Wonderfully Made

Benefits & Barriers To Starting A Physical Activity Program

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Don Morgan


Series Code: WM

Program Code: WM000352

00:01 The following program presents principles
00:03 designed to promote good health
00:04 and is not intended to take the place
00:06 of personalized professional care.
00:08 The opinions and ideas expressed are
00:10 those of the speaker. Viewers are encouraged
00:13 to draw their own conclusions
00:14 about the information presented.
00:36 Hello and welcome to Wonderfully Made.
00:38 My name is Don Morgan and I'm an exercise
00:42 physiologist and faculty member at
00:44 Middle Tennessee State University.
00:46 Someone once said, if you can find a path
00:51 with no obstacles it probably doesn't lead
00:53 anywhere. Becoming physical active can lead
00:57 to better health and fitness, but sometimes
01:00 obstacles can get in the way of pursuing
01:03 an active lifestyle. Today we'll discuss
01:06 some of the many health benefits which come
01:09 about as result of following a
01:11 physically active lifestyle.
01:13 I also want to point out some of the most common
01:16 barriers to starting and maintaining
01:19 an exercise program and identify some strategies
01:23 for overcoming these barriers,
01:24 so that you can remain firmly on the path
01:28 towards achieving the strong healthy body
01:30 that God intends for you to have.
01:34 I want to begin today by taking a broad look
01:38 at how our bodies respond to physical
01:41 activity and exercise. This overview is based
01:46 on material found in the 1996 Surgeon
01:49 General's report on physical activity
01:51 and health as well as other published
01:54 research. Let me start by making
01:57 some general statements. First of all people
02:01 of all ages both male and female undergo
02:06 positive physiological and structural
02:08 adaptations to physical activity.
02:11 In other words being physical active
02:15 is something that all of us can do to become
02:18 healthier and stronger. I would like to
02:21 emphasize that these adaptations to
02:24 physical activity are not restricted
02:27 to younger people. It has been shown
02:30 for example, that male and female nursing home
02:33 residents with the mean age of 87 years
02:37 demonstrated an average increase in
02:40 muscle strength of over 100% in response
02:44 to a ten week period of resistance training.
02:48 This strengthen hands was accompanied
02:50 not only muscle hypertrophy
02:53 or an increase in muscle size, but also by faster
02:58 walking and stair climbing speeds,
03:00 adaptations that would allow these older adults
03:03 to retain their independence
03:05 in mobility. Secondly, the physiological
03:09 benefits associated with physical activity
03:11 occur in many organ systems including
03:15 the cardiovascular system the heart
03:17 and blood vessels, the musculoskeletal system,
03:20 muscles and bones, metabolic systems
03:24 of the body that are important in providing
03:26 energy, the endocrine or hormonal systems
03:29 and the immune system. Third, while the
03:35 body adapts in a positive manner to
03:38 moderate physical activity many of these
03:41 benefits start to wane after a few weeks
03:44 if physical activity levels are markedly
03:47 reduced, and they can vanish within
03:50 two to eight months, if physical activity
03:52 is not resumed. This dynamic reflects a basic
03:57 physiological principle. The body responds
04:01 to the functional demands that are
04:03 placed upon it. They can either become stronger,
04:07 and more fit or weaker and less fit,
04:10 depending on your level of physical activity
04:13 or inactivity, respectively.
04:17 One of the most important benefits of
04:20 physical activity is its positive impact on
04:23 health and disease. While future programs
04:27 will address the specific role that
04:29 physical activity plays in a variety of
04:31 health conditions. Let's take an abbreviated
04:34 look and some of the major effects of
04:37 physical activity on a broad range of
04:40 health problems. One important benefit of
04:44 engaging in regular physical activity
04:46 is that it reduces the risk of dieing
04:48 prematurely. With respect to overall
04:51 mortality, higher levels of regular
04:54 physical activity are associated with lower
04:57 death rates for both older
04:58 and younger adults. Event just moving
05:02 from a poor fitness level to an average
05:05 category of fitness can result in a
05:07 substantially lower death rate from
05:09 cardiovascular disease. Thus, you don't have
05:13 to be well trained athlete to experience
05:16 a marked reduction in heart disease
05:18 death rate. But as we have discussed in
05:21 previous programs, you do need to accumulate
05:24 a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate intensity
05:28 physical activity on a regular basis.
05:32 Another positive benefit of being physically
05:35 active is that, it is means of weight control.
05:38 Increasing your physical activity level
05:41 can make weight management easier by
05:44 helping to prevent weight gain,
05:46 promoting weight loss, especially when combined
05:49 with a healthy diet and stabilizing body weight,
05:53 once excess pounds have been last.
05:56 Physical activity may also favorably influence
05:59 body fat distribution by decreasing fat deposits
06:04 around the middle of the body, a condition
06:06 which can lead to cardiovascular disease,
06:09 high blood pressure, high fat levels
06:12 in the blood and type II diabetes.
06:15 Now we just mentioned diabetes,
06:18 and regular amounts of physical activity
06:20 and exercise can decrease the risk of
06:23 developing type II or Non-Insulin
06:27 Dependent Diabetes. For the diabetic with
06:30 well controlled type I diabetes a condition
06:33 in which little or no insulin is produced,
06:36 a regular program of physical activity
06:39 can result in a marked reduction in insulin
06:42 requirements and improvements in
06:44 cardiovascular fitness and quality of life.
06:49 In those persons with cardiovascular disease
06:52 and hypertension or high blood pressure,
06:54 regular physical activity can lower
06:57 the risk of death from coronary artery disease.
06:59 Interestingly, it has been shown that the risk
07:04 of cardiovascular disease due to
07:06 low fitness. It's similar to or greater
07:10 than that attributable to other
07:12 lifestyle factors such as cigarette smoking,
07:14 high cholesterol, high blood pressure,
07:17 and greater relative weight levels.
07:21 Regular physical activity can also
07:23 prevent or delay the development of
07:26 high blood pressure and reduce blood pressure
07:29 and people with hypertension.
07:33 Regular physical activity may help to
07:35 reduce the risk of developing certain
07:37 types of cancer. While we will talk about
07:40 this topic in a future show, regular
07:43 physical activity has been linked to a
07:45 decrease risk of colon cancer and there is some
07:49 evidence suggesting a possible association
07:51 between higher levels of physical activity
07:54 and a reduced risk of breast
07:56 and prostate cancer. Regular physical
08:01 activity is essential for maintaining
08:04 joint structure and function,
08:05 muscle strength and healthy bones.
08:10 In individuals with arthritis, exercise
08:13 may be particularly helpful because you can
08:16 preserve or restore range of motion
08:19 and flexibility around affected joints
08:21 as well as increase muscle strength
08:24 and endurance so that joint stability can be
08:27 enhanced. In considering bone strength,
08:30 there is strong evidence that physical activity
08:33 began early in life contributes to
08:36 higher peak bone mass later in life.
08:39 In fact, greater lifetime physical
08:42 activity has been related to higher levels
08:45 of bone mineral mass and a lowered risk
08:48 of hip fracture in both men and post-menopausal
08:52 women. Regular weight bearing activities
08:55 such as walking, running, and racket
08:58 sports have been shown to be effective
09:00 in maintaining the density of leg
09:02 and spinal bones. There are also promising
09:06 data indicating that the gains in muscle strength
09:09 and bone health produced by weight
09:12 bearing activity and resistance training
09:14 can be very useful in helping older adults
09:18 improve their quality of life by helping
09:22 to maintain their independent living
09:23 status and to reduce their risk of falling.
09:28 In addition to physical fitness mental health
09:31 is also fundamental to overall
09:34 health and wellness. There are many
09:37 deleterious effects of chronic stress
09:39 that effect mental health, including
09:41 but certainly not limited to an increase
09:45 risk of hypertension, heart disease, cancer,
09:48 early death, compromised immunity and insomnia.
09:54 In this regard growing evidence indicates
09:57 that physical activity improves mental health
10:00 by relieving symptoms of depression and anxiety
10:03 and by improving ones psychological state.
10:07 Findings from some studies suggest that
10:10 physical activity may actually protect against
10:13 the development of depression.
10:16 When faced with psychological stress,
10:19 individuals with good levels of aerobic
10:22 fitness display a lower level of cardiovascular
10:25 response compared to unfit persons.
10:29 There also appears to be some evidence suggesting
10:33 that exercise has a positive effect
10:36 on specific measures of cognitive function,
10:39 especially among the elderly. What a blessing
10:44 it is to be able to reap so many health benefits
10:47 by simply incorporating a moderate amount
10:51 of physical activity into our lives.
10:54 In fact, even the multitude of health
10:58 blessings that we've just talked about,
11:00 it would almost be like throwing away free money
11:03 by not including physical activity
11:06 and exercise as a normal part of your routine.
11:09 However, it can sometimes be quite
11:14 challenging to find ways and create opportunities
11:17 to be physically active on a regular basis.
11:21 Let's look at some of the most common barriers
11:24 to physical activity and see if we can identify
11:27 some strategies for overcoming them.
11:32 The most common excuse that adults' cite
11:36 for not exercising is, that's right,
11:39 not enough time to exercise.
11:42 Now with the busy job and two children
11:45 who are involved in school church
11:47 and extracurricular activities,
11:49 my wife and I often wish that there were
11:52 more hours in the day. So how can we overcome
11:56 this obstacle? Well, one way is to try
12:00 and add small chunks of physical activity time
12:02 to your daily schedule. This might include
12:07 climbing stairs instead of taking the elevator,
12:11 parking your car a little farther away from
12:13 the office, avoiding the use of the
12:16 remote control to change the Television stations,
12:18 in other words, getting off the sofa
12:22 and changing channels yourself,
12:23 taking a ten minute walk during lunch,
12:27 or after your evening meal or doing
12:30 a little yard work. Remember as we've
12:33 mentioned in previous programs,
12:35 it is the accumulation of physical activity
12:39 throughout the day that leads to better health
12:42 and fitness. Another approach to finding
12:46 more time to exercise is to review your daily
12:49 schedule with a critical eye trained on finding
12:53 time to be physically active. You know,
12:57 we make time to do the things that hold
13:00 a lot of importance for us, whether it is
13:04 spending time with friends, shopping
13:06 at the mall or watching Monday night football.
13:10 If having good health is a priority in your life,
13:15 then I encourage you to seriously consider
13:18 rearranging the contents of your day to make time
13:23 for physical activity. Another reason that
13:27 people cite for not exercising is that
13:30 it is inconvenient, maybe the weather
13:32 is drowsy or you travel a lot or maybe
13:36 you have family obligations that hinder
13:38 your ability to exercise on a regular basis.
13:42 If weather conditions are such that
13:44 it is difficult to exercise outside
13:46 have a backup plan ready. This might
13:49 include cycling on a stationary bicycle,
13:52 doing aerobics with the tape,
13:54 swimming at a local YWCA or playing basket ball
13:58 in the local Rec Center. If you travel a lot,
14:01 you might consider walking around the local
14:04 shopping mall, or if you have aerobic tape
14:08 just pop it into the VCR in your hotel room
14:11 and exercise to it. Some hotels have
14:15 swimming pools and walkout rooms
14:17 that guests can use, and if worse comes to worse,
14:21 you could as one person I know does,
14:25 walk the halls and climb the stairs in the hotel
14:29 they are staying at to get in some
14:31 physical exercise. If you are a mother
14:34 who is at home with her children play games
14:37 with them that involve physical moment
14:39 or wait till they are at school
14:41 or napping to sneak in physical activity time.
14:45 Another possibility might be to trade
14:48 babysitting time with a friend or family member,
14:50 so that you can get in a short walk.
14:55 A third reason for not being active is a lack
14:58 of self motivation. Now it is difficult
15:03 to motivate someone to do something
15:05 that they don't want to do. So I hope that
15:08 the material I presented thus far in these series
15:11 of programs have served to encourage
15:14 you to find a reason to start of
15:16 physical activity program. Planning ahead
15:19 so that physical activity is an important
15:22 part of your daily schedule, for example
15:25 scheduling an appointment for
15:27 physical activity on your calendar
15:28 like you've had any other appointment
15:31 may help you to stick with an exercise
15:34 program. Setting goals for yourself
15:37 that are specific like increasing your
15:40 daily activity level to 30 minutes per day,
15:42 measurable, walking two miles a day
15:46 and attainable, trying to exercise
15:50 five out of seven days can also encourage
15:53 you to stay motivated and if you meet
15:57 your exercise goals, reward yourself
16:00 by buying a new warm up suit,
16:01 a pair of walking shoes or a new exercise tape.
16:07 If you enjoy meeting and interacting
16:09 with other people you might also want to
16:11 consider joining an exercise class
16:13 or starting a little walking club
16:16 with a few friends. While it's easier to say
16:20 to yourself, I don't want to exercise today,
16:22 it's harder to use that excuse when someone
16:25 else is expecting you to walk with them
16:27 or to attend an exercise class
16:30 that you've signed up and paid money for.
16:33 When scouting out exercise buddies,
16:35 try to find people with fitness levels
16:38 and goals that match yours,
16:40 so that you can progress at similar rates.
16:44 Some people don't like exercising
16:47 because they claim it isn't enjoyable.
16:50 Obviously you want to choose an exercise
16:54 activity whatever it is, that's fun
16:58 and that you feel comfortable
16:59 and confident in performing.
17:01 Whether it is something like running,
17:04 which is a favorite of mine or walking
17:06 or rebounding or swimming bicycling
17:09 or playing basketball or volleyball
17:11 or some other activity I haven't mentioned,
17:13 pick something that you like and start doing it.
17:19 Some people avoid physical activity
17:22 because they claim it's a boring way to spend
17:24 the time. My simple response to this concern
17:28 is to make exercise choices that are
17:31 enjoyable and fun and to be creative
17:34 about ways to vary your activity routine.
17:38 For instance, I have a friend who breaks up
17:41 his weekly exercise routine by running
17:44 a couple of days, lifting weights
17:46 on two days, and playing basketball
17:48 at least one day a week, a mix of activities that
17:52 keeps from getting in an exercise rut.
17:56 Some people lack confidence
17:58 in their ability to exercise and this keeps
18:01 them from being active. If you identify
18:04 with this concern then I suggest that you select
18:07 activities like walking, jogging
18:09 or climbing stairs, activities that
18:12 don't require learning new skills.
18:15 If you want to participate in physical
18:17 activities that do require some skill,
18:19 you can exercise with friends who are
18:22 at the same skill level as you are,
18:23 or find some one who are willing to teach you
18:26 some new activities like tennis or swimming.
18:29 Keep in mind that exercise isn't a contest
18:34 and you're not competing against anyone else.
18:37 Your goal and your only goal is to improve
18:42 your health and fitness on your own timetable
18:45 and no one else's. Another way to state
18:48 this is that when your weight starts to drop
18:51 or your clothes starts feeling a lit bit better
18:55 or you feel stronger and less tired at the end
18:58 of the day then you're a winner.
19:03 A fear of injury is keeping you
19:06 from exercising then start off slowly
19:08 and gradually increase the frequency, duration
19:11 and intensity of your activity. Remember that
19:15 there is no fast approaching deadline
19:17 for attaining your desired level
19:18 of fitness. Take your time and let
19:22 physical activity become an integral part
19:24 of your everyday routine. If your
19:27 experiencing pain when exercising
19:28 then you maybe overdoing it.
19:30 So slow down or check with your doctor
19:33 if the pain persists. Watching Dick Nunez
19:36 show Body and Spirit here on 3ABN
19:39 will also show you how to warm up your body
19:42 prior to exercise and how to cool it down
19:45 when you are finished with your workout.
19:48 The lack of self management skills
19:50 can prevent you from remaining focused on
19:53 why you began an exercise program
19:55 in the first place. If this is the problem
19:58 then ask yourself some questions about
20:00 what you hope to achieve by becoming
20:02 physically active. In other words
20:05 is your main focus losing weight
20:07 or do you want to become stronger?
20:09 Is it important for you to gain more endurance
20:12 or do you just want to function better
20:14 on an everyday basis? All of these goals
20:17 are worthy ones and having specific
20:19 objectives to work forth it can help you
20:22 to determine whether your physical activity
20:24 program is working for you.
20:27 When you first embark on an exercise program
20:29 it is vital to have encouragement
20:32 from your family and friends.
20:33 Explain your interest in physical activity
20:36 to them and solicit their support in helping
20:39 you to become physically active and fit.
20:41 This type of encouragement
20:43 can have a positive impact on your ability
20:46 to remain committed to an exercise program.
20:50 You can also invite your friends
20:51 and family members to exercise with you.
20:54 Plan social activities that involve exercise
20:57 or develop new friendships with people
21:00 who share your interest in physical activity
21:02 by joining the YWCA or water aerobics class
21:06 or a hiking club. Community resources
21:10 that are close to home or work can affect
21:13 your physical activity choices.
21:14 If these resources aren't readily available
21:18 then select activities that require a
21:20 minimal amount of facilities or equipment
21:23 like walking, jogging or exercising to a video.
21:28 By doing a little sinew thing you may
21:31 also be able to locate inexpensive
21:33 and convenient resources that are available
21:36 in your community like walking trails, parks,
21:38 and recreation programs and work site facilities
21:42 that you can advantage of. To sum up
21:47 many factors can influence our ability
21:49 to stay motivated to exercise
21:51 and I've tried to provide with some
21:53 helpful advice to overcome some of the
21:56 barriers, lacking getting the way
21:58 have you perceived of an active lifestyle.
22:00 Let me leave with some final tips to keep
22:04 you moving forward towards your goal of
22:06 becoming physical fit. One is to build on
22:09 success start with small goals that lead to
22:12 larger ones. For example, if walking
22:16 30 minutes everyday of the week is one of your
22:18 fitness objectives and you might want to start
22:20 walking three to four days a week
22:23 for 15 to 20 minutes and as you get stronger,
22:25 gradually increase the duration
22:28 and frequency of walking until you achieve
22:31 your ultimate goal. At that point,
22:33 you can determine, whether you're
22:35 comfortable maintaining your current level
22:37 of fitness or whether you want to establish
22:39 new fitness goals. Another tip that maybe
22:43 useful is to find a role model that
22:45 you can look to. Someone who started
22:47 where you are and that now embraces
22:49 physical activity as an integral part
22:51 of their life, by following their example
22:54 you can become a role model for members
22:56 of your family or friends as they watch
22:59 this transformation occur in your own life.
23:02 A third tip is not be discouraged,
23:05 if you don't see immediate results,
23:07 just as it is a gradual process for people
23:11 to become sedentary and de-conditioned,
23:13 it will also take some time to develop
23:15 a new philosophy of living that translates
23:18 into an every day commitment to an
23:20 active lifestyle. And lastly,
23:23 don't forget that small bits of
23:25 physical activity accumulated over a
23:28 period of time can lead to striking improvements
23:31 in your health. Sally lived across the street
23:36 from us and was a young mother of
23:38 four children under the age of ten.
23:41 The extra weight that Sally gained
23:43 during her pregnancies had never really
23:45 come off, and she was discouraged by the way
23:48 she looked. One day, Sally started doing some
23:52 yard work and she realized that
23:55 she really like working outside.
23:56 In fact she likes gardening so much
24:00 that it became a passion for her
24:02 and she remarked to my wife that working
24:05 in the yard help her to relax.
24:08 Often I would see her outside transplanting
24:12 strawberry and tending to her gardens
24:13 and flower beds, what amazed Sally
24:17 and what became noticeable to my wife
24:19 was that over the course of the few months
24:22 she started losing a fair amount of weight.
24:24 In fact she lost so much weight
24:28 that she eventually reach the weight
24:30 she was a prior to her first pregnancy
24:33 a decade earlier. When my wife asked her,
24:37 if she had done anything else to lose
24:39 this weight, she said no. She hadn't changed
24:42 her diet or begun a formal exercise program.
24:44 All she had done was to start working out
24:48 in her yard. Well some of you may not
24:51 necessarily enjoy planting flowers
24:54 or gardening. One lesson that can be
24:57 gleaned from this true story is that
25:00 small increases in physical activity
25:02 if maintained overtime can add up
25:06 as they did in Sally's case to produce
25:09 a brand new person for the healthy outlook
25:12 on life. I also noticed that Sally found
25:16 something she loved to do gardening
25:20 and was able to incorporate this health
25:23 producing activity into her everyday routine.
25:26 Like Sally, we too should aim to find
25:30 activities that we enjoy and include them
25:33 as part of our physical activity routine.
25:37 Our ability to thrive and function well
25:39 is tied directly to our health which in turn
25:43 is influenced by our inclination to engage
25:46 in daily physical activity. However,
25:49 some view commitment to an active lifestyle
25:52 as just one more thing to add to an already
25:56 full plate. From a broader perspective
25:59 being physical activity isn't really a problem
26:03 it's part of the solution to the epidemic
26:08 of chronic lifestyle diseases that
26:10 currently plaque our nation.
26:12 Just as out physical strength increases
26:15 with daily exercise our spiritual strength
26:19 also grows when we seek on a daily basis
26:22 to know God's will for our physical,
26:25 for our lives. Movement and physical activity
26:30 is the currency of all living things on earth
26:34 and is a constant of all heavenly bodies
26:37 in the universe. When you decide to embrace
26:41 an active lifestyle you are saying that
26:44 your health really does matter regardless
26:47 of how busy you are, or how bad the weather is.
26:52 It is my hope and prayer that you become
26:57 not only physically fit and physically active,
27:01 but that you also become spiritually strong
27:05 so that you can build up a physical
27:07 and spiritual immunity that can ward off
27:11 physical ills and keep you safe from all
27:16 spiritual temptation. In our next program
27:20 we will discussing some simple ways to monitor
27:25 your progress and becoming
27:27 physically active because you certainly
27:28 want to know if you're making games
27:31 and improving your physical activity
27:33 and will also be looking at ways
27:37 that we can motivate you to improve
27:39 your health status. Remember that it is
27:42 important to be physically active,
27:44 it is a process of the universe
27:47 and we fit seamlessly into the universal
27:51 activity when we are physical active
27:54 so until next time I want to you to keep
27:58 moving step by step towards better health
28:02 and fitness, because when you do that,
28:05 your physical health improves
28:08 and your spiritual health improves as well.
28:10 We'll see you next time.


Revised 2014-12-17