The Missing Peace

It Is Finished

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jason Bradley (Host), Nadine Joseph-Collins PhD


Series Code: TMP

Program Code: TMP000013A

00:32 Hello and welcome to The Missing Peace.
00:34 My name is Jason Bradley.
00:36 Dr. Nadine Joseph-Collins is our primary host for this program.
00:40 She's a Speaker, Author and Teacher.
00:43 Her main focus and passion is prayer.
00:46 Dr. Nadine is committed to making our prayer life go "Wow!"
00:49 Before we hear from her, let's invite the Lord to join us
00:53 "Dear Heavenly Father,
00:55 we thank you for the opportunity to serve you
00:57 as we discuss the missing peace
01:00 we ask that you would please be with us,
01:04 clear out anything that would separate us from you
01:08 and help facilitate this conversation...
01:11 Lord, guide this conversation...
01:13 send your Holy Spirit to be with us...
01:15 in Jesus' name we pray, amen. "
01:16 "Amen. "
01:18 So, what is our topic for today?
01:19 You know, we've been talking a lot about prayer...
01:22 trying to find these missing pieces
01:25 that would actually give us the peace that we're looking for
01:27 in our prayer lives
01:29 and we've reached somewhat of a culmination...
01:31 not to say that we're done knowing all we should know
01:34 because there's so much more
01:35 and even the concepts that we have discussed...
01:37 there's so much more that we can learn from them
01:39 as we continue to experience God in our prayer lives
01:42 and as we continue to grow, He will reveal things to us...
01:45 make old things new and so on
01:48 but now we're going to look at a topic:
01:49 It is Finished...
01:51 Unpack that for us.
01:53 I often hear arguments,
01:54 I'm sure you've heard them too, right,
01:56 like, which comes first?
01:57 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
01:58 Nadine: The chicken or the egg
02:00 or... which comes first? The seed or the tree
02:02 or where does the circle begin and where does it end?
02:06 Jason: Yes, I've heard that.
02:07 Nadine: And these questions in addition to other questions
02:10 like, where does God begin in your own experience
02:12 and where does He end?
02:14 And does God still answer prayers?
02:16 These questions are sometimes linked
02:19 to our belief and existence in God
02:22 and sometimes we are looking for these types of answers
02:26 and so, human beings...
02:28 we are, in a sense, desperately searching
02:31 for our beginnings...
02:32 that's why we ask all of these questions...
02:34 "Where does this begin, where does this end?"
02:36 And so, we have that craving and that desire
02:38 to search for our beginnings so much so
02:41 that western Black people with some level of consciousness...
02:44 not all of us but some people
02:46 are spending a lot of money
02:48 trying to get answers about their...
02:50 you know, their beginnings...
02:51 people are traveling across continents
02:53 and they're doing all kinds of tests online
02:56 and different DNA tests
02:57 so that they can find some answers
02:59 about their beginnings.
03:00 I know quite a few people
03:02 that have searched for their beginnings.
03:03 Really? DNA testing and stuff like that, right?
03:06 Absolutely.
03:07 Yes, and we've all heard even about kids who were adopted
03:11 and raised by really good parents
03:13 but at some point in their lives,
03:15 they would want to know
03:16 something about their biological parents...
03:18 Jason: Yes...
03:19 Nadine: That's how much we're caught up with beginnings
03:20 and then we have these fatherless children...
03:22 their entire life...
03:23 maybe they were raised by a step-father
03:25 or sometimes, they have no father at all...
03:27 but at some point they want to know,
03:29 "Hey, who is my real father?"
03:30 And they would be going in search of that
03:33 and so, we seem to be caught up
03:35 with beginnings or answers about our beginnings
03:39 and we're so much into that
03:42 that we celebrate, most of us, every year... our birthday.
03:45 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
03:46 Nadine: Which signifies our entrance into the world...
03:48 then other people will celebrate for example,
03:50 the first day on a job or the first day of college...
03:53 the first day of any level of school...
03:55 and parents take pictures of their kids...
03:58 the first day when they go to Pre-K
04:00 and the first day when they...
04:02 you know, High School and so,
04:03 so, we mark our beginnings.
04:05 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
04:06 Nadine: And we also mark our "ends"
04:08 but our "ends" are sometimes
04:10 marked by either great accomplishments
04:12 or great disappointments...
04:13 so, the great accomplishments could be: Graduation...
04:16 we all like to celebrate graduation,
04:18 I really didn't like graduation but most people like graduation.
04:22 Jason: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
04:23 Nadine: Because it signifies to people
04:25 the end of something great...
04:26 the reason why I didn't like it
04:27 is because I didn't know what was next.
04:29 Jason: Yeah... yeah.
04:30 Nadine: So, when I know what's next...
04:32 it makes it a little easier for me...
04:33 and so, people usually celebrate or mark the ends as well
04:37 so, we mark our beginnings and we mark our ends...
04:40 but technically, God ends before He begins.
04:44 Jason: Hmmm...
04:45 Nadine: And that's what we'll be exploring today.
04:48 Jason: I was going to say, "Elaborate on that... "
04:51 let's unpack that... I want to hear more.
04:54 Nadine: Yes, so you see, God ends before He begins,
04:56 He finishes things and then He starts them,
04:58 right... and that's what I want us to look at today...
05:01 when God created man... Adam...
05:04 there's nowhere in the Bible that we read
05:06 that Adam was born a baby and he grew up into a man...
05:09 God created Adam... man... the full-grown man... the end...
05:13 Jason: I see what you're saying.
05:14 Nadine: And then, out of Adam, He literally pulled us
05:16 and then we began to make babies
05:18 which we call "the beginning"
05:20 but He started with a full-grown man... the end...
05:23 that is why in Revelation 13 verse 8,
05:25 we can understand why the Bible says
05:27 that Jesus was the Lamb slain
05:30 from the foundation of the earth...
05:31 Jason: Hmmm...
05:33 He did it then before we saw it on the cross.
05:34 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
05:36 Nadine: So, when we saw it on the cross and He said...
05:37 it was finished...
05:39 it was already done from the foundation of the earth, you see
05:41 when we look at, for example, Solomon...
05:44 in Ecclesiastes 1 verse 9 he says,
05:47 "That which has been done is that which will be done,
05:51 and that which has been done is that which will be done.
05:55 So there is nothing new under the sun. "
05:58 And repeatedly there we see Solomon referring to the
06:01 well, the Past Tense...
06:02 something that has already been done
06:05 before he mentions the present and then he says,
06:08 "There is nothing new under the sun... "
06:10 so, he too was speaking of the past... first...
06:12 or the end... first...
06:14 then, how can we use that sort of principle...
06:17 that Biblical approach...
06:19 how can this affect our prayer lives?
06:21 And when we look at... like...
06:23 ourselves in the physical nature...
06:25 when our parents' egg and sperm correlated to form a zygote...
06:29 to form... to form that cell...
06:30 the color of your eyes... I see today
06:33 the texture of your hair... the color of your skin...
06:36 your height... your size... everything I see now...
06:40 already was in that cell
06:42 which developed into who you are today...
06:44 so, what was in the cell
06:46 now is strictly unfolding who you are now
06:49 or what was in the cell is strictly unfolding
06:51 of what was already there in your genes
06:54 into that cell that developed into who Jason is today.
06:57 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
06:58 when we are oriented to seeing the end first
07:01 or seeing the end before the beginning...
07:04 we can understand why God would say to Joseph,
07:06 "Your brothers will bow to you... "
07:08 the end...
07:10 now, go walk that road... get thrown into a pit...
07:14 get sold into slavery... get forgotten in prison...
07:18 but the end... I have shown you, Joseph,
07:21 what I have told you... the promise I have given you...
07:23 is that your brothers will bow to you. "
07:25 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
07:27 Nadine: And so, we see...
07:28 God giving him the vision of the end
07:29 and then he is going through a process...
07:31 so, we must be on the other side of the "Red-Sea people"
07:35 because our praise cannot take place
07:37 when God actually answers our prayers...
07:40 our praise cannot take place when the Red Sea opens
07:43 when Pharaoh's army drowns
07:44 or even when we've reached the other side...
07:46 because even demons could give God praise
07:48 when they see these things happening...
07:49 so, we have to be on the other side of the Red-Sea people
07:52 because being like God means we see the end first...
07:55 so, we are already on the other side in our psyche
07:58 even before we get there physically...
08:00 so, that is why we could give God praise
08:02 in the presence of any circumstance
08:04 because we know that the end...
08:06 the promise that God has already given... is done...
08:09 that He said that we are more than conquerors...
08:11 there is nothing that we will go through in life
08:13 that will overtake us...
08:15 so, if we are like Him...
08:16 then, we'll be able to see the end first...
08:19 we will know for sure that I've already won the victory...
08:22 I'm already victorious... I'm already a conqueror
08:25 because God said that...
08:26 so, we have to look at... for example...
08:29 even the example of Job...
08:31 in Job 10, I think... verse 12...
08:33 where Job was in his circumstance in Job chapter 10
08:37 we know that he was not delivered
08:40 until somewhere after Job chapter 38 when God spoke to him
08:43 but in Job 10 verse 12, he is saying to God,
08:46 "You have granted me life and favor...
08:48 and your care has preserved my spirit. "
08:51 Jason: Hmmm...
08:52 Nadine: So, this man is there... losing things...
08:54 his health is being attacked...
08:56 but yet, he can still see the end
08:58 because he knew for sure, "Hey, this is not the end... "
09:02 Jason: Yes.
09:03 Nadine: "God has something in store for me... "
09:05 he didn't know that his "double" was coming
09:07 but he trusted God enough
09:09 because, I guess, he was so close to God...
09:11 he had spent so much time with God... he knew for sure
09:14 that God would not allow him to go through all of this
09:16 if God did not have a plan...
09:18 and so, his experience there is really a blessing for all of us
09:22 as we continue to pray
09:23 when we take the admonition of Paul
09:25 and we can continue to give thanks in everything...
09:27 other parts of nature
09:30 also testify of God's way of operating
09:34 I know you don't like avocadoes...
09:35 Jason: No... not at all...
09:37 Nadine: But here we have this avocado seed, right...
09:40 so, when you have this seed, what should the Christian see
09:43 in light of what we have just spoken about?
09:46 Jason: Ah... I'd say the full-grown tree...
09:48 Nadine: That's right, the full-grown tree
09:51 or forest of trees... of avocado trees...
09:53 just send me the avocadoes...
09:55 yeah... but this Christian should see the tree
09:57 because you see in the seed here...
09:59 is instructions for the thickness of the leaf...
10:02 the juiciness of the bark... the size of the fruit...
10:05 the shape of the fruit...
10:07 all of that was already in the seed
10:09 and that's God's way of operating...
10:12 the same way we spoke about
10:13 everything about you being in the cell
10:15 so, when I was a kid... we used to eat tamarind...
10:19 do you know what tamarind is?
10:21 Jason: I've heard of it before
10:22 but I don't remember, what is it?
10:24 Nadine: Okay, it's a fruit...
10:25 I believe it's a fruit... yes it has seeds in it
10:27 it's a very small one... it's brown and everything
10:30 but tamarind... we used to eat a lot when we were kids,
10:33 you could get them sour... you could get them sweet...
10:36 right... so when we would eat the tamarind seeds...
10:39 we would pass around and just drop them...
10:41 you know, you just drop the seed down...
10:43 a few weeks later, you would pass
10:45 and you would see all of these little sprouts coming out
10:47 so the seed would be there
10:49 but then you would see all of these little...
10:50 you know, things shooting out...
10:51 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
10:53 Nadine: Of course, these days people don't get this experience
10:54 with all these GMO seeds.
10:56 Jason: Oh yeah... GMOs are in every single thing now...
10:59 Nadine: Yes, so these GMO seeds... you won't get that
11:03 because generally, they are created, of course,
11:05 like the seeds that God created except that
11:08 they give you the instructions of the fruit as well...
11:10 the size, the color, the shape...
11:12 all of these were things that
11:14 maybe not reflecting the true fruits...
11:15 if you know them... maybe from a different side of the world...
11:18 you would know that, "Hey...
11:20 this is not really the color of the fruit... "
11:22 however, they also have instructions in them...
11:24 the only difference is the seeds that God has given us
11:27 like this avocado seed here,
11:28 is supposed to give us perpetual food...
11:30 so, this would be...
11:32 one avocado seed would give us a tree
11:34 which probably would give us 100s and 1,000s of avocados...
11:37 and then the cycle is repeated every time it's in season
11:40 but with the GMO seeds... you only get one harvest...
11:43 that's the only difference...
11:44 so, there we see the principle of nature being exhibited there
11:48 that the instructions...
11:49 everything about the fruit is here in that seed
11:52 and when we look at that and examine Jeremiah 29:11,
11:56 one of my favorite texts where it says,
11:59 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,
12:02 plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
12:04 plans to give you hope and a future,
12:07 to give you an expected end. "
12:08 You see, the promise of Jeremiah 29:11...
12:12 God's expected end for us
12:14 will help us navigate the challenges of life...
12:17 it will help us go through
12:19 the times or the periods in our lives
12:21 when we are praying and waiting for answers from God
12:23 if we are able to see things from a different perspective
12:27 and that perspective, we really need to see
12:29 is really from God's perspective...
12:31 is that God answers our prayers even before...
12:35 you know the Bible says,
12:36 "even before we call on Him... " right...
12:38 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
12:39 Nadine: These prayers are already answered...
12:40 so, seeing the end first,
12:42 will help us to go through life a little easier.
12:46 When you are on a plane,
12:48 the higher you go... the smaller the objects appear to be
12:55 are these objects actually getting smaller
12:57 or is it that... you're just going higher in elevation?
13:00 Jason: You're just going higher in elevation.
13:02 Nadine: And that's simply it, you see the thing is,
13:05 the higher we go with God,
13:06 the smaller our challenges seem to be...
13:09 the smaller our problems seem to be
13:12 because we are being raised in elevation
13:14 we have a different perspective now
13:16 because we are higher off the ground...
13:19 and we need to begin to look at life
13:22 from a different perspective
13:23 when we look at life from God's perspective
13:26 where He ends before He begins...
13:28 Jason: Yeah, it's like spiritual...
13:30 "Spiritual things are spiritually discerned. "
13:32 Nadine: Exactly.
13:33 Jason: So, people that are...
13:35 that don't have God in their lives...
13:36 that aren't Spiritual...
13:37 aren't going to see what's really going on.
13:40 Nadine: Exactly... you see,
13:42 I remember in 2004
13:44 when I was going to canvas in Canada,
13:47 I had spoken to a few friends about the program...
13:51 who had been there and they mentioned...
13:53 it was a bit challenging
13:54 but some older person... a friend of mine...
13:57 who had experienced dealing with these students
13:59 said to me, "You know, Nadine...
14:00 it's challenging...
14:02 you should speak to this person or that person
14:04 because they were Leaders in these past programs
14:06 and I'm telling you, it's going to be very hard
14:08 for you to make that scholarship. "
14:10 I called my dad and I said to him,
14:11 "I wanted to go do that... "
14:13 and he said to me, "But you never did sales...
14:15 that's going to be really hard... "
14:16 but one Friday evening I went to church
14:18 and when we would walk through the door, they would give...
14:21 they would have a bowl with promises
14:23 and each person would get one,
14:24 so, I picked one
14:26 and the promise was Isaiah 41 verse 19
14:28 which says, "Behold, I will do a new thing;
14:31 now it will spring forth; shall ye not know it?
14:34 I will even make a way in the wilderness,
14:37 and rivers in the desert. "
14:38 And I remember... after I got that text that Friday night,
14:41 even though these people had my best interests at heart,
14:44 I know they cared for me and so on
14:47 and they were concerned that I would not make it,
14:48 when I got that Word, I held on to that Word
14:52 and I believed that Word
14:53 and I went to canvas with that Word
14:55 and God did not disappoint...
14:57 He made a way in the wilderness and He made rivers in the desert
15:00 because I made my scholarship for school...
15:03 and so, what kept me going
15:06 was the end... that promise that God had given me
15:09 and so, when we are able to shift our perspective
15:12 to seeing the end... to seeing that promise,
15:14 you remember, we spoke about these promises as facts...
15:16 the end... that's it...
15:18 and now we work toward fulfilling that promise
15:21 so, I kept that promise with me every day,
15:24 I still have it in my Bible,
15:25 I held on to it
15:27 because of the Word that God had given me.
15:29 Another instance in my life
15:31 was when He directed me, of course,
15:33 to go and do my Ph. D. in Asia,
15:34 I didn't know how I was going to go there,
15:38 but I used a procedure that psychologists use
15:41 and I had not idea that that was what I was actually doing,
15:44 I would go on that website,
15:45 I would take that aerial tour of the university and so on
15:50 and I would say to God...
15:51 I saw the prayer guide and I said to Him,
15:53 "I'm going to meet you there... "
15:54 but every time I go and I see that picture
15:57 and I see the university...
15:58 it kept me encouraged...
15:59 because now I was looking at the end perk...
16:02 "This is where you want me to be... "
16:04 and Psychologists encourage people to do that...
16:06 they tell them, "Put up a Vision Board. "
16:08 Jason: Yes... yeah.
16:09 Nadine: Put the end perks of what you want to become...
16:12 the year you want to graduate...
16:14 the job you want to have... the car you want to drive...
16:16 they are using Biblical principles
16:18 and getting all of the accolades for it
16:20 when really that started with God...
16:23 He is the One who said to us, "I know what I have for you,
16:25 these plans are to prosper you...
16:27 to give an expected end...
16:29 I have that vision already set for you
16:31 and if you keep your eyes on that vision...
16:34 whatever happens in life will not really deter you
16:37 because you know you have that great expected end. "
16:39 Jason: Hmmm...
16:40 Nadine: So, some of our Viewers
16:42 are worried about the children that they birthed...
16:44 they are worried about them
16:45 because they probably would have left the church,
16:47 they are probably living lives outside of what they were taught
16:51 and God is saying to you,
16:52 "Listen, didn't you do your part?
16:54 I said, 'Train up a child in the way he should go
16:57 that when he's old, he will not depart'
17:00 And if you did your part, then you just need to relax
17:02 and allow me to do my job
17:04 because my plan for your children
17:07 are still great plans... "
17:08 because the thing is, God does not have grandchildren.
17:11 Jason: That's true.
17:13 You know, there's nothing like a praying mom...
17:17 when I was out there doing everything under the sun
17:21 that wasn't spiritual... it was worldly or whatever...
17:25 my mom prayed me back in the church.
17:27 Nadine: Amen.
17:29 Jason: And I wouldn't be sitting here today
17:31 if God hadn't answered her prayer
17:34 and worked on my heart.
17:36 Nadine: Exactly, and the thing is...
17:38 your mom also had already trained you
17:40 in the way that you should have gone
17:42 so, your spirit would have always been troubled out there
17:44 while she was praying for you because you knew better,
17:47 you see,
17:48 and so, God's expected end...
17:51 or God's plans for us does not change
17:53 according to our circumstance
17:55 and in your story, we can see that
17:56 because He always had that great plan for you
17:59 so, even though you were out there
18:01 doing what you think was your own thing,
18:02 I'm sure these experiences are now instructing you, in a sense,
18:05 but His great expected end for you came to pass
18:08 because you had a mom who was praying for you,
18:11 mom who believed that her prayers would have been answered
18:13 because she knew that God had great plans for her son.
18:16 Jason: Hmmm...
18:18 Nadine: And so, His expected end does not change...
18:19 He said, "When you are passing through the fire,
18:21 I will be with you...
18:22 when you are being oppressed, I will be there with you...
18:26 the rivers will not overflow you...
18:28 the fire will not consume you
18:30 because whatever you're going through
18:32 I am still there with you
18:33 because I have that great expected end for you... "
18:35 and thankfully we know
18:36 that because He does not have any grandchildren,
18:39 He is as concerned about the children
18:41 that every parent is worried about... as God is
18:44 and He... God... is probably worried even more
18:46 because these are His children
18:48 or concerned... I should say, even more
18:50 because these are also His children
18:52 so the enemy's plan for all of us...
18:54 even as you shared your own experience...
18:56 is to destroy us...
18:58 and that's what he tried with Joseph...
19:00 when we look at Genesis 50 verse 20,
19:02 the Bible says there in Joseph's story
19:06 that you intended it to be harmful to me
19:09 but God intended it for good.
19:11 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
19:12 Nadine: So, there we are seeing
19:13 that even when the enemy tries to derail us
19:16 from the plans that God has for us...
19:17 of course, God's plan will still be accomplished
19:21 and it's amazing how the enemy interferes with us...
19:24 with our children...
19:25 with our families... with our jobs and so on...
19:28 not because he cares so much about these things...
19:30 what he's really after... he's trying to affect our faith.
19:33 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
19:35 Nadine: He's trying to affect our belief in God...
19:37 he's trying to affect the way that we trust God...
19:40 because if he can interfere with everything around us,
19:42 then we may begin to doubt that we have the covering...
19:44 we may begin to doubt that God is really with us
19:47 but Job's example, again, a clear example...
19:49 that even in the midst of all of that...
19:52 we need to be faithful
19:53 because we know that God is still in control
19:55 and that end-plan is still there...
19:57 that is why we must be
19:59 on the other side of the "Red-Sea People"
20:01 we can't wait to see God work before we can testify...
20:04 we cannot wait for Him to bring our enemies across the Red Sea,
20:08 drown them before we can give Him praise,
20:10 we can't wait for Him to heal us of our sicknesses,
20:13 save our marriage,
20:14 bring our children back to church
20:16 provide them monies that we're looking for
20:18 to pay off our debts...
20:19 or even give us that job that we want...
20:21 that house or that car...
20:23 before we can give Him praise...
20:24 and that's why Paul encourages us
20:26 in 1st Thessalonians 5 verse 18
20:28 that we must give thanks in everything.
20:30 And there we saw Job, of course, doing that.
20:32 Just imagine Moses...
20:34 Moses began to walk toward the Red Sea... before it opened
20:38 you see, so he was literally acting out
20:41 like when we spoke about faith...
20:42 he was acting on the faith that he had
20:45 because in his mind... he was already giving God praise
20:47 "I'm already on the other side even before that Red Sea opens"
20:50 and that's why we can look at Revelation 6 verse 2
20:53 where John... on the Isle of Patmos
20:57 sat there in a state of hot oil...
21:01 they say, "boiling hot oil"
21:02 and there he saw Christ riding on a white horse...
21:06 waving a flag...
21:08 now, other parts of the Bible tells us
21:10 that any time we see a white horse...
21:12 or we see that white flag...
21:14 it's because there was victory
21:15 so John was there on the Isle of Patmos
21:18 seeing the vision of the end-time battle...
21:21 the battle that is not yet won...
21:22 the final battle that Jesus would actually fight...
21:25 and so, there we are seeing in our prayer life...
21:28 the many times that we are going through our process
21:31 like, John was there...
21:33 God already had the end-plan,
21:35 John saw that final battle...
21:37 and in our own stories, when we are praying...
21:39 God sees, of course, the end...
21:41 He already knows the end...
21:42 we don't see that end
21:43 because, of course, we are limited in our vision
21:45 and I wanted to say something quick about seeing the end first
21:49 because most things are two-times created...
21:51 so, if you want to create, let's say, this vase...
21:55 or anything at all...
21:56 you would first draw that thing on a piece of paper,
21:59 which is the end...
22:01 if you want to build a house, you need to have a plan
22:03 and that plan shows how many bedrooms you want to have
22:06 where each of them would be located...
22:08 you will see where the garage will be...
22:10 the kitchen... the bathrooms and so on...
22:12 everything is already there in the paper... the end...
22:14 and then you begin to build that paper...
22:16 and so, when we begin to apply that
22:18 to our own personal stories, you know...
22:20 the Bible is so filled with promises...
22:22 the things that we are worried about...
22:24 He has already given us a promise for each of them...
22:26 the end... they are just like that piece of paper
22:28 that gives us that plan for building that house...
22:31 you see, and that's what really
22:33 we need to be wired to see the end first
22:35 and once we are wired to see the end first,
22:38 seeing things from God's perspective...
22:40 it will save us a lot of headache...
22:42 a lot of heartache...
22:43 a lot of disappointment because we'll be seeing victory.
22:46 Jason: Yeah.
22:47 Nadine: We'll be seeing the end...
22:49 we'll actually be dancing and praising God
22:51 because we'll just be on top...
22:53 because we know the end is already predicted...
22:55 and that's why God wants us to shift our focus...
22:58 He wants us to see that end first...
23:00 and in Deuteronomy 1 verse 8,
23:03 God told Moses and Joshua,
23:05 "Behold, I have set the land before you...
23:07 I have given you the land... now, go and take it. "
23:10 And this is so funny to me
23:11 because if you tell me you're giving me a piece of land,
23:13 I would want you to show me that deed...
23:15 Jason: Yeah.
23:16 Nadine: I want some evidence that this land belongs to me
23:18 but God says to these guys,
23:20 "I have given you the land, now go and take it. "
23:22 So, the Word of God... the Bible says...
23:25 in the Bible it says,
23:26 "When you pray... believe you have it. "
23:29 Jason: Yeah. Nadine: The end.
23:30 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
23:32 Nadine: And then the Bible says, "Then you'll receive it. "
23:33 So, the Bible doesn't say, "The end... "
23:34 but it says, "When you pray, believe you have it
23:37 and you shall receive it. "
23:38 So believe you have it... the end... that's the state...
23:41 you have it and then you will receive it
23:42 because the Bible says, "The Word of God... "
23:45 or, I think, Spirit of Prophecy expands on that...
23:47 "The Word of God is like a seed... "
23:49 and just like the tree was in the seed
23:51 but all you are seeing is the seed...
23:53 the Word of God, Jesus says, is the seed...
23:56 and once we understand the parable of the seed,
23:59 we understand the parable of Scripture...
24:02 the principle is this...
24:03 when we have the Word... we already have the "thing"
24:07 when we have the Word, we already have the "thing"
24:11 because the Hebrew word for "word"
24:12 and the Hebrew word for "thing" is the same thing
24:15 and that is why in Creation
24:17 Jesus could have said, "Let there be light... "
24:19 and "light" appeared and continues to appear until now
24:22 because His word was the thing itself
24:24 so He spoke these things into existence
24:26 and what is so amazing... Jesus is also called the "Word"
24:30 and the "Word" is calling things into existence
24:33 and so His Word was the things that He was speaking Himself
24:35 I mean, what a mighty God we serve!
24:37 Jason: Yes, amen. Nadine: You know...
24:38 that He was able to speak these things into existence
24:41 so just think about...
24:42 if Joseph knew when he had that dream
24:45 that he would have one day been in Pharaoh's palace,
24:48 it would have made his journey a lot easier
24:51 and that's why I mentioned earlier on,
24:53 the plans of the enemy to destroy him
24:55 came back to be the biggest blessing
24:56 "because what you meant for destruction... "
24:59 he is saying, "The Lord set this up
25:01 so that I can be here to save a lot of people... "
25:04 so, in our stories...
25:05 if we knew a lot of what we are going through right now,
25:07 you know,
25:09 if we really knew the end-plan that God had...
25:11 then, you know, we would trust Him more,
25:13 and we would go through our trials a little easier
25:16 because knowing the end... makes the journey easier
25:19 but when we spend time in the relationship with God...
25:22 in fact, we should spend time in our relationship with God,
25:25 is only then, of course,
25:27 we can get all of that kind of revelation...
25:29 He can continue to reveal His plans for us
25:31 and we continue to grow in Him...
25:33 because God's end-plan is a great plan
25:36 but everything that we are going through in life
25:38 is preparing us for what He's doing with us...
25:41 and we need to be intimate with Him
25:43 in order that we would be able to know these beautiful things.
25:46 Jason: Yes... yes...
25:47 Nadine: We spoke about intimacy earlier on,
25:49 it's only through prayer
25:51 that we could grasp hold of the end
25:53 that God has in mind for us as well.
25:55 The problem with us is this,
25:56 we have the seed in our hands but we still doubt...
26:00 Jason: That's a severe lack of faith.
26:03 Nadine: Yes it is
26:04 because we refuse to see the tree in the seed,
26:07 all we are allowing our minds to see is the seed
26:10 and I want to really encourage our Viewers
26:14 to see their life stories... their experiences...
26:19 everything... through the eyes of God
26:20 because if we look at it from God's perspective,
26:24 if we look at it from His side of the table... we will realize
26:29 that He always has a great expected end for us.
26:32 Now, the end and beginning are truly concepts of the human mind
26:36 because God has no end and no beginning, really...
26:38 He's infinite...
26:39 He has no space and He has no time...
26:42 His end-plan and His beginning-plan is the same plan,
26:44 by the end of the day,
26:46 the take-away points... I would really like to leave with us
26:48 is that, "God ends before He begins in your story... "
26:51 and we need to remember that, "You are already victorious!"
26:54 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
26:56 Nadine: The prayers that He impresses you to pray
26:59 since we've really have already established
27:01 that He is the One who places in our heart
27:03 the will of what we should ask for
27:05 these prayers are already answered...
27:08 we just need to be patient in the process
27:09 and the last thing I really want to leave with us today
27:13 is that, "God's end-plan for every one of us
27:16 is still a great expected end!"
27:18 and that will never change...
27:19 Let's say a prayer, "Father,
27:21 help us to see the end even before our journey begins
27:24 because it will help us worry less,
27:26 be more patient,
27:27 be more tolerant of obstacles and criticisms...
27:30 open our eyes to see the forest in the seed
27:33 to believe in you and never doubt
27:35 so that we... in seeing the end before the beginning
27:37 will be more like you, we pray,
27:39 in the name of Jesus, amen. "
27:40 Jason: "Amen. "
27:42 Thank you for that powerful information Dr. Nadine.
27:44 Thank you for joining us,
27:46 we are engaged in a spiritual warfare every day...
27:49 pray... Satan is no match for God...
27:52 he's a defeated foe...
27:54 Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith...
27:57 prayer and the Word of God
27:59 are our weapons against the darkness of this world,
28:02 for victory... spend time in prayer,
28:04 don't forget to make prayer a priority
28:06 to supply the missing peace.


Revised 2018-03-14