Thunder in the Holy Land

Talking Stones

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Charles Byrd (Host), Stephen Fowler, Levi Longoria, Andrea Endries


Series Code: THL

Program Code: THL000001

00:01 Truth, it's the most important thing.
00:04 A successful meaningful relationship
00:06 can't be built without it.
00:08 Government, schools
00:10 and the police are eviscerated without the truth.
00:12 And the court system?
00:14 Truly is a shame unless it's founded on truth.
00:18 But what is truth?
00:20 And is there an absolute standard
00:22 when it comes to truth?
00:24 Some have come to believe there is
00:26 and claim that the standard of truth is found in the Bible.
00:31 The majority of human beings
00:32 on this planet claim to be Christian.
00:35 And yet it seems more and more Christian pastors and teachers
00:39 as well as adherence are no longer sure
00:41 if the Bible can be trusted as an authoritative
00:44 and truthful recounting of God's history with mankind.
00:48 If those who claim to be followers of Christ,
00:51 don't even believe in the veracity of the Bible,
00:53 it's no wonder the skeptic would call question on its validity.
00:58 Today, it's getting harder to find a credible voice,
01:01 who will stand in its defense.
01:04 But Jesus went way beyond standing for the truth.
01:08 In fact, He calls it a great deal of thunder in the Holy Land
01:11 by claiming to be the truth.
01:14 And now, talking stones are giving us
01:18 a reason to believe.
02:13 Hello, I'm Charles Byrd.
02:15 I'll admit it, some of Jesus' teachings seem a bit strange.
02:20 One of them is found
02:21 in the story of His triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
02:25 He was heading into Jerusalem
02:26 with crowds of supporters chanting,
02:29 "Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord,
02:32 peace in heaven and glory in the highest."
02:36 The Pharisees were not at all happy
02:38 and demanded that Jesus rebuke His disciples.
02:42 But Jesus would not and shared with them a strange teaching.
02:47 "I tell you that, if these should hold their peace,
02:50 the stones would immediately cry out."
02:54 And no matter how strange that teaching appears to be,
02:57 today it seems that doctrine,
02:59 that prophecy has come true.
03:02 For the majority of professed Christians
03:04 no longer embrace the truth.
03:07 And now the stones are indeed talking.
03:10 Andrea is standing by in Egypt to explain.
03:16 Thanks, Charles.
03:17 As long as people are free to think,
03:19 they will always be skeptics and doubters.
03:22 So if I lived 20 lifetimes,
03:24 I would never be able to come up with enough answers
03:27 for all of their equivocations.
03:29 But today, I spent some amazing time
03:32 inside the Cairo museum here in Egypt,
03:34 because I wanted to see one of the stones
03:37 that perhaps Jesus talked about.
03:40 In fact, this museum houses
03:42 the oldest known extra biblical evidence
03:45 that supports the biblical narrative.
03:48 A talking stone, discovered in 1896
03:52 in Pharaoh Merneptah's mortuary temple in Thebes,
03:56 the victory stele recounts in poetic verse
03:58 the accomplishments of Merneptah.
04:01 One line mentions Israel as dwelling in the land of Canaan.
04:06 In a jury trial the two most desired things are corroboration
04:09 from incredible eyewitnesses
04:11 and hard evidence the smoking gun,
04:14 fingerprints or DNA.
04:17 The Merneptah's stone gives us an eyewitness account
04:20 that both confirms the biblical narrative
04:23 and discredits the mere speculations of doubters.
04:27 A popular theory among biblical scholars today is that Israel
04:31 emerged from peoples indigenous to Canaan
04:34 in the mid 1100s or the 12th century BC.
04:37 If this is true, then biblical history
04:40 and chronology prior to around 1150 BC
04:45 would have to be adjacent.
04:47 The Exodus story would be
04:49 just as some have supposed a myth.
04:53 And the story of the judges leading Israel
04:55 before the kings were established fiction.
04:59 But this stele from 1208 BC is important
05:04 because it confirms that the children of Israel
05:07 were already established in Canaan
05:09 during the time of the Judges.
05:11 Archaeology and talking stones
05:14 give me reasons to believe.
05:18 But there's another reason I believe in the Bible.
05:22 I believe because of what I've seen it do in my life
05:25 and the lives of those around me.
05:27 I've seen what some consider just a book,
05:31 take the strongest and most powerful man I know,
05:35 my own father to his knees in humble repentance.
05:41 But even if it hadn't changed me or my family,
05:44 I'd still have to believe in the accuracy of the Bible
05:47 because of Daniel 2.
05:49 While it is one prophecy among many,
05:51 it blows my mind with its accuracy and its details.
05:55 The fact that our Lord gave us prophecy in order to give us
05:59 some sort of evidence and logic to stand on,
06:02 makes Him a God I can trust.
06:05 Yes, He wants us to believe based on our faith,
06:08 but when our emotions and feelings are questioned,
06:12 we can still point the truth of prophecy.
06:16 Besides the multiple proven prophecies,
06:19 the Bible matches history.
06:22 It is the only religious volume that has 66 books
06:25 written by over 40 authors on three different continents
06:29 and yet it has no contradictions or inconsistencies
06:33 based on incontrovertible historical evidence.
06:36 Furthermore, there is no other book in the realm of history
06:40 that passes cultural boundaries like the Holy Bible.
06:44 Its principle and values apply to every generation,
06:47 every gender, every culture
06:49 and it still encourages the individual.
06:53 I've always said that if the Bible
06:55 was just made up by a group of men
06:58 with nothing more than their own human wisdom,
07:01 then maybe we should be worshipping them.
07:03 There is no way the Bible is not the inspired word of God.
07:10 Thanks, Andrea.
07:11 I'm also in favor of critical thinking.
07:14 It's not a bad thing to check the facts, confirm evidence.
07:18 This is how a good jury makes a balanced and fair decision.
07:22 Unfortunately, in some cases things are not always so clear.
07:26 At these times juries are forced to settle on sufficient evidence
07:30 that leads in to a place beyond reasonable doubt.
07:34 And for me, I guess silence
07:35 is not a reasonable reason to doubt.
07:38 What am I talking about?
07:40 I'm talking about the fact that,
07:42 there're some critically educated people
07:44 will often use arguments from silence
07:46 as reasons for not believing.
07:49 And people can make fun of me
07:50 because faith plays a part of my life.
07:52 Well, I think it's even funnier that this opposition
07:54 from silence informs their faith.
07:57 Let me explain.
07:59 Some folks have chosen
08:00 not to believe in the story of Jesus.
08:03 They say that the Bible is not accurate
08:04 and thus can't be trusted as a correct retelling of history.
08:09 But what reason did they gave for this assumption.
08:13 Well, in the biblical story of Jesus,
08:14 the Bible recounts at a person named Pilate
08:17 was the governor of Judea.
08:19 You know, the scripture tells us he was governor during
08:21 the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar.
08:25 He's portrayed in sacred read as the reluctant judge.
08:29 He knew that for envy,
08:30 the priests and rulers of the Jews
08:32 brought Jesus to him asking,
08:34 now demanding that He be crucified.
08:37 Now the Bible doesn't present Pilate
08:40 as some forgotten footnote of history.
08:43 He's mentioned a 50 times in the four gospels
08:46 and three times in the Book of Acts
08:48 and once in Paul's letter to Timothy.
08:51 And still, scholars have long debated
08:54 how to interpret Pilate's portrayal
08:56 from the biblical account
08:57 since they had no convincing
08:59 extra biblical evidence that he ever existed.
09:02 And because of the silence in the historical record,
09:04 some Bible scholars have argued
09:07 that the historical accounts in the gospels were inaccurate.
09:11 With some even believing
09:12 that Pilate was just a mythical character.
09:15 But all that changed in June of 1961,
09:19 when a team of Italian archaeologists
09:21 led by Dr. Antonio Frova,
09:23 discovered a limestone block while excavating
09:26 an ancient Roman amphitheater here in Caesarea Maritima
09:29 or Caesarea on the sea.
09:32 On the face is an engraved inscription
09:34 which is part of a larger dedication to Tiberius Caesar.
09:38 This stone clearly says
09:40 that it was from Pontius Pilate, prefect of Judea.
09:47 The discovery of the Pilate's stone is significant
09:49 because it's the only universally accepted
09:52 archaeological find with an inscription
09:54 mentioning the name Pontius Pilate.
09:57 Until 1961, it wasn't known that this stone existed.
10:00 So some people chose to doubt the Bible.
10:04 Here is the extra biblical confirmation to the story,
10:08 thus adding credence to the gospel accounts.
10:11 But for those who want to doubt,
10:13 I'm not sure this will do much to help them believe.
10:16 You see, it's easy to doubt, people do it all the time.
10:20 As a young man growing up in these uncertain times,
10:23 I don't need any help doubting.
10:24 I can do that fine by myself.
10:27 I need reasons to believe.
10:30 And this talking stone cries out to us,
10:33 encouraging us to believe the story of Jesus.
10:37 These stones do encourage us to believe, Levi.
10:39 I'm standing in front of theI srael museum
10:41 here in Jerusalem because there's one more talking stone
10:44 I'd like to mention.
10:45 It's in reference to perhaps the most important
10:47 and essential figure in the books of
10:49 1st and 2nd Samuel, Kings, Chronicles,
10:51 as well as the Psalms.
10:53 That person is David.
10:54 Until very recently, there was no evidence outside of the Bible
10:58 for the existence of King David.
11:00 Even the many archaeological digs in the city of David
11:02 have failed to turn up so much as the mention of his name.
11:05 Therefore, most modern scholars have come to the conclusion
11:08 that the Bible is not an entirely
11:10 reliable historical document.
11:12 Then, on July 21, 1993 a team of archaeologists
11:17 led by Professor Avraham Biran,
11:19 excavating Tel Dan in northern Galilee,
11:22 found a triangular piece of basalt rock
11:24 measuring 23 x 36 centimeters inscribed in Aramaic.
11:28 It was subsequently identified as part of a victory pillar
11:31 erected by the king of Syria,
11:33 probably a 100 years after David would have ruled.
11:36 The inscriptions include the words "Bet Dahveed,"
11:39 Bet means house or dynasty.
11:42 This stele claims a military victory
11:44 over the house or dynasty of David
11:46 and it's the first near contemporary
11:47 in his reference to David ever found.
11:50 It strongly indicates that a king called David
11:52 established a dynasty here in Israel.
11:55 So once again a talking stone thunders a word of affirmation
11:58 crying out to the doubters and skeptics.
12:00 It's true.
12:01 The Word of God presented
12:03 in the pages of the Bible can be trusted.
12:06 So for me, I believe the Bible is the truth.
12:09 My faith has led me to see this book
12:11 as a reference guide for my uncertainties.
12:14 I know it's not best to live one's life based on feelings,
12:16 but one of the reasons I believe it's the truth is
12:19 because when I read it, I feel the sense of fulfillment
12:23 and there's a void that is filled.
12:25 The Bible is one of the oldest books on earth
12:27 and many people besides myself know that is the truth.
12:30 The words in the Bible are so powerful
12:32 and pregnant with relevancy.
12:36 And one more thing about the Bible
12:38 that I find intriguing, although it's written so long ago,
12:42 it refers to the daily issues
12:43 that we have to live with to this very day.
12:46 The Bible is indeed relevant for our lives today
12:50 and I'm also excited about these discoveries.
12:52 These, these talking stones,
12:54 that lends credibility to the biblical narrator.
12:59 And even though I'm very excited about their discoveries,
13:03 I feel it necessary to sound up a note of caution.
13:07 Ever since the introduction of higher criticism
13:09 or critical scholarship, a new standard for veracity,
13:13 a new yardstick has been set forth to find
13:16 what is and is not truth.
13:19 These critics will suggest and unless there is independent,
13:22 authentic and verifiable corroboration
13:25 for the facts on a particular Bible story,
13:27 then it most likely is not true.
13:30 The problem with this method of validation is
13:33 that it puts man on the seat of judgment
13:35 as the arbiter of truth.
13:37 This is just as foolish as a 15-year-old child
13:40 saying to a 40-year-old parent,
13:42 "Unless you can give me a third party confirmation
13:45 when you're warning that drinking
13:46 and driving is dangerous,
13:48 or that driving through a red light is really harmful,
13:50 I won't believe it."
13:52 If a child has been fed and clothed,
13:54 loved and protected,
13:56 educated and encouraged by a parent for 15 years,
13:59 this child is going to have to choose to trust.
14:02 Is going to have to exercise faith
14:05 based on the past performance of the parent.
14:07 While it will take faith to believe
14:10 the warnings given by the parent.
14:11 It's not a leap of faith, just a step of faith.
14:16 And this faith is not blind faith
14:17 since it's based on the past love and care of the parent.
14:22 And regarding our Heavenly Father,
14:24 we're not the first people on this planet.
14:27 Others, many others have lived before us
14:30 and have experienced God.
14:33 They have left us written histories of their experience
14:35 with a supernatural being
14:37 who has shown great love and care for us.
14:41 And since this book claims that the God of creation
14:46 came to this very planet to reveal to us His love and truth,
14:50 perhaps we should take advantage of the opportunity if affords.
14:55 Listen, the best opportunity for anchoring
14:58 our faith doesn't come from the skeptic or critic.
15:01 It doesn't even come from an eyewitness
15:04 to the goodness and love of God.
15:07 It comes from something even better.
15:09 Something that appeals to logic
15:11 and reason as well as the heart,
15:14 something that even Jesus used to guide Himself, prophecy.
15:20 Andrea will explain.
15:23 Prophecy is the ultimate anchor for our faith.
15:27 It is not based on feelings or bias.
15:30 It is the one thing that above all others provides testable
15:34 and provable evidence that there is a God
15:37 who indeed knows the end from the beginning.
15:40 Prophecy is God's foretelling of history.
15:44 Prophecy is His story, before it even happens
15:49 and Jesus believed in prophecy.
15:52 He quoted from the Prophet Isaiah,
15:54 it was from the writings of the Prophet Moses
15:57 that Jesus gained strength to overcome
15:59 Satan's temptations in the wilderness.
16:02 And he also encouraged his followers to read
16:05 and understand the prophetic book of Daniel.
16:09 How can one read the prophecy of Daniel 2
16:12 and not be impressed with the foreknowledge of God?
16:16 The story line had all the drama one could ask for.
16:20 Daniel, a young Hebrew captive in the court of Nebuchadnezzar,
16:23 King of Babylon is going to be killed
16:26 along with the other wise men.
16:29 And what was their transgression?
16:31 They failed the king.
16:33 Nebuchadnezzar had simply wanted them to tell him
16:36 what he had dreamed in his own bed the night before
16:40 and also tell him what the dream meant.
16:43 But after spending time in prayer
16:45 with his three companions,
16:47 the Lord of all creation revealed to Daniel
16:51 what the king had dreamed and what it meant.
16:56 The king had dreamt of a great image
16:58 of different kinds of metal.
17:00 Each metal represented a world kingdom.
17:04 Babylon was represented by the head of gold,
17:07 but Babylon was not to stand forever.
17:10 In fact, it only lasted about 70 years.
17:14 Babylon was then overthrown by the Medes and the Persians
17:17 represented by the chest and arms of silver in 538 BC.
17:22 The belly and thighs of bronze
17:24 represented the kingdom of Greece that began in 331 BC
17:29 when Alexander the Great conquered the Medes
17:31 and the Persians in the battle of Arbela.
17:34 And the kingdom that followed Greece
17:36 was the iron monarchy of the Roman Empire
17:39 which ruled the world from 168 BC to AD 476.
17:45 And no mere man could have made such startling
17:48 and exact predictions foretelling
17:51 world history for the next 2600 years.
17:56 Now, for the skeptic
17:57 it's possibly unscientific to think of divinity
18:01 tracing the future before it happens.
18:04 So some schooled in critical thought tell us that,
18:07 instead of Daniel writing this account
18:10 sometime in the first half of the 6th century BC,
18:13 the Book of Daniel was ghost written
18:16 at the outbreak of the persecution of the Jews
18:19 under the Seleucid rule around 167 BC.
18:23 But even if that were true and it's not.
18:27 The mystery author would still have
18:29 had an amazing rate of success
18:31 in the prophecies of this book recommended by Jesus.
18:35 For example, instead of logically predicting
18:38 another world empire to follow Babylon,
18:41 Medo-Persia, Greece and then Rome,
18:45 the author foretold a divided kingdom.
18:49 For the vision revealed that the image's feet
18:52 would be made of iron and clay,
18:54 partly strong and partly weak.
18:57 True to the prediction the Mediterranean world
19:00 fractured and fell apart.
19:03 Many have tried to reunite Europe
19:05 through the intermarriage of royal families,
19:08 through wars like those of Charlemagne,
19:10 Napoleon, and Hitler,
19:13 and more recently through the mingling of currency.
19:16 And yet Europe and all its neighbors
19:18 have remained divided to this day
19:20 in direct fulfillment to the prophetic vision.
19:25 "They shall not cleave one to another,
19:28 even as iron is not mixed with clay."
19:32 But in even more important prophecy
19:34 contained in this book endorsed by Jesus
19:38 was the prophecy concerning the long looked for Messiah.
19:43 Absolutely, did you know the Book of Daniel
19:46 predicted the very year the Messiah,
19:47 the Anointed would come?
19:49 The timeline of this prophecy starts
19:51 or anchors on a historical event.
19:53 "Know therefore and understand" Daniel writes,
19:56 "That from the going forth of the commandment
19:58 to restore and to build Jerusalem
20:00 unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks,
20:03 and threescore and two weeks."
20:05 This prophetic timeline starts from the command
20:07 to restore and build Jerusalem.
20:10 That command was made in 457 BC by Artaxerxes.
20:14 The actual decree can be found in Ezra 7:11-26.
20:19 This decree fortified that Jews with full political
20:21 and monetary support that restored
20:23 the Jewish nation hold once again.
20:26 Now in the Bible,
20:28 one prophetic day equals one literal year.
20:31 You can read about that in Ezekiel 4:6.
20:34 So 7 weeks plus 3 score weeks plus 2 weeks
20:38 equals 69 prophetic weeks.
20:41 Each week has 7 days, 7 x 69 equals 483 literal years.
20:48 And right on time in 1827
20:51 this prophecy came true in the person of Jesus
20:53 when He was anointed by the Holy Spirit as baptism.
20:57 Perhaps that's why Jesus said in John 5:39,
21:00 "Search the scriptures,
21:01 for in them ye think ye have eternal life
21:04 but they are they which testify of me."
21:08 The doctrine or teachings of Jesus
21:09 include a very real belief
21:11 in the authenticity of the Book of Daniel.
21:13 And according to Jesus, prophetic scripture is something
21:17 we should search out and pay attention to it.
21:20 Prophetic scripture points us to eternal life,
21:22 because it points us to the life giver.
21:26 "Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets,
21:29 I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill," Jesus said.
21:34 Jesus didn't come to diminish the prophetic gifts,
21:36 He Himself was a provider of prophecy.
21:39 For example, Jesus was sitting here
21:41 on the Mount of Olives overlooking Jerusalem,
21:44 His disciples pointing at the beauty of the temple
21:46 when He said to them, "'Do you see all these things?'
21:49 I tell you the truth, not one stone will be left on another,
21:53 every one will be thrown down."
21:56 This prophecy also came true in AD 70,
21:59 when the Roman General Titus
22:01 not only took Jerusalem by conquest,
22:03 but completely leveled the Temple Mount
22:05 pushing all the stones off into the marketplace walkway
22:08 on the western side of the Temple Mount.
22:11 This so filled the area that all pictures of Jerusalem
22:14 show that Jews praying at the top of the western wall.
22:18 Much of this debris has now been removed
22:20 revealing one of the very streets
22:21 that Jesus would have walked on.
22:23 Now don't get too distracted by all this archaeology.
22:26 What's important is that the prophetic word of scripture
22:30 gives us reason to believe the Bible.
22:32 Prophecy gives us a solid foundation
22:35 upon which to build a rational faith.
22:39 It does Steven. Think with this way.
22:42 If I told you that in 7 years
22:44 you'd be the first non-astronaut to stand on the moon,
22:48 you'd probably be very doubtful.
22:50 And then if I added another layer of prophecy
22:52 and told you that because of your subsequent notoriety,
22:55 you'll start a new clothing line that would make you
22:57 a billionaire clothier in just three years
22:59 from landing on the moon.
23:01 You most likely wouldn't believe me.
23:04 After all, I have no connections with NASA
23:06 or anyone who works there.
23:08 I don't know the president or the vice president
23:10 and so for you to be skeptical of my predictions,
23:13 it would be completely understandable, even reasonable.
23:17 But if by some chance you actually
23:19 were the first non-astronaut
23:21 to stand on the moon, would you be going to take
23:23 my second prediction more seriously?
23:27 Probably. But here's a question that needs an answer.
23:30 If after 3 years from landing on the moon,
23:32 you actually did become
23:34 a billionaire retail seller of clothes,
23:37 would it be reasonable for you to believe in me.
23:42 This is why prophecy is more powerful
23:45 as an anchor for our faith than archaeology.
23:48 In the Book of Matthew alone,
23:49 17 times it stated that specific events
23:53 were a fulfillment of prophecy.
23:55 Here's an example, in Matthew 27:35,
23:58 as Jesus is hanging on the cross being crucified,
24:01 it says, "They parted His garments
24:04 casting lots that it might be fulfilled
24:07 which was spoken by the prophet,
24:08 they parted My garments among them,
24:11 and upon My vesture did they cast lots."
24:14 The prophet being referred to here
24:16 is the Psalmist David and Matthew
24:18 is quoting from Psalm 22.
24:20 In this one Messianic Psalm alone
24:23 are several amazing correlations with the death
24:26 and crucifixion of Christ.
24:28 Psalm 22:1 starts with these words,
24:31 "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken Me?"
24:36 at 3 in the afternoon
24:39 Jesus cried out,
24:41 "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?"
24:45 And the Psalmist goes on to say,
24:46 "I am despised of the people, they laugh me to scorn,
24:50 they shake the head saying,
24:51 He trusted on the Lord that He would deliver Him,
24:54 let Him deliver Him seeing He delighted in Him."
24:58 And Matthew records,
25:00 "And they that passed by reviled Him,
25:02 wagging their heads saying He trusted in God,
25:05 let Him deliver Him now, if He will have Him,
25:08 for He said, I am the Son of God."
25:11 And then David writes,
25:13 "They part My garments among them
25:15 and cast lots upon My vesture."
25:19 Matthew 27:35 says, "When they crucified Jesus,
25:23 they parted His garments by casting lots."
25:27 In verse 16 David said,
25:29 "They pierced My hands and My feet."
25:32 He can't be talking about himself here
25:33 since this never happened to him.
25:35 With prophetic eye, he's seeing
25:38 what Thomas and the other disciples saw.
25:40 They watched the crucifixion, they saw the wounds
25:44 that the nails left in hands of our dear Savior.
25:47 And finally David wrote, "I'm poured out like water
25:51 and all my bones are out of joint,
25:53 my heart is like wax,
25:55 it's melted in the midst of my bowels."
25:58 It was reported by John that when one of the soldiers
26:01 with a spear pierced the side of Jesus after He had died,
26:05 that "forthwith came there out blood and water."
26:11 Today, we only had time to look at
26:13 a few of the numerous prophecies
26:15 that were fulfilled in the life of Christ.
26:17 There are many, many more.
26:19 A prophetic principle says that the more details
26:22 you put into a prophecy,
26:24 the less likely it is to come true.
26:26 And that is precisely why the life of Christ
26:29 is completely unbelievable
26:31 when measured by mere scientific methods.
26:34 Professor Peter Stoner, calculated
26:37 the probability of just 8 Messianic prophecies
26:40 being fulfilled in the life of Jesus.
26:42 His estimated calculated as conservatively as possible
26:46 and reviewed by the American Scientific Affiliation,
26:48 said that it is 1 in 10 followed by 28 zeros.
26:54 No casino in Las Vegas would bet money
26:56 if those numbers were against the house.
26:59 Keep in mind that Jesus did not just fulfill 8 prophecies,
27:03 He fulfilled 108.
27:06 The chances of fulfilling just 48 prophecies
27:09 causes the likeliness to decrease
27:11 to 1 in 10 followed by 157 zeros.
27:16 Accidental fulfillment of these prophecies
27:19 is simply beyond the realm of possibility unless,
27:25 unless those events were foreknown in the mind of God,
27:29 planned in advance to leave for future generations
27:32 the fingerprints of divine origin.
27:36 Listen friends, we have in our hands
27:39 all the prophetic evidence we need,
27:42 all the proof necessary to build a strong yet rational faith
27:46 in the inspiration of these sacred pages.
27:50 Prophecy is so solid a foundation that Jesus taught
27:54 it is of more value to our faith
27:56 than seeing one raise from the dead.
27:59 Jesus believed in the whole Old Testament
28:02 and He invites us to study it for ourselves.
28:05 Jesus commissioned His followers
28:06 to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
28:09 to write the New Testament
28:10 to share with mankind the precious truths
28:13 He had personally revealed to them.
28:16 This is the Living Word of God
28:19 and this is the doctrine of Jesus,
28:23 "The words that I speak unto you,
28:25 they are spirit, and they are life."


Revised 2014-12-17