3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Covenant Sign

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP210022S

00:01 If you've been following us
00:02 here on 3ABN Sabbath School Panel
00:04 that you know, we were making our way
00:05 through a study on God's everlasting covenant
00:08 and that's exactly what it's called The Promise,
00:11 God's everlasting covenant.
00:12 And we've been talking a lot
00:13 about this wonderful, beautiful covenant
00:15 that we find in Jesus Christ.
00:17 We're going to continue this week,
00:19 lesson number nine we are on
00:21 and it's entitled Covenant Sign.
00:22 We're going to be talking about
00:24 the blessing of God's fourth commandment,
00:26 His Sabbath blessing,
00:28 and how it is tied to the covenant altogether.
00:30 If you don't have a copy of this lesson,
00:32 we can give you a couple of ways
00:33 of how you can get that right now.
00:34 We encourage you to find
00:36 a local Seventh-day Adventist Church if you can,
00:38 during these times we recognize that might be tough,
00:40 but if you can,
00:41 it's always a blessing to study with likeminded brethren.
00:44 I'm sure they would love
00:45 to give you a copy of the study for free.
00:47 Or you can simply go to
00:48 www.absg.Adventist.org
00:54 and you can access
00:56 a digital copy of the study for free.
00:58 So again, as we always like to remind you,
01:00 get your notes stuff ready
01:02 because take some notes
01:03 because we're going to be going through the Word of the Lord
01:05 and having a wonderful time
01:06 as we study God's everlasting covenant.
01:40 Hello, friends, and welcome back
01:41 to another edition of 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
01:44 We are making our way along
01:45 in our study on God's everlasting covenant.
01:49 And we're on lesson number nine
01:51 and it's, of course, this week
01:53 we're talking about the covenant sign.
01:54 We're gonna be talking about the Sabbath
01:56 and its significance within the covenant.
01:58 But before we get right into that,
02:00 I want to go ahead and introduce our panel
02:01 with this at this time.
02:03 To my left is Pastor John Lomacang.
02:05 Always a blessing to have you.
02:06 Good to be here.
02:08 I'm looking forward to the Sabbath before Sinai.
02:09 Amen.
02:11 Praise the Lord
02:12 and to your left is Miss Jill Morikone.
02:13 Always a blessing and I know you got a list for us.
02:16 There might be a list there. Amen.
02:17 Excited about the study.
02:19 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
02:20 And to your left is Miss Shelley Quinn.
02:23 How are you? I'm very well.
02:25 Thank you, and excited to be here.
02:27 Praise the Lord.
02:28 And down on the far end we have the president of 3ABN
02:31 and always a blessing to have Brother Jill...
02:33 Oh, not Brother Jill,
02:35 Brother Greg Morikone, married to Sister Jill,
02:38 let's get that right.
02:39 Yes. All right.
02:41 How are you, brother?
02:43 I'm doing well, Pastor Ryan.
02:44 It's always a blessing to open the Word of God
02:46 and you know what a blessing to be family
02:47 and to be joining with you
02:48 because you know it's encouraging
02:50 to open the Word of God
02:51 and what a blessing and privilege we have.
02:52 Amen. Praise the Lord.
02:54 And that's a lesson learned.
02:55 Try to remember your boss's name
02:57 correctly the first time.
02:58 That's not an issue, Pastor Ryan.
03:00 Amen.
03:02 Well, before we go any further,
03:03 let's go ahead and have a prayer
03:05 and, Brother Greg, why don't you pray for us?
03:06 Yeah, absolutely. Let's pray.
03:08 Father in heaven,
03:09 we just pray right now for Your Holy Spirit
03:11 to join us as we are opening Your Word.
03:14 Lord, what a privilege it is to study the Word of God,
03:18 and Father as we study today on the sign of the covenant,
03:21 Lord, we just pray that
03:23 You would open our minds and hearts
03:25 to the word that you have for us today.
03:26 And in Jesus' name we pray.
03:28 Amen. Amen.
03:30 Praise the Lord.
03:31 Our memory verse kind of says it all.
03:34 Exodus 31:16, beautiful text.
03:38 Again, that's Exodus 31:16.
03:41 And the Bible says,
03:42 "Wherefore the children of Israel
03:44 shall keep the Sabbath,
03:46 to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations
03:49 for a perpetual covenant."
03:52 I love that perpetual covenant continually.
03:55 God says, I want to bestow
03:57 the blessing of the Sabbath upon you.
03:59 And indeed, if we are a covenant people
04:01 in covenant relationship with the Lord,
04:03 then we shall want to keep all of God's commandments,
04:06 including the Sabbath commandment.
04:08 I like how Sabbath afternoon is set up.
04:10 I'm going to read what's there
04:12 because I thought it had a nice little introduction
04:14 to what we're talking about this week.
04:15 It says,
04:17 "The seventh day Sabbath is like a nail that whack
04:21 with unbroken regularity returns us each week
04:24 to the foundation of all that we are or could be.
04:29 We are so busy running to and fro,
04:31 spending money, making money,
04:33 going here, going there, going everywhere,
04:36 and then whack
04:38 Sabbath comes
04:39 and reattaches us to our foundation,
04:41 the starting point of everything that follows
04:44 because everything that is anything to us
04:47 becomes that only
04:48 because God created it, and us to begin with.
04:53 With unceasing regularity and with no exceptions,
04:56 the Sabbath silently hurls over the horizon
04:59 and into every crack and cranny of our lives.
05:02 It reminds us that every crack and cranny belong to our maker,
05:07 the one who puts us here,
05:09 the one who in the beginning
05:11 created the heavens and the earth,
05:14 an act that remains the irrefutable foundation
05:18 of all Christian belief
05:19 and of which the seventh day Sabbath.
05:22 Whack is the unrefutable,
05:25 unobtrusive and unyielding sign."
05:28 I thought that was a nice
05:29 and I liked the little whacks in there.
05:30 Yeah.
05:32 It's really, really nice to know
05:33 that the Sabbath is something that's foundational.
05:35 It's something that God created in the very beginning.
05:38 In fact, that's what we're going to start
05:39 with this week,
05:41 as we dive into Sunday's lesson entitled, Origins.
05:44 Because when you go back to the origins,
05:46 that's exactly what Genesis means.
05:47 It means origins or beginning.
05:49 And when you go back
05:50 and you read the beginning story
05:52 of what is happening there in the Garden of Eden,
05:54 as God has created, He has created the world,
05:56 He's created everything.
05:58 Now He's in the Garden of Eden.
05:59 On the sixth day, He creates man,
06:01 and He looks back at everything that He's created.
06:03 And He says, "It's very good," right?
06:06 But then we go on to Genesis 2:1-3.
06:10 And notice what the Bible says.
06:12 It says,
06:13 "Thus the heavens and the earth,
06:15 and all the host of them were finished.
06:17 And on the seventh day, God ended His work
06:20 which He had done,
06:22 and He rested on the seventh day
06:23 from all His work which He had done.
06:26 And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it
06:30 because in it, He rested from all His work
06:34 which God had created and made."
06:38 So we see there very clearly
06:40 that the Sabbath was established
06:43 in the Garden of Eden.
06:45 Now, there's somebody right now
06:46 that's probably watching are going to,
06:48 you know, hear what I'm saying,
06:49 you know, and I don't know Ryan, doesn't say that,
06:51 doesn't actually say Sabbath, right?
06:53 It says He just rested.
06:54 But there's no doubt about it
06:56 that as you do an important,
06:58 responsible study of God's Word,
07:00 you find that right there,
07:01 even in the original language
07:03 when it says He rested.
07:04 It says that He Shabbat, He rested,
07:07 He ceased from all of His work,
07:09 which is where we get our word Shabbat
07:11 is from Sabbath, right?
07:12 So we know that God did indeed Sabbath,
07:14 He created this Sabbath,
07:16 He rested on the Sabbath from all that He made.
07:18 And the point that I just made
07:20 even people from outside
07:22 the Seventh-day Adventist faith,
07:23 they get this point.
07:25 For instance, Zondervan,
07:26 the Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible,
07:29 of course, which you know Zondervan.
07:31 Zondervan is a religious publishing company,
07:34 and they write this in the volume five,
07:36 page 183 of the Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible.
07:39 They say,
07:41 "The word Sabbath is not employed in,
07:44 of course, Genesis 2:2-3,
07:46 it says, but in it, it is certain
07:48 that the author meant to assert
07:51 that God blessed and hallowed the seventh day as the Sabbath.
07:55 So even Zondervan,
07:56 which is a non Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Group,
07:58 they get it,
07:59 they've published this statement
08:01 saying that it's very clear
08:03 that right there in Genesis 2:2-3
08:06 where God rested, He blessed,
08:07 and He made holy this seventh day.
08:09 It is no doubt talking about the Sabbath of the Lord.
08:13 And, of course, there's many people that say,
08:14 well, the Sabbath didn't come along until you know,
08:17 Mount Sinai there when God gave the Ten Commandment law.
08:20 And that was really the origin of the Sabbath.
08:22 Before that no one really ever kept the Sabbath holy.
08:25 Well, we know that there are several texts
08:27 that indicate pre Mount Sinai that God had faithful servants
08:31 who kept all of His commandments.
08:33 I think of Abraham.
08:34 We've read several texts already,
08:35 where it said that he kept God's commandments.
08:37 I don't think he just kept nine of them, right?
08:39 I believe he kept the entire law.
08:41 We've even learned that
08:42 the law of God
08:43 is God's governing law in heaven.
08:46 Lucifer rebelled from that law.
08:48 And it says that iniquity was found in him,
08:51 which means he had to, as the Bible says,
08:53 sin is transgression of the law.
08:54 What law did he violate?
08:56 He violated the law of God,
08:57 the Ten Commandment law of God which is in heaven.
08:59 So there's clear evidence
09:00 that the law of God
09:02 all 10 of God's commandments existed in heaven.
09:05 And right here in Exodus Chapter 16,
09:07 we see very clearly
09:09 that God is reintroducing to the children of Israel,
09:12 this concept of Sabbath and why is that?
09:15 Not because they would have never heard of it,
09:17 not because it's something
09:18 that would have been new to them
09:19 that they've never been experienced
09:21 or never have been maybe told about
09:22 or informed about.
09:24 But they've been in 400 years of Egyptian captivity,
09:27 where the Egyptians have these brothers and sisters
09:30 working day and night, 24/7, or at least seven days a week
09:33 and they weren't really getting a Sabbath rest.
09:36 And so by the time they get out in the wilderness,
09:38 God's brought them out of Egypt.
09:40 Right there in Exodus Chapter 16,
09:42 beginning with verse 4.
09:43 Notice what the Bible says.
09:44 It says, "And the Lord said to Moses,
09:46 'Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you.
09:49 And the people shall go out
09:50 and gather a certain quota every day
09:53 that I may test them,
09:55 notice this,
09:56 whether they will walk in My law or not."
09:59 And then he says there in verse 26, notice,
10:01 "Six days you shall gather it,
10:04 but on the seventh day, the Sabbath,
10:06 there will be none,
10:08 or there will be no gathering on the Sabbath."
10:11 So it's interesting how God brings us about.
10:13 He doesn't say the Sabbath pause button.
10:15 Oh, you don't know about that.
10:17 Let me tell you about it.
10:18 Let me explain to you what the Sabbath is.
10:20 He's very much giving it to them
10:21 as they've heard of it.
10:22 They know what this Sabbath rest is.
10:24 They've just,
10:25 they're generations and generations
10:27 away from people who used to keep it,
10:28 but they haven't been able to keep the Sabbath in Egypt.
10:30 God says,
10:31 "Look, I'm gonna reintroduce the Sabbath to you
10:33 and tell you what it's all about."
10:35 Keep in mind,
10:36 they've been out in the wilderness
10:37 whining and complaining,
10:39 and we're hungry, and we're thirsty.
10:41 And God's brought us out here to die in the wilderness.
10:43 And so the Lord says,
10:44 "Look, I'm going to take care of you.
10:45 But I'm also going to test you
10:47 to see if you will honor and keep My law or not.
10:50 And so, if you go into verse 27,
10:52 again, we're in Exodus 16, still,
10:54 verse 27, it says,
10:55 "Now it happened that
10:56 some of the people went out on the seventh day
10:58 to gather but they found none.
11:01 And the Lord said to Moses,
11:03 'How long do you refuse to keep My," what?
11:06 "My commandments and my laws?"
11:08 Wait a second, do we have Ten commandments
11:09 at this point yet?
11:11 All right, so the Ten Commandments
11:12 have not been formally given to the children of Israel
11:15 in document form, or verbally said aloud,
11:18 but would they have been aware of these commandments
11:21 from perhaps Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob,
11:24 and the stories that had been told to them
11:25 of their traditional religious experience with God,
11:28 the God of their fathers?
11:30 Absolutely.
11:31 And so God says,
11:33 "Look, you're not keeping My commandments, and My laws."
11:34 And then verse 29,
11:35 "See! For the Lord has given you the Sabbath,
11:38 therefore He gives you on the sixth day
11:41 bread for two days.
11:42 Let every man remain in his place,
11:44 let no man go out of his place on the seventh day."
11:46 So the people, there it is, rested.
11:49 They Shabbat
11:50 just like the Lord did in the beginning,
11:52 just like he did in Genesis 2,
11:54 they Shabbat, they rested,
11:55 they ceased from their labors on the seventh day.
11:58 And you know what?
12:00 There's no doubt,
12:01 there's no doubt as to where this Sabbath finds its origin.
12:05 Because there's no other place clear
12:07 then when you get one, few chapters over,
12:09 we're in Exodus 16 now,
12:11 but if you go to Exodus 20,
12:12 where God verbally tells them and gives them
12:15 for the first time as a nation,
12:17 this Ten Commandment law
12:18 right there and beginning in verse 8,
12:20 He introduces
12:22 this Sabbath commandment to them
12:23 in a formal way.
12:24 And it says here and verse,
12:26 verse, starting with verse 8 of Exodus Chapter 20,
12:28 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy."
12:31 There's the commandment.
12:32 You ought to remember it, you are to keep it holy.
12:34 And then verses 9 through 10.
12:36 He tells you how you keep the Sabbath.
12:38 "Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
12:40 but the seventh day
12:42 is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.
12:43 In it, you shall not do any work,
12:45 nor your son, nor your daughter,
12:47 nor your male servant, nor your female servant,
12:48 nor your cattle, nor your stranger
12:50 that is within your gates."
12:51 And then you get to verse 11.
12:53 Are you wondering where the Sabbath is?
12:55 Are you wondering where it comes from,
12:56 where its origin is?
12:58 Well, God doesn't leave anything out.
12:59 Right there in verse 11,
13:00 He points us back to the origin of the Sabbath.
13:02 Why are we to keep the Sabbath?
13:04 Why are we to remember it and keep it holy?
13:07 God Himself says,
13:08 "For in six days,
13:09 the Lord made the heavens
13:12 and the earth, the sea, and all that in them
13:14 is and He rested the seventh day,
13:17 therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day
13:19 and hallowed it."
13:20 You know, God created the Sabbath for all humanity,
13:23 not just for the Jews,
13:24 and there's no scripture in all the Bible that says
13:27 that the Sabbath is just for the Jews
13:29 or that it's a Jewish Sabbath.
13:30 That's a myth.
13:32 The Bible clearly says,
13:33 as we find there in Mark 2: 27-28,
13:36 Jesus Himself, the one who created the Sabbath,
13:38 the one who spoke the worlds into existence,
13:41 our very wonderful Creator Himself said,
13:43 the Sabbath was made for man
13:45 and not man for the Sabbath.
13:47 That word there in the Greek is anthropos
13:49 which means for all mankind, He created the Sabbath.
13:53 And I love this beautifully, because Jesus didn't actually,
13:57 you know, He kept the Sabbath first before Adam and Eve,
14:00 their very first full day with Him
14:02 was to spend in communion with Him on the Sabbath,
14:05 but they wouldn't actually keep their first Sabbath
14:06 until a week later.
14:08 Because remember what the prerequisite is,
14:10 for keeping Sabbath?
14:11 You have to work for six days.
14:13 Had Adam and Eve labored for six days yet?
14:15 No, they hadn't.
14:17 But we know that
14:18 they kept that first Sabbath with Christ observing,
14:20 and then later they would keep their very first Sabbath
14:23 with the Lord.
14:24 We see its origin in Genesis,
14:25 and we can be sure today
14:27 that the Lord Sabbath
14:28 is still intact for all generations
14:30 as a part of the covenant.
14:32 Oh, well, thank you, Ryan.
14:34 You covered my Sabbath School lesson for me,
14:38 is our Sabbath before Sinai.
14:41 So I'm going to go on a little different direction
14:43 as we go to Monday, Sabbath before Sinai.
14:46 Let's go to Exodus 16,
14:48 because that's the foundation that primarily was laid.
14:52 And the writer wanted us to bring that out
14:55 that the Sabbath was in existence before Sinai.
14:59 Now according to what Ryan just read,
15:01 the test of the Sabbath was, in fact, God's provision.
15:06 And one of the things I want to point out is,
15:08 if we would stop trying to provide for ourselves,
15:12 we would see that God can provide for us.
15:15 The Sabbath has been boiled down to a day
15:18 where many stores open
15:19 and provide their major sales on those days.
15:22 I remember a Macy's white flower day sales
15:25 was always on the Sabbath.
15:27 A lot of sales began sunset Friday
15:29 and ended like 2 o'clock on Saturday afternoon,
15:32 and I remember being pushed
15:34 in the category where items were sold,
15:36 and they said, well, it doesn't go on sale
15:38 till Friday night
15:39 and the sale ends at 2 o'clock on Saturday.
15:41 And I actually got into a very respectful debate
15:47 with the salesperson and I said,
15:50 "Well, I go to church on the Sabbath."
15:52 They said, "No, it's on Saturday."
15:53 I said, "But that's the Sabbath and I won't be able to be here.
15:57 So are you saying to Seventh-day Adventists
15:58 and to the entire Jewish world
16:00 that they don't have right to partake in this sales."
16:03 And they said,
16:04 "Well, I never thought about it that way."
16:06 And they went and spoke to their manager
16:07 and came by they said,
16:08 "Hey, manager said you can have the sales price."
16:10 We need to stand up and recognize
16:11 the Sabbath as a fact of God, not as a just a day itself.
16:16 And so when we talk about the Sabbath,
16:18 many people boil it down to the day.
16:21 But it's not about the day, it is about the Lord.
16:26 Anymore than May 22 is about the day,
16:29 it's about my wife and me, that's our anniversary.
16:32 So it may be nothing to you.
16:34 But when it becomes a sign,
16:37 where two people are united together
16:39 in a blessed relationship,
16:41 which is in fact, what the Sabbath is,
16:43 God uniting with His people
16:45 in a blessed and sanctified relationship,
16:49 then the day means something different.
16:51 Now, let me go a step further on that.
16:53 Can I change the day my wife and I were married on?
16:56 No.
16:58 Let me go a step farther.
17:01 Now I am never, and my wife and I made this decree,
17:04 if anything happened to her or me,
17:06 I'm not getting remarried.
17:07 I want one wife in heaven. That's the bottom line.
17:09 I got the best one now.
17:11 And if anything happened to her,
17:12 I'm waiting to heaven
17:13 so we can continue our relationship.
17:15 But here's the point.
17:16 People that got married a second time,
17:18 let's use the example,
17:19 say a guy just get married a second time,
17:20 which is not an unusual thing in our world.
17:23 And he's been honoring January 5, for 35 years.
17:27 Now he gets remarried and says to his second wife,
17:30 you know, Honey, I'm so used to January 5,
17:32 because my wife and I, who's now deceased.
17:36 We honor January 5 for 35 years
17:40 and I know you and I got married on July 4.
17:43 But would it be okay if we on a January 5
17:45 since I'm used to that day.
17:48 What would his wife say?
17:49 No, that day has nothing to do with me and you.
17:53 It identifies you and her.
17:55 Sunday, I'm gonna say this clearly
17:57 has nothing to do with God's blessing.
17:59 It's a work day.
18:01 It's the first day of the week,
18:03 and as sincere as we are, we can be sincerely wrong.
18:07 Not in a judgmental way, but when you look at the Bible,
18:11 nothing happened on the first day of the week
18:13 that God blessed.
18:15 He saw that everything He made was very good,
18:17 but He only blessed one day of the week.
18:19 So let's go down the questions
18:21 to see how clearly the Bible identifies
18:23 and establish this cadence.
18:25 The first question, let's go to Mark 15:42,
18:30 which day is the preparation day?
18:31 Which day is the preparation day
18:33 for the Sabbath?
18:34 We're going to start with Mark 15:42.
18:38 And remember, friends,
18:39 I said this, and I'll reiterate it,
18:41 if it was just about the day, you can pick any day you want.
18:44 But it's not about the day.
18:46 It's about the God.
18:48 Mark 15:42,
18:50 "Now when evening had come,
18:53 because it was the preparation day
18:55 that is the day before the Sabbath.
18:58 So today,
19:00 an entire nation of Jews,
19:03 even though predominantly they rejected Christ,
19:06 they still honor the Sabbath.
19:08 The Sabbath day did not change.
19:10 It's the nation's attitude toward the God of the Sabbath
19:13 is what changed.
19:14 But we look clearly
19:16 that the seventh day
19:17 is the only day that God blessed.
19:19 And Exodus 20:8-11 connects the seventh day to the Sabbath.
19:24 The day before the Sabbath is called the Preparation Day.
19:27 Today, the entire Christian world
19:29 when Easter comes,
19:30 they call it Good Friday,
19:32 and they call the first day of the week,
19:34 Easter Sunday.
19:35 And that's the only time in the year
19:36 that they call Saturday, Holy Saturday.
19:39 It's amazing.
19:40 Once a year, it's called Holy Saturday,
19:42 between the Preparation Day and the Resurrection Day
19:45 is the seventh day.
19:46 The Resurrection Day is clearly the first day of the week.
19:50 The day before the Sabbath is a preparation.
19:52 So you have the preparation, the Sabbath and the first day.
19:55 Luke 23:50รข | Luke 23:53-54.
20:00 The Bible identifies this clearly once again,
20:03 Luke 23:53-54.
20:05 "Then he took it down", that is the body of Christ,
20:08 "wrapped it in linen, and laid it in a tomb
20:11 that was hewn out of the rock
20:13 where no one had ever lain before.
20:15 That day was the Preparation, and the Sabbath drew near."
20:19 And we know the story very well.
20:21 After the Sabbath,
20:22 the women went to the tomb to anoint Christ
20:24 and found that the tomb had been empty.
20:26 The stone had been rolled away.
20:28 And that was the first day of the week.
20:31 And different gospel writers, some say while it was yet dark,
20:34 some say early in the morning, but the fact of the matter is,
20:38 they went on the first day.
20:40 And why was the Lord not there?
20:42 Because from the very beginning,
20:43 He established the first day as the day of work.
20:46 He got up to continue the work of redemption,
20:49 the work of salvation.
20:52 Let's go to Exodus 20:8-10.
20:55 The next question is,
20:56 which day of the week is the Sabbath?
20:58 Now I don't think we have anything
21:00 that we've missed so far,
21:01 but let us allow the Bible to speak.
21:04 Verse 8,
21:06 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy."
21:09 Verse 9,
21:10 "Six days you shall labor and do all your work."
21:13 And the beginning of verse 10.
21:14 "But the seventh day
21:16 is the Sabbath of the Lord your God."
21:18 Now, I'm gonna say this twice,
21:21 first here, and at the end of another time.
21:24 The seventh day
21:26 is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.
21:28 Have you ever thought about this?
21:30 Don't ask yourself the question which day is the Sabbath?
21:32 Ask yourself the question, who is the Lord your God?
21:36 Who is your God?
21:38 If the God of creation is your God,
21:41 He's saying the seventh day is My Sabbath.
21:44 But if you want to just pick a day,
21:46 then you're disconnecting yourself from your obligation
21:48 to the God of creation.
21:50 You can pick any day,
21:52 but that's not the day God blessed.
21:53 We must ask ourselves the question,
21:55 am I willing to identify with my Lord,
21:59 the God of creation.
22:00 If that, in fact is the case,
22:02 He says,
22:03 the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord, your God.
22:07 Now, why can't we choose today?
22:10 Because we can't bless anything.
22:12 So what's the issue?
22:13 Ezekiel 22:26,
22:15 this is a major part of the issue.
22:18 This happened among the Jews when they went into rebellion.
22:21 This is happening again today in the Christian world.
22:24 The Bible says in Exodus, in Ezekiel 22: 26.
22:28 "Her priests have violated My law,"
22:31 it's clear,
22:32 "and profaned My holy things,
22:34 they have not distinguished
22:36 between the holy and the unholy,"
22:38 Sunday has never been a holy day,
22:40 it's an unholy day,
22:42 "nor have they made known the difference
22:44 between the unclean and the clean."
22:46 Today, pastors teach you can eat anything.
22:49 The Bible doesn't teach that.
22:50 And what is the issue?
22:52 "And they have hidden their eyes
22:53 from My Sabbaths,
22:56 so that I am profaned among them."
22:58 That's a powerful statement that the Lord made,
23:00 when we hide our eyes from His Sabbath.
23:03 The Sabbath hasn't been hidden.
23:05 The Sabbath is not invisible.
23:07 We have just ignored it.
23:09 We cannot hide our eyes from the Sabbath.
23:11 And people say,
23:12 "Well, you know, you really got,
23:14 you guys are making a big deal out of the Sabbath."
23:16 I've often asked the question,
23:17 "What is there about the Sabbath
23:19 that makes us want to ignore it?"
23:21 Some people say,
23:22 "Well, because it's a salvation by works."
23:25 When you read the Sabbath command,
23:27 you will find the word work, but not to be saved.
23:31 It'll simply say, "Thou shall not do any works."
23:36 The work has been done by the Lord.
23:38 We are simply called to honor what God has already done.
23:43 My last text,
23:44 that what kind of day should the Sabbath be?
23:47 Isaiah 58:13,
23:49 "If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath,
23:51 from doing your pleasure on My holy day,
23:54 and call the Sabbath, a delight,
23:56 the holy day of the Lord honorable
23:58 and shall honor Him,
24:00 not doing your own ways, nor finding your own pleasures,
24:03 nor speaking your own words."
24:05 Verse 14,
24:07 "Then you shall delight yourself in the Lord,
24:09 and I will cause you to ride on the high heels of the earth,
24:12 and feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father,
24:15 for the mouth of the Lord has spoken."
24:17 God wants to bless you.
24:20 The question is, do you want to be blessed by the Lord.
24:22 If, in fact, that's the case, remember Mark 2:27,
24:26 "The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath.
24:31 Honor the Lord of the Sabbath
24:32 and you'll be a blessed man and woman."
24:35 Praise the Lord.
24:37 Thank you so much, pastor, for that.
24:38 I appreciate that.
24:40 We're going to take a quick break
24:41 and we'll be right back in a moment.
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25:19 Hello, friends, welcome back to 3ABN Sabbath School Panel
25:21 where we're going to go on to Tuesday's lesson,
25:24 Miss Jill Morikone.
25:25 Thank you so much, Pastor Ryan and Pastor John,
25:27 amazing lesson so far.
25:29 I love the gift of the Sabbath.
25:31 What a privilege to have 24 hours
25:35 to spend with our Creator God and our Redeemer,
25:40 the Lord Jesus Christ,
25:41 what a gift.
25:43 I have Tuesday, which is Covenant Sign,
25:45 the Sabbath as a covenant sign of grace.
25:49 You know, if you look at the covenants,
25:50 we have the rainbow
25:52 is the sign of the Noahic covenant.
25:54 We have circumcision
25:55 as a sign of the Abrahamic covenant.
25:58 We have the Sabbath
26:00 as the sign of the Sinaitic covenant,
26:03 or the covenant given at Sinai.
26:05 Exodus 31:13,
26:07 "Speak also to the children of Israel saying,
26:10 'Surely my Sabbaths you shall keep,
26:13 for it is a sign between me and you
26:16 throughout your generations,
26:19 that you may know that
26:20 I am the Lord who sanctifies you.
26:23 It is a sign or pledge of the covenant.
26:26 Now the focus of this particular lesson
26:29 is the Sabbath being a sign, a covenant sign of grace.
26:33 But before we get there,
26:34 I just want to touch on a couple things to me
26:37 that the Sabbath is a sign of.
26:39 First, the Sabbath is a sign of God's covenant
26:42 with His people throughout the ages.
26:46 We see this in Exodus 31:16.
26:50 Exodus 31:16,
26:53 "Therefore the children of Israel
26:54 shall keep the Sabbath,
26:56 to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations,"
26:59 Why?
27:00 "As their perpetual covenant."
27:02 The Sabbath is to be a sign of our relationship,
27:07 our covenantal relationship with God as our Father.
27:11 The Sabbath is also a sign that God is our Creator,
27:15 as Pastor Ryan and Pastor John talked about.
27:18 We see that in Exodus 31 in the next verse, verse 17,
27:22 "It is a sign, the Sabbath that is,
27:25 is a sign between me
27:26 and the children of Israel forever,
27:28 for in six days
27:30 the Lord made heavens and earth,
27:32 and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed."
27:35 So the Sabbath is a sign
27:37 every week that God is our Creator.
27:41 The Sabbath is also a sign of the relationship
27:44 between God and His people.
27:45 And it serves as a test of our loyalty to Him.
27:51 Exodus, Ezekiel, not Exodus, Ezekiel 20:20.
27:56 It says,
27:57 "Hallow My Sabbaths,
27:59 and they will be a sign between Me and you,
28:01 that you may know that I am the Lord your God."
28:05 It shows ownership.
28:07 Every time when we keep the Sabbath,
28:09 we are saying,
28:10 "Yes, God, I will follow You.
28:12 Yes, God, I will walk in Your ways.
28:15 Yes, God, I want You to be my father.
28:18 And I want to be in covenant relationship
28:21 with You as Your child."
28:23 The Sabbath is also a sign that God is our sanctifier,
28:27 which we won't touch on,
28:29 because Shelley is going to cover that.
28:30 So let's look at the focus of this lesson,
28:32 the Sabbath being a covenant sign of grace.
28:36 How is the Sabbath a covenant sign of grace?
28:38 I would submit to you
28:39 there's four ways and four reasons,
28:42 Pastor John, so every Sabbath, it reminds you of this.
28:46 Number one, the Sabbath reminds us
28:47 where we came from.
28:49 Number two,
28:50 it reminds us who our deliverer is.
28:53 Number three, it reminds us that we've been redeemed.
28:56 And number four,
28:57 it reminds us of the rest and freedom
29:00 that we have in Him.
29:02 So let's look at number one.
29:03 The Sabbath is a covenant sign of grace
29:04 because it reminds us where we came from.
29:06 We're going to Deuteronomy.
29:08 Deuteronomy Chapter 5,
29:09 we're going to spend several verses in here.
29:12 Of course, this is the giving of the Ten Commandments
29:15 or the ten words of God.
29:18 Same thing from Exodus 20,
29:20 but we, there's a different twist
29:22 here in Deuteronomy 5
29:23 when the Sabbath commandment is brought forth.
29:25 We see in Exodus 20
29:27 the reminder that
29:28 in six days the Lord made heaven and earth,
29:30 and the reminder that we keep the Sabbath
29:32 because He's our Creator.
29:33 But in Deuteronomy 5,
29:35 we specifically see that we observe,
29:37 we keep the Sabbath day,
29:39 because it reminds us of where we came from.
29:42 Deuteronomy 5:12,
29:43 "Observe the Sabbath day to keep it holy,
29:45 as the Lord your God commanded you.
29:48 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
29:50 but the seventh day
29:52 is the Sabbath of the Lord your God."
29:54 Jump down to verse 15.
29:56 "And remember that
29:58 you were a slave in the land of Egypt."
30:02 Every Sabbath, when those precious hours,
30:05 those sanctified hours,
30:06 those set apart hours roll around
30:08 on Friday night at sundown.
30:11 Remind, sit down and take time,
30:14 and remember where you came from.
30:16 We were slaves. We were stuck in sin.
30:18 We were unredeemable and unreachable.
30:21 We remember where God brought us from?
30:24 Out of darkness into His marvelous light.
30:26 I think in my own life,
30:28 I do not sit and remember
30:31 where God brought me from enough.
30:35 I need to do that more in my own life.
30:37 The Sabbath doesn't just remind us
30:39 where we came from.
30:40 It reminds us who our deliverer is.
30:41 Deuteronomy 5:2,
30:44 "The Lord our God made a covenant with us in Horeb.
30:46 The Lord did not make this covenant
30:48 with our fathers,
30:49 but with us, those who are here today,
30:52 all of us who are alive."
30:53 Jump down to verse 8,
30:55 "I am the Lord your God
30:57 who brought you out of the land of Egypt,
30:59 out of the house of bondage."
31:02 He's reminding them that
31:03 He is the one who delivered them from Egypt.
31:05 He's the one who brought them through the Red Sea.
31:07 He's the one who set them free.
31:10 Every Sabbath
31:12 don't just remember where you were
31:13 and stuck in sin,
31:15 but who your God is, how big your God is,
31:18 the omnipotent, all powerful, all knowing omniscient God,
31:22 that is your God,
31:24 and He can deliver you.
31:25 Number three, Remember,
31:27 the Sabbath reminds us that we have been redeemed.
31:31 Verse 15, Deuteronomy 5:15.
31:37 Remember, you are a slave in the land of Egypt."
31:39 That's where we remember where we came from.
31:42 "And the Lord your God
31:43 brought you out there by a mighty hand,"
31:45 that's remembering that He is our deliverer,
31:48 "and by an outstretched arm,
31:50 therefore the Lord your God commanded you
31:52 to keep the Sabbath day."
31:55 Only those who are redeemed by Christ
31:58 can recognize and understand what creation means.
32:02 I think the Sabbath is a sign of redemption,
32:05 almost has precedence over the Sabbath
32:09 as a memorial of creation,
32:10 because we have to recognize who we are,
32:12 and where we have been redeemed from
32:15 to even understand that creative process.
32:19 The Sabbath is a constant reminder,
32:21 it's a weekly reminder
32:22 that we're included in His covenant of grace
32:24 that you and I, we came from sin,
32:27 but that our deliverer is mighty,
32:30 and that He has redeemed us.
32:32 The Sabbath is also a reminder, this is number four.
32:35 It reminds us of the rest and freedom
32:39 we have in Him.
32:40 Exodus 35.
32:42 Jump over to Exodus 35:2.
32:45 The Bible says,
32:46 "Work shall be done for six days,"
32:48 there's that word work for six days,
32:50 "but the seventh day should be a holy day for you,
32:53 a Sabbath Shabbat of rest to the Lord."
32:59 Now the word rest is Shabbaton.
33:01 It means special rest on the Sabbath.
33:06 The seventh day should be a holy day for you,
33:07 a Sabbath of rest.
33:08 So it's not just the Sabbath, but it's the Sabbath rest.
33:11 Isn't that amazing?
33:13 We work six days of the week,
33:14 but the Sabbath,
33:15 the Sabbath is the Sabbath rest.
33:17 I love that.
33:19 So as we look at God's rest,
33:21 God's rest symbolizes
33:23 the completion of His creation work
33:25 as Ryan already brought out in Genesis 2,
33:28 when the heavens and earth were finished,
33:30 God rested
33:31 at the end of the sixth day creation week.
33:34 And it is a reminder of His creative work.
33:39 God's rest is attained by faith.
33:42 Let's go to Hebrews.
33:43 Hebrews 4:1-2,
33:46 God's rest doesn't just symbolize
33:49 the completion of His creative work
33:50 as we see in Genesis,
33:52 but it also is attained by faith.
33:55 "Therefore, since a promise remains
33:57 of entering His rest,
33:59 let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it.
34:02 For indeed the gospel was preached to us
34:05 as well as to them,
34:06 but the word which they heard did not profit them.
34:10 Why didn't it profit them?
34:11 "Because it was not being mixed with faith
34:14 in those who heard it."
34:17 In the previous chapter, we see that
34:18 God's people they failed to enter His rest
34:21 because of unbelief,
34:22 because of a hardened heart, because of disobedience.
34:27 But here we see that
34:29 God's rest is attained by faith.
34:33 We also see that His rest is based on His works,
34:35 not our own works.
34:38 Jump down to verse 9.
34:39 Hebrews 4:9-10,
34:42 "There remains therefore a rest,
34:43 a Sabbath rest for the people of God.
34:48 For he who has entered His rest
34:50 has himself also ceased from his works
34:53 as God did from His."
34:55 The Sabbath every week is reminder
34:57 that God is the one who sanctifies us,
35:00 that we can rest in Him.
35:03 When we worship on His holy Sabbath day,
35:05 we recognize that we can't change our hearts,
35:07 our past, our sin, our addiction.
35:10 We recognize that
35:11 Jesus is our redeemer,
35:12 our deliverer
35:14 and He delivers us from bondage.
35:16 We recognize that we can reach out by faith
35:19 and accept His work in our life.
35:21 And we also recognize that you and I,
35:23 we can rest in Him
35:25 and His creative redemptive work in our lives.
35:28 Oh, amen.
35:29 Thank you, Jill.
35:31 I just have to say,
35:32 you know, you may,
35:34 sometimes I get so animated
35:35 that I don't even realize I'm doing it.
35:37 The reason I'm so excited about this,
35:40 this particular quarterly
35:42 is because when the Lord called me
35:44 to full time ministry,
35:45 He told me this was in 2000.
35:46 He said,
35:48 "Forget what you think,
35:49 you know, come sit at my feet, I will teach you."
35:51 He led me on a study of the sanctuary
35:53 and a study of the covenants back in 2000.
35:57 And I'll tell you what?
35:58 When I realized
35:59 the commandments weren't nailed to the cross,
36:02 I was a Sabbath keeper for a couple of years
36:05 before I became a Seventh-day Adventist,
36:08 but I'll never forget
36:10 hitting this particular...
36:14 When I came to this particular scripture,
36:16 as the Lord took me
36:17 on a special study of the Sabbath.
36:21 Exodus 31:13,
36:23 "Speak also to the children of Israel, saying:
36:26 'Surely My Sabbaths you shall keep,
36:28 for it is a sign between Me and you
36:31 throughout your generations, that,"
36:34 and anytime you see that or so that,
36:37 it's a purpose statement.
36:38 It's a sign for this purpose that
36:42 "you may know
36:43 that I am the Lord who sanctifies you."
36:46 To be sanctified is to be set apart from sin,
36:51 to be sanctified.
36:53 Sanctification and holiness are synonymous.
36:56 But here's my point.
36:58 All my life, oh, I was in a perform...
37:02 I grew up in a Sunday keeping church,
37:04 but boy, it was performance oriented.
37:07 I just kept thinking,
37:08 "Oh, if I could just read my Bible more,
37:11 if I pray more, if I would..."
37:12 I had the do mores.
37:14 And I never felt good enough.
37:17 And all of a sudden, I realized,
37:21 God's the one who's going to sanctify me.
37:23 Now, yes, it takes permission from me.
37:26 And we're going to get into that.
37:28 But there's two ideas joined in this text.
37:33 There's the idea that the Sabbath
37:35 is a sign of knowledge,
37:40 that you may know me,
37:42 but then that it's a sign of sanctification,
37:45 and I'll tell you it was an external sign.
37:47 I mean, you don't and I don't find
37:49 in any other ancient Israel.
37:52 I mean, ancient civilization,
37:56 you don't find a parallel for the Sabbath.
37:58 This was a unique sign
38:00 that showed, hey, they are the people of God.
38:03 So we're going to look at sanctification,
38:05 because I'm not going to have time to get both.
38:08 If we can get to the knowledge part, we will.
38:11 Let me ask you.
38:13 Is grace an act of God
38:17 or a work of God?
38:20 It's both.
38:21 The act of God is justification.
38:26 This is when He as judge is declaring us not guilty.
38:31 He's declaring us pardoned.
38:34 And this is the... When you have,
38:37 you know, to condemn someone,
38:39 I mean, if somebody is guilty,
38:41 you say, okay, they're condemned.
38:44 But when you're justified, you're acquitted.
38:47 And I mean, that is to me so exciting
38:50 that Christ's righteousness has been credited to me,
38:54 and I am justified by grace through faith.
38:59 That means the penalty of sin
39:02 is no longer hanging over my head.
39:05 But now the second part, that's the act of God.
39:10 The second part is the work of God
39:14 and to be sanctification
39:20 is to be separated to God
39:24 and away from evil.
39:27 It requires our cooperation with God, if you will.
39:33 Justification, instantaneous act.
39:37 Sanctification, the work of a lifetime.
39:39 But what sanctification does?
39:41 Christ came to deliver us from the power of sin,
39:45 to set us apart from sin.
39:48 And this is the beautiful thing that the Sabbath points to.
39:54 I want to share three scriptures with you.
39:57 Because in justification, it's imputed righteousness.
40:02 Imputed just simply means credited to our account.
40:06 He reconciles us to God,
40:08 our bank accounts totally overdrawn.
40:11 He credits His righteousness into our account.
40:14 And all of us said we're reconciled.
40:17 But with sanctification,
40:22 this is imparted righteousness.
40:25 This is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
40:29 This is when the Holy Spirit fills you
40:33 and leads you into...
40:37 Philippians 2:13,
40:38 "He works in you
40:39 too will and to do His good pleasure."
40:42 Philippians 1:6,
40:43 "That He will continue
40:46 the good work He's begun in you."
40:48 But let me show you something.
40:50 Three scriptures, 1 Thessalonians 5-23.
40:54 1 Thessalonians 5:23.
40:57 The entire Godhead
40:59 is identified in connection
41:03 with the process of sanctification.
41:07 1 Thessalonians 5:23, says,
41:11 "Now may the God of peace,"
41:13 this is Jehovah Shalom,
41:14 Jehovah, that is that covenant name of God.
41:19 "May the God of peace himself
41:21 sanctify you completely."
41:25 It's God the Father doing the work in you.
41:28 "May your whole spirit, soul and body
41:31 be preserved blameless
41:32 at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
41:35 He who calls you is faithful, who will also do it."
41:39 God will bring it to pass
41:43 when you say, Lord, I give you permission.
41:47 Take my heart for I can't give it,
41:49 but, oh Lord, let my will line up with Your will.
41:52 I want Your will done in my life.
41:55 1 Corinthians 1:30 shows
41:57 how the Lord Jesus Christ is part of our sanctification.
42:03 1 Corinthians 1:30 says,
42:05 "But of him, you are in Christ Jesus
42:08 who became for us, wisdom from God,
42:12 righteousness, sanctification,
42:17 and redemption."
42:19 Through Christ we become wise,
42:22 we become righteous.
42:25 He is our sanctification,
42:27 will we accept Him as our Savior.
42:30 He's who sets us apart.
42:33 2 Thessalonians 2:13.
42:36 2 Thessalonians 2:13, says,
42:42 "We are bound to give thanks to God always for you,
42:45 brethren, beloved by the Lord
42:47 because God from the beginning
42:50 chose you for salvation
42:52 through sanctification
42:54 by the Spirit and belief in the truth."
43:00 You can remember this one, 2 Thessalonians 2:13,
43:03 Philippians 2:30.
43:04 It's the Spirit working in
43:06 is still willing to do His good pleasure.
43:08 And all of this is signified.
43:13 You remember it as you keep the Sabbath.
43:16 I remember the first Sabbath that I kept.
43:18 It was just like...
43:22 For the first time I exhaled, I understood grace.
43:26 Oh, it makes me so mad
43:27 when people say Sabbath keeping is legalistic.
43:30 I never understood grace,
43:34 until I understood
43:37 that God's commandments and keeping His Sabbath,
43:41 on that word Sabbath was so exciting.
43:44 Just, I'm a workaholic.
43:46 I know some other people on this panel
43:48 that are workaholics.
43:49 If it weren't for the Sabbath, we'd work ourselves to death.
43:53 But it's also a sign of knowledge.
43:57 And I just want to quickly give you some scriptures.
43:59 The Hebrew understanding of knowledge
44:01 includes intellectual and emotional
44:06 and relational aspects,
44:10 it's to walk in relationship with one.
44:13 So just jot these scripture references down.
44:16 Isaiah 11:2 says that we,
44:21 "The spirit of the knowledge,
44:22 and the fear of the Lord will be on us."
44:24 So that's, that's what Sabbath helps us to do.
44:28 Isaiah 43:10,
44:30 "We know the Lord and believe Him."
44:34 It's the knowledge that we will learn
44:36 during the Sabbath.
44:38 Psalm 9:10,
44:39 "To know the Lord means to trust and seek Him,"
44:43 it says,
44:44 "Those who know Your name, put their trust on You,
44:46 and because they seek You."
44:50 Jeremiah 10:25,
44:52 "To know the Lord is to call on His name."
44:55 And you know, I love Sabbath
44:58 because you've got all day
45:00 to call on the name of the Lord.
45:01 1 Chronicles 28:9,
45:03 "To know the Lord is to serve Him
45:06 with a loyal heart and a willing mind."
45:10 Sabbath is a sign
45:14 of the covenant of grace.
45:16 It is a sign of the redemptive deep love.
45:20 Sabbath, to me,
45:22 is the most beautiful day of the week.
45:24 And it's why we have a weekly cycle.
45:27 Amen. Wow.
45:30 Thank you, Shelley.
45:31 I know that,
45:33 for us, the Sabbath is a really special day.
45:35 I mean what a great lesson.
45:36 I mean, the whole quarterly has been fantastic,
45:38 but especially lesson nine here on the Sabbath.
45:40 I know Jill and I talked about Friday night
45:42 is one of our most favorite times of the week.
45:45 We even have usually a little special meal,
45:47 and just special things that we do on the Sabbath day.
45:50 And we just look forward to the Sabbath.
45:52 And what a great time to spend with God.
45:54 And I appreciate pastor and others
45:55 that mentioned about the relationship aspect,
45:57 because that's what it is.
45:58 And I have Thursday,
46:00 and it's called,
46:02 Remember the Sabbath day.
46:04 So the key word that we're focusing on here
46:05 is remember
46:08 and that's our focus.
46:10 I just want to say that I'm so thankful for the person,
46:13 the staff that remembered to hit the record button
46:15 for the Sabbath School Panel.
46:17 Right, aren't you?
46:19 Because otherwise you wouldn't be watching
46:20 if they didn't hit the record button.
46:21 And I want to say I'm so thankful
46:23 that you remembered,
46:24 we're thinking about remembered
46:25 to tune into 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
46:27 Somewhere on your schedule, you remembered to tune in.
46:30 I remember several years ago, I was in an office here at 3ABN
46:33 and we were having a meeting that was quiet,
46:35 you know we're having a discussion,
46:36 all of a sudden the entire office just erupted,
46:38 bells and whistles, it sound like an orchestra.
46:40 There was like alarms going off.
46:43 And what this person had done, their cell phone had an alarm,
46:45 their computer had an alarm, their iPad had an alarm,
46:48 and it was reminding them to drink water.
46:51 That was a reminder.
46:52 So I think about this,
46:56 there was a study that was done by...
46:58 Her name, let me look here is Karen Boler
47:01 from John Hopkins University.
47:02 She did a little study on remembering.
47:05 It seems like just our whole lives
47:06 are bombarded, we're trying to remember stuff.
47:08 We got these little cell phones.
47:09 I've got calendars, reminders, and all this stuff
47:11 that keeps popping up, to remember, right?
47:13 So we're talking about remembering the Sabbath.
47:15 So Karen did a research and finding out about things
47:20 you know how we did is remembering stuff as a society.
47:22 Well, we're not doing that well.
47:25 She says that 83% of people forget names.
47:29 Hopefully they don't forget their own name, right?
47:31 But they forget names.
47:33 Sixty percent forget where something is.
47:37 I can relate.
47:39 Fifty seven percent also telephone numbers.
47:42 Fifty three percent forget words.
47:45 Forty nine percent forget what was said.
47:49 Forty two percent forget faces,
47:51 and 38% forget
47:54 whether I've just done something,
47:56 I've been there too.
47:57 So I think I can relate to a number of these areas.
48:00 But then you go to the other extreme, okay?
48:02 So then you have some people who seem to never forget.
48:05 This lady's name Miss Price
48:07 was the first person ever to be diagnosed
48:09 with what is known as, hopefully I can say this
48:12 highly superior autobiographical memory.
48:16 In other words, HSM.
48:18 It's a condition she shares
48:20 with only about 60 people in the world.
48:23 Miss Price remembers the day of the week
48:26 for every day since 1980,
48:28 for her it's 1980.
48:29 She remembers what she was doing,
48:31 who she was with,
48:33 where she was on each of these days.
48:35 She can even actively recall a memory of 20 years ago,
48:39 as easily as a memory of just two days ago.
48:42 That's incredible.
48:43 There's a young man, his name is Vasai.
48:46 He also has the same condition of HSM.
48:49 And he thinks his condition has made him a kinder,
48:51 more tolerant person.
48:54 He says, some say forgive and forget.
48:57 But since forgetting is a luxury I don't have,
49:00 I need to learn to genuinely forgive.
49:03 He says not just others but myself.
49:06 You know, so today we're looking at Exodus 20:8-11.
49:11 It says, starts out with what, pastor?
49:13 Remember,
49:15 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
49:17 You know, it's not a drudgery.
49:19 The Sabbath is not a drudgery,
49:20 and God wants us to remember the Sabbath day.
49:23 And I just want to look briefly today at why it's important.
49:27 The Sabbath is a sign
49:29 or a covenant between God and His people.
49:31 You may just have time to jot some of these down,
49:33 but Ezekiel 20:12, says,
49:36 "Moreover, also I gave them my," what?
49:39 "My Sabbath to be a sign or a covenant
49:42 between Me and them,
49:43 that they might know that I am the Lord
49:45 that sanctifies them."
49:46 We've talked about a number of different signs
49:48 and covenants,
49:49 you know, we had in Genesis 17, we had this circumcision sign,
49:54 but here you've got the Sabbath as a sign between us and God.
49:59 The Sabbath was a sign
50:01 and Jill mentioned this, the Sinaitic, the Sinaic...
50:04 Sinaitic. Sinaitic. Thank you.
50:06 All these people, they're just such theologians,
50:08 you know, I'm just here trying to keep up
50:10 with the Sinaitic covenant.
50:12 And here are just some reasons.
50:13 I have about five of them, but you can make your own list
50:15 and maybe that'd be a really fun Sabbath project for you
50:17 just to, to make a whole list of why we should remember.
50:20 So I have about five here today.
50:22 Some of them have been touched on briefly already.
50:24 But number one,
50:25 we remember God as our Creator,
50:28 by keeping the Sabbath.
50:30 Exodus 20:8-11.
50:32 And Jill and I, this is one of our,
50:33 if I can say tradition
50:35 is to actually recite the fourth commandment
50:36 usually Friday or on Sabbath.
50:38 And let's look at it together,
50:40 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
50:42 Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work:
50:45 But the seventh day
50:46 is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God:
50:49 in it thou shalt not do any work,
50:51 thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter,
50:53 thy manservant, nor thy maidservant,
50:55 nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger
50:57 that is within thy gates."
50:58 Verse 11,
51:00 "For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea,
51:04 and all that in them is,
51:05 and rested on the seventh day:
51:07 wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day,
51:09 and hallowed it."
51:11 So number one, we remember God is our creator
51:12 by keeping the Sabbath.
51:14 Number two, we remember God is our redeemer.
51:16 Jill was touching on that by keeping the Sabbath.
51:19 Deuteronomy 5:15.
51:21 And it says,
51:22 "And remembers that you were a slave
51:23 in the land of Egypt,
51:25 and the Lord your God brought you out from there
51:27 by a mighty hand,
51:28 and by an outstretched arm,
51:30 therefore the Lord God commanded you
51:33 to keep the Sabbath."
51:34 So the children of Israel were slaves in Egypt.
51:36 The Sabbath is reminder to them on a weekly basis
51:38 that God brought them out.
51:40 But I like for those of us
51:41 we can remember that God is our redeemer
51:43 on a weekly basis.
51:45 Number three,
51:47 we remember God is our sanctifier
51:49 by keeping the Sabbath.
51:51 You can look up Exodus 31:13.
51:54 And it says,
51:55 "Speak also to the children of visual saying,
51:57 'Surely my Sabbath shall keep, you shall keep,
52:00 for it is a sign between Me and you
52:04 throughout your generations,"
52:05 and that's powerful,
52:06 "that you may know that I am the Lord,
52:09 who sanctifies you."
52:11 So we remember God is our sanctifier
52:13 by keeping the Sabbath.
52:15 Number four, remember God is our sustainer.
52:17 Psalm 55:22,
52:18 "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain you,
52:23 he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved."
52:26 Number five, we remember God
52:28 as our restorer of relationships.
52:30 Romans 5:10.
52:33 Roman 5, Romans 5:10 says,
52:34 "For if, when we were enemies,
52:37 we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son,
52:40 much more, having been reconciled,
52:43 we shall be saved by his life."
52:45 So we can remember God
52:47 as our restorer of our relationships.
52:48 You know, as we're working on this study,
52:49 you know, Jill and I were just trying,
52:51 kind of comparing notes and you can make a,
52:52 an incredible list of,
52:54 you know, who God is and what the Sabbath is to you.
52:59 And just so many fun things you can do on the Sabbath day.
53:01 Anyway, God restored our relationship to Him
53:03 by the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ.
53:07 And if you're studying along in the quarterly,
53:08 you can look at this quote, which I really liked, it's in,
53:11 comes from the lesson, and it says,
53:13 "Again, when we understand the covenant
53:16 to be a relationship,
53:17 Pastor John talked about that earlier,
53:20 "between God and humankind,
53:22 the Sabbath which can greatly help
53:24 strengthen that relationship
53:26 comes in to specific prominence or importance."
53:31 You know, as we think about the word
53:33 remember in our just day to day relationships.
53:36 I'm going to bring up the marriage example as well.
53:39 You know, if you're a married couple,
53:40 usually you should be,
53:42 your anniversary
53:43 is a significant date to remember, right?
53:45 Husbands, sometimes we're talked about
53:47 is not remembering the anniversaries,
53:49 and think about for Jill and myself
53:51 September 22,
53:52 the year we were married, it was 2002.
53:55 But if I came to her and said,
53:57 "Sweetie, oh, when is our anniversary?
53:59 Was it last month or is it coming up?"
54:02 That would not make her feel very good.
54:04 Like is this relationship even mean anything to you?
54:07 Okay, I know she likes flowers.
54:09 But instead of getting her flowers,
54:10 what if I continue to buy her vacuum cleaners
54:12 or I don't know something else.
54:15 Folks, you know what I'm saying,
54:16 that would not be very good to build a relationship.
54:19 God is asking us
54:21 to remember Him on the Sabbath day.
54:24 You know, I'm thinking about also relationship.
54:28 When you see someone a couple together,
54:29 and you know that they're in tune with each other,
54:31 you can usually see that,
54:33 point that out like, oh, wow, boy, yeah, there are a couple,
54:35 they are together.
54:37 Well, how is that possible?
54:38 Because they've spent time together,
54:39 they've built that relationship.
54:41 So with God, let's think about that
54:42 with our relationship with Him.
54:43 He has asked us to remember.
54:46 And He's asked us to remember,
54:48 not because it's a drudgery when it comes around Friday,
54:50 like, oh, boy, gotta remember this.
54:52 I gotta remember, Friday night start Sabbath.
54:55 No, to me, remember, it's a great thing.
54:57 Remember, remember me as your creator,
54:59 remember me as your redeemer.
55:01 But then I also think was beautiful with this whole,
55:03 remembering who God is, is that He never forgets us.
55:07 He's asking us to remember Him in this special day,
55:11 but we also can gain a promise in the Bible.
55:14 It's in Isaiah 49:15 that we talks about,
55:18 "As the mother may forget her sucking child,"
55:21 usually they don't.
55:22 God says, "I will never forget you."
55:25 I want to just enclose in here.
55:27 This comes from the SDA Bible commentary.
55:28 It says,
55:29 "Every act of God on our behalf
55:33 constitutes a reason why we should remember."
55:35 Every act of God,
55:37 isn't that powerful of why we should remember?
55:39 That is to reflect upon,
55:40 acknowledge and appreciate this love
55:43 and beneficent care.
55:45 Yeah.
55:46 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
55:48 I'm glad you don't get her vacuum cleaners.
55:49 I don't.
55:51 Yay!
55:53 You know, in lesson seven,
55:54 she also mentioned about the toast.
55:55 I'm so thankful she remembers to keep my toast
55:57 in lesson seven,
55:58 a couple quarterly lessons back,
55:59 you know, she remembers I like my toast crunchy, but...
56:01 Nice. All right.
56:03 Well, we have just a little while.
56:04 Let's go back and get some final thoughts.
56:05 Yes, very quickly.
56:07 The Sabbath is not something to forget
56:10 unless Jesus is someone to forget.
56:13 If you love Me, keep My commandments.
56:15 The Sabbath is a constant perpetual indicator
56:18 that we love our Lord
56:20 and we do not want to forget Him.
56:21 Amen.
56:23 The Sabbath is a covenant sign of grace.
56:24 I think of Mark 2,
56:26 "The Son of man is Lord of the Sabbath."
56:29 What a privilege is ours
56:31 to walk in covenant relationship with Jesus.
56:35 And the Sabbath is a sign
56:38 of God's continuing grace
56:41 of His continuing process of salvation.
56:45 As pastor said, and one other,
56:48 we have been saved, we are being saved,
56:51 there was justification, sanctification,
56:54 and we will be saved regardless of tithe.
56:57 Amen.
56:59 You know, Pastor Ryan, again, I think just for me,
57:01 the Sabbath,
57:02 what a time to build the relationship
57:04 has been talked about with our Lord and creator,
57:06 our redeemer and our friend.
57:09 Amen. Praise the Lord.
57:10 You know, like you, Shelley,
57:12 I wasn't raised Seventh-day Adventists.
57:14 So, you know, for many, many years,
57:15 I did not keep the Sabbath holy,
57:18 just because I was unaware,
57:19 wasn't knowledgeable about it.
57:21 But praise the Lord,
57:22 the moment the Lord showed me the beauty
57:24 and the power of the message of the Sabbath.
57:27 I didn't go into it with this,
57:28 oh, you know, I can't mow my grass anymore on Sabbath.
57:32 Oh, I can't go shopping anymore.
57:34 It was a blessing. And it has been a blessing.
57:36 And I know it'll be a blessing for you,
57:37 if you allow it to be.
57:39 We want to thank you so much for joining us this week
57:41 for Sabbath School Panel.
57:42 We want you to join us again next week
57:44 when we come back for lesson number 10
57:46 entitled, The New Covenant.
57:49 So God bless you until next time,
57:51 see you back here on Sabbath School Panel.
57:53 Amen.


Revised 2021-05-27