Take it to the Bank

Business Failure

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Cordell Thomas


Series Code: TITTB

Program Code: TITTB000024

00:01 On Take it to the Bank,
00:02 you'll find ways to get out of debt.
00:09 Solve your credit card problems.
00:14 How to make and stick with the budget?
00:19 Simple ways to save.
00:24 Buying or selling a home
00:26 and many more financial matters on Take it to the Bank.
00:32 Hi, my name is Cordell Thomas,
00:33 and welcome back to Take it to the Bank.
00:35 We're excited that you're here.
00:37 We're talking about finances and one of the things
00:40 we've been focused on
00:41 is the top reasons for financial crisis,
00:44 financial concerns.
00:45 And we're finding out there are just a few issues
00:47 that are out there.
00:49 They're pretty much six items
00:51 that you look at when you look at crisis.
00:52 And what we'd like to talk to you about right now is
00:55 to a certain extent put you at ease,
00:57 to think you're not in the minority,
00:59 but there's a majority,
01:01 a grand number of middle class Americans
01:03 who are dealing was this thing called financial crisis.
01:07 We know that people are dealing with this issue, because why?
01:12 All you have to do is do a quick search
01:14 on any one of the search engines
01:15 and you can find the stories of people
01:19 that are dealing with this,
01:20 these issues all relevant to things
01:24 like communication,
01:27 financial crisis, personal issues,
01:29 and the stories are quite stark.
01:31 I was reading one in reference to an individual
01:34 who was separated from a previous relationship
01:36 had child support,
01:38 he had a great job in IT
01:39 and he met the woman of his dreams,
01:41 they get married.
01:42 And now they have a total of six in their family,
01:46 and they're dealing with the foreclosure crisis in 2008.
01:50 There he loses his job, their income is cut in half,
01:54 and you begin to see some of the things
01:56 that begin to happen as it snowballs out of control.
02:00 Now what we are talking about,
02:02 there are top three reasons
02:05 for crisis and stress in life are threefold.
02:09 We're talking about work environment,
02:11 that's number two.
02:12 The number three reason is
02:15 the issue of personal relationships.
02:17 And then of course,
02:18 the number one reason for stress
02:20 that we're dealing with are finances.
02:23 And it's interesting as you read the story
02:26 and watch what's going on
02:27 because they actually give a short video,
02:30 is they talk about what they're dealing with,
02:32 and a lot of what they're dealing with,
02:33 or a lot of what all of us are dealing with.
02:36 Today we're gonna talk about
02:38 one of the major reasons
02:40 for financial crisis is the loss of income.
02:42 We've talked about loss of income,
02:44 but we are also gonna address it
02:46 from the standpoint of business failure.
02:49 We each are small business owners,
02:51 because each of us as entities as individuals
02:55 bring in a certain amount of revenue,
02:57 and each one of us
02:59 pay a certain amount of expenses.
03:01 Corporations do that, businesses do that,
03:03 and it's essential that you understand the context
03:05 that what you're doing for your family is
03:07 just as important
03:09 at what a business is doing for his clients.
03:11 A well run business
03:13 can be seen from a far based on how they do business,
03:17 and when you see someone in business
03:20 for 50 years, 75 years and 100 years
03:24 and they're doing very well
03:25 and they're transitioning their business
03:27 to different generations,
03:29 you can begin to understand
03:30 that they have the nuts and bolts in place.
03:34 But as we see the stories unfold,
03:35 we find that the nuts and bolts are not in place
03:38 for personal families
03:40 that are dealing with this issue.
03:42 So they go through the foreclosure crisis,
03:45 that you see that homes are underwater,
03:47 mortgage issues become a concern
03:49 and many people are paying $2,100 plus on their mortgages,
03:54 those things that have ramped up in interest,
03:56 those that couldn't afford
03:58 or couldn't get their mortgages modified,
04:00 and they're dealing with those expenses,
04:02 they're dealing with the ongoing expenses of cars,
04:05 debt, food, and other elements.
04:10 It was interesting, really riveting
04:12 when I read the story,
04:13 that one of these families would tell you that,
04:16 our budget accounts for what we bring in
04:20 and basically
04:22 the major expenses of the house.
04:25 That is not a complete budget,
04:27 because their budget didn't incorporate food,
04:30 and water, and clothing, and the necessities of life,
04:34 that should be an integral part of your budget.
04:38 That should be what you start out with,
04:40 the needs, the wants,
04:42 and those things you can do without
04:43 or those things you can work with
04:45 in lowering the actual expenses
04:48 is something that should be considered secondary.
04:51 So when you see little mistakes like that,
04:54 the major thing you should do is address,
04:57 assess your debt, assess where you're at,
04:59 immediately do so,
05:00 and then begin the process of creating that budget.
05:03 And the budget is gonna be
05:04 the essential part of getting you back in line,
05:06 because once you know where you are at,
05:08 you can develop the road map to success.
05:11 Now what I'd like to do
05:13 in this case is take you to some of the questions
05:16 we ask to some of our, the viewers
05:18 that we had at Venice Beach
05:20 and see what they see as the top three reasons
05:24 for financial crisis.
05:25 If we could, let's go to video.
05:27 Well, most of the times
05:29 I probably would go to my girl or my music pastor,
05:33 he's kind of like a mentor I have,
05:34 music minister of one church I used to go to,
05:37 me and my fiance usually.
05:40 When you consider a stressful situation
05:43 or a crisis,
05:44 what or who do you go to for advice?
05:47 I tend to go to my friends and family
05:49 depending on what the situation is.
05:55 Stressful situation or crisis, who do you go to for advice?
05:58 God.
06:00 God and to myself.
06:06 You see the many different responses
06:08 that people give in reference to who they go to for advice,
06:11 going to people for advice.
06:12 And again I bring up this issue
06:14 and I see that very clearly is don't go to a baker
06:19 if you need to build a building,
06:21 you need to build a building by with someone
06:24 that understands,
06:25 not only an engineer to put together the plans,
06:28 but someone who knows how to construct the building.
06:31 And that is key to understanding
06:32 how we work this issue called the...
06:37 One of the major reasons for financial crisis is
06:40 business failure.
06:41 And that's what we'll talk about today,
06:43 business failure.
06:45 When you're going into business,
06:47 there are several decisions that you have to make.
06:48 I'm sure that when you think about it,
06:51 what is the simplest way to do things,
06:52 but one of the biggest problems
06:54 that people tend to not concern themselves with
06:58 is the taxation issue.
07:01 Are we prepared to pay taxes on a quarterly basis,
07:05 based on how much money we bring in?
07:07 Are we prepared to be organized in what we do,
07:10 so that we are able to handle these things?
07:12 And you begin to see
07:14 some qualities or attributes of those
07:18 that go into business failure.
07:20 And then we're gonna talk a little bit about some things
07:23 that you can do to mitigate any problems
07:25 within a business
07:27 that you might want to begin with.
07:28 Now, developing a business plan is key.
07:31 You can't just come up with an idea
07:33 and think let's try it,
07:34 because there's several elements
07:35 that need to go on.
07:37 Would you go to Alaska
07:38 and try to sell ice to Eskimos as a business?
07:40 Would that work?
07:42 I don't know.
07:43 Maybe if you're great salesperson,
07:45 you could make millions of dollars doing that.
07:46 But in most settings, ice is already prevalent there.
07:50 There's an issue called law of supply and demand.
07:54 There's a lot of supply up there,
07:55 so there's probably no demand for ice.
07:58 Thinking about these issues creates an environment for you
08:03 to begin the process of conceptualizing
08:05 and discussing strategy
08:07 with what type of business you want to go into.
08:09 Are you planning to bake pies
08:12 and try to sell these pies online
08:15 and deliver these pies
08:16 to those people in a specific geography?
08:19 Can these pies be frozen and mailed
08:21 and sent a long distance?
08:24 How do you plan to get that strategic advantage?
08:28 That little advantage above your competitors
08:31 and be able to increase market share.
08:33 So what I thought I would do for you today is
08:35 talk to you a little bit about
08:37 the top ten reasons for business failure,
08:41 and then we'll talk a little bit about them.
08:43 All right.
08:44 So you plan to go into business,
08:46 and one of the big things
08:48 that happens as the business
08:50 goes out of business relatively soon.
08:52 Number one, take a look at
08:54 where you incorporate your business at?
08:56 Where do you live?
08:57 What are the challenges
08:58 incorporated with that business?
09:00 Did you know that
09:01 the state with the highest risk for business failure,
09:06 you know what that state is?
09:08 California.
09:09 California has a high likelihood
09:12 of business failure,
09:14 if you are not prepared
09:15 for what business you're going into.
09:18 Now I say this for a reason
09:19 because many of us have a great idea
09:22 and those ideas can work, you as a work in progress,
09:27 you in the inner cities of this country,
09:30 and those of that you have challenges and demands
09:33 upon you in reference to family and livelihood.
09:35 If you take a moment and go to some place
09:38 that has a computer, access to the internet,
09:41 if you don't have it at home.
09:43 Go to a library,
09:44 a public library will provide you
09:45 access to that type of resource,
09:47 and you can begin the process of developing an idea,
09:51 a business plan, a concept of what you want to do.
09:54 Many people that go out of business
09:57 tend to blame everyone around them except themselves.
10:01 And a lot of things you can do to prevent this from happening.
10:05 So I would ask you to not blame the government,
10:09 not blame your partner, don't blame the bank,
10:13 but take a look inwardly and try to prevent
10:15 all of those things from happening,
10:18 and or going wrong.
10:20 Top ten reasons.
10:22 Number one, the math just doesn't work.
10:26 There is not enough demand for product
10:29 or service at a price
10:31 that would generate profit for an organization.
10:35 Pricing is key.
10:37 Is demand there?
10:39 Do you have the buzz
10:41 that's out there in the internet
10:43 to create that demand?
10:44 Did you know that if you get one great interview
10:47 on a national syndicated television show,
10:49 it's gonna knock you out of the ballpark.
10:51 Then it creates a whole different problem.
10:53 What's that?
10:54 Demand, people are gonna start calling you off the hook
10:56 for what you have.
10:58 If you have an online business,
10:59 you're gonna see hits to your website,
11:01 and visits to your website, ramp up very quickly,
11:04 and I always go back to that commercial.
11:06 Do you remember that commercial
11:08 where a business gets started online
11:10 and then you see the first sale come in
11:12 and then the second sale comes in,
11:14 and then you see it starting rattling off ways.
11:15 People come into the business in order what they have,
11:19 but guess what?
11:20 They are not prepared to deliver on that volume.
11:24 So you have a product,
11:26 you either don't have demand for that product,
11:28 and there is that challenge.
11:30 Or you have a product
11:31 and there's a high level of demand
11:33 for that product.
11:34 Law of supply and demand tells you that
11:37 if there is not a lot of demand for the product,
11:40 you might want to reduce the price
11:41 and find some way to introduce it to the market,
11:44 and then of course,
11:46 increase the price as demand goes up.
11:48 If there's a whole lot of demand for a product
11:50 that's out there,
11:52 you might look at increasing the price a little bit
11:55 so that it would trigger down much of that demand,
11:57 so you can manage some of the sales
11:59 that may come in.
12:01 Little ideas that are out there,
12:02 but the number one issue is that math doesn't work out.
12:04 I don't understand how to price my product,
12:07 and don't know how to get my product in demand
12:09 in the marketplace,
12:11 and so it doesn't work out.
12:12 This example for example would include a startup,
12:14 trying to compete against a large organization,
12:18 that's already established himself,
12:21 and then looking at its economies of scale.
12:23 Number two.
12:25 Owners who cannot get out of their own way.
12:27 There are people that want to please everyone,
12:29 there are people that are risk averse,
12:31 there are people that are hard to deal with,
12:33 there are those that are conflict averse,
12:35 there are those that are perfectionists,
12:37 there are those that are greedy,
12:38 there are those that are paranoid,
12:40 there are those that are insecure,
12:41 there are those that are indignant,
12:43 and you get the idea.
12:44 Sometimes you can tell that
12:46 these owners will have problems,
12:48 they'll recognize that you may be right
12:51 if you are able to talk to them about it,
12:53 but those are things that you need to be aware of
12:56 and don't prevent success from happening.
12:58 You have owners,
13:00 and I've known some that want to know everything
13:03 about everything in the organization
13:06 and there's no way for you
13:07 to be able to run an organization in a meticulous
13:10 and successful way
13:12 unless you are able to delegate
13:14 and trust those that you delegate to,
13:16 to get the job done.
13:17 Managing is something that's important
13:20 and people don't understand
13:22 what a successful manager is all about.
13:24 Motivating people to do something,
13:27 to accomplish something without having to be personally
13:30 involved in the process.
13:32 Number three.
13:34 Out of control growth, I hand it to that.
13:37 That one of the saddest reasons for failure
13:40 is a successful business
13:42 that is ruined by overexpansion
13:44 or too much demand for the product
13:46 of which they are making more upset customers
13:49 because they can't deliver on what they say they can do.
13:54 This includes moving into markets
13:56 that are not as profitable,
13:58 so the same issue of moving to Alaska
14:01 and jumping into the ice business.
14:04 Experiencing growing pains that damage the business,
14:06 and of course borrowing too much money
14:09 in an attempt to keep growth at a particular rate.
14:11 It's interesting as you look at some of the stories
14:13 we see online,
14:15 and see some of the consumption
14:17 that happens is people tend to try to do too much.
14:21 We go back to the verse in Luke.
14:23 What does that verse say?
14:24 "That take care against greed
14:26 because one's life doesn't consist of the abundance
14:30 of what they have."
14:32 Luke 12 tells us clearly that we need to watch our greed,
14:36 and many of us try to jump into something
14:38 because we get too greedy,
14:40 and we lose sight of the whole overall objective.
14:43 One of the key things that I see as an example is
14:45 many people nowadays are thinking
14:49 that they can jump into something
14:50 and immediately be successful.
14:52 You see it in the music industry,
14:54 you see it in so many different parts of our society,
14:56 and people are willing to do
14:58 whatever they can to be successful.
15:01 And they're willing to spend money
15:02 that they don't even have
15:04 to get that immediate gratification
15:05 for something.
15:07 What has happened to the process of working
15:09 toward something,
15:10 saving for something,
15:12 and preparing for something over the long term,
15:14 so that when you establish yourself,
15:16 you can be successful.
15:17 Look at successful business owners,
15:19 look at successful nonprofit business owners,
15:21 because nonprofits are a whole other beast.
15:25 When you think about it,
15:27 nonprofits have to rely on donations that come in,
15:31 so they have the source of funds
15:34 that come in and the use of funds,
15:36 and those things have to balance
15:37 at the end of the year
15:39 as they report back to their board
15:41 and to their constituents that provide donations.
15:43 What type of business are you doing?
15:45 How are you relating to the business?
15:47 And how are you planning to grow the business to a place
15:50 that it can become successful,
15:53 and where your clients and your donors can trust
15:57 in your ability to get things done.
16:00 Okay, number four.
16:01 Poor accounting.
16:04 One of the things I always recommend is
16:06 when you're talking about getting into a small business
16:08 or doing something on your own is
16:10 go into your local business office,
16:14 administration office.
16:16 There is the EDD that can point you to score,
16:19 and there are many different organizations
16:21 that are out there that can provide you resources.
16:24 And some of those resources
16:25 include training in quick books or quicken
16:28 where you're able to have a transaction in the business
16:31 and you report that transaction.
16:33 You have revenue coming in, you have expenses going out,
16:35 and you track what is happening from a business standpoint.
16:38 There are several things that provides.
16:41 One which we always talk about is it provides you
16:45 an opportunity to see
16:46 where your money is coming from,
16:48 get a snapshot of where your money is going
16:50 and track where that is
16:52 because what does that give you?
16:55 It gives you the ability to budget,
16:57 because I know where the money is coming from,
17:00 I know where the money is going.
17:02 I can take a look at these things on an ongoing basis
17:05 and ramp things down that I don't need,
17:07 ramp things up in an area that I do need.
17:09 If I'm spending too much here,
17:11 maybe I can take a little of money out of this area
17:14 and put it into another area, such as advertising.
17:17 Maybe need to ramp up a little advertising
17:19 and make more people aware of a product that I do have.
17:22 So poor accounting is key
17:25 to making for a disastrous business plan.
17:27 If you have a plan, if you have assessed
17:30 where you are at and now you have a budget in place,
17:35 that budget can tell you
17:36 how much you can spend in a specific area
17:39 and not exceed that area for at year end
17:42 everything to be in balance.
17:47 Lack of a cash cushion.
17:49 Jumping into something without having a savings
17:53 or having a cushion
17:55 that you can drop back on in cases of emergency.
17:58 If we've learned anything from this previous recession,
18:01 and for some people it's over, for some people it's not over.
18:05 The business cycle always happens,
18:06 you see in the automotive industry,
18:08 you see it in many different other industries
18:10 that are out there, that there is a cycle,
18:12 the business where you have challenging times,
18:15 where you have to tap into your resources,
18:18 and you have the great times.
18:19 And the good companies what they do is
18:22 they allocates a portion of those revenues into a fund
18:26 that prepares for those type of emergencies.
18:29 I had a conversation
18:30 with a vice president of an organization
18:33 in the San Diego area,
18:36 and she was able to paint for me,
18:37 that even though this organization
18:38 may have revenues of $18 million a year
18:42 and they have expenditures of course,
18:44 sources and uses of funds of upwards of that
18:46 same $18 million a year.
18:48 What they have chosen to do
18:49 as a part of their budgetary process
18:51 is to allocate certain portions of funds
18:54 into an area that can help
18:56 provide assistance in case of a certain type of emergency.
19:01 These are key things to be aware of.
19:04 Simple but we never think about the fact
19:07 that we're gonna run some emergencies.
19:09 And all you have to do is go online
19:11 and see these stories of individuals
19:13 that have run into the same crisis.
19:15 I remember this one story of a gentleman
19:18 that had everything.
19:20 I mean, his children remember growing up,
19:22 they had all they wanted, wealthy, had a job
19:24 that paid him a lot of money, and of course,
19:27 he was able to pay off their home,
19:29 and they were able to buy a condo,
19:30 and they do what they wanted to do in life.
19:32 And then of course, the children grew up,
19:34 children left home,
19:36 and mom and dad are planning to retire
19:39 and enjoy their retirement on a beach somewhere in Tahiti
19:44 and nothing can go wrong,
19:45 except they didn't plan for the stroke.
19:50 And then the stroke happens and then emergency funds,
19:53 we talk about this.
19:55 What are some of the top issues that cause financial crisis?
19:59 Health related is a number four on the list
20:02 after that cause stress on the list.
20:06 So you take a look at that
20:07 and it wiped out all of his savings,
20:09 that wiped out all of his earnings,
20:11 he had to go back in debt to start paying off,
20:14 and he actually started working earlier than he was supposed to
20:18 because he felt so obligating
20:19 and helping to pay off this major debt
20:22 that had come up in reference to his health
20:26 and the stroke that happened.
20:27 So that I think is essential.
20:30 Preparing for the emergencies is key.
20:32 That is number five.
20:34 Operational mediocrity.
20:38 One thing the Bible tells us
20:40 is to be as good as you possibly can,
20:43 to give your best effort.
20:45 And that comes out in the story of talents.
20:48 How those that got five
20:51 and that got two doubled the talents,
20:54 they worked at something and did their best.
20:58 Whatever you cut yourself out to do,
21:00 whatever business you want to go after,
21:04 whether or not be your own personal business and finance,
21:07 or your own personal things
21:09 that you're doing or opening up a business
21:12 with partners and friends,
21:14 the key is doing it the best that you can.
21:18 I go to the thing that Rodney told me,
21:21 and Rodney said,
21:22 "Hey, if you're looking to do something,
21:25 go to the expert and do the best
21:27 that you possibly can.
21:29 Don't get into something you're not aware of,
21:31 so study the industry,
21:32 study what's going on
21:34 and study what you can do to make it best.
21:37 Don't go into something just to try it,
21:39 not give it your all but put a lot into it."
21:43 As a personal business owner, I would tell you this,
21:47 that it takes a lot of work, it does not happen overnight.
21:52 There are struggles,
21:53 you have to struggle with many different elements,
21:55 the grant writing, whatever part of the process
22:01 that you deal with,
22:02 you must make sure that you're working as hard
22:04 as you can day and day out
22:06 to ensure that you're meeting your objectives
22:08 and making sure that your revenues
22:09 come in to meet your budget.
22:13 Dysfunctional management is a number eight reason.
22:17 Operational inefficiencies, paying too much for rent,
22:20 paying too much for labor, paying too much for materials.
22:25 Lien companies are at an advantage,
22:26 so if you're planning to compete with some companies
22:29 that are doing the best they can in those areas,
22:32 it's best that you start from the beginning.
22:35 Assess where you're at,
22:37 look at where you want to go
22:39 and create the budget.
22:41 When you have the budget,
22:42 then you will know almost immediately
22:44 on a monthly basis that,
22:46 hey, we spent too much on rent this month.
22:48 Hey, we're overreaching our labor budget.
22:52 Hey, did we spend something on materials
22:55 that we weren't supposed to spend money on?
22:57 Did you know that's one of the top scams
22:59 that are out there for businesses right now?
23:00 That I'm gonna take a moment
23:02 and just take a little side bar at this point of time.
23:05 There are businesses or scams that are out there
23:08 to take your business out of the competition.
23:13 You can create websites that marry your own business,
23:16 you can do that.
23:18 You can create those websites
23:19 and even though you can deliver,
23:21 what it does it creates a negative mark
23:23 on your business
23:25 because people replicate your business,
23:27 put a site up on the web,
23:29 and who's going to control that.
23:31 You need to be aware of so many different things
23:33 in this internet and technology environment
23:36 that we live in.
23:37 And one of the things that is very clear is ensuring
23:40 that you can take a look
23:42 at what efficiencies of scale that you have.
23:45 Budget for what you want to accomplish
23:48 and ensure that you follow that,
23:49 because that can help you
23:51 get rid of those operational inefficiencies
23:54 that you may have.
23:56 Dysfunctional management is another area
23:59 where people aren't working together
24:02 in a cohesive way.
24:04 They lack to the same vision, they're not planning,
24:07 their standards are different.
24:08 So you can see the problems that can exist
24:14 when you have partners that are fighting each other
24:16 and it creates more of a stress than any type
24:18 that can help anything,
24:20 and that's one of the other major reasons
24:21 for business failure.
24:23 Lack of succession planning is another major concern,
24:26 where I told that many people have, there's nepotism,
24:30 there are power struggles,
24:31 there're all these type of things
24:33 with significant players
24:34 that get in over their heads.
24:36 And then don't take the time to plan on what happens
24:39 if something negative happens
24:41 to one of those partners in the organization.
24:44 And then of course, take a look at deciding to open a business
24:50 that's not in a declining market.
24:53 What am I talking about?
24:54 Well, let's talk, I have an iPad.
24:58 Do you think it's competing
25:00 against the bookstores right now?
25:02 Because I have, a Kindle
25:03 has all the books on it that I'd like.
25:05 Do you think that there's a decline
25:07 in the actual acquisition of actual physical books?
25:10 What do you think is gonna happen at college campuses
25:13 when they can have all their books on a tablet
25:15 as opposed to have to pick up
25:17 50 pounds of books every quarter.
25:19 There are these things that you should be aware of.
25:21 What about music stores?
25:23 Digital downloads now is a big issue
25:25 as people are discussing those concerns.
25:28 Printing business for example is another area
25:31 that you should be concerned about.
25:32 And changes in technology
25:34 that can inhibit your ability to grow.
25:38 All of these are concerns
25:40 that you and I should be aware of
25:42 as we talk about opening up a business,
25:44 because there are a lot of parameters.
25:46 It's simple if you think through the process.
25:50 So I'm gonna give you four ideas here right now
25:52 when you're looking at personal ownership.
25:54 Look at incorporating a business.
25:56 Incorporating will provide the owner
25:58 a certain level of creditor protection.
26:01 Number two.
26:02 Always try to pay your debts on a timely basis
26:05 whether that be payroll source reductions,
26:07 whether it be goods and services tax collected,
26:09 making sure you put that off
26:11 in an emergency fund or as savings account,
26:14 that can pay those taxes on an ongoing basis.
26:17 Of course, employee wages in vacation time,
26:20 you'll make for happy employees
26:23 if they get paid on a timely basis.
26:25 Additionally, number three,
26:27 take a look at when you're putting money away
26:30 for retirement that you do it on an ongoing basis,
26:33 you're serious about it and you plan accordingly.
26:37 If you plan to invest your own funds into a business,
26:41 I ask you in all of this to go to a professional.
26:45 I ask you to talk to someone that knows about incorporating
26:49 that can give you issues about tax
26:51 and talk to you about concerns,
26:53 that are relevant to the business
26:54 that you begin,
26:56 because many of us get lost in the elements of a business.
27:00 We don't think about all of these other items
27:03 that are out there and people are out there
27:04 that are willing to help you.
27:06 And one of the things are,
27:07 if you would give money to your business,
27:09 think about investing in your business
27:11 by giving the business a loan
27:12 that the business will have to pay you back.
27:14 Just an idea because many people put
27:16 all of their money into a business
27:18 and don't do it the right way,
27:20 and if the business go out of business,
27:23 then they have to deal with those type of issues.
27:26 And then of course,
27:28 avoid personal guarantees of company obligations.
27:31 Don't go out and make promises that you cannot keep.
27:35 This program for me
27:37 was also a learning experience doing some of the research
27:39 and I think that it will be
27:40 a very informative program for you,
27:42 if you take a look
27:43 and do your due diligence
27:45 and study what it takes to run a business,
27:48 because when we talk about Take it to the Bank,
27:52 we are very serious,
27:53 and you should be serious
27:55 as it is your money and your time.
27:59 God bless you.


Revised 2017-04-03