Breath of Life

Keep On Dreaming

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000656S

00:01 (Breath of Life Theme Music)
00:05 Sermon #B656-Keep On Dreaming
00:21 Genesis 37:3, we're ready to read the word of God together.
00:25 The word of God says-- are you with me everybody? [Congregation: Yes.]
00:29 All right. Now, Israel loved Joseph more than all of his what everybody?
00:35 [Congregation: Children.]
00:37 Because he was the son of his old what everybody? [Congregation: Age.]
00:40 And he made him a coat of many what? [Congregation: Colors.]
00:42 Verse 4, and when his brethren saw that their father loved him more than all his brethren,
00:47 they hated him and could not speak peaceably unto him. Verse 5,
00:54 and Joseph dreamed a what, everybody? [Congregation: Dream.]
00:56 He dreamed a dream and he told it to his brother and they hated him yet the more.
01:01 And he said unto them, Here, I pray you this dream which I have dreamed.
01:05 For, behold, we were binding sheaves in the field, and, lo, my sheaf arose,
01:09 and also stood upright; and, behold, your sheaves stood around about,
01:13 and made obeisance to my sheaf. And his brethren said to him,
01:19 "Shalt thou indeed reign over us? or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us?"
01:24 And they hated him yet the more for his dreams, and for his words. Verse number 9,
01:29 And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it to his brethren, and said,
01:33 "Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon
01:36 and the eleven what everybody?" [Congregation: Inaudible.]
01:40 Made obeisance to me. And he told it to his father, and to his brethren,
01:45 and his father rebuked him, and said, it's him, "What is this dream that thou hast dreamed?
01:50 Shall I and thy mother
01:52 and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth?"
01:56 and his brethren envied him, but his father observed the same.
02:04 Not going to be long today but we'll just challenge you on the subject, keep on dreaming.
02:08 Keep on dreaming, God bless us now. Speak in the Oakwood Church right now.
02:13 Speak to the people who are even watching by television and the internet and we promise,
02:17 we'll praise you right now
02:19 and when we're done over what you've done this day hiding behind your cross,
02:23 forgive me of my sins. In the name of Jesus, let everyone say amen and amen.
02:28 You may be seated, keep on dreaming, keep on dreaming.
02:33 The Bible has over 20 documented dreams in scripture.
02:39 From Jacob's dream of a ladder in Genesis 28 to Daniel's dream of four beasts in
02:46 Daniel chapter 7, the Bible is full of dreams.
02:50 From Abimelech, Jacob, Laban, Joseph, the baker, the butler, Pharaoh, Daniel, Joseph,
02:58 Mary's husband, the Magi and even the wife of Pilate who suffered in a dream as a
03:05 warning not to crucify Christ, the Bible is full of dreams.
03:11 But out of all of these dreams, my favorite Bible dreamer is Joseph.
03:18 Why is Joseph my favorite Bible dreamer?
03:23 It's because the Joseph story reminds us that no matter what you go through,
03:29 God's got your back. Do I have a witness in this place? [Congregation: Yes.]
03:33 Every time you turn around in the life of Joseph, somebody is having a dream.
03:39 In Genesis 37:5, Joseph dreamed that sheaves were bowing down to him.
03:44 In that same chapter in Verse 9, Joseph dreamed that the sun, the moon,
03:48 and eleven stars were bowing down to him.
03:51 In Genesis chapter 40, the chief butler
03:54 and the chief baker dreamed dreams which Joseph interpreted and then in Genesis 41,
04:01 Pharaoh dreamed of seven cows coming out of the Nile River,
04:05 seven grains of stalk sprouting up and Joseph then interpreted these dreams.
04:11 In this dream we see God for telling something and it happened just like God said it would.
04:18 [Congregation: Oh yes.]
04:20 Don't you forever forget that God does keep His word.
04:25 If the Lord said it, you can count on it because he will do just what He says.
04:32 Are you hearing what I'm saying? Now all throughout Scripture,
04:36 God used a variety of ways to communicate with his people.
04:41 He used visions, He used signs and wonders, He used angels, biblical saddles,
04:47 biblical patterns and many others
04:49 but one of the most common ways used in the Bible to convey God's will was through dreams.
04:58 Dreams are found throughout the Old Testament particular in the books of Genesis and Daniel.
05:04 In fact, the only two people in the Bible that the Bible says were blessed with the
05:09 ability to correctly interpret dreams were Joseph and Daniel.
05:15 But in their New Testament, the entire New Testament, dreams only occur eight times.
05:24 Now, a dream is not to be mistaken with a vision.
05:29 A vision is something that you see as part of a religious
05:33 or supernatural experience when you're awake.
05:37 But a dream is something that you see when you're asleep. [Congregation: Yes.]
05:43 Vision, awake. Dream, asleep. Somebody's going to get this in a minute.
05:50 Now, before I go any further, let me give you a word of caution about dreams,
05:57 something that you see in your sleep.
05:59 Now, Deuteronomy 8:13 and Deuteronomy 31 make it clear that in the Old Testament,
06:04 the penalty for giving a false vision
06:07 or dream was death because God saw it as an attempt to speak for Him when God has
06:14 already spoken in the last days through His Son, Jesus Christ.
06:19 He's already also spoken through His Scriptures delivered to us, His people.
06:24 But let me be clear today, that also God can send dreams,
06:29 He can send visions to whomever He wants.
06:34 But anything seen in our dream or vision must be according to the Word of God
06:40 or it's not from God. Now, there are some dreams that do come from God.
06:50 It was God after all who said that in the last days,
06:54 He would pour out His spirit upon all flesh and that your sons
06:59 and your daughters would prophecy and that your old men would dream dreams
07:04 and young men would see visions. Do I have a witness in this place? [Congregation: Yes.]
07:08 Ellen White's dreams for God's church came from God.
07:13 Martin Luther King's dream for all children to be judged not by the color of their skin
07:18 but by the content of their character came from God.
07:23 God does send dreams and God is a dreamer too.
07:29 What am I talking about? God dreamed up the entire human race and believed
07:36 and He spoke it into existence. God dreamed about this planet and spoke His dream
07:43 and this planet appeared. God dreamed about you before you were even born
07:50 and here you are today. God's spoke to the prophets in dreams
07:56 and when they believe in those dreams and acted upon those dreams, awesome, powerful,
08:00 mighty works were done.
08:03 God also wants us to have dreams to believe in so we can see them come true.
08:09 The Word of God says faith is the substance of things hoped for,
08:13 the evidence of things not seen.
08:16 God has given us faith as a tool to hope and to see our hopes become reality,
08:21 the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
08:26 I then go by the motto, "If you can dream it, you can do it."
08:30 And when the dream is from God, of God, and for God, it will happen.
08:36 In our text, we're introduced to my favorite Bible dreamer, Joseph.
08:43 The bible says he's only 17 years old. Now, Joseph is born into a dysfunctional family.
08:51 Rachel, his mother, is dead, Joseph, his father,
08:55 is now an old man who hasn't always been godly, Joseph-- Jacob rather has had two wives,
09:03 two concubines from which he has fathered 12 sons and an unknown number of daughters,
09:10 they're all living under the same roof. Joseph, despised by his brothers,
09:17 favored by his father, started having dreams.
09:22 He tells his brothers in Genesis 37:7 that he has this dream that they're all
09:26 bowing down to him, in response to this,
09:29 the bible says that Joseph's brothers hated him even more.
09:32 Joseph then has another dream in verse number nine, it tells his entire family that a sun,
09:37 the moon, the stars, they all bow down to him.
09:39 The interpretation for this dream is that this entire family is going to bow down to him.
09:45 And so, the bible says his brothers envied him more.
09:48 So, the Bible says that one day when Joseph's out in the field his brother said,
09:54 "Look, we've had enough of this, enough is enough, here comes the dreamer, let's get him."
10:03 The bible says they stripped Joseph of his goats, smeared goats' blood on it,
10:06 threw him in the pit to die which leads me to my second point,
10:09 I've learned in my experience. Number two, dreams can be dangerous. [Congregation: Yes.]
10:17 When you've been blessed, when you've been favored, when you've been chosen,
10:24 when you've been picked get ready for the dream, get ready for the pit,
10:30 not that you did anything wrong, not that you've said anything bad
10:34 but when you have dream given from God, you better understand that it can be dangerous.
10:41 Dreams can be dangerous because God's dreams interrupt things the way they are, dangerous
10:48 because God's dreams may challenge the status quo and envision new way of doing things,
10:52 many people talk change but they really don't want change.
10:56 Many people talk innovation but they really don't want innovation,
11:00 many people talk creativity but they don't want creativity, let me tell you something,
11:03 if your dream only confirms what already is rubber-stamping the norm
11:07 and accepting the average it's not God's dream
11:10 because God's dreams upset our human way of doing things.
11:15 The first shall be last, the last shall be first, the least becomes the greatest,
11:25 dreaming is dangerous because you might get thrown in a pit.
11:30 Let's make this relevant for us, when you have a dream you might lose your job,
11:36 you might get passed over for a job, you might miss out on a promotion,
11:41 you might get a demotion, you might even get thrown into jail or worse yet, lose your life.
11:48 As we think about this weekend, let's think about Doctor Martin Luther King,
11:52 he had a dream, having a dream for him was dangerous,
11:57 he went to a Birmingham jail, lost his life,
12:02 but I'm so glad today that that didn't keep him from dreaming.
12:06 He still had the courage to dream,
12:09 take the risk to dream knowing that dreams can be dangerous but he still had a dream.
12:16 But let's move from Martin King, let's move to Jesus Christ, he had a dream,
12:22 he went to Pilate's judgment hall, he lost his life at Calvary but he still had a dream,
12:32 if you want to do something with your life, you've got to dream,
12:38 if you're going to find the cure for cancer you've got to dream,
12:43 if you're going to go to the moon, you've got to dream,
12:47 if you are going to start your own business you've got to dream,
12:52 if you're going to have multiple medical practices you've got to dream,
12:57 if you're going to baptize hundreds you've got to dream.
13:02 It might be dangerous but you've got to dream. It might be risky but you've got to dream.
13:09 It might land you in a pit but you've got to dream,
13:13 speaking of landing in a pit
13:16 God is a God. I'm a witness that will move you out of the pit,
13:22 because God never delivers you from something unless God is getting ready to
13:27 take you to something and the something he's always delivering you to is always
13:32 better than what you came up out of, do I have a witness in this place?
13:35 Somebody ought to give God some glory right now
13:38 because if you're not careful the devil will have you making accommodations in your pit.
13:45 He'll make you think this is the way is supposed to be,
13:48 so I might as well go on and make myself comfortable in my pit, but in the name of Jesus,
13:54 the devil is a lie, the pit is not your destiny, in fact,
14:00 a serve a God who says I'm going to use the pit to bring a praise out of your
14:06 life which leads me, I'm almost done, to my third and my final point.
14:11 Number three, God is with his dreamers, I said, God is with his dreamers,
14:20 God never forgets his dreamers, so friends of mine, keep on dreaming.
14:25 Joseph is thrown into a pit,
14:28 but in a final act of love his brothers lift him out of that pit
14:33 and sell him to a group of Israelites for 20 pieces of silver
14:38 and doom him to a life of slavery in Egypt.
14:42 But remember, I just said it, God never deliver us from something,
14:46 unless he's delivering us to something.
14:49 In Genesis 39, Joseph winds out in the house of Potiphar,
14:55 captain of the Egyptian Guard, while in the service of Potiphar,
15:00 Potiphar's wife had her eyes on Joseph, she makes advances to Joseph
15:06 but Joseph doesn't yield to temptation,
15:09 you got to yield not to temptation for you doing a sin,
15:13 I wish I had a witness in this place. So, she lies on him
15:18 because he wouldn't lie with her until and tells her husband,
15:22 Joseph was trying to lie with her when in reality she was trying to lie with him.
15:27 [Congregation: Mercy!]
15:28 Joseph ends up in prison convicted on trumped-up charges
15:35 but the Bible says in Genesis 39:2 21 and 23 which means three times,
15:45 whenever God says something once, twice and three times,
15:48 there's something special about his saying, God says in Genesis 39 that God is with Joseph.
15:59 Let me say it again, God is with Joseph, let that be a reminder to somebody right now,
16:10 that you might be in your earthly prison but if God is with you,
16:17 no devil in hell can stop you while in prison Genesis 40 tells us,
16:24 that Joseph makes friends with the butler and the baker who were on death row with him.
16:29 They discovered that Joseph has the ability to interpret dreams, they dream their dreams,
16:36 Joseph interprets their dreams their dreams come to pass, the baker is hanged,
16:42 the butler gets out of prison on parole
16:45 but he forgets what Joseph has done for him,
16:49 which means the old saying is true the people you help the most appreciate it the least.
16:55 Fast forward to Genesis 31, Joseph's brothers have come to Egypt for food
17:05 and the same man that they put in the pit one day, the same man that they hated,
17:15 the same man that they envied, the same man that they have talked about,
17:22 the same man that they were jealous of, the same man that they had sold off into slavery
17:32 is now the same man in charge of food stamps.
17:37 Somebody knows that late in the midnight hour God's going to turn it around,
17:44 it's going to work in your favor, because God in his own way,
17:50 in his own time has a way of turning things around if you just trust God,
17:57 if you just keep following God, God has a way of raising you up, after the pit,
18:04 after prison God raised it up but threw it all. [Congregation: That's good.]
18:11 Joseph kept on dreaming. He didn't stop dreaming after his brother's threw him in a pit,
18:17 he didn't stop dreaming after Potiphar's wife lied on him and he was thrown into prison,
18:21 he didn't stop dreaming after interpreting the chief butler's
18:24 dream even when the chief butler forgot about him and then he was set free.
18:30 Joseph kept dreaming because to dream is to live but to stop dreaming is to die,
18:36 God is with his dreamers, God was with Joseph, God was with Daniel,
18:46 God was with Ellen white, God was with Martin Luther King, God is with you,
18:55 God is with me, God with his dreamers. Let me close but let me say this, in life's journey,
19:08 things change, nothing remains the same, life has its up
19:15 and life has its downs and sometimes life may feel like the pits.
19:23 Don't you ever forget that the God we serve is still at work, he still sits high
19:33 and he looks low, let me tell somebody out there a young person or even an older person,
19:38 your dreams maybe have not come true as of yet but don't stop dreaming,
19:44 delay is not denial, God's dreams don't have an expiration date.
19:53 Now remember, death couldn't hold back God's dream in Jesus. [Congregation: That's right.]
20:02 He was crucified on Friday, he lay rest in the grave on the Sabbath which means
20:12 he was obedient to his law even in his death,
20:18 but early Sunday morning on the third appointed day,
20:26 he got up with all power in his hands our setbacks, just maybe setups for comebacks.
20:39 Because dreamers don't die easily, keep on dreaming because God is with his dreamers,
20:51 there are going to be some doors slammed in your face,
20:55 but dream because God is with his dreamers people are going to call you crazy
21:03 but keep on dreaming because God is with his dreamers, your money is going to get funny,
21:11 your change is going to get strange, your credit may not get it but keep on dreaming
21:18 because God is with his dreamers.
21:21 People are going to walk out of our life and leave you hanging
21:25 but keep on dreaming because God is with his dreamers, folk going to talk about you
21:32 but dream, family won't understand you but dream, colleagues, coworkers
21:37 and classmates won't like you but dream. Folk will hate you on you but dream,
21:42 whatever you do don't stop dreaming.
21:48 So, let me make this plain as I close,
21:54 let me close with the true fact about the nature of a frog, some of our scientist
22:01 and biologists in the congregation will know this is true,
22:07 put a frog in a pot and fill it with water. After you put the frog in the pot
22:20 and you start heating the water,
22:26 understand as the temperature of the water begins to rise the frog will adjust its
22:35 body temperature accordingly, in fact,
22:41 the frog will keep adjusting its body temperature with the increasing
22:46 temperature of the water but just when the water is about to reach its boiling point
22:56 the frog can't adjust anymore.
23:02 And so, at this point when the frog can't take it anymore the frog decides to jump out of
23:13 the boiling pot of water but the frog tries to jump
23:21 but the frog is unable to jump because it has lost all of it strength adjusting
23:30 with the rising water temperature, so very soon the frog, because it can't jump out,
23:40 the frog dies. Now, what killed the frog? Was it the boiling water?
23:51 Most people thing that it was the boiling water that killed the frog,
23:59 but what really killed the frog wasn't the boiling water
24:03 but what really killed the frog was the own frog's inability to decide when to jump out.
24:13 In life we will have to all adjust to people and situations
24:21 but we need to know when we need to adjust and we also need to know when we need to move on,
24:30 there are times when we need to face life situations and take appropriate actions,
24:37 if you allow people to exploit you physically, mentally, emotionally, socially,
24:47 financially or spiritually people will continue to do so.
24:52 Because people will do to you what you let them,
24:56 if you allow people to destroy your hopes and dreams,they will continue to do so,
25:03 if you allow people to negatively influence you and hold you back,
25:09 they will continue to do so, if you allow people to discourage you
25:15 and tell you what you can't do in Christ they will continue to do so.
25:26 So, you got to know when to jump, and then jump while you still have the strength,
25:37 everybody can't handle your dreams, dreams can be dangerous, but God is with his dreamers.
25:49 Keep on dreaming but you got to know when to leave dream killers alone and move on,
26:02 dream killers mean you no good.
26:08 And so, when I talk to a person who doesn't love God,
26:12 a person who doesn't want to love God or know God, I shake the dust from my feet
26:21 and I've learned to move on because I can't make anybody do anything
26:26 but I can't let that person destroy the dream that I have within inside me,
26:33 that one day soon I'm going to live with Jesus forever, I'm not going to hell for anybody.
26:43 And I dream that one day I'm going to sit at the welcome table,
26:49 I dreamed that one day I'm going to feast on milk and honey,
26:53 I dream that one day I'm a put on a long white robe,
26:57 I dream that one day I'm going to shout "Hallelujah"
27:01 I dream that one day I'm going to see and never get tired,
27:05 I dream that one day I'm going to eat grits with Jesus,
27:08 I dream one day that I'm going to eat rice and beans with Jesus Christ returned,
27:15 Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Amen! And that's my dream
27:23 Thank you very much for tuning in to this week's Breath of Life broadcast.
27:27 We hope and pray that you've been blessed by Dr. Byrd's inspirational message.
27:32 If you would like to hear this sermon in its entirety,
27:34 please feel free to visit us at
27:40 Or, call us at (256) 929-6460.
27:47 [END]


Revised 2020-01-26