3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Sabbath Rest

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP210036S

00:01 Welcome to this week's study in the Sabbath School lesson.
00:05 This is 3ABN Sabbath School Panel,
00:07 where we dive into God's Word.
00:10 This is lesson number 10 called Sabbath Rest.
00:13 Do you need a Bible study guide?
00:16 The quarterly you can download at ABSG.Adventist.org
00:21 Download the quarterly follow along,
00:24 and let's study God's Word together.
00:56 Hello, and welcome again to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
00:59 My name is John Dinzey.
01:00 It's a blessing and a privilege for me to be with you
01:03 during this hour with 3ABN's family,
01:06 part of 3ABN's family
01:08 that will be with us in this study.
01:10 We have to my left, Pastor John Lomacang.
01:13 Good to be here.
01:14 Always good to be here.
01:16 And this topic is gonna be exciting,
01:18 teaching people about the relevance of finding rest
01:20 in the Sabbath of God's Word.
01:22 Amen.
01:23 Sister Shelley Quinn?
01:25 Wonderful to be here,
01:26 we're so glad that you're joining us as well.
01:29 Also joining us is, Pastor Ryan Day.
01:31 Amen.
01:33 Always a blessing to be on 3ABN Sabbath School Panel
01:35 and today we're gonna be talking
01:36 about people honoring others on the Sabbath.
01:39 Amen.
01:40 And last but not least, Sister Jill Morikone.
01:43 Thank you, Pastor Johnny.
01:44 Today, I'm talking about the Sabbath as a sign.
01:46 Amen.
01:48 This lesson is going to be a great blessing.
01:50 So we want to invite you to follow along.
01:53 And we're going to ask Pastor John Lomacang
01:55 to lead us in prayer before we begin.
01:58 Sure.
01:59 Gracious Father, thank You.
02:00 The privilege is ours.
02:02 But the opportunity to fill us with Your Spirit
02:05 is what we ask for this morning.
02:07 We pray that You'll guide our hearts and minds
02:09 as we study Your Word.
02:10 We pray that this Sabbath message
02:13 will find fertile soil
02:15 in the hearts and lives of those
02:17 who are following You.
02:18 May it not only be clear,
02:20 but may it be followed by a desire
02:22 to serve You in the beauty of holiness,
02:25 we ask in Jesus' name.
02:27 Amen. Amen.
02:30 Well, as we begin the lesson,
02:32 you look at the Saturday portion.
02:35 And it brings to us something
02:37 that we have seen
02:38 for many, many years here at 3ABN
02:40 working in the 3ABN
02:41 pastoral ministries for many years
02:43 and even as you meet people.
02:45 You hear different reasons
02:47 why people do not want to keep the Sabbath,
02:50 or they don't know about the Sabbath.
02:51 Some people say,
02:53 "Well, it was changed.
02:55 We don't know what days of the week are
02:57 and what we lost track of which day is which."
03:00 And so many different,
03:02 you know, sometimes you call them excuses.
03:05 But people try to explain away things
03:07 that they do not understand perhaps.
03:11 And unfortunately, we also have many people
03:14 that are on their own, they're studying
03:16 or perhaps they heard something on 3ABN,
03:19 and they come to the conclusion or are believing that,
03:23 wait a minute, there is a seventh day Sabbath.
03:26 Why are we not keeping the seventh day Sabbath?
03:29 So they go to one of their church members
03:32 that they respect,
03:34 maybe the pastor,
03:35 and they say,
03:37 "Hey, I'm studying,
03:38 or I've heard that the seventh day Sabbath,
03:40 we're supposed to keep this day.
03:42 Why aren't we doing this?"
03:44 And this well respected pastor
03:46 or brother or sister will tell them,
03:47 "Well, it's because it's been done away,
03:49 it was nailed to the cross,"
03:51 or different reasons they hear.
03:52 And because of their respect for this person,
03:55 they kind of say okay,
03:56 and they kind of go along with this.
03:58 Now, this is a dangerous thing to accept,
04:01 because we are supposed to go to the Bible,
04:04 and whatever you hear, go to the Bible
04:07 and tested by the scriptures,
04:08 to the law and to the testimony.
04:10 If they speak not according to this is,
04:12 it is because there is no light in them.
04:14 And we've heard many, many different stories of people
04:17 that after listening to the programs on 3ABN
04:21 or receiving a book,
04:22 such as 3ABN has the Ten Commandments
04:26 Twice Removed.
04:27 They understand that
04:29 the seventh day Sabbath is biblical,
04:31 that it is binding, and they accept the Sabbath.
04:33 They said,
04:35 "You know, I've been studying these things for years.
04:37 And when I read this book,
04:39 when I heard this message on 3ABN,
04:41 finally I said yes, yes,
04:42 I've known this all my life,
04:44 but somehow did not start keeping the Sabbath day."
04:49 So let's go to the scriptures,
04:54 because you see the Sabbath is linked to creation.
04:58 And when you go to Genesis 2:1,
05:02 you will notice that
05:05 the Bible declares to us
05:07 that after creation, God did something marvelous.
05:13 In Genesis Chapter 2, beginning in verse 1, it says,
05:16 "Thus the heavens and the earth,
05:20 and all the hosts of them were finished.
05:24 And on the seventh day,
05:25 God ended His work which He had done,
05:29 and He rested on the seventh day
05:31 from all His work, which He had done."
05:36 So here we have,
05:38 that God rested on the seventh day.
05:41 Notice now verse 3,
05:42 "Then God blessed the seventh day
05:45 and sanctified it,
05:47 because in it, He rested from all His work
05:50 which God had created and made."
05:54 And so this is the record, as we find in the scriptures,
05:58 the Sabbath is not mentioned by name,
06:02 until you get to Exodus Chapter 16.
06:06 And some people think, wait a minute, is it Exodus 20,
06:09 that the law was given,
06:11 but the Sabbath was already known
06:13 as evidenced by Exodus Chapter 16,
06:17 it's also evidenced by the scriptures.
06:19 You see in Genesis Chapter 26,
06:22 where God says of Abraham,
06:24 he kept My statues and My commandments.
06:27 So it was known.
06:29 It was lived, and followed by God's faithful people.
06:34 Since the beginning of creation,
06:36 Adam and Eve kept the Sabbath day holy.
06:41 And so the question is,
06:43 why aren't people doing it today?
06:45 You know, had people been keeping the Sabbath day
06:49 since the beginning,
06:50 we would not have so many people believing
06:53 that we came from a cesspool of nothing,
06:56 evolutionary ideas have come into the minds of people
07:00 that they think we are the accident
07:04 out of an explosion in space.
07:07 God created us.
07:09 And so let's go to the Book of Genesis
07:12 and see in Chapter 2,
07:15 the marvelous revelation.
07:17 Actually Genesis Chapter 1, notice Genesis 1:26-27,
07:21 "Then God said,
07:22 'Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness,
07:28 let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,
07:32 over the birds of the air, and over the cattle,
07:34 over all the earth and over every creeping thing
07:38 that creeps on the earth.'
07:40 So God created man in His image,
07:42 in His own image,
07:43 in the image of God
07:46 He created him, male and female
07:48 He created them.'"
07:50 So what do we have here?
07:52 We have here God telling us, we were created in His image.
07:56 You're not the result of some accident.
08:00 It was God's design,
08:02 you were designed perfectly by God.
08:04 You see, in Genesis 1:31 it says,
08:07 that God looked at everything He had made.
08:09 And lo, it was very good.
08:11 You were created by a Master Designer.
08:16 The workings of your body perfectly designed
08:20 to take care of all the functions of the body.
08:23 Your heart beats in a sync to keep you going.
08:28 Your blood flows through your body
08:30 because a Designer, a Creator made you.
08:34 And the Sabbath is linked to the Creator.
08:39 And so, I encourage you
08:41 to consider the words of Exodus Chapter 20.
08:45 Let us go to verses 8-11.
08:47 Exodus 20:8-11.
08:49 You're going to hear some marvelous things
08:51 during this hour.
08:52 And I encourage you to follow along.
08:55 Let's go Exodus 20:8-11.
08:58 This is what is written.
09:00 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy."
09:04 I will stop right there for a moment
09:05 and say, wait a minute,
09:07 this verse begins with remember the Sabbath day.
09:10 This implies that it was something already known,
09:14 but God knew that men, women were prone to forgetfulness,
09:20 to forget their Creator.
09:22 And this, if you examine the Ten Commandments
09:25 is the commandment that has the most amount of words,
09:29 it also identifies the Creator.
09:33 Let's look at it as we continue in verse 9.
09:36 It says,
09:37 "Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
09:40 but the seventh day is the Sabbath
09:43 of the LORD your God."
09:46 And you may have noticed
09:47 as you're reading and perhaps you didn't,
09:49 that the word Lord
09:51 is capital L, capital O, capital R, capital D.
09:55 This is because the translators recognize
09:58 that the name of Jehovah was there.
10:01 And they were careful not to try to,
10:05 for people not to pronounce and take God's name in vain.
10:08 The translator began to follow
10:10 what the Jewish had done to be careful with God's name.
10:13 And so the word here is Yahweh God.
10:17 And so this is our Creator, He is our Creator.
10:20 "In it, you shall do no work."
10:22 It says,
10:23 "You nor your son, nor your daughter,
10:25 nor your male servant, nor your female servant,
10:27 nor your cat, or nor your stranger
10:29 who is within your gates.
10:32 For in six days,
10:34 the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea,
10:37 and all that is in them,
10:39 and rested the seventh day.
10:41 Therefore, the Lord blessed the seventh day
10:45 and hallowed it."
10:46 Again, you see here that
10:48 the commandment is linked to the time of creation.
10:53 Holy since the time of creation,
10:56 not when it is verbally and written
11:00 by God on stone was a given.
11:03 It was given at creation,
11:06 and it remains sanctified and holy.
11:10 And we are told to remember
11:12 the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
11:14 And when you enter into keeping the Sabbath day holy,
11:19 you are entering into the holy time of the Lord,
11:23 in which He promises to give you added blessing
11:28 as you remember to honor His day,
11:31 to honor Him as our Creator,
11:34 because He is our Creator,
11:36 and He wants you to be happy.
11:39 Notice that it says, you shall not do any work.
11:42 And I'm blessed to know,
11:44 you know, I've been keeping the Sabbath
11:45 for many, many years,
11:47 it's been a blessing for me,
11:48 I encourage you to taste and see that the Lord is good.
11:51 And you will taste and see
11:53 that He means the Sabbath rest to do you good.
11:59 Because everything the Lord gives us,
12:01 every commandment is intended to be a blessing to us.
12:06 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
12:10 Did you know that in over 100 languages,
12:14 the word or the seventh day is called Sabbath
12:18 in that particular language.
12:20 Even in ancient languages,
12:22 there, you can easily find this,
12:24 if you can't find it,
12:26 just write to us and we'll send you a copy,
12:28 a PDF copy, let's say,
12:30 of the work done many, many years ago
12:35 by, believe it was of the Baptist gentleman,
12:37 over 100 languages
12:39 has the word Sabbath at the end.
12:41 Even the Russian language Sabaton,
12:44 which is I think that's the way they pronounce it.
12:47 You can check, double check me on that one.
12:49 In Spanish, Sabado,
12:52 in Portuguese Sabado as well.
12:56 But notice in the Portuguese language,
12:58 they do something interesting
13:00 that is very similar to the Bible.
13:02 You know what the day is called for Monday,
13:05 Segunda-feira
13:07 because Monday is the second day of the week.
13:10 Wednesday is called Quarta-feira,
13:13 which means the fourth day of the week.
13:17 When you get to Friday, it's called Sexta-feira,
13:19 which means the sixth day of the weekend,
13:21 but when you get to Saturday,
13:24 they don't call it Sexta-feira,
13:27 they call it Sabado, which means Sabbath rest.
13:31 And in over 100 languages, you can trace this,
13:35 really the Sabbath message has gone to the whole world,
13:39 a man has forgotten.
13:41 And it is our hope that as you follow along,
13:44 you will begin to remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy
13:48 and enter, begin to enter into that rest
13:51 that God has intended for us to have every seventh day.
13:56 Amen.
13:58 Pastor Dinzey,
13:59 I'm glad that you brought out
14:00 those different language interpretations on the Sabbath
14:03 and that Brazilian one was very interesting.
14:06 They don't just call it the seventh day of the week,
14:08 they call it the Sabbath.
14:09 And in Africa,
14:13 in the place call I think it's in Nigeria,
14:16 they call it Kwame's day, the day of the baby.
14:20 So it's interesting how that came out.
14:23 Now we're talking about celebrating freedom.
14:26 The Sabbath is the day also of freedom.
14:28 Let's look at Deuteronomy 5:12-15.
14:32 It brings it out clearly,
14:33 when the Sabbath was reestablished,
14:36 not established,
14:37 but reestablished on the heels of the children
14:41 that came out of Egypt.
14:44 Deuteronomy was the book written for them
14:46 now as they grew up
14:48 so they could understand what they were delivered from
14:51 a time of freedom.
14:53 Deuteronomy 5:12-15,
14:56 "Observe the Sabbath day to keep it holy,
14:59 as the Lord your God commanded you.
15:03 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
15:06 but the seventh day
15:08 is the Sabbath of the Lord your God."
15:10 Once again, just like Exodus 20:10,
15:14 the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God,
15:16 once again, coming back down to it,
15:18 who is your God?
15:20 It goes on by saying,
15:21 "In it you shall do no work:
15:23 you, nor your son, nor your daughter,
15:26 your male servant, nor your female servant,
15:28 nor your ox, nor your donkey, nor any of your cattle,
15:32 nor your stranger who is within your gates,
15:35 that your male servant and your female servant
15:39 may rest as well as you."
15:41 "And remember," verse 15,
15:43 "that you were a slave in the land of Egypt,
15:45 and the Lord your God brought you out
15:47 from there by a mighty hand, by an outstretched arm,
15:51 therefore the Lord your God
15:53 commanded you to keep the Sabbath holy."
15:56 So you see right away
15:58 the Sabbath is a symbol of not only rest,
16:01 but also it's a symbol of liberation,
16:03 a symbol of freedom.
16:05 And so when the Sabbath comes,
16:07 the writer of the lesson asks the question,
16:09 and I want to pose that question to you.
16:11 What are the other ways that we can find freedom
16:15 and freedom from what?
16:16 Because the Sabbath is not just intended
16:18 to find freedom from the labor of the week.
16:21 But the Sabbath principle he now builds on
16:25 has a broader application,
16:26 because Jesus didn't come just to set us free from Egypt.
16:30 In the spiritual sense,
16:32 He came to set us free from a lot of other things.
16:35 Let's go to Romans Chapter 6
16:36 and look at one of those ways
16:38 that we can find freedom in Christ.
16:40 Romans Chapter 6,
16:42 and I'm going to read verses 1 to 6.
16:44 Romans 6:1-6,
16:47 on the heels of what other forms of slavery
16:49 do we face today?
16:52 What are the forms of slavery do we face today?
16:55 Paul writes in verse 1 of Romans 6,
16:57 "What shall we say then?
16:59 Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?"
17:02 And he says,
17:03 "Certainly not!
17:05 How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?"
17:09 Talking about freedom through death.
17:12 What kind of death?
17:13 How does he illustrate this death?"
17:15 Verse 3,
17:16 "Or do you not know that
17:18 as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus
17:20 were baptized into His death?"
17:22 Verse 4,
17:23 "Therefore we were buried with Him
17:25 through baptism into death,
17:27 that just as Christ was raised
17:28 from the dead by the glory of the Father,
17:32 even so we also should walk in newness of life.
17:36 Freedom from the old life,
17:37 a celebration and entering into the new life."
17:41 But he goes on to emphasize what we are being freed from.
17:45 Verse 5 to 7,
17:48 "For if we have been united together
17:50 in the likeness of His death,
17:52 certainly we also shall be in the likeness
17:54 of His resurrection."
17:55 "Knowing this," verse 6,
17:57 "that our old man was crucified with Him,
18:01 that the body of sin might be done away with,
18:03 that we should no longer be slaves to sin."
18:07 There is that freedom,
18:08 freedom from the bondage of sin,
18:11 freedom also from the power of sin,
18:14 one day we'll be free from the presence of sin.
18:16 That's right.
18:18 And verse 7 says,
18:19 "For he who has died has been freed from sin."
18:22 That's right.
18:23 So the Sabbath, which is the fourth commandment,
18:26 which is contained in the Ten Commandments
18:28 are indicators.
18:30 Every one of those commandments
18:31 indicates one form of freedom or the other.
18:34 And the freedom that's broadly illustrated
18:36 in all 10 of those
18:38 is freedom from sin.
18:39 So let me make the connection.
18:41 When you are delivered from sin,
18:43 the commandments of God are your delight.
18:46 When you are delivered from the bondage of sin
18:48 and the power of sin,
18:50 there is no issue with you and the commandments.
18:52 But why is there an issue
18:54 between the commandments of God
18:57 and a lot of other people?
18:59 Let's go to Romans Chapter 8.
19:01 And let's look at the mindset
19:04 of those who have an issue with the law of God.
19:07 And if you have an issue with the law of God,
19:09 surely you have an issue with the commandment
19:11 that calls us to honor the Sabbath.
19:14 Romans 8,
19:15 and the Bible talks about verse 6 and 7.
19:19 "For to be carnally minded is death,
19:23 but to be spiritually minded is life and peace."
19:27 Notice it's talking about the attitude,
19:30 the character that is being emphasized.
19:32 Where's your mind?
19:34 If your mind is that in harmony with God is at peace.
19:37 If your mind is against God, it's not at peace.
19:40 It's in fact abiding in death.
19:42 But look at verse 7.
19:44 And whenever a person has a problem with God's law,
19:47 I say the problem is not God's law,
19:49 the problem is your mind, your life.
19:52 Because verse 7,
19:54 "The carnal mind is enmity against God,
19:59 for it is not subject to the law of God
20:03 nor indeed can be."
20:05 Let's put a pin on that.
20:06 That's right.
20:07 The Bible is saying, wait a minute.
20:09 When it comes to God's law,
20:10 when you pastor said,
20:12 there's something wrong with God's law,
20:13 your pastor has a mind problem.
20:15 His mind is at enmity against God's law.
20:18 His life is abiding in a carnal relationship,
20:22 not a spiritual relationship,
20:23 because the Bible makes it very clear.
20:25 You can't be in a carnal relationship,
20:27 and at the same time
20:29 be experiencing freedom in Christ.
20:30 Why?
20:32 Because John 8:36 says,
20:33 "Therefore, if the Son makes you free,
20:35 you shall be," what?
20:36 "Free indeed."
20:37 So how could I claim freedom in Christ
20:40 and say that obedience is bondage?
20:45 How does that sound? Yeah.
20:46 I'm free in Christ, but to be obedient is bondage.
20:49 That's right.
20:50 No, the Lord
20:52 led the children of Israel back to the...
20:54 The first test was the Sabbath test
20:56 after He delivered them from bondage.
21:00 So you don't honor the Sabbath
21:03 as an indication that you are in bondage,
21:05 you honor the Sabbath as an indicator
21:07 that you are freed from bondage,
21:10 okay, because the Bible says slavery is connected to sin.
21:13 Slavery was connected to them violating the Sabbath.
21:17 That's why the first thing the Lord restored,
21:19 and by the way, He began to restore it
21:21 before they even left Egypt.
21:23 Because Moses gave them one day in seven to rest.
21:26 And when you look at the word there rest,
21:28 I believe it's in Exodus Chapter 3,
21:29 when you look at the word there rest
21:31 is the word that the Sabbath word for rest.
21:34 So Moses began to remind the Hebrews of the Sabbath rest
21:37 before they even came out of Egypt,
21:39 and it infuriated the Pharaoh.
21:41 Right.
21:42 He says, as a result of that,
21:44 you have to make brick without straw.
21:45 So we cannot come out of bondage and say,
21:48 well, the Sabbath is a bondage indicator.
21:51 No, it's a freedom indicator.
21:53 Look at three very quick points,
21:55 if I could get to them in Hebrews 12:1,
21:58 celebration from the bondage of sin.
22:00 Hebrews 12:1,
22:02 "Therefore, we also
22:04 since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses,
22:07 let us lay aside every weight in the sin
22:10 which so easily ensnares us,"
22:12 or as the King James says, "besets us"
22:15 and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.
22:18 A person that is in bondage can't run.
22:21 A person that is in bondage
22:23 cannot lay aside the weight of sin,
22:25 because the weight of sin is what holds him into bondage.
22:28 But when you are free in Christ,
22:29 if the Son therefore makes you free,
22:31 you are free indeed.
22:34 We can also celebrate freedom from the sin
22:36 that has so easily held us in its grasp.
22:39 2 Peter 2:19, another passage.
22:42 While they promise them liberty,
22:45 and this is the thing that you have to be very careful,
22:47 because it's talking about leaders
22:49 who are preaching liberty, Shelley.
22:50 Yes.
22:51 But they themselves are preaching liberty,
22:53 and violation to the commandments of God.
22:56 And notice how Peter describes this,
22:58 "While they promise them liberty,
23:01 they themselves are slaves of corruption,
23:04 for by whom a person is overcome,
23:07 by him also he is brought into bondage."
23:10 And another freedom that we can experience
23:12 is James 1:27,
23:13 we can celebrate freedom
23:15 from the corrupting influences of the world.
23:17 James 1:27,
23:19 "Pure and undefiled religion
23:21 before God and the Father is this,
23:23 to visit the orphans and the widows
23:25 in their trouble,
23:27 and to keep oneself unspotted from the world."
23:31 And finally, we can celebrate freedom
23:33 from the labors of the day.
23:35 Mark 6:31,
23:38 "And he said to them,
23:40 'Come aside by yourselves
23:42 to a deserted place and rest a while,
23:45 for there were many coming and going,
23:47 and they did not even have time to eat."
23:49 So for those of you who have such busy schedules,
23:52 you don't even time to eat,
23:53 the Lord is saying, slow down,
23:55 find rest in Me spiritually
23:57 and find rest in honoring the Sabbath.
23:59 Amen. Amen.
24:01 Amen. Thank you so much.
24:03 The blessings have not come to an end,
24:06 we will continue in a moment.
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24:43 Welcome back.
24:44 We continue our study with Sister Shelley Quinn.
24:46 Oh, I am so excited about this lesson.
24:49 Tuesday, The Stranger in Your Gates.
24:53 I'd like to start us at Exodus 19.
24:58 Exodus 19
25:00 because I want to show you something,
25:03 how the Lord looks at His covenant people.
25:06 Exodus 19:4,
25:08 God is speaking to the Egyptian,
25:10 to the Hebrews.
25:12 He says,
25:13 "You've seen what I did to the Egyptians,
25:15 how I bore you on eagle's wings,
25:18 and I brought you to Myself."
25:20 Oh, this is covenant love language.
25:22 God is speaking to His covenant people.
25:26 Now listen to what He says.
25:28 "Now therefore if you will indeed obey My voice
25:32 and keep My covenant,
25:34 then you shall be," what?
25:35 "A special treasure to Me, above all the people.
25:41 If you obey, you're gonna be a special treasure."
25:43 He says,
25:45 "For all the earth is mine.
25:46 And you shall be to me the kingdom of priests
25:51 and a holy nation."
25:52 Amen.
25:53 Now, God spoke this to His old covenant people,
25:59 but He speaks it
26:00 to His new covenant people as well.
26:03 Let's look at 1 Peter 2:9.
26:09 1 Peter 2:9.
26:14 We're going to see almost duplication of this.
26:19 And he writes,
26:20 "You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood,
26:25 a holy nation, his own special people,"
26:31 for what purpose,
26:32 "that you may proclaim the praises of Him
26:37 who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light."
26:41 Now, let me clarify the context of 1 Peter 2:9.
26:46 This is talking about covenant loyalty
26:52 in 1 Peter 2:8,
26:53 it speaks of stumbling
26:57 in being disobedient to God's Word.
27:00 But then in verse 21 and 22,
27:02 it speaks of following in Christ's footsteps,
27:06 committing no sin.
27:07 And verse 24,
27:09 speaks of us having died to sin
27:11 and living for righteousness.
27:13 So this same thing
27:16 that applied to His covenant people
27:20 who were the special treasure,
27:22 the kingdom of priests,
27:24 and the royal holy nation, it applies to us.
27:28 If you keep My commandments,
27:31 this is who you are.
27:33 Now, those three titles
27:34 summarize divine blessings for covenant people.
27:38 Let's look at them.
27:39 A special treasure to me, above all people.
27:44 The King James says, a peculiar treasure.
27:48 ASV says, My own possession, from among all the people,
27:53 that's my favorite.
27:55 The covenant keeping people were redeemed,
28:00 they were brought out of bondage in Egypt.
28:04 Hey, we're brought out of bondage in sin,
28:07 and they belong to the Lord.
28:09 They were His.
28:11 What did He... What price did He pay for us?
28:14 With the precious blood of Jesus.
28:17 That's how much you're worth to God.
28:20 And we are to...
28:21 When He says, you're My own special people,
28:25 My possession, He bought us.
28:27 You were purchased with the blood of Jesus,
28:31 and you will receive God's special care and concern.
28:36 If you walk in obedience
28:38 just as the old covenant people did.
28:40 You, then the second title is you're a kingdom of priests.
28:45 That's what He invited the old covenant people,
28:49 they kind of failed on that.
28:50 So he put in the whole system and the priesthood and all,
28:54 but the covenant keeping people represent God.
28:59 We are, you know what?
29:01 The word holy is synonymous with the word sanctified.
29:06 You know what they both mean?
29:08 Just simply means set apart,
29:10 that you are set apart
29:12 for God's persons, or purposes.
29:16 And we're a kingdom of priests
29:18 and guess who is our high priest?
29:21 The Lord Jesus Christ,
29:22 read the Book of Hebrews,
29:24 if you want to really get a picture of that,
29:26 a holy nation,
29:28 that doesn't mean we're just perfect little Bible thumpers.
29:33 It means we're set apart for God's purposes.
29:36 We're to carry the everlasting gospel
29:40 to all of the nations.
29:42 You know, this is the special responsibilities
29:45 He gave to the Israelites and they flunk this.
29:49 You know, Israel, God calls them in Exodus 4:22,
29:54 my firstborn son,
29:56 his son to be a son, that's a covenant term.
30:00 And it means you are heir of God's promises.
30:03 When you are a covenant son,
30:06 firstborn means you are preeminent.
30:09 So they had this wonderful relationship,
30:14 and they forfeited through unbelief.
30:18 That's right.
30:19 They forfeited that at least that older generation
30:23 the privilege of entering into the Promised Land.
30:26 They had to wander in the desert for 40 years.
30:28 You know, I feel kind of like
30:29 that's what we're doing right now,
30:31 the reason Jesus hasn't come back,
30:33 if it's one more time around the mountain.
30:35 I mean, we just aren't getting it right.
30:39 Now let's look at Exodus 23:12
30:43 because we want to see
30:47 how God views people.
30:49 You may be watching and say,
30:51 "Hey, I'm not a covenant child of God."
30:54 What does God consider you?
30:56 You betcha.
30:57 Exodus 23:12,
30:59 "Six days you should do your work,
31:01 on the seventh day you shall rest
31:03 that your ox and your donkey may rest,
31:05 the son of your female servant
31:07 and the stranger may be refreshed."
31:12 Now the listing of these two animals
31:14 in two different kinds of people,
31:16 it's just illustrative.
31:18 It's not an exhaustive list.
31:20 But did you catch that, the stranger may be refreshed.
31:26 Now let's go back to Exodus 20:18, 20:8-11.
31:32 When God gives the Sabbath commandment, He says,
31:35 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy,
31:37 six days you shall labor and do all your work.
31:40 But the seventh day
31:43 is the Sabbath of the Lord your God."
31:46 In Isaiah 58, God calls it My holy day.
31:52 It was His day, but it was created for man,
31:56 not man for the Sabbath.
31:58 And then He says,
31:59 "In it, you shall do no work,
32:01 not you, nor your son, nor your daughter,
32:04 nor your male servant, nor your female servant."
32:06 Now, let me stop there, you can see that,
32:09 particularly this was addressed to adults
32:13 who own slaves, had kids, the wealthier people,
32:18 he's really trying to make sure they understand.
32:22 But then he says,
32:24 nor your cattle, none of the animals,
32:27 nor your stranger,
32:29 who is within your gates
32:34 is not supposed to work.
32:36 They're all to get a refresh.
32:37 God wants the people who don't know Him
32:42 to see the blessing
32:44 and enjoy the blessing of this day of rest,
32:47 so that they can contemplate Him.
32:51 And you know, it is very clear.
32:54 You can see in Nehemiah 10:31,
32:58 Jeremiah 17:19-27.
33:01 It is clear
33:03 we're not to buy and sell on the Sabbath.
33:05 Right? That's right.
33:07 So this is the reason
33:09 we don't go out to eat on the Sabbath,
33:12 is because, first of all, you know, some people say,
33:16 well, they're not covenant people,
33:17 will go be waited on by somebody else.
33:19 Well, they're going to be open anyway,
33:21 that restaurant will be open, whether I go or not.
33:24 No, we're not to buy or sell, and we're supposed to.
33:28 The only reason they're still open
33:30 because people are still coming.
33:31 We don't want to be contributing to theirs.
33:34 And you know, the Sabbath rest
33:36 God shows it applies to everybody.
33:39 It is so amazing that
33:40 some people think it's only for the Jews.
33:44 The historical precedents
33:48 for the special observance of the Sabbath
33:52 was established during creation week.
33:55 Did you hear me?
33:58 And when people say, oh, but there's a lunar calendar.
34:02 Oh, there's been, they were on a lunar calendar.
34:04 Oh, there's been calendar changes.
34:07 I don't care how many time the calendar has changed.
34:09 The weekly cycle has never changed,
34:12 not from lunar to the current calendar,
34:14 not when the Gregorian calendar,
34:17 not the weekly cycle has never changed
34:20 since the beginning of time.
34:23 So the Sabbath is the Sabbath.
34:26 And you know what?
34:27 The Sabbath confronts the false theory
34:32 that was put forth by Darwin as evolution,
34:37 because it is so clear in the Bible,
34:42 God created heavens and earth and all that is in them
34:45 in six literal days,
34:48 from morning to evening,
34:50 and it reminds us
34:52 of who we should worship even stranger in your gate.
34:55 Amen.
34:57 Thank you so much for that, Shelley
34:58 and Pastor John and Pastor John.
34:59 Thank you guys so much
35:01 for setting the foundation very clearly.
35:03 I have less than 10,
35:04 and it's entitled
35:05 Serving Others Honors God's Sabbath.
35:08 And that is absolutely truthful.
35:10 But we have to understand that
35:12 if you read the history of the Jewish people,
35:15 the Hebrew people from,
35:17 you know, the Old Testament into the New Testament,
35:19 we see an attitude shift, a perspective shift,
35:22 and how they are honoring the Sabbath
35:24 and how they are implementing Sabbath rules.
35:27 In the Old Testament, for the most part,
35:28 you see a constant repetitive cycle
35:31 of what God calls them profaning the Sabbath.
35:33 In other words, they had become so lacks,
35:36 and just allowing
35:37 just any old thing to happen on the Sabbath
35:39 that God said, you were profaning My Sabbath.
35:41 And so that and for many other reasons,
35:44 as they were worshipping other gods and false idols,
35:46 and, you know, not honoring God's commandments at all,
35:48 it landed them in 70 years of Babylonian captivity.
35:52 Now come on the other side of that 70 years
35:54 between the time of Nehemiah and the days of Jesus,
35:58 we see that they went to the opposite extreme,
36:00 instead of becoming very lacks,
36:03 and I guess somebody might say,
36:04 very liberal approach to Sabbath keeping.
36:06 Now they go to the ultra, ultra, ultra conservative,
36:10 very, very harsh rules approach to Sabbath keeping.
36:14 And, in fact, that lesson brings this out
36:16 and had to read this
36:17 because it just really highlights it very well.
36:19 It says in the New Testament world,
36:21 the religious leaders
36:22 had Sabbath keeping down to a fine art,
36:25 okay, and let's emphasize that a little bit, a fine art.
36:28 Here it is.
36:29 There were dozens of prohibitions and rules
36:31 established to keep the Sabbath holy.
36:34 This included a prohibition
36:36 against tying or untying anything,
36:39 separating two threads,
36:42 extinguishing the fire,
36:43 hey, your house is on fire, but you can't put it out.
36:45 It's the Sabbath, right?
36:47 Here's another one
36:48 transporting an object between a private domain
36:51 and a public domain,
36:52 or transporting something
36:54 for more than a specific distance
36:56 in a public domain.
36:58 I mean, these were and the list goes
36:59 on and on and on,
37:00 you could write a book on these things.
37:02 I mean, Jesus was one day going,
37:03 walking through the cornfields with His disciples one day,
37:06 and they were hungry, and it was on the Sabbath.
37:07 And then He's picked an ear corn
37:09 and started eating it.
37:10 And then they accused Him
37:12 and the disciples of breaking the Sabbath,
37:14 you have labored on the Sabbath day,
37:16 you have defiled the Sabbath.
37:18 And this is essentially what Jesus is also being accused of
37:22 in John Chapter 5.
37:23 So let's go there to John Chapter 5,
37:25 and we're gonna read verses 7 through 16.
37:27 And this is one of my favorite stories,
37:28 because Jesus is so gracious and so loving that,
37:32 you know, people forget,
37:33 you know, these brothers and sisters,
37:34 they haven't really known at this moment,
37:36 they haven't really gotten it,
37:37 that Jesus is the Messiah,
37:39 and He is the Son of the living God,
37:42 as Jesus said, He is Lord of the Sabbath.
37:45 And so He shows up
37:47 and He heals this man on the Sabbath,
37:48 and this is what the Bible says.
37:49 So John Chapter 5,
37:51 we're going to start with verse 7.
37:52 It says,
37:54 "The sick man answered him,
37:55 'Sir, I have no man to put me in the pool
37:58 when the water is stirred up.
37:59 But while I'm coming,
38:01 another steps down before me."
38:02 So obviously, this is the crippled man there
38:05 at the pool of Bethesda.
38:06 And so Jesus has come to heal him.
38:08 And so notice Jesus' response in verse 8.
38:11 "Jesus said to him,
38:12 'Rise, take up your bed and walk.'
38:14 And immediately the man was made well,
38:16 and took up his bed, and indeed walk.'"
38:19 And it goes on to say,
38:20 "And that day was the Sabbath."
38:23 The Jews therefore said to him, who was cured, they said,
38:27 "Is this the Sabbath?
38:28 Is it not lawful for you to carry your bed?"
38:31 This brother couldn't even pick up his sheets,
38:34 his pillow or whatever he was using it that moment,
38:36 they said, "You're breaking the Sabbath."
38:38 And so notice verse 11, it says,
38:40 "He answered them,
38:41 'He who made me well said to me,
38:42 take up your bed and walk.'
38:44 Then they asked him,
38:46 'Who is the man who said this to you
38:47 take up your bed and walk?'
38:49 But the one who has healed
38:50 did not know who it was,
38:52 for Jesus had withdrawn a multitude,
38:54 or He has had withdrawn
38:56 and a multitude being in that place."
38:58 Verse 14, it says,
38:59 "Afterwards, Jesus found him in the temple and said to him,
39:02 'See, you have been made well.
39:04 Sin no more,
39:06 lest a worst thing come upon you.'
39:08 The man departed and told the Jews
39:09 that it was Jesus, who had made him well.'"
39:12 And then notice verse 16, and 17.
39:13 Here it says,
39:15 "For this reason, the Jews persecuted Jesus
39:17 and sought to kill Him,
39:19 because He had done these things on the Sabbath.
39:21 But Jesus answered them,
39:22 'My father has been working until now
39:25 and I have been working.'"
39:27 He's testifying again to the fact
39:28 that I am the Lord of the Sabbath
39:30 and you're telling me I can't do these good deeds
39:32 on My holy day?
39:33 They had made the Sabbath out to be something of oppression,
39:37 they had put all of these rules and regulations,
39:39 can't do this and you can't do that
39:41 and you can't do this, this long list
39:43 so much that the only thing you could do was pray,
39:46 you know, and read the Bible or being taught the Bible,
39:49 walk a short distance to the temple
39:51 or pray or worship from your tent
39:53 or from your home or wherever it was,
39:54 it was very, very restrictive.
39:57 It's also reminds me of the time
39:59 in Matthew Chapter 12,
40:01 in fact, we can go there too, Matthew 12:9-12.
40:04 Another time when Jesus again was accused
40:07 of breaking the Sabbath,
40:08 but I love this right here, it says,
40:09 "Now when he had departed from there,
40:11 he went into the synagogue and behold,
40:13 there was a man who had a withered hand."
40:15 So again, this is another healing story.
40:17 "And they asked him saying,
40:18 'Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath,
40:21 that they might accuse Him.'"
40:22 So again, they're looking to start some trouble.
40:23 They're hoping they can find a reason to stone Jesus,
40:26 because these people aren't full of the Holy Spirit.
40:28 They're not being led by God.
40:29 They're just oppressors.
40:31 And they're being led by a wrongful spirit.
40:33 And so in verse 11, it says,
40:34 "Then He said to them,
40:35 'What man is there among you that has one sheep,
40:37 and it falls into a pit on the Sabbath
40:39 will not lay hold of it
40:41 and, and lifted out
40:43 of how much more value than is a man than a sheep,"
40:48 this goes back to the point of this lesson,
40:50 that it's good to do good on the Sabbath,
40:53 because you honor God
40:54 by serving others on the Sabbath,
40:56 which is why Jesus finishes with,
40:57 therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath.
41:01 And we would do well to do good on the Sabbath ourselves,
41:04 that the Sabbath is not a day of oppression
41:07 or heavy drudgery or something that
41:09 you know, a lot of people that you know, that
41:11 they'll say, I'm a Sabbath keeper,
41:12 but they don't look forward to the Sabbath.
41:14 And they don't look forward to the Sabbath
41:15 because they've made it out
41:16 to be this oppressive time
41:18 in which, you know, there's, you can't, you can't enjoy it.
41:21 There's no great spiritual pleasure
41:23 in spending time with family
41:25 and spending time with church, family
41:27 and spending time with the Lord.
41:28 Because in their mind,
41:29 there's a list of do's and don'ts.
41:31 And that list of don'ts
41:32 is much larger than the list of do's.
41:34 And we have to be careful not to fall into that pit.
41:37 In fact, that's exactly
41:38 what God is specifying in Isaiah Chapter 58.
41:43 In fact, I'm going to read verses 2 and 3 here.
41:44 This is what He was saying
41:46 after He had just declared to His Prophet,
41:49 "Cry aloud, spare not,"
41:50 in verse 1 there in Isaiah 58,
41:52 "lift up your voice like a trumpet,
41:53 tell My people of the transgressions,
41:55 and the house of Jacob of their sins."
41:56 But notice verse 2 and 3,
41:58 he says, yet they speaking of his people,
42:00 "They seek me daily
42:02 and delight to know My ways as a nation that did righteous,"
42:07 as if they're doing righteousness, right?
42:08 And He goes on to say,
42:10 "And did not forsake the ordinance of their God.
42:12 They ask of me the ordinance of justice.
42:15 They take delight in approaching God.
42:17 Why have we fasted?
42:19 They say, and you have not seen?
42:21 Why have we afflicted our souls,
42:23 and you take no notice.
42:24 In fact, in the day of your fast,
42:27 you find pleasure and exploit all your laborers.
42:30 What they're saying here is,
42:32 you know, what Jesus look at me,
42:33 I'm doing all the things
42:35 that supposed to make You happy,
42:36 it was a works approach to salvation.
42:39 It was a works approach
42:40 in which they had, again,
42:42 the list of do's, the list of don'ts,
42:43 and they're looking at God and saying, Oh, you know,
42:45 but we've fasted,
42:46 and we did this, and we done that,
42:48 and we kept your Sabbath holy,
42:49 and the Lord's like, come on,
42:50 you're doing, by doing that, and having that spirit,
42:52 you're still profaning My Sabbath.
42:54 And in fact, in verse 13, that famous verse in Isaiah 58,
42:58 "If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath,
43:01 from doing your pleasure on My holy day,
43:04 and call the Sabbath, a delight,"
43:06 okay, the Holy Day of the Lord, honorable,
43:09 "and shall honor him,
43:10 not doing your own ways,
43:11 nor finding your own pleasure
43:13 nor speaking your own words."
43:14 I have to just say here
43:15 in the little bit of time permitted me here,
43:18 many, even Seventh-day Adventist Christian,
43:20 Sabbath keeping Christians, I'll say that across the world,
43:22 take this verse, and they manipulate it
43:25 and take it out of context.
43:26 And they use this verse to try to put more oppression
43:29 on others and on themselves.
43:31 So that the Sabbath is not a delight,
43:33 because they go here, and they say,
43:35 oh, you know, it says that you can't do your own pleasure.
43:36 So if I go outside, and I take a beanbag,
43:39 and I toss it into a hole, and that makes me happy,
43:42 oh, I've broken the Sabbath.
43:43 Or if I, you know, walk too far down the road,
43:45 and I see something that I like,
43:47 and I'm enjoying it,
43:48 and I'm enjoying my day outside.
43:50 Well, I'm breaking the Sabbath.
43:51 The truth of the matter is, my friends,
43:52 if you read this text,
43:54 that in the original text itself,
43:56 it talks about business pleasure,
43:58 not doing your own business pleasure.
43:59 In fact, that's the context of this chapter.
44:02 And so while we should not profane the Sabbath,
44:05 and while we should not just think that
44:06 every little thing in the world is okay
44:08 to do on the Sabbath,
44:10 we also should not be so pharisaical about it
44:14 and producing all of these do's and don'ts
44:16 that we take the joy out of the Sabbath,
44:18 that because actually in the original Hebrew here,
44:21 where it talks about and call the Sabbath,
44:24 a delight, the original Hebrew word,
44:26 actually, here is the word oneg,
44:29 which means an exquisite delight.
44:31 God says, I want you to really like it.
44:33 I want you to really enjoy it.
44:35 I want you to look forward to this time.
44:37 If you look forward to the Sabbath every week,
44:38 and you're like, oh, it's the Sabbath.
44:40 I've got 24 hours to do, you know nothing.
44:43 Then you're not enjoying it.
44:44 You have made the Sabbath a heavy drudgerous experience.
44:47 We should look forward to the Sabbath with delight
44:49 and use it as a time to do good for others
44:52 and to do good with others and serving our fellow man.
44:56 Amen.
44:57 Thank you so much, pastor, and each one of you.
44:59 Amen.
45:00 I love your enthusiasm and your energy
45:03 and passion for the Word of God.
45:04 And I love that,
45:06 I think you were the first one to introduce me to that,
45:08 that was a few months ago.
45:10 With this being, it's not your business pleasure
45:12 instead of just pleasure.
45:14 So I love that.
45:15 I have Thursday, The Sign That We Belong to God.
45:19 The Sabbath, we're looking at the Sabbath as a sign.
45:22 It is an external, a visible and perpetual sign.
45:27 It's external and visible,
45:28 it clearly delineates who God's people are.
45:32 It is perpetual,
45:33 as I think probably each member of the panel
45:36 has already brought out today.
45:38 It was instituted at creation.
45:41 It was renewed to the children of Israel,
45:44 they were reminded of what they had forgotten.
45:47 We saw it as Pastor Johnny talked in the beginning,
45:49 we saw it in Exodus 16.
45:51 We saw it with Abraham, we saw it in Exodus Chapter 20.
45:55 We see it with Jesus in the New Testament,
45:58 we see it with the apostles
46:00 after Jesus' death and resurrection.
46:03 We see it with the apostles keeping,
46:05 honoring the Sabbath day.
46:07 And we know that
46:08 it will be kept in heaven from Isaiah.
46:09 So praise the Lord, it is perpetual.
46:12 We're gonna look at the Sabbath as a sign.
46:14 Turn with me to Ezekiel, Ezekiel Chapter 20.
46:17 And as you're turning there,
46:19 today I'm going to talk about five signs that the Sabbath is.
46:23 Now this is just from my own study,
46:25 there might be more I don't know,
46:27 but these are five that just jumped out at me.
46:29 The first, the Sabbath is a sign of sanctification.
46:33 Let's look at that, Ezekiel 20:12.
46:36 "Moreover, I also gave them my Sabbath to be,"
46:40 what's that word?
46:41 "A sign between them and me,
46:43 that they might know that
46:45 I am the Lord who sanctifies them,"
46:48 or sets them apart?
46:50 I love what Shelley mentioned with that.
46:52 Holiness, sanctification being set apart.
46:55 The Sabbath is a sign between God and His people,
46:58 that He is their God,
47:00 He is our God, and He is our sanctifier.
47:05 Let's look at Exodus 31.
47:07 We also see there, Exodus 31:13,
47:10 almost the very same thing here.
47:12 Speak also to the children of Israel saying,
47:15 "Surely my Sabbaths you shall keep,
47:17 for it is a sign between Me and you
47:19 throughout your generations
47:20 that you may know that
47:22 I am the Lord who sanctifies you."
47:25 That word sign in Hebrew means a sign,
47:28 but it's also a pledge of the covenant.
47:30 And the same word in Hebrew,
47:32 we see it's used for the rainbow
47:34 as a sign of the Noahic covenant.
47:37 We see the same word in Hebrew used for circumcision,
47:41 as the sign of the Abrahamic covenant.
47:44 We see it used here for the Sabbath,
47:47 as the sign of the perpetual covenant
47:51 that God has made with His people.
47:53 Here is the sign of sanctification.
47:55 You know what's interesting to me,
47:57 to me it's ironic,
47:58 that people say the Sabbath is the day of works
48:02 if you keep the Sabbath.
48:03 And that must mean that
48:05 you believe in salvation by works,
48:07 you're not under grace,
48:09 when actually the Sabbath is the sign
48:12 that God is the one who sanctifies us.
48:14 Amen. That's right.
48:16 It's not a sign of works.
48:17 It's a sign of God working in us and through us
48:21 to will and to do of His good pleasure.
48:23 It's a sign every Sabbath,
48:26 when you enter His rest, you say,
48:28 "Thank you, God,
48:30 that You are the one who sanctifies me,
48:32 thank You, God,
48:33 that it's not me doing the work,
48:35 but it's You doing the work in me."
48:38 Now let's look at sign number two,
48:39 it's the sign of the perpetual covenant.
48:41 We're still in Exodus 31.
48:43 Let's look at verses 16 and 17.
48:45 "Therefore the children of Israel
48:46 shall keep the Sabbath
48:48 to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations
48:50 as a perpetual covenant.
48:53 It is a sign
48:54 between me and the children of Israel forever."
48:57 The Sabbath is a sign
48:58 that we are His covenant people,
49:01 that we belong to Him
49:03 and that covenant,
49:04 it's not based on us being anything special.
49:07 It's based on God's love for His people.
49:10 Remember what He said in Deuteronomy 7, 7 and 8,
49:13 the Lord did not set His love on you or choose you
49:16 because you were more in number than any other people,
49:20 for you were the least of all the peoples,
49:23 but because the Lord loves you.
49:26 God did not choose the children of Israel
49:28 because they were more handsome or beautiful or intelligent,
49:31 or they had greater gifts
49:33 or they were stronger in might or army.
49:36 He chose them because He loved them.
49:39 I love that.
49:40 The Sabbath as a sign of that covenant
49:42 is a sign of divine love.
49:44 Now you might be saying,
49:45 well, that was the Jewish people
49:46 and they were chosen
49:48 and the Sabbath is the perpetual sign for them,
49:49 but I'm not Jewish,
49:50 and I do not, you know, I'm not part of that.
49:54 Let's look at Galatians.
49:55 Galatians 3:26-29.
49:59 "For you are all sons of God
50:01 through faith in Christ Jesus.
50:04 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ
50:06 have put on Christ.
50:08 There is neither Jew nor Greek,
50:10 there is neither slave nor free,
50:11 there is neither male nor female,
50:13 for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
50:15 And here's the key verse.
50:17 "And if you are Christ's,
50:19 then you are Abraham's seed
50:21 and heirs according to the promise."
50:24 That means if you have accepted the Lord Jesus
50:27 as your personal Savior,
50:29 you can be part of God's covenant people.
50:33 And as part of God's covenant people,
50:35 we have the gift.
50:36 The sign of the Sabbath is not just for the Jews,
50:40 it is for God's people today.
50:43 So the Sabbath is a sign of sanctification.
50:45 The Sabbath is a sign of the perpetual covenant
50:47 that God made with His people.
50:49 The Sabbath is also a sign of creation, where...
50:51 Let's go back to Exodus 31:17,
50:56 we read the first half of the verse before.
50:58 Let's go back and read the whole verse.
51:00 Exodus 31:17.
51:01 "It is a sign between Me
51:02 and the children of Israel forever,
51:05 for in six days
51:06 the Lord made heavens and earth,
51:08 and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed."
51:12 The Sabbath is a sign
51:13 that God made the world in six literal days,
51:16 there was not eons of time.
51:18 Some people believe that
51:20 one day of creation lasted for an eternity,
51:22 well, not literally, but a long time.
51:25 And the next day, no,
51:26 God made this world in six literal days,
51:30 evenings and mornings.
51:32 And then He rested on the seventh day.
51:35 The Sabbath is not only a sign every week,
51:37 it's a reminder that God created us
51:39 that He created this world and everything in it,
51:42 as Pastor Ryan talked about that we can enjoy.
51:45 But it's also a sign
51:46 that God can recreate in you and I
51:49 the image of Jesus.
51:51 And that brings us to sign number four,
51:53 the Sabbath is a sign of redemption.
51:57 Pastor John read this passage in Deuteronomy 5.
51:59 But let's look at one verse there.
52:00 Deuteronomy 5:15,
52:02 is the sign that Jesus delivered us
52:05 from our own Egyptian bondage.
52:08 And that's just means that we lived in the land of sin.
52:11 And Jesus, He set us free.
52:13 Deuteronomy 5:15.
52:16 And remember that you were a slave
52:19 in the land of Egypt.
52:20 And we might be reading this and saying,
52:22 well, the Jewish people were slaves in Egypt,
52:23 and clearly they were slaves in Egypt.
52:27 But how many times have you felt enslaved in sin,
52:31 enslaved in addiction,
52:34 enslaved in your own lusts
52:35 and passions and desires and said,
52:37 "God, I want to be set free."
52:40 Jesus came to redeem us
52:42 and pull us out of the land of Egypt as it were.
52:46 That just means bondage.
52:47 That just means the land of sin.
52:49 Remember, you were a slave in the land of Egypt,
52:52 and the Lord your God brought you out from there
52:55 by a mighty hand, and by an outstretched arm,
52:59 therefore the Lord your God commanded you
53:01 to keep the Sabbath day.
53:02 I love that verse because we see the connection
53:05 between redemption,
53:07 between deliverance from Egypt,
53:09 deliverance from bondage,
53:11 and the keeping of the seventh day,
53:14 the keeping of the Sabbath.
53:16 We were redeemed from the land of the enemy.
53:18 The Sabbath is a sign every week
53:20 that God bought you back from the land of the enemy.
53:24 I love that.
53:26 Let's look at sign number five.
53:28 The Sabbath is the sign of loyalty.
53:31 Turn with me to Revelation.
53:33 Revelation 12:17,
53:37 "And the dragon was enraged with a woman,"
53:40 now this would be Satan was angry with the church,
53:44 "and went to make war
53:45 with the rest of her offspring."
53:47 And who are those offspring?
53:49 Who keep the commandments of God
53:52 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
53:55 The Sabbath is a sign
53:57 of God's covenant keeping people.
54:00 It is a mark of distinction
54:03 between those who serve God
54:05 and those who serve Him not.
54:07 I want to be very clear here.
54:08 I believe God has people
54:10 who will be saved in every single denomination.
54:12 There are people who worship on Sunday
54:14 who will be in heaven.
54:15 I believe that from the bottom of my heart,
54:18 but at the end of time,
54:21 the Sabbath will be made a special point of test,
54:25 it will be brought to the forefront
54:27 before the entire world.
54:29 And at that time,
54:30 people will need to make a decision,
54:32 will I choose to follow God,
54:34 will I choose to make Him Lord of my life
54:36 and if I do that,
54:38 I will choose to honor God's Sabbath.
54:42 So every Sabbath,
54:43 you and I have the privilege
54:45 of remembering that God is our Creator.
54:47 God is our Redeemer.
54:49 God is our Sanctifier.
54:51 He wants to keep everlasting covenant
54:53 with us as His people
54:55 and we show our loyalty to Him
54:58 by celebrating the Sabbath.
54:59 Amen. Amen.
55:01 Wonderful. Glory.
55:03 Well, it seems that
55:04 we began a moment ago and we're, time is over.
55:07 Let's take a moment now
55:08 for you to summarize something you would like to say.
55:11 The Sabbath, the Sabbath is a sign of our desire
55:14 to follow truth.
55:15 John 17:17,
55:17 "Sanctify them by your truth, your Word is truth."
55:20 And when the Word of God was put forth from His mouth,
55:23 from His heart, from His character,
55:25 He said, "Remember."
55:27 As a Christian, don't forget
55:29 what the Lord your God said to remember.
55:33 The way you "keep the Sabbath,"
55:36 will affect the stranger in your gate.
55:39 And what I want to suggest to you
55:41 is celebrate the Sabbath.
55:43 It is no more legalistic
55:46 to celebrate the Sabbath
55:47 than it would be to say that it's legalistic not to murder.
55:51 The Ten Commandments are a single unit.
55:54 James says, break one, break them all.
55:56 That's right. Amen.
55:57 It's interesting to note,
55:59 Jill, you were talking about the sign.
56:00 Exodus 31:13, Ezekiel 20:12 and 20:20.
56:03 That word sign there in the original Hebrew
56:05 is the Hebrew word Oth, O- T-H.
56:08 And it literally also means mark,
56:11 because the Sabbath is a sign,
56:12 it's a mark of God's authority.
56:15 And when we receive that in our life,
56:17 we are receiving the sign of God's authority,
56:19 and therefore He knows that we are His.
56:22 Amen.
56:24 To me, the Sabbath is just a tremendous gift
56:26 and blessing
56:27 and it comes from Jesus Himself.
56:30 What a privilege to know that we can be His children,
56:34 to know that He loves us so much
56:37 that He set aside 24 hours,
56:40 just that He could spend with us as His children.
56:43 What a privilege.
56:44 I want to invite you to open up your heart
56:47 to receive the gift of the Sabbath.
56:50 Amen.
56:51 Amen. Amen.
56:52 We thank Pastor John Lomacang, Sister Shelley Quinn,
56:55 Pastor Ryan Day, and Sister Jill Morikone.
56:58 It's a... It's been a wonderful study.
57:00 And I hope you have been blessed.
57:01 We encourage you to join us again on Sabbath School Panel.
57:05 Before we do that, I'd like to read to you
57:07 once again from Isaiah Chapter 58.
57:10 And notice what it says in verse 13 and 14 again,
57:12 "If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath
57:14 from doing your pleasure on My holy day
57:17 and call the Sabbath, a delight,
57:20 the Holy Day of the Lord, honorable and shall honor him,
57:24 not doing your own ways, nor finding your own pleasure
57:26 nor speaking your own words,
57:27 then you shall delight yourself in the Lord
57:31 and I will cause you to ride on the high hills of the earth
57:35 and feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father,
57:37 the mouth of the Lord has spoken."
57:40 This is true still today.
57:42 And if you have never tasted
57:44 the goodness of enjoying the Sabbath day,
57:47 I encourage you to this week,
57:49 try following God's commandment to keep the Sabbath day holy.
57:54 Amen.
57:56 You will taste and see that it is a blessing.
57:58 Next week study is Longing For More,
58:01 and we hope that
58:03 you will join us on 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.


Revised 2021-09-13