Wonderfully Made

Getting People Moving (Exercise)

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Daniel Miller, James Marcum


Series Code: WM

Program Code: WM000366

00:35 PRAISE GOD... for I am fearfully and wonderfully made!
00:39 I want to thank you for tuning in to "Wonderfully Made" today
00:43 My name is Jim Marcum and I'm a cardiologist with the
00:45 Chattanooga Heart Institute
00:47 And I know there are a lot of things you could be doing
00:49 with your time today, and I want to thank you, personally,
00:52 for joining in to learning more about our bodies
00:55 Today's topic is on exercise.
00:58 We're not just going to explore the ins and outs of exercise,
01:01 we're going to get at why people that know exercise
01:04 is so good... what are some of the reasons
01:06 they don't exercise.
01:08 With me today, I have Dan Miller
01:11 And Dan, I want to thank you for joining us today... Thank you
01:14 Dan Miller is a businessman in the Chattanooga area,
01:18 and he's also a healthcare consumer
01:21 And, I think it's always very interesting to have
01:24 a nonmedical person discuss some of these issues
01:27 because I think it sort of takes it home to our
01:29 listening audience
01:30 And, Dan, I heard that you have just bought a treadmill
01:34 What led you to that decision?
01:36 Besides the fact that a good friend of mine kept
01:40 harassing me about buying one...
01:42 I had gotten to the point in my life...
01:45 I'm 44 years old, with 2 children, married
01:50 and I had gotten to the point in my life
01:53 where I had quit exercising
01:55 Our life was so busy, that I did not have time for
01:58 exercise in my life
02:00 And so, we went out and purchased a treadmill
02:04 specifically to give me the capability of exercising
02:12 in our house... not having to go somewhere
02:15 ...first thing in the morning, you get up and do it
02:18 and take care of it, then you can finish your day
02:20 and not have to worry about anything as far as scheduling
02:23 Now do you think you're being a little bit too hard on
02:26 yourself saying that you gave up an exercise program
02:29 because it's not so much exercising, it the movement
02:31 Were you not moving at all?
02:33 It's the movement that counts during the day.
02:35 You do, but you don't get as much cardiovascular...
02:42 Yes, movement is a good way to look at it
02:45 but cardiovascular-wise, I was not getting
02:48 anything from that standpoint
02:50 I heard of a company recently that they saw all their
02:53 employees keep gaining weight and become more healthy
02:56 and they had to pay these insurance plans
02:58 And what they did was they moved their parking lot
03:00 about a quarter of a mile away and FORCED their employees
03:04 to walk in everyday, as a source of lowering their
03:07 insurance premiums... A good idea!
03:08 Lots of good ideas...
03:09 And we're going to talk today about this topic...
03:12 Why people don't exercise?
03:14 An interesting statistic I would like to throw out there today
03:17 is there was a study done not too long ago
03:21 ...and I think researchers at the University of Tennessee
03:24 somewhere did this study
03:25 And they measured how many steps different groups
03:29 of people took in a day... as movement, as exercise. Right
03:32 And what got them interested in this, is through the years
03:34 Americans have walked less and less
03:37 And I'm not sure if that's the case if you're watching
03:40 worldwide, but as cultures have become Westernized,
03:43 people drive their cars... Right
03:45 They have things to mechanically do things...
03:47 they don't move as much.
03:49 Even at the store, we don't move as much.
03:52 So they did this study, and they found out that in the Amish
03:55 An Amish man in the course of the day,
03:58 took an average of 18,000 steps...
04:02 18,000 steps is what they took in a day... doing whatever
04:05 And this is a group that really they don't depend on
04:09 Westernized machineries or things like that
04:12 And then they compared it to a United States man
04:15 And guess how many, an average United States man
04:18 took in a day? 1,500...
04:20 Well, it was a little bit more than that...
04:21 They came in at 5,000
04:23 So, but that's nearly 3 times more movement
04:27 in a day, and it just amazed me at that
04:31 And I think today, everyone knows about exercise,
04:34 and that fact that it's good for you
04:36 But we're going to explore what it takes to motivate
04:39 a person to actually get up and DO something
04:43 Now what was the final straw that said...
04:46 "I'm going to get up and do it?"
04:48 And is it something you can do at once,
04:50 or is it sort of you are evolving into this?
04:52 Well, for myself, it was kind of interesting because
04:58 we live out in the country...
05:01 we've got a long driveway,
05:03 and I would be pulling our trash out to put it out every week
05:08 Oh, you didn't carry it out...
05:10 By the time I get up to the end of the driveway,
05:13 I'm out of breath
05:15 So, you know, just things like that
05:18 REALLY start making you wonder
05:20 if you are exercising enough
05:22 And, you know, when you're panting all the way back
05:25 it's a pretty sure indicator that you're not getting
05:28 enough cardiovascular exercise
05:30 Sure, so that's a good indicator Can't breathe... Right
05:33 We've collected a bunch of questions about exercise
05:38 from all over the place, and we're going to answer
05:41 some of these people's questions specifically
05:44 focusing on how do we get people moving more... Right
05:47 And our first question is from Patti in Nebraska... Okay
05:52 She says, "I've heard that exercise can lower your
05:56 blood pressure... Is there any truth to that?"
05:59 Absolutely! And I think one of the first things we need to do
06:03 is... we need to view exercise as treatment
06:07 It's treatment for blood pressure
06:08 It's treatment for diabetes
06:10 It's treatment for depression, overweight... Exactly
06:12 It's treatment for everything
06:14 A recent study in the "Archives Internal Medicine"
06:17 compared taking an antidepressant with exercise
06:20 And the people that did exercise had much better levels
06:24 You know, and with the medication,
06:25 that changes the chemicals in the body... Right
06:28 Well, so does exercise!
06:29 Let me show the first graphic that we have today
06:32 about exercise...
06:34 The benefits of exercise... these are just a few...
06:38 1. They lower the blood pressure, and they make
06:39 a substance go up that's very helpful.. those are "endorphins"
06:43 Those are the feel-good euphoric substances that happen
06:47 They decrease your LDL cholesterol.. that's the bad one
06:51 They increase the HDL cholesterol
06:53 It's helpful to diabetics, it decreases obesity,
06:59 AND, it's a treatment for depression/anxiety
07:01 So, Patti, exercise not only lowers your blood pressure,
07:06 but does many other things including the immune system
07:09 It makes it stronger, lowers the risk of breast, prostate,
07:12 and colon cancer
07:13 And it makes another substance go up called "nitrous oxide"
07:18 Now nitrous oxide is a very valuable substance that
07:21 helps prevent heart attacks,
07:22 and it helps make the arteries bigger, so it's very helpful
07:25 And we get all of that, just by exercising... Right
07:28 Now you couldn't take a pill with that many good chemicals
07:31 in it, could you? I can't imagine
07:33 Now side effects, there are side effects to exercise
07:35 Now you started your exercise program...
07:36 What are the side effects?
07:37 Let's see, joint pain... I was very sore,
07:44 extremely sore for the first week
07:46 I got to the point where I didn't even WANT to exercise
07:50 the next day, because I was so sore,
07:53 and it was hard to get started.
07:57 You know, everyone says after you exercise,
08:00 did you feel the chemicals change in your body
08:02 Did you have that endorphins...
08:03 Did you feel like relaxed-feeling, the euphoria
08:07 that comes on people after they exercise?
08:09 Did you actually have that?
08:10 I think I had the exhaustion that came with going
08:13 3 or 4 miles to start off with
08:14 ...So I kind of started out too much, too fast
08:18 But, yes, I did... it made you feel really good
08:20 and very positive about yourself and makes you feel
08:23 like you've accomplished something. And you did.. Right
08:26 Let's move on to the next question here...
08:28 The next question comes from Miranda, in South Carolina
08:32 and she says, "The gym I go to recommends exercising
08:38 30 minutes 3 times a week, is this correct?"
08:42 Well exercise is movement, movement is exercise
08:48 It doesn't necessarily have to be on a Stairmaster
08:50 It can be walking chairs... It can be pushing
08:52 It can be doing lots of different things
08:54 But 30 minutes 3 times a week, Miranda, that's good!
08:57 But what we're recommending now...
08:59 is according to where you want to go
09:01 ...30 minutes every day would be a minimum of where we want to go
09:04 Now, why is it EVERY DAY?
09:06 Well, if we're thinking of exercising like a medication
09:09 or chemicals...
09:11 ...we lose the effective exercise after a period of time
09:14 That's why we need to do a little bit of exercise every day
09:16 Now, of course, as we build up exercise, we can actually
09:21 improve our physiology, even greater than this
09:24 But I'm starting out with telling people...
09:26 Let's work up to 30 minutes every day
09:28 Does it matter WHAT they're doing?
09:30 No... Just something Or movement... Right
09:33 Swimming, walking...
09:34 We have people in a wheelchair that just move their arms
09:36 because, remember, it's increasing the heart rate
09:39 that we see the beneficial effects
09:42 And if you're not exercising now it takes, what? 30 days to
09:44 create a consistent cycle
09:48 Oh, it's a habit like any habit
09:52 You get in a good habit... Right
09:54 All righty, our next question is from Roy, in Rhode Island
10:02 He says, "Dr. Marcum, I know exercise is good,
10:05 but I just cannot make it to the gym"... That's typical
10:11 "I need help motivating myself. "
10:13 "I pray, but I still am not exercising. "
10:16 "Do you have any suggestions?"
10:19 Well, I have a few suggestions, Roy...
10:22 First of all, you know, you don't necessarily have
10:26 to go to the gym... if it's going to the gym you want to
10:29 You can come up with an exercise program at home
10:31 For instance, what I've been doing is.. I walk on a treadmill
10:35 while I watch a video, or have a devotion
10:37 You can get 2 things done at once... Right
10:40 Exercise can be... including parking your car
10:42 further away from where you have to go, and walking into work
10:46 It could be walking the stairs instead of taking the elevators
10:50 There are a lot of different forms, so don't box yourself in,
10:53 Roy, just thinking you have to go to the gym.
10:55 The second thing I would sort of move you toward is
10:59 see exercise as part of being a good steward of what
11:02 God has given you... Your body. Exactly!
11:05 God has given us a body as a gift, and He expects us to
11:08 take care of it. Really, it's an expectation
11:11 It's our responsibility. Correct!
11:13 You wouldn't leave the house without having your kids
11:16 looked at, would you Dan? No. You would make arrangements!
11:19 Well, the same with your body... This body is given to us
11:21 We have to make some arrangements...
11:23 And sort of make that mental picture...
11:25 You know, every day it's expected of me as part of
11:27 what I do... is to exercise, and start SOMEWHERE!
11:31 And try to stick with it
11:32 And as you do this, continue to pray
11:35 Why do you think prayer is important?
11:37 Well... Can we get power, you know?
11:40 I think prayer is important in a lot of ways,
11:43 prayer is important, from that aspect... Yes
11:48 I think that that's getting the Holy Spirit to give us the power
11:51 I think we can't make these changes...
11:53 You know, these bad habits, these pathways that we do
11:56 every year, unless we have EXTRA power
11:58 And I think that's great, Roy, that you're praying
12:00 And I would keep doing that... pray for the Holy Spirit
12:02 to get you out there every day doing something,
12:05 some type of movement.
12:06 And helping motivate himself...
12:09 That's something that initially when you get out and start
12:12 doing it, you'll motivate yourself automatically
12:16 For instance, when I got on the treadmill the next time,
12:21 it was easier to do it the next day because I
12:23 felt sore, so I knew something was working from that direction
12:30 And after a while, Roy, someone might tell you
12:32 that you look better!
12:34 You know, you look better You look more alive
12:36 And all these chemicals are going to make you smarter,
12:39 you're going to be just less depressed,
12:42 you're going to be happier!
12:43 I mean if you just keep going over these good effects
12:46 and if you just think about those, rather than make
12:49 the excuses, I think you could have your exercise done
12:51 A side benefit from all of this is that it gives you a great
12:54 attitude, and when it comes to exercising and different things
12:58 in your life, having a great attitude
13:00 is the #1 thing... I think
13:02 I think so too... it's very important, very important
13:04 Well let's move on to the next one here...
13:06 All right, Martin, from Kentucky says...
13:11 "My doctor asked me get an exercise stress test
13:14 before I start an exercise program"
13:17 "I did have a stent placed in my right coronary artery
13:22 2 years ago. " I plan on taking it easy"
13:25 "Do you think I really need to have a stress test?"
13:29 Well, Martin, I would do a stress test just for
13:33 peace of mind.
13:35 At one time, you had an artery that was clogged up with
13:38 cholesterol, and it was so clogged up,
13:40 that it needed to have a stent, which is a special device
13:43 to allow more blood flow go through that artery
13:46 Those stents don't stay open 100% of the time
13:51 And if you got in an exercise program and noticing
13:54 you were having pain, or discomfort, you could actually
13:56 do more damage
13:57 And also, some people might have disease in their body
14:00 that they don't even know about
14:02 So before starting an exercising program,
14:04 I would at least make sure you can't harm yourself
14:06 ...you're not going to precipitate what we call
14:09 angina, or chest pain, or funny heart rhythms,
14:11 or make things a lot worse
14:13 So, Martin, on this one, I would say I really think
14:17 on this one, you need to have a stress test before
14:19 you start an exercise program.
14:20 Are there different kinds of stress tests?
14:22 Lots of different types...
14:23 One test that we do...
14:25 we put stress on the heart in different ways...
14:27 One is we walk on a treadmill. That can put stress on the heart
14:30 while we look at the EKG,
14:32 And we also have special chemicals we could put that
14:34 go throughout the body, and we can look at the heart function
14:36 If you can't walk at all, and that's too strenuous,
14:39 we have certain chemicals.
14:40 Some people might start a swimming program,
14:42 and they're not able to walk because
14:44 their legs are bad, their joints are bad...
14:46 Those people benefit from exercise the MOST
14:49 The people that are frail, they have the MOST benefits
14:52 So then, we might give a chemical to stress the heart,
14:54 and then look at the EKG and the strength of the heart
14:57 with chemicals and nuclear cameras and echocardiogram
15:00 We can do ALL this to see if it's safe for you to
15:02 start an exercise program.
15:04 So it's a "yes" for Roy, and that was a good question!
15:08 #5... is calling from New Hampshire
15:12 "What do you consider the best form of exercise?"
15:15 Okay, now this is a very personal question
15:19 and I guess for our listening audience, just getting out
15:22 and moving is counting for something, but for me...
15:25 the best one for me, is just good old walking...
15:28 Good old walking, getting out there and walking
15:30 But some people like to swim, and that's probably the most
15:33 perfect exercise as far as relieving stress from the joints
15:37 It also helps other things by relaxing muscles
15:40 Let me bring up our second graphic here that will
15:44 explore this a little bit further...
15:47 This is how Americans say they exercise...
15:50 You know, I told you walking was MY favorite...
15:52 Well 69% of Americans say walking is their favorite
15:56 See graphic...
16:06 Swimming is 21%... I think a lot that is not everyone has
16:09 access to water
16:13 Some Americans say they exercise by playing sports
16:16 18% hiking...
16:20 And a favorite of many is golfing
16:22 As long as you're walking the course...
16:24 As long as you're walking the course... Right,
16:25 not going up there
16:27 So those are the ways that Americans say they exercise
16:29 So, Colin, the thing that I like the best, as far as
16:32 exercise is just good old walking!
16:36 And, you know, everybody is different
16:39 when it comes to exercise
16:40 But you have to pick one off the list,
16:41 or even make one up yourself...
16:43 We talked to somebody this afternoon that rides horses
16:45 Riding horses is a form of exercise. How is that exercise?
16:48 Well, let me ask you this...
16:50 If you go on a 10-mile horse ride,
16:53 and get off and you're sore,
16:56 is that an indication of exercising your muscles
16:58 that you haven't been using?
17:00 I guess so! I would think so...
17:02 I guess if your heart rate goes up,
17:03 it could be considered exercise
17:05 I guess we need to add that to the list
17:07 0.001% of Americans ride horses as daily exercise
17:12 How about riding in your car?
17:14 Can that be exercise?
17:15 Well, we've talked about developing different things
17:18 to do, you know, at your computer,
17:20 and in forms like that... Cybercise! Yes
17:23 Maybe you could squeeze a bag at the computer
17:26 Or at the steering wheel...
17:28 I've had people that do some weights at the steering wheel
17:30 ...But I want people concentrating on the road
17:32 when they're driving
17:36 Next question is from Sheri in Florida
17:39 Her question is this...
17:41 "I am the only one who exercises in my family"
17:44 "They ALL make fun of me when I leave the house to go exercise"
17:48 "Some say I smell and look disheveled because of this"
17:53 "They KNOW they should get off the couch, and come with me"
17:57 "Why don't people exercise when they know that they should?"
18:02 Boy, these questions are getting harder and harder!
18:06 Sheri, talking to your family about why they're not
18:09 exercising when they know they should...
18:11 Boy, where do I start?
18:12 Why doesn't anybody do something they know they should do?
18:16 You know... denial, laziness, bad habits, I guess
18:20 ...procrastination
18:22 Bad habits would be the #1.
18:24 Let's put up another graphic here that might help answer
18:27 this question a little bit about why Sheri's family might
18:30 not be doing what they need to do
18:32 These are reasons other people give why they don't
18:36 exercise, and, Sheri, maybe your family might be doing this...
18:39 ...65% say they don't have enough time...
18:43 Health reasons - 34%, yet those people benefit the most
18:48 the ones with health problems
18:50 Some people say it's just boring!
18:52 No place to exercise 24%. 17% say it's just too expensive
18:59 for exercising, and that's not a very good argument
19:03 I don't think... that's 17%
19:05 So it might be that your family is making some of those
19:08 excuses, but I think that's just what it is... an excuse
19:11 Correct... and, you know, excuses can be anything
19:15 because I did that forever... I made excuses as to
19:19 why I didn't have the time, or whatever to get out and do
19:22 some exercise
19:23 But, Sheri, I guess a couple of things you could do is
19:26 you could tell them out of love, and say...
19:28 "Listen, I love you guys, I want you to have a better life
19:31 I want you to feel better, look better...
19:33 I want you to live longer, have less wrinkles,
19:36 sleep better at night, and I'm praying that the
19:38 Holy Spirit will come into your life, and motivate
19:41 you to do something"
19:42 Maybe THAT might be a place to start.
19:45 And I would say, as far as the smell and the disheveled look,
19:48 that's just something they're going to have to deal with
19:50 because exercise brings on sweat... Not for some people!
19:53 Well, I don't sweat, but...
19:55 I've seen some people that look great when they exercise
19:58 And that's another good argument for swimming... Right
20:01 You know, swimming, you don't ... I guess you sweat
20:03 when you swim, but it doesn't stay on you very long
20:07 does it? Yes... How about the horse?
20:08 Do the horse-exercisers get disheveled?
20:14 I'm going to have to look into that a little bit more
20:16 Let move to the next question. All righty!
20:18 This question is from Chris, in Delaware
20:22 The question says...
20:26 "I am a 48-year-old former athlete"
20:29 It doesn't say what kind...
20:31 It says, "I still compete in racquetball. "
20:34 "Lately, my friends have been giving me a hard time
20:36 because they say I'm going to have a serious injury
20:40 that will ruin my quality of life, and perhaps even my
20:43 career" "What approach would you take
20:45 in my stage of life?"
20:47 Wow! These exercise questions are some of the hardest
20:52 ones I've got...
20:54 And that's interesting because every so often, you know,
20:58 I'm in my 40s now too, and I admit that playing these sports
21:03 help me feel like I'm not aging...
21:05 It makes me feel like I'm younger
21:07 When I go out and play some basketball, I feel like
21:09 I'm beating time a little bit.
21:11 But the body is aging, and these become more and more dangerous
21:15 and the chance of pulling a muscle, or rupturing
21:18 a ligament in the knee, or throwing a shoulder out
21:22 You've already said... just a little bit of walking caused
21:24 these things to happen Correct
21:26 As the parts age, there's a greater chance of having
21:30 them fall apart Right
21:32 So I think, the approach that I would take is
21:36 I wouldn't do anything that would cause a serious injury
21:39 You have too many people depending on you, it looks like
21:41 You know, a former athlete...
21:43 Well, I mean, you'll always be a former athlete
21:45 Just because you're not playing racquetball,
21:47 doesn't mean you're still not athletic... Right
21:49 So I would sort of try to work more towards safer things
21:53 And let me throw up the next graphic here
21:57 to sort of address some of these issues that
21:59 we're talking about for Chris from Delaware
22:03 Now, we talked about what Chris does is play racquetball
22:09 but you can be an athlete and get exercise and movement
22:11 in a number of other ways
22:14 And these are just calories burned in a minute
22:16 doing various activities...
22:18 Now, the top says 120 pound person,
22:22 and the bottom is 180 pound person
22:24 but notice... running 11.4 calories in a minute
22:27 As you, of course, weight more, you burn more calories...
22:30 jogging, swimming... Swimming is very good
22:34 Brisk walking 9.7 Now brisk walking is very safe
22:38 Look at cycling. Cycling is up there pretty high
22:40 a 180 pound person would burn 8.2 calories in a minute
22:44 Working with weights... not as much,
22:46 And we'll talk about weights more as a form of
22:49 exercise in a minute...
22:50 Hiking 6.7, and just sitting look at calories
22:55 burned in a minute by just sitting here is 1.7
22:57 So I'm getting thinner as we speak...
22:59 As long as you don't take in a lot, you will get thinner
23:04 ...that's one thing that will happen!
23:06 Let's think here a minute about this weightlifting
23:11 as a form of exercising
23:12 A lot of people enjoy lifting weights we saw on this
23:16 And I think weightlifting is great,
23:18 but as a cardiologist, we sort of are a little bit leery
23:22 of people lifting weights
23:23 And what gets us... is when we get that BIG STRAIN,
23:27 and that big strain down, and that BIG PUSHING that we do
23:30 That had surges in blood pressures,
23:33 and that surges in blood pressures really
23:36 bother us sometimes, and it's not sustained
23:40 I recommend in an exercise program...
23:42 I'm not a big, heavy weightlifter... Right
23:44 Now the benefits to weight training in an exercise program
23:48 is when you do weights, you burn more calories
23:51 per amount of time, than you would do aerobics... Correct
23:53 So I think there should be a combination of both
23:56 weight training and aerobics here in doing weight training
24:01 So I hope that answered your question, Chris
24:04 I've got one other question also...
24:08 You and I spoke about this last week, about the basketball
24:12 Sometimes our ego gets in the way of things also
24:17 and you have to, as you get older,
24:19 step back and take a look at reality and what actually is
24:24 your life at this point in time, and how your life
24:28 will be affected by being injured like that.
24:31 Well, you know, I've seen a lot of people that will...
24:35 and you've seen this too... they haven't done
24:37 a sport or activity for years and then they will have
24:41 this desire to just jump in and do it to extreme gusto
24:47 And almost every time that happens, they PAY for it
24:51 Pull something, or... Or break something, fall down
24:54 or hurt themselves
24:55 But getting back to our motivational topics...
25:00 I think we've convinced people today that exercise
25:03 is very, very important for numerous reasons...
25:06 the chemicals, the feeling-good
25:08 But getting back to HOW are we going to change
25:12 our audience today... they're sitting there at home
25:15 saying... "I know what these guys say are true. "
25:17 "I know I should start my exercise programs"
25:20 But what can we say to them here...
25:23 I want to focus just the last few minutes here with
25:25 what can we get them to really get them going
25:27 How can we give them something from this program
25:30 that they can take for the rest of their lives,
25:32 and, hopefully, get going on an exercise program?
25:36 For me, it was realizing that I was the person that was
25:41 in control of what I did when it came to exercise
25:44 My wife can't go pick me up and put me on
25:46 my treadmill and make me do it...
25:49 She can't make me go out and swim.
25:51 She can't make me do anything when it comes to that.
25:54 Physically, I'm talking about!
25:55 So I think, for myself, it was realizing that I was in control
26:01 of that aspect of my life, and then along with
26:03 prayer and the Holy Spirit giving me the power
26:05 to be able to get up off the couch and do something...
26:08 I think that's...
26:10 Well, I want to sort of focus on ... for all you couch potatoes
26:14 that are finding tons of excuses,
26:16 not to do it, whether it's boring,
26:19 or being disheveled, or whatever...
26:20 That our body is a gift... It's NOT ours!
26:25 It's not ours... it was given to us by God
26:28 with some expectations...
26:29 Like if I gave you a brand new Cadillac...
26:32 Well, maybe not a Cadillac, but a brand new BMW,
26:36 that's a car of the 40s right?
26:38 And a Cadillac, I guess, is an older man's car? Yeah...
26:40 I don't know, but if I gave you that, what would you do?
26:43 Would you take care of it? I would, yes!
26:46 We're responsible for this body, and some day,
26:48 I think that God is going to come down and say...
26:50 "Hey, listen, you know, I gave you this A-1 body,
26:52 and you just didn't do anything with it. " Right
26:55 I think we're responsible, and just having that thought is
26:57 we are responsible to do SOMETHING
26:59 The second thing I would think of exercise is look at all the
27:03 money it can save you... Correct, healthwise.
27:06 Look at all the health benefits, and I would say...
27:08 This is a treatment for almost everything...
27:11 We saw a treatment to help prevent cancer,
27:14 lower blood pressure, cholesterol, lower heart attacks
27:17 It treats almost everything... Depression
27:19 It's free and no side effects.
27:21 It can optimize our potential.
27:24 Lots of things it can do!
27:27 And Dan, we are running out of time here,
27:28 but I just wanted to thank you for joining us today
27:31 and giving your insights
27:32 into exercise, and being so candid about it.
27:34 It's hard to admit that we don't do what we should do. Yes it is
27:38 But it's even harder to get going!
27:39 So I want to thank you for being here today...
27:41 Thank you, I appreciate it.
27:42 And lastly, for you, out there,
27:45 watching "Wonderfully Yours" today
27:46 I want to encourage you to pray, pray DAILY for the POWER
27:52 of the Holy Spirit...
27:53 ...the Holy Spirit to guide EVERY aspect of your life
27:56 whether it be... most certainly the spiritual aspects,
28:00 but especially the Holy Spirit to encourage you
28:02 to get involved in exercise and movement programs
28:06 Because after all... we are very Wonderfully Made
28:10 and our God is a good God!


Revised 2014-12-17