Off the Grid

Off The Grid Special Update Part 4

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: OTG

Program Code: OTG201103S

01:31 Welcome to Adventist World Aviation
01:33 Special presidential Update.
01:36 Later, I received a phone call from my neighbor.
01:39 She was in distress.
01:41 She lives just down the street.
01:42 She lives in a little mobile home,
01:45 very humble, mobile home out in the country.
01:47 And she was stressful
01:49 because she was having to go get her dad.
01:52 Her mom and dad were diagnosed with COVID-19.
01:57 And they were in the hospital for several months,
02:01 developing complications.
02:03 They had underlying conditions, of course,
02:05 and they developed severe pneumonia and she lost...
02:11 It was her stepmother,
02:12 but she lost her mom to COVID-19.
02:16 And dad was struggling with it,
02:18 but it looked like he was going to survive.
02:21 But of course,
02:22 survival without your spouse is discouraging.
02:25 And now what's Dad going to do?
02:27 Dad's in his mid-late 70s.
02:30 He had served our country
02:33 and he had served at many levels
02:36 and he's missing his wife.
02:38 And so his daughter said,
02:40 "Come live with me, Dad."
02:41 And he was in Savannah, Georgia.
02:43 And she lives up here in North Carolina,
02:45 and she wanted to know if I would pray for her.
02:48 And I said, you know, I told my neighbor I said,
02:52 "I'm going to do more than pray for you."
02:54 I said,
02:55 " I'm going to offer you something
02:57 that may make your life a little easier."
02:59 And I said,
03:00 "Let's go get your dad together.
03:01 I'll fly you down to get your dad, "
03:06 and she melted
03:08 and just couldn't believe that we would be so kind
03:11 as to go and get her father.
03:14 And of course, she said,
03:15 "Well, I don't have any money."
03:16 And I said,
03:18 "That's okay, this is not about money.
03:19 We're going to fly down and go get your dad.
03:21 We're going to bring him back home
03:22 and give him a nice journey home
03:24 with his daughter to his new home."
03:27 And she melted,
03:29 and of course he melted in tears of joy
03:32 to find out that we would do something
03:34 that would be so kind.
03:35 And so we picked him up
03:37 and we had a wonderful flight down,
03:38 Rebecca Stevenson and I flew down there
03:42 and we flew down to get him
03:45 on one-day trip and she was with us
03:49 and her dad,
03:51 so we took the three of them down
03:52 that we picked up
03:54 and we had four passengers on the way back,
03:56 and what a joyous journey that was,
03:58 just beautiful weather and a lot of tears,
04:00 a lot of tears of joy.
04:02 All to Jesus I surrender Lord,
04:09 I give myself to Thee
04:12 Okay, so I'm sitting here with Walter.
04:16 So Walter is 21 months old
04:19 and he is Chippewa.
04:21 And we picked him up here in Wisconsin
04:24 and he needs to go to North Carolina
04:26 for a specialized cancer treatment.
04:28 And we picked up Elise and Walter here
04:31 just a little bit ago
04:32 and they are needing
04:35 some specialized treatment for Walter
04:36 and he's going to be living in Charlotte, North Carolina.
04:40 So, Elise, tell us a little bit about the treatment.
04:42 While the treatment he is going to be receiving
04:45 as soon as we get there, he has a clinic appointment,
04:49 but then he's going to be having a resection surgery,
04:53 biopsy another port put in
04:57 and then he's going to undergo special clinical trials
05:02 because of that cancer
05:04 when he did relapse during treatment
05:08 to stop the gene mutation from spreading,
05:13 during the relapse
05:14 that went into his central nervous system.
05:17 And unfortunately, in the state of Wisconsin,
05:21 they are out of options as to keep it stabilized
05:26 and to try to minimize that as best as possible.
05:31 And Charlotte, North Carolina is our best option.
05:35 So we are partner organization
05:38 with an organization called,
05:43 it's Lifeline pilots.
05:44 And of course, we have some extra COVID restrictions.
05:47 But we partnered up with Lifeline Pilots years ago here
05:51 while we were in Wisconsin,
05:52 and we've got to be pretty good friends with them.
05:54 They're just an awesome organization,
05:56 awesome institution.
05:57 So we're going to be flying the Mooney M-20 Charlie.
06:01 It's a 1961 Mooney.
06:02 It's one of the world's fastest single engine aircraft
06:05 that there is, they're a little small,
06:07 but they go fast.
06:09 It's a wonderful angel flight aircraft.
06:11 We've been using it for years
06:12 under the designation of Angel Wings Fliers.
06:15 And so we've been doing Angel flights
06:17 with that for quite a few years,
06:18 both Pastor [indistinct] myself.
06:20 I've used it many, many times
06:21 for Angel flights to Rochester,
06:24 Minnesota to Mayo Clinic
06:25 and just all over the place here in the United States.
06:28 We've done many Angel flights with it.
06:29 So it served us well.
06:34 The M-20 Charlie altitude will hit a cruising speed
06:37 of about 145 knots.
06:39 So it's a fast aircraft, very comfortable,
06:41 very easy to fly, very docile.
06:43 And so we're looking forward to a good flight.
06:46 And, Elizabeth, we want to hear a prayer with you
06:49 if that's okay.
06:51 Elizabeth, tell us about your dad a little bit.
06:53 My dad is actually,
06:55 he's from originally Michigan,
07:00 but we are from Lac du flambeau
07:03 and he is actually our pastor there.
07:07 So Elizabeth's dad is a pastor
07:09 and so when I asked her,
07:10 I said, you know,
07:12 "We're a Christian organization, "
07:13 and she just lit up,
07:14 she smiled and just that warmed her heart
07:16 and so we're praying for her daughter.
07:18 And your daughter's name is?
07:20 Destiny. Destiny.
07:21 We want to pray for Destiny
07:22 and her son Walter
07:25 that we get good treatment,
07:26 we have a safe flight and that all goes well.
07:28 Let's pray together.
07:29 Father in heaven,
07:31 as we take this flight we pray Your blessing
07:32 on Walter and on Elizabeth,
07:35 in our trip, in our journey,
07:36 give us Angel Wings Flight
07:37 to give a safe flying over the country
07:39 to bring little Walter to his treatment.
07:41 We love You and we thank You, in Jesus' name, amen.
07:44 So let's go through our flight procedure here.
07:47 Our passenger briefing is...
07:49 So there's extinguisher right behind you
07:52 in case of an unlikely event of a fire,
07:54 it's behind your seat there underneath the baggage,
07:56 it's really easy to get to, just reach down between.
07:59 And the door in case of an emergency,
08:02 if Kyle or myself are incapacitated,
08:05 you're going to have to open the door
08:07 or hopefully both of us will not be incapacitated,
08:09 but you open the door
08:11 you just pull that handle back that way.
08:13 We'll open that before we land.
08:15 So it's open and we can get out
08:17 in case of an in-flight emergency.
08:19 If we do have an in-flight emergency,
08:21 just remain in your seat and just be calm.
08:23 We'll get it down to the ground safe and sound
08:24 and then once we open the door,
08:27 Kyle will get out first and he'll help you out first
08:29 and I'll get out last.
08:30 Okay, so that's pretty much it.
08:34 The Moonies are very, very safe aircraft,
08:36 they have steel infrastructure.
08:38 All right, that's our passenger briefing.
08:40 We're going to go ahead
08:41 and go through our pre-flight checklist here.
08:43 And, Kyle, if you'll go ahead and go to the next item.
08:45 Pre-flight section complete.
08:47 Okay, check.
08:49 Seatbelts are locked.
08:50 And you know how to get in and out of your seat belt,
08:51 Elizabeth? Yes.
08:53 You know how to get a little Walter in and out.
08:54 Okay.
08:56 And you know how quick... Yep, good.
08:57 Brakes are check and hold. Fueled the whole tank.
09:00 Fuel is on the left tank.
09:04 Master mags electrical coming off.
09:08 And check, check, check.
09:10 Radios off, autopilot off.
09:12 Radios are off. Autopilot is off, check.
09:14 Circuit breakers are in.
09:16 Circuit breakers are in, check.
09:18 Prop is full-in.
09:19 Prop is full-in, check.
09:21 Mixture? Mixture is going, check.
09:22 Open one eighth inch. Open one eighth inch.
09:25 QRP is cold. QRP is cold.
09:27 Check all flaps open.
09:28 All flaps are open, check.
09:31 Master on. Master is coming on.
09:33 Fuel pump on.
09:34 Fuel pump is on. Checking the fuel.
09:37 Fuel full. Okay, check.
09:39 Beacon on. Beacon is on, check.
09:41 Propeller area clear?
09:42 Clear. Clear.
09:43 Yes, we're going to get started.
09:54 So we are on our last leg of our journey,
09:57 we're almost to Charlotte.
09:59 And we've been talking to Elizabeth
10:03 about little Walter,
10:04 of course he's been doing chemo.
10:06 So do you understand the name of the chemo
10:10 that they're going to do?
10:12 They are actually going to be working on this new trial
10:18 as soon as they do another cycle
10:24 of the current standard relapse chemo?
10:30 He's got one more of those.
10:32 Then he's going to do a resection.
10:35 And I'm not sure
10:36 of the actual physical name they have for it,
10:41 but it is a vaccine
10:45 that they will be using and they mix it with chemo.
10:51 And then later on,
10:52 as soon as that is successful,
10:56 he will be getting what they call MIVG therapy.
11:02 MIVG therapy is where they sedate them
11:06 and they get high doses of radiation.
11:13 We will continue to pray for him through that
11:16 and we will stay up with you
11:17 and find out how things are progressing.
11:21 Okay, well, we're here at the destination,
11:23 final destination.
11:24 We have flown all the way from Milwaukee,
11:27 Wisconsin to Charlotte, North Carolina.
11:30 We stopped in Madison, Indiana.
11:33 I had a nice little stop along the way there.
11:35 And we are at the final destination
11:38 here at the Inn and Suites
11:40 where she will make this extended stay
11:43 for a while until they find housing for little Walter.
11:46 We're going to have prayer with them now
11:48 and send them on their way.
11:50 So of course Kyle Stevenson is here,
11:53 he was the flight engineer on the way up.
11:55 Anyway, we are finally here
11:58 with Walter and Elizabeth and Kyle.
12:04 You know, we're proud to serve them.
12:06 So we're going to pray for them right now.
12:08 And yeah, he's happy, he's here.
12:11 So he's happy to be with his grandma.
12:14 So we're going to pray for them.
12:15 And let's pray together.
12:16 Father in heaven, I just pray that you'll bless Walter
12:20 and bless Elizabeth and bless Destiny and Barb
12:24 and his whole family
12:25 and may you heal little Walter.
12:27 Father,
12:28 we know that you're the father of healing of all things
12:31 and we know that
12:33 all's you said to do was just ask
12:35 and believe and in your name,
12:38 and it will be done if we just have the faith
12:40 of a grain of mustard seed.
12:41 So, Father,
12:43 we all spiritually
12:44 lay our hands on this little fellow,
12:46 we pray that You heal him.
12:48 Make him strong.
12:50 Thank You for doing it. We love You.
12:53 Make all the cancer go away in Jesus' name, amen.
12:58 All right.
13:00 So just recently,
13:02 I flew with Pastor Ric on a local Angel Flight.
13:05 He has a special neighbor
13:06 who he's been ministering to for a while now.
13:10 And she's come to know
13:12 Christ a little bit better through him.
13:14 Well, Pastor Ric just learned through his neighbor,
13:19 her name's Chris,
13:20 she's wonderful woman
13:22 that her father needed to come up here.
13:26 He was down in Savannah, Georgia.
13:29 because he no longer had his caregiver with him.
13:34 And his caregiver was his wife.
13:37 Both he and his wife
13:38 and ended up contracting COVID-19.
13:40 And she didn't make it through the ordeal.
13:45 So when she passed away,
13:47 due to some underlying conditions,
13:50 that left him by himself, and he needed the care.
13:54 And so Kris decided,
13:55 "Well, my dad is in need,
13:58 so we're going to have him come up and live with us."
14:00 But that's kind of a ways for him to go.
14:04 Big guy,
14:05 he's got some problems himself with his health,
14:10 so figured, well, as Ric ministers,
14:14 of course, he realized,
14:15 you know, there's an opportunity
14:17 there to help Kris.
14:19 And so he offered to do an Angel Flight for her.
14:22 And she was just thrilled
14:25 to have that opportunity be given to her.
14:28 So Pastor Ric and I
14:31 ended up flying her down to Savannah, Georgia.
14:36 Her father wanted her to be there for that trip.
14:39 And we picked him up
14:41 at little airport down there
14:43 and it was amazing to be part of it,
14:48 but to see the joy of something so simple take place,
14:54 I mean, we take for granted,
14:56 being able to travel
14:58 and get from point A to point B.
15:00 But sometimes when you have health problems,
15:02 it's not easy.
15:04 It complicates matters.
15:05 So to be able to fly from point A to point B
15:09 and get to where you need to go,
15:11 that means a lot to so many people.
15:14 So we picked up Butch, Kris's father,
15:17 and as we were flying back,
15:19 it was cute to watch them
15:21 because they were like kids in candy stores,
15:25 they enjoyed the flight,
15:26 they were having so much fun
15:28 and they were excited about the views.
15:31 And as returned back up here
15:35 into the Smithfield Raleigh area,
15:41 we had the runway lights on,
15:43 and they were as thrillingly bright
15:46 as you could ever possibly imagine.
15:49 I've actually never seen a runway
15:51 in the evening that bright.
15:54 And as we land,
15:55 it was like watching two kids at fireworks
15:59 show for the very first time.
16:01 They were so excited to see it.
16:03 They were ecstatic.
16:05 But even more so when we landed,
16:07 they were so excited that,
16:09 "Wow, we made it, we're here.
16:11 And now we can start
16:13 on this new chapter in life together."
16:17 So Butch is with Kris now in her place.
16:22 And she's taking care of him
16:23 and are doing well and amazingly, too,
16:28 they continue to grow in Christ.
16:30 And Kris continues to look to us,
16:35 to Pastor Ric
16:36 for that encouragement of spiritual growth
16:39 and encouragement.
16:40 And below that
16:43 she sees this in us from Christ,
16:49 made a huge impact on her life and on Butch's.
16:51 It was...
16:53 We're honored to be a part of that.
16:55 Now in Bible studies with these guys,
16:58 they're not Adventist Christians,
17:00 they've occasionally gone to church.
17:03 A sad story,
17:04 she lost her husband a few years ago to suicide.
17:07 And so there's been a lot of sadness
17:08 in their family.
17:10 And there's been a lot of isolation too
17:13 that's been going on over the last year now with COVID.
17:16 And not to mention that the people that surrounded her
17:20 isolated her as well because her husband,
17:22 there's a lot of stigma
17:24 that happens when somebody kills themselves,
17:26 with a lot of suicide...
17:27 Unfortunately,
17:28 the surviving family members of suicide victims
17:32 end up in a lot of isolation because variety of reasons,
17:36 people don't know how to behave towards those
17:38 that have lost loved ones or maybe they're just fearful,
17:43 I don't know.
17:44 But sadly, what ends up happening with suicide victim,
17:47 survivors is they end up being isolated
17:49 and even cut off from communities in many ways.
17:53 It was no different for Kris.
17:55 Kris was left alone to her own,
17:58 to raise her daughter without a father.
18:02 And so now she has her father at home.
18:04 And so we've been ministering to her,
18:07 we were able to get her dad.
18:09 And that meant so much to them.
18:10 So we started Bible studies and they are so grateful.
18:14 They're both studying about the Sabbath right now
18:16 and many other things.
18:18 And so there's a lot of positive things
18:19 that are happening inside of Adventist World Aviation.
18:22 It's been a lot of sad things
18:24 that have happened this year too.
18:25 We've lost some missionaries
18:27 that have gone into the field for us.
18:30 Belinda Munoz,
18:32 her and her husband David were church members of mine
18:34 when I pastored down in Woodlands, Texas.
18:37 And Belinda served for us for a couple of years.
18:42 In many ways,
18:43 they helped us out financially from time to time,
18:45 they weren't people of names,
18:47 but they helped us where they could,
18:49 but what they could do is she could do evangelism,
18:53 and she loved evangelism.
18:55 So let's look a little bit at Belinda's life
18:57 right here in this short clip
18:59 and see what she did for us in the Philippines,
19:01 bringing souls to Jesus.
19:09 My name's Belinda.
19:11 And I'm from Houston, Texas.
19:13 I have the passion for evangelism
19:15 and I believe it is one of my gifts.
19:18 And I don't want to waste that
19:20 on that particular gift that God has given me
19:24 so I could invest it for His kingdom.
19:27 But evangelism is preaching the Gospel,
19:31 the message of our Lord Jesus Christ,
19:33 every tongue, nation and kindred,
19:35 to every man, woman and children
19:36 so that we could preach God's gospel
19:41 in that we continue to share it with others.
19:45 The very first night that I preach,
19:47 I preach with knowing that God was with me,
19:51 and the people were so moved.
19:52 We had about 47 people there.
19:54 And they were really excited about the whole thing,
19:57 about the news, the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ
20:00 that most of the people do not know yet.
20:02 So we ended up having,
20:06 you know, get together with the people.
20:08 And the children were so excited with their projects,
20:11 and the people are still really wanting
20:13 to know more about God.
20:15 When you preach the gospel, the Lord will be with you,
20:18 and then give you strength to do it,
20:19 a double portion of His strength.
20:22 I think the people that are coming there
20:23 night after night
20:24 is because they're hungry for the Word of God,
20:26 this particular church site where I am,
20:29 although they're not very many people,
20:31 they're only about six families,
20:34 but they continue to invite their friends
20:36 and their relatives and those that are around them
20:39 to share the Gospel.
20:40 But I do believe that
20:42 the reason why they come night after night
20:43 because they are hungry for the Word of God
20:47 and they're very much into it.
20:48 They know that we are living in the last days.
20:50 And so they tell their brethren
20:52 that what Jesus have done for their lives,
20:54 that what Jesus has done for their lives
20:56 is what Jesus is going to do for their lives
20:58 if they knew Jesus
21:00 and His love and His message for love through them.
21:03 I want to win souls for God in heaven,
21:07 to bring glory to Him
21:09 because this is my mission also
21:13 and to help my brothers and sisters to know Christ
21:15 just as I came to know Christ,
21:17 to give them salvation and to freedom,
21:20 to freedom and to know Jesus
21:21 with their relationship to put their hearts on Jesus.
21:24 It's overwhelming for me because they have accepted,
21:29 they have accepted to the point like who Jesus was.
21:32 And I was able to share my life story how I met Jesus.
21:36 And, you know,
21:37 that had tremendously had impacted their lives
21:42 and just sharing my testimony.
21:45 And I think it's one of the best things
21:46 to share the testimony to someone
21:50 rather than sometimes listening to a sermon
21:53 because people are more attentive,
21:56 and they're more putting
21:57 that realization application to their lives.
22:00 And so through that,
22:03 I believe that when I shared that,
22:05 I have like three or four women
22:06 that has greatly really accepted Jesus Christ,
22:09 and of course I give God the glory
22:11 'cause God is just using me as an instrument by praising.
22:15 The children are overwhelming
22:18 because they just love to work with the materials
22:23 or the supplies that we brought them.
22:24 And they seem to be very interested.
22:26 Day after day,
22:27 I mean, night after night, they're there.
22:29 And it just continues,
22:30 the number just continues to escalate.
22:32 So I believe that when we go by the Word of God,
22:35 when we know that we have Jesus in our heart,
22:38 and we have the hunger to preach His gospel,
22:40 and then no one can stop us
22:42 because, first of all,
22:44 I have to understand that this is not my battle.
22:46 This is the Lord's battle.
22:48 So I believe that whatever I go and I do,
22:52 for the Lord will always be with me,
22:54 and He will always walk with me,
22:56 before me, and by me.
22:57 I believe that I was sent here by God to preach His Word.
23:02 So I know that wherever I am, God is with me as well,
23:05 that He will protect me,
23:06 that He will always defend me
23:08 because He's my refuge and strength.
23:10 You know, what's inspiring to see
23:11 what the Holy Spirit has done on this island,
23:14 if the Holy Spirit has touched you in some way
23:16 and you'd like to get involved with Adventist World Aviation
23:18 or some of the work that we're doing,
23:20 and we ask you to come and join us,
23:23 help us reach the unreached.
23:25 If you'd like more information
23:26 about joining us at Adventist World Aviation,
23:29 please don't hesitate to call.
23:34 And Jesus is going to come one day
23:38 and restore the loss to us.
23:45 So many other things are happening
23:46 inside of Adventist World Aviation,
23:48 lots of positive things are happening,
23:49 where we're still praying
23:51 to get the Fix family into Nicaragua.
23:54 It's been challenging there.
23:56 Every time we have a green light
23:58 to send them to Nicaragua,
24:00 we think that we're going to be able to get them there,
24:02 suddenly the door closes.
24:05 And November is the next state.
24:07 We're hoping that
24:08 we can get them down there then.
24:09 In the meantime,
24:11 Josh is going to be helping some hurricane victims,
24:13 going to be helping some folks down there
24:15 in the southern part of our country
24:17 to help hurricane victims.
24:19 And so Josh is going to continue the good work
24:21 while he's still here in the United States.
24:23 But pray that our deployment won't get derailed again,
24:25 that we need to get them there.
24:27 They're desperately needed in the country of Nicaragua.
24:31 We're still praying
24:32 for the repair of the Nicaraguan airplane
24:35 to be able to get that up and flying again.
24:37 That's been a challenge, of course,
24:39 getting people there is a challenge.
24:42 And we just got some good news
24:47 about Mabarumo and Guyana,
24:50 the curtain has been lifted.
24:52 Just in couple of days ago,
24:54 looks like we're going to be able to fly
24:55 into there pretty soon.
24:57 And so we're going to be sending
24:58 our executive vice president there.
24:59 He's our former project manager,
25:01 he and Monique, his wife,
25:03 who's still currently serving as our project manager there,
25:05 they're down there to stabilize that country
25:07 and prepare the way for our new missionary team.
25:11 The Renae family,
25:13 we're excited about them
25:15 being able to go down there very soon.
25:17 So there has been a lot transpiring
25:19 inside of Adventist World Aviation
25:22 including souls being baptized
25:24 and ministered to in the Philippines
25:27 as well as all throughout the world.
25:31 So, Jim Kincaid up there
25:33 is continuing to do a wonderful work
25:36 with our aircraft up there,
25:37 being able to fly much needed supplies
25:40 into communities
25:42 that have been suffering because of the COVID lockdown.
25:44 So a lot of positive things happening inside of aviation,
25:48 Adventist World Aviation this year,
25:50 even though it has been a challenge
25:53 all throughout the world.
25:54 I wish you God's blessing,
25:56 and continue your support for Adventist World Aviation.
25:59 We need your help now more than ever.
26:02 Our donations are down this year.
26:03 In fact, sadly,
26:05 they are down almost half
26:08 of what they were this time last year.
26:09 We're hoping that
26:11 this is going to be an unusual Christmas this year.
26:14 This is the time of year
26:15 when people think about giving
26:16 during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
26:19 So we make this as a special appeal.
26:21 Please help us,
26:23 we need your help now more than ever
26:25 to be able to get all of these things done
26:26 because once the barriers of lockdown are released,
26:30 we want to make sure that we're in country
26:32 and able to get there right away
26:34 with our missionaries,
26:35 with our staff, with our workers,
26:38 with our aircraft,
26:39 with our relief that we have to offer.
26:41 But we can't do that without financial support,
26:43 we desperately need it to make it happen.
26:46 The good news is we've been able to save some money
26:48 because we haven't been able to move around much.
26:50 So everything has been kind of compressed.
26:53 And so with that compression also comes money saving.
26:56 So at the end of the day, our bottom line is okay.
26:58 But if we're suddenly released
27:01 and we don't have the income to be able to get the job done,
27:04 that's going to be a God thing.
27:07 And so I know God will deliver us
27:09 and make sure that all things are possible.
27:11 I can do all things through Christ
27:12 who gives me strength.
27:14 And so I want to pray that you will have a good year,
27:19 I want to pray that
27:20 you will be richly blessed this year.
27:22 Don't forget that blessings are reciprocal.
27:27 When you bless somebody else,
27:28 the blessing comes back double fold.
27:30 And so if you want a double blessing,
27:31 well, then bless somebody.
27:33 And I can't think of any better way
27:35 than to bless the work that we're doing here
27:37 at Adventist World Aviation.
27:39 The work that we do is priceless, it's expensive,
27:41 but at the end of the day,
27:43 it's priceless because we save lives,
27:44 both spiritually and physically.
27:46 And we changed lives,
27:48 both spiritually and physically.
27:50 Just ask those
27:51 that we have flown recently in our Angel Flights,
27:55 ask those that we have saved lives over the years,
27:58 ask those that we've touched
28:00 and been able to do Bible studies with,
28:02 it makes a difference.
28:04 Your donation makes a bigger difference
28:06 than you may realize.
28:08 We survived by $20, $30, $40 donations a month.
28:13 I know some of you are capable of donating
28:15 way beyond that,
28:16 some of you are capable of doing $20 an hour.
28:20 Some of you are capable of donating way more.
28:24 And we appreciate you too.
28:26 And so your donations that make all of this possible.
28:31 Continue to pray for us.
28:32 We will continue to pray for you.
28:34 So in closing,
28:36 I want to say thank you for your support
28:37 for Adventist World Aviation
28:39 throughout the months and years past.
28:41 Who knows how much time we have left?
28:43 Do we have months, do we have days,
28:44 do we have years?
28:46 We don't know.
28:47 But in the meantime, we do the best we can,
28:49 helping all of humanity,
28:51 helping them know about Jesus,
28:54 healing the sick, feeding the hungry,
28:57 giving drink to the thirsty,
29:00 helping the helpless.
29:02 That's what we do.
29:03 Pray for us.
29:05 God bless you
29:06 and we'll see you next month.


Revised 2020-11-15