3ABN Today Live

Technology and End-Time Events

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYL

Program Code: TDYL230034A

00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 >> I want to
00:16 [MUSIC]
00:25 >> too.
00:30 [MUSIC]
00:35 >> I'm
00:41 >> and
00:46 >> I want to stand
00:51 too.
00:54 [MUSIC]
00:59 [MUSIC]
01:04 [MUSIC]
01:06 >> Hello, friends. Welcome to 3 ABN today Live. It is Thursday
01:10 night here in Thompson. You know, Illinois, wherever you
01:13 joining us from actually Thompson, though, West
01:15 Frankfort, you know, 3 a B as in West Frankfort officially,
01:19 but one of their studios is at our church. And Thompson told
01:21 her she just a stone's throw away. But whether you joining
01:24 us from thank you. We know that you may be in Australia,
01:28 anywhere in the Philippines in the Caribbean. Where else,
01:30 Honey?
01:32 >> Africa. Haha. And to make up my my and my family's roots.
01:38 >> And but we thank you for your dedication and your
01:40 support of 3 ADN. You know, this is your network and we
01:44 have been here for decades. I think 37 38 years now has 3.
01:48 We haven't been enough is that the ministry has and we've
01:52 involved with it for the last 20 years. And we have been
01:54 blessed by what God continues to do through your prayers and
01:58 your financial support of
02:01 television and
02:02 >> radio. That's where I work hen and radio.
02:06 >> So thank you. If you've come to volunteer, we appreciate
02:09 that. If you send your monthly donations to regardless of the
02:12 size, it is helping this ministry move forward as we get
02:17 ready for the greatest event of all ages the return of Jesus.
02:21 And that's why tonight is a very important night. So we
02:24 have a guest with us what? We're not going to introduce
02:26 him yet. Okay, but I will tell you about it, but I'm just
02:29 gonna let you know. Yes, I was coming up, isn't it? Yeah.
02:32 Let me give them a new word technocracy. You may not have
02:36 heard about that word. You may be familiar with it. It's a
02:39 compilation of a number of words, but
02:42 we're going to find out what that means tonight and
02:45 tech. No pun intended. We want to make sure that there's no
02:48 digital disconnect. Do not all the hands. Some of you may be
02:53 really sharp. But in a moment after on music, we'll let you
02:57 know who our guest is going to be. But just before that,
03:00 you know, 3ABN has been reaching around the world
03:03 continues to this very day. And thank you for praying for
03:06 us. We were just recently
03:09 on a 13 day Mediterranean cruise where we had to be re
03:13 directed, but directed away from Israel and Haifa, where
03:18 we're going to Jerusalem and Haifa. And many of you know,
03:20 that the war is going on there. Palestinians, the was Israel
03:26 just pray, pray for the people in the Middle East and that
03:30 region. Yeah, because some people based on your viewpoints
03:33 of what's taking place, you might be on one side or the
03:36 other, but we are living in the day and age with wars and
03:39 rumors of wars are all around us night. That's right. That's
03:43 right. That's why we have this. Yeah, on the full final event
03:48 coming up. Tell us about that. Yes, as a matter of fact,
03:52 this is not a 3, a B, an event, but sometime Director World
03:55 Evangelism, they've allowed me to share this with you coming
04:00 up, November 4 through 18 and this the fly that there's it is
04:05 on this. You can go to a website final movements dot
04:08 com. We're having a series on finally events actually what's
04:11 happening in our world today. And there's a question, are you
04:14 ready for the final movements? And we're seeing in our world
04:18 today. Some amazing things transpire. You can go to that
04:21 website
04:22 and when you go there, you can register for being notified
04:27 about special events that are connected with this Web site.
04:30 You could download for your church if you want to
04:33 participate. You can download this bulletin insert and print.
04:36 Yeah. And and you care and share it right. You could join
04:40 us for the series by every night. We're going to post
04:43 another lesson that will be covering for that evening and
04:47 Jose Speaker.
04:48 >> Haha, a man.
04:51 >> And just really the man and the speaker for that series and
04:54 insight about the preparations, lot of preparation. We have a
04:57 great team here at 3, a B as well as our church to graphic
05:00 designers work for 3 AB End video. Editors worked for 3,
05:03 D and 2 as well as our church audio. We have a great team and
05:07 got his blessed us with that.
05:10 You can also as you click on the both an insert print that
05:14 and then there's also this business card insert very
05:17 small. But on the back of the business scanning bar code
05:19 where if you decide to print just one, you can meet people
05:22 and say, hey, scanned that
05:24 and it takes them to the website. You just saw quickly
05:30 on the website there you can scroll through the website
05:32 where you can get more information, register their
05:35 finding about the program, all the topics in detail and to
05:38 register to be informed of other things that are connected
05:42 to and what is it? One more time is called final movements.
05:45 Final movements dot com dot com. Are you ready to also on
05:49 the phone, whether the website, whether your computer, whether
05:53 your tablet, the iPad iPhone, one of the case may be
05:57 final movements dot com going to be exciting. I'm excited
06:01 that. Yes, me too. But before we go any further, honey,
06:03 we have some music tonight only.
06:05 >> Yes, we do. Laura Williams and is going to share some
06:10 music with us and it's called no more night.
06:13 [MUSIC]
06:18 [MUSIC]
06:23 [MUSIC]
06:28 [MUSIC]
06:33 [MUSIC]
06:35 >> What time is key?
06:38 >> Her son.
06:40 [MUSIC]
06:43 >> Some are.
06:45 >> It's not to be okay.
06:49 [MUSIC]
06:54 [MUSIC]
06:57 We chase. So
07:03 [MUSIC]
07:06 I was sad
07:08 to me.
07:10 [MUSIC]
07:15 [MUSIC]
07:20 [MUSIC]
07:24 >> Want to be
07:26 [MUSIC]
07:28 or team never saw.
07:32 >> It too.
07:35 [MUSIC]
07:40 [MUSIC]
07:45 [MUSIC]
07:49 [MUSIC]
07:54 [MUSIC]
07:59 [MUSIC]
08:04 [MUSIC]
08:06 [MUSIC]
08:11 >> The
08:14 >> now the nation.
08:15 [MUSIC]
08:18 >> What's the scene?
08:20 >> New home Lisa earns is the Rays.
08:24 [MUSIC]
08:30 >> Even names
08:34 the.
08:36 [MUSIC]
08:38 >> I know.
08:40 [MUSIC]
08:43 >> No me.
08:44 [MUSIC]
08:49 [MUSIC]
08:54 [MUSIC]
08:56 [MUSIC]
09:00 >> It's it's never.
09:03 >> It.
09:07 >> And today, too,
09:10 [MUSIC]
09:15 [MUSIC]
09:21 [MUSIC]
09:28 [MUSIC]
09:33 [MUSIC]
09:35 >> when I say it all.
09:37 [MUSIC]
09:42 [MUSIC]
09:47 [MUSIC]
09:49 [MUSIC]
09:53 >> Once he never.
09:56 >> I.
10:00 >> And
10:02 [MUSIC]
10:07 [MUSIC]
10:12 [MUSIC]
10:17 [MUSIC]
10:22 [MUSIC]
10:27 [MUSIC]
10:32 [MUSIC]
10:37 [MUSIC]
10:41 [MUSIC]
10:46 [MUSIC]
10:51 [MUSIC]
10:54 >> beautiful. Thank you so much, Laura. Laura doesn't
10:57 amazing job one for ministry. Yeah, no more night. No more.
11:01 9 forward to that. Gloria, stay, you know, the glorious
11:04 truth is one day the sun will never set again will be in that
11:07 came in with, you know, more night. Yes, and that's why we
11:10 do what we do here. Create the end, hoping that people get
11:14 ready for that glorious day.
11:16 I think that just before I go to the video, not introduce our
11:19 guest today. Why not? Scott
11:22 has to be me up. Scotty haha, but you talk about that was
11:25 Scott writes, I'm a yes digital disconnect. It's a problem we
11:29 have here on 3 being. Good to have you here again. It's.
11:32 >> So good to be back with you. And it's an uneventful arrival
11:37 here, which is not always been the case. We should talk about
11:39 that tonight about some of the times. I've come to 3ABN had
11:42 some hiccups on the way. Okay. Double does not like
11:45 what's going on here. I can tell you that for sure. But
11:47 especially when we're talking about media, we did the digital
11:50 disconnect. The Expos am not the entertainment industry is
11:53 up to it. How the Devils capturing a generation with
11:56 addiction and many problems, but God's answers and
11:58 solutions. So it's so good to be back here. It's been a
12:01 couple years, but good to see your faces again. He have a
12:03 family. We do. Yeah. In fact, the families here this time,
12:07 they're in the in the guest room apartments. And so my wife
12:10 and 3 children are over there and all of a 12 10 6.
12:15 >> Okay. Yeah. So you able to practice some of the things
12:19 that you talk about, why I'm helping your family.
12:23 >> And a healthy way. Yeah. I mean, you know better.
12:26 You'd better practice what you preach. So yeah, and it's not
12:29 so much what my kids don't get to do that. Sometimes the wrong
12:33 mindset when it comes to media, it's one of the better things
12:36 that we're doing instead nature and play and family time and
12:40 projects and legos and books and musical instruments and
12:43 service and grandparents and climbing trees and Alice life,
12:47 right.
12:48 Media gets in the way of that. Sometimes the media as a tool
12:51 we are using right now. Right? But yeah, there are problems in
12:54 our media library these days right now. Where do you live
12:57 presently live in Michigan? So up in the middle of the mitt
13:01 and help their here, Cedar Lake, if you know the middle of
13:04 the state north of Grand Rapids and Lansing, you know, the
13:07 names of the big cities and in Michigan. So we live up north
13:10 where we're blessed to live on 13 acres in the country and
13:15 just God's blessing said the beauty of creation this time of
13:18 year. The colors are changing that I've changed. We're a
13:21 little bit past prime on the colors, but we left or right at
13:24 the one of the most beautiful days. Just basking in God's
13:28 goodness, in glory and creative power. So, yeah, we live up
13:31 there and enjoy home education and gardening. And the kids
13:36 have their tractors. You know, they work on my boys aged 10 12
13:39 other working on the little mower tractors and v****
13:42 engines and all kinds of projects that we can have
13:45 together little pond. We can jump in. So we're beyond blast
13:49 in God's creation, a Belt of Truth Ministries. Tell us about
13:52 that Belt of Truth. Ministries was founded in 2012, 2013
13:57 officially organized. But we started with the media on the
14:01 brain seminar in 2012 and then formed ourselves as a ministry.
14:05 And people wonder what, what are you going to call
14:07 yourselves? Because we're doing camp meetings and visiting
14:09 churches and this message was spreading out and about what's
14:12 media on the brain, of course, right. But we felt led to make
14:16 sure the name was vague and general enough that we could go
14:19 either direction, son just doing media seminars. So we do
14:22 parenting seminars. We do a lot of that. I just finished a
14:25 prophecy. Syriza love doing evangelism, just like yeah,
14:28 evangelist on the other side of this table from me learned a
14:32 lot from that. And so, you know, its belt of Truth.
14:34 I mean, we all believe in truth and no way the truth. And the
14:37 life of Jesus Christ is the center of everything. So on our
14:40 logo as the cross a little focus on the cross as a camera
14:45 image.
14:46 >> I like that because so many people have Jesus. But truth is
14:48 kind of optional thing. It's a word nowadays has kind of been
14:52 modified, pushed out. What is truth kind of like what is
14:56 truth
14:57 and thank you for focusing on that and and champion Christ at
15:01 the center of that.
15:02 >> A man and you know, it's the truth. No way the truth and the
15:05 life. What I hear these days, have you heard this and you
15:08 notice I'm sure you listen. Should notice this. The trendy
15:10 thing out there right now is to say his truth, her truth.
15:13 Yeah. Speak your truth prices. My truth. Yeah. Her truth like
15:18 wait a minute that I'm old enough to know. That's not how
15:21 grammar works. You know, for decades for now, thousands of
15:24 years, we've never used the word truth with a relative
15:28 pronoun in front of it. It's always up, right? The definite
15:30 article loss.
15:32 >> Right. I mean, you remember when we will pass Trump in
15:34 Weaverville California the past to told me when I presented the
15:38 Massachusetts that's your true that much with the ashes.
15:41 Yeah. That's that's or the Bible doesn't back up. 2 truths
15:45 does no such thing as to troops. You see the scriptural
15:49 us not scriptural. And then people say, well that you
15:51 choose to have my truth. And you know, that's has that
15:54 has happened to really push out the word truth. But human
15:58 history tell the truth has really done a lot here has been
16:01 in the beautiful, stable platform, the 3ABN. And that's
16:04 just kind of talk about. How do you
16:06 you know, you come up with some very
16:08 you're like me in a lot of sense, not identify on the same
16:11 platforms of everything. But you have a teacher
16:14 background about that because yes, that has to that has to
16:17 play a role in the research.
16:19 >> I was a college student. I love history, a lot of
16:21 political science and social sciences. And and I thought,
16:25 well, there's nothing you can do that, but teach, OK, I can't
16:28 hear. Here's a secret. Maybe nobody's ever heard your and
16:31 your listening audience might hear this for the first time.
16:33 I was deathly afraid of public. Speaking of standing up a
16:37 speech class Leon, but I I was already quit college before
16:40 speech class because I did. What was what am I going to do
16:43 with history? Anyway, I'm driving delivery truck. I like
16:46 driving listening to things I just forget about this college
16:49 saying and that's not say everybody's got to go to come.
16:51 But for me, the Lord wanted to be in this college course to
16:54 study history to begin teaching it. And it was until I got to
16:58 that speech class got to the speech class and what's key
17:01 word of all the fears of it because the speech teacher just
17:03 said
17:05 talk about something you're interested in talking about,
17:06 you know, don't make a speech. It's not all formal. Just get
17:09 up there. And just like you're at a, you know, a lunch with a
17:11 friend. Something that you could talk for 10 minutes
17:13 straight on and just knew it. I toast. Yeah. It sounds like
17:18 Toast. M**** is professor got that from? Yeah, yes. So
17:22 anyway. But it went into teaching history from 2003 to
17:25 2011 taught history, government economic news and then came in
17:30 to an understanding of Bible truths and prophecy that had
17:33 not had previously hoped. And I was all excited about the
17:36 Bible and I teach Bible can I teach Bible? And there was an
17:40 opening at a low as a local Christian academy. And I said,
17:44 can I move away from teaching at the public school where I am
17:47 teaching history? I want to teach for you guys. I want to
17:48 teach Bible to fall. And the principal said, well,
17:51 do you have a Bible degree? And I know I don't I'm sorry.
17:55 You won't be able to apply that. Well. Then the
17:58 conference, the folks that helped organize the churches in
18:01 the schools and they said, you know what, give him a shot?
18:03 We could we could offer provisional certificate.
18:06 I was able to move into teaching Bible, which was a
18:08 delight and joy of my life to do that full time.
18:11 But it was at that point that I saw how much of the media issue
18:14 was a problem in our young people. And I'd seen it from
18:17 2003, it was building and building and building. But by
18:19 the time we got to about 2011, 12, 13, that was when
18:23 everything was starting to burst open. And so I started
18:26 doing talks with my young people about media in the
18:29 classroom. Yes, and I called it media on the brain as it's like
18:32 a curriculum will cancel out of curriculum for 2 weeks to talk
18:35 about media issues.
18:37 And then the local churches in conference said, hey, can you
18:39 do this for can't meeting for our and that that's where it
18:42 led to doing ministry. And I left teaching to go teach no
18:46 less, not in the classroom, not not not a formal teaching but
18:49 seminars tonight like you're doing with the by the way.
18:52 I want you to mention that again because I just came off
18:54 of doing a 16 part prophecy series. How urgently important
18:58 this is where we're telling stories and stuff. This is this
19:01 is fun, but I hope every single one of your listeners is
19:03 getting on that. Wow, urgency of the Times.
19:07 >> Well, thank you for I mean, even giving us the opportunity.
19:10 This is your program. So yeah, on Scott Ricin was
19:13 recommendation who just joined us. We have a series coming up
19:17 in our church call final movements. And we talked about
19:20 this. Does the graphic for to go to final movements dot com
19:24 and your church can join. You can follow along with every
19:27 you on the world every evening. We'll upload a new lesson so
19:32 that you can download it and follow along. You have the less
19:35 than you have the less than outlines and you can invite
19:37 your family, your friends, your church, if you have no events,
19:40 the 6 series prepared. It's going to be 14 parts night
19:43 tonight. And by the way, the role that's going on here with
19:47 you right now. So one minute video clip
19:49 and this is what you'll see when you go to the website.
19:54 >> The world is crumbling around us. We faced threats of
19:58 nuclear war, rising terrorism, unpredictable weather patterns,
20:02 the breakdown of society and an uncertain political future.
20:06 We must ask yourselves, are these coincidences? Are the
20:10 signs and predictions of something more?
20:13 You can find the answers by joining us for this 13 part
20:16 exciting Bible be series titled Final Movements. This series
20:21 will reveal the reasons behind the world's conditions and what
20:24 to do to prepare for the final movements by attending you'll
20:28 receive free bibles study materials, engaging media
20:31 presentations programs for children and wonderful
20:34 Christian music. It will take place November 4th through the
20:37 18 at the top single 7th Day Adventist Church 3, 5, 7,
20:42 7, Joleen Thompsonville, Illinois. For more information
20:46 go to final movements dot com or call 6, 1, E 67, 2, 9,
20:52 9, 9,
20:52 [MUSIC]
20:56 >> Click that website. Download the information. Share with
20:59 your friends and we look forward to having you join us
21:02 for that. Thank you, Scott, for that opportunity to put that on
21:04 your program. That was and I did not realize I was prompting
21:07 that video. That was an awesome video.
21:10 >> And I'll tell you something I have after having just
21:12 finished a prophecy series. Yeah. It was so affirming to
21:16 hear what some of the people who said said who came through
21:18 that series. They had a little video folks can concede is that
21:21 they want to they want to get the video right here. What
21:24 people say just just contact me at belt of jurors Ministries at
21:28 G Mail dot com. Yeah, I'll send you this video
21:31 and it was an interview of a couple.
21:34 How do you feel about the series? What did you
21:36 experience? What were you expecting? How is it different?
21:39 And they said we were expecting that the speaker would, you
21:43 know, share a Bible techs and then give a bunch of his
21:45 thoughts. But he said what the speaker did was let the Bible
21:50 explained by then. And I said that's exactly what folks are
21:53 going to experience in your 7 our time, because we're all
21:55 reading off the same political script. I mean, his Bible,
21:58 true. So it's not some manufactured concoction of some
22:01 man's opinion. There's enough of that out there. Probably a
22:04 lot of them using all their weirdness is we just let the
22:06 Bible speak for itself. So I hope that folks will will
22:09 partake of that. Wow. Wow. Thank you, evangelists.
22:12 >> Past, are you pastor now? OK? I just want to make sure
22:15 just add, but I'm good to have you got now.
22:18 >> There's a word you got to share with all you've got
22:24 shipments to ensure that when when our sister was singing so
22:27 beautifully a few minutes, no more night. Yeah, I was
22:30 reminded of hearing that exact song in Ireland with an Academy
22:34 of Young people in their choir. So I was the chaplain on the
22:37 trip and the school took these young people to Ireland.
22:40 And we, too, are different different locations and saying
22:43 the beautiful songs of the Gospel of Christ in Catholic
22:46 Cathedral singing singing in Christ Alone. My Hope is our
22:51 Plow. He is My My My Like My Strength, my song, my
22:55 cornerstone. My solid ground from for this
22:58 fierce fierce this drought and storm. Thank you
23:02 and the kids. This is on the media topic, OK? They were not
23:06 allowed to have their phones on the trip.
23:08 Now. They were not told this until like a few days before
23:11 the trip. Everybody signed up everybody's on their
23:13 fundraising. And by the way, now we're going to tell you and
23:16 they just about flip their lead.
23:18 >> This is a great justice ever known to man who are focused on
23:23 the trip.
23:24 >> They said, nope, we're holding firm. And
23:27 OK, Kevin Heine, you've got your your withdrawal symptoms.
23:32 By the way. I literally just this past weekend talked to a
23:36 guy who's a current assistant dean. He says when we take the
23:39 young people out right now into the into the wilderness,
23:42 into the, you know, the camp out in the woods and there's no
23:45 phones. He says that the symptoms are evident within the
23:49 first there, too. Depression irritability in literally the
23:52 shakes. Wow, I did not see. It's gotten much since I was
23:55 that he was an addiction. Scott was an addiction has
23:58 gotten worse. But these young people at the end. Yeah,
24:00 it was so interesting site already started me on the brain
24:03 and them. And so they didn't want to say this. But we have
24:05 the big circle powwow at the end, like how did the Lord
24:08 bless? You know, we saw miracles. We believe Angels
24:10 were singing with us. At one point is all this, some of the
24:13 singer's Atlanta. And it is and we're not able to sing, but it
24:16 was as beautiful as ever. And so they had all these
24:18 wonderful things. But the most common thing they said, the
24:20 most frequent mention thing in the circle reflecting on this
24:24 trip together was we're so glad that we weren't allowed to have
24:27 our phones ha a while. I don't want to admit this in front of
24:31 mister its, but we're so glad we didn't have our phones
24:35 because we connected with each other. We were we were we were
24:38 fully human and my terminology how to be human again to seeing
24:43 digital out and act are familiar with that term
24:45 analogy. Yes, I thought that would be an encouraging story
24:48 that, you know, in 5 days of being out in the woods outside
24:52 a Los Angeles 5th graders are brought into the camps and
24:54 secular study within 5 days. Their emotional intelligence is
24:57 starting to come back. Yeah.
25:00 >> That may have to do something that the phone does
25:03 not allow them to do think
25:06 and talked to
25:07 family and friends.
25:09 I mean, there's so many stories like people on vacation.
25:12 I saw a holiday family movie wants an end when they got up
25:17 to the mountains out of Colorado. All the snow on.
25:21 So if they enter the cabin, they said, hey, dad was the
25:23 passage of the Wi-Fi. He said there's no Wi-Fi.
25:26 >> So what are we going to do for that next week? He said can
25:30 we talk to each novel concept? Yeah. That is something that's
25:35 really lacking a lot of circles as sure as you said Depression.
25:39 Yeah, Depression is it rose 60% in just 6 years from 2010 to
25:44 2016. So right when the smartphone, the social media,
25:47 the ever present ubiquitous use of these devices started taking
25:50 place within 6 years. You saw 60% rise among teenage
25:54 depression. And that's not just people seeking mental health
25:57 help those who are being diagnosed. They because that
26:00 might be, you know, a variable that people are seeking it more
26:03 or it's more accepted and there's more help for that.
26:05 But no, this was objective data where they were surveying
26:08 people using the diagnostic criteria, but using the survey
26:12 same same way year in and year out, 60% rise and depression.
26:16 But you take people on social media for one week taking down
26:19 to 30 minutes a day. All right. You find a 33% drop in
26:23 depression. In one week, young adults. College students was a
26:26 study done in Denmark on that. No social media for one week.
26:29 36 1% drop in depression for young adults. And then there's
26:33 Victoria Dunkley. I'm repeating digital distract. But just the
26:35 truncated version of the points she and her book reset. Your
26:39 child's brain explains that after 3 weeks of 0 media
26:44 children and adolescents who have been already diagnosed
26:47 with mental health conditions from anxiety to depression,
26:50 to ADHD, to all of them, 80% of her patients have the majority
26:54 of their symptoms disappear in 3 weeks. But what? And that
26:58 wonderful. That's good news is good. That was I mean.
27:01 >> Tell about the time when someone went on the train,
27:04 Mo, this analysis is literally happened. This is we were
27:07 living in California. Time to talk about an attempted robbery
27:11 on a train in Oakland, California. The Chi Khan on
27:15 board on BART on BART and announced this is a stickup on
27:19 the way people on the way to work.
27:22 Nobody responded. He said what does not hold up but he's on
27:25 the phone. Nobody responded how he got off the next stop.
27:28 Haha. Nobody paid any attention and interest because their
27:33 phones have their full attention. Now that that story
27:37 ended in the good way. And yeah, people somebody for
27:42 obviously paid attention, but the majority of people didn't
27:45 respond to because they were on their phones. And so we went
27:49 in, we were and Thailand to and they've done something that's
27:53 really interesting in Thailand. Well, we in Thailand anyway,
27:59 and we were in the subway, but to the elevated train station.
28:02 What they've done is they've actually put movable glass
28:06 windows that close
28:09 when when that rain is not their Bangkok in Bangkok,
28:12 Thailand, and opens when the train arrived because people I
28:16 took a picture of the platform and everybody was on a phone
28:21 looking down. They've had people walk into the tracks on
28:25 aware of the fact that the train was coming. So they
28:27 literally put these glass things that open up on the
28:30 train arrives in closing on the train is not there. So you're
28:33 right on target with the digital disconnect. More people
28:36 need to learn how to not
28:39 let the smartphone be smarter than they are. Yeah,
28:42 yeah. And so there's a term that I want to dive into right
28:46 now because those of you that are just joining us. We have a
28:49 power pack program tonight. There's a word that Scott had
28:52 not heard before the Senate
28:55 Technocracy. That said yeah. On the dive into that. Let's
28:58 check on that.
29:00 >> Not since I was here doing digital disconnect. That was
29:03 the latest seminar that was Diane. And again, just e-mail
29:07 me of Scott Belt of Truth Ministries At G Mail dot com.
29:10 Folks wanna yes appearance more of what this technocracy is all
29:14 about. Our website is Belt of Truth Dot and we are sure that
29:17 they're out. There it is. And there's the there's the
29:19 there's e-mail address. Not they have that from last time.
29:22 Your team here, by the way, graphics and the audio that was
29:26 joyous. They're incredible. Yeah. So what is a technocracy?
29:30 Well, it could have multiple meanings, actually. And we
29:33 explore both are multiple meanings in the seminar.
29:36 And the first thing that we think about is the original
29:40 meaning is just
29:42 people who are specialists in their field. There are known as
29:45 the technocrats, right? And so if you just have elevated to
29:49 the positions of power in a society that people are best at
29:53 their given field and then they just run that then that's a
29:56 technocracy. But it's it's shifted and its meaning a
29:59 little bit these days because we have so much technology by
30:03 technocrats, not specialists, but so much technology. And we
30:08 have big tech. We have these plateau. Yes, we have search
30:12 engines. We have social media platforms. And as that rises to
30:17 prominence in society,
30:19 it can become the real governing structure of our
30:23 minds of our society of the value system of our children.
30:28 And then that becomes one of the devils, most potent forms
30:32 of deception cry. And I guess that's in digital disconnect to
30:35 this is kind of the next step from digital disconnect is
30:39 understanding the next waves of the technology. Where is it
30:42 going next? How is it transforming what it means to
30:45 be human. How's it shaping the mass mind? You might remember
30:49 Edward Bernays called it the group mind. So he started this
30:52 thing way back in the 1920's as the founder of Modern Public
30:56 relations, he gave us consumer culture, the standardization of
31:00 everything. So we all become in the biblical words. Conformed
31:03 to this world was about to take the words right out of my
31:06 conform their transform Romans. 12 ERs to yes, well, with the
31:11 technology in the in the techniques that they have
31:13 today, it is so much easier than Edward Bernays never even
31:16 dreamed that when he the 1920's said we can control the group
31:21 mind and they won't even know about it. Those are his words
31:24 said we're the ones that pull the wires that control the
31:26 public mind. He said our thoughts are suggested our
31:29 tastes are formed by men. We have never heard of any call
31:33 that the invisible government basically the corporate
31:35 establishment, the advertising industry behemoth Madison
31:38 Avenue to shape our tastes and dictate our future. Right.
31:42 How much more today? Yeah.
31:45 >> While the advent of just going from the
31:49 Commodore, 64 haha computer. When we got and 64 Megabytes,
31:56 what are people going to do with 64 Megabytes? Haha.
32:00 Now that is that's not even a single file and sought out,
32:03 right? Yeah. But the world has just catapulted itself into
32:07 this technical revolution. Absolutely. And it's not only a
32:10 technical revolution that started but a technical
32:13 evolution because the continuing to change, it's
32:17 changing with the times and it's changing with the demand.
32:20 And and I think that people have this and you might talk
32:23 about this just ended on a response. A doctor are trouble
32:27 heart of the book called thrilled to death.
32:30 And you may have been out of red. That is a he's a
32:32 well-known speak, uninvited universities all over the
32:34 world. And he said thrilled to death. He talked about this and
32:38 Dominic conditioned people have ended only a which means
32:44 a baby, for example, you get a baby, a piece of candy, all the
32:49 street this year have a little bit. This sounds
32:52 is the prelude to something. If they hear the sound and they
32:55 get the candy next, that sound as you know, in a 6 month old
33:00 and I'm like gold in the one year-old I think quickly
33:02 associate thats sound with what comes out because they get that
33:06 next. Yeah. When they hear that sound right away, they it's
33:10 direction of that sound because something sweet is on the way
33:14 and that's how they control. So
33:17 then they get that NAFTA while this is not sweet enough,
33:21 so they raise the bar. The baby has more. The bars raise.
33:25 Another was it took very little to get to the pleasure center.
33:28 But now they demand more. So you have to raise that.
33:31 The man yeah, is raise more doping mean
33:35 he's coming in. You have to raise. So they raise the bar
33:38 and then what happens is it gets higher and higher to the
33:41 point where you no longer are able to experience simple.
33:45 That should help. Now we've seen this in Africa. Remember
33:49 when you took the Blues? Yeah. Yeah. We took the loans,
33:52 the loans to Africa. That's a gift when we went there on that
33:56 trip when you're speaking.
33:58 >> Which gave the kids pull loans? It was. So they were so
34:02 side. It's like the world was Christmas and they were like,
34:05 wow, blow it up big and will that was so excited.
34:09 >> Okay. Then on to a kid in America. Blue in the pop it.
34:12 Yeah. Her birthday party. Yeah. We saw that. They were
34:16 not as if they were outside playing in that are rolling in
34:20 LA and it bouncing the ball. Some playing tennis players.
34:23 Simple pleasures go which is missing in what we call a
34:27 civilized society. So yeah.
34:29 >> Oh, yeah. You see it. Well, yeah. And in you can see
34:32 the process of that ended on a quarter or what other
34:35 scientists called the pleasure Trap. Yes, and it gets us in
34:39 that condition of needing more because when you flood the
34:43 brain, when you flood than the reward circuitry of the brain
34:46 with an unnatural stimuli of no pun mean, I don't mean
34:50 receptors start to shut down said because the opening a so
34:54 abundantly readily available. What do I need all these
34:56 receptors for? Right? So then you need to maintain that high
35:00 level in order to get the same pleasure hit. In fact, you need
35:03 to up the ante like you're saying. But that always follows
35:06 a credit files followed by a crash. Yeah. And so it's the
35:10 it's the traditional addictive cycle. It's the it's the brain
35:13 reward circuitry for addictions which God gave for us to enjoy
35:16 pleasure in balance. Yes, in its proper phases of life in
35:20 its proper ways, not with this artificial stimuli, even with
35:25 the you mentioned, the candy wrapper that reminded me of the
35:28 paths loevy in response of the dogs member Pavlov's dog.
35:33 The bell rings and they begin to salivate and boy has big
35:37 tech specialized in this there in the addiction creation
35:41 industry that is with and that's not me. That's the
35:43 whistleblowers who have come out or saying we designed this
35:46 to give people a little doping mean hit right at the right
35:49 time. This is in digital disconnect, Sean Parker.
35:51 He says, and we knew what we were doing consciously and we
35:54 did it anyway. And he was feeling regret because he says
35:57 God only knows what this is doing to our children's brains.
36:00 I remember the South. There's a Southwest commercial.
36:04 >> You know, would you like to get you want to get away right
36:06 now and we want to get away. And so Southwest Airlines,
36:10 that's not a bad thing. They said they had some kind of a
36:13 logarithm where they won the with you looking for a trip to
36:15 New York, for example, you put a range of price. When it hits
36:19 that range.
36:21 You've got a notice being yeah and purchase ship ticket that
36:26 tot time too many commercials years ago and people look at
36:29 the dinner table. They had that thing and then jump and they
36:32 run to their computer and book their ticket. That's what
36:35 you're talking about. The pavlof top. Exactly Sunday
36:37 bonus. Yeah, stimulus response? No. And so but just just kind
36:41 of time into that, what what what do you see here? How you
36:45 that you might want to ask him about nothing. I just this
36:48 dispersed worship. Oh, yes. Technocracy starts out in
36:52 session one.
36:53 >> With the sort of global religion involving
36:57 environmental really gaya the worship of the earth, which is
37:01 you're used to thinking in biblically prophetic Lee.
37:04 The anti Christ is not that secular humanist. You know,
37:08 Neil Hay Gunnison right. Antique Rice is actually within
37:11 the temple of God showing himself them. He's got the
37:14 right guy. He's a son of Perdition. That's right.
37:16 And so while that's going on, Satan also works in the rounds
37:20 of the dragon directly. This the spiritual issam, the
37:23 satanism. You talked about that and unclean spirits as we do
37:27 with that in media on the brain. And so part of that is
37:30 what this false 10 Commandments is. Now. This goes back to the
37:33 90's. Some folks who've been around longer remembering the
37:36 development of the United Nations and development of some
37:39 of this new yo. You know, it's it's it's really a form of of
37:42 pan Theism. And so they they created deliberately. And you
37:47 are one Koch. 22 happened. They went to Mount Sinai and
37:50 they had the the new new age to enter the the Environmental 10
37:53 Commandments. The new Age, 10 Commandments date back a few
37:57 decades before that to the Georgia Guide Stones. And then
38:01 even before that, most people don't know about this one is
38:03 called The Ark of Hope. The Arc of Hope was a counterfeit fake
38:07 bomb ark of the Covenant. Now we believe in the literal
38:09 you've got the graphic nude is a literal ark of the covenant.
38:12 This looks quite similar does. Yeah. What they do is they show
38:15 the dimensions of it, the exact dimensions of the ark of the
38:18 Covenant. They carry this thing around with polls. So it's a
38:21 direct some spinoff ripoff, counterfeit of God's arc of the
38:26 comments coming, which, by the way, what's in the ark of the
38:28 covenant is the smoke. I don't know the right apps. And John,
38:33 the Upjohn, the relevant revelator in Revelation,
38:35 11, 19
38:36 right before the climactic chapters of Revelation, 12,
38:39 13, 14. What does he see and have them is the ark of the
38:43 covenant in the Temple of God. So that's central to a
38:46 prophetic understanding of the last days is understanding the
38:49 10 Commandments in the new Covenant written on the heart.
38:52 And on the mind that right here they go. What they put in the
38:54 arc of arc of hope. It's not hope they think that no 10
38:58 Commandments, but they put in what was called the Earth
39:01 charter. That was a UN document. I'm saying, you know,
39:04 we have all these plans for the future and agenda. 21 and
39:07 rewilding all these things from the previous decades. And
39:10 that's to replace the 10 Commandments. And the Georgia
39:12 Guide Stones were literally stone monuments where they rode
39:16 out 10. So they're not being subtle 10 in stone. Oh, there's
39:20 a Georgia guys on the first one. You can tell the devil
39:23 doesn't like humanity. No maintain humanity under
39:26 500 Million. So we've got 1 million now. I mean, that's
39:30 that's 90% reduction or more. So that would be a significant
39:35 thank those disappeared by the wayside or some type of
39:38 what do you call it? Vandalism. And yes, yeah, they got blown
39:41 up or something that I didn't read that news very closely.
39:44 If somebody is watching this going is this an old program
39:47 will know this is this is live. But yeah, it's that they've
39:50 been since demolished or something like that. Yeah.
39:53 >> But still the philosophy is there. That's the key. And
39:55 that's what you know, this humanistic ideology of
39:57 controlling humans
39:59 minimizing the populations so that it could sustain itself
40:05 because we know, I mean, look at the world the way it's going
40:07 now with all the environmental impacts we have.
40:09 How can I remember a President Bush many years ago, Father
40:13 Bush, that 1000 points of light talked about how could the
40:17 planet sustain itself beyond 2050 because of the
40:21 environmental impact, too food supply? And so people have
40:26 ideologies. But the good news is you and I know cause in
40:29 control here, man.
40:30 >> Yeah, what you know, the Bible says Brad will be given
40:32 him. His water will be sure this. What is that that's about
40:35 us are their their protection will be the munitions in Iraq.
40:38 So we don't need to get into ideologies of of some type of,
40:42 you know, war with with the globalist. You know, they're
40:45 they're the people get off on tangents with that and God is
40:48 our protection and our provision. And yes, there are
40:51 global developments that are going to be leading to more
40:55 famines in the world. Oh, yeah, that's the reality. And what
40:58 happens in history as you tend to see wars, pandemics and
41:01 famines clustering together.
41:04 And boy, are we seeing that in our time that right. And you
41:07 see that the book of revelation, the C word and the
41:09 pandemic and Matthew, 24.
41:12 >> Yeah, there's there's a word here. What with wars? I and II
41:16 where certain rumors of wars. Yeah, it was seeing. I mean,
41:19 we're living on a razor's edge with a very fragile world.
41:22 Yeah. That's why this is the hour that people need to be
41:25 made aware. Theres something outside of this box. Yes,
41:29 you know the biz. We live in a box where we are experimented
41:32 on somebody once said you're not a part of the experiment.
41:35 You are the experience. Yeah. And so we are kind of in a
41:39 petri dish. But good news is those of you watching a listen
41:43 to the program to something outside this petri dish,
41:45 color it. And it's the new new heaven and new earth. A man
41:48 that's a real new world order. That's a new world order and
41:53 talk about this. The Google like about Technocracy that's
41:58 fit for you to take.
42:00 >> Yeah, OK? So there was a and it he's got a French name.
42:05 I want to try to pronounce it. But he came out as a supposing
42:09 whistleblower and so think critically about this. And
42:13 there are a couple different theorizes. You sat here as you
42:16 could postulate from what he came out and said. But what the
42:20 punchline of his message was, I've been communicating with an
42:25 AI artificial intelligence chat bot
42:28 and the moment has arrived where artificial intelligence
42:33 has achieved says it is sent he and it is. It is where it is
42:38 conscious now. This is something sci-fi gurus in the
42:41 interest have lawyered rien long dreamed of the day where
42:45 artificial intelligence will become cent. He ends and will
42:48 be able to I think and feel and be and it's a conscious being.
42:52 But which to us who know the biblical formula for what is a
42:55 soul? That is, yeah, it's physical body. So physical
43:00 matter. Not so Akon, but biological Bs who's been given
43:04 the breath of life and then you become a conscious entity,
43:07 right? So we know that artificial intelligence is
43:10 nothing but a plagiarist of everything that's out there in
43:12 the global commons of the Internet. It grabs and snatches
43:15 from everything really quickly with supercomputers and it can
43:18 spit out things that we think are new. But it's really just
43:21 all the human him put its eggs. The idea of a cent he
43:25 unconscious. Artificial intelligence is not so much
43:28 biblical, but he's out there making this claim and we go.
43:32 What do we make of this? When you read it in The
43:34 Washington Post about this, this man from Google who was
43:37 the whistleblower,
43:39 he said I've talked with the chat bot of AI and it is I'm
43:43 I'm I'm I'm convinced that it is sent in. Well, The
43:45 Washington Post journalist said will kick the can we come and
43:49 have you do that for us
43:52 and we want to see what it can do
43:55 now before I tell you the results of that,
43:58 The Washington Post reported this. This man is a, you know,
44:01 an experimental wizard or warlock of witchcraft and some,
44:04 you know, spiritualist mumbo-jumbo. He's ease into the
44:07 called. And then in the article they they have a photograph of
44:11 him
44:12 and it's like there's a halo over his head. Yeah. So they're
44:15 trying to make him out to be this sort of prophetic figure
44:18 within the AI narrative of sci-fi and we have a picture of
44:22 that. We may or may die. They've got a graphic of that.
44:25 Yeah, there is. You saw him with the halo. Yeah, the halo.
44:28 So
44:30 he's a spiritualist. He claims a isn t and they ask him,
44:35 can you teach demonstrated for us when the journalist is in
44:39 his his little room doing this with him?
44:42 It's not performing the way he claimed the dead.
44:45 So that tells me either
44:47 there was some spiritual is happening that manifested this
44:51 in in the in the machine, right? Or it was just fake.
44:55 And he's, you know, he got busted. He can't replicate it
44:58 because it was all a made up hoax to begin with. So both are
45:02 of the devil because the devil, the father of lies. But anybody
45:05 involved in been technological things in cameras and
45:08 microphones. I mean, you seen enough the devil knows out a
45:11 monkey with the wiring and circuitry in ways that might
45:15 surprise you.
45:16 >> You know, there's no distance. There's no distance
45:19 too great for people that denied the existence of God I
45:22 and so that it was very interesting point that you
45:26 brought up how
45:27 there's a pursuit not of cod but to be got tough. Yeah.
45:32 >> Well, probably the best way to approach that is to quote
45:35 from the sort of philosophical mind of the World Economic
45:38 Forum's name as you all know, Harare. Okay. And he's written
45:42 a brief history of the future and he's a big the big futurist
45:44 and historian and philosopher for these sort of intelligence.
45:49 He of the global technocrats, if you will. And on his
45:53 personal main website where he puts out his message, the top
45:56 banner of that has a statement by him. That is his my number
46:01 one messages like Crowley. What was his saying do as I was
46:05 I will be the whole law. That's right. And Jesus,
46:07 love your love God. With all your heart soul, mind straight.
46:09 Love your neighbor as yourself. There's the true one. What is
46:12 you all know her? Our e's main tag line on his website.
46:16 Folks can see it.
46:18 She its history began. This is a live listen closely to this
46:22 and decode how this is a live from the Bible. History began
46:26 when human beings invented gods
46:29 and history will and when human beings become gods, there it
46:33 is. History began when human beings and humans invented gods
46:37 and will end when humans become got. So there's that. First of
46:42 all, we didn't invent God. God created us. What silliness
46:45 that is. How do you explain existence consciousness?
46:50 Love intelligence. How do you explain DNA? How do you explain
46:53 the galaxy's? Yes, come on. We know there's a creative
46:56 scientifically not to mention intuitively in our conscience.
47:00 It's rational and it's right. It's reason and conscience to
47:04 go to the word of God to look at science and to say there
47:07 must be a God who can foretell the future. A prophecy wouldn't
47:10 be able to be fulfilled as it is right. So the first part of
47:13 his statement, we know to be false. We didn't invent God,
47:17 God created us. But then the end part is what you're really
47:20 asking about. The 8. Then part of his quote was
47:24 that it will be the end of history when human beings
47:26 become gods. If you're that somewhere before.
47:30 >> Oh, yeah. Yeahs cause knowing that enable Genesis,
47:33 Chapter 3 very live at Satan falling up in his conversation
47:37 with you should be as cars knowing good and evil. Yeah.
47:39 Yeah. And that's been the pursuit of so many different
47:41 religions to try to obtain a god-like status. Yeah. Got he
47:47 got doesn't want to be God-like. He wants us to live
47:51 Godly. Right is quite a difference. We don't replace
47:54 him.
47:55 >> We reflect his character, a man so elusive for and having
47:58 an Isaiah 14 said I will be like the most high Arab of the
48:01 other angels. I will be ascending to the position of
48:04 got. So did he want God's position but not his character?
48:08 >> No, he's a pretty much to me that he did not obviously had
48:12 his character right, this rebel. He won that seat.
48:16 You know, I will sit and the congregation them out of the
48:20 Congress in the far the size of the north. That's where I'm
48:22 going to sit. Yeah, but I love cars response. No, you're not a
48:26 huge shot past the earth there. So but but still that pursuit,
48:30 that mindset is evading and invading so many different
48:34 levels today and society. Certainly this whole thing to
48:37 become caught like and even in the
48:39 you talked about this in the the called industry where we
48:43 idolize
48:45 stars, idolize performers, idolize musicians, idolize
48:50 singers, American Idol, similar. It's a similar way.
48:54 We that becomes our God. Absolutely.
48:57 >> You just put a thought in my head for the first time,
48:59 all because if it's do as thou wilt, yes, I do lies, right?
49:05 I I will Senate. I will be in here. There's 5 guys, OK?
49:10 I as a for tennis in Philippians 2, Jesus comes down
49:14 5 steps even to death on a cross. Yes. Contrast that
49:18 Saints says I will send 5. Jesus says I will humble
49:21 myself. I would condescend 5 times and then God says to
49:25 Jesus and there and therefore you'll be left up to the
49:27 highest position. Every knee will bow and every tongue
49:29 confess and Satan tries to us and got says you'll be brought
49:32 low. Okay. So we can't we can't try to sent humble yourself in
49:36 the side of the Lord and he will lift you up. Okay. That's
49:38 the scriptural miss. My wife is going to ask you question.
49:40 But just before she does all many of measure up again,
49:43 a call places to 20.
49:46 It is no longer. I who live. There you go. Christ who lives
49:49 in the media.
49:50 >> Okay. So now you've got to get I out of the way, as you
49:53 know, the middle of the word cent eyes in the middle of
49:55 that. Yeah. And there's no I in team out. So so we have to get
49:59 really get away from ourselves. And that's the focus of the
50:02 society as it is. Somebody wants to see if you turn a cell
50:05 phone off, do this experiment. If you have a cell phone at
50:07 home, turn it off
50:09 and look at it
50:11 and you'll notice the reflection you see is what the
50:14 devil doesn't want you to see. Just want you to see yourself.
50:18 He doesn't want to see ourselves. He wants to see
50:21 everything that replaces the greatest focus that we need to
50:24 be attentive about. Who are you? Not? What are you doing?
50:30 Yeah.
50:31 >> AI artificial intelligence. Remember, remember the stories
50:35 told about we heard.
50:37 >> About and fell in love with all. Oh, yeah.
50:42 You heard that story. Yeah. Heart of tech talk. We've got a
50:45 whole session called social robots in the age of social
50:50 distance and social robots. I should put that in quotes.
50:54 You know, there's no such thing as a truly sociable. The robot
50:59 can't love artificial intelligence. Can't love even
51:02 if it's humanoid may at looks like a human. Yeah. But what
51:05 was the story that you heard about? Tell me the one unit?
51:08 Well, actually, my wife told me about and I read it.
51:11 >> Into this man's wife was very, very ill bite and a
51:15 non-functional on could not communicate. And he missed just
51:19 how badly things have a stroke, a something can. He
51:23 went into this I world and they allow you to create the
51:28 character you want to communicate with. So he
51:30 created, quote, unquote, the woman of his dreams, what
51:33 started communicating with him. And he said, I fell in love
51:36 with her and he said to her, he declared her. I love you.
51:39 She said, well, I've never been in love before. Tell me about
51:42 it. And he said, fortunately, what this timing on his wife
51:47 came out. She wasn't oppression. Sorry, she was in
51:50 depression. Yes. And when she finally came out, he said I had
51:54 to. He said the hardest thing that I had to do was to break
51:57 off my love for this. I that I created. I love my wife again.
52:03 That's amazing. Stuff said the he weep with therapy. We put
52:07 together when you couldn't tell his wife has her to tell that
52:10 to her in us to I that he created. He fell in love it.
52:15 >> So this the story you're telling me is in a virtual
52:18 platform online. Yeah, we are goggles. So what you have to
52:23 create. Okay. Like a video game. Kind of how great your
52:26 character. Yeah. The name a few
52:30 kind of choose based on the story. What kind of emotions
52:33 you want to have any any tell of us? He said We cried
52:37 together. Wow. Yeah. What was great. They can shoot us.
52:40 She she comforted him all
52:45 well. It tricks us into I guess when where into social media
52:50 and everything's about the immediate moment of my
52:52 perception in feeling of myself that defines my reality.
52:57 We're we're OK, being duped like we know it's not real,
53:00 right? This is like the I chat bought the chat Gpt rather,
53:06 yeah, somebody just a month or 2 ago who was struggling with
53:10 gender dysphoria, you know, sensing that they're not the
53:14 gender, that they are in a condition of the mine where,
53:17 you know, I feel I am this and my body is that they're
53:20 struggling with that. And the asked chat gpt please create
53:26 for me a fake Bible verse a new Bible verse
53:30 that will that will help me with the struggles that I'm
53:33 feeling
53:34 though out. That will comfort me. OK? What you read there is
53:38 chilling. The Bible verse sounds exactly like a Bible
53:42 verse. Yes, but it's a new but it's not about the
53:45 compensation. It. Yeah case.
53:48 How do you remember it? Well, it was it was blessed. Are
53:51 those who seek for unity within themselves
53:56 and then something like God, judges not on the body but on
54:00 the spirits. And if you want unity of your spirit and body,
54:05 this is something that I look upon with kindness and very it
54:09 was very deceptive because there were parts of the of the
54:12 Bible verse that were in. Oh, God look to partner with
54:15 love and Jesus looked upon with kindness. Does he feel that way
54:18 about every one of his children? Of course, has a look
54:20 at the Allen appearance, folks at the height. That's a Bible
54:22 verse in a different contacts, right? Not saying that we
54:25 should you put on that which pertain to a woman and that a
54:29 woman was put on that was that. So this contradicts the Bible
54:32 because it's a fake Bible verse. But there are elements
54:35 pulled from the Bible woven in to deceive. So that was a
54:39 really interesting example of how the perception of the
54:42 person, you know, the person who made this tweet,
54:45 she says,
54:47 I know it's not a real Bible verse, but it still made me
54:51 feel comforted.
54:53 And it's just you want to reach out to every soul, every
54:56 hurting soul and say
54:58 choosing to believe a lie by this man believing this fake AI
55:03 love or is his wife in is the love of his life. Yeah, you
55:07 know its fate, right? But your emotions and your perceptions
55:10 tell you it's real. But you have to break free from the
55:14 control of the mind that this system is taking hold and claim
55:17 the truth. Only the truth will set you free. That's right.
55:21 That's right. That's right.
55:22 >> What is happening to our world? Wow, now will have a
55:26 quick question. What is a social robot, OK?
55:31 >> So a lot of them are just these cute little, you know,
55:33 toys, a little puppy and all of that, you know, yes, kids,
55:37 they're harmless, right? Well, there's a book that was
55:40 written by an MIT researcher in the name of the book was alone
55:44 Together. I thought that was an interesting, you know, a
55:47 paradoxical mandate and it it kind of starts with the idea
55:51 when we're living online. All my social interactions are
55:54 online. We're already degrading the human by by detaching from
55:59 our human to human face-to-face experiences in digitizing it.
56:03 So we are, if you will, we are robot of sizing human
56:07 relationships. Doesn't that just allow for a robotic
56:11 counterfeit to then come in and do with that has been had it
56:16 had going on or with the cute little toys and fun things to
56:20 rip.
56:22 >> Right. And you saw that we saw that you could cause some
56:24 of these tech shows and R B, I mean, DNA be in Vegas. Where is
56:28 that mega Tech shows with the show you what's coming on the
56:31 future and you can talk to the dog if you can train it to be
56:34 defended, walks up to a new house, a box that you it gets
56:38 to know you with little to. No, but it's a machine that.
56:41 >> Join its. We look at that. Really? It's harmless, right?
56:43 Well, it's a foot in the door. Kuz next is the fully full
56:46 sized humanoid while robots. Have you seen Sophia? Oh,
56:50 yeah. So the I think we have a graphic of Sophia, Ali, she's
56:54 the one that was granted still citizenship. That's a whole
56:57 other discussion to talk about that one up. Pick that one out
57:00 later that she is Sophia is just tickling everybody's fancy
57:05 and she goes on the talk shows and she talks to the talks of
57:10 the dignitaries and they tell us about your thoughts on this.
57:13 And so a put a pin in it right there. Now, police Thursday for
57:17 the second out.
57:18 >> Yeah, because we have so much more to talk about.
57:21 Scott is good to have you here. If you just joining us, we're
57:23 talking about
57:24 technocracy. What on Earth is that and how is it affecting
57:28 your life and are you connected with digitally disconnected?
57:32 We're going to talk about social robots. Metaverse the
57:35 World Economic Forum. Great reset. All those things in the
57:37 second hour. Don't go away. We'll be right back.
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Revised 2023-10-28