Urban Report

Health Secrets

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Nyse Collins


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000010

00:01 Everybody loves a secret...
00:03 well, today we're going to get some health secrets...
00:06 My name is Yvonne Lewis and you're watching
00:09 Urban Report...
00:31 Hello, and welcome to Urban Report...
00:34 today my guest is Nyse Collins
00:36 Host of Dare to Dream's scrumptious food Program...
00:40 "A Taste of Paradise"
00:41 and Director of Sonari Life Ministries...
00:44 Welcome Nyse...
00:46 Thank you... thank you...
00:47 You know, you are our first in-house guest...
00:50 we usually Skype-in our guests...
00:52 Really... and you are our first
00:53 in-house guest... yeah...
00:55 Oh, wow, I guess... today is something to
00:57 celebrate... extra about...
00:59 Absolutely... but it's definitely good to be
01:01 here and share on
01:03 Urban Report...
01:05 it's always "I got to see many reports"
01:07 but now I get to see an Urban Report...
01:09 so... that's fantastic...
01:10 How come when I look at you, I start feeling hungry?
01:12 Oh... oh...
01:14 You know... all week... we've been in Session
01:17 taping the second season of a Taste of Paradise...
01:20 Right... and you and Evita
01:22 have the most scrumptious recipes... really
01:24 I mean... I'm excited because I get to taste things
01:27 after they're done and the crew gets to eat
01:30 and everything... it's really a blessing...
01:32 really a blessing... so we're really glad
01:33 that you're with Dare to Dream and doing all that you do
01:37 for the cause of Christ... Right... right...
01:39 Tell us about Sonari Ministries where did that name come from?
01:41 Well, Sonari Life Consultants actually...
01:44 it's a small company... and it's actually
01:47 our business to minister to people,
01:49 you know what I mean... and Sonari or Sonar...
01:53 in Latin... means to restore, Ah...
01:57 and our goal is to bring restoration to people...
02:00 but not just by "per se" telling people what to do...
02:04 because there are many people... you go to a health lecture
02:06 and they say, "Do this... " "Don't do that... "
02:08 and stuff like that... and you leave the lecture
02:10 feeling depressed... you're like...
02:12 "Why am I still alive... I do everything wrong... "
02:15 you know what I'm talking about...
02:16 and our goal is, "Wait a second...
02:17 no, no, no, no... restoration will come
02:20 through education... " Okay...
02:22 and so when we look at the life of Jesus as well...
02:24 he didn't come and say, "Do this" or "Do that"
02:26 He educated them... They asked Him...
02:27 "What shall we do?" and He said...
02:28 "Well, check this out... look at this story... "
02:30 "and this is how this works... "
02:32 and so then when people left,
02:33 not only were they educated,
02:34 but they left encouraged... Yes...
02:37 and so our focus is to encourage people,
02:39 educate them... and then they will be more proactive
02:43 to take care of themselves and then...
02:44 that's what will happen... restoration will take place...
02:47 and so that's what we do...
02:48 we have consultants throughout now...
02:50 we're developing even more...
02:51 because there's so much work...
02:52 we can't keep up with it...
02:53 we're getting calls left and right...
02:55 people are angry at us, sending us e-mails...
02:57 "How come you haven't responded yet... "
02:59 and we can't keep up... so now we're focusing on
03:02 training others... and now, more consultants
03:05 will be able to go out and bring the good news
03:08 of health, healing and restoration...
03:09 via education of course...
03:11 Amen... so you have a segment
03:14 that is teaching
03:15 are you training others... and then you're also
03:18 doing the training of large groups...
03:20 you're training trainers...
03:21 Right... right... we're training the trainer
03:24 and we're also meeting the masses as well...
03:27 but even though we do large presentations,
03:30 we find that the bulk of our work
03:32 the most important part of the work...
03:34 is our one-on-one consultants...
03:35 like... everybody can
03:37 can go to a session and go, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I want to
03:39 eat healthy... " and they're excited and stuff,
03:41 but what we try to do with our consultants as well...
03:43 is encourage them to stay behind
03:45 a couple of days... and work with individuals
03:47 on a one-on-one basis... now...
03:49 and that's crucial because
03:51 not everybody can ask a question in a public setting,
03:53 and, of course, you know, sometimes things are of a
03:55 private matter... Right...
03:56 and they can't do that then... so we find that
04:00 when we work with them on a one-on-one...
04:01 we can help them ascertain
04:04 maybe, the cause of the situation
04:06 and then encourage them... and give them a plan
04:09 or work with them to develop a plan of restoration
04:12 you know what I mean... and...
04:14 it's been successful... beyond belief...
04:16 and it's so funny... people say,
04:18 "Where did you come up with this idea?"
04:19 Well, there's nothing new under the sun...
04:22 you know what I mean... we look at the Master Consultant
04:24 Okay... His name is Jesus Christ...
04:26 Amen... JC... they will say,
04:28 and He did it... He did the big presentations
04:31 Sermon on the Mount and He fed the thousands...
04:33 that was a little cooking class He did...
04:35 You know what that is right?
04:36 He showed them how to take some fish
04:37 and make some bread and then... He showed how to multiply
04:41 and of course, with the Power of the Lord...
04:44 and He also... the bulk of His ministry...
04:46 happened what? one-on-one...
04:48 One-on-one... One-on-one...
04:49 Hmmm... hmmm... Why are we doing differently?
04:51 so we said... "No need to reinvent the wheel"
04:52 let's encourage the people
04:54 and for those who would like more information
04:56 then meet with us... and we'll dedicate time for you
04:58 that's where the hard work is...
05:00 And you know... that's so important
05:01 because it individualizes the information...
05:04 Yes... if information
05:06 is just generalized... then people can't
05:08 necessarily apply it to themselves...
05:11 but with the one-on-one... they can...
05:13 because they can say, "Well, you know what...
05:15 I have this issue with sugar
05:16 or I have this issue with wanting too much
05:19 starches... Mac and Cheese and stuff... "
05:22 and you can show them how to make the healthy version
05:24 Right... right... which leads us to...
05:27 how they can look better and feel better
05:29 what are some of these health secrets
05:31 that you can share...
05:33 Well, there's an old song... I don't know
05:35 if you know this song... this is when I used to be young
05:37 before you were around... Oh right, of course... of course
05:40 there's an old song... I'm not going to try
05:41 to sing for you all... but it's...
05:43 "There is no secret... what God can do...
05:45 what He's done for others... He will do for you and me... "
05:48 Yes... yes... That was the re-mix version...
05:50 but... there's no secret actually...
05:53 there are simple principles that we all can follow...
05:55 and you mentioned something that...
05:57 there's... how many... 5- or 6-odd billion people
06:01 in the world... but everybody is unique in nature...
06:04 and so... everybody needs a
06:06 unique guide...
06:08 or something that's tailored to them...
06:09 and so... we specify our Program to each individual
06:13 but the principles... always stay the same...
06:16 Right... Oh... good... good...
06:18 so the principles are the same all throughout
06:20 so we encourage them to follow principles...
06:22 and then we tailor-make it to their specific needs...
06:27 and so a couple of... "Secrets" or... principles...
06:30 I like to call them principles, are simple items
06:34 the Number One... the most important one...
06:36 let me pull back here... the simple 8 Laws of Health
06:40 Okay... people call it 8 Laws of Health
06:41 8 Natural Remedies... and all that stuff...
06:44 I call them "8 'What's Ups' from the Lord"
06:46 you know what I mean... because He has just given us
06:48 these principles to follow, not so we can be
06:51 slaves or anything... but so we can prosper...
06:54 we can be in good health... a lot of times
06:56 when you look at individuals who are trying to follow
06:58 a "healthy lifestyle" they look tired and discouraged
07:02 Yes... yes... like... "I don't eat this... "
07:03 and "No, I don't touch that" and
07:05 "I have to be there at this time... "
07:07 I'm like, "Man! you look messed up... "
07:09 Health is supposed to be a blessing...
07:11 not a burden... Exactly...
07:12 and so... it's changing it... and I'm like...
07:15 "No, that's not what health is all about... "
07:17 and remember... Jesus rolled up...
07:18 if you don't mind me saying that...
07:19 Yes... yes... on the Pharisees and stuff
07:21 and they were all there...
07:23 and some of them were fasting... right...
07:24 and they were like... looking like this...
07:26 "Why are you twisting up your face...
07:30 fix your face... " you know what I mean...
07:31 "this is supposed to be a good thing
07:33 that you're doing... you're supposed to be
07:35 thankful that this fast now is an opportunity
07:37 for you to draw closer to my Father... "
07:39 Yes... yes... and so... a lot of that
07:41 stuff is there... and so there are the 8 Laws of Health
07:44 or 8 What's Ups from the Lord...
07:46 "What's up... " and "You should do this... " and
07:48 "Try this... " and stuff... so we can prosper...
07:50 and we know all of them... the nutrition,
07:52 and the exercise, and the water, and the sunshine...
07:54 and then the temperance... and the fresh air...
07:56 and the rest... and the trust in God...
07:57 but I remember... I was hearing something along the way
08:00 and one person said, "We are NT-Christians... "
08:03 you know what I mean... you have the
08:05 New Testament... right...
08:06 I was like... "New Testament... "
08:07 he said... "Yeah, we are New Testament Christians"
08:09 I said, "What... no, no, I believe in the whole Bible. "
08:11 He said, "But most of you people... all you believe
08:13 is in nutrition and trust in God"
08:15 I said, "You know what! he has something on the T"
08:19 a lot of times... all we think is...
08:21 of nutrition... "I'm a vegetarian...
08:23 are you eating this... are you eating that... "
08:25 "Oh but... I go to Church and I love the Lord... "
08:27 But what happens to the rest?
08:29 that's only two-eighth of the story...
08:31 That's right... right... and so, what we want to do is...
08:34 encourage people to try their best
08:36 yes, Number One... we got to trust in the Lord,
08:38 what we realize is that one of the key secrets
08:40 or principles that God has given us...
08:42 "If you trust in me... there's nothing to worry about"
08:45 That's right... If you ever notice
08:46 people who worry... immediately... you can see them
08:49 they can be eating right... and exercising
08:52 and drinking water... but you can tell
08:55 when they're stressed out... immediately...
08:57 you say, "Hey, how's it going?" "I'm all right... "
08:59 "No you're not... no you're not...
09:01 something is wrong... what's going on?"
09:04 Stress number one is one of the keys...
09:06 to relieve yourself from those stresses...
09:08 spend time with the Lord, dedicate a time everyday...
09:12 and say, "Lord, at this time... I'm going to meet with you... "
09:14 and don't let anybody mess around with that...
09:16 so, that's one of the crucial items
09:18 Stress... you know... trying to live a
09:20 stress-free life... or de-stress yourself...
09:22 I think you remember... in one of our recipes...
09:24 we have a... how do you call it...
09:27 not a "de-stresserts" it's a dessert...
09:30 but it would help you de-stress...
09:33 because of the walnuts that we put in it...
09:35 the flax seed... that's in it...
09:37 and you know... and it has some good natural sweeteners...
09:38 See... that's why I get hungry...
09:40 Oh okay... I'm going to stop talking about food then...
09:43 so, the key is to de-stress
09:45 yourself and stuff of that nature...
09:47 Yes... I know, eating is important
09:49 but if you noticed... and I'm going to do a little study...
09:51 people up in the Northeast, you know, New York
09:54 or even over in Chicago... the big cities...
09:56 we're exercising every day... we're taking care of their body
09:58 but now... we're falling down left and right...
10:00 50- or 60-years old... but let's go down South...
10:03 some of the people... quite a bit exercise and stuff
10:06 but you notice... the diet down South
10:08 is... "Hey, just give me some chicken... fry me this...
10:12 fry me that... " but... Yeah... yeah...
10:14 they're living still... they're in their 60s, 70s
10:17 and 80s... they may have a couple of extra blessings...
10:20 you know what I mean... but they're still living...
10:22 why? because they enjoy life...
10:24 Hmmm... they're not stressed out they go to Church
10:26 and they praise the Lord... after Church... you know
10:28 they're doing something else but... they enjoy life...
10:29 And I think the key... that's the word...
10:32 Joy... because there are so many people that are so caught up
10:35 in the "dos" and "don'ts" that they don't enjoy life...
10:38 they don't realize that there's such joy
10:40 in being a Christian and serving the Lord...
10:42 there's joy... there's happiness so you don't have to
10:45 you know... a thing that I appreciate about your ministry
10:49 is that you don't beat people over the head
10:51 with, "You'd better do this... or you'd better do that... "
10:53 it's more like... "If you want to get the most
10:55 out of life... you want to really enjoy
10:58 your life... then, this is a way to eat
11:00 this is an alternative way to eat... "
11:02 you're not making people think
11:04 that they're going to lose their salvation
11:06 if they don't eat properly...
11:07 but rather... they're going to enjoy life
11:09 to its fullest... and this is what Christ would
11:12 have us to do... to actually have a
11:14 sense of balance... and not get all caught up
11:16 in "Oh, you'd better do this... or you'd better do that... "
11:19 or... "you're not going to... "
11:21 That's what we realized as I mentioned earlier...
11:23 there's nothing new under the sun...
11:24 in general... the majority of people know
11:27 what's good and what's bad...
11:28 so, why am I going to come there reminding them...
11:31 "If you do this... this is what's going to happen... "
11:33 so I realized... "Look, we all have good
11:35 health information, everybody knows
11:37 what they should do... so where's the problem?
11:39 we're lacking the "encouragement" part...
11:41 Hmmm... You know, people just need
11:43 to be encouraged... You just give the support...
11:44 Right... we're just here to support you...
11:45 People are like... "Tell me some new information. "
11:48 Sorry... I'm just going to encourage you
11:50 to do what you already know you should be doing...
11:51 there's an old saying... that...
11:53 "If we just did... what we already know...
11:56 we would not be here today... "
11:57 we'd be hanging out in some crazy place... flying off...
12:01 if we just did... what we already know...
12:04 I'm not going to come and say,
12:06 "If you take a piece of carpet everyday
12:07 and add a little salt and pepper and mix it up...
12:09 with some green spirulina...
12:10 or something of that nature... you're going to get healthy... "
12:14 No... there's no secret remedy or something of that nature...
12:17 but these are principles... that we all can follow...
12:22 and so, one, of course, is de-stressing
12:25 and trusting in the Lord... we don't need to worry anymore
12:27 another principle is... of course... resting...
12:30 taking some time off to rest...
12:32 Why is that important? why is rest important?
12:34 Rest is crucial... the body basically heals itself
12:37 when we're resting... Hmmm...
12:39 you know what I mean... I always do programs
12:40 for little children... right... and I say,
12:43 "You all want to grow?" "Yes, Uncle Nyse... "
12:45 and I'm like, "Great... go to bed...
12:46 the bones elongate while we're sleeping... "
12:51 and I always tell my friends, because my dad was like
12:53 6 ft something... and my brothers on my side
12:56 are 6 ft something... what happened with me?
12:59 what I realized is... I don't know...
13:00 it's just a crazy study... that I'm doing on myself...
13:03 I realized... I really didn't like School
13:05 when I was growing up... right...
13:06 Okay... I'm just being honest...
13:07 I didn't like School... and so, I was like,
13:09 "Mom, enough of this stuff, I can make my own money
13:11 doing something and playing football... "
13:13 and she was like, "No way, Jose, you're going to
13:15 finish School... " Hmmm... hmmm...
13:16 and so I said, "Okay, what happens when I finish?"
13:18 and she said, "You can do whatever you want"
13:20 "I can leave the house?" "Yeah"
13:21 I finished High School at age 15 or 16...
13:23 I didn't sleep... all I did was study... study...
13:25 study... study... study... I got out of there
13:28 15 or 16 years old... I'm like...
13:30 "Mom, I'm done... I can leave?" she's like,
13:32 crying...
13:33 You got out of High School at 15 or 16?
13:36 As soon as I turned 16... I was done with that thing...
13:38 I finished in like... my 2nd- and- a-half year...
13:41 I was just like... "Enough is enough... "
13:43 Wow... and I had an opportunity
13:45 now to start traveling and doing all of those items
13:48 but the key is... I wasn't sleeping...
13:51 so, now I'm right there... at about 5 ft 11 inches... 6 ft
13:55 you know... I like to put a little 6 down...
13:57 or something of that nature... but I'm like,
13:59 "Man, all my other brothers are so tall... "
14:01 and I think... at that stage when I was 12, 13, 14, 15,
14:06 I didn't sleep... all I did was study, study,
14:08 study, study... because I wanted to get out of School
14:10 so, resting... is a process that your body uses
14:13 to restore itself... Yes...
14:14 it produces a hormone called melatonin...
14:16 Hmmm... hmmm... and the melatonin goes in
14:18 and it just fixes up the little items there
14:20 that may be causing problems... and so...
14:23 actually there was a study coming out
14:25 that shows that those who worked
14:27 that "night shift" they call it "Graveyard Shift"
14:29 Hmmm... hmmm... I like to change it up...
14:32 I think they call it "Graveyard" because what it does
14:34 is when you work at night time, it puts your body
14:36 in such a debilitated state,
14:38 that you're one step away from the grave...
14:41 you know what I mean... and actually...
14:43 one gentleman was sharing something really unique
14:45 and he was like... "You know why they pay people
14:47 time-and-a-half?" and I was like,
14:48 "Why is that?" he said,
14:49 "because you're destroying your body so much...
14:51 they pay you your medical benefits...
14:54 or your medical bills ahead of time... "
14:55 for an extra 25 cents... you know...
14:58 and so, you can't turn around and sue the Company
15:01 for forcing you to work at night time... because
15:03 "we already gave you your settlement"
15:05 I thought... that that was just the funniest thing
15:07 that I've ever heard... but also studies show that
15:09 when a person works at night and does the swing-shift...
15:12 it's almost like flipping a coin they increase their chance
15:15 by almost 30 percent of developing
15:17 a form of cancer or something of that nature...
15:20 so I'm like... whoa... so I'm thinking...
15:22 if that's what a night shift work is...
15:24 what about me...
15:26 who goes to bed at maybe 11... 12... 1 o'clock...
15:28 at least they're getting paid for it,
15:30 we need to go to sleep
15:31 because we're not getting anything for it... so...
15:34 rest is a crucial item there...
15:36 that people can do
15:38 and a lot of people will notice that they feel better
15:39 as a result of getting good rest also...
15:42 And it actually ages you... when you don't rest...
15:44 and if everybody that's concerned with anti-aging
15:47 and all that... when you don't sleep,
15:49 you look older... when you get some good rest,
15:51 you look refreshed... and all that
15:53 of course you don't have to worry about that right now...
15:55 It looks like you have been sleeping a long time...
15:57 Oh, see... see... that's why... that's why I look good...
16:00 you're doing excellent, so "Rest" and then of course
16:03 getting out and exercising... that's another thing...
16:07 What would you say to people who would just say,
16:09 "You know what... I just can't...
16:10 I just don't have time to exercise... "
16:12 or "I just don't feel like exercising... "
16:14 how do you encourage and support people like that?
16:15 Oh, when I see someone that says, "I don't have time"
16:17 I say, "Excellent... because I don't have time
16:19 to exercise either... " as a matter-of-fact...
16:22 you will be happy to know that the longest-living culture
16:25 the longest-living culture... Loma Linda, California...
16:28 you know, there are many healthy groups...
16:30 or "Long-living groups" Right...
16:31 the Okinawa's of Japan... that's what National Geographic
16:33 showed it... who were the Hunzas...
16:35 and also that Seventh-day Adventists
16:37 in Loma Linda, California... they have been found to be
16:40 the longest-living culture... do you know...
16:42 they per se... don't have the time to exercise...
16:45 Really? they don't make a special time to exercise?
16:47 No, it's not like... "Oh my goodness...
16:49 it's 6 o'clock, I got to get to the gym... "
16:51 no, they don't have a specific time for exercise...
16:53 what they do, however,
16:55 is they live a "culture of exercise"
16:57 Ah... okay... so when they pull up at the
16:59 supermarket... they don't pull up next to that
17:01 nice little blue sign with the handicapped chair...
17:04 you know what I'm talking about...
17:05 they don't wait by the door
17:07 waiting for somebody to move out...
17:08 following people like you're stalking them...
17:10 to get there smart... because
17:12 they're the closest to the door, they don't do that...
17:15 they park at the farthest point of the Parking Lot...
17:18 and they walk... some of them
17:21 don't even use carts... they grab the bags...
17:23 and they walk back to their cars...
17:26 they live a culture of exercise, when they go to a building
17:29 or they go to some area... they don't take the elevator...
17:32 they take the steps... I'm like...
17:33 "They haven't been in New York"
17:35 Right... but they'll probably
17:36 take the steps, you know, Yeah...
17:38 when they're home... at home...
17:40 they purposely leave things in separate parts of...
17:42 upstairs and downstairs... so they can
17:44 force themselves to exercise...
17:46 so they live a culture of exercise...
17:48 they're in the garden every day, they don't have "per se"
17:50 specific time... so when people say,
17:52 "I don't have time... " fantastic...
17:53 when you're taking that train home...
17:55 stop an extra stop... you know what I mean...
17:56 stop two stops... when you're taking the bus
17:58 of course, if it's not late at night...
18:00 Right... people find all kinds of excuses
18:01 "but it's late at night... " Right, right...
18:03 so then... do it in the morning, Right...
18:05 walk to the second station, or when you're taking
18:07 a bus... stop 2 stops early and walk home...
18:10 it's a culture of exercise... you know...
18:12 That's a great point really... for those who might say,
18:15 "Well, I can't join a gym... " or
18:17 "I don't have the money to do that... "
18:19 well, you can walk around the apartment...
18:21 or you can walk up the block
18:23 or you can... have that culture of exercise
18:25 that you're talking about...
18:26 Fantastic... because you're just spending money
18:28 on a gym... let me not say "waste"
18:30 because for some people they need the motivation...
18:32 Right... but for those... the majority...
18:34 you don't need to be in a gym, you know,
18:35 hanging out with all these people,
18:36 everybody is sweating all over you...
18:38 you know what I mean... go outside and actually...
18:40 these gyms are expensive... take that money
18:42 that you would normally spend on a gym...
18:44 put it in an envelope...
18:45 I think it has 3ABN, West Frankfort
18:47 and Dare to Dream... or something of that nature
18:49 Okay... okay... send it over to Dare to Dream
18:50 so you can do more Programs and say,
18:52 "Thank you for the information... "
18:53 and so now... you're actually supporting the work...
18:56 you're helping yourself, and it's a beautiful circle
18:59 that... or cycle that continues...
19:01 and everybody is happy as a result...
19:03 Amen... that's good... that's good...
19:06 so, when you do your menus for people...
19:09 do you take your suggestions from what they like
19:13 and then you tweak it... or do you have
19:15 specific menus in mind for people...
19:18 Of course... it's crucial... actually in our training program
19:22 for our consultants... we say,
19:23 "You have to work with people, where they're at... "
19:25 You've never seen Jesus going up to somebody and saying,
19:27 "Hey look, check this out, you're ready to follow me...
19:30 yeah... yeah... drop your stuff or whatever... "
19:32 but when he chose his disciples and stuff...
19:34 He was very defined... He didn't really take them
19:37 and change their whole lives per se...
19:39 He found out what their strengths were...
19:41 and He... that was their work...
19:43 you know what I mean... Hmmm... hmmm...
19:45 and so, He picked and chose effectively...
19:47 so when we work with our clients...
19:49 when we sit down... if they like Macaroni and Cheese
19:52 fantastic... you can have it if you make it yourself...
19:55 And you make it so good... oh, it's so tasty...
19:57 But we'll do it from scratch... and we'll use, maybe,
19:59 cashew cheese... or something...
20:00 some people say, "I'm allergic... "
20:01 so they always find excuses... "I'm allergic to nuts... "
20:04 no problem... we can make cheese
20:05 out of potatoes... you know...
20:07 what kind of cheese do you want?
20:08 we'll make it for you... "I love chicken... "
20:11 No problem... enjoy the chicken,
20:14 it's just going to be called "Tiken"
20:15 you're going to take some tofu...
20:16 add some seeds in it... some cumin and stuff...
20:18 so make it so it tastes similar...
20:20 but let me just be honest, it's not going to be
20:22 the same thing... okay...
20:24 But it's delicious... and even those...
20:26 I think I mentioned this to you previously
20:28 that my son is not a tofu
20:30 aficionado... he just doesn't like tofu...
20:33 and I said, "Why don't you try this?"
20:36 and he said, "No mom, you go ahead... "
20:38 and then... finally I said,
20:39 "Just taste it... " he tasted it...
20:41 it was your recipe... now he's saying,
20:43 "Mom, are you going to make that tofu... "
20:45 I'm like, "What?" It's excellent...
20:47 It's delicious... And even for those who
20:48 don't want to become vegetarians they're not ready for the tofu
20:51 of something of that nature... no problem...
20:53 if you are going to use the meats and stuff like that,
20:55 just use it the way the Lord instructed...
20:58 remove the fat... and remove the blood...
21:01 that's called "Kosher" and prepare... in a simple way
21:03 with the simple principles that God has given us...
21:06 through His writings in Counsels on Diet and Foods
21:08 and all throughout... so, our goal is to
21:10 meet people where they're at... Hmmm...
21:11 and what we say is, "Okay, if you don't want to go
21:14 all the way... that's fine... can you try one thing?"
21:17 "Yes, I'll try one thing... " so, what we'll do is
21:19 we do a Meatless Monday... Ah... nice...
21:21 so on that Monday, we'll show them how to make
21:24 maybe a lentil patti or just some brown rice and beans
21:27 or something of that nature,
21:29 so, we have to meet people
21:30 where they're at... and then... give them a step
21:33 you know what it says about health...
21:34 "Health is the entering wedge" not the battering ram
21:38 and the bulldozer... you have to meet them
21:40 where they're at... and then...
21:42 take it a step at a time... a lot of times I go to
21:44 different churches and do presentations...
21:45 and the older pastor, and the Health and Temperance,
21:47 "Tell them, tell them... " I'm like...
21:49 "Chill out... " you know what I mean...
21:51 we're here to encourage people, Hmmm...
21:53 you've been telling them for the past 20 years
21:55 and nobody has been doing anything...
21:56 so can we try something different here...
21:59 you know what I mean... and as we meet them
22:01 where they're at... we're not here
22:02 to change anybody's lifestyle,
22:03 we had a great president one time...
22:05 "Change... change... change... " and he finally got in office
22:08 and then what happened? he realized...
22:10 change is not easy... It's difficult...
22:12 the House of Representatives came and did this to him...
22:15 and the Senate came and did that to him...
22:17 now he's just like... "Just make an adjustment... "
22:20 Forget all the major changes... Forget the changes...
22:22 just do something... and people are like...
22:25 "What side is he on now?" because... change is difficult
22:29 so my thing is... to encourage people
22:32 and that's what we're doing in Sonari Life...
22:33 When a person says, "I would like to do something"
22:36 or "But my life is all messed up"
22:37 we say, "Stop, your life is pretty good... "
22:39 they say, "Why is that?"
22:40 "You're here today... you're doing something good today... "
22:43 Hmmm... because you could be
22:45 6 feet under... I've lost friends in their teens
22:48 in their twenties... of cancer, and I used to run track
22:51 with one of my buddies when I used to play football...
22:54 and one time they called me when I was in School...
22:57 they said, "Ray's gone... " I said, "Where did he go to...
23:01 did he go back to Jamaica... did he go... "
23:03 "Ray's gone... " I said, "Gone where...
23:05 did somebody get him for playing...?"
23:06 you know, New York was bad... Right...
23:08 they shoot people for playing basketball...
23:09 because they dunk one in... it's really terrible out there,
23:11 Yeah... and "No, he's gone...
23:12 he was running one day, and he got a heart attack... "
23:16 How old was he? Like 16 or 17...
23:19 Oh... Gone... so, if you're here today
23:22 you're doing something good, now, what are we going to do?
23:25 We're just going to make a step, one or two steps...
23:28 simple things that you can do... as we were looking here
23:30 just simple ways to improve the quality of your life
23:32 and I'll share with you some simple tips...
23:34 it says, "You can improve the quality by about two years...
23:39 by being a vegetarian... " okay... cool...
23:41 so if you're being a vegetarian, you improve the quality...
23:43 not per se adding... but... improve...
23:45 you feel better as a result...
23:46 if you don't want to be a vegetarian...
23:47 no problem... just minus the quality of two years...
23:50 amen... let's move on...
23:51 another one is... "Eat a handful of nuts... "
23:54 I got to see a handful... Right... right... right...
23:58 some of us go a handful... or we eat a bag full...
24:01 or by our desk... on the job... we have a can full...
24:04 too much at one time... just a handful...
24:07 closed-fist... upside-down... fantastic for you...
24:09 "Exercise regularly... " which is what?
24:11 "the culture of exercise... " and that's about 3 or 4 years
24:15 you improve the quality of your life...
24:16 are you ready for this... this is deep...
24:19 Okay... this is deeper than the
24:20 deepest sea... What is it?
24:21 All you have to do is... volunteer and help somebody...
24:25 Oh, come on... once a week...
24:27 and it will improve the quality of your life by 7 years...
24:31 You're kidding me... you mean the length of your life?
24:34 Just the quality... you see...
24:35 For 7 years... for 7 years...
24:37 Hmmm... so, instead of being in a
24:39 Nursing Home for 7 years... you're out there
24:41 having a good time for 7 years...
24:43 or instead of being sick... nothing against people
24:46 in the Nursing Home... I actually love...
24:47 I don't call them "Nursing Homes"
24:48 I call them "Retirement Resorts"
24:50 Oh... okay... You know why that is?
24:52 You go visit them? Oh, I visit them all the time...
24:54 it's the best place... you see how I talk so much now,
24:56 when I go there... I shut up...
24:57 I just listen... "So, tell me some more... "
25:01 "Well, son... what you need to do... "
25:03 and I just listen... A lot of wisdom right...
25:05 tons of wisdom... Yes...
25:06 forget the library... forget school...
25:07 I go to Retirement Resorts, I call it a Resort...
25:10 I say, "You all... " they say, "This place is a mess"
25:12 I say, "This place is beautiful" they say, "Why?"
25:13 I say, "Because, you never have to cook...
25:15 you got fountains... all you do is hang around...
25:17 and stroll around all day... this is amazing... "
25:19 Because we're here to do what? Encourage them...
25:21 Yes... And just by helping somebody
25:23 once a week... they've shown National Geographic Study
25:26 with the "Blue Zones" and stuff they show that it improves
25:28 the quality of your life by 7 years...
25:30 And isn't that Biblical though
25:31 because "by watering others... we're watered... "
25:34 Yeah... let's go to that spiritual principle...
25:36 the Lord says, "Do unto others as you would have them
25:38 do unto you" Hmmm... hmmm...
25:39 "Treat your neighbors as you want to be treated... "
25:42 Hmmm... hmmm... and so, it's like health
25:44 and the spiritual... they come together...
25:46 you can't separate them... That's right...
25:49 they work hand-in-hand... and
25:50 here's the most important one
25:51 "If you just attend
25:53 and participate in Church,
25:55 it will improve the quality... just once a week...
25:58 preferably... " Sabbath...
26:00 "well come out on Wednesday too, if you just attend Church
26:05 and participate... it improves the quality
26:07 of your life by 7 to 14 years" My!
26:09 we have an improvement of life...
26:12 and so, who knows how best... than the Lord...
26:15 so, if we just follow His simple principles...
26:19 and fellowship... I know sometimes Church could be
26:21 a little stressful... people in their little positions
26:24 and having a good time... but hey, just go
26:26 and just fellowship... not just in like a drive-through
26:29 sometimes we treat Church like "Hey man... "
26:32 and we're gone again... you know...
26:34 hang out after Church... bring an extra lentil soup or
26:38 or bring some "Tiken" or something like that...
26:41 to Church... and fellowship with the people
26:43 and man! and it's just amazing
26:45 how lives will change... I mean... you will be blessed
26:48 as a result... as we see you...
26:50 you've been helping people quite a bit...
26:51 that's why you're doing so well...
26:53 Well, the Lord is good... so, if we all can do something,
26:55 that's why that saying...
26:57 "There is more religion in a loaf of bread"
26:59 Yes... when you cook something healthy
27:01 Yes... bring one over...
27:02 bring another loaf over to your neighbor...
27:04 share... and have a good time... a lot of times we're keeping it
27:08 and in our Society... we don't even know what our
27:10 neighbor's name is anymore...
27:11 See, real health is more than just... the physical...
27:15 it's the spiritual... it's the emotional...
27:18 it's the social... Thank you so much Nyse...
27:21 I'm so glad that we had you here today...
27:24 you have been such an inspiration...
27:26 it's so great... I love to see young people
27:29 on fire for God... and so, when I look at you
27:32 and see what you're doing for the cause of Christ,
27:34 it's an inspiration... and I know that
27:36 so many people... look at you and are inspired
27:40 by what you do... so thank you so much
27:42 for all that you do...
27:43 Well, there you have it... health secrets from Nyse...
27:47 Thank you so much for joining us on Urban Report
27:50 you know it doesn't take much
27:52 to incorporate these principles...
27:54 all you have to do... is just try it...
27:57 just get out there and do something different...
28:00 Thank you for joining us, see you next time...
28:03 it wouldn't be the same... without you...


Revised 2015-05-05