Wonderfully Made

Sleep As A Medicine

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Daniel Miller, James Marcum


Series Code: WM

Program Code: WM000365

00:35 "Praise God for I am fearfully and wonderfully made"
00:39 What a great text the psalmist, David, shared with us
00:43 and I want to welcome each one of you to "Wonderfully Made"
00:46 Thank you for allowing us to come into your home
00:49 and to minister to you today, and to help teach
00:51 more about the bodies that God has given us.
00:54 Today, we have an exciting topic that I'm very passionate about
00:58 and that's the topic of sleep!
01:01 I'm glad to have with me today, Mr. Daniel Miller
01:04 Dan, I'm glad you're here today. Thank you
01:06 Now, Dan, is a businessman from Chattanooga, TN
01:10 and he's also a health consumer
01:12 And, in talking about sleep, I think it's very useful
01:16 to have someone that might have had some experience
01:20 with sleep, and I think all of us have had some
01:22 experience with sleep. Right
01:23 Can you just tell us some of the experiences you've had
01:27 in your sleeping patterns over the last few years.
01:30 Well, my sleeping patterns are a little bit different than
01:34 those peoples...
01:36 Owning a business like I do, I run the business during
01:43 the day, and then at night, I plan, in my mind,
01:46 what my next day will be.
01:48 And so, in doing that, what I do is stay awake all night
01:53 and so I've had to develop ways that I can get my rest
01:58 and still function... which is very difficult when you
02:02 don't have any rest.
02:03 So that's part of problems that I've had.
02:06 Well how do you adapt to this,
02:07 and do you think this lack of sleep has affected
02:09 your health, or your performance in any way...
02:12 or do you think it's catching up to you,
02:14 or you think it's something your tolerating well?
02:17 Now when you have a family, it always affects the family
02:20 when you don't have enough sleep...
02:21 you're grumpy the next day, you're short with people,
02:25 you don't have the patience that you should have...
02:27 You know, there are a number of different issues when
02:30 it comes to that.
02:32 As far as my performance at work, I don't think it
02:34 affected that, but, you know I can't tell you that for sure.
02:39 You know, we deal with our sleep habits in several
02:47 different ways, I guess...
02:49 And the way that I have is I like it completely dark,
02:53 and I sleep with a fan on.
02:56 I can't sleep any other way.
02:58 And so that's kind of helped me deal with some of the
03:00 issues that I've had when it came to that.
03:03 Well, that's what we're going to talk about today.
03:05 We're going to talk about sleep...
03:07 and as time has gone on in the practice of medicine,
03:10 I've gone on to think that sleep is as important
03:15 as anything else we do in taking care of our bodies.
03:18 And we're going to explore that with today's topics.
03:22 One of the things that I'm now appreciating about sleep
03:25 is, you know, Dan, most people spend about a third
03:29 of their life sleeping... Right
03:31 ...or trying to sleep well.
03:33 Most people admit that they don't feel like they
03:36 do that part of their life well ... sleeping well.
03:39 Now, if I asked you bluntly, "Do you think you're
03:41 sleeping well in your life...
03:42 Is that an aspect of your life that you think you're doing well
03:46 I think, at this point in time, I am, because I've finally
03:50 developed steps that I needed to take.
03:52 It's kind of a learned behavior for me. Right
03:55 A third of us... you know we spend a third of our time
03:58 in sleep, and it's sort of a shameful admission,
04:01 and I'm one of them to admit that a third of my life...
04:04 I'm not living well.
04:06 And yet, as Christians, and living to the glory of God,
04:09 we want to do as well as we can in ALL of our time... Right
04:14 whether that's sleeping time, or waking time
04:18 I've studied some statistics recently,
04:20 and 60 million Americans right now...
04:23 60 million Americans... and I'm sure those across
04:25 the world have similar problems
04:27 feel like they suffer from insomnia... Right
04:32 And insomnia is not being able to sleep.
04:36 A couple of interesting statistics that I wanted to
04:39 share with you, and the audience
04:41 before we get started today...
04:42 Did you know that a giraffe, as big as a giraffe is,
04:46 and as long as he is, guess how many hours a day
04:49 a giraffe sleeps? I have no clue!
04:51 A giraffe sleeps on the average of 2 hours, or 1.9 hours a day
04:56 That's an average amount that a giraffe sleeps
05:00 Now here's another animal that I thought was very interesting
05:02 Do you know how long a brown bat sleep? No
05:05 A brown bat sleeps almost 20 hours a day!
05:09 A brown bat spends roughly 83% of his time sleeping
05:14 We spend about a third of our lifetime to sleep,
05:17 so that's what we're going to focus on today...
05:19 ways we can think about that one-third of our lives
05:22 that we normally don't give it much thought... Right
05:25 So with that, let me tell the audience how we got these
05:29 questions... These are people that write
05:30 questions to Heartwise Ministries from
05:32 all over the country, and what I'm doing is,
05:35 I'm grouping these into topics,
05:37 and these are all questions that have to do on the topic
05:40 of sleep, and I'm praying that as we talk,
05:42 that everyone will look at their own sleep habits
05:45 and maybe we can make a change here or there.
05:46 I don't think these changes occur overnight.
05:49 I think, you just try to change here, and then as
05:51 you feel better, you move to the next one...
05:53 So let's move on to our questions now...
05:54 All right... 1st question comes from Brenda in California. Okay
06:01 Brenda says, "My doctor gave me a prescription to help me
06:04 sleep at night... I still sleep poorly. "
06:07 "Should I take a stronger dosage?"
06:09 Okay. Well Brenda, I think that a lot of people don't
06:15 realize it, but I try, in this type of situation,
06:19 I would want to know... Why does a person not sleep well at night
06:23 What is the root cause?
06:26 A medication really doesn't solve the problem
06:29 It just perpetuates it.
06:31 And a lot of people don't realize that when these sleep
06:33 medicines came out years ago, and some of the names
06:37 ...one was called "Halcion"
06:38 I don't know if you've heard of that... Right
06:39 but they took that off the market because it was
06:42 causing people... Well, maybe they didn't take it off the
06:44 market, but it was associated with adverse events.
06:47 The most popular one now is called "Ambien"
06:49 but there are a lot of other sleep aids out there.
06:52 But the FAA only recommended that these medications
06:57 be taken for 2 weeks or less.
06:59 They've never recommended them to be taken long-term
07:03 Is it possible then that these medications are meant to
07:06 reset your sleep clock?
07:08 Because I, at one time, had taken Ambien,
07:10 and for a short period of time while I was taking it,
07:15 I just didn't understand how sleepy I was
07:19 until I woke up one morning, and realized that I was so
07:23 rested, you know, life was totally different for me.
07:26 Well that's possible because the sleep aids change the
07:31 chemical transmitters in the brain.
07:33 And they're only made, really, for the short period of time
07:36 until you can look at the cause of what caused
07:39 the insomnia to begin with.
07:41 I'm afraid nowadays that people are staying on these
07:44 years, and years, and years,
07:45 and they're not getting at the cause, and they're all
07:47 altering the chemicals, but we're never FIXING the problem
07:51 We're just sort of covering it up and that problem
07:52 is going to get worse, and every chemical reaction
07:56 you have in your body leads to something else... Right
07:59 So let's get back to Brenda for a second...
08:02 Brenda... We're going to look at a graphic here that might
08:07 give us some suggestions to help you sleep well at night
08:09 and looking at the cause of why you don't sleep well
08:13 The first sleep suggestion that I would give to you...
08:16 and you might be doing a lot of these things...
08:18 is try to have an empty stomach
08:20 We recommend having a stomach empty 3 to 4 hours
08:23 before you go to bed at night
08:25 because a lot of your energy goes to digesting food.
08:29 Up to a third of your blood flow goes to digest the food
08:33 Also when you lay down at night, you could have acid bubbling up
08:37 and that can affect sleep greatly
08:38 We would like for you to avoid stimulants...
08:40 More exercise during the day, so you're more tired
08:43 Avoid stress and that's a whole other topic.
08:47 Sometimes you can take a natural substance called "melatonin"
08:51 that might aid in your sleep.
08:54 Another thing that seems to help sleep is laughter
08:57 Laughter creates all these endorphins,
08:59 and I wonder if Johnny Carson slept better
09:03 because he laughed so much.
09:05 Sunlight increases a substance called serotonin which
09:09 aids in sleep.
09:10 And, of course, reading the Bible...
09:12 In Ephesians 4:26, it suggests that we don't go to bed
09:15 ever with anger in our hearts.
09:17 These are all some suggestions that might help you a little
09:21 bit in dealing with sleep, Brenda
09:26 Now, one of things we mentioned just a second ago was
09:30 stimulants...
09:32 Now, what kind of things, when you were having your
09:35 sleep problems, that you considered that might have
09:37 stimulated your mind at night, or your whole body system
09:41 that might have affected you, because I think
09:42 a lot of people don't look into things that stimulate... Right
09:46 Other than just the caffeines and so on and so forth... Right
09:49 Everyone knows about the caffeines,
09:51 and everyone knows about, you know, certain medicines
09:53 What are other things that might have added to your problem, Dan
09:56 For myself, a child, you know... That's right
10:01 It came at a time when we had just had our daughter
10:05 and, you know, she was up at different times during the night
10:08 so it broke up my sleep pattern.
10:10 There's a whole list of different things, I would assume
10:16 and you probably know more about those than I do,
10:20 but you've got lights being a stimulant...
10:24 You've got sounds being a stimulant.
10:25 For myself, light is a major stimulant for me.
10:30 Temperature... being very hot is probably one of the
10:35 major causes that I don't sleep; I like to sleep in a cool room
10:42 Well, in talking a little bit more about stimulants,
10:44 anything that affects the senses, can adversely
10:48 really affect these sleep patterns,
10:50 because, remember, at night the sleep time is a time
10:53 where you're basically turning off...
10:55 And anything that's coming into the senses,
10:58 could alter this... whether it be a sound,
11:00 how about snoring next door?
11:02 Does your wife snore?
11:03 No, and I'll never admit that on national... Okay
11:06 Well, I mean... you don't have to admit that,
11:09 but I hear a lot of people that snore at night,
11:12 so the other one doesn't get good sleep...
11:13 And no one will say anything... Yes
11:15 You'll leave a third of your life tired and in torture
11:19 rather than say, "Listen, you have a sleeping problem...
11:21 we need to deal with that... Well most people will deny
11:23 that they do snore... Right
11:24 I think lights is a good one, sound... How about taste?
11:27 I've had some people that had a bad taste in their mouth
11:30 and they can't sleep from that...
11:31 That's another sense that needs to be turned off.
11:33 And that goes back... I think a lot of the sleep
11:36 problems we have, these 60 million people,
11:38 this food is a big deal...
11:39 How many people eat late at night now?
11:41 I would say a lot. I don't know the numbers.
11:44 We didn't bring up...
11:46 You know, we talked about the caffeine...
11:47 a lot of people don't realize that caffeine could stay
11:50 in your system up to 20 hours. Right
11:53 It's just not, you know, you drink 1 coke in the morning
11:55 or caffeinated beverages, and it's totally out
11:58 And, caffeine affects people different ways...
12:01 Some people can get by with it.
12:03 Alcohol... a lot of people drink alcohol, because they think
12:06 it's going to help them relax at night and go to sleep.
12:08 ...And is that the case? No, it's not the case
12:10 Alcohol BREAKS up your good sleep pattern because it
12:12 changes again... some of those neurotransmitters that's
12:15 going on in your head... Right
12:17 I'm finally... here's one big one in our society that I
12:20 think needs to be talked about, about why Americans
12:22 aren't sleeping well.
12:23 And going back, a third of our life...
12:25 this is a long period of time!
12:26 I'm very passionate about why we've given that away.
12:29 A third... a lot of people are watching too much
12:34 television... #1 Yeah
12:35 And I think that stimulates the mind.
12:38 One way or the other, before you go to bed...
12:39 I mean, you know, there are not too many good shows anymore
12:43 Of course, the shows on 3ABN make exception to that
12:47 And also, the sports, sporting events
12:51 You know, everyone gets revved up and excited,
12:53 and when you get revved up, and excited, those chemicals
12:55 that make the stress hormones go up, and it's a whole
12:59 cascade of events... so we can't turn off that clock!
13:02 ...And video games Yeah, video games are just
13:04 a host of things...
13:05 And I think in talking to people about getting good
13:08 sleep, I want to encourage everyone out there
13:10 to look at the stimulants you have before you go to bed
13:14 We want to turn OFF the senses and not turn ON the senses
13:18 Well I think, Brenda, I hope we can get at the root cause
13:21 of yours, but let's go to another question now
13:24 Let's go to a question from Max, in Texas
13:27 He writes, "How do I know if I'm getting enough sleep?"
13:31 Well, that's a good question since we're talking about sleep
13:34 It's a difficult question, actually
13:35 And we hear this frequently...
13:37 How many hours of sleep do you need to feel well?
13:41 Or to know that you're getting enough sleep?
13:43 And how do you know you're getting enough sleep?
13:44 I don't know... everybody's different...
13:45 Bill Clinton says he only needed 4 hours of sleep per night
13:49 to exist as our President.
13:51 Well that's not very much... 4 hours
13:53 I would have wanted him to sleep a little bit more
13:55 But it goes back to saying that everybody is different
13:59 One of the things... you know, how do you KNOW?
14:01 That's a good way, and I think you have to think about it
14:04 And, I think that in sleep, you have to treat sleep
14:07 like a job... You want to do it well
14:09 ...you want to learn about your body,
14:11 find out about your sleep patterns, and OPTIMIZE it
14:14 And, one of the things that we know is...
14:16 If you have to wake up to an alarm clock,
14:19 maybe you're not getting enough good sleep... okay
14:23 A second thing is if you're tired in the day,
14:25 we KNOW that you're not getting good sleep
14:28 ALSO, frequently people that are not getting enough sleep
14:30 are involved in more accidents Correct
14:33 You know... they do CRAZY stuff...
14:34 They get in car accidents.
14:36 We see in people, one sign that might not be
14:39 getting enough sleep is frequent colds
14:41 They get colds a lot, and infections...
14:43 Lowered immune system
14:44 But when at night, when you don't get enough sleep,
14:47 the immune system is affected
14:48 There are these cells in the body called...
14:50 "natural killer cells"
14:51 And, Dan, these go around and really scarf up those
14:55 things that aren't supposed to be there.
14:57 We know that people that don't sleep just don't
14:59 make these to the degree that people does
15:01 Another thing that might be a sign...
15:04 this is a little bit off... and you're going to have to
15:06 follow me with this one...
15:07 A sign that you're not getting enough sleep is
15:09 people getting fat!
15:11 Now would you believe that? No...
15:13 People getting fat could be a sign...
15:15 as you're not getting enough sleep
15:16 Well, what goes on in your brain...
15:19 when you're not getting enough sleep...
15:21 there's a hormone called "growth hormone"
15:23 that helps people grow...
15:25 And you've heard that kids grow at night when they sleep
15:27 Well, at night, that's when the growth hormone really kicks in.
15:30 But at night, if you're not sleeping well,
15:33 the growth hormone levels could go down
15:36 And if your growth hormone levels go down,
15:38 guess what happens?
15:39 You're not growing, you're not metabolizing much,
15:42 you could... say you're putting on extra pounds.. Right
15:45 And another thing that could happen...
15:46 ...you wake up tired the next day,
15:48 you're stressed out...
15:49 And how do people deal with stress... some people?
15:51 I deal with it very poorly.
15:54 But some people EAT...
15:56 You know, they wake up and they don't feel good in
15:58 the morning, so what are they going to get?
15:59 You know, more things that adversely thought...
16:03 they might get some more donuts...
16:04 They might say, "Well, let's have a cappuccino or something
16:07 to get the day going...
16:08 And all along, they're not dealing with the
16:10 root called stress
16:11 Now another thing that goes down is there's a hormone
16:14 in the brain that's called "leptin"
16:16 Leptin is a very important hormone that says... "I'm full"
16:19 And if you're not making this leptin hormone,
16:22 you're always not feeling this "full"
16:24 and this happens in people that don't sleep well
16:26 Now, are there medications that can take over for leptin?
16:30 Not really... not that I know of.
16:32 It's just sleep... God has made the body to need sleep... Right
16:37 And with that sleep, you have restorative patterns
16:39 and your brain does things at sleep that
16:41 it can't do during the day.
16:42 It processes memories... it makes these hormones
16:45 like leptin that says, "I'm full"
16:46 It does a lot of things...
16:47 The brain is a busy place... even when you're not
16:50 conscious to it. Right
16:51 And a lot of people, when they think about sleep,
16:53 they don't think, "Well, my brain has to go to a
16:55 different environment for a while to get its job done
16:59 So, they're not letting their brain get it's job done
17:01 It's like, you know, you're working all the time...
17:03 and the brain is still working,
17:05 but it's doing a different type of work...
17:07 And see, that goes back to what I was having problems with
17:09 ...My brain never shut down at night. Right
17:12 And different parts need to work
17:13 And other things... Have you ever heard the comment
17:15 that... "I need my beauty sleep?" Yes
17:18 Do you know that studies have shown that people that
17:21 don't get sleep, AGE must faster...
17:23 They get wrinkles... the full 9 yards
17:26 And it's sort of the same process we're talking about
17:28 Resting... I view resting as therapy for many things... okay
17:33 In the Bible, Genesis 2...
17:35 The God of the Universe worked 6 days...
17:38 and then what did He do? He rested.
17:39 He rested a full day.
17:41 And, He set up day and night.
17:43 And if this rest was good enough for Him,
17:44 there must have been a master plan... Correct
17:47 And we see... "Well, why do we get all these diseases?"
17:49 "Why do we have all these problems?"
17:50 "Why do we have all these stresses?"
17:52 One of the problems, I think, is not getting enough sleep.
17:55 So, getting back to Max's question...
17:58 Some of the things we talked about... the alarm clock,
18:00 the tired, the accidents, the frequent health problems
18:03 Max, are you getting wrinkles early?
18:06 You know, maybe that's a sign.
18:08 But all these might be a sign that you're
18:09 not getting enough sleep.
18:11 All right, let's go to Fred in North Carolina...
18:17 He says, "My wife told me that I have sleep apnea. "
18:21 She is not a doctor, but does read a lot. Oh... okay
18:25 There you have it! Could she be right?
18:28 Well, Fred, take it from a man that's married...
18:32 My wife is always right!
18:34 And you're going to have to treat it that way. Mine is too.
18:36 Fred, you're going to have to just treat it that way
18:38 You know, your wife is right...
18:39 And in this case, Fred, you know off the record,
18:41 she IS right about this one.
18:43 You could very well have sleep apnea.
18:45 And sleep apnea is a medical condition where at night
18:49 you don't breathe...
18:51 Sleep apnea... apnea means periods where
18:55 you're not breathing at night
18:57 And the sort of characteristic breathing pattern
19:01 is like this...
19:04 they do that over, and over and over
19:06 And physiologically, when that happens,
19:09 the oxygen levels go down in the body... Right
19:12 So the tissues don't get renewed...
19:14 You can have high blood pressures in the lungs...
19:16 it can cause all sorts of problems...
19:18 The heart has to pump harder
19:19 It can cause funny heart rhythms... numerous things
19:22 Recently, sleep apnea, they say, What was that football player,
19:26 the Green Bay Packers, "Reggie"... White?
19:28 Reggie White!
19:29 He actually had sleep apnea... a big old strapping guy,
19:33 very young... He had this as a complication
19:36 Nowadays, Fred, a lot of people are walking around with
19:39 sleep apnea, and they walk around it their whole lives
19:42 and they never realize they don't have it
19:44 The cells in the body aren't getting enough oxygen... Right
19:47 So, the symptoms of sleep apnea, Dan,
19:50 people that have it...
19:51 They're tired all the time
19:53 They have headaches
19:55 They could have high blood pressure
19:57 They're irritable... because they're not sleeping
20:00 They make lots of mistakes...
20:02 It's a major problem... A difficult thing to go through
20:05 I had a cousin at one time, that had this same situation
20:10 and he would go to sleep at a red light!
20:13 And... people would come, and have to wake him up
20:16 to get him to go through the red light...
20:17 so I thought that was kind of a dangerous situation...
20:21 How is he doing now?
20:22 He is,... well, taking care of it.
20:26 Now, we have a video, a slide that we want to show up
20:31 about the different aspects of sleep apnea
20:33 and, going over the consequences...
20:36 What happens when you have sleep apnea?
20:38 We talked about the fatigue, being tired all the time
20:41 Headaches might be a symptom
20:43 High blood pressure... we talked about the abnormal heart rhythms
20:46 and we put strain on the heart because it has to pump
20:49 against such high pressures in the lungs.
20:52 So sleep apnea is a problem that we need to deal with
20:59 What are several ways or applications that they use
21:04 in the medical field to deal with sleep apnea?
21:07 A couple of things... I think the most useful thing is
21:11 losing weight and exercising.
21:13 They say that if you can lose about 15 pounds,
21:15 often you can treat sleep apnea successfully...
21:18 But usually, it's because of the airway...
21:20 there's too much pressure on it,
21:21 or the muscle tone in the tongue is poor... Right
21:24 Sometimes they can cut an area in the back of your throat
21:27 to let more air in and out.
21:28 But the most common type of treatment is where they
21:31 put a mask... it's called a "sleep mask"
21:33 and it blows air in
21:35 And what I try to do in the management of
21:37 sleep apnea, is hit it on 2-folds
21:39 I try to get to the root of the cause
21:41 ...If it's weight loss, lose weight
21:43 ...If it's sleeping in a different position,
21:45 as well as placing the mask until they can do that... Right
21:48 And people that wear the mask it's a pain to wear,
21:51 but they feel so much better for the first time in years
21:54 they've had rest
21:55 It's amazing, so...
21:57 Now with Fred, who's up in North Carolina,
22:00 would he take what his wife says for granted
22:04 ...or would he go to a sleep center
22:06 where they would be able to help him a little bit?
22:08 Dan, what would you do in this situation?
22:11 I think I'd go to the sleep center...
22:12 I think I might... What I would do, Fred, is
22:15 I would tell my wife...
22:16 I'd say, "Honey, you're probably so right, and I think you're
22:19 SO right, that I'm going over to this sleep center...
22:23 and there, they're going to watch me when I sleep
22:25 and they'll hook me up to oxygen monitors,
22:27 and they'll see if my oxygen level goes down
22:29 in the middle of the night, and if I meet criteria for
22:32 sleep apnea, then I'll have aggressive treatment for this.
22:34 If this goes on untreated,
22:36 it creates tons of health problems down the road... Right
22:39 So, I hope that answers your question, Fred,
22:41 ...that's what I would do All righty!
22:43 The next question comes from Dave in Reno...
22:49 He says, "Is there a difference between resting and sleeping?"
22:53 "I rest a lot but sleep only a little. "
22:56 Wow... Dave, this is one of the most difficult
23:00 questions I think I have to answer...
23:03 in sorting through resting and sleeping...
23:06 You can be asleep and not get good rest... Right
23:12 And also, you can rest and not sleep
23:15 So, in answering your question, Dan, what I've been trying to do
23:21 in the treatment of people,
23:22 how do you know what's true in life?
23:23 You know, you see... eat this diet,
23:25 high fat diet, low fat diet...
23:28 or being fed everything through the media
23:30 You know, how do you know what's true?
23:32 This medication is so good for you,
23:33 then you take it off the market
23:35 So what I do when it comes to tough questions,
23:37 I try to turn to the Bible,
23:38 and see if the Bible gives us insight
23:40 Like the Day of Rest...
23:41 you know, that only makes sense
23:43 I'm turning to God for our answers...
23:45 The diet, you know, Daniel and his friends... the diet they ate
23:48 But, I want to throw some texts up here in our next slide
23:52 here and give some texts that I wanted to share with Dave
23:56 that might help him a little bit
23:58 Sleep does not necessarily equal rest,
24:02 and one of the texts I like to share is Matthew 11:28
24:06 and that's the text that says...
24:08 "Come unto me, all ye that are heavy laden,
24:11 and I will give you rest. "
24:14 What do we have to do?
24:15 We have to come unto him, and I will GIVE you rest...
24:18 That's a gift! So I will give you
24:21 Now that's not necessarily sleep, but that's a REST
24:24 in itself... "I will GIVE you REST"
24:26 Psalms 37:7... again talks about REST
24:29 And then there's Genesis 2:2, where it says...
24:32 "God worked for 6 days"
24:34 The God of the universe, of the whole universe
24:38 ...What did He do for 1 day? He rested!
24:40 And I don't think He slept at all...
24:42 I mean He might have slept, but He rested,
24:43 so understanding what God means by REST
24:47 I think it's all about, you know, our spirituality
24:50 ...you know, to have that rest, that peace,
24:52 where the mind is allowed to work on other things
24:54 It brings to the mind one more text that I wanted to share
24:58 with everyone... Hebrews 4:9, says...
25:01 "There remains therefore, a REST for the people of God"
25:06 I think that when you have God in your life,
25:08 there's a certain rest that you cannot attain
25:11 any other way. Right, I agree with that
25:15 We've got one more question Okay
25:20 "I'm a truck driver, and my shift is at night,
25:26 I sleep during the day. I am 45...
25:29 Is this hurting my overall health?
25:32 There are so many different aspects
25:36 that could be talked about here.
25:38 There could be a chance if you're not resting well
25:42 during the day, that it could affect you...
25:45 Have you ever worked shift-work?
25:46 Have you ever had to work night? I really haven't.
25:49 Well this question is very dear to me because
25:53 I DO stay up at night, and Tuesday night
25:55 is my call night, as long as weekends,
25:58 and I never sleep well on that night,
26:00 and I do think it affects my health
26:02 because when you break that night/day cycle
26:04 that's not natural, and when you disregard
26:08 one of, sort of, God's Laws, you're going to have some
26:12 consequences, and the consequences that we're
26:14 talking about... the circadian rhythms, you've heard that term
26:17 Yes... the night/day... God created that
26:21 At light, we have a substance, when light comes into us...
26:24 a substance, a sleep substance that's made called melatonin
26:28 And this is released from the pineal gland,
26:30 and this actually helps us sleep a great deal.
26:33 So, I think that when you break this cycle,
26:36 you know, the light/day cycle, these natural chemicals
26:39 that help you have true rest,
26:41 it is disturbed... right thrown off
26:43 And then you get these subsequent health problems
26:45 that we sort of identified with that adversely
26:50 affects everything.
26:51 I've also heard that night shift work basically affects
26:55 your whole quality of life long-term
26:57 And it's probably the same mechanism of this light
27:01 melatonin, pineal... all this is probably as an associate
27:05 Well, we've certainly covered a lot about
27:07 sleep today, Dan...
27:09 I want to thank you for joining us
27:10 I appreciate your inviting me, I've had a great time... Good
27:14 A couple of final thoughts I want to leave everyone with
27:16 are that sleep is an important part of our lives,
27:19 and we spend a third of our life resting or sleeping
27:23 ...we need to do it well, and to the glory of God
27:25 We need to think about our sleep patterns
27:27 and do it right...
27:28 Spend some time thinking about it like we've done today
27:31 and just not sort of haphazardly let the years
27:33 go by, and then all of a sudden figure out we
27:36 have health problems because we didn't sleep.
27:38 And the second thing I want to leave everyone with
27:40 is poor sleep could certainly be because of stimulants
27:44 We have too many stimulants in our lives, too many stressors
27:47 We've talked about TV, eating big at night...
27:49 We've talked about caffeine that 80% of the
27:52 United States is now taking.
27:54 Now finally, the last thing that we want to talk about
27:57 is the TRUE rest... the real peace that comes within
28:01 it comes from walking with God
28:03 "Come unto me all ye that are heavy laden,
28:06 and I will give you rest. "
28:07 What a wonderful promise for us today!


Revised 2014-12-17