3ABN Today Bible Q&A

Body and Soul

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYQA

Program Code: TDYQA210020A

00:01 As you're well aware,
00:02 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for Today special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:00 Mending broken people
01:14 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Today Bible Q and A.
01:18 I'm Jason Bradley.
01:19 And I'm so glad
01:21 that you decided to tune in once again,
01:22 whether you're watching on television
01:23 or you're listening on the radio,
01:26 we are happy that you are here.
01:29 We're going to dive into the Word of God
01:32 and find the answers to the questions
01:35 that you have submitted.
01:37 And if you have not submitted your questions,
01:40 I want to tell you how you may do so.
01:43 So you can send a text
01:44 to 618-228-3975.
01:49 Or you can send your email
01:50 and send us an email at BibleQA@3abn.tv
01:56 And I want to share this scripture with you.
01:58 It's out of Matthew 28:18-20,
02:03 "And Jesus came and spoke to them saying,
02:06 'All authority has been given to me
02:08 in heaven and on earth.
02:10 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,
02:13 baptizing them in the name of the Father,
02:16 and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,
02:18 teaching them to observe all things
02:20 that I have commanded you.
02:22 And lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.'"
02:26 Amen.
02:27 Now, you can't teach what you don't know.
02:29 And you don't lead where you don't go.
02:31 So we've received quite a few questions.
02:34 And I want to take this time
02:36 to introduce our wonderful panel
02:37 who will be answering those questions.
02:39 We have Pastor John Lomacang, it's great to have you here.
02:42 Always good to have you here, Jason.
02:44 Yes, sir. We've got Jill Morikone.
02:47 Glad to be here, Jason.
02:49 I just love opening up the Word of God
02:50 and studying together.
02:52 So what a privilege. Amen.
02:53 And we have Pastor John Dinzey.
02:57 You can look forward to a blessing
02:58 when you open God's Word with sincerity
03:00 to know what God wants us to do.
03:02 Amen. Amen.
03:04 Brother Johnny, will you have our prayer to open this up?
03:07 Sure. Let's pray. Thank you.
03:08 Our loving Heavenly Father,
03:11 we know that all wisdom and all truth comes from You.
03:16 And we're depending on You, Lord,
03:17 to give us the answers that You know are best,
03:22 that you know explain the questions.
03:25 We pray for Your Holy Spirit to be upon us.
03:27 Bless us.
03:29 And we pray that You will bless all those
03:30 that are also joining us
03:31 so that they will see clearly
03:33 the truth of the Holy Scriptures
03:35 and that we will all be drawn closer to You.
03:38 We pray that You will bless this program
03:40 that whenever it is on the air,
03:43 it will bring fruit to Your name's honor
03:46 and glory in Jesus' name.
03:47 Amen.
03:49 Amen. Thank you.
03:50 If this is your first time joining us,
03:52 I just want to explain the format to you.
03:54 Each panelist has two minutes to answer the questions
03:59 that have been submitted or for each question.
04:02 And they get three minutes on one of those questions.
04:06 And then as time permits,
04:08 we will enter into a bonus round.
04:11 So are you ready?
04:14 Okay.
04:16 All right, Pastor, we're gonna start with you.
04:18 All right.
04:19 'Cause you look excited about it.
04:20 I love it.
04:22 "What is a soul?
04:23 The Bible says,
04:25 "Fear not those who kill the body,
04:26 but cannot kill the soul."
04:28 This is from Nora out of Georgia.
04:31 But it finishes by saying
04:32 but rather fear Him
04:34 who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
04:39 So right away when we look at the entire text,
04:41 we have to conclude
04:43 that the soul is not something that cannot die.
04:45 And a lot of people look
04:47 at the beginning of the passage,
04:48 but they don't take the whole passage
04:49 into consideration
04:51 because at first glance as driving by a store,
04:54 you say I found something immortal.
04:56 That's not what the text is talking about.
04:58 What Jesus is saying is, the issue is fear.
05:02 That's the focal point of the text,
05:03 not the soul,
05:05 because you find fear mentioned twice.
05:07 Don't fear them, fear this one.
05:09 Don't fear mortal men, fear God.
05:12 Fear God and give glory to Him.
05:14 And the point of the passage is,
05:16 the disciples were going to be confronted
05:18 by many fearful situations, church leaders,
05:22 people that did not like God, people that rejected Jesus.
05:25 He said,
05:26 "Don't be afraid of them, they can't do anything.
05:27 The worst they could do to you is kill you.
05:29 But I could bring you forth in the resurrection."
05:32 If I were to paraphrase it today,
05:33 that's exactly what I would say.
05:35 Because the worst that men can do to us
05:37 is kill our bodies,
05:38 but they cannot prevent us
05:39 from coming forth in the resurrection.
05:41 But the question what is a soul?
05:43 A soul is the living complete individual.
05:46 Genesis 2:7.
05:48 And I'm reading the King James Version,
05:49 because the word soul is used there.
05:52 "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground,
05:54 the first element,
05:55 and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life,
05:58 the second element, and man became a living soul."
06:02 So you find when the combination
06:03 of the breath of God and the dust of the ground,
06:07 we become a living soul.
06:10 We were not given a living soul,
06:12 nothing was inserted in our bodies.
06:14 But when the breath of life brought this dust to life,
06:18 we became a living soul.
06:19 And that's why Ezekiel 18:4
06:22 speaks about the mortality of the soul.
06:25 "Behold all souls are Mine, the soul of the father,
06:28 so also the soul of the son is Mine,
06:31 the soul that sinneth it shall die."
06:34 Souls are not immortal.
06:35 God can give a soul immortality in the first resurrection.
06:40 Amen. Wow, amen.
06:42 Jill, we were coming to you next one,
06:44 "Was Adam created mortal or immortal?"
06:47 And this is from Wilson out of Uganda.
06:50 Great question, Wilson. Thank you.
06:52 The short answer is Adam was created mortal
06:55 with access to the tree of life
06:57 which would have ensured his immortality,
07:00 but sin entered this world.
07:01 Let's look at a couple of scriptures.
07:03 God alone is immortal. We see that in 1 Timothy 6.
07:07 If you look at 1 Timothy 6:15-16.
07:10 We'll pick it up
07:12 with the second half of verse 15.
07:13 "He who is the blessed and only potentate,
07:16 the King of kings and Lord of lords,
07:19 who alone has immortality,
07:22 dwelling in unapproachable light,
07:24 whom no man has seen or concede
07:26 to whom be honor and everlasting power.
07:29 Amen."
07:30 So only God is immortal
07:32 and clearly Adam was a created being.
07:35 We see that in Genesis 1:27,
07:37 "God created man in His own image,
07:40 in the image of God, He created him,
07:43 male and female, He created them."
07:46 So Adam was a created being, he was mortal,
07:49 but he had access to the tree of life,
07:52 until sin entered this world in Genesis Chapter 3.
07:56 And when Eve was deceived into taking the fruit,
07:58 and Adam purposely stepped into sin
08:01 deliberately, willfully
08:03 and partook of that forbidden fruit.
08:05 They were driven from the Garden of Eden.
08:07 We see that in Genesis 3:24.
08:10 "So he, that's God, drove out the man,
08:14 and He placed cherubim
08:15 at the east of the Garden of Eden,
08:17 and a flaming sword which turned every way
08:20 to guard the way to the tree of life."
08:23 That word drove out in Hebrew literally means to cast out,
08:26 to expel, to drive out.
08:30 So Adam no longer had access,
08:31 Adam and Eve to the tree of life,
08:34 which would have ensured their continued immortality
08:38 as far as living for ever.
08:39 So when sin entered,
08:40 they were barred from the tree of life.
08:44 Thank you for that wonderful explanation, Jill.
08:46 Pastor Dinzey, we will go to you.
08:48 This is going to be your three minute question.
08:50 You'll have three minutes to answer this.
08:52 Thank you for this. You're welcome.
08:55 Yay!
08:56 And the question said, this is,
08:58 "I've been watching the Bible Q and A program
09:01 since it started.
09:03 I am of a different denomination.
09:04 And I have recently found Seventh-day Adventist
09:07 through a co-worker.
09:08 I've really enjoyed the program,
09:10 and I have learned a lot.
09:11 I've learned on the program
09:13 that the devil can't hear your thoughts.
09:14 But can he bring thoughts to your mind?
09:18 That's question number one.
09:19 I have heard teaching that says he can
09:23 and we need to talk back to the devil and rebuke him.
09:27 Is this true?"
09:29 Well, we praise the Lord
09:30 that you're enjoying the program
09:32 and you're learning from it.
09:33 Praise be to God. And let's look at this.
09:35 Your question about,
09:37 can the devil read your thoughts?
09:40 You know, the devil is very good
09:42 at reading mannerisms and reactions
09:46 when things take place, and he's very observant.
09:49 He's been watching for a long time.
09:51 So like us,
09:53 sometimes he can be very good at guessing.
09:56 I'm sure you've heard somebody say,
09:57 I know what you're thinking.
09:58 I know what you're thinking,
10:00 and sometimes they may be correct,
10:01 but sometimes they may be wrong.
10:03 And the devil can do the same thing,
10:04 he's observant.
10:05 But consider this scripture in 1 Kings 8:39,
10:09 "Then hear in heaven Your dwelling place,
10:12 and forgive, and act,
10:14 and give to everyone according to all his ways,
10:17 whose heart You know for You alone know
10:22 the hearts of all the sons of men."
10:24 So this scripture tells us that only God knows
10:27 what's in our thoughts.
10:29 The devil does not know.
10:31 But again, he can try to guess.
10:33 Now there's a similar scripture in 2 Chronicles 6:30,
10:37 here also stated that
10:39 the devil can bring thoughts to your mind,
10:41 this is also true.
10:42 Let's go to John 13:2.
10:45 John 13:2, notice Jesus,
10:49 this is the scene of the Last Supper.
10:53 And verse 2 of John Chapter 13 says,
10:57 "And supper being ended,
10:59 the devil having already put it into the heart
11:02 of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray Him."
11:06 So the devil put that thought in his mind,
11:07 he was working on Judas for a long time,
11:09 and eventually put that on his mind.
11:12 And he, notice,
11:13 he, did he have a choice, yes or no?
11:15 The devil can put a thought in our mind,
11:18 but we still have a choice.
11:21 We can reject that thought.
11:24 So it is true, the devil can tempt us
11:27 at the level of thought.
11:29 Remember that Jesus says,"
11:30 Whoever looked at upon a woman
11:32 has committed adultery in his heart."
11:35 So you can sin in your mind.
11:37 Now, let's go back to the idea of talking back to the devil.
11:42 This is a dangerous aspect.
11:44 And we have to be careful here.
11:46 We're not supposed to enter into conversation with him.
11:48 Now you may notice that Jesus,
11:50 when He was talking to the demons,
11:52 He would say, "What's your name?"
11:53 Basically, he was in command.
11:56 And so when we're, we have to deal with the devil,
12:00 you can rebuke him,
12:01 but not to ask to enter into conversation with him.
12:04 Like, what's your plan for me today?
12:06 No, you leave that alone.
12:08 Talk to the Lord instead of the devil.
12:10 Now let's go to Jude 1:9.
12:13 Jude 1:9 says,
12:14 "Yet Michael the archangel, in contending with the devil,
12:17 when he disputed about the body of Moses,
12:20 dared not bring against him a reviling accusation,
12:23 but said, 'The Lord rebuke you!'"
12:26 So yes, we can rebuke the devil and tell him to leave.
12:31 Get thee behind me, Satan, Jesus said,
12:33 in the same way we can say, get thee behind me, Satan.
12:36 I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.
12:37 Amen. We have to stop there.
12:39 Amen.
12:40 No conversations with the devil.
12:43 Pastor Lomacang,
12:44 we're going to go to you on this one.
12:46 This is an interesting question.
12:47 It says,
12:48 "Is it okay for Christians
12:50 to do plastic surgery for no health reason,
12:52 but to feel good about themselves?"
12:54 This is from Mercy out of Zimbabwe.
12:56 I really enjoyed this question. Thank you for this question.
12:59 I'll say, have mercy. This is a good question.
13:02 And we wonder
13:04 what the origin of this question is
13:07 and why it came up.
13:08 Obviously, this person
13:10 has maybe been familiar with someone
13:12 who's getting plastic surgery,
13:13 and maybe the plastic surgery
13:16 is changing the way they feel about themselves.
13:18 And maybe it's implementing some pride,
13:20 who knows.
13:22 But the Bible doesn't specifically answer
13:24 the question about plastic surgery,
13:25 but it does answer the question
13:27 about the body, and the importance
13:30 of how our bodies relate to our attitude towards God
13:35 and our attitude toward ourselves.
13:37 And what the Bible talks about
13:39 and you find the wise man, Solomon,
13:41 he referred, he has this word
13:43 that's used quite a bit in his writings,
13:45 vanity, vanity, all is vanity, and chasing after the wind.
13:50 In some cases, I heard one minister said,
13:52 "Be careful with your plastic surgery
13:54 because your children will remind you
13:56 what you look like."
13:58 Now, this is very point
13:59 that brings a smile to our minds.
14:00 But let me give you some scriptures
14:02 about how we should be
14:04 because we should never enter into the place
14:06 where what we do brings pride.
14:08 And then we begin to enter into what we call self worship
14:11 or self exaltation.
14:13 Romans 12:1-2,
14:15 "I beseech you therefore, brethren,
14:17 by the mercies of God,
14:18 that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,
14:22 holy, acceptable to God,
14:24 which is your reasonable service."
14:25 But then he says,
14:27 "Now what about the molding influence?"
14:28 "Do not be conformed to this world,
14:30 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,
14:33 that you may prove what is that good
14:34 and acceptable and perfect will of God."
14:37 And the reason for that is your body belongs to the Lord.
14:39 1 Corinthians 3:16-17,
14:42 "It is the temple where the Holy Spirit abides."
14:44 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.
14:47 Here's the principle I leave you with.
14:49 If something needs to be augmented
14:51 for the reason of enhancement or for health reasons,
14:55 so be it but is not a sin spoken of in the Bible
14:58 that will cause us
14:59 to lose our footing with Christ.
15:01 Be careful not to enter into the place,
15:04 but whatever you do bring self glorification
15:07 and remove the glory that belongs only to the Lord.
15:10 Amen. Well said.
15:12 Jill, we will come to you on the three minute question.
15:16 You have three minutes to answer this one.
15:18 And it says this.
15:19 "I get something out of the books of 2 John
15:22 and 3 John and Jude.
15:24 However, Philemon confuses me.
15:28 What is the message?
15:29 I have never heard a sermon preached from it
15:32 or even a reference.
15:33 What am I missing from this 25 verse book?"
15:37 Thank you so much for that question.
15:39 I would say I love the Book of Philemon
15:41 and it is the shortest of Paul's epistles.
15:44 But it would probably be the most personal
15:46 and the most endearing epistle that he has written.
15:49 And it's all about relationship.
15:50 You want to know what's the Book of Philemon about?
15:52 It is about restoration of relationships.
15:56 It focuses on acceptance, reconciliation,
16:00 and forgiveness.
16:02 There's three key characters in the story.
16:04 We have Paul who's the scholarly,
16:07 zealous Jew, and Pharisee turned Christian.
16:11 We have Philemon,
16:12 who is the wealthy Gentile businessman
16:15 turned Christian.
16:17 Then we have Onesimus, who's the runaway slave,
16:19 and he ran from his master to Paul,
16:22 and he turned a Christian as well.
16:24 And we see these principles
16:25 for godly relationships and reconciliation.
16:28 I'm going to give you seven
16:30 that I see in the Book of Philemon
16:31 in the time that we have,
16:33 we won't read the verses, but you can read them.
16:35 Principle number one,
16:36 recognize that the foundation of any relationship
16:40 is God and His love.
16:41 You can see that in verses 5 and 6.
16:44 The foundation of any relationship
16:45 that we have is God and His love.
16:48 Principle number two,
16:49 affirm the value of each person in the relationship.
16:55 We see in the Book of Philemon,
16:57 Paul affirms both Philemon and Onesimus.
17:00 He doesn't just affirm one and not the other,
17:02 but he affirms the value of both of them.
17:05 Onesimus could have been like, well, I'm just the slave.
17:08 And Philemon, well, I'm the master,
17:10 but hear from the value of both.
17:12 Principle number three,
17:13 we see that Paul appeals rather than commands.
17:17 He does not tell Philemon, this is what you need to do.
17:20 But he appeals to him
17:21 and he appeals to Onesimus as well.
17:24 We see that specifically in verses 8 through 10.
17:27 Principle number four,
17:28 don't manipulate or presume on a relationship
17:33 to your advantage.
17:35 Paul clearly could have kept Onesimus with him
17:37 as he was useful to him.
17:39 Paul is in prison and Onesimus was like a son to him
17:42 and helping him.
17:43 Instead, he chose the right thing
17:45 and to send him back to Philemon,
17:48 so that their broken relationship
17:50 could be restored.
17:52 We see that in verse 13.
17:54 Principle number five, use tact.
17:57 And you see this
17:59 all throughout those 25 verses of Philemon
18:01 that Paul uses tact
18:03 in addressing both the Philemon
18:06 as well as the runaway slave Onesimus.
18:08 Principle number six,
18:10 bear the cost of the relationship.
18:12 Paul was willing to part with Onesimus
18:14 even though it was painful for him.
18:16 He was willing to pay back
18:17 whatever Onesimus had stolen from his master.
18:21 You know, if we bear the cost of the relationship,
18:23 usually in most relationships, the cost is forgiveness,
18:27 be willing to forgive the other person.
18:30 And finally, principle number seven,
18:32 be accountable.
18:35 And we see that Paul ask both Onesimus and Philemon
18:38 to be accountable.
18:40 There's so much more in that book,
18:41 but its incredible book on relationships,
18:44 and the restoration that God wants
18:46 to accomplish in our lives.
18:47 Amen.
18:49 Wow, I love how you broke it down into points.
18:51 That's great. That's great.
18:53 Pastor Dinzey, can you please explain Job 2:1?
18:58 In two minutes we can get started.
19:02 Job 2:1,
19:03 "Again, there was a day
19:04 when the sons of God
19:06 came to present themselves before the Lord,
19:07 and Satan came also among them
19:10 to present himself before the Lord."
19:11 Verse 2,
19:13 "And the Lord said to Satan, 'From where do you come?'"
19:16 We have a similar scene in Job 1:6-7.
19:20 If I'm not mistaken, your focus of the question is
19:23 what is Satan doing in this meeting?
19:25 What's he doing?
19:26 So, first, I'd like to address the part
19:28 where it says the sons of God.
19:30 Normally when the term sons of God
19:33 is mentioned in the Bible,
19:34 it's referring to the angels,
19:35 but it can also refer to God's faithful children.
19:39 Yes. That's right.
19:40 So let's look at John 1:12. Notice what it says there.
19:44 John 1:12,
19:46 "But as many as received Him, that is Jesus,
19:49 to them gave He power to become the sons of God,
19:53 even to them that believe on His name."
19:56 So now I take it to a genealogy of Jesus
20:00 in Luke Chapter 3,
20:02 we're going to read verse 37 and 38,
20:04 because we only have very limited time.
20:06 Notice,
20:07 "The son of Methuselah,
20:09 the son of Enoch, the son of Jared,
20:11 the son of Mahalalel, the son of Cainan."
20:15 Verse 38,
20:16 "Now the son of Enosh,
20:17 the son of Seth, the son of Adam,
20:21 the son of God.
20:22 So you see, Adam was the son of God.
20:24 And so we can become sons of God
20:26 by accepting Jesus Christ.
20:28 So when the sons of God
20:30 were presenting themselves before Him, who were they?
20:32 These were faithful followers of the Lord.
20:35 It could be representatives from other worlds.
20:37 So there's another scripture I want to read is 1 John 3:1,
20:41 "Behold, what manner of love
20:43 the Father hath bestowed upon us,
20:44 that we should be called the sons of God,"
20:47 King James Version,
20:48 "therefore the world knows us not, because it knew him not."
20:51 So what was Satan doing in that meeting?
20:53 I believe he, he was there,
20:56 he usurped the authority of Adam,
20:59 who was the son of God,
21:01 and was there representing the earth,
21:03 which was Adam's privilege,
21:04 but he lost it because he sinned.
21:07 Wow, you managed to pull all that together
21:09 in three minutes.
21:10 Praise God. Praise God.
21:12 We just want to take a moment to tell you
21:13 how you can send in your questions.
21:16 Perhaps, maybe something
21:17 has sparked another question in your mind
21:19 and you want to send that question to us.
21:21 You can text us at 618-228-3975
21:26 or email your question
21:27 to BibleQA@3abn.tv
21:33 "All right, Pastor Lomacang,
21:36 does the tree of life give eternal life?
21:40 Because I read when Adam sinned,
21:41 he was banned to eat the fruit of the tree of life
21:44 and live forever in sin?
21:47 Is it a symbol of eternity,
21:50 number one,
21:52 or if we have a glorious body that will not decay?
21:55 Why do we need the tree of life?"
21:57 Okay.
21:58 And I'm so glad Jill actually alluded to this
22:00 in her answer
22:01 just a moment ago.
22:03 And this is a wonderful question.
22:04 The tree of life was in the Garden of Eden,
22:07 and the only condition to continued life was,
22:10 as Adam and Eve were able to partake of the tree.
22:13 And as was reiterated, when they sinned,
22:16 an angel was sent to bar the way of the tree of life
22:20 with a flaming sword.
22:21 So they will not partake of it and live.
22:23 And the word there live, means
22:25 to continue to live and to partake of immortality.
22:29 God did not want to immortalize sin,
22:32 so that immediate prohibition
22:34 was put in place to prevent them.
22:36 So the question is, why would we need
22:38 to have the tree of life in heaven,
22:41 if we are going to have glorious bodies?
22:44 Well, the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:53,
22:47 "For this corruptible must put on incorruption,
22:51 and this mortal must put on immortality."
22:54 So truly, when we get to heaven,
22:56 we're gonna have immortal bodies,
22:57 there won't be any possibility of death.
23:01 So there would be no need to partake of a tree
23:04 when we are already made immortal.
23:06 So what is the purpose of it?
23:08 Revelation 22:2, look at what it says.
23:11 It's good.
23:12 Revelation 22:2, "In the middle of its street,"
23:16 that's the New Jerusalem,
23:18 "and on either side of the river,
23:19 was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits,
23:23 each tree yielding its fruit every month.
23:27 The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nation."
23:31 Not for the life of the nation.
23:33 Now you might ask yourself,
23:34 are the nations going to be sick,
23:36 is there's going to be the hospital in heaven?
23:38 Is this where all the ailments,
23:40 the diseases that come up are going to be resolved?
23:42 No.
23:43 The reason why for the healing of the nation,
23:45 and this is something that's contextual
23:47 to the Asian culture.
23:48 Food was a place where people got together.
23:51 If you were offered food
23:52 in the house of a person in Asia,
23:54 don't turn it down,
23:55 because it's their highest point of acceptance,
23:58 come and eat with me.
23:59 And you find that there's a marriage supper,
24:01 come and eat with me.
24:03 This is a point where the nations
24:04 that are separated on earth
24:06 will be united together in fellowship,
24:10 and the tree of life
24:11 which was established in the Garden of Eden
24:13 will be established as a point of unity
24:16 for all the nations
24:17 where they will once again re-familiarize themselves
24:21 through the millennium.
24:23 When they were separated here on earth,
24:25 they will be back unified together
24:27 by the tree of life,
24:28 the nations will be healed.
24:30 Amen. Amen. That's powerful.
24:32 And I love to get together over food,
24:35 so it works there.
24:36 I think I'm gonna ask some heavenly mangoes there.
24:38 Oh, I'm looking forward to it.
24:40 Jill,
24:41 "How do I sit in God's presence
24:42 and be still with Him?"
24:44 It's a great question because I know many times
24:46 it's hard for me to be still, I like to be busy.
24:49 I like to run around and do things
24:51 and to be still can be a hard thing.
24:53 In Psalm 46:10, we're told,
24:56 "Be still and know that I am God."
24:59 I will be exalted among the nations,
25:00 I will be exalted in the earth.
25:02 That word know,
25:04 in Hebrew yada means to ascertain by seeing.
25:08 We're literally to be still to sit before God and know Him,
25:12 to see Him, to behold Him.
25:14 But how do you do that?
25:16 To me being still is like waiting for the heavenly dew.
25:21 Hosea 14:4-5,
25:23 "I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely.
25:26 My anger has turned away from him.
25:29 I will be like the dew to Israel,
25:32 he shall grow like the lily
25:33 and lengthen his roots like Lebanon."
25:35 So as we wait for the heavenly dew,
25:37 as we wait for the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
25:41 What are the requirements
25:42 in the physical life to form dew?
25:44 I think there's three.
25:46 Number one is waiting.
25:47 Dew forms in the early morning hours.
25:51 It doesn't form in a moment, it doesn't form in a second,
25:54 it takes time for dew to form.
25:57 Spend time in the early morning hours with Jesus.
26:00 Ensure that your schedule does not interfere,
26:04 cut out TV or radio or internet or those things
26:08 during that time that's interfering from you
26:10 being still before God.
26:13 Make sure, make that a commitment
26:16 that you spend that time waiting.
26:18 Principle number two,
26:20 to form dew is stillness or quietness.
26:22 In the physical world,
26:24 there's little or no wind for dew to form.
26:27 We need to be still before God.
26:29 Haste prevents saturation with the spirit.
26:32 So we need to be still before God.
26:34 And principle number three,
26:36 is it requires cooler temperatures
26:38 and clear nights in order for dew to form.
26:41 Dew never forms when there's heat and wind,
26:42 it requires cooler temperatures.
26:44 So your life might feel a bit cool.
26:47 You might feel that there are things going on
26:49 and you wish that the temperature
26:51 would be turned up in your relationship with God.
26:54 Be still before God, wait before Him.
26:58 And you will know that He is your God.
27:00 Wow. Amen. That's powerful.
27:02 You know, one of the things that I love is
27:04 the fact that we have a 3ABN YouTube channel,
27:07 because I'm gonna need to rewind that
27:09 and pause and take some notes on that
27:11 and find out about the dew and all of that stuff.
27:14 That's great.
27:15 John Dinzey, we're gonna come to you now.
27:17 "I wanted to know, where in the Bible does it say
27:21 we have guardian angels?
27:23 And do we each only have one?"
27:25 This is from Sophia.
27:27 Now that's a very good question.
27:29 And I want to praise the Lord, because yes,
27:31 we have guardian angels.
27:32 But you also ask how many.
27:34 So we're going to try to work into that.
27:36 The phrase guardian angel is not used in the Scripture.
27:39 You cannot find these two words together.
27:42 But the idea or concept is there.
27:44 So at least one angel accompanies us
27:47 and I can tell you that if you need more than one,
27:50 and God sees the need, He will send more.
27:52 So praise the Lord for that.
27:53 Let's go to Matthew 18:10.
27:57 And the Bible says,
27:58 "Take heed that
28:00 you do not despise one of these little ones,
28:02 for I say to you that in heaven
28:04 their angels always see the face of My Father
28:08 who is in heaven."
28:09 So Jesus makes it clear that children and adults
28:13 I would say have angels.
28:15 How many?
28:16 It is not specified.
28:18 Notice Psalm 34:7,
28:20 "The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him,
28:24 and delivers them."
28:26 Praise the Lord for that.
28:28 We have a lot to be thankful for.
28:31 Let's go to Hebrews 1:13-14,
28:34 "But to which of the angels has He ever said:
28:37 'Sit at My right hand,
28:39 till I make Your enemies Your footstool?'
28:42 Are they not all ministering spirits
28:44 sent forth to minister
28:46 for those who will inherit salvation?''
28:49 So praise the Lord, we have angels,
28:52 we're not to worship the angels,
28:53 we're to worship God.
28:55 I want to make that clear.
28:56 I want to take it to a scene in the Book of Acts Chapter 12.
28:59 Peter was in jail,
29:01 the Lord sent an angel to get him out of jail
29:03 and God's children,
29:05 His companions were praying for him,
29:08 praying for Peter,
29:10 and Peter came and knocked at the door.
29:14 And a little girl came to answer the door.
29:19 Acts 12:13,
29:20 "And as Peter knocked at the door of the gate,
29:22 a girl named Rhoda came to answer.
29:24 When she recognized Peter's voice,
29:26 because of her gladness she did not open the gate,
29:28 but ran in and announced
29:29 that Peter stood before the gate.
29:32 But they said to her,
29:33 'You are beside yourself!'
29:35 Yet she kept insisting that it was so.
29:37 So they said, 'It is his angel.'''
29:40 You see, we have angels. Praise the Lord for that.
29:43 Amen. Amen.
29:45 So glad that we do.
29:47 Pastor Lomacang,
29:49 this is your three minute question.
29:51 And I think this one might take three minutes here.
29:55 "Is it really necessary for us Christians
29:57 to be vaccinated
29:58 or just continue to pray for God's protection only?"
30:01 This is from Jeff.
30:03 Okay.
30:04 I think that this is important to answer
30:05 because we're living in a day and age where this question
30:07 has become a very relevant one.
30:09 But I want to say right away,
30:10 and I'm going to reiterate this at the very end of my question,
30:13 to take or not to take the vaccine
30:15 is a personal choice.
30:17 I think that's something that we really have
30:19 to as Christians back up and take a breath on,
30:21 because this is taken
30:23 on a nature that God never intended.
30:25 Yet vaccines are not new.
30:27 Vaccines have been a part of our lives.
30:30 I travel and my wife and I travel,
30:32 we've traveled to more than 60 countries.
30:33 And there were times
30:35 when we went to certain parts of the world,
30:37 where the CDC said,
30:38 "Before you go there you need a vaccine
30:40 because this typhoid and malaria,
30:42 and it's very, very prevalent in that part of the country."
30:45 We went to another part of,
30:47 another part of the world, they said,
30:48 "Well, have you gotten a vaccine for this?
30:49 Well, if you go there, this is very prevalent,
30:52 and it's highly contagious.
30:54 It's claimed people's lives. You need a vaccine for that."
30:57 So we've had vaccines long before COVID-19
31:00 ever became an issue.
31:01 With the vaccines,
31:03 we definitely pray because vaccines are not 100%.
31:08 But there's an attitude of prayer.
31:10 And as we've discovered, when we trust in the Lord,
31:12 as the Israelites have, the Lord provide for them,
31:15 and he said, I will put none of the diseases upon you
31:18 that I put upon the Egyptians.
31:19 So there's a point,
31:21 there's a accent of disobedience
31:23 that comes to the surface.
31:24 But let me just share with you some of the vaccines
31:26 that we've been familiar with.
31:28 And let me also add another component here.
31:30 People think about this vaccine
31:32 primarily has some kind of prohibition,
31:34 some kind of infringement on our rights.
31:37 Well, you know, there are prohibitions
31:38 in all aspects of life.
31:41 When you travel on a plane, there are ordinances,
31:44 there are laws that govern
31:45 what you can and cannot do on a plane.
31:47 Now, they say it's your option, but you won't be on this plane.
31:51 You can't even do something as yell hijack, that's a crime.
31:55 But you might say, I was just kidding.
31:56 They'll caught you off that plane
31:58 and may arrest you
31:59 for just that simple infraction.
32:01 But you might say, I was just kidding.
32:03 My father, the man who gave me life,
32:05 when the smoking ordinance came out
32:07 and you couldn't smoke anywhere.
32:09 He said, "They are violating my rights."
32:11 I said,
32:13 "Dad, it's not that bad,
32:14 because there are people that don't want
32:15 to breathe your smoke.
32:17 They also have rights."
32:18 So understand the context of these things.
32:19 We have influenza, chickenpox, diphtheria, Ebola, polio,
32:23 rabies, tetanus, tuberculosis, hepatitis, mumps, measles,
32:27 all have had vaccines.
32:29 So this is not something that's brand new.
32:32 And keep in mind, the whole context of this is
32:36 not that there are not possibly side effects.
32:40 People die frequently.
32:41 And in some cases less or more
32:44 from just the simple vaccines that they may have taken.
32:47 The whole purpose of behind this vaccine,
32:49 as I understand it,
32:50 is to make sure that this COVID-19 virus
32:53 does not rampantly duplicate what happened in the 1920s
32:57 when millions, about 20 million people died,
33:00 upwards of that.
33:02 But once again, I say
33:03 all medications do have side effects,
33:06 educate yourself.
33:07 But please do not become a victim of people
33:10 that are proponents of propaganda
33:12 or conspiracy theories, that's going to mess you up.
33:15 And as a Christian, let's not hold other people
33:18 accountable for something that's simply a choice.
33:20 It's your choice to choose whether
33:22 or not to take the vaccine.
33:25 Well said. Well said, it's your choice.
33:27 Absolutely.
33:28 Pastor Dinzey,
33:30 "I know God created many other worlds
33:32 to which He could have cast the devil down.
33:35 Why then did He have to cast the devil to earth?"
33:38 That is a very good question.
33:40 I have to say that, several years ago,
33:41 I decided to research this
33:43 because it is a concern for many people,
33:45 because a quick reading of Revelation 12,
33:48 you can almost come to that conclusion.
33:50 But let's take a look at these things.
33:52 I have to say that there's a misunderstanding.
33:56 Because the devil was not immediately
33:59 cast down to the earth
34:00 when he sinned.
34:02 He was cast out of heaven, where?
34:04 The Bible does not state.
34:06 It is in Revelation Chapter 12,
34:08 that we have a picture of what happens.
34:11 Let's take a look first at the thought
34:14 that God has towards us.
34:16 In Jeremiah 29:11,
34:18 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you,
34:21 says the Lord, thoughts of peace
34:23 and not of evil,
34:25 to give you a future and a hope."
34:27 So the earth created by God,
34:29 it was to have a future and hope
34:31 and not of evil.
34:33 But eventually Satan comes down to this earth
34:36 to tempt Adam and Eve.
34:39 And so then after he tempts Adam and Eve,
34:43 and they fall into sin is
34:44 when Satan could be cast to this earth.
34:48 So he can have a headquarters here.
34:50 He usurped the dominion that God gave to Adam.
34:54 Let's take a quick look at Revelation 12,
34:56 beginning of verse 7,
34:57 "And war broke out in heaven:
35:00 Michael and his angels fought with the dragon,
35:02 and the dragon and his angels fought,
35:04 but they did not prevail,
35:05 nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer."
35:09 They could not live there.
35:11 "So the great dragon was cast out,
35:14 that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan,"
35:17 now notice the context of him being cast down to the earth,
35:21 "who deceives the whole world,"
35:23 so after he deceives, the then world,
35:25 which was Adam and Eve,
35:27 "he was cast to the earth,
35:29 and his angels were cast out with him,
35:31 and headquarters became the earth."
35:34 So this is the reason
35:37 why the devil has headquarters here.
35:39 This is as much as we can share in the limited time.
35:41 Amen. I wish he wasn't here.
35:45 Yes, this is the true statement.
35:46 Jill, we'll come to you on this question here.
35:49 "How can I spiritually protect
35:51 my baby granddaughter from the enemy?
35:53 I asked because her mother is Wiccan
35:56 and believes in the third eye, etc.
35:58 and her father is agnostic."
36:00 Wow.
36:02 That's a serious place to be in.
36:04 We know we don't wrestle against flesh and blood,
36:07 but against principalities and powers
36:08 and spiritual wickedness in high places.
36:11 I would say there's three things.
36:13 There's more than that.
36:14 But we're going to talk about three
36:15 in the time that we have.
36:17 The first thing you can do is pray.
36:18 Philippians 1:19.
36:20 Paul says,
36:22 "I know that this will turn for my deliverance,
36:25 through your prayer,
36:27 and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ."
36:30 Did you catch that?
36:31 Prayer combined with the work of the Holy Spirit,
36:34 it brings deliverance.
36:36 Paul says, this will turn to my deliverance.
36:38 Do you want your baby granddaughter
36:40 to be delivered spiritually?
36:43 Prayer combined with the working
36:44 of the Holy Spirit will bring deliverance.
36:47 Luke 21, we see Jesus speaking to Simon
36:50 Peter in Luke 21:31-32.
36:53 "The Lord said, 'Simon, Simon! Indeed,
36:55 Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat.
36:58 But I have prayed for you, that your faith would not fail,
37:02 and when you have returned to Me,
37:03 or when you've been converted, strengthen your brethren.'"
37:06 You see, prayer is our first line of defense.
37:09 It's our primary weapon against the enemy.
37:12 It is our stronghold place of power.
37:14 So the first thing you can do is pray.
37:16 The second thing you can do is trust.
37:18 We don't have time to go into this.
37:20 But in 2 Chronicles 20,
37:22 we see the Ammonites and the Moabites coming against
37:25 the children of Judah and Jehoshaphat is terrified.
37:28 And what does the Lord say in verse 17?
37:30 You do not need to fight in this battle.
37:32 Set yourself, stand still
37:34 and see the salvation of the Lord
37:35 who is with you.
37:37 So you can trust the salvation,
37:39 the spiritual protection of your granddaughter
37:41 to the Lord Jesus Christ.
37:43 The third thing we do is praise.
37:45 Now that seems counterintuitive
37:47 when you're facing spiritual warfare.
37:49 But we see this in 2 Chronicles 20:22,
37:52 when they began to sing and praise,
37:54 the Lord set ambushes against the enemy,
37:58 and they were defeated.
37:59 So when you praise in the midst of spiritual warfare,
38:04 God shows up and He Himself will bring deliverance.
38:08 Wow. Amen. Amen.
38:10 That's a tough situation to be in.
38:13 Pastor Lomacang,
38:15 "We heard on a previous segment that our testimonies
38:17 will follow us into eternity,
38:19 but we thought we will not remember anything
38:21 of our life on earth.
38:23 The Bible says,
38:24 "The former things will not come to mind."
38:26 This is from Ron and Debbie.
38:27 Okay.
38:28 The former things as I understand this passage,
38:30 the former things are the sinful things,
38:33 the dark things of this earth.
38:35 They are things that
38:37 I'm sure as you're listening to the answer,
38:39 you would wish you had never seen.
38:41 And you as you get older, you say, you know what?
38:46 I just saw something that brought that thought back.
38:48 And it happened so many years ago.
38:51 That has happened to me
38:52 on intermittent times in our lives.
38:54 And I think all of us at one point
38:56 may have heard a song
38:57 or may smell a perfume or cologne,
38:59 or may have been at a particular place.
39:01 And we often said,
39:03 Wow, this reminds me of where I was
39:05 when I was six years old.
39:07 Man, I never thought, I thought I'd never remember that.
39:09 Those are the things
39:11 and we have sounds that might remind us
39:13 of an accident that occurred.
39:16 We have had instances where we have said,
39:18 you know what?
39:20 I heard about your story and it remind me
39:21 of the abuse I went through when I was growing up.
39:23 These bad things
39:25 will not haunt us in our memories.
39:28 Because if anyone is in Christ, he's a new creation,
39:31 old things are passed away,
39:34 you know, all things become new.
39:36 And in revelation, that's the last renewing,
39:39 first of all, salvation from the penalty of sin.
39:43 Secondly, daily salvation from the power of sin.
39:46 But finally, salvation from the presence of sin,
39:51 not the blessings of God.
39:53 And you find in Hebrews 10:17,
39:55 even Lord says this,
39:57 "Their sins and their lawless deeds,
39:59 I will remember no more."
40:01 What about wicked?
40:03 Psalm 37:10,
40:04 "For yet a little while
40:05 and the wicked shall be no more,
40:07 indeed, you will look carefully for his place,
40:09 but it shall be no more."
40:11 But what about the righteous?
40:13 Revelation 5,
40:14 "They sang a new song, saying:
40:16 'You are worthy to take the scroll,
40:18 and to open its seals, for You were slain,
40:21 and have redeemed us to God by Your blood
40:24 out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation."
40:26 And I want to tell you, throughout eternity,
40:28 we will talk about the joy of redemption.
40:31 Amen. Amen.
40:32 Amen. Thank you for that.
40:34 Pastor Dinzey,
40:35 "I heard someone say that there are people
40:39 walking around who do not know that
40:40 their probation has closed.
40:42 Is this true?
40:43 And if so, does that mean
40:45 that they do not get prompted by the Holy Spirit anymore?
40:48 I'm not sure if I understand this."
40:49 This is from Marlene.
40:51 We had a similar question in some other program
40:53 that is very similar to this.
40:55 The question that you're asking is,
40:57 does this mean they are not prompted
40:59 by the Holy Spirit anymore?
41:00 The people that may have committed, I will say,
41:04 the unpardonable sin,
41:05 they will not respond to the Holy Spirit.
41:08 In other words, they have rejected God's grace,
41:12 God's offer of mercy over and over again
41:15 refusing and refusing to repent.
41:17 And God knows when that time comes,
41:20 because that the person will not repent.
41:24 And that person is said
41:26 to have committed the unpardonable sin
41:27 and in essence,
41:29 the probation for that person has closed.
41:33 So it would, even if he lived 1000 years or more,
41:37 and the Holy Spirit kept appealing,
41:40 moment after moment, time after time,
41:41 that person would not repent.
41:43 In other words, that person is sealed in his decision.
41:47 He has cemented himself,
41:48 he has persisted and continued to refuse the appeal,
41:53 the gift of repentance.
41:55 So let's look at Luke 12:10,
41:58 "And anyone who speaks a word against the Son of man,
42:01 it will be forgiven him,
42:03 but to him who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit,
42:06 it will not be forgiven."
42:07 Here blaspheme is equal to speak against,
42:11 and to attribute the working of God,
42:14 the working of the Holy Spirit,
42:16 as to the work of the devil
42:18 that the devil is doing this instead of God.
42:20 So the word blaspheme is either committed in quality
42:24 or an attitude.
42:26 The person has an attitude, I don't need God,
42:28 I'm going to do my own thing,
42:30 and basically walks away from God
42:33 and refuses to ever, ever come back.
42:35 The Lord continues to appeal.
42:37 But eventually,
42:38 God in His infinite knowledge knows
42:41 this person will not repent,
42:43 and just leaves the person to their sin.
42:47 And so, that is the condition of the people
42:50 that commit the unpardonable sin.
42:52 Who they are? We don't know.
42:54 God only knows.
42:55 Wow, wow.
42:56 I've been enjoying all of these questions
42:59 and answers that you all have been providing
43:01 from the Word.
43:03 We are getting ready to enter our bonus round.
43:06 So we have some extra questions.
43:09 And I'll just put it out there and whoever grabs them,
43:13 grabs them, and we'll go from there.
43:15 Can I make a quick? Absolutely.
43:16 I don't often do this, but this,
43:18 and I appreciate what Pastor Dinzey just said.
43:21 But there's one person in the Bible
43:23 that you could see that this unpardonable sin
43:26 was talked about Pharaoh who hardened his heart.
43:29 And when he hardened his heart,
43:31 that was the closing of the door
43:33 to any reception from God's Word.
43:35 Wow. Excellent point.
43:37 You were gonna say something. Go ahead, Jill.
43:39 I was going to, and I know
43:40 we're kind of jumping into this.
43:41 I'm not trying to step over on that.
43:43 I was just thinking,
43:44 how the sun will melt some ice, right?
43:48 And yet it hardens clay.
43:50 And so when we look at that, sometimes we get confused.
43:53 And we say,
43:54 "Well, God hardened Pharaoh's heart.
43:55 Wait a minute, did God not want Pharaoh to be saved?
43:58 But yet the sun is the same.
44:01 It's the effect,
44:02 it does not change from the sun,
44:04 it changes from our own hearts.
44:07 So that means
44:08 Pharaoh repeatedly hardened his heart against God,
44:12 because it was like the clay, it was hardened,
44:14 or someone else would have melted
44:16 and would have turned to God.
44:18 So the difference is in the person.
44:19 That's quite an illustration, ice and clay.
44:23 Why did the Israelites in the Book of Exodus
44:25 kill some of the people, if not most,
44:28 who were residing in the places that they conquered where,
44:31 in fact, before that they were told by God
44:34 that they shouldn't kill?
44:35 Okay.
44:37 Who would like to start with that one?
44:40 There's a scripture in Genesis,
44:42 I think, perhaps around Genesis 26,
44:44 if I'm not mistaken,
44:46 where God is talking to Abraham,
44:47 and He says,
44:49 I'm going to give you this land.
44:51 But basically, he was not able to do that.
44:54 And he says,
44:55 because the iniquity of the Amorites
44:57 is not yet full.
45:00 So when the people of Israel come on the scene,
45:05 and they are following the Lord with all of their heart,
45:07 the Lord used them as an instrument
45:10 to punish these people.
45:13 And they had a terrible task of killing these people.
45:18 But they, it was the result of those people.
45:21 And we were talking again, people rejecting God's grace.
45:25 And God appeal to them time after time to repent
45:27 and turn to God's ways,
45:29 and they would not.
45:30 So eventually
45:32 the cup of their iniquity was full.
45:35 That's right.
45:36 It's Genesis 15:16, it says,
45:38 "In the fourth generation they shall return here,
45:41 for the iniquity of the Amorites
45:42 is not yet complete."
45:44 Thank you.
45:45 So I love what you said, Pastor Johnny,
45:47 because God is long-suffering, God is merciful.
45:52 God gave, if you study it,
45:54 400 years for the Amorites to turn back to God
45:59 and to repent and to open up their heart.
46:02 There were many times over those 400 years
46:04 where He wooed, and He asked, called for their heart,
46:07 and they refused persistently over and over again.
46:11 So God extended great mercy.
46:12 Amen. Go ahead.
46:14 And the other thing is God sees far more than we see.
46:17 Yes.
46:18 God sees what we call generational sin.
46:22 Here Bible talks about this in Exodus,
46:25 showing mercy to thousands of those that love My people.
46:27 What he said earlier that the iniquity of the Father
46:33 unto the children
46:34 of the third and fourth generation
46:37 of those who hate me.
46:38 The Lord looks at the long record of humanity.
46:42 And He sees based on the way that this family is,
46:45 the children are going to be that way.
46:47 And the children's children going to be that way,
46:49 and the children's, children's children
46:50 are going be that way.
46:52 And that's why when you find in the Bible,
46:53 and one of the verses
46:55 that brings my mind to this thought
46:57 was in Genesis 6:5,
46:58 which was a part of a presentation
47:00 I recently did at school.
47:02 It says,
47:03 "The Lord saw the wickedness
47:05 of man was great in the earth,
47:07 and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart
47:10 were only evil continually."
47:13 So God is saying, this is not going to change.
47:14 This is how it's going to be.
47:16 And that's why verse 6 says,
47:17 "And the Lord's, and the Lord was very sorry
47:20 that He had made man on the earth.
47:23 And He was grieved in his heart,"
47:25 because He knew that's why Noah,
47:28 verse 8 found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
47:30 The Lord says, Noah,
47:31 you got to get your family ready,
47:33 because this same thing with Sodom and Gomorrah.
47:35 Lot, you got to get out of here,
47:36 because this is not changing.
47:38 And you find the foresight of God
47:39 is greater than the knowledge of man.
47:42 The foresight of God is far greater
47:44 than the knowledge of man.
47:45 Finally, from my prior place,
47:48 we have to remember 2 Peter 3:9,
47:49 "This is God is not willing that any should perish,
47:51 but that all should come to repentance."
47:53 And so they exhausted their time,
47:57 their mercy for over 400 years.
48:01 God bared long with them,
48:03 you know, and it was a terrible,
48:05 terrible situation,
48:07 and to avoid the whole world becoming corrupt,
48:10 God had to eliminate these people.
48:13 Not willingly,
48:14 but because they would not accept forgiveness.
48:19 If I could add one other thing
48:20 is we cry for justice, do we not?
48:24 We say,
48:25 "Okay, why are women being raped?
48:27 Why are children abused? God, why don't You stand up?
48:29 Why don't You do anything?"
48:30 I think of the souls under the altar in the field,
48:33 who cry out how long, oh, Lord, till You avenge.
48:37 And then when God does, we get mad, and we say,
48:40 "Why is God doing this?
48:42 Why did God command these people to be killed?"
48:45 Why is there justice
48:47 when all along we asked for justice,
48:49 and we wanted justice,
48:51 and when God says that cup of iniquity is fallen,
48:54 it's time for justice to come.
48:56 We say, "Oh, no, we're not ready for justice now."
48:58 You know, it's interesting, the human heart.
49:00 That's right. Absolutely.
49:01 Yeah, the thing is, God's character
49:02 is always on trial.
49:04 Yeah.
49:05 That's what the devil wants, he wants.
49:07 And that's why some people, my wife is very good at this.
49:08 And I appreciate when she says this.
49:09 When people say, you know, "God took my mother."
49:12 She said,
49:13 "No, God doesn't take.
49:14 He's not an assassin. He doesn't.
49:16 Oh, God needed another angel, so He took my daughter,
49:19 He took my child.
49:20 God does not pick people and pot shot them
49:23 and snatch him from earth through death
49:26 because He needs another angel,
49:27 needs to somebody looked down on us.
49:29 We have to understand that all these beliefs
49:32 impact in a negative or positive way,
49:35 the character of God.
49:36 And what does the Bible say?
49:38 He's long-suffering, He's full of mercy.
49:42 He's a God of compassion,
49:44 with loving-kindness He draws us.
49:46 The devil wants God to be seen as somebody who is a tyrant.
49:50 But like you said, yes, we want justice.
49:53 And when God stands up justice, why did He do that?
49:56 Trust the Lord. He's sovereign.
50:00 Oh, man, well said by all of you.
50:02 On this question,
50:04 this is directed specifically towards you,
50:05 but anybody can pick this up as well.
50:07 It says,
50:08 "In a previous episode,
50:10 you talked about people speaking in tongues.
50:12 What about 1 Corinthians 14:27-28?"
50:16 This is from Shaun. Okay.
50:19 Well, in 1 Corinthians list,
50:20 I'm going to read it to you right now.
50:22 1 Corinthians 14:27-28.
50:24 He says,
50:26 "And if anyone speaks in a tongue,
50:28 let there be two or at the most three,
50:31 each in turn,
50:32 and let one interpret.
50:34 But if there is no interpreter,
50:36 let him keep silent in the church,
50:39 and let him speak to himself and to God.
50:42 Now, the supposition or the inference here,
50:47 or the speculative thought is,
50:49 he's saying something
50:50 that only God and he understands.
50:53 Well, if you look at the context
50:54 and understand who Paul was speaking to,
50:56 Paul was speaking to the Corinthians.
50:58 The Corinthians Church was an international church,
51:01 in a port city,
51:02 where so many different nationalities
51:05 got together to worship.
51:07 And when they got together to worship,
51:08 some of them decide to speak in their own languages.
51:10 And Paul said,
51:11 "Wait a minute, wait a minute,
51:13 you got to read the whole passage."
51:14 He says,
51:15 "I would rather speak in five words
51:17 in my understanding
51:18 than 10,000 words in an unknown,
51:20 in the King James Version, unknown tongue,
51:22 unknown to the hearers,
51:24 but not to God.
51:25 So if I decide to break out in Swahili or German right now,
51:30 Jill will say, what did he say?
51:31 I'm sure you'd say. I'm lost.
51:34 What did he say?
51:35 And I'm going on for 15 minutes,
51:37 but who understands?
51:38 God does because there's nothing
51:40 that God doesn't understand.
51:41 So put the context together.
51:43 This is not some language that is unknown to humanity,
51:46 simply unknown to those who are hearing.
51:48 That's why he says, if there's no interpreter,
51:50 don't do it.
51:51 Because you just talking to you and God
51:53 because God understands everything.
51:55 Well said.
51:57 Now, this isn't on the list here,
51:58 but I want to throw this question out real quickly,
52:00 our time's dwindling.
52:03 Why do you all enjoy studying the Bible?
52:07 Go ahead, Jill.
52:08 I love studying the Word of God
52:10 because we understand His character.
52:11 Pastor John just talked about that.
52:13 And we understand that God is a God of love,
52:14 and we understand who we are as His child.
52:17 And every time I study the Word of God,
52:19 it changes me.
52:20 I love that. Amen. Amen.
52:24 It draws us to God and gives us peace,
52:28 and confidence in knowing
52:30 that this world is not our final home.
52:32 There is a better home for us that God has prepared.
52:35 Praise God for that.
52:36 And I don't have to guess as much.
52:38 I can receive instruction that I know is reliable.
52:41 My GPS sometimes doesn't tell me the truth,
52:43 God's Word always does.
52:45 Yes, this is the instructions that every man should follow.
52:48 We're gonna go, take a brief break
52:50 and we will be right back.
52:51 Stick around.
52:54 Our 3ABN Bible Q & A,
52:56 then tell your friends.
52:58 Each Monday we'll bring you a fresh program,
53:00 answering the Bible questions you send us
53:03 and we'll use God's Holy Word to shed light on those texts
53:06 that seem difficult to understand.
53:08 If you would like your questions answered
53:10 on an upcoming program,
53:11 just email them to us.
53:13 Our email address is BibleQA@3abn.org
53:18 That's BibleQA@3abn.org
53:22 You can also text us your questions
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53:29 That number again is (618) 228-3975.
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53:36 and then watch 3ABN Bible Q & A


Revised 2024-04-30