New Journey, The

Be In Good Health

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Aaron Chancy (Host), Magna Parks


Series Code: TNJ

Program Code: TNJ000009

00:01 The following program discuses sensitive issues.
00:03 Parents are cautioned that some material
00:05 may be too candid for younger children.
00:11 Welcome to "The New Journey,"
00:12 the program where we meet real life people,
00:14 with real life testimonies,
00:16 with real life working ministries for Jesus.
00:18 Today we are gonna talk to a psychologist,
00:20 Dr. Magna Parks to uncover the solution to overcoming
00:23 the thoughts of suicide and revenge
00:25 that stem from childhood and/or prison rape.
00:28 According to the Human Rights Watch
00:30 at least 140,000 inmates
00:33 are raped each year in the United States
00:35 and there's a significant variation
00:37 in the race of prison rape by race.
00:40 Shame regarding perceived homosexuality
00:42 may contribute to the under reporting
00:44 of prison rape by victims.
00:46 Prison rape statistics are much higher than reported
00:49 as many victims are afraid to report,
00:52 being threatened with physical violence by a rapist
00:54 if reported as well as staff indifference.
00:57 This is a very solemn subject but you,
00:59 the viewer, might have been a victim
01:01 to prison rape or you,
01:02 the viewer, might have been a perpetrator.
01:04 We want to provide the solution
01:06 to overcoming the guilt and the desire
01:08 to victimize a human being in this manner.
01:11 I'm your host Aaron Chancy,
01:12 come join us on "The New Journey."
01:44 Welcome back to the program.
01:45 We have an exciting program for you today.
01:47 Our guest is Dr. Magna Parks.
01:49 Thank you, Dr. Parks, for being on the program.
01:51 Thank you for having me.
01:52 Now you're a psychologist, I want to talk about first,
01:55 how did you get involved in psychology
01:57 and what led you to this point?
01:58 You know, I started school
02:00 wanting to be a doctor, a medical doctor,
02:02 but I found myself often listening to people talking
02:06 and I liked to be places like the airport
02:08 or the grocery store and just observe and listen.
02:12 And I decided, after talking to a few people,
02:14 there was a friend of mine at high school
02:15 who was going into psychology I said,
02:17 why not give that a try?
02:18 I like to listen to people,
02:20 I'm good with listening and talking with them
02:22 about their problems so I thought,
02:24 why not go into this and be paid.
02:26 And that's what led me to get into that field.
02:28 You know, that's interesting you should say that,
02:29 my wife is actually a very, very good listener.
02:32 She likes to kind of listen in all people conversations
02:34 and things like that.
02:35 Okay.
02:36 And I can understand what you're saying,
02:38 how you want to view people,
02:39 listen to people and you know,
02:41 try to offer a solution to the people.
02:43 Now you eventually left psychology,
02:46 active psychology work,
02:47 what was the reasoning for this?
02:49 Well, you know, I taught for seven years at two universities
02:53 and then I was in private practice for 13 years.
02:56 But I found towards the ending of my time
02:58 something started to bother me
03:00 about the people coming into see me.
03:02 I was making good money,
03:03 but I started to feel a little restless and uneasy
03:06 because I didn't feel as though I was really helping people.
03:09 And what I found was people would come in
03:10 and repeat some of the same issues,
03:12 they had seen therapist before,
03:14 they knew supposedly the answers
03:17 but I started to feel as though
03:18 I was just putting band-aids on their problems
03:20 based on what I had learned in school.
03:23 And the Lord directed me to study the scriptures more
03:26 and other inspire writings
03:27 and I was exposed to helping people a different way
03:30 working with the particular doctor,
03:32 Dr. Neil Nedley and I learned
03:34 that there were other ways to help people that really got
03:37 to the underlying problem a little better.
03:39 Okay, and we are gonna talk about some of that today.
03:41 And that's what led me to say,
03:42 you know, even though I'm making good money,
03:44 I felt as the Lord was calling me to start ministry
03:47 with my husband and who is now deceased
03:49 but we would go around doing seminars
03:52 and I was sought to talk about how people can truly get over
03:54 their mental and emotional issues.
03:56 You know, it's interesting that you said you felt like
03:59 you were just putting band-aids on the problem.
04:01 You didn't feel that you were getting
04:02 to the solution to the problem.
04:04 No.
04:05 We're gonna come back and talk about that in a few minutes.
04:07 Now you're the author of two very, very interesting books,
04:11 very interesting books.
04:12 Can you tell us a little about
04:13 what motivated you to write the books
04:15 and what's involved--
04:16 what's the information in these books?
04:18 Well, the first book that I wrote was called
04:20 "Treating Depression Naturally."
04:22 Okay.
04:23 And I actually started writing that before I left my practice.
04:26 After working briefly with the doctor
04:28 I mentioned earlier,
04:29 I learned about healthy ways to help people
04:32 by changing their lifestyle, particularly with depression
04:35 and I wanted to put that in a booklet
04:37 because I started working with clients
04:39 and implementing some of these things
04:40 and found that they were getting
04:41 over their depression earlier.
04:42 So those things were actually working?
04:44 They were working.
04:45 Okay, so weren't like band-aids anymore?
04:46 No.
04:47 No, no longer like band-aids, exactly.
04:48 I felt like I was really getting into the wound
04:51 and getting out all of the putrefying sores
04:53 and everything in there.
04:54 So I wanted to write that in a little booklet
04:56 where they could easily read it
04:58 and be able to get over their depression
05:00 but I also found that people
05:01 who didn't have depression was reading the book
05:03 and coming to me telling me that it was helping them,
05:06 even with their physical health
05:08 because these are just simple laws
05:09 we are gonna talk about later that was helpful.
05:11 This book "Treating Depression Naturally"
05:13 is what I was able to write at that time, okay.
05:16 And the second book is a little more,
05:19 what should I say,
05:20 risque or a little more kind of grade set the nerves
05:24 or grade set the field of psychology a little more,
05:27 "Christians, Beware!
05:28 The dangers of secular psychology."
05:29 Okay.
05:30 As a Christian, I started to become aware
05:33 that many of the things I learned
05:35 in my doctoral training was band-aid things.
05:38 Okay, band-aid.
05:39 Many of them, sad to say,
05:42 was not really getting at the root of the problem
05:44 and some of it was even anti-Bible,
05:47 you know, but it's presented in such a garb
05:49 that it is so attractive to people
05:51 that even Christians are pulled in by these things.
05:54 And I started to share things,
05:55 seeing different publications by Christians
05:57 and I started to point out,
05:58 you know, this is secular psychology,
06:00 it's not biblical.
06:01 And finally my husband encouraged me,
06:02 why don't you write a book on this to open people's eyes
06:05 about how secular psychology is affecting us
06:07 as Christians individually and as a church.
06:10 And that was a motivation for that book.
06:12 Now with this book "Dangers of Secular Psychology"
06:15 do you encourage...
06:16 other Seventh-day Adventist psychologist to read this book,
06:20 if they definitely want to know the truth
06:21 of what this is teaching?
06:23 I do. I do.
06:24 And some of them have read it and they've been astounded.
06:27 Some of them have read it and not been very happy.
06:29 Because when you build your life,
06:31 your life work on this and you paid all this money
06:33 to go to school and for someone to tell you
06:34 what you learned is not really helping people that hurts.
06:37 You know, and so some people have not been open and others,
06:40 they've have been grateful
06:42 that the Lord has opened their eyes
06:43 to change how they're practicing.
06:45 I'm not telling them to get into out of psychology
06:48 because there are people out there with real needs.
06:49 Yeah, yeah.
06:50 I'm trying to help them implement principles
06:52 that's really gonna help them to be a help to other people.
06:55 Now generally a psychologist
06:57 may talk with a person one-on-one--
06:59 Yes.
07:00 Or it may be a family psychologist, things like that.
07:03 Now when you're talking to a person one-on-one,
07:06 you find a lot of information out
07:09 about them and things like that
07:10 and you want to provide a solution to them.
07:13 How many years totally have you spent involved
07:16 with psychology talking to people one-on-one,
07:18 practicing doing this?
07:19 Oh, I thought you're asking something different.
07:21 I've done this for about 13 years fulltime
07:23 and prior to that I was doing it,
07:25 when I worked in the university
07:27 I would do it on a part time basis.
07:29 On a part time basis.
07:30 So that was for about six and half years.
07:31 Okay, now in that-- in talking to so many people
07:35 for all those amount of years
07:36 have you ever come across any instances
07:39 where people were dealing with childhood sexual abuse
07:43 or abuse from prison, things like that?
07:45 Very much so.
07:46 That is so prevalent, much more prevalent.
07:49 It used to be-- I'm not, you looked--
07:51 I have not looked at the statistics lately
07:54 but it used to be one out of every three or four girls
07:57 and one out of every five to seven boys
07:59 were sexually abused.
08:01 It might be higher. That's a lot.
08:03 And you know, what, for a lot of people
08:05 they don't talk about it.
08:06 You know, its kind of, you know,
08:07 this happened but, you know,
08:09 you kind of scared to come out
08:10 with that information that something happened.
08:13 And, you know, I've seen interviews
08:14 of people where they say, you know,
08:15 I didn't want to talk about it because I didn't know how,
08:18 later on, my wife would view me
08:19 or my husband would view me, things like that.
08:21 I even heard a story one time of a gentleman
08:24 that was sexually abused while he was incarcerated.
08:27 He got out some years later,
08:29 he told his wife about it
08:30 and his wife ended up leaving him
08:32 because she started to ridicule him.
08:33 Well, I thought you were man
08:35 and different things like that and you know,
08:36 she ended up leaving him.
08:38 So these things actually do happen
08:40 and it keeps people from coming out
08:41 with that information
08:43 where they just kind of keep it bottled in
08:44 and it eats them up.
08:45 Yes, exactly and you know, part of that is true.
08:48 People do react in that way
08:50 and what happens is that there is a psychologist
08:53 called Dr. Martin Seligman
08:55 and he did an experiment with dogs
08:57 that first he had them in a cage where one part,
08:59 the dog would get shocked
09:00 but when the dog would move to the other part
09:02 they wouldn't get shocked.
09:03 So they knew to do something.
09:05 Afterwards he set it up where both parts
09:07 of the cages would shock the dog.
09:09 So wherever the dog went, that dog was shocked
09:12 and from that the concept of learned
09:14 helplessness was developed.
09:16 And so the dog which just sits there
09:17 and-- I don't know what to do.
09:19 Exactly, I don't know what to do
09:20 and I think that has been the case with many people
09:23 who've been abused.
09:24 It's like I don't know what to do.
09:25 If I talk to this person
09:26 they are gonna think negatively of me.
09:28 If I do this, this may happen.
09:29 So they just sit with it
09:31 and it just affects their whole life,
09:33 just sitting with it and doing nothing,
09:34 not recognizing that there is power and hope
09:37 to help them move past this.
09:38 Okay. Okay.
09:39 You know, I remember reading a story on the internet,
09:41 it was a young boy, 17 years old
09:44 that had got incarcerated, it wasn't a real big crime
09:48 but they ended up sending him to a maximum security prison.
09:52 And you know, in a prison system
09:53 you have different levels of prisons,
09:54 level one, two, three, four five,
09:56 and normally your non-violent offenders
09:58 who will be like a level one,
09:59 level two and your more high risk offenders,
10:02 violent offenders will be in level fours,
10:04 level fives things like that.
10:06 And he got sent to a high level security prison
10:09 when he needed to be in a minimum security prison.
10:12 And a lot of things ended up happening to him.
10:14 He was sexually abused,
10:15 17-years-old and he ended up committing suicide.
10:19 You know, and it's tragic when we,
10:21 you know, have to give up on hope and things like that.
10:24 What is the emotional state of a person
10:28 that goes through something like this,
10:30 that is being victimized?
10:31 Can I read something in the Bible
10:32 to give you good example?
10:34 Yes, ma'am, yes, ma'am, read something in the Bible
10:35 because I know there's some powerful text
10:36 in the Word of God that will,
10:39 you know, help a person overcome,
10:40 will give them some encouragement.
10:42 Read that text for us.
10:43 Well, before I read that,
10:44 you asked about some of the affects
10:46 and there's a story about Amnon raping his half-sister, Tamar.
10:52 Well, I don't want to take up time
10:53 but I'll just share with you,
10:54 I thought I had and marked here.
10:56 What happened afterwards with her is that
10:59 she went around, her head was covered
11:01 as she went around in grief and shame.
11:03 And when we talk about some of the effects,
11:05 it's actually in 2 Samuel one of the chapters here
11:07 but for time sake I'll just talk about.
11:09 What happens is that we go around,
11:11 we're grieving because a part of us
11:13 has been taken away without our consent.
11:16 There is a lot of shame involved
11:18 because whenever anything is involved with sex
11:20 and it's taken away from us in a way
11:22 that we didn't give our consent,
11:23 there's shame involved.
11:25 There's also anger that's involved
11:27 because someone has come in and violated and desecrated us.
11:30 You know, sometimes depression comes about as a result.
11:33 So all of these things can happen
11:34 which would help me understand
11:35 why the young man would eventually commit suicide.
11:37 Okay. Makes that sense.
11:38 Now, that's very, very interesting.
11:40 You know, I remember even myself
11:42 being incarcerated one time
11:43 and I remember this young gentleman
11:45 that came in who is 16-years-old at the time,
11:47 I was 17-years-old.
11:49 And you know, a lot of people have the idea,
11:51 you know, if I get incarcerated well,
11:53 you know, nothing's gonna happen to me.
11:55 I'm not gonna let anybody take my "manhood"
11:58 or whatever it may be.
11:59 And you know, a lot of times,
12:01 you know, you maybe attacked
12:02 by four or five different people
12:04 and you know, you can only do so much fighting off
12:06 and things like that.
12:07 And you know, the sad thing about it,
12:09 as he was telling me, he was like,
12:10 you know, what, I just kind of gave up
12:12 and I just let them do what they wanted to do.
12:14 And it's like he almost just gave up totally,
12:16 you know, on hope because he was going
12:18 through these different things.
12:19 But there is hope, there is hope
12:21 and we can find hope definitely in the word of God.
12:24 Viewer, you maybe watching,
12:26 you maybe one that has been victimized
12:28 or you may be perpetrator yourself,
12:30 viewing this program and you know, there is hope.
12:33 There's hope for change,
12:34 there's hope for making a difference.
12:36 You may have committed some kind of offence in the past
12:40 but actually there's hope
12:41 and that hope is found in Jesus Christ.
12:43 And we're gonna talk a little bit more about that
12:45 as we proceed in the program
12:47 so make sure you stay tuned.
12:48 Dr. Parks, I want to comeback to you and speak about
12:51 what are some of the underlying factors
12:53 that you have noticed that have led a person
12:55 to commit such a crime like this?
12:57 Some other things are just anger.
13:00 A lot of these perpetrators as we call them,
13:02 they've been abused themselves.
13:04 And sometimes we take out our anger
13:06 on the wrong sources and sometimes
13:07 they're taking it out on innocent people
13:09 who can't do anything back
13:10 because they were victimized as innocent people
13:12 who couldn't do anything back as children.
13:14 Sometimes it's a need for power,
13:16 sometimes this is kind of outside of the psychological,
13:19 typical psychological realm but biblically sometimes
13:21 it's just because of lust, that consumes us.
13:24 You know, we may lust after the same sex
13:26 because we've gotten to that point
13:27 in our sexuality for various reasons.
13:29 Oh, yeah.
13:31 And then sometimes it's just control,
13:32 people wanting to control.
13:34 Yeah.
13:35 You know, we have-- as human beings
13:36 we have a natural bend towards evil,
13:38 just a natural bend towards evil
13:40 and it takes a lot,
13:41 it takes a lot of leaning on Jesus to fight that.
13:44 To really fight that urge
13:45 because we naturally want to do
13:48 those things that are wrong.
13:49 That's our human nature as we're born,
13:51 until Jesus comes in and we allow Him
13:53 to change our life.
13:55 Now in working with many people
13:58 throughout your years of psychology,
14:01 talking to them,
14:02 how has that really helped them,
14:04 talking to them, ministering to them.
14:07 How has this helped them overcome?
14:09 Instead of dwelling on the past,
14:11 how has looking to Jesus,
14:14 looking to the future help them?
14:15 I have a story I'd like to tell about a sexual abuse,
14:18 we call them survivors.
14:20 Okay, survivors, I like it.
14:21 That's a more powerful word than a victim.
14:22 I like that.
14:24 And what happened was this woman had been seen
14:26 by psychologist for years
14:28 and she was seen by me for actually a year
14:30 and then the Lord started working
14:32 on how true healing occurs
14:34 and I started to talk to her about forgiveness.
14:36 Okay, talk about forgiveness.
14:37 Have you ever thought about forgiving those people
14:39 who did what they did against you?
14:41 Share with her some Bible verses about forgiveness.
14:43 She came to me two or three weeks later
14:45 and said Dr. Parks,
14:46 this has been the most helpful for me,
14:48 in helping me move past this abuse.
14:50 Because I stood in this
14:52 for so many years being powerless,
14:54 feeling powerless, being angry, being resentful
14:57 but when you started to share with me
14:59 the concept of forgiveness,
15:01 I had to ask for the God's help to forgive
15:03 because that's not a naturally thing.
15:04 We are naturally not prone to forgive,
15:06 especially people who's hurt us like that
15:08 but she said as she asked for God's help
15:09 and the Holy Spirit to come within,
15:10 she was able to start forgiving
15:12 the people who molested her
15:14 and she was able to start moving past.
15:16 Okay, so that's great.
15:17 You know, how danger is it--
15:19 dangerous is it for a person to only look within themselves
15:23 for help and for guidance?
15:24 How dangerous can that be?
15:25 It's very dangerous because you said earlier,
15:27 we are naturally prone to evil.
15:29 The Bible tells us
15:31 "There is none that doeth good, no, not one."
15:34 So if there's none that doeth good
15:35 where am I finding the good?
15:37 It's not within me. Yeah.
15:39 You know, humanistic psychology has led us
15:40 to believe there is good in us and,
15:42 you know, all of us have a desire to want to do good,
15:45 that God places that in us.
15:46 But looking at the good in us will only get us so far
15:49 because there is only so much that's there.
15:50 Okay. Yeah, that is very much true.
15:53 You know, the Bible even says that
15:54 "There is not righteous, no, not one."
15:56 None of us are, only Jesus Christ is righteous.
15:59 We've all fallen short of the glory of God,
16:01 every last human being on plant earth.
16:03 Now in your book "Christians, Beware!"
16:05 you talk about self-respect,
16:07 you talk about self-worth as well as self-esteem.
16:10 What's the difference between these
16:12 and which ones are more beneficial
16:13 in helping with our relationship with Jesus?
16:15 You know, I used to push the thing about self-esteem
16:18 until I started to understand the Bible says
16:20 things like let others esteem,
16:22 let us esteem others better than ourselves.
16:25 You know, and different things about Christ
16:27 saying deny yourself, die daily.
16:30 And then I started to read literature
16:31 from other Christians who said,
16:32 you know, those two really can't go together.
16:35 Now I do believe that people do things
16:37 because they feel bad about themselves.
16:39 But what I've come to realize
16:41 through reading is that we need to recognize
16:43 the worth that we have through Christ.
16:46 Because Jesus died for us on the cross.
16:47 He came and He would have just done it for one person.
16:49 And that's amazing, that's amazing.
16:51 You know, and we also need to recognize the respect
16:53 that we should have for ourselves.
16:55 You know, we are--
16:56 we, our bodies are temples of God.
16:58 We were created by the most high God.
17:00 You know, so we have to treat ourselves in a way
17:02 to show that we have respect for ourselves.
17:04 You know, what's interesting, Aaron, is that
17:07 the research shows and we don't hear this a lot,
17:10 many prisoners have very high self-esteem.
17:13 People, they've shown that people
17:14 who are hostile in the classroom
17:16 and have behavioral problems,
17:17 when they measure them with these scales
17:19 many of them have a high self-esteem.
17:21 So we need to be encouraging people to understand
17:24 why they are worth something
17:26 and helping them understand their self worth
17:28 and then helping them
17:29 to increase their sense of self-respect.
17:32 One way to do that is to teach people skills.
17:35 Many people don't understand their skills
17:37 and their abilities and pointing that out to them
17:39 can really help them raise their level of self-respect.
17:42 Now those skills developing is that skills that they have,
17:45 that they may not know that they have or?
17:47 Both. Both, okay.
17:49 Developing something they know they have
17:50 but they never have the opportunity to work on it
17:52 or helping them find the gifts that God has given to them.
17:55 You know, what interesting in prison,
17:57 I know for myself when I was incarcerated,
17:58 you find some talented people.
18:00 I believe it.
18:01 Some very talented people that can draw well,
18:03 that make different things out of almost nothing,
18:06 very talented people in there
18:08 but a lot of times they only use it
18:10 when they get incarcerated.
18:11 They don't use it while they're out in the world,
18:13 they when they get in there they use it as a means
18:15 to make money and things like that.
18:17 But, you know, in helping each person
18:19 be able to develop that skill that they have within,
18:22 that they may not even know
18:23 that they have is a great, great thing.
18:26 You know, you said something very important
18:27 in understanding our self worth.
18:29 You know, when you think about when God created the world,
18:32 He created the world and everything
18:34 the Bible says He spoke, He spoke into existence.
18:37 But when He came to humanity,
18:39 He didn't speak humanity and existence.
18:41 He came down and He got on His hands and His knees.
18:44 He got down there and molded
18:46 and shaped humanity out of the dust of the earth.
18:50 Now that shows that God is a relational God.
18:52 We are special, we are special in His sight so,
18:55 just on that and knowing
18:56 that Jesus would die for that one, even that one,
19:00 that one that shows that there is some worth within us
19:03 because God loves us.
19:05 If He didn't, I don't believe Jesus would have died
19:07 on the cross for us.
19:08 I don't believe God would have came down
19:10 and got on His hands and knees and shaped and molded humanity
19:14 when all the other beautiful things of the world,
19:16 the Garden of Eden, the sun, the moon,
19:18 the stars, the clouds, all these things,
19:20 He spoken to existence but not humanity.
19:23 He took time with humanity.
19:25 So we are like that apple of God's eye,
19:28 the apple of God's eye.
19:29 Now I want to shift gears
19:30 and I want to talk about the underlying solution
19:33 to helping a victim overcome sexual abuse
19:37 as well as a perpetrator overcome
19:39 being aggressor to someone.
19:41 Wow, if I could do that in eight minutes
19:43 that would be great and I'm gonna try my best
19:45 which is give few little notes.
19:46 All right. All right.
19:47 I mentioned my case study earlier about the woman
19:49 who began to forgive, that is a key to overcoming,
19:53 is to start to forgive and move past that.
19:55 It's also a thing that the Bible says,
19:57 "Forgetting those things which are behind,
19:59 and reaching forth towards those things which are before,
20:02 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high
20:04 calling of God in Christ Jesus."
20:06 In Philippians 3: 13, 14 we're told that.
20:08 We have to ask God to help us to move past, the past.
20:11 Okay.
20:13 And every time that past comes to you,
20:15 if you claim the promises of God's word,
20:17 start to understand those promises and apply it to you,
20:20 you can move past that past.
20:22 In fact, I can just say something personal the way
20:23 I'm applying that myself.
20:24 Sometimes the enemy tries to come at me.
20:26 My husband died last year. Okay, I'm sorry about that.
20:28 He has-- sometimes he tries to come at me
20:30 with all kind of things about what if,
20:32 should have, could have been done.
20:33 And often times I have to repeat the promises that says,
20:36 forgetting those things which are behind,
20:38 and pressing forward to those things which are ahead.
20:40 And just repeating that promise,
20:41 it might happen several times a day.
20:43 Whatever promise you could find in God's word
20:45 to help you to contradict those thoughts
20:47 is every helpful for a person
20:48 who has been a sexual abuse survivor.
20:51 Now for the perpetrators, is understanding
20:53 that all of these kind of destructive habits come
20:56 because of selfishness.
20:57 Plain and simple. On line.
20:59 And when you replace God's love with your selfishness,
21:02 healing can come.
21:03 I've worked with perpetrators for years.
21:05 And the psychological way was helpful
21:07 but the idea was that they could not be cured.
21:09 And its true with secular psychology you can't cure it.
21:12 When they get to know that Jesus and God of this word--
21:14 That's the solution.
21:16 That's the solution, right there.
21:17 I remember working with one towards the end of my time
21:19 and he was just dealing with shame
21:21 and guilt and shame and guilt
21:22 because what happens is that shame and guilt,
21:24 because they don't know what to do with it,
21:25 it takes them back to perpetrate.
21:26 And I said to him,
21:28 there is a verse in the Bible in 1 John 1:9 that says
21:30 "If we confess our sins,
21:32 He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
21:34 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
21:36 He said that was such an eye opener for him.
21:38 I don't know what happened to him afterward
21:39 but I told him if you claim that promise
21:41 because what happens with perpetrators
21:43 is their thoughts start to come back
21:44 of wanting to hurt this child.
21:46 Thoughts thought, as the child comes to them,
21:48 sexual thought start.
21:49 And so when I would work with them,
21:51 we were taught to help them change in their thoughts.
21:53 And that's something perpetrators have to do.
21:54 The Bible tells us to renew our minds.
21:56 They have to get help to renew their minds
21:58 and change those thoughts
21:59 and they recognize God will forgive
22:00 and they can move past this.
22:02 So that in a quick nutshell
22:03 that's what I can give you to help thing to the perpetrators.
22:05 Amen. Amen.
22:06 You know, you talk about a story
22:09 in your book, "Christians, Beware!"
22:10 I believe, about a lady you shared
22:13 the book "Desire of Ages" with.
22:15 Viewers, if you don't know about
22:16 this book "Desire of Ages"
22:18 you'll get a little snip bit of it right here
22:20 but I encourage you to get a hold
22:21 of this book "Desire of Ages",
22:22 very, very powerful, powerful book.
22:26 Now Dr. Parks, I want you to talk a little bit,
22:28 what information you can shed on this of how that--
22:31 how that the book "Desire of Ages"
22:33 had an affect upon this lady?
22:34 This was 50 something plus year lady,
22:39 50 something year old
22:40 I should say a better way of saying.
22:42 She had been to therapists for years
22:44 and she came to me and I said, Lord,
22:46 what can I do differently with this woman?
22:48 And what happened was the Holy Spirit reminded me
22:50 that in the "Desire of Ages"
22:51 which is the book on the life of Christ,
22:53 I said the Library of Congress,
22:54 I believe says its the best book
22:56 ever written about the life of Christ.
22:58 And it gives us details and inside into the Bible.
23:00 The woman who wrote was very inspired we believe.
23:03 Anyway I was impressed to take that particular page
23:06 where it talked about the fact
23:07 that Jesus was born out of wedlock.
23:09 I think they call it illegitimate.
23:10 She was dealing with that, struggling with that for years,
23:12 a successful career woman
23:14 and she was struggling with the fact
23:15 that she was the only child born out of wedlock.
23:17 She couldn't get pass that.
23:19 I gave that to her to read,
23:20 the next week she came in and said Dr. Parks,
23:22 this has just changed my life tremendously.
23:25 If my Savior can go through this
23:27 and do the work that He did, surely I can move forward.
23:30 Yeah. Amen, amen.
23:31 Viewers, that is very, very powerful.
23:34 A lady was able to make some changes
23:35 after reading the book "Desire of Ages."
23:38 That could be you, that maybe you viewer,
23:40 that maybe the perpetrator.
23:42 I encourage you if you do not have the book
23:45 "Desire of Ages" try to get a hold of that book.
23:48 Try to-- it's a great book on the life of Jesus Christ.
23:51 Now, I want to shift here as a little bit more Dr. Parks,
23:53 and I want to talk about some lifestyle
23:55 changes a person can make to help
23:57 with mental thoughts that are going on in a person's life.
24:00 Yes, earlier I talked about using life's,
24:02 what we call the laws of health.
24:03 You know, lifestyle strategies.
24:05 One of that is just changing your diet.
24:06 There are foods that we're eating
24:08 that's making us hard for us
24:09 to move past our particular thoughts
24:12 that's getting us in the trouble
24:14 and there are foods that are helpful.
24:15 Eating more fruits, eating more grains,
24:17 eating more nuts and vegetables
24:19 and decreasing some of the processed foods
24:21 and even some other foods that we eat that we kill.
24:24 You know, decreasing some of that
24:26 because we pick up what we eat,
24:27 you know, so decreasing some of that,
24:29 increasing more healthy foods,
24:31 you'd be surprised at how that will help your mind.
24:32 Yeah, what it can do to the mind.
24:34 Another thing is getting to bed on time.
24:35 That's hard for many people. Yeah, for most.
24:37 One author that we know says that
24:38 "two hours before midnight is worth
24:40 more than four hours after midnight."
24:42 And many of us are getting to bed too late
24:44 and it makes us more cranky, irritable, sad, angry,
24:48 during the day and thus we take a lot of coffee
24:49 to cover that up.
24:50 But getting proper sleep,
24:52 getting good amount of exercise especially when it's sunny.
24:55 Getting exercise because you are killing
24:56 two birds with one stone.
24:57 Yeah, get the natural vitamin D from the sunlight.
24:58 The natural vitamin D from the sun
25:00 and more studies are showing that sunlight,
25:02 it can increase serotonin, you get the vitamin D
25:05 and that helps you feel better.
25:07 And then there's other thing such as getting fresh air.
25:10 As much as you can get out into the fresh air
25:12 because those negative ions
25:13 will help the mind function better.
25:14 Just throwing out a lot of things--
25:16 And these are all natural things a person can do
25:18 without even spending a dollar.
25:19 Not even spending a dollar.
25:20 If people were doing this, many psychiatrists
25:23 and psychological practices would be closed,
25:25 we'd be out of job.
25:26 You know, it's funny if I could just say this real quickly.
25:28 When I saw the change in my way of dealing in my practice
25:30 and people were coming in with all the stuff,
25:32 I dealt with sexual abuse
25:33 but I'd have them change their lifestyle.
25:35 After two or three sessions
25:36 they would be calling in and saying I'm fine,
25:38 I don't need to come in
25:39 and the receptionist started saying,
25:40 you're gonna lose a lot of business, Dr. Parks,
25:41 if you continue to do what you're doing.
25:43 So--
25:44 But you're really helping them
25:46 with some simple things that they could do.
25:47 That's what I felt.
25:48 Instead of having to spend so much money,
25:50 because you know, medication these days
25:53 can be very, very costly.
25:55 But to be able to do some natural things,
25:56 they call the eight laws of health, the eight doctors.
25:59 Simple things that you can do, nutrition,
26:01 exercise, water, sunlight, temperance, air, rest,
26:04 and trusting our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
26:07 these things can be so, so helpful.
26:09 I want you to talk for a little bit, a few seconds,
26:12 about there maybe someone
26:13 that hasn't decided to choose Jesus yet.
26:16 What are some first steps that a person
26:17 needs to do to choose Jesus?
26:19 Because many believe that, you know,
26:20 what I need to clean myself up first
26:22 before I come to Jesus.
26:23 Can you speak on that for a little bit?
26:24 You know the Prodigal Son come to mind immediately.
26:26 He didn't do any cleaning up.
26:28 He just came and the Father embraced him.
26:30 That's what we have to realize.
26:31 Our God is a God of love and He loves people
26:34 and He wants to clean you if you viewer, right now.
26:37 He wants to clean you.
26:38 And so that's something to recognize
26:40 and one of the ways that you understand who God is,
26:43 is by picking up this word.
26:44 Yeah, you have to. You have to.
26:45 It tells us who He is.
26:47 Start reading the gospels,
26:48 it gives us some good pictures and stories
26:50 of the compassionate, caring, tender Savior that you have.
26:53 Now the gospel is being
26:54 Matthew, Mark, and Luke, and John.
26:56 Yes, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
26:57 The more that you get to know a person,
26:59 the more you trust them.
27:00 Don't think about anything that you can change,
27:02 just get to know Jesus.
27:03 The Bible says, from beholding from glory to glory
27:06 we're changing His image.
27:07 By beholding we become change. That's right.
27:08 So just beholding Jesus and through His word
27:10 we can do that and then He will help you to pray.
27:12 You'll know what to pray for.
27:13 It doesn't have to be anything spectacular
27:16 but once you open up your heart
27:17 and start praying to the Lord
27:18 you will start to hear Him speak to you
27:19 and you know, address some of these issues.
27:22 So those two things,
27:23 starting out prayer and reading His word
27:25 and getting to know who He is.
27:26 Okay, it's just like a relationship
27:27 with a human being.
27:29 You got to spend time with Him.
27:30 You got to talk to Him and study them basically
27:33 to understand who this is you're dealing with.
27:34 Same thing with God
27:36 and we have to do it through the word of God.
27:37 I want you to take about ten seconds,
27:39 talk to the viewer, talk to the perpetrator,
27:41 talk to the one that has been victimize
27:43 and I want you to speak some words
27:45 of encouragement to them.
27:46 I want to tell you that God loves you.
27:50 He loves you and He died for you
27:52 and that love is everlasting.
27:54 He tells us with everlasting love
27:55 He is drawing us and He is drawing you.
27:57 If you'll just respond to the drawing
27:59 you would be amazed at what God can do in your life,
28:01 whether you're a victim or survivor or a perpetrator.
28:04 God can change you. Amen.
28:05 If somebody wanted to get a copy of your books,
28:08 five seconds how can they get your books?
28:10 You can email me at,
28:16 or you could call, actually at 678-665-7968.
28:20 You've been watching "The New Journey,"
28:21 join us next time.


Revised 2015-04-27