3ABN Today Live

Salvation and the Lord's Day

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL240005A

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 >> I want to
00:17 [MUSIC]
00:26 >> too.
00:31 [MUSIC]
00:36 >> I'm
00:42 >> and
00:47 >> I want to stand
00:52 too.
00:54 [MUSIC]
00:59 [MUSIC]
01:07 >> Hello and welcome to 3 A B and today Live. Thank you for
01:09 joining us. Is you do each and every day and Yvonne, what a
01:12 privilege to be here tonight in the closing moments of Earth's
01:16 history and have an opportunity to speak to people around the
01:19 world. It is. It's such a blessing. It's a blessing to be
01:21 here and it's a blessing to witness for the Lou Mask.
01:24 A look as beautiful as always. Don't mind doing Angeles and
01:29 then that. All right. I'm telling the truth when you
01:33 think you all right. How about introducing our brothers
01:37 tonight?
01:38 >> Absolutely. Here we have Evangelist Ryan Day is the
01:42 general manager of our 3ABN praised him music network.
01:46 And then we have Pastor John Lowe. McKay on pastor. Our
01:51 brother is the director of World Evangelism 3 ABN and the
01:57 pastor of the Thompsonville 7th Day Adventist church absolute
02:00 and hosed and is a hose. Then everybody was all these
02:04 hats.
02:06 >> Well, tonight, we're actually gunner truck. We're
02:07 trying to cover 3 different topics. We're going to talk
02:10 about number one, the Lord's Day. We're going to find out
02:13 some information. And for each topic, we've got something for
02:17 you that will tell you about just a moment. So then we're
02:20 going to talk about can the Christian church affirm LGBTQ,
02:24 then we're going to talk about the truth about salvation.
02:27 So we're going to ask you to call in your comments and your
02:30 questions. Maybe they can put up on the screen and you can
02:33 tell them where to where they can call.
02:36 >> So right, if you have questions or you want to get
02:39 the books, you can call 6, 1, 8, 627-4651, or you can text
02:46 just 6, 1, 8, 228-3975. If you want to e-mail. E-mail us at
02:53 live at 3 ABN Dot TV. Alright.
02:57 >> No one questions. What we want to do. We want to have a
03:01 prayer to start off with. Then we're going to have we
03:03 have rather big game week on big game acknowledging there's
03:07 a big boy with a huge voice, incredible voice, great range
03:12 and a just a great human manning and I love being around
03:16 him. He's a lot of fun and he's happy. And the Lord of the 4
03:19 that maybe run. Could you offer a prayer for? Absolutely.
03:22 Absolutely. Let's pray together.
03:24 Our father in heaven, Lord, we're so thankful to be here,
03:27 Lord and just a privilege to serve you in these last days,
03:32 father, as we take on these very important Bible topics,
03:35 time to recognize that.
03:37 >> Maybe some of the things we're talking about tonight
03:39 will be a little sensitive to some people. But nonetheless,
03:42 we want to be truthful. We want to stick to the integrity of
03:45 scripture. And we want to make sure that even though some of
03:49 these things may be difficult for some people to hear,
03:51 we want to be truthful, transparent and honest with
03:54 ourselves. As you are honest with us. In your words, we want
03:57 to remain grounded and rooted in the scripture tonight.
04:00 So send your Holy Spirit do right now. Fill us. Use us
04:04 transform us and speak through us tonight. And the anyone out
04:08 there right now who is watching this now live or those who are
04:11 going to be potentially watching in the near future as
04:14 this goes on to YouTube and other platforms. I pray lord
04:17 that to he will bless each and every viewer and may we all be
04:21 drawn closer to Jesus Christ because of these powerful
04:24 troops. Tonight that we discuss, we give this time to
04:27 you. We ask your will be done in Jesus name.
04:30 >> A man in the eye housing need at and listening on radio.
04:34 Haha, I know on the Internet, however, you are watching or
04:40 listening. I know you're going to be blessed as brother James
04:43 sayings sings to us. Thanks to Calvary.
04:47 [MUSIC]
04:52 [MUSIC]
04:57 [MUSIC]
05:02 [MUSIC]
05:04 >> To the place
05:07 used to do
05:12 is
05:16 and same route.
05:20 >> Before.
05:21 [MUSIC]
05:25 >> When the 2
05:28 >> water happened too.
05:32 >> 2, 2,
05:37 >> And to come.
05:41 >> To the team.
05:45 [MUSIC]
05:55 >> And that I knew
05:56 [MUSIC]
06:01 to soar to room.
06:13 >> The year
06:14 [MUSIC]
06:20 a 2 to 2.
06:23 [MUSIC]
06:34 [MUSIC]
06:40 >> To the House.
06:41 [MUSIC]
06:45 >> 2.
06:48 >> Bowl.
06:54 >> We the 2, 2,
06:59 [MUSIC]
07:02 >> Witnesses,
07:05 please don't be afraid
07:08 because you got a brand new that is.
07:10 [MUSIC]
07:13 >> And to go to we do, too.
07:19 >> The team.
07:23 [MUSIC]
07:28 >> And that I.
07:33 >> We used to be.
07:35 [MUSIC]
07:40 >> So to
07:49 >> the view
07:51 and phase too, to.
07:58 [MUSIC]
08:01 >> To.
08:06 >> We do.
08:07 >> To to 2
08:15 [MUSIC]
08:23 [MUSIC]
08:28 >> all the people said, Yeah. Thank you. Big game.
08:31 Absolutely. Yeah. What a great song. But tonight, if you're
08:35 just joining us, we are going to be talking about a number of
08:37 topics here pretty quickly. If you have some questions,
08:40 we'll try to get them first come first served. But I think
08:43 we're going to start out talking about the truth about
08:46 the Lord's Day. So one of the things that people ask seems
08:50 like at Venice, some people say it seemed like it kind of stuck
08:52 on doctor. It always want to talk about doctor. And why
08:56 don't we just talk about Jesus or just talk about
08:58 relationships? Why do you what I want to talk about doctrine?
09:01 So, OK, one takeaway in all a cleanup? Well, you know,
09:05 in the Bible, fine, 27 words. That's the single a doctrine.
09:11 And then when you put docks and you find even more now, there
09:14 are many references in the Bible. Let me just give the
09:18 context of today. There are some churches today that say we
09:20 don't teach doctrines and somehow people think that I can
09:23 go there and not have to worry about living any particular
09:27 way. I can just go and have the Jesus feast. Yeah, the feeling
09:30 of Jesus right of the atmosphere, Jesus the songs of
09:33 Jesus but does not change my life art. So a lot of people
09:37 looking for the
09:38 >> that he did form of godliness when you leave out
09:42 doctrine and they can make up whatever they want to. But
09:45 doctor makes is a central foundation and the by the
09:49 foundation of it is Jesus. He is the way the truth and the
09:52 life. That's right. Notice the way and the life.
09:55 But he's a true that he puts truth in the middle and the
09:58 word doctrine simply means teaching. It's not a very
10:01 nefarious word. Let me give you some examples of how the Bible
10:04 talks about doctrine.
10:05 First, Timothy One, 10 talks about sound doctrine, meaning
10:09 they are doctors that not sound. And then the Bible talks
10:12 about Jeremiah, 10 verse 8 worthless doctrine, their
10:16 doctrines that have worth and the worth of us ones that Bible
10:19 Jesus warned of the disciples of the doctrines of the scribes
10:22 and pharisees. Evidently they didn't have good doctors
10:25 because it clashed with what Jesus taught.
10:28 Then he said, first of the 4, 6, dog, good doctrines. So so
10:33 that means that they're also bad options. You can have good
10:35 without the bad doctrine. And then the Bible says second
10:38 to make it 3.16, the word of God is profitable for
10:42 doctrines. Right? So if you want to get doctrine, read
10:45 God's word, it will teach a profitable for doctrine reproof
10:48 for correction and instruction meeting. Some people have
10:51 doctors and need to be corrected. Revival is important
10:54 for that. Dan and Titus to tend it talks about the doctrine of
10:58 God. So that means it has to be another kind of doctrine,
11:01 the doctrine of men, which cautions to 22 ones as the
11:05 wearer of the adoptions of men, OK? So you see the Bob was
11:08 making a very clear and then he gets very dark first, Timothy 4
11:12 of one says in the last days people will depart from the
11:16 faith given he to seducing spirits and doctrines or a
11:19 demons. So it's getting really, really dark. And then he was 39
11:23 says strange doctrines, right? And in Jesus Day, Matthew,
11:27 15 verse 9, it says and in vain, they worship me teaching
11:32 as doctrines the Commandments of men which would place to the
11:35 Commandments of God. And you did a book on the 10
11:37 Commandments case. Me. Haha. So they aren't wrong with
11:41 doctrines. Is that how you want to live a Christian life?
11:44 If you want to be a boat without an anchor or you can
11:48 get on any cruise ship and go nowhere and have a lot of fun,
11:51 one direction in your life, doctrines give you direction
11:54 and give you sent reality and unity.
11:57 The unity, the faith, the knowledge of the son of God to
12:00 the measure of the fullness of the measure, the statue of got.
12:03 So we come to the unity of the faith. What makes this unified
12:07 you and you and you and I believe the same same.
12:09 >> And that Stockton, thank you. It's good result. And you
12:12 add to that. But, yeah, exactly. I don't know what I
12:15 can has put a little cherry on the top that he's already built
12:19 here. You know, you mentioned.
12:20 >> A second Timothy Chapter 3 verse 16. It's all scripture is
12:23 given by God or by inspiration of God, which is it's got Brie.
12:27 That's what the original language says. And the in
12:30 profitable for doctrine for proof of correction, for
12:32 instruction in righteousness. And so that got breed the very
12:35 foundation of God. And his word is truth and you cannot have
12:40 truth separate from doctor. You cannot have a you can not
12:43 necessarily come to know God without correct doctrine.
12:47 Now go to the next chapter. You just read that the last
12:50 couple of verses they're dealing with doctrine and said
12:52 that Timothy Chapter 3, you go to the very next chapter
12:55 second, Timothy Chapter 4. And it's interesting that
12:58 second versed on. We're listen to what Paul says. This is
13:01 prosthetic speaking of the last days and pastor touched on
13:04 this. He says he says he approached the word be instant
13:06 in season and out of season reprove rebuke and then he says
13:10 exhort with all long suffering. And doctor, that means the
13:13 foundation or build up with all long suffering. That's the
13:17 patients and with doctrine because one of us what it says
13:20 in verse 3 for the time will come when they will not undo
13:23 were sound doctrine, but after their own lusts the show keep
13:26 to themselves teachers having itching, ears and then goes on
13:29 to say and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and
13:32 shall be turned into fables were living in that time.
13:35 We're living in a time where people are saying, you know
13:37 what, just give me Jesus. We don't really need doctrine.
13:40 That's that's for the old-school church. That was for
13:42 the old ancient times. But I live under grace crushed.
13:45 He's done it all for me. I just love him and I need him.
13:48 And I just believe in him and everything will be perfectly
13:50 fine. And you cannot separate Christ and truth. And it will
13:55 from the doctors from Christ, in truth, the for the love of
13:58 Christ. And so that's what we're talking about tonight.
14:00 Many of these foundational doctrines, what they they did
14:04 and aren't necessarily in and of themselves are salvation.
14:07 But yet they help reveal who got is to us to help us
14:10 understand his character, who he is and his plan for our
14:14 lives. And we are to shape our lives and allow him to mold and
14:18 shape us around these pressures truths. As we're living here in
14:21 these last a beautiful metaphor for the first time, I could say
14:24 I know Danny Shelton, somebody would say.
14:26 >> How do you know Danny Shelton? They'll start
14:28 mentioning things about you is what I do know that what you
14:30 don't know, Dan, if you don't know that, you know, that's the
14:32 thing with toxins that people can say, well, you know,
14:36 I worship the Lord. Okay. You do in your past to study
14:39 keep his commandments, but I don't have to do that. But then
14:41 you don't know the Lord, right? Because he who says I know him
14:44 and does not keep his commandments is a lie and the
14:47 truth is not in him. So what is that man doing? Teaching is
14:50 doctrines the commandments of men, right? So you see a doctor
14:54 is essential to keeping us focused and central with Christ
14:57 and what he teacher. And so we want to talk tonight about some
14:59 of those dots, right that have been ignored and neglected
15:02 abused. And what have you are going to start out?
15:05 >> With talking about the Lord's Day. All right. So we've
15:08 on how do we get this for folks that want to do?
15:11 >> Want to get this book tonight where they do is call
15:14 U.S., call us 618-627-4651, at 618-627-4651. And just ask for
15:23 these books came to him. Now. Texas is 1, 8, 2, 2,
15:27 8, 3, 9, 7, 5, or email live at 3 ABN DOT TV.
15:33 >> All right. And those waves and can we get too graphic up
15:36 to show the books? Because we want to say, OK, so here we go.
15:40 The Lord's Day that cases get this 250 books for $25. So the
15:46 books are paid for. They're they're free to you all you're
15:50 paying is the shipping that $25 literally barely covers the
15:54 shipping. So tonight, if you want any of these books that
15:57 you say down here, the focus on truth books, and we're going to
16:00 be talking about to treat about salvation and a bit. But
16:03 tonight, worst as centering in on the Lord stated again with
16:06 any of these books you can call, she said, text us or
16:09 e-mail and there will be happy. So we have people answering the
16:12 phones tonight. And so some of these we've gone through
16:16 several million. We're down to only I was sent only 100,000 on
16:20 last season, but we've already been for 5 million of them out.
16:24 So I don't know how long we're negotiating trying to get some
16:28 more. But I've got to get donors who are willing to
16:31 donate. So what we do is we instead of telling everybody we
16:35 want to, you know, we don't sell anyway. But for certain
16:37 size donation, we call different excuse me, donors
16:40 with 3 ABN to say, you know, I'll give 10,000 all give x
16:44 amount and they literally pay for these books because we want
16:48 to make it a ride that theirs is not about money when no one
16:51 has to say would love to have these books, but I can't afford
16:54 them. So all you need to do here. So for 250 books,
16:58 literally, it's just $25. And so.
17:01 >> That's our shipping costs. And, you know, then it is so
17:03 much confusion about the Lord's Day. So I was watching
17:09 something on YouTube and this pastor.
17:13 I mean, he broke down the sad disease of Sunday preacher and
17:17 he said
17:18 the 4th Commandment is a commandment. It is not
17:21 optional. Just like the rest of the commandments do not
17:24 optional.
17:26 And he went on and was talking about how we need that rest and
17:29 how you know we need now. Then he goes into switching it
17:35 into. We need a day. Oh, they didn't need a day. Haha,
17:39 where we, you know, even he even did something amazing.
17:44 He counted. He said that 7th Day Adventists live and on
17:50 average 11 years longer, then the average American ally.
17:56 He said
17:57 if you count how many Saturday said it, he said said this,
18:04 our in 11 years, it's it's I see. How did he say it? Bottom
18:09 line is the 11th. Those numbers add up to 11 years. So those 11
18:14 longer years right are actually due to having that one day of
18:19 rest. God knew that. And he said, but then he said
18:24 as Christians, we observe the first day.
18:31 How do you how do you get all of that and break down all of
18:35 that and talk about how the commandment is not an option
18:39 and how the rival says remember the Sabbath day and it's the
18:43 7th day and then he says this is a deal. So the confusion,
18:49 that's why when you need to get this book because it will help
18:53 you if you're confused about it, it will help clear it up or
18:57 if your neighbor is confused him, you might not be confused,
19:01 but your neighbor will be confused about what day is the
19:04 Lord's Day.
19:05 >> This really can help as just 48 pages and we try to answer
19:09 most of the questions that your neighbors will have. What I do
19:12 is I actually talked about 8. I have 8 Sunday pastors go over
19:17 my script. Every time I write a book and say, can you help me
19:20 on the right book? If you see something amiss so they'll send
19:23 then I sow cow make that plan. And then this one, OK, they
19:26 don't understand. And so I do that. So I get figure I'm going
19:30 to get almost everybody's questions that I'm I'm done.
19:33 But I've had a number of them say, you know what, we want to
19:36 keep the Sabbath. And so I literally saying that over the
19:39 years and one of the books we had we had over Sunday 40's
19:42 Sunday pastors, not just members, but 40 over 40 pastor
19:47 saying we get it now we believe that to 77. But so last we only
19:52 got about 30 minutes left on this subject or or less less.
19:56 See how we go through this. We want to find out which day
19:59 is the Lord's Day.
20:01 >> All right. Well, let's talk about the title the Lord's Day.
20:03 I think the its demands justice find that phrase mean that it
20:07 lets go to revelation one 10. Let's start there. Yeah.
20:10 Okay. Revelation, one-tenth because this is a passage that
20:13 has been abused. Yeah. And so missed interpreted yes. Ill
20:19 read that just the same way. You just did that beautiful
20:22 explanation. How do you give all that solid Scriptural
20:25 foundation for something, you know, scriptural and then you
20:27 say, but
20:29 as Christians, we keep Sunday and he gave all the scriptures
20:35 for the support of the Sabbath. But he gave no scriptures for
20:38 the support of the first of the week. So this is one of the
20:41 most common ones like a revelation, one 10. And this is
20:44 John the revelator. He says I was in the spirit on the Lord's
20:49 Day. So right away, he demands that we find out what day is
20:53 the Lord's Day. So Ryan got Isaiah 13 for Isaiah Chapter.
20:57 58 that I had written about Isaiah 58 versus reverse 13.
21:02 So the Bible, if you let the Bible speak for itself, you
21:05 save. This would opt in is all about doctrine is established
21:09 on all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is
21:13 profitable for doctrine. So let's establish this option
21:16 as to what the Bible says as a 58. So so this is there's many
21:19 techs in the Bible we found were got himself a speaking.
21:22 This is one of them has a 50 verse 13. He says if thou
21:25 turned away by foot from the Sabbath from doing VI Pleasure.
21:29 On my Holy Day, Alright called The Sabbath a delight the Holy
21:35 of the Lord honorable and shelled honor him not doing
21:38 that on ways nor that finding thine own pleasures nor
21:40 speaking thine own words. So right away, he says it
21:44 from doing a pledges on my holy day. And what was your from 2
21:48 in the very first sentence?
21:49 Turn away a foot from a separate notice if it did not a
21:53 Sabbath that some people say we need a set an exact there's no
21:56 ASAP because let's go back to creation now, I think it's very
21:59 important. Let's go to Genesis Chapter that chapter 2. And
22:03 let's see what this day is that is identified and I'm going to
22:08 go to Luke Chapter if 53. And that helped a 54 to 52 of
22:13 its 54 to 56 and the 24 0st 1. Let's go to Genesis. Chapter 2.
22:18 Any van? I'd like you to read that for us because we have to
22:22 find out.
22:23 >> Can we just pick a day and make that day? Only can we
22:27 make? And they will make a day. Hello, have some we just pick a
22:30 day, right? Well, let's just pick and a whole not let's make
22:33 a deal.
22:35 >> And he said his 7th. It is Monday.
22:37 >> He's he's separate. That guy advertise Baster. The Ed and
22:43 Cho said one day he chose. And as he's said, so then God
22:48 shows why you chose one. Which one is the doctrines of
22:50 man versus the doctrines of God. That was on point. Okay.
22:54 Genesis 2 verses one to 3.
22:56 >> Look at this. Thus the heavens and the earth and all
22:58 the host of them were finished and on the 7th day got ended
23:02 his work, which he had done any rested on the 7th day from all
23:06 his work, which he had done. Then God bless the 7th day and
23:11 sanctified because in it he rested from all his work which
23:15 God had created and made.
23:17 >> Okay. Notice what he did on the 7th day. And we you know,
23:20 we won a conversation once a Mizzou call to anyone on this.
23:24 I heard I thought, I mean, up to 30 some years past ring,
23:28 I thought I heard all the arguments. I heard one of the
23:30 strangest ones on that zoom call. We did about the Sabbath
23:34 came. One guy said ball, he rested so we don't have to,
23:39 you know, and I thought
23:41 dog just bark in the background. Now, let me just
23:45 say something. We sometimes I don't want you to think the one
23:49 making light of this writing. What we're trying to say is
23:52 when you talk about the commandments of God and you
23:54 know this, I mean, you've written books on that commands
23:57 of God
23:58 explaining you showed in one and goes back quite a ways.
24:01 And and to repeat history,
24:03 nobody. I don't know if any Christians that one of violated
24:06 the 9 Commandments, Ryan, but somehow when God says remembers
24:11 the Sabbath day to keep it holy,
24:14 just like the refrigerate opens in all the pitches come out
24:18 because they start flying all different directions. And Ryan,
24:20 I mean, come on, give me some money back because you came out
24:23 of this. You've got to really help people that it may be
24:26 stuck there. And how did you come to understand?
24:29 >> Because you raised, you know it all. I tell people all the
24:32 time it all comes down to do you love truth? You know,
24:35 the second this alone in Chapter 2 makes it very clear
24:38 that if you love truth in, obviously you love true.
24:42 But there's going to be people in the last season don't love
24:43 truth. And so for me, I think it was that, you know, there's
24:46 many people out there that don't keep the Sabbath and want
24:48 to make this very clear. They don't keep Sabbath because
24:50 they just simply don't know why. And when they come to know
24:53 because they love truth, they're going to bring their
24:55 life in harmony with that. There's a lot of people out
24:58 there seems to be the vast majority to have opportunity to
25:01 learn. Some of the many of them have learned have come to
25:04 understand this truth, but they would rather fit their life
25:07 according to tradition or according to what the church
25:10 teaches, the pastor tells them and they are not in love with
25:13 truth. And so for me and my family, it simply came down to
25:16 the fact that once we head into this to get will someone
25:18 introduced us to it, right? It simply was what this kind of
25:22 sounded weird. First, first of all, remember thinking much of
25:24 what the Sabbath, because in the because the church I grew
25:27 up in, you never heard the word. And I remember actually
25:30 asking my dad, dad, what's a sabbath. And then that had to
25:33 explain the best way he couldn't. And but for me and my
25:36 family simply came down too. Well, this is interesting and
25:38 heard this before. We watched a presentation by an Adventist
25:41 minister and that that kind of spark for us to pick up the
25:45 word of God. Remember, we've got a strong records. We got
25:47 the word of God. We looked up every text of the Bible that
25:50 talked about Sabbath or wrist. And when we do know that that
25:54 that was study on our own and allow the word of God to speak
25:57 for itself, it's simply King became a very clear the weight
26:00 of evidence was that nowhere in God's word, does he and cancel
26:06 destroy or get over to do away with the Sabbath, which led us
26:11 to the next question? Well, then won the world. Are we
26:14 keeping Sunday? Holy, Why are we honoring this first day when
26:17 the Lord never changed me? Talk about the Lord's Day,
26:20 William, our chapter 2 verse 28 averse to any. Let me preface
26:23 this by saying this.
26:24 He just 3 per se or 33 verse 9 makes it very clear that God
26:29 created all things through Jesus Christ and Christ was the
26:32 creator. We just read the Genesis account when this is
26:35 all that's all the the all of creation was done. It's done by
26:38 whom Jesus Christ. So Jesus, when it says that he really
26:42 rested, he blessed the sanctified will sink to the
26:45 sanctified of the Sabbath day. That was Jesus doing that.
26:49 So who better else to know all about the Sabbath and hold the
26:53 Sabbath? This point? What day it's on and who said that he's
26:57 been the creator who created the Sabbath and you have to go
27:00 very far in the in the New Testament, our chapter 2 verse
27:02 28, Jesus says that even the son of man is Lord of the
27:07 Sabbath. And once a person who is a form that and I'm 71,
27:11 27 of the Sabbath was made for men and not meant for the
27:13 Saturdays is even so the son of man is Lord all the Sabbath
27:17 day. So when you look at the weight of evidence, you go to
27:20 the very commitment. We talked about some people say, well,
27:22 that it's, you know, it's it's just a it's our day. It's my
27:25 day. I can pick a 7th of running to so many times.
27:27 Well, I had a lady in and every one of my meeting, she came to
27:30 the show up for Pastor Day Your Sabbath, the Saturday in mice
27:33 Apophis Sunday. And I said I remember saying this is not as
27:37 I could. I said, ma'am, you don't have a set of I don't
27:39 have a savage. Why do we know this is to go to the very
27:41 foundational commandment of God, right? It's a step to 20
27:45 versus 8 through 11, OK to come in and now we're going to the
27:47 foundation of the Joint committee. Get a little worked
27:50 up on this topic A as you would any church and you can preach a
27:53 sermon about dash out, you know, not have any other gods
27:56 before him and everybody, man, the man preaches rather than
27:59 preach about how you should take the lord's name in vain.
28:01 How you should bow down the graven images tonight of how
28:03 you should honor your father mother. Everyone's going to be
28:05 elbowing their kids. It's a mission of this brother is
28:07 preaching truth. You can go for 9 of the 10 Commandments.
28:10 No adultery, no killing, no stealing, no bearing false
28:13 witness. Do not go to go to also all of those and all the
28:15 bad press on as soon as you say, remember the Sabbath day
28:19 to keep it holy
28:21 now you're meddling him end. But it's amazing. It's a
28:24 remember the Sabbath day to keep it all. He does. Remember
28:27 last Saturday, not member. Remember, remember, it was
28:31 going to pitch you. Forget it. Remember the Sabbath day to
28:33 keep it. Holy six-day. Many tells us how we keep it 6 days
28:36 now to labor and do all my work. But listen to the next
28:38 word. But the 7th day is your Sabbath to choose how you want
28:42 to you know what it says. No, no, it says. But the 7th
28:46 day is the Sabbath of Low Lord. Thy God. Look at that in that
28:50 shot. Not do any word is out with a son with a daughter nor
28:53 that man servant with a maid-servant. Jesus even says
28:56 that check cattle, restoring electric cattle were. I know
28:59 you're stranger. Who is within your gates and the houses on
29:02 the 11th one because, okay, I sat back to okay. This is why
29:05 we keep it because they do say, but why do I need to saps money
29:09 to keep the Sabbath
29:10 verse? 8 tells you to commit itself. Remember to keep it
29:14 Holy
29:15 versus 9.10 tells you how to keep it. Holy when you get to
29:19 verse 11 got says, let me tell you remember, but let me remind
29:22 you why keeping hold 4, 6, days to try to take you back to
29:29 about 2 creation 4 in 6 days. The Lord who is the law that
29:32 made Jay-Z's 100 patients 3, 9, and a John one chapter one and
29:37 on the cautions what many, many, many chapters of the
29:39 Bible to confirm the crust is the creator 4, 6, days. The
29:44 Lord made the heaven and the Earth, the Sea and all done in
29:48 the miss. And he rest of the 7th day where for the Lord
29:51 Bless the Sabbath Day. And how did you know this commitment
29:53 tells us it says you should keep it. You should honor it
29:57 because he did.
29:58 And he's given it according to Jesus to you was a blessing and
30:02 that made it for you a gift it to you. Why would you reject
30:05 that gift? Exactly. And why would you want to change
30:08 existing gifted? He's given you and why would you want to
30:10 forget what he said? Remember, but let's look at the world.
30:13 Remember for a brief moment damages.
30:15 >> Thank you for that mining us because, yeah, I came out of
30:18 that. And honestly, if you do, if you let the Bible speak,
30:22 if you just sit down and I love the city, take the evidence
30:25 into consideration and you want any court case, anybody on this
30:29 viewing you listening to you and you could take us to court
30:32 battle is on the Sabbath will say let the Bible be. I have a
30:36 dunce and none of you will win. Not because we win because the
30:40 Bible is the violence. We're less than us. But look at this.
30:43 So
30:44 Solomon, he cleans the Estes 12 1 says remember now the creator
30:51 in the days of use and I love it on the station and up and
30:54 say you hear that teenagers get know if you need to remember
30:57 while you're young and I do. I believe it is Luke 17 that
31:01 says remember lots. Why did she do turn around a look back and
31:06 became the first saw shakeup because Scott holding up to
31:09 that, that that means hot was tied to what was behind her.
31:13 So what's the message there when God calls you go forward,
31:16 don't look bat what anybody say today. There's not a pass to
31:20 watching this. That will say the Lord Jesus is calling.
31:23 You don't look back. Don't worry about your past. Leave
31:25 alone and follow the Lord. Nobody would disagree with
31:28 Solomon. Nobody would disagree with Doctor Luke,
31:33 but the creator says remember the sap of the Keep it Holy and
31:37 all the demons of h*** say
31:40 don't listen to him to you're in charge of your own life.
31:44 You make a decision about who you want to be. And so, Danny,
31:47 I have this new interpretation of the mark of the beast.
31:51 It's you putting yourself above God. Yeah. And that's really
31:55 what the mark of the beast, they'll send you putting your
31:57 worship reference a bunk above God's command. And that's how
32:01 the mark of the pieces are safe. So you need all the
32:03 diabolical understanding of the dock ages. When you decide what
32:07 God says is not sufficient. What you say it's more
32:09 important than you will receive the market right now.
32:12 >> Go how others see. Isn't it interesting how
32:16 everything all of the other laws are fine. And then when
32:20 you get to the 4th commend all of us and we're not under the
32:22 law, one degrees, you know what I mean? Everything else,
32:26 everything else that they are going to except
32:30 the other than I'm but when you get to that 4th commandment,
32:34 all the sudden, we're not on the ball. Well, and the grace,
32:37 according to many feel, I'm in a talk to a lot of people who
32:41 have
32:43 who feel as though it doesn't really matter what days long as
32:47 you worship as lime. And one very well-known preacher said
32:51 we don't worship the day. We worship the Lauren. Why?
32:54 We don't worship the days and we worship the creator of the
32:59 day. Thank them.
33:00 >> We've got about only 10 or 12 minutes. We've got to kind
33:03 of wrap it up. So people are sitting at home and they're
33:05 saying, well, we didn't just make this up. I mean, Sunday
33:09 worship came in somehow. And so, you know, why don't we
33:13 talk a little bit about? And then let's give it. There's
33:15 a few scriptures that they say, well, they were now that the
33:18 cross anybody knows that and the commandments are no longer
33:22 valid. That's what I hear. So can we cover some of that
33:25 just a little bit.
33:26 >> Sure. Now Colossians 2. Here's what people talk about.
33:31 What's now to the cross, right? Just give you a quick summary
33:34 is about in the book there. Thank you for including that
33:37 there was the law of God, the 10 Commandments in Deuteronomy
33:40 5 ERs. 22 says when he finished the writing, he put them on 2
33:44 tablets of Stone, 10 Commandments and the added No
33:48 more. So the Lord said I did that. Anything watches had 10
33:52 Commandments. I put him 2 tablets of stone and I added
33:55 nothing more.
33:57 But later he gave Moses the ceremonial laws more than 640
34:02 of them. And Moses wrote them down in a book. But these will
34:07 given Gration is 3.19. What purpose Dan does the law
34:11 served? It was added because of transgression till the s-chip
34:16 comes. Right. So
34:18 a lot was added because the law was broken. So I'm giving
34:21 illustration. We all live in West Frankfort. We know when
34:24 you passed a school bus, the speed limit for 20, they're not
34:27 going to any police. One day pulled me over and said you on.
34:31 29 also I decide not to argue with him use a state trooper.
34:36 So we had a great conversation is why you trust. So nice.
34:38 Is that well, on the past, he said, hey, you know, by the way
34:41 we eat is for the about talk about religion just recently
34:46 got that is going to come on the other side. So I think
34:48 there's a problem.
34:50 And as the amazing to me and I thought this is really
34:52 interesting. But you know what happened? I didn't want to
34:54 challenge him, but I suppose you go back and read the sign.
34:58 The science is on the days that school is an operation and
35:02 children of his Abul. Neither was the case that they are not
35:05 in operation and the children were not visible. But the
35:07 conversation was so good. That is the point. The 20 mile
35:11 per hour speed limit was at it because people was speeding and
35:13 breaking the other. Let speed limit. That's right. That's
35:16 right. And the ceremony along was added
35:19 because to come, Amazon being violated.
35:22 Okay. And they with their till Christ would come and
35:24 everything about the ceremonial laws was to point us to the
35:27 work that Jesus would do when he came.
35:30 That was no longer needed. He was the lamb of God saying
35:33 from the foundation of the world, all the ceremony laws
35:36 pointed to him when he died. He was nailed to the cross
35:39 the commandments to take a man with the gun out of the cross
35:42 because if you say the command has been out of the cross,
35:44 you don't need to come is humid way. And yet you misquoted the
35:48 script cautions as the handwriting of the ordinance as
35:53 handwriting of ordinance, Heinz Kerry mammoth, which was
35:56 against us.
35:57 Ania father knew mother against media has not against us know,
36:02 OK?
36:03 >> That's all the right of me were sent for her and long.
36:05 But people say, but there's numerous times several times in
36:09 the New Testament where the looks like people going to
36:12 church on Sunday.
36:14 >> Oh, yeah. So there's only a actually a text in the entire
36:17 New Testament that mentions the first day of the week time ever
36:20 mentions the first day period. And in every single one of
36:24 those instances, if you go to all of them, in fact, it might
36:26 eventually stick series. I have an entire presentation,
36:29 right? Take about the 1st half of that presentation and we
36:32 investigate all 8 text because again, people say and actually
36:36 many years ago I had a church of Christ minister who
36:40 challenged me to come to his church and debate him on his
36:43 entire congregation on this subject. And he said, I know
36:47 there's a text in the New Testament that says thank God
36:50 he's changed. The Sabbath from the 7th date is the first time
36:53 going to show you. I said, oh, I can't wait for this. Yeah,
36:56 again, not trying to be arrogant because I thought I've
36:58 studied. I studied, lived through and through and through
37:00 its not fair, but I entertain that idea because I went with
37:03 my Texan. I was waiting. And of course, the first 5
37:07 ticks that you see in the New Testament. And they're all in
37:09 the gospels. And they all are dealing with the same subject,
37:13 which is crashed rising from the grave on the first day of
37:16 the week. So then you have to deal with these last 3 taken.
37:18 By the way, when you investigate those first 5,
37:20 nowhere in there, does Jesus come about of the great and
37:22 say, well,
37:24 since I rose on this day and it's now being transferred from
37:28 the 7th day, too, you'll find that anywhere. It's just not
37:32 giving the record account that heroes on the first day.
37:35 But nowhere in there, do we see a transference of the holiness
37:39 of the sanctification of the Sabbath from the 70 the first
37:42 and then when you get over to the other 3 text, you have
37:44 obviously one of the takes to talk about how they were in.
37:47 They they were they were for fear of the Jews. They were for
37:50 fear of the Jews have hiding on the first day of the week where
37:53 they were gathered together in a room with no windows. And
37:56 people say, oh, that that they must have been gathered
37:58 together to having their first Sunday church service. No,
38:02 it says they work for fear of the June. That was scared that
38:04 the same thing is going that happened. A Jesus is going to
38:06 happen to John 21st 19, John 21st 19. And so and then the
38:10 next 2 ticks that you deal with is a text that Paul actually
38:15 talks about gathering or tells tells the churches to gather a
38:19 collection that sweeps to see what he's talking about,
38:22 you know, send h worship, services them gathering,
38:24 tie them offering. But when you investigate that text, you'll
38:27 find out that was actually at that time. There was a famine
38:30 throughout the land in acts chapter 11 actually talks about
38:33 this, that there's a limit to famine throughout the land and
38:36 polish that message to all the churches for them to gather not
38:39 just money, but anything to us in liberty where to send help
38:42 to the struggling brothers and sisters in Jerusalem. He wasn't
38:45 telling them together, you know, tied and offering or
38:47 anything like that. Which leads you to this do to into the
38:50 final text which ultimately deals with Paul preaching the
38:54 preach from from us from Saturday night over in 2,
38:59 what would have been considered Sunday morning. But what's
39:02 interesting is that actually took place on Saturday night
39:05 into Sunday morning at the midnight hours over into Sunday
39:08 morning. Many people think that he preached from Sunday morning
39:11 all day long and therefore, he had a long church service on
39:14 Sunday. He actually didn't hold an official service. He was out
39:17 in the farewell meeting because he was actually about to leave
39:21 and the people we're never going to see him again. So with
39:23 that, people go in the region, the stretch and they try to
39:26 find in these techs where there's a transfer.
39:28 >> Of holding us from the 7th day to the first. It's not
39:31 there. And that's to get all 8 of those text. It's just simply
39:34 not that the next. 24 a 7 month, Paul preach until
39:37 midnight. This was so long down. He by many out. Yeah,
39:41 Utica fell down and I added back to life and kept on
39:47 preaching. Yeah, we go to a different topic.
39:51 >> A lot of people say, but the U.S. the no one in the Old
39:55 Testament, you know, we do. They didn't keep they. They
40:00 didn't keep the 10 Commandments. You know, that's
40:02 not the. And and they say nobody did. So we don't need to
40:07 keep the men, you know, word Jesus came and sacrifices lie
40:11 for them. But I hear things like this all the time. And so
40:15 it is there any proof that any bank kept a Sabbath? How about
40:19 this and the commandments and including the Sabbath and the
40:22 Old Testament?
40:23 >> That's exactly you find in Genesis. 26 and verse 5 when
40:26 you mention Commandments. Here's the problem with people
40:30 face a commandment stoning Sabbath. When you read the
40:33 Bible, that does that the 10 Commandments 10. Yeah, they're
40:36 10. So when you say if you let me keep my commandments fall
40:40 and then don't forget to include the sap of the Jesus
40:42 never said that because it's included in the south. This
40:45 happen, this included. It's one of the 10. So that's that
40:48 slick. So I would just say this slick argument, people try to
40:52 separate the commands from the Sabbath. I don't most and I
40:55 know why because the Satanic,
40:58 but you don't have to do that in the Old Testament because
41:00 there was no controversy over the Sabbath. There was no
41:03 controversy in the entire Bible about the Sabbath that happened
41:06 during the dark ages when wrong started transferring to 17
41:11 Daniel 7. 0st, 25 shell think to change times in-laws but
41:15 Genesis. 26 and verse 5. What to say. This is because
41:18 God blessed Abraham because Abraham can't my commandments,
41:22 my statutes and my laws. By the way, a Brown was not a
41:25 J**. He was a babylonian from the child and province. He
41:30 wasn't even a Jews went out not even around you because you
41:33 have Abraham Isaac, Jacob, Jacob had 12 sons out of which
41:37 drew. Some can try to understand that statement
41:40 sounds repetitious, but
41:42 >> the Lord knew what he was doing and keep my commandments
41:45 people's now. Well, that's not true. My statutes, I laws
41:51 there's no, yeah, it there's no way you can do well. It did me.
41:55 No, look, he didn't just say one of the Senate. All, you
41:58 know, Danny, I want I want to just kind of share this really
42:00 quickly what Terri long. But I was so powerful to to to
42:03 really nail this down. Okay. When people tell me today,
42:05 right, at the end of the day, I just don't see the import of
42:08 needing to keep Sabbath now.
42:09 >> I don't I don't think it's important to do that. I think
42:11 it's God's will or God's plan for us to have to keep some a
42:14 Sabbath right now. I think he's liberated us from that. You
42:17 know, I think of the time this disciples came to Jesus and he
42:19 said Jesus teaches how to party.
42:22 That was Jesus response.
42:24 Father, we pray like this. My father, this is the model
42:28 prior, right? Our father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy
42:32 name.
42:33 But kingdom come
42:35 thy will be done where on Earth on Earth, how has as it is in
42:42 heaven.
42:43 So when people tell me we don't have to keep Sabbath right now.
42:46 I so that doesn't make any sense because Jesus told us to
42:48 pray that our lives
42:51 be shaped like it will be when we get to heaven and the new
42:54 earth. And guess what, Isaiah 66 verse. 22, what does it say
42:59 for us? The new heavens and the new earth which I will make
43:02 shall remain before me saith the Lord. So show your seed in
43:05 your name remain.
43:07 And it shall come to pass that from one new moon to another
43:09 and from one Sabbath to another shell, all flesh coming worship
43:14 before me saith the Lord. So what is he saying here?
43:18 We have when he sees us as pray, this prayer pray
43:20 constantly that your life be formulated to to be brought in
43:23 harmony with that plan that God will eventually that will be
43:26 when you call go to heaven and how it is in heaven, how it
43:29 will be in the new Earth.
43:31 We're going to keeping sabbaths and have it will be keeping
43:33 Sabbath in the new earth. So why in the world if we're
43:35 going to be keeping it in the future after all this, some
43:38 problems done one of the wall, but we want to try to get rid
43:41 of that blessing. Now, why it is God's plan still for us to
43:44 keep the Sabbath. Now, there's absolutely 0 evidence that it
43:48 has been canceled that has been done away with. And yes,
43:50 he is Lord of the Sabbath. And if his load of your life,
43:53 then you will honor the Sabbath because as he said, if you love
43:56 me.
43:58 >> You keep my committee and the evidence that Jesus never
44:00 planned on getting rid of this happened. First of all,
44:04 I'm like you to send that that that this is a challenge to
44:07 you, right?
44:08 Tell me what's wrong with this app is one. Please send it to
44:13 us and tell us what's wrong with it. I think that's
44:15 something I would say people I don't have to prove this.
44:18 Have this correct? You tell me why it's incorrect and what I
44:21 do have to prove it's good. You have to prove me that is
44:24 bad. You mean the Lord bless the 7th day of the week before
44:28 a Senate of the world and he says keep it because of
44:30 creation. And you see, I don't have to pick my day and no
44:35 pastor can tell you what's wrong with it, right? Nobody
44:38 can tell you. But he was the reason why no Jesus never
44:40 intended to get rid of it. Matthew, 24 0st 20. That's
44:43 right. A Jerusalem was destroyed in ad 70. He was
44:47 warning the disciples
44:49 about be careful when destruction of drew some comes
44:52 and he said pray that your flight, meaning when you have
44:55 to flee, there will be not from the Romans might be not in the
44:59 winter nor on the Sabbath and he's starkly. When you look at
45:03 Josephus this started, he said not a single Christian lost
45:06 their lives because when the Roman armies began to surround
45:09 Jerusalem, it was assigned to depart to run. He says if
45:13 you're in the House top, don't come down. If you feel don't go
45:15 back to the house to get anything was not a single
45:17 Christian lost their lives. And that was 39 years after
45:22 Jesus ascended. Was Jerusalem destroying not mean the Sabbath
45:26 of selling effect and approved at the SAP of the still in
45:28 effect, you find 9 references in the book of acts where the
45:32 Apostle Paul, the Apostle John Peter, they all keep in the
45:37 saddle keep was Jews Gentiles and Greeks way. So if anybody
45:42 knew that he did away with it would be his followers yet they
45:46 still kept and teaching this. And not only that, they had all
45:50 those years. Bible was written to what some 60 years later
45:54 sent all they had to call a Bible riders could have said
45:57 since cries to, you know, died and rose from the dead. Now we
46:01 keep Sunday and that one that that that's what's amazing is
46:05 there's more than 5,000 copies of scriptures that the New
46:09 Testament in circulation of the oldest manuscripts that dates
46:13 back all of the first century. Not a single one of them show
46:16 any type of erasing canceling or doing away with the Sabbath.
46:19 Yeah, right. Was amazing. Okay. You just read the Bible
46:22 and you don't know anything else. So you just read the
46:24 Bible.
46:26 You can't come away from that thinking that the first day is
46:29 a holy day.
46:30 >> Right, right. Right. So if you want to know more about the
46:34 Lord's Day, what is really the lords and what's behind the
46:37 change behind the change of the solemnity of the Lloyds Day to
46:43 Sunday.
46:45 So this book out, you can call us at 618-627-4651, or you can
46:52 email us that I'm live at 3 ABN DOT TV. You can text us at 6,
46:59 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 7, 5, And if you have questions right
47:04 now, you might be bursting with questions. Make sure that to
47:07 email us or call us with your questions.
47:10 >> Okay. That's here to answer your question. That's but a
47:13 graphic on the screen again. So people can say
47:16 how to do it shows the books. Here you go. There says ordered
47:20 by case 250 books per case just for the shipping of $25.
47:26 Yes, that means and yeah, they praise praise the Lord for the
47:29 books, donated this to made this possible that these books
47:33 are an evangelist, a tool. So why we didn't cover
47:36 everything that's in the little books. We did give you, you
47:39 know, as much as we could in the short time. So now we're
47:42 going to change the topic for the next you do. Dan, you wind
47:45 up with this phrase. Why do we keep the Sabbath?
47:48 >> The same reason why we keep any of the other night
47:51 commitments. Yeah. John, 14, 15. Let's hit again if you love
47:55 me.
47:56 >> Katie and I commend and saying that simple, which
47:58 brings us to something else coast for years growing up in
48:02 the 7th avenues church. We always said now people keep 9
48:06 Commandments, but they don't keep the 10. Nobody is talking
48:09 about, you know, Andy, except that one. But today things are
48:12 changing. And the last several years, specially since about
48:16 2015, when same sex marriage became all the land. People are
48:21 saying now that, well, wait a minute, this adultery
48:24 commandment really is an adultery. And so now we're
48:29 cutting them down to people saying, well, the sav is not
48:31 important. We really don't have to worry about same sex
48:35 marriage is breaking the adultery commandment. So I
48:38 wonder what will be next year should or 2 will end up here
48:42 and sharing those down. So we're going to go into the
48:44 topic hair can the Christian Church and from LGBTQ. So we're
48:49 going to put up a graphic for that. We won't be able to cover
48:52 everything in the book. But in these its costs, they're
48:55 they're heavier. And so there's 200 books, I think. And
48:59 therefore, to $28 net so shipping. That's just the
49:03 shipping cost on the scene. Call right now. Please go.
49:06 We have people here answering the phone. If they're not
49:08 getting it, hang on a little bit, have patients, somebody
49:11 eventually will go get the will answer this. But I do think
49:16 that we have the opportunity to to get the word out to the
49:20 world. And so many folk at home all have to do is just have the
49:24 book shipped to them and make sure they're passed out.
49:26 Right? So you don't have to know all the the script to read
49:30 the books, say what you think because we only use the Bible.
49:33 We didn't use our opinion on it. So but this topic is
49:36 particularly will carry over into the next hour or 2 is is
49:41 maybe the biggest deception that Satan has put on the
49:46 church since the dark ages. It cause so many people.
49:50 And now we're talking about a lot of the Protestant world.
49:54 And, you know, much of the world says, well, the 4th
49:58 Commandments no longer valid, but much of the world. Now the
50:01 Christian world is saying, well, now this day, you know,
50:04 when we start talking about the doctor, a commandment to 7
50:08 commandment, that's really not. You know what you call it when
50:12 it's not today. It's all about that. Yeah, it really did
50:15 today. It's not a lot of the politically correct. There's my
50:19 word I'm looking for. So we want to find out about this.
50:23 We want to talk about a little bit give some scriptures can a
50:26 Christian church from the LGBTQ. So we want to talk about
50:31 this.
50:32 2015. I think the United States pass to same sex marriage law
50:37 made it the law of the land. And since that time I've been
50:41 amazed and how far they are, how much farther and farther
50:45 and farther we're on a downhill spiral when it comes to
50:48 morality. I was talking to someone today and we were
50:51 talking about they said their child in the first second grade
50:55 has been showing pictures of a man
50:59 with the with the mustache and beard and is pregnant and
51:03 they're saying this is this. This is the this is yeah,
51:08 a normal pregnancy. But to show a man, a man with the beard and
51:12 a mustache
51:13 looking like he's pregnant. So they are there. I mean,
51:16 this stuff is coming into our schools and it's terrible
51:19 what's happening because young people don't know someone else.
51:23 We were just out in California. They said what's happening,
51:26 our older folk in the church, especially for our our our
51:30 culture, they said and whoever international church, but they
51:34 sent our our culture. This is something we don't stand for.
51:38 We knew that. And, you know, we stick to that. Except all of
51:42 our young children outcome from grade school to middle schools,
51:46 high schools, 2 universities are accepting the LGBTQ
51:50 movement as it is blessed by God. And it doesn't make any
51:55 difference. As a Barack Obama said one time I heard him on a
51:59 interview, they interviewed him and he said, well, you said
52:03 Wire and 2012, why are you changing your stance? You said
52:07 you were for their original, the bible of one man and one
52:11 woman marriage. But now in 2012, why have you change that?
52:16 If the Bible says that in his answer was, well, Michelle and
52:20 I really red the bible. And now we find out is really just send
52:24 along as 2 people love each other. That's acceptable.
52:28 >> To got nowhere, we don't know who's going to help me on
52:32 this. We've got just a few minutes and we'll have to take
52:33 a break. We'll talk about the erosion because you don't just
52:36 get someplace houses and fall apart. The media as well to
52:39 park gradually the mind of America has been sown. They
52:44 have been sewing PC, thats sprouted and now this is the
52:47 product of it. Just make it very, very clear. And I want to
52:51 just tell you what, Danny didn't say what he said.
52:53 This can't. The question is, can the Christian church affirm
52:56 LGBTQ+?
52:59 But Danny didn't say can the Christian church allow LGBTQ+
53:03 people to come to church? He didn't say what you can say
53:06 that we can stop alcoholics murders of former adulterers.
53:11 Any criminal liars, D anybody could come
53:15 come as you are. We want to give the nation. Whosoever will
53:18 let him come. Whoever comes to me, Jesus says I will know eyes
53:21 turn away. So as not saying can they come to church? What he
53:25 asked his can the Christian church now low at the
53:28 scriptural standard and make the LGBTQ+ philosophy, the
53:33 standard by which the church is now operating. And I think that
53:37 on that note, the answer is obviously not. Let me show you
53:40 how this erosion Kerr was gradual. You might remember and
53:43 some of you might remember when a modern family came on and it
53:47 was a show that people laugh the way into the gay and
53:50 lesbian lifestyle. It was a comedy. I refuse to watch it.
53:54 Then you might remember calling for the even back then that
53:56 Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito did a program, a movie
53:59 when Arnold Schwarzenegger was pregnant. Remember that?
54:02 Remember the day it was a common us. But the point of the
54:06 matter was not that it could happen. But for you to think
54:10 that a man could carry a child and people laughed their way
54:13 into lowering their guards began to entertain the idea.
54:17 Well, maybe men can conceive now, Danny, you know, and we'll
54:20 talk about this in the second. Now. It's at the point now
54:22 where not even a physician could admit he knows the
54:24 difference between male and a female. Yeah, absolutely
54:27 honestly. Yeah. Really. If you mom and dad didn't know the
54:30 difference, you wouldn't be here to be very candid about
54:33 it. So we're going to talk about in the second now is not
54:36 so much. Can you do? We keep certain people out of the
54:39 church. So the answer is no.
54:42 But the church cannot from the LGBTQ+ agenda. Meaning man with
54:47 man woman with woman God never gave man to man God never gave
54:51 woman to woman and the word love when it's not guided by
54:55 godly principles. It's not acceptable by cars work and
54:59 what we're not saying we're not and we don't love people that
55:01 away but we'd love them to enough to let them know.
55:05 >> That God has a different way. Yeah, right? Yeah, yeah.
55:09 Not just to echo everything you've said. I mean, it's the
55:11 Bible is so clear on this. And that's what really what
55:14 we're what we're battling here. This culture versus what got us
55:18 culture says one thing, God's word says another and people
55:21 within the church are now trying to allow culture to come
55:24 in and Trump of the saith the Lord. And that's what we have a
55:27 problem with that. When you start allowing your culture and
55:29 your cultural preferences to bleed into the worship
55:32 experience, to bleed in to the church and start too Crepeau
55:36 race and usurp what God's word says. And now we have a major
55:39 issue. Someone must and someone less. Now we proclaim what the
55:43 word of God says. I in the word of God is so so clear on this.
55:46 I was in the barber chair just a couple of weeks ago and total
55:50 was talking about some things with a barber in those couple
55:52 of the guys in there. The issue came up of homosexuality.
55:55 And I simply just set us up. Well, you know, I love him.
55:57 I would love to study with them. I invite him to church,
56:00 but the Bible makes it very clear that homosexuality is a
56:02 sent. A couple of guys in there said what I will say that,
56:05 you know, that you want to say that about. They were like,
56:07 you know, again, challenging me. I want to say that because
56:09 culture says it in even modern Christianity saying that's not
56:12 really in the Bible. I pull up pull my Bible app on my phone
56:16 and I read about 3 or 4 scriptures. And by the time I
56:19 got the reading the scripture that we're always silence in
56:22 the room because it was so could God's word is so clear on
56:25 that. And I'll just give me one real quick before we go to
56:27 break as we're in the last minute here. But let me give
56:29 you one real quick. This is coming from First Corinthians
56:31 chapter 6 verse 9, 2, Yeah, it says, or do you not know that
56:35 wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God or do not be
56:38 deceived? Its as Paul says neither the sexually immoral
56:41 nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men
56:45 nor thieves or the greedy. The drunkards nor slanderers
56:48 the swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God and what?
56:50 That's a man who had relations with men who have sex with men
56:53 that's homosexuality. Got says those type of people who
56:56 continue to practice that will not be in a scheme to reverse
56:59 11. I didn't have that no one here, but we're getting close
57:03 to the animals when we come back, OK, that's good because I
57:05 didn't have my note on that here. Yes.
57:08 >> All right. So we're hope you'll stick around for the
57:11 next hour. We're going to continue to talk about this and
57:14 then about the truth about salvation. But I think it's
57:17 very, very important why we're talking about is we love
57:20 everybody. God loves everybody has, but we're talking about
57:23 open San Open sand against God's Commandments. And that's
57:28 why we feel like it's important. This needs to get
57:30 out. As Ryan said, so many people have no idea this come
57:34 straight from the Bible that homosexuality is rum. So,
57:37 look, we've got to take a short break. Don't go away. We'll be
57:40 back just a moment.
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Revised 2024-02-15