Wonderfully Made

Stress Management

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Claudio Japas, Hildemar Dos Santos


Series Code: WM

Program Code: WM000415

00:01 The following program presents principles
00:03 Designed to promote good health and is not
00:04 intended to take the place of
00:06 personalized professional care.
00:08 The opinions and ideas expressed are those
00:10 of the speaker. Viewers are encouraged to
00:13 draw their own conclusions
00:14 about the information presented.
00:35 Welcome to Wonderfully Made. I'm glad you have
00:38 joined us. I'm your host Claudio Japas
00:40 a doctoral student at Loma Linda University
00:42 in the Preventive Care Program.
00:44 Today, we have a wonderful subject that
00:47 may sound a little stressing, but it is stress
00:50 that we're going to be talking about.
00:52 Joining me is Dr. Dos Santos from Loma Linda University.
00:55 He is a professor in the Preventive Care Program.
00:57 I'm glad you've joined us. I'm sure the,
01:00 your knowledge, and stress, and what you teach,
01:05 and what you've dealt with in different clinics
01:07 would be very helpful to us.
01:09 Well, thank you for having me here
01:12 and this topic is very interesting and
01:17 in the beginning we ourselves,
01:19 I guess a little, got a
01:21 little stressed out, but I believe
01:24 at the end of the presentation
01:25 we will be very relaxed and that's
01:28 what we are trying to do, most of people have
01:30 stress and we are going to try to figure out
01:33 what to do to cope with it.
01:36 That's good, that's good because stress is
01:38 just all around us, it's, I don't think
01:40 anybody is immune to it, it's something we
01:43 experience from day to day and I'm sure many
01:47 of you watching can relate to stress in different
01:50 levels and for different situation and we want to
01:52 make sure we understand it better and learn more
01:55 about it today. In fact stress is a component of,
01:58 has been known to bring ulcers and hypertension
02:02 and migraines and multiple of other symptoms
02:07 and diseases, is that true, I mean that's part
02:10 of being stressful or some of the side effects.
02:12 Yes, when you are under stress.
02:15 When a person is under stress what happen
02:18 is that some hormones are being released in circulation.
02:22 One of the them among is adrenaline and adrenaline
02:25 has the potential or has the function to increase
02:28 blood pressure to increase blood sugar
02:31 and lipids in the circulation, to prepare a
02:35 person is a reaction to prepare a person to fight
02:38 or to run or to climb something or to runaway.
02:42 So, it is something that God has built
02:44 into us to deal with certain situations.
02:46 Here are the drastic stories of somebody
02:50 being caught under the car or similar situations,
02:53 where somebody that didn't have the strength find
02:56 supernatural strength to lift or, and it's usually
02:58 adrenaline or similar brain chemistry that's flowing
03:02 and helping the body cope with that stress.
03:04 But it's a God built component in there.
03:06 Yes, it is. And it all stems from the brain
03:10 and coming in. Now what are some of the
03:13 other components, is stress something that's
03:16 real or perceived whether it's a combination
03:19 of both, how would you define stress?
03:20 Well stress is a reaction to some aggression.
03:27 If this aggression can be brought to us or
03:31 we can create that type by aggression
03:33 and normally stress starts with something that
03:38 happened to a person and I have a graphic
03:41 of a snake here just to show the person when
03:46 you see that snake for the first time
03:49 you get all the reactions that the person
03:52 has under stress that are normal, so you get scared
03:56 and you are ready to run, you are ready to
03:59 get strength to kill the snake and to do
04:02 whatever, this is a normal reaction.
04:05 Right. Acute, short, the problem is when
04:10 you have a rattle snake around you,
04:13 24 hours per day, I mean 7 days per week,
04:17 I mean 30 days per month and then. All the time.
04:19 And then this reaction becomes a disease,
04:23 so you have your levels of adrenaline and cortisol,
04:27 the stress hormones high all the time
04:30 then you will have problem with the disease.
04:32 That's correct, I was thinking when you
04:35 said about the snake, to you or me maybe
04:39 that would be something very stressful
04:41 because we're not used to seeing them everyday, but
04:43 to us one of my friends that's doing research on
04:45 rattlesnakes. He actually has to go hunt them
04:47 and he deals with them from day to day,
04:49 but his stress level is very low when
04:51 he sees a rattlesnake. He knows how to deal
04:52 with it, he knows how to determine
04:54 which kind it is, so stress is something
04:57 in our mind that's perceived and how much
05:00 control we have over it. So, a lot of people,
05:03 the same stress for you may not be the same
05:05 stress for me or the same stress that
05:07 you maybe having may not be the one I have,
05:09 and the one I have may not be the same one you
05:11 have, but so it's something that
05:13 we perceive in different, different ways.
05:15 Yeah, the perception is very important
05:18 and how the person sees the situation,
05:21 so if you see the situation as something that
05:24 will hurt you then you start having the effects
05:29 of the hormones on that. If the situation
05:32 is not hurtful, so you is not, what is the
05:36 stress for you might not be for me
05:38 and I have another picture there that tells the
05:43 Bible story about Balaam and he was a prophet that
05:48 we know they started since we were kids
05:52 and then Balaam was running, riding his donkey
05:57 and the donkey was pressing his legs to the,
06:01 to the walls there and, and then he was
06:07 spanking the donkey several times and then all of a
06:11 sudden he figured out that the donkey was not
06:15 going ahead because there was an
06:17 angel ready to kill Balaam.
06:19 Right. So, then he looks like his eyes
06:21 were open and then he could see the
06:25 big picture and that's the word that we use
06:27 in stress. You have to try to see
06:29 the big picture, find meaning
06:32 for the situation and try to understand
06:35 why the situation is hurting you or
06:38 why people is aggressive towards you.
06:41 So understanding is part of the issue and how
06:45 to deal with it or understanding how when
06:47 to stop it too. Speaking of donkeys,
06:50 I was reminded of zebras and zebras don't get
06:53 ulcers and some I guess it was a veterinary or
06:57 somebody that studied zebra that noticed this is
06:58 interesting we never did a biopsy or studied a
07:02 zebra that had ulcers, so they did more
07:04 research on it and they noticed that zebras
07:06 like most other animals, cows or most other
07:09 ones when most of the day they're spending
07:12 eating and grazing on grass and they are not
07:14 stressed, they are happy zebras or happy cows
07:16 and but that doesn't mean they always live that
07:19 way, when there is a lion or a predator or something
07:22 comes to them they get stressed
07:23 and the brain chemistry flows in and they start
07:26 running and escaping that danger.
07:28 So they need the stress to survive,
07:30 but they don't live under that thought of
07:33 oh, there is that lion or that predator
07:35 all the time. Yeah, that's how we often times
07:37 live under constant stress, so what are some
07:40 of the consequences of living under
07:43 constant stress, what may happen
07:45 to the mind or the body.
07:47 Yes, I believe on one or on another way
07:52 all the diseases can be consequence or can be
07:56 a cause of stress, so when you have a disease
07:59 that affects you, you develop stress
08:03 a reaction of the disease. When you have
08:06 stress because of something else
08:08 then this will create increase the risk of
08:12 that disease and as you mentioned in the
08:14 beginning that those disease can be
08:16 a reaction or an overreaction
08:20 of the immune system. So allergies,
08:24 even asthma or arthritis are related
08:27 somehow to this overreaction of the
08:31 immune system and then there is, there is a
08:33 suppression of the immune system because
08:36 of one hormone called cortisol,
08:39 then you have high risk of infections
08:42 when you are under chronic
08:44 constant stress in your life.
08:46 And that's why we are trying to avoid that
08:48 constant chronic levels. There are some
08:53 practical ways now we may want to talk about
08:55 well you may be viewing and saying I
08:57 know exactly what you're talking about,
08:59 I live under that constant stress, I am
09:01 always thinking of the what if and what if
09:03 might happen or not happen and what can I do,
09:06 what are some of the practical things
09:08 that we can incorporate in our lives.
09:09 How do we deal with stress?
09:11 Well, I think the first point is to assess
09:15 what kind of stress you have or how is stress
09:19 is affecting you, so you should check if the
09:22 stress is from work, is from friends, is
09:25 from your family, internal stress or
09:29 if the stress is caused by your behavior
09:32 or if your stress is caused by the environment,
09:35 so a good stress assessment
09:38 is fundamental, the first step.
09:40 Perhaps you could describe a piece of
09:42 paper and write down how this stress
09:46 why and so listing the things that stress it
09:48 or ask somebody to interview you, why
09:51 you stress, yes, and that would help you figure out
09:52 what's going on.
09:54 Yeah, the first question that we ask
09:56 is that do you have time to do all the things
09:58 that you wanna do in your life and then
10:01 we have a clear first question and then
10:07 we go over and see what else is
10:10 the things that are competing, competing
10:13 with that for that time, yeah. That special time.
10:16 And then once we make the list
10:17 and we find okay these are my causes,
10:19 where do we follow with that.
10:22 Well, we have the second and the third point.
10:25 The second is try to neutralize
10:28 the stressors and the term and the third would be
10:31 how to deal with the consequences when you
10:34 cannot neutralize the stressors. The
10:37 stressors are those things that cause
10:40 us or hurt us or create the situation,
10:44 the reaction. So all the things that
10:46 happen should be the stress, so how
10:49 can we modify them and manipulate
10:52 them and so some of them you can, some
10:54 of them you cannot like if you are,
10:57 if your problem is with time, so we ask
11:01 the person to fill up a sheet with all the
11:05 activities that a person does and then we can
11:08 somehow identify gaps of time that he is losing
11:12 or lack of further activities that he should do
11:17 on that and then organize his life on that.
11:20 Make a schedule in other words, exactly,
11:22 well this is taking too long or this is
11:24 I could use some more time here or
11:25 this one activity really stresses me out, maybe
11:28 I can add some more time before or during
11:30 and take some out of this, so organizing
11:33 life is one way to deal with consequences,
11:37 what's causing it.
11:39 Yeah, we are talking about the stressors
11:41 first still and then there are other things,
11:44 improve communications, sometimes we have a
11:46 problem in work because we don't say the
11:49 right word or we say the wrong word
11:52 and we don't listen to people or we mind read
11:56 and before you say something I know you
11:58 are against me and then this creates
12:00 a big stress in the work cycle.
12:04 Right. So, we should work on that,
12:07 we still working in the stressors.
12:10 Okay. Another one is priorities,
12:13 check what is your main priority in life.
12:16 I have asking in stress seminars
12:19 mostly I got three answers when they
12:22 say put the three main priorities or the main
12:24 priorities and then this goes around God,
12:27 family, and work and they go around
12:31 these. Okay and then, you're saying list
12:34 whatever is number 1 number 2 number 3,
12:37 your priorities. Yeah. And then focus all your
12:40 daily schedule, your activities according to
12:43 those priority. Yeah, I remember one
12:45 person put home as the main priority,
12:48 then I have started exploring with him
12:51 and then we got that he didn't spent
12:54 any time with his family and say what's
12:56 going on here, you put home and you don't
12:59 have time for well, but I have to work
13:01 to make a lot of money to provide for my
13:03 family. You see, well, I think we
13:06 have to think about that better, because
13:08 it's not if you are absent you cannot help your
13:12 home or your family as much if you are present
13:16 there and try to raise your kids and try to raise your
13:20 family in a good environment.
13:22 Right.So, you cannot be outside
13:24 them and thinking that you are putting
13:26 as a priority and so we try to change
13:29 I mean the way to prioritize things in
13:31 life. And it almost sounds like this might
13:33 take so much time that, that even would be
13:35 stressful to try to organize, but it
13:37 would be a good investment because
13:39 taking some time and organizing
13:41 what are my priorities, what's causing
13:43 me stress, where's it coming from
13:44 and try to build the strategic plan would
13:47 have long-term beneficial effects,
13:50 we still had one more. Yeah, the second,
13:53 I mean the third level, we did assessment,
13:55 we checked the stressors, now we will
13:57 deal with the consequence and when I am
14:00 talking about consequence is when a person
14:03 is working like you have a boss that
14:06 you don't appreciate much, but you
14:08 cannot change, you need to keep your job
14:11 and you have to maintain your income,
14:14 but you still have the situation.
14:17 The boss does not like you
14:18 or you don't like the boss, what can
14:20 you do, so we advice that a person
14:23 in that situation develops activities
14:27 that will counteract the stress that we call
14:31 parasympathetic activities. Parasympathetic.
14:37 Yes. Okay, please break that down or
14:39 explain it a little bit. Well,
14:41 when you are under stress
14:42 you stimulate, you put to work
14:46 the sympathetic system that has
14:49 adrenaline, cortisol, noradrenaline,
14:53 epinephrine, some hormones that will
14:56 create all of these reactions in your body,
15:01 yeah. So the parasympathetic mostly
15:06 has one substance called acetylcholine.
15:08 Acetylcholine is the substance that will
15:11 counteract these hormones and will bring
15:14 down the blood pressure, bring down the heart
15:16 rate, bring down the blood sugar, so
15:18 this is what I mean, we have to accelerate
15:23 or activate the parasympathetic system.
15:27 To bring that homeostasis to that
15:29 normality back, exactly, yes.
15:30 What are the things that activate this
15:33 system, the parasympathetic system is the one
15:36 that happens when you go to a concert
15:38 and you are classical music concert and in two
15:43 minutes you are sleepy. So why is that
15:47 is because the sympathetic system is
15:50 activated and then brings everything
15:52 down and relaxes you, so we have to find
15:55 those activities that really produce
15:58 relaxation. And it may not always
16:00 be classical music that is what's bringing the
16:03 relaxation to you, maybe it's doing art
16:06 work or going to the beach and just sitting and
16:09 listening to the waves and the birds.
16:10 Being out in nature, all these things
16:13 can really help bringing the sympathetic
16:17 into activating and bringing everything
16:19 back to normal. Perfect, that's what
16:21 we and then massage, Jacuzzi, reading
16:26 a good book that is relaxing, all of the
16:29 activities are important for those that
16:31 have stress. Music is one of the best,
16:35 I mean, listen to music or how about learning a
16:38 musical instrument, something that you
16:41 have the opportunity to relax
16:44 and that's the point. We can do some
16:47 techniques for that to bring relaxation,
16:49 so we can do deep breathing,
16:53 so we breathe in and count until 5 then
16:56 we breathe out and count until five.
16:58 We can do the muscle relaxation like you
17:03 contract your arms and count until five
17:06 then you relax your arms, you can do with
17:08 other muscles in the system, in the body,
17:12 right, the same thing contract for five seconds,
17:14 relax for five seconds, then you can do
17:17 your face you contract your face and make
17:19 a big face, five seconds then relax and then you
17:24 do that over and over until you sure it's the relaxation.
17:30 Training the mind. You're training the mind
17:32 to be relaxed. Relax the muscles
17:34 and the chemicals that we don't see,
17:36 but are very present and active in
17:38 the mind and that effects the rest of the body.
17:41 So, those are some practical
17:42 exercises now it's always different
17:45 for different people, so we have to
17:46 always say well this may not work
17:48 maybe us you know the music may be
17:51 a stressor for somebody, so pick up
17:54 lifting music or the soft music for that you,
17:57 makes you relax a little bit, maybe for some people
18:01 it's working on their car, mechanics
18:03 and that relaxes them. So, it's really looking
18:06 maybe making a list, so you know
18:08 okay when I'm stressed I need to do some more of
18:10 these activities. Yeah, you chose to do,
18:13 you can chose to do an exercise activity
18:16 that provides this relaxation and then
18:19 something that you have fun and then
18:23 you have both effect of the physical activity
18:26 and fun. They create something that is
18:32 called echo therapy or echo therapy,
18:39 it means that you go to nature
18:40 and then you go to nature just
18:43 to walk in nature and then this they measure the
18:47 effects of this in your stress level and to control
18:51 disease, they promote this as a parasympathetic activity,
18:56 walking in a trail, in the woods
18:59 as very beneficial for your health.
19:03 That's excellent now I'm probably thinking
19:05 somebody watching saying, well I have
19:07 no time at all for, anytime for
19:10 myself or to relax or to think of what I can
19:13 do. So I think the thing we need to do
19:16 is train our mind to be in that state and
19:19 for me personally and I think for many other people
19:22 and for yourself is finding a little bit more
19:24 trust in God or finding Bible verses
19:27 that bring that relaxation. I like the verse,
19:30 where Jesus tells us not to worry about
19:32 tomorrow, that tomorrow will worry for
19:34 itself and a lot of times we worry so much
19:36 about the future when the present has
19:39 enough to worry about and to take care of
19:41 and I like Jesus counsel of just focus on
19:44 what you can do now, what needs to be done
19:47 now and let me take care of the future.
19:48 Yeah in fact people are afraid of the
19:52 future and they hence and chose they have
19:55 anxiety about their future and
19:57 at the same time they are depressive
20:00 about the past, I mean what happened
20:02 in the past they are all what happened,
20:05 why did it happen to me and then what
20:09 we have is today, right, this is our obligation
20:14 and this is what is reserved for us, the
20:17 daily activities, the daily things that we have to
20:21 change or go through,
20:23 that's 24 hours or 12 hour whatever.
20:27 Right. What a beautiful promise that we
20:29 have from God that he forgives all
20:30 our sins and we don't naturally revisit them,
20:33 once they're forgiven they're done with and we
20:34 can worry about today and to know that
20:37 we don't have, you know, we just have today
20:39 guaranteed, we can't change the past,
20:41 that's you know if we have something bothering us,
20:45 let God take care of that.
20:46 You have the present and move forward
20:48 from there. Another one of my favorite
20:51 books is Philippians and Philippians 4:13,
20:54 where I can do all things through Christ,
20:56 who strengthens me. And to know that
20:58 I'm not by myself, because that stresses a lot of
21:00 people out to know that I need to do this,
21:02 I need to do that, and I become so
21:04 big and God becomes smaller and smaller
21:06 and to realize that God is our main help
21:09 and he shows us where we can get more
21:11 help also from any friends or relatives and
21:14 maybe delegating some things. Yeah on this,
21:18 on this way we can say that, we can use
21:24 these things as meditation. There are several
21:26 types of meditation nowadays, one type in
21:30 particular they ask you to go to a level that
21:33 you don't think anything, than to reach the
21:37 nothingness. I don't buy much that, it's much
21:41 better when you meditate with a mind focusing
21:44 that you are asking the supernatural, I mean,
21:48 the higher power or whatever you call God,
21:51 that will take care of your life and then you
21:56 relax because you are putting his and so is
21:58 the meditation with a very
22:00 powerful process of thinking.
22:04 Right, right, well if you read the Bible
22:06 and know that God is our creator,
22:08 that he is a creator of all things,
22:09 that he is all powerful
22:11 and that helps us realize,
22:13 well if God has all the power, then I can
22:16 trust him and I can learn to
22:17 walk in his ways and to be taken
22:20 care by him. Do you have any other
22:22 Bible verses that you would like to share?
22:23 Yeah, I have, I have another one
22:27 that is in Philippians also, that talks
22:31 about when you have, let's see if I have
22:34 here, when you have Philippians
22:37 what's the name, the number here,
22:40 4:6-7, don't be anxious about anything, but
22:46 in everything by prayer and petition,
22:48 with thanksgiving present your requests
22:50 to God. And the peace of God which
22:53 transcends all understanding will guard your
22:55 hearts and your mind in Christ Jesus.
22:57 So, again we go to the meditation
23:00 with the principle, if you have anything
23:03 that is troubling you, you are anxious,
23:06 you take that to the Lord.
23:08 He might not answer the thing that
23:11 you have that is causing the anxiety
23:13 as you want them or want him to answer.
23:17 But he will give you the peace and that's what
23:19 we need. So, well if I have to accept
23:22 something give me that peace to accept
23:24 and there is even the sovereignty prayer
23:28 that we pray to the Lord to accept the things that
23:31 we cannot change. This is a very powerful thing
23:35 for a stress accept the things that
23:37 we cannot change. And to realize that
23:40 we can't do anything about it, but God can.
23:42 Exactly, yeah, yeah.
23:43 The same verse Philippians 4:6-7
23:47 is one of my favorites also as I said
23:49 Philippians it's a very good book and I like the
23:53 part where it says and be thankful for all
23:54 things and I've tried that personally in my life,
23:57 a lot of times we look at the negative side
23:59 of things and if we learn to thank
24:01 God even say Lord I don't understand
24:03 this, but I thank you that I have the
24:05 opportunity to be living today and that you have
24:08 a plan and that you have the power.
24:10 And to start thanking him that the stress
24:12 and that's our perceiving becomes less and less and
24:15 I just you know want everybody to
24:18 enjoy the blessings that God has for us,
24:21 because we know we live in a sinful world,
24:23 there is plenty of negative things and there is
24:25 too much to do all the time, but to
24:28 realize that we are limited God is the only one who
24:30 is unlimited, he has all the power and all the
24:32 strength and to really put ourselves in
24:34 this hands and to realize that
24:37 we can learn some things from the animals too,
24:39 from the zebras and the cows, which they learn to
24:42 when you know things that can't change they
24:44 don't worry about, you know and we've been
24:47 given the capability to think and to reason and
24:49 to know that we can live, learn a little bit from this.
24:53 That's why if you put this in a context
24:57 of stress and spirituality you can say
25:00 that the stress is when the enemy
25:03 put things in your life to deter you
25:06 from God. So if we use this mechanism,
25:11 the solution is to go back to the Lord
25:13 and I like the verse in Matthew,
25:17 in John 16:33, that we say,
25:21 I have told you these things, so that in
25:24 me you have peace. In this world you
25:27 will have trouble. But I overcome the world.
25:30 I put here in the world, you will have
25:35 stress, not trouble, stress. Umm! Umm!
25:37 He was preparing us for that, in the
25:40 world you will have stress, but
25:42 take heart, trust in me, I have overcame
25:46 the world and so that's the point.
25:49 We have to remember the three
25:52 priorities, we have to go back
25:54 to the main priority that I would say
25:57 is God. People say well, but I have
26:00 to work and I have to take care of my family.
26:03 Once you put God first, the other two
26:07 will come along, the other two will be
26:09 a part of that because God will guide
26:11 you to take care of your job and to take
26:14 care of your family. Exactly, and I think
26:18 that's where our topic for today's stress centers on
26:20 God, because even Jesus said you will have
26:23 trouble like you told us and told our
26:25 listeners, but to expect the troubles, to know that
26:29 you know they will be there as long as we live,
26:31 it's like knowing and learning how to drive
26:35 and knowing that you have a brake pedal or something
26:37 crosses a road that you can slow down and
26:39 learn to use that sometimes, to slow down,
26:41 go around the troubles or go around our
26:44 issues that are dealing with us and always with God's
26:46 guidance, always with God's help
26:48 and that will help us through,
26:49 through these hard times.
26:51 Another thing is that
26:53 what happened to Balaam is that
26:55 he didn't see the big picture,
26:57 with God he will be able or he will make
27:01 you able to see a little more
27:03 what is happening around. So for many
27:06 situations that you are in being with
27:09 the Lord will clear your, open your eyes
27:12 to see what is going on around.
27:14 Exactly. Stress will be around us, we need to look
27:18 around, see the big picture and learn not to
27:20 live with stress constantly in our lives.
27:24 Dr. Dos Santos, I thank you for all
27:26 the good help you've given us to learn
27:28 and to deal with and cope with stress,
27:30 your knowledge and your presence has been very
27:32 helpful. Thank you so much. You are welcome,
27:34 I feel relaxed now. Thank you, thank you.
27:37 That's good, and we would just wanna thank
27:40 you for watching, for making wonderfully made
27:43 something you enjoy watching and learn
27:46 and we hope that we have been able to provide
27:49 helpful tips that you maybe able to take
27:51 from today on and apply them to your life, to know
27:54 that God is in control, that God is there to help,
27:57 that God is there to provide a plan and a way
27:59 and that he is already in the future, that he knows
28:01 all things and he has the power and the strength
28:04 to help us through all things.
28:05 Thank you very much for
28:07 watching Wonderfully Made.


Revised 2014-12-17