Urban Report

How to pray

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Dr. Nadine Joseph-Collins


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000208A

00:01 Are you a prayer wimp?
00:02 Are your prayers short, weak and ineffective?
00:05 Well, stay tuned to meet a woman
00:07 who can give you tips to set those prayers on fire.
00:10 My name is Yvonne Lewis,
00:12 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:38 Hello, and welcome to Urban Report.
00:40 My guest today is Dr. Nadine Joseph-Collins.
00:44 Dr. Joseph-Collins is a woman's advocate
00:46 and a prayer counselor.
00:48 Welcome to Urban Report, doctor.
00:50 Thank you.
00:51 It's so much to say Dr. Joseph-Collins,
00:53 may I just call you Nadine?
00:55 Yes, it's perfect. Alright, good.
00:56 Good, good, good.
00:58 So you are involved in this whole aspect of prayer
01:03 and there are so many people,
01:06 I hear all the time and I have too, I must confess.
01:10 This is time for true confessions, right?
01:12 So up until this past year, my prayer life was really weak.
01:19 If I have to say, I mean, it was just weak,
01:21 I would just say a couple of lines
01:22 and then get up and do what I had to do but it just...
01:27 I wanted more and I knew that I needed more
01:31 and then the Lord showed me something
01:33 and we can talk about that later.
01:35 But there are so many people who like me,
01:38 had this or have just this weak,
01:41 ineffective prayer life.
01:44 What have you found as you go around the country,
01:48 what have you found had been the main concerns of people
01:51 with prayer?
01:53 Yes, one of the major concerns people have and I was surprised
01:57 because growing up in the church I thought,
01:59 you know, we see very good prayers,
02:01 you must admit, if there are any people
02:03 who can pray in the face of Adventist people,
02:06 we have the lingo correct...
02:07 Right.
02:09 We all of these, you know, I call Hailey Mary's, you know.
02:12 We have this gracious and eternal heavenly Father,
02:15 hasten the foot steps of those who are on their way,
02:17 we your loving children combine before you,
02:20 we have a lot of lingo and I thought, man,
02:21 we got this thing covered,
02:23 we know how to pray and God taught me,
02:26 that really we say prayers
02:28 but our prayers are not effective prayers.
02:31 Now what's the difference?
02:32 The big difference is you could say something very nice,
02:37 like a good prayer,
02:38 the ones that we do all the time
02:40 but effective prayer is praying that actually breed results.
02:45 Positive results, I'm talking about,
02:46 not just any results.
02:48 Right.
02:49 So you talk about what is the major problem I found,
02:51 both here in the US
02:52 and traveling around the world,
02:53 is that a lot of people are frustrated
02:55 in their prayer lives
02:56 because they're not getting answers from God.
03:00 It's like, I was surprised
03:02 to meet so many frustrated Christians,
03:05 they are like, you know, um, I've been praying,
03:09 God doesn't answer,
03:10 I have these needs and people are deflated.
03:15 They are disgusted somewhat in a sense as well
03:18 because we're speaking about this prayer thing
03:20 but God is not hearing me
03:21 and I found that there are reasons
03:23 why we're not getting answers to our prayers
03:26 and that is where the rubble meets the road
03:29 and everybody is not willing to go there.
03:30 Okay, so now let's talk about that,
03:32 'cause I wanna hear.
03:34 Okay, so what are the reasons
03:37 that people are not getting answers?
03:40 Okay, you want the long story or the short story?
03:43 The long story, we have time. The long story.
03:45 Okay, let's start.
03:46 So the thing is, when we first met,
03:49 I met you as Dr. Yvonne Lewis...
03:51 Yes. And now I call you, 'Yvonne.'
03:53 Right.
03:54 Maybe in the next three years, I may call you,
03:55 "Hey, what's up, Y?"
03:57 You know, you shorten the name, so on.
03:59 Now what people don't realize or we already heard
04:02 but we have not been implementing
04:04 is that in order for us to have a powerful prayer life,
04:07 we first need to have a relationship with God.
04:12 We don't just need to know about Him,
04:15 we don't just need to go to church,
04:16 we need an intimate relationship.
04:20 And when people hear intimate sometimes,
04:22 they always think about a man and woman relationship,
04:25 but when we think about the story of Elijah,
04:27 when he was in the cave in I Kings 19.
04:30 The Bible said, he heard God in a whisper,
04:33 that was above the rocks breaking down,
04:35 above the wind, above the lightning,
04:38 above all of the noise,
04:39 so it says that he must have been in close proximity to God
04:43 because if I'm in a room and I whisper
04:45 and you're on the other side, you'll not hear me.
04:48 In order for you to hear my whisper,
04:49 we need to be in close proximity.
04:51 So it starts with our relationship with God,
04:54 not just be in a said relationship
04:57 but a relationship that actually works.
04:58 You know how we spend all of that time,
05:01 when Facebook, what's apping people,
05:03 I-message, over Skype, whatever it is,
05:06 we spend a lot of time
05:08 investing in people that we love.
05:11 We spend all that time talking to them
05:13 and we expect our relationship with God
05:15 to be something hurried.
05:17 So in order for me to know your voice, like,
05:18 if I called you on the phone when we just met,
05:21 I would have had to say, "Hi, Yvonne, this is Nadine."
05:23 I'm sure I'll have to identify myself a few times
05:25 in the next few conversations until one day when I call,
05:29 I wouldn't have to identify myself anymore
05:31 in the advent of like caller id,
05:33 because you'd recognize my voice.
05:35 I'm loving this, Nadine. I'm loving this.
05:39 Oh, man, this is so beautiful,
05:41 because this is personalizing God.
05:44 Yes, yes.
05:46 This is not... He's not some deity out there,
05:51 He's someone that's wants to be right here...
05:53 Wants to be right there and sometime it comforts me,
05:55 you know, cause I'm like, Lord, you are who you are and yet
06:00 when we choose to spend time for you,
06:01 it means so much to Him
06:03 and that is why people
06:04 who spend a lot of time in God's presence
06:07 appear to be more blessed than others
06:10 because you're a parent and you know like,
06:13 you might have a kid who's close to you
06:15 and you may have a kid who lives far away from you,
06:17 the one who's close to you,
06:18 you usually get more of your presence,
06:21 they get more of your attention and stuff like that
06:23 and when we look at God and spending time with Him,
06:26 it's like the child who chooses to spend more time with Him,
06:29 end up getting a little more blessings
06:31 because they're right there under Him.
06:34 I am one of those children,
06:35 I want to be as close as possible
06:38 as I can get to God.
06:39 Yes.
06:41 I wanna get as much from Him as I can.
06:42 As my father, you wanna give me...
06:44 He says He wanna give us exceedingly abundantly
06:46 above anything we can ask
06:49 but He wants that personal time.
06:52 This is so good, um, there is a pastor
06:55 that came to 3ABN to visit
06:58 and he had told one of my friends,
07:01 Irma Murray, she had heard him say,
07:04 he has this relationship with the Lord that is really,
07:08 just special and he said that just what you're saying,
07:11 that God, that Jesus specifically, is lonely.
07:18 When she told me that, tears came to my eyes
07:21 because I don't think of Jesus as lonely.
07:23 I don't think of Him as wanting to be so close.
07:28 I mean, I do but I don't.
07:30 I don't think of Him as lonely though,
07:31 I've never thought of Him like that
07:33 and then when I talked to Pastor Portes,
07:35 when he was here, he said,
07:38 "Jesus doesn't just want members,
07:40 He wants friends."
07:43 He wants friends and so what you're saying
07:45 is just reinforcing that
07:47 and actually that's life changing
07:51 because once you realize that,
07:54 you find out how you can get closer to Him
07:58 and you do it.
07:59 I mean, my life has been changed totally,
08:02 so I totally, I'm just like,
08:03 I'm so into this, okay, so...
08:05 Yes, yes, so we need to know His voice.
08:06 Yes.
08:08 And one another thing is like I mentioned,
08:10 for us to know His voice,
08:12 we'd have to spend time talking to Him.
08:14 Right.
08:15 So when the noises of life come,
08:17 the stress is the frustrations, above all of that noise,
08:20 we can still hear that voice of God,
08:22 that still small voice just like Elijah heard
08:25 and another aspect of our prayer life, like,
08:27 a fundamental aspect is that prayer
08:30 or talking to God is a two way conversation.
08:34 Most times when we go to Him,
08:35 we go to Him and we do all the talking.
08:38 Right.
08:39 Now how many of us would like to be in a relationship
08:41 where one person does all the talking?
08:43 Well, honestly, for me, that's what made it boring.
08:47 I mean, I just have to admit it
08:48 because I was doing all the talking...
08:50 Yes, yes. So, I mean, I was.
08:52 So if you're doing all the talking,
08:54 you're just saying, tu, tu, tu, tu, tu, okay.
08:58 And both parties are frustrated.
08:59 Why?
09:00 Because you do all the talking and you get frustrated
09:02 because you may not get the response you want
09:04 or you may not get any response at all
09:06 and the person on the list might feel left out.
09:09 So if we're talking about God as a personal God,
09:11 having that personal relationship,
09:13 you could imagine how hurt and frustrated He is
09:16 that He wants to talk back to us
09:19 and I thought about something recently
09:21 and I thought, "Wow, you know,
09:22 we actually should change our self,
09:24 when we do all the talking."
09:26 Absolutely.
09:28 Yes, because He wants to bless us
09:31 more than we can ask and as human beings,
09:34 if we have not died to serve
09:36 which is something I need to touch on soon,
09:38 if we have not given up our will for God's will,
09:40 every time we go to ask Him something,
09:42 we're asking Him something we can see in our own eyes,
09:45 something that we can measure,
09:47 something we think it's actually close above.
09:50 But when we trust Him and we allow Him to talk,
09:52 then He gives us the bigger picture.
09:54 He shows us so much more blessings I want to give you,
09:58 you cannot ask me things that I wanna give you
10:01 because I wanna give you so much more
10:02 than you could ever ask or think.
10:04 Yes.
10:05 Yes, and we should change ourselves
10:07 and we shorten God's hands
10:09 because we wanted all the talking.
10:11 So the first thing we have to do
10:15 is spend more time with Him,
10:17 so that we can differentiate His voice from any other,
10:23 then what?
10:24 We need to wait on Him, listen to Him talk,
10:28 allow prayer to be a two way conversation
10:32 and not just us bringing our requests to Him.
10:34 Love it.
10:35 Yes. Okay.
10:37 And then the other thing we have to recognize
10:38 is that we need to practice it,
10:42 like every other art, like everything else in life,
10:46 Ellen G. White speaks about prayer as a science
10:49 and most of us would like to hear the word, 'science'
10:51 but it simply means like there's a strategy,
10:54 there's probably something logical
10:55 that we can do to get responses from God.
10:58 And part of that has to do with us recognizing,
11:01 Galatians 2:20,
11:03 where it says "I am crucified with Christ, never the less,
11:07 I live, yet not I but Christ lives in me,
11:10 and so the life I now live,
11:11 I'm not living it
11:13 but I'm living it by the son of God is living in me."
11:16 This has so much today for prayer life
11:18 that we don't recognize
11:20 and it's exciting to me
11:22 when the Lord revealed that to me,
11:23 that if I die to self and Jesus is living in me,
11:29 this body belongs to Nadine, right?
11:32 Well, it doesn't really belong to.
11:34 This body is Nadine's body, right?
11:37 But when Christ is living in this body,
11:39 Christ is living in me, the Bible says,
11:41 "Whatsoever things you ask in prayer,
11:44 believing you receive it, you will have it."
11:46 And most times we say that text,
11:48 we quote that text and we think we're going to go
11:50 and ask things and of course, we will get it
11:52 but we have not recognized
11:54 that it's contingent upon Christ being the one in us.
11:57 He's living in us, so when He's living in me,
12:00 whatever I ask, it is not Nadine asking,
12:04 it is the Spirit of God living in me,
12:06 prompting me to ask God and that is why He says,
12:09 "Whatsoever you ask, you will receive it,..."
12:10 Why?
12:12 Because God is the one living in me
12:14 and He's telling me what to ask
12:16 and then He answers Himself and He will never deny Himself
12:20 what He puts in my heart to ask Him
12:23 and so that's where or that's the key
12:25 to have in our prayer lives, go wow.
12:28 That's the key to having God answering every prayer
12:31 that we ask because when you go to Him,
12:33 it's not Yvonne asking God,
12:35 it's the Spirit of God asking through you
12:38 and God answers these prayers so He can help build our faith.
12:41 He answers these prayers,
12:42 so we can have that confidence to continue to seek Him
12:45 which is another thing.
12:47 Yes, yes, so what do you say though to the person
12:51 who, let's say, my spouse is very ill
12:55 and I pray and I pray and I pray
12:59 and I ask God to raise my spouse up but He doesn't?
13:05 Then that prayer was a no, the answer was a no.
13:09 How do you explain that?
13:11 That is one of the most frequent questions
13:14 I get when I travel around.
13:17 There are a few different ways we can look at it,
13:19 we can look at it in one way where,
13:22 did you ask God if it was His will
13:25 that this person is healed?
13:27 Maybe, there maybe more glory
13:30 in this person's death than in life,
13:34 that's just one angle, in other words,
13:36 God sees beyond us, our eye sight is so limited,
13:40 we can only see now, so, "Oh, Lord,
13:42 I just want my spouse to be healed now."
13:45 I was just speaking to a friend today.
13:47 Her daughter died,
13:49 so I was in a prayer group and so my friend
13:53 the contact I am with in touch of all the time,
13:55 she was relaying the message to me,
13:57 so the lady's daughter died just about two months ago
14:01 and we found out that because of her death,
14:04 so many people have changed their lives.
14:08 And when I heard it today, she was only 26,
14:10 it was comforting because I'm like, "Wow,
14:12 so God is doing more in her death than in life.
14:15 More lives have been changed."
14:17 I mean, it's not our desire for our family members to die,
14:19 especially young people, but it's just simple to say,
14:22 God is in control of all things and while we might think,
14:26 "Okay, my spouse needs to be healed
14:28 and God is not doing that."
14:29 1)Maybe, we should see God's will.
14:32 Lord, what is your will?
14:34 Which is one of the things that is attached to self,
14:38 when self is alive,
14:41 the will of God we are not seeking.
14:43 So we are never going to edify
14:45 Lord, what do you want?
14:47 But when self is dying or when self is dead,
14:50 all you're doing is seeking God,
14:51 what do you want, Lord?
14:53 What do you want? What do you want?
14:54 And I remember the first time I came across that word,
14:57 'the will of God, ' I was in my late teens,
15:00 around 19 there about and there was this book in the ABC,
15:03 'How to know God's will in your life?"
15:05 And I read the book
15:07 and I think in the first chapter the author said,
15:08 "To know God's will, you have no will of your own."
15:11 And I struggled with that for a long time, I thought,
15:13 "How could you not have a will of your own?
15:15 Meaning, okay, I want to go to the store
15:19 or I don't want to go to the store.
15:21 So I thought, "How could I do that?
15:23 How could I not have a will?
15:25 You know, how we're as human beings,
15:26 we want to do something, we usually have a direction.
15:28 Right.
15:29 You know, even when you do research,
15:31 you generally have a direction that you want to go in...
15:32 Right, right.
15:33 And I struggled with it but I decided,
15:35 Lord, let me try this.
15:37 And so I wanted to get a computer,
15:38 that's when people were now getting desktop computers
15:42 at home and so on,
15:43 and I went to the bank and I said,
15:45 "I would like to take a loan to get a desktop computer."
15:47 So that's like, in the late 1990's
15:50 that I bought it,
15:51 I hope I didn't gave away my age...
15:54 If you did, you're so young.?
15:56 I think it was in the late 90's,
15:58 like around 99 that I bought and so I went to the bank,
16:00 I gave my papers
16:02 and the gentleman put everything in the computer
16:04 and then he looks at me and he says,
16:06 "I don't get it."
16:08 He says, "You look on paper
16:10 as if everything is in order to get the loan
16:12 but the competition is saying you don't qualify."
16:16 Now when I was going for the loan,
16:17 I said to the Lord, I want it 'cause I want the computer
16:20 and if you don't want it, I don't want it.
16:21 So which ever way it goes, it's fine
16:23 and I looked at him and I said, "That's fine."
16:25 And he looked at me, "How do you mean it's fine?
16:28 I'm gonna go to the manager."
16:29 I said, "No, no, no, it's okay, it's fine,
16:30 thank you very much."
16:32 And I left.
16:33 The following week,
16:35 there's a couple I used to assist with doing,
16:37 um, projects with them
16:38 and I used to use my work computer to help
16:40 and they came to the office and said, "Nadine,
16:43 we would like to give you half of the money
16:44 to get your computer."
16:46 Wow, now look at how it would have been,
16:49 had you insisted, you would have paid the full price.
16:53 Only the full, I would have paid
16:54 probably three times the amount
16:56 for the desktop computer because, you know,
16:57 the interest rates on these loans are so high.
16:59 Right.
17:00 And so I'm like, that was my first experience
17:03 practicing having no will of your own and since then,
17:06 I have been using it and it has not failed me.
17:10 So it's a blessing
17:13 when we can take time to seek God,
17:16 to see what God wants for us
17:19 and then take time praying for that thing
17:23 that God has placed in your heart to ask of Him.
17:25 So when it comes to like the sick spouse and so on,
17:28 "Father, what is your will for my spouse?
17:31 How will you get glory in this situation?"
17:34 But most times, we do it from our own selfish perspective
17:37 not looking at how it might be in God's eyes
17:40 and so it will be a blessing when we spend more time
17:43 seeking the will of God and when we do that,
17:46 we would be less frustrated when we pray and answers come
17:50 because we are not praying on our own,
17:52 we are praying in the will of God
17:55 and that's where all of the answers are
17:58 because God will never deny Himself.
18:01 That's very interesting.
18:04 So...
18:06 I don't know if people ask you this question or not,
18:09 but, you know, there's this whole movement
18:11 of contemplative prayer
18:13 and that kind of thing in the church.
18:14 What...
18:16 and spiritual formation and that kind of thing.
18:18 What's different about what you are promoting than that?
18:23 For me, when I look at prayer
18:25 and what God has placed in my heart,
18:26 it's simply a matter of denying self.
18:31 Nothing in this has anything to do with me,
18:35 accepting the testimonies that God give me
18:37 from answering my prayers and I make sure
18:40 I share the testimonies because every time you do that,
18:44 you are lifting God up and because I call it,
18:47 "Being a billboard", I told Him,
18:48 "I want to be a billboard for you"
18:50 so that when others see my life,
18:52 they can know that you're real,
18:54 that you are true and that you work,
18:56 so it's all about God,
18:58 the answers that He gives to the prayers
19:01 and everything that He does, it's not about Nadine,
19:04 He's just going to use me so that He can shine,
19:06 that the world can see Him,
19:08 so it's not focusing on you really,
19:10 it's about God and I think God answers prayers for us
19:15 not because He just wants to answer the prayers,
19:20 He answers the prayers
19:21 because He also wants to build our faith,
19:23 so we have evidence that God works...
19:26 Absolutely.
19:28 And I tell people all the time like in my notes and stuff,
19:32 I keep this is the evidence of my prayer life.
19:36 So when God answers prayers and you keep the notes,
19:39 you know how we used to practice writing prayers,
19:42 requests and then burn them,
19:44 the Lord told me years ago,
19:46 over ten years ago, don't do that.
19:48 You're burning the evidence.
19:50 That's right, that's right.
19:51 You're burning the evidence
19:53 which will show that God actually works...
19:56 That's right. So you keep them.
19:58 And that's one of the things, Nadine,
20:01 that has revolutionized my prayer life
20:04 'cause Pastor Portes, again, came here and said,
20:07 "Get a notebook and write down the things
20:10 you want to ask God for, and then show,
20:15 you'll be able to see how He's answering your prayers.
20:18 You're very quick to forget but if we have it written down,
20:22 it's evidence."
20:23 I have some, I don't know if you want to see them.
20:25 Share it, yes, please.
20:26 You know, I have a lots but I just use a few here,
20:28 I wanted to just show you and I asked God,
20:32 you see when I talk about being personal,
20:35 I ask God for anything and for everything
20:39 and some of it might seem so frivolous to people.
20:42 Simple things...
20:43 But it's between you and God, right?
20:44 It's between us because it's our personal relationship.
20:46 Exactly.
20:48 And I tell people all the time, do not get upset
20:51 because of what I choose to ask God,
20:53 'cause I share with them what I ask,
20:54 some of the things I pass the notes around,
20:56 don't get upset because of what I ask Him for
20:58 because there's a lot more where that came from.
21:00 Right.
21:01 So you might think for example,
21:02 me asking Him for something like,
21:04 even braids for my hair or even undies,
21:07 I mean, it's crazy the things I ask Him for.
21:10 Yes, because He's my Father. That's right.
21:13 And I have made it a point,
21:14 "Hey, you gave me earthly parents
21:16 but I'm depending on you."
21:17 So everything I want, I go to God,
21:19 even when I ask Him for everything,
21:23 from my laptops to phones to everything and I'm specific.
21:28 Yes, that's another thing.
21:30 That's there's so much, I can talk about,
21:32 about prayer but I talk about being specific here,
21:35 in this devotional book, I wrote a few years ago, right,
21:38 and every time I go places, people tell me
21:40 this is one of the most powerful devotions for them.
21:43 Be specific and you know why we need to be specific in prayer?
21:46 Why?
21:47 Because the enemy is very ready to counterfeit
21:51 or to give us what it looks like the blessing.
21:54 So if I wanna pair of shoes
21:55 but I specifically want black shoes
21:58 and I just go to God and I say,
21:59 "I want a pair of shoes, Father."
22:02 And He blesses me and you give me a red pair
22:05 and I say, "Thanks, Yvonne."
22:06 Have my prayer been answered?
22:09 Well, no, you got a pair of shoes
22:10 but they weren't black.
22:12 Exactly, because my desire was
22:14 for a pair of black shoes, right?
22:16 But most of us will accept that pair of shoes
22:18 as the blessing but I will not.
22:21 I will take the red pair of shoes and then I will say,
22:24 "Thank you, Yvonne.
22:26 Thank you, Lord,
22:27 now I'm still waiting for my black pair of shoes."
22:29 You wanna hear another story. Yes.
22:31 Let me give you one about a phone.
22:32 Yes, yes.
22:33 I remember in college, where you know,
22:35 when Blackberries just came out,
22:36 there was a little square thing on the side, I had one
22:39 and then it got destroyed and I wanted an 8720.
22:43 It was coming out as a new one, very thin,
22:46 very cute and I remember asking God specifically right
22:50 and here just like I'm writing,
22:52 what kinds of phone I want and specific laptop I want
22:56 and so on and I wrote down, I wanted 8720, and one day,
23:02 somebody came and they brought me a Nokia phone
23:04 in the box and the bag, right.
23:07 And I took it from them only
23:09 because the person was very poor
23:10 and I thought if they went out of the way to get me a phone,
23:13 I need to take it.
23:14 So I took the phone,
23:16 I gave it to one of the gentlemen
23:18 in our prayer group and I tell God,
23:20 "I'm still waiting for my 8720."
23:22 So I called a friend,
23:23 I asked him to check the price for me and so I'm at home,
23:26 I didn't have the money
23:28 but I asked the question as if I had the money.
23:31 So can you check the price of that for me?
23:32 And, no problem.
23:33 They called me back that evening,
23:35 very same evening and said, "Nadine, I gotten your phone,
23:37 8720 and I paid zero dollars for it."
23:42 Wow.
23:44 So if I had accepted that Nokia as my blessing,
23:47 although I was specific about what I wanted,
23:50 I will not have gotten what I really want
23:52 and these things seem frivolous to people
23:54 but truly God is interested in every aspect of our lives.
23:58 Yes.
23:59 He said the bread and water is sure
24:00 and that doesn't mean
24:02 He doesn't want to give us everything else.
24:03 I ask for my bread and water and I ask for everything else.
24:07 Yes.
24:08 I tell God, I want every blessing
24:10 that has my name on it.
24:12 Every single one of these blessings
24:14 and so I have so many stories like that about things
24:18 that would come to me
24:20 before I get exactly what I asked for,
24:22 so we need to recognize when this fake blessings come,
24:26 but most of us stop right there,
24:28 we accept the look alike of the blessing
24:30 and we miss out on the blessing
24:32 that was almost there or the blessing
24:33 that's actually there.
24:35 You know, so...
24:36 I love it. And it's so good.
24:38 How did you get involved in prayer ministry?
24:43 You know, I'm tempted to say
24:45 that it started when I was in college
24:48 but I think it started a long time before that
24:50 because my grand mother
24:52 who raised me was a woman of prayer.
24:54 She was my first example of prayer,
24:56 that lady would pray all the time.
24:59 So that's my first real example of prayer,
25:01 prayer that actually works and then later on in life,
25:05 when I went to college, I had this friend
25:07 who actually taught me
25:08 about writing down my prayer requests.
25:09 We were prayer partners, Debbie.
25:11 And we would come to God
25:13 with our requests and the two of us would pray,
25:16 we would agree on it,
25:18 because remember the Bible says,
25:19 "If two agree on it, it is done."
25:21 And I recognize the enemy doesn't like agreement
25:24 because the Bible says, "One can slay a 1,000
25:27 but two can slay 10,000."
25:31 So the maths is not 1-1000, 2-2000,
25:34 it just jumps all the way to 10.
25:36 So we would write our requests and we would pray about them
25:41 and we would see God answer them
25:42 and that's how it really began for me
25:44 and then she introduced me to other people of prayer
25:47 and we began to minister to people
25:49 and I've seen God do the craziest of things.
25:53 For example, one time in college,
25:54 while I was in my masters, I asked God,
25:57 one of my AY leaders had a car.
26:00 His car would breakdown all the time.
26:03 I said to the Lord, "Listen, if I have a car,
26:06 I do not want a car like his, I want a brand new car."
26:10 Would you believe that I actually got a brand new car.
26:14 I didn't have to go to the bank for it,
26:15 I didn't have to take a loan,
26:17 I was just paying for it every month directly
26:19 because one of my friends' uncle,
26:23 we met over dinner and he needed somebody
26:25 to sort of sit his car,
26:28 that was another island and he didn't want it packed.
26:31 Wow, look at how God opened that door.
26:35 He is... I say God is crazy.
26:37 He is, He's crazy about you, He's crazy about me,
26:40 He's crazy about us, His children.
26:42 He loves us.
26:43 So what's the ultimate strategy for a wow prayer life?
26:48 I would say that we need to work on developing
26:51 the habit of praying everyday.
26:53 You realize that spells hope.
26:56 I love it.
26:57 Yes, we can use that acronym in our ministry,
26:59 you know, I use this product,
27:01 so we call it "24 Days" to developing a HOPE
27:03 which is the habit of praying every day
27:06 and psychologists are saying that top performers,
27:09 in order for them to do what they do
27:12 have really good habits, like athletes,
27:14 they say would spend at least 10, 000 hours practicing
27:18 to be good at their skill,
27:20 they say that musicians or artists,
27:23 Picasso, Mozart,
27:24 and these guys would spend a whole decade of silence,
27:26 they call it ten years to perfect the art
27:28 and if you wanna perfect your prayer life,
27:30 if you wanna be a top performer in your prayer life,
27:33 you need to practice praying everyday.
27:36 Everyday, praise the Lord.
27:38 Thank you so much for being with us,
27:40 but then put your website up.
27:41 So people can know how to reach you
27:44 and also we should tell them
27:46 that you are the new wife of our nice Collins,
27:48 who is the host of Dare to Dream's,
27:51 Taste of Paradise.
27:52 So tell Nyse, we said, hi.
27:54 Thank you so much for joining us,
27:56 we really love you and appreciate you.
27:58 Join us next time
28:00 'cause it just wouldn't be the same without you.


Revised 2016-12-01