3ABN Today Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL240006A

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 >> I want to.
00:10 >> Many
00:17 [MUSIC]
00:26 >> too.
00:31 [MUSIC]
00:36 >> I'm
00:42 >> and
00:47 I want to stand
00:49 [MUSIC]
00:52 too.
00:54 [MUSIC]
01:00 [MUSIC]
01:07 >> Hello and welcome to another 3 ABN today live. We're so glad
01:11 that you have joined us this evening. One of the reasons is
01:14 your part of the 3ABN, family always enjoy spending these 2
01:17 hours with you each Thursday, even especially these behind
01:20 the scenes program. A lot of fun. It's about what the Lord
01:23 is doing through the Ministry. Your ministry, 3 avn and it's
01:27 amazing to me. You think about this. We're here at the edge of
01:29 Thompsonville West Frankfort and Mister Day and we have and
01:33 introduced everybody have a Mister Dan. It's amazing when
01:35 you think about the technology for almost 40 years and 3 D has
01:39 been broadcasting from this area reaching the entire world
01:42 to satellite radio television Internet. Absolutely
01:45 incredible. And we do thank you for your prayers. Your
01:48 continued prayers and your continued support. 3ABN,
01:52 it's without you. We would alert the world to praise the
01:54 Lord and mend. Tonight. We have an exciting photo Graham.
01:58 >> Second hour, we're going to tease to that right now.
02:01 We have some people who just returned from ministering in.
02:03 Oh, yes, we're going to talk about some amazing
02:06 opportunities. But the Lord is opening up there to get the
02:10 gospel and even greater ways to those who are incarcerated.
02:13 This hour, we're going to be talking about some exciting
02:16 places where we came from different rallies and where
02:20 we're heading. Some new programming that's launching
02:23 from kids network. I'm 3ABN as well as so many other things
02:27 can't meeting. That's coming up. We want to talk about maybe
02:30 we should talk about her family. Absolutely. This today,
02:33 Mister Danny Doctor, Yvonne.
02:35 >> So grateful to have you here. Thank you. Always love
02:38 being here with our family. And with those of you at home,
02:41 it's a privilege. What a time to be alive in the rubble.
02:44 Yeah. Moments of Earth's history. We were talking
02:47 earlier before the program and I realize I've done my math is
02:51 a friend of mine once told me, you know, our age when you get
02:54 over 70. But I thought I never thought that, you know, when we
02:58 started 3 ABN nearly 40 years later that
03:02 we would never and never lost the love and the sale and the
03:08 vision and the dreams. I still feel like I'm 33 and Nahid feel
03:13 like, you know, 33 when it comes to the ministry of 3,
03:16 a man and the opportunities to literally reach the world.
03:20 And it's just it's an exciting time to be alive. So I died
03:24 tomorrow. I have no regrets other than, you know, as far as
03:28 this world. But the next thing you see is Jesus second coming.
03:32 I mean, how can you beat it? Can the average to be a
03:34 Christian and he's closing moments of Earth's history him
03:37 in?
03:38 >> An absolutely in the behind the scenes is so fun because I
03:41 love to see and hear what's going on at 3 a venue where
03:46 here. But as we it's just like really exciting. It reinforces
03:51 a joy because you just hear they were doing this, that this
03:55 that and it's just to me. It's amazing what God is doing
03:58 with this name.
03:59 >> What a privilege it is to be a part of the game and
04:02 absolutely share with you that, hey, that's right. In the media
04:07 houses or his family want to get coming around the table on
04:11 Francine, this is Francine Bergman, its network, general
04:15 manager and your spouse. Jason, our CFO is not on with
04:18 you, but we're so grateful.
04:20 >> Have you both as part of the family? It's a blessing at
04:23 we've seen. We've grown so much in the fact that you put your
04:27 trust in God, you just see miracles upon miracles
04:30 happening. And that's wonderful to talk about behind the
04:33 scenes. What's really happening because that's only a portion
04:36 of really what's happening in taking that it taking a little
04:39 bit, you know, going forward. But there's so many ministries
04:43 in 3 a B on that note. We also promote or let you know about.
04:49 And so it this is a big testimony of what God's doing.
04:52 I mean, he's in the mission of
04:54 really reaching the world. Thank you for what you're doing
04:57 and I'm for.
04:59 >> Coming around the table again. Closest to me. My mom.
05:01 I got a couple haha win. My sister in Christ remembers
05:07 someone a pastor. John came back from Singapore and he says
05:10 they all believe you when Shelley are truly sisters
05:12 before Misters in Jesus. Haha, Ali, of course, is
05:16 program development manager and producer and your other half is
05:20 going to be on the SA JT Quinn's going to be on the
05:22 second hour, right?
05:24 >> You're here, Mister Hour. It's a pleasure to be here and
05:26 we just want to thank you at home so much for Your Supper.
05:31 Courtney prayer support. I get people who are emailing
05:34 and texting insane. We pray for you and all of the staff at
05:38 03:00PM every day. That means a lot because when you're on the
05:42 front line, we will all testified to this.
05:46 The devil doesn't. He's really it was he not only on stuff,
05:50 but but it is so exciting to see what God is doing through 3
05:56 me. And we thank you for your heart in your family in time.
06:00 >> And, you know, talking about family and we're going to do
06:02 some music your next. But talking about family. I just
06:05 saw some people coming through 3 again this weekend getting a
06:08 little tour and we want to invite you to come on down.
06:11 Come on up. Come on over and over. That is yeah, the ABN we
06:15 do tours Monday through Thursday. Welcome to come to
06:17 see the studios were doing this program from you. We've got the
06:20 South Center call Center. We love to, of course, come
06:23 out. We're in the area not traveling to come out and say
06:26 hello to you and read to you. But you're just welcome to come
06:28 here for 3, 2, are I know Joe with a COVID kind of show a few
06:32 things down. A lot of people didn't travel but to our doors
06:34 are wide open will be talking about can't meeting in just a
06:37 little bit. But when cameras not happening, come on over.
06:39 We'd be happy to I get again. Show you your ministry. 3 ABN.
06:43 What God is doing from the corn cornfields. Soybean field of
06:47 snow has just absolutely no link, credible miracle. And
06:51 even though the up link building, Mister Danny has been
06:54 retired. We don't do broadcast from that anymore. We've taken
06:57 a few people over just to show the outside where that miracle
06:59 the three-phase power is that big satellite dish is still
07:02 there with the person, a pickup truck or car with time running
07:05 over. And that dish is still there. The original
07:07 transmitter, Shaq is so there were people answering phones
07:11 outside the door to so noisy inside the transmitter mall.
07:14 That's there would love to show you those things from the
07:16 outside. But God is America working got then he is now and
07:20 we know for the future is going to the same thing. So we are
07:22 excited like you said, Mr. Danby alive at this moment.
07:26 >> In Earth's history, we've got some great music to know.
07:28 We do. Indeed. We have the tightened family. I love when
07:31 you have families who sing together. Yes, as you get that
07:33 incredible family harmony. I think we first saw them in a
07:36 thigh and then they came in here to 3 being recorded in the
07:39 song will be ministry is just what I need.
07:43 [MUSIC]
07:48 [MUSIC]
07:53 [MUSIC]
07:58 [MUSIC]
08:03 >> Williams is the time
08:08 I judge and the sewing room. When Daniel said
08:14 [MUSIC]
08:19 Woods too,
08:22 we use tunes.
08:27 He was move was seen in the we consume media owns
08:36 all she game
08:41 Souness.
08:42 [MUSIC]
08:46 We all this
08:49 [MUSIC]
08:53 school.
08:57 [MUSIC]
09:02 You see these school, the 2 E 2 V a
09:11 just
09:13 [MUSIC]
09:16 was too slow when they use he was PD said no.
09:23 >> And to show me a shunt in a bit needle, you still see.
09:34 >> When you lose B and C 2 emissions.
09:40 >> To that shooting movies. He was the schools he became
09:48 world. No one asked me was.
09:55 [MUSIC]
09:59 >> We made. Yeah.
10:02 >> It is just good. He led all this e O.
10:10 [MUSIC]
10:15 >> I see
10:16 he is too.
10:21 We all
10:23 we just too
10:27 [MUSIC]
10:32 this guy,
10:35 it will only be
10:40 we all
10:42 and you the tools.
10:45 [MUSIC]
10:50 [MUSIC]
10:56 >> I am as a lawyer has got a great honor and great Yassin's
11:00 praise the Lord. I love it. Great message and music
11:02 southern Gospel. Haha. Good family. Harmony to do that.
11:08 >> Talking about Qamishli. Go to camp means show Sharon
11:11 mentioned camp meeting coming up soon. It's in June, June 5.
11:15 Yes, 18. We want you all to come on down. A lot of people
11:19 who've already called in and made the reservations for RV.
11:22 So we're super excited about this campaign to have salute
11:25 lay. So.
11:26 >> Mark your calendar winds State June, the 5th that starts
11:29 it goes through Sabbath. June 8 are over. I ching theme
11:34 is preparation for the final crisis. Let me go through and
11:39 I've got to tell you, we're going to have some wonderful
11:41 music. I know you're probably touch on this and what? Well,
11:44 Larry Gatlin, it's going to be here for the while opening our
11:48 Me Sick, which is he has become a strong Christian. It's so
11:52 exciting. But let me give you some of these out titles.
11:57 Can we trust Bible prophecy? Satan's great. Like Gods.
12:01 Astonishing Rescue Plan. The Beast Wars against the
12:05 Saints over coming to dragon through surrender to God's love
12:11 signs of Christ. Soon coming, 3 unclean spirits, the doctrines
12:16 of demons. Final reformation in the ceiling. The latter rain
12:21 and the loud cry. The great shaking fallen Babylon and the
12:26 mark, the beast, the close of probation. The time with
12:30 troubling or spinal crisis. Christ's second coming soul
12:35 search. Are we prepare it to meet God
12:40 facing the future without fear. And then I have your title.
12:45 >> Well, yeah. Haha changes. Haha. I know. Yeah. But let me
12:53 share who's going to be? Here's be King.
12:59 >> 8 guest speaker step that you're actually is going to
13:02 speak twice. Christopher Hudson, Loni Malenchenko,
13:06 Whitley VIPs, Sebastian Braxton, Ron Kelly, David
13:11 Shannon, Brian Johnson and then our home speakers, Danny
13:16 Shelton, John Moment, King Joe Marconi. Ryan Day. James
13:20 referee didn't see Kenny Shelton and Shelley Quinn.
13:24 So we're going to have music. We will have our 7 school.
13:28 Yeah, that's right. We will have land giving seminars that
13:32 you can intent 3 a B in 2 or 3 meals. Delicious. And you can
13:40 go to 3 A B and can't meeting Dot org or 3 a B in can't
13:47 meeting dot TV to get all of the state tales. We hope that
13:52 you'll be able to join us in person if not still mark your
13:56 calendars for June, the 5th June 8 because it will all be
14:00 broadcast live. Talk about the kids. Yeah.
14:05 >> Right? Yes, that was well, also have some kids programming
14:09 during that time. So bring on the kids. That's right. I'm
14:12 from the youngest all the way up to the teens. So we want the
14:16 kids to come to and they will be a learning similar age
14:19 appropriate. But we try to tie it in with the adults as well.
14:23 So similar theme you're trying to being tracked and now we're
14:26 looking at now is to help us out again. So good. They do
14:29 such a good arranged to have a wonderful team and just the
14:34 energy that end. What's nice about the kids when they come
14:37 for can't meeting is that they see the other for the friends
14:40 that they keep coming to us right to see and read that some
14:43 of the kids. I mean, that the camp meeting, though, correct?
14:46 Yeah, they look forward to the fans are already texting each
14:48 other. Going to be okay. Maybe that's good. That's a
14:52 good thing. That's a good. And that's a good networking.
14:55 >> And you know, so am I want to come down to going to be
14:59 there. We want to be there. Tell us about the music.
15:01 Mister de kicks it with the music. Well, can't. Yeah,
15:04 yeah. Some of the rector's that we have been shelling
15:06 mentioned. We have Larry Gatlin. I don't know. Probably
15:09 in many of our viewers will remember Larry Gatlin and the
15:14 Gatlin brothers are the brothers are going to be here.
15:16 But Larry's going come, Aaron, and someone said what? What are
15:19 you having, Larry Gatlin, that AQAP, may I say because he's a
15:22 Christian, he loves the Lord. Yeah, a great testimony.
15:25 And we've got to know him a little bit. And he said I'd be
15:28 happy to come and join you all. And so he's going to be here
15:32 with Regin Lady, of course, is far outside. We have our in
15:34 house as we have and how speakers are in and house
15:38 music. But we're going to have a number of people that's going
15:40 to be here. Also, of course, 10 part. No, yeah, always. But
15:43 it's going to be a great camp meeting and so are
15:47 since we're living in closing moments verse history. We have
15:50 to constantly be aware. I think it's time my dad is called pull
15:53 out all the stops. Another word for word on a vandalism.
15:56 We got her. Okay. Any door that's open and they're not.
15:59 They're going to say Lord issue can this is you open that door.
16:02 So
16:03 all right, give getting people here. That will attract people.
16:07 I've already got phone calls from people who never and even
16:12 in the local area who never been to 3ABN never B***** camp
16:16 meeting says coming the outright didn't need to cut
16:19 what I need to do. We want to come. We want to bring our
16:21 families. We're going to do so there will be people. So it's
16:24 the first night at camp meeting, Larry will be here,
16:27 not a bridge in lady with them. And so we'll all get a chance
16:30 to sing with them a little bit first hour, but that I believe
16:33 this is going to be a way to get people to come and hear the
16:37 truth and they hear what God is doing, that he's alive and well
16:40 and on the throne and get to know 3ABN the message that's
16:45 really been, which is what really important to yeah.
16:48 >> And I have to say things I know you're good, but let's
16:52 comment that it's
16:54 we don't charge. You know, I know. Yeah, that's a big deal.
16:57 I mean, I haven't been to camp meetings where we don't and we
17:00 are at a ministries don't charge. And so again, you're
17:04 invited or the family probably about family. And we want to
17:08 see you face to face. And this is a big deal after COVID
17:11 longtime. Yes.
17:13 >> You know, the food is complementary. The RV spaces
17:17 are complimentary of the campaign and everything.
17:19 Absolutely. And I doubt it, Larry Gatlin. You're probably
17:22 go see him anywhere with which you don't pay some money.
17:25 I know there's no no charges, just show up and hopefully
17:29 we'll be able to pack everybody. And so the sooner
17:33 you get there, the better what time does it start at 06:00PM?
17:36 We've seen him on film June 2 in 5 when a June find a way to
17:42 start off camp meeting coming early for good. I think
17:46 absolutely.
17:47 >> That's a great way to kick off. Can't meet. It is, you
17:49 know, and people come in and they'll you'll hear the music
17:53 and now hear the word. And I love this thing. Ration for the
17:57 final crises looking great. He suggested that it was just
18:01 like.
18:02 >> It's amazing that came from 3 been Latino. They're going to
18:03 their cabin. And then this year, of course of preparation
18:06 for 3 being like, well, that theme just fit. So, yeah.
18:09 >> Yeah. I know prices when the one that I think show it comes
18:11 up with a different yeah. And it is wonderful because we
18:15 need to know
18:17 >> what to do with at the end of time. And we know Suh people
18:21 who are not even Christian know something's going on to the
18:25 right. So we're here at the end of time. And I'm so thankful
18:28 that 3ABN has the platform to share what to do in preparation
18:34 for that final crisis.
18:35 >> This is excited to may have seen people more open now
18:39 because everything such. Yeah, well, the word such a
18:41 mess, you know, and our country and around the world says so
18:45 upside down, you know, evil things good and good, same day.
18:49 But I mean, where there's not like we're looking, you know,
18:51 prophetically. And there's such a time like we have people have
18:55 that person, fact that we're going to be spending time with
18:57 this week who called and says, I just need some answers to
19:01 questions, people, husband, wife and their, you know,
19:04 40's late 40's. They've got grown children and they're like
19:07 we just need some answers. They live in the local
19:10 community. And we thought about you, you all as an inch and you
19:13 can just spend some time. Can we go out the with the they
19:16 said, we just want to ask you some spiritual questions and
19:19 the guys that I'm not much on praying haven't been the past,
19:22 but I've been trying it late in the works and my wife and may
19:25 want to set that and more than month, we've had other people
19:29 even that I went to school with that have called and said,
19:31 hey, we want to find out more about what's happening. We
19:35 don't understand the times in which we're living. And so I
19:37 always say, as I said to the of Filipino president and I was
19:42 over there years ago, she came to our meeting. And so when I
19:45 spoke, I said, you know, I know God's plan for my life. And as
19:49 I said out, there is auditorium thousands of people. So so the
19:53 president nor is she said to me, well, you know, you will
19:57 for God's life. And I suggested she goes as well for you to
20:00 outside. Yeah, it will for your life. And and I suggested she
20:04 said, Whoa, do do you know God's will for my life? I said
20:08 I do. And she's madam President. I do. And she said,
20:11 you know, God's will for my life. Has she said, can we talk
20:16 tomorrow or the next? He said, I have to go back and schedule.
20:21 Go back. I don't know if I'm supposed to pass this to a
20:24 president, but can I get your email address? We e-mail back
20:27 and forth. She said absolutely. We'll do it. So, you know,
20:30 I was able to do literally right with her and told her
20:34 God's will for her life. And of course, that is 2.
20:37 She's in a position that he put put earned a prominent position
20:41 and she can make a difference in the lives of all the people
20:44 in the Philippines and making sure that the gospel is free
20:48 and us excess a ball, you know, and give religious freedom and
20:52 support that and all of that they should. Thank commissioner
20:54 has said thank you so much for that. I said that's God's will
20:58 for your life. You know, your modern day, then you hear
21:01 modern day, you know, Joseph, your modern day leader and got
21:05 his picture there for a reason. So God has a plan for all of
21:08 our lives. Yeah, so and it says I said I can't thank God enough
21:14 can can thank the Lord enough for the live that he's gives us
21:18 as Christians. Yeah, that we we I know what to come to because
21:22 the piece that you can have is amazing because of the world
21:26 winner so upside down. They don't have the pace, but we're
21:30 in the back of the book. Yeah. Basically the short
21:32 version we went and then so no matter what happens to us
21:36 physically, what happens to die today? We still win and the
21:39 long run right before you started to. And so to me and
21:43 I'm just excited and can't meeting can be a great time.
21:46 Yeah.
21:48 >> Make sure you come place. That's right. Mark it on your
21:49 calendar. June 5 through 8 as mention, great kids meetings.
21:53 It's a great family time. A great time for the adults
21:56 with the meetings and of course, a great time, a
21:58 fellowship. One of the things that are really like to see a
22:00 camera, of course, people together here in the word of
22:03 God. But then after the meeting, this need to see
22:05 little groups forming a CPS train together, people their
22:08 Bibles Open. That fellowship aspect is just fantastic.
22:11 It's great for those of you that cannot make it here to
22:13 watch canyon on 3.80. And that's wonderful. But if you
22:16 can make it here, what an incredible blessing to it is.
22:19 And it's all complimentary. I do want to mention this,
22:21 though, is that you need to be reserving their RV spots we've
22:24 never had or are besides filling up this pat this fast
22:27 before. So looks like is going to be a capacity crowd can be.
22:30 So we needed to go ahead and reserve your RV spot, the prime
22:33 spots our right there on the worship center campus. If
22:35 you've been there before, right by the school, the bathhouse,
22:38 those are filling up really quick. I think we're way over
22:40 halfway full.
22:41 >> On those spots to go ahead and call the call center or the
22:44 content, can they do that on the website to they have to
22:46 call to reserve. All of 2 are actually 618-627-4651. That
22:52 number again is 618-627-4651, to reserve your RV spot.
22:57 And maybe you say I'm not an RV or we have hotels in the area.
23:01 They just go to 3 a B in camp meeting Dot org. You can see it
23:05 says that has a list of hotels in the area where you can just
23:08 go on Google nowadays and you can just Google a hotel in the
23:12 area. So there's a lot of different options for you are
23:15 so looking forward to seeing you, the seems incredibly it is
23:19 so important in these last days. Thank you. And I'd be
23:22 prepared and we know how to be prepared and we know how to
23:26 evangelistic Lee Sharon during this critical moment in Earth's
23:31 history. So we're looking forward to seeing him. Yeah.
23:33 >> Before we talk to friends in about the kids and what's
23:36 happened, the kids network, we do want to mention, though,
23:39 several things. And on a sad note, Julia knows mother and
23:42 then comment on that. She passed away due to his mother
23:46 passed away here just recently. And that's a big loss to know
23:49 many of you support 3 ABN, Russia. Julie, of course,
23:52 the director, 3, a B in Russian for many, many years. Well,
23:55 over 30 years. And that's a picture of a Julie's mother,
23:58 great lady. She just passed away. And those remember Julia
24:01 Course and our prayers and then misses.
24:04 This is a Harriet boss was a longtime supporter of 3 right
24:08 past. We too. So Mister down the years 102 was boss. But I
24:12 know both. Ladies, of course. Well, we are because auditorium
24:15 because of as she enters the Cistern all Lydia off.
24:19 >> Who put up money when we're in the Mid 90's? We had our
24:23 first I think seminars with Doug Badger there. We went live
24:26 right out of also tore him. So they're both been a
24:29 wonderful supporters over the years. But she is now resting
24:33 in Jesus, as is Joey is mother. I think she's 95 and I had the
24:38 privilege of meeting her long time ago. You know, 30, 30
24:42 years. Plus, now years ago we met. And so she's a wonderful
24:46 lady. Choose a doctor, medical doctor, and for years. And I
24:51 think it's OK, Jerry won't mind me saying that for years,
24:54 she she I don't know. I'm not gonna say should make this
24:58 should just didn't really know about God been really so and 3
25:01 been started. Enjoy. It came and, you know, to the ministry
25:05 and was working there. Mother just didn't know what to think
25:09 about all of this. And so
25:11 I think it was maybe our 10th year anniversary around 2002 or
25:15 3, somewhere in there that that we work, we went over. And so
25:19 Julia, Ask a mother should been watching as someone TVA,
25:22 would you come and meet today in A news 3ABN, she calls are
25:27 Angels. Russian Angeles and mom mom reluctantly said yes,
25:32 but she wanted to come. And so she came. But her struggle was
25:36 should been have tremendous back problems until she
25:38 literally was drawn over and she was in constant pain.
25:42 And so, Joe, you said, I don't know she can make it or not.
25:45 She's going to try. And so she did show up and to greet us and
25:50 we're so happy. So we spend a little time I saw how miserable
25:53 she was.
25:54 And in my mind, I'm like, Lord, we really need to go right now,
25:57 you know, for her believe we really need a miracle. So as Jo
26:01 Jo Diaz to join you, when would you mom carefully with back
26:05 home in Miami? So the mom carefully pray for her. And so
26:08 she asked for and shoes, OK? So we held hands. And and I
26:13 literally could, as I was praying and asked the Lord to
26:15 do a miracle for her, what you can see his power, you know,
26:19 please touch or this woman, you know, because her believe
26:23 wasn't any resistance is just I don't know. Yeah, I'm not been
26:27 taught. I wasn't raised that way. Then have the opportunity
26:30 is under communism the way we have here. And so I literally
26:34 could fill her straightening up. And when we got through
26:38 with their prayer, she literally was standing up and
26:41 she looked at Gioia praise she goes for.
26:44 >> That's I don't have any pain. While my pain is all gone
26:48 and she's like, oh, my, my back's my back's fine.
26:53 >> So course, Julian Mayweather fight back to 2. Yeah. So we
26:56 said, you know, thank you, Lord for that miracle. And and we
26:59 fully expect in shoes it had over the years. You know,
27:04 tremendous growth, spiritual growth, talking to join issues,
27:08 knows very good well, and so glad that show get their mother
27:12 and having because made so many changes all of us need to do
27:16 except in the Lord Jesus Christ. You know, those are
27:19 personal savior because without that, there's no hope for the
27:22 future. But what a wonderful woman. So supportive of Julian.
27:27 Yeah. And the right Russian 3ABN, for so many years.
27:31 And so it's a sad her passing. But the good news is.
27:36 >> You know, she'll never be in pain anymore shoes and quite a
27:39 better, you know, as you get older, all of us, we find more.
27:42 I won't look at any particular people say, yeah, hahaha.
27:47 >> Around some of us get a little over Haynes of Yahoo.
27:56 Had used to have so.
27:57 >> But praise the Lord. So it's a great phrase report. And of
28:01 course, Harry Ball. She's not an issue so many years ago,
28:05 but in money to the lord's work and then so forecast here,
28:09 but soon and very soon, we should say that came in.
28:13 >> Resting in Jesus. But their works to follow them with the
28:15 notable is no, yes. Go ahead. Doctor Julia said that at the
28:19 end, I called him Mitch. Yeah. She called me a van.
28:23 A cheetah as my Russian-made love. Divine shoot. Always say
28:27 how's Ivana chicken when I met her, it's so weird because we
28:32 didn't speak the same language and I couldn't I couldn't speak
28:35 there and you can speak to me in the same language. But
28:38 we were just kind of drawn to each other. And I just felt
28:42 such love for her and my heart.
28:44 And I think she should be. So it is a tremendous loss.
28:49 But I'm so thankful that she'd you closer to the Lord of the
28:54 very end than ever before. So I'm looking forward to
28:58 seeing, you know, Rick made a name at the time. Yes.
29:01 >> And France and I know that the UN, Jason, we have the
29:04 opportunity go into Russia's no 2, 1, incredible. I mean,
29:07 yeah, it's very special to be there to see what the Lourdes
29:09 >> has done is continue to do there in Russia is absolutely
29:12 amazing. I've never been so well welcomed. Yeah. Showered
29:17 with love. And there it was just amazing happening. Yes,
29:22 I mean, calling them the Russian Angels is very madgen
29:26 with Angels may look like
29:29 and they they definitely exemplified in to us and then
29:33 my family. And so, yes, we were all touched by that. And I I
29:38 see how God is constantly working. Those miracles like
29:41 you were talking about with Julius mother. We're talking
29:45 about behind the scenes. And I know what Shelly, for
29:47 example, you know, when we're planning
29:50 can't meeting,
29:52 we're often on our knees praying. We really have to say,
29:56 Lord, this is yours. And I just want you to know at home that
30:01 there's a lot behind the scenes of prayer. And then you see the
30:04 holy spirit working out before, you know, or how everything
30:08 just comes together.
30:10 And it's just humbling to see how that really works it out.
30:14 And I saw time timing in the classroom, but not to the
30:16 magnitude here because I would be talking about something in
30:19 the classroom and then things would come in the classroom
30:22 that would just high and really relate to it.
30:25 It's just magnified here at the at the where the topic,
30:28 everything just falls into place and you you make your
30:31 plans, but God really revealing his plan.
30:35 >> Yeah, and out and you saw that again at kids. Kim,
30:40 if I may start talking about kids can't because again,
30:43 you make these plans and you have these ideas. But again,
30:46 it was God leading through it all. And I'm just it's just
30:51 humbling to see the right people that come the the host
30:56 that come it. It's just amazing. And this was a major
30:59 production. Again, for those of you that don't know about kids
31:02 camp.
31:03 This was a Floyd a.
31:07 >> I don't know how to word. It was all 3 ABM.
31:12 >> It's funny what you did. 112 programs and 4 days.
31:17 So this is 7 different programs. We're rotating kids
31:20 about 77 between the whole 4 days
31:23 and we're rotating them and again, got had to be in the and
31:29 again, you saw the parents saying
31:31 this is where we want to be. I'm so glad. And and some of
31:34 them made a big sacrifice to come yet. And yet God saw fit
31:39 for them to be. And they would just blessed by it and
31:42 all the more so myself, it's what all growing. And even
31:49 though we're here, I have to say that I'm still growing to
31:52 be more like Jesus. That's why you and your you know. And so
31:57 we have I'm a little beat, Roland, I'm good to talk about
31:59 it. So we already started airing in the kids Network and
32:02 it just started also on the pair last weekend. Yeah,
32:06 we've got some kids can't here and this is could isn't
32:09 creation with Keith now San and he's from Katko Lock law.
32:13 And this is so vast, his health. Yeah. Haha, real ID's
32:19 ID's cent ended young. But you know, and then we have 5 gems
32:24 in again. This is all related. All the programs related to
32:27 what the main story of 5 gyms was going to be about.
32:31 >> And so that was God is with us from the depths of the sea
32:34 to the highest mountain. We have Daniel Care that was
32:37 there. We have Susie Hayes and Ryan Hayes doing the crass yet
32:40 again. They all related to the theme there making a jellyfish.
32:45 >> And finally got to take them home. And I have to say that
32:50 all of these crass and you'll see a little bit the recipes
32:54 law also on the kids DOT TV website, the Indian Kids Dot TV
32:59 Web site of his chances of it. Yeah, Jay beef, we call and
33:04 having a little survival skills here and so that they can it
33:07 venture in the outdoors. Unfit clout? Yeah. Sure.
33:10 So which yeah meals.
33:13 >> And she is just full of energy and getting the kids
33:17 with their energy. She's very.
33:19 >> I'm with the kids in involved there. And here we
33:21 have sing along with the love, a 10 part to understand Allison
33:26 spirits there as well. And the kids just learned a lot of
33:29 songs and God is with us wherever we go. And of course,
33:33 we love miss end. And and it it Linda. And they're doing the
33:39 kitchen fun here. And they always have the saying it's fun
33:42 in the kitchen. And again, you can find these recipes and I
33:46 get 3 ATM kids dot the website. So we hope that you will tune
33:51 in and tell us about what's happening with the kids.
33:54 But I have to say that what you're doing at home in
33:57 witnessing with others. Sometimes the kids talk with
34:01 each other. They say, hey, you know, I want to be involved and
34:05 then they get their friends involved. And that's how the
34:07 networking go works. Is that are you planning a seed?
34:11 But I have to say that I had a little boy named Benjamin.
34:15 He just made my day a couple weeks ago.
34:19 He is a 6 year-old little boy and he just cause.
34:22 >> High tea, Francine. Yeah, I think it was.
34:26 >> And he was a little Benjamin. He's and he's was
34:29 talking about all the programs that he's been watching.
34:32 He's so excited about kids can and he wants to see what's
34:36 happening. And I find out Lee a little bit later from his
34:40 grandmother that he's he just last year and he was finding
34:46 encourage. And I'm like, what program do you want to comment
34:48 on
34:49 again? I was just so humbled him. You know how much this
34:54 ministry means to so many people that
34:58 we don't see it. We really don't. I mean, I don't. But
35:03 sometimes you get these little nuggets nuggets and you see how
35:08 God is really working in their lives. And that's what we're
35:11 here for. And again, it's because of what you're doing
35:14 for this ministry. And it would not happen without you. And so
35:19 we're talking about behind the scenes but realize that how
35:22 important you are to this ministry with.
35:27 >> I'm just right. Yeah. Haha. Yeah. But your heart for
35:34 the kids but the shape what you do? Well, they really hope it's
35:38 humbling. But you know, yeah, I just want to say thank you for
35:41 what you're doing. And and the team here we are a family and
35:45 you are part of this family to turn. We may not show our
35:49 gratitude enough, but it's there. And again, God's word.
35:53 >> It's a pretty thank you. Huge. Thank you for your
35:57 leadership and your kids. Network. France is just a joy
36:00 to work out. She that she does an incredible job. These new
36:04 programs have launched. You can watch them on broadcast on kids
36:07 network or 3ABN, but
36:09 >> they're also on demand. So tell us how you can find
36:12 them on the may. Well, not go on my phone tonight. Those of
36:15 you that don't know if you have an app on your phone. You just
36:18 say the ABM plus and you get on there and you can see all our
36:22 programs with the abs and of course, the kids now. So that's
36:26 what I would recommend. And if you don't know what to do,
36:29 I would call in. Yeah, I got 618-627-4651. And I'm sure
36:34 somebody will help guide. You actually has that. That's
36:37 what we do at a s I owed you. I see some of a meeting.
36:40 So we go to I'm always telling other people how you can get a
36:43 new app. So good.
36:44 >> The beautiful thing of the app is a you know, you've got
36:46 the live broadcast but you have the video on demand which is
36:48 great to talk to when you want to win the time you want what
36:51 you want to watch.
36:52 >> Cars and light and the kids composite and then come back
36:55 to. Yeah, it's it's a great, too. And it spreads and it's
36:59 free. So that's out there that it doesn't cost to download the
37:02 app as a free app is some and you can also watch it on Roku.
37:07 >> As well. And a lot of people are watching the on demand on
37:10 Roku and we have a little bit of trouble. Obviously, if
37:12 you're watching us now, you know how the troubling more.
37:14 But we were having to do with the Roku and Dish Network.
37:17 So you should be watching us now with those things been
37:19 fixed. But thank you so much for your patients. Bureau cause
37:21 a great way again. Watch 3 AB an on demand like these kids
37:26 programs are talking about said the school panel. Many of the
37:28 other things, the 3 D and 3 D and has talked about next.
37:31 A lot of behind the scenes things rallies.
37:33 >> Short and still the only big enough, Francine, you're
37:36 talking about the impact this ministry makes. And when we go
37:39 out to rallies and we get to meet our family and you know,
37:44 when we talked to were just looking at a television screen,
37:46 but when we get to go out, get to meet you. Good to hear your
37:50 stories. Get to hug your neck. Is Mister Danny with and just
37:54 get to connect with you. Want to give that is we were at
37:57 the Loma Linda in Tunisian church there in Redlands,
38:02 California, which is right, neighboring there to Loma
38:04 Linda, California. They just open up their doors to encroach
38:08 a hospitable church. They see 1200 people and the church was
38:13 packed act and some people standing in the back and
38:15 overflow. You can see there's video. We're not listening to
38:19 it right now. But Yvonne, this was you and Ryan in Tim singing
38:23 there for church. And I think we have some other pictures if
38:26 we want to put them up and then we can just talk. It was a
38:27 packed house, though. It was a just 1200 plus people there and
38:31 great like you mentioned.
38:32 >> And Francine, for so many people are just feel a part of
38:35 the 3. Then family build meet people, face-to-face human
38:38 tissue, people who came from so far yeah, hand they overheard
38:41 as far away as Washington State has a right toe man's.
38:44 >> Pastoral funds. Sorry, pal. Joe Johns and his wife were
38:47 grateful for the earliest. They're so go ahead, Washington
38:50 stay. There. You are.
38:51 >> And there there are people who literally came from drove
38:55 hours to be there. And so good to see these folks because we
38:59 we got the glass between us now, you know, when we do go,
39:02 the rallies were thankful when you come out because we get to
39:05 meet you in person and we're always amazed and happy at the
39:10 people that God puts into our lives during these rallies and
39:13 friendships that we can continue on long afterwards.
39:17 You know, people, Matt and some people will Sam a rally
39:20 Wednesday later was same in another there say, well,
39:24 we just many wary around, you know, 3 been comes. We're going
39:27 to be there. So, yeah, it's a great well. I love going out to
39:30 rallies, don't you? I do. I do. You get in?
39:33 >> You know, again, as you said, we get to meet the
39:35 people, interact with them and hear the stories as well.
39:39 Many of them have stories and though saying pray for my
39:41 children, not pray for me or whatever. So it's really it's a
39:45 blessing or I found the Lord through 3 able which is also
39:49 really inspiring. Yeah, it's really great cause like he
39:52 said, you know, we don't get too. We're looking at cameras
39:55 when we're in here. But then we get to see people face-to-face.
39:59 They say when they get to meet us in person we get to meet.
40:03 Yeah, no, it's fun.
40:05 >> I know we have some other rallies. We're going to might
40:07 be coming to your neck of the woods. They used to say West
40:10 Virginia, your neck of the woods. I know Alabama is one
40:12 we're going to. I think Bahamas is a number of hoping to.
40:16 We love to go up into Canada actually trying to work.
40:18 >> That out. I believe the sea was another one going to those
40:21 some of the main one. I just want to get on the one in
40:23 Huntsville, Alabama, on April 27th April 20 will be at the
40:28 Mount Calvary 7th Day Adventist Church. So if you are in that
40:32 area and that whole area or maybe you want to come in from
40:35 another state, we would love to meet you. And that's been the
40:38 Sabbath, the can.
40:39 >> And then I think Bahamas is coming up so soon, Judy.
40:42 That's alright. Nassau Bahama. Yeah, and we'll let you know
40:46 things work out in Canada. So we're working on those plans
40:49 to so do what is the process like sometimes?
40:52 >> The church might want 3 ABN to come. How does that have to
40:55 do around the house? That re question. So you just reach out
40:58 to us who I'm the best. We probably would be e-mail.
41:00 You could e-mail mail and I L at 3ABN DOT TV. That's mail it
41:06 3ABN DOT TV or you can always call us and just say I'm
41:09 interested in a rally at my church. I would say the
41:12 criteria we really look for is we look for a church that can
41:15 house a good number of people that want to come from the
41:18 area. The second criteria is we try to go to different regions
41:22 of the country. In other words, we're in Loma Linda. People
41:25 said the neighboring Loma Linda Church all while you come to my
41:28 church. But we're trying to go to different regions so that
41:32 people can come together. So we'll hit the northwest or
41:35 the South West or the South East or the Northeast or Middle
41:39 America so that way people can come from the area. So it might
41:43 be a few years before we go back to the Loma Linda area
41:46 specifically. But that would be the criteria. So just reach out
41:50 and we would love to schedule a rally in your area and
41:52 community.
41:53 >> Yeah. Kind of place for people to eat to the end of the
41:56 answer to that amazing job of this. About 1000 people through
42:00 the lunch. Haha. That was quite an endeavor. But yes, fun.
42:04 And the food was amazing. Yes, Shelley was Shelley to
42:07 talk about a lot less. I know you're good for him.
42:09 >> It's 3ABN. Plus you can watch it on demand. It's airing
42:12 on 3ABN. And let's talk about this incredible offer where
42:15 people can get cases of these boats and all the pace, the
42:19 shipping co.
42:21 >> You were mentioning God's will for your life. I know it's
42:25 God's will for my life.
42:27 I wrote this book.
42:29 >> And why I'm saying that is he's been teaching me so much
42:32 over the last 20 years at the Cabinet. The name of the book
42:36 is spotless experiencing the Everlasting Covenant through
42:42 righteousness by fate. And let me just say this. Let me
42:45 explain what the everlasting company does. God announced it
42:50 in Genesis, 3 0th team when he announced the Messiah was
42:55 coming
42:56 revelation. 13 says she says it's the lamb who was slain
43:01 from the foundation of the world. That means God had the
43:04 Calvary plan in place before he created our World Rep he priest
43:12 13 20 calls, his spread the love of the Everlasting
43:16 Covenant. And you know what? The goal of the Everlasting
43:19 Covenant was second Corinthians 5.21. He made him Jesus Christ,
43:27 who knew no seem to be soon for us that we might become the
43:33 righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. So God's plan. That's
43:39 right. Just missed by fate. I have to tell you,
43:42 this is so exciting. Got impressed as this book when you
43:47 were talking about being on your knees, the first day that
43:50 I took 10 weeks off work to write this book
43:53 and as God kept pressing me, John, I'm going to read it
43:58 John. 5. 46 47.
44:03 >> I started writing and he kept in genesis for well,
44:06 it's like Florida says she resists may. I didn't intend to
44:09 do that or does this? He took me to John 5.46.
44:13 >> That says this is Jesus talking to their seats. If you
44:17 believed those says you would believe me for Heat wrote about
44:25 me, but get this.
44:28 If you did not believe his writings,
44:31 you will not believe my words. I think she insists Exodus
44:36 Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy.
44:38 >> Are so important. And in this book.
44:42 >> We spend a good deal of time in Genesis Exodus. But
44:48 >> the
44:51 not impressed me should be free price got we had.
44:54 >> Donors. Yeah. Who came forward to make and we ordered
44:58 months. 52,000 books, 30,000 have already gone out in the
45:03 last few months yet to make a quick bet. But that means we've
45:06 still got 20,000 Baha and the offer East. This you can get
45:13 spotless in a case of 40 books and not pay a penny for the
45:19 book. All you do is pay the $35 shipping for the A C and let me
45:26 tell you some of the testimony today. Quickly, good. So far.
45:30 I had somebody call me Hoose. Some had been actually her
45:35 nephew, her sister cent. He left the church 30 years
45:39 ago. He heard one saved, always saved. He left the church
45:43 started. It was going to send the church living like the
45:47 devil thought with his mother every weekend he would drive
45:51 her to church because she could drive.
45:54 But hey, pick, they have a fight every weekend about one
45:57 saved. Always. So his mother day read this book gave it to
46:01 him and said son, if you let me read this book,
46:05 he read the book over the weekend haul. But my Cayman
46:10 on Monday morning got on his knees before his mother and
46:13 said, Mom, forgive me. I've already asked God to forgive
46:17 me. I was. So we're all right. More is saved. Always saved.
46:21 While I've had Hastert up by a pastor who is a non
46:27 denominational past, who's been texting all throughout this
46:30 just going
46:32 you can argue this. This is true. You can argue this,
46:35 this missionary and we've had a personal friend of mine Sunday
46:41 keeping great Christian, but her daughter died. She believed
46:45 her daughter was in heaven, dancing with the lowered.
46:48 And I didn't correct her because the only things that
46:52 boys keeping her from suicide was thanking her daughter was,
46:59 you know, I could do, even though it was a credit. And I
47:01 knew it was true. And I prayed and prayed that the Lord is
47:05 kept kind of put his hand over that. So center this. But
47:09 and I thought this may be the end of our friendship because
47:13 I'm but it's been a few years to. She absolutely said this is
47:18 such a truth that, you know, every you what you get in this
47:22 book is a picture of cottesloe like you've never seen before.
47:27 You will see how relevant the Old Testament is, how it is
47:31 just a continuing narrative throughout the Bible. You'll
47:36 fall in love and that's up. Got several people said falling
47:39 in love with cheese us all over again. There are churches that
47:42 are using it. And I want to tell you, I wrote it is the
47:45 sharing book and it's having a great impact with people who
47:49 are not at this time. But if anybody needs to know this
47:52 message, it's added an assist and big cars. This will you
47:57 will never be a legal list. Again, you will never think
48:01 that you can just live like the devil again, if you break this
48:05 book and understand what righteousness by faces
48:10 is God's in time, Missy new more all of us and I want to
48:15 encourage. You can go to 3ABN store dot com. 3 be in store
48:21 dot com. Get a box of 40. We've got churches that are
48:25 using their Wednesday night. Michael steadies for women's
48:28 Bible studies. Different Bible studies. It's in a life
48:32 changing. Hook them an absolute and Shelley.
48:36 >> Yeah, I started reading it and it's incredible what you've
48:39 done make it so plain and so simple because sometimes we
48:43 try, we read books and he's like, I'm not sure. I really so
48:47 when I'm reading it, I was saying,
48:49 I think about other people, OK, I've been in, you know, the
48:52 message long time. And what about somebody who's not a
48:55 Christian, a new word so beautifully. And so simply you
48:58 have got the credit and you go through topics and a nice way
49:02 where you don't feel like you're getting beat up at all.
49:05 You say praise the Lord. Thank you for for giving me
49:08 this information like this young man. And so I want to say
49:12 thank you for you know what you do for the cause of God and the
49:16 book that week wrote now 20 plus years ago. But I think
49:20 this year's maybe we'll end up man around 20 years. And so
49:24 millions of those have gone out. We've seen lives change.
49:27 This one is going to be an incredible impact of what what
49:31 what you've done here. So praise the Lord and that like
49:35 to ask. And I guess it's OK, but if you'd like to support
49:38 good ministry financially these books and maybe you say,
49:42 look, I I want to help get these out. Can you can send a
49:45 donation here to 3ABN I guess and it puts about this on the
49:51 it's a great way. You can help to get it out because it's as
49:54 I've been reading, I haven't finished it. I said this is one
49:57 of the best books of not the best book I've seen in years to
50:01 really balanced that the Gospel. Not only will people
50:04 not be not not. What did you say? I want to go legal us that
50:09 they won't be live real estate. Yeah. You know, they won't be
50:12 laziest.
50:13 >> Haha, I love it. But yeah, in the dictionary, there's one
50:18 thing to have to say.
50:20 >> I'm so excited. The publisher will be here next
50:24 month.
50:26 They're already finishing this Spanish translation. I believe
50:32 that. And that's where all we really, if you would like to
50:35 see the Spanish speaking community, skip this set,
50:39 selling out that you just it is going to be ready for our camp
50:42 meeting. I don't think it might, but you can you can
50:46 either call 3, 8, BN or even just go on in and make a
50:49 donation point spotless, because I believe God wants us
50:55 to get this book out.
50:57 But that leads it bottom just to just as he does with the
51:01 great controversy because all of the 28 Bible from the Middle
51:07 Bible beliefs we hear are in here didn't intend to do that.
51:11 But they're all part of the story. It is. I gave him all
51:14 the glory the way he was his scriptures together case.
51:18 Even when you're in the Old Testament, it's all about
51:21 Jesus. He brings it all into print. And
51:24 >> I just want to reference the phone number here. Call us at
51:27 3ABN right now. Order your case or cases of spotless. The pass
51:33 out you can call us at 618-627-4651, at 618-627-4651.
51:41 You can order a case of 40 of these books. The printing is
51:44 already been sponsor to Shelley Reference. All you pay is the
51:47 shipping cost. That's $35. Or maybe the Lord is going to
51:51 put on your heart that you want to sponsor more printing of
51:54 this book or in Spanish shelling just talked about.
51:57 So you can make a donation when you call us right now at 6,
52:00 1, 8, 6, 2, 7, 4, 6, 5, 1, or you can go online and you can
52:06 try them online as well to prison Doctor, Yvonne.
52:09 >> So you want to says, I just want to say before forget,
52:12 I think it was Carolyn out call from our call center. And she
52:16 said, I just had to tell you, there's this pastor whose
52:19 ordered like I don't forget how many pages keeps reordering
52:23 cases after cases and he's keeping them to all the
52:26 pastor's Montana. He's very to to. He said Cadden bees that
52:32 had a revival break at the cat and my David Shinn gave it to
52:36 all of that. His students, it's it's deep Bible study, but it
52:42 written very simple soon. Even the child it is a teenager
52:47 could go through it and it's a life changing book.
52:50 >> It's life changing book. And the way you structured it
52:55 with the summaries at the end gives you the opportunity,
52:58 gives the reader the opportunity to kind of review.
53:03 Well, because it's a lot of information but packed in there
53:06 and you give a great review of what you just talk to them.
53:10 So and I think it's just it's unknown. What Amazing.
53:14 Marvelous book Guarino the Holy Spirit.
53:17 >> And inspired the perfect timing on. Yeah, yes, yes.
53:22 Sister White said that the last the final missed it will be the
53:25 missing, right? Yeah. Yeah. It's time we understated
53:30 because when the shaking got to not just going to shake people
53:35 out, he's going to shake people and you want to understand if
53:39 somebody is out there and they read this in except all of
53:42 God's truth, if they come to church heaven, help us that
53:46 they should walk into a church and it didn't understand.
53:49 >> Yeah, you know, initially great endorsement came also
53:53 from Pastor Doug Faster because you can correct on this how we
53:56 actually said by believe he said it was as like an
53:58 evangelistic series in the book. Yeah, that's incredible
54:02 to think about evangelistic series in a book. So you want
54:04 to be a missionary, right? You want to be the van just a
54:06 home? I know you do. We can see and we can hear your answers.
54:10 Of course, this is a great way to do that. Evangelism tool in
54:14 your own hand in your own house. You're talking about
54:15 churches having their own groups. You can do that in your
54:17 house and some people and we're doing that getting these books
54:21 and having them Bible study group using this book. You
54:24 mentioned even Wednesday night permitting, some churches are
54:26 using it. What a great tool and it's available has been
54:28 mentioned already right here at 3, a B N's call Center and Joe
54:32 is Open tonight. Will be happy to take your calls this very
54:36 evening. And what's amazing to me, 40 books and these are nice
54:40 toys, books. And yeah, though to it. So, you know, I do need
54:43 to feel like the last is a J. Many say 20286 all out. But
54:48 it's not like really small print where you need to like a
54:51 magnifying glass is a great read and beautiful. Great book.
54:54 Yes, but you think about that. You get
54:57 that book. 40 of them for $35 for shipping to anywhere here
55:01 in the United States. That's in Korea.
55:03 >> One more thing that can hold on a minute. So you can tell
55:07 show is excited about the project and we are to go ahead
55:10 show. The other thing is that an anti tributary and was
55:14 reading this book and they said,
55:15 >> OK, I'm convinced I'm wrong. O and n papal, some churches
55:22 are using it down to reach out to people and Hove gotten off
55:26 track. It's it's not what I'm saying. This is purely Bible.
55:30 It's written with mostly pair for a scripture, but it's it's
55:35 sewn up. Each topic has so much biblical scripture. Yes,
55:40 fort that it can help right or wrong thing.
55:43 >> And that's very were coming down to the end of this first
55:46 hour playing musical chairs. We act our We do have a couple
55:49 moments. This is a little risky, but let's go around the
55:51 table and see if we share a closing thought on Harden.
55:55 Whatever's on your heart here. So Mister De Mistura, I'm
55:58 blessed just to hear this and say the message continually
56:01 going out your support.
56:03 >> 3ABN, helps us continually whether through written word as
56:07 Greg said, the television radio, the Internet, you devote
56:11 all of these things. It's opportunities that we have in
56:14 the closing moments of Earth's history to do our part. God has
56:17 called us each to do something big when we come in his name
56:20 and
56:21 >> and we are at the end of time and we know it. And we
56:24 just have to make the most with to redeem the time, make the
56:27 most of the time, get the gospel out to the world.
56:30 Because when that happens, Jesus with a man.
56:34 >> I'm thinking of the kids expect that we just did this
56:36 weekend. One of the Bible verses was it here in
56:39 Colossians 2 for 6, 7, as you therefore have received Christ
56:43 Jesus the Lord. So walking him rooted and built up in him and
56:47 established in the faith as you have been taught abounding in
56:51 it with Thanksgiving. And so I'm thinking that
56:54 you've heard the truth.
56:56 >> Now, go walk in. It has God would have. Yeah, just be that
57:02 light for Christ.
57:03 >> I just want to say what a privilege it is. I realize that
57:07 many people would like to work here and to think that God
57:10 calling me here and gave me a platform that I could write a
57:14 book. But he can't all the quarry and they'll hear that
57:17 from everyone at the table about anything we do here in.
57:21 >> I'm and love you all. Work approved gift. God has
57:27 called it for such an hour's this noon. Then a great,
57:30 great praise, Jesus. We have a full second. Our pits mainly
57:34 focused on prison ministry. We have some more initiatives
57:38 that 3ABN is doing away as well. So don't go anywhere.
57:41 We'll be right back.
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57:54 [MUSIC]


Revised 2024-02-22