Wonderfully Made

High Blood Pressure

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Timothy Howe and Sheryl McWilliams


Series Code: WM

Program Code: WM000390

00:01 The following program presents principles
00:03 designed to promote good health
00:04 and is not intended to take the
00:05 place of personalized professional care.
00:08 The opinions and ideas expressed are
00:10 those of the speaker. Viewers are encouraged
00:13 to draw their own conclusions
00:14 about the information presented.
00:35 Hi, and welcome to Wonderfully Made.
00:38 My name is Sheryl McWilliams and with us
00:40 today as our guest is Dr. Timothy Howe.
00:42 Welcome Dr. Howe. Thank you Sheryl,
00:44 it's good to be with you again.
00:46 It's a wonderful opportunity
00:48 we have to talk about how the Lord has made us.
00:51 Yes, it is and he has made us well.
00:53 Yes, he has. Today, I would like to talk
00:55 with you about hypertension,
00:56 high blood pressure. I find it very interesting
00:58 that as we grow older it seems from time to time
01:02 that our blood pressure goes up.
01:03 Why is that? You know Sheryl
01:06 when I was in medical school
01:07 and that's been quite a few years ago
01:09 I'd to admit now. I was told that
01:13 a normal blood pressure is 100 plus your age.
01:17 Normal systolic that's the top number,
01:20 so if you were 60 a normal blood pressure
01:23 when I was in medical school was 160
01:27 we certainly wouldn't obey that today.
01:30 Absolutely not that's actually kind of scary,
01:32 yes it is a little frightening.
01:34 Today, we accept a much lower level
01:38 of blood pressure for being normal then
01:42 we did then. What is normal?
01:43 The Joint National Commission
01:47 on hypertension; JNC number 7 is the
01:51 seventh report they have made said that
01:53 normal blood pressure was less then 120 over 80.
01:58 Wow! When you get above 120 from 120
02:03 over 80 to 140 over 90 they call it
02:07 pre-hypertension and above 140 over 90 is clearly
02:13 hypertensive. Interesting now when
02:17 I go to the doctor they tell me my blood pressure
02:19 is you know 120 over 80 what do those numbers
02:22 really mean? 120 is the top number,
02:26 its 120 mm of mercury. The old doctors' offices
02:33 or even some of mine still has this,
02:35 has a column of mercury and it reflects
02:40 the height of the column of mercury in that tube
02:45 on the doctors valve. It's a measure of pressure,
02:49 the top number the systolic number is
02:54 when your heart contracts maximally
02:57 and it's the pressure in the artery
03:00 with heart contraction. The diastolic
03:03 or bottom number is with the heart
03:07 relaxed of course your blood pressure
03:10 doesn't go to zero between heart beats
03:12 if it did you would too, you just go down
03:16 you would go. You have to have some blood pressure
03:19 all the time if you wanna be here.
03:20 So, we have the systolic that's the top number
03:24 and the diastolic that's when the heart relaxes
03:27 and we measure the pressure in the artery
03:30 when the heart is relaxed that's the bottom number.
03:34 Okay, so is it required that the blood pressure
03:37 go up as we get older? No, it's not required.
03:40 We used to think that it was,
03:42 we thought that hardening of the arteries
03:45 was normal but now we know that's not the case
03:49 and regardless of your age
03:51 we know the following. That for every two points
03:55 your systolic blood pressure exceeds 120
04:00 your risk of having a heart attack
04:04 goes up 10 percent and your risk of having
04:09 a stroke goes up 15 percent.
04:12 Now let's do the numbers for a minute here.
04:15 Let's say you come into your doctors office,
04:17 the nurse measures your blood pressure
04:20 and she says ah that's very good today,
04:22 you are only 140/90, ah good.
04:25 I just have pre-hypertension,
04:28 oh I feel better. Wait a minute
04:30 that's 20 points of up from 120/80 divide
04:35 that 20 into an hour of 10.
04:38 If your blood pressure is 140/90
04:41 your risk of stroke is up 150 percent.
04:44 Wow! Your risk of having a heart attack
04:47 is of 100 percent, if you are 180 double it.
04:53 You know if your, so small amounts
04:57 of blood pressure change make
04:59 a big difference overall. That's so important
05:02 that we understand that normal blood pressure
05:05 is 120/80 or less. Above that we have
05:10 at additive risk all the way up.
05:13 So, it would than be wise for us to actually ask
05:17 our doctor what the value is and not just accept
05:21 though it's normal. It's so important for you
05:24 to know your blood pressure that is critical
05:28 and if you don't know your blood pressure
05:30 you should, if you have high blood pressure
05:33 get yourself a blood pressure cuff and measure
05:36 your blood pressure at home.
05:38 Now, I'll tell you that one of the mistakes
05:41 that we make in doctors offices
05:43 and you may make at home is measuring
05:46 your blood pressure just in your own time.
05:49 You know Sheryl if we were sitting here
05:51 together and into the studio rushed a gunman
05:54 and he pulled out a gun and he shot me
05:57 and I went over and then he said hands up
06:01 you are next. And then instead of shooting
06:03 you he measured your blood pressure
06:05 it would off the charts. And it should be
06:10 of course that's a normal response
06:12 your blood pressure goes up with fright
06:14 or with stress or with exercise.
06:17 And when you're measuring your blood pressure
06:19 for this level that we are talking
06:21 about the ideal you need to sitting quietly,
06:25 you need to have sat still for at least
06:28 five minutes in a calm environment.
06:31 Now, I can tell you in most doctors' office
06:34 the nurse calls your name you rush in,
06:36 you sit down, she takes your blood pressure
06:38 before you can even get your sleeve rolled up
06:40 and that's what I want you to know
06:42 you need to sit quietly for five minutes,
06:45 calmly, relax and then measure
06:47 the blood pressure. The worst thing
06:50 that I find in my medical practice is not
06:52 high blood pressure, but a blood pressure
06:54 that doesn't respond to normal activity.
06:58 If I put some on treadmill stress test
07:01 which I do quite frequently
07:02 and their blood pressure doesn't go up.
07:05 Well, they have got a sick heart
07:08 or if it starts to fall than I know
07:12 I am in a real trouble because we should have
07:14 a variable blood pressure but the number
07:17 we are talking about is you relaxed,
07:19 resting for five minutes measuring
07:23 that blood pressure and then if its above 120/80,
07:28 your risk of having a stroke or a heart attack
07:31 or another very interesting problem
07:34 is dementia; we hear a lot about that memory loss.
07:38 High blood pressure we know now is associated
07:41 with memory loss and that's the one
07:43 that it worries me, you know.
07:46 I don't want to get to the place where
07:48 I don't know who I am or who you are?
07:50 You know that's very important of course
07:52 and high blood pressure is related
07:54 to that one as well. I don't know
07:56 how many of our guests have ever had
07:58 memory issues. I certainly from
08:00 time to time lose track of things
08:03 and my blood pressure perhaps isn't
08:05 where it should be. So, this is a very good
08:07 conversation for me. You know, many of my
08:10 family members have high blood pressure
08:12 and they are faithful about taking
08:13 their medications. What are some other options
08:16 available to us to manage our blood pressure
08:19 perhaps that do not include medication
08:21 with lifestyle intervention?
08:23 First of all lets talk about medication,
08:25 medication can be very helpful
08:29 with high blood pressure and as I tell my patients
08:32 when they come in if they have high blood pressure
08:34 I want them on medicine if they don't get it down
08:39 within two or three visits naturally because
08:43 everyday that goes by that your blood pressure
08:46 is up is a day that you are at increased risk.
08:49 No question about that. I am not in favor of using
08:54 medicine as first line therapy,
08:56 I would like to decrease my use of medicine,
09:00 but medicine is a lot better
09:03 than high blood pressure. I have patients
09:05 that come in and they say oh I want to do it
09:08 naturally I say great, lets do it naturally
09:11 and so I tell them the things that they should
09:13 do to lower their blood pressure
09:14 and they comeback, they haven't done this,
09:16 they haven't done that, I say listen you got to go
09:19 on medicine. Oh, I wanna do it naturally.
09:21 Well, I want you to do it naturally too
09:24 but I want you to do something because
09:27 high blood pressure is a risk and we do have
09:29 very good medicines but here is the problem.
09:33 If you lower your blood pressure with medication
09:37 almost always you also lower your blood flow.
09:43 Ask anybody that's going on medicine
09:46 and they will tell you at least at first
09:48 and often the entire time they are on medicine
09:51 they feel a little sluggish why?
09:54 Because medicine takes the top right off
09:56 your performance. If you go on a beta-blocker
10:00 that's one type of a medicine,
10:01 it slows your heart rate. It decreases
10:05 the heart's contractility,
10:07 you don't have humph anymore.
10:10 So, not only do we decrease blood pressure
10:12 which is good, but we also decrease blood flow
10:16 and when we decrease blood flow we decrease
10:20 our performance, our physical ability
10:22 to perform work and to be active that's the problem
10:26 with blood pressure medicine.
10:27 Is not only you decrease pressure,
10:30 but you also decrease flow and ask
10:34 any gentlemen that's going on medicine
10:36 he can tell you the impotence is a problem,
10:38 why? Blood flows down, blood flow down
10:41 something else is down too and you need to remember
10:45 that medicine very helpful,
10:47 but there are problems. So, that is even
10:50 including the side effects of a medicine
10:52 and there are many drug effects,
10:54 there are problems with the
10:55 blood pressure medicines. Interesting,
10:58 so you mentioned that when a client comes in,
11:01 patient comes in, who is interested in perhaps
11:05 natural methods of lowering their
11:07 blood pressure, what are some of those
11:09 natural methods. Well, let me tell you a story.
11:11 This happened just last year.
11:12 I had a gentleman come into my practice.
11:14 He is one of my favorite patients and I have been
11:19 working on his blood pressure for a longtime.
11:22 He ate a pretty good diet.
11:23 He wasn't really overweight,
11:24 but he had a bit of a sweet tooth you know
11:27 and he was active, fairly active,
11:30 still vigorous in his seventies,
11:32 late seventies, and you know
11:35 I was just encouraging him and trying,
11:38 but he would, he want a hundred percent
11:40 with the program, and he said well I'll just
11:43 take a medicine. So we had him on medication,
11:45 and one day he came in and he had a stroke.
11:52 He was numb on the side of his face.
11:54 His hand wasn't working and he was having trouble
11:59 with the speech. And I am telling you this guy
12:02 I had his attention for the first time,
12:05 I had his full attention, and of course
12:08 we had to do something right away,
12:10 so we got the immediate problem taken care of
12:13 and unfortunately for him it was one of those
12:16 small strokes that resolves, and all of his
12:20 symptoms resolved. After they had resolved
12:22 I sat him down, and I talk to him,
12:24 and I said now tell me what did you do?
12:27 You know, how people sometimes
12:30 are little hesitant, they don't want to tell you
12:32 what they have done. And I said alright now
12:34 come tell me. He said alright this is what
12:36 happened. He said I was out working with my son.
12:40 His son is a cabinet maker and I was helping
12:44 him build things, and he said I didn't get a chance
12:47 to eat all day long. And I didn't drink
12:51 a lot of water, and I just kept working.
12:53 And when I got home I was so hungry,
12:56 he said and my wife would just made a
12:59 pan of brownies and I ate the whole thing.
13:03 He said and then he went to bed,
13:05 and he woke up with the stroke.
13:07 Well you know I talk to him, I said now listen
13:12 we are going to have to make some changes
13:15 and these are the changes I want you to make
13:18 and we will see how your blood pressures goes.
13:20 And I said now I can't stop your medicine
13:22 because if we stop your medicine right away
13:25 and your blood pressure goes up,
13:26 and you have another stroke
13:27 then we are in trouble. But we will watch you
13:30 closely and as your blood pressure is coming down
13:32 then we will decrease your medicine.
13:35 And he said well what are they,
13:37 I want to do them. Well I said oh good,
13:39 I hope you don't have to have a stroke to listen
13:41 to your doctor, but you know if you do
13:43 we will take it, right. So, I said no added salt,
13:47 none, no added salt. He said that's easy,
13:51 I don't use much now anyway. And then I said
13:54 I want you to walk thirty to sixty minutes
13:57 everyday. And I want you to cut out all sweets.
14:01 He said oh my wife makes the best, you know,
14:05 name what you like. I said you just try this
14:08 for two weeks, that's all two weeks,
14:10 no added sugar, none, no salt, and walk
14:16 and one more just for him although
14:18 there are some others, other people could do,
14:20 I want you to drink eight glasses of water a day.
14:23 So he did it, no added sugar, none at all.
14:27 He came back four days later and he said
14:32 you know I am having trouble,
14:33 I am having trouble. I said what
14:35 your trouble is. He said when I stand up,
14:37 I get light headed, and I almost pass out.
14:40 So, I said well sit down let's measure
14:43 your blood pressure, so I pumped his cuff up,
14:46 I measured his blood pressure,
14:47 his pressure was 110/60. I said well time to cut
14:52 your medicine down, so we cut it in half.
14:54 He came back a week later, I am still having
14:58 the same symptoms, I stopped his medicine.
15:00 He has been off it ever since.
15:02 He has been careful with his diet,
15:05 his blood pressure is right normal.
15:07 What was pushing his blood pressure up,
15:10 sugar because see sugar does an interesting thing.
15:15 Sugar when taken in excess; now see sugar is
15:19 what we really want, we like sugar,
15:21 our bodies runs on sugar. Some people say you know
15:25 sugar is bad for you, that's like me saying
15:28 gasoline is bad for your car,
15:30 it's not bad for your car, it's what your car needs,
15:33 but it needs at the right amount so do as our body,
15:36 and we take refine sugar we get too much.
15:38 So I said all refine sugar out,
15:41 and he was eating too much refined sugar
15:43 that was pushing his insulin level up,
15:46 and insulin raises the blood pressure
15:49 and it does some other interesting things.
15:51 It makes the blood more sticky;
15:54 so it clots more easily and that's why
15:57 he had a stroke. He had that load of sugar,
15:59 his blood pressure was up all from insulin
16:03 and his blood was too sticky, and it will clot
16:06 just like that and have a stroke.
16:08 Fortunately for him it went away.
16:10 Wow, so I am sure that many of you like sugar,
16:15 I certainly do. I understand that
16:18 by eating well, not too much refined sugar,
16:22 we can help to bring down our blood pressure,
16:24 you mentioned water. What effect is that
16:27 have on blood pressure? I'll come back to that,
16:29 let's talk about sugar just a minute, you know,
16:31 sugar thing is part of humanity.
16:34 If you take a little baby and instead of giving
16:38 the mother's breast like you should,
16:39 you put sugar water in the bottle
16:41 and you give him two bottles,
16:44 one with fifty percent sugar
16:45 and one with ten percent. They will suck
16:48 a lot harder on the fifty percent sugar
16:51 right from birth. So we like sweet things,
16:54 its part of our very nature,
16:56 but we need to moderate our diets just because
17:00 you want something doesn't mean its good for you,
17:02 and that's so important for us
17:05 to keep in our minds. So, we all like sweets.
17:08 How about water? Well you know one of the medicines
17:13 that we give people is diuretics.
17:16 Diuretics waste salt, they make your body
17:21 excrete salt in the urine and when you excrete salt
17:25 your blood pressure comes down.
17:28 You can do the same thing with water.
17:31 Water is a natural diuretic,
17:34 the more you drink the lower your
17:37 blood pressure goes. Now you can overdo it.
17:40 There are people they have a problem
17:43 and they drink too much water.
17:45 We call it psychogenic polydipsia that means
17:49 you are crazy and you drink too much.
17:51 Now really that's what it means
17:52 psychogenic polydipsia. You got to drink
17:55 a couple of gallons a day to pull that off,
17:58 but it is doable and then the salt in your body,
18:01 the serum sodium drops, and when it drops too low
18:05 then when you stand up you pass out,
18:07 you know because it drops like the man
18:10 whose blood pressure because
18:11 he was on medicine and he was started to live
18:14 a good diet, his blood pressure dropped too low,
18:17 these people do the same. This actually happened
18:20 to me when my husband and I lived in the Middle East
18:22 for a number of years, and it was really hot
18:25 there and I drank a tremendous
18:27 amount of water, my sodium level did in fact
18:29 go down and I began to get lightheaded.
18:31 I had no idea it was related to the
18:33 amount of water that I was drinking.
18:35 Here on the other hand, I don't drink enough.
18:39 Runners have this problem occasionally too.
18:42 They will go out and run a marathon
18:44 and they will drink too much water,
18:47 and then they have a problem and they get
18:50 hyponatremia low sodium and that can be
18:52 very dangerous. Most of us don't come
18:55 anywhere near that. How much water
18:58 should you drink? An easy way to figure it is this
19:01 if you weigh a hundred pounds you should have
19:03 six glasses of water a day.
19:05 For every twenty five pounds over that,
19:08 had a glass, so if you are two hundred,
19:10 ten, if you are one fifty, eight, one hundred, six.
19:15 And if you do that and eat a normal diet,
19:18 you will never have a problem with hyponatremia
19:21 low sodium, and you will lower your blood pressure.
19:24 Very important to drink adequate water.
19:26 It's even more important than salt restriction,
19:29 but if you do both I am not saying eliminate
19:32 all salt, that's not good, but avoid
19:35 the salty foods, avoid salt on the table,
19:39 the salt shaker, and have adequate water,
19:42 you will do really well with your blood pressure.
19:44 So we have talked about sugar,
19:46 we have talked about salt,
19:48 we have talked about water,
19:49 what other natural factors can help to lower
19:53 our blood pressure. Another factor
19:55 that's very important is eating foods
19:59 that are rich in potassium because
20:01 potassium is the balancing mineral
20:04 for sodium, and if you have too much sodium
20:08 and not enough potassium your blood pressure
20:10 goes up. If you increase your potassium intake
20:13 you get a balance that allows the muscle cells
20:17 in the blood vessels to relax better,
20:19 you relax those blood vessels. See most of us
20:22 think of blood vessels as like lead pipes,
20:24 they are just there, they don't move,
20:26 the don't do anything, that's not true,
20:28 blood vessels are living structures.
20:30 You know it's interesting if you look intensely
20:34 at a picture that's very detailed within seconds
20:38 the blood flow to the occipital cortex
20:41 that's where your sight cortex is increases
20:44 by 30 to 50 percent, wow, because some
20:47 blood vessels constrict and others relax.
20:50 Our blood vessels are very alive
20:53 and so if we balance that lowering the sodium,
20:56 raising the potassium it relaxes
20:59 the blood vessels, and eating a diet
21:02 that's rich in potassium really helps us
21:05 in lowering our blood pressure.
21:06 So eating those bananas on a regular basis
21:09 are pretty good. Bananas are certainly one of them,
21:12 bananas are rich in potassium, sour oranges,
21:15 they are rich in potassium, potatoes,
21:18 good old white potatoes are very rich in
21:21 potassium, mushrooms have quite a bit
21:24 of potassium in them, beans do,
21:26 all of those fresh fruit is the one to go
21:30 for though. Apples are wonderful for you,
21:33 they don't have as much potassium
21:34 but they are still wonderful fruit,
21:37 but almost all the other fruits are very rich
21:39 in potassium. So one of the things
21:42 I have in my patients do if their
21:43 blood pressure is up, as I say three pieces
21:46 of fruit a day and it will help your blood pressure,
21:48 and it certainly does. Interesting,
21:51 I know in my lifestyle I don't get as much
21:54 physical activity as I should. What role does
21:57 physical activity play in helping to control
21:59 one's blood pressure? Physical activity
22:02 is very important, you remember the gentleman
22:04 who had the stroke, what did I tell him to do?
22:06 Thirty to sixty minutes a day of walking.
22:09 I am sure there are some types of exercises
22:12 that won't lower your blood pressure,
22:14 I am not sure going to disco where the music
22:18 was loud and you are jumping around to that
22:20 stuff would lower your blood pressure,
22:21 you want exercise that's relaxing,
22:24 that's enjoyable, that will lower
22:28 your blood pressure the best walking,
22:30 working in your garden is excellent, lawn work.
22:34 When I was in medical school I had a classmate,
22:37 he was from another country and I was talking
22:41 with him one day about exercise.
22:43 He said you know America is such a funny country.
22:46 He says the only place in the world that
22:48 I have ever been where they will pay
22:50 someone else to mow their lawns,
22:51 so they can go jogging. You know pushing
22:54 that lawn mower is exercise and it's even
22:58 more exercise if you have one of those real ones
23:00 that you know you have to provide the power
23:03 for instead of the electric one,
23:06 but exercise moving, moving is what we need.
23:11 Oh, yeah you can get an exercise machine
23:13 that's fine, you can get a treadmill that's fine,
23:16 but I think exercise in the out of doors where
23:19 there is fresh air, where there is relaxation,
23:22 where you can deep breathes
23:23 really is the best to lower your blood pressure.
23:27 And the way it does it is your body is really
23:30 clever you know, you are wonderfully made, yes.
23:33 And if you go out and exercise,
23:35 you are pushing more blood through
23:37 those blood vessels. Your body says,
23:40 I guess he is gonna use these blood vessels
23:43 we better take care of them, it's sort of like
23:46 the roads that you drive on you know if nobody
23:49 drives on the road eventually
23:50 they let it decay and you get potholes
23:53 and this and that. More traffic
23:55 that drives on the road, the town comes along
23:58 and says we got the problem here,
23:59 we got a lot more traffic, we are gonna
24:00 have to repair this road, body does the same.
24:04 The more traffic on the blood vessels,
24:06 the more you use them with exercise,
24:08 the body says well we better make this work
24:12 better and so it enlarges the blood vessel
24:14 and it improves the blood flow,
24:17 the blood pressure drops. Remember with medication
24:21 the blood pressure drops, but so does the
24:23 blood flow with exercise the blood pressure drops,
24:27 and the blood flow comes up.
24:29 So your ability to do work, your well being,
24:34 your sense of energy actually increases
24:37 with exercise where as with medicine
24:39 it goes down. So being mindful about the amount
24:42 of water that we drink, the amount of
24:45 refined sugar that we consume,
24:47 our physical activity perhaps useful labor
24:50 is helpful. It certainly is useful labor is my
24:54 favorite thing to do. I would rather go chop wood
24:57 than lift weights. I was out talking with
25:01 my father-in-law just a few days ago.
25:03 He is 87 and he still out there working everyday
25:08 and he said let me show you what I do
25:10 for exercise. He is repairing a road
25:12 that goes out to his garden and he had
25:15 a pile of rocks there and he picked up a rock
25:18 about this big around and he picked it up
25:21 and he smashed it down on the ground,
25:23 and you know it broke, and then he picked up
25:25 the pieces and filled the potholes.
25:27 Well that's lifting weights and if you are 87
25:30 and can lift rocks like this and smash them,
25:33 that's useful labor, and you know the road
25:35 to the barn looks pretty good. That's wonderful,
25:38 what role does stress play in blood pressure?
25:41 Oh, stress plays a big role, remember
25:43 what I told you if someone came in here
25:45 and shot me and then he said you are next,
25:47 instead of shooting he took your blood pressure
25:49 it would be sky high, why is that?
25:51 Well as soon as you get stressed,
25:53 your adrenal glands and there are little glands
25:56 that sit right on top of your kidneys,
25:58 they secrete, they squeeze down,
26:01 and they secrete hormones, epinephrine,
26:04 norepinephrine immediately your pupils
26:07 dilate, your heart rate goes up,
26:09 and your blood vessels constrict like this,
26:12 and you get ready to run. Well you know
26:15 if this was 100, 200 years ago when someone
26:19 was behind you and says stick them up
26:22 and you had to run or you will be already
26:25 to run, but know you are in the office
26:28 and your boss says more work,
26:30 why don't you do a good job,
26:31 there is no where to run, and so we get all
26:35 those hormones ready for fight or fly,
26:37 and we don't know what to do with them,
26:39 and they turn inward and burn us up
26:42 rather than us burning them up,
26:43 and the best way to deal with stress is exercise
26:47 because it allows you to work those chemicals
26:51 out of your body. You know it's very important
26:54 for us to just relax a bit.
26:57 Meditation is wonderful, there are two kinds of
27:01 meditation of course there is
27:02 Eastern meditation that focuses on nothingness,
27:05 emptying the minds, and there is
27:07 Western meditation where we focus on a loving God.
27:11 You want relaxation; you want your blood pressure
27:14 to come down focus on the God that loves you.
27:18 It's so very important, more important
27:21 than anything else. It will solve
27:24 your blood pressure problems,
27:26 if you just do that. So, blood pressure
27:31 and our spirituality are connected.
27:34 They are, you can't separate the mind
27:37 and the body; they are one. Thank you Dr. Howe
27:42 and thank you audience for joining us,
27:44 I know there are many of us who have
27:45 blood pressure issues; myself on occasion
27:47 as well. So what I have learned is that
27:50 I need to be mindful of my stress
27:52 and I need to be mindful of the amount of sugar
27:54 that I consume, and the amount of water
27:56 that I consume of my overall lifestyle
27:59 as a whole, and then by paying attention to
28:02 those things and putting my life
28:03 in the hands of Christ my blood pressure
28:06 perhaps can be controlled.
28:07 Absolutely, very good, thank you.


Revised 2014-12-17