3ABN Today Live

Starting with Jesus Ministry

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL240003A

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 >> I want to
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00:26 >> too.
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00:36 >> I'm
00:42 and
00:47 I want to stand
00:52 too.
00:55 [MUSIC]
01:00 [MUSIC]
01:06 >> Welcome to 3ABN family and to even live. We are glad to be
01:11 with you. My name is John. Then see, and we're happy to be
01:13 with you during these 2 hours of blessing Iwaki. That is with
01:17 me. And we're glad to tell you, Jesus loves you, amen.
01:21 >> And yes, we're very, very happy to be able to share these
01:24 2 hours with you all. But, you know, it's such a joy to visit
01:29 with our guest today. And I know that you will be blessed
01:33 if you have children in the home on this program. Also
01:36 includes them. It's very important. You know, sometimes
01:39 we sacrifice our lives for work are for a job that needs to be
01:44 done somewhere else. But it's time that we evaluate what
01:48 where we're prioritizing, then what? We're sacrificing for the
01:52 good. So we're going to encourage you to put priority
01:56 something that's very, very dear to your heart. And of
02:00 course, that a lot of times when you encourage men and
02:03 support to do the job that we have been called to do. That's
02:07 right. That's right. And we're happy to have 3 smiling,
02:11 happy young lady with a second. That's right. From a ministry
02:15 that is doing a wonderful work to lead children for Jesus.
02:18 Would you introduce them? Please sure. There are no
02:20 stranger to you. This is the Ministry of starting with,
02:23 she says. And we have Rachel Nelson with us who is the board
02:27 chair and prophecy seminar coordinator? Well, I think it's
02:32 good to be here. We're excited that you're here. You have some
02:36 very good new and exciting opportunities for every one of
02:40 our viewer. So we also have Riffey Iran's thank you for
02:44 being here and you're the executive director. That's
02:47 right. Yeah. The executive director and overall go for
02:51 everything that everyone. Haha. All right. And we also
02:59 have Claudia, though, the yes, and she is the she just says,
03:02 I'm starting with Jesus sharing time coordinator. So welcome.
03:07 Gloria, thank you. I'm very nervous and excited to be here.
03:13 You know, I hear so much joy and laughter FCA's visit with
03:19 each other, but also, you know, you wouldn't have that if you
03:23 didn't have that peace with. Jason says the man that I can't
03:26 get, what you don't have that. So I pray solar for the Jesus
03:30 in me and for all that you're doing to help us starting with
03:34 Jesus. So over to you, Jen didn't see.
03:38 >> What we want to thank each and everyone of you for joining
03:42 us during this program. And we hope that you will share the
03:46 program with others. Let them know about this program and
03:49 this ministry that is doing a vital and important work in
03:53 these last days that we live in. And so we want to also
03:56 thank you for being prayer partners for 3 ABN and for the
04:00 prayer requests to come in from all around the world. And at
04:03 this time we are going to prayer. So we invite you to
04:06 join us. This call to the Lord impressed
04:10 our loving Heavenly father. We are grateful for your
04:13 kindness and mercy. We thank you, Lord, for the great
04:17 opportunity that you give to each and every one of us to
04:20 shine for you to let our light so shine with that, they may
04:23 see a good works and glorify you. We pray during this
04:26 program program that this will happen. We ask for the blessing
04:30 of the Holy spirit and that you will guide us in the
04:33 conversations we will have. We also pray, Lord,
04:36 that you will be glorified in all things. We thank you for
04:41 all the prayer requests to have come in and we pray that you
04:43 will be with each and every situation each and every person
04:46 and help them to know that you are there for your product.
04:49 Your promises to the EU will be with us. Always even until the
04:53 end of the warm. And we ask the Lord to. I'm blessed with
04:56 strength. Bless the courage. Blessed with heating and
05:00 blessed with hope for the future. We ask in the Holy and
05:04 bless it. Name of Jesus in the and amen.
05:08 Well, we're glad to be able to share with you a scripture from
05:12 the book of Zachariah. That's right. And it's chapter 4 and
05:16 verse and yes.
05:18 >> Zachariah chapter 4 verse 10 and then assess the following.
05:23 Do not despise the small beginnings for the Lord
05:27 rejoices to see the work. Begin to see the mom line in.
05:36 Thank you very much, a rocket.
05:38 >> And so we understand that this is Rachel's on Rachel's
05:42 favorite text. Would you share why?
05:45 >> So the reason this is one of my favorite tax is that really
05:48 describes how starting with Jesus really began. It began as
05:53 something small that frankly, when I first heard about it,
05:57 I sort of despise. I'm like, what are you thinking? This is
06:01 this is crazy. Rizzi I there's no way we can pull this off.
06:05 But we started with what we had the men and what was available
06:10 and God took the rest painting and what started as something
06:13 small we have got saw needed to be spread and has done that and
06:18 it's now got a worldwide impact.
06:21 >> And grace pray that God am and Medicaid got wake. You
06:26 know, a lot of times we doubt ourselves. But, you know,
06:30 we just need to listen to the voice of the Lloyd small steps,
06:34 you know, will get you to the top U.S. minus. You are taking
06:38 the steps with Jesus. You will have to success.
06:41 >> And so just that goes with our name starting with Jesus.
06:45 That's right. It starts as a small step. The men and then
06:50 grows as we walk more with Jesus was startling him human.
06:55 >> Praise the Lord at it with anyone like to also comment
06:58 about this text anyone else.
07:00 I appreciate what Rachel is saying about the small
07:03 beginnings because as
07:06 and starting with what you have because that's what happened
07:09 was started when she was it was it was a situation where like
07:14 it was in the middle of everything was kind of shutting
07:16 down. And he was in the middle of the pandemic. And they're
07:18 like what's going to happen. And my husband is pastor.
07:22 And so he was trying to get stuff for the adults time and
07:26 get all that stuff. And now,
07:28 but what about the kids? And it was like I was being
07:30 impressed.
07:32 Use what you have in your hand. And that was the smallest the
07:35 was it was a phone. And so the
07:38 that just brings it back to the small beginnings, small bands
07:43 and then.
07:44 >> Praise the Lord called definitely a little boy.
07:46 That phone can cause some trouble. But also you can.
07:49 >> Haha.
07:54 >> Praise the lard. So yeah, he's have to be willing and God
07:57 will take the rest. Yeah, that's what he's done. And
07:59 that's what he would always do. That's really the key is
08:02 willingness, right? And anyone. We all have to start somewhere
08:08 move. Yes, and sometimes we're afraid to start because we
08:10 think
08:12 I'm I'm I'm a nobody. But that's who got specializes in
08:16 working with a specialized in taking nobody's and showing to
08:20 the world that he can make them some buddies.
08:23 >> So the question today for the folks at home also is what
08:26 is that? They haven't yet exactly what happened to him.
08:29 We talked to the kids all the time. Sometimes is just a
08:32 smile. Yes, sometimes that's all you have is a smile.
08:36 And you could be talking to you could be walking, pass
08:38 something on the street and a smile is is what can change
08:42 their life for the day. And she that's the smallest thing.
08:47 But I will use that. Yeah, it's a going share. God's love to
08:52 just be a smile for somebody. It's a it's just so many
08:55 different ways that what is in your hand? What can you do with
08:57 that? You have I mean, Moses had a staff. We've got what's
09:01 in your hand? It was a staff. He's like I can't speak.
09:04 I can do. I can. It is not. But he had a staff inside.
09:07 You've got to use that. How use you for at Yahoo.
09:12 >> Haha.
09:19 >> I just remember when Gloria came on our team, she said,
09:22 well, I don't have a camera. I don't have a fancy phone.
09:26 I do have all these things. And I said that's OK, start
09:29 with what you have, which is what she did. And White has
09:34 stepped out in fact, following a long way. Haha.
09:38 >> Willingness that was part of being a part of the team.
09:42 Then yes, willing to praise the Lord that, you know, a single
09:45 he's brought a a team together. He's he's behind the scenes
09:49 working these things out. We're going to find out more
09:52 about this ministry and we hope you again share this program
09:56 with others.
09:58 >> Yes, as I said at the beginning, a lot of times we
10:00 forget about our children, our families at home. We're waiting
10:03 for us to get home from work, right? We understand you have
10:07 to work. But what do you do when you're not working or even
10:11 during your lunch hour, you can text your children if they're,
10:14 you know, of age and encourage them and sometimes solar to
10:18 impress us, too, just send a text to our sons and they are
10:22 like thank you, mom. I really needed that so that the Lord
10:26 inspire you just listen to the word of God. And also I wanted
10:30 to tell you that sometimes we run out of things to do with
10:34 our children. But we're going to share the website later on
10:37 this ministry, starting with chase us. There's a variety of
10:41 things that you can offer your children and are not going to
10:43 get tired of it because you know what? I myself have been
10:46 much mean to their material and also reading their material.
10:50 >> Haha.
10:53 >> And I have a gating your Web site and looking at the
10:56 material that you have for the children, not only in English,
11:00 but you're also building up in material and damage. So praise
11:03 the Lord for that. So, yes, these 2 hours are going to go
11:06 by really, really fat what we like to share a song with you
11:11 him.
11:13 >> And this is played by Jaime Hold, had gave me George and
11:17 we're going to hear the song in Christ alone.
11:20 [MUSIC]
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12:16 [MUSIC]
12:22 >> And these 2,
12:24 I do this. The Mai Mai Stream My Soul.
12:32 >> This.
12:39 >> The news sent strong and time.
12:49 [MUSIC]
12:54 [MUSIC]
12:55 >> But to my do you mean the the cry highs too?
13:06 [MUSIC]
13:12 >> In crime
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14:41 >> calls home.
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15:18 >> Thank you so much. That's Jamie George. And if you would
15:20 like to invite him to participate in your church may
15:22 be a concert. He has a wonderful testimony and stories
15:26 of God's leading his life and maybe an event that is the
15:30 campaign. So you may find him on Facebook and social media,
15:35 but also you can contact us here at 03:00PM.
15:37 >> That's right. Well, I'd like to take care of some business
15:41 with you. I know that you are just eager to share your
15:45 experience with the material starting with ISIS has made
15:49 available for you and your children. So we're going to
15:52 share a phone number where you can send them a text. Your text
15:56 can be received at 618-228-3975, 618-228-3975.
16:07 And yes, I will repeat it again. 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8,
16:10 3, 9, 7, 5, And for those who prefer to send an e-mail,
16:16 we invite you to send e-mail to live at 3 ABM DOT TV live at 3
16:24 ABM DOT TV for you. Written radio listeners is live at
16:29 number 3. ABM got
16:31 >> TV and these leaders are excited to receive your
16:35 questions and comments arrests, right? If you have also,
16:38 we want to know if you have seen the material already and
16:42 what your impression that any testimony, as you may also have
16:45 about the things you have seen and heard we would like to know
16:49 and share with them. And you may just encourage others to go
16:53 and listen and watch. Yes, not only that, but also.
16:57 >> If the this topic is touches your height and you need the
17:03 help and you would like for us to pray for your children and
17:07 your efforts and for the Lord, so speak to your heart and for
17:11 you to be able to do say, what is it that I have in my hands?
17:16 Lloyd show me and you said we would be more than happy to
17:20 pray with you in for you. So just feel free to contact us
17:25 in whichever way you prefer. And also whatever comments are
17:29 prayer requests to have for your children.
17:32 >> Well, we like to know first back to goal. I wrote the asked
17:35 the question is it knows that in March of 2020
17:40 because COVID was in the middle, something about a
17:43 virtual shouse school for children. Tell us about that.
17:47 >> Yes, so we started out by a little bit. I talk a little bit
17:51 of before was my husband is the pastor. And so the first week
17:55 everything was getting shut down in lockdown. We has been
17:59 sitting there going, oh, I've got to get this time and I've
18:01 got to get that down and always good to get the video set up so
18:05 we can have these the debate ability for people to be able
18:09 to still listen to the word.
18:10 And I was sitting there thinking, oh, this is awesome.
18:14 We have so much for the parents, but there is nothing.
18:17 Nothing for the kids. There's nothing in my kids loved going
18:21 to church. They love going and getting Bibles and listening to
18:23 the Bible stories and experiencing were worshipping
18:27 with other kids. And now that's not there. And so they're like,
18:30 what can we do? How many children do? I have 2 little
18:33 ones.
18:35 >> 5, not 4 year-old Zahara. One just turned 6. It was 5,
18:40 0, yeah. Haha. I yeah. 4 year-old daughter and a 5
18:51 year-old a 6 year-old Hastert pleads for Jobs turns 6.
18:59 Haha.
19:01 >> You know, it's exciting that to hear that your children at
19:05 that age anticipate going to church and enjoy it. So what it
19:10 tells me is that in your church or are people that do care and
19:13 prepare themselves with these bible stories and material for
19:17 the children and sometimes we run out of ideas of what to do
19:22 or which story to prepare. But you guys have a lot of
19:25 material on your website.
19:27 >> Yeah, we have coloring pages and that actually goes back to
19:30 when we were creating this program, right? We have had a
19:34 week before everything was we can do anything. So I was
19:38 praying.
19:40 >> Whats in your hand, which too often is my phone. Hey,
19:47 I can feel myself.
19:48 >> Saying something and I don't have any equipment, but that's
19:51 what I have. So I'll do that. And then I called one of my
19:54 other friends and I said, hey, can you do the Bible study
19:57 story? And she said, yeah, can do that. And I called another
19:59 friend said, Hey, can you do a craft for us? And she's yeah,
20:01 I can do that. And then my father-in-law is an amazing
20:04 artists. Tyson, would you draw a coloring page for us all out?
20:07 Yeah. I'll do that for us. It. Yeah.
20:10 >> Hey, we're all bored anyway.
20:17 When I called another friend said, hey, you can design a Web
20:21 site. He said, yeah, I can do that. And then another friend
20:24 said, hey, you can at our video. He said sure, I can do
20:26 that. And so I send all we we work together within a week.
20:30 We had a Web site. I hate that edited video. Everything I know
20:35 my other. My sister-in-law is a musician. She did all the
20:37 music. I asked what she was like. Yeah, I'll do that.
20:40 And we got this entire amazing team of people. Ye said,
20:44 yes, I'll do that. Let me help you. What can I do? And it was
20:48 so cool within a week he was saying before you just have to
20:54 be willing, I just connect the dots, put the people and he
20:57 just makes into exactly it makes it be yes. So this was
21:01 put together and a few. What will happen well.
21:05 >> Haha, I mean, if you go look at our first videos,
21:15 >> you can tell you I'm sitting in front of a of a river and
21:19 you hear each
21:20 her out and I'm like hello. Everyone was speaking loudly as
21:25 possible. So we have come a long way from there. I thought
21:29 it would just be a few weeks. I genuinely thought will be
21:32 done. I did. And I told her when she called me, I said
21:35 Ruthie, it is a new industry starting. Haha. Yeah, it was
21:44 not. I if you told me back then that where we would be now a
21:48 problem. Haha, I know what I'm so glad because we see weekend
21:55 testimonies.
21:56 >> Oh, man, I'm from children and from parents who say my
22:00 child chose to follow Jesus and to get baptized. I hear ya have
22:06 children who come up and say I was going through a really
22:09 tough time. In fact, we have somebody tell us recently we
22:12 did our this was
22:14 this was actually a few years ago, but they said they had
22:16 just had a family member passed away and they were really
22:20 struggling with it because it's hard. It's hard, especially as
22:23 children. You've not ever experienced that before.
22:26 So what do you do? And we that lesson that week was on death
22:31 and day. Listen to it. And it was such a comfort to them free
22:37 so long to be able to understand the, you know,
22:40 how much God loves them in a manner that a man in a land.
22:44 But you know what? I believe that the adults also benefit
22:48 from that, Ariel.
22:50 >> Because is it's the word of God and the word of that that's
22:53 not return. The boy, a man. I can't tell you how many
22:56 adults who I've run into his say, you know, I'm not a kid,
22:59 but I listen to it because it helps me understand the Bible
23:03 to a man.
23:05 >> As well as she was route the west sharing about the
23:10 beginnings standing by that river and
23:12 >> talking to the humble beginnings.
23:18 >> And it took me back. Sit back to your tech. Stick around
23:21 for 10. The small things like things God's hands. Look at
23:27 where you are right now. Influencing many children's
23:30 lives.
23:31 >> Yes, I want to know Raich. I mean, you're the older
23:33 sister. Haha, how how did you react to this? We're excited
23:41 now. Just say
23:42 come behind you. So you think it's great what they knew that
23:45 I was pretty much what I said.
23:47 >> He colony of all excited.
23:51 And I said don't ask me to help. Well, that's what I am.
23:56 Yeah. Hi, I'm not. I don't have time. I've got too many things
24:01 going on. Don't ask me to h***. They don't get that lead Iraq.
24:05 >> Haha.
24:09 >> It was really God. God has brought a team together and
24:12 none of us were super excited about helping at first because
24:15 we
24:17 we all are very busy and I'm a pediatrician. I'm homeschooling
24:20 my kids. I'm very involved at church. And I just thought how
24:23 can I add one more thing might play, but God laid a heavy
24:27 burden. And you know, when God opens the door, you don't say
24:32 no, you walk through it and God has made a way for all of us to
24:37 work together and it's been beautiful. And so, yeah,
24:40 I'm so excited to be part of the team. Yeah, I joined
24:43 because I didn't quite understand.
24:44 >> Who get it?
24:56 >> Also have a book that we offer at 03:00PM the blessing
25:00 of some of the goal. I love that you accepted. The
25:03 invitation is not known what to expect but that's how God
25:07 works, right? Yeah, he he call says, but he shows us the way.
25:11 >> And I just saying Gloria came, yes, so many people have
25:16 come to our team and they're all busy moms. Yes, they're all
25:22 involved in so many other things. But they put God first
25:26 2 and they're willing to be do what ever they can. Whether
25:30 something big, whether something little us all
25:33 together, we're able to make this successful.
25:36 >> You know, there are many people that are saying the same
25:38 thing or so busy. Many home schoolers also watch 3 a van
25:43 and those are family center. So so busy but are willing to
25:48 dedicate time and their talents to the Lord and you discover
25:52 more talent. And since you go forward in faith that this is a
25:56 calling from God. So why is programming for children so
26:01 important?
26:03 >> I'm a pediatrician
26:05 every day. I'm taking care of children who are facing
26:10 challenges that you and I didn't even dream existed when
26:14 we were children,
26:16 we're living at the end of time. Yes, and our children
26:21 need to know the 3 Angels messages want to be saved
26:24 human. 80% of adults today who are Christian
26:29 accepted Jesus before the age of 18. But we primarily focus
26:35 our evangelism on adult on that remaining 20%. But we really
26:39 need to be focusing on the children because that's where
26:41 80% of the next generation of Christians is coming from.
26:45 And it's vital. And that's actually what brought Rachel n.
26:49 >> Yes, was because we she had done a program that was really
26:53 geared towards of Angeles, tick a program for kids to help them
26:57 to understand annual in revelation which is like.
26:59 >> Crazy to think, you know, children because it's hard
27:03 enough sometimes for us that all. Yeah and revelation.
27:06 Lot of fear. But yeah, exactly. And so she had put together
27:10 this program just out of our back yard.
27:13 We wanted to do a vacation Bible school for kids and it
27:18 everything was locked down. So I had a pastor's wife who
27:22 had done a prophecy seminar at her church for kids. I said,
27:25 hey, why don't we video it? Let's do a virtual vbs. And the
27:28 thought was we do it for her church in my church. Wonderful
27:31 everything said, well, why don't we do it on starting with
27:33 Jesus? I said okay. Overnight we had 500 people sign up.
27:37 >> My family couldn't believe it. And we had really
27:40 advertised it and then.
27:42 >> So we we started releasing at Miracle story after Miracle
27:45 story. Literally. I've never been edited videos in my life
27:49 and I'm trying to edit these videos. It went around the
27:53 world. We have hit enclosed countries, FEMA.
27:56 >> And tacked on as things having watched this kid's
27:59 prophecy seminar. One was to prophesy 7. So this was in 2000
28:03 that we have slight 2020 sorry. Haha.
28:07 >> Hahaha.
28:13 >> It was in 2020 and we have subsequently through God's
28:16 grace refilled it with a little light studios. You know,
28:19 it is a top notch production that we're really seeing in
28:23 February of this year. Only man. And it's a 21 series going
28:30 through the prophecies from Daniel through revelation for
28:34 kid for Kids. Yes. Happy what age group have start. Mitt Age
28:39 group is 8 to 12. Okay. But teenagers can enjoy it. Yes.
28:44 And adults can enjoy it. In fact, adults. Watch our last
28:47 prophecy seminar is set for the first time. I my understanding
28:51 that making it.
28:52 >> Easy to understand for children. This is great.
28:56 I my son who is 6. Haha.
28:58 >> Aha. And my daughter is is for haha. We're watching that
29:08 preview which we had on our program. They're watching.
29:10 They like witnesses coming out. Haha, you're for the like,
29:13 is it that every time we watch that out yet again, a move that
29:16 they can even though they're younger than the necessarily
29:19 age.
29:20 >> Group that is a for your super excited. The maximum are
29:24 innocent.
29:25 >> I have an 11 year-old and a 16 year-old who are also
29:27 waiting for. Haha. Haha. Yeah, outstanding. Yeah.
29:32 Well, you know, you cannot do.
29:35 >> All the way. Can you see how many things need to be done?
29:39 But tell me with a how do you recruit the volunteer at all?
29:45 >> All told one. Well, I I've
29:52 a call. Haha, I say help me. Haha. And it's happened where
29:59 I've called friends and they said, hey,
30:01 >> we know somebody who is talented in this area. We know
30:04 somebody who has the skill set may be asked them. And and so I
30:09 called them and they say, yeah, I'm really interested. I call
30:12 my sister. She has a lot of friends. And she she's
30:14 connecting. Actually. She's the one who connected us to Gloria.
30:17 I'm a volunteer volunteer. And so has she. I'm Rachel
30:21 Connect with one of her friends and her friend was like,
30:24 hey, call Gloria. She would be amazing at this. And she is on
30:27 the hunt. And many of these volunteers we never actually
30:30 met. Wright was never met, Gloria. I mean, she was when
30:34 she started working with our ministry. And I don't think we
30:37 met for what, 3 or 4 months. I'm at I after. Yeah, I met you
30:41 and for the first time last year. Yeah. She's been working
30:43 with us for over a year in the yeah. You guys for 3 years.
30:46 >> Yeah. Whole. Wonderful. So the oh, yeah. What? How?
30:52 >> Why you're passionate about like sharing time in nature.
30:55 Tell us about that. Why I'm so passionate about it.
30:58 >> Sharing time and nature. They both revolve around God's
31:01 nature. So the their chance to bring that to the kids and just
31:06 help them to encourage the kids to just start time to see God
31:11 in may the nature around them. Yes, so it it and God has so
31:14 many treasures and got so many lessons for us in the U.S. King
31:18 Solomon with just study the and son because I want the kids to
31:23 to experience that is well to go out there and say, well,
31:25 what does God have to show me with the street? What is going
31:28 to show me with that cloud? What what is God? How is guide
31:32 here? You know, showing me these things. And and and he's
31:35 doing this for me. And that could be walking away with just
31:38 knowing that that nature is for them. It's a gift for a mask.
31:42 >> I soon learned this make in Rio. God's love for real.
31:45 Bring it to a level that they can see it. And yeah.
31:48 >> And kids or my kids are very the the their hands on. That's
31:53 right. And God has made nature very hands on to a cause.
31:57 I trees may can do all kinds of things that are just makes it
32:00 even more exciting. And I think that Gloria does that is so
32:03 amazing is that she not only creates these programs for
32:07 sharing time like encouraging. She also has other people
32:10 helping with that. But at the end of every single sharing
32:13 time, she's tells the kids to go out an end to explore got
32:18 station finals lessons and then to send them to her so that
32:22 they can be including. Yeah. So it's a it's an interactive
32:27 element of being able to be like, oh, yeah, we can find
32:32 these lessons. We can find these things and also be able
32:34 to lake show somebody like, oh, this is really what we found.
32:37 This lesson can can we share this lesson and it and you get
32:40 e-mails all the time. I had the kids wait for their picture to
32:44 show when I saw some yeah include their name and that's
32:48 the nature spotlight section that follows the sharing time.
32:50 Yes. And so it includes their name and the state or country
32:54 can be perceived a lot from defense as well with women and
32:57 then whatever picture they have or a video they can send either
33:00 one and they get so excited about that in mind. We've had
33:03 for a more and more and more tests we've had from all over
33:05 the world. So, yeah, we have we have some from just that.
33:09 I mean, I think there was just like so many different
33:11 countries. I yeah, every doorway gap. Laos years in
33:16 Tunisia. There's Australia. Bca states in the United States
33:21 United States.
33:22 >> Oh, my goodness or Canada. I think or something. And yeah,
33:25 yeah, that's incredible because you you didn't send flyers to
33:30 know those countries do not at all. So it's amazing that God
33:34 is doing this. Yeah, people can Yahoo shares.
33:40 >> And child painted a drawing of flood. The picture was so
33:47 it's nice that they're connecting not only watching
33:50 and looking in, you know, listening to it but actually
33:53 being interact a oh, yeah. So I really like the fact that
33:58 you have the opportunity or you get the opportunity for the
34:02 children to send in their aerial as well. Yeah, in song.
34:06 >> Outside. Yeah. I was going to take and they can send a
34:10 video. They can send a picture. They can send a drawing.
34:12 Yeah. They can send something that they made us so they get
34:16 all excited and you can send your video and thereby yeah,
34:19 hats from the very beginning has been our goal for it.
34:23 Not been dot, just be sitting there. And and,
34:27 >> you know, just watching just right, but actually being able
34:30 to
34:32 be part of the program to interactive Bible program so
34:36 that they can they can learn and share that 10. That's why
34:41 we have we have that.
34:43 >> Memory versus each week. They can send those in. They
34:46 can as and then there answers to the questions. Yes, you
34:49 shout outs yet. We do all of these things to be interactive
34:52 so that they can feel like this is my some think this is my
34:56 place and they can take ownership in the way of it and
34:59 encourages them to come back and learn more about God's
35:02 love.
35:03 >> For that and go shopping. That's great. And I want to
35:05 know. I know you did live events during COVID. Yeah,
35:10 but it said do you still do lives? Orie said all recording
35:13 them.
35:14 >> It's so it's all recorded. And we do have some live at the
35:17 yeah, Christmas pro we've had. So we've had some zoom because
35:21 we understand we are all in different places. Yes, we all
35:24 live in different states technology. Yeah.
35:27 >> We send it all to has it all like to look like we're all in
35:32 one place where you are not have poured in.
35:37 >> My office. All right. Sometimes it's chaos is not
35:40 your studio and that my studio in my office, which is right
35:43 next to my kids room. So you'll hear it.
35:46 >> Child will be like shaha. Yes. So that's that's where our
36:00 main story.
36:01 >> Yeah, yeah. It's very real is very it's very yes. It's
36:05 home grown blast. But it's been a blessing for my kids to Andy
36:11 because they look forward, especially when they're stuck
36:14 at home for some reason when they're sick or something else.
36:16 They love watching it and they love watching this glorious
36:19 time in this and this time and this Michelle time and
36:23 listening to all the songs and everything and they can't wait
36:26 to be able and we have to have a long commute to church.
36:28 We still have a bit of that commute and they'll be like
36:31 every time. Mom, can we watch starting with Jesus? Do
36:34 goodness. Lot. Haha.
36:38 >> Well, you know, what I like about this is that that you're
36:40 not just offering for people to join with you, but you also are
36:46 I to fund mission trips. I hear that you went to mission
36:50 trip out West. The quote, was that how did it go?
36:53 >> We went to Arizona Navajo Nation.
36:56 >> Harrison that, aha.
36:59 >> Haha.
37:05 >> Arizona. And that was about it. We had a lot of this
37:08 starting with Jesus kids join. It was a mission. It was
37:13 mission to where they were able to bring a vbs program to the
37:15 community kids out in the Navajo Nation. One that was and
37:19 we just want to encourage we we just want to encourage kids to
37:22 be able to share Jesus
37:25 abroad. But, you know, some are out, but then also understand
37:29 that they can do that same thing in their own backyards
37:31 into that same thing in their own community and des Foster
37:35 that that the spirit of serving and being able to serve it in
37:39 their own communities. And it's just excellent and not having
37:42 to not having to have a fancy thing. They were able to learn
37:46 things up, just being able to get practical hands on hips for
37:53 their own church for their own neighborhood. Yeah. That was
37:57 that was amazing. Yeah. Because for the vbs we had kids
38:01 greeters. We had kids helping with the craft kids helping
38:05 with with the nature. Not on it was it's all hands. So they
38:09 learned to put together to to carry out a vbs program.
38:13 That's right. Pretty amazing needed. And they thought the
38:17 you know, they felt part of the that BSA does something in the
38:21 evening. I have to say was that was Sony. Alright. Yeah.
38:24 Chair. Haha. I was just like this is the coolest thing.
38:28 I do this with my kids. What was it that you were doing in
38:31 the evening? Yes. So we had this little section right
38:34 before worship. At the end of the day, we had a dove briefing
38:37 time that something that that my kids and I we do have homes
38:40 to figured. All right. Well, maybe that will one with the
38:42 missionary kids. Let's let's be brief. And it was wonderful
38:46 time. We talked about the miracles that God had done
38:48 during the day. And we talked about blessings that we have
38:51 seen and we talked about problems, not only problems but
38:54 solutions. How do you guys how can we solve this problem with
38:57 that kind of thing? And we ended with kudos. I saw them
39:02 for anything. It does do something. And I saw you know,
39:04 so, yeah, yeah. And it was very nice because Sen it started,
39:10 it started adult lead. And that eventually came just became
39:13 child lead. Tough conversations. And I'm not
39:16 stoppable. I believe that's what we should do at every turn
39:19 or 2.
39:21 >> You know, there's a great need in many churches said I
39:23 have time a school teacher are, you know, you need to
39:29 pray about the Lloyds, sending the right people to teach the
39:32 children in churches, but is very good that we get the
39:36 opportunity to our children at our local churches. And that's
39:40 why I admire about her local church here in Thomson Ill,
39:42 some of that and as church and the children grow up in there,
39:47 you've been working here with at 3 BNA with us. So that is
39:52 definitely an investment that we want to do
39:55 dedicate time to our children and half the patients in and
39:59 working with them because you are going to end up being so
40:02 blessed.
40:03 >> Our feet we need to talk about.
40:07 >> The volunteers that responded after you were here
40:12 at 3ABN. Yes.
40:13 >> We were so blast. There is at last time we were here,
40:17 we had Ali who called us at our e-mailed us or emailed us and
40:21 said hi, I would be willing to help. And she for a very long
40:26 time took care of our shout out now. So every time we have a
40:31 child can every week we have a question time and then the
40:34 children can send in their answers to those questions and
40:38 then and then I'll do a shout out.
40:40 This person answer their questions and then and what
40:45 they do is so we have a special e-mail. I was getting getting
40:49 overwhelmed. I couldn't respond to all the emails and I just it
40:53 was just too much. So she took that for what I was doing that
40:57 for a long time. Great. We up.
40:59 >> Appreciate it so much from it. And cow how old she was.
41:03 She was in the 1990's. Yeah.
41:06 >> Working on the cause yet hazing. We were so blessed to
41:14 have her on our team. And we really, really genuinely
41:17 appreciated the help that she was able to get for as long as
41:20 she was able to get it as the ice a lot.
41:23 >> Now the video that I saw was very interesting. You did.
41:27 It just seems like it was Aikman mainly children doing
41:31 that and this and it caught my attention that one of them was
41:34 a craft and a high heat. I think youth showing how to
41:38 make something with baking soda into what is that called?
41:42 That's called a time slot.
41:43 >> And doing everything. And the next thing to do as you
41:49 add the coloring in this
41:51 and it went through the whole instructions to and then you
41:54 add this it and seemed like she was unsure hunter here, right?
42:00 >> Figured it out.
42:06 >> I saw the Jen doing this to playing with it and yeah,
42:10 and playing with this thing. I mean, it was like she was
42:13 having.
42:15 >> A moment I have made this and I'm having my phone within
42:17 and around. And then he said and when I'm done with it,
42:21 I put it away so it doesn't fall on the road. Haha, I said,
42:25 wow, this is this is fantastic. Yeah. Well, I believe this is
42:29 the lord.
42:30 >> Leading and and it's just say that sometimes the simple
42:35 things around the house. Yeah, you can just grab them
42:39 and use them for your children. Now, what I would like to ask
42:43 is what the children say. I mean, we had given him a lot
42:47 of things to do and we share a lot of things about Jesus and a
42:51 lot of ideas how to connect with with God. But what are
42:56 some of the testimonies? How do I know that my child?
42:59 >> It's actually connecting with Jesus. Can I quickly
43:02 answer that? And I'll let you use to I'll just share my own.
43:06 We of course, we have testimonies from other
43:08 children. But what's near and dear to my heart right now,
43:11 of course, are my own children. I have an 11 year-old and a 13
43:15 year-old who I dearly love and it's been it was this program
43:21 that inspired my then 9 year-old who is now 11 to say,
43:25 Mommy, I want to be baptized, see seminar and I could see a
43:31 change in him. And so he was baptized him and bring it
43:35 amazing to me to see him wanting to have devotions and
43:40 saying, Mommy, I want to be ready for haven't ma man.
43:44 When I read my lesson, it makes me want to sit study the spirit
43:48 of privacy. And he's just really grasping on to that
43:52 beauty of being a Christian and that for me as a mom. Yes,
43:56 so important. Yes, and my daughter has been helping with
43:59 these and she loves helping with starting with cheeses and
44:04 meats. Some really solid friends through this right now.
44:08 The ends are so important and she's 13 and friends are big
44:12 deal. Yes, for example, she's connected with Gloria's
44:15 daughters through this and they got a prayer chain going know
44:18 their prey.
44:20 >> He seeing my children.
44:24 >> Benefiting and making choices for cheeses is so
44:28 important. Men and we're getting other children. I had
44:32 a patient in the hospital recently. I walked in the room.
44:35 They said.
44:37 >> You're from starting with Jesus. I thought they might
44:39 have thought I was like, nah, he haha.
44:44 >> That's my sister. And but they were so excited. They
44:48 said, Oh, my kids, watch your vvs program over and over again
44:53 and they love the part about your kids getting up and having
44:56 devotions in the morning. So making an impact.
45:01 >> I'm an old run. Yes, I wanted to share my nice.
45:05 She has leukemia or just turned 3. And so is it to her?
45:11 Her world has to be very it's a very delicate situations
45:16 because there's lots of germs and says she hurt her health is
45:19 is number one priority. So she can't be with other kids.
45:22 Can't go to church to be with SAB school. Not at this moment
45:25 anyway. And so starting with Jesus has been such a blessing
45:28 for her for her family and she just watches it over and over
45:32 again. She sings.
45:33 >> The hymns in the in the at the hospital is just it's a big
45:37 deal for her and it's a big blessing. What if?
45:40 Yeah, and I would say with with my kids because it
45:44 my kids are younger. You don't see the big, big changes.
45:47 But what I do here is the hymns being sung. Oh, yeah. And I
45:51 know we've kind of talked a lot about the videos that we do
45:54 each week. But we have a daily podcast that is every single
45:58 day. They can listen to their devotions and they can spend
46:03 that time starting their day with Jesus and that that
46:07 devotional podcast. My kids have been learning the member
46:12 and a member of or songs that have been numerous songs.
46:14 Yes, they have music that to him that they focus on every 2
46:18 weeks ago knew him.
46:20 >> My kids know those temps out open the book and start singing
46:23 and then and I'm like, Oh, yeah, we did do that. Well,
46:26 okay. That's why you know that, too. That's why him and was on
46:29 a mazy because I believe there's a power in news that
46:32 there's a power in kit when you're going through tough
46:35 times. Yeah. Being able to think of a song, yes, it's that
46:39 OK, JSA I can do this through. Jesus is the hour. I can get
46:44 through this situation. And and even if you're not singing out
46:47 loud, remembering those songs. Yeah. And yeah. So really
46:52 quick.
46:53 >> Where did the name starting with the says come from?
46:55 >> He used to be called a place to do something that was
47:02 already because was a good. We have a place to do
47:05 something. What I had no time to plan places on the places.
47:12 I think that we're going hot. But as we started to realize we
47:16 this is going to last a little longer.
47:18 >> That we we should probably name this something that really
47:21 encourages kids. Not just a place you something right,
47:26 something that is focused on Jesus. My husband was actually
47:29 the one who came up with a name. He was like, well,
47:31 what about starting with Jesus? Because you are trying to
47:34 encourage everyone to start everything that they do with
47:37 it. Jesus. Very good. And so he was on the thought of it
47:41 race to raise the Lord. And Chris Miller takes a team that
47:44 takes that. That's what we want to take a moment here, too.
47:48 >> I'm sure the contact information again of how you
47:51 can send in your question or comment, but also the contact
47:54 information for you starting with Jesus. So that just in
47:58 case you're not able to stay with us during the next hour,
48:01 a blessing. So if you want to text for a question is 6,
48:06 1, 8,
48:07 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 7, 5, 6, 1, 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 7, 5, 6, 1,
48:12 8, 2, 2, 8, 3, 9, 7, 5,
48:15 But if you want to e-mail, you can do so at live at 3 ABN DOT
48:20 TV live at 3ABN, TV L I V E
48:25 at 3ABN TV. You can send in your e-mail there and will
48:29 we'll try to get to it during this said this program. But we
48:33 want to show their contact information because I think
48:35 some of you may be ready to that or any. And so I that I
48:39 can help us with that.
48:40 >> Certainly you can phone them. You can call them at 4,
48:44 2, 3, 7, 7, 1, 9, 2, 2, 8, 4, 2, 3, 7, 7, 1, 9, 2, 2, 8,
48:53 And you can visit their website, which is starting
48:56 with, he says, dot com starting with Jesus altogether dot com.
49:01 >> That's right. And so we do. We have an e-mail you want to
49:05 share?
49:07 >> Yes, you can e-mail us at info at starting with Jesus dot
49:10 com in full and starting with Jesus dot com. I have have some
49:16 social media at all social media. If you just type out
49:19 starting with just make sure to spell the whole thing starting
49:22 with Jesus gather together. Yeah. And you'll find us on
49:26 Facebook, Instagram. Those are the main on and YouTube.
49:29 You find us on you. You said that you have a podcast for
49:32 children. Yes, the longest a podcast. Its range is between
49:36 12 to 15 and it depends on the age group because we have one
49:40 for very little ones. Do you do? Yes, we do. We have one for
49:43 really 0 to 3, 4, years old when it repeats. So what we
49:48 have, it really says 2 to 3 times a week and they'll just
49:51 repeat that and what that's what my daughter started with.
49:53 And she loved little kids really like that repetition.
49:56 That's right. So they repeat it. They do the first one in
49:58 the second when the new black to the first one in the second.
50:00 And it's so much fun that you won't even mind repeating it
50:03 yourself. That's right.
50:04 >> I miss Ashley did. That was amazing. We have that. We also
50:07 have one for juniors. That's a problem. How long? It's now.
50:09 5 minutes. 5 minutes said 5 minutes a day and in juniors
50:13 will get through the entire Bible in 3 years. Plus the
50:17 history of the Protestant reformation. While prices are a
50:20 little I asked what's the whole praise the Lord. And then we
50:23 have is a weekly adult devotional. But it's a reading.
50:26 It's a blog was not. And yes, there's a podcast team worked
50:31 on in Spanish. Yes, he cast is. The Children's podcast is
50:41 released daily. So those small, the younger children has
50:44 released 3 times a week and with any here, they've gone
50:47 through the entire Bible. Why the primary podcast is for
50:51 ages about 5 to 10 that's released daily. And that's also
50:56 goes through the entire Bible. And that's 3 years.
50:58 >> And there was like a million downloads. What was that?
51:02 I had a million-dollar downloads for our podcast,
51:05 marvelous phrase. So.
51:07 >> Now you join audio furs. What is to deal with it a
51:11 little?
51:12 >> When we first started and it realize that this is going to
51:17 be a long term, we need donations in order to be
51:20 sustainable way. So we wanted a way to make them tax
51:25 deductible. But we ourselves were not a 501, C 3 at that
51:28 point. And I'm very good friends with ouster Wong.
51:31 He's the executive director for adding to her son. He has
51:34 children who were listening to our podcast. So he offered to
51:38 let us start with them and tell we could grow large enough to
51:42 be our own 501, C 3. So we have been with audio verse for the
51:46 last 3 years. We just recently filed for our own 5, 0, and co
51:50 are easily run out on around, but we're still very connected
51:55 to it. A verse there ouster long as on our board.
51:58 >> We're still very involved. They're still very much
52:01 mentoring us. It has been such a huge blessing working with
52:04 them to know we could not. We could not be where we're at
52:08 without their guidance. They gave us so much support.
52:11 Just guidance wisely. We we know what we're doing and they
52:15 would say, oh, well, let me help you with that. This is
52:18 this is how you and this is how you do that work. And this is.
52:21 And then they they supported us by by promoting our materials
52:24 on their platform and just making it a whole environment,
52:29 just friendliness.
52:30 >> And openness. And we just super appreciated working with
52:33 I mean, to show you how novice we were. We didn't even know
52:36 how to run a board meeting. Yeah, yeah. Our first don't
52:39 know. Yahoos or Alice. 30 would come on and just shake his
52:45 head. Give us some pointers and we we we didn't know what we're
52:53 doing. Not not starting out. None of us are business majors.
52:56 I'm a speech pathologist. She's a pediatrician. She's a
52:59 teacher.
53:00 >> No, we're all. We're all like try. We're muddling
53:04 through. Yeah, I'm having a little guidance has been I
53:09 believe word. The Lord calls. Yeah, we are going to do so.
53:14 We all have something in common. We said yes, yes.
53:16 Haha.
53:17 >> Well, you have it the way the waves started and where you
53:20 are now. There's stuff I didn't see the beginning. So yeah,
53:24 it's on now with all this is fantastic. It was really good
53:28 in Spanish with say 1, 0, yeah, 1, 9,
53:31 >> Can I just say about that? The program that the videos,
53:35 they have sections. We have sections in the program.
53:39 We have the craft sections and every section connects back to
53:42 Jesus back that lesson that the Bible story and that can expect
53:46 to do says we have sharing time in nature spotlight. Unexpected
53:50 uses the hymns. Everything is centered around Jesus. And
53:53 after after the child to watch any child, every child watches
53:57 the program, they are to us. They've heard about Jesus.
54:00 They sang about he's a safe, paid a 5G. is the shared about
54:03 Jesus saves they were they seen other testimony to to in the
54:07 entire time is Jesus Focus is right. Well, you know where she
54:10 just coming to the end of the first hour.
54:13 >> And yeah, there are some families that they have to tuck
54:17 their little baby, Sinbad, that's, you know, or simply
54:21 have other obligations to do before this one hour is over.
54:26 Would like to speak to that. That person that wants to say
54:31 yes, Lloyd, how can you encourage that person to take
54:34 that step starting with Jesus?
54:38 >> Just start where you are.
54:42 If you're a busy mom, listen to our junior podcast. It's 5
54:46 minutes.
54:48 >> It will give you the tools you need
54:51 to start your day if you're having trouble with family
54:54 worship.
54:56 Listen to one of our podcast. Do that for family worship.
54:59 If you're having trouble with us at a school because you're a
55:02 small church, use the free video we provide. It doesn't
55:07 have to be fancy. It doesn't need to be big to start with
55:11 what you have and move forward.
55:13 >> The men raced toward I very quickly. Then your body kind of
55:16 said it. But you have a weekly 7 school venue for small
55:19 churches.
55:21 >> We do. Our weekly Sabbath school video is very adaptable
55:23 for churches that may or may not have children every week
55:27 because they can easily print out the craft pages, making it
55:30 the coloring pages. Let I met. They can. The crafts are there.
55:34 We have a full Sabha school that they can use any are all
55:38 the components. And it's perfect for small churches that
55:41 may or may not have a teacher every week.
55:43 >> And we released those actually on Thursday night
55:46 Friday morning. So people all over the world can have access
55:51 to it before the weekend weekend. Yes, so that if
55:53 they're looking for something for their church, they have
55:56 access to. They can watch it ahead of time to be able to
56:00 keep it has to be prepared and be able to get what they need
56:02 and and to to that.
56:04 >> Well, God, it's amazing when he cost the provide every
56:08 detail. There's no detail too small, not to think
56:12 everything's possible and science were willing to let
56:15 them avoid. Use us and work in us and through us. So praise
56:19 the Lord. I'm looking forward to another dynamic or with our
56:24 guests. Let off starting with Jesus.
56:27 >> And that's right. We want to tell you that there's a lot
56:30 more coming in the second hour. And I understand there's a
56:34 video also that we're going to see in the second hour. So a
56:37 lot of blessing still the store.
56:39 >> That's right. And we're going to be reading comments in
56:42 perhaps prayer requests. If our viewers have a prayer
56:46 requests for your children, for your family or even what Lord
56:49 is calling you to, do you meet that supply it, we're here to
56:53 hold your arms up as well.
56:55 >> And that's right. We also want to know who already seen
56:57 the podcast or seen the video and essay see that.
57:01 >> There did you see the Baha?
57:06 >> So let us know. Let us know if you've been asked by
57:09 starting with ISIS ministry and if you praying for them and
57:14 you're already familiar with them. So we still have a lot
57:17 more in store. So we're hoping that you will continue. And the
57:20 East 3 smiling young ladies, I'm going to be here and we
57:23 thank you so much for your support. We hope that you will
57:26 support this ministry. They have a lot. They still in their
57:29 hearts. You can tell that they run from one idea to another
57:34 and make things happen. They make things happen. Cyprus to
57:37 look for that team and so ow we want. We're going to take a
57:40 short break and we'll be back in just a moment. Don't go
57:44 away.
57:45 [MUSIC]
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57:55 [MUSIC]


Revised 2024-01-26