Breath of Life

Heaven Knows My Address

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000663S

00:01 (Breath of Life Theme Music)
00:07 Sermon #B663 - Heaven Knows My Address
00:20 Dr. Byrd: I will invite you now to take your Bibles and turn with me to the book of Exodus.
00:26 We're going to go to the book of Exodus and we're going to Exodus chapter 12.
00:32 Exodus chapter 12. We're going to begin reading verse number one.
00:39 Exodus 12:1, the Word of God says, "And the Lord spake unto Moses
00:46 and Aaron in the land of Egypt saying,
00:51 "This month shall be unto you the beginning of months.
00:55 It shall be the first month of the year to you.
00:59 Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, "In the tenth day of this month,
01:03 they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers,
01:10 a lamb for an house. And if the household be too little for the lamb,
01:15 let him and his neighbor next unto his house take it according to the number of the souls;
01:20 every man according to his eating shall make your count for the lamb.
01:26 Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year.
01:33 Ye shall take it from the sheep or from the goats,
01:35 and ye shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month,
01:40 and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening.
01:45 And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side posts
01:51 and on the upper door and posts of the houses, wherein they shall eat it.
02:00 They shall eat the flesh in that night, roast with fire, and unleavened bread;
02:04 and with bitter herbs, they shall eat it."
02:07 Verse nine, eat not of it raw, nor sodden at all with water, but roast with fire.
02:15 His head with his legs, and with the purtenance thereof.
02:20 And ye shall let nothing of it remain until the morning;
02:23 and that which remaineth of it until the morning, ye shall burn with fire.
02:29 And thus shall ye eat it; with your loins girded. In other words, with your clothes on.
02:36 Your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste;
02:45 it is the Lord's passover. For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night,
02:52 and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast;
02:56 and against all the gods of Egypt, I will execute judgment.
03:00 I am the Lord. And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where you are.
03:09 And when I see the blood, I will pass over you,
03:16 and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.
03:26 Tonight, I want to challenge you all. Today, rather,
03:29 I want to challenge you on this subject. Heaven knows my address.
03:36 Heaven knows my address.
03:40 Father in Heaven, right now, breathe on us as we make Exodus 12 come alive.
03:46 We pray the power of your Holy Spirit on us.
03:49 Speak through the television and the computer waves right now.
03:54 God, may your anointing be seen, be felt, and be heard.
03:58 Forgive me of my sins; hide me behind your cross.
04:00 At the appeal time, Lord, move, I pray.
04:05 Touch your people, I pray. Give me wisdom, knowledge,
04:09 and understanding to properly communicate your word to your people.
04:11 We praise you in advance for what you're going to do. In Jesus' name, amen.
04:20 Heaven knows my address.
04:25 The final week of Christ's life is referred to as Holy Week or the Passion Week.
04:33 This Holy Week, nearly 2,000 years ago, was like a roller coaster
04:39 because it had its constant ups and constant downs.
04:44 On Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Jesus' death,
04:47 Jesus rides into Jerusalem for his triumphal entry on a donkey.
04:53 The crowds are cheering. The crowds are waving palm branches as he enters Jerusalem.
04:58 They're crying, shouting, "Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna to God in the highest."
05:04 By the end of the week, these same people who had shouted, "Hosanna," now shout,
05:09 "Crucify him." Let that be a lesson for us today. Don't put your trust in people.
05:17 They will be with you one minute, and then they'll be gone the next minute.
05:22 On Monday, Jesus goes back now to the temple in Jerusalem.
05:27 When he arrives in the temple, he finds all these corrupt moneychangers
05:32 and thieves conducting business in the temple.
05:36 The Bible says that Jesus begins to turn over all of the tables and clears out the temple,
05:41 and he says, "Get out of my house.
05:44 My house shall be a house of prayer and not a den of thieves."
05:48 Let that be another lesson for us today. The church is not a mall.
05:54 The church is not a supermarket. The church is not Walmart, Sam's, or Costco's.
06:00 The church is not a football field, but the church is God's house.
06:07 It's a place where a sinner and saint alike can find the Sovereign Savior.
06:13 On Tuesday, Jesus and his disciples go now to the Mount of Olives.
06:20 Here, Jesus prophesies the destruction of Jerusalem.
06:24 He prophesies also the end of the world.
06:27 He speaks in parables using symbolic language about in-time events,
06:32 including his second coming and, also, the final judgment.
06:37 On Wednesday, the Bible does not specifically specify or say what Jesus did,
06:43 but many Bible scholars believe that after two exhausting days, on Monday and Tuesday,
06:48 in Jerusalem, Jesus and his disciples spent Wednesday resting in Bethany where Jesus'
06:54 friends, Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, lived resting in anticipation of Passover.
07:01 On Thursday, the Holy Week takes a dismal turn.
07:07 Leaving Bethany, Jesus sends Peter
07:10 and John ahead of him to the upper room in Jerusalem to
07:13 make preparations for the Passover feast.
07:17 At evening, after sunset, Jesus washes the feet of his disciples
07:23 as they prepare for Passover.
07:26 Jesus is about to fulfill the meaning of Passover by giving his body to be broken
07:30 and his blood to be shed cleansing us from sin and freeing us from death.
07:35 It's during this last supper that Jesus establishes communion.
07:40 After eating the bread, after drinking the cup, Jesus
07:44 and His disciples leave the upper room and they all go to the Garden of Gethsemane,
07:49 where in the garden, Jesus earnestly prays to his father;
07:54 but Thursday is not over yet because later that night in Gethsemane,
07:59 Jesus is betrayed by Judas, and he's arrested by the Sanhedrin.
08:04 He's taken to the home of Caiaphas, the high priest,
08:07 where the entire council has gathered together to begin making their case against him.
08:13 In the wee hours of the morning, Peter denies Jesus three times.
08:19 The people you help the most, appreciate it the least.
08:23 Now, we're at day six. Good Friday, the preparation day.
08:30 This day is the most difficult day of the week of Holy week. On Friday,
08:38 Jesus endures false accusations, is condemned, is mocked, is beaten, is abandoned.
08:49 After multiple unlawful trials, he is sentenced to death.
08:54 He carries his cross only assisted by a man by the name of Simon of Cyrene up
09:01 Golgotha's hill. He is nailed to a wooden cross and then Jesus is crucified.
09:09 Jesus dies on the cross, not because of the nails in his feet,
09:15 not because of the nails in his hands, not because of the crown of thorns on his head,
09:22 but Jesus dies of a broken heart. Jesus' body is taken down from the cross,
09:29 which leads us to Saturday.
09:32 It's on Saturday, the seventh day of the week, the Sabbath,
09:37 Jesus' body lay resting in the grave, which means even in death,
09:44 Jesus is obedient to his law because Jesus rests in death on the seventh-day Sabbath.
09:52 Early on the first day of the week, early on a resurrection Sunday, Jesus,
09:59 he rises from the grave, and Satan thinks he has won.
10:05 Satan thought that Jesus was defeated, the devil and his imps begin to celebrate.
10:11 The devil and his imps begin to party. Satan says, "We took him out and he's gone.
10:18 This Jesus who kept raising people from the dead, this Jesus who gave sight to the blind,
10:25 this Jesus who made the lame to walk, this Jesus, this miracle worker,
10:30 this water walker, this healer, this teacher, this preacher, this Jesus,
10:35 we have finally shut him up." Satan thought he was done with Jesus
10:41 and that he had killed Jesus.
10:43 Jesus was crucified on Friday, lay resting in the grave on the Sabbath;
10:50 but early Sunday morning, he got up with all power in his hands, power over death, hell,
10:59 and the grave. Because he lives today, I live.
11:06 Because he got up, one day, the dead in Christ are going to get up.
11:11 Behold, I show you a mystery that one day, we shall not all sleep, but one day,
11:16 we shall be changed in a twinkling of an eye for the Lord Himself shall descend
11:21 from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and the trump of God,
11:25 and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Jesus is the resurrection and the life.
11:30 Jesus rose. Jesus lives. God is not dead. God is alive.
11:37 We clap our hands, we stomp our feet, we shout over the resurrection,
11:44 and we should because there's no hope for the Christian of
11:47 living again without the resurrection.
11:52 We talk a lot about Good Friday. We talk a lot about the Holy Sabbath.
11:58 We talk a lot about Resurrection Sunday.
12:02 Today, I want us to back up and I want us to talk about Passover Thursday.
12:09 Passover is about freedom.
12:12 It celebrated the children of Israel's freedom from slavery in Egypt.
12:15 Now, it celebrates our freedom from sin through Jesus Christ,
12:21 because if the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed.
12:26 As a Christian, I celebrate this freedom every time I partake up communion.
12:32 The bread represents Jesus' broken body.
12:34 The wine or the grape juice represents Jesus' shed blood.
12:38 What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
12:42 What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
12:46 When I partake of the broken body,
12:49 when I partake of the grape juice in the cup, I am free.
12:54 In the book of Exodus, the Bible teaches that God freed the children of Israel from
12:58 slavery in Egypt after inflicting 10 plagues on the Egyptians
13:02 before Pharaoh would let them go.
13:05 The tenth and final plague was the death of the firstborn.
13:12 The Israelites were told to put blood on their doorposts, put blood on their side posts.
13:20 This blood was to come from the blood of a lamb.
13:23 When the death angel would see this,
13:25 the death angel would know to pass over the firstborns in these homes.
13:30 Let me needle this a little deeper so somebody can understand a little better.
13:34 Israel was in Egypt. Israel was enslaved. Israel was bound.
13:43 The brutality of their slavery was so oppressive that the children of Israel
13:48 were crying out to the Lord, "Lord, how long? God, how long?" God said, "Enough is enough.
13:55 I'm going to deliver my people." God executed 10 plagues on the Egyptians.
14:01 God didn't made a Red Sea a dry highway. The Israelites' walked across on dry land.
14:08 Pharaoh and his 600 chosen chariots tried to chase him,
14:12 but God, just in the nick of time, close down the walls to the Red Sea,
14:17 and they drowned in the Red Sea. It was so powerful.
14:21 The Bible says that Miriam looked back and she saw the man who had oppressed them,
14:26 she saw the man who had raped their women,
14:28 she saw the man who had beaten their sons drowning in the Red Sea,
14:32 that she grabbed a tambourine and she started beating that thing,
14:36 and dancing and praising before God.
14:39 God said, "The enemies you see today, you shall see them no more."
14:45 God's people were delivered, but it was after the tenth plague.
14:49 It was after the Passover that this happened.
14:53 Now, to prepare for the Passover,
14:55 you need to understand the children of Israel had to get a lamb.
14:59 They had to get a lamb, and then they had to kill a lamb,
15:02 and then the blood had to be spilled
15:04 and then put the blood of the lamb on the doorposts.
15:07 This lamb typified Christ, the true Passover lamb.
15:10 How do I know that?
15:12 Well, number one, the lamb that was sacrificed had to be a lamb without blemish.
15:18 If the lamb had the smallest speck of disease,
15:22 it wouldn't have been allowed for Passover.
15:24 The priests, my friends, he wouldn't have allowed that lamb to be killed,
15:28 and God wouldn't have accepted the sacrifice.
15:31 The lamb had to be without blemish. Jesus, the Lamb of God, was also unblemished,
15:38 born of the Virgin Mary, begotten of the Holy ghost.
15:43 He was tempted in all points just like we are, but he had no taint of sin.
15:49 The second point, the lamb had to be killed in a particular way.
15:55 The lamb had to be killed and its blood caught in a basin.
16:00 After the blood was secured,
16:02 the priests then threw the blood on the fire at the foot of the altar.
16:05 Next, that lamb was roasted with bitter herbs that had been placed
16:11 on the lamb, and the lamb had to be roasted.
16:14 It had to be cooked, the Bible teaches for a long time,
16:17 and no bone was to be broken on the lamb.
16:21 When we look at Jesus Christ on the cross, there was the shedding of blood.
16:28 The hands were pierced. The feet were pierced. Blood was spilled.
16:37 The crucifixion also had the idea of what we call roasting.
16:42 Foot roasting signifies a long torment, a long torture.
16:47 Just as the earthly lamb was in the fire roasting for a long time,
16:52 so is Jesus at the crucifixion.
16:55 He was, for a long time, tortured and exposed to the broiling sun.
17:01 Not only that, not a bone on his body was broken.
17:05 Remember, Jesus died of a broken heart, not of a broken bone.
17:10 All three elements with the lamb were also with Jesus,
17:12 the Lamb of God, at the crucifixion.
17:15 Blood was spilled. The lamb was roasted, cooked for a long time,
17:22 and number three, no bone could be broken.
17:26 in the Israelite Passover, blood had to be sprinkled on the doorposts,
17:33 and they had to eat the roasted lamb.
17:37 Now, notice, blood was not sprinkled on the threshold,
17:42 blood was not sprinkled on the ground,
17:46 but blood had to be sprinkled on what they called the lintel, the doorpost,
17:50 which was the top of the door and the sides of the door;
17:54 but the blood was never to be sprinkled on the threshold,
17:58 on the ground or the bottom of the floor because, symbolically,
18:02 you are not to trample or walk over the blood of Jesus Christ.
18:06 They also had to eat the flesh of the roasted lamb with bitter herbs,
18:11 pointing back to the bitterness of the bondage in Egypt.
18:14 Likewise, we have to sprinkle the blood of Jesus on our hearts.
18:18 We are not saved without the blood.
18:21 We also received spiritual strength
18:23 and spiritual nourishment from Jesus through His word.
18:26 That's our food. It was Jesus who said,
18:30 "Except ye eat of my flesh, except you drink of my blood, you have no life in you;
18:36 but whosoever, eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood, you have eternal life."
18:42 Now, if the Israelites had deviated in the slightest bit from the directions
18:47 God had given them, if they had gone out of their houses, they wouldn't have been safe.
18:51 If they had slain the lamb, listen to me, but failed to put blood on the doorpost,
18:58 they wouldn't have been safe. Their sincerity wouldn't have saved them.
19:03 Their religion wouldn't have saved them. Their standing wouldn't have saved them.
19:08 They still have to obey and put blood on the doorpost.
19:13 I'm almost done, but let me make this abundantly clear to somebody today.
19:17 The only thing that can save us is the blood of Jesus Christ.
19:22 There are lot of people in this world who think they're going to be saved by their works.
19:29 "I'm not a drunk so I'll be saved." "I'm not a drug user so I'll be saved."
19:32 "I'm not a cheat so I'll be saved." "I go to church every week so I'll be saved."
19:37 I study my Sabbath school lesson every week, every day, I will be saved."
19:41 You may be as righteous as you want to be, you may be as spiritual as you want to be,
19:48 but if you don't have the blood of Jesus sprinkled on your heart, you're going to be lost.
19:53 It's the blood that saves and not anything else.
19:58 Now, let may be clear. That doesn't mean you don't have to obey
20:02 because while a man is saved by faith and not by works,
20:06 his faith must be shown by his works.
20:09 It was Jesus who said, "If you love me, keep my commandments."
20:15 Fast forward to 2020, fast forward to today, you can think you're a good person,
20:25 you can think you're a saved person, you can think you're a righteous person,
20:33 but if you don't have the blood of Jesus sprinkled on your heart, you are a lost person.
20:42 Very soon, there's a day that is coming. There are some plagues that are coming.
20:51 The only way the angel is going to pass over,
20:56 the only way our lives are going to be spared is if we've eaten the Word of God
21:03 and sprinkled the blood of Jesus on our souls.
21:07 Let me be clear with you today. In all of the weekend celebration of Easter,
21:12 we are in a season right now that we're told to stay in our homes for safety
21:18 because of the coronavirus pandemic.
21:20 We're told not to go out for our own safety until this pandemic passes over,
21:26 but this is nothing, my friends, compared to what is coming.
21:30 As long as the blood of Jesus, as long as the blood is sprinkled on your heart,
21:36 God will know your address. The death angel will pass over your house.
21:42 What am I talking about? Well, according to Daniel 8:14, God, right now,
21:49 is in the most holy place. Jesus is at the right hand of the Father.
21:54 This movement took place back in 1844 where God moved from the holy place to the
22:01 most holy place, and God is engaged right now in what we call the investigative judgment.
22:08 Right now, God is reviewing the cases of all the professed people of God.
22:13 He is seeing who's been naughty and who is nice which means, right now,
22:17 he's reviewing my case.
22:19 Right now, he's reviewing your case. At any time,
22:23 he can review our cases which is why we must live every day as if it was our last.
22:30 Now, Revelation 16 speaks of seven plagues.
22:36 These seven last plagues, according to Revelation 15:8,
22:40 will occur after the investigative judgement in heaven is complete.
22:44 Not before, but after. We have the judgment which is going on right now,
22:52 and we don't know when it's going to end, but then the plagues will follow the judgment.
22:59 Don't mistake a pestilence for a plague. They're not the same.
23:04 The pestilence is one thing, a plague is another thing.
23:07 They are different, but the plagues of Revelation 16 must come in sequential order
23:13 beginning with a grieving sore that afflicts the beast and his followers,
23:18 according to Revelation 16:2.
23:20 We have the judgement, we have the plagues, and then we have the second coming.
23:26 Hallelujah of Jesus Christ. The good news, my friends, is this.
23:32 Just like the plagues didn't mess with the children of Israel when they were in Egypt
23:39 back in the day, the plagues of Revelation 16 will not mess with the children of God just
23:47 before Jesus' second coming. The plagues will be rough, the plagues will be tough,
23:55 there will be wailing, and there will be crying, but God's children will not be touched.
24:03 That's why during this period of the investigative judgement,
24:06 it's so important that we make our calling and election sure with God
24:11 because Revelation 22 is clear. He, that is holy, let him be holy still.
24:17 He, that is unholy, let him be unholy still.
24:20 And behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me to give every man
24:25 and woman according as his work shall be.
24:27 Heaven will know our addresses if we have God sealed
24:34 and have the blood of Jesus sprinkled in our hearts.
24:37 If God's people have made it through and are alive at the judgement. let me say that again.
24:44 If God's people have made it through and are alive at the end of the judgement,
24:51 those people of God who are alive at the end of the judgement,
24:54 they will make it through the plagues.
24:58 Heaven will know your address. The plagues will pass over you during Holy Week.
25:07 On the day of the Passover, Jesus, the Lamb of God, presented himself as a sin offering.
25:17 He was putting to an end the systems of types
25:21 and ceremonies that for 4,000 years had pointed to his death.
25:26 As he ate the Passover with his disciples,
25:30 he instituted communion which was to be a memorial for his great sacrifice.
25:36 The earthly lamb died never to live again,
25:41 but I'm so glad today that through the blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God,
25:48 Jesus gives us life, and Jesus is still living. The earthly lamb was a forerunner.
25:56 The earthly lamb was a model. The earthly lamb was a shadow of things to come,
26:03 but Jesus is the real thing. Jesus is the real Passover lamb.
26:09 At communion, he invites us to eat of the bread symbolic of his body.
26:14 He invites us to drink of the cup symbolic of His blood so that we might be free from sin,
26:20 so that when the plagues of Revelation 16 come, the only way we will be spared,
26:25 the only way heaven will know our address is if we've eaten the Lamb of God
26:30 and sprinkled the blood of Jesus on our souls.
26:35 Today, I'm so glad heaven doesn't just know my name.
26:42 I'm so glad that heaven doesn't just know the numbers of hairs over my head,
26:50 but I'm so glad that heaven also knows my address,
26:59 and the death angel is passing over my house.
27:05 I'm covered because he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall
27:11 abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
27:14 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge, my fortress, my God; in him will I trust."
27:20 The death angel to those who have been sealed by God is passing over.
27:29 Thank you very much for tuning in to this week's Breath of Life broadcast.
27:34 We hope and pray that you've been blessed by Dr. Byrd's inspirational message.
27:38 If you would like to hear this sermon in its entirety,
27:40 please feel free to visit us at
27:47 Or, call us at (256) 929-6460.
27:52 [End]
27:59 Dr. Byrd: Pain, loss, trama,
28:08 in life we experience these things.
28:12 My wife and I have a story,
28:15 we have a testimony of how we lost
28:19 our first born daughter in a horrific car accident.
28:26 We have this new sharing book, its en-titled “Gone.”
28:31 And, in it I want to share with you
28:35 how God has helped me,
28:37 how God has my wife how God has helped us,
28:42 as we had to endure the fact that our first born daughter is gone.


Revised 2020-04-23