Taste of Paradise

Cabbage Salad/Juicy Smooth

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Nyse Collins (Host), Evita Tezeno


Series Code: TOP

Program Code: TOP000079

00:15 Welcome to A Taste of Paradise.
00:17 My name is Evita Tezeno.
00:19 How do you like our new kitchen?
00:21 Isn't it fabulous?
00:23 I just want to thank you for your generous gifts,
00:26 God has really blessed.
00:28 And keep on sending them
00:30 because we need the blessings.
00:33 God is good, isn't He?
00:35 He is such a wonderful Father.
00:38 And I have been thinking about the wonderful gifts
00:41 that He has given us.
00:42 He has given us such array of fruits and vegetables,
00:46 all different types of colors, it's just amazing.
00:49 And I was walking through the supermarket the other day,
00:52 and I was just looking at all the array of colors
00:57 and just smelling the different
01:00 aromas of the vegetables and fruit,
01:02 and I came across the cabbage.
01:04 Now a lot of people don't talk about cabbage
01:06 because it's an underrated vegetable.
01:09 But the cabbage is amazing.
01:11 It has internal healing properties as well as
01:15 external healing properties.
01:17 It is good for skin eruptions
01:20 or inflammations as eczema or psoriasis.
01:24 And internally, it's good for,
01:27 if you have any ulcers
01:29 or any other inflammations inside.
01:32 So cabbage is fantastic,
01:35 so we're gonna do a Cabbage Salad today,
01:37 that not only is nutritionally good for you,
01:41 but also touts a very good flavor.
01:44 Let's go to the recipe.
02:35 So here is our cabbage
02:39 which is finely chopped
02:42 and this is a really quick recipe.
02:44 Everything that is in this recipe
02:47 can be obtained from the grocery store.
02:49 Maybe the yeast flakes,
02:52 may not be able to be bought at the grocery store,
02:58 but mostly you could run out and you could do this today.
03:04 And we have our radishes.
03:06 And this is, I call this a power packed vitamin C salad
03:10 because cabbage is really rich in vitamin C
03:13 and also radish is real rich in vitamin C as well.
03:19 Now you can use red onions
03:22 but if you don't like red onions,
03:23 you could use a green onions
03:26 'cause they have a little milder taste.
03:30 So all we're doing is just palling all the vegetables
03:35 in a really nice in a bowl.
03:38 And if you don't like jalapenos, peppers,
03:40 you don't have to have them
03:42 but they also are rich in vitamin C as well.
03:45 And they also help rev up your metabolism as well.
03:49 And I love the little spice in the jalapenos.
03:56 And then we have a avocado.
04:01 And I love avocado.
04:04 It is a healthy fat...
04:09 and it makes you full as well.
04:11 So if you need,
04:13 you're not quiet full
04:15 when you're eating a salad, put some avocado in it,
04:18 and it will give you that extra fullness,
04:22 without weighing you down.
04:23 So we're just gonna chop this up,
04:26 just real quickly.
04:31 I'm making a mess here.
04:34 But isn't food better when it's messy?
04:43 Okay, so then the dressing is real easy.
04:48 All you do is put the ingredients in a bowl,
04:52 which you have your Braggs, your olive oil,
04:57 your nutritional yeast, your lemon juice,
05:02 and you just whiz it.
05:07 So I'm just gonna whisk it like this just real simple.
05:14 I'm gonna get my bowl out, so I can be able to plate it.
05:27 Okay...
05:32 pour the dressing on it.
05:36 See how simple that is.
05:38 Very, very simple.
05:40 Very simple recipe.
05:42 I'm gonna toss it just a little bit
05:43 to make sure that you have the salad dressing
05:47 all incorporated
05:49 and the avocados which are my favorite.
05:53 And you know what the secret ingredient
05:55 is in cabbage, it's sulfur.
05:58 And sulfur helps cleanse the blood.
06:02 And it also it's the sulfur
06:04 that helps with the skin eruptions
06:06 and also with inflammation.
06:13 So let's put our salad
06:19 in our beautiful red bowl, isn't it beautiful?
06:23 Look at that.
06:29 And then we're gonna add a little cilantro on top.
06:40 Now this is a quick easy salad that is,
06:42 I call it fast food.
06:44 It is fast, wasn't it quick?
06:46 Again a fabulous recipe
06:48 from the kitchen of Taste Of Paradise,
06:51 and remember to live life fresh.
07:00 Juicy smooth.
07:02 Is it really that smooth to drink juice?
07:06 Well, today, we're gonna learn
07:07 some of the simple basic principles
07:09 about the importance of juice
07:11 and maybe the drawbacks of even juicing.
07:15 But let us stop here real quick.
07:17 We all love some juice.
07:18 I enjoy some 100% grape juice once in a while,
07:22 I know you do, too.
07:23 And matter of fact, even a Bible talks about juice.
07:25 Yes, the Bible talks about juice,
07:27 and it shows us that juice is a special item,
07:30 a nice little sweetie as some people would say
07:32 that we can have them in special occasions.
07:35 One person even said, "Jesus himself loves juice."
07:38 Yes, you remember when He hung out
07:40 at that wedding?
07:42 They ran out of the wine aka juice,
07:44 and ultimately,
07:46 you remember what his mom said, his mom said,
07:48 "Do whatever He says,
07:49 and we'll get some juice again."
07:51 And even Jesus was like, "Hold on, Mom,
07:53 I like the juice."
07:54 Now this is the Nyse international version.
07:56 But, man, please, this is not my time.
07:59 But even Jesus listened to his mom
08:01 and what did he do?
08:02 He turned the water into juice.
08:04 Juice is for special occasions.
08:06 So today, we're gonna look at is juice really
08:10 the coolest smoothest thing to do.
08:13 I know there is a lot of fast,
08:14 there is now juice diets going on,
08:16 and everybody is going crazy, and it works for this
08:18 and it works for that, but at the end of the day,
08:21 is it really something that works?
08:23 What happens is when a person goes on aka juice fast,
08:27 the body now starts to use up
08:29 a lot of its glycogen stores, why?
08:32 Because now juice doesn't have any carbohydrates,
08:35 it doesn't, it's very low in calories as well.
08:38 So when a person does a juice fast
08:40 over a short period of time,
08:41 they use a lot of what is known as water weight.
08:44 So after two, three, four days
08:45 or what they do a seventh day plan, then voila,
08:49 "Wow, I just lost 10 pounds."
08:51 But what happens as soon as they eat something again,
08:54 maybe something that has carbs or calories
08:56 or something of the nature
08:57 'cause you can't do juicing forever.
08:59 What happens?
09:00 Bam, the weight comes right back.
09:02 So is juicing the best thing, it has its purpose,
09:05 and let's look at the Bible what it says again.
09:07 It says that you can use it for special occasions,
09:09 weddings, festivals, feasts.
09:11 Some of us we already celebrated
09:13 three weddings today alone.
09:15 Ten feasts this week,
09:16 but what did they drink every other day of the gear?
09:19 They drank what? Water.
09:21 When else did the Bible talk about juice?
09:22 When you're not feeling too well,
09:24 so maybe if somebody is dealing with a ill,
09:27 cold or flu, maybe a disease or something,
09:30 they can use a little juice to do, what?
09:32 Boost a body back with vitamins and minerals and antioxidants.
09:36 And then after that
09:38 what is the best thing we should do?
09:39 Go back to the food and drink what again, everybody?
09:41 Water.
09:42 Water is what God gave us, so let's enjoy that.
09:45 So are we saying juicing is good or bad?
09:48 What I say is let's find a balance,
09:49 use it for special occasions as I did tell you,
09:52 it does have antioxidants.
09:54 So if an individual is using so much antioxidants
09:57 all everyday of the week, what happens when we're sick,
10:00 and a body needs a little boost of vitamins and minerals?
10:02 The body looks at that juice again and says,
10:04 "Whoa, I've seen you all week already,
10:07 you're not gonna help me anymore or less."
10:09 So the best thing is always eat your food
10:12 instead of drinking your food.
10:14 But juice is a good thing
10:15 and so today we're gonna look at
10:16 how to prepare some simple healthy
10:20 juice recipe
10:22 or maybe even a smoothie as well,
10:24 that will be beneficial for you
10:26 and for me on special occasions.
10:28 So come with me to the kitchen,
10:29 while we prepare some of this nice,
10:32 one of my favorite recipes for helping us
10:34 is the Green Super Juice, what is it called?
10:37 The green super juice
10:39 and here is the recipe on how you can make
10:41 your green super juice.
10:43 The recipe is...
10:56 Yeah, that's all you need to make this super green,
11:00 super juice, and it's fantastic.
11:02 And matter of fact,
11:03 I'll get this thing running here,
11:04 it'll make a little bit of noise
11:06 but we're gonna juicing it.
11:07 I always want to use real quick,
11:09 I want to use some of the leafier items first,
11:13 so they can get down in there
11:15 'cause they usually give you a little challenge
11:17 to get them going, so here we go.
11:38 All right, get that going a little bit.
12:00 I'm gonna get my spinach.
12:36 And if you notice,
12:38 they give a little challenge going down,
12:39 you just got to work with it.
12:49 Carrots.
13:37 And parsley.
13:58 Yep.
14:15 Got to get my money's worth.
14:22 Whoa!
14:23 That was a workout, you got to exercise
14:25 form doing all this juicing here,
14:27 and that's also another benefit from doing that there.
14:30 Now what I have here,
14:32 I put another little strainer here
14:35 'cause it becomes very frothy
14:37 and I'll just scoot this out right over here.
14:41 Man, if you all can take a look at that,
14:43 it looks like a rainbow a little bit.
14:46 This is your, your nice,
14:50 green juicy juice.
14:53 Now this is very good.
14:54 We all know the benefits of kale
14:56 and the benefits of spinach it.
14:59 The benefits of beet, it's good for the blood,
15:01 they kill the antioxidants, all of this especially,
15:04 the carrots, the carrots with vitamins A
15:07 and it's fantastic.
15:09 However, if you notice what happened here.
15:12 Let me just go ahead
15:13 and I'm gonna pour this out here for you.
15:16 Whoa.
15:18 Man, my mom used to make me drink this growing up.
15:21 Then I thought it was punishment,
15:23 it's not always the sweetest thing,
15:25 some people would usually add like a apple to it
15:28 or something of that nature to make it a little sweeter.
15:31 And so this here is powerful and it will give you a boost.
15:34 Anytime I feel a little itch in a throat,
15:36 I would drink something like this
15:38 to get that rolling and knock it out,
15:40 to give myself an extra boost of antioxidants.
15:43 That only catches if you do it so often
15:45 then you're always on this like high of antioxidants
15:48 and if you notice, I'm not making fun
15:50 but when you drink a lot of juice,
15:52 you always boom in with energy you're like whoo, whoo,
15:55 and you're like, "Man, what's up with them?"
15:57 It's because you've taken in a lot of sugars
15:58 but here natural sugars, of course.
16:01 Here is the key item, when a person juices,
16:05 they remove God's natural valve from the food.
16:10 Yes, they remove a natural valve.
16:13 Can anybody tell me, what is God's natural valve?
16:16 I know, you'll are thinking about it.
16:17 You like to just juice or whatever.
16:19 And here it is the natural valve
16:21 that God has given us,
16:23 if you all can see here is fiber.
16:26 Yes, fiber.
16:28 I remember, my mom, she had cancer
16:31 and the Lord blessed her,
16:33 she made some changes in her lifestyle,
16:35 and she got over her cancer, right?
16:37 So she called me the other day, she says,
16:39 you're going all around the world,
16:41 help our people to balance their blessings, you know,
16:43 aka it you know, lose weight,
16:45 to balance their weight.
16:46 And she says, you're not helping me.
16:48 And she says, I know I'm a little over blessed,
16:50 but help me.
16:52 I said, "Mom, I can't help you 'cause you don't listen."
16:54 You know, it's really cool as parents age a little bit,
16:57 you know, the table start to turn a little bit,
17:00 but you know it doesn't turn too much
17:01 'cause if mom is upset,
17:02 would you, you do something wrong,
17:04 she'll still give you spanking.
17:05 But I said, "You don't listen, you have a hardhead, Mom."
17:07 And she says, "Okay, I'll listen."
17:09 I said, "What are you doing?
17:10 Are you exercising, are you doing this?
17:12 Are you doing that?" And she says yes.
17:14 "Are you eating well?" She says yes.
17:16 I said, "What about juices and stuff of that nature?"
17:19 She says, "Well, I'm juicing.
17:20 I said, "Why are you still juicing?
17:22 She said, "It healed me of cancer."
17:25 Let's call a timeout, everybody.
17:27 Juice is good.
17:28 It has a lot of vitamins and minerals.
17:30 But there is no healing power in the juice.
17:32 Healing only comes from who?
17:34 God.
17:35 He blesses us when we are faithful,
17:37 when we listen and are obedient and we take care of our body.
17:41 The reason why people get better
17:42 is 'cause they're obedient
17:44 and they're going back o the natural diet
17:45 that God has given them.
17:47 But I said, "Mom, the healing wasn't in the carrot juice,
17:49 the healing was God, amen."
17:51 And so she said okay.
17:53 I said, "Why?
17:54 You don't need to drink that juice in general
17:57 'cause you're not sick anymore."
17:58 The Lord blessed her and cancer was gone.
18:00 And she says, "Oh, yeah."
18:02 I said, "Let me ask you a quick question.
18:03 How many carrots and beets does it take to make what,
18:07 one glass of juice?"
18:09 Well, we just used three carrots, one bead,
18:12 two celery, a cup, a half a cup of kale
18:16 and all of that stuff.
18:17 So I asked one simple question,
18:18 and you all can help me answer this.
18:20 Can you eat all of that?
18:23 Can you eat all of what we just made here?
18:26 And most people will say what?
18:27 No, and my mom says no.
18:30 I could only probably eat two carrots.
18:32 I know I'm a little blessed.
18:34 Yeah, maybe a little over blessed,
18:36 but I'm not greedy.
18:38 And you know what?
18:39 She is right, she's not greedy.
18:41 Why can she not eat all of this?
18:43 Why can you not eat all of this?
18:45 After your first or second carrot
18:48 because the valve is still in it.
18:49 What is the valve everybody?
18:51 Fiber.
18:52 Yes, this fiber because the fiber is still in it,
18:55 it does what?
18:56 Fiber's indigestible,
18:58 that means your body can't digest
18:59 so what does fiber do?
19:01 It goes and swells up on you
19:03 and starts cleaning the lining of the digestive track
19:07 and starts getting everything out.
19:09 But at the same time, when you try to go
19:12 and eat another carrot, the body says stop.
19:16 Why?
19:17 Because you are now what, you are now full.
19:20 Follow closely.
19:22 That means your body is not allowing you
19:24 to take in too much.
19:25 But when I juice it, I remove the fiber
19:30 and then I'm just left with this,
19:32 and the body cannot now say what, no.
19:35 So let's call a timeout again.
19:37 Are we saying juicing is bad?
19:39 No, you can use it for special occasions,
19:42 but every other day, eat the food.
19:45 The fiber is crucial, it's necessary for you.
19:48 The body would do its job naturally
19:51 if we just take care of it the way we need to.
19:53 Another thing that individuals will say,
19:55 I needed to detoxify the body.
19:58 And I've shared this before.
19:59 But I have a tip for you,
20:01 it's going to come out in a book.
20:02 Yeah, I don't know if I should tell you all about this tip,
20:05 but this tip this is a book that I'm working on here,
20:08 is one simple tip for detoxifying your body.
20:11 Does anybody know how to detoxify your body naturally?
20:14 All right, some would say water,
20:16 some would say exercise,
20:17 some will say do the juicing and stuff.
20:18 Now that would help
20:20 but the best way to cleanout your body
20:22 is just don't put in what you want to clean out.
20:26 You guys know what I'm talking about there?
20:28 Don't put in what you need to cleanout.
20:30 So if you know you're eating food
20:32 that you shouldn't be eating,
20:33 then just stop eating it, as simple as that.
20:36 Don't eat it anymore, and you will be okay.
20:39 The body would naturally clean it out, why?
20:41 Because you have the fiber, you have the artichoke.
20:44 Hello, you know, I always have to bring artichoke
20:46 on a program here.
20:47 Artichoke naturally detoxify the liver.
20:49 Many individuals would use juicing to detoxify,
20:52 but actually, I'll say this quietly,
20:54 don't get me in trouble.
20:56 Do you know when a person does it
20:58 for a long period of time
20:59 and they don't eat food and they're just only juicing,
21:01 it actually slows down your metabolism
21:04 and in some instances permanently.
21:07 Why does it slow down?
21:08 'Cause the body is not digesting food,
21:10 so the body says, "I'm out of here.
21:12 I'm done. You do it on your own."
21:14 But the good news is
21:15 you can use it for what, everybody,
21:17 special occasions,
21:19 the rest of the time eat it because digestion,
21:22 can you tell me where digestion begins?
21:24 Digestion begins in the mouth.
21:25 You need to chew your food.
21:27 So here's the next question.
21:29 Well, what if I don't per say juice
21:31 or just have it on special occasion?
21:33 What if I make a smoothie?
21:35 You see 'cause when you chew food,
21:37 the body releases enzymes that attach to the food
21:41 and when it gets to the stomach,
21:42 then it's ready for the second part of digestion.
21:45 But the first part everybody is what?
21:47 Chewing, mastication,
21:49 I'm not going to get into how many times
21:50 you should be chewing, you ever heard that?
21:52 So an individual will say, chew 20 times.
21:54 I'm like that is stressful.
21:56 Can you imagine trying to eat food
21:57 one, two, three, four, five, six.
21:59 No, just eat your food but eat it slowly,
22:02 take your time, but what about smoothies?
22:04 Smoothies keep the fiber.
22:07 They do but when you're drinking or eating
22:10 or whatever a smoothie, where does the digestion begin?
22:14 It hits the stomach first, so everybody follow closely.
22:18 If it hits the stomach first,
22:20 then you're not really helping the digestion.
22:23 Why?
22:24 A lot of time smoothie came above
22:26 because a person was so sick in a hospital,
22:28 so we're in the hospital,
22:29 we're walking by and we see a person that's sick
22:31 and he can't really eat the food, right?
22:34 So as a result, they put a tube down
22:36 and what do they have to do because they can't chew,
22:38 we have the blend the food so we can get it down
22:40 so they can get some kind of nutrition.
22:43 Now that helps but for a person who can chew,
22:47 that may not be the best thing, okay,
22:49 because digestion begins where, in the mouth.
22:52 So if you ever notice,
22:53 if you go to amusement park or anywhere,
22:56 they put a band around you that you have to pay to go in,
22:58 when you go for a ride or you finally get to the ride,
23:00 they look to see if you have a band.
23:02 If you don't have a band, what happens?
23:04 They say, "Get out of here. Go back and pay."
23:07 It's the same thing with food.
23:09 When you chew your food, it attaches enzymes to it.
23:13 And when it gets to the stomach, it says,
23:15 "You are now ready,
23:16 'Here's my band' for Step number two."
23:19 So it's not always the best thing
23:21 to be drinking it, it's the best thing to eat it.
23:23 However, can we have a smoothie once in a while?
23:27 Don't be a party pooper.
23:28 Yes, we can have a smoothie once in a while,
23:31 and just in special occasions.
23:34 And if you're going to do a smoothie,
23:36 I have a special smoothie for you.
23:37 I call it the Wo Man, right everybody.
23:41 The Wo Man so it's good for, who?
23:43 Women and men, the Wo Man super smoothie.
23:47 Check out the simple recipe on how to make
23:49 the Muscle Wo Man super smoothie.
23:52 All you need is...
24:07 But don't forget your banana of course.
24:15 So here it is.
24:16 We're gonna make the Wo Man, what are we going to make?
24:18 The Wo Man Muscle Smoothie.
24:21 And this is good
24:22 because it's good for the muscles,
24:23 the joints, the bones,
24:25 and then you got to have your blender, of course.
24:29 All right, so we have a blender.
24:32 And then where's the rest of my stuff?
24:33 And then you have your blender top here.
24:35 Okay.
24:36 And this is the easiest one that you can make.
24:39 Oh, another thing with that juice,
24:41 once you make it,
24:42 you have to drink it right away.
24:44 None of this packing it up and bringing it to work
24:47 because it's not pasteurized,
24:48 it can develop other bacteria and stuff,
24:50 so once you make it,
24:52 now that is exposed to the air, what you need to do?
24:54 Drink it right away, all right.
24:56 So here all we're gonna do is we're gonna take our banana.
24:59 This is the Wo Man banana's very good,
25:02 we all know the potassium.
25:04 But you know what else bananas is good for?
25:05 If a person is having a little problem with number two,
25:08 you know, what I mean by number two,
25:09 little diarrhea, it helps to fix that.
25:11 If they have little constipation,
25:13 it helps to fix that.
25:15 Let's not talk about that anymore.
25:16 All right, then we're going to have our almonds,
25:18 you can put the almonds in first to blend it.
25:20 But if you have a really good blender,
25:22 you don't have to worry about that, they all blend up.
25:24 Then we're going to add a couple of other items,
25:27 we're going to take some oats here.
25:30 Now this is toasted oats, these are not raw oats.
25:33 Sesame, why are we adding sesame seeds?
25:37 Sesame seeds is loaded, loaded with calcium
25:41 and then flaxseeds
25:43 helps to fight against inflammation,
25:46 and it keeps things running smoothly.
25:48 And then, of course,
25:50 we're gonna add some water to that,
25:51 so let me grab some water.
25:56 All right, so we got some water here.
26:00 And don't forget, of course, we're gonna add about a cup.
26:04 Don't forget your honey, okay.
26:07 Now some people will use soymilk or something,
26:10 you can use that as well
26:12 but basically, with the almonds,
26:13 you're almost making your own almond milk
26:15 so about two table spoons, all right.
26:19 And it should be good there.
26:21 And let's get the top on and then we get that going.
26:53 All right, so watch this, I have that there.
26:56 If you want to give it a extra little punch,
26:58 you remember I have some of the juice here
27:00 at the beginning real quick.
27:01 I'm looking for my juice, I'm gonna run over,
27:02 grab my juice.
27:05 All right, I have pineapple juice.
27:08 I also have grape juice.
27:09 You can add a little bit of juice if you want,
27:12 you remember, special occasion.
27:14 And then,
27:17 so now it's going to look really cool.
27:27 And then voila, you're done
27:29 with your Wo Man Super Smoothie.
27:34 Now remember, only special occasions,
27:36 and if you can make it as thick as possible,
27:38 it is usually good.
27:40 All right, so here you go, and you pour that out,
27:43 and you're good.
27:45 But even though we've made this
27:46 and they're tasty and they're helpful for you,
27:49 don't forget, most importantly, these are good,
27:52 but it's always better to eat your food.
27:54 Digestion begins where, in the mouth.
27:57 Okay, not in the stomach but in the mouth,
27:59 help you body and eat your food.


Revised 2017-01-30