Spring Camp Meeting

Ssp Panel Q&A

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SCM

Program Code: SCM210014S

00:09 Amen! Welcome back. We are here live
00:12 taking your questions with the Sabbath School panel.
00:15 It's always a privilege to open up the Word of God
00:17 and to study together. And we love to interact with you!
00:21 You are our 3ABN family. The questions are already
00:26 coming in and they've been coming in as we've been doing
00:28 the Sabbath School panel. And just want to remind you
00:31 if you have a question that you would like answered
00:33 by this panel just text us right now at:
00:40 That number again is:
00:44 And we would love to answer YOUR questions
00:47 and we will do this in as "expeditious" manner
00:51 as we can... meaning we will try to open up the Word of God
00:53 and share from it well and Biblically
00:56 but we will try to do it in as timely a manner as possible
00:59 so we can get to as many of your questions...
01:02 Pastor Ryan Day, Shelley Quinn, Pastor John Dinzey,
01:06 and Pastor John Lomacang. And let's just pray
01:08 before we go to this portion with the questions,
01:10 and Shelley, would you pray for us? Absolutely!
01:13 Father, once again we come before You in the name of Jesus
01:16 to thank you for Your plan of salvation by grace.
01:20 To thank you for all things, Lord, that You do for us.
01:25 And Lord, we ask right now
01:27 that as we have these questions coming in
01:32 Lord, please... will You give us the answers?
01:36 Anoint our lips; anoint our minds;
01:40 anoint our ears to hear
01:42 and help us to give proper answers in our limited time
01:48 that will lift up Jesus. Yes!
01:52 And we pray in the name of Jesus
01:54 that You will get all the glory.
01:57 Amen. AMEN! Amen.
01:59 Pastor John, we're coming to you first.
02:01 OK. This one is from May, and this question came in from
02:03 Canada, so thank you, May, for this question.
02:05 I know that the fourth commandment in Exodus 20
02:08 clearly refers to the seventh day of the week
02:11 as it mentions working for six days before resting on
02:13 the seventh day. Can you please explain
02:16 the other Sabbaths such as the Jubilee?
02:19 I know we were just in one in 2020.
02:21 Explain the significance and how to encourage or correct
02:24 others about the covenant when it comes to the Sabbath.
02:27 That's quite a loaded question.
02:29 Yeah. Leviticus as a matter of fact... If you go to
02:31 Leviticus chapter 23...
02:32 Let's go there very quickly
02:35 and you'll find that the Sabbaths are all outlined
02:38 in the book of Leviticus very carefully.
02:42 But since you brought up the question about the Jubilee
02:45 I'll quickly refer to the passage in Leviticus chapter 25
02:50 and verse 13. Now each of these Sabbaths
02:54 had a significance when it came to the ceremonial
02:58 observances. There was a civil calendar;
03:01 there was a religious calendar.
03:03 And the Jewish people... Each of these ceremonies
03:06 had a spiritual significance.
03:08 The one we know well is the Day of Atonement.
03:11 At-one-ment. So once again sealing that relationship with
03:15 God, the removal and the blotting out of sins.
03:17 But the Jubilee was the returning of the land
03:20 to the rightful owner. If you go to Leviticus chapter 25
03:24 and let's look at verse 13
03:26 it talks about the law of the Jubilee or the Jubilee Sabbath.
03:29 Um-hmm. It says in Leviticus 25:13
03:33 "In the year of Jubilee each of you shall return
03:36 to his possessions. And if you sell anything... "
03:40 verse 14... "to your neighbor or buy it from your neighbor's hand
03:43 you shall not oppress one another.
03:47 According to the number of years after the Jubilee
03:51 you shall buy from your neighbor and according to the number
03:54 of years of crops he shall sell you. "
03:57 And so you're going to find out when that was in verse 11.
04:01 "The fiftieth year shall be a Jubilee to you.
04:04 In it you shall neither sow nor reap
04:09 what grows of its own accord
04:12 nor gather the grapes of your unintended vine. "
04:16 So you had the 50th year which in this particular sense
04:20 the Lord was saying would be a Jubilee was also Pentecost.
04:23 Um-hmm. But you also found every seven years
04:26 the land was to rest or return to its rightful owner.
04:30 We find in Revelation that is going to happen again.
04:33 Yeah. Let's go to Revelation. And matter of fact,
04:36 as I referred to Revelation you know that...
04:38 I'll give you two texts: Revelation chapter 11 verse 15
04:41 and I'll read it to you
04:43 because the land of this earth is going to one day
04:47 return to its rightful owner.
04:49 Who is the rightful owner?
04:50 The Lord... the Creator of heaven and earth.
04:52 The Bible says in Revelation 11 and verse 15:
04:54 "And the seventh angel sounded
04:58 and there were loud voices in heaven saying:
05:00 'The kingdoms of this world have become
05:03 the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ.
05:06 And He shall reign forever and ever. ' "
05:08 And Daniel foretold this happening in Daniel 2:44.
05:13 "And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will
05:16 set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed
05:19 and the kingdom shall not be left to other people. " Why?
05:22 Because those who had it had to give it back
05:24 to its rightful owner.
05:25 That's right. And it says: "It shall break in pieces
05:27 and consume all these kingdoms
05:29 and it shall stand forever. "
05:31 And then how are we going to get that rest
05:33 because there was a 1-yr. period where the land was supposed to
05:36 rest? And also so we find the 6,000 years of sin.
05:39 When the 1,000 years of the millennium begin
05:43 the land is going to rest for the 1,000-year period
05:46 and then permanently the land will be returned
05:49 to its rightful owner as the earth is made new.
05:52 Amen! In a nutshell. Powerful!
05:55 In a big nutshell.
05:57 We could spend some more time on that. Yes!
05:59 Pastor Ryan, we're coming to you.
06:01 This is a rather lengthy question that came in
06:03 from David in Vermont.
06:05 The gist of what they're saying is this: they believe
06:07 we are making a mistake by not following the feasts.
06:11 Can you address this? Are we supposed to keep the feasts?
06:14 Absolutely. The clear simple answer is NO.
06:18 We are not obligated to keep those feasts
06:20 and we SHOULD NOT be keeping those feasts because
06:22 Jesus Christ was the fulfillment. His sacrifice
06:25 and His new covenant ratifi- cation with the shedding of His
06:28 blood brought an end to those feast days.
06:31 That's the simple answer. Let me back that up with
06:33 some evidence. Let's first go to John chapter 5.
06:37 Let's go to the book of John chapter 5.
06:39 I want to show you something really quickly here
06:40 that a lot of people miss in this case
06:43 when it comes to these feast days.
06:45 I believe it's very clearly communicated in Scripture
06:48 across the board. So John chapter 5
06:50 and we're going to start reading in verse 1 here.
06:52 Notice what it says here. Notice the very clear words.
06:54 It says: "After this there was a feast of the? "
06:57 "of the Jews and Jesus went up the Jerusalem. "
07:02 So take in that: Jesus went up to Jerusalem because
07:04 there was a feast of the Jews.
07:06 Turn over one more chapter to John chapter 6 & notice verse 4.
07:09 "Now the Passover... " What are the next words?
07:13 It says: "a feast of the Jews was near. "
07:16 All right? See a pattern here?
07:18 Turn over one more chapter to John chapter 7.
07:21 Let's read verse 2 there. It says:
07:22 "Now the Jews' Feast of Tabernacles was at hand. "
07:27 You know, there's a lot of people that want to throw these
07:29 feast days, this ceremonial aspect of the covenant
07:32 that God made with Israel, they want to throw the Sabbath
07:35 in there too and they want to try to say:
07:36 "Well the Sabbath... it's a JEWISH Sabbath.
07:39 It's for the Jews. " But yet nowhere in Scripture
07:41 do we find the seventh-day week- ly Sabbath that God established
07:44 in the beginning of time - at creation -
07:47 do we see it referenced as the Sabbath of the Jews.
07:49 When you're looking and studying into these feast days
07:52 the Bible makes it very clear that these specific ceremonial
07:56 celebratory feast days
07:58 were given specifically to the Jews.
08:01 That is that special nation, that group of people
08:04 that God led out of Egypt back in the day
08:07 when He brought them out of Egypt and led them
08:10 to the Holy Land.
08:12 Now that being considered also, let's consider
08:15 Daniel chapter 9 verse 27
08:17 speaking of the 70 weeks' time prophecy.
08:20 As we go over to Daniel chapter 9 verse 27
08:22 you'll see there... excuse me, yes, verse 27
08:24 it's speaking of the 70 weeks time prophecy
08:27 when Christ would come. Verse 27 makes it very clear
08:30 speaking of Jesus Christ, and in the middle of that 70th week
08:33 which brings us to the year 31 AD
08:37 notice what it says there in verse 27. It says:
08:39 "Then He... " that's Christ... not an antichrist
08:42 but that's referring to Jesus Christ. How do we know?
08:44 Because it says: "He shall confirm a covenant
08:47 with many for one week. "
08:48 Only Jesus Christ can confirm the covenant.
08:50 And it goes on to say: "But in the middle of the week
08:52 He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. "
08:56 King James says "sacrifice and oblation ceases. "
08:59 That's talking about that ceremonial feast
09:02 celebratory aspect of the covenant that God made with
09:05 Israel beginning in Exodus ch. 19, 20, and onward
09:10 where HE speaks the Ten Commandments.
09:11 But because they didn't keep the Ten Commandments
09:14 it was given to them as a witness against them.
09:17 Now where do I get that from?
09:19 Let's go to Colossians ch. 2.
09:20 So God made a covenant with Israel in Exodus chapter 19
09:24 and in chapter 20 He brought about the heart of that covenant
09:27 which was the Ten Commandments. But because they were not
09:29 obedient to that covenant notice in Colossians chapter 2.
09:33 I know this is taking me a couple of minutes to
09:36 bring this about, but we have to spell this out
09:38 very clearly so that there's no confusion.
09:40 Colossians chapter 2. Notice we're going to be reading
09:44 in verse 14 and onward. Notice this.
09:47 Colossians chapter 2 verse 14. It says: "Having wiped out
09:50 the handwriting of requirements that was against us... "
09:54 OK? "which was contrary to us
09:57 and has taken it out of the way having nailed it to the cross. "
10:01 So there was some law, some handwriting of requirements
10:04 that Christ nailed to the cross when He died for our sin.
10:07 But then notice as you go on down to verse 16.
10:09 It says: "So let no one judge you in food or in drink
10:14 or regarding of a festival or of a new moon
10:17 or sabbaths. " Plural there... the lower case.
10:20 All of those are context clues dealing with what Pastor
10:23 was just referencing in Leviticus chapter 23.
10:25 If you go back to Leviticus 23,
10:27 you'll read about these differ- ent offerings: these food and
10:30 drink offerings that they had to give
10:32 at certain times throughout the year.
10:33 On special days of these particular feasts.
10:36 Also don't judge anyone by the new moon.
10:39 All of these particular feast days were observed
10:43 according to the cycle of the new moon that would come.
10:46 And of course when it said sabbaths in the plural
10:48 not talking about the weekly seventh-day Sabbath
10:51 according to the Ten Commandments.
10:52 We're talking about there were all of these different festivals
10:55 and celebrations, many of them were considered rest days
10:59 or sabbath days. It could have fallen on any day of the week.
11:02 And so you'll see here that verse 17... Now verse 17
11:05 is what I wanted to get to... All of this saying, notice what
11:08 verse 17 says: "which are a shadow of things to come
11:11 but the substance is of Christ. "
11:13 They were a shadow of things pointing forward to the time
11:16 when Jesus Christ would bring an end to all of this.
11:20 He would be the fulfillment of that.
11:21 So if you go to Galatians ch. 3, last text, I promise,
11:24 I'm going to shut up about this,
11:26 Galatians chapter 3. If you turn back to Galatians
11:28 chapter 3 and read with me verse 19
11:30 this puts kind of the nail in the coffin on the issue here.
11:33 This is speaking again that old law, that
11:35 ceremonial law, it goes on in verse 19:
11:38 "What purpose then does the law serve?
11:40 It was added because of transgression. "
11:42 That's talking about not the Ten Commandments.
11:44 The old law, the ceremonial law, was added because of their
11:47 transgression against the Ten Commandments.
11:49 It was temporary. Why?
11:52 It goes on to say here: "Till the Seed should come. "
11:54 Who's the Seed? JESUS!
11:56 Notice that Seed is capitalized. That Seed is Jesus!
11:58 "Till the Seed should come to whom the promise was made
12:00 and it was appointed through angels by the hand
12:02 of the Mediator. " My friends, Jesus Christ
12:05 brought an end to those old festival feast days.
12:08 And besides, more than half of them...
12:10 I think three or four of the seven feast days...
12:12 you actually had to go to Jerusalem.
12:13 So if you're going to actually keep those feasts
12:15 and you've got to get the lamb out;
12:17 you've gotta shed the blood of the lamb.
12:19 You've gotta offer food and drink offerings.
12:20 And many of these you have to actually geographically
12:23 travel to the actual temple location
12:26 and you have to keep them. Does Christ expect us to do that?
12:29 Absolutely not! And that puts an end to that.
12:32 Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of it
12:33 and we should not have to keep the feast days any more
12:36 because Christ is our Lord and we should place
12:39 our rest and our trust in Him.
12:41 I just have to add one... That was such a beautiful
12:44 answer. Yes it was! In Colossians 2:14 when it
12:48 was talking about He had wiped out the handwriting
12:53 that was against us. Let me give you
12:55 the scripture that goes with that.
12:57 It's Deuteronomy 31:26
13:00 where the book of Deuteronomy was the second giving of the law
13:04 before the new generation went into the Promised Land.
13:08 And he - Moses - wrote it out even more specifically
13:13 than in the book of the covenant and it's called now
13:15 the book of the law. And here's what the Lord said:
13:18 "Take this book of the law. Put it beside the ark
13:21 of the covenant of the Lord your God that it may be
13:25 there as a witness against you. "
13:28 Because it had all of the blessings and the curses
13:32 in that. Amen! THAT'S what got nailed to the cross.
13:34 That's right, Shelley. Great study already
13:36 and we only have 15 minutes and then we're going to
13:38 church. So we're going to accelerate it if we can
13:40 and try to answer the questions a little quicker
13:42 because there's more coming in which I'm going to pass down
13:44 the table here. Shelley, we're coming to you next
13:47 if you want to pass these down that way? Sure.
13:48 Shelley, it says... This person: Jim from Danville, PA.
13:52 We watch Sabbath School panel every Sabbath
13:55 and I have learned so much.
13:56 Thank you for teaching God's truth.
13:58 My wife and I have a question.
13:59 Why was the serpent cursed in the Garden of Eden?
14:03 What was the snake guilty of?
14:06 OK... if you want that answer we will turn to Genesis
14:09 chapter 3 and you'll see
14:12 the character of the serpent.
14:15 It says: "The serpent was more cunning... "
14:17 he was subtle - "than any other beast in the field
14:21 which the Lord God had made.
14:22 He said to the woman... " Now the serpent
14:25 is actually Satan "incarnated" if you will.
14:31 "He said to the woman: 'Has God indeed said
14:35 you shall not eat of every tree of the garden? ' "
14:37 And the serpent goes on
14:40 to deceive the woman. He twists God's word;
14:45 he lies to the woman and says: "No, no, no, no.
14:48 God's lying to you, Eve. If you eat of this fruit,
14:53 you're going to become like God. "
14:54 So it was the serpent who deceived the woman
15:00 and she took of that fruit and she ate.
15:06 So the serpent... This is why in Genesis 3:15
15:10 hallelujah! as soon as sin entered
15:12 God says to the serpent:
15:15 "Hey devil... guess what?
15:17 This woman's going to have a Seed.
15:21 It's going to come from her loins
15:22 but He's going to bruise... You'll bruise His heel
15:26 but He's going to crush your head. "
15:29 Umm! Thank you very much.
15:31 Pastor Johnny, coming to you.
15:32 If according to Bible scripture such as John 3:16
15:36 and many others that state when a person accepts Christ
15:39 as their Savior and is baptized and receives Jesus' blood
15:42 that cleanses them from sin,
15:44 why is a person under probation
15:47 if the individual lives in Christ from that point onward?
15:51 The blood of Christ is con- tinuous throughout the duration
15:54 of one's life. Has probation been misapplied
15:57 or not explained correctly?
16:00 Well, I'm not sure how
16:03 the idea of probation has been presented to you.
16:06 But the fact is that once you become a Christian -
16:10 once you accept Christ as your personal Savior -
16:13 Satan does not go away and say: "Oh, we're done with this
16:15 one. Let's go on to the next one. "
16:16 No! He continues his attack
16:18 to derail you, to cause you to fall away.
16:22 And the Bible presents this idea of falling away.
16:25 So while you have made your decision for the Lord...
16:29 Praise God for that! continue following Jesus
16:33 with all of your heart. In the book of Revelation ch. 12
16:39 we're going to go to the scripture there that talks about
16:42 how Satan is angry or wroth with the woman
16:46 as it says in the King James version.
16:49 Notice there in Rev. chapter 12. Let's begin in verse 15.
16:53 "So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth
16:56 like a flood after the woman. "
16:58 So you see there is an effort to derail
17:01 those that are faithful to God.
17:03 And it says here: "But the earth helped the woman
17:05 and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood
17:08 which Satan had spewed out of his mouth.
17:10 And the dragon was enraged with the woman
17:13 and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring
17:16 who keep the commandments of God
17:18 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. "
17:21 So while you have become a Christian and are following
17:24 the Lord - praise God for that! the blood of Jesus Christ
17:26 cleanses you and covers you. However, Satan
17:29 launches a relentless attack against you
17:33 so that you can fall away, turn away from the Lord
17:37 like Judas did and others that turn away
17:40 from the Lord. And Paul spoke of people
17:43 that would fall away and try to
17:48 bring false doctrines into the church.
17:50 So praise God for your decision.
17:52 Continue faithful to the Lord and he who endures to the end
17:56 the same shall be saved AND Philippians 1:6. Good.
18:00 That is really good; let's read that one.
18:02 It says here...
18:04 If somebody finds it before me. "Being confident
18:06 of this very thing... " "Being confident of this very
18:08 thing: that He that has begun a good work in you
18:10 will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. "
18:13 We have to quote it from the mind.
18:16 Time is short. We have to pass on to another question.
18:19 They're really coming in! Thank you for sending in
18:21 your questions. We're clearly not going to get to them all
18:23 right now, but hopefully later we'll have some more
18:26 Q&A's today and we can get to some more.
18:28 Pastor John, we're coming back to you.
18:29 OK. About the 144,000.
18:32 Are the 144,000 the saints that are going to be
18:35 saved? This is from Sabrina in Tennessee.
18:38 Well the answer is yes, but I think that's not the question
18:40 they're asking. They're probably asking
18:42 meaning are they the only ones that are going to be saved.
18:44 I would agree. I think that's probably what the person
18:45 is meaning because this idea has been communicated
18:48 quite a bit. The answer straightly is no.
18:51 Absolutely not because in Revelation 7
18:53 you find two groups mentioned.
18:55 You find first the 144,000
18:57 and then John is shown look I see a number that
18:59 no man can number of all nations, kindreds,
19:02 tongues, and peoples. And the question is asked:
19:03 "Who are they? And where did they come from? "
19:05 "These are they which came out of the great tribulation
19:08 and have washed their robes and made them white
19:10 in the blood of the Lamb. " But you clearly see
19:13 the 144,000 have a specific function.
19:16 And I believe that these are those who are going to proclaim
19:18 with great power as the Holy Spirit is poured out
19:21 on the church in the last days
19:22 that are going to proclaim with great power the culmination
19:26 of the three angels' messages.
19:28 The result of that as Rev. 18:4 says: "Come out of her
19:31 My people. " These are they that CAME OUT
19:33 of great tribulation and have washed their robes.
19:36 So there's a number of people and the Bible says
19:38 "a number which no man could number. "
19:40 How do I know that they are not the only ones
19:42 that are going to be saved? II Peter 3 and verse 9.
19:45 "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise
19:47 as some count slackness but is longsuffering
19:49 towards us not willing that ANY should perish
19:53 and that all should come to repentance. "
19:55 Any and all. "Whosoever will let him come. "
19:58 Everyone that comes to Christ will be saved
20:01 but the 144,000 have a special function.
20:04 And praise the Lord for that.
20:06 OK. I'm done! I was just lookin' at questions.
20:12 Shelley, we're coming back to you.
20:14 This is Carlos from Michigan.
20:16 How do you respond to someone who thinks Jesus
20:18 as the Son of God was created by God
20:21 and not God Himself or is equal to God?
20:25 Ah-ha-ha... OK.
20:27 Carlos, we just go to John chapter 1:1-3.
20:30 "In the beginning was the Word
20:33 and the Word was with God, the Word WAS God. "
20:35 You can go to Hebrews 1 verse 3
20:38 that says Jesus is "the express image of the Father. "
20:42 Philippians 2:5-8. "We see that it is God
20:47 who came down and became a man,
20:51 humbled Himself to become a man. "
20:53 So here's the point:
20:55 what people don't understand is covenant language
21:00 like begotten and firstborn.
21:02 I just did a whole sermon on that during this Camp Meeting
21:06 called Covenant Son and Surety.
21:10 Even the idea of being the Son of God
21:13 is a covenant title. It was only when God
21:18 came down to earth and was incarnated
21:22 that He became the Son of God.
21:26 Although eternally, in anticipation of the incarnation,
21:31 you can say: "Yes, He was considered the Son of God
21:34 but it wasn't until He became incarnated
21:39 that He actually was the Lamb of God, slain from the
21:42 foundation of the world or that He became the Son of God.
21:46 I encourage you to watch the sermon Covenant Son and Surety.
21:51 Um-hmm. Let me just add one last thing.
21:53 Great. Shelley, when you said read John 1 down to verse 3
21:57 verse 2 says He was "In the beginning with God. "
22:00 Yeah! And then it says in verse 3:
22:02 "All things were made through Him and without Him
22:05 nothing was made that was made. "
22:07 That includes Him. AMEN!
22:09 If nothing was made and all things were made through Him
22:12 and by Him, then He wasn't made
22:15 because nothing was made without Him.
22:17 Amen! That's good. Pastor Ryan, coming to you.
22:20 This is Joe from Saskatchewan.
22:22 I was born a Catholic 38 years
22:25 and I now believe the SDA remnant church
22:28 and also believe the Sabbath but this is my question:
22:31 how can I make the switch to become a Seventh-day Adventist
22:34 without a big hullabaloo in my family?
22:37 That's a great question because how do you
22:40 follow truth without it just exploding in your family?
22:43 Yeah, you know, honestly Joseph, the truthful answer
22:47 to that is you don't control that.
22:48 You can't control the way people are going to perceive you,
22:51 how they're going to respond to you.
22:53 You can make decisions to try to minimize that.
22:57 Obviously, we don't want... We have learned truth
23:00 and we're determined to follow God with all our heart.
23:02 We obviously don't want to engage in
23:05 you know argumental conversations
23:08 and heated arguments and disputes between our
23:10 brothers and sisters in Christ or our family members.
23:13 But the most important thing is that we keep in mind
23:15 that we can't control the thoughts and the ideas
23:18 and the feelings of others towards us.
23:19 The truth is Jesus said the truth offends people.
23:22 When He came He said: "I'm bringing the truth
23:25 'cause it's gonna bring division. "
23:26 And the truth DOES bring division.
23:29 It's like the Bible says: "The Word of God is like
23:31 a two-edged sword. " It cuts; it pierces;
23:33 you know, it divides. And the truth is
23:35 there's going to be some people even in our very family...
23:37 I'm a testament to this because I have family members
23:41 who still don't want to talk or have much to do with me
23:43 today since I became a Seventh-day Adventist Christian
23:46 because I was convicted of the Bible truth that I believed in
23:48 and saw in God's Word.
23:50 What we have to remember is that Jesus said
23:53 that "If you love your father, your mother, your son,
23:55 your daughter, your brother, your sister
23:56 anyone more than you love Me you are not worthy of Me. "
23:59 That doesn't mean we stop loving our loved ones.
24:01 We still love our loved ones but we put God first.
24:04 As Peter said in Acts chapter 5 verse 32
24:08 "We ought to obey God rather than men. "
24:11 I believe Abraham and Lot... you know, they had some
24:13 family contention there as Lot's wife was not too happy
24:17 with the truth that Abraham was an influence upon Lot
24:20 and upon the family and it led them off to Sodom and Gomorrah,
24:23 right? And you know how that ended.
24:25 Because Lot... he felt under pressure to what his family was
24:29 telling him and his wife was trying to pull him away
24:32 from the truth that God was leading Abraham and his family.
24:35 We see there very clearly that it led them to a very
24:38 unpleasant demise. We want to make sure that we follow
24:41 the Lord. So how do you keep that from happening?
24:43 Sometimes you just can't. Pray for them.
24:46 Don't look into it too much as far as to cause disputes
24:49 or arguments but trust in the Lord
24:51 and He will lead you through and He will see that everything
24:53 is well. Amen! Amen!
24:56 The last question we're going to ask - that's all we have time
24:59 for - we're going to toss it out for everyone to jump in.
25:01 This is actually question #5 that came in
25:03 if you have your papers. During SS panel this morning
25:06 John 1:29 was mentioned which says:
25:10 "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin
25:12 of the world. " What does take away the sin of the world mean?
25:15 Does it mean all our sins were laid on Him at the cross?
25:18 Or does it mean He will cleanse us from sin
25:21 so that we're no longer sinning on this earth?
25:24 This comes from Julie in South Dakota.
25:25 OK... I think the answer is actually both
25:28 because when the Lord takes away the sin of the world
25:31 that sin of the world, that broken relationship,
25:34 is going to be healed through Christ
25:37 and then sin is going to be permanently blotted out.
25:40 So when He takes away He doesn't do it partially.
25:43 He is mending the broken relationship
25:45 from the Garden of Eden and He is blotting out sin
25:48 permanently. But I just want to add this:
25:51 When God... during the Passover
25:53 when the Exodus from Egypt God told them
25:58 "take a lamb and take the blood and put it
26:01 on your doorpost. " If they had not appropriated the blood...
26:06 There's one thing to be the sacrifice.
26:08 This was representative of Christ as our sacrifice.
26:12 But when it says it takes away the sin of the world
26:15 He only takes away the sin for those who appropriate His blood
26:21 who receive the gift of salvation by grace.
26:24 You've gotta apply the blood.
26:26 Yes, Johnny, you were going to say something?
26:27 Yes, all this is wonderful that has been said.
26:29 And the wonderful thing also is that the Lord Jesus Christ
26:34 works in our heart so that we will hate sin.
26:36 He'll take the desire to sin away as we behold the Lamb
26:40 of God who takes away our sins, the sin of the world.
26:43 Amen! OK, I'll just add that Jesus died for all sins...
26:46 even the sin of the atheist. Those that don't even claim Him
26:49 or want to receive of... But yet it's our job,
26:52 it's our duty to receive that and claim that sacrifice
26:55 of what Christ has done for us. Why would we want to die
26:58 for our sins when Jesus has already died for them, right?
27:00 We have to accept that. And of course the other aspect
27:02 as Pastor brought out I believe very clearly
27:05 that Jesus... when it says the Lamb of God takes away
27:07 sin of the world, He wants to come and cleanse us
27:09 from all of our sin and to prepare us
27:11 to enter heaven without any sin at all
27:14 according to His perfect work in us.
27:16 Amen! Love working with you family:
27:18 Pastor John, Pastor Johnny, Shelley, and Pastor Ryan.
27:21 What a privilege to open up the Word of God
27:23 and to study together. And we love sharing with you
27:26 3ABN family at home. Thank you for texting in
27:29 your questions. Thank you for
27:31 studying with us as we study the Word of God.
27:34 For joining us for this special edition of
27:36 3ABN Sabbath School panel where we explored
27:39 the new covenant sanctuary. Make sure you join us
27:42 next week on 3ABN Sabbath School panel
27:44 when we'll be studying the covenant as well.
27:47 Stay tuned because divine worship hour
27:50 is coming up next with Danny Shelton.
27:53 His title is Expanding the Kingdom.


Revised 2021-12-22