Healthy Living


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HL

Program Code: HL000029A

00:08 Bile acids may increase cancer risk,
00:11 but there are various vegetables that combine with those
00:15 bile acids and removes them from the body.
00:19 And what's the number one bile-binding vegetable?
00:22 Beetroot! Even higher than kale!
00:27 And it's featured in Aileen's next recipe.
00:30 Thank you Margot and now we're going to make
00:33 beetroot and apple crunch.
00:34 This is a really lovely recipe.
00:37 One lady who obviously loved desserts is a very large lady,
00:41 and she sat there just savoring this recipe,
00:43 and said, "This tastes just like eating dessert."
00:46 So this is all that goes into it - a couple of beetroot,
00:49 2 medium beetroot - they're raw; 2 medium apples,
00:53 crisp apples - either Granny Smith or Pink Ladies are good;
00:59 half a red onion and if you like red onion, put in more;
01:03 the juice of a lemon and a little bit of salt and this
01:08 Celtic salt.
01:09 Okay, and we're just going to give that a little bit
01:13 of a chop just for a few seconds.
01:15 So if you haven't got a Thermomix, you can make
01:17 this is in your food processor, if you haven't got a food
01:20 processor, you can just as easily grate the ingredients
01:22 and mix in the lemon juice.
01:24 So it will just look a little bit different,
01:25 but it will taste just as good.
01:27 I'm going to chop this now, speed 5 for a few seconds.
01:36 And that might even be enough, I'll just take a little look.
01:38 You can process this as much as you want - it's a little bit
01:42 chunky, so we'll go just for a little bit longer.
01:45 This has got a beautiful, sweet, crunchy taste to it.
01:56 And I'll say that's pretty much it.
01:58 And there we have this lovely refreshing salad.
02:02 It's absolutely gorgeous to eat and it's really
02:07 nice with a citrus dressing which we'll make
02:10 to go with it in just a minute.
02:12 This is beautiful and colorful, put onto lettuce,
02:15 it's beautiful.
02:17 It's a great salad for Christmas if you want reds and greens
02:21 color theme and it's full of antioxidants because the redder
02:25 and darker a vegetable is, the better off
02:28 it is for antioxidants.
02:31 So this lady thought it tasted like dessert and if this
02:34 is what you're going to eat instead of dessert,
02:36 you will be very healthy.
02:38 So here we go and that's our salad.
02:43 Now we're going to make the dressing, so we'll just
02:46 put the salad to one side.
02:47 This is a citrus dressing, it's a very creamy dressing
02:51 and I'm being told it tastes very much like mayonnaise.
02:54 So let's hope that when you try it,
02:57 that you really like it as well.
02:59 So we're going to put in the juice of 2 oranges,
03:02 freshly squeezed and 1 cup of raw cashew nuts,
03:09 and 1 lemon, and we're going to put in a little bit of honey,
03:15 about a tablespoon of honey, if you can get raw, unprocessed
03:19 honey all the better - it's a bit of better honey.
03:25 And then we're going to put in just a little bit of salt
03:27 as well - it's Celtic salt again.
03:29 And all you do is just put that into your blender,
03:33 you do need a blender for this as a food processor
03:36 won't do such a fine job as the blender.
03:39 And we're going to give this 1 minute, okay, so we'll just
03:41 set the time for a minute.
03:46 It does need to be blended at high speed for a good minute
03:49 because you'll want it really, really smooth and creamy.
03:52 And then we're going to turn it on to high - which in
03:55 your blender - you know the speed.
03:57 This one is a speed is a speed 9.
04:07 Okay that should be it!
04:09 Have a look here, this is a lovely, creamy dressing, it will
04:13 thicken up in the fridge when you've let it go cold.
04:17 So this is quite runny at the moment but if you were
04:21 to put it into the fridge, it would thicken up really well.
04:24 You can cook it if you want to, that will thicken it up
04:28 some more but you will destroy a lot of the vitamin C content
04:33 by cooking it.
04:34 And then we'll just sprinkle a few chives on top,
04:38 and that is really delicious.
04:42 The recipe can be found on 3ABN Australia website,
04:46 and it is also in my recipe book.
04:49 Now back to you Margot!
04:51 It's been said, "We eat with our eyes,"
04:54 and Aileen, that looked beautiful!
04:59 Fruits and vegetables are the most nutrient-dense foods
05:03 on the planet, and dark green leafy vegetables
05:07 lead the pack!
05:09 No big surprise that Aileen's next green recipe
05:12 has proven very popular - even with kids!
05:17 Thank you Margot!
05:19 And now I'm going to share with you a recipe
05:21 that I've invented to help people have more greens.
05:25 And we were just about to start a health seminar and I said
05:27 to my husband, I've just found the recipe I'm going to show
05:30 the people and he said, "You can't experiment on the people,"
05:34 and I said, "No, I experimented on me and it works."
05:37 And you know, they all came in, they sat there very quietly
05:41 and they were like didn't know each other, no talking,
05:44 no interrelationships with anybody and then when I
05:48 showed them this and they had one spoonful,
05:50 it was like I injected them with talking medicine.
05:53 They were all talking to each other - it totally
05:55 dissolved the ice and they loved it!
05:57 And then in the evening session, a man came up to me
06:00 and he said, "I must taste that sorbet, I'm only here because
06:04 of the sorbet - my girlfriend rang me this afternoon
06:07 and said, "You've got to get down there
06:08 and taste that sorbet."
06:09 So I've called it, "Green Minty Dream,"
06:11 and it's a hit with children too.
06:13 One little boy came back for 5 servings and his mother said,
06:16 "No, that's enough now, no more."
06:18 So if children like it, it's a real hit!
06:21 Now what we're going to put in is some mint leaves.
06:23 Now these mint leaves are beautiful and big.
06:25 I've never seen anything quite like it.
06:27 So I've put in extra - so we're going to have extra flavor,
06:30 but you put in however much that you like to eat.
06:33 The flavor is dependent on your taste entirely.
06:36 Now I'm using a Thermomix which is a blender for me today,
06:40 so put it into your blender or your food processor,
06:44 you do need one or the other to make this.
06:47 Then we're going to add in
06:48 around about 2 cups of baby spinach.
06:51 And I'm going to give that just a little bit of a whiz first
06:54 just to break the leaves down because I just want
06:56 that for color and flavor - I don't want
06:58 to find any bits in it.
06:59 So we're just going to give that a little bit of a whiz.
07:09 And then we can take the lid off when the machine
07:12 says so, and there we go.
07:14 You can see it sort of ground it all up - it will just
07:16 make it quicker to process the end product.
07:20 And then for your pineapple, this is fresh pineapple,
07:24 and if you can't get a hold of fresh pineapple,
07:27 you can use canned but just try and get the one that's
07:29 unsweetened because it is better for you.
07:32 I like to take the core out and the skin off,
07:34 and get the eyes out - so all you've left is with the fruit.
07:38 And then if you freeze it in a single layer like so in a bag,
07:43 it will fit nice and flat in your freezer,
07:45 but it's also easy to break up into pieces.
07:48 Now this is straight from the freezer, so it's pretty hard.
07:51 The Thermomix with cope with that, but if you've got a
07:55 conventional blender at home or food processor - just leave
07:59 it out of the freezer for a short time just to
08:02 soften it up a little bit.
08:03 I'm not quite sure if I'm going to use all this but
08:06 I've got it just in case and the idea is to about
08:09 3/4 fill up your jug with this.
08:12 There are measurements there in the recipe,
08:15 but they're only a guide - any recipe is only a guide.
08:19 Fiddle around to suit your own appliances at home.
08:23 The last thing you want is to have smoke
08:25 coming out the back of your equipment.
08:27 It usually means it has died and you need another one.
08:30 And one of my friends - his son said, "Oh I know what
08:34 makes these things work," he said, "It's smoke and when
08:37 the smoke comes out, it's stops working!" which is
08:40 pretty much how it works but it's not quite technically
08:43 sound, but anyway..
08:45 We're just going to give this now about a minute
08:48 on high speed, I'm going to use the spatula just to assist
08:51 it to go down to blade level; you know your equipment,
08:54 you know how it works.
08:56 In my previous blenders before I totally killed them,
08:59 you do have to poke it down every so often
09:02 just to keep it moving.
09:03 And I'm just going to now turn it up to high.
09:23 So it's probably enough - let's have a little look at that.
09:27 It was very, very cold pineapple so it might have
09:29 to go just a little longer.
09:31 Yeah, I do need to go just a little longer.
09:36 So just scrape it all down and have another go with it.
09:40 It generally takes about a minute.
09:43 It's worthwhile doing it as cold as you can though.
09:46 It might take you a little bit longer but you do get
09:49 a nice creamy result at the other end.
10:13 And that's probably done it, let's have a little look.
10:15 All the time you're processing, it's actually getting softer
10:18 and melting a little bit as well, so you know,
10:22 it still needs a little bit longer than this,
10:25 but it's looking good down there and it's
10:29 really worth the effort.
10:31 Well if you should make sorbet any other way, it would
10:33 take you quite a long time.
10:35 You've got to partly freeze and unfreeze
10:37 and thaw and whatever.
10:41 Then we'll just give it just that slightly little bit longer.
10:59 Ah that's more like what I'm after - how good is that?
11:09 It's quite creamy and ice creamy and if we just take
11:13 a few scoops of that out, you can see what it looks like.
11:17 And you can make any ordinary food look quite special
11:21 by serving it up to look special and then people
11:25 would prefer to eat it that way because we eat with
11:29 our eyes first - so we can make ordinary food taste good.
11:34 This I would recommend your eating very little
11:37 spoonful's - don't take big spoonful's,
11:39 you'll get brain freeze and we should always warm our food
11:42 up in our mouths before.
11:45 Eating cold foods is probably not the ideal anyway,
11:47 but if you're going to go healthy and leave off
11:51 all the ice cream - your children are going to feel
11:53 really deprived, so you need to kind of find ways to make it.
12:00 They like to look normal, so you have to look normal
12:02 as well as be healthy, so just add a few blueberries
12:06 for color and a little bit of mint on top,
12:11 and there you go - they're like little marbles aren't they?
12:14 They run around. So there you go!
12:16 Now if you did different colored fruit, you would get
12:19 like a multilayered ice cream, it will look fantastic.
12:24 So that is the recipe for today.
12:27 You can find it on the 3ABN Australia website
12:30 or you can go and have a look in my recipe book.
12:32 There's a lot more sorbets in there.
12:34 Thank you Margot, over to you.
12:36 The ultimate test for any recipe would have to
12:40 be passing the taste test of children and Aileen, you did it!
12:48 Recently the United Nations declared an international
12:52 year of pulses - that's another name for beans or legumes.
12:57 Their goal is to position pulses as a prime resource of protein
13:01 and other important nutrients.
13:03 Aileen's next recipe shows us an appetizing way
13:07 to enjoy pulses.
13:09 Thank you Margot!
13:10 I'm going to make for you now some walnut
13:13 and zucchini burgers with lentils in them.
13:16 And so what we're going to do is first of all - put in some
13:20 ground chickpea flour or besan flour - so there's
13:23 about 20 grams of that there.
13:25 Don't be tempted to put too much in because the mixture
13:28 will be quite soft but if you put in too much,
13:31 it will be very dry at the end and then there's
13:33 a cup of rolled oats.
13:35 Now for the gluten-free people who may be watching,
13:39 try using half a cup of buckwheat - not a whole cup,
13:43 and then just grind that flour.
13:46 So what we're going to do is now put in some salt,
13:49 so that's about a teaspoon of Celtic salt and a couple of
13:55 zucchinis - they don't have to be chopped really finely.
13:58 You can just roughly chop them and pop them
14:01 in your food processor.
14:04 You could make this recipe without even
14:06 any electrical appliances - if you grated your zucchini,
14:10 crushed your walnuts with a fork, chopped your onion
14:15 and tomato up really small, it would work.
14:18 It would look different but it would still work.
14:20 This is a cup of walnuts and then we've got a cup of
14:26 cooked lentils - so there's about a quarter of a cup
14:28 of dry lentils cooked in water and then drained
14:32 and that's about a cup.
14:34 And then we're going to put in an onion that's just been peeled
14:38 and just roughly chopped but if you're doing it
14:40 by hand - grate your onion so it's nice and fine.
14:43 And then your tomato - just one tomato, this is quite a
14:48 soft mixture but it firms up when it's cooked.
14:52 Then we just put the lid on and just give it
14:56 a few minutes just to mix and you give it as long as
15:01 the texture that you want to eat.
15:04 It's no good making food that looks like the recipe
15:07 if you don't like it - so we just give it a bit of a mix.
15:18 And you could add mixed herbs if you wanted to as well.
15:22 Like this is just the base, there's a little bit there
15:26 that's not quite chopped so we just give it
15:28 a little bit longer.
15:36 And that should do it.
15:37 So I'll give you a little look at it now.
15:43 And that's quite a nice consistency for a burger
15:47 as far as I'm concerned but, you know, if you want it chunkier
15:50 just don't process it quite as much.
15:53 And then we're just going to tip it out into a bowl
15:55 and then form it into burgers.
16:07 Don't be tempted to put in more besan flour or chickpea flour
16:11 to make it firmer than that because it will be too dry
16:14 in the end if you do.
16:15 It's very deceiving - even when they're half-cooked
16:19 they look soft but when they've gone cold, they get quite firm.
16:23 So that can sit for a little while and I'll come back and
16:29 finish that off in a minute.
16:31 I'm just going to flush out the bowl to do the chutney,
16:34 so I'm just going to put in a little bit of water
16:36 just to rinse it out so it's clean for the chutney.
16:54 And eventually the lid comes off - okay.
16:58 So I'll just get rid of this water and then
17:02 we can get on with the chutney.
17:10 Okay, so now for the chutney, I was doing a cooking class
17:16 with some ladies and two of them came up to me and said,
17:19 "Aileen, can we have a chutney recipe next week?"
17:22 And I said, "OH for SURE, we'll do that!"
17:25 And then I went home and thought what
17:26 do you put in chutney, so I goggled it.
17:28 Google is a great friend to have.
17:31 And I goggled it and it had a lot of sugar in it,
17:34 so I thought, "I'll put a lot of dates in it."
17:36 I kind of mimicked the ingredients a little bit
17:39 and I came up with a recipe that was quite nice.
17:42 So I think most people like it, so I hope you enjoy it too.
17:47 So we're going to put in a medium onion, finely sliced
17:52 and diced if you're doing it by hand; if you're doing it
17:55 in a Thermomix, just put it in and then
17:59 we're going to put in the ginger and a couple of tomatoes.
18:05 If you want it more tomatoey, put in more tomatoes.
18:09 If it's a little bit sloppy at the other end,
18:11 just add some more dates - that thickens it up.
18:16 We're going to put in the dates now.
18:19 So you can fry your onion in a little bit of water
18:22 if you want to but I don't think that really changes
18:24 the end result very much and there's some salt.
18:28 And at the very end, we'll whiz in some lemon juice.
18:32 The lemon juice gives it the tang as if it's got
18:34 vinegar in it; the dates make it taste sweet and the
18:37 ginger just gives it that zing that I think chutney
18:41 should have but I'm not the expert on chutney - but I
18:43 think it tastes very good.
18:45 I'm just going to whiz this up now for a little while
18:47 just to get it combined.
18:53 And I'll cook it for a little while.
18:54 So you could put it all in your saucepan and then
18:57 put it in your blender and then cook it.
18:59 So I'm just going to give it like a couple of minutes,
19:03 maybe 3 minutes or 4, maybe 4 and put it on
19:07 to about 100 degrees.
19:09 So you'd put it on your stove and then just cook it
19:13 but stir it all the time.
19:14 The beauty of the Thermomix is I don't have to stir it.
19:17 So I'm just going to let that cook while I fashion the
19:20 patties for you so you can see the patties - how I do them.
19:24 There's a little bit of a trick to patties that I'd like
19:27 to share with you because it makes it so much easier
19:30 especially - I'll just get rid of a few of these dishes.
19:39 If you're going to handle patties, it's messy - so I just
19:42 put it into a measuring cup, now that's a 1/4 cup.
19:45 That will make a little patty.
19:48 If you want it a bit bigger, use a 1/3 cup.
19:53 And it comes out with a bit of a push.
19:56 You can wet the cup if you like and that will
19:59 make it like a little bit easier for it to come out.
20:03 That's a half a cup and the ones I've made for you already
20:07 have got 1/2 cup quantities, so you'll be able to see
20:10 how they cook and then if you want a man-size quarter pounder,
20:14 you use a cup and that makes a very big patty,
20:19 but that's great for a burger in a barbeque.
20:21 Once they cook, they're quite firm, so you can carry
20:24 them around with you.
20:25 Now I'll just get the ones out that I've cooked for you
20:28 so you can see how I turn them.
20:33 I'll just go to the oven to get them out.
20:46 Now these have been cooked on both sides in the oven
20:49 so they're ready to serve, but just imagine
20:52 that they've only been cooked on one side and it's time
20:54 to turn them over and the mixture is quite soft
20:57 so it's going to break up.
20:58 So just put another piece of baking paper on top
21:02 and then another tray and pretend you're flipping
21:05 a dehydrated tray and do it over a clean bench
21:09 because if you drop them, then you can salvage them
21:11 and just flip it - then you've flipped the entire batch
21:16 of patties and it's so much quicker that way.
21:19 And then you can serve these on a platter with salad
21:24 if you like and I'll cut into one just so you can see
21:27 what they're like on the inside.
21:29 So we'll just flip them over a little bit and we'll
21:33 open one up so you can see.
21:37 So you can see that they're quite firm and you can just
21:41 make little stacks with them if you like,
21:43 and then when the chutney is done, we can
21:45 put some chutney over top.
21:47 And they're really quite tasty and they look normal as well.
21:53 It's important if you've got children and you decide
21:55 to eat differently - to make it look like they're normal
21:58 and eating the same as other people because children
22:01 want to be the same as others.
22:03 For my son, I made some little cookies once and I sent
22:07 them to school and he came home and he said,
22:09 "Mom, can you make some more of those?" and I said,
22:12 "Sure Matt, but I didn't think you particularly liked them,"
22:15 and he said, "I don't mom, but they look normal," so that's
22:18 when I realized that if you're going to make food healthy,
22:22 it's got to look as wicked as the bad stuff, so that
22:25 everyone is interested in eating it.
22:27 So I'll just put these to one side and the chutney
22:32 should just about be done now.
22:35 It's cooking nicely so we'll just poke it down
22:40 from the sides and give it a whiz and this is when I
22:45 add the lemon juice.
22:46 If you cook citrus, you will destroy the vitamin C content,
22:50 and being hot will still destroy some of it but not as much.
22:54 So we'll just give that a little
22:56 whiz to make it all nice and smooth.
23:09 And you can have it as chunky as you like - if you like it
23:12 chunky salsa-type, chutney will go for the chunky.
23:18 So this is like an intermediate - not too
23:22 chunky, not too smooth.
23:23 Just pop it over the burgers and there you have it.
23:29 It looks almost normal, doesn't it?
23:31 And it does taste delicious, I hope you enjoy.
23:34 Now this recipe is going to be on the 3ABN Australia website.
23:40 By the time you get to look for it, it will be there
23:42 and there are more healthy recipes in my recipe book.
23:46 So now it's back to you, thank you Margot.
23:48 Fire up the barbe, I can't wait for those!
23:52 Did you know there are more than 300 varieties
23:56 of pulses or beans?
23:58 And each variety has its own unique nutrition profile.
24:03 So experiment like Aileen with as many different
24:06 ones as you can.


Revised 2020-01-16