3ABN Sabbath School Panel

Abraham’S Seed

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SSP

Program Code: SSP210019S

00:01 Hello, friends. I'm Jill Morikone.
00:02 And we're so glad that you have tuned in
00:04 for this study of The Promise God's everlasting covenant.
00:07 Hard to believe we're already almost halfway through,
00:10 we're in lesson number six on Abraham's Seed.
00:13 So want to encourage you to grab your quarterly,
00:16 but if you don't have your own copy of the quarterly,
00:18 you can go to the following website,
00:20 that's ABSG.Adventist.org
00:24 that stands for
00:25 AdultBibleStudyGuide. Adventist.org
00:29 Make sure you download that lesson and follow along,
00:31 get ready as we study this amazing edition
00:34 of 3ABN Sabbath School Panel.
01:08 Hello, friends, we're so glad that you have taken time
01:11 to tune in as we journey through the Word of God.
01:14 This has been an amazing study on the covenant's God's promise
01:19 to bring His people into relationship with Himself
01:22 for the purpose of saving them.
01:25 Last week we looked at children of the promise
01:27 and the promises extended to Abraham and by extension,
01:30 Israel and then the entire world,
01:33 especially that promise of this coming Messiah.
01:36 the promise of the seed.
01:37 This week we study more of Abraham's Seed.
01:41 I want to introduce to our panel at this time.
01:43 To my left, Pastor Ryan Day,
01:45 always a blessing to study with you, Brother.
01:46 Amen.
01:48 I'm excited about this lesson we're talking about
01:49 the Lord's real estate.
01:51 Amen. Looking forward to it.
01:53 To your left, Pastor John Dinzey,
01:54 always a blessing to study with you too.
01:56 It's a blessing to be here and I'm looking forward
01:58 to hearing what God has given to each one of you.
02:00 Amen.
02:02 To your left, Pastor John Lomacang,
02:03 my pastor and privileged to have you here.
02:06 And I'm covering an exciting topic, The Remnant.
02:09 What does God want to do at the last?
02:10 Oh, amen.
02:12 Last but not least bookended we had the ladies,
02:14 so we have our sister, Shelley Quinn
02:16 and just so delighted to have you here, Shelley.
02:18 It's such a privilege to be here
02:20 and share the Word of God.
02:22 Amen.
02:23 Before we go any further, we want to go to the Lord
02:24 in prayer and Pastor John Dinzey,
02:26 would you pray for us?
02:27 Sure.
02:29 Our loving Heavenly Father, we do thank You, Lord,
02:32 for the scriptures that are able
02:34 to make us wise unto salvation.
02:37 Thank You, Lord, for the great and marvelous message
02:40 You have there for us.
02:42 We thank You that we can take this time to study
02:44 with the liberty that we have now.
02:47 We pray that Your Holy Spirit will take control
02:50 and that every word will come from Your throne of grace.
02:53 We pray for Your blessing upon those that tune in
02:56 and listen and to watch.
02:58 We ask that You will be with them also
03:00 and lead them to a closer walk with you.
03:03 In Jesus' name, amen. Amen.
03:05 This week, Abraham's Seed, we look, we identify the role
03:10 of God's true Israel.
03:12 And all the way down to us today.
03:16 We look at those covenant promises
03:18 that were made.
03:19 We look at the conditions of those promises,
03:22 the results of their disobedience,
03:25 or their broken relationship with God.
03:29 We look at the remnant that chose to remain true
03:31 to the covenant and the call extended
03:33 to you and I to be His representatives to the world.
03:37 In fact, that call is found in our memory text.
03:40 So if you want to go there, we are in 1 Peter 2:9,
03:44 "But you are a chosen generation,
03:46 a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
03:49 a peculiar people, that you should show
03:52 for the praises of him who called you out of darkness
03:54 into his marvelous light."
03:58 The lesson opened on Sabbath with a cute story.
04:01 It talked about a clock
04:03 that was in a certain jeweler's window
04:05 in a certain city.
04:06 And when the schoolchildren, Pastor Ryan,
04:09 would go to school, they would look at the clock
04:11 in the window and they would make sure
04:13 they were on time for school.
04:15 And when the business people maybe they had
04:16 a certain business appointment,
04:18 they would look and check the clock.
04:20 Now this had to be a long time ago
04:22 because nowadays you just look at your cell phone,
04:24 but I guess they would look at the clock
04:25 and check the time.
04:27 Well, one day, the clock stopped.
04:30 And the people going by didn't know
04:33 that the clock had stopped.
04:34 And so the children thought, "Oh, we got plenty of time
04:36 before we get to school."
04:38 So they loitered on their way
04:39 and the business people thought,
04:41 "Oh, we have time before we get to our function."
04:43 And they took time as well.
04:45 You see they thought
04:47 they had more time than they did.
04:49 Israel and by extension you and I the Church of God
04:52 are called to be the spiritual "clock"
04:56 of the world.
04:58 We are called to identify the times
05:01 in which we live, and get people ready
05:04 for that soon return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
05:08 On Sunday, we look at Above All People.
05:12 Our opening scripture is Deuteronomy 7:6.
05:16 If you want to look at Deuteronomy 7:6,
05:19 "For you are a holy people to the Lord your God,
05:22 the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people
05:25 for Himself, a special treasure
05:28 above all peoples on the face of the earth."
05:31 That word special treasure in Hebrew
05:33 means valued property, Ryan, or peculiar treasure,
05:39 they were called to be a special treasure,
05:41 not just a great people, they were called to be
05:45 a great people above anyone else on the earth.
05:49 What does it say above all people?
05:52 So I want to ask you, why was Israel chosen?
05:55 Why were they chosen above anyone else?
05:59 Was it because they were stronger
06:01 than the other nations?
06:02 Probably not.
06:03 Was it because they were richer than the other nations?
06:06 Or more good looking than the other nations?
06:09 Maybe more intellectual?
06:11 Was it because they were more gifted or talented?
06:13 These are the reasons that today in society,
06:16 why we choose people, right?
06:17 We say, "Oh, they're gifted.
06:19 Oh, they run in certain social circles.
06:21 Oh, they might have talents that I think I could use."
06:24 So we look at people with a different eye
06:27 than God looks at people.
06:30 Were they chosen because they were going
06:32 to obey better
06:33 or because they were going to respond more?
06:35 Why was Israel chosen?
06:37 I'd submit to you that there were five reasons
06:39 why Israel was chosen.
06:40 Reason number one.
06:42 They were chosen because God loved them.
06:45 Deuteronomy 7:6-8.
06:48 Deuteronomy 7:6-8, we just read 6 about being a holy people
06:52 to the Lord, being a special treasure
06:55 above all the earth.
06:57 Now pick it up in verse 7, "The Lord did not set His love
07:00 on you nor choose you because you were more in number
07:03 than any other people,
07:05 for you were the least of all the peoples,
07:08 but because the Lord loves you."
07:11 Stop right there.
07:13 They were chosen because they were loved.
07:15 Not only that reason number two,
07:17 they were chosen because God always keeps His word.
07:22 Keep reading, we're in verse 8.
07:24 They were chosen not just because the Lord loves you
07:27 which they were chosen because He loved them.
07:29 "And because He would keep the oath which He swore
07:33 to your fathers, the Lord has brought you out
07:36 with a mighty hand,
07:38 and redeemed you from the house of bondage,
07:39 from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt."
07:42 You see, God had made a promise to Abraham.
07:44 It wasn't just made to the children of Israel
07:46 there at Sinai.
07:47 God had made a promise to Abraham
07:49 that He would make up him a great nation
07:52 and in him all nations of the earth would be blessed.
07:56 God, He always keeps His word.
07:58 Numbers 23:19 says, "God is not a man, that He should lie,
08:03 nor is He a son of man, that He should repent.
08:07 Has He said, and is He not going to do it?
08:09 Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?"
08:14 Another way it's put is in Joshua 21:45,
08:20 "Not one word failed of any good thing
08:23 which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel.
08:26 All came to pass."
08:29 Not one promise that the Lord made
08:31 and I know Shelley, we always quote 1 Corinthians 1:20
08:34 or the 2 Corinthians 1:20.
08:36 "All His promises are Yes and Amen in Christ Jesus."
08:42 Not one promise that God made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
08:46 Not one promise that He made the nation of Israel failed.
08:50 Why?
08:51 Because God, He always keeps His word.
08:55 Reason number three. I like this one.
08:59 Go with me to Ezekiel reason number three.
09:02 God delights in taking what other people cast aside.
09:06 Ezekiel 16, we're going to pick it up with verse 3.
09:11 Ezekiel 16:3, "Thus says the Lord God to Jerusalem.
09:16 'Your birth and your nativity are from the land of Canaan,
09:19 your father was an Amorite and your mother a Hittite.
09:22 As for your nativity, on the day you were born
09:26 your navel cord, it wasn't cut,
09:28 nor were you washed in water to cleanse you,
09:31 you were not rubbed with salt
09:34 nor wrapped in swaddling cloths.
09:36 No eye pitied you, to do any of these things for you,
09:39 to have compassion on you, but you were thrown out
09:43 into the open field, when you yourself
09:45 were loathed on the day you were born."
09:49 Let's stop there for a second.
09:50 The word loathed in Hebrew denotes something
09:54 that's hated because it's unclean.
09:56 It'd be what we would call dung.
10:00 Loathed, Israel was loathed.
10:02 Israel was not a wanted child.
10:05 None of the usual birthing rights were observed.
10:09 The umbilical cord wasn't cut.
10:11 The baby wasn't washed with water for cleansing
10:13 nor rubbed with salt, nor wrapped in cloths
10:15 nor pitied or looked on with compassion.
10:17 Instead, it was cast out.
10:20 And yet what did God do?
10:22 Verse 6, "When I passed by you, I saw you struggling
10:26 in your own blood, and I said to you in your blood, 'Live!'
10:32 Yes, I said to you in your blood, 'Live!'"
10:34 And so God called the unwanted child,
10:37 you could say, what nobody else wanted,
10:40 who everybody had cast aside
10:42 and he said, that's the one I want.
10:44 You are the one I want.
10:47 And God chose not only that, but to allow Israel to grow up
10:51 and then he entered into covenant with her
10:54 and he said, "I'm going to marry you."
10:56 Let's look at verse 7.
10:58 "I made you thrive like a plant in the field, and you grew,
11:01 matured, and became very beautiful."
11:03 So Israel, the unwanted child
11:05 that God said He wanted grew up.
11:07 Verse 8, "I passed by you again and looked upon you,
11:11 indeed your time was the time of love,
11:13 I spread my wing over you and covered your nakedness."
11:16 That is a marriage proposal.
11:18 When God spreads His skirt like Boaz and Ruth,
11:22 we see this covenant marriage taking place.
11:24 It says, "I spread My wing over you
11:26 and covered your nakedness.
11:28 I swore an oath to you and entered into covenant
11:30 with you, and you became Mine."
11:33 What does God do next?
11:35 Number four, He equips and prepares those people
11:38 whom He has chosen.
11:40 So in other words, you might feel, I'm unwanted.
11:44 Nobody wants me.
11:45 Nobody cares about me and calls us,
11:48 that's the child I want.
11:49 I want you as part of My kingdom.
11:52 And not only that, He will equip you
11:54 and He will prepare you
11:55 because He has chosen you, as His child.
11:58 Let's look at verse 9.
12:00 Ezekiel 16:9, "I washed you with water."
12:03 Reminds me of the washing of the water of the word.
12:06 God says what? I give you My word.
12:09 "And I thoroughly washed off your blood,
12:11 and I anointed you with oil."
12:14 It reminds me of Samuel anointing David
12:16 and how the Spirit of the Lord came upon Him.
12:19 God says, "I'm giving you My word,
12:21 and I'm giving you the Holy Spirit."
12:24 "I clothed you in embroidered cloth
12:26 and gave you sandals of badger skin.
12:28 I clothed you with fine linen."
12:30 It reminds me of the fine linen
12:32 that is Christ's righteousness
12:34 that we have the privilege of putting on.
12:36 God says, "I'm going to give you My word.
12:38 I'm going to fill you with My Holy Spirit.
12:41 I'm going to cloth you with My righteous white garments."
12:44 And you, you're going to become royalty.
12:47 Jump down to the end of verse 13.
12:49 "You were exceedingly beautiful,
12:51 and succeeded to royalty.
12:53 Your fame went out among the nations
12:55 because of your beauty,
12:56 for it was perfect through My splendor
12:59 which I had bestowed on you, says the Lord."
13:02 So Israel became beautiful because of God.
13:06 The next verse to me is very tragic.
13:08 Verse 15, "You trusted in your own beauty,
13:13 you played the harlot because of your fame,
13:16 and poured out your harlotry
13:19 on everyone passing by who would have it."
13:23 Why did they walk away from God?
13:24 Because they became proud in who they were.
13:27 They became proud in what God had given to them.
13:31 And they began to think that it was all about them,
13:35 and the truth that they thought was entrusted to them.
13:41 You see, we are never, never to think we are special
13:44 because we have truth.
13:46 That truth is extended to everyone.
13:49 We are never to think we are special
13:51 because we've been chosen by God,
13:52 that call to be a child of God is extended to everyone.
13:56 We are never to think we are somehow wanted
13:59 because He wants everyone.
14:02 God calls everyone not because we're special or strong
14:06 or rich or good looking or gifted.
14:08 He wants everyone as His covenant child.
14:11 Praise the Lord.
14:13 Man, that was a beautiful edification of that.
14:15 Appreciate that, Jill. Thank you so much.
14:17 It sets us up nicely for Monday's lesson,
14:20 which, again, as I said, in the opener,
14:22 we're going to be talking about the Lord's real estate.
14:25 This is talking about God's land,
14:27 His land deal that He made with the children of Israel,
14:31 and you know, as Jill was going through Ezekiel 16
14:34 just then or excuse me, yeah, Ezekiel 16, you know,
14:37 it just reminds me of just how much compassion,
14:40 how much love, how much mercy, how much patience
14:44 that God had with Israel because we're talking
14:47 about a nation that, of course, we may get into this later
14:50 as we get into the covenant that God made with Israel
14:52 and then, you know, from Moses time onward.
14:55 But again, from like, 1446 BC all the way to 606 BC talking
15:00 about more than 840 years of on and off rebellion,
15:04 and God is still there with them
15:06 all the way through.
15:07 And in the midst of all of this,
15:09 we see that God made a promise to them.
15:12 And we know that God keeps His promises.
15:14 But those deals, those promises, in this case,
15:17 a land deal did not come without certain conditions.
15:20 And so I'm gonna go to Genesis Chapter 35.
15:22 This comes within the context of the conversation
15:25 that the Lord is having with Jacob.
15:28 And He's reminding Jacob of the promise that he made
15:31 with Abraham and Isaac before Him.
15:34 And it just so happens to deal with this special land
15:37 that God promised that He would give to Abraham to Isaac
15:40 and now Jacob and their descendants.
15:42 So Genesis 35:12, the Bible says,
15:46 "The land which I gave Abraham and Isaac
15:49 I give to you, and to your descendants
15:53 after you I give this land."
15:56 And so as I said before Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,
15:59 and even Joseph himself mentions this land
16:02 on his deathbed there in Genesis Chapter 50.
16:05 There's just this constant reminder through this journey
16:08 from generation to generation to generation that,
16:10 "Hey, God has said
16:11 He's going to give us this land."
16:12 And God said, Yep, I'm gonna give you that land."
16:15 Only if, right, there was some promises there that God gave,
16:19 but they came with conditions.
16:20 In fact, if we go to Deuteronomy 28,
16:22 just to be reminded here, Deuteronomy 28,
16:25 that's that famous blessings and curses chapter
16:28 where the Lord just lays it out.
16:30 I mean, plain and simple.
16:31 He says, "Look, you with Me, you honor My covenant,
16:34 you honor, you obey Me, these are all the blessings
16:37 that I'm going to bestow upon you,
16:38 as unworthy as you are,
16:40 I'm going to bestow these upon you.
16:41 But again, if you don't, then you have
16:43 to endure these curses."
16:44 So Deuteronomy Chapter 28, we're going to read verse 1,
16:47 and verse 15, just as a reminder of the conditions
16:50 that God gave that is also in connection with this land deal.
16:54 Deuteronomy 21:1 says, "Now it shall come to pass,"
16:58 excuse me, I said, 21, 28:1.
17:01 "Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey
17:04 the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully
17:07 all His commandments which I command you today,
17:11 that the Lord your God will set you high
17:13 above all nations of the earth."
17:16 And so you can just read through
17:17 that chapter from verse 1,
17:19 all the way through to verse 14.
17:21 And God is just saying, I'm going to do this for you,
17:23 I'm going to make you this, I'm gonna bless you with this.
17:25 And so all of these blessings that He's pouring out to them,
17:29 but then you get to verse 15 and God says,
17:31 but here's the deal.
17:32 If you don't obey My voice, you don't keep My commandments.
17:35 Well, here's what He says, Deuteronomy 28:15,
17:38 "But it shall come to pass, if you do not obey
17:40 the voice of the Lord your God,
17:42 to observe carefully all His commandments
17:44 and His statutes which I command you today,
17:47 that all these curses will come upon you
17:50 and overtake you."
17:52 So was God transparent? He was very transparent.
17:55 He says, "Look, it's not that it's My will for these curses
17:58 to come upon you, but when you take yourself out
18:00 from under My protection, out from under My will,
18:03 out from under the covenant, the covenant relationship
18:05 that I want to have with you,
18:07 you're in full open communion now
18:09 to be attacked and to be basically given
18:11 into the hands of the enemy."
18:13 So this is what the enemy is gonna do to you.
18:15 And I'm gonna allow this to happen
18:16 because you chose it, but if you will,
18:18 if you will live in my covenant,
18:20 if you will obey My voice, obey My covenant, indeed,
18:22 and My commandments,
18:24 then I will bless you abundantly.
18:25 There's an interesting quote in today's lesson that comes
18:29 from The Pulpit Commentary from 1890, volume 3, page 439.
18:34 And this is what it says, speaking of the curses,
18:37 "These curses were largely, though not wholly,
18:40 brought about by simply giving sin scope
18:44 to work out its own evil results.
18:47 'He that soweth to his flesh shall
18:50 of his flesh reap corruption.'
18:51 Of course, quoting Galatians 6:8,
18:54 and he says, "Like water,
18:56 which, left to itself, will not cease running
18:59 till it has found its level, like a clock,
19:03 which left to itself, will not cease going
19:06 till it has run itself completely down,
19:09 like a tree, which is, left to grow,
19:11 cannot but bring forth its appropriate fruit.
19:15 So sin, He says, has a level to seek,
19:19 a course to run, a fruit to mature,
19:21 and the end of those things is death.'"
19:25 And this is essentially what God was trying to paint
19:27 this picture very clear for the people
19:30 that He dearly love as, Jill,
19:31 just brought up so clearly from Ezekiel 16,
19:33 God pouring out His heart and saying,
19:35 "You're My beloved people.
19:36 You are the ones that I love.
19:38 And I want to embrace you.
19:40 I want to protect you. I want to lead you.
19:41 I want to guide you.
19:43 I want you to be My special beacon of light
19:44 to the rest of the world."
19:46 But of course, we know the story of Israel,
19:48 they did not always fall in line with that agreement.
19:51 They did not always meet those conditions,
19:53 and they were quite rebellious throughout their history.
19:56 In fact, God could not have been more clear than
19:58 what we see right here in Leviticus 26:27-30.
20:02 Again, this is Leviticus 26:27-30.
20:05 This is in connection with this land deal God
20:08 is making a land deal.
20:10 Look, I want to bless you with this land.
20:11 But look, this is what happens if you don't meet
20:14 the requirements.
20:15 So Leviticus 26:27-30.
20:17 It says, and, excuse me, yes 27 through 30.
20:20 "And after all this, if you do not obey Me,
20:22 but walk contrary to Me,
20:24 then I also will walk contrary to you
20:26 in a fury, and I, even I, will chastise you seven times
20:30 for your sins.
20:32 You shall eat the flesh of your sons,
20:34 and you shall eat the flesh of your daughters.
20:36 I will destroy your high places,
20:38 cut down your incense altars,
20:41 and cast your carcasses on the lifeless forms
20:44 of your idols, and My soul shall abhor you.
20:47 I will lay your cities waste and bring your sanctuaries
20:50 to desolation, and I will not smell the fragrance
20:52 of your sweet aromas.
20:54 I will bring the land to desolation,"
20:56 here comes the land,
20:57 "I will bring the land to desolation,
20:59 and your enemies who dwell in it shall be astonished at it.
21:03 I will scatter you among the nations
21:05 and draw out a sword after you."
21:08 This is God being very clear, very frank about
21:11 what will happen if they do not follow Him
21:14 as His chosen people.
21:16 So what we can take away from this?
21:18 I think is a good, a nice little connective example
21:21 that we see in Israel we too also, okay?
21:26 We too also have a special land we are seeking to obtain, okay?
21:30 We cannot lose it once we are there.
21:34 Praise the Lord.
21:35 But like Israel, there are certain conditions
21:37 that must be met before we can get there.
21:40 I love that promise where Jesus says,
21:42 "I go to prepare a place for you."
21:43 It would be sad for Jesus to build Ryan a mansion
21:46 and Ryan don't make the requirements
21:50 to be able to fill that mansion, right?
21:52 And so I just want to just take the time left
21:54 about two minutes left here to just go through
21:56 what those requirements are.
21:58 There may be someone watching Sabbath School Panel
22:00 for the first time right now that says you know what,
22:02 I want to make sure that I meet that requirement
22:04 so that I can inherit that land,
22:06 that heavenly real estate
22:08 that God's has prepared for me that He wants to give to me.
22:11 Number one, I have three major points here
22:13 and to some this may sound elementary,
22:15 but you know what, we need to revisit the foundations here.
22:17 Number one, we must believe and trust
22:20 in the Lord Jesus Christ.
22:22 Pastor, I think you read this text last week.
22:24 I want to remind this again.
22:26 This is Acts 4:12, "Nor is there salvation
22:29 in any other way, for there is no other name
22:32 under heaven given among men
22:34 by which we must be saved."
22:37 Okay, only Jesus Christ,
22:39 there's people out there that's gonna say,
22:40 oh, there's more ways to heaven than just one.
22:42 No, no, no, Jesus Christ, you must believe and trust
22:46 in the Lord Jesus Christ.
22:47 That's the first thing.
22:49 Believe in Him and believe in what He has done for you.
22:51 Number two.
22:52 We must repent and allow God to cleanse us from our sins.
22:57 He wants to cleanse us from our sins.
22:59 Acts 2:37-38.
23:02 It says, "Now when we heard this, they were cut
23:04 to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles,
23:07 'Men and brethren, what shall we do?'
23:09 Then Peter said to them,
23:11 'Repent, and let every one of you be baptized
23:12 in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
23:14 for the remissions of your sins,
23:16 and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.'"
23:19 So we must repent, we must confess,
23:22 and we must be cleansed of sin.
23:23 And of course, the journey doesn't stop there.
23:25 Number three, our third point we must remain committed
23:29 and obedient to the Lord and His commandments,
23:31 as a part of our ongoing
23:33 sanctifying relationship with Christ.
23:36 Of course, I love John 14:15, "If you love Me,
23:40 keep My commandments."
23:41 It's all based on love.
23:43 And, of course, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 7-8.
23:48 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 7-8.
23:50 And so here what it says, "For this is the will of God,
23:53 your sanctification, that you should abstain
23:56 from sexual immorality, that each of you should know
23:58 how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor.
24:02 For God did not call us to uncleanness,
24:05 but in holiness.
24:06 Therefore he who rejects this does not reject man,
24:09 but God, who has also given us the Holy Spirit."
24:12 That's the promise we have.
24:13 We can inherit the land today or soon and today we have
24:17 that promise that we can inherit it,
24:18 if only we will seek the Lord Jesus Christ.
24:21 Amen. Thank you so much, Pastor Ryan.
24:23 Land Deal, I love that. We're going to a better place.
24:26 We're going to take a short break,
24:28 we'll be right back.
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25:07 Welcome back to our study of Abraham's Seed.
25:09 We're gonna pick it up with Tuesday, Pastor John Dinzey.
25:11 Amen.
25:13 We continue with Tuesday, Israel and the Covenant.
25:16 Israel and the Covenant, I'll take this off
25:18 so you can hear me better.
25:21 We now go to Tuesday's lesson
25:23 and we turn to Jeremiah Chapter 11.
25:26 I'm going to read verse 7 and 8.
25:28 Notice what the Bible says, "For I earnestly exhorted
25:32 your fathers in the day I brought them up
25:35 out of the land of Egypt, until this day,
25:38 rising early and exhorting, saying, 'Obey My voice.'
25:43 Yet they did not obey or incline their heart,
25:47 but everyone followed the dictates of his evil heart,
25:52 therefore I will bring upon them
25:55 all the words of this covenant,
25:57 which I commanded them to do, but which they have not done."
26:03 So when we look at this scripture here,
26:07 we see that the covenant has good
26:11 as well as bad things in it.
26:13 Why?
26:15 Because if you obey, if they are faithful,
26:17 they will receive all the blessings
26:20 of the covenant, but if they don't,
26:22 then that which is named in the covenant
26:26 will take place for the people of Israel,
26:28 for God's people.
26:30 So there is no what, you know, there are some groups they say,
26:36 "Once saved, always saved."
26:37 And that's a dangerous doctrine.
26:39 I want to say that right now.
26:41 It's a dangerous doctrine, which some people think
26:43 that once you accept the Lord Jesus Christ,
26:46 some you can walk away
26:47 and do whatever evil and everything will be fine.
26:51 No, God expects us to be faithful
26:54 all the days of our lives through His grace.
26:58 And that's why you see in Matthew 24, that He says,
27:01 "He who endures to the end the same shall be saved."
27:04 And so in the lesson here,
27:07 we see a question that is brought up.
27:10 Let's go to Genesis 6:5, and then we'll take you
27:13 to that question.
27:15 Genesis 6:5, we have mentioned this before.
27:18 But now, the lesson calls upon us
27:21 to bring a comparison between these verses.
27:24 In Genesis 6:5, a sad declaration is made,
27:29 "Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man
27:32 was great in the earth,
27:33 and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart
27:37 was only evil continually."
27:40 So the question is, what do these verses say
27:44 about how important it is for us to control our thoughts?
27:50 You know, many thoughts come through our mind
27:53 throughout the day, hundreds of thoughts,
27:55 thousands of thoughts, and it is the devil's intent
27:59 and plan, an object to lead you astray
28:04 instead of you following the Lord.
28:07 We've heard expression such the devil doesn't care
28:11 which side of the boat you fall out as long as you fall out.
28:16 He will try to pull you from this side to that side,
28:20 but we must remain facing life looking
28:24 unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.
28:28 So when you look at God's covenant, you know,
28:31 when you think about the contracts
28:34 that people have today, the agreements
28:36 even when you have your phone,
28:37 we have a new software,
28:39 there an endless amount of words.
28:42 And some people say, press here,
28:45 if you agree, I don't know how many people read
28:48 through all those things.
28:49 I kind of skimmed through it.
28:51 And I said, "Well, I don't have time to read on all that."
28:53 Agree, you know, but I don't know
28:55 entirely what I'm agreeing to, but the Bible is clear.
28:59 God has everything in black and white.
29:01 And He tells you what to expect if you follow Him
29:04 and what to expect if you don't.
29:06 It is very clear, there's no tiny...
29:09 What is the name of that tiny writing the small print,
29:13 the fine print.
29:14 There's no fine print with God what you see is what you get,
29:17 very clear in the scriptures.
29:19 So I want to take you through some scriptures
29:21 because the thing is brought out
29:23 how is it that you can control your thoughts.
29:26 In Proverbs 4:23-27 are some words
29:32 that help us understand this.
29:33 It says, "Keep your heart with all diligence,
29:37 for out of it spring the issues of life."
29:40 There is a necessity of us co-operating with God
29:45 so that our heart can be kept in the hands of the Lord.
29:49 We place ourselves in the hands of the Lord.
29:51 In fact, the best thing we can do is to say,
29:54 Lord, take my will for I cannot even give it
29:57 to you, but can send for God
30:00 to take control of your thoughts.
30:02 It says in verse 24, "Put away from you a deceitful mouth,"
30:07 choose to do this,
30:08 "and put perverse lips far from you.
30:11 Let your eyes look straight ahead,
30:13 and your eyelids look right before you.
30:16 Ponder the path of your feet,
30:18 and let all your ways be established.
30:21 Do not turn to the right or to the left,
30:24 remove your foot from evil."
30:27 This is our participation in the Lord continuing
30:32 that work of transformation in our lives.
30:36 In Colossians 1:27, there is a powerful scripture
30:40 that we must understand that is essential
30:42 for our survival in this world.
30:45 Colossians 1:27, "To them God willed to make known
30:50 what are the riches of the glory
30:53 of this mystery among the Gentiles,
30:56 which is Christ in you, the hope of glory."
31:01 This is what we need,
31:03 Christ in us, the hope of glory.
31:06 I'm going to read to you from the lesson,
31:08 a portion here that is sad,
31:11 but it's the reality of what happened.
31:13 God doesn't hide anything.
31:15 It's in the scriptures. You can read this.
31:17 I mean, when you get to the Book of Judges
31:19 there are, almost every chapter begins with
31:22 and the children of Israel
31:23 did evil in the sight of the Lord again.
31:26 Look at this message here.
31:28 "Unfortunately, the history of national Israel
31:31 was for the most part, a repeated pattern
31:34 of apostasy followed by divine judgments,
31:37 repentance, and a period of obedience.
31:40 Only briefly, under David and Solomon,
31:43 did they control the full extent of the promise?
31:46 Did they control the full extent
31:49 of the promised territory?"
31:50 So God promised this land, the land deal,
31:53 but in order for them to enjoy the land,
31:56 for the rest of their lives, they had to remain faithful.
32:01 And we're not here attacking the people of Israel.
32:04 We're revealing to you what is in the Scriptures,
32:07 in the Scriptures, God's desire...
32:10 I want to say the same thing that Paul said.
32:15 And I believe we have all this in our heart.
32:17 In Romans 10:1-2 we have these words.
32:21 Romans 10:1-2, "Brethren, my heart's desire
32:27 and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved.
32:32 For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God,
32:36 but not according to knowledge."
32:40 And so verse 3, "For they being
32:43 ignorant of God's righteousness,
32:44 and seeking to establish their own righteousness,
32:47 have not submitted to the righteousness of God."
32:51 So this is a message for the people of Israel today.
32:55 And if anyone from the people of Israel is listening,
32:58 my heart's desire is for you to be saved.
33:01 And so I encourage you to look at the things
33:04 written in the scriptures.
33:06 Yes, in the Old Testament Scriptures,
33:08 we call them the Old Testament Scripture,
33:10 just call them the scriptures,
33:11 but encourage you to look at the scriptures
33:13 they are prophecies concerning the Messiah,
33:16 that tell of His sacrifice for us.
33:19 Yes, you have heard, don't read,
33:21 don't study Isaiah 53,
33:22 but please, it's there for your blessing.
33:26 Isaiah 53 has a message for the people of Israel,
33:29 the people of Israel, and even spiritual Israel
33:32 because it talks about our Messiah
33:35 that would suffer for us so that we can have salvation.
33:39 And I want to because of time limitation,
33:42 go to the blessing
33:46 that we have in Matthew 23.
33:50 Actually, this is a message from the Lord Jesus Christ.
33:54 Matthew 23:37-39, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
33:58 the one who kills the prophets
33:59 and stones those who are sent to her!
34:02 How often I wanted to gather your children together,
34:05 as a hen, gathers her chicks under her wings,
34:08 but you were not willing!
34:09 See!
34:11 Your house is left to you desolate,
34:12 for I say to you, you shall see Me no more till you say,
34:16 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!"
34:19 So if you say blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord,
34:22 people of Israel, people of Israel,
34:25 spiritual Israel as well.
34:27 You will be blessed of the Lord.
34:29 So I want to leave you with this thought.
34:32 In Romans 11:22-23 let me see if I can get it done,
34:36 "Therefore consider the goodness
34:38 and severity of God, on those who fell, severity,
34:41 but toward you, goodness,
34:43 if you continue in His goodness."
34:44 Spiritual Israel has to continue
34:46 in God's goodness as well.
34:48 "Otherwise you also will be cut off."
34:51 And notice verse 23.
34:52 "And they also, if they do not continue in unbelief,
34:57 will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again."
35:02 In 2 Peter 3:9 it says, "God is not willing
35:05 that any should perish,
35:06 whoever you are from whatever nation,
35:08 God is not willing that you should perish,
35:10 but should come to repentance
35:11 and enjoy the salvation of the Lord."
35:14 Amen. Thank you, Pastor Dinzey.
35:17 What a wonderful setup.
35:18 As you talk about coming back to the Lord coming back,
35:22 responding to the invitation of God,
35:24 which then makes you The Remnant,
35:25 which is what Wednesday is all about.
35:27 I want to begin with a very important statement.
35:30 When you look at the Bible, there's a cadence among Israel.
35:34 And its blessing, rebellion, blessing, rebellion,
35:36 even among the kings, blessing, rebellion, blessing, rebellion.
35:40 And sometimes I'm reading stories
35:41 in the book like Asa.
35:43 Asa had peace, and all of those days,
35:45 God gave him a peace for 10 years.
35:48 And I'd love the story to end right there with it.
35:51 But then Asa, and we think but then Abraham,
35:53 but then Solomon, and you think but Jeroboam,
35:56 but you think of all these names
35:57 and I thought, wow,
35:59 it shows that the Bible is not written by men,
36:03 because if it was written by men, men would not say
36:06 anything bad about themselves.
36:08 It shows that the Bible is not written by men.
36:10 But look at the promises that God has given
36:14 to Israel about the remnant.
36:16 Let's go to Isaiah 10:20-22, the remnant.
36:21 My first point is God will restore holiness,
36:25 and dependence in Him among the remnant.
36:29 "And it shall come to pass and that day
36:32 that the remnant of Israel, and such as have escaped
36:36 of the house of Jacob will never again depend on him
36:41 who defeated them, but will depend on the Lord,
36:45 the Holy One of Israel, in truth.
36:48 The remnant will return, the remnant of Jacob,
36:52 to the Mighty God.
36:54 For though your people, O Israel,
36:56 be as the sand of the sea,
36:58 a remnant of them will return, the destruction decreed
37:03 shall overflow with righteousness."
37:06 Notice what happens when a heart is returning
37:08 to God.
37:09 All the destruction that was decreed against you,
37:11 God is going to turn that around for righteousness.
37:14 When a person turns his or her heart to the Lord,
37:18 the deluge against your rebellion stops,
37:21 and God in gracious love for us
37:23 begins to open before us a flower of abundant blessings,
37:27 a flower of glory and gratitude and blessings.
37:29 And God will do that.
37:31 Not only will He do that, but God will restore those
37:34 who have been disenfranchised.
37:36 And there are many people that have walked away
37:37 from religion because they were labeled
37:40 in such a way or dealt with in such a way
37:42 that it was not a pleasant experience for them,
37:45 God will gather a remnant even from among them.
37:48 Micah 4:6-7.
37:50 The Bible says, "'In that day,' says the Lord, Micah 4:6-7,
37:55 "I will assemble the lame, I will gather the outcast
38:00 and those whom I have afflicted,
38:03 I will make the lame a remnant,
38:05 and the outcast a strong nation,
38:08 so the Lord will reign over them
38:11 in Mount Zion from now on, even for evermore."
38:15 That's why the Bible says in the New Testament,
38:17 make straight paths for your feet
38:19 so that the lane will not be turned out of the way.
38:21 God is calling us to be a guide to those who are looking
38:24 for a way back.
38:26 The third point God will preserve the honest in word,
38:29 and indeed. Zephaniah 3:12-13.
38:35 Verse 12, "I will leave in your midst
38:40 a meek and humble people,
38:42 and they shall trust in the name of the Lord.
38:44 The remnant of Israel shall do no unrighteousness
38:50 and speak no lies, nor shall a deceitful tongue
38:53 be found in their mouth,
38:55 for they shall feed their flocks and lie down,
38:57 and no one shall make them afraid."
38:59 Sounds like Revelation Chapter 7,
39:02 Revelation 14, "No deceit is found in their mouth,
39:05 no guile found in their mouths."
39:07 Once again, describing not only literal Israel,
39:10 those who will repent, but spiritual Israel,
39:13 those who make a covenant to God, according to His Word.
39:17 And when you think about the frustration
39:21 that God experienced because of Israel's disobedience,
39:24 I want to say that God's frustration,
39:26 let me repeat that man's rebellion
39:30 can never outlast God's desire to bring us back.
39:35 Let me say that again.
39:37 This is where the long-suffering
39:39 of God comes in, the long-suffering,
39:41 reminds me of the man that said, you know,
39:44 I'm going to prove there is no God.
39:46 And he went outside and looked up to the heavens
39:48 began to shake his fist and other things
39:50 that were perverse to the human ears.
39:54 And he said, "See, I told you there is no God."
39:56 And the Christian said,
39:58 "Well, God is also long-suffering."
40:00 You can't outlast God's long-suffering.
40:02 Praise God for that.
40:04 His long-suffering, not willing that any should perish
40:07 as Pastor Dinzey said, but then you'll have to ask yourself
40:10 the question, what is the purpose
40:11 of the remnant?
40:13 Why is God bringing the remnant back?
40:14 Let's look at Isaiah 42:6.
40:18 Isaiah 42:6, God doesn't just bring you back and say,
40:21 sit down and wait till I return.
40:23 There's a purpose for the remnant.
40:25 He wants to use them for a divine appointment.
40:28 Isaiah 42:6, "I, the Lord, have called You in righteousness,
40:35 and will hold Your hand, I will keep You and give You
40:39 as a covenant to the people, as a light to the Gentiles."
40:45 I was talking to somebody who's a part
40:46 of a religious sect,
40:48 that just seems once again to seem to be exclusive,
40:51 you know, we're the only ones that God has chosen.
40:54 God has not chosen any other race
40:55 or any other color or any other class,
40:57 creed or cast.
40:59 And I've said to you, you don't know the gospel.
41:01 If you think the gospel is exclusive to only one race
41:04 of individuals, then you fail to realize
41:07 the most prominent text in the Bible, John 3:16,
41:10 "That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish."
41:14 The Lord came to seek and save the lost,
41:16 not just the lost of a certain race,
41:18 He began because of choosing Israel,
41:20 to appeal to them for three and a half years.
41:23 And then He says, "I come to the lost sheep
41:25 of the house of Israel."
41:27 But that was not the extent of His invitation,
41:29 whosoever will let him come.
41:32 When we think about that, the question is,
41:34 what will the shining light of those
41:37 who respond to the invitation of God do?
41:39 Isaiah 60:3, "The Gentiles shall come to your light,
41:46 and the kings to the brightness of your rising."
41:49 When Paul and Barnabas waxed bowl
41:52 and preach their hearts out in Antioch.
41:55 And the entire city came together
41:56 in Acts Chapter 13,
41:58 the entire city came together on the next Sabbath,
42:00 to hear the Word of God.
42:03 It stirred up the hearts of those who did not return
42:05 to the Lord, the devout men, the chief leaders of the city,
42:08 the women of the city, the Jews stirred up
42:11 all of those against the message
42:13 of Paul and Barnabas because in their hearts,
42:16 they did not return to the Lord.
42:20 So now let me bring about seven points
42:21 in the time I have,
42:23 seven points, Jill, this is amazing.
42:26 We think about the remnant and I want to make this,
42:28 I'm gonna preface this by saying this,
42:31 there are many people that have loved ones
42:32 that have walked away from God
42:34 and you think to yourself, will they ever return?
42:37 Well, God has not stopped.
42:38 God has not stopped working on trying to bring
42:40 that person back.
42:41 My first point, never give up on those that appear hopeless.
42:47 God is still not done trying to save them.
42:51 Look at Job 14:7-9.
42:54 This to me is it's a passage that's hidden
42:58 within the context what happens when you die?
43:01 The Bible says, Job 14:7-9, "For there is hope for a tree,
43:07 if it is cut down, that it will sprout again,
43:11 and that its tender shoots will not cease.
43:13 Though its roots may grow old in the earth,
43:17 and its stump may die in the ground,
43:20 yet at the scent of water it will bud
43:24 and bring forth branches like a plant."
43:27 So when the Lord talks about we are the light of the world,
43:30 we are the salt of the earth, we are to be like living water.
43:34 If the living water of Christ
43:36 is pouring forth from our lives,
43:38 somebody who's thirsty may get a scent of that water
43:41 and begin to bud again.
43:42 Praise God for that.
43:44 Jeremiah 30:3, God is still extending
43:47 an invitation to those who He wants to bring back
43:51 that have strayed away.
43:52 Jeremiah 30:3, "For behold, the days are coming,
43:55 says the Lord, 'that I will bring back
43:57 from captivity My people Israel and Judah,
44:01 and I will cause them to return to the land
44:03 that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it.'"
44:07 Third point.
44:09 After the frustration of failing
44:10 to find satisfaction in the world,
44:12 God said they will come back.
44:14 Hosea 3:5, listen to this.
44:17 "Afterward the children of Israel shall return
44:19 and seek the Lord their God and David their king.
44:23 They shall fear the Lord and His goodness
44:26 in the latter days."
44:28 Point number four.
44:29 God does not prevent rebellion,
44:32 but God does not bless it either.
44:35 Hosea 2:7, "She will chase her lovers,
44:38 but not overtake them.
44:40 Yes, she will seek them, but not find them.
44:43 Then she will say, 'I will go and return to my first husband,
44:47 for then it was better for me than now.'"
44:50 Praise the Lord.
44:51 I may preserve the last two for the end of the program.
44:54 Number five, God will return to those that returned to him.
44:58 Zachariah 1:3, "Therefore say to them,
45:02 'Thus says the Lord of hosts.
45:04 'Return to Me,' says the Lord of hosts.
45:06 'And I will return to you,' says the Lord of hosts.'"
45:10 So the invitation today is, if you return to God,
45:13 He cannot wait to return to you.
45:16 Amen. Great study.
45:20 Thursday's lesson title is going to make someone go ew.
45:27 It's like to some people, it's like, the nails on chalkboard.
45:32 And the title is Spiritual Israel.
45:36 There are some who really have a difficult idea
45:39 with that thought, we're going to just look at the Bible.
45:44 But let me give you what I'm going to read
45:48 a paragraph first from this lesson.
45:52 This comes from our quarterly.
45:54 "Whatever the mistakes and failings of ancient Israel,
45:57 the Lord was not finished with the plan of creating
45:59 a faithful people to serve Him.
46:01 In fact, the Old Testament looked forward to a time
46:05 when the Lord would create its spiritual Israel,
46:09 a faithful body of believers, Jews and Gentiles,
46:12 who would carry on the work
46:14 of preaching the gospel to the world.
46:17 Welcome to the early church!"
46:20 The name Israel is a spiritual name.
46:24 When Jacob wrestled with the Lord hung on to him
46:29 and said, "I'll not let you go till You bless me."
46:32 It was God, who gave Jacob
46:36 this new spiritual name,
46:40 the nation of Israel
46:42 that are the 12 sons of Jacob
46:47 became known as Israel.
46:52 It's a spiritual name when they were in covenant,
46:56 but let's just look real quickly.
47:00 Sometimes you say spiritual Israel,
47:02 and there are people who are saying
47:03 that's replacement theology.
47:07 Romans 9:6-8, we're gonna let the Bible talk to us.
47:12 Romans 9:6-8.
47:16 Paul writes to the Romans and says,
47:18 "They are not all Israel who are of Israel,
47:23 nor are they all children because
47:24 they are the seed of Abraham," now here he's talking about
47:27 the offspring, the biological,
47:30 "but, 'In Isaac your seed shall be called.'"
47:34 Abraham had Ishmael.
47:39 But Ishmael wasn't Abraham's promised son.
47:44 It was the son that came from his own loins,
47:47 and he had six sons after that when he get to be old.
47:51 But still, Isaac is called the only begotten son
47:57 because he's the son of the promise.
47:58 So he says, in Isaac your seed shall be called,
48:02 that is Romans 9:8.
48:06 "Those who are the children of the flesh,
48:08 these are not the children of God."
48:11 So just because you were born in a biological line
48:17 of Abraham, he's saying that's not it.
48:20 "It's the children of the promise
48:22 that are counted as the seed.
48:24 Now let's flip quickly to Galatians 3,
48:27 I'm not going to get through my stuff.
48:29 Galatians 3:26.
48:33 You don't have to believe in spiritual Israel
48:35 because we're saying there's a spiritual Israel.
48:38 We believe because the Bible says this.
48:42 Galatians 3:26, "You are sons of God
48:46 through faith in Christ Jesus.
48:48 For as many of you as were baptized
48:50 into Christ have put on Christ.
48:52 There's neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free,
48:55 male nor female,
48:57 for you are one in Christ Jesus.
48:59 And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed,
49:05 and heirs according to the everlasting
49:09 covenant promise of salvation by grace
49:11 through faith."
49:13 Let's take that apart.
49:14 Verse 26, "You are sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus,
49:19 all who are born again believers are God's children."
49:25 2 Peter 1:4 says,
49:27 "That we partake of his divine nature."
49:31 And John 1:12, Jill, I know this is one of your favorites.
49:35 This says, "As many as received Him,"
49:38 received Christ as their Savior,
49:41 "to them He gave the right to become children of God,
49:45 to those who believe in His name,
49:48 who were born," catch this, "not of blood,
49:52 nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man,
49:56 but of God."
49:57 Now we go on and we know that,
50:00 let's look at Galatians 3:27.
50:04 "As many of you as were baptized into Christ
50:10 have put on Christ."
50:13 Well, question is, what does it mean to be
50:15 baptized into Christ?
50:18 What if baptism doesn't necessarily affect
50:22 the union with Christ?
50:24 What I'm saying is, if somebody is a sinner
50:27 and their heart is an unregenerate heart,
50:29 they can go down in the water a sinner
50:31 and come up a wet sinner.
50:33 So being baptized into Christ,
50:36 it is the baptism of the Holy Spirit
50:39 that you and I entrust with Christ.
50:40 1 Corinthians 12:13, it says, "By one Spirit we were
50:47 all baptized into one body whether Jews or Greeks,
50:52 slaves or free, and have all been made
50:56 to drink up one spirit."
50:59 Let me tell you something,
51:01 I am not diminishing in any way, water baptism.
51:07 Romans Chapter 6 tells us it is symbolic
51:10 of what God has done in our heart.
51:12 Water baptism is symbolic of us dying with Christ,
51:16 of us being resurrected to walk in newness of life.
51:20 It is a commandment.
51:23 And it is probably when you get that in your heart
51:26 when you've been born again.
51:28 That's the first commandment you ought to be keeping
51:31 because water baptism is extremely important.
51:35 But it says if you're baptized into Christ, Paul says,
51:39 "You have put on Christ."
51:42 What does he mean we have put on Christ?
51:46 This implies a likeness to Christ.
51:50 Romans 13:13-14.
51:56 Paul says, "Let us walk properly,
52:00 as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness,
52:04 lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy."
52:10 Romans 13:14 says,
52:11 "But put on the Lord Jesus Christ,
52:16 and make no provision for your flesh,
52:22 to fulfill its lust."
52:24 Paul use the image of putting off the old,
52:28 you know, the body is the tent,
52:30 we can put off the old and we put on the new.
52:34 This is putting off the sinful behavior
52:37 and putting on the character of Christ.
52:42 Let it's symbolic of our thoughts
52:44 and our attitudes and our actions.
52:46 So verse 28, Galatians 3:28,
52:50 "There is neither Jew nor Greek,
52:52 neither slave nor free,
52:54 neither male nor female,
52:56 for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
52:58 Race and national distinction,
53:03 class differences and rivalry
53:06 between the sexes all disappear
53:11 at the foot of the cross, right?
53:14 We all are created equal,
53:18 no one enjoys special privileges,
53:21 and then verse 29, Galatians 3:29.
53:24 "If you are Christ, you're Abraham's seed,
53:28 and heirs according to the promise."
53:32 We, all of us believers are heirs
53:36 of the spiritual blessing that accompanied
53:40 the Abrahamic covenant,
53:42 the justification by faith, righteousness by faith.
53:46 And, you know, some people say, "Well, what about
53:49 that land deal that you were talking about?"
53:51 Let me read Romans 4:13.
53:54 This is talking about the promise
53:56 of inheriting the earth because Romans 4:13 says,
53:59 "The promise to Abraham is that he would be
54:03 the heir of the world not just made to Abraham,
54:08 but to all of his seed,
54:11 and through the righteousness of faith."
54:14 One last scripture,
54:18 Romans 8:14.
54:21 "As many as are led by the Spirit of God,
54:25 these are the sons of God."
54:29 Are you baptized with the Holy Spirit?
54:32 Are you being led by the Spirit,
54:35 putting on Christ Jesus?
54:37 Verse 16 says, "The spirit himself bears witness
54:40 with our spirit that we are the children of God,
54:43 and if children," guess what?
54:46 "Then we're heirs, heirs of God
54:49 and joint heirs with Christ Jesus."
54:54 And how exciting, but let me say this though,
54:58 it continues, "If indeed we suffer with Him,
55:02 that we may also be glorified together."
55:06 Ah, there is a spiritual Israel.
55:10 Amen.
55:12 Thank you so much for that, Shelley,
55:13 that's powerful spiritual Israel.
55:15 Each one of you, thank you for your study.
55:17 As we explored Abraham's Seed, I want to take
55:20 just a moment and give each one of you
55:22 a few closing thoughts.
55:23 Yeah, absolutely.
55:25 So a text that comes to my mind as I referenced it
55:27 in my day's lesson on this Land Deal.
55:31 We're looking forward to that beautiful, perfect land,
55:33 that perfect place that God has prepared for us.
55:36 And I just wanted to read John 14:1-3, it says,
55:40 "Let not your heart be troubled,
55:42 you believe in God believe also in Me.
55:45 In my Father's house are many mansions,
55:47 if it were not so, I would have told you.
55:50 And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again
55:53 and receive you to myself
55:55 that where I am, there you may be also."
55:57 What a blessed promise. Amen.
55:59 Amen, amen.
56:00 And so we consider God's mercy and greatness.
56:04 In Isaiah 56:6-7, it talks about the stranger
56:07 and the Jew being together in God's house of prayer.
56:12 You see, the everlasting covenant
56:14 is for all people of every nation.
56:17 Notice what it says in Revelation 14:6,
56:20 "Then I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven,
56:23 having the everlasting gospel to preach to those
56:25 who dwell on the earth to every nation,
56:28 tribe, tongue, and people."
56:30 The people of Israel,
56:31 the everlasting covenant is for you.
56:33 And every nation under heaven,
56:35 the everlasting covenant is for you.
56:37 Amen. We talk about the remnant.
56:39 How will the remnant be formed?
56:41 John 10:27-28, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them,
56:48 and they follow Me."
56:50 Verse 28, "And I give unto them eternal life,
56:53 and they shall never perish, neither shall
56:56 any man pluck them out of My hand."
57:00 Praise God for that. Amen.
57:01 When we talk about the promise of inheriting the earth,
57:04 this has to be seen in relationship to Christ,
57:07 future reign when the earth is made new
57:11 and He is King of kings, and the Lord of lord
57:14 because we only spend that thousand in heaven,
57:17 and then we come down here on a new earth,
57:19 New Jerusalem, hallelujah.
57:22 Amen.
57:23 Thank you so much, Shelley, Pastor John, Pastor Johnny,
57:26 and Pastor Ryan, and thank you for joining us as well.
57:28 We've learned that God's true Israel,
57:31 whether before or after the cross
57:33 is the Israel of faith.
57:35 These are people who have lived
57:36 in spiritual covenant relationship with Christ.
57:40 So that as it says in Philippians 2:15,
57:43 "We can be blameless and harmless,
57:46 children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked
57:50 and perverse generation, among whom
57:53 we shine as lights in the world."
57:56 You and I all of us are called to be His witnesses
57:59 and His representatives to the world.
58:02 Join us next week.
58:04 Lesson number seven Covenant at Sinai.


Revised 2021-05-06