thankful for Jesus.
53:29 Where would we be without Jesus?
53:32 Lord, we thank You for Your promises.
53:35 Through Ye, it's just so true.
53:38 Thank You, Lord,
53:39 we know that as my husband mentioned
53:41 many are going through trials.
53:44 We pray for endurance
53:46 that they will endure till the end.
53:48 There's a blessing at the end,
53:51 even in the trial, there is a blessing.
53:54 So help them to hold on
53:55 and not let go of the hand of Jesus.
53:58 There won't be long.
54:00 We will be home very, very soon.
54:02 And I just ask that You will just encourage
54:05 and comfort each person
54:07 and help us all to be faithful on to the end.
54:10 Amen.
54:12 Dear Heavenly Father,
54:14 I just want to thank You so much for walking with us
54:18 in the midst of our trials and being with us
54:20 through the storm.
54:22 Father, I ask that You would please help us
54:25 and everyone to endure what comes our way.
54:30 Those situations may seem like it's the end.
54:35 We ask that You would just help us
54:37 to get through that,
54:39 help us to take away lessons
54:41 that are preparing us for Your soon return.
54:45 Help us not to have our own agenda
54:47 but to seek Your will to be done.
54:49 In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
54:52 Holy Father, we're grateful for the gift of Jesus.
54:57 We're thankful for the gift of the Holy Spirit
55:00 who comforts us in our time of need.
55:04 We're thankful for Your Word and the promises in Your Word
55:07 which are yes and amen in Christ Jesus.
55:11 And how Father,
55:12 we can trust You through it all.
55:15 And, Lord, I'm just praying
55:17 for my brothers and sisters right now.
55:19 Maybe they're not sure if they can trust.
55:23 God, would You strengthen their faith
55:26 and when they cannot even come to You,
55:30 we are carrying them,
55:32 like the friends of the paralytic
55:34 to You right now.
55:36 Would you touch them?
55:43 Father in heaven, Lord,
55:44 we're grateful that You are the author
55:47 and the finisher of our faith.
55:50 I pray for that person right now
55:51 that is either listening or watching
55:53 that they feel as though they're drowning.
55:56 They're going down, coming up and gasping
55:58 for another breath of air it seems
56:00 and then going back down with maybe loss of a job.
56:04 Their world around them
56:05 that seems to be just crashing in on them.
56:09 And they don't know that they're,
56:10 what they seem to be hanging on
56:12 to maybe just seem like a tiny little thread.
56:14 But, Father, You will never ever let us go.
56:17 As pastor is mentioning, You've been there all along.
56:21 You're just right there.
56:22 And, Lord, as we are reaching our hands out to You,
56:24 we know that You will grasp them
56:26 and pull us up
56:27 from what seems like an impossible situation.
56:30 Father, I just pray that You'd help us all
56:32 to endure to the very end.
56:34 In Jesus' name we pray.
56:36 Amen.
56:37 Amen. Amen.
56:40 What a joy to share family worship
56:41 with each one of you.
56:42 We just have a few moments.
56:44 I don't know if you,
56:45 any one of you have a closing thoughts,
56:47 something that you'd like to share
56:48 on the topic?
56:49 If you want to or you don't want to whatever.
56:51 Real quick, tough times don't last
56:53 but tough people do.
56:55 That's good. That's right.
56:57 That's when you have the Lord with you.
56:58 That's right, when you have the Lord.
56:59 Without Him you can't do it.
57:01 We can't make it without the Lord.
57:02 Yeah. No.
57:04 Just hang on.
57:05 I said, just hang on,
57:06 claim the promises in God's Word.
57:09 Amen. Absolutely.
57:10 Thank you all for being part of the family.
57:12 Amen.
57:13 We love working with you
57:15 and so appreciate your walk with God
57:16 and sharing that with our 3ABN family.
57:19 It's a joy to have family worship together.
57:20 It is, you know, yeah, to be thanking the Lord
57:22 for a wonderful week.
57:23 We know that He will carry us through.
57:25 We don't know what next week has in store,
57:26 He does.
57:28 We just need to trust Him.
57:29 We encourage you to hang on to God and His promises,
57:32 study His Word on a daily basis.
57:34 And God bless you. We'll see you next time.
57:36 Amen.


Revised 2020-05-29