Today Family Worship

Sons and Daughters of God

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW200009S

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Family Worship.
01:11 My name is John Dinzey.
01:12 I'm glad to be with you during this hour,
01:15 where we will be
01:16 sharing together from God's Word.
01:18 And we have some of the members of the 3ABN family,
01:22 which it's an extension of your family.
01:24 So I'd like to start out on my left
01:25 with Sister Francine.
01:27 Welcome. Thank you.
01:29 I'm glad to be here. I appreciate it.
01:31 And you do a wonderful work with the kids' channel.
01:35 Tell us about that?
01:37 Well, there's a lot of programming
01:38 going on with the kids programming
01:40 and right now with what's going on.
01:42 We're also having the lessons for the kids.
01:44 So definitely, we're having a lot of fun
01:46 and we have a little new addition coming.
01:48 Praise God.
01:50 Well, next to you is your husband Jason Bergmann.
01:54 Welcome. Good to be here. Thank you.
01:56 Thank you for allowing me
01:57 to be a part of this great time.
01:59 Amen. Amen.
02:00 And you work in what aspect of the 3ABN ministry?
02:05 So I'm part of the accounting finance area.
02:08 So I enjoy numbers.
02:11 And so, really good group of people
02:14 and it's good to be here and be a part of 3ABN,
02:18 especially during this time.
02:19 I'm seeing all those
02:22 who are donating to 3ABN, it's a true blessing.
02:25 So, and just happy to be a part of it
02:28 and seeing what we do here, it's just a blessing.
02:32 Thank you so much,
02:34 and going to my right Sister Nancy O'Brien.
02:36 Welcome. Thank you.
02:38 It's nice to be here.
02:39 I always enjoy Family Worship on Friday night,
02:42 so it's good to be here.
02:43 Thank you. Amen.
02:45 Tell us a little bit about what you do for 3ABN family?
02:48 I am a trust officer in the Plant Giving
02:51 and Trust Services department.
02:53 So we work with people
02:55 that are interested in trusts and annuities, and wills and...
03:02 All those things. All those things, yeah.
03:04 Well, we have heard from Joe O' Brien,
03:07 tell us a little bit about what you do and welcome.
03:09 Thank you.
03:11 I guess I started here around 1999
03:14 and have been in the pastoral department,
03:17 started with Johnny
03:18 with just the two of us for a while.
03:20 That's right. And love what I do.
03:23 It's a good job to be able to go
03:25 out to the world and share,
03:28 answering questions from the good old Word.
03:31 Thus saith the Lord because He really is healing
03:34 and points the direction and how to get there.
03:39 I love it. Amen.
03:40 We worked for many years
03:42 in the pastoral ministry department
03:43 and I always enjoyed your passion
03:45 as you speak to people and pray with them.
03:48 Speaking of prayer, we're going to go to the Lord
03:50 in prayer right now
03:52 and I'm going to ask Pastor Joe O'Brien
03:53 to lead us in prayer.
03:55 Our Father in heaven, this morning,
03:57 we look to being together, one with you.
04:02 It's important, Lord,
04:04 that having been made in Your image,
04:06 having fallen,
04:08 that Your love has provided for us a Savior,
04:12 who's paid the price
04:14 and that we have the opportunity
04:16 to once again become your sons and daughters
04:20 and walk with You, according to Your will.
04:23 Help us Lord along the way and in this meeting today here,
04:27 we want to share some of the points
04:30 that are necessary and useful in being restored,
04:34 being redeemed, being sanctified
04:37 for the future, new heaven and new earth.
04:40 And we thank You for being with us,
04:42 and helping us to share those thoughts
04:44 that are important for this time.
04:47 And we thank You in Jesus' name, amen.
04:49 Amen. Amen.
04:50 Amen. Amen. Thank you so much.
04:53 Well, today we're talking about something very important.
04:56 What I believe is
04:57 and that is sons and daughters of God.
05:00 And we have to start,
05:04 what you would say where the problem started.
05:08 It was God's intention that we would live
05:13 eternally happy being children of God,
05:16 but sin entered into the world.
05:18 We're going to take a brief look at Genesis Chapter 3,
05:22 because it tells us the story,
05:24 I would say, very briefly
05:26 of how sin entered into the world.
05:29 Well, there was the enemy,
05:30 I'm going to give a little summary before that.
05:32 There was the enemy, Lucifer,
05:35 wonderful, beautiful angel that rebelled in heaven
05:39 having no reason whatsoever,
05:42 but that desired that which did not belong to Him.
05:47 And not only was he not happy,
05:51 he tried to create that same unhappiness
05:55 in the other angels and a third of the angels,
06:00 for some reason or another,
06:04 sided with Lucifer to cause rebellion in heaven.
06:09 I don't know if any one of you wants
06:11 to give something brief about the rebellion in heaven.
06:15 And what do you,
06:21 what the Lord has shown you there about the rebellion?
06:23 I mean, there was really no reason whatsoever.
06:28 I do remember hearing somebody mentioned something about
06:32 when you want to sell an idea to somebody
06:34 that you have to somehow make them believe it's theirs.
06:40 I've heard of salesmen, that some people
06:43 some they say when you show up to somebody's house,
06:45 they don't know they need what you have.
06:47 So you have to somehow let them believe,
06:50 lead them to believe they have a need,
06:52 even though they don't think they did.
06:54 And so, any thoughts? I see you sharing them.
06:59 It surprised when I gave it thought
07:01 that in heaven, this war, there was no bloodshed.
07:07 And then it occurred to me
07:09 that the war was a war of words,
07:12 and thoughts, and ideas, and beliefs.
07:16 And obviously, Satan has said,
07:20 "I will be as the Most High,"
07:23 which means he wants to be worshiped.
07:26 And with that in mind, things started to look
07:29 a whole lot different when I read Scripture.
07:33 So he craved, he desired the worship
07:35 that God that rightfully belong to God.
07:40 There's a wonderful song out there
07:41 that is called God and God alone.
07:44 And it's a beautiful song, beautiful words,
07:46 but let's go to Him coming to the earth.
07:51 He came to the earth to try to gain
07:54 more supporters for His cause.
07:56 Genesis 3:1-10.
08:00 And I would like to read,
08:02 let's say the first five verses and,
08:05 Sister Francine,
08:06 if you would read the next five,
08:08 and then we will talk a little bit about it.
08:10 Now it says in Genesis 3:1,
08:13 "Now the serpent was more crafty or subtle,"
08:16 the King James Version says,
08:18 "than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made.
08:22 He said to the woman,
08:24 'Did God really say you must not eat
08:27 from any tree in the garden?'
08:30 The woman said to the serpent,
08:32 'We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden,
08:35 but God did say you must not eat fruit
08:38 from the tree
08:39 that is in the middle of the garden,
08:41 and you must not touch it, or you will die.'
08:45 'You will not certainly die,' the serpent said to the woman,
08:48 for God knows that when you eat from it,
08:51 your eyes will be open and you will be like
08:54 God knowing good and evil.'"
08:57 "So when the women saw that the tree was good for the food,
09:01 that it was pleasant to the eyes
09:03 and the tree desirable to make one wise,
09:06 she took it for its fruit and ate.
09:09 She also gave it to her husband with her,
09:11 and he ate.
09:13 Then the eyes of both of them were opened,
09:16 and they knew that they were naked,
09:18 and they sewed fig leaves together
09:21 and made themselves coverings.
09:23 And they heard the sound of the Lord
09:25 God walking in the garden in the cool of the day,
09:28 and Adam and his wife hid themselves
09:31 from the presence of the Lord
09:32 God amongst the trees of the garden.
09:35 Then the Lord God called to Adam,
09:37 and said to him, 'Where are you?'
09:41 So He said,
09:42 'I heard your voice in the garden,
09:44 and I was afraid
09:45 because I was naked, and I hid myself.'"
09:49 Very good. Thank you very much.
09:51 Any comments about these verses that we read?
09:54 There's a lot packed in there.
09:55 There's a lot packed in there, yes.
09:59 I was thinking about verse 4, I believe it is, it says,
10:03 "And the serpent said unto the woman,
10:06 'You shall not surely die.'"
10:07 And I once asked myself,
10:11 why didn't he just say you shall not die?
10:15 This is a war of words.
10:16 He put that word in there surely.
10:18 You should not surely die.
10:21 Maybe just a little bit,
10:23 or maybe it's different than you think.
10:26 And so, I looked at that a little closer
10:29 and thought to myself,
10:30 this is the beginning of spiritualism.
10:33 We hear people talk about spiritualism as a bad thing.
10:36 And what is it and where did it come from?
10:38 Well, what he's saying is,
10:41 "You shall not surely die."
10:44 He's saying, "You don't surely die."
10:50 When you die, you don't die. What are you talking about?
10:52 That's spiritualism. You still live.
10:54 What are you talking about? He says, "You don't surely die.
10:59 If you don't surely die, your spirit lives on."
11:02 That is spiritualism, believing that you don't die,
11:04 that you're immortal.
11:06 And the Bible says only God is immortal.
11:09 So then, actually,
11:13 we are believing Satan instead of God.
11:15 You shall not surely die.
11:18 You got a choice,
11:20 you're going to believe you die or you don't die.
11:21 Is God right or Satan right?
11:23 And if you believe in spiritualism,
11:26 that when you die, you live on somehow surely.
11:30 That's spiritualism
11:31 and you're believing Satan that you don't die.
11:35 So something I noticed in verse 9,
11:39 where Francine read,
11:41 "Then the Lord called to Adam and Eve
11:44 and said to him, 'Where are you?'"
11:47 You know, when I look at, when I consider that question,
11:53 God knows the end from the beginning.
11:58 And for him to ask the question,
12:00 where are you, He already knew that
12:04 something had drastically changed the relationship
12:08 between His children.
12:11 And for him to ask, I'm sure His heart
12:15 was just devastated but understanding that
12:20 the plan of salvation is now needs to be enacted.
12:26 And I just see that here's a relationship
12:29 that was close that they were eager to run to Jesus
12:33 and then from eager running to a hiding.
12:39 And that, boy, I tell you from a parent perspective,
12:43 you know, I play hide and go seek with my daughter
12:46 and you know, it's all fun and games,
12:48 but when you're talking about your creation,
12:50 who was eager to see you to a point
12:53 where they're afraid of you now,
12:55 that was hard.
12:58 It must have been hard.
12:59 And for me, their eyes were opened.
13:02 And as a parent, like you were saying,
13:05 we want to protect our daughter, for example,
13:07 and I don't want her eyes always opened on evil,
13:11 what is bent, what is evil.
13:13 And so, yes, their eyes were opened,
13:16 but was it for the good?
13:18 And then it comes back to
13:21 when Amanda specifically a little too quiet
13:24 or something like, you have that relationship
13:27 with her, you know, something's amiss, you know,
13:30 and it's because of that relationship.
13:31 And she knows when I'm coming up the stairs
13:34 or, you know, when mommy's coming,
13:36 she knows, you know, she's doing something
13:38 because she's lately, she's at that age
13:40 where she wants to experiment with things.
13:42 And so she's going through my cupboards
13:44 and grabbing some things
13:45 and trying to mix things and, you know,
13:47 which is a good thing,
13:49 but she knows there's certain things
13:50 she's not supposed to get into.
13:51 And so, you know,
13:53 when she has that guilty conscience,
13:54 mommy already knows something's wrong,
13:56 like there's that atmosphere
13:58 because of that relationship and that's the same with God.
14:01 God already had that relationship,
14:03 and so did Adam.
14:04 And he knew God was coming.
14:07 And he had that guilty conscience of,
14:09 "I've done something.
14:11 And there's this separation of that we've done."
14:14 And even when my daughter will do something like that,
14:18 that she's not supposed to, it's hurting the trust
14:21 that we have for each other, you know,
14:23 and it's also making that barrier
14:26 and so you have to almost reinstate, like,
14:28 she has to earn that trust back to be able to do that.
14:31 And I think that's what God's working on here
14:33 is working back for our salvation.
14:36 Definitely.
14:38 Yes. Thank you very much.
14:39 When you mentioned guilt,
14:41 I just, it hit me that all of us
14:45 when we sin, we feel guilt.
14:49 And you don't have to be a Christian to feel guilty.
14:54 I mean, this is powerful stuff.
14:56 So when we feel guilty, what happens to me,
14:58 I mean, my experience is that
15:02 you don't want to see God right away,
15:04 maybe a couple days later might be better
15:06 because you forget about these things, you know,
15:08 so it's a little easier to go back to Him.
15:11 And so I began to realize
15:14 this is the spiritual war.
15:18 God wants us to be righteous,
15:19 Satan wants us to be wrongteous.
15:22 I want to coin that word
15:23 because if there's up, there's down...
15:25 That's a new word, isn't it?
15:26 If there's up, there's down, if there's hot, there's cold,
15:28 if there's righteousness, there must be wrongteousness.
15:31 But anyway, so the point is that
15:34 when you sin, when I sin and you feel that guilt,
15:38 you don't want to see the boss,
15:39 you don't want to see your best friend,
15:41 because not right now, maybe in a day or two,
15:44 but I've come to understand that
15:46 this is a war and because it's a war.
15:50 If I were to tell a lie, and wait a day or two,
15:53 it might be easier.
15:55 But Satan's got that time on his turf.
15:58 He's still messing with you, okay?
16:01 And when I would say a lie, if I were to tell a lie,
16:05 the best thing you can do
16:07 is fall on your knees one second after
16:09 and say, "Lord, don't leave me.
16:12 I'm sorry, forgive me.
16:15 Let's be buddies again, let's be friends."
16:17 And do that as quick as you can,
16:18 because the time from you've done it,
16:21 to the time that you get around to get in friendly
16:23 with your boss, is Satan's time.
16:27 Don't let him have it,
16:28 take it away from him immediately.
16:30 You know, and also anybody must have love Jesus.
16:35 I mean that love relationship is there.
16:37 And when they sinned,
16:39 I'm sure they felt guilt, but it was also guilt that
16:41 they had hurt someone they loved.
16:44 I mean, I remember as a teenager
16:45 saying something to my mother that after I said it was like,
16:48 and I saw her face, it was like,
16:50 "Oh, I didn't, you know, I'm so sorry, I said that."
16:53 Because when you love someone, you know that it's the hurt
16:57 that you've caused them
16:58 that causes you the terrible feeling.
17:00 Amen.
17:02 So the question is, is feeling guilty a good thing?
17:06 Is it a good thing?
17:08 It can be.
17:12 Actually it can be. It actually can be.
17:13 And that's the hardest thing
17:15 is when you feel guilty is to say, I'm sorry.
17:17 I mean, even for our daughter
17:18 at two or three years old that was,
17:20 that's the hardest thing for her to do sometimes
17:23 is just to say, I'm sorry.
17:26 You know, and there's other times
17:27 it comes quickly.
17:29 But there's other times it's like,
17:30 I'm not that sorry like,
17:31 you know, and sometimes we're not.
17:33 As human beings, we're not sorry.
17:35 Now, I'm hoping that they were very sorry,
17:37 especially with the ramifications
17:40 of what we see here.
17:41 I'm sure they must have had that guilt.
17:43 And that, you know, being sorry for sin.
17:45 And that's the step of reconciliation, I guess.
17:50 You know, it's interesting that as we look at this,
17:53 there are many things that we can bring out,
17:55 but I believe there's a great possibility
18:00 that there was more conversation
18:03 between the serpent and Eve
18:05 before they got to this question,
18:07 "Did God really say you cannot eat
18:08 from every tree of the garden"
18:09 because I can't really, I mean, I don't meet people
18:12 that I just met and say,
18:14 "Hey, did God really say, you know."
18:15 No, there was possibly some more conversation,
18:19 but the Bible is giving us
18:21 the main discussion
18:26 to lead to what happened.
18:28 And so it's interesting that
18:34 the serpent says,
18:38 "For God knows when you eat from it,
18:40 your eyes will be open and you'll be like
18:42 God knowing good and evil."
18:43 Now, to some degree, I believe that, you know,
18:47 they want it to be like God, they admired Him.
18:50 But now, the way
18:52 the serpent presents this thing,
18:54 it's like, you know,
18:56 it seems like God doesn't love you
18:58 enough to give you more than what He's given you,
19:01 because He knows that when your eyes are open,
19:03 you're going to be knowing good and evil and seem to paint,
19:07 if I say that way,
19:09 like knowing evil was a good thing.
19:11 I mean, if I say, if I say to you,
19:14 "Jason, you're going to be like God,
19:17 knowing good health and really bad health."
19:21 It doesn't sound as good, does it?
19:23 Or knowing disease,
19:24 knowing health and knowing disease,
19:26 it doesn't sound as good.
19:27 But apparently, Eve's curiosity
19:30 was heightened to say,
19:34 "Wow, must be something good to know,
19:36 good and evil."
19:38 And so, I think you wanted to say something
19:41 about this aspect of the,
19:44 that she had to evaluate what He said,
19:46 "Wait a minute, if I eat of the fruit,
19:49 I will be like God, knowing good and evil."
19:52 Well, the first thing that crosses my mind is that
19:56 this was Satan's problem in heaven.
20:00 He was in the Eve's position.
20:01 He wanted more,
20:03 he wanted to be like the Most High.
20:05 And he figured, well, that'll work for Eve too.
20:07 I can tell her she can have more.
20:09 And in the process of that, there's a...
20:15 I think it's verse 6 in Genesis 3:6.
20:18 Okay.
20:20 "And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food,"
20:23 that's the carnal part, the physical part.
20:26 And I read that numerous times until one day,
20:29 it occurred to me, she saw something.
20:33 What did she see?
20:36 Well, in the Hebrew language, the word saw is raah.
20:41 And raah is defined as to be caused to see,
20:47 to be shown,
20:50 and to be exhibited to you.
20:54 Exhibited, she saw something.
20:57 So we could probably consider the likelihood
20:59 that Satan took a bite.
21:03 And guess what? He didn't die.
21:07 Whoa, maybe he knows something,
21:11 maybe he know something about this good and evil thing
21:13 is what I wanted a little bit of that.
21:16 In any event just real quickly to bring out that,
21:19 she took the fruit thereof and did eat
21:21 and gave it also unto her husband.
21:24 And he did eat.
21:25 Now when she went to give it to her husband,
21:27 there was already a bite gone.
21:29 I mean, she was probably...
21:31 He knew that she had eaten it, and she was not dead.
21:35 So it wasn't as easy to criticize and say,
21:38 "Well, these people weren't paying attention."
21:40 No, there was something more going on there
21:41 than we realize, you know.
21:43 So in any event, though,
21:44 that's just the carnal perspective.
21:46 The spiritual perspective is that Satan,
21:51 it says in the end of time,
21:54 God's people will keep the commandments of God
21:56 and have the Spirit of Jesus,
21:57 but it also says
21:59 they will not have guile in their mouths.
22:01 This is an experience of guile
22:05 using words cleverly that sound
22:07 like the truth based on God's Word,
22:11 but there's guile there.
22:13 This is brilliant. Be careful. Thank you.
22:16 You know, as we were reading here,
22:18 I saw something that
22:19 I've never really thought about before.
22:21 And I'm going to say just to,
22:24 not that I'm going to make a comment about it,
22:26 but it's interesting to me.
22:28 Notice verse 9 and 10,
22:30 "But the Lord God called to the man,
22:32 'Where are you?'
22:34 He answered, 'I heard you in the garden
22:37 and I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid."
22:41 So one of two things have to be happening here.
22:44 He is, God is talking to Adam by himself
22:49 or Eve stayed behind for some reason,
22:54 because he only answered for himself.
22:57 I was naked. He didn't say, we were naked.
22:59 He said, I was naked. It's very interesting.
23:03 And so, I'm sure you have heard that
23:08 Adam and Eve before sin were robed,
23:12 they were wearing a garment of light.
23:16 It's very interesting when you consider that
23:20 they sewed fig leaves together to make themselves a garment.
23:25 And part of this shame is I'm not wearing
23:28 the garment You gave me anymore.
23:32 I'm wearing something else, you know.
23:35 So there's the guilt aspect of it.
23:38 I don't want to face God,
23:39 I've done something He told me not to do.
23:42 And, of course,
23:43 then there are the consequences.
23:45 But here, there's this mercy
23:50 offered to both Adam and Eve and I'm sure that
23:53 because of time we are not able to talk
23:55 about the whole thing.
23:56 Genesis Chapter 11.
23:58 This time I'm going to read verses...
24:01 I'm going to read five verses.
24:05 And then, Mrs. O'Brien,
24:10 if you read them unto verse 19 when I stop.
24:13 "And he said, 'Who told you that you were naked?
24:15 Have you eaten from the tree
24:17 that I commanded you not to eat from?'
24:20 The man said,
24:21 'The woman you put here with me,
24:22 she gave me some fruit from the tree and I ate it.'
24:26 Then the Lord God said to the woman,
24:28 'What is this you have done?'
24:30 The woman said,
24:32 'The serpent deceived me, and I ate.'
24:35 So the Lord God said to the serpent,
24:37 'Because you have done this,
24:39 cursed are you above all livestock,
24:42 and all wild animals, you will crawl on your belly,
24:45 and you will eat dust all the days of your life.'"
24:50 "And I will put enmity between you and the woman,
24:52 and between your seed and her seed.
24:55 He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel.
24:59 To the woman He said,
25:00 'I will greatly multiply your sorrow
25:03 and your conception.
25:04 In pain, you shall bring forth children.
25:07 Your desire shall be for your husband,
25:09 and he shall rule over you."
25:12 Then to Adam He said,
25:14 'Because you have heeded the voice of your wife,
25:17 and have eaten from the tree
25:18 of which I commanded you, saying,
25:20 You shall not eat of it,'
25:22 cursed is the ground for your sake,
25:25 in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life,
25:28 both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you,
25:32 and you shall eat the herb of the field
25:34 in the sweat of your face, you should eat bread.
25:37 So you return to the ground for out of it
25:40 you were taken for dust you are,
25:43 and to dust you shall return.'"
25:46 Thank you very much.
25:47 Any comments about these verses we read?
25:50 Anything stand out to you?
25:53 If you got an hour. No, not anymore.
25:57 Wow.
25:59 Well, there's blessing and curse.
26:00 God, the sons and daughters of God,
26:04 the people He created holy in His own image
26:08 were to live righteous and be blessed
26:12 on and on and on for eternity.
26:15 And we the sons and daughters of God, made another friend.
26:21 And that friend gives bad advice.
26:24 And the result for that is not blessing.
26:28 The judgment, God is a perfect judge
26:30 is that there's blessing for righteous choices
26:34 and there's curse for wrongteous choices.
26:39 But in any event,
26:41 the things that God gave to them,
26:44 the thistles and the childbirth problems
26:47 and things like that,
26:50 is a learning tool to realize there is a better way,
26:55 I want to go back.
26:57 And the sons and daughters of God
26:58 are on their way back.
27:01 That's one thing I sense. Thank you very much.
27:04 To me, I mean, what you were reading earlier
27:06 and just before we started reading the second section,
27:10 it is interesting to me that
27:12 we see that they were reflecting Christ,
27:15 God's light really
27:17 because they had a robe of light,
27:19 righteousness and then all of a sudden
27:20 that light is no longer there,
27:22 which is why they realized that they were naked.
27:26 They were no longer reflecting His character and yet
27:29 and that is what God wants to do
27:31 is still have us shine His light
27:34 even in His character.
27:36 And when I think about how God wants to do it,
27:41 He says how much He has chosen us.
27:44 I mean, it's almost as if we are adopted,
27:47 if I want to say it this way,
27:48 because when you have your own children,
27:52 you have given what God has given you based,
27:55 you know, because it's already biological.
27:58 But adoption is where God has actually chosen you.
28:02 God has already chosen Adam and Eve, He formed them.
28:06 And then coming back later on,
28:08 I mean, I've got some other texts here,
28:10 but where God is calling us as His sons and daughters,
28:14 I mean, He's almost adopting us
28:16 and He wants us to come back to Him.
28:18 And we store that light that we chose to separate from Him.
28:24 Yes, it's true. We chose to separate from Him.
28:27 You know, it's very interesting that they were told,
28:33 sometimes when we read it, I think most people in the day
28:37 that you eat of it, you will surely die.
28:38 Some people say,
28:40 oh, they were supposed to die that day.
28:41 You know, it's interesting
28:43 when I can almost see Adam and Eve,
28:48 when the Lord talks to the serpent and says,
28:51 "And I will put enmity between you and the woman,"
28:56 and notice,
28:57 "and between your offspring and hers," in King James says,
28:59 "Your seed and hers,
29:01 he will crush your head and you will strike his heel."
29:03 It's almost like I could see Eve look at Adam.
29:06 Did you hear that?
29:08 I'm going to have a seed, an offspring.
29:10 So, right there's it's good news already.
29:12 Wait a minute, this is not going
29:13 to end today, you know.
29:15 And so, then the description, you know,
29:18 thorns and thistles are coming and,
29:21 wait a minute,
29:23 there's talk of life continuing.
29:27 And eventually, of course,
29:29 in the sweat of thy brow you'll return to the dust.
29:31 But they saw hope.
29:33 And this is God extending mercy to them.
29:35 One thing here, interesting.
29:38 When Adam and Eve sinned,
29:40 we don't see in the Bible that they were out looking for God,
29:42 we need to talk to God about this,
29:43 you know, they were hiding.
29:45 God came to look for them. God came to search for them.
29:49 And this is a marvelous God.
29:51 And the same way that God was looking for Adam and Eve,
29:55 went to meet with them, for those of us
29:57 that have separated
29:59 from the Lord God is looking for us.
30:01 And wanting to get call us back to Him,
30:05 to restore the relationship that we should have with Him.
30:09 We can't stay here in Genesis, we have to move on
30:11 because the separation happened.
30:14 And Adam and Eve, they became estranged children.
30:20 And no longer were they able to have
30:22 the joy of face to face communion with God.
30:27 God had to withdraw Himself for their sake
30:32 because what we understand is that God is,
30:36 His Holiness would consume sin in them.
30:41 And then if having the sin in them,
30:45 any thoughts about this that you would like to share?
30:48 Well, and it reminds me of Moses,
30:51 how Moses was asking to see God,
30:54 I believe it was in Exodus 33,
30:56 and how he wanted to see who God was and again,
30:59 God is reaffirming that you cannot see Me.
31:02 I mean, I need to put My hand,
31:03 you know, and He's giving provision
31:07 so that He can see, it's a part of His glory.
31:11 But again, it's just showing that
31:13 we need to have His character and yet,
31:16 at least Moses had that desire of wanting to see God.
31:20 Yes. Amen.
31:21 I think we should have that desire too.
31:26 And there's that beautiful song face to face,
31:29 I shall behold Him.
31:30 Job expressed something similar,
31:34 where he says in the latter rain,
31:35 I will see him.
31:37 I'm trying to remember how it's worded,
31:39 but maybe I will look for it as,
31:40 if someone is, as somebody,
31:42 someone sharing information but here in Isaiah 59,
31:46 I just like to go to that one really quick
31:47 just to highlight what happens
31:53 if we hold on to sin,
31:56 this is I would say clearly brought out in Scripture
32:02 that what happens with sin.
32:05 And Isaiah 59:2, "But your iniquities
32:10 have separated you from your God,
32:13 and your sins have hidden his face from you,
32:15 so that he will not hear."
32:17 You see, it's us that separate from Him, not Him from us.
32:22 But He has to for our sake withdraw,
32:26 I would say for a little while,
32:29 because we will see Him face to face.
32:33 Anything that you would like to share concerning
32:35 these verses here and sin separating us
32:37 from God and God's,
32:39 because we need to move now to God's desire
32:42 to restore us to Him.
32:45 I do have some...
32:48 While you're thinking about that,
32:49 I do have some verse that I like to share
32:51 to highlight the fact that Adam and Eve
32:53 were God's children and this is in Luke Chapter 3,
33:00 and if we read the genealogy there of Christ is mentioned,
33:07 there are two genealogies of Christ.
33:09 One is in Matthew Chapter 1.
33:12 But then there's one in Luke Chapter 3
33:15 which does something a little different.
33:17 In Matthew, it starts from Jesus
33:19 was the son of Joseph
33:21 and it goes backwards, but here in Luke,
33:25 it goes
33:30 all the way to Adam.
33:32 And so we're going to read the last three verses
33:36 of Luke Chapter 3 and that's verses 36,
33:39 37 and 38.
33:41 "The son of Cainan, the son of Arphaxad,
33:44 the son of Shem, the son of Noah,
33:46 the son of Lamech,
33:47 the son of Methuselah, the son of Enoch,
33:50 the son of Jared, the son of Mahalalel,
33:54 the son of Cainan, the son of Enosh,
33:56 the son of Seth, the son of Adam,
33:59 the son of God."
34:01 And so it tells us here that Adam was the son of God,
34:06 and Adam being the son of God.
34:08 Here the woman is not mentioned,
34:10 Eve was the daughter of God.
34:13 So Jesus came to restore the blessing of us
34:18 being sons and daughters of God.
34:20 And this is where we want to focus on now,
34:22 sons and daughters of God.
34:23 Any scriptures you want to share
34:25 about that or thoughts?
34:27 Interesting, 1 John 3:1.
34:32 And it says, "Behold, what manner of love
34:35 the Father has bestowed upon us,
34:38 that we should be called the sons and daughters
34:40 or sons of God, therefore," and this is interesting,
34:44 "therefore the world knoweth us not,
34:47 because it knew him not."
34:49 Basically what it's saying is, if you go back to being
34:53 a son or daughter of God,
34:54 if you go back to living the law of God's government,
34:59 as we started out doing,
35:01 the world isn't going to think much of you,
35:05 you're going to be a standout
35:06 and they're going to be throwing tomatoes at you.
35:10 You know, it's interesting.
35:13 And we should understand that
35:14 and I'm glad you brought that out
35:16 because it was sin
35:19 and disobedience to God's commands
35:23 that brought us into this situation.
35:26 We should not expect that we will continue a life of evil
35:30 and disobedience in for eternity.
35:34 God wants us to be willing
35:37 to put an end to a life of sin,
35:39 through the power that He gives us,
35:42 so that we can live in harmony with Him
35:45 and in harmony with our fellow men.
35:47 Johnny, the next verse verifies that.
35:50 Okay.
35:51 So we just read, you know,
35:53 1 John 3:1, verse 3 says,
35:56 "And every man that hath this hope in him,
36:01 to purify himself even as he is pure."
36:04 We're just going home.
36:06 We're going back to what we were meant to be.
36:08 You know, there's angels that have two-thirds are holy,
36:12 they've never sinned.
36:13 They aren't going to sin, and we're being invited
36:16 to come home and walk the streets with them.
36:20 And that means to be restored
36:22 or like you said, Francine adopted.
36:25 We're going home.
36:27 Now, we're going to join them and be pure.
36:31 And there won't be any more thistles.
36:35 The scripture that came to mind when Francine said adopted
36:37 was in Galatians 4:4-7,
36:45 it says, "But when the fullness of the time had come,
36:48 God sent forth His Son, born of a woman,
36:51 born under the law,
36:53 to redeem those who were under the law,
36:55 that we might receive the adoption as sons
36:59 and because you are sons and daughters,
37:01 God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts,
37:05 crying out, 'Abba, Father.'
37:08 Therefore, you're no longer a slave,
37:11 but a son, and if a son
37:13 than an heir of God through Christ.'"
37:16 Wow. Marvelous.
37:18 Yeah. Powerful.
37:20 Powerful indeed. Yes.
37:22 Powerful, powerful indeed.
37:23 And so, this is something I would like to bring out
37:28 because somebody may be listening,
37:32 watching and they wonder,
37:34 "Oh, no, I'm just too evil, too wicked."
37:38 You know, the sacrifice of Christ on the cross.
37:42 Provision has been made so that the worst person
37:47 like Paul claimed I am the chief of sinner,
37:49 I am the worst of them all.
37:52 Provision has been made through the sacrifice of Christ.
37:54 Reality the Bible points out
37:56 that Jesus took the sins of the whole world upon Him
38:00 so that any individual no matter
38:02 how sinful they have lived
38:04 can have eternal life through Jesus Christ.
38:08 So if you are wondering there, can I be included in that?
38:12 Yes, yes, God wants you to be His child.
38:16 And so I encourage you to make a decision
38:18 to be a son or a daughter of God.
38:21 And to back that up,
38:22 there's a couple of verses I really love.
38:24 One of them says,
38:26 "He who is forgiven the most, loves the most."
38:31 And another one says,
38:35 "The last on earth will be first in heaven."
38:38 So don't ever scratch your name off the list.
38:41 What's interesting
38:43 that I see in all this is here, you know,
38:47 God's glory is a refiner, and sometimes you know,
38:53 we think that you want to do the exact opposite of,
38:57 you know, it gets hot when you go to a fire.
39:00 But there's purity,
39:03 and when we go towards Christ, we learn more about Him.
39:06 And we understand His love and we experience His love.
39:11 And that's the refining.
39:13 So anybody can come to Jesus, no matter what.
39:16 And He'll attract you to Him
39:19 if you're willing to be refined,
39:22 and to be a son and daughter of God, which is amazing.
39:27 You know, when you look at
39:28 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,
39:30 they went into that fire.
39:33 And what was amazing is the purity of Jesus
39:36 with them took anything
39:39 that was restrictive off of them.
39:43 And that's what happens when we go to Jesus,
39:45 all those things that we may
39:49 or shouldn't do those things that have restricted us
39:53 are now being released when we go towards Christ.
39:56 And we're refined
39:58 and we get renewed in our mind in the direction
40:00 that we should go because He gives us that light,
40:03 not only physically
40:05 but also mentally which is credible.
40:09 Amen, amen. Amen.
40:13 What reminds me is again that love
40:15 and that relationship with others
40:17 and in especially if we can show
40:18 that relationship with others.
40:20 In Ephesians 4:2, it says,
40:22 "Be completely humble and gentle
40:24 and be patient bearing with one another in love."
40:27 We always want to have that love, and I don't know
40:29 if somebody else wants to look up
40:32 1 Peter 4:8.
40:34 But I don't know you want to look that up?
40:39 Thank you, Mrs. O' Brien.
40:43 But it says, I mean, we want to love each other
40:46 because when we love each other,
40:47 we have that love of Jesus.
40:51 That should overpower any sin that we already have.
40:55 If you can read that. Yes.
40:57 Thanks.
40:58 "And above all things
40:59 have fervent love for one another,
41:02 for love will cover a multitude of sins."
41:04 Amen.
41:06 And so even though in our sinful nature,
41:09 we can turn to God.
41:10 Amen.
41:12 In John 1:12, he even says,
41:16 "But as many as received Him,
41:19 to them He gave right to become children of God,
41:22 to those who believe in His name."
41:25 You know, and it just takes faith to believe.
41:29 And because I mean, there's, there's no proof that
41:32 we can say, "Oh, yeah,
41:33 I've got this certificate that says,
41:35 "I'm a child of God."
41:37 But we have to accept it on faith.
41:39 But he says, "There's many as received Him,
41:42 He gives them right to become children and God."
41:44 Amen.
41:45 And that's powerful, because there's so many people
41:48 in the world today that feel like
41:49 they don't have parents or, I mean,
41:51 I know there for a while I didn't feel like
41:54 I had a role model,
41:55 somebody that I could call father
41:57 so whenever I pray, I often used the word father
42:00 because to me, that shows a relationship.
42:03 To me that's the most special word for me
42:07 is to be able to call Him my father
42:09 and so many people are hurting that
42:11 they don't have that,
42:13 that relationship that they want to be
42:14 able to feel like somebody
42:16 is taking them under their wing,
42:17 looking out for them,
42:19 I mean looking out for their well being.
42:21 And that's what God's always doing.
42:22 And sometimes when the hardship comes,
42:24 we don't realize that God is really looking down,
42:27 trying to protect us.
42:29 Amen. Amen. Amen.
42:31 There's one verse I'd like to read
42:32 because right in the midst of all this,
42:34 sons and daughters of God
42:35 and adoption is
42:39 Galatians 4:5,
42:45 it covers a lot.
42:47 It says, "The redeemed them that were under the law,"
42:52 that's us, "that we might receive
42:55 the adoption of sons,
42:58 and because you are sons when you are adopted,
43:02 God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts."
43:07 And it goes on and says,
43:09 "Wherefore thou are no more a servant,
43:12 but a son, and if a son,
43:15 then an heir of God through Christ."
43:20 So we're going to inherit everything we lost,
43:23 which includes an eternal life.
43:26 That's something.
43:28 Well, you know, bringing out this thing
43:30 about being an heir is,
43:33 it's a marvelous thing to consider that God wants to,
43:39 for us to understand that
43:41 we are joint heirs with Jesus Christ is like what?
43:44 Me?
43:46 You know, and therein is the marvelous
43:51 love of God displayed for us in different ways
43:55 God is trying to help us understand.
43:58 You know, you remember the time
43:59 when the disciples said to Jesus,
44:02 "Teach us to pray,"
44:03 as John also taught his disciples.
44:05 And Jesus said to him,
44:07 "After this manner, therefore pray,
44:09 our Father, which art in heaven."
44:12 You know that,
44:13 that's an endearing term to say our Father,
44:16 which art in heaven, and He wants us to understand
44:20 I am your Father, you are My children.
44:24 And I see God loving us so much
44:27 and providing for us and it's such a wonderful thing
44:33 to realize that, you know, we...
44:36 He twice tried to help us understand,
44:39 you are not alone.
44:41 I will be with you always even to the end of the world.
44:43 I will supply your needs. You are My children.
44:46 Ask and you will receive
44:48 and ask that you join me before, you know.
44:52 And so, we have great privileges,
44:55 great opportunities.
44:57 And I do remember this little story
45:01 somewhere reading in,
45:03 and there was this little boy on this hill.
45:06 And there was this ship out there,
45:08 this boat and he was calling over there,
45:11 like, come here like come here and somebody was watching him,
45:14 he says, "Little boy, don't you know that
45:19 they don't have time to be stopping for every little boy
45:22 that is waving at them."
45:25 And soon that boat started turning
45:28 come in this way coming towards him
45:30 and the person is amazed and stayed there watching,
45:35 wandering, is this boat really coming this way
45:37 for this child and the boy ran too close to the water.
45:42 And then he said, "Dad, dad, dad."
45:44 The captain was his father.
45:46 When he saw his son calling for him,
45:48 he said "Yes, I'm going to my son."
45:51 And that is the way God is, you know,
45:54 we can call upon Him anytime
45:57 and He is listening attentive
46:00 and becoming a father,
46:04 you know, you learn many things,
46:06 I say, you know,
46:07 I'm going to learn more about God by having children.
46:10 So I remember times when as when they were little,
46:15 even now I recognize their voice
46:16 when they were little.
46:17 And they were playing
46:19 and we were talking with other people,
46:21 all of a sudden you hear a bang and a cry, you know, you know,
46:26 it was your child, then you run over there
46:28 to help out, see what's going on.
46:30 And so the same way, you know,
46:33 God can pick us out among the millions
46:36 and know it's you, the moment you start saying,
46:40 my Father which art...
46:42 Oh, that's my child. He knows us by name.
46:45 And that's what God wants to communicate to us.
46:48 You may remember Dr. Meshach Samuel,
46:50 I'm sure you do.
46:51 You didn't meet him.
46:53 But anyway, when he was coming
46:54 to the Thompsonville Church,
46:56 he said something that I remember and he said it,
46:59 you know, in India, I don't know
47:01 if there are millions and millions of so called gods,
47:05 including trees and animals
47:07 that they deemed them as God.
47:11 But he says in all of those ideas
47:14 and concepts of God,
47:16 they don't have what Christianity has,
47:19 and that is that God is our father,
47:22 and that we can have a relationship with Him.
47:25 You know, I look at our Heavenly Father,
47:27 and, you know,
47:30 there's, I don't know if you've ever thought it,
47:31 but I think how, what are the characteristics?
47:34 What are the ways that I can grow to, you know,
47:40 be or have that characteristics of God
47:43 and when you look at some of the things
47:45 in Galatians 5:22 and 23, you know,
47:50 it kind of gives like the roadmap
47:52 of our Heavenly Father, and how good He is
47:57 and you know, when you look at the fruits
47:59 of the Spirit in 22, it says, this,
48:03 the fruits of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
48:06 long suffering, goodness, kindness,
48:08 faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
48:12 And I look at being an heir of God.
48:15 And you think,
48:17 well, these are some of the attributes
48:19 of being an heir of God.
48:21 Amen.
48:22 And when you look at
48:23 these attributes, I mean, of course,
48:25 love is basically the foundation of everything.
48:28 Without love, there's nothing and how it shows that God is
48:34 joy, God is peace and long suffering.
48:37 And it builds an understanding of the character
48:40 and how God thinks and looks at things
48:44 and His attributes, and how,
48:47 when I look at my life, I'm like,
48:49 wow, there's some things in there
48:51 that I think I need to work on and I really need His help.
48:55 But, you know, that's part of like climbing that ladder
48:59 of growing with the Lord and understanding
49:03 and being part of His kingdom and being that heir,
49:07 but without acknowledging Jesus as our Savior,
49:12 all this is meaningless unless we accept Jesus.
49:16 But then we have this roadmap on the character
49:20 that God wants us to have.
49:22 And to be that light in a time that we're living in,
49:26 that there's lots of things going on,
49:28 there's a lot of pain, there's a lot of suffering,
49:31 there's things that people do to each other.
49:34 And then you look at the character of God
49:36 and you're like,
49:37 "Wow, this is totally different than what's going on."
49:40 Yes. Amen.
49:42 So thank you very much.
49:44 You know, it's interesting there that verse 26,
49:47 the last verse in Galatians 5.
49:51 It says, "Let us not become conceited,
49:53 provoking one another, envying one another."
49:56 And that's what happened to Lucifer.
50:00 He became conceited and envious.
50:04 And there was that God gave, gives us freedom of choice.
50:09 We can choose to be happy
50:11 and have salvation through Jesus Christ,
50:13 or you can also choose to be lost.
50:15 And God wants us to be happy.
50:18 And the scriptures, so many scriptures
50:21 that come to mind.
50:22 And there is 2 Peter Chapter 3,
50:25 "God is not willing that any should perish."
50:29 You know, you ask a mother or a father.
50:31 Okay, which one of your children
50:33 are you willing to lose?
50:34 Which one are you willing to give up?
50:36 No, none. They're all precious.
50:39 You love them all. You don't want to give up one!
50:43 And so this is God.
50:45 God is not willing that any should perish,
50:47 but that all should come to repentance
50:49 and become His children.
50:50 I see the time has escaped us.
50:53 And we're going to start where we started.
50:55 I mean, yeah, we're going to start again
50:57 where we started with Sister Francine,
50:58 and we're going to go
50:59 each one by one to share something
51:01 as a final comment because our time is running.
51:04 Anything final you would like to say about
51:07 being sons and daughters of God,
51:08 perhaps even how you feel,
51:12 or some scripture that you would like to share?
51:16 For me, I'm just so thankful that
51:18 God deems us as valuable and wants us to be His sons,
51:22 His daughters for Him, and that
51:24 nothing we can do can separate us from God
51:27 if we allow Him to live in our hearts
51:29 and so it's,
51:34 I just think of John 15:12,
51:36 "My command is this,
51:38 love each other as I have loved you."
51:40 He has that unconditional love for each of us.
51:43 And so, just have that faith
51:45 that God wants you, He loves you.
51:48 Amen. Amen.
51:49 Jason?
51:50 So you know, I've been reflecting
51:52 on the character of God a lot.
51:54 And I was looking at this
51:57 and I'm so grateful that God loves us even though
52:01 we're really not worthy of love,
52:04 except through Jesus Christ
52:05 and our Heavenly Father and Jesus wanting us
52:10 to be a part of Him.
52:12 And He, when you look at
52:14 how He's the kindness and the goodness
52:16 and how He wants to build that relationship,
52:19 and how, you know, in Exodus 20,
52:22 it talks about the Ten Commandments and how,
52:25 you know, the first three, you know,
52:27 talks about how our relationship with Him
52:30 and being a jealous God.
52:31 I'm so glad He's a jealous God, that He loves us so much that
52:36 He put everything on the line for me, for you.
52:40 And then the last six verse
52:43 talking about the relationships,
52:45 you know, as brothers and sisters,
52:47 how do we grow together,
52:49 some of the things we should not do,
52:51 some of the things we should do,
52:53 and then the Sabbath that kind of brings it
52:55 all together, the fourth commandment,
52:56 and how we, you know,
52:58 God has given us this plan of salvation.
53:01 And this law that I used to think that, wow,
53:03 the Ten Commandments or this law
53:05 was a terrible thing
53:06 and attaining the character of God was difficult.
53:09 But then the more you look at the refining that
53:12 God does in our lives, He gives us that
53:15 ability only through prayer and studying the Word
53:19 and understanding the Lord more and focusing on
53:22 what He wants us to do.
53:24 So it's just an awesome that He's willing to work with,
53:27 even me.
53:28 That law wasn't necessary
53:30 only because we broke right the relationship,
53:34 then God brought that the laws, the Ten Commandments.
53:37 Amen. Thank you so much. Sister Nancy?
53:41 I think the thing that has touched me
53:43 the most is that God is a personal God.
53:46 He wants us to come to Him on a intimate basis.
53:51 And that scripture that I had read where it says,
53:55 and this is Galatians 4:5, "Because you are sons,
53:59 God send forth the Spirit of His Son
54:01 into our hearts crying out, 'Abba, Father.'"
54:04 Well, Abba is like, today we would say, daddy, you know,
54:08 that's what He wants us
54:10 to have that relationship with Him
54:14 is on a personal intimate level.
54:17 I mean, He's God, He's Almighty God
54:18 and yet He wants that.
54:20 Amen. Amen.
54:22 Joe?
54:24 We were made in the image of God
54:25 and we were keeping His commandments
54:27 and everything was right.
54:30 And in John 14, he says,
54:33 "He that keep my commandments, my commandments and keep...
54:37 He that hath my commandments and keepeth them."
54:40 So he's qualifying it.
54:41 Come home, get back where you used to be,
54:44 "And he it is that loves me,
54:48 and he that loves me shall be loved of My Father,
54:53 and I will love him."
54:55 It's a big family reunion of love,
54:59 but the commandments are the qualifier.
55:01 If you love Me, keep My commandments.
55:05 Amen. Thank you so much.
55:06 And we have good news to end with in Revelation Chapter 21.
55:11 And we like to begin in verse 1,
55:13 Revelation 21.
55:16 "Now I saw a new heaven and the new earth,
55:21 for the first heaven,
55:23 and the first earth had passed away.
55:26 Also there was no more sea.
55:28 Then, I, John saw the Holy City,
55:32 New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven,
55:35 from God, prepared as a bride adorned
55:39 for her husband.
55:41 And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying,
55:43 'Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men,
55:48 and he will do well with them,
55:49 and they shall be his people.
55:52 God himself will be with them and be their God.
55:55 And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes
55:59 and they shall be no more death, nor sorrow,
56:03 nor crying, there shall be no more pain,
56:06 for the former things have passed away."
56:10 Praise God.
56:12 A glorious future, a wonderful blessing
56:15 is waiting in store for each and every one of us.
56:18 And so, I would like to encourage you,
56:20 if you have not joined the family,
56:23 join the family, make a decision to be a child,
56:27 a son, a daughter of God,
56:30 because He longs for you to be a part of His family.
56:34 And God is waiting for your decision.
56:38 And I hope you'll make it today, right now.
56:41 And so as we end, I like to thank Francine,
56:46 Jason Bergmann's and Nancy O'Brien,
56:50 and Joe O' Brien, thank you so much
56:51 for your participation and sharing.
56:53 And, of course,
56:55 we from our family to your family,
56:56 we want to thank you for joining us
56:58 and being a part of Family Worship.
57:00 We welcome your prayers.
57:03 And we thank you for your financial support
57:04 that makes possible bringing programs like this one
57:07 and others to help the people
57:10 prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ
57:12 when He will redeem us and join us together
57:17 and that we can have fellowship with Him and with one another.
57:20 And like we read, no pain, no sorrow, no sin, nor death.
57:25 Wonderful future for us.
57:27 So, I end with give your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ
57:30 and you will have joy, happiness and peace
57:33 that begins in this world and continues forever.
57:35 God bless you.


Revised 2020-05-07