The Missing Peace

Prayer As Spiritual Warfare

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jason Bradley (Host), Nadine Joseph-Collins PhD


Series Code: TMP

Program Code: TMP000012A

00:34 Hello and welcome to The Missing Peace.
00:36 My name is Jason Bradley
00:38 and our primary host for this program is
00:39 Dr. Nadine Joseph-Collins.
00:41 She's a Speaker, Author and Teacher.
00:44 Her main focus and passion is prayer.
00:47 She is committed to making your prayer life go "Wow!"
00:51 Before we go into today's topic, let's have a word of prayer.
00:55 "Heavenly Father,
00:56 we thank you for the opportunity and privilege to serve you.
00:59 We ask that you would please fill us with your Holy Spirit
01:03 and guide our conversation in Jesus' name we pray, amen. "
01:06 "Amen. "
01:07 So, what will we be talking about today?
01:10 Today, we're going to be talking about a power-packed topic.
01:15 It's prayer as Spiritual Warfare
01:18 and so, many persons may wonder
01:21 why we will set aside time
01:22 to discuss prayer as spiritual warfare
01:25 because a significant part of our prayer journey...
01:29 a significant part of being able to make our prayer lives go,
01:32 "Wow!"
01:34 is recognizing that we are actually engaged
01:36 in spiritual warfare every single day of our lives.
01:40 So every day we are engaged in these battles...
01:43 we're engaged in wars...
01:44 some of them we can see...
01:46 some of them we cannot see...
01:47 some of us are aware of these battles
01:49 and sometimes... mostly,
01:50 we are unaware of the battles that are around us,
01:53 sometimes, we can feel the sting of these wounds...
01:55 we can taste and touch and feel the blows of the engagement
01:58 that we have... while engaging in our spiritual warfare,
02:02 but, in order for us now to be able to understand
02:06 or really recognize,
02:08 "Hey, this is something I need to take note of,
02:11 we want to set apart this program just to discuss
02:14 prayer as spiritual warfare
02:16 because in the Old Testament
02:18 when the Bible talks about prayer...
02:20 the definitions of prayer
02:22 are things like wrestling... striving...
02:24 it denotes some kind of physical energy and strength
02:29 being exerted in prayer
02:30 and so we may just bow our heads to pray
02:33 and we think, "Okay, where would you send a prayer?"
02:35 Which is true... but the spiritual aspect
02:37 or the spiritual-warfare aspect of prayer
02:40 suggests that we would spend some time battling with God
02:44 as we saw Jacob in his situation battling there for his blessing
02:50 and so, that's the nature of prayer as spiritual warfare
02:55 and it should not be a surprise to us
02:58 because actually God... our Creator,
03:00 actually said that we are living in the war zone
03:03 because if we look at Genesis 3 verse 15,
03:06 He said, "I will make you and the woman
03:09 hostile toward each other.
03:10 I will make your descendants and her descendants
03:13 hostile toward each other.
03:15 He will crush your head, and you will bruise his heel. "
03:18 So, we see there, a lot of the hostility
03:21 there's a lot of contention going on
03:24 so, if we, for a moment, are tempted to believe
03:27 that we only have waited in aspects of our lives
03:30 and we need to think again
03:31 because at every level of our lives... we are engaging in war
03:35 every day of our lives we are engaging in war.
03:37 Jason: Yes, yes...
03:39 Nadine: There's a saying... I can't remember who said it
03:40 but it says that... every day...
03:43 or in any experience or phase in our lives,
03:46 we are either coming out of a storm...
03:48 going into a storm or in a storm.
03:49 Jason: Hmmm...
03:51 Nadine: We suggest something is always happening there
03:53 and what happens every day... sometimes even in our minds...
03:56 because remember Paul said, "The thing I want to do,
04:00 I find myself not doing it... "
04:01 because you're fighting there... there's a silent war raging
04:05 that was one of my favorite songs to sing
04:08 when I was in my teenage years...
04:09 there's a silent war raging deep within me...
04:11 my lower nature fights to dominate
04:13 so there's this battle that is constantly happening
04:16 sometimes in our minds.
04:18 Jason: Yeah, the great controversy is real
04:20 between good and evil.
04:21 Nadine: All the time, exactly
04:22 and sometimes we can see the war happening
04:24 in our relationship with others
04:26 we have different disagreements and arguments with persons...
04:30 sometimes fights... whether physical or just,
04:32 you know, emotional or mental
04:33 or whatever the case may be,
04:35 we're engaging in these types of mental battles as well...
04:38 and so, we have these struggles going on with people every day
04:41 and so, these are the things that we can see...
04:43 or the battles that we can actually see
04:45 but what about those we cannot see?
04:47 So my wider war may manifest itself in our physical life
04:52 there is the "behind the scene" things,
04:54 what's actually happening there
04:56 and I like 2nd Corinthians 10 verse 3
04:59 where it says... where Paul...
05:02 Paul was really in writing about spiritual warfare,
05:06 Paul said, "For though we walk in the flesh,
05:09 we are not waging war according to the flesh. "
05:12 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
05:13 Nadine: And when he's talking about the flesh
05:15 of course, in one way he's talking about our body...
05:16 this physical body of ours
05:18 so, we are engaging in war in this body of ours
05:21 but really we're not fighting against this body
05:24 and that takes us to the key text
05:26 that we really want to examine today
05:27 which is Ephesians 6 verse 12.
05:29 Jason: Okay.
05:31 Nadine: So, do you want to read the KJV?
05:33 Jason: Sure... Nadine: Okay.
05:34 Jason: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,
05:37 but against principalities, against powers,
05:39 against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
05:41 against spiritual wickedness in high places. "
05:45 Nadine: Yes, now, I looked at a few versions
05:48 to see what variations they would have
05:50 in describing this situation.
05:53 In the NIV it says,
05:54 "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood"
05:57 The New Living translation says,
06:00 "For we are not fighting against flesh and blood. "
06:02 The Holman Christian Standard Bible says,
06:05 "For our battle is not against flesh and blood... "
06:08 God's Word translation said, "This is not a wrestling match
06:12 against a human opponent... "
06:16 and now, I found this other version here,
06:17 The Rainbow Bible, which says,
06:19 and this is amazing... it's so clear...
06:22 it says, "For we are not fighting against people
06:25 made of flesh and blood
06:28 but against persons without bodies. "
06:31 It brings this thing to a whole new imaginative level...
06:35 it says, "The evil rulers of the unseen world...
06:38 those mighty, Satanic beings
06:40 and great evil princes of darkness
06:42 who rule this world and against huge numbers
06:45 of wicked spirits in the spirit world. "
06:47 Jason: Hmmm...
06:48 Nadine: So, there Paul is making it clear
06:50 that while we are having all these arguments
06:52 and these disagreements with our family members...
06:55 with our husbands... our wives... our children...
06:57 people on the job and so on... the bus driver... anybody at all
07:01 we are going through all of that in the flesh...
07:03 that's why in 2nd Corinthians it says,
07:07 "We are waging war in the flesh... "
07:09 but not according to the flesh, right?
07:11 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
07:12 Nadine: But now he's saying... the fight that we are having
07:15 he says, "It is not against flesh and blood... "
07:18 it's not against human agents... it's not against human beings
07:21 but instead, it's against evil rulers...
07:24 against authorities...
07:25 against powers of this dark world...
07:27 against mighty powers in the dark world...
07:30 against spiritual forces of evil in heavenly realms
07:33 and all of these, I took from
07:34 of course, these different versions
07:36 right, when they talk about,
07:38 "We're not in warfare against flesh and blood
07:41 but against all of these things...
07:43 against cosmic powers over this present darkness...
07:46 against forces of wickedness or wicked spirits...
07:49 and against powers who govern this world...
07:53 this world...
07:55 and so, now we need to backtrack a little bit...
07:57 but how come,
07:59 we are waging war against spiritual wickedness
08:01 in high places but the Bible is talking about
08:04 the forces that govern this world?
08:06 You see, because when God created Adam and Eve,
08:09 He created them and, of course, us... in His likeness
08:14 and when He did that,
08:16 He gave us dominion over everything...
08:18 I'm saying, "Us" meaning "Us" as man...
08:20 you know, the whole human race.
08:22 So, He gave Adam dominion over everything...
08:25 but when Satan deceived Eve
08:30 and essentially deceived both Adam and Eve,
08:32 what they did was to give the dominion over to him...
08:37 because now they...
08:39 they were in alliance with him for a moment
08:41 because they didn't realize
08:42 that he was going to take over their dominion...
08:44 he wanted to rule over heaven
08:47 because remember, he wanted to sit on the right hand of God...
08:49 he wanted to be Jesus... instead of being like Jesus...
08:52 he wanted that place...
08:54 and now, he wanted dominion of the earth as well...
08:57 and so, he took that... when he was able to deceive us
09:01 so, after he did that, he became an enemy to God
09:04 and indirectly became an enemy to us
09:07 because he knows that we are God's priced possessions,
09:11 he knows that we are the apple of God's eye...
09:13 that God made us in His image and in his likeness...
09:16 and so, we became enemies of Him
09:18 who is an enemy of God as well.
09:21 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
09:22 Nadine: And so, that is how
09:23 he was able to take dominion over the earth.
09:25 So, now, when we read this text and it talks about
09:28 spiritual wickedness in high places and in this earthly realm
09:33 then we can put it in context of how he became owner of this
09:38 or he became the one who governs the earthly realms
09:42 that we are fighting against these... these beings
09:46 so, he blinds the minds of those who don't believe...
09:49 in fact, he would like to blind all of our minds...
09:53 he would like us to not believe
09:55 that we are actually living in a war zone...
09:57 we are living in a zone where there is always war
10:01 between good and evil...
10:03 between God and Satan...
10:05 which we call, of course, the great controversy...
10:07 he doesn't want us to know that
10:08 and I'm thinking
10:10 we are in that war zone...
10:12 that war zone between good and evil...
10:15 between God and Satan...
10:16 but while we are traversing this life...
10:18 we are also engaging in little daily battles every day
10:21 and I thought about the people in Syria...
10:23 Syria is probably being attacked from the outside...
10:26 from outside sources or whatever...
10:29 but right there, in the country itself
10:31 people are engaging in daily battles
10:33 because other groups are fighting against people
10:36 so, you could imagine being in a war zone where...
10:39 you have to be fighting with me and everything
10:41 and then other people are fighting with us
10:42 at the same time...
10:44 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm... constant war...
10:45 Nadine: Constant war...
10:46 this is the reality of what we're living in
10:49 but because we are not seeing the warfare...
10:53 we do not realize
10:54 that we are actually in a danger zone all the time.
10:58 Jason: Yes, an interesting thing is that
11:01 the devil has been doing the same thing
11:04 over and over and over again,
11:06 like, when he was in heaven
11:08 and he deceived one-third of the angels...
11:10 he just instilled doubt...
11:12 you know, he likes to divide and conquer
11:14 and when you look at the garden...
11:15 when he got Eve... when she was away from Adam
11:19 and then he tried to persuade her or instill doubt in her
11:24 to go against what God had told her
11:28 and then he just repeats that all throughout history.
11:31 Nadine: Yes, because he... he really wants to win...
11:34 his position is just about winning...
11:36 and he will do anything to deceive
11:39 and in this case now,
11:40 the greatest deception of all for us
11:43 is if we don't even recognize that we are in a war
11:46 which means we'll be comfortable...
11:48 just imagine being in that war zone I described...
11:51 and you're there trying to file your nails...
11:53 you're brushing your hair...
11:55 you're reading a novel or something...
11:58 he wants us to be so distracted
12:01 not recognizing that we are in this battle
12:04 going on all the time
12:06 and then, of course, the daily battles are there
12:07 and so, he really tries to get us out of that mindset
12:11 for us to just be too comfortable in the war zone...
12:14 that way, he will win and we wouldn't realize what happened
12:17 you see, and so, there are a few points
12:19 that we need to recognize there
12:20 and I remember when God brought this to me
12:22 because I was going through a personal struggle myself
12:24 and I was contending with God in my mind
12:27 and I prayed and I was really pressing Him,
12:30 and I had to speak at the church
12:33 for a prayer service
12:35 and I was thinking, what am I going to speak about?
12:37 I really wanted a fresher message
12:39 because I had a bunch of messages on prayer
12:41 but I felt deeply impressed
12:43 that I needed something new... something fresh...
12:45 and as I woke up that morning,
12:47 God continued to give me this verse,
12:50 Ephesians 6 verse 12, it kept repeating in my mind
12:54 and within half an hour,
12:56 I sat there and I was able to write a sermon
12:58 to deliver that evening
13:00 and I was amazed at the impact that it had
13:02 and I thought to myself,
13:03 "Lord, I have not even processed that food...
13:05 how come that "food" was so palatable to the church?"
13:07 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
13:09 Nadine: But it was only a week and a half later
13:11 when again I was struggling with Him...
13:13 he said to me, "I gave you that Word for you"
13:15 so, yes, that Word was able to bless people at the church
13:18 but that Word was also a Word for you...
13:20 and the points that He gave me was:
13:22 1. We actually fight the wrong battles!
13:25 So, here we are seeing in Ephesians 6 verse 12,
13:28 we are seeing... we are engaging in war...
13:29 but what kind of war
13:32 or what kind of battles are we engaging in?
13:34 Because there He says,
13:35 "Okay, we are engaging in the wrong battles... "
13:37 so, can you imagine going to war...
13:39 fighting for a cause... any cause at all...
13:41 but you don't even know,
13:43 for example, why you're fighting...
13:44 you do not have any evidence
13:46 or possible reasons of why you are actually engaging in war.
13:49 Jason: No, not at all... and you know there's that saying,
13:52 "Choose your battles wisely... "
13:54 Nadine: Yes, people say that all the time
13:56 but... but look at this... when we go into history...
13:58 in American history, for example,
14:00 when we examine the Vietnam War,
14:02 every time I go and read the history...
14:04 because while I was working on the book,
14:05 the "WOW Prayer Battle Plan for Spiritual Warfare"
14:10 I had to do some research about war
14:13 and then came across the Vietnam War history
14:16 where, up to day... like today,
14:18 people are still struggling
14:19 as to why it is they actually went to war
14:21 over 1.3 million people died in that war
14:25 collectively...
14:26 and to date... we still do not have an exact reason
14:29 so, could you imagine going to war...
14:31 and not having the reason behind it,
14:32 so God says... we are fighting the wrong battles
14:35 and why are we fighting the wrong battles?
14:36 Because, we don't know why we fight,
14:39 and so, like you said, we do not choose the battles,
14:42 we're not able to do that,
14:43 we need to know why we fight
14:45 because we'll get weary when we fight,
14:47 so, if we don't know why you fight,
14:48 then you're just getting blows... you're getting tired...
14:52 you're getting wounded... frustrated...
14:53 you could even die in a war.
14:55 Jason: That just made me think about something
14:57 when you look at people in church, right,
15:00 talking about fighting battles or fighting a war
15:04 that you don't even know why...
15:05 some people go to church
15:07 without reading the Bible
15:09 and studying the Word of God for themselves...
15:11 they just take... word of mouth from the pastor
15:13 or their family members or whatever
15:15 and they don't even know why they believe what they believe,
15:18 they're fighting battles and wars and doing things
15:23 that they have no idea what the reason or purpose is behind it.
15:26 Nadine: And that's really sad you see
15:28 because the reason why we need to know why we fight
15:30 is because, first of all we need to know
15:32 the war that we're engaged in,
15:34 then we need to know why we fight
15:35 because it will help us strategize better,
15:37 it will help us or assist us in planning effectively
15:42 so that we can win...
15:43 it will help us use the weapons that are available to us,
15:46 the weapons that are available in the Word of God
15:49 because these are the weapons that we have
15:51 and so, that...
15:52 well, these are some of the reasons
15:54 why we need to know why we fight,
15:55 so, when he says, we fight the wrong battles,
15:58 if you don't know why you fight,
15:59 then we'll fight any battle at all
16:01 and so, that's why we need to know what's going on
16:03 so, many of us are fighting, for example, physical ailments,
16:06 we are fighting mental sicknesses and so on
16:09 and we do not know why we have these things
16:12 so we address them on a physical level
16:14 so we may take the different pills that the doctors give us
16:17 but the thing is, what we do not recognize
16:20 is that, according to the Word of God...
16:22 there is a spirit behind all of these things
16:25 and so, we ask for physical healing
16:27 but we do not spend time seeing what's behind the scenes,
16:31 what circumstances are affecting us,
16:32 and to demonstrate that, we have examples in the Bible,
16:35 repeatedly we see physical things being healed
16:40 by spiritual things,
16:42 and so, when we look at, let's say,
16:44 the woman with the issue of blood
16:46 in Matthew 9 verse 20 to 22,
16:49 the story is also in Mark and in Luke,
16:51 Jesus healed the bleeding woman, the woman's issue was blood...
16:56 blood was falling from her, the Bible says,
16:58 for so many years
16:59 but in Luke 8:48, Jesus says to her,
17:03 "Daughter, be of good comfort:
17:05 they faith hath made thee whole; go in peace. "
17:08 "Thy faith... "
17:11 a spiritual thing healed her physical ailment.
17:15 Jason: Hmmm...
17:17 Nadine: So there we see
17:18 spiritual things healing physical things
17:20 that was the Spirit behind the thing
17:22 so, yes, He could have just healed her
17:23 and her blood would have stopped flowing,
17:25 but he said, "Thy faith... "
17:27 so there was a spiritual element
17:28 attached to that physical healing...
17:30 when we look at the man who was born blind...
17:33 he's another story...
17:35 the gospels in John 9:1-12 and so on...
17:38 Jesus saw the man who was born blind since his birth
17:41 and the disciples begin to ask,
17:42 "Rabbi, who sinned... he or his parents?"
17:45 So, when we look at John 9 verse 3,
17:48 Jesus said, "Neither this man nor his parents sinned,
17:52 but this happened so that the works of God
17:55 might be displayed in him. "
17:56 So, it was a spiritual healing
17:57 because it was for the glory of God.
17:59 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
18:00 Nadine: And so, we see that again
18:02 and when we look at Jacob's limp,
18:03 Jacob was in a physical battle
18:05 because he was trying to access something spiritual...
18:10 that name changed...
18:11 that thing that he desired so much of God
18:13 so, some people say, "Sickness runs in my family"
18:16 and there's a joke that goes around...
18:18 and they say, "Sickness doesn't run in your family...
18:20 it's just that nobody in your family runs... "
18:22 but that's just a joke... you know,
18:24 but the truth of the matter is
18:26 sometimes regardless of how hard some people work,
18:28 they say, "I can't get a break in life"
18:30 and we accept these things as just... part of our lives...
18:33 "Oh, well, my family is poor so I'm poor... "
18:36 not realizing... the Bible itself says that
18:38 there are things such as generational curses
18:40 that could actually affect us, the Bible says,
18:42 unto the third and fourth generation,
18:45 we find that in Numbers 14 verse 18,
18:48 then we have Gehazi
18:50 who went behind Elisha's back and took the gifts,
18:53 you remember that?
18:54 When he was healed from leprosy...
18:57 Jason: And he took the gifts...
19:00 Nadine: He went after the guys... Naaman and his people
19:04 and said, "You know what?
19:05 My master has sent me to collect the gifts... "
19:09 even when Elisha had said,
19:10 "We're not going to take anything from you
19:12 for healing you... "
19:14 and so, the Bible tells us there in 2nd Kings 5:27...
19:18 because he had done that,
19:20 when he went back and Elisha asked, "Where were you?"
19:22 Because he was trying to hide what he had just gotten,
19:24 he said, "Leprosy will follow you
19:26 and your descendants forever. "
19:28 So, there we see that... that... that generational curse
19:33 so somebody will have the leprosy
19:34 and they didn't do anything but it came from that tribe,
19:38 or it came from back then... or something like that
19:40 so, the generational curses are actually there
19:42 so many things that we need to pray off... we are accepting
19:45 because, I believe, let's say,
19:47 even though there's that generational curse,
19:49 let's say, in a family and so on,
19:51 we can now make new covenants with God
19:53 because He gives us that access to Him.
19:55 So, all hope is not lost... we can access God for ourselves.
19:59 Jason: And now, his family members were mad at him!
20:01 Nadine: I would imagine, right, yeah...
20:04 and then another point, the second point is that:
20:06 We fight the wrong people. Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
20:08 Nadine: So, many times, we're engaging in battles
20:10 with people in our lives...
20:12 we see our spouses as our enemies
20:14 because we are constantly fighting with these people
20:18 but these people are truly not our enemies,
20:20 remember that text, Ephesians 6 verse 12...
20:23 who are our enemies?
20:25 Jason: The spirits...
20:26 Nadine: So, you see,
20:27 sometimes we have problems with the same person.
20:29 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
20:30 Nadine: It may sound so frivolous
20:32 but I have the same problem with you this year
20:33 and somebody else next year,
20:35 and somebody else the following year
20:36 and so, the thing about it is... are these people all problems?
20:40 Jason: No, the common denominator is yourself.
20:42 Nadine: But the common denominator is also the spirit
20:45 that's behind... exactly...
20:47 because the spirit moves... you see...
20:48 so it moves from one person to another
20:50 because the enemy knows our weaknesses
20:52 and he knows exactly what he wants... to taunt us...
20:55 to prevent us from being faithful to God
20:57 and so, we waste a lot of time fighting people
21:00 when really... we should be looking at the spirit
21:03 behind what is happening
21:04 for us to be victorious in our prayer lives and so on...
21:08 and part of that is for us to actually know the enemy...
21:11 because if we know the enemy,
21:13 you know, like, you love basketball...
21:15 Jason: Yes.
21:16 Nadine: I'm not a basketball player...
21:18 I mean, I played it for a little bit...
21:19 I broke my leg... but I'm not a basketball player
21:22 but I've read, of course,
21:24 when I was working on the book doing my research...
21:26 that when people are engaged in battle...
21:29 they would... they look at sports as a battleground...
21:33 so, the coaches and the guys on the team
21:36 would study the rival team
21:38 because they want to know the weaknesses of that team
21:41 in order that they could break the psyche of these guys
21:44 when the game starts...
21:45 Nadine: And so, part of our journey
21:48 in fighting... or in engaging in spiritual warfare
21:52 is recognizing that the tricks of the enemy
21:55 are not new, Jason, none of them are new...
21:57 Jason: Hmmm... hmmm...
21:58 Nadine: He's using the same old tricks all the time...
22:00 and so, because we know his tricks,
22:02 we know how we can use the Word of God now... to fight...
22:05 Jason: Yeah.
22:07 Nadine: And so, we need to know our enemy
22:08 and some of the examples of fighting the wrong persons
22:11 in the Bible... we look at the story of Saul...
22:13 remember when David used to play that harp for him...
22:16 I think, that story is in 1st Samuel 16 verse 23,
22:19 so Saul was possessed by a tormenting spirit...
22:22 the Bible says... and when David would play that harp
22:25 the tormenting spirit would leave him...
22:27 so, that happened one day...
22:29 the following day... David came...
22:31 and David was playing the harp...
22:32 and that tormenting spirit was again in him...
22:35 he even threw a dart to try to kill David...
22:37 that's why David had to end up running...
22:39 so the thing about it is that...
22:41 Saul who was fighting David...
22:43 and it would appear that Saul just wanted to kill David...
22:45 but it really wasn't David...
22:47 or it wasn't really Saul that was the problem...
22:48 it was the enemy and the tormenting spirits in Saul...
22:51 that was after David...
22:52 and so, there we see sometimes...
22:54 David could have fought back that time...
22:57 but the Spirit of God... the Bible says...
22:59 was with David...
23:01 that's why Saul did not kill him...
23:02 and so, we see here sometimes
23:04 that we could engage in battle with the wrong people.
23:07 Thankfully, David did not take him on at the time...
23:10 so, the enemy wasn't there
23:13 and the enemy really was not Saul himself
23:17 but the enemy that was using Saul...
23:18 and then the third point that we want to look at
23:21 in Ephesians 6 verse 12...
23:22 that can help us in our spiritual journey
23:25 is that, we act, sometimes, like we don't believe...
23:28 and instead, we need to believe
23:29 and if we actually believe
23:32 that we are engaged in spiritual warfare,
23:33 then our approach to prayer will be totally different...
23:36 because, number 1...
23:37 when we know that who we are fighting...
23:39 when we know that the battles we are fighting
23:42 are actually battles that are coming from the enemy,
23:44 then we are going to spend a little more time
23:46 getting to know Jesus.
23:47 He is out Leader in the war zone.
23:50 He's the Platoon Leader... He's the Captain...
23:52 He's the one leading us in battle...
23:55 and so, if we recognize that we are in warfare,
23:58 then we need to act like we believe that
24:00 and we need to spend more time with Him
24:02 so that He is the only one
24:03 who can actually reveal the battle plan
24:05 for our success in war...
24:07 and so we need to spend time doing that...
24:10 we need to also know ourselves
24:11 because when you are in a war,
24:13 your enemies want to learn your weaknesses.
24:15 Jason: Oh yeah...
24:16 Nadine: Just as the teams would study their rivals
24:19 so our enemy has also studied us...
24:21 he knows our weaknesses
24:23 and if we study war on a deep level...
24:25 I got to do that while I was doing the book
24:27 is that... these people would know your weak points,
24:31 they know who you love,
24:32 they know who means the most to you
24:34 and they would use these people to try to weaken you
24:37 so they will kidnap your family or do all kinds of stuff
24:40 because they know the spots that they can touch
24:43 that could really interfere with you...
24:45 so we need to know ourselves and we need to know our armour
24:48 because we have the belt of truth
24:50 which actually is... your entire armour can fall apart
24:54 if you don't have on a belt...
24:56 so, people get dressed very nicely...
24:58 but just imagine...
25:00 you have on a nice suit and everything...
25:01 you have no suspenders but you have no belt...
25:03 your pants can fall down
25:06 and you can be totally exposed and vulnerable and weak...
25:08 and so, in... in warfare...
25:10 we need to recognize that we need to have
25:13 our armour on... that belt of truth...
25:15 that will really keep everything together...
25:18 the breastplate of righteousness...
25:20 of course, it's another piece that's important
25:22 because it protects
25:24 our heart and soul
25:25 from the attacks that the enemy sends our way...
25:28 then we have the shoes of the gospel of peace...
25:31 so, we don't only need the shoes
25:33 to share the good news about Jesus,
25:34 we also need these shoes to keep us grounded as we fight
25:38 because the shoes that these guys used in war
25:41 would have spikes in it
25:42 so when they would walk through the rough terrains...
25:44 they would be able to get balanced properly
25:46 and stuff like that...
25:48 so, in our own experiences and life,
25:49 we need to be so grounded in the truth...
25:51 grounded in the shoes of the gospel of peace...
25:54 but when the rough instances or the rough terrains
25:58 and the war zones come,
25:59 we are able to still stand in truth
26:01 and be true to God...
26:02 and then, we also need the shield of faith
26:05 to help us push and punch forward...
26:07 what I like about the shield of faith...
26:09 it's the only...
26:11 the piece you actually have to take up the shield of faith
26:13 it's not something that is going to be attached to your body...
26:16 like the breastplate or the belt and the shoes and so on...
26:19 you have to take it up...
26:20 and then the helmet of salvation...
26:22 that gives us the hope and assurance
26:23 that even though the blows and the attacks come...
26:26 they will not get... damage our head
26:29 or even give us internal or permanent damage
26:32 and so on...
26:34 and the sword of the Spirit... the Word of God...
26:36 we need that piece of armour...
26:38 because it means from any angle...
26:40 we take that sword... we can cut...
26:42 because both sides of the sword are sharp...
26:45 that's beautiful... that's the Word...
26:46 both sides of the sword... anywhere we can take it...
26:49 it can be used to cut apart
26:50 warfare that is happening in our heads
26:53 because sometimes the battle is really taking place up there...
26:56 it's the battleground that the enemy is after... our minds...
26:59 that's where the real war takes place...
27:01 the enemy... trying to do that
27:04 so, we need to keep that Word to bring spiritual division
27:08 and in Job 5 verse 12, the Bible says that:
27:11 "He disappoints the hands of the crafty and the wicked...
27:14 and schemers
27:16 so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise. "
27:19 And that's why we need to have the Word of truth...
27:21 we need that sword of the spirit...
27:23 that... that Word of God
27:25 so that we can continue to fight...
27:26 and so, we'll just say a quick prayer...
27:28 and ask God to just help us to be able to use
27:31 what we have learned today to be able to fight.
27:33 "We thank you Lord for just giving us this opportunity
27:37 to learn and learn more about how we can fight
27:40 and engage in spiritual warfare and come out victorious, Lord,
27:43 may we continue to access your Word
27:45 as the sword... we pray in the name of Jesus, amen. "
27:49 Jason: "Amen. "
27:51 Thank you again for that wonderful information
27:53 and thank you for joining us, be sure to tune in next time
27:58 when Dr. Nadine shares more information
28:00 to supply the missing peace.


Revised 2018-03-07