Summer Camp Meeting

Resting In His Love (Zephaniah 3:17)

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SCM

Program Code: SCM230005S

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:02 >> We set our sights on compelling stories. 12 minor
00:06 prophets of the old test.
00:08 The profits message rich and wisdom and filled with true is
00:13 as relevant today as it was. Then
00:16 it's hard to find. Come next.
00:19 Joining us now on 3ABN for an in-depth study of the word of
00:23 God
00:25 in the mines.
00:30 >> Hello and welcome back to 3 ABN summer Camp meeting.
00:33 We're so glad you joined us. Good morning to you at home.
00:37 And good morning to you here in person audience. How are you
00:40 this morning?
00:43 Praise the Lord.
00:45 I want to ask you at home. How was your breakfast a home?
00:49 It doesn't compare to what we had here. Can't meeting,
00:52 right?
00:53 We have been spirits. The Fed to, though, haven't we? Wow.
00:57 What a blessing. You know, we have a little bit of rain here
00:59 yesterday. And while the clouds cleared out, beautiful sunshine
01:04 this morning, right cooler temperatures here in southern
01:06 Illinois. We praise the lord for that because we want you
01:09 all to move here. We have the perfect weather here in
01:12 southern Illinois.
01:14 I have the privilege, though, this morning of introducing my
01:16 wife, Jill. It's a real privilege. You know, we first
01:19 met in 1996. So we've known each other about 27 years.
01:24 The married 21 years this September. But it's been a
01:28 tremendous privilege to be in ministry together.
01:31 We have a lot of people, I should say. Some people say,
01:34 hey, so what's it like the kind of work together said, okay.
01:38 Haha,
01:39 you want to know how it is?
01:41 You do not really.
01:44 It's fantastic. You know, it's a blessing. My wife's office is
01:47 just down the hall and to be in ministry together. What a
01:50 privilege. What an absolute blessing. And it's a blessing
01:54 to have you as our 3 been family here and you join us as
01:58 well. You know, Joe,
01:59 she has a love of the Bible. She loves the scriptures.
02:03 She has a deep love and care for others,
02:07 but she has a deep love for the Lord Jesus Christ and the such
02:11 a blessing. You know, as you see Ron Savage school panel,
02:13 I'm sure quite often. And she so enjoys studying for Sabha
02:17 school. She takes a lot of time into all those lessons. And she
02:21 just is really fun because she'd be there on the couch and
02:24 studying for the upcoming South school. Less than it should be
02:27 safe. Greg, this little tidbit wound. I'm here all my points
02:31 right here, my list. And so I'm blessed. I get to hear all I
02:36 could hear about 7 school before you all do.
02:39 But I'm blessed. I'm really blessed to have her as my wife
02:42 into the ministry together. But they're going to something
02:44 a little difference to the music, the next he's actually
02:47 going to have Tim Parton play at the end of her message and
02:50 her message today is resting in his love.
02:56 >> Thank you, sweetheart.
02:58 [MUSIC]
03:01 Almost kids.
03:04 We'll save that for later.
03:07 What an incredible blessing to be together at 3 being can't
03:11 mean is it not?
03:13 I've been so my soul has been spiritually enriched by the
03:17 messages that I've heard. Thank you, Pastor James.
03:20 The message we just heard on Jose with powerful praise the
03:23 Lord,
03:25 my privilege to speak on the book of
03:28 you all read the bulletin. That's an eye on. That's right.
03:31 Praise the Lord arrests. Teen in his love has great
03:35 referenced. I like lists. You all know that from 72
03:39 pounds.
03:41 So today we're going to have 7 keys to discover how you and I
03:46 can rest in his love from the book of Zephonites.
03:51 Before we do that and ask you a question,
03:54 are you
03:56 at rest?
03:58 Are you secure in your salvation?
04:02 Do you ever have worry
04:04 in your heart?
04:06 Do you ever feel shame or guilt?
04:10 Do you struggle with condemnation?
04:13 Are you at rest in your relationships, with other
04:16 people,
04:17 with your spouse, with your children, with your parents or
04:22 co-workers or neighbors are church members?
04:28 Are you completely at rest?
04:31 If I'm being honest with you, I don't think I am
04:34 all the time
04:36 in all times in all places. But I want to be
04:40 today. We will explore ways that we can find rest in
04:45 Christ. Let's pray.
04:48 Holy Father, we come before you in the name of TCS. Grateful
04:52 for you were done right now. I asked
04:56 so you would hide me behind the cross Jesus. Would you be
05:01 uplifted unseen and glorified which your word come alive and
05:07 speak to us and speak to our hearts and we thank you.
05:11 And we will give you all the praising glory in Jesus name.
05:15 Amen.
05:17 They say that confession is good for the soul. You know
05:21 this and h*** o* the
05:25 reputation.
05:26 So I want to make a confession today to you all.
05:30 I have always been a happy person
05:33 even from when I was a little child growing up teenage years
05:38 into adulthood. In fact, people would tease me and they say,
05:41 Jill, you always even wake up happy. And that is true.
05:45 I literally wake up happy and I'm happy throughout the day
05:48 and I've always been that way.
05:51 But I went through a season
05:54 and a time in my life
05:57 of depression
05:58 a time when there was darkness a time when I could not see the
06:04 light
06:05 and things did not.
06:07 I feel
06:08 or sea men to be at rest that we're talking about here today.
06:13 I keep a journal not consistently, but from time to
06:17 time
06:18 and I want to read you, this is a personal entry.
06:23 I want to read you an entry from that journal. This is from
06:26 that time when I was not rest and that time when I was
06:31 struggling with darkness,
06:36 I come to you.
06:40 Mt.
06:41 Bleeding.
06:45 Somehow not enough.
06:48 What I do is not enough.
06:50 A Christian should have it all together.
06:52 Aren't I a Christ follower?
06:55 Perhaps not.
06:57 If I feel this way,
06:59 the shame becomes oppressive.
07:03 It's easier not to feel.
07:05 I pushed the thoughts away,
07:09 swallowed the lump in my throat. Will my mind to other
07:14 thoughts?
07:15 It's better not to focus on how I feel better. Not to think
07:20 better. Not to question
07:23 because it only brings pain
07:25 and I don't have time for pain.
07:28 God, I'm scared.
07:30 If I truly look inside, allow myself to feel what do I
07:33 discover?
07:34 Who is Jill? Really?
07:38 What if it's not pretty and sign?
07:40 It's better to lock it away.
07:43 You can do this. Put on your game face. Pretend that
07:48 everything is OK.
07:49 I cannot show weakness. I will not show weakness. Our be
07:56 strong.
07:57 I would be fine
07:59 yet. I'm dying.
08:02 Insight
08:06 had not
08:08 continue.
08:10 That was from a time of darkness
08:14 in my life
08:17 and you might not have experienced anything like that
08:20 in your life. But if I'm guess seen I would say everybody in
08:23 this room
08:25 and you watching at home headaches Tyrion stat one point
08:29 or another in your life. The mask of good Christianity.
08:34 We put it on, do we not? We coming to church and we say
08:37 happy 7th. How are you? And we take a going to be a good
08:40 Christian. Hi, I'm doing great.
08:43 Is that really how we are?
08:45 >> Is that really how we feel inside? And yet we try to pull
08:48 ourselves up by our bootstraps and put on the facade of
08:52 Christianity
08:54 when we are maybe not really at rest.
08:59 Have you ever felt insecure?
09:01 Have you ever been angrier irritated?
09:03 Have you ever been skittish or afraid? Have you ever been
09:07 tense or bitter? Have you ever faced the death of a loved one?
09:13 Have you ever dealt with divorce
09:15 or loss?
09:17 Our separation from friends
09:21 today. We're going to look at how you and I can find discover
09:27 encounter rest in Christ 7 Keys to finding that risk from the
09:33 book and Stephan I a before we do that. Let's just give a
09:36 brief overview of Zephon. I it's a very short book.
09:39 Only 3 chapters. If you're looking for it, it's after a
09:45 backache and before Haggi I we're going to spend her time
09:48 in. Stephanie, I so you welcome to open up and look there,
09:52 Stephan Ions f an Iowan verse one. Obviously he's a prophet.
09:56 But did you know he was also royalty? He was a great,
09:59 great, great and son of King Hezekiah.
10:04 Stephanie Prophesied doom, the reign of King Josiah. He was
10:10 the last good King of Israel of Judah.
10:14 Now about 100 years before this would be in 7.22. BC the 10
10:20 Northern Kingdoms. The nation of Israel was taken and
10:25 dispersed because of their apostasy because of the day or
10:29 idolatry. Now we come down around 100 years to the time of
10:34 Josiah. This is mid 600 BC
10:37 and we find the prophet Zephon Maya Prophesying during that
10:40 very same time. And what's amazing to me is that the
10:43 people of Judah should have learned the lessons that
10:47 happened over here in Israel. Should they have not? They
10:50 realize that Israel had been in the pasta. See Israel had
10:53 worship idols. Israel had done their own thing and they had
10:58 been completely taken
11:02 and you see the judgment of God on that nation. And yet we come
11:05 down to Judah maybe 100 years later and they are on the brink
11:10 of more and spiritual collapse.
11:14 The nation of Judah is morally and spiritually bankrupt.
11:19 They participated in foreign called stay worship canaanite
11:23 gods
11:25 at this time is when God called Zephon. I a
11:28 to prophesied morning. If you look at the theme of the book
11:33 is Fun. I it's justice on this side and over here we have
11:38 Mercy. I love Pastor James talked about that. Getting not
11:41 justice and mercy. We have the justice to judgment. Theirs is
11:46 warning of impending judgment. You find in the book of Stephan
11:50 I a but over here we see God calling to his people re pants,
11:56 which you turn back to me. Would you turn away from your
11:59 idol worship and those evil things and turn back to worship
12:04 me?
12:06 If we look at the outline of the book deaf and I to me,
12:09 it's kind of divided into 5 parts. If you start all the way
12:12 over here, part one is chapter one. And this is a warning.
12:16 If you're a chapter one, it's warning of impending judgment.
12:21 The whole thing judgment on Judah, judgment on Drew slum
12:25 judgment on the heave in. Then you come over here to part
12:28 2. Now, this is chapter 2, the first 3 verses and it is an
12:32 appeal for repentance and appeal for real reformation.
12:38 Then we come to part 3. This is the latter half of Chapter 2
12:42 and its judgment again. But this time not on the people of
12:46 God. This is the judgment on the 4 and the heat. Even
12:49 nations. We see actually the 5 full judgment, the philistines,
12:54 the moabite, the ammonites, the Ethiopians and the Assyrians.
12:59 Then we come to Chapter
13:01 4
13:02 and this is the beginning of I'm sorry, part for I'm not
13:06 confused. Part for this is the beginning of Chapter 3 and it
13:10 is this universal judgment. By time we get down verse 8,
13:14 the judgment is falling on everyone but it doesn't stop
13:16 there. The book doesn't stop there if it started and stopped
13:19 in Zephonites 3, 8,
13:22 where we are hoping
13:24 but it doesn't stop there. We have a part 5 and that comes
13:27 the latter. Half of Chapter 3, which is incredible. It's
13:32 reformation. Re Penn, 10's followed by this culminating
13:38 ringing declaration of joy.
13:41 There's joy from God's people over their deliverance and
13:46 there's joy from God because his people to people that he
13:51 loves have turned back to him.
13:55 So let's look at those 70's for discovering rest in Christ.
14:02 7 Keys from the book of Fun. I Am Keen Number one. We're
14:05 going to overhear key number one is to allow God to caught
14:11 out the idols from your life.
14:16 So what's the number one? We're going to practice
14:17 together. Allow God to caught out the idols from your life.
14:24 We allow God to do that. Work runs F an Iowan verse 4.
14:28 I was stretch out my hand. This is God talking. I'm going
14:32 to stretch out my hand against who,
14:35 Judy. This is God's people. Judgment Day is coming up on
14:39 the church. I was stretch out my hand against Judah
14:43 against all the inhabitants of Jerusalem. I will cut off every
14:49 trace of bail. These are the idols were talking about our
14:53 cutoff every trace of bail from this place. The names of the
14:57 idolatrous priest with a pagan priest jumped out of or 6.
15:01 Those who have turned back from following the Lord and have not
15:06 sought the Lord nor inquired of him.
15:11 Do you want to experience rest
15:14 in your life?
15:15 You and I need to allow God to take those things out of our
15:20 lives.
15:22 Separate us from him.
15:25 Amos chapter 3 verse 3 says can to act together and less.
15:29 They are agreed and we always refer to this. Is marriage
15:32 doing not you need to marry a Christian or a fellow believer
15:36 and of course said is true. But I think it has a deeper
15:40 meaning he can we walk with God,
15:43 can we have rest in our soul and in our spirit, if there are
15:47 things in our lives that we hold firm got idols that we
15:52 keep in place of God, things that we think are I just don't
15:56 want to give it up in. I can't give it up.
15:59 Of course, we can't change our hearts. There's nothing we can
16:03 do to cut out the idols. But you and I can make a choice
16:07 to allow God to do. The work said only God can do in our
16:13 hearts and in our lives. You know, discipline. This is
16:17 painful, is it not?
16:19 But it can be re store a team,
16:23 the process of cutting the idols from our hearts and lives
16:28 sometimes painful and it sometimes does supplant.
16:32 But it's the story to have. This is where we see God's
16:34 justice because he wants nothing between us and him.
16:37 But we see his mercy because he loves us and he says just give
16:41 it to me and I I will take it. I will do the work in your
16:45 heart. He burst after 12 verse 11 says now know chastening.
16:50 That means
16:52 discipline. Good job now know chastening or discipline seems
16:56 joyful. Obviously we don't enjoy it for the president.
16:59 It's painful. Nevertheless, afterward 8 yields the
17:03 peaceable fruit of right shiftiness to those who are
17:08 trained by. And what does that mean? The trial we go through?
17:12 When we have that? I do that. We say God, I want you to cut
17:15 it out. Would you take out of my life? Sometimes it is a
17:18 process and sometimes it's painful. But God is working in
17:22 your heart and mind, right, miss. He's making us into the
17:27 image of Jesus without the dark clouds in our lives. We would
17:32 never know the joy of sunshine.
17:37 We can become callous and an teachable.
17:42 If we refuse to learn from pain.
17:48 Key number one to experiencing unrest in Christ is allowed on
17:55 to cut out the idols from your life. Key number 2 is arrives
18:02 from spiritual left or G
18:05 our rise from spirit show. Lethargy were still and
18:09 Stephanie, I won. We're going to verse 12 and I like it in
18:12 the new living translation the way it quotes. It's on to read
18:16 it from that Stephanie Iowan 12 hour search with lanterns that
18:20 God speaking.
18:22 I was searched with lanterns in Jerusalem's Darkest Corners.
18:26 So where is God searching
18:28 the church? This is the church. He is searching the darkest
18:34 corners of the church and our hearts
18:40 punish those
18:42 hoosick complacent in their sons.
18:46 They think the larger do nothing
18:49 either. Good.
18:51 New King James says our punter, some men said told in their
18:55 complacency, you see it's difficult for you and I to rest
19:01 in his love. It's difficult for us to experience oneness with
19:05 him
19:06 and experience joy of rest in him. If our hearts are numb,
19:12 if their callous, if they're in different
19:16 and you might say, OK, I get that job. I want to arise from
19:19 spiritual left to do. But I don't know how to do it.
19:22 How am I to arise from spiritual lethargy? I love
19:26 Isaiah. 43 19. We're going to go there. Isaiah 43 19
19:31 because the key is UN. I need to ask God to do a new thing in
19:38 our hearts and in our lives. I-40 to 19. Behold, I would do.
19:46 You'll hear behold? I would do.
19:49 I think yes. That word new in Hebrew means new in Kuala,
19:54 teeny.
19:55 Not that time.
19:58 It can also mean renew, in other words,
20:01 asking God to do renew and un. I that first love experience we
20:06 had with him. We're asking him to bring back
20:10 that fire we used to have. I would do a new thing now is
20:16 to spring forth show you not know what I would make a road
20:19 in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. I want a wilderness
20:24 of sin and guilt. Are you in a wilderness of shame and
20:27 condemnation? Do you go to God and ask for answers to prayer
20:32 and it seems like your prayers hit the ceiling and he is not
20:36 hearing you. Are you walking in the wilderness? God does not
20:40 want you to languish there. You do not have to die there.
20:44 He can set you free. You are in that wilderness. But he wants
20:49 to being presented, sir.
20:51 There is a dearth where there is a spiritual drought
20:56 is spiritual lethargy. Cars says I will do a new thing.
21:01 I will do a new seat.
21:04 So key number one is to we're over here. Allow God to caught
21:09 out. So idols. Key number to a rise from spiritual lethargy.
21:16 You guys are good. Key number 3, sapped
21:21 God's instruction and correction.
21:27 I got you down. I do not like this one
21:30 except God's instruction and correction.
21:37 We're definitely a 3,
21:39 Stephanie. I 3 verses one 2.
21:43 Wow
21:45 to her.
21:46 This is God's people druce
21:50 woe to her who is revalue us and
21:53 polluted
21:55 to the oppressed. Seen city
21:58 now comes averse to a four-fold rebuke to God's people. She has
22:04 not obeyed his voice.
22:07 She has not received correction.
22:11 She has not trust stayed in the low earn.
22:16 She has not drawn near
22:18 to her God.
22:20 The 4 fold rebuke. God's people
22:23 are disobedient.
22:25 God's people refuse to be corrected.
22:30 God's people lack faith in God,
22:34 God's people don't draw near to him. They stay a good distance
22:39 from him.
22:41 Let's unpack this for just a moment. Before we go to the
22:44 next key,
22:46 let's look at Disobedience. God's people are disobedient.
22:49 You know, every time
22:51 UN I
22:53 I mean, the phrase that
22:55 every time God calls to your heart,
22:58 you're faced with the choice. Are you not?
23:01 We can say yes, Scott, I want to do it your way. Yes, God,
23:05 I don't want to forgive this person but only to grant me
23:09 your forgiveness. I don't want to walk in obedience to what
23:13 you've commanded me. But would you place that in my heart
23:19 when God calls to our heart, what can we say now?
23:24 Still choices. We can say yes, Scott, I want your will ye,
23:28 Scott. I want your way. Yes, God, please soften my heart or
23:32 we can say no, god. I don't want to hear you. I do want to
23:35 listen.
23:36 I don't want to obey.
23:39 We think that obedience is a complicated process, but it's
23:44 not
23:46 it's simply making a choice. Do I want to do it got way or
23:50 do I want to do it my own way.
23:55 The people are not just disobedient.
23:57 They refused correction. Now this is not talking about
24:01 just taking a step in to center on knowing our lips and then
24:04 gonna ask for forgiveness. This is outright rebellion.
24:08 It reminds me of Farrow remembered the children of
24:11 Israel when the plagues we're coming up on Egypt and what
24:14 happened. We're an Exodus. 5 verse to Pharaoh said How is
24:19 the Lord
24:21 that I should obey his voice and let Israel go? I do not
24:26 know the Lorne
24:27 nor will I let Israel
24:31 Pharaoh refused correction.
24:34 That was at the peril of this country.
24:37 The plagues report now
24:38 his crops were destroyed. His country was destroyed.
24:43 His people were killed
24:47 because to he refused correction.
24:51 I noticed that
24:53 when it's cold and it's wintertime and those maybe
24:55 icicles hanging off of the roof. Have you noticed when the
24:58 sun comes out in a winter day? What happens to the icicles?
25:03 But did you know that the same sun
25:06 that melts ice?
25:08 It hardens clay
25:11 times. We Judge God, do we not?
25:15 Why with Farrow and his people destroyed? Why did you do that?
25:19 Why?
25:20 But yet the difference is not the sun. The sun is the same.
25:24 The difference was in. They objects response to the side.
25:30 So God is the same. He loves everyone. But you and I have a
25:34 choice. We can say yes to Jesus. We can say I want you to
25:38 soften my heart. I want to follow you. I want to walk in
25:43 your way are we can say
25:46 I don't want anything to do with you got I know better than
25:49 you got. I don't like your way. God. I'm going to do it my way.
25:57 God is the same.
25:59 The difference is in how you and I respond to him.
26:05 They were disobedient. They refused correction. They lacked
26:07 faith in God. Now to God, not give them faith. Of course he
26:11 did Roma's 12, 3 God gave to everyone. Major of faith were
26:17 all given that grain of mustard seed and Romans. 10, 17 faith
26:21 comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
26:24 So that begs the question where the people of that time,
26:26 not in the word enough.
26:29 Did they not exercise the measure of faith that they had
26:34 been given?
26:37 What happens when you and I lack faith in God
26:40 as a cause? We're not the word enough.
26:43 Is it because we have not sir sized and walked out the faith
26:49 that God has given us
26:51 and they also stayed away from God. It reminds me of James 4,
26:55 8, it says drawn near to got and he will do all the new year
27:01 to you.
27:04 So let's review our 70's for rest. Teen in the him key
27:08 number one, allow God to cut out the idols in our life.
27:13 Key number 2, a rise from spiritual lethargy. Key number
27:18 3,
27:20 God's instruction and correction. Key number 4
27:25 receive his son Righteous S I love this guy. Receive his
27:33 righteousness or indefinite 3 verses 12 13. Stephanie has 3,
27:39 12 13. I got speaking. I would leave. Leave in your midst.
27:45 I'm a geek and humble people. Jay Schulz, trust in the name
27:51 of the Lord. Now we're going to come back to that fought in
27:53 just a moment.
27:55 The remnant of his Irwin first 13 showed you know, what's that
27:59 word unrighteousness? The remnant of Israel would do no
28:03 unrighteousness and speak no lies nor show a deceitful ton
28:08 be founded their mandate. They show feet their flocks and
28:12 lie down
28:13 and nobody shell make them
28:18 afraid.
28:20 The remnant of Israel if they're doing no
28:22 unrighteousness and there is no deceitful tongue, there is no
28:26 guile. They're walking in righteousness, are they not?
28:30 And yet so often we think Christianity is about our own
28:35 righteousness and not about the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
28:40 So we think if I only gritted my teeth, if I only tried
28:43 harder, if I only worked are, if I only did more for the
28:48 church, if I only tried harder,
28:52 we can tackle Christianity that way. That's the same problem
28:56 that happens when you and I put on the mask and pretend
28:59 everything is OK,
29:01 can you see hope and change the color of his skin?
29:04 Can a leopard take the spots off his hide?
29:08 The Bible says then may you do good who are a cause? It's time
29:12 to to do mean evil.
29:15 All right. Just an aside, this 64 is as filthy rags. This is
29:19 talking about the righteousness of Christ Christ. Our
29:23 righteousness EC is his holiness. It's his purity.
29:27 It is his life that is lived in the U.S..
29:31 I love the book of Romans. You all know that
29:35 Roman 7 chapter 7 is about this tug of war in the life.
29:41 That's a serious talk of war.
29:43 What I want to do,
29:44 I don't do and the things I don't want to do. Those are the
29:48 things I find myself doing and you get down to the end of
29:51 Roman 7, which is to say all red should mandate I am.
29:56 She'll deliver me from this body of death is very
30:00 interesting. Parallel. I think here involving 7.17, it says it
30:04 is no longer I could do it but sin that dwells in me now the
30:10 rigged Wells in Greek, OK, you means to inhabit dwell or make
30:14 a home
30:18 sin. It's not me acting out. Well, I made a choice to lapse
30:23 into my life. I get that. But it's not me. It's because
30:25 I've allowed CNN to take up residence in my heart.
30:32 But you can contrast this with the glaciers to verse 20.
30:37 What does that say? I've been crucified with Christ. It is no
30:40 longer I live but Christ who lives in many praise the Lord.
30:46 So the difference here you see it's not me doing the good
30:49 work. That's not me. Trying harder is not me gritting my
30:52 teeth. It's not me saying I will be good. I would be good.
30:54 I would be good.
30:55 I'm exhausted. No, it's because I've allowed Jesus Christ the
31:00 Lord of my life to live in my life. And when he lives in my
31:06 life,
31:07 when he lives in your life,
31:09 he will set U.S. free
31:15 God's people. Key number 4
31:19 to experience seen rest in Christ.
31:22 It's when UN I truly
31:26 scene of his righteousness.
31:30 >> Now I know it when you're coming back to the make a
31:32 number of people. Let's spend just a moment on that and then
31:34 we'll go to key number 5,
31:37 I believe in your midst to make a number of people they would
31:39 trust in the name
31:41 of the Lord.
31:43 Humility is trusting in God,
31:47 not in me.
31:49 You know, from childhood. We are taught to do it
31:51 ourselves,
31:53 you know, a little kid. And when they brush their own teeth
31:55 for the first time where they feed themselves what we say
31:58 good for you when they learned how to tie their own shoes for
32:01 the first time. What we say, oh, you growing up to be a big
32:04 kid when they learned how to make their bad without the
32:07 wrinkles. We say look at you and when they learn how to do
32:09 laundry were impressed and those are good things. Of
32:12 course, we need to be adults and function in society.
32:15 I'm not saying that,
32:17 but we somehow apply that to our walk with God that
32:21 independence, that self sufficiency,
32:26 that pride
32:27 that leaves in our hearts.
32:31 Humility is trusting in God,
32:36 not in me.
32:38 At the end of that passage in verse 13, it says no one show
32:43 make them
32:44 a free.
32:46 When we humbly trust in Christ's righteousness,
32:51 we do have to be afraid of people.
32:53 We don't have to be afraid of situations
32:57 and the margin. My Bible, sometimes I write the date when
33:01 God speaks to me about a particular verse
33:05 and then as they have 51 verse 12, I have a certain date
33:08 written by this verse
33:10 because God used it in my life in a powerful way because I was
33:13 afraid of a person at that time in my life.
33:16 And it says, who are you that you should be afraid of a man
33:18 who would die?
33:20 >> And of the son of a man who will be made like grass.
33:24 And you forget
33:25 the Lord, your maker stretched out the heavens. You know,
33:30 it's amazing because we think, well, how are afraid of a
33:33 person,
33:35 4 people
33:37 we're just created in the image of God.
33:40 All right. We're not to create or and you realize that our God
33:44 is omnipotent. Our God is omniscient. Our God can do
33:49 anything. So we're going back 7 keys to experiencing resting
33:54 cries. Key number one is to allow God to caught out the
33:58 idols in your life. Key number 2 is our rise from spiritual
34:04 lethargy. Key number 3, except his instruction and correction.
34:11 Key number 4, receive his righteousness. Key number 5,
34:17 rejoice and God's victory in your life.
34:23 Warren's F a -3
34:25 verses 14 15. Stephanie has 3, 14 15 saying daughter of Zion
34:34 got talking with people. This is people
34:37 saying no daughter of Zion shout oh Israel
34:41 because Ed and reach Oif with all your heart daughter of drew
34:47 some and why are we to saying why are we to rejoice? We see
34:51 it in the next first 15.
34:53 The Lord has taken away your judgment.
34:59 He has cast out your enemy.
35:03 The King of Israel. The Lord is in your midst. USC disaster.
35:07 No more
35:10 this time. If you read Stephon, I I know we really don't have
35:12 time in this passage to time. We have together to read it
35:15 all. But if you read it chapters one 2 is serious
35:19 judgment.
35:20 If you're eating
35:21 morning
35:23 judgment correction upon the people
35:26 by time we get to this passage where they are saying mean
35:31 Andrey Joy scene, God has done a work in their lives. You see
35:37 joy and rejoicing come after a time of trial and judgment.
35:42 Sometimes we only see the rainbow after the rain.
35:47 We only experience freedom
35:49 after bondage. We only know peace after pain. We only truly
35:56 feel joy
35:57 after saw sometimes the very act of discipline prepares the
36:04 soul for peace.
36:07 Matthew Henry in his commentary on this particular passage says
36:12 this after the promise is of taking away sin follow promises
36:19 of taking away tropical
36:21 when the cause is removed, the effect
36:26 will cease.
36:28 >> What makes up people holy will make a people.
36:35 Did you catch that?
36:37 Why do we saying it says here saying oh Israel and read
36:41 choice daughter of Zion. Why do we saying
36:45 is this a demand from God?
36:47 Are we guilted into singing? Are we forced into joy?
36:53 And yet we do that to other Christians
36:56 and we do that to ourselves with this mask I talked to
36:59 about at the beginning.
37:01 Good Christians are supposed to be happy
37:04 and yet we don't realize that we can only thing we can only
37:09 read choice when you and I have been delivered. You see there's
37:13 a reason this key comes all the way down at number 5 because if
37:17 we have not allowed God to cut out the idols in our life,
37:20 what is there to rejoice over if we have not risen from
37:23 spiritual lethargy, how can we be happy if we have not
37:28 experienced cause instruction and correction? If we don't
37:32 know what it means to have Jesus live in our hearts and
37:36 receive his righteousness, how can you and I say,
37:40 how can you in ivory toys? We still many times get the
37:44 cart before the horse and we think this is the way
37:47 Christianity is. And we put people into key number 5 and
37:50 say everybody should sing and be happy and rejoice
37:53 when we have never experienced deliverance.
37:56 We thing because we are
38:00 delivered.
38:02 It takes away our judgments.
38:07 God takes your shame. God takes your guilt. Got takes your
38:11 condemnation. God takes your curse. But he doesn't just take
38:15 away our judgments. He casts how our
38:23 who is the enemy in your life right now?
38:27 Is it your addiction?
38:29 Khan said whoever the sun sets free
38:31 is free in D
38:34 is it your accusers?
38:37 The woman in John who was caught in the very act of
38:41 adultery
38:43 and cast at the feet of Jesus.
38:46 >> She had multiple accusers to she not. She had people who
38:49 surrounded her ready to stone her ready, too, accused her of
38:55 sand and adultery and she was guilty.
38:58 And yet Jesus stoops down
39:01 and began to write in the sand of the sins of the accusing
39:06 people
39:07 and one by one they left
39:11 and tell
39:12 he said women, where are your accusers?
39:17 She said nobody is left.
39:21 You can cast your enemy. God can take away your
39:24 addiction. God can take away. The people who QC
39:30 God can take away. Say 10
39:33 revelation, 12, 10, the accuser of the bear brother and he's
39:36 the ultimate accuser is passed down who accuse them before our
39:42 God day and night going back towards 7 keys to experiencing
39:47 rest and freedom in Jesus. Allow God to cut out the idols
39:51 from your life around highs from spiritual lethargy except
39:57 his correction and instruction receive his righteousness.
40:02 >> Read choice, saying God's victory in your life.
40:07 Key number 6 receive his salvation
40:12 when Stephanie History.
40:14 >> First 16 in the first part of 17, Stephanie, 3, 16,
40:18 17 in that day. It should be said to Jerusalem to God's
40:23 people.
40:25 Do not fear. Zion.
40:27 Let not your hands be weak.
40:30 >> So Lord, your God is where is he a long ways off?
40:34 Is he over the mountain?
40:35 Is he hiding his face?
40:38 The Lord, your God is with you, the Lord, your God in your
40:43 midst them. It won a will.
40:49 >> And Hebrew. It means the liver.
40:53 You and I don't have to wrestle with doubts and insecurities
40:56 we can accept and receive his gift of deliverance.
41:02 That is his gift of salvation. What is the Fusion's to 8 to 10
41:06 saved by grace. You've been saved through faith
41:11 and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God. Not a
41:14 word lest anyone should boost for. We are his workmanship
41:20 created in Christ. Jesus for Good works which God prepared
41:24 beforehand that we should walk in them? I love that because if
41:28 you look at that passage in tandem UC salvation is a gift
41:31 from God isn't not the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from
41:36 all sin. It is a gift from God but sanctification in the act
41:41 of walking in Jesus, the active becoming like Jesus. The act of
41:45 purification of our characters is a gift from God as well
41:51 receive and accept his gift of Salvation
41:56 walk in the knowledge that you are safe,
42:03 I'm going to speak specifically. We have
42:04 Christians of many denominations and even on
42:06 Christians who watched 3ABN
42:09 and I don't know what denomination you are here.
42:11 Probably most of your 7th day Adventists.
42:15 I want to speak specifically to 7th Day Adventists right now.
42:20 We do not
42:22 except
42:24 and received the gift of salvation very well.
42:28 I'm not saying you do specifically. I'm just saying
42:31 as a people as a church
42:34 as a denomination. And I think maybe it's because we're afraid
42:37 of one saved, always saved.
42:39 And we say, well, if I say, wow, I'm saved and accepted in
42:44 Jesus at this moment, we think
42:46 I'm going to come like the back to us.
42:50 We begin that fear journey and there is in the Bible is very
42:54 clear that you can turn away from salvation. So I'm not
42:59 saying one saved always saved by saying this. The Bible is
43:01 very clear. Un I have to make daily choices to walk and him
43:06 to receive his gift of salvation. But there is nothing
43:11 wrong with you. And I not having to walk in cars,
43:15 Johnston, battle of whether we're going to make it to have
43:19 Boston struggling and have a really except God and my really
43:23 good enough. And I really covered by the plot. If you
43:26 confess your sins, he is faithful and just different.
43:33 We can stand and say aye and saved by the blood of Jesus.
43:42 5, a black eye. She said yes,
43:47 receive
43:49 salvation.
43:51 >> The final key key numbers said bin,
43:55 it's about the whole theme is on
43:57 rest
43:59 in his left.
44:01 Rest
44:03 in his love for indefinite 3 verse 17.
44:08 Stephanie has 3.17,
44:11 the large you God in your midst. We already read the
44:13 first part here. The Lord, your God in your midst, the mighty
44:16 one will save or will deliver.
44:21 >> He will rejoice over you. Wince Gladness.
44:26 He will quiet you with his love. King James says he will
44:32 rest in his love.
44:36 He would sure why
44:38 over you with
44:41 see me
44:43 in English. The word you is the object to the verb quiet.
44:48 It says he will quiet. You quiet too. Quiet you with his
44:54 love. But in Hebrew, the word you does not exist.
44:58 Also be read. He will be quiet in his love, which is very
45:02 similar to the King James translation. He will rest in
45:06 his love. The September generates. He will renew the ye
45:10 and his love.
45:14 How are you a 9 to rest
45:16 in his left?
45:19 I want to give you a verse here, which you're going to
45:20 say, Joe, this has nothing to do with anything. But if you
45:23 stay with me, hopefully you'll get the connection.
45:25 Isaiah chapter. 26
45:28 verse 3 says what?
45:31 You will keep him
45:32 imperfect peace whose mind is stayed on the scene
45:38 because he trusts Indy.
45:42 And for so many years, I thought that meant
45:46 I got to work hard to keep my mind on. God.
45:50 Kuz doesn't say that. Whose mind estate on you you're going
45:53 to be in perfect peace. Only if your mind is on God, you could
45:56 be a perfect peace. Only if your mind the state and I would
45:58 spend time in devotions. And if my mind wandered,
46:01 I take hot. I want your piece. Get my mind back over here.
46:04 >> And if I'm worried about something, I take God, I want
46:06 your piece. Get my mind back over here. And if I was
46:09 frustrated with something and say God, I want your piece,
46:11 get use to get your mind on me. Stay stay. Get back here.
46:15 But you know what? The word stay in. Hebrew means
46:18 to lean.
46:20 >> May
46:22 rest upon.
46:25 >> That puts a completely different twist on that
46:28 passage. Does it not
46:30 another words? My job is to lean my head
46:35 on God's chest.
46:38 He's the one who keeps me in peace.
46:40 It's not me struggling to get my mind back on him.
46:45 Eileen, my head against him as a kid would against a father,
46:49 lay my head on his shoulder.
46:52 I think in the same sense we can understand this concept of
46:58 rest in his life.
47:00 If I'm being honest with you rested does not come easy to
47:03 me.
47:05 That's my personality. I guess I'm always doing. Always
47:09 driven.
47:11 I'm always working.
47:12 I'm always focused
47:17 hard for me
47:20 to be present. If you know what that means.
47:23 It's hard for me
47:26 to rest.
47:28 So if you were to tell jail, you're supposed to rest in
47:31 God's love. You know what? I do a better try harder.
47:35 I got to rest. Come on, Joe. Rest your mind. Quiet. Rest.
47:39 Come on, Joe. Rest struggle.
47:42 >> God, I'm trying. I'm trying hard to because I caught him
47:46 trying to be still.
47:53 That's not what it says.
47:55 What if you take the same analogy that we did in the
47:57 ASEAN? 26
48:00 and all I have to do to rest.
48:03 It's to lay my head on God's test.
48:08 I think this is what's talked about in the book of Hebrews
48:11 when it talks about entering into his rest,
48:16 stopping the struggle of doing it my own way.
48:20 My own works
48:22 learning the rest of righteousness by FIFA
48:26 learning true SAP and stressed
48:29 learning the joy of rest teen in hand.
48:33 Have you ever noticed that when you're in the company of a true
48:36 friend,
48:38 you don't always have to talk.
48:42 You don't have to be perfect.
48:45 You can sit in silence
48:48 and this comfort in that
48:50 a comfortable nus.
48:54 I believe the relationship we have with gone.
49:00 It's like a marriage.
49:03 God wants to marry us.
49:05 If you look at the book of Hosea what to say, our be
49:09 trough, you to me
49:12 forever.
49:14 And yet we say,
49:16 I think about it, Don.
49:19 I really have to marry you.
49:22 Do I have to commit?
49:25 It's a long time to follow you.
49:27 I don't know if I can do that.
49:29 Have to give up
49:32 what idols in my life. Am I going to have to give up?
49:38 You know, if I want my like my spiritual lethargy, I like
49:41 walking away from you got enough to want to marry.
49:47 And yet he said, yes,
49:48 [MUSIC]
49:52 you know, this is a revelation, 3,
49:54 that he stands at the door of her heart and not because love
49:57 never forces.
50:00 [MUSIC]
50:02 And I imagine him standing
50:05 outside the door of my heart
50:09 and he just says, Joe,
50:11 would you just let me last year?
50:18 That's all we want.
50:20 I wanna be your husband? Would you just allow me
50:24 love you? No strings attached. No coercion. No guilt or
50:30 condemnation.
50:31 No shame.
50:33 >> Would you just let me allow me?
50:38 >> To LA few
50:40 we need to rest in his love.
50:44 High tide is struggling.
50:46 I'm tired of the anxiety and fear in your life.
50:50 Are you tired of the pain and shame and condemnation?
50:54 >> What burdens?
50:56 >> Are you carrying today?
50:59 What burden is? Did you bring with you?
51:04 2? Can't me
51:05 the burden. A son?
51:08 Is it the burden of addiction?
51:11 This is the burden of shame in condemnation.
51:15 Is that the burden of an forgiveness
51:18 and bitterness?
51:21 Is that the burden? As I read to you in the beginning of
51:24 depression
51:25 and sadness,
51:27 it said the burden of sexual impurity
51:32 and what mask
51:34 are you wearing? That covers up those burdens
51:39 pretending like Everythings. OK?
51:42 >> Walking into church or into family or into community while
51:47 you're die iin.
51:49 >> Inside,
51:53 you know, we don't have to carry those.
51:55 We don't have to leave. Can't meeting with the same burdens
52:00 that we entered the camp meeting.
52:04 We can say God, you carry me.
52:07 I'm too weak to stand of my own. My strength is caught.
52:12 I am weak
52:14 and not go on.
52:17 Please Sky.
52:19 Would you carry me?
52:21 I asked him to do the song specifically.
52:25 It's a song that the late Aaron Wilburn and Tim wrote
52:30 and it talks about how God wants to carry the burdens.
52:35 They might be hidden from other people. And I want to ask
52:39 during this song, if you came to camp meeting with the bird,
52:44 if you came here was something in your heart and in your life,
52:48 nobody else needs to know what it is because I'm
52:51 if you want to come forward during this song or pray over
52:58 the house at the end, God
53:01 would you carry?
53:02 [MUSIC]
53:08 >> Right. And then lonely
53:10 ice and then the dog.
53:14 The silence. So love with each B, 2 of my heart.
53:21 >> Looking for home.
53:23 >> But there's no in view.
53:27 We feel like a chime.
53:30 I mean.
53:35 >> Who needs carry me? I'm too we to stand.
53:41 [MUSIC]
53:44 >> These are done.
53:46 >> As long as I can.
53:49 >> Lord my stream is gone.
53:54 The rhyme.
53:57 >> I can school.
54:00 [MUSIC]
54:03 >> These kids.
54:08 [MUSIC]
54:10 >> The day of the journey,
54:14 the unknown. And
54:17 then there's the men. Murray Hochul, what you have said
54:23 that you will be.
54:25 >> With me when a 3rd Zahra gone.
54:30 >> And I won't have to travel this room.
54:34 >> We do.
54:38 >> These carry me. I'm too. We stand.
54:45 >> Everybody's heard. And as long as I can and or my string
54:53 is gone
54:54 [MUSIC]
54:59 and cool.
55:04 >> These carry me.
55:05 >> He too.
55:11 [MUSIC]
55:14 >> We?
55:18 [MUSIC]
55:23 [MUSIC]
55:28 >> We are
55:30 Levy's very needy. I'm to be.
55:35 >> To stand.
55:38 >> I've carry these burdens small.
55:42 >> As I can.
55:46 >> Lord my stream. These gone
55:50 o ther I'm.
55:54 >> I can and cool.
56:00 [MUSIC]
56:02 >> The very
56:05 >> medium.
56:08 [MUSIC]
56:11 >> God we come before you right now
56:14 as your children
56:16 broke in week.
56:19 But with the savior who some nifty, too,
56:22 with the God who can do anything
56:26 right now, you're standing
56:29 at the door for hearts and saying we should just let me
56:32 love.
56:34 We just let me
56:36 [MUSIC]
56:39 I ask Lord Jesus
56:41 and my heart. Would you coming
56:45 and the hearts of my brothers and sisters here who have come
56:48 forward.
56:49 We're carrying burdens
56:51 those watching at home.
56:54 We're dealing with addiction or Sudan or depression or anxiety
57:00 are struggling with things in their life.
57:04 God would you carry us? We'd use set U.S. free. We right now
57:09 online due to cut out the idols from our lives. We choose to
57:13 arise from spiritual lethargy. Annex sacked your instruction
57:18 in correction in our lives. We want to receive your
57:22 righteousness God.
57:24 >> We want to read Joyce and what you doing in our lives.
57:28 We want to receive your salvation in Reston year.
57:32 Liven me. Thank you.
57:34 In Jesus name
57:36 [MUSIC]
57:41 [MUSIC]
57:46 [MUSIC]
57:51 [MUSIC]
57:56 [MUSIC]
58:01 [MUSIC]


Revised 2023-06-14